Helldivers Moments that make me say Oh No

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big dog how about a hug how about a hug In the Heat of battle oh again again again again again oh my get out of the hell pod right now and hug me get out of the HELLP pod right now get out of the HELLP pod get over here my brother get over here get come here come here W the last time we ever see each other hey where my hug at where my hug at I'm getting in here get the hell out of here let's go come on baby let's go dive getting out of the hell pod to kick him hold on come here you son of a don't you're not get back in there without a hug get him the out I kicked his ass hold on all right option he just went in the hell Pon he's never going to come out Tucker Tucker don't go in there a guy just got [Laughter] someone went in there going to be up in there I don't know if I want that no way Dune planet Dune Planet stalkers we got I'm already dead I'm already dead it's been 2 minutes I'm already dead hit tab why cuz there's a lot of people everywhere this is quite a bit actually this actually happened in the M me too nice that's huge just one that's actually great what what are those people call dude what that wasn't even me Tucker sorry I would never kill a teammate you know that no no no I saw your cut when I kill a teamate throw one it's great I'm throwing a 110 down it should be okay it shouldn't be providing he doesn't get any closer to me see up don't come down here oh my god did it do anything don't think so big swarm big swarm that way here let me do this I wouldn't waste it 500 500 over there literally no bugs there's I'm the only bug here you said they were over there I mean it was it was a small Patrol Jesus what do you need help with uh the main objective oh my God I just no NOS like a main objective there's no there's no biot Titan there's a bi Titan on what do you mean there's no just got to break his ankles bro's walking ons there a on like a rock that looks like I activated a hell bomb Tucker don't go oh man little I didn't know you were that close I didn't know you were that close I'm sorry wait who just got their whole assed cut to the point where said he never died yet [ __ ] laser all right I'm trying it oh boohoo you yeah try this um yeah I told you we're [ __ ] um oh I got I got it fixed it wait what what did you do what I just knew the code bro you didn't know the code holy [ __ ] what I'm talking about oh he's still alive he's still alive he's still guys come on it's the Las Vegas spear holy [ __ ] dude I put down a resupply by the way eov uh we have we have the I don't know about this one actually oh no bro what's wrong with this Mission Joel I blame Joel Joel Skype I blame Joel Skype here you little [ __ ] he's bleeding he's bleeding I think he's dead de he's nervous bro what's he doing I got to get away from my airri what is he doing he's dirty he did he's sinking in is he good oh he's probably not good oh he did die are we ready to run away from oh hey I found a house oh yeah hey you should run I'm running yeah Why didn't it explode yet I think it might be broken extract Moment 4 minutes God damn it I still have a laser oh I hate that the most um I'm going to use that laser hey good news I'm using the laser sending in an or strike it's probably not going to hit him in time everybody just throw [ __ ] at it he stopped right on it perfect what a fool he's an idiot W this one's for he is dead he did die he's dead no I'm [ __ ] dead I just dropped everything what the [ __ ] here uh we got to do this now the St way from the shuttle real fast I'm going to clear the way what don't blow up the shuttle if it takes enough damage it'll just leave I can't move I'm [ __ ] I'm dead you what the [ __ ] I literally said don't go back we wer even near it I got the pink on I got we got I'm getting the [ __ ] in my fat ass needs to [ __ ] move I'm getting in see y okay Jesus Christ I'm coming trying to make it it's okay just stem up if you get hit run 7 he deserves it he deserves that how many acds you think I got three at least three it it is literally at least three it's two it's two there's no way Zero from everyone else so what does that say the charger can move the charger can move y That's I mean the charger charges no I mean like I mean like he went from higher elevation to lower elevation there's stalkers here the Dodge Engineers when they finally got the Dodge Charger to move the charger can move then when they put a Hemi in it Tucker you want a open a um throw it's great good oh I found the stalker Nest oh my [ __ ] God I think I thought I honestly thought it would just blow you away I'm having such a calm time right now it's great I'm going to drop a 500 on us on am I am I a part of that bus I don't know thinky close can you just say where you are yeah he's he's right here he's going to drop it just depends on if I can get it on just do it I mean I throw it near a hole though or or okay that works too I guess yeah sure I mean I guess I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] oil is discovered hey you got to run through these guys and just pray for the best okay I don't okay I just did it why how hard could it be how hard could it be I just ran through them oh my God run they're in front too laser laser watch out don't get close to anyone 500 kg oh [ __ ] all right bug Nest eradicated just just head extract he not dead yet and there's another one coming from behind bug another B Titan ow ow generator on the point your [ __ ] laser [ __ ] me up no I just dropped 20 samples guys you need that um um um wait did somebody get SP many samples not yet oh my God I you're good get the [ __ ] in horrible idea oh holy [ __ ] in I'm in I'm in go go go not again why are you so far enjoy SC where's the enjoying the thrill of the fight BR [ __ ] shoot