Heartwarming Moments - Game Grumps

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I'm not suger the grass I would give you $30,000 if you came to me and said I'm sick and dying and I'm broke or I'm trying to produce this thing and I don't have enough money and I'll pay you back you know you know what I will say that's what I would give me this is I won't talk like numbers or anything like this but like just to show everyone what a [ __ ] awesome guy you are before I joined the show and I was unemployed I had just moved to LA ninja sex party was in the red shall we say and like needed cash to stay afloat and we were gonna do a Kickstarter and I told you about it and you were like dude I'll just give you that and like I almost cried because it was so [ __ ] awesome of you wasn't that in line it it was on line for the x2 I remember when we were first coming up with the like the very first star bomb album mm-hmm and it was like late and oh I gotta tell you something interesting about that story too anyway on camera or off camera on camera oh it's sweet we were we were coming up with titles and we were all giggly and like every single title was like a parenthetical yeah but obviously we didn't end up with that that chairs a misquote but the cool thing about that night is I don't know if ever told you this but I've told a couple other people this is that's the night where I knew that if if like John ever got sick or like wanted to leave the show or anything I was gonna like be like hey Dan you should be on the show oh that's awesome yeah I didn't know that so I was like man this chemistry is great yeah we we immediately [ __ ] giggled like idiots from the day we met each other yeah my granddad when he was alive he used to say like regarding cursing he was like if Shakespeare didn't have room for it in his poetry then I don't have room for it in my book jeez yes and he wasn't like a jerk about it it was just how he felt and my grandma on the other hand is like watching the Lewis Black special where it's like [ __ ] everything like laughing uncontrollably that's awesome yeah everybody get it for 62 years dude Wow that crazy yeah it's gonna be you and Susie I hope so it's madness it had that weird alien on it and it kind of looks like those tanks to me it's reminiscent in some way well I'm happy to hear you say that because all it did was remind me of you and I thought for sure that you would say that and that's what made me think of you and I saw it so that's the end of that story thanks Aaron do you have any dude and hey [ __ ] listen if you're if you're transgender you're beautiful alright this I know there was a [ __ ] gross transgender joke in this one but I certainly don't approve and you're cool if you're transgender so there you go [ __ ] yes I have a good one see you later love you oh wow this would be the most harrowing [ __ ] thing to go through in real life oh yeah totally I would do it would you yeah for CeCe yeah Suzy was dead I'd be like oh I'll kill the colossi for you darling but she'd be dead so she wouldn't know I I mean I would totally like I would have to really really like the girl well I didn't really really like Suzy now Oh fiddle-faddle fiddle-faddle you've won again Aaron thank you congratulations well you're the big winner you're big and important and everybody likes dude well I built dan I think that you can do it tough and handsome and no one could be a better friend Magfest that we just did felt like felt like a like wow we actually made it kind of situation you know and like as as awesome as the last couple of years have been it it still felt surreal and it didn't feel because it was game grumps and because it was something that like you had built with John so much it didn't really feel like I deserved like a lot of the sick they came with it if that makes sense like it was like I didn't build this I just I jumped on you know when they were already like a million subscribers and stuff there's three million but yeah I'm it's awesome no now now I'm a little bit easier on myself but don't hit that just yet yeah there you go you got a save in the flavor and now hit that [ __ ] yes yes yes yes but I mean ninja sex party like that was something that like Brian and I created out of nothing you know so like for that to like have taken off felt amazing and like I think just because my dad was there in the audience and like he was beaming you know and my mom was there it was just so [ __ ] amazing what was the point of all this oh just that like so there were a bunch of people asking me like what's it feel like you know and like can I ever get to that point and like the short answer is yes you can and the other answer is like you know I had a lot of [ __ ] help you know yeah like I did not do this on my own and all that like my parents and my grandma granny sex bang how many [ __ ] hits does this guy take I know my god I remember granny sex bang gave me a check