H3 Podcast #98 - Jacksfilms & Erik of Comment Etiquette

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Hey guys- just wanted to chime in and let you know we are aware of the desync issue and are working on a fix right now. May have to reupload unfortunately.

This is a really strange glitch where there was about 40 seconds of missing footage after the stream yesterday which, while a bummer, was something that we could live with.

Then roughly 7 hours ago the missing video suddenly reappeared in the VOD... but the audio didn't- causing the remainder of the episode to be massively out of sync.

I've been doing livestreaming on YouTube for about 6+ years now and have never seen it glitch this badly. Really a head scratcher. Hope to have a solution soon!

-Producer Dan


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dan_H3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have to say, these episodes with Jacksfilms and Erik are some of my favorite. It’s like just a group of friends hanging out. We need more of them!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 141 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toe_riffic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"England loves Anal"

Points at Sweden

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/elboydo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Soy has phytoestrogen, which are not compatible with humans. For instance milk has a shit ton of mammalian estrogen, so someone who drinks milk will get more estrogen than someone who drinks soy milk.

The boob thing is a myth.

You are safe, Erik. (And Dan).

Papa bless.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_lemontree πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best podcast I've seen for a long time, maybe ever. I could listen to these guys for ages, got cut off early IMO.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DontEatTheChapstick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Erik is so fucking funny! He should seriously try stand up. I'd be a fan

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AreMyEyesOk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"ive tried hentai out of personal curiosity"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/B1gWh17 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Most of these dudes are lying about not liking hentai

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/macastro1964 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The bois are back in town heck yeah.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/smorgies4545 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome everybody to the a slurry podcast live here we are again thank you so much for joining us thank you to stitch fix clip expressvpn inaudible for sponsoring this episode in here I sit with you the finest men alive the boys in fact more charitably or ant lovingly yeah boys let's say lovingly I like that I want to charitable I was you take love yeah yeah yeah anyway Jack films and the common etiquette god bless them both and the SOI board well I'm no expert on the matter I think boys my favorite insult like it used to be Chuck you call people a it's like and whether or not you think it has any power you get called a no I'm not yeah the soy boys even funnier because it's just like directly attacking your testosterone levels you're just not a man you are a soy boy who's got soy in your veins and you don't eat meat now what it's the so it's because you're a vegetarian I thought it's because soy makes your tits bigger that's it yeah that's or decreases estrogen right so he's got estrogen apparently has estrogen in it Wow that's these guys really know it's a layered term yeah it's a lot going on is it as popular as no like I don't think so yeah it's honestly so it's been on its way for a while the stock is rising it's hard to genuinely insult somebody with a phrase like soy boy yeah it's somewhat jovial and thrilling I've met more people who like this shirt for the message of positivity and soy then I have people who are like oh is it damask you letting to heat soy sauce in these guys eyes yes they're like soy sauce I was like over indulges in soy sauce and things was not like you know well I mean that said their cholesterol is probably gonna be great because that's very high in sodium that's right yeah it's a health thing it might be a healthy out of them yeah Jack how are you god bless welcome here thank you thank you very um you're in the Christmas spirit my dad what what makes you say that even even your dog the Christmas hat ception over here Jack's bar I'm trying to get in the spirit cuz I was talking with you a little bit earlier just not in the Christmas spirit yet and I don't know what what that is because Christmas is my favorite freaking holiday and I need to like wake up and get in that Christmas spirit I don't know if it's like just because it's in LA but I mean like that you've LA for eight years that should be from and your previous Christmases have been jolly very very percent dully yeah I'm usually like writing music and and now I'm just kind of like so I'm trying to like really get back in so what do you think's going on why is this Christmas the jolly levels are a bit lower than previous years I don't know cause like what back home we're watching all the all the lifetime hallmark movies every single one and like each one worse than the one after it it's absurd but we're doing that we got all the ornaments and stuff do you guys get gifts to each other where I think this year we're not gonna do gifts we're just kind of over the gifts thing but we usually do is that part of the problem that's what it is no he's like dude he's like dude it's so much more than that well what does it mean to be in the Christmas spirit because I'm a young Jewish boy Eric are you Jewish no I'm I did I do Christmas but I'm I'm with Jack I'm not feeling the spirit right I thought you were a Jew can I say that because you've got your name's milk and your last name is all cut that out I mean half the comments on my youtube channel are people calling me that so everyone gets it that's almost prevalent it's soy boy yeah well they're all comments do wanna you know combo so explain to me a young sweet Jewish lad yes what does it mean the Christmas spirit because my dad has always been a bit of a Grinch yeah he and Christmas spirit was taken from me it helped it helps if you just crank the music out like as loud as you can in every room you know you do that uh well we have previously sometimes out just like music yeah just like I like the mannequin so let me tell you what's Christmas oh it's a whole world okay oh it's lovely I think I might get a second Israel like the Hava Nagila that stuff is not cool that's because they didn't do an electric violin version of it for like a Sears commercial oh that would help that thing has been playing for like 20 years trans-siberian Orchestra styling what it is just kind of like a control is that the band that does it though it's like I so I always get them confused trans-siberian Orchestra and then there's another one and I'm sure you people guys online you know I'm talking about get it mixed up but they were both like very since heavy you know that one is transfer burns you nailed it trans-siberian okay yeah and that's like they do this you know very MIDI carol of the bells and that's where they have like the electric guitar yeah I feel like you're getting in the Christmas spirit well you see okay you have it and I don't know Arirang no I don't because when I hear Christmas music on the radio I angry because I swear to God because like my favorite station is like I listen to all these on the radio and then when in November when like yeah November after Thanksgiving all the way through the new year it's the same freaking Christmas music and I want to get I don't want to hear that I want to hear actual music that I want here it's just once a year yeah swallowed up just one month of the year it's like one twelfth of my whole year doctor right it was a whole bit earlier they pick it up a little bit like they've got a figure they think doing Christmas Lanka but there is I think Hanukkah music is neglected I mean Paul McCartney never wrote a Hanukkah I mean everybody on the Christmas I'm digging into my own my rolodex surprised me Chris right no peeling that barn you out a serious song what's that really famous one he didn't write Hanukkah song he did write a Christmas famous we yeah and that one it's I'm gonna claim just for humming it I love Paul McCartney Paul McCartney i sir - you cringe he is knighted but that song sucks I'm sorry yeah Wow Paul McCartney but that just clone - Paul McCartney's we're not the bullet bourbon boys oh yeah just gonna take like hot swings out of that thing what do you want you guys want can we get some glasses in here for the boys please oh thank you just gonna hit that dance and your imagine it I'm intrigued though by your your having what seems to be an existential crisis in your life yeah yeah it just just lack of I just I'm just in a weird I'm in weird shape right now it's the Christmas thing it's a whole creativity thing you know burnout but it's just it's just figuring out and so mmm I mean sure I've been through this am I in my personal life so many times in my career in YouTube but I'm fascinated by it it's kind of a self feeding cycle in a sense are you getting negative comments from your fans is that feeding it or like or are they supportive there they've lately they've been extremely supportive very thankful for that and they just they've been giving me some pretty solid constructive criticism in the past just because my videos I've just been very stagnant in quantity or a quality I should say is that part of the issue for you and then knowing that is the issue for me yeah just like how do I get out of this rut cuz all my videos are like a month ago all my videos were the same and I hated where I was at and so it's like I don't like get out of there so I'm trying new stuff and getting back in the groove slowly but it you know it's not perfect I'm fighting it what what do you do when you're in a rut I was when I'm gonna run yeah I was gonna say I run I don't know what to do oh no I'm not what's the opposite of a role you know I'm in a role yeah in a role you're I'm gonna roll down the hill my help one fire you're never in a towards a rut you know you don't roast enough to be in a rod no that's true I guess I would help sir I guess that would help but why don't you you're not gonna post more that will not happen well I don't I think in my leading you know what would what would help that along is if I had like a studio so right now I film everything in my room right but if I had like a dedicated space I could go to and film things in hmmm I just like overthink before I start filming it which would not give like a place would that give you incentive yeah like get out of bed and you know the work is so weird like because I wake up and then oh that's where I'm going all day my point it's just my chair recreation and work is your personal life this isn't my bed anymore this is my tripod yeah I used to be in New York it was really rough like it's your living room your bedroom your work room you're everything it's nicely one tiny yeah yeah but you got AC in there I believe I do finally a but I only got AC but I'm never gonna use it too offensive or what no I just like being sweaty I'll use it when I'm editing yeah but I will say Jack the Will Smith fit you made well yeah fantastic thank you for comments were great everyone was very happy that was submit you feel jolly absolutely that put me in the Christmas spirit right away that certainly certainly helped no that was great like seeing the feedback like oh so many comments were like the old Jack is back and that's to me that's the highest praise because that's where I'm trying to get back to UM times I'm wonder if that's like because I've been there people haven't telling me they miss the oldies and forever but it's like tasting the drag that I hate hearing that even when it's in a good way because right they mean the best but it's still a thing yeah it's a double-edged compliment you don't wanna you need to you just it's hard not to look back but you kind of have to not yeah you shouldn't it I think it's a and B because well first off senses of humor do evolve over time and I found funny five years ago even two years ago I don't find funny now or I find it funny in a different way hmm I do feel like sometimes I I got to go back and the archives and figure out what was I doing back then that was that I just wouldn't even think of sometimes it's like that's where he gets well we know what it was yeah I find when I look back on my old videos it's not so much that like I was doing something it's just it's really about the state of mind yeah because you're in a healthy place in your mind you doubt yourself less you question yourself less and you're when you're I find that when I'm in a better headspace I'm always making better stuff so I found that it's very much about how I'm feeling rather than something specifically I'm doing you kind of like just fearlessly just like making moving on yeah I like that I like that I I just get in these like that's a good way to put it because I do I paced around the house like all day it's just it's it's sad are you just trying to think of ideas yeah and I'm talking to myself fleshing out ideas and jokes is this funny will this work and yeah being in the right state of mind I think would work wonders are you in therapy I am not in therapy personally but army it's been huge yeah because I've been in a rut and I always thought of therapy as some like I was like dude it and smell your own why were out at therapy but I swear to God it's helped me a lot and I think it actually helped me get out of my rut because there's so much other going on it's it's hard to it's really so hard to step out of yourself and see what's the actual problem so all the times the real problem is not something that you are addressing or even aware of and that honestly has been really valuable to me how once a week twice yeah I go once a week he tells me I need to come twice a week but he's like you really ought to come twice a week you're up need your therapy are you have it's great you're cured you know it's like it's like pausing your Netflix subscription [Laughter] yeah there shouldn't be a stigma about therapy even though that you know people like to put one there just because it's like well I'm not going to one so I must be good then a week later like their grandma dies and like you might want to unravel that yeah yarn yeah are you how is there a reason you haven't considered therapy or you just