Easiest Bevrijding Ever! BONUS DEFEAT 1.7.1 GERMANY! - Bevrijding

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there is a massive exploit in this video but you can't see it it's not visible the only reasons I know of this exploit is I tested this run but I didn't play at an Ironman and I jumped into the console and I looked at Germany to have a look at what they were struggling with and one thing Germany does every single game is hey I am feedback gaming and this is a world war 2 game called hearts of iron for today's achievement is the freighting oh my goodness say that pronunciation was on point we're gonna do the riding I know right dead-on dead-on every time though what is before adding it is a dutch achievement ironman historical regular difficulty let's go as the neverland's liberate the continental netherlands after relocating the government to the east indies let's do the trading get the achievement parading and we are going to perforating the netherlands hopefully before ad perforating before adding the perforating okay let's go but before we begin this video is sponsored by patreon everyone who is a patreon i love you thank you so much for supporting me the link is in the description below you get access to awesome rewards and it helps me produce videos on this channel during hard times I'm sorry the number of videos have declined recently and it's because this video required so much planning this is probably my seventh eighth or maybe ninth run of this if you're on my discard you probably see me live streaming on disk on a few times so you know how much time I put into this as we progress through this video I'm going to tell you what I've attempted to do what has worked and what does not work this will give you guys a better idea of what to do and what not to do I'll admit there are probably cheesy ways of getting this achievement by turning historical off but for consistency reasons that make it easier for you to get this achievement with my guide let's leave historical on if you found an awesome strike with historical off drop it below in the comments I want to see what cool cheesy things you guys have done in summary you will lose all your land to the Netherlands and capitulate then you've got to go for continue the war in Bratislava then you've got to finally do liberation after the Netherlands has been liberated liberation fairly straightforward right unfortunately it's not the German AI at the moment is insanely strong nine times out of 10 they will dumpster the Soviet Union leaving you with this continental German Empire that is impossible to defeat this is one of the top achievements in heart surviving for another achievement that's next to impossible it's 30 minutes of hell you want to know how to do that click on the I in the top right right now before we even hit play I'm gonna tell you some things that I tried the don't work first of all I attempted to boost Germany twelves Democratic with the goal of causing instability in Germany lowering their stability it doesn't work and they raced out the game they will hire the demagogue and it will push them towards their ideology it's a waste of political power I also tend to do this with Italy now they will flip mccr attic roughly around late 1939 but it's already too late through national focus they've done the access and they'll only be at war with France so it's pointless now let's talk about what works turkey boost party popularity that's right we're gonna flip turkey to democratic we're also gonna do the same for Spain as well but we need to wait for the civil war to start a popular question people ask me is how do I defeat Germany in patch 1.7.1 there isn't magic words that I can tell you that I'll make you defeat Germany easily in summary there are many small things you can do to German to limit their snowballing ability limit the amount of got restrict them our divisions they've got cut off their resources slow down their expansions reduce their manpower their Air Force and their Navy there are so many small little things that you can do to try to limit Germany's expansion to eventually they'll reach a point to where they are overwhelmed and they won't be able to continue that's the objective of this video and one way of doing that is to open up new frontlines one in Turkey and potentially one in Spain I will know there is a small chance that Spain may join axis early if that happens then so be it have you got your notepads out are you ready for the homework for tonight guys well let's go first of all research we are going to go with a panda Earth probably the most pathetic name for any bomber in hearts of iron for let's do that and also we're gonna focus on machine tools and we're gonna focus on construction free civilian factories for this strategy to work we need to import lots of goods from America so we will need lots of civilian factories we're gonna build them here and here at the very start of the game as we unlock more building slots we will build naval yards in the Dutch East Indies three military factories all of them are gonna be on guns three naval dot yards we are going to produce and build the Breen's at the top and then one on void there we go that's the production national focus sets we are gonna go for on new government here we go decision time what have I tried in the past that and what didn't work at the very