Star Trek Discovery Season 1 - re:View

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"How's it feel to have lived long enough to see all your favorite franchises go down in flames?"

fucking Rich with the burn there. I still maintain that you can see the exact moment Mikes heart broke during the TLJ review. His face while he's saying "HAVE YA SEEN STAR WARS?!?" is just pure anguish.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 100 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SwishDota ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Mike and Rich talking Star Trek? Sign me the fuck up.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 32 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That's actually a pretty positive review of the show. Certainly they have mixed feelings but both are on board for the second season.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/thefablemuncher ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 21 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I enjoyed it for the most part, however I felt it ended poorly. Jason Isaacs was the best in it by a mile both as a character and actor. It was visually pleasing, I liked that it was a continual story as opposed to individual story episodes.

I felt the end was rushed and the resolution felt like an afterthought, the fan service at the very end was unsatisfying to me but others seemed to like it. At times I felt the writing was poor, just simply there to push the plot.

I'm a fan of Trek watched TAS, TOS, TNG etc and found the whole "it's not Trek" tiresome, got the impression those who argue that just wanted to hate.

It's not great, but certainly not bad.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/War_Daddy_Zangief ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

kind of wish this had been a Plinkett review so it would have some more structure, they were really all over the place

also for all the waxing poetic about how every episode is nonstop action the last 2 episodes had no action sequences whatsoever

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cabose7 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm astounded that Mike has never watched Farscape.

I know that he's really more of a movie guy, but still. I feel like it's right up his alley.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/UrinalDook ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 21 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm so tired of this whole "it's not really Star Trek" thing. What does really mean anyways? Would it have been better if if the pilot and the captain turned into lizards and fucked? Yes that happened. Or does Voyager also not count towards "real" Star Trek? What about the first season of TNG with its 5-6 decent episodes out of 25?

It was a good first season for a sci-fi show and a very good first season for a Star Trek show.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 27 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheBurningPigeon ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I've watched the movies and read some comics but never the tv shows so is discovery any good? should i start there or the old ones?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I have watched a handful of their reviews and have never found them to like anything. Any reviews out there of shows or movies they have actually liked or even loved?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ChrisNYC70 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello and hello to you rich ovens hello Michael we're back this is part three of our special review edition of Star Trek discovery talk I don't even know what this is horrible name that's the formal name this is we've we've met three times over the season the first season of Star Trek discovery yeah to check in to talk and now that season one is concluded we know exactly what happened and now we can talk those are facts yes speculation like I'm looking forward to see where it's going now we know where it went and and now we can talk about it on this episode of review well rich season one is done and what was the point of season one I don't know like the overall point like like let's blow things up let's have a lot of war let's have a lot of action and then in the last ten minutes of the last episode will will tack on a message that were am bad we have this this we have many threads major threads in this storyline and it's it's a lot to to wrap your brain around because there's lots of little things going on [Music] major threads are the Klingon war yeah Lorca a secret [ __ ] from the mirror Mirror Universe who got to the the the normal universe I think they quickly said he flew into a gas cloud magic happened and I forget there how he got here they don't care yeah I know well that's the thing he got to the regular universe somehow and and and he spent his whole time in the normal universe the cultivating no pun intended the spore drive yeah project so that he he somehow knew to go into 58 different spots and that would open the rift let's let's let's just let's just rewind a little bit before I get into that that kind of specifics alright okay we the opening of the second half is the mirror