Helldivers 2 - SOLO Beginners Guide For Higher Difficulties

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H divers 2 has a clear emphasis on playing the game at the higher difficulties by keeping the rare simples as well as the best rewards the higher the difficulty is but sometimes we don't have a group of friends to play with or just want to take the game on completely solo but playing solo is quite a different Beast so in this video I want to give the best five beginner tips I learned the hard way as I made my way through the game all the way to the suicide difficulty completely solo I'll be making my way all the way onto the diver difficulty completely solo and I'll make sure to keep you guys updated with the best tips to handle the game at this level so stay tuned for that currently I'm only on level 10 with only one module upgraded so there is quite a long way to go which is why this video is a beginner guide over time I will be releasing more advanced guides as I make my way to Hell diver difficulty completely solo alongside you guys but without any further Ado let's get to these five tips first off you want to be a jack of all trades you do not want to specialize solely on one thing such such as dealing with swarms but forgetting to put in your Loadout something that will enable you to deal with armored enemies such as the charger as well as the bio Titan so in other words find a Loadout that covers all bases that can deal with swarms as well as armored enemies personally the way I see it is you should have one weapon to deal with armored enemies and one weapon that can deal with swarms quite efficiently for strategems I recommend one backpack strategy which we'll get into later one strategy that will help you deal with swarms such as turrets one strategem that specializes on dealing with armored enemies such as the Precision orbital strike and a hybrid strategy that will help you deal with both swarms and armored enemies such as the eagle air strike by using this tip you will be able to cover all bases and find yourself feeling a lot more comfortable to deal with every single type of enemy in the game rather than just one specific type of enemy which brings me to my second tip get familiar with your your enemies what I mean by that is learn how each enemy type works and how to counter them one great example of this is the charger the first few times I fought a charger it felt like an extremely difficult enemy to deal with and as I went on playing over and over again and encountering many many Chargers I now find myself dealing with chargers to be extremely easy even dealing with multiple Chargers isn't a problem I mean they are quite a tanky unit but I don't really take any damage from Chargers unless I mess up pretty badly and this is something that is great about playing solo by the way is that you're dealing with these units hand on so you find yourself learning their attacks their patterns and even animations which end up making you quite a proficient hell diver when dealing with them as you continue to play solo and pay attention to their movements you start to understand how each enemy works and what their weaknesses are if you would like to see a guide on how to deal with each type of enemy then let me know in the comment section below but for now let's go on to the third tip for the third tip I must recommend to bring a backpack strategem I'm not going to say exactly which strategy to bring as I haven't tried all of them if you asked me a few days ago which backpack strategy is the best I would have said the jump pack one is by far the best but since then I've tried the guard dog and this little sucker is actually pretty good is it better than the jetpack I'm not sure and that'll depend on the situation but one thing remains true make sure you bring at least one backpack stratem now these little stratagems they will remain with you pretty much for the entirety of your run and aren't necessarily bound to cooldowns which overall just makes her character a lot stronger the guard dog is a great support for dealing with swarms but I also found the jump pack to be amazing when dealing with biot Titans as you're very easily able to kite them so this will depend really on the situation you're going up against I'll keep you guys informed on strategems in the future future as to which strategy to pick but right now I cannot confidently give you an answer to that as there is a wide variety of different strategems for me to try before I can confidently give you an answer but stay tuned for that now tip number four you come to learn the hard way as you're going up into the higher difficulties don't take every fight and every Patrol in the lower difficulties you can pretty confidently take on every fight and every Patrol and they aren't much of an issue but as the difficulty ramps up patrols are aren't just little weaklings that call other weaklings as reinforcements instead they start becoming some midsized to large sized enemies that can ca some pretty big enemies as reinforcements on the extreme difficulty for example I've come across several charger patrols that really just aren't worth the effort because even if you can pretty confidently take on these patrols these aren't really giving you anything you're not getting extra XP you're not getting extra requisition or samples for the dealing with these so your best bet is to try to avoid patrols at all costs as these will only Waste Your Precious times as well as your stratum uses and possibly even your life which will dwindle down your reinforcements now for the fifth and last tip focus on your main mission personally I'm very guilty of wanting to do side objectives and points of interest before I start taking on the main objectives cuz as we all know when we play RPG games we don't want to just bum rush the main objectives instead we want to experience the whole game as a whole so we go around doing side objectives and points of interest before we even get down to the main objectives however I did not recommend keeping that mindset in Hell divers 2 you have a limited amount of time which often times looks like a lot of time but as you get caught in situations such as dealing with patrols nests or even big enemies such as the bio Tian you will often times spend several minutes dealing with these and by the time you realize it you have to bum rush the main objective forcing you to play very aggressively to try to complete everything as fast as you can which will lead you to make a lot of mistakes instead what I recommend is prioritize the main objectives first and after you complete the main objectives you don't even need to extract for the mission to be a success you can literally die and lose all of your lives but you still have won this Mission and will be able to progress further but of course we want to be able to extract as many samples as we can so we want to stay alive what I recommend is beat the main objectives first secure that win and then start going for the nests and samples inside objectives now side objectives if you come across them as you're making your way through your main objectives then I'll say okay go ahead and do it but I have recently found that doing your main objectives first will leave you with a lot of time left over which will grant you a lot of time to work on your other priorities but take this with a grain of salt because sometimes side objectives are right next to main objectives so there's no reason not to do them and sometimes they might be side objectives that is very worthwhile doing such as the satellite if it's right next to you or most importantly the stalker's nest if you go into a map that has the stalker's nest then I recommend you do that even before your main objectives as these will spawn stalkers that will literally cross the entire map to come and kill you so you best get rid of that also a little small quick tip for you to find these stalkers nest with ease just pay attention to where they're coming from if they're coming let's say from the east side of the map just open your mini map and look for the red circles on the east side of the map and then just go to it and most likely the stalker's nest will be just there so just go ahead and destroy it and a quick bonus tip before this video ends take this with a grain of salt as this is a very opinion-based tip the tip is I personally believe light armor is King for solo play movement is going to be your best friend when dealing with enemies such as outplaying the charger to being able to kite the biot Titan and I find the light armor to protect you enough so that's it for the solo beginner guide I will be making more advanced guides as I progress through the game and I find myself in The Hil diver difficulty also I'll be posting videos on farming samples on the best weapons best armors and things like that so make sure you stay tuned for that if you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe and I'll catch you guys on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 148,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: qy7VKbUVEA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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