So I Tried Helldivers 2 Solo..

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hell divers hell divers 2 I have heard a lot of very good things about it this game has been so popular and done so well that it's caused half of my Twitter feed to be arguing about whether Starship Troopers was a good movie or a bad movie I don't know what to expect out of this game but I've just heard so many good things about it I think it's time to try it out myself super Earth mandatory reading by clicking agree and continue you are bound to the terms of the eua I agree super Earth at Ministry of truth please observe the following patriotic Service Announcement deviations and attention will be considered treason thank you for your [Music] cooperation oh wow super Earth Public Service Announcement oo super Earth our home Prosperity oh wow Liberty democracy perfect our way of life oh hello [Music] but Freedom doesn't come free what the [ __ ] sweet liberty no look familiar scenes like these are happening all over the Galaxy right now you could be next that is unless you make the most important decision of your life what's that prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage to be free damn join the hell divers become part of an Elite peacekeeping Force okay okay you just see exotic new life forms oh do we get the TA and spread manage democracy throughout the Galaxy oh [ __ ] yeah FL become a hero become a legend this is awesome become a hell diver chills brother well [ __ ] yeah encrypted transmission received hell diver Readiness originating station Mars total incoming trainees average age 18 average combat Readiness Rating 27% oh that's bad that's really bad man I can't believe we're actually going to become hell divers approaching L next recruit prepare to Dismount she's going to die yep she's dead liberating the Galaxy stomping bugs every kid's dream mhm good luck out there I'll see you on the front line lines hell diver training facility earn your C from here recruit use your map to find your way to the training facility okay tab to view map okay okay so I can't have the map up all the time okay I need to go this way okay what about jump can I jump okay so shift is to run okay oh I see I see so I can move around like this okay that's nice let me go ahead and change one thing okay okay that's good all righty um Welcome to Hell training let's do it your instructor is waiting for you up ahead please proceed no no no spamming no spamming advice I know you might have advice for me to do I don't care about your advice shut the [ __ ] up let me play the game I'm General frash super Earth's oldest and most grizzled war hero and I'm not easy to impress okay hell diber training is the toughest test in the Galaxy but I can tell that doesn't scare you impressive now enough jip jab the upcoming obstacle will take everything your exceptional physique can muster okay crouching I can handle that deal e soldier Okay okay so I just walk over okay I've never witnessed such acrobatic Perfection I think you're ready for our highly re field simulator that's right the real [Music] deal I didn't know I had to stay dived what wait hold up okay so I can't hold down shift okay got it don't Sprint see I didn't know that impeccable like I always say the best simulation is a real simulation Now activate the battlefield injury simulator oh it just stabbed me in the throat give me one second let me go ahead and just move this just up a little bit oh you guys can see my health okay stem V for stem on myself okay not today there good now look sharp you're about to encounter democracy sworn enemy recruit who is it there it is ter the SC of Liberty arm yourself and show that bug the true meaning of freedom shoot him I ammo where's the ammo oh oh oh oh okay dead High prision okay now use a grenade to close up that bughole otherwise they'll just keep coming okay so where the grenades at yeah Okay g for grenade oh that makes sense what a catapult of an arm on to the next section look up in the sky recruit that there is a Super Destroyer if I thr all powerful strategems are yours to command nice use a strategy now to take care of those bucks okay control just make sure you take a few W ASD oh I see I get it oh what the hell uh is that bad oh my God ah the will of democracy good work oh I did it okay great great I think next lesson hell divers fighting man down don't sweated Soldier Friendly Fire is just an unavoidable fact of life nothing at all you can do to prevent it what you can do is use the reinforcement strategy to replace your Fallen comrade okay [Music] reinforce greting well done Soldier thank you uncommon resolve load yourself up recruit sounds good to me this is the real deal oh now we got a big gun the gun in your hands and 2,000 megatons of explosives in close orbit ma out the graphics are they not already moving around makes it hard to aim for aist accuracy stay still while you shoot that was easy those unthinking never stood a chance against a genius tactical mind like yourself you are literally hold up recruit it's finally time to call in the big guns use the support weapon strategy to get yourself a real weapon [Music] request now use a resupply strategy to get yourself some more ammo okay so it does kill you all right that's good to know uh resupply stratum okay uh resupply is down down up R okay well no I had to know if it was going to work like I didn't