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I'm sure most of you guys are aware we now have bugs in the air the shrier shrier I hardly know her now these new bugs that resemble bats from hell are relatively easy to kill but can get overwhelming if they swarm you not to mention I just realized these guys can also trigger breaches even without the pheromone spray animation which can be Troublesome and now it's not coincidental a couple of times there were no other bugs around me and only the shers but all of a sudden there's a bug Beach coming from their general direction now even though these bugs are easy to kill there will be more and more and more unless you destroy the source which is their nest that kind of looks like a sports viewer but isn't and now I'm going to show you the various different ways you can do to destroy their home because I have tested out 15 different ways to destroy a streer nest okay let's go quick shout out to Khloe Captain for that thorough comment which is what inspired me to make this video thanks for that Chloe appreciate it and now we're going to start with one of the most very basic yet very versatile air strike the eagle air strike a well-positioned eagle air strike can easily take down two spires at the same time yeah it's a lot easier if the spires are aligned and there's only two of them if there are only two spires in one streer Nest then it's best to put in the eagle air strike right in between that way Eagle One will bomb it into a straight line and take down both the tricky part is if you encounter a nest with Three Spires sometimes Eagle one doesn't manage to hit all three of them even though you placed it right in the middle but since the Eagle air strike has such a short cool down you can just throw in another one and make sure you don't get blown [Music] up next up we have the all-time favorite the 500 kg bomb strike it's two can destroy the Spire cool guys don't look at explosions although there is a slight problem with the 500 kg bomb because the blast radius is not big enough to destroy all Three Spires because both for the two spire and three Spire Nest they're positioned apart there's always space in between them but at the most if things are going your way you'll probably just need two 500 kg bombs because usually two of the other spes are position close to each other the next thing that I've tried is the eagle cluster bomb now I know the eagle cluster bomb is intended to be used against smaller bugs to obliterate them but I tried it anyway because who knows but it's true it doesn't work it got me killed instead what does work however is the eagle 110 rocket pods unfortunately due to the small blast radius it can only destroy a single Spire or so I thought but it turns out it can take out two spides if they're positioned close to each other side by side now method number four is one of the more Dangerous Ones it is calling in a hell bomb the reason why I say this is one of the more Dangerous Ones is because you actually need to go in the nest activate the hell bomb and make sure it doesn't get destroyed by a charger BR where'd it go and even if you manage to find some peace and quiet and activate the hellbomb a fly positioned hell bomb will not destroy all of the spires which means you need to go back there and finish the job which is why I think method number five orbital Precision strike is somewhat more convenient however orbital Precision strike is not always precise what are you aiming at or strike take two you got to be kidding me and if you do manage to get the Precision not a Precision strike you're going to need to do it multiple times because it only destroys one target which brings me to a more accurate strategy the orbital Laser Now unlike the Precision strike the orbital laser is actually precise it'll automatically lock on the spires and Laser it until it's obliterated and then move on to the next Target there's a couple of downsides to the orbital laser though it takes some time for it to destroy a spire and if you're facing a three Spire Nest it'll run out before it destroys the third one but even if you're facing a two Spire Nest there's also a chance that the orbital laser might not destroy all the spires because the orbital laser has a tendency to get distracted if there are other bigger bugs nearby such as the charger or the Titan now if you happen to have one Spire standing and you have no other means to blow it up with just calling a supply drop a resupply position directly underneath it will destroy Spire which makes it method number seven and at the same time you get supplies which is also nice method number eight is the 380 mm high explosive barrage now the 380 H barrage even though it's been buffed and said to be more accurate it is still wildly inaccurate you drop a 380 H and it kind of seems like it's hitting everything except the Spire well it did manage to get one Spire down but that's about it it just blows up barrages everything else around it and just ignores the remaining spires later on I tried dropping a 380h right in the middle of the nest it was still wildly inaccurate but it managed to hit some spires at first but it took a very long time because the 380 has a slow firing interval not to mention it probably missed like 70% of its shot but it got the job done eventually now this is fun if you like chaos and all but if you want more Precision I would suggest the 12 120 