start the game as the Netherlands you have got to choose between two Prime Minister's this guy and this guy Dirk Jan de Jia the choice is between more war support and more political power that is the simplistic view if you go for this guy you'll have more war support and a reduction of consumer goods unfortunately though you have a big penalty disability you have to pay more for economic law has changed and you get a massive political power hit from weak government alternatively if you go with Dirk you get a hit to war support but your result in getting more political power then you can ask me now why is war support so important well there's a potential for you to go for the national focus of overturn military budget cuts which gives 10% war support then you will select one of your ships and make it the pride of the fleet which will give you an additional five war support this allows you to go for early mobilization early the water part would potentially lead on to slightly less consumer goods as well as more construction speed from early mobilization the choice is so much more complex because you have this focus obtain foreign colonial investments that allow you to put political power into it to get more oil more civilian factories more construction speed and a reduction of consumer goods when you zoom back and look at the big picture the truth is there's not a big difference between these two prime ministers of this strategy I will no war support and a higher surrender limit by going through the guy you get the start of the game will be more beneficial if you wanted to hold on to the Netherlands for a longer period but that's not what we're gonna do that we are gonna go with Dirk dan Jia to result in more political power assigned divisions we are going to delete them all manpower is a big deal for the Netherlands we need to get all of our manpower from the Dutch East Indies and this division will do nicely bring a bunch of these and deploy them as soon as they are available high priority drop them here and then we'll deploy them immediately f2 shift left click and right click on reserve click reserve theater and g2 merge we're going to merge them all and we're gonna put them on naval exercises which is Kay and also all of these new submarines will go to this new fleet there we go a fleet as merged and we're gonna select the greatest submarine Admiral in the entire game I kid you not this guy is amazing and then we're also gonna say automatic splits off and we're gonna move this here so all the steel goes towards producing these submarines at the start of the game you know deploy these divisions in the Dutch East Indies take them all the way and then we just keep deploying individual divisions into this army right now we're going to deploy these divisions in Europe op them right here amsterdam the hague and rotterdam go here like to general like the field marshal and what we'll do is assign all new divisions to go here now you can just leave this you can produce guns and send them all directly to this area of the netherlands our objective of this campaign is not to hold back the germans it's just to slow them down also one thing we're gonna do is when we produce this first submarine we are gonna change it it's a little bit too heavy on the torpedo so we take one torpedo off and that's we'll drop the cost from 570 to 470 the result of that when the war does kick off we will have more submarines we're also going to make sure all of these guys go on to this fleet there we go the setup phase is done right so our new government is formed now and we've got a hundred percent stability which gives production output more political power and a reduction of consumer goods but the downside is now we have zero war support now we're gonna go obtain foreign colonial investments which unlocks a bunch of decisions that cost political power to give a bunch of bonuses grant machine tools and we're gonna go off a dispersed industry now we're going to go for the crown jewel colony which builds infrastructure as well as factories in the Dutch East Indies this is useful early on for construction speed as well as extra factories just for overall industrial expansion we have got the Spanish Civil War now ideally we would prefer the Republicans to win we just could go with the presumption the Nationalists will win so we're gonna right click on nationalist Spain boost party popularity for democratic burst research is done we're going to go for the next construction and now we have a third plain now we're gonna start working on electronics we want to rush down all the computing Tech's and we're gonna start producing our planes down the panda earth all the factories leaving one factory on guns just so we can produce a few divisions on the side and we are lacking rubber oh but you know well we've got a lot of rubber a Dutch East Indies our first strategic bomber there it is that little beauty we're gonna focus on Java now to get the extra civilian factories and infrastructure if I was to break this down into three parts part one is to focus on your Navy and submarines part two is to focus on planes part three is to overwhelm Germany into eventually we break their back eventually these are the decisions we get for colonial investments this one is okay usually results in one civilian factory but I will only go for this one if I've got excess