for like let's just say a four-digit number that was more money than I had in the bank at the time you know and that's what allowed me to do the sacred chalice videos when we made those which led to us getting our first manager and all this [ __ ] but like I got to hang out with her the other day and I was like mom like I call granny sex bank mom for anyone doesn't know that it's like you know you made all this possible and she was like you made this but like it's just it's just [ __ ] I don't know I don't know where I'm going with all this other than that like this is the first time in my life I've ever felt like you know really happy with career stuff and like it just feels great I'm very happy for you man Thank You Man yes I want to see who is the mic yeah who the [ __ ] said my creepy yeah who is the voice actor dude Eric chahi had right there yeah did my crew that Eric if you listen to this man we are such huge fans eater play we're such huge fans eros great [ __ ] game that [ __ ] was awesome yes a lot enjoy the rest of your life knowing that you've made something really cool yeah something that made us super happy and you know what if I could sum up everything in one word it would have to be good just kidding it's make me without going into too many crazy details Aaron and I have been doing like a lot of self-improvement stuff like going to therapy and like meditating a lot yeah and I think I think part of what you're talking about is like when you like get help the help you need and you start feeling like right in your own body and mind like you're not trying to like busy yourself so much by drowning [ __ ] out and like like silence isn't a scary thing anymore you know cause like your thoughts aren't like you know like constantly yeah so that's wonderful that you're saying that cool yeah that's that's totally true the chatter is Johan oh thank [ __ ] god which is great yeah cuz I shouldn't just chatter is annoying his [ __ ] that [ __ ] ruled me dude oh yeah of course rule it rules us all until like you [ __ ] dig that [ __ ] out like and not that we're telling everyone out there to get therapy but get therapy everyone yeah I think just life is too it's too difficult to navigate without help and it's too too important not to like really take seriously yeah yeah yeah not to like work at I don't know but that's just us you only get one as they say on the streets they do Yolo I apologize if for the next however many episodes we do today I guess 7 for the next 7 episodes I seem just a touch drained but please know that it was one of the happiest experiences of my life and I [ __ ] super loved it bro you know your happiness means a lot to me thank you right welcome thank you for being happy for me let's go get cold stone I don't want to I don't like cold stone tease me with that [ __ ] I like Dairy Queen that's right I'm big on dairy I didn't know you had to pick a side you don't have to I just don't like cold stone no my favorite is what that mochi place on [ __ ] in Little Tokyo oh [ __ ] don't even get me started let's go there I had the [ __ ] cookies-and-cream 100 man it was delectable yeah I know I just wanna you know how they have like girls line naked and like Japanese businessmen eat sushi off of them yes I want to do that but with mochi and myself and no one else sounds good to me yeah it really does wait mochi like the cat you want to do it with mochi yeah just me naked with your cat on me and no one else around oh yes dream scenario that sounds like the most fun I've ever had in my life you're not [ __ ] invited well you know I think that's arguable I think you may not realize that you want to invite me but then when once I show up you're like well I mean you're here when I'm naked and my god check out these butt nuts my cat would be [ __ ] thrilled if I was there so don't even I don't try to act like sometimes I feel like cats like you can know them for like 10 years and then you look at him one day and they're like I could just as easily kill you as look at you you know like don't say that about my cat I would [ __ ] kill for my cat when I was 18 I got really sick with mono and I was just laid up for like eight months I couldn't like really get out of bed and [ __ ] and it was really really awful and I just it was the first I had like a really happy childhood and I like it was my first experience of like real like sadness like over a long period of time and I guess it was I guess it was depression but then I noticed like even when I got physically healthier I was still like really struggling like mentally with a lot of stuff because I had gone away to college and like suddenly like I don't know I think that's a tough age just cuz like you know who you are when you're a kid but you you're not a kid anymore and you don't know how to be an adult yet you don't know where you fit into the world yeah and then you have these constant anxiety attacks about how like the