felt like you haven't needed it you know I guess the latter I've just never put much the thought into it it's not that I don't believe in it because I absolutely would do me good it's just one of those I just haven't pursued it because it's a whole thing it's a whole thing yeah and I I'm not and I'm not knocking it I'm sure I could I could absolutely benefit from it I just I don't know I feel like I gotta figure I don't know I say I got to figure it out but I know therapy would help me well the thing is I was stuck in a rut for so long and I was I was just I was like super irritable and I was super just like like I was always trying to get out of it and run and run and run and I was just running like in a hamster wheel I don't know if this is your situation I'm totally on my own person but I felt like I was in a hamster wheel for like a whole year just right I was getting worse and worse and worse yeah and so I just had like a breaking point where I started taking medicine and started going to therapy and I think that was like three months ago but I tell you life-changing that's fantastic man I guess I mean what was the stories we miss coming on the show actually I hear I'm laughing back I love that one okay yes the last time I went to him he's like I really think you should come twice a week don't it's too much yeah you gotta push down somewhere yeah Wow holy so I'm not supposed to drink alcohol but I'm also don't wanna be a Grinch well either definitely can't drink all guys she's got a bun in the middle of and you're not drinking she's not drinking I'm not drinking that's my cuz apparently on antidepressants you're not supposed to drink alcohol but does anyone really care about that I apologize well here's me and Jax therapy bad luck did not Cheers another alcohol drink yeah I know so pregnant women yeah look something I just avoid ladders that's all I'm gonna say okay wait who curse - did I curse you or did you curse me well I have the alcohol so I think you I think all right you guys wanna watch some video some enough for this uh show me them videos yeah what's that what's good on the what's good on the boob tube man have you seen YouTube rewind hmm YouTube rewind what's that okay yep actually I haven't seen that I okay so I think yeah what the is in there for me do we watch together is that old news mmm I feel like everybody might you want my password I mean we can get Eric's live reaction are you through that's pretty special oh just be staring into this camera like it's the office the whole yeah oh I do want to make a couple announcements before we proceed Tuesday's our big annual charity stream with Justin roiland Alex Hirsch we've got it bigger and badder than ever so and also post Malone is donating a smash guitar signed for the raffle as well as many other items Joey salads is here he's gonna eat progressively hotter peppers at every milestone we have a little kiddie pool full of milk he's gonna put on a life vest little rubber duckies and a whole scuba gear sit in a pool of milk and eat progressively hotter peppers all the way up to Carolina Reaper and I think we should know he's flying in for this yeah this is a big event this is huge can I be the set medic also on Friday we want to do the best and worst of the h3 podcast it's gonna be it's gonna be rough send your submissions to podcast at HBO reproductions calm for your best and worst so let's skip let's skip YouTube rewind let's uh oh this is amazing so this year you guys are gonna this is amazing Mark Wahlberg you know it's funny to see Mark these days cuz we saw him recently in a in a movie with Tom Segura was in that movie the instant family and it's a great movie and it's such a wholesome fun and he's got this wholesome vibe now mm-hmm but here's Mark back in the ninth like real goofy pretty boy listen how he talks he throws on like an accent oh I think he dropped some wine in here that is will become iconic goes out to my man Calvin Klein good looking out for the drawers not saying I would do another Fruit of the Loom commercial or nothing like that cuz they don't make the hype shorts these these are the nineties man they just fit good and they hold hold me snug so I'm about to go get some skins I'm not gonna put on like no silk underwear oh she's got freckles it's like a YouTube prankster who she got freckles she got freckles wait it gets better there's no music I definitely got like a sock in his pants look at that lump looks like he's got a big one you think you know yeah not that big it looks like an eggplant that's crosses a look at that shudder I don't think it's supposed to fit like a diaper dude Mount Vesuvius though man but here we go the real it's what they removed the music to make it awkward alright this is this really the 90s that's just how they did it yeah my money on mark this is real yeah like a real lack yes oh and here comes no the best protection against aids just to keep the Cowan's on that's protected against AIDS keep your Calvin's on well does that mean if he puts his dick through the hole then here doesn't get AIDS maybe it's the kind that doesn't separate you know that's there's so many things wrong right well yeah sure we can unpack mostly you could still get AIDS with those on I guarantee you like the AIDS scare of the 90s yourself underwear go you got put on your couch your baby let me you through my Calvin's full body Calvin's best way to prevent AIDS is heat it on your couch I guess he's saying is he promoting celibacy is that what he's doing what is that like not having sex keeping his undies like flirting with her yeah yeah right so the message doesn't make sense because he's absolutely promoting celibacy and yet at the same time he just wants a hand guy yeah that's the line they cut out at the end this way to prevent AIDS get a hand guy I'm Martin Martin oh another take okay oh okay that wasn't that was you know like what is Nancy Reagan need me to say right seriously or wait who was it that was cuz guys remember like in sex ed every time it was like okay here's the different steps of protection you can take but really don't have sex right absolutely what's the congregation I'm I had some wild lessons and sex ed did you guys like I had one teacher I had a lot of conservative teachers I don't know why one teacher had told our whole class straight up she said guys women do not enjoy sex I'm telling you right now the female orgasm is a myth whoa doctor told her whole father she's like women do not enjoy sex and I had watched a lot of porn in my life by then and I was like that is not the impression I got I know porn over sells it but I was really comma ties because I was like whoa like what a terrible forget it yeah so just you know get yours all right I mean I guess her point was that you put it into make a baby and then you take it out right she got that across it was it the abstinence yeah that was what they always called it in sex ed I went to he abstinent Catholic middle school and that was absolutely all they tell you about condoms at all they did but they were heavily frowned upon just just don't do like if you absolutely have to sin yes they put like fish hooks through it is how they come yeah we call it these are condoms aka Satan's hand Satan's mouth right they heat up real hot they burn you and the only other 50% success rate yes don't try children we call these Satan's butthole it's like putting your dick and Satan's butthole when he put a condom on he was great he's there what was sex had like in Israel it was like what they teach you and I mean not like a one time session they're just like here we go guys person someone would come like not the teacher someone else would come they demonstrate and oh yeah it's like straight out of like freaks and cakes yeah I don't really remember it was very short and everyone was feeling awkward yeah I remember they showed us gnarly pictures of like STD ridden penises really that oh yeah like an unbelievable overhead projector yeah there were like real pictures like a penis like the only way can describe it is like a lion's mane of chlamydia there were always the illustrations not good we only got a yeah if it was we got illustrations Jack would be in the Christmas spirit clear with the sitch the situation i know ii ii ii touch yeah so what about the celibacy yeah yeah of course there I'm sorry of the situation yeah well so it was a sweet message cuz you had on one hand what's her name the girl who ran with McCain Bristol Palin yeah Sarah Palin's daughter who has like three kids at a wedlock advocating for celibacy and then then uh she might actuator get it like that might get people to be celibate I mean you're a hypocrite but don't go let's see these we may have watched it on the podcast so we have washing you did a long time ago yeah yeah you guys know that if he'd call Mark Wahlberg Marky Mark he gets really mad no I didn't like that oh really but that should be like a term of endearment like what it's a nickname I think it's like a rebranding thing he's just like oh shot I named ed by the way you know when he was young he like beat the of a Chinese guy blind yeah gotten a lot of trouble made some dude blind right I don't I think he's like he's handled that by just like burying it but like it keeps coming up every couple of years on reddit really today I learned Marky Mark nearly killed the guys did you know he's the one with the crazy schedule right yeah I'll stir it out mister 3:00 a.m. yeah I don't get you don't have to wake up at 3:00 a.m. that doesn't impress me you can wake up at 6:00 a.m. and still do as much what's up what was his bedtime if you woke up at 3:00 we watch that let's watch that it's not an actor watch take a picture of his schedule oh I thought he had a video talking James Corden in a bit with him they like he I think the host James Gordon tried to like live a life live a day in the life of Mark Wahlberg via that's really old sketch I hear ya it's like I'm trending morning well that's just not that's not admirable that's just that's lunacy yeah these vanity is what it is and what time do you go to bed when you wake up at 3:00 and kids and shake it's eight you don't live a life if you only go to eight really you don't you work anywhere today I mean like I don't believe that this is a daily schedule for the guy maybe when he's like Mark Wahlberg's insane workout schedule starts at 2:30 in the morning that's ridiculous is this guy's superhuman well no he just goes to bed at 8:00 like a nine-year-old what up what a nerd what a pointer busy he goes to bed at 7:30 ela correct the record imagine going to bed at 7:30 oh my god imagine being famous and wealthy and achieving everything you ever wanted in life and going to bed at 7:30 doesn't that undermine elf success my night doesn't start to like 10:00 that's the picture of the schedule typical daily schedule cryo chamber I'm sorry that was the first thing that cryo chamber recalled well that's the secret right right it's prayer time bateman nine to 45 SCOTUS thank God he prays for 30 minutes that's a that's a hell of a prayer man he's got a rosary and a half God please don't let me get in more trouble for that please Jesus please don't anyone call me Marky Mark today drop dead I'll make him blind dear Lord post-workout meal shower golf this got time to pray and golf okay but to be fair got nobody calls for 30 minutes you think he's whacking off something else probably got a little tea maybe like a little green driving range or something yeah yeah it's nap time meaning golf at home he's got 30 minutes for a snack what a cutie pie what is he like a boss the juice and some crackers no no no that's wrong he has an hour and a half of snack time our oh my god it's 90 minutes boys allocate that time more to golfers and then he has another snack immediately after that so he's just snacking living it up he's definitely snacking in the cryo chamber like what else do you do in there is in there for an hour yeah look at this 11:00 a.m. family time it's like all right everybody gather up get around we got one hour well well y'all so careful he also has a sandwich in meetings and work calls so it's family time but he's on the phone the whole time they don't even get their own hour yeah but everybody let's take an hour for lunch yes Marky Mark he's like okay everybody they've lunch that we've made fun of a lot of people the four of us when we're all together but this is the first time I've been afraid that like they're gonna kick this door down and just blind in one eye but you guys are making jokes about me huh boys you see Planet of the Apes I heard you guys were mean he's got kind of a Mike Tyson thing with the realsense there was I heard you guys were making jokes about me I just want to tell you he has like the sense even I just want to tell you guys across that it's not cool that you guys making fun of me he looks like he's always explaining to a kid why they can't buy a present Wow really accurate I just don't get that right right no it's like your mom's gonna see you come back with it she's completely mad [Laughter] can I say something go I actually loved that shtick I'm very charmed by it yeah the sick being white his voice no his like sensitive tough guy I love that character I worked on a movie that he was in oh yeah tell me about the experience it was the lovely bones the loveliest lovely bones yeah I was like a an additional PA crew member a swing guy in there somewhere like a weekend but I got to see him walking around set I'll tell you he's always in a good mood he was whistling singing no cup of coffee in his hand just bopping along like the little swing really got a stain on it I really should have gotten this thing dry clean before the stain does not come with I don't think you need to dryclean that I mean so I so positive he probably goes in his trailer and like punches someone in the face yeah I lied you warned me about like eye contact or anything like that they'd hear about with celebrities but right right just looking back that's a weird that's weird require oh don't make eye contact like there's stories about that's appear insanity really super good actor who liked it Lincoln what's his name Daniel day-lewis no eye contact no the opposite eye contact only then like the best actor wouldn't need that for like his method acting it's like I get it you look him in the eyes he up his character but he was like between takes on Lincoln just like chillin with the crew and like telling stories and stuff in there you go alright no just out of character oh I was like alright let's go again I'm Lincoln Wow maybe they thought good he is better Pro it makes me doubt the whole eye contact thing that it's like a performance issue oh yeah there's actors being divas the whole point what do I know I'm just well I sorta