The Cursed Helldivers Tierlist

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hello hell divers I have for you today some weird and wacky synergies we'll be ranking synergies based off of how fun effective and even how cursed they are so grab yourself a cup of Liberty and be sure to tell me if you disagree so many people keep saying how good the gas strike is are you playing the same game are you playing on the lowest difficulty or something I figured let's all take EMS and gas strikes World War one style I got nothing out of that despite the stinky gas both bugs and Bots simply don't care light enemies seem to not even be affected half the time and medium enemies might die by the time the AMS wears off it doesn't appear to stack with multiple strikes in one spot and since it can't kill most enemies it's pointless for even one person to take it it does however melt your teammates oh god oh I'm a stinky boy ineffective sort of cursed for the team kills e tier all orbital lasers is just here so I can [ __ ] on all the guys who keep commenting that the laser strike is actually good it takes out a bot base oh sorry did you not actually like playing the game four people taking a laser cannon on a bot Mission can complete over half the objectives without even setting fting them it's a crutch boring mildly effective not at all cursed get a better play style nerd e tier all 120 mm and 380 mm barges let you destroy almost every objective in the game without ever setting foot in them Li while one laser usually destroys a base disregarding how it trivializes side objectives and acknowledging that it does kind of look cool it has a 5minute cool down and you only get to use it three times Arty on the other hand has infinite uses and a cool down of four minutes the sheer spectacle of all four people dropping all R in one place is something to behold oh Jesus is it effective well alone the barrages are too inaccurate to do much but all of them well you're basically just deleting part of the map I do it to witness the sheer might of democracy it just leveled this place holy [ __ ] there yeah drop them during a firefight and the enemies won't be killing you that didn't say you wouldn't die mildly effective not really cursed D tier allme sounds really cool in theory but in practice it doesn't really work Mech burn through ammo and a best used in tandem with infantry you're kidding oh the [ __ ] pelic if all four mechs are conservative with the rmo you could probably get through the entire mission in mechs by using both your Callins but it's better used for bug defense or strategically on objectives this is how everyone used their free mechs when they were released anyway you can liberally use the mech one at a time but I never found any benefit from spamming in these things each rocket can kill one medium at best so you're best using them exclusively on Heavies not very effective and not at all cursed D tier Technologic sometimes I wonder what wild strategies will we have when Vehicles get added well if you're riching for vehicle combat you should try today's sponsor War Thunder you know War Thunder you know it's the most comprehensive vehicle combat game in the history of well vehicle combat games with over 2,500 tanks planes helicopters and ships covering all erors from the 1920s to modern day fires the combat is intense and Incredibly immersive as a result of amazingly detailed damage models graphics and authentic sound effects my favorite tactic is rushing to cap then spawning a plane to protect people from cast there are 70 million people playing worldwide Discover it today as you battle an epic PvP with so much content to discover you'll be saying where did my life go it's gone to a better place it's gone to war funder with its insane customization and game mode suit to every kind of player and if you're one of those freaks with a job and a life you don't need to invest your life savings on a PC that can run it do you still need more the game game is absolutely free on Xbox PlayStation and PC you should sign up with 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Patrols stationary enemies however are exactly them they might wander around the area they spawned but most of them stay still unless provoked you can kill a lone guard without aering more sometimes multiple in quick succession but it's inconsistent from what I can gather as long as another enemy cannot see the enemy you kill they won't be Agro but they may come investigate patrols on the other hand tend to be so close that to kill one alerts all so stealth I've sunk dozens of hours crawling into enemy bases trying to do the objective without detection and haven't once succeeded it's frustrating because it seems possible but some [ __ ] or other prevents it from happening you can have a friend in the distance snipe priority targets but with the weather effects visibility is usually very low so the best they can do is draw enemies out which usually just gets you discovered in the process it's super scuffed I really want it to work but if I still haven't done a single mission after 