political power the next one is very good 15% extra construction speed also very useful these ones you can do now or you can do them late in the game the first two you have to be at peace but my advice is spam this one and if you've got the extra political power go for these two and then you've got a lot of political power and you don't know how to spend it you have at the top one right now we're gonna save over 150 political power and we're gonna go for free trade next up mechanical computer in and we're gonna rush all the way down to improve computer machine that we can get a bonus for advanced computing machine and then we can get this two years ahead of time don't forget about your repairs here we go and we're gonna go for free trade next up we're gonna work towards continued Public Works which gives a bonus for industry research the reason we do this is we can go for dispersed industry too and then rush for dispersed industry three so abandoned the gold standard but dispersed too and then when we get the bonus dispersed three now we're on free trade we're having a penalty of 10% a submarine output so to bounce that we're gonna import a little bit of steel from the UK regarding oil company investments not only do they give you more oil overall which is great for free trade cuz more people will want to trade with you to get oil but also if you take these several times in a row they'll give you a bonus of civilian factories the West Indies one if you click it five times you get one civilian factory the East Indies one will give you potentially a bonus of three civilian factories at three six and ten because the West Indies cost less political power my advice is get the five first we get the one civilian factory and then start working on the East Indies but don't matter about this you can delay this because you can be at war and still go for these we've got our construction to finish now we can start focusing on doctrine so we're going to go for trading diction to get the bonuses for submarines and we're gonna spend our a hundred naval XP to get it twice as fast and now we ran out of fuel not a big deal East Indies fuel here we go fixed there's quite a few useful focuses here but this will reduce some of the construction penalty that we start the game with and eventually we need to work towards Phillips and the research slot we need to do this before we get capitulated because if we lose Holland this isn't selectable it is also useful to go for it prepared naval expansion visceral result is unlocking the submarine three and it will also result in naval doctrines a lot quicker too as I said to you I have to control the mainland to go for this focus so I can't delay it too long a third thing is we need to get to continue the war in Bratislava as quickly as we can after we capitulated so these focuses once again also need to be done as soon as possible because we focus on submarines early on I'm going to go for over term military budget cuts so we can get those extra submarines as early as we can don't forget more construction boosts keep selecting this turkey currently is 39% Democratic it'll go for dispersed three Spain is 25% Democratic they normally flip around about 55 to 60% once they flipped you can stop the boost it's important they don't go for the naval doctrines unless you have a boost for it either through national focus or through spending naval XP don't select them in the raw cost they just cost way too much there we go now we've got a hundred naval XP we can rush you from 188 days the AEA days it's just a no-brainer got more naval yards and as we assign it we need more steel which we will get from the UK next up national focus cornerstone of colonial defense this allow us to complete our trading diction for submarines before the war very important right we could start exercising our planes now pile exercises the the size and then half it we're gonna go for fifty airwing sighs geez we've got a nice stockpile of fuel now we're gonna cancel the import from our puppet and then wait till we'd run out and then we run out we import some more that way we can take advantage more of our civilian economy right we've got 150 political power now we're gonna go for the anti-revolutionary which gives more stability and political power now we're gonna focus more on the East Indies again to civilian factories extra infrastructure as well as another civilian infrastructure it's the matter first right we've got bonuses through our focus tree now so we can rush these the main focus is for the East Indies are done now so we're gonna focus towards getting Phillips our railings and Max now stop exercise them is just a waste of fuel and a waste of planes because some of them will be involved in accidents get the next air wing and start exercising them do this one by one next advisors we're gonna go for is the war industrialists and the next buildings in the queue are naval dockyards here and yeah now we're gonna work on air doctrine air superiority strategic destruction what popular question what air doctrine should I go for Dave the short answer is fighters and heavy bombers a strategic destruction air superiority and close air support is battlefield support and fighters and tactical bombers is Operation integrity all three focus trees have bonuses for fighters but the bonuses are slightly better for fires or strategic