How to Become A PRO Helldiver (Helldivers 2 Tips & Tricks)

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what a game right I don't know about you guys but I am crazy about hell divers it's a fantastic game and it has pulled us in just why we're making this video right here this is essentially a tip guide for those of you that are looking to play hell divers in the most optimal way possible these are things that have greatly helped me and after spending many many hours in the game already but I'm going to go over some things that will definitely help you on the front end if you're just now starting hell divers but also things that are going to help you on the back end meaning ways to get the level 20 faster and also some ways that are really going to help you optimize your hell diver so that further Ado Guys these are your tipss on how to become a proper hell diver I'm going to start with some of these that are a little basic but they make a huge difference one of them being the fact that you can change your weapons rounds per minutes we actually mentioned this in our review and there were so many people that were surprised that this was even a feature but if you hold reload on certain weapons it will bring up a customization menu for machine guns you can change your rounds per minutes for your pistol you can turn on and off a flashlight assault rifles can change the zoom or the firing mode as well as the flashlight although keep in mind the explosive assault rifle cannot adjust Zoom the laser cannon can check overheating levels The Marksman rifle can also change Zoom your SMG can adjust from Auto to semi-auto now in the same thread you also have a pinging system you can hold and press R1 on the PlayStation 5 or Q on PC you can ping locations enemies all that good stuff but if you hold down this button you can actually call out instructions if you don't want to use your mic now in the same thread you can also drop itps for instance if you're about to run into enemy territory and activate a hellbomb the last thing you want want to do is bring all those samples with you and then die granted I wouldn't spend too much time in my inventory dropping things but if you don't want to risk it especially when it gets to things like those pink samples which are extremely rare which we're going to be talking about in just a moment you can drop those or anything else from your backpack for other players to pick up on to our next tip armor passives fellas your armor has passive Buffs and you can view these Buffs on Armor you already own by using the Armory you can also view the Buffs of the armor in the war bonds or in the store by pressing tab on PC or triangle on PlayStation 5 now these passive ranges from a lot of different things for instance the savior of the free armor sets says that you have a 50% chance of not dying when taking lethal damage which is huge it also prevents all damage from bleeding if chest hemorrhages probably wondering cross how do I get that money you pay for the $60 version you've got the Marksman armor set though which comes with fortify which further reduces recoil when crouching or prone by 30% also provides 50% resistance to explosive damage you've got engineering kits which further reduces recoil when crouching a prone by 30% but also increases initial inventory and holding capacity of grenades by plus two and then we got the infiltrate armor sets which comes with the perk Scout which states that markers placed on the map will generate radar scans every 2 seconds it also reduces range at which enemies can detect the wear by 30% so if you're playing that Recon unit that runs in and out passive like this is really nice now another thing to note is that you have armor ratings speed ratings and stamina Regeneration all of this can make a big difference for you guys and the armor itself is actually split up into three categories line armor medium armor and heavy armor with heavy armor having of course more armor rating but lower speed and substantially less stamina regeneration medium armor being that middle of the pack and line armor of course having more speed and more stamina regeneration but less armor rating again depending on the kind of player you are and what type of activity that you're doing that could actually be the thing that changes what armor you bring in again it's little small things but yes they do make a difference and for my folks wondering cross is there any other way I can get that armor you got do 50% chance not dying when taking lethal damage sounds amazing luckily there is on the 10th page of the free pass you can actually get the champion of the people armor which has those same benefits that I just mentioned but boy is that a grind good luck now considering on the topic of armor I do want to talk about how to get super credits extra medals requisition pretty much all the currencies first up super credits are used to unlock the premium pass you can also use super credits to buy things in the store itself and yes there are certain reviews for these items now you can buy Super credits or you can actually earn them in the game that's right guys literally while you're out and about having a picnic with your favorite aliens in the middle of all this you should 100% be looting everything you can if of course you have time but I would definitely try to make time you see guys if you happen to be looking around the map you'll probably notice some beams of light it's a bit easier to notice at night but these beams of Light have currency for you to