Danny & Arin Are An Old Married Couple - Game Grumps Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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hey I'm not sue could you keep it down I'm trying to reverse our I'm sorry nice nice moving these Colosseum platforms there was no great job Aaron last guy I get the impression that you're patronizing me no no no no I didn't know if they could be killed or not these stupid klutz they're statues well that was a cold silence yeah I don't even remember that you made that and then you eat it guys you're like oh my god yeah reminds me of being a kid I wish you had heard me say baby penis surprise because I do oh you did I heard you okay I wish you'd reacted to it okay God knows everyone else heard it and they're gonna be like what was just because you interrupted the things that I was of course of course so i selfish of me I didn't respond because of that she's trying to spring Oh to somebody somebody just said that by the way if we sound incredibly tired it's just because we flew in from Europe yesterday last night after our tour and had to immediately record 14 episodes of game grumps I'm not tired I'm struggling tired of you oh [ __ ] it's it slumber Lilla a yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah she's a wordsmith she is did you check out lemonade I believe that's Beyonce anyway and no I did not check it out how's your day other than that I know she refers to a girl as Becky with the good hair but I don't know what that means I don't know why people are upset about it why are people upset about I don't know I just I mean this what was the sentence I just said my god well I mean you might know like this sort of story behind it or whatever I or it's like people ever said and they claim that it's goddamn these guys are [ __ ] deaf dude like the people are like oh well it begins the rights of popcorn or something that is correct that is problem because it sounds too much like caramel corn that's that's wrong at caramel corns a popcorn to Becky with the good hair sounds too much like caramel corn well um I don't know what the argument is I was asking you okay sorry sorry I'll try to be more clear in the future Jesus always judging me oh he's making me feel like a dummy oh wait I think I dunno what it was was it then I think I figured I'd say I'm not really interested you can go down didn't you try doing the down I did but like I need some kind of super jumpy thing oh you need the super jump yes right exactly the type of super jumpy thing I was thinking mmm I've read several articles on this and who knows if they're accurate or not but they talked about how like because this generation of young people has been coddled in a way that no other generation has you know because more people are being told like they're special you know and to follow their dreams and I do believe people are special and they should follow their dreams but because so many people have been told that and there's so much sensitivity to like words and not offending anybody and everything like that when when kids get out into the real world and you know you realize hey like maybe I'm not as special as I've been told and I need to [ __ ] work super crazy hard to get anywhere they're just totally unprepared for it you know like are you not paying attention to anything you're saying you are just saying because everybody feels special they're not prepared to go out into the world because they haven't been and then you were continuing yeah that's that's it what was the conclusion no I was I was waiting for you to say something like because it's a discussion I am listening and you were saying something that you didn't finish your statement yeah you're probably right I'm going begging and I'm and now I'm going home it looks like you're going straight down though does it oh don't patronize me all right something always weirded me out about those p-pods see those Linden tiny ones because they're like dangly and [ __ ] like yeah and then you shoot their heads off later even now like if they touched you they would like suckle on you yeah and you're like wouldn't be able to get them off you know yeah and then like slowly like feel yourself dying inside that's very presumptuous and then like that spot would start turning black like a little a little bit more and more necrosis and you're like oh what the [ __ ] is happening to me you've put in more thought to this and if you like try to rip it off it just like takes way it really is the same general mechanic as that the the Koopas you'd fight in mario 3 you know just like with better graphics and like a slightly upgraded idea and concept and leaving a pink trail of slime you know what I mean yeah but they're still coming after you and they're still like you're still in an enclosed area yeah I don't know I guess going for straight from Super Mario 3 to this is like making me see parallels well you also play is like a plumber with a hat and you jump on