universe story arc captain Burnham welcome back to the Shinjo made some modifications replace lateral vector transport systems it's actually the most fun that the show was like that for Carter it was great it was fantastic for partner and just the general that the concept of this Starfleet ship having to act like evil [ __ ] that's a beautiful idea that was fun yes yes Tilly as the the evil hard ask captain that was fun Tilly turned out to be I think one of my favorite characters yes because she was so she's I mean kind of comic relief almost but she's very relatable and human she's like a less socially awkward Berkeley yeah why don't you bring us all up to speed on your finding so far yes I like Tilly and ansaru even though sorrow isn't like you know personality overload he's he's he's the most Star Trek sorrow grew on me yeah he grew me when he first introduced anything that I my species since the sphere I thought that was so [ __ ] stupid but just as a character he grew on me all season um you look back at the whole season right yeah and it's like cramming in a lot of different things we have this war and then really when you sit back and you think about it what was the ultimate point of the mirror universe it really nothing yeah yes it was other than just for the fun of having a fun story arc but now that's over jumping into the battle of the binary stars right off the back was kind of detriments or a bad idea because they were obviously from a TV show perspective they want to kick it off with a bang you have everybody talking about this big opening I know this but I think you needed two episodes maybe three of Captain Georgio and Michael Burnham and the crew of the Shinjo going around and doing Star Trek stuff you know what I mean start him off on cuz it's like we didn't we never got a sense of how the crew worked together yeah how this this Star Trek universe felt like they got they're doing a science survey I mean I guess they did one scene where they went down and they rescued the eggs yeah you know one yeah it's one scene but ultimately at the very end they're like we are we are Starfleet and we are proud and we're gonna do the right thing and and and from an outsider's perspective they never established that at the beginning handful of scenes at Starfleet headquarters you know so what's the business of Starfleet today well we're going to meet this new species you know a little plot little plot yeah it ends next episode oh we're going to do this and that BAM you hit him with the war and I think that's why the the Dominion War in Deep Space 9 was more impactful because even though that was a darker series it it was it was like four seasons in you know and and then we see like all the horrors of war and all the terrible things that like everybody does like Cisco and like all the things that happened that they have to do yes you're asking me another terrorist I'm just departed if Cisco finds out what you're doing already knows what we're doing we have his full support and that's the the challenges the ideals of Starfleet the war part there's even almost a civil war between the Federation and Starfleet remember that I assume you'll be explaining to the public why it's necessary for Starfleet to seize control of Earth so that I think that's what was to a lot of like hardcore Trek fans that was the turn-off was that like we said before when it started off it felt like Starship Troopers where it was like yes really like kind of dark like fast-paced violin very militant world you mentioned Deep Space nine Deep Space nine the whole Dominion thing war works me because I think it's specifically the writers are there examining Star Trek's ideology they're testing it we had an agreement making a new agreement if that program passes the inspection you walk free but if there is even the slightest flaw then I will send you back to that Klingon prison until darin to take this time while he executes your discovery I think they just want an action show are you saying the the the values and morals thing felt tacked on at the end oh oh I think it very much felt tacked on at the end yes what do you think about Michael Burnham's ultimate and character arc this this this is an important part of discussion because my jaw dropped to the floor a few times during the final episode especially when her her loving mentor CEREC was was all on board for genocide yeah I went what her initial mistake was being to spa Koosh going well the logical thing to do is is to capture this this bad guy right yeah and then that will make them look bad so let's attack [ __ ] you I'm taking over the ship I'm attacking I'm doing the logical thing to stop this war really she [ __ ] everything up right and then killed the guy out of rage and caused this whole war right yeah and so then we get to the end and Saric and Cornwell are suggesting this radical course of action which is vile they are suggesting to blow up Kronos yes yes and we'll talk about that in a minute and then Michael burns like wait you're gonna blow up this planet there's like people here that just like kind of deflates the entire Vulcan society and all their logic well because this show doesn't care about the Vulcans this the show cares about Michael Burnham who I guess is supposed to be this