know if that was going to kill me or not how am I supposed to to know that load up Soldier all right there we go supplies okay we got Big Money big money you reached your final test this is the real how do I change weapons get to it okay ones and twos okay there's three okay there we go this area is in dire need of Liberation from the let's liberate these [ __ ] activate that terminal activate wait what oh okay oh what the [ __ ] so I got I got to do like a vikus thing every time this is going to be hard I've never seen such Flawless terminal activation now really cuz I kind of [ __ ] that up here is the flag of superar find it and plant it where all can see its Democratic Glory okay so I have to bring democracy to the aliens wait where's the FL where's the oh oh there's the flag that's the flag of super Earth recruit planted in the designated area nice make sure you show Press B to salute the flag okay let's salute the flag oh okay how about a nice cup of Liberty glorious work recruit already you've Advanced the ca of democracy further than any soldier I've ever seen you've proved your you're ready to Da your wait what does it say only Heroes Beyond this point oh wow I'm already a hero wait what the hell is that oh that's just a bug leg never mind interact now diver you remind me of a younger me fearless and vulnerable and you're finally ready for the realest deal of them all all war Liberty democracy Justice they're in your hands now oh a that's a dead person how that happen out how the hell that have that sounds bad that guy's dead yeah what the hell okay wait am I a girl how the [ __ ] did it make me a girl this is Cargo loading complete transport c43 ready for launch you can change the voice on a ship okay good all right that was simple enough I understand [Music] it damn what a [ __ ] intro holy [ __ ] okay that's [Music] simple super Earth control oh [ __ ] okay name your ship um [Music] okay Patriot [Music] of Family [Music] [Music] Values I mean that's it isn't it patri patriotism I think we just got it it's just that simple won the game hell yeah who's this congratulations on completing training hell diver you're in charge of this vessel now the Democracy officer awaits you on the bridge welcome to the galactic War okay social menu you can join a friend's Mission press O Okay um friend code generate friends search okay that's fine orders Z okay what are my orders kill 15 Devastators okay effects let's see accounting Corrections boost requisition of experience to address accounting errors okay so it's like maybe because I'm a new player okay strategy hero oh I do it [Applause] [Music] again oh I this one's hard yeah this shit's brutal man okay you know if it weren't for super Earth I couldn't even afford these high-tech tools I use every day they leas them out to me so I can do my job pretty low interest rate too wow I'm hoping to raise my citizenship level by the time I retire if I ever have kids I'd want them to be able to purchase a small pet someday like a goldfish or even a hamster oh wow if I were a hell diver I think my favorite enemy to kill would be the buds I bet watching them spark and explode really lights up your freedom loving heart long shift deployments are great for saving up you get the family separation bonus which more than makes up for the bunk and Chow fees of course I don't qualify for the bonus since I haven't been approved yet but once I am I'll have a nice Nest Egg saved up whenever the war gets me down I try to remember that at least I'm a free citizen true to me how I serve super Earth can't take that for granted as much as I hate the bugs I hate dissident even more they were handed freedom and chose to spit in its face death is too good for him hey there hell diver I know you put your neck on the line for regular fol like me every day it's not much accurate I donate 15% of every one of my paychecks to the war fund it's the least I can do damn flag forsaken Bots they just won't accept Freedom no matter how hard we give it to them this is great me I'm the ship Master of the Super Destroyer I make sure you have everything you need to spread manage democracy to our enemies spread managed democracy I wonder what that is okay access chip management later okay okay so I don't have have any of this all right Armory an overview of the ship's Arsenal prepare for the next mission okay democracy protects provides a higher armor rating well I feel like I should go with this right I mean this one's better isn't it I I think it's better which one's better like I this one's got to be better yeah okay uh what about the helmet no additional bonuses oh these are bad oh but that one looks cool that's better yeah that one looks super cool oh wow this this is like oh wow oh man look at me I'm so cool okay body type bronny or leene okay well I like voice pack Liberty Prosperity Dem democracy for all no hell diver reporting I will protect our way of life liberty Prosperity we're going to go with number two democracy for all okay good yeah four just sounded a bit too too much of like an anime character you know I guess I'll make my guy skinny too emote casual salute Victory pose okay doesn't really matter player card solid back I can't change that title super citizen okay I don't even know what that is um okay all this is good boosters no boosters career okay primary weapon which one's better I think this one's better