things well that's also pretty similar I'm not sure I'm a thousand percent in love with your tone right now I mean y'all get the [ __ ] frigging rock out of here you ever do that with music lyrics where you only know the one Eric so you just say some garbled nonsense to to rhyme with it like I just unconsciously way yeah that's why that's what it said like give me food give me [ __ ] miss that's a cherry pie that's I say it's give me fuel yeah okay no no [ __ ] you just literally said to sing a song and just say gibberish yeah play and then this and then you corrected me yeah and it's not cherry pie either it's that which I desire mmm pretty sure it's slice of cherry pie all right well agree to disagree dear Metallica in your song fuel what did fuel and fire give you or what did you want in addition to fuel and fire let me phrase it that way sad cherry pie was it a slice of cherry pie uh-huh or was it that which I desire and warrant in your song cherry pie what is she is she your that what you desire [Laughter] give me fire there was a dude with a his car wasn't wrapped in ice and I was thinking that was gonna be an easy moon to get and now I can't [ __ ] find him anywhere I don't know what we're discussing there was a dude okay I know I got that and his car was trapped in ice I'm sorry I didn't I don't mean to yell whoa I just get worked up sometimes I wish you guys could smell my farts today I'm glad you can't how come you smellivision doesn't exist because it's a [ __ ] terrible idea why they used to have things like that in the 80s I don't know if they kept doing them what the [ __ ] that's the stupidest [ __ ] thing I've ever heard okay well then maybe I'll just go it's not you didn't do it dan you're acting as if I would care here's the secret guys I don't I'm always not caring that was an Avengers reference I hope you guys picked up on that and saw spoiler cuz the Hulk says it at the end when he reveals why he's always angry hey Dan I knew you'd come back I knew you'd come crawling back did you say [ __ ] this is not a spoiler but someone says it at the very end alright welcome back welcome back to the game room dan so mad at me because I spoiled Harry Potter for and actually mad at you I'm not actually man here's the story behind this this meme okay okay [ __ ] when the last book came out there was a huge it was the YouTube was finally becoming like popular haha so there was this viral video that went around when the book came out of there was a leaked what's it called whoa manuscript okay was a leaked manuscript of the last book right so people read it and give it so people read it and knew you know what happened in the book right a lot of people avoided it so there was this video of this guy that went around to bookstores where people were lined up for the last Harry Potter book and he screamed out Snape kills Dumbledore to the people in line dick but that's not true I don't believe that for a second I mean I believe that may have happened but I do because when I said I've never seen the Harry Potter movies you weren't like oh dude it's not true you you gave them like like 10 seconds of silence all hail the lord of memes i still can't break it god damn it Aaron that's what wasting my goddamn time Oh wasting your time this is how you're supposed to do it so your [ __ ] you bored of you I'm not bored at all oh are you now this is like this is the [ __ ] Harry Potter spoiler all over again just just backtracking when you know it's true yeah wait so you knew it was true what I hate that song what's wrong with it I don't know I like clowns and I'm whole like tears well I guess nobody likes to not to you makes tears I don't know they can be delicious it's like well maybe if there belonged to somebody that you hate in which case you're an [ __ ] okay but yeah it's like if you're crying why would it feel good I guess I like tears cause it's like cleansing you know it's like good cry how long you two carry this conversation on by yourself I thought you were helping I really thought you were it's a beautiful subject but fine and I'm off the chain what does that mean you're on a chain yeah life I came out the [ __ ] on a chain it's crazy I know what's walking around with a chain my whole life yeah you thought it was just connecting my wallets my pants but it was actually the chain that I was on turns out yeah it's a chain that I need it's actually like Vantage it's going through the van chain thank you thank you everyone good seen the look you just gave me just that like shut up jumped on that bullet as actual combat in Vietnam where am I yeah you're in Vietnam it's like oh my god it's like a game I love there like stripped down to its shitty elements that made it cool you know what I mean okay I don't know how to else to say it you can go ahead and diss my favorite game of all time what Goonies original yes really obviously really that's why I made you play it dude so although not because you like The Goonies and I've never