Hairdresser Reacts To DIY Mullets

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hi beautiful you look like a scrumptious piece of a vegan pie today thank you for being here your presence is always appreciated look at you staring back at me look at us gazing into each other's eyes no place I'd rather be than here with you today we're doing something that I'm really excited about which is reacting to mullets Oh something about mullets they just they make me feel so warm and happy when somebody has a mullet it represents somebody who's artsy no it's scared to take a little risk that might make them look ugly to a lot of people I appreciate that it's not the norm but I appreciate that it's becoming the norm they're just wonderful on everybody and I just love them so we're gonna watch some people with absolutely no hair experience cut a mullet into their hair and a mullet is actually a technical haircut it is quite difficult and can not be done well hopefully these people with absolutely no experience can pull it off let's see how good or how bad these DIY mullets come out today let's get into it okay our first attempt at an at-home DIY mullet is by seaweed oh great name this is called cutting a quarantine mullet yay I'm already happy please make me even happier than I am please please please I managed to last three months in quarantine lockdown not having a job whatever you want to call about messing with it and I was like oh let me do a little half blonde half Brown moment and I kind of turned out awful yeah kind of a fail you need to go a little bit lighter next time you do that more light Nair more bleach but cute hair I like the long hair on you and you know you've beautiful hair the mullet chronicles I have realized you have full hair only cleared up literally I never ever advert have it down I'm also worried that since I have it up so much that like my hairline is kind of thin you've a beautiful hair line for a guy before I started putting it up a hundred percent of the time like however many months ago that was tazed to work behind my ears but it was like a little shorter every guy that has long hair always wears it up all the time and I get that because when I had long hair I did the same thing but it's so sad because I love when it's down it looks so pretty like his hair looks so good stop putting it up please the back is disgusting and it was actually longer it was maybe like half an inch longer and I cut the other day just to try and give some dimension like I cut this a little shorter than the back so I might as well do a mullet like I like putting my hair up like it makes me feel like here so I'm gonna try and keep it that little slight bit of a Malaysian in the back maybe I really hate when hair is over my ear so I don't even know why I thought I want to have long hair well I just love long hair on guys like I really love it oh it's too much we [ __ ] you're so fierce still my channel like take it from me it's all yours because you are giving me everything right now like I want the indent it just sort of goes like here fish okay so this also might be like super gross and chaotic but I'm thinking about leaving like a little bit like this length of a braid oh my god he's gonna cut off so much hair in a second I love the braids I love the braids this videos for me I just wanna have fun today okay and I'm just gonna watch him do this oh my god he's just going for it oh ho no hesitation okay that was like a year of hair growth oh my god we are now gorge keep going going I mean his sectioning was a little scary I mean he did section I'm happy about that but you know I'm not really sure what the sectioning really was I mean he kind of took a clump of hair and cut it all and I mean hopefully it kind of makes like a little bowl cut rounded moment in the front of his head I don't have like a ton of hope but I have a little bit left for him so he has a bowl cut now the front of his hair and I'm obsessed going I love it as long as he can make it work with the back of his hair I think it'll be perfect I don't know if he can do that but I mean it's definitely a lot right now you're gonna really need to perform surgery on this hair to make it work and we're just taking pieces and we're just shoving them off okay yeah are you being the look fantasy like honestly kind of hot am I the only one haven't done anything for like five minutes I'm already in this thing pushing my hair back oh fortunate you poor thing doesn't eat you all over yesterday this color what this cut is just screaming ponytail wait girl okay like help me where I'm stopping for now oh god what's going on now my mom is gonna try and mom please help him hi mom [Music] she said I don't know why you Dementors oh don't I don't know but I appreciate this I don't actually beheading area this is what mom and ELISA did you're an evil you a woman okay what we're doing now I'm King it honestly at this point he really just needs a good haircut like an amazing mullet haircut and then an amazing color to go with it and this can totally work we can tie this all in it can make sense I know it I'm confident in it I'm wondering if this color that they're doing right now is going to pull it