Half in the Bag: Comic Con 2019, The Picard Trailer, Streaming Services, and Midsommar

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half in the bag well Mike this is sort of an impromptu half in the bag what do you mean we've been sitting in this house for almost 10 years now fixing the same VCR Oh what is a half in the back we weren't going to talk about Comic Con stuff but here we are it's Comic Con finally over you mean like forever no it'll never ever be over although I think attendance is down I think people are losing interest because it's nothing but a big advertisement it's a media hype the only reason it exists any word it used to be you know you would go there and actually look comic books maybe there'd be one has been Lou Ferrigno would be there those days are long those days are long gone and now it's just Disney trying to shove their pick up your we weren't gonna talk about comic-con and we weren't gonna talk about midsummer and now we're just gonna talk about both I normally don't really pay attention to comic-con stuff but we did a video last year about stuff it was only a year ago but it feels like a lifetime ago because there's been 27 comic book movies to come out between then and now yeah I will dump saw their their corporate projections that that screen of like the lineup it's very like cold yeah it's like what we've talked about with the like Star Wars Celebration should we give it a cynicism warning like people have trigger warnings will say if you don't like it when we're negative maybe shut this off now well I have one trailer I want to talk positively about everything else is like an exhausting nightmare speak for yourself I am too exhausted to be exhausted okay I just don't care one way or the other so we well we have this problem where if we talk positively about something whatever the most recent thing is that we talk positively about the comments are you guys have a pass to everything and whenever we're negative about whatever the most recent thing is we're negative about the comments are always you guys hate everything so I don't know how we can be both but we are but today we're talking about comic-con to me though the the sheer volume of stuff kind of is indicative of the fact that there is an audience for all this material sure and there are winners and there are losers and it's very like it's very free market mm-hmm it's just like I was kind of looking through the list and I'm like okay there are shows that I didn't know existed that are in the fifth or sixth season of the flash season six riverdale season four Young Justice season for Doom Patrol season two Titan season two Super Girl Season five arrow season eight Black Lightning season three agents of shield season six I thought that show was done ending with season stuff okay so it's like and I'm looking at these things and these are all live action yeah I think all of them are Young Justice sounded like a cartoon show and I think that might be a cartoon show I don't know but it's like okay and so yeah and then I out of curiosity I looked up some of the the things that ended Luke Cage Netflix doesn't seem to have a very good track record with superhero TV shows well they've said I don't know it's just superhero stuff but in general they there was some sort of quote recently or someone that works for Netflix said they don't see any need to have a show go longer than two or three seasons so I think that so they they create a new show to drum up interest get some new subscribers and then once they get it they have no use of that show any I agree with that so unless it's why do - because then it's like oh good it's like I still haven't watched madmen because it's like eight seasons and I'm like I would like to watch that but it's a lot so yeah two or three seasons is perfect the only exception of that is like orange is the new black and like stranger things like the really popular ones - right right yeah yeah because there's Luke Cage iron fist Jessica Jones the Punisher daredevil and then there's a couple of Fox flops but the gifted I think was an x-men thing really x-men branded the gifted it's like teenagers with superpowers I've never heard this and then Gotham well Jason's we're gonna talk about the San Diego comic-con stuff I thought maybe we could start with Star Trek Picard so I can get that out of the way got a lot of thoughts about that sure yeah I mean you probably have a lot to say about it like I really don't know hardly anything about Star Trek like I know it's different than Star Wars I think I saw a trailer for Discovery like I'm vaguely aware of who Picard is like I've seen the gifts you know make it so obscene that it looks like it's from an old TV show which looks different than the new show so III don't know like what just about to tell you about Star Trek oh yeah yeah we're gonna talk about the new trailer for Star Trek Picard engage it's a trailer for Star Trek card what did you think about it J I understand people are excited now cuz the trailer looks good it does what are they excited about I don't know I guess just sing Picard and seeing the old Star Trek uniforms and hey there's seven of nine well okay so we talked about Star Trek Picard when we did a predictions video right well we had did an alternate idea video basically it was called Star Trek galaxy it was kind of like what would we do situation yeah there's there's there's two things going on here Alex Kurtzman and a changing Star Trek audience alright let's let's address Alex Kurtzman III have heard that like his involvement has been lessened behind the scenes but that doesn't matter because by the time that happened they had already been well underway and working on this show and and and Kurtzman will already have his horrible horrible fingerprints all over this thing I know I know they got rid of him and this is like this like Star Trek discovery season two right Alex Kurtzman just started these horrible ideas and then I have a strong suspicion that other people at the end of it had to try and fix it I think it's the opposite I think other people started potentially good ideas and then halfway through our Kurtzman came in and ruined it all in any case he is involved and he's going to ruin it the other thing we're talking about is like changing fans like Star Trek to me used to have nothing to do with like action or even being cinematic it was just philosophical ideas science fiction ideas it was extremely nerdy well yeah I mean there is a mixture of the Gene Roddenberry's original vision was the boringest thing ever right it was the cage which of course in Star Trek discovery they had to remind audiences what the cage was then NBC said that's too boring we want a Western in space so then Gene Roddenberry had to kind of change it up they had really good stories and to me there were mostly horror stories uh-huh I've said this before where they beamed onto a planet and some nightmare scenario occurs if they have to get out of it wasn't always super heady and philosophical no it was a lot of the time but a lot of the times it was all so here's a science stories this you know Captain Kirk has been split into two different people via transporter accident they're searching for this thing they're they're trying to figure out this mystery this guy's gone crazy there's a lot of that there was a lot of action II stuff um that they were limited by their budget of course they wanted to do but it was just overall good storytelling and then