Rust - A Solo’s Journey III: The Empire (Movie)

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I survived 7 Days of solo rust and spent over 150 hours editing and filming this movie it's what I believe from the last 7 years of making my own videos to be my magnum opus all I ask is if you enjoy what you're watching at any point to consider leaving a like thank you all so much for 2 million subscribers I hope you guys enjoy this nearly 4our [Music] movie [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to rust today we're playing solo but this is a very very special moment for me I am recording a solos Journey 3 a celebration of 2 million subscribers this is an amazing Milestone every everybody absolutely insane and for this I wanted to bring you guys something special a couple of years ago I hit 1 million subscribers and I posted a solo Journey 2 which was the sequel to a solo Journey 1 but that video did like 15 times better than my first one it currently is standing at like 15 million views my most viewed video on the channel so it is clear to say that you guys loved that concept that template of playing the game and so we're going to be doing relatively the same thing but of course to avoid being redundant we're going to make it a little bit different for a solos Journey 3 I broke down my checklist into two categories objectives and goals everything I'm going to at least attempt doing in this challenge is on the screen now I'm defining objectives in this case as events in Rust specific places and tasks that I work up to that get me a leg up in my survival for example in a an objective would be something like oil rig or the locked crates that mostly drops at trainyard finishing these objectives are required in order to say that I've completed the solo Journey now onto goals goals are things that aren't necessary to survive or complete the challenge but would benefit me in some way examples of my goals are a car garage or hemp Farm I have nearly 9,000 hours in Rust and I've yet to learn how to grow crops most of the goals in my checklist are things I usually don't focus on when I play solo typically you see me just pvping and trying to make plays but because we are celebrating 2 million subscribers I wanted this run to be special everything on this list is fairly self-explanatory but I want to go over two key items everyone knows a good story comes with a strong rival meeting this rival will be painful for me but I've made a deal with myself beforehand to push through that pain and somehow fig figure out a way to defeat them but you can't do everything in this game alone so on the contrary I also aim to form an alliance with someone depending on how my journey would unfold together we would do something as allies who that would be was obviously still as much of a mystery to me as who my rival would be but that's what's great about rust you never know what will happen next so we just got to jump right into this guys this is for swipe on a bi-weekly Sur I'm going to be playing for an entire week I would have chosen a weekly server but those usually die within like the first 3 to 4 days so a bi-weekly that should that should continue to hold pop for the entire week I'm going to be honest you guys I haven't played a week of rust in years it like literally I cannot remember the last time I played rust for more than like 4 days a week of playing this is going to be so much content the stories that are going to develop are going to be insane like I just can't wait for this man I'm really looking forward to what's going to happen already got the drip dude let's go but first things first the most important part about this I need to find my base location so let's take a look at the map here so I want to build somewhere that I can manage as a solo you know it's going to be really hard choosing somewhere but it's got to be somewhere okay there's merged outpost on this server dude imagine if I can get that ice Lake right there maybe that's a little ambitious but like listen dude if I can get that ice Lake that would be really [ __ ] cool I'm going to go for that dude I am genuinely going to go for that after a long look at the map I finally chose a base location in the snow a small ice Lake right next to power plants and Mining Outpost ice Lakes are sought after build spots so this may prove to be difficult but all it takes is a base to claim the area and hopefully that will deter others so I made my way there as fast as I could real quick guys I just wanted to say that this journey I've been on it wouldn't be possible without all of you so I seriously appreciate every single one of you for subscribing for watching the channel because I've said this in my community post but I'll say it again I don't just consider my videos videos I I really consider my entire Channel my little project you know like I pour so much hours into every video I make make sure that every video I put out is the best I can put out I try and improve ooh a bow nice I try and improve with every video guys and um it takes a lot of time it takes a lot of effort and the fact that you guys watch it by the millions is just so cool when your work is appreciated like that so from my from the bottom of my heart thank you all so so much for everything I'm very excited for this man like I'm just really looking forward to what's going to go down because because there's going to be down days I know it there's going to be really bad days and then there's going to be really good days but over a week of playing I think it's going to even out into such a beautiful story as excited as I am for this run I can't bear another minute without introducing you guys to my mascot Duke in a cute huggable form you and I have partnered up to bring you my very first plushie on this channel he's extremely soft very well made and he even comes with an attached chubby campfire you really can't beat that Duke is also a very reasonably sized gentleman at 9 in tall and will keep your comfort levels at 100% while he's around there is only 2 weeks after this video is released to purchase Duke for yourself so if you want to check him out click the you's link down below huge thank you to you for making this happen but that's not all I have to show you my whole life life I've been obsessed with button-down shirts and Hawaiian shirts especially ones with vibrant and Unique Designs which is why I'm stoked to release my 2 mil shirt I decided to keep it subtle branding wise with the only hints of my logo in the neckline and 2 m written in the center of each flower just like the plush it's only available for 2 weeks lastly before I return you all to the video the solo life merch has restocked it is a limited restock so if you missed the first drop make make sure to snag one at blueprint while you can I'm desperately trying to find like a train oh my god let's go baby wow that was literally like an admin was watching me holy [ __ ] dud there's no way this is pretty much the base location so let's uh let's go check it out man holy [ __ ] the ice lake is there dude wait what is this up on the mountain I got to set up a starter base and the TC for the main base that mountain looks really flat on the top there I got to go check that out man like that could be a really good starter base location but first I want to make sure that this ice lake is actually like I can actually build on it does this guy see [Music] me yeah that guy's just running for his life how close can I build a power plant here very close I don't know like this ice lake is kind of scuffed because of this rock right here so hopefully I'll be able to build the base here but I think this is a really good location either way let's go up this mountain and uh see if we can throw down a little [Music] starter he's not dead head shot hit and he's alive that is wild oh no wow they got they went to Outpost and got crossbow nail gun that's it dude I'm [ __ ] gone well at least I have a bag out here damn guys not a great start at all my first death of my wipe I had a decent amount of farm on me but it wasn't anything couldn't come back from luckily I had placed bags out here so I was able to get back to the area quickly but that's when I realized that my plan had already gone [Music] sideways no someone did build up there it's probably them they genuinely built up on that mountain damn it I was looking at that spot dude this location is weird like I don't know if I can build here cuz of the [ __ ] rock I think it's just too slopey and weird bro maybe if I build it over here [Music] more you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me oh no I'm [ __ ] I can't place that wall I'm dead people pulling up right at the wrong time nice they griefed it well that's just perfect for me the horse sucks anyway dude I'm just going to die of cold I think I need a hard reset on the beach it's just going to be way easier to get a start going it's no use getting angry yet I you know just started and um there is a lot more of this wipe to go and soon that loss Will barely feel like a lot B the snow was not being kind to me I died twice lost that cool starter location up on the mountain and now the ice Lake was griefed as well upon arriving there though I realized that that ice Lake had an obstructing Rock right in the center of it which made it almost useless to build on so maybe it just wasn't meant to be I was back to square one but it was important to stay optimistic [Music] those guys look like a couple of [Music] noobs there's no way D this guy looks like me trying to teach my dad how to play Rust I just need this guy to stand still [Music] again he's hit twice he's so low come on come here let's [Music] go dude they kind of had juice dude that guy just I don't know what was going on but his PC was bugging or something nice dude that was so worth it oh my God 300 scrap I didn't even see that dude that is such a huge dub maybe I build like L7 or something I think I I just need to start with a 2x1 get a get a base down and kind of like a hidden spot it's just going to be like where I get started where I set up you know dude I think building around here would be really cool train yard Dome Airfield kind of these base locations are going to go fast so I just got to choose one okay now I can build the base think I just need one tree dude if I just like throw it down in this Forest here just put it right up against this [Music] rock I think I'm secure like I don't even know okay that should be [Music] good just getting a few things going here and I'm going to go grab all the stuff in my stash cuz I don't trust espers and we're chilling man this is hype I may have died in the snow over there but this is where I meant to be now Hells yeah dude I'm excited to see what my base location looks like cuz I couldn't even see it it's just so [Music] dark there two guys right ahead of me dude he just left his teammate in the dust let's get that metal metal going okay it's time to to explore my [Music] area I am going to be doing a Berry Farm at some point so I'm trying to get berries man H dude this place is really good it's so flat genuinely main base material here man this is main base area for sure I think my next point of action is to secure this people are going to want base like this they're looking for them you know and this is like a really good location man I got a mountain here for nodes I got train yard for like PVP and also the train yard crate event also the ocean isn't too far away I can make a boat base and um you know figure that out one quick look around my area and I knew that this would be where I would lay the foundations for my main base just down the hill there is a large flat area perfect for the project I had in store it had the forest to supply wood the mountain for nodes and trainyard for scrap and PVP satisfied I was ready to check off the first item on my list there's a lot of groups on This Server I know there are and I know that I'm going to be outnumbered a lot of the time I'm going to be uh outrushed trying to go do puzzles and stuff so I'm not even going to try and do that I'm going to work at my own pace as a solo so today I'm just going to be grinding I'm going to get my main base started and to a state that it won't get raided getting along of important blueprints stuff like [Music] that Holy that [Music] hurts nice with it being wife day I knew every group on the server was looking for a base location I couldn't let this one get taken so I had to at least get the tool cupboard down to prevent others from building in the area you may be extremely confused with the way I've been placing these starting foundations and that's because I usually put zero thought into my bass designs beforehand but for this wipe I didn't want to make some simple 2x two to play an entire week of solo rust out of I needed something that would hold up and I needed someone who had the experience to teach me a Godly solo base design so allow me to introduce you to alone in Tokyo Tokyo doesn't talk much actually he doesn't talk at all not even to me but his actions speak louder than words he's arguably the best solo player on the rust scene uploading insane wipes on his channel that include him defending against 20 Man groups out of the exact base design he was about to show me surely that meant that if I built this base I'd defend against 20 people too right all right well Tokyo couldn't just send me a build video because this design only exists in one place his brain so I hopped on a build server with him and step by step he taught me how to build what would be the greatest solo base I have ever built but this was all I had for now it would become much more but I needed tens of thousands of resources and that was going to take some farming I was ready to get busy with that but I got a little [Music] sidetracked I can also make a tier one I'm going to do that I'm going I'm going to make can I make crossbow no I need to cycle I can make a nail gun though which is definitely what I'm going to do let me get a nail gun going someone [Music] outside I'm [ __ ] [Music] dead [Music] nuh-uh [Music] nuh-uh [Music] nuh-uh this is bad this is really bad I got a P2 but I think this is a clan I just put myself in an interesting situation a group ran past my base at the perfect time I was able to sneak between them and get a semi pistol which is a huge first gun for me it's super cheap to craft once I research it and it's it's not a bad weapon at doing damage either but I was assuming I'd survive this if this really was a clan I just put a Target on my base after I heard the footsteps go quiet outside I decided to take a [Music] peak oh my God I actually just got a P2 I wonder where these guys live and like where they're coming from see them up there okay they're pushing me oh I'm dead oh my God they were on me instantly the wrong guy today all I got was your oh my God you got to be kidding me there is no way it's him there is no way that is him I cannot believe this I cannot believe this he's not live right now but like dude maybe it's a fan that's just named Vin Vincent SMG if you guys don't know who Vincent SMG is he is notorious for playing servers with big groups building in areas that aren't meant for big groups with like this massive team Stevie has literally made like three videos on this guy so if this is actually him that is wild I genuinely think that they live like right next to me that is so bad so oh yeah I just met my potential rival of this story Vincent SMG like I explained this streamer is known for playing with big groups so I could have a big problem on my hands if they did live close by but right as I died I checked Vincent's stream and he was not live I also know that usually his group is all tagged up with SMG before their name and so far I've seen four of their names and none of them had SMG in front of it so maybe this was just a a fraud but until Vincent turned on his stream I had no way of knowing that regardless if this was the real Vincent or not it was a big group nonetheless if they had p2s already explosives weren't out of the question so just in case I researched the pistol with ammo and then I headed to trainyard to begin farming scrap going to bring this to recycle as well a med syringe from uh a scientist here would be huge I