mean I don't allow you to look me in the eye yeah but that's like yeah I'm just like whoa in careful with that I contacted I already warned you twice you just like alright we're gonna take a break fans yelling at me guys we're gonna take a quick break we'll be right back the boys are just back in town and we're only beginning we've only watched like one video of rigging a hundred thousand that's right we'll be right back stitch fix is an online personal styling service that finds and delivers clothes shoes and accessories to fit your body budget and lifestyle now Dan's got a sweater he got from them that he frankly has never taken off and it looks good on him it's like they read your mind and said hey this is the perfect sweater for Dan dan would you agree yes or no absolutely there it 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asked so here's the offer guys start a 30-day trial and your first audio book is free go to audible.com slash h3 podcast or text h3 podcasts to 500 500 that's a UD IB le dot-com slash a stream podcast or text h3 podcast to 500 500 we are back welcome how was the break for you guys you've all enjoyed yourselves and it was a really nice break I didn't want it yeah actually I brought my switch if we could just play a little smash for a couple of hours wait so what is being in someone's eye line mean because that doesn't even sound like we making eye contact but just be in there filming and like you know like this camera right here if there's somebody standing like to the left of it you're like kind of you know drawn to them like you want to look at you and you're so it's while you're acting it's anybody that walks in the back and it's kind of like it makes your eyes jiggle a little bit it's kind of weird but like at the same time it's very easy to your professional yeah that just ruins the illusion though I mean nobody's standing next to a camera like in the case of you know some diva that wants that kind of nobody say next to the camera going like this up come on I wonder I'll be like II look it out of my eye line yeah holding the camera let's see Google's CEO went before Congress and one member of Commerce Congress what was his name Larry old as hell heard this is the iPhone guy yeah what's his name I believe Steve King Steve King pizza or no no relation he has this question for the CEO one of the most powerful men in the world really come before Congress humble himself before our government and this is the question that our best and brightest elected officials have for the CEO of Google I have a seven-year-old granddaughter who picked up her phone before the election and she's playing a little game kind of game a kid would play and up on there pops a picture of her grandfather and I'm not going to say into their record what the kind of language was used around that picture of her grandfather but I'd ask you how does that show up on a seven-year-olds iPhone who's playing a kids game congressman iPhone is made by a different company and so you know I mean I might have been an Android I was just it was a hand-me-down of some kind you know wait there's a live question I'm happy you can do that I think she's a female because she we've seen I've seen her I believe it's the same person she was at something else another hearing another congressional hearing where she dressed up in the exact same attire adjusted the monocle it's that easy to get in there well I don't know how he's open to the public I think the public hearing come in later if I had to guess I would say the mustache wasn't on oh you mean they entered I I disagree a sorrowful statement now and that she got a prime location to it like immediately caught my eye when the guy was like answer the question I've watched this video several times and now I'm just noticing this person the guy's dribbling a basketball but there's a girl at walking in the background oh yeah so let's continue we're almost more Legation which was being used which had a designation but I'm happy to understand it better and clarify it for you okay thank you for your testimony and yield back the balance that comes sorry picture of of him I guess he said of her grandpa came up on her phone now how does that happen on my phone he's like well I'm max from Google first of all yeah I think we have to take into consideration this guy doesn't know what the he's talking well yeah yeah but like imagine you've got this guy historically powerful person and you're throwing this don't like even if it was the wrong company just imagine ask him like why is there why is this picture on my phone how could that happen why are people making fun of me yeah anytime online of all places yeah there's a little there's a couple of flaws to his laws yeah Oh Danny not ever use the Internet apparently well no and I think that's a big problem with our government is that it's run by a bunch of old who are still using AOL comm and they're trying to fix like global warming and right hold on baby let me uh let me dial up real quick and check the science yeah well says it's all good I got a few more free hours left hold on baby I'm like hold on baby I'm waiting for my my CD in the mail yeah I just I just got thirty three hours right this guy in this chatroom said there's nothing to worry about yeah Dale's all he says it's all good you know I read something and it may be a total but it makes sense that there's still millions of people paying AOL dial-up to this day okay let's break that down millions of people where are these in the States we're gathered throughout the states I'm gonna get some Florida you know what Florida is a Florida man probably Florida grandma Florida grandma I wouldn't be surprised if my grandparents were still paying aol.com can you imagine that's like that's amazing how did like how would they learn though to upgrade to not dial-up you know so they learn presumably grandson better than me I'm justifying their their no use yeah no their their fault effusion Wow confuse Monteux there they are faultless because they didn't even understand it when it came out back then they're old right now there's we picked that up pretty quickly yeah so like you know we've we've got that that is our responsibility like you know they're supposed to not kill the environment leave us some money for our retirement funds all we have to do is is plug their computers into it a new one they can get their emails and I had it viruses twice as fast that's true wait they shouldn't have fast internet that's a really good point because there's a huge problem of people preying on old people and gaming money someone called my grandma once and said impersonated me they had all my information when I was in college it was before I was known to anybody and they say hey it's Ethan I probably didn't sell anything likely but she's old as on a landline they says hey it's Ethan I'm trapped in Mexico and I'm arrested and I need you to send me five thousand dollars bail and she was gonna do it and my brother was there luckily and stopped there that's awful but like apparently I saw like it's a billion dollar business just scamming old people yeah that's so sad there's fake IRS calls that are really getting a lot of attention these days they're all from India oh we had our IRS so you pay now yeah I don't know there was like a voice modulator they made them sound like there were some like southern good-old-boy they would get so much more why am i giving them ideas to pick up on that they're gonna start taking like southern Japanese Southern gentleman boy hello Dolores now it says here that you need to go to the IRS ADAT i arrest pay right now not fun there's a warrant out for you they say you're gonna be in a lot of trouble they're gonna kick your door down and you know they're police so they will shoot your dog yeah that's start that is kind of close to the some of the stuff I've heard oh the future sounds great yes I can't wait can I buy stock in that do will be run up by Robin Hood add character and you found another one hands on it around holy 140 thousand this is big news is well that's three days ago so his brother the same Dan can you hook me up with a Coke Zero mm-hmm sure damn she's got a lot of smiles on her face you got a little Saudi it's like I don't want to hit your Saudi okay I look oh I got I'll share with you ah you're really cute if y'all got take my old Saudi it's Christmas absolutely and walk away pray that refreshing Christmas thank you all right okay Robby let's enjoy this guy's like that's all I mean this guy's just like I feel bad for the CEO oh this guy's amazing how does he know every Nigeria's on you but like he clicks into it every time the camera cuts them he's got great timing really it really does great awareness you might be right maybe it is a she so well I'm it's hard it's hard for me to tell in this video but the older video from like a few months ago 100% she because like she gave interviews in character but this this person could be a gentleman I'm all for those listening it's a person he or she with a top hat had there just as a bit of ma Polly guy with it and they got a sack of money with them with $20 bills popping out at the top very and they look very intrigued ariel's or a dress like super professional yeah the angle just having a laugh is this a Geico commercial the bag is like Geico on it right honestly if I thought of that first and I lived in the area I would do that yeah they're making some statement yeah no I mean like truthfully there being some political statement about I don't even know what they're saying one day everyone in the audience is gonna be like gonna grow like they'll be two of them really out of control right I can't shoot without sure nobody's taking these into a joke god this guy is getting a lot of air time he's loving this I know something about like how our privacy is up for sale I guess to do one of those things I'm surprised we don't have this dudes like Twitter or that's what I'm saying credit can they not hold up the sign that's like following me on Twitter that would be a real it's not as cool that's just smart marketing yet no actually I just found they actually did an AMA on reddit so all your questions will be answered why all two of them right hey guys I'm here to take two questions who are you and why okay thank you for coming to my AMA pornhub put together the world's most viewed categories of porn in 2018 by geographical location I love it I love it this says a lot now what fascinates me the most you'll see there's some interest the u.s. loves lesbian who doesn't all south of merica really loves lesbian Chile however is it one time and all ah yeah all I think so many people in Japan are watching gente they up the whole content yeah Japan I get it Russia I'm very surprised it's gotta be like all of the Eastern Bloc actually it's like all of the former Soviet Union that blows my mind that I mean I've tried hentai just out of pure curiosity it's so weird so when you have real porn available yeah now I just jerk off to Captain Planet the second I moved to Russia live-action porn but in cartoon girl so I'm I'm shocked about Russia because normally when I see these types of graphs and bar charts and such the the most repressed places so like if if gay porn or if gay art is just largely band and round upon then usually that territory has gay porn you know that's like they're they're like states in the US it's all about that or anytime the Republican National Convention comes exactly so that's why I'm shocked about Russia since like you know being gay is a big no-no in Russia they're all about the hentai but I think if you if you green you if you took a closer look because when I've seen that where you're talking about like in the US like in Kansas everyone's watching gay porn gallery but it's so broad what is the green one the green well so you've got Arab horn which is in North Africa and then evany and all in Africa which is black I find that interesting the people they're trying they want to get down with their own and then South s Southeast Asia you've got Asian can I just say my favorite is big dick and in India their favorite look at Spain Spain stands alone what is it there's a lot of that's different than stock milk that's literally it's like pile the cooter challenges beyond melt like old as because I was gonna say basically or technically all porn is mature but if it's elderly is weird really all those people I would guess that's like Kyle I don't know no a MILF I would say is like thirty to fifty mature is like sixty plus like paint like damn I did about it in Spain apparently not a whole country right let's analyze that yeah I honestly don't know if France Francis to the east was that I think Romania more such idiot Germany right Germany's into anal or synchronism to anal what was right again no that is less but it's not England sweet this is this is Germany no that's Germany but what you pointed to is not England this oh me here it is tomorrow's go what is this Norway you - yes that's actually sweet nice I guess we're in Norway no that's Finland all right well the same place I got that one right you know why are you eating a live for that can I say Europeans make fun of Americans for being like so stupid you try to name five states from the United States I don't live here I don't give a I'm just label them like normal yeah give us a break here I'm surprised that lesbian porn is so predominant yeah like everywhere across the seas almost like the normal well we're all friends here apparently like a Western civilization thing yeah high value on lesbians for gay acceptance gays are icky but lesbians founded that I thought we lived in lesbian is that lesbian I thought that was I thought I thought this was a map with names of the places the big big country is can you help me Claire so who's in a big dick pakistanian who are these guys I think that's Nepal these have little dicks I think I think why lesbian porn so popular because men and women I think sure it's crowd-pleasing yeah it's something out of yeah you know because dudes were like hey that's hot and then of course girls like girls like I don't want to see dudes yes yeah honestly no that's true yeah we learned earlier than women don't enjoy sex finally entering that people in Africa are watching ebony and in North Africa Arab well I know their era but I just think kind of you want to see your own content on peeps you want to relate police say they are watching more gente hi oh it's great but okay so I think but what is the appeal Zach Ertz or Ian or Dan do any of you guys watch hentai no I'm like you Ethan like I checked it out out of curiosity but I don't I don't find it I don't find it arousing everyone is saying no in the room Ian it's gotta be a yes yeah well in is always the odd one out