Half in the Bag Episode 143: Demon House

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"This is my other Star Trek."

I just realized Mike must have loved that awful Star Trek episode where Dr Crusher has sex with a space ghost.

👍︎︎ 475 👤︎︎ u/Tychoxii 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Mike defending his belief in ghosts will always be funny

👍︎︎ 622 👤︎︎ u/Punkseidon 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in felis sed orci mattis imperdiet id ut nulla. Pellentesque lacinia mauris eu feugiat tempor. Fusce vel tellus mi. Ut volutpat, felis quis elementum aliquam, ipsum quam feugiat nisi, vitae viverra augue ipsum ac enim. Pellentesque laoreet tempor elit, consectetur condimentum felis lobortis vitae. Donec rhoncus laoreet mi at iaculis. Morbi semper, felis in bibendum auctor, libero erat imperdiet sapien, eget maximus eros nibh vel ex. In condimentum lectus urna, sit amet gravida orci dapibus sit amet. Duis tempor non lacus quis malesuada. Cras faucibus faucibus orci, id elementum purus interdum a. Phasellus accumsan feugiat ipsum, at vulputate est suscipit eget.

Duis quis fringilla mi. Sed eget elit eu justo malesuada imperdiet sit amet vel sem. Vivamus sollicitudin erat mauris, eget ornare tellus mollis molestie. Morbi ornare tortor et quam auctor hendrerit. Ut sollicitudin ligula et massa faucibus placerat. Vestibulum fermentum massa sed nulla vestibulum, in blandit tellus placerat. Aenean non volutpat dui, a hendrerit felis. Nulla ac mattis nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In in ipsum pretium, fringilla metus ut, pellentesque felis.

Pellentesque dui sem, dignissim a faucibus a, pharetra sed arcu. Pellentesque id dolor sed magna auctor laoreet. Etiam elementum, massa et facilisis sodales, odio quam sagittis augue, dignissim faucibus erat risus ut ex. Cras dui nibh, sodales a nisl non, sodales molestie quam. Phasellus volutpat sit amet eros at iaculis. Donec aliquet nunc vitae metus aliquam iaculis. Mauris sem diam, rutrum ut sem sit amet, aliquet cursus dui. Aliquam erat risus, varius laoreet massa eget, fringilla blandit turpis. Integer bibendum nisl vitae lacinia bibendum. Curabitur vitae urna mauris. Aliquam facilisis accumsan est vitae feugiat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin bibendum sagittis nisi, eu euismod est imperdiet in. Donec augue eros, porta id dolor ut, aliquam ultrices lacus.

Cras gravida tortor libero. Morbi sagittis tortor nibh, nec cursus dolor finibus eget. Aenean quis nulla massa. Quisque bibendum varius nisi eu rutrum. Quisque eu neque eleifend, malesuada nibh sed, elementum erat. Cras ut volutpat sapien, at commodo justo. Ut iaculis laoreet ante, ac scelerisque purus accumsan vulputate. Proin porttitor sapien sed risus tempor, quis viverra nunc consectetur. Aenean eros metus, molestie congue urna vel, dignissim molestie magna. Fusce diam arcu, pharetra eget iaculis vitae, ultricies at dolor.

Quisque aliquam leo et elementum mollis. Fusce interdum libero a odio varius, id mollis risus cursus. Nulla sed suscipit quam, a tincidunt lectus. Nunc ex lectus, faucibus sed dui a, pharetra porttitor eros. Duis suscipit, libero vitae porttitor pulvinar, erat lorem tincidunt erat, eget pretium velit tortor non nisl. Fusce pharetra, sem at faucibus iaculis, mi est tempor tortor, eget dignissim augue tellus in tortor. Aliquam mattis sed mauris et dictum. Maecenas vehicula cursus ipsum, eu aliquam turpis imperdiet vel. In at pretium arcu. Maecenas porta eleifend quam tristique condimentum. Ut consectetur sollicitudin varius. Sed ornare fermentum lorem, a blandit ex placerat sed. Nunc fringilla urna non velit malesuada, ac maximus leo tempor. Sed eget eros erat. Vivamus non ex aliquet urna ullamcorper bibendum.

