What if All Nations Used Artillery Only? | Hearts of Iron 4 [HOI4]

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as you all know i'm an intellectual whenever anyone has a question about hearts of iron drudernell is obviously the first name that comes to mind i mean even paradox themselves oftentimes asks me drew dr darnell that is i'm getting my phd in uh astro physicist physics how can we fix the ai in hoi 4 obviously it has a lot of problems and of course i have come up with the solution it didn't take that long didn't take that much brain power it's very clear the divisions are not set up correctly you see because this is the proper way to do things this is the new meta my fellow intellectuals this is the only way to fix hearts of iron for ai if you want a real challenge this is the only way to go and they've got multiple artillery making these computer nations pretty much unstoppable so the game has been fixed every single country is now using artillery only and the only thing they can build is more artillery now isn't this just a beautiful sight to see finally for the first time ever the ai is building the right now this is what warfare was meant to look like nothing but artillery they're just staring each other down they're not even fighting oh man okay something is actually happening here i can't really tell you what but there's movement that's going on oh man what an epic epic battle that is that is legendary i'm actually a little bit afraid that this war may never end i mean besides all the seizures there's not really anything happening china china and all their other warlords aren't much of a fan i guess they all have zero divisions okay clearly they're just backwards thinking people good good franco has learned to appreciate the proper warfare method artillery only has allowed him to unify his country within a couple months benito seems to be on board he grabbed back ethiopia watch the italians have like the best game ever i'm still doing research on my anti-air thesis my anti-air philosophy that maybe it's the only thing that can be artillery only there you go hitler good job some of the other ais had me a little bit worried they don't have all their factories in artillery i guess this is a start hirito has gone after china and he's just pulling his little artillery straight through territory man this is so bloody actually just to confirm that uh just before china capitulates zero casualties zero casualties on both sides holy we're gonna get at least one because after this video i'm probably gonna kill myself now how exactly is blitzkrieg gonna work in this universe i'm not exactly sure but if anyone's gonna figure it out it's my man adolf my iq is very high even though i do look like a lesbian librarian right now and i would like to make a prediction that the maginot line probably isn't going to have a much of an impact in this video polish lithuania is teaming up once again to attack estonia problem is is not involved luckily you do have artillery pretty sure you could just shoot over this country optimal world war ii is taking place we definitely need to go ground level just to figure out what the hell's going on it's beautiful just beautiful i don't know if anyone else gets annoyed by combat bubbles this is definitely the way to go though if you're just tired of seeing that i can't help but imagine like three dudes working this artillery and three dudes in this one over here maybe not even that far away they're just shooting point blank at each other whoa what's going okay is it sad that i've never seen that animation before yugoslavia is getting just ravaged right now they just can't handle it again i've got a feeling that italy's going to have a good game here czechoslovakia you got to get together stop seizing and just shoot the enemy wait a second what is this vehicle doing here is france cheating are the allies cheating and benito bolito's over here pushing in the french front now he doesn't have to really worry about the yugoslavians anymore but be careful i think the polish conflict's coming up oh man okay it's already started you know now that i think about it too i probably should have done my uh my graduate thesis what country had the best artillery that would be really useful to know right now i might have been wrong about the maginot it seems like german ai isn't really pushing here maybe they will i hope they don't make me look like an idiot warsaw is i'm assuming going to fall pretty soon here the poles just can't handle the quick moving divisions so like what happens when artillery gets encircled uh i don't even know what that would mean the dominican republic has just declared war on haiti haiti again like china choosing the strategy just to not build artillery maybe that'll work this time so like i don't know but is any country going to actually run out of manpower i know i've been saying there's probably only like three dudes that run artillery but it can't be more than seven germany's still going through a lot though damn i was way off 500 that doesn't even doesn't seem right and that's just one little box okay let me just remind everyone that even sometimes intellectuals can be really stupid i didn't even realize that germany hadn't gotten austria yet that's amazing austria turned them down actually and then joined the polish faction that is pretty rare and here comes germany to shoot all their love and affection straight into