and I appreciate his honesty so Ian tell me what you and Ty are you in that's a negative for me and I'm offended person never heard of that anime Jack come on be level with us now I'm in the moves are you really wait are you really yeah and so what do you know why you prefer older women or is that just a preference you know where the milfs well you would fit in in India apparently and we have got that's India dance many places name with and then also we've got what do we got here that would be poor bowling it's like I said if a country existed at World War two no I know what it is because involved the video games have played that's all of my job if he comes from hearts of iron now will you came now Dan and in we what kind of porn category do you guys watch well I was gonna say you know it's interesting the whole milf thing it was sort of an eye-opening thing when I realized that I'm old enough that milf porn is just women my age that's kind of like that was oh moment right there oh that's real that's sooo real so are you saying that they're home yeah I don't agree with that when I look at milf porn I see like old ladies with fake titties you said it earlier it kind of runs a range but it does seem too milf is almost like late 20s to 40s and 50s let me see this now when you go to a porn site do you type milf are you know we can we consciously seeking it out anal I feel like we're not giving anal its fair share of the spotlight when does but the whole countries do it I was expecting some more anal in the charts I saw somebody point out that the in the Mideast there the anal block if you will the anal block I really what anal block is the exact territory of the old Persian Empire for some reason so there's got to be some correlation history buffs please hooker stop please help us out is that Germany well that's fine because Iceland apparently oh yeah Iceland is just anals brankovic is Italy milfs yes oh yeah I'm not surprised that's very yeah you know what if so then there's that and then there's also a lot a lot of weird stuff like that you can't do with real people like tentacle wreck rape and it's just and I it's just so bizarre but I think a lot of its got to be hardwired from kids watching because there's some bomb-ass cartoon characters like kill the kill have you seen that anime I know about walking like that's straight-up hentai and those girls are slamming dude well that's it but I never watched an tomato only dole in my opinion only as an adult I've seen that but if I watch that as a kid I would have been like dick out and all day I would've been like that would Awards my money you know and that would have like rearranged all my sexual desire you know like at an early if you introduce that at an early age cuz like a lot of anime as you said it's hyper sexualized in one way or another hey man when we were growing up we had misty from Pokemon that's it I'll give you that I'll give you that April and Mike hurdles but some cartoon characters the way they try them with like like like titties everywhere and then the cameras always from the back you looking at liquor bag bump stop Ethan it's too sexy I think their heart is there and option on there talking not looking looking for hurry was not furry really is that a porn category oh yeah I guess so you're right do you guys have a porn preference I type in porn and then I have like everything available and then depending on my mood my drunkenness level well I just go yeah that one what are usually then I go back to reading The Wall Street Journal you know go ahead jack I asked the boy not know um you know there's a whole trope embarrassed nude female enf that's like I've seen it on reddit where it's like yeah yes yes yes there's a subreddit was it called embarrassed happy and bare is I don't know the subreddit I don't know that one but there are but he'd like that is so you like so it's it's just like like I help you through this and yeah thank you no embarrassed new famous females is exactly what it sounds like I'm cute it's a whole genre it's like oops you know it's that kind of like Oh No yeah like because there's a young kid you saw the Marilyn Manson Marilyn Manson got you really twisted trope right being embarrassed by old pinups right yeah that's a big part of it I'm sure you know very retro yeah yeah so I'm an old school he's old school yeah absolutely they are milfs no well no they're no they're dead they're good milfs that's a that's a corpse I'd like to him alright yeah now it's that like I'd like to kill you baby yes see ILF yeah whatever the all right well there you have it oh this is a fun little little excursion wasn't it fun rabbit hole to dive into people like porn I just kid I've a jerk-off it's you yeah I don't want any but it's just what tenacious - you guys talked about yeah it's like not bad well we're talking furry stuff yeah oh that's interesting yeah because I I find the furry thing strange and wild - cuz apparently they have a flock for the dick we made it I'm doing no I think that's real oh we did make that up you guys you guys didn't see all of the the correct the record emails that I received that's weak all the fairies are pissed yeah not even piss but they're like there's a lot more to it I think I will have you know reduced to being givers and they're like it's not it there's much more than you think oh I'm so glad you asked you know yeah that's that's what your thing is why am I the Authority oh yeah thing is you know what furries have sex they say that but you don't don't worry I got you in the costume yeah what does that need a name last time I checked it's called sex yeah I think I know about you thing before I knew it like an oaf was like this is in or out of the costume you things in yes you got any what's the point flap out I don't ride or die baby like because they ain't got a flap on their roster because they're not like a like a mouth hole for your day maybe the yipping is part of the role play you know yeah for short stories are sexual like that cuz like a I have a number of viewers but a number of my my viewers are in fact furries and you can tell by news on Twitter and Shashi an avatars - Ethan based on the email I don't discriminate ake everyone I need views desperately these guys watch the gamer Awards at all like a few days ago I think the guy who won gamer of the year yeah it showed up in a costume it was he was a furry yeah any cam is very costume and he accepted it now is being a furry kind of like how in the 90s people were like it's okay to be gay are we taking it that far I think so I don't think it's that are they looking for acceptance or the conductance but why is it well Dan you got emails were they serious or not they weren't honestly they weren't really that mad it was more just like hey I just want to let you know it's not always a sexual thing blah blah blah that's so like you know they were just sort of expanding on it so yeah then as far as like my viewers like you know when I get tweets and stuff from people you can see by their profile picture that like you know it's them in a very thing yes and I've never met a mean one yet so I'm prone to just like it's cool dammit why you guys been all nice and I look like cynical eyes I have a whole list of hateful things that yeah I always look like the not their people's today but I I did ask this question when when Tenacious D was here if they are they're really into the role-playing so they must paint their dick red I'm sorry who's they Ares okay because we like a dog boner like a dog boner like it goes read it the red rocket kind of thing cuz if you just pay it take out a human dick that ain't right I don't think I don't that's that's a very amusing thought yeah trust me yes I don't think they take it to that level now to correct me if I'm wrong for who yeah but I don't think they go that like that's that's pretty that's a method like that's some Daniel day-lewis right there yeah some real Marlon Brando like what about animals with really strange penis right this leaky ones like hurting chucks well ducks yeah yeah yeah so they probably mutilate their penis use need a little spirit gum in a big you know prop we need a three plenty of shops won't that be amazing you know what's the furries in LA there you go are emailed and broadcasted a sugar production calm let's get a furry here in costume I've got a hundred and one questions clear you can do half in and half out do it I want I want one who's also acquainted with the sexual aspect because I didn't want to I want that I want to know if they paint their dick red you should have one non sexual hurry does it for the cosplay and then one who like dude you need help that's the future of this podcast you look at Joe Rogan oh oh let me get a scientist on about sleeveless no bird what the are you hey you're welcome by the way is it just catching up to the furry train well I know I'm not caught up but I just I never thought of actually getting one in here I've already had a like a narc use my life on the internet where like when I first learned about furries I was like that's weird I hate it right and then it evolved into like oh there's nothing wrong with these people at all right have you done any common etiquette video on furries I don't think so people have given them such a hard time on the Internet that's like I feel like it'd be target I don't want to be lumped in with the the manor side I think honestly no in my experience they have a very good sense of humor about it if you did it tastefully what do you do do stuff tastefully comedic wise right I think no no you do you I think I think you get away with it honestly it would be very funny and then like yeah if I did well I'm just perplexed I just am further no like now I mean and their costumes are so weird like like the for your face it's just it's strange what's weird about it Ethan well they all look like a acid trip like humanoid fought like it's just weird I don't know let's get a let's move on we're like an hour like I was in a furry if there's like an outside group called the scalese million yeah they're all reptilians you don't need that conspiracy theory who says I have to have fur but then do they put the scales aluminous no just be like all covered in turtle shell I like it yeah they do they have a creepy face do you guys that's what I'm saying there's a creepy face the dude who's recording this video calls him little homie so he's a little homie I think that's how they preferred to be real Oh like like we man kind of thing he just says little homie he doesn't know him well okay one thing at a time so we're looking at furries the faces creeps me out and I'm sorry if that offends you the word divides into the group of people that is creeped out lady's face oh I didn't mean to click well there you have it anyway right but look at that all hotel guests should behave like these furries furries are live in achill politeness are you a furry look at your chest man you've got a furry you're and that's your care I mean I'm sure I'm defending them a lot I guess it makes you wonder it makes you wonder no no I I personally am NOT but like it's just oh but do you guys find their face creepy I find the face cream now if I'm being honest I mean it's I say this I don't get it I don't get the appeal I do not I don't find them creepy mm-hmm Wow I don't find them creepy and I like I don't want to like I don't want to make fun of them because I feel I feel I don't want to make fun like a whole community and it's just like no no I got none right I get likewise yeah what's there to get mad at beautifully put beautifully put I'm pissed and dance in my eyeline right now they didn't see the first or anything well well they were anthropomorphic we're trouble I mean like what what else you need to know foxes and dogs and whatnot like you've seen furries you know what it looks like you go you know what if that was like the only way I could get off I mean I guess it's not a sex thing but if that was the only way I could get off do I would I would be the best fairy in the world I would have the dopest I would like what's your first ona rabbit great Maddock implants put into my into my legs yeah so I could hop like one oh I love it okay so yeah then like like hydraulics ins yeah if I wasn't like in the action around me I'll just bleep out of that great great ice breaker and also great conversation ender and it's however another night just leap into the ceiling I don't have to watch Netflix go to bed to our sauce and and turn in knock yourself out quick old concussion and mmm ready to you so what are you guys watching lately you watching anything good you split that that clip up into multiple yeah so tired hearing that do you watch red letter media yes mmm their latest video is a god what was it about what they do as if if you know them you know they do a series called best of the worst when they just reviewed terrible forgotten VHS films of the 80s and 90s mmm so I'll spoil the surprise because it happened so quickly everything is going fine you know they do like the little fling keto or Plinko thing of like selecting the movies they drop a ball and a whole grid like lands on a VHS tape sometimes it lands on players choice which means that they can choose whatever video they want so Atlanta and players choice out walks in Macaulay Culkin and he holds up a copy of home alone for and he's like we're watching this guy Wow and they so they actually watch home alone for women totally cold and they're all being making jokes at everyone's excited so or and it's so damn funny and it's so like wholesome cousins like oh how cool is that I got the polkan they got they got Kevin McCallister I think that's his name right like this he live Balkan no I mean no he's Macaulay Culkin but the in home alone oh he's Kevin right he's Kevin I'm wearing more I think like raynella yeah yes yeah and I think I think he's a big fan of red letter media and red letter media strangely like okay what they're like yeah I think everyone's see really a big fan yeah I don't know why secretly well because their channels relah I mean it's not small but relatively smaller than well-known they are and they're also like genius and yeah I have like their own word they have their own a pretty they have less than 900,000 subscribe you're gonna get to know why like if someone pushes for them because they deserve 10 maybe some dick jokes next to my bed had more subscribers than them and I was like this just like this is a government plot to be fair I love your dick jokes but like that I love LED red letter media even more I know they should have better media yeah it's just because they're not like the way I view them they're not even a YouTube channel I feel like they ascended beyond a YouTube channel cuz they don't do the whole like hey