kid life is over yeah and what stuff that you you love yeah yeah so yeah I started noticing that like I was just like really sad all the time and really like having a lot of trouble just getting out of bed in the morning and like things were things were bothering me and basically the short version of the story is I had obsessive-compulsive disorder and it was undiagnosed and I didn't really know what it was OCD kind of like feeds on your imagination but for me like it was that everything in my mind would not stop connecting and as a result like I couldn't do anything so like I'm like when I was struggling with it my mind would be racing constantly I almost failed out of school because of it cuz I couldn't go to my classes like I didn't really leave like my apartment for maybe like five months something like that and I'll I'll never forget dude like it was it was the weirdest thing like I was at my friend Adams house and I was sitting on the computer and I said something and he was like dude just stop obsessing about that [ __ ] and it was just one of those weird like unconscious like things and I just randomly typed in obsession into like Google search terms or whatever and all these pages on obsessive compulsive disorder came up and like I started reading about it and I just like [ __ ] immediately started crying cuz like just I was like oh my god I'm not [ __ ] crazy like I just have this thing for me the moment I found out what it was as soon as it had a name I had a focal point from which to attack it from and then I was like if if it's a disease quote-unquote then it has a cure you know but when it was just like this nameless thing like hanging over my life it was just really really tough that's why I tell people like don't be scared to like go to therapy and like don't think of it as like a sign of weakness to like ask for help if you're feeling sad cuz like there's people out there who are like who want to help you and are qualified to help you it was cool yeah I liked it great here comes that hug they put me on I think it was prozac for like I was supposed to be on it for an indefinite period of time and one of the one of the misconceptions about those types of drugs is that they're happy pills they're definitely not the like that you don't they don't make you happy they just they even things out like in your mind so you can think clearly and solve your own problems you know like you have to take the initiative and be like no I'm not gonna [ __ ] live like this right I think back to those those times which now seem so distant you know they were over a decade ago yeah and like I'm just so happy now like all the [ __ ] time because like I know what it's like to be sad you know and like it gives you like you have there's the two different kinds of happiness you know there's the kid happiness where you're just like um happy cuz everything's awesome a new and interesting having a great time yeah and then there's the other happy like the light at the end of the tunnel happiness like I had to go through some [ __ ] and like I earned this you know I'm mellow happy yeah yeah the the apiece kind of feeling oh yeah so like that's when I went to France like as an exchange student and that really helped me to like going to were like a totally new place and like seeing like different environments and just being like hey you know what like the world isn't what I thought it was really a lot more to it that I haven't seen maybe this is like dramatic overly dramatic to say but it is what happened like there was like this really pretty lake in the middle of the town I was staying in and I was on Prozac for I guess like six months and then like while I was out there I was like I don't [ __ ] need this [ __ ] anymore so I liked I did you throw it I did I took the cell bottle and [ __ ] threw it in the lake yeah it was I was like one of the one of the most satisfying like personal moments I guess that's super cool Christmas is on my mind what are you [ __ ] CBS it's like [ __ ] March 4th and they're like well time to bust out it's a holly jolly Christmas sure yeah what do you want for Christmas Dan me yeah it's not peachy wish that's a good one it's the saddest answer boss I've heard that one all the time I I don't know I I have a lot hey your friendship I guess but oh that's nice yeah whatever well why do you ask because I'm already know I've already gotten you stuff so yeah you're just gonna have to deal with it holy [ __ ] I was just hoping it would like it's like throwing a dart set a [ __ ] big thing uh-huh and then you acted then you hit the thing that I wanted you to hit well you know there's only like five things I love in this world okay rush stegasaurus the New York Giants The Last Unicorn and some other [ __ ] that I can't think of right now probably Lord of the Rings it's sweet yeah that would be the miscellaneous fifth category so here's what I got you applesauce because I know