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what's going on YouTube we're back at it for another video and today we've got the top five Century strategems inside of Hell divers 2 now when it comes to the centuries they can be a powerful force but one thing to keep in mind that before we get into the list I should remind everyone is the simple fact that each one of these centries is not Invincible positioning is going to be everything when it comes to harder difficulties and making sure that they don't immediately get overrun as one of the number one biggest issues that I've had with any centuries is the simple fact that they can be one- shot by something like the charger or the bile Titan and even if you throw them out there or just Panic throw it into any particular position they can be overwhelmed fairly quickly and on top of that automatons Rockets coming from all directions can make very quick work out of some of these sries and it can be extremely frustrating to have one of those moments where you panic through that out thinking it might be able to get some damage in but effectively it immediately just gets destroyed as soon as it pops out of its pod and next thing I know you're stuck on a cool down you've got no strategen to replace that with and effectively you're either relying on your primary weapon or the rest of your teammates in order to make quick work out of whatever may be in front of you so A good rule of thumb like any strategy is think before you throw and we will talk a little bit more in detail when it comes to positioning with each one of the different sentries that we'll be talking about within this list but let's get straight into it coming up at number five we've got the Gatling Century definitely not the best allaround Century but overall when it comes to crowd control and especially against the terminates it can be life-saving in certain instances and if you position it properly when it comes to some of those bug breaches it will be clearing out a good bit of those crowds that'll be pouring out of those but on the automaton side of things I wouldn't argue that you would ever want to use this honestly it's not going to be the greatest suit there are a couple of other centuries that are going to be much more useful than this when it comes to them considering a lot of those mediumsized enemies are going to be a bit armored you're going more for weak spot damage when it comes to using anything that's just a regular caliber round instead of something that has an explosive attribute to it so when it comes to the Gatlin Century it is going to be perfect we clearing those crowds when it comes to the termined side of things but on the automaton side it may end up falling a bit short and it's not something I would suggest but do keep in mind this is going to be something that will straight up eat through your entire team so always remind yourself to throw this into a position that not only is going to be a good distance away from some of those bug breaches to where it doesn't get completely overrun and it has the capability of actually mulching through those enemies before it can storm over to it at the same time it would be a good idea to place this on a bit of Higher Ground as if you throw this behind some of your teammates and the enemies are in front of them it will mulch straight through all of them and including yourself I've had it happen to me quite a few times and don't forget to dive that is going to be your best bet at surviving through some of these instances but you can also jump up on top of the turret itself as it spins to almost give it a little bit of cover be a wingman to your own wingman coming up at number four we've got the rocket sentury now this may not be the uh ranking that a lot of people more than likely are pleased with but when it comes down to the rocket sentury it just isn't doing as much as some of the other centuries on this list in my opinion it has the capability of having crowd control but it is more focused on larger targets than it is focused on trying to take out the large packs and that is one of the reasons that kind of puts it down at the ranking number four considering this is something that would be better off utilized for hitting singular targets it can be useful on the automaton side of things as well but it will get distracted by bot drop ships it will start to focus on bot drop ships and not always would it will it be able to take out those ships effectively you will need to help it along in order to take out some of those ships but at that same time it can be useful on the aom on side of things considering it does take out armor targets but I believe there are some other sentries out there that do a bit more consistent damage and a bit more of capability or have larger ranges of capabilities than that of the rocket pods but do keep in mind this will have some blowback out the back and it can knock you over and there's nothing more frustrating than being knocked over from your Century especially if you positioned it up on top of something and the next thing I know you've gone tumbling down into the crowd below and either the Rockets start flying down on top of you along with everything that's pouncing on you or you find yourself in a position where you're getting chew a li while you're just based down in the dirt when it comes to the positioning of something like the rocket pot as well you do want to find some type of high ground for this it does need a good line of sight on the enemies especially if you are trying to use this for single Target I mean it will attack some of those smaller enemies but when there are larger enemies around it will focus in on them that is the one problem I have with the automaton side of things when this thing just starts flying off the rails going after the automaton Ships coming in but it will start to switch targets fairly quickly but in those moments it