Why You Can't Use More Stratagems in Helldivers 2

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howdy and hello I'm do hope you're doing good and let's talk about the modifiers and how they affect strategy in a way that makes no sense but first words of the head of pro testing at aead the folks that make H Dage too you need to rely on your strategems and the strategems of your team to deal with all enemies effectively either by eagle strikes orbitals support weapons or turrets some of your load out/ team should be tailoring their Loadout to killing the weaker stuff more efficiently basically use your strategems more and use a wider variety of strats that's the main premise I got from that makes sense to me this is in direct contrast to what the game tells me whenever I load into a match and I see certain modifiers like complex stratum plotting stratum calling time increased by 100% that may not seem like a big deal but it is I'll explain that later orbital fluctuations stratum cool down increased by 50% it now takes not not twice but 50% longer for my strategy to come off cool down for my support weapons and B basically everything else what atmospheric interference orbital strategems scatter increased your orbitals will now just miss you throw it in one spot you wanted to hit that direct spot and now they miss based on a modifier it only affects orbitals though does not affect Eagle air strikes which means that I basically just don't run orbitals when this happens which I think is kind of lame ion storms this is not a big deal but it's worth mentioning ion storms intermittently disable straty so the weather can be kind of bad and it just cuts out your strategy it's kind of like how when it storms outside and it just turns off for some reason even when it's not that bad this is kind of that AA defenses strategy slots reduced by one hey guys use strategy more often and yet we have one less sometimes mind you I'm not saying anything negative here I'm pointing out how they're saying one like how the the devs are saying one thing but the game is saying another that's the main premise here and I do enjoy the game I play it every day to get all that out the way these modifiers are not fun to play with they don't really make you get better they just make you wait and to explain that in a I guess a an example here let's say you're going to a theme park or let's say you're going to a slitter Bond you want to ride a water slide and you see the line is 2 hours long you say to yourself I'm going to not ride that ride based on the weight time and the folks in line say just get better skill issue why are you so bad why are you so bad at waiting online when in reality all you be doing is what they're doing which is waiting there is no getting better at waiting in line you could maybe find something else to do but when you're playing a video game which is what hell average 2 is you want to play the video game and these do not really coincide with a great user experience because they just make you wait now speaking of waiting call on time increased by 100% complex strategy plotting this makes it so your drop ship now takes twice as long to land and what I've noticed even on Hell Dive In some cases there doesn't really mean there's more enemies to face sometimes you're just waiting an extra 2 minutes and there's nothing to shoot at so it's just wasting your time I find that to be abysmally boring and I believe that most modifiers in most games are horrendous I think that they are a very lazy thing to add truth told it's not just a shot at Arrowhead or H average 2 I have the same view in dauntless and Remnant 2 in most games because most modifiers do not serve a good experience to the player they just cause headaches and most of them don't even make you really get better and especially in this situation you're just waiting there's nothing that I can really do to get better about waiting an extra 50% duration in time for my resupply to drop down I just sit there longer how is that not boring and it adds up too the these aren't like oh 50% or an extra few seconds what's a big deal look at your support weapons I have to wait twice as long if I use the anti-tank which if you're using anti-tank you you pair it with another support weapon most of the time folks don't do that I'm not sure why butless say I'm using that now I'm just waiting an extra 30 seconds that's still kind of low not a big deal if I'm using anything else it's going to be roughly a 7 minute cool down turned into around 10 minutes what the F for the exo suit it goes from 10 minutes to 15 minutes where is the skill there where is the the get better portion that I I just can't see it maybe I'm just that bad at the game I do not believe these modifiers do anything to make the experience better in fact there was actually one modifier that changed strats in a way that I thought was interesting and that was scatter it made it so as far as at least the way it The Way It Was Written I didn't really play with it that much but the Way It Was Written said scatter strategy modifier thing made it so it would scatter the code for your strategy meaning you wouldn't have you wouldn't be able to use the memorized thing you had for said strategy instead you'd have to input a different code that's fine you can overcome that if you're good at seeing what's happening relaying the information of the arrows and the directions you see you could quickly overcome that you're not just waiting extra arbitr you're not waiting extra time based on some arbitrary nonsense it's something that you can actually get better to do the problem with that potentially is I guess some folks uh I'm not sure if dyslexia plays a role here if you use the arrow keys but maybe the devs felt it wasn't exactly fair I'm not sure exactly why they removed it but that's what comes to mind for me cuz I I do know that folks use macros which a lot of folks don't like the idea of I don't by the way I'm just saying that some folks do and they use voice commands as well and apparently in Japan or something you can use voice commands it's built into the game that's what I've heard but obviously I don't know if that's the case because I don't have the game in Japan so I don't know any who it's just I I I really want people to understand specifically the devs if possible it'd be fantastic that these are not fun modifiers there's a way to make modifiers that are less egregious that are maybe more engaging this is not not it it might be wise to maybe try ones that give you a benefit and a downside like I don't know for instance you have like a negative aspect that could be whatever if it makes sense and the positive would be increased fire damage or something like that I don't know but then that makes balance kind of weird so honestly I think the best solution is to get rid of any modifier that affects strats in a way the player can't overcome by being better at the game by acquiring some kind of skill progression such as the scatter gy the scatter scatter gem thing different code but if you see the code input it quickly you're chilling you could even try one where it's like what's it called those authenticator apps that have a a rotating code every 10 seconds it changes if you want to get really rambunctious you can do that and I'd be okay with that that would suck for a lot of people but I'd be okay with that that if we're talking about skill and get better that makes way more sense than just waiting extra time but maybe I care about time more than some folks do I just feel like there's much better ways to go about modifying the game play that could lead to more enjoyability this ain't it especially if your whole design philosophy is to have us use our strategems and rely on our strategems why would I want to rely on strategems that take forever to drop down this is also why I like the idea of support being good against the majority enemies which fun fact they are against the automatons the vast majority support weapons are great against tomaton in every fashion and way you can think of ver the bugs nah any who thanks for watching have a good day peace
Channel: OhDough
Views: 33,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 modifiers, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 makes no sense, helldivers 2 helldiver
Id: yTXlayTJxo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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