together I'm not sure is it gonna turn even more orange maybe could be better though I love it moments very hot up here so I'm gonna go we're going full-on bleach bleach burn mullet morning everybody I quite literally looked like the season of white trash I have a bleach blonde mullet now I'm wearing an ill-fitting t-shirt oatmeal stain I wasn't expecting this I guess that's where I'm leaving this hair saga I may or may not have plans to did you a color on it this angle right here boy is it getting hot in here or is it just your mullet I told you something happens to me when I see my legs like hmm so I'm obsessed with this braid on the side you know the color not as obsessed with it but I think that it weirdly oddly enough works with the mullet because the mullet is still thought that it needs like a color to go with it it's really like rocker vibe it's like very leg you're way too cool for anybody like you're vegan or like a very strict vegan like you hate people that aren't vegan like this is what this is giving me and let you go and you click collect trash on the beach and stuff and like you're just like such a good person that's what this haircuts giving me and I don't know why off here thank you for spending your time viewing my pixels thanks for coming along doing my pixels so that concludes the video if you did want to change it I think you know going like a deep blue and maybe like doing the back purple or like a blue faded into purple would look so sick on him like so sick and his hair is it the perfect lightness in order to do that I'm sure you're watching go and get some blue and purple hair color and do it do your roots and mid sections of your hair blue and do the ends purple and magic will happen and you will be even better looking after that I mean I'm obsessed I think you look divine I think you look like if mcadoo will do and I very much approve of this look y'all nuts because I am mostly because when people do like little things wrong with their hair I like bash them and like maybe look so crazy and this guy does a ratchet ass mullet with orange hair and I think he looks great what does that say about me okay let's move on to the next person our next video is by Krystal Lindy and this is called cutting my own hair into a mullet and someone should've stopped me so it's not good well see what happens let me just say right off the bat oh my god her makeup put that on my face I want that my face I want to shave my eyebrows and do that can you do that I'm obsessed that looks so good also your hair color is magnificus magnificent kins now minutes and that's the word I'm looking for magnificent it's magnificent I love your hair color fuchsia oof always find its way to my heart and I just love it so much yeah I could definitely just give myself something however I always like to be a little bit too extra when it comes to my hair me too I'm going to give myself oh yes I like how the glutes this is gonna look so good on her like really almost probably too good if she does it right which is question whoa you do hold on her hair be that some of Ethan's got to be gone it's a lot and it looks a little damaged she just a little bit tutorial Oh bread bun no unfortunately he doesn't have a tutorial on how to cut a mullet but he does have a tutorial on how to cut bangs and how to cut your hair in general so I'm just going to combine those videos wow that is quite the plan and I don't know if that's exactly gonna work for you but I hope I can help you I actually had no idea she was gonna follow my tutorials and now I'm just like oh those are beautiful yeah I just got funny just do it you just gonna do a girl like razor oh yes those are so good and so easy to use no use that too and it looks very professional that's a level link gotta keep going keep it oh that wasn't really a lot I thought she was gonna go straight across ah what happened I mean it is gonna be way shorter okay oh good prepare myself a little bit so I'm starting off slow I feel like that almost didn't do anything at all maybe just got some bangs oh my god I shot a vision even though I think the mullets gonna look amazing imagine her with this exact haircut you see where it's stopped right now imagine her with bangs and with the ends flipped out and like volume at the top huh can I have that can you do that for me I mean yeah I did watch birds on this video but I'm not gonna lie I forgot almost everything he said cool cool they like something with the hair and then cut yeah you can do that we're doing the twist it just never really works out and she took a lot off that time hell yeah we're making progress okay she's making that kind of rounded situation in the front which I like that way it gives for that melody effect you know at least she has some kind of technique while she's doing this [Music] whatever is going on right now is is really cute me like way shorter so good oh my god excuse me I think you should leave it I kind of know what I've got a mullet anymore but I thought myself I was gonna do it I mean the mullet aful to a very important decision that is going to affect me for the next couple of months longer this is the risky part can she so I think that's a bull of