Half in the Bag: Blumhouse's Dirty Secret

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"This is the worst thing I've ever seen in my entire life". - Mike

we've got another one boys and girls!

👍︎︎ 482 👤︎︎ u/JTRO_ 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

"You know it's ironic. So many pedophiles in Hollywood and they are all thinking big."

Mike...you unimaginable bastard.

👍︎︎ 299 👤︎︎ u/mise_en_abyme 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

The buffet analogy sounds pretty spot on

👍︎︎ 181 👤︎︎ u/macwblade1 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is funny now, but after Rich and Mike die of coronavirus, it's gonna be really, really funny.

👍︎︎ 348 👤︎︎ u/Ill-Salamander 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

The lady getting oral in the car in My Valentine was one of the original people on the panel of Colliders Star Wars show that was the inspiration for Nerd Crew

👍︎︎ 145 👤︎︎ u/McGilv 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

My vacation has just been cancelled and I'm PO'd because I'm probably not gonna get some of my money back.

What a disaster!

At least we have new RLM!

👍︎︎ 188 👤︎︎ u/Supermunch2000 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Half in the worst? Best of the Bag? This felt like a hybrid episode

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/kratosyellow13 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mike having such knowledge of Los Angeles architecture and infrastructure was a twist to RLM lore I did not see coming.

👍︎︎ 259 👤︎︎ u/notathrowaway75 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Corey Feldman, in the houuuse!