amazing character that we all like and focus only on her character arc and they don't care if it makes Starfleet and the Vulcans look like a bunch of hypocritical [ __ ] that's true I guess maybe that's true and I I think ultimately the the Achilles heel what discovery is the character of Michael Burnham she that character never works for me she's in that in the in the early episodes she's just arrogant and unlikable and then she just becomes mopey and blank-faced and she kind of remains largely just Michael Burnham yeah was a really good impression I mean you got to give it to you she did a couple of things throughout the season I didn't much care for the love story between her and man who was a Klingon yeah that's Tyler well there's my smoke that's how they're trying to sell her turn like you know what no no she she realized she oh she fell in love with the Klingon Klingons are people to know we can't blow them up that's that's the catalyst for her arc the problem is she's playing it like a Vulcan and you never really felt that I mean she's love she's in love cuz her performance is just so I'm Michael Burnham hey modes make me care about you yeah yeah it's just clearly restraining her emotions a little because of her upbringing but yeah that's a detriment to the the drama in the show I think yeah and then I mean on top of the love story which could have been a season arc mm-hmm you have her and her relationship with Phillip with George oh yes which is she felt bad because George Oh died and then she wants to bring her back by saving the evil Emperor's she's a psychopath this is a George OH who was eating her friend earlier that's a dark little touch I have a dark sense of humor so I could appreciate that it's the same problem that the Orville has we're just the lead the lead the linchpin is like it's the weakest part of the series because these side characters your Tilly your Paul your sorrow I'm starting to really like these side characters yeah yeah Admiral Cornwall yeah it's just kind of a badass yeah she's and you know what she gets a pass because every Admiral in Starfleet is wicked and evil so it's like okay and Admiral I'm afraid my choice is this I can't let you start these experiments again Admirals always like once you once you a son from the captaincy to Admiral then it's like well I'm gonna do dirty [ __ ] to save the Federation now now I'm not captain I can do I can do nasty the nasty [ __ ] you don't see anything wrong what happened to you I don't like it but I've spent the last year and a half of my life ordering young men and young women to die I like that even less I'm acting on orders from the Federation Council how can there be an order to abandon the prime directive that's that's the running gag in Star Trek yeah is that um is that Admirals always have some kind of dirty secret okay that last order helmsman 180 degree turn hard about we're going to attack speaking of Star Trek cliches you got the evil Admiral who does sketchy things and no matter committing a crime mutiny stealing the starship you know sabotage whatever as long as you save the day in the end as long as you save the Federation it's okay yes or the earth the Federation whatever the they'll they'll pin a medal on your chest and and give you your your rank back because like the Captain Picard they're like don't stay away from the Borg battle Captain Picard I'm about to commit a direct violation of our orders any of you who wish to object should do so now it will be noted in my log that first contact happened and they time traveled and saved the planet Earth no nobody even asked him about it to help with our orders he didn't get the little trial like her cat in the white film Captain Kirk you're charged of all these [ __ ] crimes Oh Kirk also got a new ship yeah I got a ship but because you figured out that whales needed to talk to a space sausage your rank is fully reinstated well technically not fully reinstated he was an admiral he was reduced in rank that's captain wanted though this waiver had been he got everything he wanted in the end but he deserved it he saved the earth even though they stole a starship and blew it up death to Federation property physical assault to Starfleet officers creating and blowing up a planet you solved our whale problem everything's okay so so in truth our truck you may have earth transparent aluminum technology a hundred years before they should have had it violated the prime directive the temporal prime directive yes yes that's fine we didn't we didn't talk about we didn't talk about ash Tyler much doesn't much to talk about they turned him into a Klingon or they turned to Klingon into him or they merged them both I'm not I'm not sure what the [ __ ] happened there that's a very good question um they took Volk and turned him into ash Tyler I think ash Tyler had died okay and they did some kind of memory graft into like remember she had those gloves on and she was doing a thing and then they like did surgery on his head like they're just taking parts of volcรกn integrating them into ash to make it like I think Volta T VOC that they're like your limbs have been cut and shortened your fingers have been sawed down I think they took VOC and and made him look like a human and implanted his brain