even played it in my life it's my favorite of all time so what you're telling me yes is that you [ __ ] love this game so much uh-huh you've never mentioned it well and did not previously know you should listen a little harder when I talk okay flashback to when I was talking about the Goonies one in an old episode of flame jackal whoa here put some put up some jackal footage and here's yeah Wow you know what yeah now that we're back I do remember that oh did you actually order food yeah [ __ ] oh is you want in on that yeah man I eat food I'm an I'm a human being vibes on I don't even know why I didn't think to ask you I'm sorry yeah why would you I'm only sitting here eating at exactly the same rate you are therefore getting hungry at the same time I'm sorry dude no it's okay I really [ __ ] up it's it's it's all good now I get to do you want me to order you something else [ __ ] cry about it what would you get I got dumplings you said you have problems with that place do I do so yeah you actually saved me some gastrointestinal distress I was like before the episode started I was like Aaron do you need me to keep the map okay as I ya know though ya know my cool fully established what your options for [Laughter] can you run this by me again yeah ya know ya know which one is it yeah amazing you still haven't answered you want me to keep it open or not okay cliff Aries poison so she's gonna die son of a [ __ ] what no I'm at wall yeah come on no I don't need it dude I don't need it okay no you have to make sure you only hit one spring because when you hit - it doesn't paint a dude you don't [ __ ] think I know that I'm just trying it's just hard to do listen in this day and age I'm not a doctor of pepper or anything like that but I think you're giving me 137 flavours of sass right [Music] Yipes simple simple dimple dude okay you can account for the wind I did account for the wind cool what the [ __ ] should have counted for the wind I did a count for the wind that's not what the problem the problem was I shot it too hard through the wind I'm gonna stab you in the heart with a knife there it is leper accounting for the wind son of a [ __ ] should have a camera for the wind bro oh my god never one to stab somebody right now it is accounting for the wind right there mm-hmm what the hell really it's tough man how did you [ __ ] luck out perfectly on that one shot I Wyatt your first thing for there was to a can for the wouldn't you called it there's nothing to do with it's not the wind is the power there you go which I shot the ball way to use the wind we are not supported by Amazon Prime or such bad aim he doesn't steal my sword if I'm on Epona oh really yeah so you gets to just [ __ ] shoot him out of the sky pretty much but it looks like kind of a pain in the ass so I'm not gonna do that cool great but what I am gonna do hear me out is meander while across the plan you need to [ __ ] quit with your lip dude let me just see if I can like [ __ ] brute-force this [ __ ] ah you know what what I don't want to like how to put this I don't want to make it seem like I don't believe in you but I I don't and you can what's gonna race Hellena okay I'm gonna beat the whole lane out of her doesn't that doesn't make sense shut up please so tired of [ __ ] oh boy oh boy slow them down just slow them down dude No kill em slow them down oh if you slow them down you can get them from with the wrong hand see you know see and I'll backed up I tried to salt mm-hmm no let's not get me heated this is dragon ball fighters see what is the fighters I believe but but what uh when is this game from like now the graphics look kind of amazing thanks man oh my god you're like crazy sassy all right pause it let's fast-forward this times to actually know what better make it times it's six seven five three ah yeah I got it I got it up shut up did you kill the gobbling goblins why do I need life who gives her frogs dammit dammit like dammit there's no life don't worry about it if 3 minutes and 30 seconds is not enough time you are you are giving me all kinds of auditory whatever I don't care ask me if I give 3 [ __ ] we're just trying to get through this together alright ahead and complain all you want you can go ahead and be stressed out but you know if you're a warrior if you a true warrior you [ __ ] know I'm a super true warrior oh yeah are you yeah privet I'm a delicious warrior number one okay number of warriors I know what number will it was it six seven five bucket you'll never make it out of the alien world oh god I was so close I was just eight maybe six maybe seven maybe five maybe three maybe zero and maybe nine seconds away what did I tell you about disappointing me in front of the people I really I did my best you know you can never be you can never have regrets if you did your best wow that is a cold look just keep telling yourself those but we are on the earth that is a move that is their failing not ours soon the revenge crew2 crew no it's see