160 hours I'm not sure I ever will this mission is the closest I ever got I managed to sneak into the air control base using the jump pack call down the SSD wait out the Bots that came to investigate and plugged it in after waiting to see if the bot at the terminal was going to move I decided [ __ ] it and went in maybe if someone sniped him or made some noise outside I could have used the terminal without him noticing but it's more likely I would have been detected instantly you can still use stealth to increase your success rate if you're ever getting bed down in a big fight you just need to break line of sight and sneak away very cursed almost effective still kind of cool C tier the supp pack spam Str is something that I've talked about before I originally relegated it to only working with the grenade launcher and while that probably is the most effective way to use it it also works quite handily with the flamethrower and to a lesser degree the machine guns basically any support weapon that doesn't need a backpack becomes spammable the grenade launcher at machine gun in particular are held back by their ammo but even weapons like the flamethrower get a huge boost by not having to worry about Ammo it's a good Synergy that I use quite often but not cursed C tier drop the drop ships is a fun little game I like to play on bot defense take all recoiless and Expendable and use the team reload to try and take down every single drop ship I'm convinced it's impossible the moment you stop shooting drop ships you'll get instantly overwhelmed it's just the nature of these missions but seeing how far you can get before that happens is fun as hell usually once everyone's out of rockets for the recoiler it starts going to [ __ ] the problem is that Bots inside a drop ship don't count towards kills and tanks and hulks don't die when a Dropship does so it's purely a strap just for fun but you have to give it a go at least a couple times you'll end up taking the expendable and shooting down drop ships in regular missions as a result trust me not very effective fun as hell and kind of cursed B tier the laser light show has been around since the start of the scythe and the laser cannon but it's now infinitely more effective and versatile with the addition of the laser pistol and sickle hell the sickle on its own deserves its own play style ranking switch to either the pistol or the can well don't switch to the pistol it's basically a water pistol switch to the cannon when your primary starts to overheat and vice versa it sounds gimmicky but it's rather effective doing this Strat taught me how to actually use the laser cannon it's fussy you need to use cover since moving and getting staggered ruins your aim you can use a shield pack or just some cover and Crouch if you're struggling with it the fun starts when everyone uses this strap against bots as long as you focus down priority targets it can be quite effective and godamn beautiful pair it with incend mines Shield generator the laser guard doog and all the orbital laser and you've got yourself a light festival it's damn fun seeing all the lasers and while your ability to crowd control is seriously hampered you will eventually gain control of every engagement fun pretty and pretty effective but not super cursed beer I'm a fire in my arm everyone knows that the drop pod is one of the hell diver's most effective weapons it can One-Shot charges and H oh double kill double kill and put bile Titans on the brink of death if it doesn't just outright kill them tanks on the other hand are a bit weird democracy has land oh god oh God you can kill them with the hell pod but it's not reliable more likely that you'll get yourself killed moments after emerging from the Pod if your heavy hitting strategems are on cool down why not commit subu and call in a new hell diver you know we've got hundreds of them Frozen on the Destroyer you can even destroy objectives with themy reinforc reinforce B tier The Arc boys consists of everyone using the arc thrower and the new arc resistant armor from the battle pass with this combination friendly fire now only does about one/ tenth of your health instead of killing you you are sleeping on the arc thrower it's so good after one full charge you can do a short charge every short after if you time it wrong and it doesn't fire sometimes you have to full charge it again but just look at this fire rate and with four people focusing a charger and even a bile Titan you shred them you can accent this with Tesla towers and jetpacks since you can just sit up on a rock forever and kill every bug in existence against bots it's a little less effective since you have to use cover but it is still very effective since the arc chains between targets you can send one boy up front and have everyone use them as a conduit to chain onto further targets with the charge trick however you will melt them and the fire rate from Free People stun locks them from simming he doing God's work okay let me S let me let me stim let me stim speaking of stims you'll be hearing I need s a lot due to Friendly Fire to combat