can be frustrating that it almost goes for the literal largest Target out there and almost feels like it leaves itself open in those moments to be just voled by Rockets from those rocket Devastators which are the most frustrating of enemy Types on the automaton side of things but overall you can't go wrong throwing this into your load out if you are trying to have something that is a good bit towards the single Target damage and focusing in on that single Target damage as well as breaking through those armors coming up to number three we've got the mortar sentury which is going to be bombarding all the enemies that you possibly have within a large radius around this now wherever you drop this the best probably arguably one of the easiest centuries to set and forget it is one of those moments where you can find some nice cover for this where you know enemies aren't going to be patrolling around it doesn't need direct line of sight it just needs to be within radius of these enemies for it to just start unloading three volleys of some of these uh mortars in barrages that can be quite devastating and clear through packs clear through some of those bases and even take out some of those uh automaton Fabricators if enemies are next to it it won't technically Target them specifically but if they are caught in the moment or next to some of those tomaton Fabricators it can blow them up but do keep keep in mind that this also has the same type of Friendly Fire as every other senty it doesn't care whether it's you your teammates or how close you are to the enemies or even how close itself is to those enemies it will keep voling those in so be mindful in some of those moments try to find some cover for this thing off the beaten path throw it off over there and then get a good distance away from it try to aggro those enemies towards your direction but don't pull them too close and remind your teammates that you are using this there's nothing worse than that moment where you're possibly pushing into an objective greatly appreciated armor Jesse for the follow but at the same time where was I keep in mind that any of your teammates that don't know about your mortar fire you need to give them that call out before they start bum rushing into some of these bases trying to take out those atamon Fabricators and while they're amongst the crowds of some of those enemies especially if they're pushing in with something like a close-range shotgun or just trying to push themselves in they may end up just getting mulched and just blown to bits and there is nothing more frustrating than that moment and trust me I've had one too many times where I've gotten blown up by my own mortar several times by just being pushed by a bunch of enemies so do be mindful of that moment it gets a bit scarier when some of those Hulk uh Hulk start pushing you or even just some of those smaller enemies and even more mindful of that when it comes to the terminate side of things this can be useful against the terminate but I would highly suggest if facing off with the terminate that you almost every time combine this with EMS to slow down some of those larger hordes that are pushing on you that way you're not getting constantly stuck in that situation where you are just in the middle of the barrages of your own motor fire from every one of those little grasshoppers or any of those smaller enemies that just keep bum rushing you it can be extremely frustrating coming up at the rank two is one of the better choices when it comes to overall DPS output when it comes to the centuries which is the autoc cannon which has anti-tank ammunition to it very capable of taking out armored targets and is very consistent when it comes to damaging enemies and it will chew through just about everything in the game it may not be the quickest killer when it comes to Hell dive difficulty but it does have the capability of almost stun locking some of these larger enemies including biot Titans and if you can position this right it is going to take out quite a bit it's not only going to be taking out those larger enemies but it'll also take out smaller enemies it can be a bit frustrating in certain instances where this may Target the smaller enemies before the larger enemies but you can position or place this in certain positions where you can aggro bile Titans throw this off to a side and allow yourself to be kited or effectively kite the bile Titan while your autoc Cannon makes quick work out of it it can be life-saving in certain instances and especially when there's multiple biot Titans and multiple of those Chargers this can be one that can clear through some of the packs in quick succession but again it is all about positioning this can be destroyed really quickly do think before you throw this is one of those that you really want to think about where this is going to land and keep in mind if you throw this onto High Ground make sure that it's closer to the edge if it has to angle downward and it finds itself in one of those positions where it's targeting the enemy in front of them but then it hits the floor just in front of it it will decimate its own own self I've had this happen a couple of times pretty frustrating and it is another one of those moments where you can hop on top of this to protect it from some of those smaller enemies while it is making quick work out of some of those larger enemies and at that same point if you do end up uh in one of those situations where you're facing off with a bile Titan that's possibly pushing up on top of your uh autoc Cannon it's not a bad idea to throw in a rail gun with this type of class to keep a little bit of protection on your autoc Cannon so that way while those moments because this can get one shot by biot Titan throw up or vomit action thing it can be extremely frustrating in those moments when it just walks over and before it actually finishes off that bile Titan it ends up