Nulla nisi odio, egestas id condimentum ac, condimentum sit amet ex. Suspendisse eget est at ante faucibus mattis. Sed a finibus dolor, nec dapibus quam. Vestibulum ac imperdiet sem, vitae tempus orci. Sed at quam commodo, dignissim eros eu, faucibus eros. Quisque consectetur augue quis mollis iaculis. Fusce ligula nibh, porta non quam vitae, pharetra dapibus lacus. Aliquam rhoncus purus mi, porttitor tristique ipsum ultrices a.

Fusce sit amet vestibulum felis, ut gravida dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed sit amet magna sit amet magna sollicitudin sodales. Phasellus et ante et massa egestas tristique id vitae turpis. Vestibulum pulvinar neque quis ullamcorper luctus. Cras dignissim, risus non pulvinar venenatis, nunc diam lobortis orci, aliquet faucibus diam libero condimentum purus. Morbi et sem congue mauris eleifend commodo vel nec felis. Aenean finibus iaculis ultricies. Donec egestas condimentum lectus at elementum. Pellentesque eros diam, rutrum sit amet nulla laoreet, semper tincidunt risus.

Vestibulum ornare sit amet risus egestas semper. Donec blandit, erat vitae posuere egestas, magna leo lacinia nibh, vitae fermentum urna leo at velit. Pellentesque ligula leo, imperdiet quis magna et, vehicula elementum nibh. Duis sollicitudin eros eget enim laoreet dapibus. Quisque suscipit tellus ac velit malesuada gravida. Etiam vitae quam consectetur quam hendrerit porttitor. Fusce pretium magna vel mauris sagittis, a condimentum tortor ultricies. Nam luctus lacus non urna malesuada convallis. Nam porta augue est, non lacinia erat hendrerit ac. Curabitur scelerisque rhoncus erat sed blandit. Nullam dictum neque quam, sed tristique felis varius quis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum erat ipsum, dignissim posuere erat tincidunt, facilisis porta purus. Phasellus et luctus enim. Phasellus ut pulvinar velit, id ornare diam.

Curabitur et efficitur orci, at viverra erat. Donec sit amet elementum sapien, in consequat odio. Integer vel eros nec eros laoreet rutrum. Sed dictum ex ut arcu laoreet consectetur. Mauris augue ex, commodo ac orci nec, imperdiet mattis nulla. Phasellus aliquam sapien vitae magna aliquet convallis. Fusce lacinia malesuada ligula, ac fermentum leo dignissim eu. Duis augue mi, porttitor vel lorem nec, sollicitudin iaculis neque. Aenean aliquet tortor sit amet risus sodales ultricies. Donec bibendum ex vitae nisl fermentum condimentum. Praesent vitae sollicitudin lectus, eu rhoncus diam. Donec sit amet molestie dui, ac pulvinar est.

Pellentesque ullamcorper gravida mi in sollicitudin. Nam dapibus vestibulum fermentum. Integer turpis ligula, porttitor tempor ullamcorper nec, rutrum quis turpis. Suspendisse tristique odio id sem sollicitudin, at fermentum ipsum maximus. Curabitur accumsan semper odio, quis sodales nunc dictum at. Nullam sit amet massa egestas, dignissim turpis ut, hendrerit nisi. Quisque facilisis quam ac ante porttitor fermentum a at sem. Quisque gravida suscipit tortor non viverra. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque fermentum finibus erat, at elementum enim vestibulum non. Fusce accumsan nisi vitae scelerisque ornare. Suspendisse orci dolor, viverra ac neque a, vestibulum faucibus mi. Maecenas vitae neque ornare, tincidunt est in, rutrum magna. Cras dui ipsum, scelerisque ac sagittis sit amet, blandit nec odio. Pellentesque commodo purus mi, vitae suscipit tortor elementum sit amet.