think when playing solo it's all about like Depot runs like if I get a med syringe from going up this crane I'm just going to go Depot a medical crate and it's a med now there's a guy shooting [Music] me he is laid out can also make a crossbow now this actually going to be kind of a nice run o there's a guy pulling [Music] up [Music] one oh there's a [Music] lot no one [Music] dead these two different people think I might just try and leave man I mean they all got bows I can easily kill them but looked like uh four maybe five guys there I'll go back it's a rifle body that iy got rolled what is he doing huh oh [Music] [ __ ] that kind of got the jump on me he they were indeed still here I love Prim fights man Prim fights are like peac crust in my opinion okay 320 scrap we are definitely getting there I wasn't far off from being able to craft a tier 2 workbench and start making p2s I just needed more scrap I went back to train yard one more time to loot it again but the first crate I looted was a supply signal so I ran straight back home nighttime then fell so I didn't bother going out again until morning I hear a bear outside I shall kill oh oh oh there's people everywhere head shot one that was dirty head shot again oh my oh my [ __ ] god dude there's no way ouch he's dead oh my God wait bear rug big you had the scrap I needed oh my God one more scrap that's got to be a joke I don't care I I literally don't care I'm going to go outside and loot the rest of that [ __ ] the most disgusting double head shot with a crossbow I've ever hit oh my God he had so much uh low grade on him too I didn't even see that okay it is time for a tier two baby let's go that took a long time we are I think we're about 3 hours into this let's see 205 minutes all right and with that I can now make P2 first researched and crafted gun let's [Music] go where is that oh wow okay so there's three guys right here going towards the P2 shots well one's [Music] dead oh my God that axe is [Music] huge [Music] ah [Music] come on let me get out of here please I need that Salvage axe I'm going to bleed oh literally like a millisecond more I would have been down yeah so I have I have some neighbors now that is for sure oh my my god it feels so good to use this axe you guys have no idea using that stone Hatchet was the [Music] worst I was chilling in my base minding my own business but then I felt like someone was watching me do you mind for now I didn't think anything of it and headed down the hill to continue work on my main base but that's when I realized I royally [ __ ] up I am I'm doing something horribly wrong here hold on I need to check the recording the TC is supposed to be on the lower Foundation oh my oh my god oh no there's no way I did that within three foundations I bricked my base that has got to be a record the lower Foundation is where the tool cupboard is supposed to be not the higher foundation so I just had to let this Decay and completely restart this wasn't a big deal though because there was plenty of flat space around night time came around again though so I was going to wait that out before continuing but then the same person I saw creeping around my door came back with a proposal right you you would love a jack I guess why I see that you have a tier 2 and a P2 I would love a P2 almost broken whatever you got I don't know if I need a jackhammer that badly yet man a man look at the opportunities of all these nodes yours what if what what if you shoot me out in the wild you know I won't shoot you I I'm just that guy I know I think I'm going to do it we neighbors all right man I'll do it yes I'll take a jackhammer honestly there all right all right pus are so cheap and jackhammers are very rare so I'll take that it's only a matter of time before he gets his own guns anyways after making that trade for a jackhammer which would greatly speed up the farming process required to build my main base I felt like an alliance with this other solo was on the table once when the sun came up I started on the main base again this time I placed the TC on the right foundation the wrap around the core worked as intended let's go I figured it out and once when the core was sealed off I heard some shots nearby dude it is like popping off right [Music] now I'm going to go check that out there's an I like base over there I don't know if that's worth hold on a sec they're coming over [Music] here okay there's a lot of people I just [ __ ] that guy over he was getting chased what the [ __ ] [Music] holy [Music] [ __ ] oh my God I'm getting [ __ ] on by Bow [Music] kids I refuse to die to Bow kids oh my God nuh-uh nuh-uh I just wiped like Five Guys oh my God there is no way I just did that another Supply signal I got to go back and loot I only looted like the guns for the second time in my area I ran into Vincent's group this was no longer some one-off moment where they were running by my base they 100% lived close by I just needed to figure out where from what I've seen so far however this was the exact type of group I needed for my rivalry and so with no end to it in sight I was ready to check off that box it may sound a little weird but I was excited I mean what kind of solo wants a big group living next to them well like I said the stronger the Rival the better the story who knows what sort of scuttles we'd get into in the future but for now I moved my my attention back to my base I need to make three outer TCS but one I only need one to upkeep the foundations on the outside of my base it's honestly really complicated I'm just going to let voiceover blueprint handle that the way the external TCS and upkeep work with this base is very interesting so allow me to try and explain this circular core I've built is like a starter base in my main base how you see it now is all it will ever be a two-story High Circle it may not make sense now but the actual base with my main loot will be built off the foundations around my core and all of it will be supported by one main outer TC this will be requiring the majority of the upkeep once when the base gets built up and technically it's all I need for this base to exist but if I had a massive base with one outer TC outside it would draw a lot of attention so I just need to do the same thing on two other sides right well this actually isn't possible in Rust you can't have more than one tool cupboard attached to a base it just doesn't allow it so how do we create two more identical externals that attach to the base but technically don't attach to the base well you make decoys the way it works is that you have to eyeball the distance of a foundation without actually attaching it and then you build out same as usual when I come back to attach attach it to the rest of the base though it's off by just a hair this 2in Gap is all it takes for the base to not recognize multiple tool covers it doesn't actually remove any upkeep from the main base that would be very cool this is simply to keep the base symmetrical and remove any suspicions from your typical Raider I'll dive more into the genius behind this base design later but I'll wait until it's more finished to give you a better visual representation getting these externals up fast was extremely important I couldn't move into my main base until they were done I got some good progress going but once again I got distracted by some python shots in train yard Python's doing the puzzle I [Music] think [Music] oh my [Music] God I am out of here wait the python got it let's go let's go blue car hard I'll do red later I'll do red later right now not a good idea this one's going to be tricky wait that's perfect dude I'm so good I am genuinely so [Music] good there's an air drop like right here I'm going for that for sure okay I got all my TCS down so I'm just happy I'm going to go for that airdrop Satchel raid already holy [ __ ] man that could be me I could be [Music] next [Music] just had a crossbow it's tinkerer I got to get the [ __ ] out of here satchels and AA n dude Tinker is the [ __ ] Clan though I'm getting out of here dude if there was scrap in that airr drop I would research Med I think I just got to go I just got to go for train yard here dude [ __ ] I got to go with no meds this is going to be impossible I'm going to go with the SAR though cuz I have two so I can take this one not going to bring much ammo just going to see what happens that's one down okay that's the other guy there a third one though there's a guy right here actually oh there's multiple oh no oh my I'm dead they just keep coming oh wow they have AK it's over for me dude it's [ __ ] over holy [ __ ] I'm I'm leaving that is just a throw If I Stay like literally I think there was like eight they're all bricks but they have AK and Thompson it's impossible to win that oh they're already up there there's another one is that the AK in a hazmat suit that's a sar we go back with something grubby like I'll go back with like a pipe let's see if I can make something happen with a water pipe [Music] bro [Music] run run run run run with the SAR oh my God I'm being such a little rat these guys hate me are they coming there's no way they're trying to come over here right now they're like crawling over oh my God there's like five there's six what I can only assume was Vincent since group showed up to the first shinuk crates on the map I was hoping to get two objectives down in a row super early on but I guess just the airdrop will have to do these guys definitely hated my guts I was being a big pain in their side so hopefully I could keep the sacked up and keep farming them for gear I took a big loop back to base just in case they wanted to chase me down and on that route I took note of a base with only one wooden door to TC I then scrunched together enough scrap to finally research Med with a sar and syringes I was finally ready to farm with my Jackhammer all right let's do this I don't know where my solo friend went maybe he had IRL [Music] obligations Ellie is smoking over by that Lighthouse that has got to be where Vincent lives okay it's down right next to the lighthouse and then you actually just fully seal this for these all right all right it's coming together okay for now the base was upgraded enough that it was ready to move into so I spent the next few minutes transferring most of my loot to it I say most because I'm not going to abandon this 2x one I'm leaving a few gear set in it at all times because you never know when you'll need a flank base like this with everything else moved over including my tier 2 workbench I heard some gunshots nearby so I went to go check it out ooh that could be winnable I'm going to go over there with the P2 and see what I can do this is a big ass fight dude holy I'm as good as dead [Music] yeah Vincent SMG every time I've died to vinon so far I've checked his stream to see if he was still offline when I checked twitch this time however he was finally live and it turned out that this was a fake Vincent SMG [Music] GG huge cry GG oh my God good night good night there's so many of them dude the real Vincent SMG was live on a different server so I didn't have to worry about a 30 man streamer Z but this Vincent still had what seemed to be a group that grew every time I saw them there's only so much I can handle solo I decided that I spent enough time dying to these guys without knowing where they were holding up so I followed them home yeah that's their base ohly [ __ ] dude they got large furnaces and everything oh my [Music] God nightmare dude I should be writing down these names I now knew where Vincent's group lived and and they had quite the industry going on right beside Lighthouse I wanted to make sure that my base was given the attention I needed as well I got all of my loot moved over from my 2x1 but in terms of how much boom it cost to raid it was the same I still had to add a lot more doors and get roof access secured before it was ready to be left overnight so the following couple of hours were spent working on and off the base every once in a while going to gunshots when I heard them and of course this would result in running into [Music] Vincent there's no way this guy's face checking me like [Music] that he looted his friend's gear but not his gun it's in the wall somewhere I'll try and come back for the star dude holy [ __ ] I think I literally double head shot all three of those [Music] [Music] guys oh my God I played that poorly although I died in the end I was able to sneak away with a few gear sets including a Thompson so it was still a win Vincent's group may have been supplying the gear but nod and trees can't Farm themselves the constant Stone and wood farming was getting tiresome but I made a deal with myself to get this base settled for today but of course that couldn't be easy uh uh that's not supposed to be red that is very bad no like guys genuinely the whole base is ruined oh no once again I somehow messed up the base design you see we plac the foundations in the beginning like this because it allows you to do some cheeky ceiling stacking but when I originally placed them I didn't have a large enough height difference so when I finally got up to the roof to start sealing it in there wasn't a big enough Gap to place anything this was a very big problem except this time I couldn't just abandon the base I've put way too many resources into that so I had to improvise by adding another layer of half walls all the way around the base forcing me to farm even more Stone and making the base a little clunkier than it was meant to be and you know what I need to do guys it's something new I need to do something new today I need to go farming but it was a better option than losing all of my progress okay now I can place these that's what it's supposed to look like this whole time that is what it was supposed to do so with that mistake remedied I finished the access to the roof and it was a relief to say that the base had finally entered its second stage of completion I could now leave it like this for a while until I was ready to expand it once more okay I now have a roof they can still get up on it but they can't get in my base so this area here is going to be eventually where I live like all my main loots but that's probably not going to happen for a while because I need to get my tier three set up I need to get electricity set up before I can even think about moving okay I am free at last from upgrading the base for at least a little bit [Music] now that I was finally free from constantly farming and building up the base I could focus on other important things like getting scrap and components so I ran trainyard puzzle with the blue card I got from those python guys earlier and then 30 minutes later I headed over to do it again but someone else was doing it already [Music] oh my God I thought [ __ ] you [ __ ] ass camp in the goddamn corner he got an electric furnace let's go baby that is huge with all of these components I made a big recycle run and ended up with enough scrap to Tech Tree to garage door at this point I was approaching an 11-hour session and it was getting late so I went out with my Jackhammer to get a little bit more Stone to upkeep my tool cover covers before hopping off what is that an AK that's got to be an AK wow that guy beamed me with a sawar I threw that no my Jackie like I don't care that I lose that I'm just mad that the Jackhammer is gone okay all my bullets just went missing dude just got [ __ ] beamed oh like where is the SAR okay I got it it was a Tommy I don't know where my [ __ ] Jackie is though and that's kind of annoying [Applause] [Music] oh oh lost the Jackie but profited a lot of guns so we'll take that I still miss my Jackie I traded a bunch of guns for a Jackhammer not worth okay realistically maybe but the only reason farming nodes around here was bearable was because of that Jackhammer I traded that guy outside my base for speaking of which I haven't seen that guy since and I'll be honest throughout the wipe I don't ever see him again so that's definitely not going to be the Ally I was searching for anyways that was the last fight of my night I wanted to end my first day with a little Eco raid though on that base in between the Rocks I saw earlier if it was only one door to TC so I wanted to get to it before anyone