destruction and operation integrity heavy bombers close air support light bombers that's all you need to know and today we're gonna go over heavy bombers for air superiority is now we can go for Phillips this will give a bonus for electronics GP time it just right after improved compute machine you can finish this within a hundred days that's a 90 percent discount on the amount of time it takes very good and this is the final tech or our submarine bonuses so it's something else and then pop on be a hundred percent bonus there you go we've now got the option now to build some more factories so we're gonna go for some more naval dot yards here and then military factories yeah right we're behind on aluminium the only 5% but it's best to take care of that now so what we're gonna do is import aluminium from the Dutch East Indies got to get this research slot and then we will go for rely on submarines to get the submarine three dirty to focus as much on naval experience rats on what we can do is grab those capital ships and those cruisers merge them up and just stick them in port for now on reserve that way we're not to rely as much on fuel from the Dutch East Indies bombing a new Air Wing don't forget about your bombers keep forming new air wings we've got rely on submarines now so we can boost towards submarine three what's also important though before you complete this research you go for the ship designer of raiding fleet designer that way you can get less visibility and more speed good exercise my Army's at home we're gonna get them to level three which is give them a little bit of extra bite Hey Turkey the Republic of Turkey canceled boost now we're just waiting for Spain next up we're gonna go [ __ ] tail colonial autonomy which reduces their autonomy over time but what really really sucks is it reduces our political power but it is what it is the submarine 3 is done so what we do is immediately discontinue the old model hop on the big engine which gives extra speed and less visibility and bigger torpedoes from my experimentation the best submarine attack is around about 40 to 50 but right now we're going to struggle with production by adding on those extra torpedo tubes then we flip it out to the next model there we go a lot of people keep talking about this they say that the submarine 3 is Opie let's find out why there are two key aspects on why the submarine 3 is really strong first of all the stats are superior significantly less visibility for the submarine 3 also an extra 50% more HP one of the problems with submarines is got weak HP and usually one hit from a death charge will kill it having a submarine that could take damage go back and repair and then later join the battle again at a late day is so crucial and finally the third and final thing is the cost from a submarine 1 to a submarine 2 it's double the cost of resources one steal to the cost from a submarine to 273 is 0% more and we look at the submarine for once again double the amount of resources used three steel on one crew from effectiveness standpoint the submarine 3 is perfect unless you have unlimited resources and a crap-ton a steel and chromium in that case the submarine 4 is gonna be your winner I'm gonna start working on the next row TV bomber now we're gonna go for the Panda and we've got improved computing machine and with the Philips boost we can now get this in record time when it comes down to political focuses on the far right of the focus tree gateway to Europe we'll skip if we're at war cave to the bridge we'll skip if we're in the Allies at that point you just need to worry about unity through democracy and then go down that path it is time stop exercising your divisions let them build entrenchment you can stop producing guns you can stop training new divisions you just stop exercising your submarines take them back to base make sure they're all repaired then select your submarines and we need to break off some of the weaker ones we need to look for the submarine ones these are the old models you start the game with which I like to refer to as bathtubs there should be precisely 15 of these what I like to do with these is to move them into the top of the baltic ocean right there and then what we're gonna do is boost relations with sweden yeah here comes the cheese boys here comes the cheese now we're gonna select all new submarines to be added to the Dutch theater like the existing submarines and then split them off actually what we'll probably do just for convenience sake is this submarine fleet that's in the Baltic is making a different color so it sticks out there we go and these guys I'm going to split into 10 sub wolf packs 10 11 that'll do move that guy to the right so he's on the end select all of you guys elect automatic split off when damaged an automatic reinforcement I'm gonna put these guys to begin with on engage at low risk there's a few texts we can go for now that's gonna give us a bonus for instance here magnetic detector spend 50 XP and get 20% extra stuff attack yes if you've done this right at about 300 to 400 strategic bombers first of all right-click eastern Germany but Dziedzic bomb and we are going to go for military factories almond boys regarding the submarines the packs to the west we're gonna put these on combo raiding here here ye and here now we've got enough relations with Sweden we can ask for