what's up everybody what's going on and today like they just go in they're like well Mike well the very question they're very awesome but so funny so so dry funny where the did they get their warehouse is what I want to know red letter media where did you get this goddamn warehouse and I'll move there early they destroy all the time what I wonder is if are are they furs oh you know they are rich Evans might be like hey Josh i believe i love this video I assume that this little homeys on some kind of drug mm-hmm cuz he seems high I'm light on enter he seems high energy okay but I'll let you guys enjoy is he high on good vibes good vibes only Oh yeah he's not associate associated with the guy who hooked a watermark by the way I will say he's fret he's dressed freshest he'll for having to shop like kids like that's a pretty fresh outfit he's got it at Jordans on Jordan be nice what up he knows what's up yeah he looks good but not as he's not having a good day I got no audio oh it's okay I can I can read lips he's saying Murray's forever furries together trying to rob this convenience store later than weaponry oh that's not gonna work I need a weapon he's throwing gummy treats at the cashier similar he's trying to steal he's saying fill that bag up I don't even see the bag no here he gave it to oh my god oh that's that's a bad move fill that bag up honest yeah well at one point you'll hear they offer him fifty two the whole day everyone just gathered around a lot enjoyed a little homies throwing gummy treats go that bad this is the most gangster I ever seen this is the alternate ending to a training day actually I was gonna say this is an alternate Kingdom Hearts 3 and coming in January I would love to have for him to be a playable character and everything ok fill that bag up holding his weapon is gummy is gummy boy Holy's coming come on dude easy gig very angry so what'd you do today class there's a great ending - oh yeah I love how the police are just like that'd be like if shawshank redemption' had a bad ending I think ultimately this is a tragic video because this is a guy he's a soul of a gangster and the body of a child well and even those recording him who are trying to root him on to help him can't help but laugh as he's gently laid down by the police is a little slap sticky it literally is like some physical comedy slapstick was I think use on something yeah Chuck half a beer and then he must obliterated on the ground that was amazing that's got a nice finishing like if I worked for the Mortal Kombat game I'd be getting in touch with this guy's people throwing wine bottle on baby bears Smash Brothers ultimate has DLC coming out yeah just some food play yeah right that way thank you by the way that games freaking awesome oh you guys yeah I don't all I want to be doing disgusting sexist brain didn't label you know I I don't play any games but I like this one it's fun which job do I don't okay get yourself a switch by plead blast never played Smash Brothers was in couch yeah me too cube I was I walk into a room and it was like the liveliest thing I've ever seen I was like god I wish I was good at this it's fine well I used to be real good but now I suck at menial on the same level which is fun but the single-player is like amazing it's usually takes like Zoe for I wanna beat the single-player they have English plates yeah but it's got really fun interesting upgrades and spirits and all the levels have different difficulties and different special conditions and its really surprising it's really fun and you have to play it to unlock fighters and I was like what Dan who's your with your main we've been playing a lot of Falcon hell yeah but just just what's available to me okay Kirby yeah Kirby's what's up currently that'd be all day Kirby really knows how to fill that that's great but guy so I'm just kind of in like I am overwhelmed because I grew up on the n64 version of smash where when you unlock everything there are 12 character I know I know and in this new game there's over 70 and the amounts whoa and the amount of level looking levels there were nine there's no it's offering it's like I'm a nerd like I grew up on the end like even more I never had a Gamecube so I never played melee tank he was awesome I went right from n64 to wheat yeah so I never had that in-between I know the game key was a great system but like I grew up on the on the laggy slow and 64 version like if there are too many characters and smash and n64 it would slow it down it was like a PowerPoint presentation and 15 frames a second and now we're at the switch you play in handheld mode it's I've never played this game so this is my first it's over last weekend and we just like played on like character now have you played online yet because I haven't tried I only just bought you know it's funny because I now you have to buy online like the yeah which I hate so I just did that the other day to play one of my buds I haven't tried it yet go but the online it has a good offer because you get to play all the retro games you get to stream on like what are some what are some examples of retro game like Mario 3 you get to call a good well gets really like original good Galica you get to play there's like a lot of really retro freaking cool ass games dope that's a huge part I think there keep adding all the classic there that's what they need to do they need to build up like the Virtual Console that's what the Wii and the Wii U had going for it they need like more classic 8-bit 16-bit games yeah and I think they're doing that yeah so it's really cool not smart fill that back up new games we got a new story story armored trucks pills cash on wowsie highway drivers pull over on the freeway rush to grab dollar bills someone fill a bag up so uh a Brinks truck I guess the back just sprung open and like 20 hate when that are just all over the freeway it's quite something now what would cause that to happen like was it triggered to open up the spring open or it was just a mechanical I think it was in an accident actually now this guy by the way this poor son of a gun on the freeway picking up dollar bills that's the Brinks guy trying to save his job when people realize those are dollar bills flying around and not garbage it's pulling over to pick them up for the for the work of the poor like anyone that has to collect that just establish their right that's the Brinks guy thing well he's having a good time Ami's yeah yeah and it brings uniform as seen here trying to collect the money I'm sure you think the whole thing is hilarious I mean what the else am I gonna do that's scary I mean like you can't just hop out of here you can't pull over and just hop out here yeah Frogger it you know think of this guy he's like oh there's my fearless no way Yeah right this was the perfect situation for our little homie though he would have filled a lot yeah sit him out like a Roomba crap oh wait no no that's accurate no it you're right no I hold fine yeah I think that's fine can we get an answer is that fine we don't know judges let's not now to be fair my drinks I don't think you're gonna pick up enough dollar bills to pay for that no this is New Jersey so all those accidents were gonna happen anyway it's whether that Turnpike gets him and the the NJ Turnpike I've driven it many times it there's a lot of dollars baby their 20s all of them that's that's their twenties so it's like I don't know listen if I'm working like minimum wage I'm pulling over and grabbing those ponies dude I could be Mark Wahlberg I'd pull over and grab 528 John it's after 7:30 that's true so I'm Mark Wahlberg I'm pulling over I'm punching the Chinese man face I'm blinded him gonna provide a cryo chamber Ethan I received a message that he may not have blinded the man he the mine the man was already blind he punched me behind me no what a yes I heard he blinded him in one I suspect he was missing an eye he was thinking I you know can we pour out can you look it up on Wikipedia because I want to get we asked Mark Wahlberg I want to know everybody oh no no no don't do that I don't want to start trouble I mean instant family was a great movie I said I love it acting mark I love your acting your cool guy I love that whole shtick I want some kids I think I'm really into this you know I just have three kids that's it he seemed like a happy guy so you know he'll see that part and we fall asleep because it's like the whole podcast no I have a feeling he's gonna like show up like he's like smoking from his cryo treatment he's like piece of dry ice hey I heard you talking that's not cool man I've been working up for three hours today I'm interrupting my family time for this okay right right drag my kids along now they're gonna beat you up now I'm gonna throw down okay and I don't want to do this I don't want to do this I'm a sweet guy you know but you forced me to do this look I changed I can't open if that Chinese man had a week I don't blind people anymore a great idea for a podcast is just three guys doing Mark Wahlberg in front listen that's all welcome to the Wahlberg welcome to the Wahlberg podcast okay talk about the Civil War don't know how it started though with a lot be nice the button be nice to black people is it that hard I mean hey I'll be treat everyone with respect am i right guys all right that was the podcast thanks for turning it mm-hmm I mean black people are people okay I mean what's so hard to understand about that Lincoln died for it I mean that Lincoln's I like that that's probably what they're gonna update on the mark the Wahlberg's we get him to sign a release yeah I'm trying to I'm trying to find a good source on it and the story is kind of weird it definitely gets arrested Martin an impression of Mark Wahlberg yeah I can't new kids on the block reunion but my uh I keep on my Calvin's to stop the aid from getting in you know the story for a long time was that he blinded him however I see an article where they interviewed the guy that got beaten up and he claims he was already blind in one eye and so that was kind of a Miss but the source on this is the Daily Mail which was garbage so yeah listen I can play that guy he was already blind hey can I just quickly shout out my wife Erin because she shits on the Daily Mail every day on our Instagram and it's hilarious like she screencap stories and then just right in her like own captions like um it's incredible well like if you want to shed on the do we not find more legitimate information because I'm very okay well already blind story cuz I thought yeah I was trying to punch it back in okay wouldn't go in the first time run out of power very important update on the furry penis question yeah God and somebody has even hide an watching podcast right now furries don't paint their pins but but obviously there is a website called bad dragon that has quote wearables which are toys you can put on your pain into making it look like an animal's get my shape of water dish I guess my question is how prevalent are these toys in the furry community he does not he's not clarified but enough to support a a vibrant economy now what now again so you're talking about having a sex act where your penis doesn't even because you it's a wearable strap-on I mean people do that well if you have a dick do you strap-on if you wanted to look like a duck's corkscrew yeah interesting so does your dick I'm sweared so does it go over your erect penis or are you flossing Dan circuitry to one to one match your P we don't even have that VR yet that's true that's I'll be the next one psvr to I got a question for you guys is a sex robot cheating that's that's a tough one that's a tough one you know that sounds like that kind of thing we're while I'm a sex road I'd be like this ain't cheating no I'm gonna say no I'm gonna say I'm gonna say no I'll be bald and just take a stance and say no because it's a robot I don't think okay it's at what point when you have like super advanced like let's say it's got like a personality and if sucks and swirls on your dick like right no human can I absolutely stand you're like you know what I'm gonna go take off baby I'll be back I'm just gonna go hang out and I'll be back you go you you have the best you your robot I don't think it's cheating because it's a rope I will say I'm like I'm gonna go I'm gonna be bald because so you do you think it's yeah what are you upset if she knew that you were decking out to not a joke I can I got your battery on masturbation that's all it is it's very I just think it depends on the kind of robot like if it's in West Warren where they're all that's the making is so you think a West world robot isn't cheating no I don't think so you know it's funny Aaron and I have talked about this she's like hello you absolutely go to town on some hot robot I think now I'm not kidding we talked until that robot says so what are we you start like complaining about robots like well you know you're gonna get rid are you happier with me you know I don't think it's I don't want Eli Gough getting some like insane robot like 10 inch robot insane no act this handsome that's fine but what if you go and hang out with the robot start spending time yeah spending time okay that's when it gets a little weird but when you're like when when you're not the robot you mean and just like yeah plane smashed opening a door all right get out it's like the printer in your bedroom that you have to keep them plugged you know you're like a westward season one before they found out I'm gonna spoil it so if you ever watch West world just skip for the next 30 seconds yeah yeah yeah so when they're in there they're scanning their brain to like clone them or they're making like personality types okay well they're all robots they can just collect their semen and clone them there's like a huge seam bank that's all Westeros a huge semen bank I think you call the humans just get a bunch of semen but you're not gonna like I don't know what you do with this you just get nice even though get a bunch of semen do that well that would be really funny questworld big wish was like hey you hey thirty kids we've been there are real people and they're your kids because we have so much semen we don't want to do that all we just have buckets see man just save it all we save all of it there's like a volt you know they like the vault with everyone's brain it's backed up it's just what if it's just this big a swimming pool of semen this is uh all of our guests what is about to come we're gonna see what that does what and you're giving the writers too many ideas you guys you gotta lock it up okay you guys can come back spoilers over just a bunch of semen I'm not spoiled well I gave away the plot a little bit oh yeah not really got to convoluted like to me like I saw season one that's fun and