else found out about it I'm in ooh ooh computer station dude wait 250 scrap this actually isn't bad ooh solar panel can't see [ __ ] [ __ ] that was very worth I'm very happy about that that is a great way to end the [Music] day okay 19 hours that's perfect that's plenty of time these things aren attach to anything so they're just super cheap I don't even need to put anything in there all right guys well I am getting off for the night that was a great first day I had a lot of great PVP moments we met a lot of different people a lot of groups but yeah the base is pretty secure you know I don't think anyone's going to raid me if they do then still got six more days to make up for it so hopefully I don't get offlined I'm praying please hopefully I will be able to continue tomorrow where I left off yeah that's it [Music] oh okay here we go guys day two let's go okay day two and we are good let's go baby I had rust Plus on so I knew that uh the base would survive but yeah man I need to pick that that out eventually cuz it's not supposed to be a full wall here we are so plans for today let's talk about that um so I was taking a look at my list and I haven't really done much yet right I know it's only day start of day two now so you know you can cut me some slack there but even still I think I do need to start considering doing some of these challenges because like eventually I'm going to be so geared that a lot of these challenges are going to be kind of pointless to do so while I'm still in a state where it means something I think I should really be focusing on certain challenges so let's take a look here so I think that the main thing I should be doing today is underwater Labs I still need components I need scrap I my area is not good for comps I will give it that so I was thinking that I should try and create a boat base somewhere if I build a boat base I can do underwater Labs it's quite a trek but uh it's just a onetime trip to underwater Labs just so I can do the challenge and then I come back never do underwater Labs again and then I have a boat base for cargo which is coming out right now I have a boat base for large rig and when I'm ready I'll go to small rig as well so yeah I think today I'm focusing on a boat base getting into the ocean and trying to get a lot of comps through doing that all right we got a train oh my God Vincent's base has gotten [Music] large nice there's one shot [Music] easy yeah I think I definitely scared that guy I'm honestly going to get off of this island I'm going to go to this one over here that has the fishing Village Village attached it looks Barren enough and it's closer to fishing Village so that's what I'm going to [Music] do there we go I think that'll be [Music] [Music] good hell yeah man we got a boat base now I just need [Music] boats oh dude that's [Music] perfect the boat base was finished so the next step was respawning back at base and bringing over over garage doors to seal the backside and key cards for my objectives out in the ocean I don't usually use my key cards on underwater Labs as the loot inside those puzzle rooms is usually not worth it but how could I check off labs for my list if I didn't do it in its entirety so I headed out on one of my boats fully equipped and ready to knock another item off my checklist holy [ __ ] dude it's going to take so long it's going to take so long to get out there [ __ ] a oh my God I'm running out of fuel I hope I got to pray that there's a lot of fuel down there cuz if there isn't I'm [ __ ] [Music] okay it's not cleared [Music] W this is perfect for me as a solo man it's such a small labs it's so easy for me to hold down and the crates aren't too bad if these keep respawning I can get some good [ __ ] from this here's the room I need to be at rest Elite utter dog [ __ ] like it literally cannot be worse another flat 10 pipes bro oh man this is why no one does underwater Labs like those Elite crates need to be buffed somehow like a little bit more boosted you're coming all the way down here for that like that is wild but the crates keep respawning so so I'm all for it wait Elite's back already no way all right I'm going to use it again [ __ ] it dude come on SMG okay and suppressor huge ah not bad man not bad like I got 230 scraps so far all right I think it's time to scadaddle the labs run couldn't have gone better it was exactly what I needed for some high-end components and scrap honestly I would have done it numerous times as its size and location didn't draw in any players while I was there and probably stayed under the radar for most of the wipe but it was on the opposite side of the map from my boat base so this was the first and last time I'd visit it with my red card used up I wasn't prepared for either of the oil rigs yet so I filled up my inventory with all of the loot from labs and ran back home when I got back I decided I was ready for some more base related stuff this chapter is still called free at last so this wasn't me expanding the base itself further this was about the compound I've been wanting to get one down ever since I found those two airdrops there could be some good loot waiting inside of those but to get this compound down I needed to farm more stone for the external Gates that will be attached to each outer tool cupboard so I got to farming and while I was out there I found a brand new 2x two just up the hill from my starter okay we got a new 2x two up here on the Mountain wooden door wait he's just putting on a [ __ ] sheet door no way y that's not nice [ __ ] door camping B people whatever buddy it just pulled up I just missed my chance to prevent these guys from building so close to my base but for now I kept it in mind once I farmed enough Stone I began work on the external Gates the brutalist building skin is easily my favorite so far but how it looks on these Gates made me fall in love with it even more repeating the same design on all three sides I was finally ready for the walls themselves so I recycled a bunch of comps Tech treed mixing table and researched what and highwall in a mixing table I then made a basic wood tea with the berries I've been foraging all white which gave me a 50% bonus yield when farming trees with all of this wood I was able to make enough High walls to fully secure my compound so I put a gate here because I can drive a car in now horses whatever I want damn near perfect hell yeah slightly slightly too much but it's a sealed compound look at this thing man no way this is amazing I can now call in my airdrops I've worked so hard on this compound and everything just to call these in so if it isn't good I'm going to [Music] cry there is no way that that Tommy just died to two revos I can easily shoot him but he's so far and just it's just senselessly roof camping at that point they both going to land on my [Music] compound nope that one's landing [Music] outside [Music] chainsaw [Music] yes C4 Tommy custom and 300 Total Scrap so worth that is ridiculously worth for the first time in Rust history I got good airdrop loot a C4 a bunch of guns and a ton of scrap so with that scrap I decided it was finally time for electricity I had a bunch of ore but smelting it in small furnaces is so last year electric furnaces are the new wave and because I got one from that guy at trainyard researching everything else I needed was easy so I got to work setting up a basic solar panel circuit to power my furnaces but these things are way more efficient when turned into an auto smelter so I also set that up with storage adapters and an industrial conveyor here now when I put ore into this box it'll make its way through the furnaces smelting in the process then go back to the Box setting up this simple Contraption is a game Cher which is why it was one of my goals in my [Music] list after I farm all these nodes I'm going to sit in my base while it's night time and think about why I'm still playing this game no I'm going to think about what I'm going to do next o you know what I think I'm going to do tonight I'm definitely going to do a satchel raid I just don't know where to do it my area is relatively safe but um I know a few bases I want to raid like this one here and that's just going to cause the whole server to show [Music] up you know this base right here could be a very good candidate for a raid actually and take a closer look o it's a bunker oh [ __ ] who builds a one by one bunker it's a solo is it worth blowing into that for 10 satchels to see if it's a fully sealed bunker I don't know man it's an option but like it's just probably not worth the risk oh Bean can no way that is huge I don't have to recycle a satchel nice man I'm just going to pop the bean can in here and research it right away I think raiding with satchels tonight 100% my mission for today I officially decided that today I was going to do a raid I've been building up sulfur and with my newly installed electric furnaces smelting it couldn't be easier obviously I didn't have a tier three and was nowhere near any tier 3 raid supplies so I had to settle for satchels luckily you just saw me find a bean can and I already had satchels from that airdrop way back so to get enough scrap to research the Satchel I ran trainyard again and found a Molotov while I was at it so after recycling I researched both of those now I just had to pick a Target so I went back to that bunker up on the mountain that I saw earlier in an effort to get some more Intel I did head glitch trick by looking straight up and suiciding this allowed me to see through the wall for a brief moment after a couple of tries I was able to confirm without a doubt that it was sealed this twig right here is holding up the stability bunker which makes this over 16 Rockets to raid I didn't have nearly enough satchels for this so that was out of the question before I could continue investigating bases in my area to raid trainyard shinook dropped again we're halfway through day two and I live right next to trainyard the fact that I haven't completed the shinook crate objective yet was kind of ridiculous so I headed over to see if I could quickly check it off my [Music] list oh my God there's AKs I really thought that this would be a free crate and but there's AK guys here like what the [ __ ] am I supposed to [Music] do dude they got an L9 here and [Music] everything I [ __ ] that [Music] up [Music] oh my god dude how deep are they like how [ __ ] deep are they for the entirety of day two I was peacefully living my life without running into Vincent's group and here I was reminded why I wasn't able to get a shinook crate yet these guys have been busy they're whole team is fully geared now with AKs this was going to make fighting them a lot harder with the crate looted I shifted my focus back to finding a raid Target and that's when I remembered the 2x two up the hill so I went to go check it out oh my God these guys expanded shop front Sheet Metal Wall another door I don't know man I don't know it's so hard you know I've always made the mistake of rating the wrong long base with my like first round of gunpowder so it's a bit of a gamble it always is but uh I got to choose something and I think it's my best option after giving it some thought I finally landed on raiding the 2x two up the hill which has expanded a decent amount since I first saw it if a base gets bigger it means they're trying to protect something so hopefully I could profit some loot from this Imagining the worst case scenario I used all of my gunpowder to craft a total of 20 satchel charges I was also bringing a C4 so unless if there was garage doors this should have me covered oh god dude this is so much gunpowder I'm so [ __ ] paranoid that like I'm just like triple checking making sure that no one's outside I don't want anything to go wrong here I'm going to check on the base one more time just going to make sure the route is clear wait there's an air drop coming down right outside of my base oh man I wish i' had seen that oh my God there's an AK I think AK killed SAR oh my God it's Vincent [Music] no oh man I literally don't even get to shoot the [ __ ] AK like I don't know how this Vincent guy is solo right now but that was the freest AK of my life I don't know man it's just so rough this game sometimes this is it this is everything I just had an extremely unlucky event so I hope that I get lucky [Music] here I'm using the C4 I got to move fast Satchel rating just takes forever I just got to move quick [Music] this is really [Music] good longest Satchel on Earth [Music] holy that looks really good so far [Music] oh oh my God suppressors outside the counter showed up just in time oh my God yes yes oh my God it is so [ __ ] [Music] Juiced oh my God man these guys are [ __ ] loaded what's in here furnaces oh I pick into that for sure dude yes oh and I and I still have eight satchels oh my it is so worth it I am checking that off my list someone is getting [ __ ] up out there like with suppressor they're they are laying waste to everybody what is this this what is that box dude but there isn't any cloth in here to bag myself that's very bad biggest bait I've ever heard are you kidding me these guys really think I'm going to like rush outside to go and kill everyone that's left this was worth man 12 satchels and a free C4 tons of comps ridiculous amount um but still not really any um sulfur or anything I'm hoping it'll be in this room here with all the [Music] furnaces this dude just got [ __ ] slammed eventually the counter Raiders got bored and left so I quickly popped outside and picked up an outer bag to slap down inside the choice of the base to raid was was a good one so far this was easily worth it with the crazy amount of comps low grade and crude oil oh and I cannot forget to mention the three rows of wooden signs that that's profit I could check off this objective with confidence but there was still one room I haven't gotten to yet and I still felt like I was missing some loot here so I headed home and brought over a stack of bone fragments to make into bone knives and pick out the wall [Music] we're in all right that's a good sign so far little bit of sulfur a little bit more sulfur okay come on oh okay okay not bad not bad we got a jackhammer yes it's back baby let's go oh my God I'm so excited 850 gunpowder and like a bunch more sulfur I'm glad I decided to softside that so I made a lot lot more like profit from that for sure I think we hit it big here what a successful raid I am so happy about that so much [Music] components dude I need to buy a Refinery like that would solve my lowgrade problem indefinitely with all the loot from The Raid transferred to my base I decided it was time to expand further all I needed to do was turn the roof floor into a shooting floor and add this sheet metal triangle thing in the center which would support the Sniper Tower I was making decent progress but of course I can't ever do anything in this game without getting distracted dude I think that was 24 on the bunkered base dude I think that those guys are literally raiding exactly what I was like intending to raid and they don't give a [ __ ] that they're using all of the boom that they're using I got to go counter this I got to at least see what's up pretty sure that this is the base I wanted to raid I just can't think of anything else that would be taking that much [Music] boom [Music] [ __ ] oh my God I whiffed that so [Music] bad oh oh I made it out holy [ __ ] there's no way I kill I how do I not kill that guy 8 Health like dude I don't know how I don't kill that guy n no I'm going back I hear one behind me and I hear one oh my god dude both at the exact same time like I could hear them both pushing me on on both sides it just [ __ ] sucked they're still raiding the [Music] [Music] base no no man no I'm sorry manad you keep grubbing this guy I'm sorry man I wish I was at deep as well three occasions actually no four occasions where I almost had an AK or M2 from Vincent's group just to lose it right after to tow Smasher at first I thought he was part of Vincent's Clan I mean it would only make sense right who's in the right place at the right time that many times but after the raid simmered down I found out he was also a solo countering that raid through chat he just happened to be extremely lucky