are you with a new MOT a believe it or not it's probably what they want you to think and it is because they put it on all their albums yeah sure prove it I'm going to prove it right now to you and myself because now I'm selling myself but that's correct motley maybe it isn't correct yeah no it's correct Wow and they put a lot over motley - that's a lot of room lots Burt Lee crew remotely crew I think it would be good I think would be good if we finished every Zelda game maybe I will go back to a link between worlds except for Zelda's adventure that [ __ ] is unfinished what no it's good let's do it let's forget it forget majora's mask let's do it yeah like those are the words of someone who has completely forgotten the [ __ ] agony playing that game I think I'd like to bear the majora's mask to be honest with you dude not even really it says that that's true whoa oh god you were holding the apricots dude [ __ ] Wow it's gonna be easy as goddamn hell this board is very easy oh sure yeah I look great to you maybe oh my god you can playing Lego pac-man over here Han you very hurt look at this I'm sorry but it's just the truth I mean regular Nintendo games hold up a lot too but like in a way that looks primitive you know like these actually like you could easily sit like I mean people are making shovel Knight that's just essentially a Super Nintendo to end links but you know what I mean right like it's got the the sprites are kind of Super Nintendo looking no it's like specifically made to look like an NES game Aaron you know what you shouldn't do because of something I'll make allow me to enlighten you what you shouldn't do is dismiss because what I'll make is history you're in this like long tangley web of vietnam giant blocking trees okay and [ __ ] charlie is everywhere dude Charlie that's what I said okay I said you [ __ ] corrected me [ __ ] Charlie Horak corrected you said Charlie's so I did I said charlie fly it back and [ __ ] charlie is everywhere dude oh yeah I said [ __ ] Charlie god Aaron and if I didn't say charlie then play an audio clip I'm pretty sure I said Charlie because I've been conscious about it this whole time after you after you told me I listen I know this is like school for me it could have got to go back it's gone [ __ ] man and her brother was doing wheedle and then got into a fight with their mom and then I just she was like alright let's get out of here and we just went to the beach is very peaceful walk sorry that was a nice story I understand please start me from here thank you didn't want to have to do weird fence town again sometimes I feel like you don't care sometimes I feel like a nut I hope like I hope we become so jaded that like we become crotchy old men like three years from now huh it'll just be like something get me a monster I'm thirsty and she'll be like yo freeloading prick I bought this floating glass and compass rocket-powered ship what the money that I want the business that I built with my bags and burial be like why do you guys talk like that find the ramps to the north and you'll come to large chunks of ice if you look above the ice you'll see a nice to lag to I wasn't looking that's the problem but the thing is I need to get some arrows first and you should look for a stalagmite because you might be alright dan sorry I just didn't I didn't know where to take that joke and it went into a mean place and I didn't mean it what well that's really kind of you to dial to backtrack yeah well it's like most people wouldn't do that they just commit to the joke yeah but you you know what you didn't commit to the joke which means you're a bad comedian [Laughter] straight up squiggly pins see how can you say that looks like a penis and you don't even think the [ __ ] paper mario a thousand-year door looks like a penis what oh no no it does you were [ __ ] giving me junk I was not giving you joke you're giving me sass I was not yes you were let me share something with you real quick okay somebody on gamefaqs posted seven years ago this is my first time playing but did anyone else notice that it looks kind of slash exactly like a penis right somebody said somebody responded said never thought that at all nope well some people aren't [ __ ] like you in the head I may have you were giving me ultimate satire you that my sass was just because I was frustrated with Paper Mario all right well I would appreciate it if you didn't sass in my direction when you're feeling sassy okay I'm sorry I'm sorry like ah [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you doing anybody can I'm sorry sass sass I'll remember it's okay to be sassy but when your sass and towards your best sass bud then [ __ ] hot little hunk assassin from your sass friend would you would you consider me the number one Barbie expert because if the answers anything but yes okay I will kiss you on the lips Oh long and hard after I've had various different string cheese's mozzarella Colby jack and cheddar and you better [ __ ] believe that [ __ ] makes your breath she stank like a [ __ ] smells like my vagina after a three-day stint of no shower and you just stop talking right what you don't think my vagina stinks after three days of not washing I'd like to see you try I wouldn't dude if I was in shape I would wear midriff exposures 24/7 oh really yeah dude I feel like you kind of do it that's the [ __ ] anyway is that the main alien you're too fat for that yeah I guess so yeah fat you just have a soft middle what are you tumbling call me a soft boy yeah that's funny that's one of those things I think they mean it to be flattering but it's actually a little bit yeah kind of a bummer I know the right way to say this and I don't I don't mean to be offensive towards you but I don't know how else to say it it's like fat but like in the shape of a six-pack do you know what I mean I always used to the reason I know what you mean is because I always used to be like yeah like a dad [ __ ] yeah we'll put up a picture but it really is amazing it's like perfectly like distributed fat I have a very strange body in that time I was very skinny and like my I had like so I was always like why I was always like where are my hips so big I don't get it I should I should have like a big upper body why the white birthing hips yeah but now I don't give a [ __ ] cuz the the whole of me is fat so now it's just all there it's just fine so I I just can't lose weight anymore because if I do then I'll like lose all my upper mass but my hips will still be very wide you know oh yeah so if like you had like a Ukrainian mom she'd be very oh that's hard she would be like yes this is my daughter Aaron he make wonderful mother why due to verse 4 for easy birth why do u Turris for easy birth how much cream don't say that anymore society tells us that fat is bad because I would say that I'm fat but it that doesn't bother me I don't think you're fat I think you're portly yeah it really is insult to injury oh yeah it's a garbage fire oh dude you play in the food country western singer Alan Grant what I farted I've been letting out tiny farts this whole time this whole time the Amazon rainforest and there's a lot of other [ __ ] going on yeah there's a lot of other farts getting scoot not a chance I could I'd bring it up but [ __ ] come on I can't go through seven episodes of you just farting no that's the first time I farted dude don't give me that [ __ ] you've been fighting non-stop all day I had Ximena not since I met you has been one long day that I can't wait go to see this one dreamish day Oh Polly way don't worry doesn't smell I'm asleep wake up you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh God and what like do you eat farts it's more likely than you think I need the rabbi gastroenterologist all right you got to give it you got to give it your all this time I think you can do it yeah you think you just have to [ __ ] turn right when I told you to turn [ __ ] right take your hand off it was on there and it stayed that just felt so comfortable tonight damn it how the [ __ ] am I get there okay wait wait Daniel I have to [ __ ] I have to pay attention to this on take your hand off my leg oh it will only get tighter ah hi it's so warm so warm thank you that's so nice of you it's a prototype this is even alpha what product that looks blue beautiful I don't under what I don't understand what the difference between is a prototype Alpha and Omega well those are Greek letters yeah well I they're also the names of my testicles oh yeah I never told you that no I didn't I never knew all right well but you probably told me once and I just wasn't listening to Kate I just sat on my own balls and I am in a lot of pain right now oh I almost want to cry we're like although I'm embarrassed I'm not gonna I'm not gonna move out of this Bazaar I just I just I was like maybe it'll get comfortable I just stick it out well now you know what it feels like to be a drag queen it's terrible yeah I don't I don't wear jeans anymore like super loose jeans anymore so I just I wear slacks dr. with with belts dr. Phil McCracken well you can you make fun of the change in my life all you want yeah I made a change and I'm proud of it and you and Brent are constantly making me feel like an idiot for it really what I chose D cracka fied when I chose to better my life by buying pants that fit me and not a single pair of jeans because you know we're talking about your fictional crack surgery the crack back they take the crack back stop hitting me hey off camera I was just saying that I was gonna [ __ ] then whoa what really yeah did that happen well I said that I don't fully recall that well you never acknowledged whether or not that was the case so I'm waiting people are what it's kind of rude to leave me hanging like that I'll check with Susie she says it's okay yeah yeah I'm [ __ ] them getting them do them getting them you're doing pretty well what do you think of me now what do think of me now I think