that you like apples but don't enjoy chewing okay second thing I got yeah yeah a top because I know your way into dreidel but top circles and the third thing I got you which is the last thing uh-huh is a copy of about a boy on blu-ray just because I mean that's just an underrated to the movie it's really good is that wait is that the one with Andy Samberg and Adam Sandler I believe it's with a Hugh Grant oh I mean I haven't seen it so to recap for Christmas in August yes you got me a no no it's it's the Christmas in when Christmas happens yeah but I mean like we're in August or July whenever this goes right but it's never too early to get presents for your beloved right and well thank you very much I'm flattered by it that you'd say that but like so this summer for Christmas you've got me applesauce a non-denominational spinny top yes and just a regular top a blu-ray of a Hugh Grant movie you don't have to thank me you must yet what are you doing in our grumpy hello Suzanne oh thank you Oh Susie made me tea well it's so nice she is so nice babe love you [Music] okay thank you this guest appearance brought to you by visions Oh No flowed the flair is dead no I don't mind I I'm just glad I got to love you don't [ __ ] with me game don't give me this [ __ ] don't tell me flute is bad shine shine down on fluid shine down on food right [ __ ] now you give life again delfino's dance dance him back to life you useless potato [ __ ] he's coming back I think I can the cheek baby give them a quick little hand eh eh wait wait thank you fluid so nice I'm so glad you're okay oh I listen I get it I'm I'm 38 and a lot of our audience is much younger than that so I'm gonna get like the your old comment a lot I don't really care that much I'm actually pretty stoked everybody loves you yeah it was pretty happy I've made it this far but I mean like it's the a lot of people my age will constantly say like I'm so old like just with this like defeatist attitude you know I'm just like I don't know I just hate it it's it's such like a self-pity trip to be like oh I I'm not ex age anymore therefore I matter less and I can do less and I I can't accomplish anything you can [ __ ] accomplish tons of [ __ ] at many different points in your life I mean like granted when you get super old and like your parts don't work as well like okay that's one thing but I mean like it's also up to you to like make sure you know it's there yeah well that's that's and I mean that's kind of what bugs me on that level in general it's there's a there's a lack of responsibility for like your own life like everyone has to be responsible for their own life and their own happiness and their own choices so I'm old and like throwing up your hands and be like can't do anything it's just a way of like kind of deferring the responsibility for your own life oh yeah like it I don't know that like that then that song personifies it to me like I won't back down like [ __ ] [ __ ] fight goddamn it like she'd get off your ass and do [ __ ] the episodes start yeah are you serious oh I'm sorry no at the phone do whatever the [ __ ] you want no I cannot know looking an obligation to our lovely you're a star good show your star baby think so yeah man I think you're great really yeah I think you're like one of the best performers I've personally ever known that's incredibly cool and I have no idea if you're being facetious or seizures I think you're great I saw you perform several times yeah and it was all we performed together it was [ __ ] great eye contact happening well it's cuz I was putting in the level I think you're I think you're [ __ ] beautiful human being and and I think that you're a great performer and I would never Wow he looked right in my eyes about though that actually feels really good there you go great there you go man sometimes you just gotta [ __ ] speak from the heart well in that case I think you are one of my top two favorite game grumps who's the first but ya know like if you if you want to do something and like cuz I've had that thought when I was younger I used to think I'll never be I'll never be good at playing guitar I've never played guitar and look at how amazing some people are but like everyone sucks at everything when they're when they start you know didn't come out the [ __ ] drove John [ __ ] Mozart that's exactly right you did not come out the [ __ ] that way no look talent yeah people throw around talent buts it's that's that's what I don't like about the word talent I think I've talked about this before but to me talent is a very defeatist concept really yeah because to say that you have talent is like as if it was like given to you right now as if it was like this is this gift well I think you can have like a predisposition and but like it still has to be developed yes and that yeah that's what we're saying like put in the hard work and if you feel like if you feel like no one believes in you I [ __ ] believe