Half in the Bag Episode 145: Truth or Dare and A Quiet Place (SPOILERS)

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The Cinema Sins diss at the end was great.

👍︎︎ 583 👤︎︎ u/TheGreatGrimsby 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Jay looks like it's finger painting day at school so he's wearing his dad's shirt.

👍︎︎ 378 👤︎︎ u/Murders017 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

For real though, this blizzard two months into spring needs to cut it the [bleeped for some reason] out.

Edit: Hack frauds! The Spring Equinox was only 30 days ago!

👍︎︎ 116 👤︎︎ u/lodum 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Amazon has every season of Night Court on DVD.

My suspension of disbelief can only be upheld for so long!

👍︎︎ 316 👤︎︎ u/OpabiniaGlasses 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Jay confirmed for bitter about the weather.

👍︎︎ 101 👤︎︎ u/antimojo 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 98 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

God damn Truth or Dare looks like the most soulless formulaic garbage. The smile is so damn stupid to, and you just know they thought it would be super iconic and creepy. Nope, just silly.

👍︎︎ 65 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Well we now have an exploitable clip of Jay saying "I'm a gay man." Get to work on those gifs, Johnny!

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/aurelianotriste 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

That Cinemasins part was genius, the only way for the guy who does it to get back at RLM is to sin Space Cop, which is impossible since Space Cop is perfect.