👍︎︎ 421 👤︎︎ u/Bedurndurn 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

I really like that Mike refers to the different series of RLM videos as "programs." He's like an old man talking about the radio.

Ahh...it makes sense why he likes The Rocketeer so much now.

👍︎︎ 366 👤︎︎ u/808duckfan 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Mike is literally turning into Dan Aykroyd.

👍︎︎ 499 👤︎︎ u/Yuokes 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like how the Zak dude assumed that it was an evil spirit laughing at his questions and not just a regular spirit inviting all his spirit friends to come laugh at this frat guy holding an axe and trying to get himself beheaded by a ghost.

👍︎︎ 160 👤︎︎ u/CollumMcJingleballs 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Jay is the most tolerant friend on the planet.

👍︎︎ 256 👤︎︎ u/practicallypointless 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Mike making himself laugh with jokes only people who watch Ghost Adventures will get is adorable.

👍︎︎ 230 👤︎︎ u/RadiantViper 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

"this is my other star trek." mike star trek, 2018

👍︎︎ 114 👤︎︎ u/mrwelchman 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag I don't even know what's wrong with my face it's here the movie J has literally been waiting years to see its zak bagans demon house a documentary about a house possessed by a hundred demons which is the least scariest thing in Gary Indiana our floor is not a garbage the table is I'm sorry Jay what did you think of the demon house well better question is Mike why did we watch demon house well you were a fan of documentaries I am what does that have to do with this fictional film Jay I know I know I get um you know I get I get I got made fun of a lot because you believe in ghosts well here's the thing let me let me just clear the air I am a a rational skeptic I am NOT a a person who blindly believes in ghosts or the paranormal I find it all fascinating and I find I think the show Ghost Adventures which is I've been watching for a long time ever since their original documentary oh my god you own it how embarrassing for most 2006 this is currently going for 50 bucks on Amazon oh no it's out of print released by the esteemed echo bridge entertainment in their very first documentary they go to a place in Nevada the Goldfield hotel and they capture a full-body apparition and then the big thing at the end is they're walking around kind of this like run-down basement and they see a brick fly is that you making all the noise and then they bring in a video analyst and he's like you don't see a string I'm looking at all the video imagery and pixels and stuff and I don't see a string I'm gonna bring up some graphics right here in a second that's going to show you of a straight line on which if the brick was launched or pulled in any way that it would have gone in a straight line and you'll be able to see that underneath the line you'll be able to see the brick come right here underneath the line there kind of dip down underneath of it right there here's another view of it dip down and kind of and went in an arch there so in my opinion that it doesn't look like it's been tampered with it looks like that some something through this brick well if these guys have never heard of them my life say it's real that it must be real right the fourth floor just as we passed an open stairwell something rushed at us we could hear steps and clanging coming right for us another interesting thing is the documentary ends with an epilogue about a year later where a news crew from Nevada goes to the Goldfield Hotel did the news fake it I don't know but they captured some pretty amazing evidence and their very first documentary thus began the Travel Channel show called Ghost Adventures about four or five seasons 18 no way what seasons of this stupid show hurts to believe yes well they're not like if it hasn't been on for 18 years I believe that even less than I believe in ghosts it hasn't been on for 18 years but there are 18 seasons oh my god I mean they're like 1012 episodes and so Ghost Adventures has has sort of become a guilty pleasure of mine where I watch it and zak bagans he's a fascinating media personality to me the three of us will travel to some of the most highly active paranormal locations where we will spend an entire night being locked down from dusk until dawn reach your final destination hell he's he's part genuine but also part part charlatan that's something I wanted to bring up I have not watched hardly any Ghost Adventures just a few clips here and there and you talked about this first documentary where they they capture all this amazing stuff you see an actual operation and you compare that to this new film demon house where they don't capture anything and it's like the most boring documentary documentary ever about the paranormal but he has that quality where I think he is partially genuine about his love for the paranormal or interest in the paranormal but he also comes across like a like an actual real world hack fraud he has the famous zak bagans haunted Museum in las vegas and which is interesting for some of the actual like real tangible things that are there you have like the the cauldron that Ed Gein like boiled people in and like Jack kevorkians