deliberator yeah wait how how do I equip oh it is equipped already so I don't need to do that okay grenade okay all that's good great use the war t able to travel to a warfront oh [ __ ] this guy take command of the Galaxy's Liberation yeah bro look like a [ __ ] pimp look at me oh my God the enemy May anticipate but one outcome total Annihilation the struggle for managed democracy welcome to the galactic no time to waste here the community fights together against the common enemies the success of barrier planets is clear each upon each barrier planets uh super Earth as [ __ ] Engineers have begun construction of determinate Control Systems TCS as a network of massive towers that will cover each planet in well tested neurotoxin known as termicide soon our citizens will rest easy knowing our children are threat are safe from the threat of being eaten alive oh that's good wait there's a message who is it the automatons have launched a cowardly surprise attack on multiple highly populated superar planets the superar armed forces in the region have been overrun millions of citizens are in grave danger or disenfranchisement this Grievous attack on freedom will not go unanswered the homes of our citizens must be def okay let's defend them major orders represent the goals of the hell dier Community Galactic War shows how much of super Earth has already been uh liberated okay so we're 100% liberated what about this is this 100% liberated well this is only 24% liberated oh this is almost fully liberated okay so all of these areas you can be attacked from so we can fight the termites oh wow can you go there nobody's been able to do this 0.000000% liberated well [ __ ] I can't do that okay what about this one tur okay let me go ahead and do go to mavon Creek what the hell is that okay well let me try and do this here this world needs Your Righteous extermination hell diver okay that's me an operation is a collection of missions complete all the missions to succeed [Music] okay track down and eliminate The Brood Commander okay initiating FTL jump 2 I have to kill somebody ooh [Music] ooh o wow FTL jump successful hell pod's Prime oh [ __ ] I have to coordinates locked get in a Hell pod to start the mission okay select your drop location anywhere on the map try to avoid dangerous locations why would I want to avoid dangerous locations wouldn't I I want to when I want to drop like right here missions and strategems okay I don't have a lot of those right okay um well I only have two of these [Music] so okay I'm gonna just try to do this see what happens ini oh I guess that's me here we go let's do it oh it seems like a nice place bring up the map oh there he is he's just right over there let's go get him oh wait wait what's this Jewel thing over here is this free loot okay samples High explosives wait do I hear a bug are these guys bad get some get some bug breach detective an encounter is huh that's no big deal just shoot wait shouldn't I show a thr a grenade in there okay no it's not it's not one of those okay reloading the SCS any remaining ammunition oh really oh wow okay I didn't know that okay well those guys are dead [ __ ] them and where's the map okay so we got all that and we need to go over to the yellow thing let's go over to the yellow thing oh what's this a scythe wait what a scythe oh that's cool I have more ammo for this one I don't know if like I think there's like a primary and secondary weapon system so I probably can't have two Primary Weapons but I don't really know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about okay okay main objective nearby oh great how do I do strategems again is it tab control oh I get it so then I just choose based off of that okay I don't hear him or I do hear him but where is he are these bad guys yeah okay so then I should probably Tab and no oh I hit the wrong button again control okay I just strike incoming another Triumph for managed democracy May Liberty guide your safe extraction okay so now what extractions oh I got to go this way have a taste of democracy oh yeah so I I got to run bro I got to run proceed to extraction when ready okay oh I'm out of ammo that's okay [ __ ] [Music] it call in an extraction shuttle oh my God request 2 minutes wait I have to survive for 2 minutes wait who the [ __ ] is that oh okay sending down equipment [Music] package 1 minute 30 seconds okay there's a lot I think I think they're going to kill [Music] me feed use stem oh yeah [Music] okay where's my stuff okay we're good etus 1 minute Max empty okay this is good wow I thought he was dead tus 30 seconds why am I not reload why am I not reload okay oh I have to I have to click the button to reload okay it doesn't Auto second Jesus these pox suckers are aggressive for Prosperity 10 seconds it's okay I kill almost all of them it's fine okay how you like a taste of who the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] that's reload pelic one preparing for Touchdown okay that's called democracy Cas all right all right now I get in now I get in I'm out extraction complete one beginning Ascend all right that went really well you have maintained our our way of life [ __ ] yeah okay that went pretty well oh I'm level two now then cuz it said I need 100 experience [Music] right 82% left damn I big [ __ ] it five stars glorious Victory holy [ __ ] I'm rich [ __ ] do levels mean [Music] anything wait it didn't do