👍︎︎ 151 👤︎︎ u/Prophet_Muhammad_phd 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag okay Mike put your credit card in only $20 and we can both watch the movie Jay are you sure that putting my credit card into this unsecured website so that we could watch Cory Feldman's fake documentary is really the best idea of course if we can't trust Cory Feldman who can we trust you make a valid point it's all set up mm-hmm here we go I'm putting my credit card and personal information into Cory Feldman's unsecured website [Music] okay here we go I'm submitting my credit card information okay all the websites been hacked oh [ __ ] oh god now it crashed I expected more from a geocities website now how are we gonna see the list of names of all the Hollywood pedophiles silly J all you need to do is look at the credits of any movie that's right Mike that's a lot of names I wonder if my credit card is safe hello yes fraud alert nineteen thousand dollars worth of untraceable Visa gift cards purchased in Bangladesh well yes that was me I approved those charges yeah I did that yesterday thanks for calling I appreciate the extra security concerns what I like to get an early start on my Christmas gifts did you hear that that sounds like someone like hit a snare drumming dinner somebody playing drums outside is somebody playing drums outside now it's totally silent well since we can't watch my trouthe the rape of two Coreys maybe we should go see a real movie hmm one that actually plays in the theater but live-streaming is difficult you know it's only 20 20 nobody knows how to live stream of video I can understand the problems that he's had holy crap they're having us in real-time maybe that was the real movie they're making a documentary called corey feldman the rape of an audience or corey feldman the boy who cried wolf pack anyway what's playing in the theaters Jay hmm onward mmm kids movie ordinary love chick flick Sonic the Hedgehog man child movie the boy - not in the mood for a comedy the call of the wild with Harrison Ford the CGI dog No thank you I prefer a real dog get put through living hell to make a terrible film uh what about you boring [ __ ] in the movie theaters I'm all right oh I know what we could go see the Invisible Man you know the classic Universal monster movie character all right do you remember when Alex Kurtzman tried to start the cinematic dark universe with that huge Tom Cruise flop what a disaster I never thought I'd hear the words disaster and Alex Kurtzman used in the same sentence but here we are yeah and after that I think it was you who suggested that Blum House should take over these movies make them on a smaller budget to maximize profits who would have thought you should make a horror movie like a horror movie and not a 300 million dollar transformers film yeah it takes a real genius to think of that you know it's ironic so many pedophiles in Hollywood and they're all thinking big well Mike maybe we should go out and see the Invisible Man before it disappears from theaters you must have put his drumset away there's all done oh my god I'm sick I've got the Macarena virus I think you mean the coronavirus oh that's right there's a horrible virus sweeping the earth maybe we should just you know stay in here and watch something that's streaming well if we can't go out and see the Invisible Man in theatres why don't we watch some other Blum House movies I hear there's a bunch of them on Hulu if they're direct to Hulu movies with the Blum House name on them they have to be good right [Music] J is there really such a thing as the Macarena virus I think there was maybe like in the mid-90s but they eradicated it oh is that before after that horrible outbreak of Chumbawamba kill they [Music] [Music] from Blum house the producers of three hit horror films the purge happy deathday and paranormal activity comes 100 terrible horror films you'll never want to watch why it's the Blum house party on hulu also known as into the dark series or TV show or collection of feature films ah either way Jay and I have used a sophisticated computer to select three films to watch based on ratings there's the best rated the middle rated and of course the worst according to IMDB let's see what happened well Mike how did we get here we got here cuz we're scared of the coronavirus cuz theaters are nasty as it is that's that's the thing is I'm scared to go to the theater even before this virus outbreak have you seen some of these [ __ ] people this all started from me browsing around Hulu which is kind of like a wasteland and then you're like Hulu where you go through movies and it's their interface the Hulu interface is terrible but I'm like ok there's movies you go Hulu originals or movies and go to originals and it's like there's a picture or a giant picture of just something and then it says two people go on a vacation somewhere and then dot dot dot and then uh what's what's the rest of the plot and then you you hit it to find out more information in the movie start no ice wraps yeah then you're trapped a guy I gotta go back but then then there's a way to find out you go later where it's like thumbnails yeah and then you click on the thumbnail this is play trailer and you could read the whole so nuts so it's like a different thing and so I'm looking and it's like some things you know this is a show cuz it's a season 1 episode 1 ok oh that's a show and then when it says 1 hour and 22 minutes alright oh that's a movie and and then but really this mrs. Blum house presents we're gonna talk about Blum house because they are extremely prole a production company that has produced top-tier stuff like get out and they [ __ ] produced that that jazz movie whiplash whiplash and and then and then they like then they yeah they have this like branch of Blum house that produces like Asylum level crap yeah well Blum house is its it is a production company but it is also a brand yes it's not like like Warner Brothers people don't say oh it's the new Warner Brothers film