getting one shot by that if you can stand on top of this utilizing that rail gun to get that stun lock Moment by shooting that bot Titan in the face even when it just arches its back up and starts trying to vomit you can stop it before it starts and then in that moment it will be staggered it'll take additional shots from the auto Cannon and you can make even faster work out of it so sometimes working alongside your sentries can be even more beneficial than just utilizing the sentes to be the main damage dealer you almost want to see them as more of a support role than just pure DPS coming up at the number one slot is going to be the EMS mortar Century this one by far is going to be the number one for the simple fact that not only it is basically the least Friendly Fire possible one you still get slowed down if you run through the static field it's producing but it is going to be something that can be completely gamechanging in certain situations much like the mortar Century it is one of those that you can set and forget throw it back somewhere and this one you can really set and forget or at least forget portion of that considering you know forgetting that you have mortars coming in can be a problematic situation but when it comes down to the capability of slowing down the onslaught of massives hor WS coming from a bug breach or bot drops coming in this can mean the difference between you having the capability of clearing through those uh massive waves of enemies that may be coming upon you and even slowing them down to place strategically some of those strategems to get the most effect out of them and it will continue to volley these from wherever it's at it has no need of line in sight so if you put this in a protected position where you know enemies aren't going to go towards it it is going to consistent start throwing some of these in to slow down and stop these enemies from advancing which can mean the difference between getting completely overrun or giving you or effectively giving you the time to clear through those enemies as efficiently as possible but the biggest reason it comes in the number one slot is the simple fact that this literally combines with just about every other strategy you really can't go wrong with it it sets you up to win with so many different strategems even giving you that capability of having something like a modif fire where is 100% increased to your call-in times this can be something that means the difference between that strategem strike or that strategem actually being effective by the time it's capable of coming in it can also just be the thing that just makes other centuries shine really it's one of those moments where a lot of these centuries are pretty weak you know they're not even after you've increased them through the ship modules with all their health they do need a little bit of helping hand to make sure that any damage that you do start sustaining is very minimal and don't get destroyed rather quickly before they're able to destroy the enemies in front of them so something like this is just going to work in pair with a lot of those other sentries and just make them more efficient in those moments and overall just make the entire team more efficient cuz less enemies pushing on you is more time for you to have the capability of being able to take out the ones that are advancing on you and not feel that overwhelming in pressure of massive hordes of enemies now for whatever reason it seems biot tians and the automaton tanks do not get affected by this I don't even believe they get slowed by this I have not yet seen any of them actually be stopped by this it seems like they just run straight through it so that's something to keep in mind this is not something that's going to be foolproof for every enemy type but when it comes to Chargers smaller to medium enemies and Hulks and any one of those automatons besides the tanks themselves this is going to work very effectively against them and almost gives you that opportunity in those moments to just purely focus on those larger targets sometimes when it comes to biot tians or those armored tanks on the automaton side of things but there has been plenty of times where I I've literally just come in with just the EMS mortar as a century I had no other additional sentries I just utilized it as something that I could arguably just throw down at any moment you know a bot drop comes in a bug breach comes in and I just find some location that's a little bit off the beaten pass somewhere where it's basically behind some type of building or structure something that's just not in clear line of sight of the enemies or somewhere where I believe the enemies are going to go drop that in and then just be able to keep pushing in and have those moments where I can just line things up along with that EMS mortar it's almost providing OverWatch for you pretty much every time you drop it and the more that you have of them can be even more effective of it but I wouldn't suggest that the entire team run all four EMS mortars be a little bit Overkill in some instances it may be beneficial for you know something like a composition where you can have three other strategems you've got the EMS mortar and somebody else has the regular mortar Sentry these two working in combination can be very effective especially at clearing those larger packs I had a tough decision deciding whether or not I wanted to combine mortar sentry with EMS mortar Sentry as their own rank I would say that combo right there is extremely strong and more than likely you've seen it a multitude of times in Hell dive difficulty where this is like the farming Strat for people that go into the exterminate Mission or the eradicate Mission I believe is the name of it for the automaton side of things and the bug side of things like these two working in combination and missions like that I mean it's it's almost like World War I simulator