another line that's a big section you sure you want to do that so much hair yeah that's a lot took me so long to grow well Lisa using a razor I like that better than the scissors that way she doesn't get like a blunt end on her hair oh we're using the scissors now oh and we're going for it yeah see the thing with her is layering is so important because her hair is so thick that if you don't put layers in it it's not gonna look like a mullet a mullet is a very textured layered haircut I mean it should be I think I think mullets and shags always are a match made in heaven like you should always have kind of a shiny mullet that way it makes me feel more modern but yeah I mean if she doesn't cut layers it's just not gonna look right I hope she ends up doing that I hope she ends up with layers the end please but there's no way going back anymore I mean no idea how these work I mean mullets there are so many variations of them but I think you should like do an undercut on both sides you know I think that would look really nice you just need to take off a lot more hair and layer it up oh my gosh she's gonna do more she's gonna do more what I can't watch I can watch that can't watch thank you watch I'm gonna watch it thank you tried to do like different layers at a time I mean that looks better it's more rounded now you have all these hair over here you need to like cut into that layer it the Freak up come on you can't do this you can do this you know not at all I feel like I need to think same thing I don't think that's a good idea I think you need to take more off also off the back it doesn't really look like a bullet no it doesn't at all I feel like I probably like got some layers yes you know a little bit better okay here's the thing with the mullet you need layering like I said before the front can be rounded and like kind of a bowl cut but if you don't have a layering in the back it looks like two disconnected haircuts you need to connect that round to the layering you did in the front to the back does that make sense so you have shorter pieces that are the same length as your bangs kind of all around but then you have the really long length on the ends that's the difference that's how you fix it I think I'm just gonna stop right here there's no way in hell that I'm going to be able to make this look better oh my god David Bowie is that you way I like it push back wha David Bowie so she ended up actually making another video trying to fix her messed up mullet so she end up following a tutorial to try and fix it let's just speed through this and see how it went shall we so she's cutting layering we're cutting layers oh yes this is going to look so much better with the layering oh my god she is cutting and cutting and cutting and cutting and cutting hopefully we have a good result I feel like it is doing a lot better this is beautifully oh my wait oh my god this looks so good already oh my god oh my god you're so pretty look really goo okay now she's getting layering in the back Eddie I just made myself something amazing and they're a little risky but I think what's amazing I did not see anything that I was doing oh it looks fine I'm slightly lying let's see the finished result oh I love it oh my god Oh crystal you pulled it together somehow I really don't know how but you look magnificent and this is your hair cuts a hundred percent beautiful fabulous oh my god I love it with the hair color it's honestly just like one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen let's move on it's our last figure our last video is actually by a channel called last looks so that makes a lot of sense to me this is called cutting a midnight mullet don't tell my mom or bribe on down well I'm here I've been told we're doing something that there is a slight chance but I might yes probably a large chance on that I'm going to cut myself oh my I see Molly it's not really a mullet it's more of like a modern the best stuff always happens to your hair when you're bored more the worst stuff I guess mostly really bad stuff happens to your hair when you're bored I guess it's probably not a great time to cut him mullet I'm gonna section off my hair and I'm gonna try to do a really clean section oh hopeful lighting he's looking for you guys I love to hear that that was like music to my ears baby that was like a good song you said you're gonna do sections and you're gonna do clean sections and I went ooh stop hitting on me I'm gay I'm gonna start low because you can always take off more you can't put it back after it's gone right oh I'm gonna be so happy with this I already know it I feel like it's going so good yo you just cut that off you just did that oh no do you think it's good I do too it's so weird oh she's going real short with this that's good that's really fun her friend is so supportive it looks looks really good really yeah like I said hey Brad mondo its mullet season it is mozzie baby it's months he's an all year round that is much scarier because I have no like perfection let's take down my hair and see if I start crying it doesn't make a difference at all I have to agree it kind of looks the same right now you two cut way more I'm gonna make my bangs