with with memories from ash okay I mean they did a really good job like surgery it's all just the DNA well the doctor did look into it but but they were so good at it that they they went in and they surgically altered all of the DNA this this this warrior race culture is very different they hate science that hates science science is for fools and weaklings use our science to make the ultimate spy we are most sophisticated in advanced technology ever invented in the universe no let's head butt each other and eat raw meat it's true the Klingons are dumb I like to believe that somewhere like underground and some some like secret place they they have like thousands of just really smart Klingons with like glasses they're just doing work warrior guys that kind of looked the other way like like remember one that one gremlin got real smart brain yeah the brain Tony Randall yeah yeah and he's they have like thousands of Klingons like that oh I don't mind if you say what what do you say we work on this new project about space and do you remember the TNG episode we're like Beverly Crusher was renting her little think tank there was a there was a Klingon scientist who was like super insecure and traumatized Jurek was a warp field specialist on the Klingon homeworld I don't think Klingons regard scientists very highly she always seemed a little defensive somewhere there are Klingons that do research into all this stuff and they get absolutely no respect they had absolutely no respect but they provide all the warriors with the tools they need it's a kill and murder and create mayhem and terror in the universe Starfleet should be able to wipe the Klingons out so [ __ ] easily so [ __ ] easily it's a collation of some really smart people who are constantly working on science the Klingons should never have gotten into space no no really they shouldn't know if anybody's gonna conquer the Federation to be someone like the Romulans yes larell a holding the Klingon Empire hostage with an iPad yeah that's connected to a bomb that was placed inside their planet by the Federation look look look look she's gonna last about 10 minutes I don't care as the new leader I don't give a [ __ ] good glad it's over it [ __ ] ended the dreary joyless Klingon war and now maybe maybe after all of the criticisms maybe we'll get something that feels more like Star Trek next season what I need is for all of you Placid people to finally start listening the enormous loss of life due to this war the acts of violence committed against us are the acts of a foe without reason without honor rich went when when they said Admiral Cornwell is sending this evil space space witch down to a planet with mysterious device and they're looking for volcano holds ah the first thing I thought was oh they're gonna throw some kind of bomb down there they're reading night all the volcanoes and Michael Burns what is he what are they up to come on what do you think they're up to they want to blow the [ __ ] planet up that was the big one yesterday the biggest non twist of all time was that that when that was revealed to be a bomb yeah like till he opened the case like did you know no we were looking to throw this thing down a volcano hole they kept saying they're inactive it's gonna it's gonna map the volcanoes so we can figure out a strategy you know the discovery which is supposedly already in a cave on Kronos could probably do the same thing with its powerful sensors we're gonna do it with this suitcase bomb I mean a drone it's all true I'd be more annoyed that Starfleet was done with this plant but I never remembered this isn't Star Trek this is space adventure show and space yeah well it is it is disconcerting that the Starfleet was down with this plan he will triumph who knows when to fight and when not to fight remember in TNG when Ryker had that little test on the planet of the Ancients with the he was fighting the Ferengi he said no we will treat our enemies well even though it might risk our own survival but that's price of our ideals [Music] I guess let's talk about the elephant in the room okay go ahead at the very end of the first season they get a distress call and I was I don't know like it's a spits the Federation ship us us you know that and then they're like NC c-17 you know when you just saw four blank numbers spots that it was gonna be 1701 yeah when they said they were getting a distress signal I was like ah I thought it was gonna be like um like we're getting a distress signal oh it's time to begin our next journey we they run into I mean ten years earlier the the the USS Enterprise 1701 not a the classic TOS ship commanded by Christopher Pike and then science officer Spock and first officer lady oh yeah major Barrett major Barrett but I forget our character name I do some that one else just like aged yeah and so here comes the ship and then they show it and they kept in in Cannon and continuity when they had Constitution class ships in next gen Constitution class hi Deep Space nine [Music] in enterprise yeah and it looked just like it but then now it's like kind of looks like it's a little different and I'm like no what are they gonna how are they going to show the bridge how are they gonna is it gonna look like a space bridge from the future like yes it will