Helldivers 2 - I Tested Both The New Quasar Cannon and Heavy Machine Gun!

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hello everyone thanks for stopping by and checking out my channel my name is swanie and for today's video I'm going to be going over the two brand new strategems that we just got for hell divers 2 now these two weapons include the Las 99 quazar Cannon and the mg101 heavy machine gun now these two weapons have been floating around in the leaks for quite some time now so odds are you've probably already seen some leaked gameplay of them already but today they've been officially released and everyone can finally get their hands on them and after playing around with both the weapons against both the terminats and the automatons I got to say there's some good news and some bad news uh so let's go ahead and get right into it so first up let's talk about the quazar cannon now as soon as I loaded up my very first match and I was able to use the quazar cannon for the very first time I could immediately tell right away that this weapon was going to be something special now you can pick up the quazar cannon for just 7,500 requisition points so it is the more expensive of the two but trust me it is definitely worth it I would make it your top priority to go out and get this quazar Cannon as soon as possible now the quazar cannon does have a slow charge up time that's kind of the only downside with this weapon you have to hold in the trigger to charge it up and as you hold down the trigger to charge up this weapon you're going to see the reticle is going to spin faster and it's going to get smaller the closer it gets to firing now what's really cool about this weapon is that it has unlimited ammo yes unlimited ammo for what is basically a laser rocket launcher which puts the quazar cannon in a completely different League than both the Expendable anti-tank rifle and the recoiless rifle now before today the go-to weapon to take out the bigger units like the biot Titans and the Chargers and the big robot Hulks and the tanks was the Expendable anti-tank and the recoiless well now there's no need for those because the quazar cannon like I said has unlimited ammo and it basically does the same amount of damage as those other two options it will one shot kill pretty much any bug that comes your way it is is amazing at taking out chargers chargers are one of the biggest annoyances that I have when it comes to facing the terminats because they just never leave you alone and they're pretty hard to take down well with the quazar cannon I was taking out Chargers left and right just one shot to the head and boom they are gone same thing kind of goes for the biot Titans now the biot Titans can withstand more hits if you shoot them in the body but if you're able to get a headshot you can one shot kill a biot Tian same thing goes for shooting the automaton hulks if you shoot them dead center in their red eye it will one shot kill them and I was also able to one shot kill the big Hulk robots by shooting him in their weak spot on the back the quazar cannon is also pretty good at taking out bug nests and robot factories if you line it up directly with the hole and the quazar cannon is now my go-to weapon of choice for taking out those giant spores or the shrier nest from a safe distance the shers are an absolute pain in the butt and they hate when you get close to their nest so you can easily just use the quazar cannon to take out their nest and cause them to de spawn I will say though that the quazar cannon has very little splash damage so if you're trying to shoot it into a large crowd of enemies like a large group of small bugs or a group of multiple robots all clustered together it isn't going to do as much Splash damage as you'd probably hope uh this is probably one of the ways of balancing this weapon and honestly if it did do a lot of Splash damage it would probably be extremely overpowered but in the state that it's in I think this is a must have weapon and I think it's just absolutely awesome but now I want to talk about the G 101 heavy machine gun and sadly I was pretty disappointed with this now I tried and tried and tried to get some good gameplay of me using this heavy machine gun and I just could not do it I guess either I suck with this weapon or the weapon itself sucks but I could not do well with it I mean the difference is night and day I picked up the quazar cannon and it blew me away the ease of use for the quazar cannon is crazy you just pick it up holding the trigger and boom whatever you're aiming at dies but with the heavy machine gun I was struggling to kill stuff it it just has so many downsides so first up you can purchase this heavy machine gun for just 6,000 requisition points and I noticed already that in game they call it the mg 206 heavy machine gun but in the promotional image they posted on Twitter they call it the mg101 heavy machine gun so I'm not exactly sure what it's actually called now it comes with 75 shots in the magazine and it only comes with two magazines and it has three different firing modes and I have to mention how slow the reload time is the reload time on this weapon is awful like you cannot be in the middle of a gunfight and try to reload this weapon or if enemies are pursuing you and they're running towards you you are not going to get this weapon reloaded before the enemies get right up on your face I couldn't tell you how many times I was fighting like the robots or the bugs and they were off in the distance I ran out of ammo tried to reload and the enemies were just right up on me before I could get this thing fully reloaded and there's something weird with the reload animation