then like I hurt I didn't even start season two I just heard all these rumors and I liked it really I just heard too many people going like what the I love not well it's not like I got anything better to watch but I can't watch I don't watch Game of Thrones yeah okay I like getting extremely high and watching like a handful of shows in West world's one of them because I kind of don't give a what happens I'm not gonna get mad whatever they do I'm just gonna be like all right that's where you going how do you normally get mad while I'm into this ride I think I would get a panic attack trying to watch it high cuz it's already so hard to follow like what's going on I get panic attacks high any time so yeah I don't the watch I've never watched episodes of a TV show so many times just to understand what happened it's so complicated I don't that's what turns me off it's like that guy Wow I accuse 250 bucks right yeah way that wash is like I assume that you understand what you're supposed to do and whatnot because no you're done can't try too hard am i that guy you're dying here you know it's like everything you're like that we Game of Thrones - is my you 250 well I read the book which is required I love Game of Thrones but I'll be damned if there are like some characters whose names I forget and when they pop up sometimes it's like this big revelation of character pops up and I go ah who's that again like it's supposed to be this big dramatic mole what's sure i keel like 300 something like an that guy in your punching bag you gotta be that guy someone's gonna be probably that guy yeah we're gonna do say nice things about what's wrong I like Westworld complain about like Incept ones complaining about like Inception like I had to watch it 20 times don't think about anyone's complained about at the time that was different I'm with you on that one because like people complain about that ending and it being ambiguous it's like well I mean that was the point it's fine movies but they're like layers in and they're in the mob handle it it takes like two tries and you get it's like yeah there's going into more dreams yeah yeah but it's entertaining more times well to be frank we do all have at least 250 IQ my IQ is just the letters I and Q which I'm afraid to take an IQ test I think I can't face the reality that I probably have like a 90 I don't think I think I have I don't think because I'm not the book grandparent um you're not a 90 son you're a 101 you're a 101 to me even no don't matter what the doctors tell you barely over the mediocre threshold I feel like I'm really bad at like pattern recognition which is like a lot of what the IQ is really you know like when we did that escape room and me and either were set with the task of doing some logic puzzle and I'm and I'm like I'm the DA we couldn't figure it out well escape rooms are different because they they they put you in a time constraint and I feel like that girl folks like you that wears longer pretty man you're like social like were you with strangers ya know would mostly fingers yeah I mean like friends or friends so we didn't know everyone I got it I learned a lot about myself in the escape room in that like I'm kind of a like in a way not like a yeah yeah okay so I had the puzzle figured out like I was on my way tell anyone I didn't believe in myself that I had it like okay so I give like a broad stroke here like there are a bunch of books sensitive geniu the way that you set the books up is is the trick because there was like you use the flashlight and it's a black light and you run it along the books and it tells you the combination for the safe so I'm over here playing with these books like oh maybe they should be like this maybe they should be like this and I was starting to get there and then someone else someone came over this the-the-the like alpha male of the group who I know it was me were you wearing your soy boys [Laughter] and then I was just playing with them and I was a you give it a try man just completely gave you had it figured out I had I was probably three minutes away from figuring out and I only know that because this other guy came over them all up didn't know what he was doing and walked away and then the there was a an actor in the room so there was someone who was like she added the bed oh really was like a zombie or something like now I and she was like you know you like the rules were don't get near this person yeah don't touch them which means that someone's touched them before it's a rule because someone did it yeah and she just like I could see her break character and get exasperated and she walked over redid everything I did and set it up yelled at it like not it with words just went and then like left the wife and saw the egg so what she solved it she solved it but she did what I did after you solve commuted his way right because you didn't have the the audacity the courage all I heard was they're calling me a that's right no that's gotta with you man that's gotta fight a part with me a little big show I was right about that all right but you didn't have the confidence yeah for the rest of it I try to take the initiative and I was wrong to have really owe you overtime we did I hear I was like yeah I'm a genius at this I got that 250 just that one aspect that you are the one thing I don't like the escape room I don't like the social situation I don't like the social pressure I am NOT alpha I am NOT outgoing and I'm not smart so all those combined not a good time those combined trapped in a little room yeah I think you need to be with the right peeps like a flashback to middle school it's like doing I hear that I hear you I was not good at those tests jack Mikey though they used to give us logic tests and middle school and all these nerds would like they like if Beth had 12 cherries and George punched her in the and she dropped to whatever was exactly what their cherries obviously well-regarded but I was not good at these and there was like the really dumb people they I beat them but like I was in a feed but I was not head of the pack I honestly think if you're with like a group of people that you know and like you like you're cool with they're not friends of friends of friends they're not like friends three times removed these are your homies yeah you're gonna have a good time maybe it's like I'm gonna say I suck at room escapes I've done a number of them have you yeah but I have a good time cuz I'm with like people I trust and I know and I like yeah and it makes the whole yeah have you ever been like with your friends in an escape room because you don't allow have you ever looked at when your friends and said yourself damnit guys yes I have definitely once you don't just say HUBO was a situation now things that I'll give you his Twitter handle and everything no no no it was just it was just like Eric there's me it was um no it was like I don't know the exact example it was just like pieces drawn together I was wondering what the hell is going on you're no it's just like the guy was clearly clueless or girl let's not discriminate could have been anyone could have been a anyone hey Dave yeah was a guy but like he or she was just like so clueless about like just everything they didn't really get it but like it did I didn't think less of the person because I already knew that going in I was like already knows I know you're dead weight them I'm a dead weight is so it was just kind of like it was it was fun like we just had a good so I felt like dead weight I did not okay anything okay that's fair but there there were so many people that it was kind of a fun my my wife did all the carrying Aaron did all the carrying and all the caring and the caring carrying and caring but like she and you know I was like a 1 I kind of fell like dead weight too but on the other hand I was a little proud but I still had fun cuz I was like just with my guys just going like I think those goes here I'll no I don't know I think you have to be in the right frame of mind but I mean also you know if you don't like escape rooms you don't like escape room we should do an escape room together with friends that you trust like like not less friends of friends no I would are you kidding and I suck at escape rooms I'm not gonna be the guys do it Oh God come down now set up some cameras and we're gonna get nothing done well my broadcast to the world cuz I look like a just do it oh yeah me I said he wanted Eric I want to broadcast it reaming mindset for one I'm the charity Yeah right Eric's happy Forex are sick kids great what's the name of the charity Eric's sick kids yeah did you make them sick are they yeah we're I don't have to answer that yeah kids I love that they're my kids and they're sick alright we need help what else he needs that no yeah you're really sick dude mind your business what's wrong with them I don't have to answer that can I get in ten bucks please we have watched on the show before a compilation of celebrities performers falling off stage during their performance and we had an legendary submission from one of our fans Matthew slaughter that's a hell of a last name social actor Matthew slack so wait Matthew's a celebrity no no this is submitted it I'm just celebrity is gamma Collins who I'm not familiar with she's a UK something going on in the UK but we took a tumble of a lifetime me me rot row the UK yeah I don't think she's like it's like a podcast yeah so here's Gamma Collins taking a tumble of a lifetime [Applause] oh wow now this gets real fight they can't lift her up because she's a bit on that heavier dragon the whole game it's all game but here it was really funny as this stage the guy who controls the stage is like trying to help her out and he lifts the stage up because they can't get her up watch this hydraulic thing I see I see I see she took it she fell into the hole yeah she sees I'm good something humor about she's like laughing no she was a sweetheart yeah yeah aw it's gotta be embarrassing I feel a little bad for her that's got a she actually does an instant story here and she's got a lot of charm and charisma about it those halls and who's putting holes in stages we saw a lot of people fall victim to the never sound real she sounds like she's doing a bit she's a champion man she took a tumble and she took it a hard man that's what what more can you want good for her Oh a felony old doughnut Ole Miss stage no I mean orphan oh here's another great one speaking of it there's another this video had me dying this mom ooh it's one of my funniest things I've seen in a long time please don't don't even tell us anything yeah just play it okay oh well that's a novel Jack what why don't just play videos and not say anything my brother come on okay a word [Applause] okay so this is formula driving yeah that's right sir instructor it seems fun oh no no this is how they do it in rally reasons because it's so intense that it's a team there's two people one person drives and one person memorizes the course and tells them how hard the turns that's yeah it's all way it's a two-man sport yeah just imagine so do you want me to keep talking Jack no no if Google Maps may occulta was just a human being in your passenger seat they're like 0.3 why am i doing his accent as the first time ever heard me I'm not gonna do that Tommy I need you to listen to me for the love of God what are you doing it's fine Wow for the love of God semi he can get so intense please Sammy I'm begging you you have to listen to me by the way you owe $2,000 to the iron Sammy listen the IRS are going to arrest you Sammy you move grandma must pay me ten thousand okay I thought that it's from like Africa usually those scams there's always the nigerian prince yeah that one doesn't hold water anymore listen to me Sammy this way those are the new thing yeah I think that's the new heart they need that Southern gentleman convert listen to me grandma I will you I've seen those on YouTube they get really seen though at the end like it where's that logo that's exactly it they boga yeah that sounds familiar uh oh yeah he had a folder with like porn the guy like Titan but it was like naked mole-rats so like it went into him live once and watched him do it for like a half-hour and like I'm just eating lunch watching this and I'm like this is better I know better than sex I said it out loud were you masturbating it I've been the furry on my bed turned and said what ha ha better than my bulb is it bad dragon Dan yeah I think that was a that's a my fern at my vocabulary that bad dragon all right so listen to me Sammy for the love of God so usually they're mute Manik usually they work very harmoniously in their team and it's very intense so he's like a left turn sharp 45 degrees yeah so that's how they work so this is good so this is like fascinating can you imagine if Siri was like go go go now you missed it you no I don't work well under pressure so I write the Lincoln to the guy I mean honestly he just has to follow the Road [Applause] oh don't tell me but that's literally god yeah literally job has to be a backseat driver right he's you who are breaking the car don't tell me how to drive that is terrified I mean like I'm a bad enough driver as it is but having a guy like aggressively screaming yeah I just saw a thumbnail down there it's a good thumbnail thank you for updating our position Carl Sagan salvia Yeah right that's what I noticed too your turtleneck yep absolutely that was an so congratulate thanks seeing me in front of you actually have a song for I like that that house beautiful yes yeah hot dad shut up to the minute dad I just got a cassette in the mail from hot dad shut up okay because that yeah he's he's selling a tape cassette that's why it's called dumb now that's what I call hot dad's music genius he's a genius and how was it did you find anything to play it on no I've still got it in the plastic wrap but in my car I still have a tape deck oh really so he's going in there where is he based again like oh I don't um I don't know if you disclose that I mean like yeah yeah don't worry about me not privy yeah yeah that's fine because like I I asked because we got to get him over so we can do karaoke and sing I'm in a well I cannot see that as an issue you know what I mean so that like no well that's all it's not it's not no well great there's a Christmas song Raycom in a while we're talking about the classic songwriter ex and the skeleton bang fell in a we'll just it's a hole I apologize I'm just trying distracting you guys from the podcast no you're not quick video I'll get you know I very much I I think it is here it is so there's this I'm sorry so here's a couple of Christian growls girl-girl defined now this now a lot of Christians they wait until marriage to have to have coitus but as we all