You’ll know who He sends!

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hey hey tony guys here now listen it's something that a lot of times we don't think about and it's crazy how it works in our world but it just goes to show you how the adversary can confound the wise with foolishness i remember watching a show a long time ago on tv i didn't really watch the show much i probably seen an episode and it was it was a matchmaker and the matchmaker was single and i remember her giving advice to a woman about how to pick up a man and she said something like you know you got she said you gotta walk in there and when he's at the bar you need to walk up to him and like put your hand on his arm and like roll rub down his arm a little bit say hi i'm such and such almost fell out i said how in the world do we have a single matchmaker that did not use this stuff for herself to work for herself and so what what i started to see and i remember talking to a financial advisor and he was broke i was like [Music] okay uh yeah um so you want me to invest my money with you because you just could tell when somebody broke i'm like if he not broke broke pocketed he definitely minded cut them shoes a little too worn down that's that suit look look a little worn look too worn that shirt do not look the shirt look like it ain't going to the dry cleaner and your beer you're shaving it really ain't nothing you don't look like no successful well-kept man i know the scammers this is the crazy thing the scammers can look like they put together and but i had to look at this i remember meeting with a motivational speaker and he was broke busted and disgusted and i was like man how are you motivating people and you're not motivating yourself like how can you not make a marriage work how can you keep going through marriage after marriage but you trying to teach other people about self-help come on now this ain't adding up and so this is the thing when somebody is meant to be in your life there will be evidence so many people say oh you know he's a man of god i'm like oh are y'all in fornication well well yeah okay all right ain't now one of y'all uh keeping god word then like well yeah he's a man of god but you know he keeps trying to sleep with me okay um that's not a man of god in this season in his life he may know what god is he may have heard about god he may go to church he might have a title in the church he might do something in the church but if he's not keeping the scripture and a man after god's own heart then that is not a man of god point blank period and so here's the thing today it's like it's what i have to do is i gotta rightfully divide you know i have to bring a sword of truth i have to help you understand because here's the thing when somebody sent by the devil he or she is going to look put together he or she is going to look presentable it's going to look what have you you know they're going to be dressed nice they're going to sound nice they're going to sound articulate they're going to sound smart the devil is not going to show up with or let's say an antichrist or whatever you call it which could be anybody but you know the devil ain't gonna show up with boils on the face and horns sticking out the head who gonna follow that only the people who are already that so that's not a victory so the devil has to come in like a decepticon the devil got to be very deceiving and he had to come in and he has to position this person in your life who looks the part who looks like destiny who says some stuff that makes sense but when you really get to the core of it it doesn't add up when you really get to the core of it you like hmm this is not for my for my benefit this is to my detriment when you really evaluate the fruit at the root and so here's the thing one thing you'll know about god too is god is all-knowing so god knows the limitations of humans god knows our temptations he knows where we fall short so with god what he's going to do is he's going to move us slowly he's going to move us slowly because he understands we're gonna make mistakes and we're gonna fall flat on our face and he needs us to fail to get up and to learn from it so before god elevates someone he will make sure that you have renewed your heart and you've renewed your mind you've renewed your spirit so when my marriage was out of order my first two years of marriage 2007 through 2009 nothing happened good in my business i became an author in 2007 but i still wasn't the man that i was claiming to be so until i made a decision to turn over a new leaf and really be what i wanted to talk about what i was trying to represent nothing god didn't move in my business at all at all but after i made that decision and i renewed my heart i renew my mind that's when 2010 is when stuff started to move 2010 is when i got hired by the nba and the nbpa to speak to the top 100 high school basketball players and to the 60 nba draft picks 2010 26 years old that's when i got my first real speaking engagement in 2010 1500 dollars to speak for 30 minutes in minnesota i think at a bishop's um relationship retreat and that's that's when things start to move now i still had tests in my life and still had some things that i would bump into and i would get weak and i would see but see i still wasn't like a brand i still wasn't i still didn't really have a following that was listening to what i was saying so god still was moving me slowly so things didn't really take off till like 2014 through 2016. but by that time i had been built in the space that i'm in and i had gained my footing and i had cleaned up my heart because see god don't set you up for failure you're going to make sure that if he tells you to build it he'll give you the tools for it and that's what a lot of times we don't understand we don't realize that so this is what happened now when you see somebody that comes into your life in a relationship and they just straight to the point super duper fast first week i love you two weeks i love you that's a red flag god don't move like that you're gonna give you time it's about wisdom just like out here in the world these the voices online when you see somebody that just out of nowhere boom pops up and all of these this huge following and all