van and things like that I find interesting but then like to get into the museum he has like a like a soltahr machine of himself and he's like you will see some wonders and scary things inside my haunted Museum and then later they mentioned that he's uh one of his big inspirations was PT Barnum it's like that makes perfect sense their world hucksters this way to the egress yeah and if you've ever seen I think he wrote a book Oh No and have you ever seen the cover of the book it's it's straight out of satire I can't take him like his voice I just cannot take him seriously is this the ex that you used to kill eight people just then my digital recorder captured an EVP that sounds like an evil spirit laughing at my questions him trying to talk like seriously about these things he just comes across comical all the time and be like if I tried to narrate something seriously with like my my nasally steve buscemi voice like no one's gonna take that serious there is a quality to his voice and that is is slightly humorous we of course should quickly reference that zak bagans did not invent the ghost hunting television phenomenon oh it's been I think the ghost hunters and then there is a I think there's a ghost Hunters International well and don't forget there is the the original Ghostbusters TV show with monkey oh right [Music] the topic is very expansive about details like there's poltergeist activity things moving there's EVPs as we mentioned they bring in more complex ghost hunting equipment in the later seasons which to me starts bordering on the kind of territory because early on and we're going to talk about the movie soon we're just contexts this is this is my other Star Trek this is my interest and y'all can make fun of me all you want but look look up the phrase guilty pleasure okay because early on in the show it's a dictionary to website early seasons of the show that show up they do a lockdown that means we're locked into our location and they would lock themselves down which I guess meant no producers or production assistants could interfere there's no one pulling invisible string right now so they would lock down and they'd have X cameras they'd set up cameras around and they'd walk around with night vision stuff and they'd have digital recorders and so basically at the end of the show you get you'd get a ton of EVPs and it's real some of stuff it's like okay if they faked it they were like I I don't give the creativity of people that work on a Travel Channel show that much credit how subtle some of the stuff is where it's like okay they peek around a corner and as their Pete you're on a corner you see like this black mass and then it kind of moves away to where it's not a shadow but it kind of looks like it's intelligently moving away it's like what was that and then he tries to recreate it and it's not there that's what what what you know it's very subtle and it's on this grainy video which is hard to reproduce then those are the good seasons early birth later on then they bring in something called a spirit box oh yeah which is a device that cycles through radio frequencies at a rapid pace it can sit there for an hour and you not hear anything and then a voice will come through right on top and you know where did that come from and so that's when I start getting like and then the really bad stuff is they a thing where it's like it's like they enter they type in a text and then it goes text messages them back like picture is some like like production assistant like typing in a text message and sending it to the device sure yeah and zak bagans here knows that zach is not here but I think I mentioned Ghost Adventures years and years and years ago on our program okay on one of our programs probably this one okay and we received an anonymous email from someone who claimed to have worked on the show know who said that routinely production assistants would would make noises or throw things they were told to do stuff like this this is a shocking revelation to me i'm zak bagans I'm one of the world's leading researchers on ghosts and demons it's a very quiet movie very kind of dry the first half very dry very dry yeah I don't know if you want to give me your documentary reactionary perspective well like I said like I didn't even really view this as a documentary I mean there's I don't give a crap about paranormal stuff for the most part well you're a big fan of The Exorcist movies well that's that's what I'm gonna say is like like I don't care about supposedly real-world paranormal stuff unless the specifics are legitimately interesting like the famous Amityville tour you know the I don't think this is in the original movie but I know it's from the book and of course this has all been debunked but the idea of like the little girl is like talking to look at giant pig monsters like that's in the book and things like that that are like oh that's kind of creepy and interesting and this movie is pretty dull when it comes to the specifics or the interesting stuff related to the the paranormal aspects to it like I don't know with some little kids swear and get mad no it's well like there's just not a whole lot to it to the point where like of all the things that zak bagans investigated like this is the feature like I don't know I bet there's probably been more like the