yeah yeah they just go see a movie that's made by Warner Brothers but with Blum House it is specifically I mean they do occasionally stuff like whiplash but it's mostly horror and I remember remember that truth-or-dare movie Blum houses yeah yeah that was like it was like Blum houses or blob of house presents yeah I think it was I think it was possessive it was Blum houses truth or dare yeah so they're they're trying to be a brand name where you go see it because it's Blum house but I don't know who's in charge of their quality control because they're shits all over the place before the trailers of all these movies which are more so long episodes in an anthology series yes I mean they're all at least like an hour and 20 minutes their TV show material stretch to feature-length films but we'll get to that sure and when you watch one of these trailers it always says from the producers of the purge happy deathday and paranormal activity [Music] so in addition to the blonde house brand they throw up those titles Oh must be a real movie it's hard it's hard to get first of all we didn't watch we watched three of them yeah we selected three as you said based on highest rated according to IMDB ratings lowest rated and then we picked one that was right in the middle hi straigt it is too high and lowest rated is not low enough it's very good but those ratings are very like you look at them and it's like 300 people voted like nobody's watching this stuff yeah and they've been at it for two years and I'm not sure what the point is I mean obviously they don't spend a whole lot on them no no which is I mean that's plumb house this whole thing and that's why I've always had like mixed feelings about them cuz it's like okay movies are too [ __ ] expensive these days but blum house they make I think it's between like five and ten million is the budgets of all their movies yes so even when you have something like recently they had their fantasy island movie came out critically panned everybody hated it bad audience reviews but it only cost seven million dollars to make it made like over fifty million dollars not a lot for a you know a big movie but for something that only cost seven million dollars even a flop isn't a flop that was a listed budget for the Invisible Man - seven million and that made 105 at this point yeah over a hundred million you famously suggested that Blum House should should take on the universal monster movies I'm still waiting for my check yeah and I'm still waiting for my check for suggesting JJ Abrams direct Star Wars films oh they're not asking for their refund yet ensue but yeah that's oh it's a seven million dollars packaging pocket change and that's their big-budget movies I can't even imagine what my Valentine cost I have it right here oh you just made a Blum house movie but you had asked the question who's watching these movies and what are they for and what's the purpose and I have an answer for you okay and it's it's a it's a food analogy mmm when you go to the theater to see you know say one of the 10 best picture nominated movies or you're a filmmaker you've known and liked for years like Quinn Tarantino it's Quinn Tarantino as a new film out that's like going to a five-star restaurant and saying I want to order a really good meal and I know it's gonna be good and I'm gonna like it and I'm know I'm gonna get what I paid for I'm gonna sit down meet this really good meal this fancy restaurant the Blum House movies are things that are in a buffet mmm because when you go to a buffet you pay to get in and they keep everything stocked there's some stuff may not get eaten at all and get thrown out but the concept is there that you can go into this buffet and have 50 choices of things you could eat so Blum house is keeping the buffet of Hulu stocked with food that's what it is it's Hulu can say we have 50 original horror films exclusive only to Lulu their horror films because that's the incentive for like a Netflix or like a Hulu is you know with Netflix I don't even know if anyone watches movies on Netflix anymore they just watch the original programs right and Netflix makes original movies too yes so every every streaming Amazon Netflix Hulu all these companies can say we have original movies that are exclusive only to our streaming service yeah so it's like when you go to the buffet we have thing of fried chicken necks of the mashed potatoes and and it might not be as good as if you go into a restaurant and order a very specific meal that's high-quality but we got a big plate of lukewarm blum house well my misunderstanding from the get-go was that these were independent films that were produced independently and Blum house went and said hey we want to buy your movie slap our name on it and make them put it into our into the dark anthology but I I think they actually produce their produced in-house or however you want to call it but yeah they're made specifically for this Blum House label yeah which is probably I mean they're clearly very low-budget but it's a good opportunity for most of these are made by unknown filmmakers that haven't done a lot of features if any it's a weird thing because all the all the entities involved are getting paid so here that here's the cycle here's the circle already here's a graphic okay people pay hulu hulu pays Blum house Blum House pays talent above and below the line to create a film and then in this circle nobody is consuming this product it is the tray of fried chicken nobody ate that gets dumped at the end of the night and replaced the next day with a fresh batch of fried chicken that people are filling into the buffet and nobody's eating this dis chicken but it's there so that you pay to get into the buffet but two brave souls did watch three of these films we sat down and we watched them not not with the explicit intent of making fun of them but really just to see what's going on what are all these movies because we know it's in the theater I don't want to get the coronavirus so but Mike there