anything only till 20 [Music] okay oh [Music] [ __ ] A triumphant return easy difficulty unlocked okay acquisitions okay so this is like the monetization how do I do does do I need to do any of this or no independent Springer claim item I'm going to equip that oh wow so is this like a battle pass or something H so I just want to look at all this to make sure the graphics are are good it looks like everything here is fine Ultra quality that's exactly what I wanted discard I click I click this but I don't want to do tab I want to discard the changes but if I click the button that it says to use for discard it doesn't work maybe I have to hold it oh you're right no uh I don't understand why isn't this working press and hold left click okay no that didn't work either maybe I have to click revert Escape close press tab well no tab is apply I don't want to apply the changes revert no I no no no no cancel cancel uh you changed the quality section no I didn't I changed it and then I went back to it R is rever no because I don't want all the settings to go back I just oh Jesus this doesn't make sense because if I try to leave and then it says to click the left button and then I can't do it it doesn't let me why is it that it doesn't work I have to just press tab apply I mean okay motion board zero sharpness okay everything's on high do ultra for that shadow quality is on high backrop put that on high as well EAS only person I've seen to lose the settings well I it's because the settings didn't work the way that they said they should work it said to click the button and then it was lit up and then I clicked the button and it didn't work like I mean you didn't read it yeah I did look I'll show you so if I go this so I didn't change anything right let me see if I can do it again uh Graphics what did I change on this um resolutions screen device bous window I don't know what how that happened then cuz I I thought I didn't change anything I don't know terat it's just confusing who want nothing more than to kill yeah you did change something well I didn't think it was was weird yeah I I didn't I didn't get it I I don't as I said I don't understand things the same way that other people do let me go back and do another one Higher settings if you go full right yeah it's just operation Valiant I didn't mean to do join your fellow hell divers in containing the terminate Menace okay terminate men the enemy has launched a cowardly attack against one of our planets quick play will you defend it yeah Galactic War searching for of active SOS beacons wait what the hell is this okay quick plays broken okay um so what happens if I go over to like this one ooh what's this defend Freedom okay I want to defend sucessful operation destroy all terminate eggs the system okay let's do [Music] that oh wow jump complete mission coordinates [Music] locked okay [Music] okay I should just go down right here right okay so I should put this on okay launch initiated people say that's a bad idea but I don't know why wouldn't that just help me finish the mission faster [ __ ] you're about to find out all right yep let's find out okay so yeah maybe I should call in the support gun right oh who's that guy and should you fall remember this every day is a good day to die for control reinforce machine gun sending down support weapon how a case of democracy let's reload oh I forgot I forgot okay encounter is approaching okay is this thing dead found something delivered a terminat ASAP oh it's a bomb okay so now I guess I should probably do more ammo right sending down equipment package shoot it oh sweet Li [Music] my freedom never sleeps holy [ __ ] okay so where's the bomb where's the thing I need to kill it's over this way okay let's go over there my Cape oh it's [ __ ] wait yeah what happened to my cave ooh this is bad ooh this is really bad it will never destroy our way of life mag's empty fire in the hole okay I'll just throw that at him right get up get up why isn't he dead oh there we go okay he's dead oh my God holy [ __ ] T empty okay that went kind of well right does this does this damage me looks like it doesn't no okay all right that's okay what's in this way ooh mag's [Music] empty damn there's a lot of these [ __ ] isn't it okay do I have to destroy the eggs oh I see I have to shoot the eggs what is this that kind of Mak sense nothing in the chamber for a Super Destroyer Le low nothing in the chamber last reload now I really got to get more ammo soon so I beat it I beat the game holy [ __ ] Hive structure destroyed call resupply sending down equipment package oh wow this is taking a while huh okay um how much fall damage is there in this game oh not much okay oh there's two sets of eggs okay I get it yeah I was curi okay yeah cuz I thought there was two okay there's two objectives found something I wonder if they're going to run away from me ooh what's down there E from interact I can't I'm locked into place I I can't move request approved reinforcements on the way was that that was bad use e or tell me how would I know that attacking oh wow Jesus place is no joke deploying reinforcements joining The Fray okay oh so that that's a bomb so is this a bomb too tagging map Northwest okay oh my God what about that is that a bomb okay let's go this way intense heat I wonder if that's bad I need to go this way and find out what's in here tactical asset nearby by okay use computer [Music] terminal dropping a pin North make him but what H self artillery High you dropping a pin Northeast wait what the hell is this taking map North maybe I take it over here oh yeah it looks like it should go in there oh wow oh wow ooh I'm going to use this one too h o a blue one the shells have different effects okay and then I can put one more in Mission at 30 minutes remaining okay dropping a p North how' you like the taste of Freedom mag's empty there's a lot of these [ __ ] things huh that's called democracy okay nice okay so terminal [Music] adjust uh who's this dring a pin Northeast I'm out of ammo mag's empty I I can't I [ __ ] dropping a pin North ma empty [ __ ] Jesus there's so many of them okay uh can I can I do the thing wait can I not call in the the the taging M North last reload wait no why would I have tap wait oh I I I can't do that while I have the map open oh okay sending down equipment package no I didn't know that okay let me get my stuff oh what the wait they can blow it up I'm [ __ ] dead what about my main weapon a wait oh oh my God they're not dying okay um Jesus Christ I forgot I forgot to heal reest approved reinforcements on the way can I just do this okay democracy has landed okay so that's like a [ __ ] okay armor what about it oh my God there's so many of them what's this Liberator wait I thought I had that how'd you like the taste of Freedom okay so do I want to use this one or the other one I don't know okay so what if I do this again okay so like do I want to make this go as high as possible okay it's initiating artillery system [Music] oh that's it okay so I'm done all right so where's the bombs or where's the the things I okay so it's over there wait where's my machine gun sending down support weapon okay can I climb it looks like no okay we got to go this way objective near your position ooh I think this is it where the [ __ ] oh oh I see haveit Taste of democracy okay orbital St [Music] incoming okay I got to reload this one takes a while to reload I can't move I hell divers never die okay how' you like the taste of freedom okay now do I blow these up oh is this one of the things that I used a grenade for oh I didn't see him are they all dead now okay they're all dead the resupply for okay oops down equipment package okay that was not too bad Ma empty oh my God I didn't even hear him bro approved reinforcements have been launched ready to liberate okay let me blow these up again then nothing in the chamber nothing in the chamber call an air strike I I don't want to do that right now guys I don't want to be told what to do I just want to process everything on my own nothing in the chamber uh I don't like being told what to do okay Freedom marches than you you may proceed stru destroyed I hate being told what to do now what where's the extraction it's this way I think I'm dead I think I'm [Music] dead okay Mission at 20 minutes remaining uh let's go this way oh I don't want to go that way cuz there's bad guys [Music] there for prosperity [Music] [Music] okay I I hope I'm going the right way I think I am I'm not even sure oh it says I have to go here too something oh that's really bad okay I can't loot that I don't know why I can't oh what's down here you may proceed to extraction when ready nothing okay mag's empty oh he hit oh [ __ ] Max empty use a grenade to blow up the door okay get some get some throwing grenade did that blow me up okay I don't know what I just looted better machine gun oh that's good then can I roll in this game you can dodge but F just to dive okay oh I shouldn't have gone there [Music] okay I'll go and talk to this thing I I [Music] guess oops [Music] oops oops action request confirmed shuttle [Music] inbound great well I think we did it [ __ ] yeah press middle Mouse button while aiming [Music] oh tus 1 minute 30 seconds Freedom [Music] [Applause] Forever Max empty yeah this gun's really good ETA tus one minute oh I didn't hear him oh I think I'm going to die dead I hit the wrong button can I jump over that no have a case of democracy oh I didn't hear them 30 seconds Jesus they just keep coming wait I thought this guy was dead tus 20 seconds okay 10 seconds pelic one approaching pickup pelic one preparing for Touchdown okay oh I think that was bad if I stood there complete one a s got it victory was never in how many respawns do you have cuz I feel like I respawned a lot five okay so I must have been on like my last one five per player oh okay I didn't know that so does that mean I had two respawns left [Music] one oh okay how' I get a five on that that was bad that's difficulty wait I thought I was on easy I thought I was how's that not difficulty [Music] one wow I did nothing easy as two one is Trivial oh oh okay he tried quick play it said it doesn't [Music] work okay there's nothing sweeter than victory in the name of new difficulty unlocked medium okay I I can try that welcome aboard hell diver how do I change difficulty game in the war table oh okay Strat upgrade your Destroyer okay spear oh that's badass an auto Cannon and will wow but remember your ABCs and you will never die always be taking cover because if there's one thing I've learned it's that bullets do not go through cover assuming that cover is thick and largely impenetrable or oh that one's really good orbital laser oh my God nice okay cool a jump pack does this gas thing kill you yeah okay I didn't know