in the Picard trailer I saw a kung fu kick and I was out and look and what decent I'm a quality looking trailer but then she kicks someone a woman kick someone off balcony I'm like no no the second they said she's the key to everything I was out yeah oh yeah she has no idea what she truly is it looks like Picard the character was dropped into Star Trek Discovery more so that the terrible writing part because they started off with promising people a thoughtful dramatic show and we joked about that you said you don't believe them I don't believe the right off the bat um well it's like okay per car what does he do in his retirement years he lives on a vineyard we're gonna explore his character isn't it and then immediately they go for this big science fiction stupid I am the chosen one by destiny sort of it's more like Firefly meets Logan Meets The Fifth Element yeah like it's just like stock plot elements which was really very sad to see because it's it's the most lazy pathetic form of writing and I can't believe people are falling for it it might be good like we're going on one trailer that's the thing we're going to keep an open mind until we watch I'm gonna watch the premiere and that's it but I I know what it's going to be but I know alex kurtzman is involved and I am still extremely extremely wary there's a 1% chance it'll turn out to be something that's unexpected because you watch the trailer and you know that a bunch of people who don't know anything about Star Trek said what do we know about Star Trek Picard the Borg uh let's have a young Picard can't kick people let's have a young girl in there young woman who's half Borg she's she's the chosen one she's the key to all this she will be our undoing so tired and and of course it's ty the Borg in the cards it would drag him out to space it's everything we said what will happen because it's the it's the baseline stupid kind of thing you could do with the card they don't know how to explore his character yeah because his character was intentionally very guarded he was not Captain Kirk he was a very private man and he did not like people I did not like children he was a quiet intellectual man once you take that guard down what's in there Mike I don't know I don't know they they explored his character many times and nextgen and it was always just little kernels of things he was a fine character if you're going to have an ensemble show and he's just kind of the centerpiece that holds everything together which is which is what our suggestion for Star Trek galaxies because you know you have a classic character you have a data you have a Spock you have a Worf yeah most of those kinds of characters have that dichotomy to them where Worf is is a Klingon in a human world data is a Android trying to understand people Spock also we demonstrated our superior weapons they should have fled you mean they should have respected us of course mr. Spock respect is a rational process did it ever occur to you they might react emotionally he's trying to have no emotions but he has to be around humans who are filled with emotions you know so there's a dichotomy Picard was he was very private man and he was very diplomatic and he was very well read and very closed off when came to his emotions when he said goodbye to Riker after serving with him for 20-plus years they shook hands and they did a slight nod that Riker left they did not hug each other right Impa car went right back to his thing he did not give two fucks that Riker just walked out of his life forever that's why the real ending of Star Trek The Next Generation was just him coming to join their weekly poker game for the first time that was that was a huge moment for him so I'm just gonna hang out with my friends I think that's the inherent problem here is people love b card modern-day audiences meaning younger people people under 30 know they know to make it so they know the Picard shirt thing they know all that stuff they know the Borg but really Picard is is not the centerpiece of a show where you want to delve into the mo slark of your main character I'm not going to say you can't do that I'm not I'm not gonna say there's not a writer out there behind the card then you talk to your writing you need top tier writing and we have Alex Kurtzman yes it's gonna be garbage Alex Kurtzman who wants to do a 14-day Sark story about and then he has no idea what he's doing he's gonna say hey what if this is some young girl who's really special and then the other writers are gonna say well who is she and he's gonna go just do it part borg borg i had a thought cuz it's kind of its kind of a dumb idea where she's data's daughter oh i'm small have seen is that got a fan thing that's already happened she looks nothing like law no but who gives a shit just do it just do it i think okay there's six or seven stupid my law was rebuilt by the Borg yeah okay that's why she looks different pic it's a second deck of cards you smear out indicator okay it's it's law let's put some board parts in her and make her an assassin because or before before Captain Janeway blew up the Borg Queen because we have seven and nine involved yeah org Queen had a child incubating in an incubator no my child of the daughter of the Borg Queen do it that student thrown out stupid ideas here what do you got they tried to merge the board and queen with wall to rescue the born quaint okay all right I'll take it that's fine audiences don't care as long as there's explosions and giant space battles I know the trailer doesn't look like that necessarily but Alex Kurtzman is writing this we get a little he's involved with this so just grab some components and put them together whatever gets you to space mercenaries and black leather flying around and punching each other 8000 fighter ships because that's the thing that should totally existed Star Trek whatever gets you to 8,000 fighter ships and a Borg that's the size of the Sun right yeah okay yes poor Cube is a hundred million billion trillion times bigger than the other board cubes because because alex kurtzman has a big driver on a Lamborghini right my four cubes bigger than your board cube so then we also have a guest appearance by seven of nine which everybody freaked out cuz remember her it's seven of nine she's gonna have one episode cameo where she shows up and kind of nudges Picard to go off on the mission because the Borg are bad you remember you were look you this [Laughter] resistance is futile remember there's something you could do with them interacting that could be interesting I'm not gonna I'm not gonna poopoo ideas for the sake of them I know they're not good and eat their not gonna do anything good because alex kurtzman but i wouldn't mind seeing seven and nine interact with Picard they got there is a Borg connection that's fine seven of nines this is other this is our other card seven of nines daughter uh-huh seven of nines daughter her child last we saw seven of nine she was in a relationship with Chakotay in the alternate timeline of the final episode of Star Trek Voyager Chakotay had died but Captain Janeway went and fixed the past yeah Chakotay probably eventually died because they're maybe they're not gonna get Bob Beltran back he's he's off playing golf it just didn't work out between it just didn't work out but they had a baby together and because seven of nine was a cyber for so long some of her board components oh I know nanoprobes made it their way yeah her eggs yeah her female lady