Helldivers 2 - I Tested EVERY NEW CHANGE In The Latest Update!

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hello everyone my name is swanie thanks for stopping by and checking out my channel now yesterday we got a brand new update for hell divers 2 with patch 1.200 and I got to say right off the bat this is one of my favorite updates so far that has come to the game there are just so many good changes that they brought to this update there's a couple bad that I'm not a big fan of but for the most part I'm really really enjoying this update the automatons are a lot easier to deal with now and in my opinion they're a lot more fun to fight so hopefully after this update we're going to see a lot more players start to face off against the automatons so I tested all of the brand new changes that came in this update and I'm going to give you guys my opinions and thoughts on these changes and before we get into these specific changes that are mentioned in the patch notes we actually got two new enemy types that were added that weren't listed in the patch notes we got both the brand new automaton gunships and the giant Factory Striders which is basically like a giant AT-AT from Star Wars now I played this update all day long I played for hours and I could not get these Factory Striders to spawn in I saw that people were getting them all over Reddit and people were talking about how hard they are to destroy and apparently they can withstand like 500 kg bombs and stuff but I could not get one to spawn I played tons of different Mission varieties I played on the hardest difficulty I couldn't get them to spawn no matter what I tried so apparently they're in the game but that's the only thing I wasn't able to test all right so getting right into some of the changes the AR thrower it says that they fix charging inconsistencies it will now always take 1 second to charge a shot they reduce the distance from 50 to 35 M and they increased the Stagger Force now I am not an arc thrower main I know some people just only play with the ark thrower but in my testing it still kind of feels the same to me I still think it's really good against the terminats it's still a very good option and I was still able to fire it a little bit early on the second follow-up shot for the first shot you do have to fully charge it it takes about 1 second but on the follow-up shots I was still able to fire it pretty quickly without having to charge it up all the way but I did notice that the Stagger was pretty significant with The Arc throwers so I can't really tell too much of a difference with an arc thrower and in my opinion it's still really really good so on paper it sounds like a Nerf but I couldn't notice too many changes next up is a big one and it's the antimaterial rifle damage is increased by 30% and let me tell you this is now one of the best best go-to support weapons against the automatons it will just wreck everything I mean don't get me wrong it's kind of good against the terminates too it's just you know you get easily swarmed against the terminats so this has always been a better weapon to choose against the automatons it can two shot kill those Scout Riders so those little like mini atrts it will take them out with ease any of the medium enemy types like the Berserkers or the Devastators if you shoot them in the like mid region or just shoot them in the crotch it will one one shot kill them now which is huge and obviously any of the smaller enemy types it will also one shot kill them as well it does a ton of damage against the hulks so if you shoot it in the little eye or if you shoot it in the back it will just do a ton of damage to them and overall this feels like a pretty drastic change for the antimaterial rifle and this has my seal of approval it is really really good now uh so next up is the breaker incinerar damage per bullet is increased from 15 per bullet to 20 per bullet and the overall fire damage per tick is increased by 50% from all sources and let me tell you the breaker incinerar shotgun is now God tier against the terminats it will just melt through entire hordes of the smaller enemy types it is so easy to get sworn when they send just tons of Warriors and hunters and stalkers and the little tiny scavengers it's just so easy to get overwhelmed but the breaker incinerar will now just melt through them like butter it is so good I cannot talk this thing up enough this is my go-to weapon now for the terminats it's a night and day difference like it is crazy and because of this 50% increase from all sources it also made the flamethrower god tier as well against the terminats like the flamethrower is probably one of the best support weapons it will just melt through everything same thing goes for the incinerar grenades those are also a very good option now as well where before I just couldn't justify choosing them over any of the other regular grenades so I highly recommend using fire damage now against the terminats it is amazing but do be warned that the fire damage is going to hurt you more as well now too when going up against the automatons the big hulks that have the flamethrowers they will insta kill you if you even semi get touched by their flamethrower before it kind of gave you enough time to dive and put out the fire now if you get caught on fire you just instantly die and you can't dive to put out the fire you're just dead so definitely be careful of those guys now because they're even more dangerous uh next up there are some ballistic shield changes the Collision mesh has been slightly increased in size for more forgiveness they change Shield poses so that less of the hell diver is exposed and they addressed a bug where part of the hell diver would become vulnerable when using the shield in first person and these changes are amazing before I would never use the ballistic shield I tried it I tested it I gave it multiple chances it was never good enough to justify using against the automatons now this Shield is is almost a must have for the automatons it is so good I was able to stand directly in front of a tank and just take all of the hits directly and I was completely fine the only way the tank was able to kill me was when I climbed up on top of it and was standing point blank in its barrel and you know it finally killed me that way but I was standing in front of large groups of enemies all shooting at me and I didn't take any damage at all so the ballistic shield paired with an SMG is a really good option now against the automatons where before I wouldn't recommend using the ballistic shield almost at all so this is a really really good change uh next up is the jar five Dominator they increase the damage from 200 to 300 and they increase the Stagger effect so now you can more easily stagger enemies and this buff is crazy for the Dominator I was just absolutely melting through medium tier enemy types with against the terminats now I don't recommend this against the termined