in you there I said it so go out and do that [ __ ] that you want to do and don't let don't let light life live you you know like you [ __ ] be proactive and live your life because I think you only get one and you got a I don't know such a sad waste when you when you see people look back at an advanced age and be like oh just I should have done this or that I like just [ __ ] do it now yeah saying you're never as young as you are today oh that makes sense yeah yeah that says just how I've always lived my life just [ __ ] I want to do this thing so I'm gonna do it yeah and look what you've accomplished I've watched you build more than one empire which is crazy how you gonna accomplish anything if you don't do it yeah and you're a good-for-nothing [ __ ] high school dropouts comeback yeah pretty much it's it's amazing that's it's very inspiring I think everyone's just afraid of what people are gonna think of them yeah [ __ ] other people [ __ ] their opinions but who gives a [ __ ] you know nothing ever happens unless you take the first step yeah you know I think it's it's so it's so obvious but I think it's so easy to overlook the concept of like the only way something's gonna happen is if you do it I've had that thought so many times in my life well like you with like stuff that panned out and stuff that didn't pan out where I'm like man if if somebody walked in on me like the first day of like trying guitar or something okay and they were just like what are you doing I'm just like I don't know trying to learn to play guitar and they'd be like yeah I could just imagine that scenario of like oh okay you know oh it's happened to me it's like but clap didn't had day one you know I guess everybody has the first day and nobody's gonna that's another quote I like the person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it yeah yeah yeah it's it's exactly that I think it's because we all have like that voice in our heads that tell us like we're not good enough like where we suck and whatever it shows up in a million ways but like the voice of doubt in your mind and then when someone else comes along and says and echoes that doubt like you'll never do it like that then then that voice in your head gets like twice as bit loud you know like I told you you know yeah but [ __ ] that voice that voice is in you you gotta tell that [ __ ] to go [ __ ] itself yeah that's a lot of [ __ ] for one sentence below I have watched certain episodes back because like they have good memories and [ __ ] but it just feels slightly narcissistic to absolutely I dunno it's like I don't [ __ ] yeah the only reason I would is if I missed you Dan in a while I like watching episode the game grabs and I'd be like man we really don't get along yeah boy now I'm glad I haven't seen him in a while Jesus Christ hey all right I've been learning I'm gonna completely I'm gonna completely shift then Aaron I believe in you you've absolutely got this there is no doubt in my mind wow that's so nice of you yep dude I mean how could there be any doubt in my mind when you so clearly got this Thank You Man yep really nice of you that feels relief if anything I'm ashamed of myself being in your presence when you've got this so hard thanks man you know ah that's all I really needed was it was a pat on the back for my best friend Dan Edwards food I'm your best friend yeah dude you're my best friend you're the one who always gives me all of the good all of the good niceness look it's even got a rhythm about going out of the this bond yes learning it's so nice to me are you proud little heart is swelling a little bit this is a Grinch moment Dan wanted to see this level yeah evolution of Mario 1981 to now that sounds cute it does yeah now being 2018 are now being 1990 - because that's the latest thing I see on there well there's a whole nother stage she saw the expert on all things Mario throughout the years I believe whoa Baby Mario he looks like a military general all right oh so this is like this is like Donkey Kong Donkey Kong yeah it is Donkey Kong isn't it yeah yeah that's adorable well I'm great this cocky down oh he doesn't want to get killed yeah you sure don't gotcha [ __ ] oh he doesn't die okay cool no dude see ya 1983 yes Mario - no yes oh no this is my brother's Wow yeah does this character model have these sound effects remember yes this is very awesome oh that cheese sauce is you got the fireball going back and forth yeah oh come on yeah I'm very well done that's like 85 yeah baby time for your Super Mario one here [ __ ] go now just recreating it was easy what's that up there he didn't have the secret one up here unbelievable cheese sauce you [ __ ] clown you don't even know anything about Mario at this point [Music] not even a [ __ ] wheat star yeah hey baby I bet that one up was there and you just didn't hit it that on no I hit it that on I know where the [ __ ] one up is do you think I'm a [ __ ] pleb now I've