should as we all should as we talked earlier abstinence is the only way to prevent aids counter to what Mark Wahlberg would have you believe right it's not just the Calvin's mark sorry but in the pursuit of Jesus's love they not only waited to have sex they waited until marriage to kiss yeah that sounds right each other [Music] [Laughter] so do they go from not even kissing them to sticking it in okay so I'm reading the waiting until marriage to kiss isn't something you'll hear much about from pop culture although saving sex kissing or any other intimate act for marriage is a rarity it can be done so that's what there claiming to have done yes interesting I can't wait to see these nutsack so here we go [Music] loving that like this like ratio very solid very very song yeah YouTube rewind right there well let is there any way we can get them to kiss because with lesbian is the most popular category and I do it like most of the world apparently Russia wait 20 years and they'll get a kickin in Spain eight years she's gonna get some day what's what God's she I'll be doing all sorts of kissing and and I've never heard that term used on ironically like she means it she like she's excited about like being so quote-unquote loose in that in that way it's fascinating loose in her definition like like she's saying I'm not ashamed to admit it cuz like just finally you know yes exactly cuz the guy I like kiss interesting girl you should have been kissing from the get-go because like we saw the video no no what we've seen that video there's another viral video of like a couple kissing at their um like the French kiss at their wedding for the very first time oh yeah you know that's why before you get married and it's real cream well they're taking it to like the buy like they're like listen just don't I mean yes but like God [Music] [Laughter] yeah well it's true I'm gonna be God raped the food it's all me and Jack how are you guys still function I don't know I really hard it's it's all guys feel good we felt it in however we go I don't mean a speak for E but we felt in an hour over you know what the problem is I'm pregnant at least you're being honest make ru sweeps week the one thing I'm excited for you to be pregnant for besides that we eat pizza every night but my happy place no yeah is that when she's about you're four months pregnant in about four more months I think we'll be able to do beach photos yeah there you go in white nudes or what pregnancy is all about are you crazy but your Christmas cards could be dynamite yeah when you do exactly that you just show your you just show your route so that it looks like an hourglass it'll be amazing beautiful it's really can I'm very excited in fact we have an ultrasound on Monday where we find the gender for sure even though we think it's a boy wait so you want it you want to huh yeah we do has there been like a thing where you guys know like like oh I can tell no just in the last ultrasound they said it looks like it might be a boy but I wasn't sure are you tell the world or keep it to yourselves when you find out we already we're tying everything yeah yeah are you gonna have a really cool gender announcement where you set California on fire I saw that oh I slow to pick sorry rich it was a reach on I do have a sketch plan that I've already said on this so I'm gonna do it I'm gonna go you know people put it in like confetti and they shoot like blue or yapple yeah so I'm gonna shoot it and it's gonna be white and I'm gonna look in the screen and say you assumed my baby's gender white you stick get real posed to the microphone like how is so funny to me like in Israel we don't have the baby gender they don't have time they just shoot them out in the leg that works let's give you a quick run the miracle of birth I think I'm proud forty eight months no sex that works huh you know if you had like weird like food stuff something I've always heard about I am eating pizza now or dude really so weird oh my god here's a crazy but she taught of pickles which is weird okay that's a break yeah it's pickles and peanut butter oh yeah like I Love Lucy style yeah you know the one thing that's been happening to me I can go into Ross like I can't stand the smell like a really intense fried chicken smell but you were like okay beforehand mm-hmm interesting okay so it's something heightened like your your your sensitivities maybe okay mm-hmm she doesn't know and she's never been nauseous so I was cooking chicken the other day and she had a panic attack Oh chickens chickens a trigger yeah that's okay spooks you so you gotta live that vegetarian life for a little bit yeah apparently that's fine you're in LA there are worse places to be vegan or vegetarian you can get you got a burger with everything vegetarian style well tell me or Mexico I may have told the story but it just is so funny we literally were dying laughing right a pizza place in Mexico and we order on the menu there's a pizza with like you know bell peppers black olives mushrooms and pepperoni and we so we've so we say we want this one but no pepperoni and he's like oh so do you want bacon and we're like no meat he's like oh so do you want steak and we're like no meat no that else do you want pork we're like no meat like couldn't that he was never hauling us we started looking each other and just laughing because it was getting so crazy he couldn't understand he thought he was misunderstanding that's fascinating yeah what else is different would food like do you guys cook a lot at home or like order out I like it when we cook but sometimes we got too busy she's eating a lot that's what's up yeah and I've gained weight there's no question I think I've gained like 10 pounds if I'm being honest since you've been pregnant and I'm having like the craziest shits like so much like well it's crazy I'm sorry my shits have been insane and here's something they don't tell you about antidepressants that I learned ever since I started taking those my shits have been a 1 one time is like know like I know it's gross but you got to come in you get a look at what would be right to call you in it was fine because I always had like diarrhea really loose nasty bowel movements lots of cleaning issues and so my shits are like beautifully sculpted one by one yeah like the quality like and then I'll be taking like the fattest shipment the size of my like intact one piece intact like guys in my whole forearm like I haven't been having shits like this since I was like 12 what's the secret are you like how are you eating differently are you not a monster it's the anti too Preston I guess it oh I'm sorry that's not on the Metamucil anymore and I do take the Metamucil but before I started the antidepressant my shits weren't that much better like at least the form but then I guess I guess the antidepressant makes you constipated and it even me out oh that's interesting knightly and like a car you had like an emergency brake sort of thing going on where like beyond what a what like a someone else in in a similar situation would mean maybe this may be just the negative effect was a positive that's right and sometimes I wonder if I'm sometimes I wonder if the antidepressant works at all or if I'm just happy all the time cuz my shits are so up to chance dude I guess yeah I get excited every day when I hit it they're just fiber pills I swear to god yeah they're just straight fiber I get excited and every day every day and I swear got us the hell out of my day it's like cuz I've been living my life with this nightmare of of shits and now it's just like mmm I come out dancing wouldn't celebrate that that's beautiful do you guys have a nice quality album you know it's very it's all flow and no AB okay I got my hills and my valleys I'm just Gabby now water for eight years actually dehydrate oh yeah if we were alive 100 years ago you have died of dysentery or live dysentery did I'm pretty sure I would have died on the Oregon Trail no offense I would have never left I mean like we all play the game it was it was even died of dysentery terrifying yeah yeah that alone shocked me to my core about moving anywhere right like what's the incentive to move anywhere after playing that game saying I don't want to go anywhere remember when games were on floppy disks get me you know like a hunt like one point four four megabytes could call it a whole game you guys remember the hurtle game hell yeah all stuff with the little turtle court here yeah I remember the turdy turtle work yeah you would give coordinates and but you could pro is program exercise but all I I never have ever understood programming in my life so all it was to me was a turtle game where you tell this little turtle to go all right go over halfway across the screen little buddy and he does it but he draws a line behind him yeah all right now go down mm-hm and then you would make like a star in my case I would like make pentagram oh of course no I remember like I played that Earl game I played math blaster and typing and there was like these sick ass typing like Mavis beat Isis yeah yeah I was maybe speak maybe c-game's was not a real person have you guys ever played the newspaper what's the newspaper boy for the nes that's the first game I play like that should be a great smash fighter karma yeah you know Jack if paper boy becomes a smash fighter I think you should take credit now you should be on the record oh yeah what else will he be on yeah yeah yeah strong yeah I play Mavis Beacon online maybe you know you got their attention with that Ness video so oh yeah they definitely wanna watch me do you all watch that that video sucks man but thank you you got like like eight channels I could watch you all want to step this podcast up and watch me play Mavis Beacon live oh my god you up all right thank you yeah they turn into a crazy wait I'm clicking start again or fires out of five according to the rating that's great that's a that's a solid eight games have to evacuate the house with that many damn 1987 get back to the lesbians oh yeah right remember waiting about not snow look how low her blouse is that girl's a straight-up guy shank like I can I can almost see her cleavage no joke is that they're not eggs yank you know we got we get it thank you the joke is there clearly yours might not get it they clearly have too many walls up I think this necklace is way to provocative and the fact that she's drawing attention to her it's drawing way too much attention to her beautiful neckline and it's just frankly I'm uncomfortable I'm and I'm getting a little turned on and it's too much I know you ever say what you know what she's a dirty skank wearing a necklace like that she's a nasty little hose about to go kiss a lot this week I can't wait for the verge calm disgusting youtuber calls another beautiful innocent youtuber besting you you hit play and she's like so anyway my dad's a lawyer h3 calls pure Christian girl ass game right she's a skank no she's fine okay I'm excited now but watch some Christian authors and they were sharing about how I feel bad making fun of these girls you what oh yeah because like oh man if only they had had a regular upbringing up ring yeah I give you no they wouldn't think of kissing as this as there's something that we unholy right right absolutely really cool and now she does but Jesus Christ well you see things what is cool wait a kiss yeah waiting - yes okay okay that's two different things kissing or waiting to kiss is cool that's what he's excited okay and that's fair and she never had a summer as a world where you know we're waiting to kiss like that's like Jesus that's part of growing up your first kiss when it's like you know you why like that Boy Meets World episode yes Cory up shoves him up against the locker okay y'all know what I'm talking about thank you no I that episode it has right past those amazing the way I want to say do you remember your first kiss there yeah I do it was at a summer camp mm-hmm tell me about it give me the details I mean it was it was like completely embarrassing and weird and silly but like I was super young and it was like all right got that out of the way why was that weird that's literally we're 25 that was yeah it was just like what oh yeah I was 20 I was a counselor I was super embarrassed and I really I couldn't follow through she was super I was like it was back when I was she was into it and I must have been like 12 that's you and I ran away yes because I was too embarrassed like a no I mean I the out of her I remember that's that's no I liked her that girl that I that I kissed it was like okay we're girl girlfriend boyfriend now no okay and I was staying with my grandma to go to this summer camp and I came home on that bus from the summer camp and I was like I have a girlfriend and then I came home and I went to bed and woke up went to summer camp the next day and then like I didn't know what to do she was like sitting over there and I was sitting over here with my buddies and I was like did I go over there and they were like I don't know we were the ones good at sports why the did you get this and and then later in the day she walked over with all of her friends and she was like I decided we're not boyfriend and girlfriend all right I don't blame you it was fun yeah you got yours baby I was like yo I got mine and yeah like shades came out of the heavens of course obviously deal with it yeah did you guys do the heart necklace is there like break into half no did you do that with boys yeah you did that with boys you never tell me that ela no it's not gonna tell me that stuff itself yeah don't let them know about our necklaces it's like we someone would give it to you and then you're like go find boyfriend but it doesn't mean anything like you know I know that was a thing intangible weight indicating that you are in fact offerings do you get half hearts from multiple boys and what happens if you get too many suitors it wasn't anything like that what was your first kiss so much right now Yeah right you don't remember your first kiss everyone does that's what your money meant to you oh come on she does you just don't want to talk about it but that's fine I don't think I remember thank you okay that's fine I'll tell you mine I got a juicy one I was in I was a late bloomer please please yeah let her let her let her lap he can do ghost stories I was a kid I was 16 and I liked a girl who had a boyfriend that wasn't me yeah it was juicy um but she liked me kind of oh yeah she liked me so what happened was we went to like I went to her house but we went to like she happened to have in her backyard she had a Creek right and like whoo like where this is going oh it was like in the fall away yeah go to three and we like wade into the creek a little bit you know with like running water