Pro Hairdresser Tries 5-Minute Crafts Hair Hacks

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hi beautiful today we're watching some five minute crafts and if you have never seen the channel well you're in for a treat today baby five-minute crafts is a mysterious place for me it's basically a channel that does like hacks and stuff and kind of makes the hack more complicated than the actual thing that they're trying to hack would have been if you just did it correctly in the first place that's my explanation these hacks are not actually hacks they're actually ways of making your life harder and boy do i love making my life harder than it needs to be i do it all the time every day it's one of my favorite pastimes we're going to see what kind of hair hacks they have in store for us today and i will be trying all of them out for you so what the [ __ ] let's hack away together and see what if i'm in a crafts house in store for us let's do it [Music] i'm drinking matcha today guys you know what that means ready for my [ __ ] today all right so we're obviously on the channel five minutes across and we got this video called hairstyling and hair hacks to save your time and money so we're going to see if this is going to save us time and money our first one up i guess we got a trimming your bangs with a piece of paper so let's check it out okay so she has bangs a lot of them okay we do piece of paper and now we're trimming them on a line on a piece of paper yo i hope that is not her real hair i'm so sorry but why is it a bowl cut attached to like long hair i don't know if that's the best look for her i guess we're gonna see if drawing a line on a piece of paper is gonna help us get a straighter line when we're trimming bangs all right i got my client here for today and we got a piece of paper and we got a ruler and a sharpie we're going to draw a line on this this makes no sense how do i know like where to draw the line do i like mark it off they didn't explain this part to me i guess it'll be like i don't know like at her nose how do i know the line's straight yeah a little more down all right that's gonna be my line i suppose and this is supposed to be used to cut our bangs all right let's section the bangs out really quick um should we do as much bang as this girl had like really really wide no i don't want miss minnie quinn to hate me she will haunt me she will wake up at night and torture me so i don't want to do that let me blow dry it all forward real quick this girl already had her hair cut so we're going to cut off a bit of bang just to see what we're doing um or else it's going to be a little bit too difficult to get that paper under there oh no we got some trimmers here and we're taking our piece of paper and we're putting it under the bangs okay so she lifted it up put it right there maybe i'll just clip this to each side this is definitely crafty oh no um it's just not really working with the rounds of her head here oh god okay oh [Music] okay oh it's so hard to do both hold the paper and keep this i'm gonna tell you right now this is gonna be a no are you ready for the reveal in three two one wait hold on hold on hold on hold on just kidding it's terrible i'd say it's a little crooked this was terrible that was so difficult you're better off just eyeballing it and going across like that the paper thing it just is not gonna work like you saw it on that video they definitely pre-cut those bangs and then put the damn paper on there hell no this is not going to save your time and money unless you want bangs like this like crooked bangs maybe it's your thing i don't know girl also just really sorry miss management i hope that one day you can forgive me all right get the [ __ ] out of here now we have a curling iron hack this is apparently supposed to give you really great spiral curls and who doesn't want a good spiral curl okay so she's taking a fork putting the hair in the fork wrapping it around the fork heating it up with a flat iron and then releasing it and calling it a spiral curl what is this that's not a spiral curl that's just completely offensive if we're calling that a spiral curl now i'm definitely gonna try it maybe i can do it a little better than they did it um but we'll see oh hello you must be my next client for today i don't think it's going to go well we'll try and do the best we can what is this yeah it's a fork we're going to use it on your hair today to give you curls you wanted curls right darling okay we're going to turn on our nice and flat iron like 410 let's shrink this up let's make it so damn hot her head burns out so she's going to prom tonight she wants really nice spiral curls and girl if there's one person that can give that to you it's me so basically they stick it in here and then just wrapped around makes total sense to me we're making a curl on a rectangular flat surface to make a spiral curl it makes sense to me we're gonna warm this up so i think it's cooled down are you guys ready to see this beautiful spiral curl definitely gonna have to be a no for me on that hack what the [ __ ] is this it looks like like like spider legs like i hate it sorry oh my god ew oh my god oh my god if you want a curl take a piece of hair twist it back halfway and slowly bring it down there and boom you have a beautiful spiral curl i feel like it's a lot easier i mean you be the judge though if you like this better i totally get it you know it's some people's vibe it's not mine darling but that's what makes the world go around everybody has different vibes you know just everybody's just out there vibing trying to do their thing all right emma what do we got next all right we got a dry shampoo hack now now sometimes these actually