played this stage a thousand billion times okay so what's next 1987 mark Tsuburaya - 1987 - oh maybe that's Mario 3 they skipped right - Mario 3 because they couldn't reproduce it because Mario 2 is too [ __ ] oh no this is Mario - oh no we are in Mario 3 ok maybe that little segment in between was supposed to be an indication that Mario 2 existed even though there are many people out there who would prefer but it did not what stage is this oh is this big specific small world yes it is look at that that's real cool [Music] look at that she sucks and look at just unlike a bigger small world ah [ __ ] [ __ ] we're so close Oh frog Mario isn't the only thing that was in Mario 3 tanukis oh look at that and you can choose it's from yeah that's adorable well done so what is this Mario 4 1990 Mario World yep this is yes yes it is I'm Yoshi oh my god what stage is this oh there's a Monty mole yes this is correct Mario world man check me out I love it you Rick no it's fine Oh Mario Kart yeah oh my god I [ __ ] love it well this is a brilliant level that was a well whoa it actually like please that just how Mario runs yeah I think it is wow it just it feels so weird just cuz of the graphics run yeah yeah yeah I have to make it to the other one uh-huh good jump on the music no [ __ ] done wow I love this yeah this is one of the best Mario maker 22 2015 we did a little skipping that's fine say okay 64 and fans of of course the greatest Mario of all time Majora's Mask that I do it was that it ah I finish the stage you did a very cool stage cheese sauce very cool stage you know them here come on man bring it in bring it in bring it bring it in come on bring it on come on yeah there you go okay okay big cat okay let's go to drop the bass Island your hair smells great okay okay so what we do have this time to make things different is some lovelies have helped us out and told us what Elena likes and apparently oh wait would not she's in a good mood really okay this was not [ __ ] plan Oh literally turn this on and that happened we were like maybe two or three episodes we're gonna do it God girls are so hard to predict out of ruining this trip down memory lane I'm Morgan I'm sorry I'm actually having a really good time I know I'm just putting up with tough guy for me I don't want anybody to think that I'm a [ __ ] boy because I'm like giddy but I'm playing Mario with my friend yeah it really is nice oh nice five thousand that weird I never think about the fact that I'm older I'm the oldest of the grumps but I did think about it yesterday oh oh he's protecting me oh is he it's he my friend oh my god is that your little buddy naturally I whoa he got no guy he's less friendly oh you're done so holy shat ski wheeze oh maybe this was supposed to happen wait a second oh it is your little guy he's like no what have I done he was just energy hugging you uh-huh he's like I know no other way to love you no oh this is a door are you doing oh he's following me oh let's go in here buddy I think I think we've all had that moment where we accidentally suck our mom's energy away down to one I'll make a bad decision left or right [ __ ] yeah you know what isn't a bad decision you know what decision isn't bad that I made what's that making you a friend of mine Oh Aaron yeah thank you you're welcome so that was gonna take a much more like confrontational like we're competing against each other kind of town oh yeah whatever bro you may have won this round but I'm glad to be your friend so [ __ ] the guy that always it was this one day where you were just like can I come over and I was like yeah and then you did and we sat down and had a chat it was one of the best days ever recently whoa what was that it was like somewhat recently oh when we were under you're like cool Lampe thing yeah yeah that was nice I just had a little chess chandelier in my office and it's on it's got like a little couch underneath it and I and we sat there and we and we just chatted and it was a great day absolutely enjoyed bonding with my friend Dan it's not because I'm on drugs no I care I care greatly about you and your feelings Aaron so if there's ever anything that bothers you and I care about you and you're feeling just let me know I don't do that because it's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt right no I don't wanna hurt anybody especially not you jeez Aaron would where is this coming from well it's just how I feel it's very nice you know we got blonde boys - a million we got really yeah yeah I was super happy about it and Matt and Ryan were super happy about it gotta get blond boys to a million and then we did it got it there dude I like husky girl voices dude you know what I like about you mate what mm probably that you're my friend ah you I like people who like me that's a trait that's very that's that's that's a quality I find very attractive in women they like you know what I like the most about women what's that