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oh hey are you in need of a little R&R just sit yourself in from the TV put a face mask on binge watch my YouTube videos on the big screen with Amazon fire TV just say Alexa open YouTube and pick from any of my videos link below to get your own Oh as you guys can tell from this mop on my head I've been growing my hair out for a few months now and I'm completely over it to the point where I just want to shave my head so I thought what better way to start a head shaving video reaction video thing then shaving my own head first oh my god it's been so long since I've done this ah pretty even like thinking about oh right now I'm like I do this once before here's a photo it was a moment in time I liked it it was so easy I didn't have to do anything in the morning I just could wake up and look like that and I was like into it so I always watch these brave girls shave their head and I think that I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go for it I'm freaking out oh my god this is gonna be possibly the worst intro ever okay let's do it oh crap oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god it wasn't my head [Music] scream oh my god I pranked you oh I got you good I got you good that time gotcha sorry wasn't my head oh I'm such a trickster this just turned into a pranking Channel whoo okay I'm done at rid of this mess and we'll actually get into it okay but for real so many girls shave their head all the time on YouTube I feel like it's becoming more and more popular not saying that was my fault not giving myself all the credit for that because I've made other reaction videos about people shaking their head and it seemed to have just come up more and more popular this year basically a trendsetter and oh my god I I'm just so hair trend-setting just kidding I just want to make myself feel like I'm more important than I am so I've been recommended more and more I'm buzzing my hair videos in the last week than ever in my life so I have a couple that I want to watch today with you guys I'm ready for a good hair shake video I want to see all those dead ends fall to the floor died twice because they're already dead on their heads and they're gonna die again on the floor they're gonna go dead murdered uh yeah so let's watch the videos up first we have a girl named yam nella gotta guess that's not her real name but I'm also not judging listen all about the unique name game so let's watch it shave my head instead of doing homework if that sounds like something I would have done in high school and like that for her [Music] yes Walmart [Music] why it looks cute it looks it looks good do it that's later no that's so excited [Music] this isn't a shave how is your little trim first we're doing a little trim is fine you know what is funny to me in all these shaving videos nobody ever uses the Clippers to cut their hair you don't have to use scissors you can put your hair in a ponytail and cut through with the Clippers the boys will cut through almost anything and scissors are weak if you don't have professional ones so we're gonna shave your head first of all record it so I can react to it second of all use Clippers to do it all okay she's kind of struggling making a more dramatic for me thank you I appreciate it she like she's like poke ourselves in the eye and I don't want that to happen yes do it do it [Music] [Applause] which is a nice ham I love teen angst I want to be angsty again oh wait I never got out of that phase okay she's really was good ever month this is like comic this is one of the best had she would have been everything she honestly could pull off this look so well I think she should have left it here I love like punk rock I just did this like I mean I'm so not that cool punk rock yeah Brian put your hands away she looks so punky and cool and I am so here for her having a mohawk I think she should have like kept the Mohawk for a little while and done like a rainbow mohawk and then shaved it that would have been cool so just putting out there like we'd love us and put a boyfriend oh she's so over it it went for being so this is so bad can you turn that mom I can't wait to see the finished look oh she's nice head oh I'm gonna wait this girl's head one to ten like a solid ten she has a great head oh my god she looks so pretty it was scary anybody watch video it's thinking about it like just do it yes sister yes let me just tell you you Milla you look so good and I'm so happy for you for real you must feel so fresh and free and feminine in the most masculine way possible that makes sense I feel like women who shave their head I have that strong female presence and I love it okay next video let's watch this ones seems just as good this is by chart but like Claire but I quit don't ask me I'm not to meet this entire video because it's all copy written music and girl you could have made some quintus video it sucks she got so many computing this video and she's copyright music the entire video missed opportunity just naired the whole thing now we're taking my scissors and something else like a I don't know we're gonna take my hair and we're gonna twist it up onto a Jojo steel Pony and now I'm not she doesn't like it she's pissed oh and she got this is out whoa whoa that's a lot of hair man that's a lot of hair and now we're taking my Clippers and we're just going for the damn thing Wow Oh doh whoa she went like skinned balls Wow oh my you magically from that much hair to this that must feel so cool well apparently that's the entire video but she looks dope she looks killer yes let's just watch it one more because there is just so many good ones I don't know what to choose from this one looks also just like mind-blowing how much hair she has and I can't believe she's about to shave it let's watch it [Music] beautiful yo yo some killer hair I don't know what you're talking about that is a gorgeous mane of hair gorgeous oh I when I had long hair I was like dude I couldn't I couldn't I'm getting hot looking at her without her listen so many girls get a centimeter of their hair cut off I just freak out on anybody who cut their hair and I get it I really do I mean it's a security blanket but I think that everybody you should shave their head at least once in their life and if not shave their head at least color it or do a big chop it makes you feel like such a different person and can really change your life and benefit you a lot so a lot of hair girl yes Joel can I get that hair doe let me get that wig out of it there wait for an egg [Music] she's tweakin I feel like every girl that does these head-shaving videos they always go through the same pattern where it's excitement then they're scared to death and they're really excited again and then they hate themselves and they love themselves I am yeah that's ridiculous she's like listen y'all are dumb you know what you're doing no the reason is because the garden your Clippers is too large you should also probably wash your hair at this point before you use the Clippers once you wash your hair and get it all clean and get all those like just scrub your scalp you can get the Clippers way closer to the scalp she's looking like she's really having a tough time she looks so gorgeous oh my god this one I'm sorry other girls but this one was my favorite oh that just changed her look completely completely I'm so shocked she looks so stunning and like edgier and cooler yeah really really working for her Wow should Wow so that was incredible I am filled with joy from watching those girls shave their heads is killer dope whatever it was awesome and really cool that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching and remember if you shaved your head record it and make it dramatic so I can react to it don't forget to live your extra life and I will see you Oh next time please [Music]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,878,694
Rating: 4.8970838 out of 5
Keywords: HAIRDRESSER REACTS TO GIRLS SHAVING THEIR HEADS!, hairdresser reacts, brad mondo, bradmondonyc, bradmondo, shaving, girls, shaved head, hair, women head shave, woman headshave, instagram, headshave, girl, clipper, long to bald, bald, haircut, headshave girl, beauty, shave, women, www, buzzfeed, head shave, beautiful, charity, boyfriend, head, laugh, hilarious, funny, fun, fashion, shaving my head, salon, cancer, woman, girl headshave, buzzcut, headshave woman, women with no hair, feminism, buzz cut, twitter
Id: 7nQ4bpzK2K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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