that right after I killed an AK guy he was there immediately to scoop up the kits securing my own raid tonight was a win but these last few fights ending the way they did was really frustrating I almost checked off counter raid and on Vincent's group it would have felt amazing but because I only lost gear here and was baited over and over again from getting my first AK I had to leave this fight with my tail between my legs I was ready to hop off and just reset my mental for tomorrow but I wanted to get those upgrades done first so I finished the Sniper Tower I finished the shooting floor holy [ __ ] it's done I rewired all of my solar panels and added more garage doors around the base and on my TC's the base still needed a wind turbine a ton of turrets and a few upgrades here and there but I was done with the major expansions seeing my base in this stage definitely lifted my spirits a bit it was at this point that I could finally see it being the best solo base I've ever built but the whole point of a base is to keep your loot safe and that includes your gun box and right now my gun box was not looking too good tomorrow I was hoping for some better luck when it came to PVP [Music] [Music] day three and we are good let's [Music] go [Music] oh yeah this tan sheet metal is going to look so good I think train yards dropp in a crate all right I'm just going to go to the shinook crate with grub gear cuz uh doing it with normal gear just seems to have just not worked ever for me so let's try with grub gear and try and make something out of [Music] nothing [Music] he [Music] I'm dead dude I I took off this ear muff and I thought he was shooting me in the other [Music] direction I actually think this SAR guy was not with the Tommy yeah he's dead and I got all my stuff back dude I got to go back for that [Music] Chinook dude I might be able to cross shut crate off the list here like I really do think that I can get it yeah I think that timer's up definitely is I don't hear it beeping going for [Music] it it only took 3 days but we finally got a [Music] shinook holy this thing melts I didn't even know I had that thing on burst and it just destroyed that first guy oh let's go that was Big Ups finally I crossed off shinook crates from my list an objective I've been meaning to complete for some time I also profited a few guns from this but I wasn't done [Music] yet oh he's looking at [Music] me what the hell that guy died so fast it was like two or three [Music] bullets this guy's got a bunch of pums wait where did I get the third star did one of them have two this is awesome I'm loving [Music] this an airdrop I don't even know if that's called in or not I don't have a flashlight which is kind of bad but I'm going to going to drop by that real quick saw naked running there I really want to kill him before he gets there go go go there's that guy he's like 25 loot you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God Bo you're not going to get anything you [ __ ] [ __ ] I just oblit red AK [Music] ni Dude Where's the AK though it's going to be literally impossible to find that thing could literally be anywhere I think I just need to come back damn that's the prize though bro bro that is the prize I need to get that okay I got to go back I got to go back dude I think I got to wait for day I just can't see [ __ ] I'm not going to be waving around my flashlight like a like a [Music] pinata yes yes oh baby we got it shinook crat a bunch of guns and an AK I was on a roll today getting my first AK may have not been a goal I set before the challenge but it felt like it deserved to be one now I've been fighting for this gun for a while and finally in the fight I felt like I deserved it the most I got it after transferring all of that loot I got from those fights from my starter to my main base I decided to keep the momentum going and head to my boat base to visit the ocean once more it was time for small Oil ring saw horsey back there honestly I think I should go yoink the [Music] horsey building decaying oh Metals [Music] decaying no more all right we're off to rig oh small rig now online that's perfect [Music] timing [Music] ooh Supply [Music] signal industrial [Music] crafter ooh explosive ammo [Music] big Tommy okay all right now it's 10 minutes waiting for the crate he what do we got in the crate baby what do we [Music] got oh Rocket MP5 not bad at all dude small oil rig was super quiet not a single counter showed up but it was well worth it I got a rocket which is a very hard item to find so that's a great research down the line I also got explosive ammo which I'd probably start using soon and I checked off another objective my list was getting shorter but there was still a lot to do before trying to knock down any other objectives I first brought back what I got from small rig on my horse which I named sand I then called in the airdrop at base which wasn't anything special and after that I discussed what I was going to do next okay with that airdrop secured oil rig done time to go make a massive recycle run over at Outpost I'm also going to try and Tech tree down to Turret I don't think anyone is selling Auto turrets so I think it's kind of expensive but it is what it is I'm going to get turrets down I'm going to get the open core finalized so that I can live out of it so yeah it's time for the big recycle run so with an inventory full of comps I headed to Outpost I'm definitely going to buy that triangle ladder hatch large rear chargeable battery for 1,000 charcoal kind of worth all right I think I'm ready come on Sand let's [Music] [Music] go [Music] you can't fit sand to the fing door just going to hide him here I think that guy in there is just busy gambling so I should be okay this guy's going to [ __ ] steal my horse nope not [Music] happening wait no no way oh my God what a throw there's no way I just lost 850 scrap like that then here he is just gambling away all of my scrap literally just gambling it all away wow it's just all gone did you catch it I bet you did because while I was busy worrying about someone stealing sand my brain in its Panic just stopped working for a second and I left over 800 of my hard-earned scrap in the research table I didn't even realize until it was way way too late this guy blimp stole it instantly and took it straight to the blackjack table this was the biggest slap in the face I've ever received the only option I had was to hopelessly beg for it back is it all gone what nah so got it but you know what do I got to do for it I was worried you were going to steal my my horse yeah I know I I'm solo man that is literally all of my scrap come here come here you you can have the scrap when you tell me when the when the 2 m video [Music] com there ain't no way and I'm waiting on it that I'm waiting for that solo series man you did not just hit me with that I respect it listen L not this is private information come down here is this the one is this the wipe yeah this is the wipe this is the wipe this is the wipe it's going good so far man up until uh that that big mistake I just made uh when is it going to come out so after finding out blimp was a certified Legend I of course answered his request on when the 2 m video was coming out obviously you're watching it now so this conversation is pointless but after explaining he fulfilled his side of the deal guys dude thank you so much man you are a legend can I get you something like n n n it you know it was a pleasure it was a pleasure me you you have you'd have to wow man thank you dude you are a life sa you are a lifesaver here I'll give you a big kiss anyways man enjoy your wife okay thank you man thank you so much hey yo I'll put you in the video man you're a legend man I W I won't tell anyone thank you thank you your secret is safe for me I won't tell anyone thank you dude oh what a relief holy [ __ ] man what a legend okay I'm not going to make that same mistake twice I couldn't believe what just happened I thought I hired a paid actor and forgot about it any other player would have taken the scrap and ran but this Legend gave it all back and asked for nothing in return being a YouTuber he watched definitely contributed to it but I will never forget about this once when I had my scrap back I properly researched everything I wanted to then I noticed someone riding a horse but not just any horse someone stole sand but I stole him right back I'm sorry bro this is my horse his name is sand you must have found him in that house over there uh this is technically my horse I'm sorry when I got back home I crafted a Refinery with the last of my low grade I did this because I have stacks of crude oil if you don't know one crude smelt into three low grade so I pretty much secured all the low grade I would need the rest of the white I bought and researched the ladder hatch so I could add roof access to my tower and then I assembled a couple of locker kit respawns so I was always prepared in case someone started raiding me one in my outer ring and one in The Sniper Tower with that finished I wanted to get started on another one of my goals creating a shop the earlier you do this the better because items get more and more common as the wipe progresses it's already day three so in order to to see my profits go to use I made it a priority to get my shop up and running I didn't want to place it anywhere on my base because I felt like this would attract too much attention plus I didn't have enough space for that I wanted a vending machine for almost every category of item including te's when I got to farming so I had this idea to put it in between the train tracks near my base and call it the pit stop I only had enough resources to get two shops up and running but I had plans to expand this even more down the the line so now that I had some listings up I was ready to get back into the action specifically I wanted to raid another base something cheap because I wanted to use those leftover satchels that I still had but before I could properly search I saw a supply signal being called in these guys are calling an airdrop over here what kind of gun can I expect oh I'm so going to [Music] this I was trying to wide flank that so they wouldn't see me but they were just staring that direction already oh my God what what holy [ __ ] man one on the roof two pushing me one's up on the hill behind me there's another one in the bush in the [ __ ] trees dude let's try that [Applause] again mini the [ __ ] there's no way a mini copter landed at this fight [Music] [Music] no way [Music] oh my [Music] God shut the [ __ ] up bro I just finessed that so [ __ ] hard oh my [Music] God holy [ __ ] that was the craziest [ __ ] I have ever done bro another AK secured I can't believe some random minic copter group decided to land here with AKs that guy should be dead but he's not [Music] oh my God that guy just doesn't die that guy just doesn't die and why is there so many more like shooting me in the back and they're not coming from the base I'm so confused dude I I I will never understand this game [Music] dude how did they get up I guess there was ladders on the other side of the base and that's how they were able to climb up you being from this base guy you being from oh chill chill I leave here [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I had everything from us and someone from your team was next to me and then this guy came and I didn't know who's who that was definitely the bush incident what the so they they don't live up on the hill I don't know they came from like [Music] oh I mean that base right there is like a really good base to raid like they were just saying how they're going to like raid somebody tomorrow and they definitely have like stuff I know they have an AK in there that's for sure by eavesdropping on this brick of a base that called in the air drop I was able to get some valuable Intel this was clearly an Allied group my guess was the 2x3 section belonged to this player named SI atam you'll also hear me calling him sa atom and the main 3x3 belonged to everyone else in the group this was definitely a base of Interest so I made sure to keep it in mind after getting all of those guns home including my second AK I checked my computer station and noticed that large rig was cleared but the Red Room was closed I didn't have a whole lot of extra gear back at my boat base but with what I did have I believed could take out the heavy scientists it would be a free objective off my checklist so I went over to give it a try and the Red Room did not [Music] disappoint we got an AK uh bro I'm tempted to just leave we got oh um yeah I'm tempted to just leave bro two AKs I got to get out of here dude that is Insane luck quickly deping those AKs from rig I headed straight back to activate the crate but soon after doing so another player boarded rig and after at least 10 minutes of silence he ended up winning that game of patience I'd have to revisit large rig at some point down the road but for now I had more pressing matters to attend [Music] to well large rig didn't work out but I'm hearing shinook create a trainyard so I'm going to go check that out he there's like two kids coming from my Mountain oh my God there's so many that's one dead what the [Music] [ __ ] what's [Music] happening I'm getting shot by the [ __ ] Tower before I knew it I found myself surrounded by Vincent's group I was going to have to fight my way out of [Music] this oh my God that guy Blended in [Music] no I'm out of ammo no way I'm out of ammo oh no I would have killed him but I ran out of bullets you've got to be joking dude I couldn't even just like run away either because like they would have just shot me in the back oh my God like I really wanted to get out but they were just constantly in the right [Music] place [Music] no okay I'm just getting shot in the back pitch black I guess he's got a night vision Vincent's entire team was here at trainyard but so were other groups with everyone fighting each other and me killing six of Vincent's team this was a solo grubs Paradise I didn't stop going back until I made some [Music] [Music] profit oh I'm confused like why don't they just leave I don't understand did they just come back from like a huge [Music] raid holy [ __ ] dude H he's coming like straight through this way how hell he shooting at [Music] him all right we actually got some stuff from this let's go baby [Music] what that guy get MP and a parachute that's big wait that's my original MP I it is how did it end up out there and in that guy's hands that is just so [ __ ] funny to me by playing to my strengths of stealth I was starting to make some gains from this fight but I wasn't finished people like saat Tom were sneaking in there and looting bodies this meant that Vincent's hold on the fight was starting to falter perfect time for me to [Music] strike I'm going for it I don't care please I'm dead here for sure like there's no way holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God I'm getting raided it's over I got I got so [Music] [Music] much [Music] [Music] so much Geer just lying around like holy wow though man like that all started going to a train yard fight with an MP5 and it turned into that that was so fun man oh my God it was about time I got into another fight with my rivals the tyrants of my area they were the biggest and most geared group I've seen so far so although what I stole was barely a loss to them it was a big win for me that was the last time I went over there Vincent's group completely cleared out and I got whatever scraps were left behind F messing with a clan this big definitely had me a little uneasy though so I shifted my attention to my base again the strength of my base especially during an online raid heavily relies on auto turrets so after I blew a bunch of scrap Tech treeing it I crafted up six three went into my open core which would very soon become my main loot room I also finally crafted a tier three and placed it down up here in preparation for that the other three turrets went into my compound since you can only place 12 turrets now within a 40 m radius in vanilla rust I still wanted to add three more to my compound and then the final three to my shooting floor but I didn't have the resources for this right now but you know what the best