what oh yeah boobs I'm also into but in a really good personality not necessarily in that order 100% frog so his real name is Glenn and if you name him Glenn it becomes really confusing later huh I'm gonna do that actually I'm gonna do it like a lowercase and [ __ ] so it's like Glenn's name is actually Glenn what Glenn will do he's got a big [ __ ] earthworm jim arm dude look at him it's just straight-up earthworm jim all right nice to meet you Glenn mayhap a hidden Daleks now let us search the environs all right now you just making [ __ ] up that's nobody cause that lucky hip hop's [ __ ] hippie ops oh man god this is great oh I'm having such a good time right now Oh like Michael Winslow or oh sure is that his real name yeah I think I from police academy yeah didn't know if that was his character's name in police academy or no no I met him really was he cool yeah it was nice that's awesome I well he was very thrilled because I guess people come up to him all the time and her like I love police academy he's like yeah yeah yeah I know I know right but I came up to him and I was like dude it's Spaceballs know which I'm sure he gets a lot as well sure I was like dude you know I loved you and all the the the [ __ ] that you're known for and everything blah blah blah and then I was like but you know what the thing that I really that really stuck with me when I saw it that you did was there's an episode of Reading Rainbow no [ __ ] where he was reading a book and he was doing all the sound effects with the book - oh that's very cool and he was like oh man and he was like so excited yeah who said I remember that man those that was awesome and like that was so much fun and like I want to I want to do a show like that like some day where I can I can read the kids and stuff and I was like oh see if Michael Winslow yeah that's what I got and I got two hands a best friend Dan and anything else that rhymes put it flan what do you yeah what do you need more than two hands and your best friend Dan first of all I'm your best friend yes well thank you yes Susie's your best friend I don't care yeah she's she's her own category in a different category as far as I'm concerned it's fun but about the bomb it is like that close yeah except my bar mitzvah was in Israel so it was like oh my god yeah it was it was a real deal dude that's like the most Jewish [ __ ] Bar Mitzvah I was nervous really of course man like you're you're saying like enormous Torah passages in the language you don't understand like you've been practicing for months and there's nothing but like like 90 year old like Israeli Jews who have like like killed and died for of this country you know like to exist and uh and they're just like listening intently and you know they they care deeply about what you're saying even though you have no idea so I was super scared and like I had this moment I did it everything went fine and I had this moment like right afterwards I was so relieved that I like I kind of like collapsed a little bit like I had like a fainting spell almost it was crazy and were they like oh he's so touched by God no no it was after I left the temple oh yeah then they were happy though that my Israeli granddad was super yeah it's a nice story it is I feel good when I think about it cuz like I didn't have much of a relationship with my Israeli granddad just cuz he was so far away and then he died when I was young but like that was the one time when he was like super proud of me and like yeah oh now I feel great let's go back to talking about dicks when do I did all wha Go Go Go by the way that friggin that game grumps animated with I don't know how to say their name Sebastiao it's a bass bear this is a Bazin bears ass bear is its ass bear yeah isn't it just a spur was a there's a bee after that first ass I think yeah and [ __ ] what's the animators name is it Ryan Scott is that the name of an animator uh yes cool I think it's him but they the guys who did the diddle kid animation with a [ __ ] oh yeah where they show the whole [ __ ] the whole process of them creating their the remix and it was pretty dope it was really well done it was very impressed great job guys thank you that we didn't ask him to do that they just made it and then they sent it to us and they're like do you want it and I was like yeah awesome I played it for uh I played it for my buddies back home and I got a text at 3 a.m. and he's like thank you Dan I now have here I can like stuck in my head yeah bend it all whoa doodle kid 9 [ __ ] love it what the [ __ ] am I supposed to you've been diddled oh yeah and the guys face down behind with his ass in the air what a what a triumph very creative so many creative lovelies yeah tell me about it there's they're [ __ ] the most Alec right I could hook shot on as a [ __ ] thing I still hold strong that we have the most creative fans in the world of of any fan base they're unbelievable I mean you would have