I mean I'm I'm very bored of doing those missions but it can be really effective and especially on the automaton side of things I mean you can get that thing done in 3 minutes this thing just takes no time at all to to completely eliminate every enemy that's coming in you know arguably if you've got two people that drop down both of these in combination you can really lock down a lot of different positions and just eliminate large packs of enemies from small to large even if not all of them get affected by the EMS including like the biotti and those armored tanks especially the armored tanks because the mortars will do devastating damage towards them they are very slow so they're not able to basically outrun that mortar fire when it is locked onto their position now when it comes to honorable mention I mean we can we can talk about the machine gun Sentry it's the Lesser version of the Gatling Sentry I mean it's you know it's going to have a little bit of crowd control it has a lessened rate of fire I've heard some other people say that this one's not bad considering it can last a little bit longer supposedly because it's got that lessened rate of fire but I don't I I haven't really tested that myself I'm you know let me know down in the comments if you've kind of run through the machine gun versus the Gatling I prefer the Gatling because it's just going to be quicker it seems like it has a much larger ammunition pool in my opinion but I could be wrong in that instance but it just doesn't seem like something I'd really want for harder difficulties I need something that's fast and efficient that needs to just mulch through some of those crowds and when it comes to overall crowd control I feel as though the Gatling Sentry just does a better job of it overall now I know some of these are in placements but they are honorable mentions they're basically in the same category the Tesla Tower is um you know something you can use on the terminate side of things I would not suggest it on the automaton side of things as everything has range damage and more than likely they're going to get destroyed or the Tesla Tower itself is going to get destroyed from that range damage before it even affects the automatons it almost seems like it affects ter in a way like a moth to flame it does seem like it it's like a bug catcher it does kind of like pull them in but it's not something that I would consider the most effective when it comes to a strategy you could put into your load out I've used it a couple of times but at the same time in harder difficulties it seems a charger will eventually just one tap it and you you you more than likely just won't get too much use out of it a lot of times and it it can be extremely devastating with Friendly Fire to everyone and you don't have to be too close to it to get that Arc that just runs straight through you like some lightning and just burns you straight into the uh ground it's uh it's kind of crazy the anti-personnel mind field is not something I would say is useless but at the same time there's not a whole lot of uses for it you can use it as something to cover the position of Your Flank while you're moving towards a different objective but I find a lot of times it's not exactly the most effective it definitely can do some damage it can do some work to some crowds but the simple fact is that trying to navigate back through something like this and especially if there's no communication with teammates if you throw this down and you don't let people know and even then if you let people know and they don't know exactly where the position of this was when it landed it sometimes can be difficult to see these mines on the ground and that Friendly Fire moment there is just nothing more frustrating than that and overall it it's not going to be something that's crazy damaging to larger enemies in a lot of instances and not always are the enemies just there there's several moments where it's like multitudes of these explode from just one enemy so some of it can be wasted in instances and not feel as useful as it could if each one of them individually was going through larger amounts of packs so if you've got like a couple of smaller ones coming through they can end up kind of blowing a large portion of this and lessening the capability of it so it's it's one of those Hit or Miss moments it's kind of like a personal preference thing it's not completely useless but it's not always as effective as you'd really like it to be and they're just better strategems to slot in this and by all means don't I I I just would not consider the incendiary mines they seem to be a lesser explosive the flame damage isn't going to last that long and a lot of times it's just not affecting the enemies as it possibly should if this if each one of these had a larger flame radius and the flame or the fire damage was more consistent and more damaging I'd say this would probably be a better choice for the terminate side of things but it just doesn't seem it's like the naal versus the air strike it just doesn't seem like it's working out when it comes to the damage numbers comparatively coming up after that we've got the shield generator relay which is pretty decent for the automaton side of things but I I say pretty decent because it it can be effective at stopping rounds and stopping orbital barges if you're dropping that directly on top of yourself in one of those hold out moments that's about the only use that I've really found for this that can be interesting in my opinion that sounds like a pretty solid play but doesn't end up actually being as solid as I like it to be overall I haven't I I've used it a couple of times it works at stopping the rockets and everything but nine times out of 10 I found the moments that I've have used this and possibly trying to even throw centuries on top of this one facing off with the autom facing off with the automatons it it's simply