and I don't give a [ __ ] of course they're gonna change it they're not gonna have it look like the 60 set you know that this is the kind of thing I don't give a [ __ ] about I will critique the design though that [ __ ] original enterprise what stands out about that ship is just how sleek and simplistic and and elegant it is it's a it's just a soups and they just put windows and [ __ ] all over it it just [ __ ] ruins the look but yeah they kind of it's kind of a mix between the two types of ships yeah I mean it's like okay fine if you have a great story for season 2 bring in pike but I mean they went that whole season without fanservice and then in the last like 10 seconds even the end credits they played the 60s music I know why because they want you to tune in next season and they want you to keep paying for CBS all access I'm starting to i'm rewatching Deep Space 9 again right and I remember the very first time I watched Deep Space 9 when it first came out and I was like what's going on like this is this is really weird there's all these strange people I don't know there's this man who looks like a ghost who's made of liquid there's this very angry but Joran lady there's garbage everywhere Cisco is like mad he's bitter he doesn't want to be in Starfleet he's like I'm thinking about going into the civilian service [ __ ] Starfleet you know it killed my wife you killed my wife you prick and then the enterprise I remember the arm cries leaving and I was like don't go people don't leave me with them leaving me with strangers you're like like a kid be like your mother dropped you off at kindergarten for the first time yes come back warm comfy enterprise with your bright lights and your holodecks and that there's garbage everywhere why hasn't anybody cleaned this up Jake Sisko doesn't have a bed dad there is nothing to sleep on in there except for a cushion on the floor but but they had their like by TNG's done saddle up get involved in this now you know only when they brought Thomas Riker back in really and I think they had an episode with eventual Oh Worf eventually they were on their they're on their or their their own show at that point they they're they didn't need war it was just like Michael dorans free everything crossed over at some point you know Spock the unification stuff yeah Scotty episode I think there is a Bashir data crossover at some point so there is always a little bleed over here and fine well it could just be another because they like arcs it could just be a four-episode story I don't know I guess it just felt like TOS now is is feeling like 80 eighties to me and star destroyers and Death Star's you know what I mean where it's like remember this remember this yes I mean it's felt like that since 2009 where it's Spock Kirk remember that I remember it's like I want discovery completely free and clear of that they mentioned they mentioned Jonathan Archer at one point that's fine but just do your own thing too bad Mike get ready for Spock as the new captain of the discovery and he's gonna [ __ ] up and Michael Burnham is gonna be all smarter than Spock and then Spock is gonna get demoted back down to commander or step down and then that's gonna be their their their reason to give Michael Burnham the captaincy well they know they were going to volcรกn to get their captain they're going to a place to get their captain and they caught a distress so it's true so I don't think it will be the captain you might be right about that I think they're gonna I think they're gonna go off course in a plot thread before they get their new captain let's give him a little taste of what's Discovery's capable of lorca tell us about Lorca Lorca is the the evil captain well here's the the morally gray captain he is harsh he wants to blow [ __ ] up he you know Lea reminds me of I know who you're gonna say you know exactly who I'm gonna say yeah when Picard got captured by the Cardassians and saw the four lights a captain hard-ass took over the enterprise and he wasn't like a card at all he was kind of her she had his own ways he didn't like Riker but he still got the job done and he was a good character that he was - for a few minutes then go in and tell him that you've convinced me to meet with him one more time tell him I'm a loose cannon and that he needs to be more reasonable because I'm such an unreasonable man Lamech will want to bring his own aides on board pretend to be worried that I'll of check and then give grudging permission for two aides no more I understood that was the beautiful episode of TNG that just subverted like the evil Admiral Trump liked the new authority figure from Starfleet they're evil he comes in you think that's what they're doing but no he's just right yeah yeah he just had a different way of commanding yeah he just he didn't tell everybody what he was doing he made he just wanted people to follow his orders and and he was effective and it was odd to see that yeah and so he's a memorable and Lorca was the same way yeah they they find the diplomacy missions kind of boring and then when it comes to war they're like all right let's do this thing like nah and so Lorca felt like that at first yeah before before the twist I like the whole PTSD angle you know where you know he was wounded by