docking rights and cancel those improve relations because that will hurt our political power for a day otherwise Luxembourg and then it says gonna go for foundations of the defense to begin with is we're going to work towards colonial shipyards gonna join the Allies and then we are gonna drop our bombs on Germany oh my goodness oh my damn look at all these boys look at all of these unfortunately because we have pretty much no convoys there are very few of these we can actually accept sixty five convoys no 19:05 throat no no no no no we could actually accept this one from Malaya only thirteen colonies and they give us two convoys with that so I'll accept that everyone else gets a straight up mmm nope also don't forget about your bombers and move them to the UK you don't need to do this because when your nation Falls you won't lose these bombers anyway georgg bombers have a very high air defence and they've got very high air attack as well the result is they can fight toe-to-toe with fires for quite a decent duration right now we're being really annoying to the Germans because they have to bring 800 their fires to Contessa's in eastern Germany which will slow down their advance to the west and here we go the first convoy is getting sunk this is very very very important we need to do lots of damage to their convoys as quickly as possible and an early game as possible the brave indonesian warriors fighting so hard and dying f in the comments also to make things really annoying is i'm gonna split these in several pieces not for the purpose of bombing effectively there's probably not enough bombers here to do that but the reason we do this is we want to split up the German air force into different different pieces whether you have less planes in the areas they are currently pushing into right what I want you to do now is put your ships the ones in the baltic and the western part of sweden and then we are gonna combine red here and here make sure you split off it's very important you put these guys on low-risk they have to be low-risk these guys suck these your bathtubs they will dive really quickly and we're just gonna put these guys out here just to be really annoying and hit all those German convoys and they are gonna lose all their convoys mighty quickly France has now fallen so hmm what is next that's right Denmark and Norway is next though we need to make sure we cover these zones in a Norwegian Sea and the eastern North Sea we need to slow down their invasion of Norway and to do that we're gonna Incept as many convoys as possible there are other boosts we can go for as well in the short term we have got electric torpedo which is a defensive bonus to reduce the reveal chance of your subs and then there's also homing torpedo which increases damage by a good flat amount as soon as we're able to do so we need to go with continue the war in Bratislava because otherwise we can have fuel problems and we're gonna have manpower problems and we're gonna have convoy problems as we're having all those problems right now the only way you can go for this is if you reduce their autonomy below 60% right now it's so close just need to drop a few more autonomy points and then we can continue the war in the East I've just spotted that accidentally I've got two wolf packs in the Baltic Sea oops oh well that was a mistake but we'll make the most of it alright continue the war in Bratislava 35 days oh my goodness let's get this done zero zero zero zero we've got the strategic bomber 2 now so my advise you is give it the biggest possible engine to begin with that'll give it more agility and that means it will have more defence in the air then we'll start to focus on reliability and bombing as you can see now our secret Baltic Fleet what wouldn't usually would be able to get by the Danish belts can get in here and do lots and lots of damage the oil effected this is it reduces the production output of Germany so the result is less convoys less resources getting imported and therefore overall less production based on those raw resources but also you look really closely some of these are troop transports which results in overall less divisions that we have to fight later on right we've done it continue the war in Bratislava we've got loads of manpower first so we're gonna go for the Western capital which gives us loads of civvies be aware once you an axe your puppet through that focus some of these constructions glitch out as you see it's gonna be completed on the 16th and then the 17 so this is not progressing at the Asaf kill it and then start building some new ones in this case we don't need to build them here so what we can do is actually build them in the West Indies here and here so now we've gone from construction to Navy now we'll go into military factories to focus on our air aka our bombers right now we need to produce just enough oil to keep all of our planes and submarines operational and my advice to do that is to go for war economy if that removes the big penalty for production still a little bit behind so we'll get a little bit of oil from the United States just a little bit there we go all right we've got naval dockyard now so we're gonna sign those here and pop them here we also do any more steel so we'll get that as well there's a lot of things to sort out at this point naval repair q assigned naval dockyards okay so