eggs and they so she has she has a child that is it is the first of its kind it's the first of its kind it had nanoprobes in the egg and and that made a superhuman Borg american-indian hybrid Borg Queen's daughter Ward Queen's daughter mixed with the DNA of law oh seven of nines daughter make part Borg hybrid it can't just be some random girl this is again some source storytime and her only point in the show she can sense where the giant Borg cube is that's it and Picard he was once a Borg he was once the cutest so come along with us on this secret black ops mission by section 31 to take this little girl or young lady as everyone knows about section 31 she looked very young I don't know how well the the actresses or the character I just happened so fast I don't know she's a teenager it looked like she was it's like the Logan premise except for she's a little older right take her out to space to find super Borg cube before it gets to earth to bloat up earth and and they'll have some stupid stories where people kick each other and punch each other and eventually the Borg cube will make it to earth where fifty thousand Starfleet ships and 150 billion Starfleet fighters all shoot at the board cube at the end Mike why are you so cynical our prediction videos are always so wrong [Laughter] I mean that kung fu kick was great well that was a good talk about Star Trek Picard jr. I thought so concern I don't really know anything about it I did my best I didn't know you were so passionate oh I don't know anything about it were you listening to me yes engage anyways let's talk about other things that were revealed at the San Diego comic-con that we weren't at and will never go to know we were there remember last year when we said we were there and there were people in the comments that didn't realize we were joking that happened I even though because we showed some b-roll from other people's footage and there was absolutely nothing to indicate that we were really there there was still people that thought we were there I I was tempted to respond because I don't know if this is the first year that Ghost Adventures was there they had a they had a room oh they had their they had their cell phones stolen I saw oh really set up the official Ghost Adventures iPhone on a tripod to film their panel Oh like to stream it or something yeah it's film it just so they could post it later and so are they filming it on an iPhone I don't know I was that's what I was asking it was like just doesn't the their budget is that low but I mean isn't like the the San Diego comic-con like hardwired for like audio and video and like I have heard that they don't allow live-streaming which is interesting I think it's because they want people to be at the events or to like tweet about the events like robbed by a ninety play yeah exactly everyone would stay I'll just watch it online I'm not gonna go people go to stand in long line it's true the guys they go to stand in the back of hall eight or they can't see what's happening and just applauded when they hear other people applauding my favorite pastime is waiting in line for 16 hours to here take your model that are working on a project not say anything of note about the project just that it is a thing that exists I love standing in lines to be advertised to I love being like like a farm animal I've heard of into a room to be used as a pawn in a hype machine yeah [Applause] that group excitement a cheering crowd it's like people doing the wave yeah it's a cheering crowd you lose your sense of individuality you lose your sense of objectivity of being able to look at something go I may or may not like this way there anytime at comic-con or politics I'm talking about both they emerged completely so when when that kind of when you're in that atmosphere yeah you're more likely to cheer and to be excited about something than if you were just if you're sitting it in watching someone's political speech by yourself it's probably you're probably going to have a different reaction than if you're in a room with people holding signs and cheering sure then you're more likely to get swept up in the hype of it all and that's what exactly what the comic-con does and it's very good at it and it's very effective because then you you get that sneak peak you get that early access of this thing that's going to be huge you go online you I just saw the trailer for this and you didn't and it's fucking amazing no one in that room for any trailer I can guarantee it's going to go yeah I'd be curious but maybe someone in the Commons can answer has there ever been anything at comic-con that got booed but we're not we're not shitting on anybody's excitement over things you can get excited all you want don't care yeah we're just talking but that is a problem the idea of people when you express an opinion on something and people take it personally because they have invested a bit of their personality into this pop culture thing that they enjoy that is a problem if you don't like what you want don't let it define you as a human and that's part of the problem too with like the hype machine and comic-con and especially like Marvel and DC maybe more so DC look at me I like ghost hunting programs yeah and you don't care that everybody calls you an idiot for it right I enjoy that so we're not we're not trying to squash anyone's dreams isn't it weird that we have to have a disclaimer that like we're gonna discuss some trailers and things that are coming out disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer I think I think we should replace the term manchild or man children with just children because grown-ups are now children that's true who yell at each other yeah about their playroom their playroom is there their comic book movies and TV shows yeah and it's fairly bizarre it is it's creepy the United States is it's just doors wide open for us to get conquered by some other country because we have a generation of people who are yelling about Batwoman come on in tanks you will not get a fight from anyone under 40 you put out Marvel can put out all these movies well that's that's people watch go into Marvel because that's there in now we got Avengers is done now they're in like sink or swim mode because now I feel like the they first of all I think they should have waited and they can't do it because the money machine has to keep rolling but wait like three or four years after that Avengers movie before you make another fucking Marvel movie oh yeah because it's like we just saw Avengers spider-man came out we didn't see it but now immediately there's this announcement of all this new stuff and even before I saw people were posting pictures before they were announcing the titles when it was just like Marvel logo and a date it was like a dozen of those or whatever I told them I just saw that image and I was like fuck it wasn't excitement it was a new I can't wait to see what they do next it was just we just did this yeah I can't wrap my head around being that excited for something that just wrapped up right yeah yeah it'd be like if I mean the Hobbit movies kind of sucks but it'd be like if those came out like a month after Return of the King right you know it's like oh we're doing this again yeah it's it is hard to wrap your head around and it's hard to get excited about it and you know we're speaking from non comic book diehard comic book fans but I think but we are generally fans of most of the movies Marvel is made we've liked