👍︎︎ 219 👤︎︎ u/ThaTzZ_D_JoB 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2018 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag [Music] hey Mike why so down in the dumps yeah we lost Harry today oh thank god now I can finally quit this [ __ ] job maybe go back to school get my degree in engineering and move out of this [ __ ] up state where it snows in late April not Harry planket J Harry Anderson oh the guy that played the judge on Night Court I guess we'll never get that Night Court revival now the only shows we'll have for 80s and 90s nostalgia revivals are Roseanne Full House Will and Grace are you gonna get that too sad you do lightning fast VCR repaired this is Mike how can I help you hello hello mr. mr. Plunkett look I I just heard we lost Harry oh god it just makes me want to watch my [ __ ] night card table are you [ __ ] ever gonna fix my goddamn VCR I'm sure but our rates have gone up again I'll pay any price I just need to see my sweet sweet prince judge Harry T stone one more time tano his memory sure sure I completely understand mr. Plunkett mr. blanket yeah about your Night Court tape I just wanted to ask you you have all the episodes I recorded them all and triple s LP mode on a Chinese VHS tape specifically designed for bootlegging every episode all nine seasons well you just keep that tape in a safe spot mr. blinken and this time we're gonna get that VCR working I promise we'll be by later today okay love you I mean I talked talk to you later how a little awkward Mike why are you suddenly so interested in his Night Court tape J it's not fixing the VCR that's the gold mine it's the [ __ ] Night Court tape J I'm not following J I just read online that they never released Night Court on DVD and just last year the warehouse where the studio stored all the Masters burned down this article says that Night Court has been lost to time I just read about a guy in Boise Idaho who claims he had five episodes taped on a VHS tape he action did off for $100,000 but it turns out the tape was a fake but we have the real thing oh my [ __ ] god we're sitting on a gold mine oh no not literally oh my god Jay let's get over to mr. plinkus house right away sure but first let me warm up my car because it's late April and there's a [ __ ] blizzard outside 58 days into spring there's a blizzard great while you're warming up your car we can talk about two new movies we saw yeah sure whatever roll it Johnny hello what terrible idea we got next what's the title that all the kids will recognize relate to and get calmed by why it's truth or dare from the acclaimed filmmaker that brought you true memoirs of an international assassin starring Kevin James and nothing else no other films truth-or-dare tells the pointless story about college students go on spring break trip to Mexico whatever Jared's very why did we watch this I hate you was this my suggestion yeah I think this looks terrible let's make fun of it I had heard that this was the next wish upon this is no wish upon this is no bye-bye man but my question is who makes these movies it's weird because we're all we're talking well listen we're talking about this movie and we're talking about a quiet place on this episode correct one is a Blum House movie that feels like a Platinum Dunes movie and one is a Platinum Dunes movie that feels like a Blum House movie it's like we're in the upside down uh yeah movies like this don't even feel real it feels like this is like like a computer algorithm just generates these it's like like like like an app on your phone like I just made a new horror film and this is the result that's funny you mention your phone this the the scariest most nightmarish thing in this film is watching college students and their devices the whole movie is about drugs through their stupid lives well we gotta talk about that the middle of the movie they're tracking down all these kids they're cursed with the truth or dare curse because this is new to me but apparently demons can not only possess people or objects but they can possess theoretical x' like they possess a game an idea but they know that there was somebody that was a part of this truth-or-dare previously and so they look her up on Facebook and they're like did you find your Facebook page they're all sitting around a table we're like geysell's falling ha ha I found the Facebook page and then one of them's on their laptop and it's like friend her so we can send her an instant message and like what the [ __ ] is this they're like no don't send it from your real account make a dummy account so you can send her a message on Facebook about the truth or dare demon and I'm like what even is this world anymore the [ __ ] is this I miss the old days of microfiche libraries like because this is technology like this is the world we live in I get that but there's nothing like traumatic or tense about watching people talk about creating dummy accounts on facebook to send people messages about demons it's a stupid premise routines a bunch of teens get involved in something else are dying one by one I mean it's it's almost satire at this point there's no originality in this movie well they're not they're not even trying to make it convincing when they first get to thee it's like in this old run-down chapel or whatever it's a monastery the monastery like an honour and that's that's where the demon lives and the demon takes over your friends for the truth or dare curse or whatever well so there they're there and well they meet up with this guy this strange guy who's very like polite and nice and he's like hey I got a I got an idea let's go back to this monastery complete strangers so they go with him and then he's like I got an idea let's play truth or dare and the friends are