method is to get the resources I needed [Music] braiding okay guys it's 11:25 p.m. so here's what I'm going to do I am going to try and raid that 3x3 I am going to try and build a little raid Base outside of it with a window staring directly at their base and I'm basically going to try and explorate I don't know what's going to happen here it's going to be very hard I don't know if I have enough but I think it's definitely worth a try okay let's go build this base [Music] all right so what I'm thinking is I leave the AK kit in the raid base and like if people pull up get in the raid base and and shoot with the AK and then close up I'm going to be MP5 raiding the base ooh it's Stone like right there so if I go through the door it'll be four satchels and then it'll be like 10 more for the the wall I think that's I think that's the play after building a raid base and coming up with a plan of action I was going to take a big risk and raid this base I had a budget which was the leftover satchels I had plus about a stack of explosive ammo I wasn't sure if they were online but if they were this was going to be dead difficult oh my God they're in the base I mean I'm here dude I'm here I'm sending [Music] [Music] it [Music] I can't believe he's online oh my [Music] God oh my God guys so [Music] lame oh it's so lame like why was there two full kits outside it's night time like why are they running around at night so weird man so I just wasted like all of my boom and got nothing out of [Music] it such a shame soon after its Inception I lost the raid I should have just turned around when I heard footsteps inside but I was prepared with a raid base so I really thought I'd be able to pull this off the best thing going for me was having them trapped in the base but this quickly went sideways two of them were doing something outside when I began raiding so I instantly got pinched from multiple angles they didn't really budge after this So eventually I just had to turn tail and run it was unfortunate but I had to try something with those satchels just like my previous nights before hopping off on a loss I decided to do a bit of upgrading to the [Music] base my horse is dead that's actually really sad made a trough and there's no horse to eat out of the trough okay well that's day three A lot happened today I'm pretty sure that today was we did shinook crate we did oil rig both of those were today we tried large oil rig it did not work and we also tried an online raid and that did not work so those two obviously don't get checked off because I did not complete them I still have so much more to do but now that that I have AKs maybe all of these things will be a lot easier I did grub the heck out of Vincent's group today but yeah guys that's it for me today I'm pretty beat another good thing that happened today is that the base is finished just needs like a few more turrets and it's like done so yeah I think I'm going to go to bed right here and I just got to pray that my base does not get [Music] offlined [Music] well I was enjoying my sleep uh but then I checked my phone it's currently 9:45 in the morning I checked my phone and I'm dead to some guy named Rook about 20 minutes ago that's not that long ago so if I am getting full rated right now and they're going from the top down I might still be be able to [Music] defend okay I just heard someone just walk in casually okay n I'm tired of this [Music] yeah dude they literally just blew through the roof of course I decided to sleep up here and lost an extra AK because of that there's two there's one in the locker and I had one on me which is just so annoying okay so they torched a wall speared out a ceiling got to my bed blew up a garage door with Rockets or maybe no that's rockets for sure and then they blew up a door they blew up another door wait they kept going and they took whatever was in there which was like some metal fragments and uh a Thompson bro come on man like I wish I just slept in the core I would have saved myself at least one AK kit well at least I'm not full rated I guess I technically just got offline rated but luckily the damage was minimal losing 2 AKs is a tough blow but I'd rather lose that than all of my loot I immediately got on repairs starting with my tower this time I made sure everything was sheap metal so people couldn't just spear in again the good news was my turrets may have been drained but they were not broken so all I had to do was reload them I then used the opportunity of a wall missing to burn the other two and replace all three so that there wasn't a gap this time and just like that the base was Secure again but I wasn't just going to tank this I had to figure out who Rook was luckily Russ has this cool thing called a contact system so this made my job way easier there's a rook ah yep okay Rook is part of Vincent's group so I got all I got halfway offline raided by Vincent's group wow what a bunch of [ __ ] immediately I recognized this fight this was the train yard battle from chapter 7 where I got swarmed by Vincent's Group which means my rivals attempted to raid me well actually they kind of succeeded because I'm sure the main reason they decided to do this was because of the AKs I stole so they got a couple back here and I guess that's all they wanted I had to make up for this somehow so with trainyard crate being down I headed straight over [Music] I hear him just don't know where he [Music] is someone robbed the crate no way [Music] I was not letting that [ __ ] get away with that hell no rocket launcher is big though like that is massive [Music] you're like I just want to leave please let me leave oh we made it back we got a rocket launcher man that is huge honestly all I need is explosive now and I can use Rockets got like six guns from that man [ __ ] yeah I need that and with every Victory comes farming while farming I found something other than nodes outside of a base nearby was a four module car the biggest one you can find one of my goals is a car garage and the reason for that is cars can completely change the speed of your white you travel faster you're safer inside of it you can store loot in it and if I got my hands on a camper module it also acts as a respawn Point since I also found a car lift on the guy from trainyard this was the best time to put my focus into a car so I TCH treed all of the tier three parts and headed over to repair [Music] it [Music] oh [ __ ] guys we got a [ __ ] [Music] car I mean it's not a bad car is this a cockpit or is this just a passenger I think that's just a passenger module and then we got a storage module and yeah it's not a bad car it just needs the armored module it's time for the car garage [Music] guys [Music] nice okay 395 for camp that's not too bad storage module I have so I don't need to spend all that scrap for [Music] that so I'm going to take I'm going to take all of these parts oh my dude that was sitting in here in the research table the whole night I'm going to go see how much scraps in my shop overnight I don't think much sold I'm going to put some more stuff in there anyway though 90 Rockets they have 90 rockets and they spent like seven on my base I'm so confused about that Scrapy I guess those guys are going large rig wait they're like Landing maybe not I don't know what the hell they're doing all right I I need to redo prices 400 scrap is so nice [Applause] actually dude what is going on over there hold on hold on is Vincent getting slammed was that what that scrap heli was oh my God what is happening wait all of the Rockets are missing all of the Rockets are missing oh my God it's actually happening oh my God this is a fullon RAID holy [ __ ] [Music] dude the [ __ ] okay I guess he died here what the hell Vincent's group was getting absolutely slammed by Rockets I wanted this raid to succeed so I helped out the only way I could [Music] I'm just trying to help the Raiders out taking out the [ __ ] Defenders baby I don't know if this raid's going well I'm going to be honest I don't think this raid's going well at all after taking out a couple of Vincent's group nighttime quickly fell from up here here I couldn't see anything so it was on the Raiders to wrap this up however it didn't sound too good when I started cover firing the Defenders were already pushing up on the Raiders and Rockets were slowing down a lot so I headed back to base Depot the MP5 set and then I came back as it turned morning [Music] yes it's Vincent [Music] yes that's probably more boom I should have shot up that guy sooner I'm like trying to be on the Raider side and like I was hoping that that was like more rocket delivery but I don't think it was it's just some random [ __ ] I think that I go for round two here guys at this point the Raiders sounded like they were defeated when I crouched up to the raid base I wasn't met with any resistance other than to Vincent's group this meant that the Raiders lost control of the outside and were likely trapped in the base so I came back again to try and Shake Vincent's group off of them from the [Music] outside oh my [Music] God yes it was his it was them again two more AKs with another two AKs from that I was more than happy with what I did here the whole raid fizzled out by the time I deped so unfortunately Vincent's group did survive this but it was fun grubbing them nonetheless and I officially got the AK back that I lost overnight now you might be wondering if that counted as a counter raid I went to a raid fought players and left with profit that definitely fills the criteria so for now I checked it off but I wanted to keep my eye open for other raids as taking over someone else's raid would definitely settle that argument for now I got back to what I was doing before I was interrupted by Vincent getting raided with the scrap I got from my shop I was able to research and important vehicle modules which would make my car an absolute tank so I put them on added a code lock so only I could access it and was ready for my new way of getting around the map and let me tell you this opened up so much for me with my storage modules I was able to go deep into the snow biome and farm a ton of ore quickly it would continue to be more and more useful which you will soon see but for now I noticed that trainyard crate was down again and since Vincent was likely still recovering from The Raid I hit it up with confidence once more hear him walking around up top it's like the same [ __ ] as last [Music] [Music] time [Music] oh my god dude there's like three of them he has a parachute yes I've been wanting to do this for a while I can't believe there's [ __ ] three oh my god dude there's so much [Music] loot [Music] we out of there baby let's go this is sick this is sick oh [Music] [ __ ] okay that was so [ __ ] rad okay I am not going to train yard without a parachute ever again that was so [ __ ] cool 4 and a half [Music] minutes is that not a Hazmat I see in that crane I think it [Music] is oh my God oh my God burst is [Music] broken [Music] wait adx scope is actually huge I didn't get explosive though like I really need an explosive once again I won a trainyard shinook crate fight as fun as these were this was my last time I'd be visiting this event I'm at a point progression wise that spending my time elsewhere would likely be a better use of my time however make sure you remember these three names from the trio I killed at the top of the main building I'm going to call them Albert's group they'll make an appearance once more later in the video anyways once when I got home I TCH treed the camper module and crafted one so it was ready to go but for the next task I was going to embark on a car was not going to be useful [Music] [Music] my God that guy's alive I thought it was a [ __ ] thought he was downed where do these guys live watch out B there that's unfortunate bro he hit me in his [Music] death oh yeah that's right I have two AKs in here I forgot about that all right let's finally do large rig man oh my God there's people on it [ __ ] YOLO [Music] dude there's some Tommy guy on here I don't know if there's more than one but I know that one has a Tommy he too as well so there's two okay they made it a top there not in the vents very interesting I downed him he's full [Music] dead holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] man let's go holy [Music] [ __ ] I don't have a P2 body that's the only thing but I'm going to go Depot first I have way too much [ __ ] here to just stay I think I played that perfectly though I genuinely think I could couldn't have played that any better than I [Music] [Music] did [Music] oh that was juicy holy literally down to my last magazine nice [Music] dude surely this timer's going to be up any second now [Music] ooh not bad dude AK lmg not bad took me 4 days but I did I did large rig solo Oh my God now I can just fully focus on cargo ship as like the last water event let's [ __ ] go man I'm so Happ we finally did rig with large rig finally checked off all I had left to do in the ocean was cargo ship but that event is a very rare spawn and you've got to be the first person on there to stand the best chance at winning since I had no idea when it was going to spawn next I just drove my car over to my boat base to transfer all of the goodies I've been building up in it safely oh yes M look at all that [ __ ] [ __ ] go go baby you guys may notice that progression has been pretty steady I didn't get AKs first like 2 days I tried so hard to get an AK on day two but it just did not work out but then I got an AK day three and I finally done large rig haven't done cargo which is better than rig like I I feel like the progression in this has been so natural oh yeah oh yeah I can make so many turrets now oh yes everything's working out man 16 diesel holy I don't think I'm going to take all of that to excavator I'm going to sell all of these red cards cuz I just don't need them anymore cuz I do not want to do rig again [Music] damn dude that guy's shop looks sick as [ __ ] I need to do that hey yo I like that Scuba tape got it that that is sneaky ooh you look like a killer okay can I get in your recycler or what D what up man you've been absolutely [ __ ] us Downy very good man we're hopping off server feel free to raid the base get in there wow they're getting off a fuckload of gu in there there's still like a row of explosives no Rockets crafted but if anyone deserves it you [ __ ] did man you've been cracked what a nice guy I can't believe they're quitting though what am I going to do while on a recycle run at Outpost I ran into tinkerer red the first person I crossed paths with in the very beginning from Vincent's group and he just told me that his team is quitting he could be lying but he really had no reason to just from his tone of voice it sounded like he was telling the truth after all his group did just get online raided and many players including myself wait for that to happen in their wipes and once when it does that's how they close it out so upon hearing this news I was relieved but as I thought about it further I was kind of upset over the past 4 days I've been building up a rivalry against Vincent hoping that by the end of that rivalry they'd be the group I would defend an online raid against but now that was all out the window this wasn't the Epic Victory I was hoping to achieve from my rival so with Vincent gone I was going to have to figure out a different method to fulfill this goal for now I headed back home and added the final piece to my base the wind turbine with this I could power the remaining turrets I needed I then researched AK and mp5s so I didn't have to worry about those breaking anymore and once when I repaired all of my guns I felt like I was ready for a big Journey all right guys I am going to attempt to do excavator o cargo's out right now I'm going to take note of that it is currently 6:31 so around like 9 9:30 that's when I'm going to be next cargo all right I'm making a bed rename to camper I didn't build this car just to make trips back and forth to Outpost with all of the diesel I've been building up from oil rig I was ready to take it to excavator by farming this giant Monument you can get an absurd amount of resources it's just that typically solos can't do this but I had to try and we're off to