just because it shoots one shot at a time and and it's very easy to get swarmed against the ter you know this isn't the go-to option but if you are going to bring it against the terid it is doing an insane amount of damage to weak spots on like Chargers and biot tians and it will just absolutely wreck any of the medium tier enemies that have armor and then switching over to the automaton side of things it is now one of the best weapons for the automatons if you treat this weapon as sort of like a DMR and you pick the enemies off at a distance it is amazing a lot of people in the community before this update were complaining that this weapon was very underpowered and it wasn't worth using and the devs Apparently took that to heart and now it is one of the best weapons to use against the automatons I mean that damage increased from 200 to 300 that is a pretty massive damage increase and you can definitely tell the difference so next up is the diligence counter sniper they increased armor penetration from light to medium that's the only change that was brought to the diligence counter sniper and it makes a little bit of a difference it is going to hit a little bit harder for those medium tier enemies for both the terminats and the automatons I don't recommend it against the terminats though because it only has a magazine size of 15 rounds so you are going to be burning through your ammo pretty quickly with this weapon this weapon is a lot better against the automatons it will one shot kill any of the smaller enemy types and it does a pretty good job of taking out the medium tier enemies as well as long as you hit their weak spots it wasn't too much of a change but it does make a little bit of a difference and now I can see myself actually choosing this weapon where before this wasn't one that I would ever use so this is definitely a great change to see uh next up I want to talk about the Liberator penetrator it now has a full auto mode this doesn't really change the weapon too much it just gives you an additional firing mode and that's always a good thing to see do be warned though if you're going to use this in full auto you're going to be reloading your weapon constantly so I would only maybe use full auto if you're getting swarmed when something's right up in your face and you kind of have to like Panic fire but I often found myself still bursting it when I had it in full auto mode just to kind of save ammunition so this doesn't really change the weapon too much I wouldn't really call this much of a buff but it does give you additional options and that's always good to see so I think any fans of the Liberator penetrator are going to like this change so next up I got to talk about the Slugger the Slugger got some pretty big Nerfs and they're definitely noticeable and a lot of the members of the community are already upset about this on Reddit before this update the Slugger was one of my go-to weapons for the automatons and now I don't really see a good reason to use it compared to like the jar five Dominator it's just kind kind of sucks in every way in comparison uh but for the Slugger they reduced the Stagger so now enemies aren't going to be knocked back as much so if you have a Berserker or a rocket Devastator getting ready to shoot the rockets at you or you have a Berserker up in your face you aren't going to be able to knock them back as much same goes for the terminats when you have the Warriors or the stalkers or The Brood commanders all getting up in your face charging at you you can't knock them back as much which leads to you very easily getting overwhelmed but that's not all they reduce the damage from 2 80 to 250 and you can definitely tell a difference against those medium tier enemies it takes a couple more shots to kill them now which definitely sucks and then they reduced the demolition Force so now you can no longer shoot open the containers before with the Slugger I would run around the map and find these shipping containers and you could just shoot the door open and you didn't have to waste a grenade and it was great and now after this update you can no longer shoot open the containers and you know that definitely sucks and then they fixed the armor penetration tag in the menu now so now instead of doing light armor penetration it says that it does medium armor penetration but overall the Slugger definitely got a big Nerf I can tell a big difference from what it was prior to this update and a lot of the community can as well I don't think this Nerf was justified it was a pretty good weapon but it wasn't so good that it needed this drastic of a Nerf I don't think so if you're a fan of a slugger you aren't going to like this change so next up is one of my favorite changes that came with this update this is a update to the hell divers themselves they said balancing adjustments have been made to heavy and medium armor and you now take about 10% less damage than before while wearing heavy armor and take 5% less when wearing medium armor fortified Commando and light armor is unchanged and it might not sound like much on paper but I could tell a big difference heavy armor now feels like heavy armor I can now withstand Rockets to the face before this update my most hated enemy was the rocket Devastator and now they're not as big of a problem I can get hit in the face with a rocket and survive if I'm wearing medium or heavy armor it's great I don't have to worry about instad dying anymore it's it's wonderful don't get me wrong there are still things that can one shot kill you it just doesn't seem like it happens all the time and now I can finally use the heavy armor before this update I never wore the heavy armor and I don't think many members of the community did either there was just no reason to ever use it it makes you slow and clunky and you just get sworn very easily so now you can take a little bit more damage and you can tell a big difference so this is a great change and I'm sure you guys are going to love it they also made a change to the bile Titan it can no longer be stunned by the stun grenades so that definitely sucks I would always throw the stun grenade and then drop some sort of air strike on it and now the biot Titan just does not care you could throw Aug your stung grenades at it it does not matter it will just puke on you or step on you so uh that definitely sucks that is a bit of a Nerf to the stung grenades then they slightly Nerf the bile spewer and the nursing spewers they do less damage with their puke now so now if you dive out of the way as you're getting puked on it won't instakill you now if you stand directly still and it hits you with a full blast you're still probably going to die from it but you can tell a bit of a difference it's not nearly as lethal uh so that is also a good change they also made some changes to the mech suit Chargers normal melee attack now does less damage against the EXO suits so you're not going to get one-shotted by uh