Hairdresser Reacts To People Coloring Their Hair Pastel

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hi beautiful wolf you look so gorgeous today oh you're making me nervous i'm literally freaking out like being your presence it's really a lot but i'm gonna try and get through it today we're watching some people without their hair pastel i'm really excited for this because i love a good pastel moment it's just so pretty and like it reminds me of unicorns and unicorns are just so gorgeous so it's gonna be so cool and i am just excited to watch what magic happens hopefully it's good pastel is not very easy to do in your own hair because you have to have really really blond hair to start and you can't have any yellow in it or else it just makes a weird mess on your head so hopefully they make it nice and white they color it nice and pastel and it turns out beautifully but we'll see let's check it out like a fireball yeah i know where are you part of the avengers now i'm morphing into an avenger up first we have a video by kaylee boyle and this is called bleaching my hair at home and dying at lavender why did i do this nobody knows besides you kaylee we're gonna try and go for light purple this is my natural hair color i have the front pieces bleached and then i have the under layer bleach it's grown in like a little over an inch i got plenty of bleach this is half full this is a new one she's about to have a whole different look and go through a whole process to do this because she's starting off with beautiful level six natural hair this is great though because bleaching that is going to be pretty soon not simple it would be simple if she went too professional but since she's doing it herself it might be a little bit difficult but she should get a very nice even lift and a very pure white color when she's done if she does it right well she probably won't do it right so we'll see okay we're gonna get started first thing i have to do is i have to section out the pieces that are already bleached oh i need to change my shirt first [Music] that transition was epic first of all great first two steps we're gonna change her shirt make sure she's not gonna stain her entire shirt that's such an important step that everybody forgets about and then they bleach all over themselves and then also she's sectioning out those front pieces to make sure she doesn't bleach them again because if she bleached them again they would fall off and it'd be really sad don't get me wrong i'm really nervous totally feel like i'm gonna mess with my hair i would hate to see her completely ruin it however i'm excited for her change i know what it feels like when you change your hair it's like the best feeling ever that's why i do this for a living but i'm excited because even if she messes up a little bit like i think it'll still be good i mean it's gonna take a lot to fry her hair off because it's so healthy to start it'll be fine but i've seen people definitely [ __ ] up their hair even if it's healthy before my roots have grown in a lot in some places not and there's like brassy so i'm gonna have to like touch up at like the end so it doesn't sit on my hair as long and then this is the bleach part in the back she's so smart because the heat of the scalp heats up like the bleach and it processes quicker than everything else it's me i'm so proud this is the wella powder lightener and then the 30 devoit why why am i saying to volume it's a volume i'm into that i have my drag name to volume to volume bliche give me the volume [Music] pop up to volume you're trying to slow it to volume because they always have to lower them [Laughter] emma always thinks the music is so loud i'm like oh we're taking big sections i'm happy that she's working from the bottom up though i will say that laying it this way over would be annoying rather than laying on top you know what i'm saying she's definitely saturating i don't know if it's enough but she's definitely trying but her sections are a little too big i'm going to say i'm just going to say it i'm going to give you a 5 out of 10 for sectioning because it's just too big but at least you're sectioning look how much she's using this makes me so happy oh look how blond it's getting wow this is gonna look really good oh my god if my eyes are burning my eyes are watering so bad i would recommend not bleaching your face you're actually not supposed to bleach your face that's probably why your eyes are burning however i'm not a doctor who knows you know emma what do you think unless you have no feelings and you know your nerve senses don't work then i have no feelings yeah that was a bad example unless you're unless your eyes don't work properly um i think that it's a very common thing she's put on like a face mask kind of oh jesus yes yeah does she have any chemical burns looks like it's starting to happen her face is very red it's really yellow mr pack a whole dark patch back there i did my roots after but i don't i think i did it too far for my wrist so this part is a little darker okay listen her hair does look really healthy still and she can bleach it again her roots look nice it's not too off from the ends if it was dry i think it would look a lot more even so i don't think it's that bad i think that she definitely could have done better and left it on longer i don't know how long she left it on for but it seems like there isn't enough of something going on no not bleaching or not enough time and i'm probably gonna go with time but she did a lot of things right like covered her head with uh plastic that way all the heat stays in and everything processes faster and lifts a lot nicer i'm not mad besides the fact that she missed that whole spot in the back of her head i'm mad about that she's doing a lavender thing so what's probably gonna happen is it's just gonna cancel out that yellow on her hair and probably make it a little more like a silver tone with a dash of purple we'll have to see um i don't sometimes it's hard to tell but i think that's what's gonna happen so my hair was still kind of yellow after i went to my boyfriend's house and my boyfriend's sister she went to like cosmetology school she helped me out what you're