Half in the Bag Episode 54: The Hangover Part III and After Earth
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Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,220,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red, letter, media, half in the bag, half, in, bag, plinkett, movie, reviews, hangover, part 3, part III, III, after earth, after, earth, m. night, m. night shyamalan, shyamalan, will smith, jaden smith
Id: 9sygqz9IgyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2013
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You can actually catch all three of them rich, Mike, and Jay using there common phrases from the nerd crew videos in their hitb or botw episodes. I believe it was there intent to really over play there characters by using there common phases to get the point across of how ridiculous all other review/nerd fandom channel have become.
Ended up watching the whole episode lol one of my favorites.
They were talking about what demographics would be interested in the movie though. He said that to specify that he was discussing it from the perspective of him and his demographic. Not to meme.
And in the Gremlins commentary Jay said "I think we all agree / I can speak for all of 3 of us that we love this film".