like oh that but that's like four little kids we're not gonna play that and the guys like I don't know man you can learn about your friends deepest darkest secrets and one of the guys just goes this sounds interesting let's do it I said I'm into that bro that's the justification for all these people participating in the dumbest thing ever I was thinking about thank goodness for for churches and priests and nuns without them we would have no plots for modern-day horror fellas though the mysticism of Mexico is this nation that we don't know much about white kids from college appropriate they're culturally appropriate they're demon from a Mexican monastery it's like cuz they can't get it at Starbucks it's like how insulting how shameful onlys these weird foreign cultures and their creepy demon there oh this is picture of a priest in a nun how bizarre and foreign to me I'm a kid who's on Facebook and tweets from Starbucks okay so I guess the plot was that the priest did bad things to the young nuns he either beat them or killed them and so in order to subside their time while the priest murdered them they played a game called truth or dare and and because the priest did awful things he invited a demon named Neelix in the film the demons name is like goo Vicks or do vixx a Rubik's Cube yeah it's it's something within I acts on the end so I cut yeah so so then the demon named Neelix can is haunting their game of truth or dare mm-hm and then the demon will appear and for in some form whether it's on an old video on your phone it's whatever they need for any given scene and and it has stupid CGI smile okay and the demon says truth or dare and they could choose truth or dare at first until the plot requires them to not only need to twist you gotta you gotta shake up the story then it goes no oh you can't keep picking truth because that's easy so you got the kids and you got they're playing the game and and it's like okay it's kind of work attendant it just becomes too bogged down and like minutia and exposition position and nonsense like that part where they they're like we got to go to Mexico again they go to Mexico like five times three hours to this lady's this old lady's house she's the original nun from 1950 or something yeah and we gotta go find this old lady and and that exposition scene is she writes down all the exposition on paper yeah that they read for the reveal that the old lady cut her tongue out that's the way to defeat the demon you cut the last person to play the game or whatever we needed the seem to go on for fifteen minutes before we got to that point yeah well and before that even they get there and it's like her granddaughter opens the door no can we come in and see your grandmother she's like let me go check and she closes the door and they sit on the porch and they're like spit in our could we go in yet and then they go in and you're like why did she said why did they wait just get this [ __ ] scene over with we know this scene this is this is like card punching the movie everyone's just there to do their job just get it over with get in and out it was a bizarre setup like you could have just like knock on the door of the girl whose door are you so on so no that's my grandmother hard cut can't 5-10 minutes later they're sitting there listening the grandma it's a bad like 15 minutes of them waiting that was to give the gramma time to write down everything but like a quiet place why not do the sign language grandma grandma so-and-so says you are all in trouble you know make it make a little creepy it's visuals but instead the she hands on paper and apparently she can write perfect English yeah oh she's a Mexican national who's never been to the United States I guess she just learned English was cut out for 50 years this is a film the rules are different you can just go down to Mexico with a gun yeah like it doesn't matter this is this movie is its own reality let's go to Mexico I'm holding you hostage we're gonna cross the border with a gun no one's gonna stop us maybe they don't care I've never been to Mexico so maybe they don't care like what you bring in there just you just you're driving but you know I'm just taking this guy as a hostage we got to go to this monastery to stop a demon any drugs no why not we're not playing the game it's playing us but yeah okay giant pile of [ __ ] what's that you got there I keep looking at it oh this is uh this is another film called truth or dare I thought this I brought this because I thought this is what we were gonna talk about this is an ad shoutout video film called truth or dare it's better than the one we saw this is a blu-ray the movie was shot on video and this blu-ray is a VHS transfer but in this film it's about a guy he played a very dangerous game of truth or dare when he was a small child where they dared him to slit his [ __ ] wrists so he sees a little kid slitting his wrists oh and his mom's like you dumb [ __ ] and she scolds him and then he grows up and his wife cheats on him and he goes crazy and starts killing people in truth-or-dare related ways to slice your arm off it's it's just terrible but it's way more entertaining than blue houses truth or dare is it more entertaining than Madonna's truth or dare is that the this is the Madonna Darrin he wanted to chop their own foot off on that no it's it's a it's a documentary about her tour no it's in black and white does she does she take a mace too like a fat elderly woman's face to apologize to me and move out of here or I'm going to come you know what to save this movie elaborate convoluted gory death scenes that's the looks like a final destination movie like that's the star of the movie is these these elaborate death scenes but this is pg-13 which I'm not like