a lot of them I keep hearing good things about spider-man far from home and I just don't care this isn't even it's not like oh it's the sequel to spider-man it's like oh we've already seen spider-man four fucking times in the last two years yeah you know at all these different movies so it's not just a sequel to spider-man so there's that problem and it's like the first thing they announced was that Black Widow movie which is like first of all good for Scarlett Johansson she's been hanging around with these these weirdos for a decade and she's always got the short short end of the stick yeah gets her own movie but it's like oh we just saw her die oh now she's got her own movie like immediately right right I mean if you like spy stuff maybe it's because you know she's a Sasson or yeah something David K harbors in it oh is it yes from that from the hit film Hellboy right yeah he's most known from Hellboy the the one I'm kind of interested in is the Doctor Strange movie because from what I understand it's just gonna be a flat-out horror film which is how they dipped into the Gothic and the horror and and the horrific and we're gonna make the first scary MCU film even the title is an allusion to like cosmic horror HP Lovecraft stuff yeah because that's why I was interested in that new mutants movie that just vanished from existence because that was just like a straight-up horror film sure and then that got lost in the shuffle of Fox gettin bought out by Disney or whatever well there's something called shang-chi I don't know what that is I think it's supposed to have who was that character in Iron Man 3 that everybody said oh the Mandarin vendor I think yeah it's gonna be I guess the real Mandarin because in the movie he was a fraud which was an interesting twist and everybody for some reason I wouldn't mind I think I don't know what Shan ji is but I think I would be excited about like a martial arts Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon with superpowers kind of sure you gonna be excited about that because it's so much different than cosmic space alien lasers and yeah the early Marvel movies were you know it was like Iron Man and Captain America and then they started to go into the cosmic stuff and now it feels like after the Avengers movies like scale aback or go in a different direction so I mean I guess that's kind of what they're doing I mean I mean I'm looking for silver linings because I don't care about Loki the only thing people were excited about I guess they were excited about just products more Marvel movies in general but the biggest announcement I guess was they they came up to Natalie Portman's house with a truck full of cash and convinced her to come back to the Marvel Universe because she left she was done with this shit do they have like a crane that just lifted a pallet right into her front yard yeah so she's playing female Thor but I saw the news headline that says Thor 4 is coming out and Natalie Portman will be playing for an onion article is a joke like that one is gonna be four I just don't know how it'll work she's a very small statured lady rich was telling us that she will have cancer yeah that's the story in the comic is that she has cancer but and then she you know wields the the the hammer and then she becomes strength again but she it's not just going to be Natalie Portman wearing like a Thor helmet I have no idea she's a short lady it'll be comical and she's not like like a you know like a female wrestler or bodybuilder she's not so is it gonna be like Adam when he holds the sword Oh [Music] Mike she doesn't have to be big to be a superhero people of all shapes and sizes can be superheroes look at all these images of all these previous Marvel superhero characters if it has a weird premise like that like she's a cancer patient and I think rich said when she picks up the hammer all of her like treatment for her cancer gets reversed something like that yeah and and if it's like Natalie Portman and and she really just doesn't want to be Thor but she's bestowed with this power and she has to solve this this plot defeat this bad guy yeah it's it's less of a I mean cuz Thor was good when he was fish outta water Thor was drunk but natalie portman like having no interest in being thor but has to save the world it would just mix it up well the other speaking of horror the big one is blade they announced blade which reboots blade yeah which would probably be pg-13 don't care rehearsal Olly yeah who oddly enough is on the third season of True detective with Stephen Dorff and Stephen Dorff was the villain in the original play oh my god six degrees of Marshall Holly it was great in season three sure detective I haven't watched it yet fine choice fun casting choice we'll see I'm just a little worried that's gonna be pg-13 you got a vampire hunter you got people getting you know stakes driven into their heart and it's just like a kiddie movie yeah you don't they need it for Marvel they need you know you know when Disney would release movies under touchstone oh yeah well I think they've talked about your doing that to make r-rated movies but the blade one is gonna be an official MCU movie so it'll be pg-13 or I think Kevin Feige did say he was interested in doing more of like Deadpool type movies but those would be separates so I don't know if anything I don't think anything's planned yet but cuz Deadpool you got a problem yeah now that that's owned by Disney you got nobody hey was that like Deadpool and they really haven't seen it and well they tested the waters with the second movie they did that rieta a pg-13 yeah yeah yeah and I don't know I didn't see that but I was curious about that but yeah you need that sub-label mm-hmm the Marple after dark Marvel after dark that's that's great what was that period of time like the the Ghost Rider movies and there was like something else that had it their own separate yeah I don't remember that was even called it was only like two or three movies that were r-rated I think wanted The Punisher war zone movie and that was like a separate entity but I don't remember what it was called it didn't last long well after a dark Marvel after dark Marvel back page oh got AK page that's just a company name now kind of a back page of like magazines oh yeah yeah the sleazy advertiser although all the sex hotlines yes marvelous sex hotline well that's a different label that's where we start getting the Marvel porno parodies though oh that's a way down the line yeah yeah that's when they get really desperate I like the back page I'll make a logo here oh and then that little logo you know they flip through the comic books in the logo just becomes the Marvel logo that's just like flipping through sex ads that's all very interesting I think we enjoy talking about the business side of all this it's more interesting than the actual movies usually I could see the equivalent of this kind of internet show and two people talking more about could she wheeled Mulia mirror oh yeah give us a fuck like we just talked about like well how going to market this yeah and I think I think that's what makes us so boring I think that's why people get angry at us oh we're not into the the lore I guess I am more with Star Trek it depends on what it is like I I'm invested in the characters and the continuing story line of like guardians of the galaxy sure I like those movies I like those characters and I like that they have kind of more of an emotional resonance than a lot of