velasca ex murder house like that's interesting to me and this is just like oh this salami house has demons in it yeah that was a little lacking was kind of the backstory of the house he he referenced the fact that four or five people died in it like the brother of someone died it seemed to me like there was a lot of information that was being held back on this documentary especially the part when he's talking about Hollywood wanting the rights Hollywood owning the rights basically to this story yeah and the unnamed Hollywood producers is badgering zak bagans about him making this documentary a name he blurs out and disguises the voice on the phone jason blum and basically he's like you have purchased rokubu note the film over Faulker zak bagans don't you threaten me bro I'm gonna come at you and it's like so then the family that was in the house doesn't want to talk to Zach because they don't they want to hold out for money yeah and that's the that's the case with every haunted house even Amityville oh yeah where it's like it's a fake they're a fake in it and everyone sets lived in the house since nothing's happened but and then it's like oh and and and choose ax credit he addresses that in a large chunk of this film is is this a hoax he does but it almost doesn't no way to like then later prove that it's real or he's like I'm gonna show you all the The Skeptical stuff but I stayed overnight in the house and I saw I saw a shadow so it's real bro the challenge appeal by Ichiro I boycotted the Winchester movie with Helen Mirren sure because old lady Winchester her family made the Winchester rifle a whole bunch of people got shot by Winchester rifles so she went crazy and thought all the ghosts of the people that got killed were coming to get her yeah so she commissioned this mansion to be built and was like making stairs that go nowhere you know that's interesting if that's an interest but if you watch the movie I'm sure everything explodes and and that's the stuff that annoys me is when they the face that I Troost so that's why I like the demon house documentary because it was so subtle and they didn't really go over the top and maybe and and like when I watch it like I think I've said this before I want to watch a movie where the scariest thing that happens is the chair moves sure because that to me is closer to reality of potential real-life hauntings like and and really the what happened at the end of this movie was so subtle but really creepy yeah to me saying that's like his to me I was watching I wasn't watching this as like a real documentary I was watching it almost as like a horror movie and it was so subtle that it was anticlimactic because we have like an hour-and-a-half build-up of them talking about this house and the people that have lived there and all the backstory and then the big climax of the movie is act back and saying I'm gonna stay overnight and then he does and then he has his camera on night vision and he gets spooked and he drops it and it goes out of focus conveniently right when a spook goes by you see like a vague shadow out of focus in the background and that happens right after the camera goes out of what you do hear you hear a growl noise and you're hear footsteps leading up to that yes when he throws something at it and he's like stay back stay back right that's the big climactic ending to the film but but the bulk of the movie is is more less about evidence which was which was what was a little disappointing to me because really like in the show this is not if you really like the Ghost Adventures show this is very different than the show and I think the story behind this was they were making this into a show but just they had just too much stuff so they decided to make it into a movie dad I don't think there was enough stuff to work in a movie after watching it I was like oh my god all this crazy crazy shits gonna happen there guy so much stuff but really it was very sparse with with the evidence yeah so I was kind of surprised at that and usually in the show it's like they go they go like full-on with their investigation we got we've got Jay Wasley we got Billy Tolley we got Aaron Goodwin and and they go we're all going in so when Billy's going in the basement Aaron's going in the Attic Aaron has six different pieces of equipment we've got 19 cameras going on and I really thought they're gonna give the demon house the full Ghost Adventures treatment with every available even bring in Bill Chappell and we'll probably get killed this is gonna die of a heart attack just bring in bring in Bill Chappell his toupee is gonna fly off um and I'm glad you're making yourself laugh because I don't know what you're talking about and and so but really it came down to just snack and I think that was because the bulk of the movie was this house can really negatively affect people well it can negatively affect you for watching it the movie opens with a warning that demons and ghosts and ghouls can get you can get you through electronic devices so merely watching the movie you could be inviting a demon into your into your face I've been terrified ever since I'm I'm I'm picking up on untouchable voice I don't know if that's true our audience but no but my sarcasm is gonna transmit through electrical devices the lower YouTube the list of a list of bad