gonna see in the next few clips is me showing you my hair and then her touching up the spots that i missed because i missed some big patches in the back and then we did a bleach wash and then we proceeded to put the dye i don't know if a bleach wash is going to be enough to get that yellow out of your hair i probably would have bleached the entire mids and ends over again just to really knock that yellow out and be like what in the hell i love this makeshift sync moment we got going on here okay we're getting somewhere oh wow obviously it is not perfect going into this i knew this was not going to be perfect i knew there was probably gonna be yellow pieces i think your hair looks good definitely isn't perfect like you said it's a little yellow in some spots obviously there's a lot of yellow in it my hair would not take the purple in some spots there could be many reasons for that but i think later on when this does wash out because it is a semi-permanent i'm gonna go in with a demi permanent maybe a little bit darker purple i think it turned out really good listen i'm not so mad about this i just want it to be a little bit better next time when this fades out please bleach your mids and ends again like 20 volume for 25 30 minutes until it gets nice and pure to almost white with a little bit of yellow in it then rinse it out and do the lavender all over again just make it a little more even that would look so good on you also another thing that would help is doing your roots a darker lavender and your ends a lighter lavender that way it looks more purposeful and it also covers up those kind of imperfections you have going on but i think it all around looks really dope and i love the change of color for you i think it makes you look a lot more like fun and fabulous i'm glad you love it you look amazing let's check out the next video up next we have a video by ellie addis and this is called i dyed my hair pastel rainbow i have like a proper well up powder bleach and developer i've also got this arctic fox one and then i've got this like random jerome russell eb blonde this is like what the uk girls use to dye their hair from home i like that she has just smorgasbora product just like whatever she get her hands on perfect just keep it nice and confusing you know um i just bleached my hair and i didn't film it just remain positive stay positive guys i look like ross lynch in austin and ali right now i actually hate hate hate it's just not it for me it's the yellow orange roots for me listen so what you can do better next time is actually put bleach on your scalp it was so dried it didn't even look like you had bleach on it there was such a thin coating it looks more even though i will say obviously you start off with some multicolored moment going on and we're about to get some more multicolored moments going on this is the developing lotion and this is the colorant this is the bleach london white toner okay so you're supposed to put it on towel dried hair what i should be doing is sectioning it and painting it on it's not bothered i don't want to this is so draining so what she's doing is like a pre-toner to her toner i think she's trying to make her hair nice and bright white before putting the pastel colors on there which i think is a great idea sometimes i like to do that with clients and make their hair completely white before even going in with those pastel colors that way the pastel colors show up as vibrant and perfect as possible and you're not getting any variation in tone you're actually getting what you mix in the bowl on their head so i think it's a great idea and yes i agree with you you should have sectioned your hair out before putting this on the fumes from the oh the bleach something has happened like i can't fit my legs i got my body properly and it's good enough for what i want to do why does her hair actually look really good i have five hair dyes here time for the pastel it's arctic fox froze crazy color peppermint canary yellow lavender bubble gum blue that's a lot of colors girl i've got the purple are we sure about this okay so i'm gonna speed up the footage and i'm just gonna dye my hair strips of mint pink yellow blue and purple what oh i mean it looks really cool this just seems really way too risky for this girl who seems a little bit out of it it was not good oh no no no no didn't take the purple didn't take i knew it was gonna look bad i knew it i've got the bleach london washing out liquid on my head and i'm gonna leave that for like 10 minutes and then wash out this is what happens you put light colors over yellow hair they all just start to look muddy and gross okay it didn't turn out as bad as i thought it was going to i literally put purple hair all over my head so there's like weird muted yellow there because what i was going to do is i didn't even expect to keep it for five minutes but i actually might because it looks like quite purpley with like pops of blue and yellow and stuff i like it and i'm gonna leave it okay let me just say something let me say it no let me say it let me see this pastel pink on you is quadruple chef's kiss like it looks so good your eyes look so amazing the pink eyeshadow with it give me more i also really like the yellow in between the pink but i think it should be a little more purple next time and like maybe just do a few little dashes of yellow up here and down there um make a little more pastel yellow rather than so bright i don't know i love this color combo it looks really nice i just think the placement could be a bit better next time for what you did you should be happy with what you have and you are and you look great so probably this next video is by abby hoyt this is called dye my hair pastel rainbow at home i'm going to be dyeing my hair pastel rainbow by myself i guess first we should take my hair out of this okay so now that my hair looks like this i'm gonna brush it she has a great palette to start with it's pretty even even enough and it's light enough to do pastel colors so at least we have that okay so there's my pink strand is that green enough i like can't tell if i want to add more green okay the blue and the green are actually looking very similar on my