wholly against pg-13 horror there's been some some good ones but I thought this was PG but miss a movie like this like that's what you need that's the entire point of the movie is these deaths but they're completely bloodless a guy slips his throat and there's absolutely no mark whatsoever it's terrible yeah it feels like a Nickelodeon horror movie yeah well yeah and like the music like at the beginning and like we're happy you're going down to Mexico look at her snapchats and it's like there's like this like like teen TV show drama love triangle [ __ ] like I get that this is a horror movie aimed at a younger audience but it's just so dumb I mean it was it was alright that they set up some of these like little interwoven character stuff like the girl but it all felt so like like oh yeah well then we we learn there's the two best friends there's the main girl and her blonde or there's her best friend and the way we learned that blonde was distracting because she looked exactly like Lisa from the room I was like oh my god this is this is reminding me of the room but we're introduced to her backstory she's looking at her phone she's looking at footage of her dad and then she goes to her friend and she says when my dad took his own life you were there for me and that's oh because that's how people talk well and that comes back later we find out because our main character she has to do truth I know she does dare but then the demon dares her to tell the truth yes convoluted which is that before her friend's dad killed himself he tried to rape her and she gives this whole model of the artworks pretty strong well he comes on to her and he says before he's forceful whatever wrong he kisses her sure sure but uh the point being that this lead actress I don't know who she is whatever she's giving the sleek emotional speech and it's like really like intense like she's not the greatest actress but she does a fine job they're doing their best doing their best and she's telling this whole backstory I never told you because you know you have this memory of your dad that you treasure and blah blah blah I didn't want to destroy that and I kept it from you and she's like crying and I'm just thinking like for truth or dare yeah I mean my favorite part I think was was the gay Asian kid who had to was forced by a demon to come out to his dad oh yeah at least officer which they set up by him saying I'm a gay man and my dad is a police officer and he doesn't know that I'm gay they just they tell you they just flat-out say it and the dad by the way it was like the worst actor ever that was like like he won a contests like being a movie being a plumb house film male in these proof of purchases and you can get a partner the Box Tops hope cereal Frankenberry but I was waiting because they do that yeah there's the setup where the dad gets the the Neelix face and he's like truth or dare and then I was like oh he's gonna have to come out to his dad this will be a dramatic moment but we just don't even see it it just cuts the next scene he's like I came out to my dad and he was cool yeah that's like oh and his dad just showed up at the hospital yeah but I was like this is that really there was that Neelix and doing like a apparition I guess the dad was really he was there and just showed up but then we had this important moment we didn't see it maybe the acting was really bad and like worse like the dad was like they tried to get him to cry we couldn't do it your why oh then Jason Blum was like oh we gotta cut the scene it's really bad that all the kids are gonna laugh in the theatre you know it's possible speaking of Jason Blum remember how a Blum House won an Academy Award a couple months ago I thought that was weird that this movie's title is not just truth or dare it's Blum houses truth or dare like is this the one you want to brands put that on get out that's desperation maybe this was in production like before get out and now like they're gonna focus more on smarter better horror films yeah this certainly feels like a from the bottom of a drawer or from the bottom of a dumpster yeah I don't know cuz I know Blum house gets a lot of [ __ ] from people I think because I like their earlier like found-footage movies they did all those but they seem to be very like director driven would stuff like get out and the new Halloween movie which I'm cautiously optimistic about so I think they're trying to do better stuff but then like something like this squeaks out you're like why obviously they throw a blum house in there oh okay maybe that's what they thought would salvage the movie well yeah oh they get out people okay go see that that's why they put it above the title it's it's a it's it's a risky move yeah they're probably gonna make money off this this probably cost five bucks to make and so maybe it was there oh I dare you truth or dare Jason I dare you to release this movie have all the demons with smiley faces I dare you what what's your what's your truth not your truth Jason well I've been to these parties with Bryan Singer nevermind let's do dare stop talking that's evil I'm [ __ ] blushing red release truth again later there's one really bizarre line of dialogue there's the the med student and he's got he's like I got my lucky pen and we got a close-up of that pen and I was like what's going in his [ __ ] eye later in the movie which it does but he's like I got my lucky pen and then his girlfriend's like I thought I was your lucky pen and I think was I mean what is that who wrote that I don't I don't I don't have anything else to say about truth or dare nothing to say we went to see it hoping to make fun of it it's it's barely worth making fun of it is not on the level of wish upon in terms of recent trash no it's