this is the effect of bombing and combi raiding less war support just look at the research here so homing torpedo for next two sub attack encryption facts just spotting and working on our air doctrines regarding production working on the submarines that we've got as well as the convoys as well as producing as many bombers as possible because they're invading Norway now what I'm gonna do is blockade them in let them do the little Navy invasion move from the North Sea to then Eastern North Sea we can start intercepting those convoys and we are hitting them nicely which will result in lost divisions because troop transports are getting sunk we've got command power now if I sign down tomorrow air crews we're gonna take that off for now and what we're gonna do is make our Admiral stronger we're gonna go for Lancer and we're also going up a loading drillmaster and we're also gonna go for concealment expert and when we have the chance we'll go off a retreat decision chance he needs to love a look for that one though and look at all these convoys nice nice nice you probably thinking oh no this is the end of the world they've landed that's it no way the Norwegians in the UK could hold them back right nope yes we are gonna be intercepting their convoy so their supply here been really bad I'm police that means it's gonna be more troop transports okay next time I'm gonna go face colonial shipbuilding where you get an absolute mega ton of naval dot yards and it is beautiful I was Jim huden right now they've lost over half of their convoys that's perfect we are producing more heavy bombers than they can actually shoot down we've just reached that point one of the number to keep an eye on is the amount of planes that Germany has so right now we estimate between four and five thousand planes this strategy is all about getting rid of a German Navy and then getting rid of the German air force and at that point they'll be so crippled the world moved expand in any direction could do with probably one more civilian factory so we have 16 and the rest will make more mills yeah then what we're doing with that we're gonna focus on infrastructure to max that out and max that one out and eventually max that one out and max that one out more oil more aluminium more rubber and then we'll need to focus on gain more industry tax which results in more building slots so we can put more factories in those states keep improving our bombers so right now we can max the engine more reliability more bombing more reliability there we go that's balanced next so we're going to expand the colonial army which will give us more manpower than more military factories and more military factories and then how we can focus on other things such as excavation and hmm the ultimate deterrence hmm the resistance banker reduces consumer goods by 10 percent also another advice that's really worthwhile is commerce raiding genius 20 percent extra combo rating efficiency very very very very good so as you can see Germany's landed in the north here zero supply D or gang and also in the South it's a bit hit and miss with low org as well the reason I'm focus is so heavily on getting factories right now is we need at least 51 regrets down this part of the focus tree domestic innovation and Norway Falls that face one thing I also tried is to try and boost Romania but Romania will go Democratic and it will get almost like 90 percent seventy eighty ninety percent Democratic but if you've got historical turn on they will always go for this so regardless of ideology they will always join the axis so it's a waste of time my thought process was to deny them the oil but I've noticed no matter what you do when it comes down to starving Germany of oil they seem to always have enough from either refineries importing from Romania or just excess from the stockpile hey we have Spain just Spain just Spain with Lucas White's a faceless El Presidente all right we can cancel our boost now the objective here is now we have a democratic Spain and a democratic Turkey so once Germany starts these little ambitions to the east these will be the thorn in their side this will be a Spanish gorillas for Napoleon right get it no ok this is an event you have to be very very very careful with this event means they are gonna take all of your Navy do not select that top one please don't please don't please don't you'll be in tears if you do this is the current bombing situation 50 bombers everywhere right we don't need any more convoys now so we'll finish that one and then we'll focus just primarily on submarine production oh hello what is this who has been defeated mm-hmm got a few choices at this point now you've got your extra research light you can get some extra excavation very useful as the Netherlands because you've got so much resources to begin with so you can get more and more and more on top of what you've already got ultimate deterrent is quite useful too so you've got the extra search slot I'm going to go for that just as an insurance policy just if the Bombers don't do enough damage and they get really lucky against the Soviets though as I did you before these ones do require to be at peace time but these two do not so in this case just go for them now we've got the excess political power why not if you're not gone for the method where you boost Spain and Turkey you would have more political