these views and all of this god don't move like that and when you listen to the people talk you can try the spirit by the spirit you won't hear god in it you won't see a representation of god you won't see a purity of god you won't see a patience of god you won't see a temperament of god and that's how you know it comes he or she has come to do destruction but see what the devil will do is double the package people to show up in the world and show up in your life to look the part and they'll give them a script that where they kind of sound apart but see what the devil is doing is the devil gonna take and push this person all the way to the mountaintop and the devil gonna bring a lot of god's children because the script gonna sound like it makes sense but see one thing that the adversary knows is that the heart of this individual is flawed that the heart is not pure that the intentions are not pure so what the adversary is going to do is the adversary is going to take this person to the highest heights and then he going to push him off but now men and women have held on to this person's every word and they believe this person and they and they believe this person represents the change that the person is talking about the world needs and then when the devil pushed this person off the mountaintop everybody has already bought tickets to see the success and they end up seeing the failure so when they lose faith in this man or this woman they also lose faith in the message in the movement so if that movement was about healthy love or healthy relationships so they said people cannot believe in it because the messenger failed and so what happens is the messenger does matter that's why when god sends somebody he sends evidence so if god sends somebody to you to help you with their your finances their finances will be in order and you'll be able to verify that when god sends somebody to help you in your loving relationship their love and relationship is going to be in order and you'll be able to verify that anytime god sends somebody he gonna send a sign he gonna send a wonder just like when he sent his son he sent him with signs and wonders and as you read the book of matthew martin luke and john you're gonna hear jesus say over and over i'm not doing this for me i'm doing this for you so that you may believe he you're gonna hear him say i know who i am i know who my father is but you don't know me so i got to do these signs and wonders and you're gonna hear him say with all these signs and wonders you still don't believe with all of this evidence you still don't believe and then guess what what you're gonna hear the people say the people go you're gonna hear the people tell jesus guess what the sorcerers could do the same thing you doing the sorcerers and the witch doctors could do the same thing you doing you know why you hear that because the devil always is gonna be a close copy the devil always gonna look like the real deal but it's a snare see god gives gifts and adds no sorrow the devil gives snares that looks like a gift see a snare is a trap it's gonna set you up so in my space in particular there's a rise of just all these different men and women alike who are pushing this message of you know black love or just love in general if they're talking to multiple races of the family and having the family and getting the family together and keeping the family together and on the surface it sounds good but you got to get to the root in the root of it what you will hear being asked of the woman you will hear the woman being asked to compromise her standards to compromise her self-worth to compromise her self-respect so the women who are bringing a message that come from the devil will tell women to use their body use their femininity to bait a man and to get money from a man and to get this man and to get a man with money that's not healthy that's going to be toxic it's going to be abusive and it's going to destroy the family the men who are sent by the devil they're going to family family family but in when you listen to the message you're gonna hear [Music] signs of them saying let the man be a man which means which then you're going to hear them explain and they're examples of your grandmother was cheated on and nobody ever found out until the funeral because she knew to keep her family together she needed to shut up so you're actually being told that we want families but we want the woman to be broken and we want the man to be toxic basically we want the man to be able to call all the shots we want the man to be able to do and say what he want to do as long as he has money which is being called high value man as long as he got money he need to be able to do what he wants do what he want to do and then you may hear some say well oh we're not saying cheat but then in all the examples all the examples is about your grandma putting up with cheating so yes you are saying that so you're saying what you're saying you're not saying but see that's how the devil trip you up he gonna say something that sound good but it really don't make sense and see here's the thing when something is of god it's gonna come from love even when it hurts it's gonna come from love so when somebody's sent by god you're gonna see patience you're gonna see temperament and you're gonna feel love because god is love when somebody is yelling or cursing or being condescending demeaning that's not of god because god does not come to destroy self-esteem a lady wrote me and she said hey tony there's this guy and he has this podcast and i listened to it and by the end of it i felt like killing myself i felt fat i felt black and ugly i felt disgusting and i felt like no man will ever love me that ain't how god gonna send a message that's not how god gonna send a message now what it may sound like is hey what are you doing to love you who are you it may actually say about the same thing and you'll hear some people who on the outside they'll say this person over here saying the same thing as this person but see it ain't about what's said it's also about how it's said it's also about why it's said and it's also about where it's coming from so one person could say something to you and it's in love another person can say the same thing