obain and sometimes even a weapon for you to use on that mission now I want to mention that currencies are shared across the squad want somebody picks it up don't worry you'll get it too now there's also containers you can find that you can blow open with a grenade these always contain samples currencies ammo all that good stuff and lastly you can find doors that require two people to open them these also have a good amount of currencies within them but you essentially just want to go interact with one side of the door and a teammate interact with the other side and it will then open the door if you feel like you're getting stuck just hit the interact button again guys you're not stuck you just got to hit it twice now if you look on your mini map which you can access easily by pressing Tab and then I like right click to drag it around around you can then see these Diamond icons on the map which also contains areas that you can loot go to those diamonds guys now the materials that you really want to focus above everything else when looting things across the map are samples samples are a resource required to purchase ship models which are the things that upgrade your ship and stratums well as they make a big difference now there are three sample Rarities green orange and pink all of which are only found on a planet surface on or above certain difficulties you can find green samples at difficulty one and a above orange samples at difficulty 4 and above and pink samples at difficulty 7 and above that being suicide and above now you'll notice that when you load in if you hold tab you can actually see how many resources are on that planet now keep in mind when it comes to samples guys you have to extract these items if you die with them and someone doesn't pick them up your squad does not get those back and when you actually leave those items won't go with you it's also very important whoever it is that's holding these samples they need to make sure especially if it's those pink samples they need to be very and I mean very conservative with their life like in terms of what's most important you've got of course your main mission objective you've got optional objectives and then you got samples which aren't really part of any of this as soon as I see high Rarity samples like pinks dude we're doing the main objective and we're getting the hell out of there especially on difficulty suicide or hire you just don't want to risk losing those samples now how do we find those samples greens are really easy guys they're pretty much everywhere all the same loot sources I just mentioned a second ago you can find and they're also in a variety of different missions from Search and Destroy to the defend missions to those big long 40-minute missions the orange samples are a bit rare but again like I said a second ago it's that diamond icon that really helps you kind of gravitate toward them but at the same time if you ever see any of these rocks with these orange veins and again this does change planet to planet but on the terminate Planet especially if you see one of those rocks with those orange veins normally they have those orange samples around them the same token if you see this same Rock but with silver veins pink samples normally are also around them and you'll notice it when you're coming up to it you'll see it like it's very distinct and I know it's hard to pick up on this if you're running from your life but keep an eye out for those samples and when you get to those higher difficulties be looking for those veiny rocks it's these samples that become Paramount for increasing your overall held divers lethality now next tip guys pick a good safe spot when Landing but when you get into higher difficulties now I'm talking suicide and higher let me just be real there is no safe place it may say it's safe and I know when you look at the map right you'll see danger enemy presence but when you start playing on like impossible and Hell dive difficulty let me just be real guys everywhere you land you're pretty much going to be in the fight of your life which is why I suggest the moment you land you call in those support items I'm talking drop sentries drop mortars drop your heavy weapons jump pack whatever you may need drop them babies not necessarily over the strikes cuz you'll kill your teammates but everything else drop it in cuz again on the higher difficulties you will be at War now at the same time it's kind of counterproductive because as soon as you call things in it alerts literally everything to your location but let me just be real you're going to have to find them anyways you might as well call everything in and find it out now in the earlier difficulties it is definitely possible to pick a safe spot be strategic in your placement do it away from the danger enemy presentence zones and you'll be just fine now our next tip complete the main objective I know that sounds pretty obvious but listen to what I'm saying even if you complete the main objective but literally die on the steps of the Pelican and you cannot extract don't worry guys you will still complete that mission now this is very important because at the end of the day you have one chance and one chance only to complete this Mission if you do not complete this Mission successfully as in doing the main objective congratulations democracy is dead but no really just complete the main objective even if everything else goes to [ __ ] after that it's okay complete the main objective you'll still get credit toward that mission no it won't