power so you would have been able to go for the one these ones a lot earlier so feel free to do whatever you feel best with I would prefer to split them to democratic and the reason why I would prefer that isn't because there potentially could join the Allies they may not join the Allies it just denies them from joining the axis using loads of bombers here so don't forget if you've got them in a stockpile make more bombers try and bomb every single tile that Germany owns got a bit of excess XP now we can go for Day bombing plus 30% strategic bombing Germany versus the Soviet Union here we go who will win comment below from enemy bombing we have reduced their war support by 30% which results in them having 95 desert war support because they've got so many modifiers damn we now have a new threat a new problem and that is Japan because they're going through a strike the southern resource area Japan normally is a lot easy to take how they normally concentrate all of their convoys around this area they'll have naval plans already set up for all this region all you to do is intercept all their conversion you can knock out like five hundred convoys with in like six months so we are coming back to Germany because Germany isn't officially one or two percent beat we will need to return to you what we're gonna do now is cancel all about orders for us sub fleet and then we are going to put them on combo raiding yeah probably not need those two actually this will just do have line because this would be a defensive screen against the Japanese invasions there is a massive exploit in this video but you can't see it it's not visible I'm playing on Ironman the only reason I know of this exploit is I tested this run but I didn't play an Ironman and I jumped into the console and I looked at Germany to have a look at what they were struggling with and one thing Germany does every single game is it puts these military factories at the very bomb so if you know of where if you have broken factors due to bombing the production that's at the bottom of the production queue are the ones that take the damage military factories so in this case if I had assigned one here and I had one damaged military factories the one on the bomb would get affected by it but but on the ones on top would be ignored what the AI does is Germany is it puts all of its planes at the bottom of the production queue regardless of how many planes they have or how many military factories they've got but there are fighters on the bomb then heavy bombers such as tacticals or strategics and then just above it there'll be close air support what happens is when we bomb Germany in aim for military factories they stop producing fighters because too many of their batteries are damaged the result will be their Air Force will shrink reducing these less planes in the air and a less offensive is this is the objective of this one thing you have to agree on this is pretty beautiful right TRO TG bombers on their missions everywhere as you can see here we're engaging convoys by the Japanese a lot of them are uh necks courted probably because they haven't enabling they from long distances also you probably wondering why aren't they intercepting as in these regions I think the way it works is the German AI is scripted to move its planes in different directions depending on the level of threat so it sees these bombers 50 of them is not much of a threat to actually worth putting fighters here just an overview of research here working on construction which we need the building slots for more fuel working on air doctrine to make a strategic bombers stronger streamlined line give us more production efficiency growth which is good for the production and planes and we're working on nuke tech as an insurance policy these are the zones I'm currently covering these are just protective defensive ones just as to block naval invasions these ones are slightly more offensive to the north but take out a lot the suppliers come in to China let's surround Japan meaning cut off from the mainland meaning forces on the mainland will have practically no supply what these bombers now are all veterans so extra agility air attack which helps them be defensive as well as night operations bonus just get an idea of the scale of the bombing in the capital region of Germany and the last 30 days we've hit six point seven back trees over the last 12 months with its 64 so the resort that is there might be repairing it quicker than we could deal damage to it very slowly but truly that's to stress the German economy we're now producing two-point almost two point three strategic bombers per day that is a huge amount of bombers this is the point where we reached a critical mass where it's really difficult for Jeremy to be able to push us back a feeling right now that we've done so much damage to their military factories so there's probably there's probably lacking targets for them so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna select all of them and I'm gonna assign them on to civilian factories as well if defeated Japan at sea zero convoys Hobbs their overall fleet size we're not getting any new interceptions right now Japan is well and truly beat so we can cancel the orders here and there we can send them back to Europe when a wrap around Norway Bay of Biscay African coast all the way down to the Cape of Africa