but it's coming from their self-hate one person could say something to you and it comes from a place of love for you another person can say the same exact thing to you but it's coming from a place of them despising you so see only will the wisdom of god give you the ability to discern [Music] the righteous and the real from the faith [Music] but see here's the thing you got to be patient you got to be prayerful [Music] you got to pay attention [Music] because see one thing about the good good seed gonna bear good fruit a good root gonna bear good fruit a bad route gonna bear bad fruit and see sometimes it takes time it takes time to see and so the thing is is when you walking with god when you're walking with god one thing you're gonna realize is that god may not come when you want him to but he's always on time that's why the song exists because somebody walking with god experienced that and they said let me write a song about it see the one thing that you know when you're walking with god is that you're going to be moved at your own pace [Music] and god is going to give you wisdom why everything is not coming overnight while you're not giving a million dollars your first year in business [Music] why you're not giving a million supporters your first year in business because what god understands is that he created you and he has to give he has to give a human time and space to human to do what humans do to fail to cheat to make mistakes to take shortcuts to tell lies and then if you really want to work for god and be a light for god he'll chastise you [Music] you'll go through a season and you'll be [Music] beat down by life but at the same time god will comfort you you won't have to go on pills you won't have to go to an insane asylum you won't be just left for dead no matter how low you get god will comfort you and you'll have a peace in that season and in that season god will give you the wisdom and the clarity to see where you've gone wrong and what you will see is that god didn't do it to you [Music] is that the bad things that happened to you is life happening because life is set in motion good happens in life bad happens in life life happens to us all so god will give you peace with that and you'll say lord let me get every lesson that is intended for me in this season and you'll have peace and in the midst of the struggle in the midst of the storm you'll smile you'll smile because you know that trouble you finish my sentence doesn't last always and you will appreciate the climb you will appreciate the struggle you will appreciate the failures because one thing you have been assured of is that when it comes it's coming and can't no man or woman stand in the way of it stop it or block it and you know that season is going to be a season of all seasons and everybody who lays eyes on you and bears witness of that season will not be able to deny the name of god god will give you peace but see listen the devil has no meaning over the earth jesus said it when he was about to be crucified read the bible matthew mark luke and john somebody told me i was lying read the bible matthew mark luke and john he tell jesus tells you he's going back to sit with his father and he leaving this earth to the devil but that he gonna be here in your heart if you accept him in your heart and that all the works that he did you can do those same works he did through him he tell it to you write in the word sit down and read it so that is why you see sin [Music] and hate and violence because domain of earth was given to the adversary and god comes into the hearts of the men and women who call him who accept him who love him he intervenes in your life in your situation and he uses your story for his glory your story becomes the signs and wonders that jesus did so that people may believe so when people look at you and they see what god is doing in you and through you and when they get up close and they get to hear and find out they say whoa okay and this what you believe in this how you living [Music] tell me more about this peace that passive all understanding tell me more about this peace that has produced this spiritual emotional mental and financial prosperity in your life see when it happens it happens and for so long i sat and i wondered god when is it gonna happen like how can i tell people about you if i'm broke busted and disgusted you know i say look at your life look at your choices evaluate your heart [Music] is your heart right before me is your heart pure before me is your effort and your ways and your actions pure before me my answer was no so god said his answer is no because it's against his word to put more on you than you can bear so god is not gonna bless you with a million dollars if you ain't learned how to sow if you ain't learn how to say if you ain't learn how to invest cause a million dollars would destroy you see god ain't gonna bless you with a million followers if you ain't learn how to serve from a place of humility with patience godly love and temperance see you can't mix the sacred with the profane so what is the curse word is profanity and it has been deemed profanity in our land and we are instructed to obey the laws of the land that's why kids are not taught to curse that's why we don't curse in a church it's seen as profane and so therefore that's our language you have good words you have bad words so when you see somebody using profanity that's a clear indication that they are not sent by god because every time he or she curses they isolate themselves from god's children who understand you can't mix the sacred with the profane so you have to learn how to articulate yourself and express yourself in a way that even a child can listen to you that even a child can sit in the midst of your message and receive a lesson in case he or she does not have a parental figure that can guide them in that area their parental figure may actually introduce them to your message because you fill a void but if you are profanity laced if you are rude if you are arrogant if you are condescending if you are degrading demeaning disrespectful that is a clear indication that you are not sent by god so listen with the knowledge of the lord comes a strong confidence [Music] when you have the knowledge