be high marks but you'll be able to leave that mission successfully for that zone again every one of these zones has these hexagon missions that you can complete and when you complete them they each give you XP but also medals and they give you more medals the more missions you complete in that area this takes us to our next tip don't jump around the map guys doing one Mission here and then one Mission there complete all the missions that being those three hexagons in that one zone to get the most medals now in that same vein you got to do that anyways if you're trying to raise the ranks of the difficulty meaning if you're trying to unlock impossible you got to complete suicide on those three missions in that area and doing so will then unlock impossible and then you do the same thing with impossible to then unlock hell dive which brings us to our next St guys you see this setting right here remember aim mode you can turn this setting on and this allows the game to remember how you aimed a certain weapon last get this guys it will aim that way every time so if you're using a marksman rifle using the scope next time you aim that weapon it will already put you in that first person mode I need a little feature guys personally for the most part I change my weapons all the time depending on the scenario I'm in and again for me it's literally Mouse click that changes for me while I'm aiming now sights that will take me from third person to first person point of view now let me just say the benefits of aiming down sights and shooting in first person view versus third person is that first person does allow you to go from Target to Target without that crazy retical s do you have some sway yes but is it a bit more hit scanning as in your hits will go from Target to Target without that crazy travel time from third person it does which is why I do recommend aiming down sights especially from afar or especially if you're trying to hit specific response on a Target now you can also do a remember weapon function which is the same as aim mode but this time it remembers other things things like your flashlight your rounds per minute your Zoom again lots of customization here that builds on what we mentioned earlier there's also a compass ordinal Direction setting this will add Northeast northwest southeast and Southwest to your compass which is really helpful with your call outs I can't stand when I'm like where where's the Titan he's to the left how am I supposed to work with that Jerry I need to know what left means now there's also a setting for reticle outline this will add an outline to your reticle for increased visibility so if you're having trouble aiming you can add that as well next TI guys have you been shooting an ad you realize that there's this weird Ricochet icon and you may be wondering what does that mean well if you keep shooting you'll probably realize that that alien ain't dying and that's because everything you're shooting is ricocheting off of that alien's armor now some of them are a little more noticeable for instance the automatons will physically have armor but also the terance have armor on themselves and when you see that icon it needs to register in your head that you need bigger weapons or you need to get around that you need to hit somewhere that actually gives you those X hit markers now if you see the white hit markers that means that you are in fact tagging them up so yeah keep shooting but the hit marker you really want to see is that red that's the juice that's the one that you know is really Landing always trying to go for red now with that being said I do need to talk about how to deal with armor you need certain weapons that are meant for dealing with armor now if you're picking out weapons from the strategy it literally will tell you for instance Expendable anti-tank not only not only does it tell you that is good for dealing damage against vehicle armor but it literally shows you you got things like the rail gun which is good at Armor penetration and then weapons like the machine gun which is meant for heavy ad clear as well as the starart but let me just say guys the weapon you really want to unlock and yes level 20 is pretty much when you unlock it is the spear let me say something about the spear it has an anti-tank homing missile which absolutely destroys here's the issue for some damn reason it has an issue with locking on so far it's got about a 25% success rate of actually locking on to the Target now the good thing is is that it won't let you fire it unless you in fact do lock onto the target the bad news is is that sometimes most notably when you're in a very heated situation and you have to kill that thing that's trying to kill you it won't lock on now the other problem about the spear that I would really recommend is don't be too close to the Target as it goes in the air and then back down to hit the target and if you're too close it'll just shoot right past them now why am I bringing this all up the point is guys look at your webs certain weapons certain strategems are meant for dealing with armored enemies make sure you use those and if you don't have those then good luck cuz you're probably not going to be able to kill that thing now another tip here about some of these strategems whether it's the recoil is rifle the autoc cannon or the spear notice that there's a second person here you see guys when you actually throw this strategy down one sign of it actually holds the weapon and the other side holds the ammo pack now you can pick up both of