Chargers anymore so that's great but then they also nerfed the Rockets the uh Rock Rockets will now penetrate armor only on Direct hits and you can tell a big difference with this change before you could sort of shoot a rocket into a group of enemies and it would do armor penetrating on all of them now it's only going to penetrate if you hit them directly and that is a big Nerf when it comes to taking out large crowds with the Rockets I think they only want you to use the Rockets against the big stuff and they want you to use the machine guns against the smaller stuff so the exo suit can take a little bit more damage now but the Rockets aren't nearly as good and you'll find that enemies are going to be targeting the mech suit a little bit more aggressively now before if you had an Exo Suit the enemies would just Target your teammates if they were on foot and they kind of ignored you and now they will actually Target you and focus on you if you're in a mech suit like think of them thinking is you as a higher priority Target so the mech definitely got a Nerf in this update another cool thing that they changed in this update that wasn't in the patch notes is now that anytime you're typing in game like if you type in the in-game chat your character will actually type on their arm now so that's pretty immersive and pretty cool to see they also added sandstorms and blizzards now there currently are no Maps active in the game as of recording this video that have blizzards on them but I was able to get some gameplay of a sandstorm and you can't see anything like during a sandstorm it is scary especially if the enemies are locked on to you and they're shooting at you through the sandstorm you basically have to Blind fire or just hide behind a rock and pre cuz it is nuts it's honestly probably the most realistic Sandstorm I've ever seen in a video game it looks so cool but I mean that's a good like minute or two that you're not going to be able to fight so you definitely need to be careful when you're caught in the sandstorms but the sandstorms are definitely a pretty cool new feature and then lastly I want to talk about the new gunships that were added they added these new factories for the automatons and they will keep producing gunships until you take out these factories kind of similar to how the shers work for the terid where you have to take out their nest and then they stop spawning these gunships will keep coming out until you take out their factories the only difference is you can't take out the factories from a distance I wasn't able to find any weak spots on these factories the only way we found to blow up the factories is if you like hit them with a 500 kg bomb or go up and place a hell bomb underneath of them and detonate them manually and these gunships are scary I was able to take a couple of their Rockets while wearing heavy armor and it didn't immediately kill me but if you're not wearing heavy armor or if there's multiple gunships targeting you at the same time they are going going to just wreck your face so a good way to take out these gunships are any of the anti-tank rifles like the Expendable anti-tank the recoiless rifle and now the spear actually has some good uses now before today's update no one ever picked the spear the spear just has a really awful lock on time and it was very inconsistent now we were actually able to test it and get a number of different kills against these gunships so I actually recommend using the spear now and giving it a shot I will say though that they need to add some anti-air St strs now to kind of equal the playing field I know in the leaks they were working on some anti-air strategems but we need either another anti-air rocket launcher or an anti-air air strike or something because these gunships can very easily overwhelm you and just completely wipe you out I'll also mention that the quazar cannon can make quick work of these guys as well to take them out in just one shot make sure you aim for their thrusters if you hit them in the base of the body it's going to take multiple shots to kill them just aim for the thrusters and you'll take them out in one shot and while I'm talking about the quazar Cannon they made a slight change to it that didn't make it into the patch notes they added a little charge up meter to it so you can now see when it's charging up and when it's overheated they also made the same change to the rail gun that wasn't in the patch notes now when you zoom in in first person on the rail gun there's an additional little overheat meter at the end of the scope that way it's a lot easier to use when it's in unsafe mode and you don't have to worry about accidentally blowing yourself up so overall this is a really good update and they made a lot of great changes the only thing that I didn't like about about this update is that change that they made to the Slugger you know they nerfed the slugger but they made so many other things just amazing now that I kind of give them a pass for the Slugger I can put the Slugger on the shelf and try out all these other weapons and have a good time so instead of using the Slugger I'll probably just use the Dominator now but if I had to rate this update out of 10 I'd probably give it a nine or a 10 out of 10 I really love this update like I said earlier the only thing I couldn't test with those Factory Striders hopefully they increase the spawn rate so that we see them a little more often I was expecting to spawn in pretty similar to the biot Titans where they you would see them all over the place and they would kind of be like the big boss but unfortunately that just doesn't seem to be the case so that is going to do it for everything in this latest update let me know what you guys think down in the comment section down below if there's any secret changes that happen in the patch then let me know down in the comments it's just me and my friend cookie versus the entirety of the internet so odds are we probably miss something so let me know down in the comments and I'll give it a heart so everyone else can see it as well if you're new here hit the sub subscribe button and hit the bell for notifications that way you don't miss out on any future hell divers 2 videos and I will talk to you guys next [Music] time
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 270,176
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Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 patch, helldivers 2 news update, Helldivers 2 Nerfs, helldivers 2 tips for beginners, helldivers, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 leaks, helldivers 2 new leaks, helldivers 2 new content, helldivers 2 new update, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 illuminate, helldivers 2 new faction, helldivers 2 new enemies, helldivers 2 new major orders, helldivers 2 major order
Id: UYeYjGl_QmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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