the Klingons his ship got blown up his eyes were injured and he had it out for them and he was hiding it the lining Wow a recent battle injury it's a ton of wool this whole story takes place the time wore on people reveal themselves under that kind of duress I like to think it makes me mysterious but then we discover he's doing science experiments in his basement because he's an evil mirror universe duplicate I as fun as the mirror universe storyline was it kind of just destroyed work up as a character is what he was one of the best parts about the show but now he's just gone I guess yeah yeah and I like that actor a lot to don't recognize it they'll bring him back it won't be it won't be the same Lorca it'll be the original work oh I don't throw them you don't think they're gonna do that it's a speculation but I don't think they will oh god I don't know what happened to the good work they said they say he died right actually the reason I think they might bring him back is because they didn't say he died animal Cornwall's got aligned like well there's no way one of our people would survive on their own in the mirror in universe yeah so they imply he's somewhere alive in there they think he's dead but he could show up at any moment right but he's got to get out of there yeah speaking of Mira Mira well back on that topic I I think I noticed what may have been a mistake our oversight I wanted to talk about commander Landry okay I don't know if you remember her my name is commander I'm chief of security here see we're unloading all kinds of garbage today that was Lorca's right hand lady oh yeah she won the original security officer yeah she went down into his space lair and she was mean and kind of evil she wanted to let the tardigrade she was like we got to find out why it's so violent I got God and and then she ended up getting mauled to death by it and and him and her were like like winking at each other and all that and then we go to the mirror Mirror Universe and there she is and she's evil she's one of those unfortunate people who's like evil and both that's just how I took it or maybe she's just slightly less evil and it's just a grade I mean I guess everyone in the real universe aren't necessarily good right oh yeah are you annoyed I'm annoyed that they have the force now that they have this fungus that connects all life in the universe and your soul goes into the fungus when you die one can argue that that might not have been reality a hallucination you okay it's possible like like that's what Stamets was imagining him to say kind of thing I'm just gonna be annoyed of Star Trek has forced ghosts now if dr. hugh comes back in impulse damn its waking dreams or yeah in a spiritual forum I'm part of the mycelial Network any kind of phases in and out it's where you go and you die then yeah they're gonna do it my serial network it's a force that connects all life in the universe Mike well that's so that's another question too and sees it - are they gonna continue flying around with the Spore drop it find some way to get rid of the spore driver I don't they don't really give a [ __ ] about continuity I guess ultimately but obviously this there is no spore drive beyond it's it's never even [ __ ] mentioned you think you think Voyager would have brought it up yeah hey you know they did this thing a hundred years ago you're the spore drive that was super useful for getting across the galaxy gentle Janeway's back on earth and she's a sign she's reading this life story why didn't anybody bring this [ __ ] thing up I really enjoyed the Klingon sleeze planet I guess it was Chronos all on us but they go to like a sleazy City I thought that was fun a splash of moss eisely yes yes a little Star Wars a little Star Wars until he smoking drugs with [ __ ] Clint Howard yeah the baby from from a [ __ ] korbinite maneuver right his he's three years old he still looks like Clint Howard I know I know he is an ugly ugly man but god bless him and really like the Klingon war wasn't over overly done but I was like that last episode that it really kind of like we got to wrap everything up yes I'm glad it's over yeah complain no it's good that it ended and didn't drag out in the season two I was expecting I was expecting a retcon of the entire war I don't know if that might have been too crazy because they used the spore drive when they got back to the regular universe and they accidentally jumped nine months in the future so I figured Stamets which he really didn't do anything in the final episode I figured he would be like I can figure out how to make us go nine months back oh yeah yeah I was waiting for that too and then I was like okay and then Michael Brown's like okay now I can stop myself for making the stupidest decision ever you know you sent me a text cuz you'd seen it before you saw that last episode before I did you said that was stupid I was expecting that I was fully expecting the time try able to just completely wipe out everything that happened this is because essentially they're like the entire Federation has been defeated and then like oh this is some doomsday stuff this is some yesterday's enterprise stuff where we can fix this with space we can fix this with time travel right it's like if yesterday's enterprise Star Trek