hair girl these are way too light i feel like they're not even gonna show up at all when you rinse it off it's gonna be so depressing when you put all that work in and you rinse it off and it's all gone yeah i'm gonna add a little more to each one thank you hair gods okay that oxide does not look pastel anymore this also is not looking that pastel anymore so i might add a little more conditioner to this one too i think that's a good feeling that you should naturally have right now because i'm terrified okay we're halfway done with my hair we have done two sections and we only have two more to go i don't know what what's gonna happen here might be okay except the placement seems very haphazard and random which is never a good sign so i'm gonna say this is probably oh i almost changed my mind this actually looks kind of good is this gonna come out good this is what it's looking like i see a lot of green not much pink and purple going on and i wanted mostly pink and purple and it literally looks like it's the only thing that showed up is green and that's all blended together and it just turned green so i'm going to blow dry it and style it it's giving me like coral reef vibes you know like bottom of the ocean like coral reef some greeny tones a little bit of pink in there it'll be lighter when it's dry so it'll be good okay guys so this is what my hair looks like and literally almost all the pink and purple came out and you can only see like green so i'm gonna go over in the pink and purple spots with more pink and purple and leave it in for like 20 more minutes and then wash it out again and blow dry my hair and come back and make it way more vibrant because i think if it all stayed in it would be really pretty so this is the thing if you went to a salon and got this done we would section it out we have a whole map in our heads on how each color will lay and blend with each other and we section it out according to that kind of map in our head here you kind of just put colors where you saw fit next time if you do this yourself i would kind of map it out in your head first even draw it out and choose a pattern of how you're gonna place things that way you know where to put the next color and how it's gonna look when it's all dried okay guys so this is my hair i actually think it turned out so cute because it actually is pastel and it is all like really blended but i don't think it looks bad like it's literally what i wanted and i think it's just so pretty i really like it as well i also think you should like do a little wave in your hair it'll you know distract from the imperfections a little bit more but her hair looks really nice and shiny and pretty i'm into the variations of color and the tones of the color you did are actually gorgeous as well so kind of impressed kind of shocked it didn't come out horrible it looks good it looks really nice i think this is a really good look for you and next time just map it out and make sure you know what you're doing before you start doing it and also do some like ombre pieces where it goes from like blue to pink on one hair strand that'll add to that like variation in color all over it'll look really gorgeous those pastel moments were actually really quite nice i mean definitely none of them were like flawless but they ended up with pretty decent hair i love a good pastel moment i just wish they were like a lot more perfect next time let's just work on it let's work on our technique make sure you guys subscribe right down below if you're not already click the like button and the bell icon if you're not already doing that it's really sweet of you to press it you know so do it now did you do it you didn't okay well let's move on make sure you follow me everywhere else here are all my different social media handles i'm everywhere you can literally find me everywhere at all times i don't sleep if you guys want to check out my haircare line you can do so right down below at you can also check us out on instagram x model hair and x mundo color on instagram to see what we have going on if you guys would like to text me yes this is a real number this really goes to my phone and yes i release all your messages i'll be responding to a few of you guys if you text me right now you'll also be notified every time i post a new video if you text this number today's instagram shout out goes to khloe she says hi brad i have a few questions for you about my hair my hair is very thick and curly but it's also very dry and frizzy i don't know how to deal with it so if you have any tips on how to deal with it and make my hair healthier that'd be great well chloe i'm obviously going to recommend my own products because i know they work and i'm confident in them i would say use a really moisturizing shampoo and conditioner like hydro glow hydrating shampoo conditioner buy my own brand x mondo that'll really help tame that frizz we've combined amazing oils in there and de-frizzing benefits into the product and it'll help rehydrate your hair and make it so much more manageable and healthy along with that i would definitely use a waveforming foam like wavetech my product and if your end need an extra moisture and a little bit more of a kick of moisture you can totally put some of my viper oil over the wave tech and scrunch it all in that will give you super hydrated shiny waves that'll last you so long like weeks on end and it'll look so perfect and amazing so i hope that helps khloe and your hair is beautiful just needs a little more product and a little more love that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 2,010,380
Rating: 4.9735079 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To People Coloring Their Hair Pastel, pastel hair, pink pastel, how to color your hair pastel, pastel hair color, bleach hair, color hair, how to bleach your hair, diy hair, hair fail, pink hair, hair stylist, fall off, gone wrong, hairdresser reacts, hair dresser, 40 vol, blue hair, funny, at home, hair color, video react, hairdresser, rainbow hair, hair fails, hair dye, hilarious, xmondo color, xmondo hair
Id: wNI8BowGMs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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