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hey hey tony gaskins here i'm working from the bed today so you know just sent out an email to the students of tony gaster's academy reminded you of reminding you about um the growth group which today is the last day to join um but before our first call you'll still be able to join later but before our first introductory call the call will be recorded so if you can't join today you know the call will be put in the academy but um this is just a group that i'm starting a little group where i just want to build with grow with and just have a group of people that's going to the top that's essentially what it is just to put it in simple easy language but you know i i got a question today you know on my website not tonygasacademy.com but on my other site uh asktonygaskins.com people submit questions there and i received a couple questions and the questions were asking like you know why does a man do this you know why does a man tell you he doesn't want a relationship but he calls you every day he wants to hang out with you every day and he wants to be friends with benefits and why does a man you know lie to you or go back and forth or why does a man do this why does a man do that and this is a key thing that i want women to understand and just get this in your mind get this in your mind and really understand this he doesn't want you he doesn't want you point blank period he does not want you see what you got to understand is that when it comes to a man what you got to understand is that men are very direct when it comes to what we want when a man is pursuing his dreams when a man is pursuing his goals a man is going to be diligent he's going to be focused and nothing will stand between him and his goal nothing or no one and that's what you have to understand about the male mindset but a lot of women don't seem to know that like if you raise if you're a woman and you raising a son how is your son and um daughters could be the same way but we talking about men how is your son when he want a certain toy when he sets a certain goal a trick he want to learn in sports or a move he want to learn when he wants something how is he when he wants something he's going to be diligent he's going to be adamant about it and he's going to pursue it like there's no tomorrow the same thing is in a man because that man was once the boy and then he grows in to be a man then adult male is the same way when a man wants something this right here could end this could end all conversation this right here could end every single question that will ever be asked about love and relationships this right here one simple video he does not want you i need you to understand that if you never ask me another question in my life i will be okay i'll be okay i teach other stuff i will teach i teach you how to write a book i teach you how to be a mentor i teach you how to start a business i would teach other stuff i do not need relationship questions to earn a living that's what i want you to understand and that's why i'm telling you this right here because it is this simple he don't want you he don't want to well tony why does he he don't want you tony why does he he don't want you tell him what he don't want you that's the answer because listen when we want something it looked totally different when we want something when a man wants you you gonna know he wants you when a man wants you you ain't gonna have no confusion when a man wants you that is the end of it you going to know you when a man wants you you don't feel like running when a man wants you he gonna get on your nerves when a man wants you you finna be tired of that man when a man wants you he's fit to be all about you and it ain't gonna stop it ain't gonna stop when he wants you because when he wants you he's gonna get crazier and crazier and crazier about you and when i say crazy i mean a healthy way and this is what i mean like this with my wife around here she lived to um some reggae today from a partner from a friend he loved reggae and that's who he was in jamaica with and he sent me a couple playlists and i sent him to her because she got that uh spotify thing i don't have it and so she listened to the play playlist and one of the one of the artists was talking about um the woman okay down there but jay and her this woman thing got him going crazy see i can't understand what they're saying that's reggae until they speaking patois i can't understand nothing they'd be saying so they could be saying anything and i don't have a clue what they saying but my wife could understand it her being jamaican even though she don't speak patois like that she understands it and so she telling me what the man saying and that that man saying this woman thing got him going crazy that's all he think about that's all he picture all day and he messed up over that thing i say finally yes i said so now you understand how i feel and she was like whatever that is not true there's no i'm like i'm telling you all day long i'm thinking about that all day long i'm gonna wear that thing girl come here girl give me that girl what's going on i'm trying all day long i want to grab on me some booty i wanna squeeze on me somebody here i wanna all day long every every night if i ain't too tired now i'm thinking about something girl what's going on with you what's your name come here when and you know why i'm like that because i'm 100 faithful to her so i fall in love more every day i was talking to my partner about going to the maldives y'all calling the maldives i'm talking about i'm talking to the maldives right now on the email um the rich carlton over there cause i seen a uh ad about it on my instagram so i'm trying to find me a trip over there and i was talking to a guy he was like man you need to take a few other couples i was like why he said because i thought wow you get tired of staring at your wife and i'm like not me i stab my wife all day every day on monday i love it and i love seeing her fall in love deeper like what else she want to talk about and the stuff that my wife won't talk about when i tell you i could not care less about it like it is something that it don't matter nothing to me none of what that right there matters to me but you know why i love it because she love it because she want to talk about it and so i'm trying to help you understand is that when a man is about you when a man it wants you it ain't nothing to get in the way auntie body can get it if they try to stand between me and my wife if they try my wife i'm literally like the other reggae artist says she was listening to um bob's cartel can you bury you dig you up and do it again over my wife nah you hear me and my kids right there widow but even with that it's like when i'm at what you could do with your wife you can't do with your children with your mama with your sister with your brother so that woman and that's why i tell women it ain't no need for you to compete with a man who loves you you ain't got