are good movies that have come out that we skipped we didn't make we didn't spend our time and energy making a video or he say yeah it was pretty good why didn't we do that I don't want to see that I knew Tom Hanks movie and where he's in World War two I don't know Saving Private Ryan no but I'm gonna pretend it's his character from Saving Private Ryan I survived what World War two movie is I don't know he's a captain on a boat and there's a there's a bunch of submarines attacking ships at I'm not gonna pretend to use this character from Saving Private Ryan I'm gonna pretend he's mr. Rogers now that's an adventure it's a beautiful day at Normandy a beautiful day at Normandy where you don't get shot you'll get shot won't you burn those Nazis anyways so the three films we watched the first film was called a nasty piece of work title I guess uh yeah I was looking forward to this one because it has Julian sands in it who was of course the warlock in the warlock films and he was in like arachnophobia he's been in a bunch of stuff the the he's actually the the living embodiment of the shame wizard from big mouth no we're doing that again yeah I know so you're up for continuing this rather unorthodox job interview and he looks just like him oh yeah he's got two colored eyes and a scar down his face he looks kind of like a Harry Potter villanies can be just floats up and the plot of the show is a juvenile script about climbing the corporate ladder yeah or something I'm taking the money you usually spend on bonuses and I'm using it to create one more high level job which will give employees the chance to reach executive stasis the boss played by Julian Sands invites to employees and their significant others to his house and basically has them battle it out violently for who gets the promotion there's twists and turns that are not interesting or twisty in any way sucks it's terrible it's it reminded me of I don't know if they were inspired by that movie ready or not from last year it had that same kind of tone to us where the the the rich couple it's Julian sands and his wife who's both of them are like comically overacting sure guarantee now what it's not like you wear the pants around here house boy my way Dunlop Julian Sands it's like terrible in those it's like he's on another planet oh yeah he doesn't know the material yeah they don't none of the actors know what they're supposed to be doing tonally yeah I'm totally but but it reminded me of ready or not like running through this house and violent things happening and the kind of snooty you know upper-class characters so like ready or not but bad and confusing in terms of the premise and motivations of the entire plot I mean I get it like there's your lead guy and then you have the douchey guy with the vapid wife all played very broadly broadly yes I think stupid would be falling for the same routine twice in the span of like an hour and so it's like you know the first the first shocking moment is the shame wizard kills Catherine O'Hara with a gun and her head blows off and then he's like who will help me cover up this crime unless she's not dead no you're not supposed to know that it's supposed to be a big shock when she gets up like where's my drink [Applause] come up with an alibi and whoever comes up with the best alibi will make it through the corporate boardroom and then oh she's not dead and then after that it's a scene after scene of that kind of thing yeah you think it's this but no no it's not but it all just leads to the same place anyway right and then there's weird masks on the wall and then they reveal at the end that the weird masks are worn by the the board members so uh old rich white guys who are board members they play this game once never a hundred times I don't know has this ever happened before I don't want no one knows someone's in the walls I think those are the board members I guess that's supposed to be like but for some reason he grabs her hand yeah when if you're just trying to observe why would you that yeah so really like there's a hundred million things and it's like why don't they just leave at some point oh but Mike he stays with him because that's satire it's unrealistic all right yeah it's trying to climb the corporate ladder don't want every can climb look what the twist is that his girlfriend gets the promotion we didn't even work for them because she was the nastiest piece of work of all she was the most cutthroat you know else I found interesting out of all three of these phones I guess it's not interesting it's more obvious all three films took place and were shot in the loss of the Greater Los Angeles area sure sure I'm willing about the entire series's and you don't bug me too just a little bit it's it you know it takes place in Los Angeles and and I've been to Los Angeles a few times as have you and and I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure the layout of LA is the big downtown area then the east side is like the slums there and then away from the city when you go towards like hollywood west hollywood burbank over there where this the mountains start and the hollywood sign is the Griffith Observatory all the fancy homes are in the hills and it goes up yeah that's that's like over there it's like where like houses are so when they show this corporate boardroom my point is is they show the skyline of the downtown part which is like the view from all the fancy houses and so that's where their their corporate headquarters is located when it's like like a financial company or a business it should be in the downtown part my point is they decided that Jason Blum's house [Laughter] so that was distracting to me because I was like this is and then if we're if we can jump ahead to low-budget crap and locations pukka pukka yeah Puka buco is my favorite of the three yes which isn't saying much but I actually liked pukka pukka was okay you know the the premises the struggling wannabe actor takes a gig wearing the stupid costume because it's the hot