this you can take a supply pack simply to restock Sims since the AR thrower itself has infinite ammo I gave the Hulk tits I don't recommend using the blitz shotgun though it's kind of trash very cursed and very effective a tier with the addition of stun grenades a lot of stratums are suddenly viable the 500 kg for example fell off once people learned how to deal with Titans Now however it's come back since you can stun entire groups of enemies before dropping it on them it works for so many stratums it's like having four mini EMS strikes in your pocket without taking up a stratum slot or six if you take the grenade armor I do feel the absence of explosive grenades especially against bugs but it's so good go equip them right now throw them at a bug breach then call down a strike on theming in oral yeah oh that will never get old fre requesting orbital requesting orbital calling in orbital St tunnel freach [Music] requesting requesting orbital [Music] strike so good a tier all flamethrowers is a surprisingly powerful St with the flamethrower buff direct fire does 50% more damage I feel like they stealth tweaked the burn damage since it took me a long time to start seeing big killstreaks again but the takeaway is that you can melt charges now it seems to do best if you aim for one leg not the head but that's not the point one man can hold a choke and deal with a single charger reasonably well but four people holding one choke the DPS is insane the burn damage from setting the ground on fire is good you'll need to focus most mediums a little bit to take care of them on your own but with four people they just can't get through you absolutely melt charges alternatively you can have a constant stream of Fire by alternating reloads and with Supply packs you might as well have infinite ammo Friendly Fire does become an issue a Shield Pack will protect you from direct fire but nothing stops you from getting set on fire if you walk onto burning ground I can't wait for some kind of fire resistant armor oh I couldn't heal cuz I climbed up it in the meantime I recommend medical armor for the extra stims you have become a bug exterminator today hey TI all sentes sounds stupid and don't get me wrong it is but it's damn effective if you don't already use sentes I need to make you aware of your skill issue you need to place them out of the way somewhere it can support you or in a situation where it's unlikely to get overrun if you're playing with bugs then you need to place it where a charger is unlikely to reach it and on Bots sometimes you need to be aware of the Chainsaw Bots but honestly it's much less often you can also use sentries to lure enemies away request a Sentry in order to fin out a firefight or to escape back into stealth but none of this is the point if one person places down four turrets nothing gets through so imagine four people doing it with a cool down of 3E minutes you can decimate and dominate anything in the range it really is a skill issue if you can't make centry last long enough to use all of its ammo speaking of ammo the best turrets are the alter Cannon and in my opinion the Gatling one or two people should run an EMS motor since it takes about 3 minutes to use all of its ammo and neuters things like charges and hulks making it easier for you or your teammates to clean up especially if it manages to land one on a bot drop or a bug breach there's nothing like having a single mot stun loock every single bug in a bug breach than dropping a 500 kgr on it sweet sweet Liberty I'd recommend dropping the sentries as the opening move to an engagement or right before moving on to objective place them high up in a hill in a line where they'll only have to fire in One Direction and you'll minimize TDE TDE TTI side they'll still kill you occasionally Liberty save me but that's the price to pay for Freedom extremely cursed extremely fun extremely effective s tier as an honorable mention I wanted to show you the I wanted to show you the early extraction when you call in the extraction if you leave the zone as the Pelican is approaching it will hover and engage all enemies in a pretty large area if you reenter The Zone Pelican 1 will land and not take off again until you leave this would be a good strategy except that you've already done the main objective and I'm probably quite deep into the mission it can support you as you do side objectives and points of interest but that's its only use I think it's a cool idea I'd love to have some kind of attack pelicon as a strategy someday give it a try and use it if it's applicable to you but it's most likely you'll forget about it after using it one time so now we're on to the cursed tier these aren't ranked based on their effectiveness just their cursedness this can be how much they team kill or just well how cursed they are it's not really a measurable characteristic the mech Rider is some of the most fun I've had you can tell the game doesn't really approve but lets it happen as the mech User it's cursed as hell but as the rider it looks pretty normal you can have the mech stand below a rock and