work this one's for brown hair let's see what we got going on greasy hair yeah dude sometimes starch cocoa and baking soda we're mixing it up and we're using a makeup brush to put it right on her girl that doesn't look good oh and all of a sudden her hair her hair's clean it's almost as if you clean your hair and like actually full-on washed it i'm willing to give it a shot i do like the mixture i think it's cool to like mix up your own dry shampoo and adding the cocoa is something i've ever done before it's like making a dark dry shampoo um so you don't get any of that white residue i'm definitely interested this actually might be kind of good well hello you must be my next client for today thank you for coming i'm gonna do a dry shampoo test on you we got our baking soda here she kind of just like put like a half a tablespoon in i think it's just equal parts of everything so that's what i'm gonna do at least we got cornstarch and then we got cocoa powder half a tablespoon of that okay i mean it looks chunky honestly kind of looks good too i'm not mad about this so far i feel like this might actually be good so she kind of just dipped a brush in like that oh pretty okay okay why don't we just get some of that off of there looks a lot better on camera okay no okay okay that's all i have to say just brush that through i think she needs more to be honest with you oh maybe i didn't put enough cocoa powder in but i did follow the directions the best of my abilities okay definitely gonna have to be a big fat for me i thought this one was gonna actually work for some reason i don't know where it went wrong this actually looked really promising but got rid of not a lot of the oil and she has these little flecks of grossness on our hair now and i don't know what's going on but i hate every part of it also the cocoa powder like didn't darken it enough for it to be like effectively like dark enough for her dark hair the girls in the video looked a lot darker for some reason maybe i had to add more cocoa next time i don't know maybe i should try that if that's not enough i don't know what is it's slightly darker maybe no it's still super light i mean if you want like faux highlights i'm just kidding don't ever like don't ever do that this looks awful i hate it this didn't work i want nothing to do with this ever again that was actually worse than i expected it was gonna be which is shocking all right what hack do we have next all right apparently we have some kind of blow dryer hack up next on how to make your hair curly easily which sounds good okay so they're twisting the hair and then just applying heat to it i'll come on girl there's no way your hair is turning out that curly you can tell that they curled the hair and then twisted it all together and then blue dried and released it to make it look like they did it with a blow dryer but in reality we use curling iron but i know that some people do this to their hair and i know it works sometimes you do usually have to have a pearly hair to start but i'm willing to try it out and see if that's like an easier way of manipulating the hair and getting waves we can try it well would you look at that i have a returning customer she loved her prom hair that i did with the fork so she's back i guess her hair seems to be dry i don't know maybe like a little bit damp i would personally dampen it a little bit [Music] okay so she split it down the middle and then did the hair and twist i believe it's already falling out but fine and i'm twisting it back away from her face i guess all we have to do now is just blow dry it into place and hopefully it gives her um as nice of waves as this girl got because apparently she gets curling iron waves with this technique perfect okay let's do it all right so i just blow dry for a few minutes and so now let's release it and see if we got perfect curls i feel like probably not but i'm optimistic again um all right let's release the other side now hold on okay hear me out so it's definitely giving me like not everything i wanted but it is giving me actually something to be honest with i've definitely used this technique before it actually does give you very pretty waves very natural looking flat waves so i actually really like this one it's actually really pretty she uses very natural looking waves and i'm kind of into it if i just spent a little more time blow drying it probably would look even better so dare i say that i actually like this hack i don't know if it's really a hack though it's just kind of a way to style your hair maybe it is a hack what do i know all right so we got a fake bangs tutorial next let's see what it's all about okay so she's not cutting the bangs we're putting a little ponytail on the top and a ponytail on the bottom and it's in okay it's going through that whoa i already know this is not gonna work should i try it anyways what the [ __ ] were those bangs girl it doesn't look good i'm so sorry but those are not cute maybe we could try a little bit longer next time i don't know but i just don't even understand how she got her bangs so straight it was clearly like a hair extension or something she would have had to like trim her length to be all straight you'll see what i'm talking about it's gonna be all weird i don't think i can make this one work this one might be the worst of all all right we got our elastics we got everything we need they put the first ponytail like this like a little half up [Music] and then the second one goes right underneath and then we're doing this moment where we kind of like pull the hair through the ponytail i'm definitely seeing the vision you definitely have to have really long hair for this so tell me what i'm supposed to do with