new toy called puka that all the kids are buying and so he's the pooka mascot and then it starts to kind of obsess him he gets obsessed with it and starts to develop like a weird bond with it and things go crazy and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but then you get to the very ends and it's one of those onions amazing oh oh oh well after watching the other two films I got to the anyone oh well it's I started skipping spoilers for all this stuff but it's it's the incident now at Owl Creek or occurrence at Owl Creek it's the Navy short film slash Twilight Zone episode where you realize the whole thing was a vision or a dream I was expecting a cut to him in a straitjacket no for in a hospital and that's all the this film reels just going in his head of all these events but yeah yeah it was like okay you know I get it yeah and the little pieces were all there it was the best script it was rules - there's many visuals like I love the contrast of the you know the pooka costume is this movie kid costume but there's like horror stings when it you know cuts to it I notice the music was by Bear McCreary because that guy works I don't know if he came up with the polka music that polka theme song will be it's an earworm it'll get stuck in your head but then yeah later when it starts to get more sinister and you see the pooka with the flames and it's eyeballs and stuff like that and that's something I thought was gonna happen because the pooka costume the eyes look like car headlights yeah and so I was like Oh at the end when it's revealed that he was in a car accident that's gonna be a connection there but then the pooka doll exists outside of his fantasy and it's slain on the ground and it also just has car headlight eyes yeah yeah I think the car headlights were a motif or thing but yeah but yeah it doesn't quite work when you get to the the real ending yeah unreliable narrator kind of feature film with the reality of the world that he's in falls apart as it goes along yes and and you know the twist is you at the beginning you think I was thinking you know I'm in this mindset of these these movies being terrible and I you know the creepy guy is looking down from above as he's doing his audition and okay so he's in the Polka costume there's a secret satanic cult he does this ritual the seppuku ritual and it it sort of dumb cult plot brainwashes kids and the like Halloween three season so I thought yeah okay he's being tricked into some kind of devil worshipping cult that's gonna secretly brainwash kids into killing their parents while they hold their puka dolls Oh story about a guy who was an [ __ ] yeah an [ __ ] actor in Hollywood an alcoholic crashed his car yeah he starts to get more and more addicted to the costume just as you would get more and more addicted to alcohol that's a lot going on it goes it's it's slim but it felt more like a movie than the other two yes I think the idea with all three of these that we watch though is that they would have benefitted from being a half-hour Tales from the Crypt episode right there all stretched that's that's another interesting point is yeah I was thinking like Twilight Zone a good Twilight Zone not this Jordan Peele nonsense actually no these are more in line with these or more these are more like which I I think I think vanished off the face of the earth yeah don't think there's any talks of redoing those those are some bad thing [Laughter] watch those are probably exponentially more expensive to produce than these blue mouse movies right I would think yeah yeah better name actors yeah and like the pooka one someone had a good scripts they said here's my idea it could work we're talking about locations because they're in puka and are least rated film my Valentine which may be the worst thing I've ever seen in my life both both are ambitious scripts or have elements that are ambitious but limitations in the budget fair because puka is supposed to be this big phenomenon and Tickle Me Elmo or a Barney or something that's really big and then so you're thinking like in movie terms okay the big puka event would be at FAO Schwartz in New York or some all of America with America's higher mall is swarmed with children or a mall or a toy store or but those are locations yeah and then you shot like a closet they well they they rent it out like an abandoned building somewhere in Hollywood some dirty street in Los Angeles and like like dirty glass windows like a strip mall and they taped up a sign that said puka pop they call it pop up yeah it's just smart but it's like gotta go bigger I can I can look past that stuff when it when the material is good yeah like puka didn't bother me as much and also puka doesn't have a lot of locations but it bounces between the locations that has a little more so it keeps things varied as opposed to the other two we watched which are 95 percent of them are in just one place it's and they're and they're not clever or well-written enough to that's a sustained it right one location the the one location movie or primary location movie has to be very good yeah ready or not that hold in a house it's a good movie yeah it has to maintain maintain a quality level in order to pull off the one location thing or else it starts to feel like it's drankin yes and and those movies did anyways but that's another one like a nasty piece of work where there's clearly a satirical element to it but it works more because it's more of a background thing it's not like trying to make it the entire point of the movie like a nasty piece of work countless malfunctioning pukas have been returned throughout Los Angeles with parents complaining that the popular naughty or nice toys are suddenly broken is that shot of the newscaster on the street and all the kids start throwing the pookas down on the ground and stepping on it yeah yeah you're writing me of like Starship Troopers and they're stepping on the bugs yeah yeah there's some creativity going on well let's talk about my Valentine jury