mm high explosive barrage now as some of you may know the 120 is not a slashy has the 380 but it has a smaller attack radius which means it's more accurate not to mention the interval in between salvos are a lot quicker which means it can destroy the towers faster and unlike the 380 the 120 is actually reliable method number 10 is the Patriot exit now the Patriot exit's Rockets allows you to destroy the Spire with only two rocket shots from a very very far away distance now this allows you to snipe and clear a Sher Nest from a relatively safe distance not to mention the Gatling arm is very useful to defend yourself against any stray bats now if you happen to be low on Rockets it's also not a problem because you can simply walk up to it and just melee it step on it now I'm not completely sure if it's actually the stepping or if it's the bumping into it that done it but since it did the job this is Method number 11 bodying it with a patriot now from here onwards I'm going to talk about how you can destroy the Spire using weapons but not Primary Weapons though because I tried using the scorcher which could take out a sport Tower in four shots and when I tried it against the Spire of the shrier nest it shows that symbol that means it's armored so I assume it's immune to primary weapon attack and I'm going to talk about strategy weapons I'm going to start out with method number 12 the antimaterial rifle it takes about three magazines of antimaterial rifle to destroy one shrier Nest fire which means you technically could snipe a sher's nest with an antimaterial rifle but there's a whole lot of better methods out there that isn't as time consuming I also tested the rail gun fired it on unsafe mode and charge it near the limit I shot up to like around eight times but still didn't explode eventually I got tired of getting mogged and dying all the time so I gave up number 13 we have the Expendable anti-tank now two shots of the Expendable anti-tank could take down one Spire in a sher's nest now considering the Expendable anti-tank only comes in twos per drop then you're going to have to wait until next time when it's off cool down with the recoiless rifle however you don't need to wait because you get to reload unlike the Expendable anti-tank It Takes Two Shots to destroy one Spire the same amount as the Expendable anti-tank the only difference with the recoiless rifle is you have enough ammo to clear the entire Nest not to mention it has insane range so you don't have to get close and face the flying annoying bat bugs next up we have the auto Cannon now with the auto Cannon you can also snipe it from afar but I'm kind of having mixed feelings with this one because it takes so many shots and so much longer to destroy one Spire not to mention the autoc cannon is cool as it is The Recoil kicks hard which makes it difficult to aim so to accurately shoot it you either need to get close or time your shots plus it takes an entire clip to take out one Spire not really ideal when you're being harassed by hunters next up is Method number 16 using my favorite weapon the laser cannon the laser cannon has insane range which makes it ideal to take down a Spire from a relatively safe distance the laser Cannon's range is so insane it can take down a Spire from as far as 200 M away also I would like to point out in this experiment I also tried deploying the Tesla Tower to see if it kills the shers turns out it doesn't which I guess makes scientific sense because they're flying and they're not touching the ground and all but still that kind of sucks anyhow it takes up about 3/4 of the ice heat capacity to take down one Spire which means you can take down one spire and then let your Laser cannon cool down and then take the other one without having to reload also the other thing that I really like about the laser cannon is how easily it kills this shers from far away you literally just need to point Beam for 1 second and they'll start falling out of the sky which is why I think the laser cannon is probably the best strategem weapon that you can bring when you're fighting the shers but then again I may be biased considering I made a whole ass video about how much I like the laser cannon honorable mention another thing that can destroy the streer nest would be the B Titan spit now even though it's not a very practical method if you manage to get behind the mushroom thingy as the Titan is throwing up it will destroy it the green bile spewers mortar projectile Cannon whatever can also do as good of a job for that matter all right there you have it hell divers 15 plus methods of how to destroy a streer nest and that's that's all from me leave a like And subscribe if you like this video and also leave some comments I would love to know what you think happy Hunting stay safe and see you next time
Channel: Salvo Fiasco
Views: 9,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 shriekers, helldivers 2 shriekers nest, helldivers 2 flying bugs, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 how to kill flying bugs, helldivers 2 how to destroy nest, helldivers 2 advance tips, helldivers 2 how to destroy shriekers nest, helldivers 2 shrieker, helldivers 2 shrieker nest, helldivers 2 shrieker's nest, helldivers 2 meta, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 pro tips
Id: 89zQN7_95WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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