either you walk on or if it's not high enough have them stand sideways and you can die on yeah I'm trying to dive earlier there we go the much easier and honestly more versatile strategy is to use the jetpack it's best if they stand still and it takes some getting used to but once you get the hang of it you can jump on and off to do objectives and hop back on for the bug breaches or Transportation this strap first came out with the flamethrower but that's not really the best weapon for it in my opinion there are some pretty serious restrictions when using it first off even though you can't damage yourself most of the time or the occupant the mech takes damage when hit directly by the flamethrower it doesn't seem to visually indicate this damage so you'll just blow up out the blue killing both of you if the mech pilot uses a shield pack it kind of mitigates this as long as you only fire when The Shield is up but it's too finicky to be honest if you forgo the versatility of the jetpack you can take the auto Cannon which lets you reload on the Move pretty cool but the best weapons to take are the rail gun Arc thrower and maybe the machine guns to get the most use out of it you want to help the mech conserve ammo by taking out low priority targets if you're on a spitters mission the Mecha is going to want to stay away from them or the rider will get constantly melted Hunters are also pretty deadly but they never inst to kill you and I wouldn't recommend this against bots it's a strap mostly for Fun Since you can do the same thing on the ground really I can make one Mech last around 20 minutes by being very conservative is it that effective not really but it is [ __ ] cool and extremely cursed traitor artillery is super Earth's incentive to keep hell divers in line isn't it strange that they have infinite OnDemand shells for hell divers who stray too far from the mission area but make us wait for our own artillery they not telling us a truly Democratic hell diver uses every tool at his disposal run out of the combat zone sacrifice your life for Liberty the traitor RTI is capable of killing many enemies to democracy how long can you stay alive my record is 1 minute 30 seconds if everybody does it on a defense Mission wearing explosive resistant armors how many kills can you get very cursed mildly effective very Democratic there is but one sentence commen to the crime of treason the podless hell dive is uh very cursed using the rock paper scissors emote you can go to places you shouldn't be yipp let's play look at this cool ship huh 2 yes oh no W all right off to war with [Laughter] you and finally we have bug riding all work and no play makes a hell diver an undemocratic citizen go on vacation to a low difficulty Mission find yourself a charger and go for a ride you can do this during missions too though it's only really uses to dodge the charger will try and book you off if he's not aggroed on to anyone else I'm pretty sure you can stay on indefinitely I was on one for a solid minute before I slid off and that was only because I emoted let's play the jump pack makes this trivial though the first few times I did it by jumping off of a rock you can also ride Bots most not with the tank but you tend to slide off and you're just making yourself a huge Target if you're feeling extra Brave find a b Titan these beasts are much more deadly there's a near guaranteed chance that it'll insta kill you I originally thought that if you kept the Titan perpetual Ally stunned with stone grenades you could stay on until you run out grenades with Supply packs and as many resupplies as your patients will let you call in you could ride one for about 60 seconds maybe 90 seconds tops but when we tried we failed over and over oh [ __ ] and over ah no you spam him just Spam him oh you there's no way there's no way the only thing you can actually do is wear the Democracy protects armor which has a 50% chance to stop an in kill after everything it turns out my third attempt without the armor was my best at 20 seconds it's just pure look given enough attempts I'm sure one of you can beat my time and who knows maybe one of you will figure out how to tame these verman for good thanks again to War Thunder for sponsoring this video don't forget to play it for free on Xbox PlayStation or PC and use the link in the pin comment or description to gain exclusive benefits like premium vehicles account time and more for a limited time only and of course thanks to all the patrons and channel members I missed this segment in the last video cuz I was so pressed for time sorry about that
Channel: Ricksdetrix
Views: 111,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, helldivers guide, helldivers tierlist, helldivers funny, helldivers montage, helldivers memes, helldivers funny moments, funny helldivers, tierlist, malevalon creek, best strategems, best guns, moments, helldivers hardest difficulty, helldivers stealth, helldivers how to play, helldivers tips and tricks
Id: O_QzIqxcWso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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