start about here yeah so they're really thick that's a good decision the bangs start will grow back here and go forward yeah it's important this is gonna come into its own and it's going to it's gonna come out nice but I don't know what the journey is we're gonna take to get there yet I'll keep you updated on my feelings thank you I'm glad she's using thinning shears that way it's not too blunt and it gives more of a shag feel if I use my thinning shears it's not gonna be a straight line Wow very clever girl that looks like yeah yeah bend at all you're gonna have to take off a lot more just chop it off girl just do it come on we all want to see it those are fun cute mullet bangs you're getting there on my bleach side where you can see that there actually looks like spider webs oh I can't wait to see those dead ends falls to the floor it's going to brighten my day beautiful you know okay so now she's going on the top layer and chopping away this is getting better it's getting into more mullets I'm getting happier feelings they're starting to arise in me you know those mullet feelings that I get and I've explained to you this whole video you can see I'm just lifting up the hair over directing it up or to the side and snipping at the ends and that's how I'm gonna get my layers oh so you're a hairdresser now all I heard was over direction sectioning you're speaking my language more music to my ears baby actually what is working better is doing the same thing but actually instead of using the shears yeah you got to take off a lot of that link like I've been saying you're gonna just really go for it with this that's a lot of hair and I'm glad we're getting rid of it cuz it's good he's my bangs down with my hair down and honestly it looks rad she said she wished she had stopped here Oh going for so I am into it so I'm gonna take this top section of my hair oh God away from bottom section of my hair uh-huh I know that this top section of hair will be the only hair that I am cutting for the rest of this time that I know for certain that I am keeping all of this length back here okay decent plan so she's just continuing to chump away and it's getting a little iffy I don't even know what she's doing at this point I don't know what there's no sort of rhyme or reason it seems like to what she's cutting I'm just kind of taking pieces and just shredding them up which is cool which is definitely look hi hello I do have a moment a real moment of foam Oh Jade sighs oh it's a full Billy Ray Cyrus it's a moment I saw I see we did extensions thought it was gonna be no it's not but I do like it and I think that it's fun hair is hair so like I really am happy with it I think it looks cool like my bangs are really cool I regret gluing in the extensions a little bit but those will probably last one wash and then come out I could not have agreed more I think it was way better without the extensions I think your hair does not EB that long I think it was so much more cool when it was like a full cut shag moment but I think it also looks great and I think you're so pretty and you know damn well it just really confidence your style and you rock it I of it I really really do just give her the extensions please and maybe just like shape it up a little better those are my two requests is that three requests I don't know something like that it looks great three DIY mullets completed they all looked incredible I think my favorite mullet was Krystal I mean that hair color with that mullet like just so hot and so pretty and so everything I needed today so thank you for that Krystal all of you looked amazing thank you so much for making those videos I think we all very much enjoyed them make sure you guys follow me on all the different social media networks Twitter Instagram and tik-tok at Brown model NYC make sure you guys check out my facebook page and my snapchat show under Brad mondo and obviously make sure you get beautiful fabulous glowing perfect healthy hair with ex mono hair you can check it out at ex mono hair calm or ahead to our instagram @ ex mono hair to check out everything we have in store that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys this is forcefield our heat shield forcefield will protect your hair up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit not only does this have P protection and technology in it but we also have conditioning properties and hold properties so that way your hair style will last you all day and all night and feel and look incredibly healthy and beautiful
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,015,156
Rating: 4.9608345 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To DIY Mullets, diy mullet, how to cut a mullet, shag haircut, mullet haircut, fall off, how to, hairdresser reacts, hair stylist, diy hair, brad mondo, hair fail, diy haircut, how to cut your own hair, hair color, diy mullet, modern mullet, tutorial, mullet hair tutorial, funny, barber, mullet fade, girl mullet, manic panic, bleaching hair, hair fails, hair cut, hair dye, 30 vol, pink hair, hilarious, beauty, blonde
Id: 3-fR7KHOjOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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