the other Marvel movies that's all I care about all these other movies I could I could I could leave yeah unless there's something that just pops you know yeah every now and then that'll happen and I think that's the good thing with Marvel is like you'll have like the Thor Ragnarok is it some sort of prototype pleasent all the stuff that's coming out of you or lay eggs looks like eggs because Thor - that was like oh god that was owned that everybody hates theirs there was some time there was a couple of films and I think Iron Man - people didn't like that one yeah yeah that had the guy with laser whips until he disappeared from the movie for half of it for no reason but and there's like oh there's some sequel itΓ­s happening here yeah there and then every once in a while yeah some that'll pop out or you have something like Black Panther which I know we were both just sort of like I was okay but obviously that worked well for a lot of people that was a big one the question is with all like the main characters that people have spent so much time with with them gone now are people going to accept these new characters are these movies gonna hit the way the other ones it depends on if they're if fatigued the the fabled Marvel fatigue ever sets in if there is a every bubble bursts the housing bubble the tech bubble every bubble bursts eventually that's I think that's why I was so exhausted just hearing all these announcements because it's like give it a couple years let people miss it and then you bring it back but we can't do that anymore for that yeah so they're going to hope that this bubble doesn't burst eventually it will will it burst before the New Avengers fight the new Thanos eventually in their big showdown will people get sick of it and move on to something else I mean I'm surprised its lasted this long but again it built up to Thanos so that was like it kept escalating where it goes from here and those trends change tastes change you know like 80s hair metal bands came in Nirvana change the music landscape to 90s alternative everyone goes this way Marvel superhero movies suddenly everyone may go this way yeah and run after this thing and enjoy this new type of movie it's like the matrix you know that was a big it was a big watershed moment oh shit that spawned and then you had a decade of action movies with people were in trench coats yep yep and so it's possible that the Marvel fatigue will actually happen to me it feels like it might yeah but that goes into our our thoughts about streaming services and yeah the endless opportunity to show all this material that's almost a discussion too big for it to include in a comic-con discussion but yeah like Marvel is putting a lot of their eggs in the the Disney Plus basket a streaming service that hasn't even started yet but I can't imagine it will fail it's Disney just is huge they got so much content from a hundred years worth of you know stuff they've made it's probably a safe bet but I they how much money do you think they're dumping into all these shows and it's like CBS all access like Discovery's not doing great I would imagine but they just keep dumping money into it right the finances behind it financials behind it or we can't possibly can't wrap your header on it it's like Netflix to Netflix is doing the only TV show I want to mention briefly is Dark Crystal TV show when you look at every little detail on the Dark Crystal those things are the apex of somebody's art that's not a property that's continued forever and they're just we're doing another one that's like a movie that came out in the 80s it flopped even though it's fantastic movie on a technical level and it's like Netflix realizes hey there's probably an audience for this let's make this show and it looks great I think I could make an analogy to these streaming services okay because because before like you know you'd have live in the era of Christopher Reeves right you'd have Superman on the big screen and then you'd have your TV and there'd be a TV movie which were always cruddy yes and that's it that's all you have now the spectrum has changed and I watched the trailer for that woman and it looked like like a TV commercial for like a cell phone company or something it was like oh that's a show [Music] and then I was like Oh DC has an app the shows look cheap and and then I discovered there were like eight superhero shows on there never heard of yeah so then in the patrol yeah yeah yeah these these are things so I was thinking the shows look cheap probably because it's an app that has hardcore DC fans only which is a small group of people and then I thought wow this is very this can be attributed to music to a band that DC app is a is a small mid-range local band okay that tours around and can survive because in each city a hundred people come to their concert hmm and they have enough money to move their gear around in their van to the next city and then you have the Rolling Stones and u2 and you know the big big big venue bands that that are like Marvel feature films like Disney Plus well Disney Plus would be yeah like like I guess technically untested waters because the streaming service hasn't started but Disney you can't can't falter at this point but yeah you have a hundred of these little apps and you're like niche fans want their niche programming yeah and it's a thing that that can survive on its own more or less like yeah like a small touring band that is not a household name yeah a show you've never heard of can exist on an app or a streaming service that you've never heard of yeah and survive completely outside of the bubble all on its own because it has its little core of audience although you look at like community that got that got moved to Yahoo screen community all new episodes streaming free Tuesdays only on Yahoo screen that failed streaming service that lasted like a year nobody watched it it was a good season too but it's like so you have that happen to where now it's just like everybody has a streaming service it's interesting because I think broadcast television like traditional broadcast television is like the news The Bachelor Dancing with the Stars yeah operas and the news yeah and it's not like edgy interesting shows it's not like you know your orange is the new blacks or your Russian dolls or shows like that yeah yeah or not they're all on streaming services and then when something is good on regular network television it will die because they don't advertise it yeah like an AP bio moves to a streaming service yeah exactly ap bio which looks visually like like a mean-spirited indie movie right it's like yeah it's not gonna last long on NBC or whatever it's on it doesn't look like a sitcom yeah and it doesn't have the vibe of us that come either even something like the office which was successful and on for years like that's still you know a shot like a documentary or whatever but that still felt like a sitcom for a lot of ways which that's leaving away from Netflix yeah and we're saying Netflix is gonna tank when that show leaves that one show that's why I always joke about how it's the the office streaming network yeah it'll be interesting these these next two decades when entertainment sorts itself out week that's the thing is like this is the Wild West right now with all these different rating services some come and leave immediately some of you know stuck her out like Netflix has been like top tier for so long but now they're saying that's on the verge