this tell me what i'm supposed to do now i don't know about you guys this doesn't look exactly like the hack video cute bangs girl i like literally even if i tried to make this look good it wouldn't this is sad and offensive i mean listen if you have really long hair and you can afford to like cut some length off when you put your hair forward like this because like if this was thicker we could actually like make it look maybe cute and cut some length off to actually give her bangs and it might work but this she got she's a lot of hair and it's not even close to working i'm so sorry sweetie but this is just not your look we're pulling out the big guns now she has probably like the most hair you can [Music] have [Music] girl it's either too long or too short what are we getting out of this like now it's too long i mean what would you do like cut off all your hair i don't know go get clip-on bangs if you want temporary bangs this is just a waste your time i mean come on this is ridiculous i'm angry i'm upset i don't want to ever see this hack again this is terrible thank you so much but no thank you awful don't ever try that all right we gotta hack for loose ponytails coming up emily could use that one she always has loose ponytails all right so we're tying two elastics together putting bobby pins on each end this is actually a normal thing to do believe it or not and using it as a hair bungee and that looks so bad and she's gonna make it look worse with the hair wraps around it yes ariana okay miss grande she's giving us everything with this i definitely have some thoughts about that but why don't we just try it i'm so sorry how much torture she's been through today she's gonna hate me a little trick if you don't have hair bungees if you don't know what hair bungee is let me show you this is a hair bungee it just has two hooks on the end so if you don't have them um and you really need them one day this is not as sturdy that's for sure but you can literally just do exactly what they did in that video and put a bobby pin on each end but they did two hair ties i guess to make it longer so they kind of like fed it through the loop like that and did that so we're gonna do the same thing today all right we got our pony let's put the hair bungee sort of mechanism in we put the first little pin in the top and we wrap it around and then you stick the other pin in and there you go a little makeshift hair bungee and then she wrapped a piece of hair around which looked really ugly but i guess we can try it out as well fun okay i'm not gonna do that so i'm gonna say that it definitely works but i'm also gonna say that i don't think this is any tighter than just using an elastic by itself i also think it's just ugly if you're gonna do this you should use just a real hair bungee because these actually do work and they make it a lot tighter it's a lot easier to use and you only get one tiny little string going across instead of this huge like quadruple wrapped ponytail that looks hideous i don't like this at all and i won't be using this hack did i learn anything new today no uh well i learned how to make um simple things more complicated for myself it's what i learned so thank you five minute crafts for that i appreciate it i didn't need that because i already make things more complicated for myself than they need to be but it's okay i could always use more of that i suppose if you guys aren't already subscribed make sure you do it's right down below hit that button you can also hit the like button and the bell icon to be notified every time i post a new video if you guys like to text me this is my number this is really connecting my phone yes i really do see all your messages and yes i'll be texting back a few of you guys right now this will also keep you notified every time i post a new video make sure you guys follow me everywhere else here on my social media handles go for it bang bang boom bang if you guys want to shop my new live your extra life merch here it all is it's so cute you can shop now at it is linked below also you can shop my haircare products and my color line at it is also linked below and you can check us out at xmoto hair and xml color on instagram today's instagram shout out goes to shae she says bread my hair has only gone through the repeat cycle of grow chop donate repeat no dies no fun no nothing what would brad do wwp oh my god your hair's so pretty i would definitely give you a little bit of layering i think it's a little bit too one length maybe even add like a fringe a little sideswap bang moment would be really cute and then also if you want to do something really crazy i'm picturing some kind of deep blue color or purple i'm getting both it would be really good it's definitely a huge change but you're giving me the vibes if you do it i would love to see it let me know how it goes and good luck all right that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching and don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] [Laughter] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,805,501
Rating: 4.9644203 out of 5
Keywords: Pro Hairdresser Tries 5-Minute Crafts Hair Hacks, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, 5 minute crafts, hair hacks, 5 minute crafts makeup, james charles, curly hair hacks, tips, crafts, diy, 5-minute crafts, tricks, tutorial, useful things, do it yourself, diy projects, diy activities, lifehacks, howto, handcraft, life hacks, how to, hair fail, fall off, diy hair, hair stylist, funny, hair dresser, at home, box dye, gone wrong, pink hair, blonde, 40 vol, video react, hair
Id: XZ_wDmmgWAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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