austria they're gonna get creampied good good germany did in fact break through it looks like france is gonna fall pretty soon did the italians get much okay why did the italians got pushed back god damn it actually something seems to be going horribly wrong here in the eastern front and by eastern front i actually just mean pulling in friends i think the axes are having trouble here chili vs peru and uh peru seems to have like almost all the divisions right on the front line i don't think that's a good idea no big surprise but of course i was wrong the axis are doing absolutely fine but the interesting thing is italy did take a lot adolf was a real good buddy to you so get ready get ready for those allied artillery-only naval invasions they're coming not sure what happened but iran is going after turkey iran is looking you know pretty good whereas turkey isn't well they're getting removed stalin is now sending all 278 of his artillery only divisions up to finland again this is probably what he should have done in the first place because he's probably gonna utterly destroy this country but then again you know the fins are kind of at a major disadvantage we kind of ruin their whole strategy they can't have their snipers or ski troops or whatever it is we accidentally handicapped them i didn't realize this happened but we already have germany versus the soviets because finland actually joined the axis uh norway also declared war on them which was odd and they joined the common turn i'd imagine the sound just must be absolutely deafening nothing but like artillery shells going off like literally thousands of times just over and over again italy is once again failed in africa it doesn't really matter but uh he just has ethiopia he's doing okay i guess i mean no one's really trying to take this territory from him and the allies are in trouble because uh those japanese anime girls are now attacking what's that anime the battle ship girls are they like artillery girls now and the japanese are getting quite a bit of help from south america both argentina and peru joining in which they should be able to handle paraguay and chile honestly i just love the spasms this is like way more interesting to me it really needs to be in the base game the soviets by the way really seem to be embracing this new division or i don't it's not necessarily new but they're building a ton of them and fdr has also just joined the allies so uh we've got a somewhat traditional world war ii for the most part i mean everything besides in asia asia is pretty different if i was something like australia right now i'd be very worried let's just hope that they have a competent leader oh i'm sorry guys i don't think you're gonna make it i've noticed that fronts aren't really moving all that much especially obviously if the country has snow divisions but there's yeah not a whole lot progressing and like a really big portion of south america have all joined the japanese four different okay well you lost bolivia but four different countries colombia now just joined in oh damn germany's now finally making progress i don't really understand like what the difference i mean they're both using artillery right why why is he pushing so easily so now you guys have gotten most 24 channels to do some sort of artillery only challenge you got to get someone outside of the community i don't know how or who but i mean that's the only way we can actually legitimize this meme i'm so glad i didn't forget to look at this so in terms of casualties benito has the most i know he has to deal with africa but that's still kind of odd i mean damn germany's really low what the okay south africa south africa has killed the most germans are you just killing yourself out of sympathy what's going on okay so here's a peace treaty for the soviets i believe yeah it's gotta be the soviets all right germany took everything it's obvious now that if the axis truly wanted to win world war ii this is all they needed to do i don't know why they didn't figure that out sooner clearly things went really well for them today anyways guys thank you so much for watching i might potentially do something for 300 000 subs i'm still kind of thinking about it uh a grand campaign i guess is on the table i don't know there's still a lot of questions in mind for that one but i i still kind of need to figure a lot of out vicky two to hoi4 if you saw my last video that was a lot of fun but i can't i can't imagine adding two more games we'll see thanks for watching i'll see you next time big thanks to free cruise yiddis that fetus raging fruit mr fister tanner of the nazareth princess emma delta aurora dr freaky abraxis ben mook jen's love disc daddy sea beans king solomon kiwi supreme geet god mcneck ass maxi g franco is thick swiss argo sean spillman jake paul's my daddy bruce for occasion matthew e elijah senpai kirby and elfie
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 618,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Hearts of Iron 4, HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4 Artillery, Artillery, Artillery Only, Hearts of Iron IV, Hearts of Iron IV Artillery, Hearts of Iron 4 Nations, HOI4 Nations, Hearts of Iron IV Nations, What If, Hearts of Iron 4 Artillery Only, HOI4 Artillery, Hearts of Iron IV Artillery Only
Id: bxwBZMAYpbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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