of collapsing it could now we got Disney pluses coming Apple is having their own streaming service that they're dumping a ton of money into with like Steven Spielberg is bringing back amazing stories and there's like all these other original programming that they're making in and you're just like oh it's too much it's too confusing especially for the elderly like us yeah yeah they're just gonna watch the news and The Bachelor I think it's only watch anyway probably yeah and also a fascinating thing to to note is the brain gets fuzzy and frustrated after it's given more than 12 choices that's how they always say with like if he's like Netflix or something you know and you spend too much time browsing around and your brain just clouds over I've discussed this before on our show I think I mean that's why I've liked the red box limited amounts of things in there you go have and you know at least half of them are garbage that limits your selection even more but you go into a grocery store or a regular store and you're looking at more than 12 types of toothpaste then you you get like you guys glaze over if you have six you can make a choice yeah nine you could make a choice anything under over twelve that's what that's what studies have shown the human brain just starts to shut down because it's like I don't want to think about this and that's kind of where entertainment is the audience will decide yeah and you have an the NBC app or the Disney Apple probably survive because Disney will be just fine the strength behind it but you have the network apps the CBS NBC those kind of apps will they survive won't they will people pay 10 bucks a month to get the NBC app there's a lot of great shows on NBC will someone make the effort because that's another thing too with TV you turn on the TV and you flip the channels NBC's there you have to go through a process mmm to put the app on to sign up for it to put your credit card in and pay for it to log in and then your password doesn't work and you have to reset your password and whether you're asking a consumer to do more work yeah you just knocked down 90 percent you have to make it easy for people yes that's trend cable is easy well you have to go download the app to your TV I go if you gotta go to that what's the App Store and I gotta create a password for this too so will people will the consumer do that to watch two shows they like what network collapse collapse success fails success fail collapse yeah that's that's what it is it'll all work itself out it's like shaken up they thing of water you shakedown eventually it'll even itself out and you can't predict anything no other than the Disney Plus app will be successful did you predict and that the Picard show will suck it that's a pro card show he'll suck those are the two death and taxes in the Picard show engage well all this all this comic-con stuff is just like miserable it's just like exhausting to talk about let's talk about something that isn't quite so miserable and doesn't make you feel quite as bad oh yeah let's talk about re esters new film midsummer that light-hearted comedy I mean it is light-hearted right cuz it's all takes place during the date right it's literally light I told you that I want to go to that festival in Sweden no you said it would be cool to go yeah and then I got the opportunity and I decided to do it you going I just wish he would have told me that's all so we watched midsummer it's been out for a couple weeks now we weren't gonna do a video on it cuz I think we were both just sort of like on it um which is an odd reaction to movie with some pretty fucked-up stuff in it but we are already saw hereditary and so we were prepared for it and it was just kind of more of what we were expecting yeah but then after seeing it we kind of kind of kept talking about it it keeps coming up in discussion yes it's definitely something that you will talk about yeah in both a good and bad sense because hereditary while I didn't care for the ending oh yeah I loved the ending i've actually that's a movie that I've actually grown to like more over time but the thing about that movie we're just gonna say spoilers this movies are out for a couple weeks everybody's talked about it so spoilers for the whole thing but what I loved about hereditary is that it kept like surprising you like every 20 minutes every half an hour it would just veer in a new direction [Applause] so you didn't know where I was going and that's for me that's important with a horror film with this movie you always kind of knew where it was going right from the beginning right from the premise it's like oh this is the guy who made hereditary and is about people that are going to it's a cult movie basically okay got it the weird thing is I saw I was made aware of an interview with Ari ester where he was explaining that the movie is sort of it's allegorical it's literal in the film but it's also like an emotional level the movies allegorical for an elongated breakup it's an operatic breakup movie and and a dark contemporary fairy tale a couple that where the relationship is basically over but they're still together and it gets dragged out and the actual cult aspect of it didn't interest him which is like the movies about a cults and if that's the part that you find least interesting maybe don't make the movie about that he's very weird I can't pin down this Ari Esther yeah and a lot of it too comes down to the trailers I wish I didn't see the trailer for a midsummer yeah the trailer for hereditary was like vague and creepy well that's the thing is spoilers for hereditary I was not expecting that fucking little girl's head to get knocked off by a telephone pole twenty minutes into the movie yeah or the satanic cult yeah at the end which you know like it or hate it whatever I was just like yeah okay but the I mean what's her face toni collette powerhouse perform great performances held that movie up yeah like tremendously and and then this it's a it's a different animal altogether one because you didn't you had a pretty ABC trailer yeah I'm spelling out the plot we're going we're going to this Swedish ritual and we're apt apologists or whatever yeah college students yeah we're gonna we're obviously all from America and we're going to this weird thing in Sweden that we're not familiar with and creepy croupe think things are gonna have us will not end well yes and then that's exactly what we get yeah what I said right after seeing it is that it was a more sophisticated Eli Roth movie so many of his movies were someone you know goes to new environments and bad things happen and they're all kind of douchebag characters a big problem like the movie looks great I love the atmosphere of it I think the most effective stuff in the movie is the pre credit sequence because that's what establishes that their relationship is basically over you know she's talking to her boyfriend on the phone and he's very like distant and she's like are you coming over tonight and he's like oh did we have plans too well no but I thought maybe and it's like okay they're there there's a disconnect there oh yeah yeah and then that leads into of course the stuff with their sister and your parents and all the most interesting Stacey yeah the super emotional stuff and it's really effective and then the rest of the movie plays out basically like how you would expects the choice of the movie is that she the main girl I don't know that actresses name I thought she was very good