excavator guys it is quite a drive but in this car it should not feel like too [Applause] [Music] long all right I'm finally in the desert it took a while but I'm here [Music] I'm kind of hoping this will be like a little bit dead because like I mean what the hell is out here nothing launch is kind of far away but there's like nothing out here man okay here we are oh no that that is not going to be ideal bro [Music] let's go baby we're getting metal hell yeah yeah I literally don't see a single Clan base anywhere this is this is great I would have expected one to be down there with like a hemp farm and stuff maybe there was at some point in this swipe but people just give up so fast yeah look there's a decay base over there that could have some juice oh my God that is so quick 4K metal frags like that like it's nothing oh yeah and I can also do the air drops I need to be doing those Oho the metal I'm going to get from this is going to be ridiculous oh yeah requesting supplies let's go this is [ __ ] crazy I can't even take anymore that is awful yeah that's all I'm going to do think I used like five diesel for all of that metal it's all I can fit though like I'm full [Music] inventory it feels El legal to have that much metal in like 20 minutes dude what happened here oh oh dude no no no way what do I do I don't even know what to [Music] do oh my God holy [Music] [ __ ] and no one was ever going to find this dude this base was loaded is it a solo key locks respect my G well from one solo to the next buddy I'm so glad I checked this before leaving it turned out that the decayed base I saw from excavator still wasn't looted but I physically couldn't carry all of this so I drove Home Depot what I could carry so far and headed back with storage modules instead of a camper [Music] van what the [ __ ] is that oh it's a [Music] balloon bro what the [Music] [ __ ] no way that just happened what the [ __ ] there is no way what is the timing on that I I was like looking like on my screen at the road I'm like what is that red thing and it's like a little fire and I get close and it's just two AK guys and a sar guy just going up into the sky with 700 scrap that is [ __ ] crazy the timing on that could not have been better quite possibly the strangest way to acquire 2 AK and 750 scrap but I'll take it I wasn't far from the decayed base so I can continued my trip and loaded up my storage with absolutely everything what was supposed to be a simple run for metal fragments turned into a gold mine of much more with this massive boost in metal I could now fully upgrade my base to sheet and have plenty spare for upkeep but another thing that needed attention through the form of metal fragments was the pit stop when I went to Outpost earlier I was inspired by a rival shop close to it comparing that to mine it was pretty sad so I crafted a bunch of cool lights and set up electricity to make it unique but before I could finish I noticed that Vincent's shops were doing a blowout sale selling highquality items for cheap my guess was since they were quitting the wipe they were liquidating everything they owned into scrap I was watching these sales come and go so I immediately dropped what I was doing and raced over in my car no sure enough there were people surrounding the Drone Market but I got there just in time to buy some h HV and mlrs Rockets the hvs were especially useful as I still needed them to take down Bradley and the mlrs are hard to find so I grabbed those since they were so cheap when I got back I continued work on the pit stop once when I had enough gears to craft the vending machines the pit stop would be finalized but for now I was happy with how it was coming along since I've done so much today already I decided to keep up with the productive stuff and begin work on the main loot room now you may be wondering why would I move all of my loot up here it's only one floor down from the shooting floor and if they reach the main core it's just one floor up isn't the main core the safest place to store my loot well allow me to explain technically that's true it is a bit more Rockets to blow into the core but this base's strong suit is deception if you've ever raided a base before your first priority is to get to the core and the main TC bearing that in mind the theory of this base is once Raiders spend all of their boom blowing into the core where most people put their loots only to discover There Is No Loot by then hopefully they have used all of their Rockets since alone in Tokyo is the only other person in this game to have built this base I was certain that that theory would work with all of the boxes in the open core laid out I slowly siphoned all of the loot from downstairs to upstairs seeing everything organized like this was extremely satisfying but I didn't stop there I also built a small wood burner because I knew I'd eventually need charcoal to craft gunpowder then I jackhammered out a misplaced wall so I could make a third bedroom and lastly I added the final turrets to my base I now had three in my open core three in my shooting floor and six in my compound so just like that my base was officially done it took so much farming and so much time but 4 days later I was fully prepared for an online raid the thing is that also happens to be the hardest part of this challenge defending the raid is hard of course but it's the one thing on my list that I can't control no matter how hard I try it's ultimately up to somebody else to make the decision to raid me so I just had to pray that before the 7even days were up that would happen all right here we go fellas going to go buy a mini copter you think I actually want to take my horse just cuz I don't want to go back for my car full stamina horse just pretty much being tossed but it is what it [Music] is oh my God I feel so good to fly one of these okay you know what I'm really excited for this cuz I'm about to see my base oh my God look at what we've built guys solo Chad base let's [ __ ] go man all right I'm going to just basically wait for cargo to spawn in it should be any minute now I think oh and there it is looks like it's top of map that's perfect that's actually perfect we got to go so I'm going to save you guys the suspense here because this video is getting really [ __ ] long cargo was a waste of time normally I would have just left this out of the video but cargo ship is one of my objectives so I owe you guys an explanation on what went down I got to Cargo first cleared out most of the scientists and just held the top but within 5 minutes I saw a heli coming in an attack heli the brand new aerial vehicle that costs over 2,000 scrap to buy and has a mounted gun and missile launcher in other words I was [ __ ] but to make matters worse the pilot and passenger were both wearing heavy armor despite headshotting them a thousand times they eventually got one guy on and finally I just got armor diffed but obviously I wasn't going to let this be it I already lost one AK kit here and my mini copter I just bought so I wasn't going to give up that easily so I went back again but this time I brought instant shotgun shells to counter the heavy suits and HV Rock gets to counter the heli but upon arriving the attack heli guys left and took my miniopterus in hindsight I should have just left with this as I needed an explosive to start rocket raing and I could recycle the rocket for that but then I saw them coming back for round two I was there with hvs so I thought I could catch them off C but shooting Rockets from cargo is hard enough and this heli is faster than any other vehicle in the game so I missed all three chances and when they boarded again I somehow didn't kill him with a point blank incendiary shot oh my God I I had like a slight stutter oh man so even with the counter measures I still lost obviously this really irritated me winning cargo would have been great but I decided to check it off anyways because I didn't really have any reason to go again especially if these guys were going to be there the main reason I was there was for the explosive but there's another method to get one that's almost guaranteed so that was going to be my next plan of action but it would have to wait for tomorrow it was getting late and after this loss I just didn't feel like playing anymore hopefully my base would survive [Music] overnight [Music] [Applause] okay day five holy [ __ ] we're actually getting close to the end here but are we raided okay all of my turrets are still here we're good baby let's go oh yeah [Music] damn I made some profit wood burner did good as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice [Music] holy [ __ ] all right now that's done I think I am ready to take down Bradley all right I've got everything crafted up eight Rockets extra kit so I'm I'm all ready to go another good thing about doing Bradley is a it's not just part of my checklist but it's also going to get me explosive more than likely if I just get one incend rocket High Velocity crate I'm going to be [Music] chilling there it is there's launch [Music] site okay I think that's a good spot dude and Bradley's just coming straight for me what a nice [Music] guy there's a deer in the line of fire get out of here dear what are you doing dude they do not care they do not care at all that this is happening [Music] hey I thought this Tower would be advantageous but I just I just can't see I can't see a thing hey guys face punch devs here today we're going to introduce an update that limits your vision even further we're going to be making it so that while it's daytime any building you're in will become dark we're doing this for no reason other than to piss you off so I hope you enjoy the [Music] update yes we got to explod iive dude what is what is that that is horrible I mean we got five more mlrs we'll take that the rest of it was pretty bad but at least we got instant rocket that's what we came for I was really hoping for like something cool like an M2 but uh evidently not today although the Bradley loot wasn't anything special it did give me what I came for which was insane inary Rockets So on the way back home I stopped by Outpost to recycle one for an explosive and now I had all three pieces to the puzzle to Rocket raid but before I could put any focus into that Patrol heli spawned in I thought I was about to get two takedowns back to back but I noticed the aggro was stuck at a spot in the map this could only mean that someone was taking it down so I headed over in my camper to check it [Music] out hear a [Music] bolts [Music] he's just still holding there this guy have anything he has it all holy [ __ ] okay we got heli baby let's go wait what what is this I didn't call this in it was just an air drop landed outside of my face that is the weirdest thing I've ever seen after getting some free C4 and Rockets from countering heli I traced back my steps to grab a little car I saw on the side of the road this two module would be perfect for things I didn't need to use my main car for such as driving to military base to launch mlrs once I got him fixed up I named him Guido and then I began the production of rockets with the gunpowder I crafted earlier I was able to make 24 of them quite a decent amount for a solo and more than enough to raid most bases in this game the hard part was going to be finding the base though you may be thinking that the choice is obvious I should give the 3X3 I fail rated a second round with a Turret on my RAID base and Rockets I could easily blast through that now but trust me I checked on it and when I did I noticed that the armored door through the front door was missing now this raised the flag that they possibly moved and upon investigating the area further a huge new sheet metal base popped up down the Hill and guess who the roof camper was who killed me yeah saat Tom moved bases and there was no way I was going to raid their new one successfully I needed something much more manageable for a solo so I kept the task of finding that base in the back of my mind but for now there is an objective on my list I still haven't done and it's one that I should do now before I got way too loaded the coing tower many of you may not even know what what that is well it's this big building right here that got added to trainyard a few months ago it's got a really unique feature tied to it which I'll let my gameplay soon explain but despite it being out for so long I've never really done it to its fullest so in preparation I parked my camper right outside of it then I got to work to see if this was worth doing all right I'm going to try and find as many train carts as I can and uh get this going I see one already ooh and I see locomotive perfect what's this one a [ __ ] ton of sulfur that's like a full sulfur card right there more sulfur okay I think we're on the right track oh [ __ ] that's right it's right there oh my God okay we got it don't need this one out back all right we got number three I guess I'm just going to end up going around the entire map oh wait wait wait wait wait oh wait there there's some juice right there there is some juice what do we have over here man this is a lot of juice right here ooh nice charcoal 3K this one is useless more charcoal more charcoal I'm going to try and move these out of the way all right so I got the charcoal one and I got the useless one I'm taking the useless one and I'm putting it on the other track so that I can uncouple it and now I don't have the useless one anymore okay finally I can continue and would you look at that I'm already back at base rning around the whole map let's do this I'm actually excited man I want to see how much this all is I should definitely go kill that guy before I bring these carts [Music] [Music] in [Music] he's got a pump Albert Einstein I recognize that name I've been fighting him he's got to live somewhere West th those are the people I 3v1 on the top of the main building and then parachut it off that's definitely them and I fought them before that wasn't the first time okay I'm going to start [Music] this what a freak he's back again with a pump he's back so quick with a pump as [Music] well okay let's get [Music] started damn it is sucking oh my god [Applause] [Music] dude I mean this is cool but like it's just it takes so much time to do all this to gather all of the trains and then the trains are sometimes like not even good well that's that I'm [Applause] done okay that's what I got from all of that work I got all of this fuel I got a row and a half of charcoal and a row of sulfur I think that on this server that is good but like if you're trying to do this on a high poop it's going to be very hard to like get away with that and that is that so I did the coing tower objective and I have to admit it was a fun way of farming but like I said this is only worth doing if you're on a less active server because if the server was higher populated there's just simply no way I could have gathered all of those trains without getting jumped I was only 5 days into a 14-day wipe but the pop was dying quicker than expected at the time of doing this objective I think there was only about 80 players online comparing this to the 300 on WIP day it was a noticeable difference still I was happy with how my my progression was going and I was definitely getting my feel of PVP so far but with less players meant less opportunities for an active base to raid with my Rockets but I had a feeling that I was on to [Music] something dude I've actually had to start recording all of this footage on a separate drive cuz my main recording Drive which is a terabyte is just full Albert Einstein where do you live active furnaces in here this could be a juicer I don't know who exactly lives there but if I had to [ __ ] guess it would be Albert no external TCS so if I get to TC like I'll be chilling earlier in trainyard Albert Einstein from Albert's group came by with two pumps to Grub me he ran over from the direction of the base I was at now and if this was where he lived it would all add up I didn't hear any footsteps while I was there but I did hear an active furnace inside so they were probably online I wanted to make sure they were so now that it was day I spawned over there naked to not only check but to also confirm I could build