you're a sexy [ __ ] I was talking to a door you have to do this every time you die at that [ __ ] boss oh man you remember that a shame it's nonsense your nonsense you're sexy Oh Dan kill with kindness so nice that's how I do some nice all right chill out with the [ __ ] Blue Beam that's okay well next morning okay I'll knock you up cow crap you said I'm a [ __ ] yeah and then I won't pay for [ __ ] alimony or child support oh my god wait we have a child yeah boy I knocked you up uh you haven't seen my face in a while the playthrough never look at me you never look at me during Mario Galaxy boy god that's [ __ ] oh man Jesus man that's better than sexual pleasure well I'll have to take your word for it [Laughter] oh damn take off your jeans go for it oh man all the tumblr girls are going crazy oh my god here's his penis there it is Wow that's a large penis wait hold on let's get a sound effect it starts giving you the many in a row like as you get farther that was [ __ ] hot dude yeah gave me a penis gave you a penis gave me a hard penis [ __ ] day for Paris label just get one will come to Dex Greystoke girl ooh - take a look at today's March oh wait is there a great snow game oh there are tons of great snow games here was the Ice Bowl in 1967 between the Packers and the Cowboys uh-huh there was a freezing cold playoff game between the Giants and the Packers in 2008 there's like 23 below with the windchill this is like sitting in class at school cool dime goal line it's my investment strategy [ __ ] alright here we go you're offsides Aaron what do they do I don't know wait until the ball is hidden button yeah you sure were but what are you doing I'm changing different players okay go ahead go ahead look you got to hike the ball there you go yeah we do you have to wait if you pick a run play if you have to run and if you pick a pass play you have to fit which one's what flip and no huddle so here okay so the ones that are yellow see like HB toss that would be a run play but the ones that are kind of are our past place okay and though the brightly [ __ ] it yeah I got it yes you got it I'm good okay hike hike hike Hut okay all right I forgot the one I chose this is you training for your game which is view by yourself I promise you I don't think so wait what the [ __ ] do I do now I did I run out of balls oh there we go power this is training I don't want to train yeah dude no she would I just say okay cool now we're playing god I'm sorry I didn't damn sorry it's okay I'm really sorry it's okay but I'm still not in this thing yeah you are we're doing verses now okay rad oh [ __ ] I called an audible oh [ __ ] how did I do that does that mean I don't know it means I changed the play Oh I got it no no one caught it how much I don't know Jim middle that sounds delicious Stan oh god [ __ ] damn it how do I pass see I'm a [ __ ] rock star all right all right now it's a kick a field goal it's no good god damn it this game is hard as [ __ ] what's the objective the objective is to score points hold on I have to I have to see I'm going oh oh that's something I don't like to see happen to my friends I might not win this oh my god that would be just the best that would be horrible man I just I would hate that here this way go in the Sarlacc pit I wanna see what happens why don't you go all the way all right you're just losing on purpose now no I feel better no I would never do something like that I frankly don't like you that much oh wait what did I did I ruin its fourth and 22 so you probably want to kick okay what did I kick it's no you just you just ran a play okay let's see what we got in the old playbook for oh but it felt good oh [ __ ] did you actually get that I'll kill me I can't lose you at something football that will negate all the times I've won at chess yeah [ __ ] damn it why'd you get in the way I was gonna catch it my whole objective is to not let you catch I can't stress that enough weak I know how to throw passes no I bumbled on you do at the end of the first quarter oh what a riveting what a riveting game this are you kidding regular sports is fantastic and excited for something to happen for an hour and then something happens I was like wow and then that's it another hour that's baseball okay yeah I want to see you just like a tiny brown poo come out of their butts what are you saying right now they're kind of bent over like you're taking a poo goddamn I just want to see it like slowly come out yeah I'm happy for you got it Thank You Erin okay okay hold on I had a call time out you called time out yeah look at my cheerleaders near Johnson out for because there's only 30 seconds left what the [ __ ] could you possibly call timeout for okay then help us timeout me it stops the clock so I can think about what I'm gonna do what I can only do it three times so you want to do it every time because you can only do it three times and you want to conserve them for when you need them like this time yeah I keep I keep