yes that's because this is the worst thing I would call it a mess a mess in terms of tone style writing everything it puts the mess in message oh there you go and I don't know if it's if it's based on a real person or not but it's about a Hollywood pervert / manipulator who wants to groom women or a woman to be a pop star for his own sick fetish of control yes his name is royal okay I was about to come Titanic Sinclair cuz that's the real guy because this is based on a true story Oh have you ever heard of the pop singer / youtuber named poppy I'm poppy I'm poppy I'm poppy I'm poppy poppy she came on the radar a few years ago because I didn't even know she did music but there was a YouTube channel that showed up called poppy and all these really short kind of weird David Lynch Ian videos and she talks in this high-pitched voice kind of like the Valentine character in this movie puppy I asked you a question I love my fans my record label and my handler I am so glad that you all can make to this super special secret show just for my most super-special fans and it turned out that her whole act was created by a fellow named titanic Sinclair who had previously created this exact same persona with someone named Mars Argo they were in a relationship and he I don't know I think in that case she came up with the whole character and he sort of once they broke up he just recreated that character with another girl allegedly well that's literally what happened allegedly he was there was litigation and stuff from what I understand but Mars Argo the original girl claims that he was abusive and manipulative and all this stuff so you take this real-life story of abuse and being an [ __ ] and turn it into a really crappy horror film feels a little sleazy a little exploitative but the thing about an abusive relationship like this or someone that's mentally manipulative and stuff is that they have this sort of there they can be very charming they can be nice and then they you know use that to manipulate you in this movie the guy's just raging [ __ ] the whole time thanking people for coming to our deep what people huh the dudes that you invite to our shows in the hope of that [ __ ] you they won't [ __ ] you who else would besides me you're too weird looking and I think that's the takeaway is that he is not believable we didn't have a fight why you so mean to me no one is believable a lot of his actions are based on stuff that manipulative people do yes but to the nth degree to a cartoony level because it's very theatrical it's very over-the-top it's very cartoony and unrealistic like this story of a guy who's grooming and manipulating a young woman into being a pop star and then replaces her later with somebody else I mean you could write a story like that dramatically maturely yeah and make it good and you know even that movie were or John Travolta played moose was better your favorite movie of last year the fanatic watch out watch out here's the whole like flimsy premise just falls apart because it's so constricted to one location this is this terrible music club that they have yeah because he wants to confront her yeah and he chooses instead of like I don't know finding where she lives or going to her house or going to where she works or to be much more scary you would be scarier or more you know more threatening he does it in this grandiose theatrical fashion at her at her first live concert and he goes up to the bartender and he's puts $200 down give me a give me a vodka on the rocks and then you're like what because one thing that happens is he's like ooh I like that and he's pointing to the bartender's earring by the electric on Melrose my guys name is Samir he does good work looks amazing and I like it it's just an earring you know it's not like a cool tattoo or something I betcha I bet you a million bucks in the script that was he had he had this rockin neck tat dragon right sir and then they started shooting they're like where's the neck the artist who was gonna draw it on with a sharpie didn't show up says blum house check Bob okay well how say is earring is cool why I know who says nice work to an earring just film it it's a right off the bat that's weird and then he gives him like like a thousand bucks and says to clear out the bar clear out the bar except for these three characters one of which inexplicably has an eyepatch we moderate the Treasury Treasury the biggest treasure fan board in the entire world original super fans only royal aligns himself with them and says you three you guys are on my side so maybe you can hang around everybody else leave and so the bartender says work laws of the place for a private event and at first I'm like well that's really irresponsible that's unrealistic that's strange that the entire staff the owner everyone would just leave the place alone to this guy yeah for a thousand bucks what about insurance liability what about this you know but then it turns out that the bartender was secretly hanging around in the end he's only hanging around because they realize that this is supposed to be a horror movie and there's no characters to kill same with the opening act which is a couple that just hang outside in their car for the entire movie one it pads out the runtime and two it gives them a character to kill 38 year old ladies like cunnilingus in the backseat of a car and a dirty alley that's some straight-up high school teenagers [ __ ] the grown adults grown-ass adults don't do that but they had to give them something to do why are they hanging out in their car I don't know they got to show up later right well they're sitting in the car like mm-hmm but royal calm Royale cheese Royale with cheese wants to confront Valentine foe because his new muse treasurer is a dimwit with no musical talent this whole plan from the beginning was to go to confront my Valentine yeah and he brings along the girl and tells her to wait in the car yeah how about just do it on a night when she's working your shift at Panera Bread Company you