just continued on from that Federation is gonna be dead in six months yeah you know that gives him a reason to build a whole fleet of Constitution class starships right cuz everything's blowed up but yeah and I really pictured Michelle Yeoh aka Phillip was your show and evil Empress having having a fight and then the good Giorgio's kills the bad one okay and then she's back well I think you'd find out pretty quickly when one starts eating Saru like looking back at it it's it's like this kaleidoscope of stuff that I thought was it was really good or really bad and really off but also really on I mean you know do you have that same kind of feeling where it's like it's like they cram so much like if you look back at next gen Season one ya know these like simple little stories and nothing like major happens nothing major happens in next gen till season three four you know same with Deep Space nine it's just like it feels like we had war we had mirror universe we had like there were very few away missions - mm-hmm and it wasn't like a lot of problem-solving it was it was very almost no problem solving a very high concept high drama even even when the show works like like the mirror universe stuff it doesn't work like Star Trek normally works where it's people figuring stuff out people talking their problems out it worked like what it worked it worked like a good action adventure show yeah like the good episodes felt like they could be Farscape episodes and I think you've ever watched much farce game no no no that's a really fun show about space fugitives who run around and they get into adventures okay okay some fun action but it doesn't feel like Star Trek okay discovery for me is like it's constantly just well maybe it'll get better well maybe I'll keep watching maybe I'll watch more I will maybe I'll watch more I'm always on the verge of not giving a [ __ ] and just turning it off it started to grow on me a little more I don't even view it as a Star Trek show really anymore I view it as just an episodic drama it's not Star Trek it is an action-adventure show it's just it's not like the best one ever but it's it's passable it's a passable action-adventure show with spaceships and laser guns I think for television it's it's quite well done and the visual effects and the style and the art and all that stuff okay Star Trek used to be a set of ideals but now Star Trek is names you know and places you know where people can shoot at each other in those places I know the mirror universe they're gonna shoot people there I know Kono's we're gonna put a bomb in there I know Starbase Captain Christopher Pike didn't I joke about them running into Pike in the last episode and then here comes a Constitution class ship this is Captain Christopher Pike of the Starship Enterprise don't be insane I just want to see I just can't wait for the violent shootout that's gonna happen on es 1701 enterprise oh I have a theory yeah the 1701 enterprise the bridge is completely like destroyed because of some kind of accident or incident and then that that's gonna say well we're gonna have to rebuild this whole bridge no no yes maybe we should look at make it look like a terrible 1966 I'll tell you exactly what they're gonna do what's that right you know one we're gonna see how Pike gets mauled and then we're gonna see or hear about Kirk being appointed the new Captain Pike doesn't get mauled he gets irradiated I believe irradiated I think you'll see that and it'll be just like the ultraviolet version of whatever they said happened what's his problem Commodore inspection tour of a cadet vessel Oh class J starship one of the baffle plates ruptured the doctor raised it depends on how I think the cage took place like nine years ish before okay eleven years four months five days and and so you'd have to go back to menagerie and kind of like go what like think of the timeline not that they'll pay any attention to that this one brought was it ten years before I think so yeah seven years four months five days don't Forge it enough we'll see maybe we'll see we'll see Pike at mold doctor raised lots to talk about for season two eraser Kirk's that thing you know Kirk and Spock good welcome to the bridge of the enterprise oh my god what if Kirk ends up being the new captain of discovery like they change the timeline no it's like he oh you think Kirk will be the new captain but then plans will change after pipe gets mauled dr. rays that's not a bad I'm Captain Kirk I'm taking over the discovery and we're gonna do in this adventure all season and then you know Captain Pike gets irradiated and turned into a wheelchair man and now I've got to go command this other ship then they could have Kirk as the captain four five six seven eight episodes yeah yeah why not why the [ __ ] not well I guess we'll just have to wait and see when season two of Star Trek Discovery starts up in the fall how does it feel to have live long enough to see all of your favorite franchises go down in flames feels great [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,478,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, Star Trek Discovery, Season 1, review
Id: ri7v-utIcvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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