a raid base where I wanted to all right there's all the raid base supplies but I'm going to put up my kit real quick because before I start the raid I'm just going to spawn over there and check it out see what's going on they're in there right now ninj suit guy just running away I mean dude listening in there's just not many garage doors in there dude this is going to be so hard like this raid is going to be so [ __ ] hard I just got to send it though okay yeah I'm going to build it like right here have turret face front door I don't think they can even like leave if I do that I don't think they can even leave the base I saw them run this Direction with full kits and now they're like running this way with like random [ __ ] so I don't know what's going on did they take this over probably this is definitely what happened they like took over this base here who's outside my base hey buddy oh yeah this guy has no idea what's about to hit him oh [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] w [Music] holy [ __ ] the raid base is [Music] good the time is [Music] now there's a shy trap right there [Music] [Music] [Music] bro [Music] [Music] okay well there's my key lock oh my God I I can't see dude I can't see this is bad oh my God I got a hope and [ __ ] prey to Jesus oh my god dude this is the sketchiest [ __ ] [ __ ] right here [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] I need to make sure that I'm ready do [Music] TC oh my [Music] god let's go baby let's go online raid online raid we [ __ ] did it [Music] oh my god dude we did it oh my god oh dude let's go I got to lock this down though I am not done locking this down look at the clumps the components [Music] dude okay what's the loot like up here Locker a 400 crude what the actual [ __ ] is up with the yellow berries holy so much stuff everywhere there's just so much everywhere those are weird looking dude I could start my farm with that oh my oh my God look at all the te M39 turret is going to work 10 satchels just casually in there genuinely I couldn't asked for something better than that like I cannot believe what just happened oh yeah there's these boxes tons of SARS I can sell like a lot of those I don't need all of those that's for sure I didn't even see this guy in the corner here I just sent a rocket and it killed him aha what do we got oh it's empty there's so much loot in here I don't even know like where to start that went perfectly according to plan once I realized they were distracted with looting a decayed base nearby I knew the time to hit them was now had they been ready in their base there was no way I could have gotten that turret up without them hearing which completely denied them from getting in from the outside online raid is one of the hardest parts of this challenge so to be able to check it off with a 3v1 felt amazing and the loot was well worth it to transfer everything I had to bring my car over and fully load it twice to get it all back home it was so much loot the gears from that component box were especially useful though because I needed a bunch to make the remaining vending machines for the pit stop now that I had a massive influx and stuff to sell from The Raid this became my priority it didn't take long to set up all of the listings and before I knew it I finally had a shop I was proud of At Last I could check it off my list so with the shop finalized I was getting ready to hop off for the day but before I did I decided to make a long drive with Guido to the desert specifically right next to abandoned military base I wanted to build a little Hut out here to store my mlrs rockets in so if and when I needed them all I would have to do is respawn here and run straight to The Monuments with that done I drove Guido back home and then I headed to Outpost for a massive recycle run today was nothing but progress I finally broke the curse of ending my days with some sort of loss so now with only a few more things left on my list to check off I headed to bed excited for [Music] [Music] tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] okay um guys I literally just woke up and I was just chilling answering an email on my phone I get a notification that I died like I was on my PC I'm ready to go I literally died 2 minutes ago I cannot miss this raid holy [ __ ] dude they're probably still blowing into the core cuz I went to sleep in the core dude if I just didn't answer that email and just logged on instantly it would be so much [Music] different [Music] oh my God there is no way I'm getting raided like that right [Music] now oh my God [ __ ] these guys you're going to get [ __ ] on what the [ __ ] dude come on [Music] man dude like this guy is so lame wow [Music] I think this guy's cheating like dude I don't know how he knows where I am at all times it is so [Applause] weird [Music] [Music] he died [Music] where the [ __ ] did the camper go oh my God I launched [Music] it yes [ __ ] [ __ ] you oh my god dude oh my God dude it doesn't [Applause] stop offline raiding my base like a bunch of [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] later it's someone pulled up and clutched up and killed some of them man I heard someone with an MP5 pull up let's [ __ ] go we got the raid defense we got the raid defense uh I just heard a mini land in like the forest look at them they're despawning my [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] hey [ __ ] these guys where's that mini copter at baby oh no I need I need to [Music] seal all of my stuff this is all of my stuff man they're just tossing it on the ground like it's trash all of my meds no I don't think they got anything like I I think I got it all back I don't even know where to start I guess with saying that I got the online raid I was hoping for it may have started as an offline but because of my death notification on Russ plus I was able to hop on and fully defend I'm pretty sure that because they were using a camper van as a raid base they didn't have enough time to move any of my loot so other than what they despawned I got everything back things started off rough with death after death to HV Rockets but eventually I just needed to slow down and victory was mine granted I did have some help some counter Raider pulled up and distracted them even killing the guy who was HV rocketing me whoever that was opened it up a lot so if you're watching this video thanks once I gathered everything outside I was able to focus on my main loot room which was currently a disaster they were trying to despawn most of my loot so I salvaged everything that was still on the ground and began replacing boxes to reorganize everything I don't know what I did wrong to these guys for them to not only offline raid me but also try and despawn my loot because I've never seen their names before naso was the main rocketer who killed me almost every time there was electronic Dr TMA and this name in Russian I couldn't read as amazing as it would be to find where they lived it probably wasn't going to happen they flew back on a signals that their base may be far away oh yeah I also got their mini as well my base may have been thrashed around a bit but I profited tons of gear sets raid supplies and I checked off raid defense from this so I couldn't be happier it's took me about an hour but I fully replaced all of my boxes in my main loot room and reorganized it as well by the end of it my boxes were looking better than they did last night but today wasn't slowing down just yet because soon after finishing my loot room I heard another raid close by is that who I think it is I mean these booms are like directly where saat Tom and his gang lives dude I think they are getting [Music] raided how did they even get in are they mini in I think there's only two I think there's one raiding and one covering up top H I have an idea it's a pretty [ __ ] crazy idea but it's an idea somebody was raiding cat's base from the top down and they got there using a minic copter now I wanted to counter this but if I took my mini and tried to land up there I'd just get drilled so I had to create a distraction it might be a bit Overkill but it was worth a shot before I do this I need to spawn back over there and get a more accurate mark on their base no I couldn't get get close enough oh my God it's it's them dude these guys failed one offline raid and it's straight to the next dude these guys are some of the have some of the lamest play style I think I've ever seen oh let's offline raid the solo oh he's online now let's go offline raid another group the stakes just got higher I was going to hit these guys with everything I had yes yes right there should be good yes [Music] [Music] yes [ __ ] [Music] it oh my God come on come [Music] on where the [ __ ] are they I mean my mini is just griefing me okay so they're online now and I also have no idea who just shot me yeah you're [ __ ] [ __ ] stop offl you're little [ __ ] actually so sad holy [ __ ] oh my God D I'm pretty sure my mlrs just completely missed and that was just a huge waste and these guy the Raiders aren't even here anymore bro you've got to be kidding me with that what the [ __ ] I don't even know where these people are coming from okay well that didn't work according to plan at all as kickass as it would have been my plan was a fail my Rockets didn't hit where I wanted them to and the Raiders weren't even there anymore the only players left were the Defenders who were just hopping on as I got there I couldn't believe that naso's group went from fail offline rating a solo to following up with another offline raid 30 minutes later that play style was just so slimy to me so I may have just wasted all of my mlrs and my [Music] miniopterus so with that raid wrapped up I decided to cut my losses and put my attention towards something a little more relaxing with everything that has happened on my journey so far I've had a lot on my plates in all of this chaos I've put one of my goals aside for far too long it was time to lay down my AK and pick up my hose tool because for the rest of the day my focus would be revolved around farming this wipe has been flying by and I still haven't built a farm since tomorrow was my last day it was too late to build the farm for its resources but it still wasn't late to build the farm for what it had to teach me as someone who's been playing rust for 7 years I still haven't learned how to cultivate it's more advanced than just planting seeds watering them and watching them grow I wanted to learn how to crossbreed and form the perfect clone to produce the highest yield I had no idea where to start so for this task I needed some help to my luck my girlfriend also plays Rust and she's very familiar with the skill so I hopped in a call with her and she guided me through the process hello need a hose tool I've never used this before in my life wait have you never ever ever done this [ __ ] I've like never done this what are these ones do fluid switch and pump and combiner what the [ __ ] do I do with that okay so combiner you're going to use to take the water from all of your pumps to pump it into the water purifier so just one fluid switch and pump or will I need two to pump this to this no because the water pump has is is a pump it's a pump yeah yeah yeah okay gotcha gotcha nice holy that's a big boy okay water output okay let's see I've never done this before look at that you like my wiring very hot thank you okay well those are all hooked up with pose what [Music] oh oh it's doing it oh [ __ ] yep salt Waters coming from the ocean going into that barrel and into this one and it gets purified and then what do I just turn that on and it should start doing it uh yeah turn it on okay let's go oh my god let's go I'm the best yes sir it's time to plant my babies with electricity and water set up the farm was now ready for plants throughout my wipe I've gathered over 100 hemp seeds for this moment now I can sit here and talk about specifics with how this all works but I'm going to instead simplify it as best as I can instead of just planting the seeds and leaving them to grow I had to undergo a special process if you look at a seed in a planter it will show you its genetics X and W are bad you don't want those you want the green genetics H stands for hardiness so its ability to survive under stressful conditions G stands for growth more G's means a faster growing plants and why stands for yield how much you get per Harvest since I've created an ideal environment for my plants I don't need them to be Hardy so I was going for nothing but G's and y's three of each to be exact this is what the farming Community calls the god clone having this set of genetics means your plant will grow fast and give a lot of resources but getting this clone takes a lot of work alpaca explained that I need to keep planting hemp seeds until I get nine clones where at least four of the six genetics are good ones G's or yse once I have nine I have to do some crazy ass math to figure out how to crossbreed them into the god clone but that would be way too hard so instead she showed me a handy site called rust breeder that does the math for me me you may be seeing this and saying to yourself what the [ __ ] am I looking at and trust me I felt the same way but eventually I understood what I had to do it took me many hours of moving specific plants into designated Planters waiting for them to grow to then pick them after they've crossbreed not waiting too long cuz if you do it'll crossbreed into something you don't want until finally I [ __ ] it up oh [ __ ] no this was supposed to be a sapling before I placed the seed around it in my excitement right at the finish line to get the god clone I misplaced a plant forcing me to either settle for a clone that was missing one of the G's that I needed or to completely restart the process so I just dealt with my mistake and settled for the demigod clone but what was important here wasn't that I messed up a bit it's that I now knew how to farm I could do this all over again myself in future wies so although it wasn't housing the best of the best clones I built a fully functioning farm that I was proud of so I could finally cross that off of my list farming took up a massive chunk of my day so it was already getting late but before hopping off I saw a perfect opportunity to knock another objective down oh my God it's [Music] here o come on come on come on I can do it it's got to be dead down let's go holy [ __ ] dude I finally took it down like I've countered a heli but finally I take it down I'm going to take the I'm going to like swing the camper out there it's not exactly the most ideal spot but we take what we got night vision op okay okay last crate under the heli damn that is insane [Music] oh [ __ ] they had an AK dude two C4 rocket crates I got a full kit from it dude I love [Music] that with the patrol helicopter taken down and the loot secured in my base this was a very special moment in my wipe because this officially marked the completion of The Challenge from looting an airdrop to online rating I did everything there is to do in Rust entirely as a solo this right here would have marked the end of the video had this been a solo Journey too but because I made some changes for this run it wasn't over yet I may have completed the objectives but I still had two more goals form an alliance and create a memorable ending to this story now I don't know about you but shooting down some AI wasn't exactly climactic I needed something much more but that was going to have to be my mission for tomorrow after all I still had one more day to complete these goals so after I added a secondary compound with some extra Stone High walls I had lying around I took a look at what I built from my starter my boat base the pit stop my farm the garage and now my fully completed base I had built quite the Empire no matter what happened next I was proud with what I accomplished yo I'm loading in and first thing I hear is a RAID where's that at kind of towards Airfield I think that I should go to that man I don't think I should waste any time [Music] here here it [Music] is I mean I saw one walking around in there oh my God holy [ __ ] there's a lot it's the same offline Raiders oh my God this is insane are these guys offline raing again