of who god is you are confident in your work because you know who you work for so therefore you never ever envy the work of the devil you never envy the work of the devil because see carnal minds think that you are focused on numbers on followers and money but you know everything that's for you is for you i'll tell you something tell you something interesting how god work and he and god will kind of show you it's a difference between having followers and having supporters it's a difference it's also ironic that typically the people who have the most money have the smallest social media followers [Music] because guess what guess what uh people will pay to see a clown a clown has on a painted face and is playing a role that is not him or her in their real life the clown may actually be crying under that mask of paint on his or her face but a clown can put on a show pack out a house and take the show on the road and sell out all around the world but guess what that clown doesn't actually move the needle in people's lives nobody's actually having their life changed they're being entertained and so guess what god will send clarity and the devil will send clowns and no disrespect to real clowns in the circus this is just a [Music] an example but no disrespect to real clowns in the circus i've used that before and had the daughters and sons of clowns get very offended listen i'm not talking about your dad okay not talking about that so understand this you got to be patient you got to try the spirit by the spirit you have to understand the attributes of god and you got to understand that if god wants you to lead in an area if god wants you to teach in the area he going to make sure that you could take care of your own house in that area first god don't do fake god's not gonna sin send you to be a financial advisor and you broke god's not gonna send you to be a personal trainer and you out of shape god is not going to send you to be a relationship and love coach if you're not married and happy god not going to send you to be a singles coach if you're not a happy single person or where or found happiness in singleness god not gonna send you to do that [Music] he gonna send you to specialize in what he has gifted you to do so guess what and the heart has to be pure and see here's the thing when you call by god you're going to see the test before the test because with every test from the adversary god will provide a way of escape so you're going to see it coming before it come and god will give you wisdom wisdom to create an accountability circle around you and to put it out there the let the devil know you see him i see you i got my eyes on you i see what you're doing god showed me how to get around it gotten to show me the way of escape good try you're gonna have to come better than that but i'ma stay prayed up at the foot of the lord going boldly before the throne asking every day that god doubled my wisdom double my faith double my strength double my courage double my heart double my humility double my love [Music] you see you got to be careful because the devil is busy and he tricky he gonna come and he's gonna put some things in front of you that's gonna look shiny it's gonna look good some of the stuff gonna sound good when you really get the digging you're gonna see where it's off center where it's a snare it's a setup so guess what when you go somewhere [Music] and you being talked to and you getting a message if it's not empowering you and encouraging you and inspiring you to love yourself more to work on yourself more to be a better person and to never feel like you are less than anybody else never feel that way to never settle for less than you deserve to never compromise your self-worth your self-respect or your standards just to be in a relationship just to have a job just to have a quote-unquote friend if that ain't what you walking away with it's not of god if you feel like you got to change your standards to get something or somewhere or someone out of life that's that message is not a god because see god gonna meet you [Music] where you need to be so as you grow and change and become the better you become the better you're gonna attract meaning when you change your attitude it's a different type of people gonna stick around you you change your outlook on life for for the better and you positive it's a different type of people gonna be around you and this what we have to realize is that today we're in spiritual warfare devil looking good the devil sounding good the devil making sense let me ask you this though where's the evidence where's the evidence because see if god in it he gonna show you he gonna let you know so that you could see him yeah it ain't the same as walking by faith because we walk by faith and we save by faith through grace but when god send you a message he gonna give you peace in your heart when god send you a person when god send you an opportunity when god's sending you a blessing you're gonna feel his presence you're gonna know it so listen if you not rocking with the lord don't don't don't expect anything from me other than a message from the lord [Music] like you have to be hot or be cold you can't be lukewarm like you either into this type of message and this type of lifestyle this type of movement this type of balance or you into that over there [Music] you can't be both you can't be both because you're gonna get split right down the middle you're gonna find yourself being lost hurting and confused because you didn't choose whether you want to keep your standards and be okay being alone if you can't have somebody find somebody that's going to love you the way god loves you or deciding that you're gonna tuck your tail between your legs you're gonna bite your tongue you're gonna turn your head and cover your eyes like you don't see that you being disrespected that you being talked down to that you being put in a box that you don't belong to be in that you being cheated on that you being beat on that you being physically emotionally verbally abused in any kind of way because when you really get to the root of the message you're gonna find out what you're being asked to do and that's what's going to let you know what's from god and what ain't so listen