to compete with his sister you ain't got to come let him do whatever he want to do for his mama for his sister for his friend ain't nobody going to be treated better than you if that man is about you if that man ain't bout you nah somebody else gonna get treated better than you and that's the sign you need to recognize and realize but if he wants to spend time with his other family his friend let him do that as long as he bought you as long as you get your time as long as you know you got his heart stay out the way you ain't got to compete be jealous with nothing because you're going to be taken care of and then while i try to get women to understand listen this is not rocket science it is not rocket science it's black and white he love y'all he don't it's black and white ain't no in-between like i'm not gonna give my wife a bad day because i love him now it might be a tough conversation it might be a tough conversation that we have to have you know if it's something that i see going on that need to be addressed or need to be changed don't nobody like critique you know don't unlock no nobody like to be you know held accountable like we we want to be perfect so it might be a tough conversation but i'm not going to give her a bad day and even what the tough conversation is coming from a place of love so that we could be better so that we could grow and and i'm holding myself accountable too and i'm saying okay what you need from me what do i need to do different what do i need to do better where do i need to be on this situation and so that's how i go and but that's going to be the extent of it it's going to be mistakes made to where you say little stuff that you shouldn't have said you know you didn't mean to say it you ain't understand how to come off you know but then you you get checked you learn from it and then you don't repeat that intentionally again because it's love it's about love and that's what i'm trying to get women to understand like it is or it ain't it is or it ain't i read a quote to say uh love is or it isn't there is no thin love like it it's it's black and white and this is a thing and and i know it sounds like oh what tony he's just saying give up on every relationship and you just walk out listen you get what you settle for you get what you settle for i'm in my bed i work for my bed unless i feel like getting up and going to my home office you get what you settle for so this is the thing i didn't want to be on nobody job i didn't want to be punching nobody clock so i told myself i'm trying to build me i'm trying to build my own thing what i got to do i started working towards it it took me five years working somebody's job before god gave me a ram in the bush the way i could walk away from that job and i ain't had to go work for nobody else since so you have to you if you want pure love if you want healthy love if you want to feel like you are in love and be in love and be cherished and be respected and and have an amazing have somebody who want to spend time with you i have so many clients who they got the big day man to spend time with them they man don't want to spend time with them it's everybody need time today self men and women you should want time to yourself you need time to yourself but you also should have no problem with spending time with the person you with so me and my wife we was on this seven days in jamaica now i'm looking to get us four nights into maldives and then in august we going i think for two nights to vegas for to watch a boxing match and um and then we about to do seven nights so five nights with her family and our sons going so that's gonna be our family time and then we're gonna find another trip that we could take our sons for four to seven nights just us as a family but that's what we're gonna do and that's what's gonna be done and i'm gonna give time to my kids give time to friends but me and my wife i'm gonna make time for my wife i'm a half time with my wife and i don't get tired of my wife and i know a lot of people don't believe that i remember i wrote one time that i get butterflies on our date night and somebody said you lying you don't get no butterflies and see that's the problem with people is that you settle for sorry dead-end relationships and then you get mad when you can't believe that somebody else in love and that a man wanna suck toes and each pete cobbler every day from his wife that he'd been married with for 14 years people can't believe it because of the mess that you're settling for stop settling for the mess i'm tired of being the only one that's absolutely 100 in love after 14 years of marriage i want to see thousands and hundreds of thousands millions of people 14 years of marriage in law like stop settling for the dead-end dead beat end of the road sorry trashy relationship and and then bothering me and everybody else about that sorry relationship when the man don't want you the man don't want you wake up and smell the coffee and go about your business so you can attract a man who wants you listen to me i'm passionate about this thing because i'm tired of seeing people suffer sharif gaskin is not supposed to be the only woman that is love head to toe and when i say only woman i'm not literally speaking but what i'm saying is she supposed to be able to meet a hundred women that is loved on the same level she loved on i'm supposed to be able to meet men that lord a wife on the same level i'm supposed to be able to meet countless women who hire me beca to talk about business and to talk about entrepreneurship to talk about building a personal brand and the other things that i know how to do instead of just hearing about broken relationship because i need to see these women being loved by a man but this is why it's not happening it's because you settling it's because you okay being treated like crap so that's all you're gonna get that's all you're gonna get i'm gonna do another video i'm gonna do another video and i'm gonna break these videos up so that way for the people that's just passing by they they got enough time to watch the whole video and i know some videos will be an hour to those who like the hour god bless you we'll get some in though but i'm i'm on i'm doing something right now right now so different seasons you don't you don't do summer in the winter you don't do winter in the summer so right now i'm doing something a little different listen to me that man don't want you you got to ask me a question won't you hear what you now not every question you have to ask me mean he don't want you but nine out of 10 of them he doing it cuz he don't want you so when you walk away that's the next video i'm finna do why do a man do right after you leave i'm explaining that to you hey this is tony gaston god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 236,801
Rating: 4.9447236 out of 5
Keywords: How to know if a man likes you
Id: aJ3HM5OS6O8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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