Helldivers 2 Tips For Beginners

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what is up guys today we're covering the 10 unspoken rules of Hell divis [Music] 2 number one communicate guys this game is a game of communication it's a game of teamwork if you guys don't have a mic that's totally okay just make sure you're using the Ping system in game to Ping enemies ping any resources ping objectives make sure you're getting your communication through even if you don't have a mic number two looting samples samples are super powerful in this game cuz they help you upgrade your ship and can basically give you permanent Buffs on all your weapons and your Strat gems your teammate dies they drop their samples so it's up to you to go in there and retrieve them for them number three don't loot support equipment from your teammates their support equipment is for them you have your own so don't go around stealing people's guns don't go around stealing people's equipment unless they give you permission to do so number four let the whole team resupply don't be be that guy who steals too many Supply packs and then leaves your teammates with no ammo to fight off the endless hordes of enemies coming your way not a good move number five don't throw a respawn Beacon into the enemy swarm it's a shire way for someone to drop right in and get annihilated let's avoid that let's do our teammates a favor and throw their respawn Beacon away from the fight away from the chaos give them a second to call in any Strat gems they need and just regroup before getting back into the freight number six don't walk in front of your teammates while they're shooting this seems like a pretty obvious one but Friendly Fire is a real thing in this game you will die you will probably get your head shot off or something crazy just let's try and avoid that let's try and stay alive let's try and defeat the enemy or super Earth can't do that if you're dead number seven be careful with the Strat gems strateg gems are incredible tools to use in this game and you should be using them all the time when they're available however they are very powerful and very dangerous to your squad if positioned incorrectly make sure you're throwing your Strat gems on the enemy and if your teammate is right next to the enemy you're throwing it at probably not a good time to throw it in that direction number eight position turrets High turrets also will kill your teammates if they're trying to shoot an enemy with a friendly standing in between them putting them high gives them the best chance to kill as many enemies as they can before they run out of ammo while avoiding your teammates on the ground number nine don't alert the bugs before alerting your teammates this goes back to the communication ping those bugs before you start shooting them so your teammates know exactly where they are and before you get swarms you can work together to eradicate them number 10 stay with your squad if you want to run off into the Wilderness alone you will probably die especially on those higher difficulties you'll get chased down by a hord of enemies you'll get overrun and very quickly get destroyed so stay with your squad work together watch out for your teammates and leave no Soldier behind guys if you enjoy this video hit the like hit the Subscribe button comment what you want to see next about healthis 2 and we are spreading democracy across the Galaxy let's keep it up guys for super Earth
Channel: BowmanPlayz
Views: 4,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 tips for beginners, helldivers 2 unspoken rules, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 playstation, gaming, playstation, pc gaming, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 ps5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 10sec (190 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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