somebody come in your life what you have to realize the very thing you praying for will show up and look just like what you pray for but not have the root it may have the fruit but not the rule so guess what [Music] that's when you have to tap into the word and remember the attributes and so now you know god tells you be anxious for nothing if you anxious for a boyfriend if you ain't just for a girlfriend [Music] if you ain't just for marriage you're gonna rush it and you're gonna overlook the red flags but see when you patient and you peaceful and you taking your time and and you recall that the scripture said the race is not given to the swift but to the one who endures to the end so a lady asked me tony i'm 41 and i'm a virgin can i find love like it's love for me and some people try to say no that's not realistic and if you say it is tony you just telling this lady what she want to hear listen i know god [Music] that's why it don't sound right to a carnal mind because this woman if she is right and her heart is right before god god got hurt on a marathon the women that lost their virginity at 11 and 12 at 18 at 25 they on a different path but if god has reserved her and kept men out of her life because she could have been anything could have happened to her but god saw fit for a different story because he gonna use somebody that was touched as a child and he gonna use their story for his glory he gonna use somebody that chose to be promiscuous and he gonna use their story for his glory and then he gonna reserve some who have never been violated by a man or penetrated by a man and he gonna use her story for his glory because he got to you different people from different walks with different talks with different stories because those are the signs and wonders for people to believe for people to look and see that is god's glory what that is god's glory wow i ain't know that so you mean to tell me you could be a virgin until your 40s meet a man who is a virgin too or meet a man who he might not be a virgin but he doesn't renew his mind renew his heart renew his spirit and he loves the fact that you was a virgin and see guess what you will know the tree by the fruit it bears so if i'm a man and this i'm answering her question from a male perspective if i met a woman who was 41 years old and she's a virgin i would be ecstatic as a single man what you've been in protective custody of the lord all this time i get to be your first we get to learn together we get to build together if i was a virgin and and if the lord had not been in my heart and i was not a virgin but he had convicted my heart and i had changed my heart and she had not met a virgin that was worthy of her but yet she saw this other man of god as worthy of her love because he has been renewed and made a new creature man that's a dream but you but guess what men who are not sent by god they will tell her [Music] it ain't no help for you a man gonna thank you crazy a man don't think you a man gonna think something wrong with you a woman who is not sent by god they're gonna tell her um you must be broken how you aversion at 41 that don't make no sense a man ain't gonna want that because men don't really like virgin that's the devil [Music] god gonna use your story whatever it may be however it is written however it will be read god will use your story for his glory that's what you got to know and understand that's what you got to know and understand you got to understand that there is a line in the sand you either for him or you against them you can't be on both sides the bible tells you you got to be hot or you got to be cold because if you are lukewarm he will spit you out his mouth understand what i'm telling you you can't play the middle and both ends you got to pick a side do you want health and happiness and purity and righteousness or do you want to look like you've got something but be empty on the inside of your heart or of your bank account do you want to look shiny and be the thing that glitters and glistens but really is not gold or do you want to be pure gold malleable and soft for the use of the lord you might not have a luster in the shine that this person over here got working for the devil but you being used for what's righteous and that's what you got to choose that's what you got the tool so hey it's tony guys god bless you hey the same for everybody and guess what i'm not for everybody i'm not for everybody so understand that i'm not trying to please nobody but god understand that i don't want no followers i don't want no fans i don't want nothing but what god got for me i'm not here to compete i'm not here to compare but what i am here to do is bring a sword of truth and rightly divide by his word right from wrong righteousness from unrighteousness and speak truth to power and let it fall where it may get with it or get left behind i ain't begging for nothing or nobody because ain't nobody got a heaven or hell to put me in but god my eternity is held by god not man god will have you with a thousand cattle on a hill and won't nobody know it until he tell you to show it god will have you happy whole and healed and people can't even understand how until he tell you to tell it so understand that to y'all demons i rebuke you in the name of the lord i rebuke you this ain't no religiosity over here this ain't religion this relationship i rebuke you and i warn you tread lightly tread lightly because god will not be my god will not be played with try it lightly check your spirit because i guarantee you what you don't want is the wrath of god on your life because you coming to sow discord and confusion in the midst of the work that's trying to be done for the betterment of the world for the salvation of hearts you better watch out you better watch out hey this tony gaskin and just like jesus told him those who hear my voice who know the voice of god that's who it's for and those who don't you confused that's a sign you ain't in line with him evaluate your heart repent and get right before you get left god bless you
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 60,898
Rating: 4.9621291 out of 5
Id: O6yuLm_CTJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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