if like the mass that you had would reduce it that's bad that's really cool engineering Bay oh oh man I should have got that oh dude I need to get that for sure so wait couldn't I just have like four of those C can I or like could like if I had a group of four runs out of ammo oh okay ship module I don't understand any of this okay modules unlocked where are the modules oh these are the modules [Music] okay you have to read to understand understand no I don't understand even if I read okay so the path to the barrier planets is fully per actually not really construction of the terminate control system what about this one here defend operation status repel the automaton Invasion Fleet okay select Mission okay I want to do the Miss jump 2 the man system okay let's do it let's [ __ ] do it FDL jump successful we see how this goes HELLP pods primed Mission coordinates locked [Music] oh well let me just go there hpod launch initiated okay let's try it out good luck thank you this is against like robots or some [ __ ] oh oh oh ooh oh there they are you are the best of the best live up to your name live up to Freedom it's not too bad bot drop oh is that what I think it is oh wow oh that that's that's bad say hello to democracy upload data wait what up load data huh where does it say that upload data strategy to begin where's upload data doesn't say [Music] that the Escape pod oh okay that was easy oh I reloaded again whenever I wasn't supposed to right deploying equipment package deploying support weapon there's a lot of these huh who's this guy that's bad it's that [ __ ] that just keeps shooting me [Music] man we got to get [Music] closer what's that no oh can I use this oh wow I could just use this much as I want oh oh uh e Maybe what's in here oh I throw a grenade okay oh my god oh I'm alive I thought I died there okay oh what the [ __ ] Jesus I got to reload um oh I see well that went pretty well I guess we go over this e to [Music] interact yeah that was decent let's go we're doing pretty well guys now we got a general idea like how how how this works let's go get some ammo what the hell it's a bazooka uh okay cool [Music] I'm out nice wait is there a bad guy here there is bro these necrons don't know when to quit holy [ __ ] fire in the hole get some get some did I throw that oh I thought wait what request approved reinforcements on the way point me to the enemy okay so that's how you kill them there sure are a lot of guys here huh can I loot that gun [Music] [Music] no that's bad there's two of them oh who's this [ __ ] where the [ __ ] did he come from there sure are a lot of [ __ ] this is crazy look at them all my arm's broken well I mean not you can't win them all got fix this Liberty forsaken arm okay uh oh I don't need to go there I have to go over to [Music] this sub objective in your vicinity oh you know what I should do I should summon one of those things again oh I can't do a machine gun okay oh I can call down an air strike too I forgot about that pick up objective asset what what oh I can do that oh oh my God okay uh how about a nice cup of Liber tea there sure are a lot of these guys huh I don't even think that works get liberate with this oh um not today okay maybe I should just pick this up and [Music] go ammo making progress right [Music] found something oh am I going the wrong I think I'm going the wrong way here we got to turn around us a nuke yeah but I might need it later I don't know if I want to use it now cuz these guys aren't really doing anything they're like Stormtroopers so I can probably arm it before they get to me and then I can run away has a cool down I don't know what it does I don't I don't want people telling me what to do I'll figure it out on my own I don't know how the game works so I'm just trying to learn on my own [Music] okay so it's this way found something okay so this is this another grenade situation throwing [Music] grenade interact okay [Music] flamethrower nice this is awesome oh okay now I will try to use the orbital Precision strike activate and throw it firing orbital strike okay cool where is he is this thing still alive [Music] oh I didn't see [Music] him man these guys really are some [ __ ] huh this is really bad like I got to go over there what let go over there now okay so I can't do oh I can do a scraping Run [Music] Okay Attack under way it didn't give me any of the skulls so I don't think that killed anything nailed them oh it said nailed them nice well apparently [ __ ] not look at [Music] him this cocksucker's going to hit me isn't [Music] it okay good oh there's two more Max empty oh okay bot drop bot Outpost spotted is that bad I think it's bad I think that's bad wait is that who I think it is okay request approved deploying reinforcements democracy hant okay what does this do [Music] how about a nice cup of liverty that's that was good right oh who's this guy oh well they're dead well [ __ ] them oh there's one more he's over here he's hiding that went pretty well guys how do you know I was there oh main objective near your [Music] position that was cool break action shotgun wait [Music] what oh [ __ ] that I'm going to use the flamethrower what's this ammo terminal log into mission control system okay oh seven manually Silo all locks oh [ __ ] I got to go do [Music] that oh that was okay that's easy well [ __ ] easy enough Mission at 20 minutes remaining is that [Music] bad