Hairdresser Reacts To Boyfriends Cutting Their Girlfriends’ Hair

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hi beautiful you look incredible today actually you always look incredible thank you for being here so I think we've all lost our minds just a little bit at this point and so have the girlfriends of the world and you know why because they're letting their boyfriends cut their hair sorry but something about that sentence doesn't make sense to me so today we're watching some guys cut their girlfriends hair and boy have I found some interesting videos to watch with you and glisten these girls are cutting off a lot of hair I'm excited and nervous to see what happens let's see if any of these guys have any well hair skills hopefully there's just a little bit of skill there I'm not expecting anything good to happen today but we shall see let's get it started [Music] all right our first girl letting her boyfriend cut her weave is Angelina Nicole and this is I let my boyfriend cut my hair like really short she's our first contestant all right let's watch and see what happens oh my god she has some beautiful hair okay let me just say you have the most beautiful hair the color is impeccable the length is amazing the wave the texture is beautiful I think it's a great Shore too but like why are you growing it longer than I that's perfect anything longer than that you're not gonna have any style is there's gonna be like hair that's like too long you guys know how I feel about hair that's too long right this is pretty much my natural hair color I already know that when I cut it it's gonna go a lot darker because most of the blonde is in the ends of my hair also another twist not only am i cutting my hair I'm actually not doing it I'm putting my trust in to my boyfriend's hand he's gonna be cutting my hair please pray for me how much you want to bet one of these couples ended up breaking up because of one of these haircut videos this is like the length and style well not really style the line what my hair looks fine sorry that's kind of the length I'm trying to go for neither of us know what we're doing I think this short is going to look amazing it's gonna really help her situation with the ends and that you know the deadness going on there and the splitting she rocks like the split end look I know those words that just came out of my mouth kind of make no sense but she does you have to admit it she rocks that grungy split and look I don't have a problem with it why are you bunching it all up in one I actually can't believe I'm doing this right now Oh are we chopping it off I feel you're cutting social course stop moving your head moving it literally just going in there and chopping it oh okay he definitely cut it a little shorter than those pictures hopefully she never wears her hair straight because he is cutting her hair wavy and when she straightens it it's going to look completely different it's not the best idea I'm starting off shorter because if I go straight to being like taking it to the length you want you might look and be like that's like a few inches too long that made sense so what he's doing right now is over directing the hair from the front to the back so she's gonna end up with more length in the front and it's gonna be shorter in the back which is totally fine but it's kind of an outdated look I would have preferred him to just cut around her head but maybe he's gonna do that later I don't know what this technique is I'm not familiar with it so I have to get familiar with it so hang on I'm thinking maybe like we're gonna try and cut it shorter now listen it's one thing like chopping off of ends now you're gonna get into like little tiny trims it's gonna become all uneven in the disaster Wow I'm so positive I think yes go shorter fun-fun-fun like you asked me as you had it oh you're cutting off music okay I just closed my probably he's kind of my vibe she looks so cute what did I say the front it's gonna be a lot longer than that I put the top layer up because it was really hard to cut it all evenly no they're just chopping away she's like maybe I should put the top layer up some maybe now maybe now I should do that maybe you should have done that to start maybe you should have to put the top layer up cut sections at a time but hey that might have been too easy for you why are we cutting everything to the back we go to the shoulder just a little trimming trim no trim you trim trim oh this looks oh listen he doesn't look good that was not Oh that wasn't a good idea that is not face-framing let's do the other side I think you need to do it like where it's angled yes yes no it was going so good how do you want to fix this show me a photo for how you want it do they love how confident he is still show me a photo I can make it look like the photo you don't know what you're doing how are you gonna make it look like the photo and when just pretend the banks aren't the thing right now because they're stupid and they look better take a shower okay let's just put them down from your face yeah yeah this has gone from her being so calm she's like I'm ready for this to like I don't want a part of this anymore also can we get some layering in that hair we're really just gonna make this one little blunt straight across guy come on it's gonna help add volume to those waves it's gonna help add more texture really enhance her