things that happen to all the people associated with the house is pretty impressive coincidental possibly share pretty impressive although there was one thing that kind of annoy me they were talking about the children that lived in the house and how they got at one point all like violently angry and they were like swearing at the parents or the mom at least I don't think the dad was in the picture and they talk about an incident where one of the kids is they take him to a hospital because he's acting weird and multiple people mentioned that the kid climbed up the wall but they never bothered to elaborate on what that means and I was just thinking about like like they don't mention the possibility of like mental health problems like in this like if that's something that runs in this family or if that's the case with this kid they don't really mention that at all and that would like that was like the first thing I thought of is like oh the kid's got issues yeah but they don't really touch them they just kind of brush over that well yeah the family seemed to not be in the picture too much they they eventually found someone that had lived in the house prior yeah and they got involved and then the the daughter that was in the house like a few days later tried to kill herself so then they take her to the priest at the church and try to exorcise the demon so I don't know I think what I was saying was the point was was that people that go into this house can be really negatively affected outside of it like the cameraman yeah who unfortunately seemed like a sketchy dude to begin with yes wasn't videographer man yeah like I'm videographer man and went funky that [ __ ] he looked like someone you find off of Craigslist want cameraman to work for copy and credit yeah and this this this scumbag shows up well if you look like you may have like I don't know been on some kind of drugs he was friends with Jay Wasley apparently Jay what he was referred to them by Jay Wasley was the guy with the beard and and he's into like kind of a cult e stuff and weird things I think he has a pentagram tattoo and he's into mysticism and so he probably has some [ __ ] weird friends so yeah the the fact that this guy seemed like like a methamphetamine addict who was flipping out in the hotel didn't add to the credibility yeah oh yeah he because they say the house can give you like really strong negative emotions so then they show him at the hotel later and he's like storming up and down the hallways and he's like yelling at the elevator and yeah it just seems like he's on drugs like yeah it's unfortunate that but then then you have that old guy who is the the technical expert now and then his organs started to fail in E and up in the hospital yeah and so but then it's like with stuff like that you're like this is staged I don't know I want evidence I want to see evidence and then they have a weird black shadow that comes over that was kind of neat and then the ending was neat but ya lacking on investigational tools I would have I would have pulled out all the guns all the stops pull out pull out all the stops bring in every piece of paranormal equipment you have I wanted that the spirit box going in that demon house that demon would have talked to Zach through the [ __ ] spirit box all he had to do was bring it in the house no he didn't bring it or even an EVP thing I think caught a voice he heard a voice but where is the spirit box and where's the SLS camera and you know it was very different than the show and I think fans of the show probably would have wanted the Ghost Adventures full treatment on the demon house before they demolished it oh yeah so kind of focus was a little little off well and we do have to talk about the most important aspect of the movie which is zak bagans he stays overnight in the house locks himself up boards up all the windows and the doors so he's just completely owned in the house and he gets he gets spooked so hard by these ghosts that they make him blur his vision and he has to wear glasses for the rest of his life because he got haunted so hard that's that would suck again I'm picking up this is so funny yes I started to hurt him and he is permanent double vision yes as to her prism glasses because he because the the the demons got to him so hard [Laughter] in my 37 years of police investigation I've never run into anything like that before I just got the keys to the demon house you think it's dangerous for me to be in that house I wouldn't be there I am I am a healthy skeptic sure and I understand the showmanship I'm interested in like if there's some like like at the ex house again like if there's a story behind it I don't care so much about the paranormal stuff like if you want to say like oh people were murdered here and now they're haunting it the guy the haunting parts fine I'm interested in the real-world parts of it and I think that's the problem of this documentary is that the real-world parts aren't terribly interesting yeah yeah not a lot of backstory to the house I wanted to hear like in 1960 something someone got stabbed in the eye ear yeah and then ten years later they reported that they saw an apparition of a guy with a stabbed I'm yeah I want that yeah the backstory why this house yeah he and then he says some kind of vague vague reasoning like