it's horrendously long needlessly convoluted the funniest thing about it is pretty stupid very stupid but the funniest thing about it is the baffling decision to make all the demons would that stupid smiley face like that's funny-looking visually but it's not worth seeing the movie for no it's it's just they should have just gone like you know black eyes like dead face I think they're trying to make it like distinct something you would remember yeah that's the one where they have the creepy smiles right creepy lol I was watching it and I was like this looks this looks like like a like a nap like when you take a picture in your phone and you can do stupid things like give yourself dog ears and then what are the characters says that they're like it's like a snapchat filters like oh don't acknowledge how terrible your ideas full-on acknowledgement [Laughter] truth or dare Mike truth or dare dare I dare you to watch this movie again no oh I died [Music] Shh it's time to talk about a quiet place a new horror film from director John Krasinski and soon-to-be ex-wife Emily Blunt this condescending Hollywood power couple plays a husband and wife trying to raise kids in a post-apocalyptic world where mysterious creatures hunt them by sound part tremors part memoirs of an international assassin this film is all scary Mike what did you think of a quiet place well Jeff a quiet place was effective yet not wholly original has anyone compared this to an M night Shyamalan movie that's all but a specific movie just like his type of movie it kind of felt like that to me like slaw key B movie premise kind of gone up a little class yeah I could see that and you know and enough like skill and craftsmanship to distract you from the kind of bad aspects of it right that's a good way of putting it where it it has kind of a worn out premise I mean it's not something specifically seen but there there are lots of different elements from other things that can be like well this is like this is like this is like yeah but um but yeah in it but it's done in sort of an artful way I kept thinking that Maggie movie with Schwarzenegger and there you know the farmhouse and you know obviously there's things like tremors and science yeah science family stuff the the creatures are kind of you don't get great glimpses of them very often yeah and that movie what's it called the where they're in they're gonna air up there with Kevin Bacon yes [Music] it also reminded me of a smaller movie called hidden where there's little family in underground bunker and there's the the glowing eyes mysterious threat mysterious threat but that one had a Shama lamian twist which we won't say for those of you who want to watch hidden I'd recommend that one that was good yeah but so yeah lots of parts from other things kind of done in an hour artfully kind of tense well done white well well-crafted scares enough to distract you yeah I'm you got to go into this movie with what I'm going to call the gremlins goggles where like you watch gremlins you're like this is really entertaining but you have to ignore the fact that like the rules for the Mogwai it don't make any [ __ ] sense like if you can't feed him after midnight what does that mean it's always after midnight what if they're eating in an airplane and they cross a time zone I mean it's always midnight somewhere it's always midnight somewhere yeah they wish they of course make fun of famously in gremlins too but this movie there's so many things whereas like characters make really dumb decisions or it's like this is the post apocalypse it's it's like a year after everything's falling apart and I was like how do they have electricity on their farm do they have a generator if they have a generator those make a lot of [ __ ] noise so I don't get that and there's lots of little things like that that started to like stack up yeah I was like why would you decide to have a baby the loudest thing ever in this environment I know your first kid died I I know that's that's they had a whole plan set up for when the baby's born but yeah baby's [ __ ] scream yes and cry all the time yeah no and another thing that was bothering me was like whenever someone does because the whole movie is super quiet which is why we didn't see it on a weekends there's no [ __ ] way you could get me into a theater for this movie on a weekend crowd well you have to talk about the ultimate irony with that yeah well this ended up being the best theatrical experience I've ever had because nobody was in the theater and and it was on the super screen the biggest theater there no one came yeah I mean granted it was a late show but I know it was a weekday and but there's just I'm like oh god I don't want to see this movie in a theater because people are gonna [ __ ] talk right behind you or be annoying yeah and and like oh god it's in the big theater some other people are gonna come no one came don't see it in a pack leader on a weekends it'll be the most miserable experience of your life if you've got some [ __ ] that's talking but I think people will pay attention and watch it plus you have the the it's probably a good thing to see like towards the end with a crowd a lot of the scarers and people getting into it I just be concerned about all the dead quiet scenes where they're just like doing sign language and stuff that's subtitled you just go like this just bring the noise cancelling it headphones to the theater popcorn crunching cancelling headphone there you go they should hand those out in the shader I want to develop silent snacks like find some kind of like physicists or chemists like like like pizza like when you bite into it yeah it doesn't make squishing sounds wrappers that are not made of cellophane that are made of like