wait use terminal to open S hatch oh is that it okay arming missile oh that's bad those are robots okay so if he's shooting that then I should probably go over here and stop these guys first okay he's dead Jesus was a mistake oh the missiles [Music] [Music] ready this is going pretty well [Music] oops [Applause] you've done your D wait it's going to hit my ship trapped With Honor okay let's go that way you may proceed to extraction when ready can that hit me what democracy yeah the robots had a lot of oil so we had to go free it from them so now I have to go get extraction I feel like that people said this one was going to be really hard I don't think this one was that challenging at all I'm going be honest I feel like this one was pretty easy explosive Barrel what happens if I shoot it I actually move away a little bit okay that's about what I expect so like maybe if I put it over [Music] here oh then they're going to shoot me oh who are these guys we got Terminators over here oh holy [ __ ] spoke too soon injury okay L drop incoming [Music] okay okay they're coming from that direction too okay oh I shouldn't have gone that wayy proceed to extraction when ready okay where is the extraction Point anyway oh it's over there oh I've been going the wrong way oh I I I'm so glad I did that that's so that's exactly what I wanted to have happen ah yeah request approved reinforcements on the way where's my stuff oh who are these guys meting the enemy [Music] fine just go get some stuff there you will never destroy our way of life true okay we got to go to that extraction [Music] point yeah they really kind of surrounded me out of nowhere there I didn't even know that was going to happen oh canister is empty wait what throwing grenades I wonder why it's not working now oh I'm still not anywhere near [Music] it oh is this it the hell is all this is available oh it's over this way okay these guys are really a lot of trouble machine gun I'm going to keep my [Music] flamethrower extraction shuttle inbound [Music] oh what's this well that was pretty easy there we go uh oh I probably shouldn't have done that but I just did Jesus T minus 1 minute 30 seconds oh I think actually they're going to kill me yeah there's too many of these um if there's three of those guys I'm going to try and throw three grenades at them okay contr hopefully it'll bounce off on theen minute [Music] oh I don't have grenades that's right okay um oh I didn't see them are outside the extraction Zone Landing aborted request approved deploying reinforcements democracy has landed how much more time do I have oh I have to do it again okay one returning to extraction point please ensure you're inside the extraction radius jeez these things really do a lot of dam can I go in between that no next empty I don't think I can extract there's so there's too many of them oh ETA team out has 1 minute 30 seconds um if I only have two heals I'm going to save the next one oh um delivering payload oh that was super useful oh wow oh wow I think I'm injury what injury oh Freedom never sleeps 30 [Music] seconds yeah these Walkers are uh a problematic I don't know if I can get up there or not can I yeah I can okay I'm not going to do it o oh arriving at coordinates okay I guess what I do is I'm going to go around oh I'm not going to make it I'm dead it's over budget depleted request approved deploying reinforcements okay so ready to liberate extraction complete helican one be giving a set Liberty has seen you [Music] through was a situation at the end yeah it was if I had a better scoped in gun I feel like I could probably knock out those guys uh on the the AT-AT Walkers especially if you can get like uh you know High Ground over them rail gun later on yeah [Music] okay you'll need them for four plus difficulty missions [Music] really okay okay without more samples this ship will continue to operate at suboptimal Effectiveness and I didn't get the samples because I died right and I need to get more of the samples and this is I see okay so that's the Sentry strategems enemy ping radius okay I'm starting to understand this okay may you always have a vote you truly are one of Liberty's greatest heroes oh new guns from Acquisitions so wait so I have new guns wait how The Punisher oh that one's really good oh I can't get it claim item hold the claim I okay okay and how do I know if this armor is any good or not tab I think I'm just going to get this here and then I'm going to get this and now that means that if I do more I can get this gun here this is really Co I want to get this okay so this is like like the so is this like a do you grind for loot or oh [ __ ] there's this guy oh wow okay so do you get like epic weapons or something like that like I don't understand you grind for metal and samples [Music] so managed democracy calls for Aid only you can answer hell diver currency progression hit escape to see currencies okay I don't know what those are it doesn't if I Mouse over it doesn't tell me um r no no no no the main missions give you experience side missions on each planet give you the samples and rare materials well like I I don't really understand like so what what do you do what do you do like do you just like kind of you grind from metals and so like what do I get out of that though so it's not like I get like a lot stronger necessarily I just get different options to solve problems is is that