A Tutorial on The Best Way to Kill Every Enemy on Helldivers 2 - Weakpoint Tips Guide

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welcome back lady and gentlemen today I'm going over the best way to deal with every enemy in the game with a focus on Hell dive difficulty and after solo diving in without a shield I've learned some of the best ways not just to deal with every enemy but every situation and what I learned translated over very well to playing with the boys on stream and thanks to a lot of your tips in the comments I've managed to gain a ton of knowledge very quickly so I have to thank everyone for all the love on the recent videos the kind words mean a lot and so does all the help so honestly just thank you guys so much and if you want to keep up to date with what I'm doing just join the Discord I'll try to do a community event where we push a plant together or something if I can get enough interest but for now we're lighting this off with the best way to deal with every enemy and that's a well balanced Loadout that counters 99% of situations if you need that I have an entire video dedicated to it already but a lot of enemies can one shot slow or ragd doll you and having the personal Shield generator is the best way to help negate that and keep your character alive combined with a rail gun you can basically handle every situation but an autoc Cannon or am rifle work just fine too if you're not level 20 I just think this is important to note especially when you're dealing with the automaton scum so my main main tip to fighting them is to always have cover to the left of your character and peek out and shoot a single Devastator rocket will One-Shot you if it's a direct impact to the Chester head and this will be the main reason you die every single bot weak point is also either glowing red or bright orange as for enemies we'll start with the most dangerous on the field Soldier Bots originally I thought chaff was weak and not really worth thinking about when I first started but every single one of these can flare and usually only one in each pack carries it but even letting one flare go off can Snowball the game out of control these all nearby patrols to come over Pop in extra patrols and call in drop ships and that's why managing them correctly is the single most important thing you can do versus the Bots taking your time and removing all the usual flare suspects by tactically playing will let you consistently stop it from going up and is the best way to go about things you also only need to stagger the flare guy by shooting him and he'll drop it on the ground on average the commissars and Rocket Bots will be the ones flaring so take these out methodically and it will give you a way better chance to keep the game under control and taking a few shots of laser fire from random troops to make sure a flare doesn't go up is super important because most of the time they won't be able to kill you anyways and in their reload animation you'll be able to recover then when you're engaging major Outpost if you stay out of line of sight as you take out each Target they'll just keep trying to search for you if you just throw a strike in they'll almost guarantee flare before it lands and honestly assassinating a major Outpost is a lot easier said than done and does need quite a bit of practice but you can see me doing that in my solo videos we also do have these jetpack troops they're strapped with a bomb of vest and will blow up in a pretty decent radius when they die killing you in the process so taking them out in the air is the best bet but making space before killing them is in your best interest so that way you don't have any unhappy accidents as for the at uh Scout Strider you should bait their shot as it does a lot of damage but after that they're really easy to flank because of their slow turn speed and the ability to force a stomp animation both of these options let you blast the guy off the back of it but if you can't get around them a solid rail gunshot to the upper plate works and things like The Scorch or deal explosive damage to the driver behind the plate things with medium peen let you shoot the leg joints out or the middle plate and any of the explosive grenades make them disappear so they're pretty easy to remove and they're also a lower priority than regular soldiers because they can't flare as for the chainsaw Bots the best place to shoot them is in the stomach I noticed a few good shots will just blow them in half and if you're shooting for the head they bble around a bit so most of the time you'll end up hitting beside it which does nothing and they're really easy to kite unless you're feeling spicy and want to int your no death run by W King into a giant laser as for Devastators this base variant doesn't appear in tier 9 at all but dealing with all three Devastator variants is almost exactly the same head shots and backpack shots the best way to remove them and spamming grenades at them is also in your best interest The Shield boy is really annoying and his laser Gatling gun will absolutely rip your HP to Pieces so it's important to only Peak these when you're going for a kill shot now the flat out most oppressive enemy in the entire game is the rocket Devastator this will be the reason you die 99% of the time and I noticed if you're in extended combat with them bot drops come in anyways I still have some more testing to do on this but if anybody knows the real answer to that let me know and if you're trying to fight them fake peing so that they shoot the corner with all their Rockets gives you the opport opportunity to peek after that and then deal with them you can also let them blow all their friends up to save you some ammo but if you don't have a rail gun autoc Cannon or am rifle you can shoot them in the stomach and you can also blow the rockets off their back but it can be inconsistent impact grenading them twice is usually the safest bet if you're in range for that I just prefer to kill these as fast and as safe as possible because they punish you for making even the smallest mistakes as for the dreadnut hulks we have two variants the laser cannon rocket guy and the flamethrower melee the flamethrower will