until the last half-hour of the movie when she just makes a frowny face she makes that for the entire rest of the movie and that's another problem too is everybody's drugged out of their minds so they're very like passive and nobody has any agency and so you can't really like fault the boyfriend for cheating on the girlfriend because like he's out of his mind on drugs yeah I mean this choice he made the choice to drink the mine she the girl says it will it will make you uninhibited yeah it was like he basically does a fuck it and he drinks it so first of all they've already seen some pretty fucked-up stuff you're not drinking that shit yes I problem is the disconnected the characters they're I would not take any mind-altering substances yeah they're seen some of the things they see but also the the idea that yeah he's kind of an asshole boyfriend but he's not like he's not abusive he's just kind of like aloof and dumb I you know I understand what they're going for but I don't think he quite deserves the Fate he gets in this movie I understand the point of it and that's the frustrating part is like I get it I get everything you're doing but I don't think the characters were flushed out enough to make it really impactful I see yeah if he was the the the dickish movie boyfriend shut up he knew it suddenly you don't have to I think it would be too on-the-nose that he got burned alive in a bear carcass I think it was more like see that's why this movie's fascinating you yes you get everything that's happening the subtext is the relationship stuff and it's it's less about the boyfriend and more about the or so I saw the girl kind of becoming powerful well not just powerful but also having some emotional support because that's what she's lacking through the whole movie her sisters yes her sisters distance their sister you know kills herself and their parents because shocking she has this aloof boyfriend that doesn't really care about her so then as the movie goes along she finds the emotional support she's always been lacking with this give me a cold yeah there's that great scene where she's like wailing and crying and all the other women in the tried imitate they start imitating her it's like okay I have found what I've been lacking my whole life in this group environment so it's like I have to literally burn my old life down what am I going through those early scenes when she's she's desperately trying to contact her sister she's using Facebook and email and you know modern things and calling her parents leaving a message on the answering machine nobody trying to reach out to nobody listens to her she reaches out in every way possible both technologically and verbally she shows up at that apartment where all the dudes are hanging out and they don't really like her that was a great scene the subtlety of the awkwardness was really well done so she's not literally screaming at the top of her lungs but she's doing it in the way she can the while the boyfriend is not on the knows bad boyfriend he is in a way because he's spineless he's aloof not emotionally supported I was very selfish because at one point he his tells Chiddy I'm I'm taking over I'm also doing a prod now I'm taking over I'm also doing my thesis I was called yeah just taking that from you yeah I know you were doing it first but I just feel like do I want to do it too and he doesn't care about other people other themselves it was very realistic character not movie bad boyfriend character just a realistic like kind of like a blank slate a flat line of a human being it kind of like most people yeah fortunately doesn't have the guts to tell her like you know I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore yeah after three years yeah it's just crazy and so you don't really he doesn't deserve to be burned alive in a bear carcass but at the same time talent Oracle he kind of does yeah and and you kind of have this feeling of like man when he when he dies at the end yeah that's the thing is like and I guess maybe this is what the movie was going for I wasn't I wasn't emotionally invested and I wasn't shocked I was just sort of ambivalent as it went along whereas like okay I get it yeah you know towards the end but then you have like all the a couple of sub characters like the the kid from where the millers oh yeah it was the original choice for penny wise in the new it movies Oh icon it was cary fukunaga was doing it yeah he um you know he's just like dude bro got a guy who wants to party and sweet and he doesn't really know where he's going or what he's going to close this to an Eli Roth character just not more realistically yeah and he accidentally pisses on the ancestral tree and all these characters they get killed off but it's all off camera yeah absolutely off camera and so it's like are you commenting on like American culture coming into some kind of sacred ceremony but it's a fictional ceremony I'm sure yeah I know I read something about re Esther did a lot of research and there's a lot of elements of the ceremonies that are based on real things right obviously you know twisted and mash up yeah of lots of different cultures ritualistic ceremonies right but so is it is it commentary on that that's sort of snuck in there a little too but then it's also about a relationship on top of that it's there's a lot going on and it's really fun to talk about yeah and it's a good not a feel bad cuz it's a good movie to me it's just after hereditary it feels like it feels mildly disappointing all right then you have that other element of the handful of characters from the US they've come there and they're doing the research the kid is dude Rose pissing on things and there's a we're not respecting this this this ancient ceremony yeah yeah the one that goes into the sacred book and he's like taking photos of it and I you those sacred texts the sacred Jedi tax yes the sacred texts written by someone who's inbred yes always have to be inbred well that's another aspect that felt underdeveloped cuz that's like the the famous image at the end of the trailers the gift the fucked-up face like the first time they show him in the movie it's just like an extreme closeup and it's so disconnected from everything else I was like is he there what is happening it was it was odd yeah I I have expected the girl that dollar store Chris Pratt was having sex with was his somehow his sister yeah because they bring up the incest of they they're like it has to be and then they the the old lady the matriarch character was like we've selected you to mate with her yeah and and then they have that reverse clothes off yeah he's having sex with her and they reverse clothes up and they their eyes look very similar and I was like somehow he had a long-lost sister and it's a little corny that coincidental all those things or it could be that the the the one kid that's from this group that went off to college like sought him out he saw him I don't know maybe that was all cut out but it was it made sense other than just he's just having a baby a random baby the the the nuts and bolts of how the ceremony works why they do certain things uh it kind of falls into that trap we talked about this with us how it's like there's what the movie is sort of allegorically about and then the literal story and it's there's almost too much literal stuff where you do start to question the logic of it right even though it's not really what the movies about and the literal stuff in this is more realistic