also with you deflate the stuck in the baltic the three that are left you're gonna go back on convoy rating here and here it might only seem like small adjustment small tweaks Nicobar rating the bombing limiting Spain and Turkey from entering as you can see the Germans are really struggling to push East they've not moved that much in the last year so this is working it's a grind but it works hey Turkey has joined the Allies that is really good that's another frontline that Germany has to deal with two things to look at now one they have no convoys - the Navy is completely battered and bruised and third those Air Force numbers have not increased in a long time what's going on there mmm duck it has been nice dude but unfortunately we have found a replacement goodbye now we've got moustache man - the only Navy that's not completely defeated now is Italy's let's get in to the Mediterranean get rid of the remaining of their Navy and their convoys so please so large right now we can do both so why not both right another way of getting building slots late game is also go for these - these will give you an additional building slot because we've got nuclear reactors research we can add those to the building here which we will add them in every place where it is possible here here here here here and here there's also a slot here I need to make sure we build it in every possible location no Turkey a falling of Greece is still holding on but Turkey's fallen come on Turkey come on is this the beginning are we making progress is this it here as well and here and here okay this tends to be a sign that the axes are struggling and the amount divisions they've got overall 400 for Germany at this point 943 he's very very low there's not much to research now so we can step down from free trade on to limited exports which frees up a lot of aluminium and a significant amount of fuel to Italy is on its last legs the soft underbelly of the German Reich has been exposed Italy's just holding on Turkey is back alright first nuke goes on Hamburg boom camera went all wonky then another thing you can do with strategic bombers is kind of spy on the level of supply that the nation has F for you know just supply mode 118 supply inside of this zone so what I can do liked all the bombers here and tell them to directly aim for infrastructure what we can see before our very eyes now is the infrastructure dip down like how effective that is the what you know is is that when you destroy the infrastructure in the Capital Region it affects the supply for the entire to the nation and you can [ __ ] the supply of the entirety in this case Germany by completely repeatedly bombing it over and over again oh my god I they actually realize this is going to be this effective we've dropped it by over half this actually might be the final blow I give a scale of how much damage we're doing if you go on the supply map mode every single one of these in red is infrastructure that damaged all right I put some more nukes Frankfurt good guards 69% war support the frontlines in Turkey and Greece I've met up yet the United States has pushed all the way into southern Italy that are about to be capitulated yep ninety nine percent and also the Soviets are pushed into northern Germany almost time for liberation he's gone it looks like Japan's making a comeback we loved watching the convoy count watch it melt 33:27 23 13 5 3 1 Romania has broken that on the steps of Berlin Vienna's new capital of Germany a bit of surprise boom well the casualty is 18 million for the Soviets 12 million losses for Germany the final nuke on Munich boom the end don't probably get to take a little bit lon - how nice oh yeah Oh everyone has passed so I get everything else okay I need seven thousand points to do this this is a lot of clicking there we go all of that boom done look how beautiful that is all of this and all of this and I don't you have to worry about the DC news anymore it's all technically part Netherlands and then finally the achievement liberation the land the rush took after world war two is now on by the netherlands historical game by the way there we go liberation achievement unlocked if I didn't already have the achievement there we go done it if you want to thank me for making this video and for you getting this regime and subscribe and don't forget to ring the bell otherwise your subscription means absolutely nothing have a good day everyone I'll see you guys soon bye bye [Music] what is this the dawn of the Confederate Middle Eastern nations really Soviets really we had one month of peace really hmm the Friday
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Keywords: feedback, hoi4 netherlands, feedbackgaming, bevrijding achievement, Bevrijding, broken, exploit, PDX hoi4, hearts of iron 4, brand, break the game, gaming, howto, adsense, gamer, game, entertainer, google, google adsense, pcgaming, marketing, blogger, clickbank, digitalmarketing, advertising, admob, makemoney, theme, commercial, adsenseblogger, webdesigner, earnonline, websitedesign, youtuber, branding, googleads, youtubers, mobile games, minimal, freelancer, earningmoney, optimize, monetize, hearts of iron 4 netherlands
Id: uZHs6ZLbl-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 7sec (2587 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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