cotton there's got to be some scientists that is also a disgruntled movie buff that's working on this right there has to be the crunch loose popcorn sick of these [ __ ] that kills me they ruined a quiet place for me it's ironic that the movie is called a quiet place cuz a theater never is but anyway another thing I was thinking was like whenever cuz it's super quiet you know and people this is like a movie where jump stairs jump scares are completely acceptable because it's like the whole idea is that it's completely quiet and then a noise happens but whenever someone would accidentally make a loud noise they would just stay in that spot it's like no get the [ __ ] away from the spot where you made the noise that's where they're gonna come to yeah so they were just like freeze it's like no you should have this figured out by now yeah so there's lots of things like that that were just kind of like kept kind of stacking up for us like dumb decisions here and there but the movies incredibly well made and the creatures are effective I like the design where there's just like lots of little plates on their head that open up and there's just like goo inside like that was cool and gross looking so really well made once you just kind of I don't know I guess you'd say suspension of disbelief but it's it's stretching it [Music] one watching the beginning and kind of them they set up their world right and I was like what is an acceptable level of sound and and that question was never really answered because they're doing stuff there like that one point he's like it's okay to talk we're in we're in this place and they talk oh and the the waterfall they're like there's a lot of noise louder than us yeah that that part was very well done like you he's like you can you can the fish can make noise you could talk because the water is running but but and when they're in their house John Krasinski's talking to Emily Blunt oh we are talking under decent volume and then they're doing day-to-day stuff like there but they they put a mattress above them yeah so that blocks out all sounds I mean they should have really would just sound proofed the [ __ ] out of that house but you know so you have that and then you have like little touches like what I thought was neat was they poured sand for their whole trip to the river yeah you know and it was like okay that he walks barefoot that's clever yeah yeah snapping twigs and all that but I just kept wondering what what is a sound volume level of what this creature will hear I need to some some technical specifics and then some of the set design like we're on the wall it's like aliens question mark loud noises bring them to us and it was there and it was like oh that's a little too on the nose but why is he just writing that armor plating on alien question mark yeah what is weakness there's really just [ __ ] thinking of that all the time write that down well that's that's they needed that so the little girl could look at it at the end and the audience goes oh even though it's the most obvious thing ever yeah I mean though they tell you you know they didn't need that they didn't need that wreck focus to what yeah I think that's what was most surprising to me I cuz I like the small scale I like how like intimate and simple Lissa's with hints of like larger world building and like the idea that at night he lights a fire and then he sees yeah in the in the forest like other people oh there's other people out there we never see them we're just focused on this one with them we do see the elderly couple at one point okay we see one the people but for the most part we're sticking to this family and I liked that I liked that aspect of it but if you're going to do that like you need really good like character drama stuff and there wasn't much of that either it was a little a little sitcom II yeah I mean all the performances are really good but the daughter I guess she's hard of hearing in real life okay which is like okay let's interesting yeah but she was really good but the main conflict of the movie is the daughter she is partially responsible for the youngest son getting killed at the beginning and so she's like oh dad hates me dad hates me and that's her whole thing and then at the end of course he reveals to the daughter know I love you yeah but it's like we know he loves her throughout the whole movies so there's never any stakes or tension or or drama there because we know the whole movie that that's where it's heading yeah there's that that's pretty much the only driving dramatic element in the whole movie because there's nothing really between him and the wife that I mean there should have been some kind of like like why don't you self-abort it you know like something like yeah one of them one to keep it wasn't that needed to because that was never answered it's like yeah did you pull out help her how about you do that or it's like they have they have a drama about she really wants to replace that baby that died you know you're like whatever they would say and and they there's drama there and maybe yeah maybe he has a moment where like the first thing I thought the creature comes down in the basement right as I and the creature and she's holding the baby and it looks like it's about to start crying and she has the option of putting it under the water save herself or the baby like there's there's a couple of like heavier bigger things you could have done there's that movie that I really liked I don't think you liked it as much as I did the air up there with Kevin Bacon yes [Music] the little touches of it comes at night - I know you didn't like that movie as much as I did but what happens at the end of that is it's kind of like that in that level of drama that I was