these or if you have a very nice teammate they can pick up the ammo pack for you and when you're shooting they can immediately reload your weapon which is much faster than you manually reloading it for something like the spear this is fantastic because pretty much two spear shots can take down a tit so tldr in this one be a bro and hold your teammate's ammo next tip boosters guys make sure you are unlocking boosters these are items that you can unlock in each of the war Bots you want to equip them while you're equipping your strategems before a mission starts these are team wide Buffs that do not stack but if one person applies a booster the entire team gets the benefits now these are powerful boosters currently in the game that we have include hell pot space optimization where hell divers come out of hell pods fully stocked on ammo grenades and Stems this is page three of the free war bond you've got the Vitality enhancements where all Hill divers resist injury this means broken legs arms Etc this is Page four of the free war bond the UAV Recon which increases all held divers effective radar range which is on page six of the free war bond you've got stamina enhancements which is an increase to all held divver stamina capacity and recovery on page seven of the free war bond muscle enhancements which allows hell divers to Traverse difficult rign with ease on page 9 of the free war bond you've got increased reinforcement budgets which increases the number of available reinforcements on page 10 of the free war bond and flexible reinforcement budgets which reduces time until New reinforcements are granted on page three of the premium war bond let me just say this guys boosters are extremely important I know the focus is on like the weapons and stuff but be looking out for these unlock them as they will make a big difference for you and your teammates now before we get into farming XP because yes there is a way to really boost your XP gains I want to mention these side objectives that you can do on the map these are really cool because they actually can unlock different things now obviously the main objective is the most important thing but if you happen to be doing these optional objectives not only will they give you more XP but they can also give you the ability to unlock everything on the map so that you can see where everything is now sometimes there are one or two signed objectives that don't appear on the map now if you zoom into the map and look at the Topography of buildings or circles as these will be places to find samples and currency but it also can be where those hidden objectives are located now if it looks like there's a circle in the ground on the map there's a good chance it's the sea artillery sign objective other than that you're looking for man-made structures now buildings with samples and currencies will show up as minor points of interest hence why you have the little text chat that literally says so and so or yourself discovers minor points of interest now when you hover over on the map they will appear as question marks or gym icons on the map when revealed now some Hidden Side objectives also provide benefits to the rest of your mission when when complet it for instance the samite sign objective will shoot down bot drop ships as they fly in guys this can literally help you throughout the entirety of the mission if you target those secret objectives so something to consider especially if you're like trying to strategize where you want to drop in on the map maybe you notice something and that's the area you want to Target to possibly pick up that side objective then you have the radar station satellite dish side objective which will update your map with more signed locations to visit with lootable items which is a very nice touch if you're trying to find all the currencies on the map now with all that being said let's talk XP first up raising your level Beyond like 25 or 30 really doesn't matter for the most part I think most of us just care to get to 20 so that we can unlock all the strategems necessary now let me just go over what we did to gain levels fast or at least pretty fast guys when you go to your mission table you have the ability to pick different difficulties now you can't go to that next level of difficulty until you complete those areas or those three hexagon missions within that certain difficulty but after you do that you then unlock those same missions but with a new difficulty now the reason why I bring this up is that the missions you really want to Target if you're really looking to optimize your time are those 10minute missions the reason why I bring that up is those 10-minute missions simply require you to load in and defend the area it's going to require you get a certain amount of kills and then you leave now the XP looks small for the mission itself but based on the amount of kills you've gotten for that mission you can get some pretty chunky XP matter of fact these 10- minute Miss can give you up to a level each time you do one of them all you have to do guys is just literally go around on both sides the terminant side and the robot side and literally just look for those 10-minute missions now if you run out of the 10-minute missions you also have the 12-minute missions now you may be Wonder across why not just do the 40- minute missions the issue is is that the XP doesn't scale as well in those missions meaning the difference between experience the 10-minute Mission versus the 40-min mission is really not that big of a difference now