I don't hear anything like any resistance in that base I just can't believe that it's them again okay I guess they had night vision wow man I got nothing to say about that the same group offline rating every single base like zero shame there is zero shame [Music] did I down that guy okay well he's definitely dead now these guys are like the worst Raiders in history I saw a full kit in like green camo right outside I don't know where he went just can't like just straight up push in I got to make sure everything's clear I think the might be online oh my God that guy's cheating he's cheating 100% wow this guy is still online and he's still not banned for cheating like if this guy was gigachad online rating everybody I saw maybe I would believe that but because he's this is the third base he's attempted to offline I just do not believe that he's that good at the game like his game sense must be through the roof and I just don't believe that with his play [Music] [Music] style dude that's so frustrating I I I almost had that in the bag somehow naso and I meet again but after fighting them this time things felt extra fishy let's quickly go back to when I was getting raided yesterday the whole point of my base design as I talked about earlier is to bait Raiders into the core first wasting boom in the process and then when they find nothing they start raing up where the actual loot is but this wasn't what happened they start started with the upstairs loot room and then raided down to the core this felt a little odd but I just wrote it off that they were just very experienced Raiders then I hopped on to defend and naso's knowledge of my base design was just as good as my own he knew exactly where I would Peak and was ready with a rocket every time once again it felt really odd so I reported him here just in case it wasn't until this counter rate however that I was fully sold on him either using ESP or aim assist if 9,000 hours of rust experience gets me anything it's noticing an inconsistency I decided that after this death it was worth bugging an admin to investigate and within 15 minutes of that report my suspicions were put to rest no way the cheater got banned the cheater got banned let's go no way and and admin hopped on and concluded that naso and his group were in fact cheating him and his entire team got banned from the server for Association and a game ban on NASA's account followed soon after I knew that guy was cheating I was so happy to hear the news but with the Defenders gaining control of the raid there was nothing left for me to do here so I drove back to base and tried figuring out what I was going to do next I still had a of resources to craft rockets so I figured I might focus on finding a big online base to YOLO raid for that crazy ending I wanted but my options were very limited granted it was still early in the day but the server currently had 25 players online this was going to make finding an online base toade even more difficult but with a full day ahead of me I had nothing better to do in an effort to get even more sulfur I did a clearance sale at the pit stop selling everything left for dirt cheap but when I went to go advertise it in chat I was greeted with a familiar [Music] face yo it's [Music] blus dude thank you so much man you are a legend there's a pleasure me my old friend blus from Outpost who generous returned my scrap all the way back in chapter 6 was still surviving on the server it seemed like he somehow knew I was countering naso's raid just now but then I realized that wasn't just any base that was blm's base and he was the one defending so technically we both shared a common enemy now Amazed by this coincidence I had to invite him over to my base and give him a tour and have a bit of a chat so I authorized him and his teammate on my auto turrets and prepared for my guests to [Music] arrive oh my God they're here oh [ __ ] what is this yo solo base man it looks Majestic look at this thank you thank you it's been a it's been a lot of work so much farming in the first few days man and I'm surprised I didn't see you in the first few days really anything of you until like day three or something hello how many times you've head shot me sir I am so sick of it I'm sorry it happens anyways guys come on in check it out I've authorized you on all the turrets and there's no shoty traps loaded so you're all good but yeah here's my compound my turrets are covering everything though and then over here you got the secondary compound oh my God all right let me show you the inside ni and this is main loot you guys can take a look around the loot if you want wait did you get anything from ex you was there for a I didn't get [ __ ] no got something right they just blew in took the rockets and like AK and [ __ ] and just ran off that's all the and then that is everything D I like it I like it so this is my shop right here it's called the pit stop it's in between the two train tracks and it's a cozy little shop I think I seen something like this over by Outpost but it has like laser lights and yeah I was a little inspired by his design I'll be honest yes sir yes sir that's not it that ain't in blimp this come over here oh the berry F I know it oh [ __ ] let me see this let me see listen man I'm going to be honest like uh this is my first time doing this and I understand how to do it but I didn't know that you can't leave leave your crops growing overnight and they just disappear when you get on the next day oh yeah so I lost all of my clones it's a lot of fun though like at the beginning trying to learn it all it's it's really fun it was yeah it was fun I had a good time well hey man I don't know how much longer you're going to be playing for but I've pretty much done everything I want to do on This Server like I was just going to YOLO raid some base but there's really no one to raid like I was going to like set up a raid base for you and [ __ ] but there's like like there's no reason to do that cuz like you're my boy A and B like you just got raided and you lost all your [ __ ] and there's just no one else to raid everyone else is done for the wipe it seems I mean hey if uh if you want to close out the wipe with some boom I'll give you all of my rockets and you know just paying it forward for your generosity earlier this white man for that for the scrap you gave me I want to give you something in return I mean it was your scraps I know but it was my mistake dude like that doesn't happen at R I'm so glad that happened to me I'm so glad how long are you staying on for something we could find a base in this [ __ ] raid oh okay we could [ __ ] do that I'm down I mean there was a base building up at like h13 or something I don't know if it's still on I haven't checked but it was the were building we can take a look we can take a look a scout out do you want to like add me on Discord or something uh sure go know cool yeah we we'll do that I'll in the meantime I'll uh craft some more boom yes sir all right cool well I'll talk to you soon then all right oh yes he's in the soup cool man all right well I think we're doing a raid with him to close out the solo Journey guys I've done everything as a solo I I have completed the challenge like I have done everything I really wanted to do and so I'm ready for for just this YOLO final raid with blimp and I think he deserves it after giving me my scrap and outpost I think this is the perfect way to end it man after giving blimp the full tour we were on for a raid so I got to work crafting Rockets I have amassed an absurd amount of gunpowder from raiding farming and selling things in my shop so I was ble to craft a ridiculous amount of rockets by the time I finished I ended up with 52 not a bad haul at all for a solo meanwhile blimp was out looking for the raid Target the h16 base he mentioned wasn't going to work because it decayed and my candidate Saia Tom was also no longer online but then blus found another base at D16 and at this Square there was something so obvious I felt stupid for not noticing it yet a shop written in Russian I think you know where I'm going with this naso's group was speaking Russian as I loaded in when they were raiding me and one of their members names was in Russian of course there could be other Russians on this server but I also noticed that D16 was the perfect trajectory for when they flew to my base by minic copter and to blimp when I was counter rating with naso's group and however it was impossible to tie a name to it but it was worth at least giving it a look hey hey hey I got a little a little Shack ready you set up a base damn tier 2 armored door holy [ __ ] what's the code let me invite you to team here you go you've been solo away yeah I have there you go all right got have a look at this it's it's a bit goofy but it is a bit goofy this are you sure this isn't just a farm base I I could didn't actually tell [Music] you even to raid this I don't even know where the where I would go in maybe just through the armored here I mean how tall is this thing it's like two stories right dude this is a cheater base if I've ever seen one yeah I know dude the feeling if this is actually their base and like like we just find their sleeping bodies in there holy [ __ ] I think the best way might be this door to be fair you might be right we might be able to save a lot if we go through doors sheep this has got to be it man I'm going to get ready with all the boom I'm going to come over in my camper and uh get we'll get it on yes sir all right sweet man upon inspecting the base there wasn't a better candidate we would never know if this was naso's base until we were in there so we just had to send it where are we raiding we're raiding the [ __ ] that offline both of us let's get this [ __ ] so two stacks of exp 10 rockets and that's that's all I got that's plenty I got I got 52 Rockets I got 70 explos so you're cover me with the Expo there [Music] there is a do this side by the way I forgot to yeah yeah I think either way it's going to be good okay who lives here we're pretty confident it's the Russian Zerg that has been offlining me and you guys I mean it is a it is a cheater looking base yeah it's a cheater base for sure this thing is oh my God gross the Rockets I'll get the here take this I got the M2 [ __ ] [ __ ] about all right all right let's get this careful guys where am I where are you guys blowing oh I'm glad I did not shoot she did every R I'm telling you no me all right let's go armored oh [ __ ] I'm down oh my God you got down instantly oh my god dude going to break this bed what is what is this I think I think this base just fails to have an identity I'm going to be honest it's having an identity crisis what look he even draws offline rating on his face there's no way I think he's drawing your base he's drawing my base he's like I'm going to get that [ __ ] [Music] guy oh bro you can't like that just keep going yeah just keep going through yeah think we're starting to get oh [Music] turret Dr TMA this is one of them dude this is one of them this is their base confirmed let's go I think we Splash them two do um yeah uh maybe oh there's a bunch of photos here I got to look through those [Music] oh dude look at this box look at that box you guys need to look at that what the [ __ ] is this picture look what is that that's definitely upstairs that's that is demonic oh [ __ ] you oh my God what's with that turret man I'm stupid I'm [Music] dead wait there definitely was TC in here at some point yeah oh my God bottom right small box bro oh holy [ __ ] big box dude 500 rockets look at the Rockets no there's actual Rockets Rockets no oh my God I think that's our Rockets we had two rows right over we had like almost three rows well there's two rows in here yeah I think they got your Rockets guys yeah after reaching main loot the base didn't stop oh door after door room after room it felt like the walls were boundless hey we got another one here oh my oh my God look at the farm oh yeah [ __ ] oh my God coming what the f why do you cheat why do you cheat why do you work so hard and then get banned oh no no no no no no no nice one yeah okay oh my God it doesn't end look at this one oh two lines of h2m is it that one that's not TC either at this point there was so much loot it was impossible to move it all we had to lock down the base itself but the TC was eluding us okay this Le just leads upstairs okay bunch more [ __ ] so much [ __ ] it is just stupid oh this it just leads to the door [Music] yep what what what what come on it's a bedroom you got to be kidding me M2 Set uh okay I guess we keep going I'll craft some Rockets while I'm [ __ ] yeah I can craft too I'm going to C him [Music] too honestly dude like I'm almost at the point of just blowing through this like armored one by one like I genuinely think this is a bunker somehow and we just blow through it because PC is missing and I think it's in can you even do a bun witch Quest I mean I think you can cuz I've run into it a few times yeah like people just store their [ __ ] honestly my curiosity is getting the to me I think I just want to blow through this [ __ ] wall here so we might as well for these two so yeah yeah oh what what did I say baby come on it's fully sealed TC we got it let's go baby let's go how how do they loot this I don't know I keep seeing bunkers like this just fully Halls um is it a pixel G it's not like I don't know how they do this oh my God we did it we stormed the hacker Castle those guys their Bas sucks anyway with the TC finally found the day was ours but with all of us getting off today we didn't want this loot going to waste so we called upon the server to ransack the place okay let's all Spam cheater base full rated 16 come Luke giving back to the players that these oppressive cheaters stole so much from let's go oh yeah these better be penis shaped uh I got a I got a smile yeah yeah a so pretty that is not a smile that's a red headset that's a hyper X sponsorship oh kill switch is outside wait come on in Brother come on in come on in come come they got banned and ra guys areat yeah big time sh oh my God I found the sex guys what's up guys yep there they [Applause] are hey we just have one ask everyone must remain peaceful take what you want go build a base do whatever you want you just cannot murder in the premises of the compound hey man take a seat guys take a seat with everyone getting their fill of loot it was time for me to make my leave I loaded up on an inventory of God clones said one final goodbye to blimp and his friends and headed back home this wipe was more than just a celebration of 2 million subscribers it was a reminder of how amazing this game can be I think that by limiting myself to Shorter wipes I miss out on moments like this that really make rust shine these days I am struggling to enjoy the game like I used to but this whole wipe was so fun I really hope you all enjoyed it just as much as I did but now came the hardest part leaving it all behind I worked so hard for seven straight days and now I had to let it all Decay for the next person to to [Music] find so much work man but it got me through the wipe it got me through the wipe bro a full seven days you can't ask for a longer wife than that in Rust man I mean you can but realistically you know a week of playing that's all I need but it does still hurt you know just watching it kind of just crumble nothing but a landmark of a story that unfolded on the server thank you for getting me through the wipe base I love you [Music] [Music] cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Blooprint
Views: 22,472,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, blooprint rust, blooprint, rust pvp, rust base, rust survival, rust montage, rust raid, rust 2023, rust gameplay 2023, solos journey, blooprint solo, blooprint solo life, blooprint solos journey, sj3, rust solo, rust solo base, rust solo raid, rust solo base defense, rust solo online raid, rust oil rig, rust aloneintokyo, rust best solo base, rust empire, part 3, blooprint 2m, blooprint plush, rust solo experience, rust movie, blooprint movie, solo movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 55sec (13615 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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