made it if you just jumped a little earlier have induced around like dude wow dude seriously I've talked about are you a million percent serious what no okay this is joke it's a joke then or how can you be so sure that this isn't a joke it's it's tough because you are getting to be a much better actor as like as like our gamegrumps experience wow you really slid down there thank you for that compliment by the way I feel that way too I agree I I'm it's getting harder for me to tell what you're actually mad at me um that's fun here's here's a hot tip I've never actually mad at you a single thing that you've done that I've gotten mad at there was a point there was actually a point really early on where I was like jealous of you why so I was like I was like oh that bad that Dan what do you mean because you were amazing and I was in like a da he's in like a really shitty place so I was like oh I'm not worth [ __ ] and this guy's [ __ ] do it in music videos and and he's doing the show too and he's so funny and everybody loves him this was after I joined gamers yeah really yeah yeah wow it was very brief but I had no idea yeah I mean I got over it I'm thank you that's why I take it as a compliment I do I do oh that's not fair I can really take that as a compliment the UH wow that's so interesting but then I was like am I talking about so essentially you got mad at me for being too nice I never do anything to piss you off yeah exactly wow that just that speaks to remember that thing we we looked at like the more people your seat it's a graph it's like the more people you're seen by the more you'll be hated no matter what you do oh yeah of course um so like you might as well just do your own thing yeah well I guess you could I guess you could tally it by percentage of hated oh yeah there you go so like if you have a if you have ten people and one of them hates you that's one out of ten people hates you but if you if a 10 million people see you yeah and 1 million of them hate you there have 10% so you're batting pretty good same average you think I'm amazing well yeah it doesn't think you're amazing no I everybody does not I assure you that I honestly wish that this show could literally just be us playing Kirby but I realized that we're probably like already halfway through all the stages that exist oh yeah so I'm like getting a little like bummed out yeah I'm already having a bad time don't though no I'm kidding how could I when such magical treasury is afoot you really you really consider it that yeah magical treasury uh-huh like uh like a treasurer like somebody who like manages the money you know one treasure I treasure your friendship oh I treasure your French isn't that what girls who hate each other say I think I treasure your friendship yeah yeah you're really important to me everything that you do is super important to me also I went to the moon speaking miracle survival's guess whose favorite calculator is still computing he says he really wants to see you in peach again it's awesome yeah computing on the moon oh that's so great he's commuting oh good friend moon all right I got I got this sweet vantage point Rose [ __ ] I'm like a write on the outside okay Oh someone's had from the play zone it's you and two other people oh my god he [ __ ] kidding means hop three bro taco where we go right ah [ __ ] yes oh my god oh it's Luis oh my god you [ __ ] wind Pub g-get me real holy [ __ ] people are gonna think we paid off 99 other people because this is a brand deal yeah chicken dinners oh my god triple-s [ __ ] are to survive 99.4 I've got a hundred percent killer holy crap oh man that is fab I'm so happy for you crap oh well I could officially say pub G's a fun game [ __ ] man that was out stood the person died just plays on the play zone yeah yeah Wow [ __ ] camper hey man you gotta do what you got to do to survive no no point for survive okay no I'm talking about him cuz he was camping so hard he died from it no that's true I couldn't get out of the house or something I'm a terminator dude dude out-fucking-standing well holy [ __ ] next time on game grumps I want to savor this as the screen I've only seen it in screenshot I know to take a picture of it you know I can actually take a screenshot with my iPad yeah do it new desktop background alright we'll see y'all next time bye everybody number 137 36 you did it you want Aaron who's my special guy I believe it Peron wins and I don't watch watch the little spaceship thing watch it congratulations [Music]
Channel: GameGrumpsMoments - GGM
Views: 903,227
Rating: 4.9647117 out of 5
Keywords: Heartwarming, Heart, Warming, Moments, Game, Grumps, Tearjerkers, Dan, Arin, Love, Lovable, Compilation, Clips, Montage, Videogame, Friends, Video, Lovely, Beautiful
Id: eEzhrGBPCcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 21sec (3021 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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