getting games hey stop fighting with me my friend I have to call timeout again what the hell yeah if I'm doing a very centralized play then maybe it's better to run are you giving me [ __ ] football advice Aaron cuz the one time that you ran and got really far it was because my my players were all central you called your own team the Florida dolphins before we started playing all I know how to do is read the tea leaves dude [ __ ] is so hard Oh circle zone tight man yeah I bet you do yeah here yeah oh my god I'm gonna make it dude tear my [ __ ] hair no it's okay I'm having a good time I couldn't be happier for you I might kill you frisbee flying this how do you you did it of course I would win the flying disc final results you won Aaron wins saw think Aaron wins the California games man that feels so good go [ __ ] yourself you win the little thing hits all the way power then hit the button oh goodness alright you punted oh you [ __ ] dick hole it's not a very strong now you're playing right yes what the hell your [ __ ] but no that's ruined it if you would if you had been stopped I would have been at the one-yard line do you see what I'm saying I get it but it doesn't feel good no no of course it doesn't feel good losing feels terrible yes let me get the real back all the way and then throw it oh you're right you're right Aaron don't give don't help me anymore so that's what happens in real sports what the defending team is like oh well they're probably gonna punt so we should probably depend upon that's right and so but what if they don't it's then [ __ ] everyone in the city that cheers for them would [ __ ] hate them because it's super obvious hmm I bet it would really throw the other team off yeah do you think so and you're not defending the punt you're just catching it sit well whatever I don't know the vernacular what am i a [ __ ] wizard so you're right and yeah I'm moving right only a true wizard could understand there's so many things to remember in this [ __ ] game it's very complicated actually god damn it you you win you win you just straight-up win there's no [ __ ] reports about it yeah you got a 50 on the way up [ __ ] froggen dude it's like you got a it's like you got a front of the line pass and I'm back here with like yeah like SoCal select take [Laughter] Wow very very specific location Disney reference the music changed yes but why because you just [ __ ] hit the quick flip tricks mix 96 quick flip trick now the party can get going it's a thing now they may have named a mixtape that one time I was gonna say like there's no way that you just like came up with that on the spot it well it's certainly not the mad fat crazy cool feel good mix 98 it's not nothing touches that because the quick flicks the bits of tricks mix errands the cook mix trick unbelievable you're gonna Sully the good name of the quick flip tricks mix 96 took the mix mix mister make 6 bit quick flick mix quick flip tricks there you go okay where's the pet store right there right next to your house off pampered pet water no you want some toys bro no get him some [ __ ] jump rope get him a squeaky toy that he can rip out the squeaker I know how to shop at the Papa Mar and I'll get my coat dude hat school got it got something for me [Laughter] did you know that dumplings are just wet bread that's impossible it's true it's not true all it is is just [ __ ] cool Pillsbury grands that got cooked in water that cannot be even remotely okay it's 100% true you mean if I go into din tai fung no those are [ __ ] fancy dumplings that they [ __ ] rolled up what are we talking about stuck in water did that look I'm talking about if you if you jo though the dumplings are different than the dumplings I'm talking about which is all Tom what's red and smells like blue paint that is blue plate on it you know I kind of wonder when's the day that I'm gonna stop saying epic I don't know probably on the day you stop saying dope which is never well dope is just cool epic epic is kind of dope Jim Henson in addition to just being an amazing creative force was also a swell wonderful guy and he created that he came up with that quote that I say a variation of at the end of the ninja sex party shows it's one of my favorite quotes and this is it watch out for each other love everyone and forgive everyone including yourself forgive your anger forgive your guilt your shame your sadness embrace and open up your love your joy your truth and most especially your heart [ __ ] Jim Henson man what an awesome dude thought he was gonna say your butt hole at the end ha Aaron please don't Sully this moment he was amazing no he was okay was just you know he's not above making a butthole Joe next time my game rooms
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 1,062,310
Rating: 4.9477596 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, married couple
Id: rOmVsXRzpRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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