hoping it hits you it's like visceral yeah like a gut punch yeah and this movie is like it comes at night if things actually came at night sure yeah so it's like 50/50 where there's a lot of things I like like I like they're playing Monopoly at the beginning and they're using like these soft little cloth pieces instead of the normal normal you know monopoly pieces but that made me think when you're sitting in your basement of a house or even inside the house would moving a monopoly piece really attract the attention of a creature yeah I would think cooking dinner which they're also doing in that scene they're probably made more toys yes yes and she says she's doing laundry at one point I think she's doing it with water because they showed washing machines something yeah you turn on a washing machine it was distracting I'm like that those are probably they're from before right you didn't use that Yeah right because the kids can't play Monopoly washing machine see and that's why I say you got to go to the movie with gremlins goggles cuz it's like it's frustrating because the movie does so much to try and set up all the little details of this world but it also ignores so much where it's like you kind of have to look at it a little more analytically I would like to just say like oh it's it's a big monster movie and you just kind of go with the premise but then there's these little things that make it more interesting but then those interesting things raise more questions like I probably won't even think so much about like how they're getting electricity if there wasn't so much attention paid to other little details yeah it's well set up and off see I wouldn't praise this movie it's like like a genius work of art or anything it's effective only in the way that what it's set out to do is these people will get attacked by a creature that's really [ __ ] violent if they make sound there's your there's your that's your canvas yeah and just go have fun with that like that when they set up the the nail sticking out of the floor and the kids fall in the grain silo oh yeah there's there's lots of little set pieces of fun where you're like whoo oh you know she's given birth in the bathtub and trying to do it quietly I mean that's that's really what the movie is the world-building and the details were pretty much there but they got it in in a solid 90 minutes yes this is a know if they spend way too much time explaining like John Krasinski's out there with fireworks and he's like okay you know he goes he goes rocket that's their code word you know yeah and so the kid runs and he's lighting a thing I'm like okay they set that up got it that's fine you know we don't need too much of that but you're right what sound is a good amount of sound how did I get electricity but you don't want a nerd and it picked this movie because it's really just about fun scary which is kind of what I was surprised by maybe it was the trailer but I thought this would have a little more going on in it to me it was the metaphor of family there was this allegory of what it really meant to be a parent and to me my favorite movies horror otherwise or really have a strong metaphor so Mike would you recommend a quiet place sure it was nice that was 90 minutes I was like this is good and it knew exactly how long you could stretch this premise right yes because your characters barely talked and I knew right at the right moments we gotta have a little action scene here we can come back down I got to do another thing here build your tension up and end it some cool visuals some tense moments all around fun low-budget well shot not totally stupid horror movie what about you I would I have some reservations it was getting close with the the stacking up of the things there were eyes like what about this why not this this movie is [ __ ] tailor-made for the people that treat dumb [ __ ] like cinemasins with any degree of seriousness where if they treat that as like serious criticism are these monsters from space government laboratories an ancient curse we don't know because the movie doesn't tell us the family lives on a farm with TVs radio gear cameras and light bulbs how are they powering these things I didn't see any solar panels and must be run on a noisy generator do you know much noise a generator makes it makes a lot of noise the creatures are blind make an attack sound might hunt in packs and we're not sure their weakness how do I know this because it's written on this dry erase board very clearly wouldn't these people already know this wouldn't it be like the only thing on their minds or is this they're just to tell the audience this information I think it is I think it's there just to tell the audience visually like a movie the media also knows all this information because it's printed on these newspapers but how printing presses make a lot of noise how did they print those papers if they make noise if the people can be loud by the waterfall and the creatures can't hear them there then why don't they just live in the waterfall duh that doesn't make any sense well Jay your car's probably heated up by now we should get over to Plunkett's house you know before he finds out the value of that tape oh sure hey where's my shirt so big what first I got a while oh oh it hurts so much I could just I could just feel it right here no way right right here here oh no oh no I got a crane Oh oh my god explosive diarrhea is running out of my adult diaper [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,736,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, truth or dare, blumhouse, quiet place, John Krasinski, emily blunt
Id: e7WSwRVKwBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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