wave pattern come on give it to me so this is the after mine um I actually just cut it like an inch shorter by myself last night it's a couple days later after cutting my hair and I just kind of wanted it oh my god she looks so hot this is the final reveal Hach absolutely love it I'm so glad that I did this I just feel like my hair so much healthier it's like getting way more curly as well because it's not like as weighed down as it was before I just I love it so much beautiful it actually came out really good listen I still would rather her have done it professionally or just like take in you know you just watch me me like my video on how to like cut you know some layering in the hair and like do an actual haircut you know she definitely needed layering she definitely needed something in there to make it not so one length but other than that I think it looks great ah she's so beautiful her hair is just fabulous it looks great wasn't perfect but great job let's move on alright up next we have PHEVs passion and this is boyfriend cuts girlfriends long hair thank you for the simple title appreciate it you've seen it in the title I'm going to get my hair cut by my boyfriend or I keep saying boyfriend but he's actually my fiance he's going ruins my hair when I really want a short hair because my hair has been really irritating me this is how long oh that's really long let's do a snippy snip huh this is the scissor that we're gonna use is just one perfect location scissors I actually know one of you but I'm scared we're just coming I am I'm scared [Music] wait all the hair in the back and cutting it again oh no oh my god I didn't think he's gonna go that short I thought they were like kidding why are you going up in the slant I didn't think this is this is gonna happen like this this looks terrible what your boyfriend he's cut your hair at least follow a tutorial or like put your hair in two sections for that we can't be doing the whole thing at once like that that's scary it's not how it works [Music] that is like four years of growth probably or more doesn't look fun to do though I kinda wish I was him I forgot better be straight [Music] your eyes just leave it like that [Music] yo what are we doing like in reality she's so jealous she's like I don't you think you just cut my hair off fun I think this is a wig or something I think this can't be true that they just cut that much hair off of her head and she's chill about it oh it's so bad don't leave it are you leaving like that also kind of sad you guys didn't donate the hair next time please you gonna put it in bundles first and then cut it alright guys if you're if anybody out there is about to cut a lot of their hair off donate it you can donate colored hair now it's so jagged [Music] not even a little bit straight nobody thinks it's straight okay that is the most chill girl ever I can't believe she was just like whatever do it I mean the haircut looks so good I actually made her color look a lot better and a lot more modern which is weird I mean that hair before was doing nothing for her it was just too long there was nothing good about it she definitely has thick beautiful hair but the short hair was incredible and looked stunning on her I love it alright let's move on alright this next video is by Emily Lou and this is boyfriend cuts my hair oh yeah right and then we could style it from there Oh she's gonna cuff all blonde I'm just good okay be careful with those scissors man it's scary gonna close the scissors man close them chuckles Chavez friend like that would have come straight though because if I caught it all together this wouldn't do this wait okay that was actually so cool he actually knew what he was saying a little bit but he guy got it wrong I think he said if he cuts it all in the back won't it curve like this but no it'll actually curve slightly like that when you bring it to the front if you cut it all to the back I know like that he's thinking about these things that's impressive I like that Oh too late you can't go back dude these girls are all bad they're just like cutting do it get rid of it that's someone you know I don't really usually get my hair cut this much so I feel like if they all went to hairdressers maybe you so much more cautious and scared but because their boyfriends are cutting their hair they're like that's okay just do everyone okay oh I feel so happy I look like him I'm gonna be careful with those scissors man before and so keep oh so much better my help evil you just cut a hole like ten inches so I hope so drive home oh yeah I like that he's not pulling everything to the back and cutting it though I'm so happy he's cutting the sides and then the back so much better now let's see if he can make the line go straight all the way around that's another difficult task you like drop it all on my leg and feel it on my feet a protractor hmm I need a protractor be like this is good he's getting a high level he's trying to make a straight line I appreciate this however he did cut this side going back instead of standing on my side and cutting it on the side even though that sides definitely longer on the right see that's what happens when you pull it to the back and cut it in the back rather than cutting it on the side yeah the diagonal and this is like no this is the thing okay I thought he would I thought he was doing the best job out of all of them and