demons are attracted to like poverty and misery and murder but that that's another aspect is the idea that this is yeah it's in Gary Indiana which is very very low-income city and you could say it's a slow me it's a slow Michael Jackson scrums from Gary that's true that's true but yeah so like all the people he's talking to or super low income and yeah they even mentioned that they're holding out for money from the big Hollywood producers so it's like yeah you're making me not want to believe anything you're saying but but providing that that counterpoint is important in documentaries sure because documentaries can be very manipulative there's a lot of lot of ways to do that so providing counter points providing all the evidence but if if Zach as he does legitimately believe that demons are real I can't say I blame them for trying to talk too much with a demon tell me more give me more stuff from my you've killed people people leave this place get run down by buses five minutes their organs fail after they leave this device in your face demon than a suspect its suspect after after he then he demolishes the house nobody else can go poking around in there well he bought the house he wouldn't even be able to demolish it yeah I guess that's true but then you can say his act led us in your house that's kind of sold tours inside that house but then people might get killed before it was like little cook they called 911 they called night there was an unidentifiable voice so yeah demon house from watching Ghost Adventures pretty religiously knowing lots about ghost hunting and and all the methods and tools used I expected to see a little more of that so it seems kind of like half measure like you want this the backstory of the house yeah I want more investigational stuff evidence gathering and there seemed to be kind of a little bit of both not enough to lean in either direction yeah it didn't feel like an justified being a feature film as opposed to an episode of The Ghost Adventures show maybe the first like third of it was a little dry but then it started to ramp up become more compelling the kind of the mounting stuff of what was happening to people and then some of the evidence that happened in the in the film was good to where it satisfied me in in the regard of I am tired of movies like Winchester house where this explosions and they say it's basically I like real stuff and and I'm glad they didn't go over the top with the crazy but the ghost hunting stuff it's like you you damned if you do you're damned if you don't yeah you get something that's too good everyone knows you get something that's that's too like mm then people go that's just the noise yeah you know so you gotta find that middle ground of evidence that's just compelling enough and I think that's kind of the the the warm area where this landed to me but there was I think there's one EVP or Zachary or they heard they heard a lady of go I heard yeah they heard a woman's voice coming from the basement that sounded like like a post-production like added that voice yeah or or they were nearer there were near an exterior wall of the house and it could've been a favor I'd like calling for their dog to where it's so faint yeah and so you're like yeah and and that's that's of the fascinates me this is you make fun of me my interest in paranormal stuff but that's what it is it's an interest sure and I'm not I'm not a blind like that's amazing I love it it's real right I go the roller coaster of feelings it's a roller coaster of emotions but zak bagans he's interesting because he's got that he's got the top hat and everything and there's something there's something about him where it's just like what now whenever I see him I just picture that Zoltar machine leave the Zoltar machine completely tainted him forever for me but I would recommend daemon house if you're a fan of like ghost investigation stuff it's fine yes but if you're looking for an interesting story there's not a whole lot there I think there's enough fans of the TV show and that the film will do just fine [Music] face it doesn't want me at once we should talk about the poster briefly before we wrap up the the highly original poster they know we posted that famous tweet now that the movie Twitter account likes they liked are making fun of their unoriginal poster apparently you think that's zak bagans himself running that account no because remember demons can transmit through electronic devices he doesn't want to get possessed through twitter there's a movie why am they made yet not yet my Twitter account is haunted some great time what's that what's a Twitter pun that could be the title of a movie about a ghost in Twitter 140 characters on your tombstone although I guess that's 280 they ruined it Oh lightning-fast VCR repair this is Mike how can I help you sweet mama Cass will be right there mr. Plunkett put a ham sandwich in his VCR and he needs it repaired come on J alright let's go back to work let you go that way well not under the table there's no way up [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,355,520
Rating: 4.8814645 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, demon house, zak bagans, ghost adventures
Id: w8elLwSfGEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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