literally one tick you with a direct hit and of course the Rockets will delete you too so when you're fighting them a single 90% plus charge shot to the face mask will kill them instantly with a rail gun or a few autoc cannon shots will do the same thing but you do have to directly hit it the most important thing to note here is that you can stagger lock them by shooting them with heavy penetration canceling their animation and to me this is more important than efficiently killing them because keeping you and your teammates alive is pretty much the most important thing and if you do get lucky in two shots to the face mask even with safe shots on the rail gun you'll kill them you also don't want to waste ammo shooting arms off unless that's your only option and of course if you have two people splitting in different different directions and letting the person not being chased shoot the heat sing on the back is an easy kill even for like light penetration weapons and once you get good at bating them it's fairly easy to get behind them just by yourself but this can be really risky so moving on we also have two types of Tanks the main battle tank and the AA tank the difference is the main tank turns so slowly you can easily flank it and your options are either to shoot it in the heat sink to remove it or you can blast the engine block with a couple shots to get the same effect and on the AA tank it will turn too quickly for you to ever shoot it in the heat sink but you can also blow its barrels up with rockets and if you get up close behind it it won't be able to shoot down on you so you can easily shoot the engine block out to kill it you can also impact grenade these with a little bit of practice but again Rockets are really good at removing these and then just getting behind them with a rail gun can take them out super fast even an autoc Cannon can get it uh done pretty quickly if you can hit the heat sink but one thing to not is that the heat sinks are stronger than the hulks and will resist light arms fire now the big super turrets that are randomly scattered around the maps have the same weakness but are easily killed by grenades it just takes a little bit of practice and there's always a pack of grenades at the turrets so I think this this is how we were meant to deal with them in the first place but either way just sneak up to them blow them up and it won't be a big deal finally we have the drop ships one rocket to an engine will spiral them out of control and if you do it while the robots are attached to it it will kill them all but otherwise they'll survive the drop if they're already in the animation for that the main thing is that the drop ships are very animated and you can see everything that they're bringing in so as long as you don't panic you can easily dispatch whatever drops before their arming timer activates cluster for small drops works really well and laser for large drops with tanks is always your best bet but if you just stay calm even a couple of grenades can take care of the job just make sure you prioritize the soldier drops that way they can't flare and call in more robots so that's all the automaton enemies and I'll Deep dive their mechanics in a future video I have a whole plan for that already but now it's time to move on to the terminat and they have a priority order if a brood Commander gets a call- in off your next 5 to 10 minutes is basically cooked and it could be not extracting at all if that's when it happens then anything else with long legs or a big head will cause a pretty hefty breach so removing these as fast as possible is always your top priority cluster strikes end up being the most cons consistent thing for this because you can just Spam them every single time a new wave comes out as for the small bugs they die instantly to even the worst guns and usually it's okay to let their pheromone bomb go off over a larger targets as long as it's not a watch post because they will cause a larger breach you'll always see me animation sequencing the smaller Outpost and I just walk up to startle them so that way they start their move animation towards me that way once I can see them all I can start shooting and easily kill all of them before they cause a breach but I think they're lower priority because compared to the others even if they do cause a breach a cluster or a couple grenades is usually enough to take care of it just don't leave them active too long because they will Snowball the game if they do just keep spraying there's also small flying ones that are basically worthless and kill last targets not to be confused with their larger counterparts and the small green ones are interesting if you Han Solo maneuver slightly to the left or right they miss 99% of the time but you don't want to be close to them when they die because they explode and the acid debuff is really annoying it's a slow and it will take a bit of your HP there's also acid Warriors that do the same thing and I find just shooting their heads off is always the safest bet and the same goes for the normal Warriors these ones just don't explode and they're a lot less dangerous even though they will still try and fight you without a brain that leftover body isn't a factor at all then Hunters are the upgraded flying guys and they have a mid-tier colon that usually involves Chargers they'll also leap at you and they do quite a bit of damage and they will avoid your gun if you aim at them so you can force them to jump to the left or right just by aiming at them if you need that like extra second to breathe I usually just spray down at these because they're really easy to kill but there's nothing easy about a stalker to kill I haven't been skill gapped like this since the first time I asked a goth girl out they both ghost you and the only way to deal with them is head shot but in game they have a crazy amount of armor and an insane knockback if you don't pay attention for even one second you're dead and I maybe that is the same as real life too but either way these are a top priority to always go close their hole because they will ruin your games extremely fast and my only advice is that you can force them to jump back by spraying down on them