this guy [ __ ] shoot this guy shot I wish your Rover just I wish your Rover just cooked you right there oh it's an impact grenade right SMY yeah oh that looks sick I was really going after oh two of them mini nuke Everybody Run oh my God why in God's name it's dead it's literally dead oh really it's still not in we still we just wasted so much on that dude wait was that it I feel like the timer was ain't no way who did that ain't no way did that that's not good what surved how are you alive bro look out Tucker let's get out of here let's damn that's [ __ ] up they're burned someone of my chance like flam old as [ __ ] he was there when democracy was fast true 1 I'm literally your founding father now no the ancient Greeks that's where democracy was you guys ever look at that mount Rush more empty spot I think I know I know who we can go there big dog how about a hug how about a hug In the Heat of battle oh again again again again oh my I forgot you had the shield on I forgot you had the he you get my samples yeah I got him uhoh yeah I saw it I'm just don't care right now oh I got to go that's an eagle we're all dead dude it's over we're all dying that's Eli's okay well Eli just hey he was right we all died I put an eagle close I'm ready god what the [ __ ] guys we we guys I know I know we're doing decently well but like that was all he Li I threw another not me thre another one I threw another one in there but it's just Precision it's a Precision it is it's a Precision I'm not wrong what were you doing sh here yes what what in God's name what in God's guys don't get in the shiping a dead don't get in the ship yet I tried to tell you oh my oh my God are you guys stupid who threw the 500 maybe you [ __ ] dumb ass did you think that was going to happen like what mine was a little far I your 500 kg was right next to the ship what do you mean a little far hit something I'll be honest cuz I threw it kind of your brain is a little far from your body right now Eli's just bringing freedom and democracy just stay away from the Eagles great and the orbital 380s great how do we how defense is insane oh hey how's it going don't come down here what did I just TST when I stood back up what was that dude that looks so goofy I'm going to do that again hey don't don't run that way I got a walking barrage over there okay walk over there holy [ __ ] does it look I have 13 samples all right that's enough I'm just getting him before the Tom Foolery kicks off oh why did you put a 500 Tom Fuller did you make it he made it he made it what has happened to America America fell when we no longer sat down on the couch as a family Friday nights watching America's Funniest Home Videos true I thought it was the school shootings okay no that's our best feature that's our finest export that's insane I hope you don't export it I'm Precision striking one of them Eli try and land away do this oh that works oh nice that works and then I got this one oh God why did you do that man in the the one more egg bro oh my God come on I I don't know I got it holy [ __ ] dude I didn't think I'd be able to hit it with the revolver from here editor put that in the video that was super cool you better not cut that out or you're fired run guys are you double down double down oh that's going to look cool though yeah super I love B EXT Go Go Go no come to me come to me there's more we can get more samples can't you just grab them no no bunker oh I see okay I'm going try and come to you there is a hell bomb over here if we need it when we leave I'm coming over to you okay two H we did the major order the major order okay um what happened Smitty dropped 10 samples H Smitty was that your whole plan was that the whole reason you told me to come over here you got to call him down he [ __ ] killed you idiot I'm never back I'm never playing this game with you again again oh my God that's the whole reason you called me over there that's it how much was it how many gifted Subs was it zero oh was there even a bunker no bro oh my God all right you guys ready to extract I mean oh man I don't know about you but we got ourselves we got ourselves oh Jesus don't no I indirectly killed Tucker with that bro damn it editor make sure you grab my PO is Smitty saying wait there two I'm coming over to you okay oh hey we did the major order the major order what oh hey I love how you didn't see me I'm getting chased by like 12 of them and I ran you that's why I was shocked you did it oh what happened who got you Eli's finger just slipped that's crazy that's for making me run you literally almost killed Tucker God what did Tucker do to you this entire time nothing it's just kind of on sight with everyone right oh [ __ ] yeah yeah it's on site with Flom everybody fire on Flom I'm calling in another 500 kilo another another why I'm right here you be fine oh my God see it's dead now see and you're alive still alive what is that man it's it's dead it's dead it's dead plug a little weird but he chills my plug a little weird he just sinks into the floor brother you got to stop doing that I'm going in [ __ ] this how do you change the view middle Mouse but not not in this view but like when before people join but you hold right click and then middle Mouse [ __ ] dude I hate all of you okay you s what dude you didn't mean that you come ony bring it iny you got in it was good come on come on he's he's bro left bro scad on out of here teleport back to my ship see [Music] you [Music] oh
Channel: SMii7Yplus
Views: 1,034,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smii7y, smii7yplus, smii7y+, smii7y plus, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 funny, helldivers 2 pc gameplay, helldivers, helldivers 2 best moments
Id: WZ-4jgCpwlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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