how it's not like I upgrade a weapon's damage but you're unlocking different weapons that are optional that you want to use okay skill game not a gear game okay it's not that complex it's just there to have more Choice go to little areas that look interesting you'll find stuff explore your ship is the main character that's how you upgrade the hell divers are Expendables okay leveling uh up only unlocks items that you can acquire through currency there are stronger weapons like the breaker and Defender but it's mostly based on your skills and experience in the game okay the game's about playing rather than grinding for gear yeah I'll give like my first Impressions cuz this is kind of late I I'll probably I want to play the game again with like more people and everything I'll probably do it with the squad um yeah I'm going to try and and maybe play with other people uh I really like the aesthetic of the game like the gameplay Loop to me I don't know if I really am going to like it or not I'm going to be honest I I like that's why I want to play with other people because like I I always see people talking about this game but it's more it's probably like maybe more of a group game and so like if I'm playing it solo and like not really getting a lot out of it it's probably because of that and so I I'm going to try and and play it uh solo and and or sorry with a group and see what happens cuz I do really play a lot of I I play a lot of games solo right that's usually what I do it's a co-op game it's definitely designed as Co-op yeah yeah that's kind of what I'm thinking too difficulty doesn't make uh enemies harder really okay so it was fun for the stealth systems okay yeah it's no fun solo I think it was okay it's just it's very I feel like something like this would be a lot of fun in a group right it would be a lot of fun in a group but playing it solo like it was okay right but there's nothing like crazy exciting is stressful solo yeah it is so I yeah I want to try and and see what happens whenever I play with a group and and do that I want to refund it after playing solo been playing with friends I'm 35 hours in I'm loving it yeah yeah I bounce off the game hard well no I I mean the thing is like with this game is that like any game that I think looks good plays it like the game plays well it's just that I don't know how I can like I I don't feel like compelled to want to play it a lot and so I think that if I play with other people I'll enjoy it more because I'm definitely kind of like I'm the kind of person that I like playing games that I level up my weapons and I level up my gear and it's like a it's like a gear grind like that's what I like doing and so it's like if I can't do that then yeah you're overthinking it just shoot stuff yeah I mean I I don't know I'm just this is an MMO well no like I mean for example like Remnant works like that yeah so so no no I mean like I I mean I I don't know try quick play I can't it they said it was bugged or I would have tried it youever played left for dead I never did I never had any interest in playing those games cuz to me like I I would want to play with quick play because I find I think that's like the most interesting just like random queuing into people so hopefully it'll be fixed tomorrow and I will I will try to do quickplay quick play is working now okay well I'll try it tomorrow then uh I just don't want to stay up super weight because uh like yesterday I did and it was bad but yeah uh that's uh that's my opinion on it so far uh overall I think that like I think this is definitely a group game because playing it Solo felt kind of like um kind of empty right lonely yeah SOLO is super stressful yeah I think so and I think yeah if I play with a group it'll be a lot different because the reason why I would try this game again is because the game plays well and to me that matters a lot like that's what matters to me the most more than anything is if the game if the game plays well and I think it's cool respond to this unprovoked incursion it's cool that like you can have like other people in your in your ship and stuff like that you know a number of automaton military installations like I really like the aesthetic of the game basically I I enjoy that a lot L the point of the game supposedly built for group chaos like lethal company doesn't work well so yeah but like think about all those games like lethal company Among Us uh left for dead have I ever played any of those games ever so it's just like that's just like not my kind of thing and so uh yeah I want to try it out and see what it's like with a group like everybody's telling me the game experience is a lot better with a group so it it might be right but for me uh playing solo it it seems kind of like you know it is what it is right it's not that exciting but anyway um it is almost 4 in the morning I'm going to try to end a bit earlier and uh sleep a little bit earlier and uh that's about it so thank you guys all very much for watching I appreciate it thank you thank you thank you boys and I will be back on tomorrow all right boys peace see you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,832,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: piVXjgzvuLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 29sec (7229 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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