know vibrate oh so she could come in and because the movie that's all that all the decisions are so the movie can happen you don't get it I'm not afraid of you and your [ __ ] anymore well well also because it's supposed to be like a I guess empowering story of confronting and overpowering your abuser but there's scenes of him trying to be abusive and strangling women and stuff like that and it's supposed to be like tense and serious but then they'll be like cartoon glitter effects and split screens and goofy sound effects and it's like are you trying to make Scott Pilgrim vs. the world are you trying to make a tense thriller about a manipulative [ __ ] they don't go together at all so yeah not none of the pieces fit and they just blast purple gels onto everything yes I was gonna say you were the cinematographer looks like [ __ ] space cop [Laughter] well the part the part that got me is there's Valentine makes it up onto the roof she's running away from Titanic's and Claire whatever his name is and she he's chasing her and it's supposed to be like this tense scene she falls off the roof and then we get like multiple split screens and freeze frames as she falls to the ground and it's like is the I was thinking like is the editor tried to sabotage the movie like you've completely deflated any tension you were trying to create with these goofy comic-book edits I think the editor was trying to save the movie because make it look like it has style it wasn't her on the roof and him confronting her and multiple angles and camera dollies up and we see how high the roof is cameras move it around there and this like this tendency it's like a wide shot on the ground like that yeah yeah yeah that's like that's that's it we got to put the camera down here and shoot it up I don't know what and then also it's like we've established that that other couple and so this event happens where treasure falls off the roof and lands on a dumpster and then were to assume that royal got down got her body unconscious body and brought her back inside and all that happened in plain sight of the other couple unless was on the maze on the other side of the building I don't know it's terrible I was like oh they could have made that apparent and that could have added to the tension if we see the the opening act just you know they're in the frame this is happening behind them they don't notice it because maybe they're still going down on each other or whatever or they see it and they say get involved with the story I mean yeah but instead we don't see them for 45 minutes motivation characters have motivation we don't we don't see them for 45 minutes of them they just kind of awkwardly walk into the frame hey man we want to use our drink tickets yeah yeah yeahs what's going on here after having oral sex for four hours in the parking lot they just decide let's go back into the venue yeah and have some drinks well it's the combination of everything like everything we're talking about bad writing bad cinematography bad distracting editing nonsensical character motivations it's a perfect storm yeah it's a perfect storm it's a film about female empowerment where the female can't find the exit to a building and then we get 5-minute music video and then we have to see a whole music video because how else are you gonna get to feature-length every now and then they cut to music video footage in this yeah pre pre shot footage just to pad the running time yeah and then the credits start rolling and then they do what every good tense horror film should do show bloopers oh there's like goofy outtakes of the actors dancing and stuff dang I didn't see that couldn't get worse I shut that [ __ ] off well before that yeah so it feels like we're reviewing bad episodes of an anthology TV series which is basically what we're doing now too bad up so does in one okay episode no yeah the pooka one was was on a curve was good yeah it epitomizes lung house as a whole now it's like like I say to the beginning there's no quality control if you have the the means to make something like an invisible man or a get out why dump out these just completely worthless movies to cuz those movies fun the better movies it's a business it's a business and jason blum is very smarts he knows what he's doing even if the audience suffers for it well is there an audience well with these movies to the into the dark movies no again we'll put up our graphic there are circular graphic it is the chicken being thrown out at the end of the night at the buffet well to be fair the chicken wouldn't be thrown out you need a better food for your analogy what's the food that would get thrown out at the end of probably broccoli no one that goes to a buffet is gonna eat something healthy yes true okay the broccoli gets thrown out at the other thing LeBron but then broccoli is good for you these movies aren't good for you so that doesn't work either maybe something like clams or oysters or some kind of like tricky seafood I'm not sure about that that would work cuz that also falls under the category of like it could be really good or it could be tear yeah clams at a buffet ooh yeah you're really you're really taking your life in your own hands with that one yeah it's gonna make me sick or is this kind of being delicious yeah so that's Jason Blum a dirty clam peddler what a successful company they have a Dave a good model of of hits and misses they have a lot of title oh guys now I've got a third illness was it now the Harlem shakes hey hey maybe he's got an achy breaky hard no I've got pneumonia I've got to go make arrangements at the funeral home don't forget to put us in your will hey remember when we used to fix VCRs [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,301,669
Rating: 4.9325809 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans
Id: YAa_m9H-PGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 38sec (2738 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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