now all of a sudden he's doing the absolute worst job out of all the people we've seen I feel like you went like this and then they just go what happened is long it's an asymmetrical bob that's what you tell your clients when you have a knife cut their hair I'm just kidding I don't do that exactly like 200 times oh my god it goes from having it too long that's too short man what thump what that was going on oh it looks so good I mean by so good I mean like it could be a lot better but I'll take it I wish my hair was a bit longer so I can just give me this because how stupid does this bit look this is like some weird oh yeah you need to color that please it's gonna be so weird I didn't mean having old you like it oh she needed to perfect that cut a lot more please tell me she's going to a hairdresser all over she at least needs some layering come on doesn't need to be a lot it really doesn't just give me some kind of texture or something going on some kind of movement I mean it's just so one length which I have no problem with but usually I really only do one length haircut some people with finer hair just texture okay you can still be one length but just text gave me a little bit of texture and also cut those little straggly ends off please however love the shorter hair you killed it I like your darker hair a lot - I think it's a new fresh fun look for you and I think you should definitely just close those little pieces dark to put a level-4 demi-permanent color over your entire head and it'll fix those little light pieces on the bottom and it'll add a lot of shine to your hair oh girl that was a big chop so happy for you I looked in granite up next we have Ellie Smith and this is I let my boyfriend cut my hair and in isolation so it's gonna be cutting my hair well I washed it this morning so it's kind of like wet but then it's partially dry why are the ends the only thing that's wet what was the concept behind that why don't you just wet the entire head I mean also God get rid of those ads they're hanging on for dear life and they're not needed by I want about I want about that much more yes about two inches let's cut it off and then you can even up like as you go along basically just cut less off first and then you can always work your way up on what has gone he knew it she was he went back there and he's like honey these ends they need to go and you just didn't tell her to you just cut him off he's like I don't want to start a fight over these dead ends but I'm and I just cut them off and hopefully she doesn't notice but she noticed listen he is putting in the work he's doing his best I said it listen he look at that line oh that deserves an applause killed it he nailed that one okay we're almost level they might take a look of the middle we love a perfectionist I actually quite liked it you know thank you I used to have thank you it's so much better behind Bob again no baby long bob as I got your shoulders a bob is at your chin this is just long hair yes let's see it all styled yes I really like it I'm gonna look so good oh my god Wow done a good job I'm gonna end the video here it's probably gonna be really short short and sweet but yeah she won't sweet on my hair listen he nailed that like I am satisfied that was brilliant that was beautiful I love the haircut I just love a good change you guys know me come on she needed that haircut real bad and listen I think he did you a favor babe I think you should go and thank him you know what I mean so actually there ended up being no real hair disasters like nothing happened that me these girls have an absolute mental breakdown thank believe and listen I think the guys is a great job I think it was so fun to watch and why not have fun with your hair it always grows back it's not that big of a deal and congrats to you girls on your new looks you look great and don't forget to follow me on instagram twitter and tic top bra motto NYC I also have a Facebook page and I have a snapchat series under mando and if you want fabulous glowing healthy Rhetta bull gorgeous hair then head to X mono hair a calm it's linked below also you can go to X mono hair on Instagram and see what's going on and what kind of launches we have coming up very soon and that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and I'll see you next time bye guys this is BDSM are slick and defined balm this is gonna be a perfect product to finish any style you just put a little in your hands distribute it to the bottoms of your hair and you'll get that lived in a sort of cool texture we're seeing a lot of nowadays also best thing to use is for flyaways edges tame them down girl get them glued to that forehead you know that look
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 3,262,649
Rating: 4.9616556 out of 5
Keywords: Hairdresser Reacts To Boyfriends Cutting Their Girlfriends’ Hair, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, brad mondo, how to, hairdresser reacts, hair cut, at home, box dye, hair tutorial, hair fail, diy hair, hair color, hair stylist, diy haircut, long hair, 40 vol, how to cut your own hair, bleaching hair, curly hair, how to cut your hair at home, cutting my own hair, fall off, jenna marbles, haircut tutorial, long to short hair, boyfriend cuts my hair, Long bob
Id: AokHiAwoM_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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