yeah the the the literal stuff in us went so off its off the shark sorry yeah it's like now okay the literal part of my brain shutting off share I'm gonna enjoy the metaphorical stuff the below ground the above ground the society allegories and all that I'll enjoy that I'm shutting on my literal brain off sheriff this you couldn't do both yeah and also to me a lot of it is that all the side characters kind of fall flats sure you know the not Pennywise like he's kind of OneNote comic relief character the main girl is is interesting in terms of what she's going through but as an actual character kind of man right again like sort of like hereditary where you just want that main character should do something at the end yeah and the kid hereditary just sort of like zombie walked into that satanic ceremony and became part of it it's it's like it's a very dour kind of bad feeling ending re ester fuck he likes those kind of you wanted but the problem is especially and it's you know you want to look at a movie on its own but it's hard to watch this and not think of hereditary where it's it's doing a lot of the same things like yeah where the characters are very passive by the end we're just going to say that it's passive horror yeah there's there's severe head trauma in both movies there's obviously cults aspect to it there's dummies or figures made out of actual corpses that's it so it's like it's kind of the same elements just kind of put in a different scenario there's things he likes my initial thought after seeing it was it was like kind of like the horror version of Wes Anderson there's like a new watch OS Anderson movie you know exactly what you're gonna get they're not bad movies by any means they're good and even in this the big barn that everybody sleeps in like basically the whole movie is painted out in all the little drawings that are on the wall so not so much I'm talking about the visual style but more so the the repeated elements or it's like okay you gotta your your next movie after this you got to really shake things up he's got to go right to fast and furious 9 that's true yeah used to be ha - he needs to be recruited for a big dumb blockbuster now that's how and that's that's one of the positives I'll say about this is like this got a pretty wide release and it's an original movie you know technically I mean it reminds you of like wicker man and a bunch of other stuff but it's not a part of some big property but I got a pretty wide release and I we walked into the theater we walked right past right next to it was spider-man it's like that's pretty good that's something like this is still you know theaters have not become the Disney exhibits not completely there's still a little hope for for a bizarre little kind of slow-moving movie like this theme park yeah theaters yeah so the eventualities but at least this is a horror movie that isn't like another Annabelle yeah you know so we didn't see that either Annabelle comes home know who gives a fuck oh go home yeah no yeah done with done with that yes done with that I I I can safely say I'm grateful that Ari Astor is making films because that's the thing is like yeah you know he's making very nobody else is making movies like him right now so at least you still have that's that directors voice an original voice even if it's not perfect that the midsummer you have that original voice who has who has his own thing that's why I'm excited that there's a new Quentin Tarantino movie coming out I feel like he's the last of movies that get released on a wide level that a lot of people go and see that actually do well financially that feel like somebody's vision and somebody's voice I joked that it was called bad trip to Sweden or bear with me I don't there's still plenty plenty titles you can make I was most excited for you to come good performance by the lead actress until she turns into a frowny face for the last half hour that's their entire performance which that combined with the giant flower costume is it's like I said borderline comical and then having the boyfriend in a bear costume is like I mentioned the Wicker Man but like The Wicker Man remake he's in a bear costume in that the last thing you want to be reminded of in a serious allegorical horror film is the Wicker Man remake with Nicolas Cage there's Sarah no bees no not the bees not the bees
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 906,086
Rating: 4.9143891 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, comic con, picard, marvel, black widow, blade, midsommar
Id: 70SSJLG72Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 57sec (3777 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
Reddit Comments

I think they might talk about Star Trek in this episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 376 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BattleUpSaber πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That cut to Rich Evans changed my fucking life, these guys are truly at the top of their game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 363 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrChangsteen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

When they were discussing the karate kickin the Picard-Trailer.. i hadn't noticed the stupid motorcycle helmets before. Argh.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 166 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hurenkind5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jay: "Shall we give a 'cynicism warning' like people have 'trigger warnings'? We'll say, 'If you don't like it when we're negative, maybe shut this off now.'"

Oh man, this is gonna be great!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 294 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/battraman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

thereΒ΄s an alfred the butler prequel coming up on a obsucre streaming app. IΒ΄m not making that up

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 120 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NicolasCopernico πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I am too exhausted to be exhausted. I just don't care"

This perfectly depicts my life, Mike.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 230 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mflourishes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

In their defense, negative RLM is prime RLM. Man of Steel and Into Darkness are my favorite Half in the Bag episodes to this day.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 218 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/loutermit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Star Trek, Ghost Adventures talk, Marvel, and a weird Jay horror flick. This episode truly has it all.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 104 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Idont_have_ausername πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"The United States is just... the door's wide open for us to get conquered by some other country because we have a generation of people who are yelling about.. Batwoman. C'mon in tanks, you will not get a fight from anyone under 40."

the pointed cynicism in this episode is great

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 274 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ozymil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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