it looks like you're done reloading but then it takes another like 2 seconds after you think it's done to fully reload so the reload time on this weapon being so slow is one of the major negatives that this weapon has and since this weapon comes with only two magazines you're going to be running out of ammo left and right and if you want to get the most out of this heavy machine gun you basically have to pair it with a supply backpack otherwise you're going to be out of ammo pretty much constantly and that's a pretty big downside that you have to use two strategems to see the full benefit of Just One support weapon so let's talk the three different firing modes there's 450 RPM 750 RPM and 1200 RPM The Recoil is absolutely insane for this weapon so the only way you can use it is if you go prone if you try to use this Standing Up or On the Run it's just going to be so inaccurate that you're never going to hit any of your shots so when you're using the heavy machine gun I recommend you try to go at like medium range and try to use the 450 RPM that way it's more controlled and you're going to get the most benefit out of your shots now the 750 RPM is the default setting and it's you know it's okay but the problem with the 750 and the 1200 is that it goes through the ammo so quickly I mean like I said you only have two magazines and with these two firing modes you are firing them off insanely fast I only recommend these two firing modes if something's getting straight up into your face and you have no other option but if you you try to use the 1200 RPM and you go prone and you try to accurately hit a Target good luck this thing just kicks way too hard which brings up the next point and it's that this weapon has to be aimed down sight it's kind of the same as the antimaterial rifle there is no third person aiming with this you have to go into first person if you want to aim otherwise you're just firing from the hip and you have no idea where your bullets are going to go and it's insanely inaccurate so if you're not a fan of those type of weapons where you have to aim in first person then I would probably steer away from this so overall I am not a big fan of the heavy machine gun I'm sure someone out there is going to make a video and they're like this is the best weapon in the game and they're going to give you like a million reasons and they might be right but for me I picked up the quazar cannon it was easy I just pulled the trigger everything blew up but for the heavy machine gun I was trying for a couple hours just to get some decent gameplay that I could show you guys and I was struggling hard now the heavy machine gun can hit hard I was able to blow up a tank with it like if you get up behind it and you shoot it in the weak spot it will blow up a tank but it doesn't have very good armor penetrating so it's going to struggle against the bile Titan it's going to struggle against Chargers and stuff like that and overall I'm not a big fan of the heavy machine gun it might grow on me over time but honestly I like both the star wart and the regular machine gun better than this heavy machine gun I was hoping that this heavy machine gun would feel more like a minigun and I've really been wanting a minigun in this game but it just isn't doing it for me I think the quazar cannon is by far the better of the two new options and that's the one I'm going to be sticking with I mean if I have the option of a cannon that has unlimited ammo that can one shot kill Chargers and biot Titans and tanks versus a heavy machine gun that's going to run out of ammo constantly and requires me to carry an additional backpack just to give myself more ammo and it's super inaccurate and I wasn't able to get very many kills with it I mean it's an no-brainer to me but hey that's just my opinion maybe it's a skill issue and I just suck and I need some more practice with it but that's my first impressions of the heavy machine gun and honestly I think if they just made the magazines instead of 75 rounds and just bumped it up to 100 or just gave you a third additional magazine that alone would be enough to make this weapon just a little bit better and I could justify using it over some of the other support weapons it's just there's so many downsides that I just don't recommend using this until they give it some sort of buff but that is going to do it for my first impressions of both of the brand new strategems the quazar Cannon and the heavy machine gun let me know what you guys think of both of the new weapons down in the comment section down below if you have any tips for using both of these weapons let me know down in the comments and I will be sure to give it a heart so other members of the community can see it as well so that is going to do it for me guys if you're new here please consider hitting the Subscribe button and hitting the bell for notifications that way you don't miss out on any future H divers 2 videos and thank you so much for watching and I will talk to you all next time
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
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Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 patch, helldivers 2 news update, Helldivers 2 Nerfs, helldivers 2 tips for beginners, helldivers, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 leaks, helldivers 2 new leaks, helldivers 2 new content, helldivers 2 new update, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 illuminate, helldivers 2 list, helldivers 2 new faction, helldivers 2 leaked stratagems, helldivers 2 new enemies
Id: ZyksInmljXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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