keep in mind you will have to do those 40min missions and all those missions in a particular area on that certain difficulty if you're looking to jump to the next level of difficulty cuz eventually you're going to run out of these 10-minute missions throughout your leveling process but again the beautiful thing is the moment you unlock that next level of difficulty those missions will refresh now for those looking to really get those 10-minute missions down those defense missions and to easily get through them literally just load in there with three maybe even four centuries throw them down and let them do all the work for you I literally just have one sitting here mortaring every everything and yeah guys less than 10 minutes you'll be done with this you'll get somewhere between like 800 to 1,000 experience depending on the difficulty you're on and you're on to the next level now do keep in mind I don't necessarily find this to be that fun but I understand why people would want to do it this way to try to get to like level 15 or level 20 to unlock those strateg UPS so that's the only reason why we're putting it out there ideally though past that point I prefer to just go ahead and beat an entire area and in that same vein I will say if you are just mainly trying to farm samples guys I wouldn't recommend doing doing sample farming on Hell di I would probably do impossible maybe even suicide simply because the risk of dying with those samples and not getting the perfect extract is too high if you're on suicide or impossible and you've got a pretty good kit you can get through that content decently enough or at least with less risk versus hell dive now our next tip fellas you can steer your drop pot not only can you steer it you can kill things matter of fact the best thing you can do when one of your teammates dies is to throw their drop pot right into a group of enemies now obviously this will upset them but at least next time when they're coming down they can probably kill something and yes you can kill some pretty meaty targets with a single drop pot my destiny players think like the kaball drop pots they're that lethal now another tip about the drop pots some of these areas that are considered high ground you cannot get up even with a jetpack you just can't get high enough up to that area if you're in a situation where your teammates and yourself are just getting clobbered by the enemy and they don't have a really good range attack dude land that drop pod on top of one of these Cliffs you can literally put it right there sit up top shoot some enemies and wait for your strategems to get off a cool down there's something to keep in mind now another tip this is not for the faint of heart but if you are ever in a situation where you have enemies coming down from all sides and you have no way of escaping them you see these spores just walk right up to it and shoot them now three things are going to occur number one you're going to get slung right back into the enemies and die a very horrific death number two you're going to get slung straight up and straight back down yes you will take impact damage in the process and number three it's going to sling you far and I mean very far far enough to kind of outrun those enemies yes you will take impact damage but every now and then you can angle this just perfectly to sling yourself up to a high ground somewhere and this right here guys can make all the difference now another tip before you actually begin any of these missions look at the modifiers yes these missions guys have modifiers you see if you're hovering over a Zone if you press effects you can see the modifiers for all of these missions in this zone now this will dictate a lot of things for you things like strategems SC down increase by Fe % that being the modifier orbital fluctuations or atmospheric spores where the map is obscured by bug spores or electronic counter measures where strategy codes are scrambled this is why sometimes you throw an orbital strike on your teammates when you thought you were calling down a machine gun pay attention to these modifiers guys always be looking for them this right here will make a big difference on what you use for instance if I know my strategy time is going to be increased by 100% meaning it's going to take twice as long for me to call down that strategy the last thing you want to use is a long cooldown strategy to begin with for instance in that situation I would definitely steer away from things like orbital laser which already has a 300 second cool down so always check these modifiers guys and plan your strategems around that so guys those are our tips for becoming a proper Hill diap let me know in the comments below if we missed anything if you do have some amazing tips to share please do we'll have a pin comment down below that we will update with the most upvoted tips fellas and ladies thank you all for coming and watching and as always slap that like button like your mama told you [Music] [Music] right
Channel: Aztecross
Views: 664,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny, Aztecross, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 before you buy, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 weapons, helldivers all stratagems, helldivers 2 pc gameplay, helldivers 2 ps5 gameplay, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 best stratagems, Helldivers 2 pro tips, helldivers 2 secrets
Id: vnkzxzTuLqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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