one of those moments where I always have one of those hulks that just starts bum rushing in and next thing you know he's got the flame going through you can shoot from the out or the inside to the outside but you can't shoot from the outside in even yourself is going to be stopped so in moments when you are getting pushed by a lot of these automatons the bubble almost becomes counterintuitive it almost ends up being something that can block shots and stop you from having the capability of dealing damage it's one of those that really requires good positioning good planning and it's not going to be something you can instantly deploy it's always going to be something that takes 4 seconds before it drops and that can be increased for another 4 seconds depending on your modifiers for hard hard difficulties it's it's good but I wouldn't say it's perfect there are better strategems to saw in you would need a good team coordination to utilize this properly when it comes to facing off with the automatons I almost see no use for this when it comes to the terminate side of things the only thing that I could see kind of stopping damage intake is going to be like the bile Titans puke or some of those bloaty bugs but the bloaty bugs are charging you no matter what so that really destroys the purpose of the bubble on that side of things and last but not least we have the HMG imp placement basically you know the man centur if you will it's not bad for lower difficulties this can be a good bit of fun but when it comes to overall higher difficulties when you've got a lot more Chargers bile Titans just heavy hitting large Targets in large amounts this basically ends up just being somewhat useless I would hope to see in the future them basically create like I guess like an auto Cannon variant of this or just higher calibers or even something that's like a missile launcher in placement where you can have a versatile option list of things that you could call in and man yourself that would be uh quite excellent in my opinion I'd have a good bit of fun with that that would completely change up some of the builds in my opinion give us a good bit more diversity but giving us the capability of having something that's not just good against uh small and medium targets that's affect L all this is for it's only going through lightly armored targets facing off with like a biot Titan or a charger this just isn't going to do all that much and more than likely you're going to find yourself holding a position that ends up getting you killed rather than having something that's going to be useful there's nothing worse than dropping one of these in and you know depending on the timing of it by the time you get in if the enemies are already close by you you might as well consider yourself already destroyed it has a slow turning rate to it just like all the other centuries so it it's it's not it's not something I'd say is great for higher difficulties you want to have some fun in some lower difficulties and just kind of be that auto turret Yourself by all means have a good time with it there's no doubt in that one but overall it's just not something I would highly consider a top tier strategy but that's going to be it right there guys that's the top five of the century strategems for hell divers 2 overall the centuries can be a good bit of fun and in the coming future I will be having some loadout videos where we'll be breaking down some of the gameplay footage showcasing a bit more in detail how to use some of these strategems some of the best overall combinations that I've been coming up with how they can kind of synergize with each other and giving you a bit more of that like kind of fieldwork I guess uh perspective of it where voice over F length gameplay footage where I'll showcase how I utilize it giving a bit more detail to it and giving you some of the Nuance moments of how I kind of strategically play some of these and work around them and work around with some of the teammates as well hopefully you uh looking forward to something like that we'll be pumping out some of that in the coming days and going future as well and there's plenty of different loadouts almost like class builds in a way that are going to be a good bit of fun and I've been having fun kind of testing out some of them myself and no doubt they're just going to be continuing to make the game even more enjoyable as I continue on with my playthroughs even though I've pretty much gotten to the point where I've almost unlocked everything but that's kind of the the beauty of this game is even after I've unlocked everything the game play isn't really getting as stale as I thought it might be by a certain point and I'm still having a little bit of that RNG moment where things aren't feeling as much the same as they do with certain other games where you starting to get in these massive routines I know some people I've been playing with that are randoms have basically been kind of saying they've been stuck in these meta loadouts so I'm looking to kind of change that up because I I've been constantly changing the way that I play I know there's one specific load out that I consider the best but I can have fun and be efficient at higher difficulties even with a multitude of variety when it comes to the strategy combinations I've been using but on that note hopefully you've enjoyed this hopefully it's helped you out in some way and if you'd like to see more of this content hit that subscribe button we've got plenty more coming in the future if you'd like to see some of this content live hit that link down in the description below follow me over at twitch we'll be streaming daily and on that note have a good one
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Id: VE6QDzZiRi8
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Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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