giving you an extra second if you need it and the only thing that's a higher priority is the guards and commanders both of these have big Callins that will completely derail your game so the guard gets mad quickly and will do call-ins very fast if you shoot him swap targets the easiest way to kill them is just to shoot them in the side but 99% of the time the rail gun or anything with medium P into the face is the Strat you need to kill these as fast as possible and the only Target that takes pry over these is The Brood Commander this is the main enemy that will turn you relax and get away from the creek into your average New York apartment he has a mini Colin that starts a Snowball Effect and his Callin always is like one to two bot Titans Chargers and a massive swarm if you crash his head his body will still run at you but again like the warrior I don't think the body is that big of a deal at all I've never really struggled with these and I think that it's much more important to just blow their heads off but after that we have B Speers and two variants nurse which is lightly armored the best way to deal with them is a grenade or some head shot if you shoot them in the back they soak a ton of damage so it's almost never worth it unless you have explosive or fire rounds and the same goes for the artillery bugs except these big green guys need medium pen to punch through their armor and can shoot across the map and make the game way more annoying to play with that artillery mechanic so you always want to remove these as fast as possible fire also seems to cook these guys but a grenade launcher or impact grenade is the best possible way to take them out and if you have a rail gun with even a bit of charge to the face it'll delete both of them just don't be too close because when they pop you'll take the acid debuffer die and of course they both have the acid breath which is known just for like straight up one-shotting you but if you do your trusty Han Solo to the left or right in the slight Sprint you should be fine but if you don't trust it just dive it can oneshot you usually I end up diving anyways because I I have so much BTSD just from getting on shotted by them but either way all that should take care of them pretty quickly then we have some Chargers and these are surprisingly easy to kill once you learn them and they don't have anything else around them you can force them to charge into rocks stun them for a second but it's way easier to RP as irvis and break their ankles this leaves their dumpy wide open for a free kill with your shotgun but an even easier way to kill them is to shoot the plate off their legs with a rail gun and once the armor is removed you can basically just shoot it with any gun and it'll die insanely fast and you can also shoot the back legs which are a little weaker but either way these guys are pretty easy to deal with once you get used to them and they're only a handful in a swarm just like our final big guy which is also one of the easiest to deal with once you're used to fighting them these are extremely vulnerable to rail guns or Rockets one fully charged shot can kill it from what people have said I haven't managed to do that yet but on average I killed them in three to five charge shots to the head while staying at a safe distance from it but even just a safe shot from your rail gun will stagger it out of its breath animation and taking the rail gun orbital strike is another great way to deal with them because they don't really like having their guts blown out like the Fourth of July one fun thing you can do is position yourself between the B Titan and your ship and then usually the shot will go through their head or blow two pieces off of their back which makes them die way faster their breath is really the only thing you have to watch out for because it's kind of buggy and will Splash you super far away even around corners or through terrain and will almost always slow you and you have to dive twice or stem to get it off you can also shoot the green bulbs off from underneath of them and that just disables their breath altogether then they just kind of chase you around and it's just annoying until they bleed out but like the Chargers again they're only a problem in a swarm so cluster strikes to spam remove any small threats make these way more manageable and as long as you don't panic most situations and enemies can be taken care of pretty easily even by unconventional measures but that's something I'll be covering more in depth in a future video the last thing we have to talk about about because it gets asked so much in my solo videos is decision- making and kiting if at any point you feel overwhelmed or you're panicking just run away and reset the fight that's always your best option that way you can just make better decisions the Scout passive makes this very easy and light Armor's movement speed and base stamina combined with the stamina booster just makes it the overall key to success to keeping you alive because again armor is bugged so it's better to just have more movement right now I think this covers every enemy with some tips but if you guys have any questions or some more tips for enemies please drop them down below so that way we can all learn more together I've learned a ton of this stuff from you guys so just thank you I'm really not trying to pretend I'm the grand master of all knowledge here I just want to help you guys out with everything that I've learned and I just want to talk about a bunch of questions that I've been getting so if you ever want me to try something out just pop in the Stream usually I'm doing like a meme four stack of something I think the next couple things we have planned as like flamethrowers or whatever but it's always fun to test different people's ideas out so thank you guys for always being such an amazing Community but that's going to be all for now and I wish you the best of walk out there
Channel: Claysthetics
Views: 47,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, From Claysthetics, Related, Live, For you, Watched, Recently uploaded
Id: y6RaD69NYjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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