and you know it's like a brook I don't know the difference being a park in the creek but it was did you relive this magical moment it was the hottest moment of my life man no so like and she had this boyfriend but she was like all right close your eyes and we kissed while we were in this Brooks / oh that's a beautiful magical thing and she was like taken but she was my first kiss she was taken but smitten Oh aptly put my friend aptly put damn you're pimp dude but like never advanced beyond that so she stayed with him yeah of course yeah I got caught Emily but she was my first kiss so in other words I got mine oh wait was that what that must have been tough for you it was it was that's a that's emotion as a young man to my teeth like that oh absolutely I suffered immensely because like we both clearly liked each other this girl and I a nice car well he had a boyfriend Jimmy she was kind of two-timing you know but it's like you know it's that's the game of love we all play the game of love you just weren't equipped yet - I wasn't - get it oh god I wasn't equipped for anything I was 16 I was playing smash in my basement you know like where is she now she's still in that Creek son of a I think she's doing that Creek I think he was like Arthur's sword season three of the first and last time pretty executive she learned her lesson wouldn't it be hilarious if the new season of True detective aired and like Jack is the murderer but he's he's like legally yelling is there's an NDA where he can't tell us so we were like doing this podcast and like we're talking about the new season of period that was like joking like that totally crazy right watch the last episode Jack's little down by the creek I have my first kiss I somehow gained like 50 pounds for the role yeah gained it it's all 50 pounds of muscle what else we got well speaking up hold on just going backtracking a little bit because we talked about the lovely bones a little bit oh yeah so Ryan Gosling of all people was supposed to be the villain in The Lovely Bones and he gained a significant amount of weight he's supposed to be the villain you're supposed to be the villain he's about like the Martin about know lovely bones it's about a girl who gets like rapes and killed Oh comedy oh and it's from her point of view from like yeah you never see it but like you get it and it's implied it's very dark but like Ryan Gosling was supposed to be that guy but Stanley Tucci I Stanley - she was the guy instead I'm / director but Ryan I'm so Ryan I'm sorry the whole point is this was a this was a TI Ellen right this was a today I learned or movie details one of those but like Ryan Gosling gained literally 30 to 50 pound he never did the part they filmed it and Peter Jackson the director didn't like he's like this guy you imagine it's gonna go bad as imagine as a actor you gained 30 to 50 that's like reshooting a YouTube video I saw them I was like a YouTube video it was just green screens everywhere it was there was no I was there for the scenes where they dumped the where he dumps the body into the pit yeah and the creek yeah or no just like a big trash mole that they I know it's a tired man like dumps her in a box into the thing yeah I was there for those days and for the neighborhood days where oh sure there's a like in the coldest sack of the neighborhood right was like our burger kind of it was like in Pennsylvania just the weirdest really ya know I always forget you're like is that your only boy your - place to film the lovely bones I love Philly I don't get why you don't love Philly but so I brought me wrong yeah it's not that I don't love it it's that I'm done with it I mean it's a rough it's kind of a rough place in it it's the only place I've ever there Rockets in it really you know if I get beat up somewhere I'm gonna leave yeah you've been beat up in Philly tell me yeah what's it I think he told me your neighbor here is there were her like that's something I thought they were pipes but while I was getting beat up upon your internal infection they were pieces of bicycle trash it's the older bicyclist and then little his body like the ball out like rebar like pieces who use that to hit me a bunch of times right before I was about to move into this place and I was like I'm just gonna move in there and I'm gonna do it that's walk that you don't want some pipe wielding little punks oh sucked you gotta stay with yesterday what that's nice time we go to Philly man like it's a Phillies are great well why do you go to Philly yeah I mean so my so Aaron my wife is is from all right you know like she well she's from a town like just outside of I mean like she spent a lot she's lived in fit like in downtown Philly and early on like when we just started dating in early 2013 I like lived with her in her apartment in Philly for a month it was but it was one of those things where I like I was just gonna like hang out with her for because she had come out to LA to like visit me I hang out with me for a week so I returned the favor the following year in early 2013 to hang out with her in Philly and it was just supposed to be a week and then a week turned into two weeks three weeks and then a whole month over month but it's just it's a hell it's just such a fun you walk everywhere unlike LA you can't walk anywhere in LA unless you're in downtown but no one's in downtown you can walk anywhere in Philadelphia it's a very walkable city there's so much to do we went out to dinner just about every single like a different place every night cuz like it's just there's so much to do in Philly food doesn't seem to cross over with your anecdote well I mean I I have plenty of good things to say about Philadelphia but they're all after I left you like LA like we moved out of there my parents moved us out of Philly when I was 12 11 something like that cuz uh a gangster got shot outside of our house or a mobster it was terrifying that's a like Italian mafia a rough neighborhood no not at all but there was FBI in some of the apartments that were like oh watching us because at the end of our block I grew up in at fifth and Katherine in Philadelphia and there was a takeover of the the mob scene at the time this guy Joey Merlino hmm and as I was a guy Ching golini and Shing lien II had an older brother who was with the current heads of the of the mob and so these these younger boys put out a hit on the older brother he got shot went to a hospital the hospital was where my father worked at the time and these guys put the hit out from apparently the end of the block where I lived on so my dad's over here at this hospital they bring in Ching Galini was always like we're mobsters in the hallway and and then meanwhile at my house my mom has somebody like a patient over that she's talking to and so in retaliation for the hit to put that guy in the hospital they come over and just start firing at the guys at the end of the block who by the way it used to be a green piece and then this Junior MAFIA took over and they turn into an exterminators which is I think one of the funniest reversals you guys a classic comedy reversal right there so anyway they shot the out of these guys join me lino got shot in the ass a bunch of people died on your street one person died I think it was Ching galini's brother this younger guy died and then this is by the way I'm I'm not a Wikipedia article for this so if I'm wrong it doesn't make the whole thing wrong yeah it just makes like that part wrong so did it escalate the tingling gay war no it was like pretty much over that was that because it was just like what the and then watch them as far as like I was concerned or my family was concerned because I think our house was already on the market when that happened but once that happened and really put a fire under my parents ester like selling after that happen I doubt it because it was like now if you go to that neighborhood it's beautiful right but at the time it was just these these got mooks here is that a word it is now man he's got Mook silver on them to the street ei get the exterminated they're the ones getting exterminated I realized how I don't know I realize how good fella's Merlino isn't her prison right now they found him as as high-profile as this guy was by the way he was like limping away with a bullet in his ass and they found him under someone's bed when they were coming to arrest them remember that from the news oh they kicked someone's door in there's this movie gonna be amazing you know right I want to watch jingle Amy I mean jingling key hey at least they didn't fire his name gets more of it glad they use bullets and not do that I want this movie written from your perspective my perspective would be like an eight-year-old comes home and they're loading a body into an ambulance and they're girls like we still got a Nintendo don't care at all yeah like the worst movie ever what's that nothing nothing get the house right right what is that looks like a dead body no no no no again Sagan's I ever having I'm always amazed looking back on on my capacity to not give a when I was a kid yeah like no matter what awful thing was happening in the world I just didn't care at all well your yeah your brains wired locally you know we've pretty much reached the end of our document no we've got hajiman well we got on the pod youment yeah well we've got bacon vending machine okay okay we also have Eric reacts to YouTube rewind I had a pitch for you guys yes the rewind I would love to just get a brief out there on I was making sure that I wasn't getting a text message from my dad being like don't talk about that oh nice because I remember the last time I was on he was like I remember phones do we have notes we have notes from our answer on my parents usually they do have something to say every once a while I have I don't have anything for your parents however I do have a summary of answers for all of the furry questions we had earlier in the oh yes how better had fun at the park were there about an hour just returned from a walk shredder poops I'm trying feed him now do you guys use the app that's really what's adding the dog walk out my man I don't trust rain that's way better we love shredder tell me about the furries if you would please okay so a gentleman with a little furry avatar named Dan reached out and Diane yep so Dan just some real simple bullet-pointed answers here's furries are like any fandom the way I like to think about is basically saying that furries are all about sex is like saying everyone who watches anime like hentai okay hold on let me Twitter let me put a stop first of all fandom of what I think his point is saying that it's a it's a diverse fandom there and then it's not a monolith there are different sexes in it if you will and so so is being a furry putting on a suit like word is because that seems like an extreme so where does furry ism start I like yeah I think the suit is a requirement I think that's kind of the base that's that's that's an extreme that's not like watching anime that's getting in a suit and going meeting people well hold on he addresses that so and again furry people I'm not I'm just I'm trying to understand cuteness I carry it it's a new furry people and I and I don't want to be that just you aren't but I do have a 250 IQ and I'm trying to stress my massive intellect what's it like up there that view so go ahead please Dan so he says he does agree many fur suits especially the faces and eyes are definitely kind of creepy or off in some way but they're super expensive and the nicer they are the pricier so I guess he's saying you know the cheap ones are gonna look creepier well I think I think it's just an uncanny thing cuz it's like a fox humanoid uncanny valley yes but please Danny if you kept sure and so he says on that note since they're so expensive and hard to clean most people who own them we don't usually not have sex in them right there are even some drama in the past where people are saying that those who do have sex in their suits shouldn't wear them in public but who knows how that argument ended so among how many fake bunk how many fandoms are there arguments amongst themselves about wearing their suits having sex in their suits like it's clearly a part of the Quantic right in my suit it's definitely an eye on that I'm suit I would want to come it's a calm to spend all this money on a suit well you're a footage do you want to mark your territory so I got it I think the anime comparison is apt in that he's saying you know like myself you know I enjoy anime but I'm not into the hentai aspect of it which is sort of like it's a subculture within a subculture ok the people that are that it's super sexual for within the Ferdie community that's just one section ok you know ok and so and then he says a bad dress he this is a different person also talked about bad dragon is basically a website that makes weird sex toys mostly marketed towards furries those wearable things are basically like a dildo that goes around your dick so there you go so you don't get any well you don't get any physical well I guess the person wearing it does because the debts that is wave nicer than your own other if you want to you can get electrodes does it well yeah I've got a guy I got a prop thick that looks like a creature from shape of water oh I just I just shot myself in the deck with it on and film it for fiber they don't interestingly I've killed a couple people with it and so the bad dragon is a is a penis modification that looks like an animal's well Bacchus is just a website my website is sold various different your own tiny little pathetic human penis right but for those of you at home that dragon calm Pakistan will love that yeah and then his final point here is that not everyone who likes furries really buys into the fandom some people really live it like with any fandom but some people just like it and don't really go to conventions and let's do this I've just what are they fans of dressing up his animals yeah cosplay cosplay cosplay what I'm missing is I feel like there's an organ cozy play I think there's an origin to this that we're not understanding right now what's the origin where does it come from there's got to be its cosplay like how did they decide that they loved dressing up like foxes like what's the origin there's got to be a show yeah it was yeah what's the first piece of entertainment where the main character was an animal anthropomorphic yeah animal Fox Felix the Cat it was a Winnie the Pooh and just him walking around without no pants Mickey did a lot of people were like yo but I want I want to know the origin that's the big well that's weird too because you know the the furry thing it's all animals but like it seems and I could be wrong about this but it seems like 80% of them foxes yeah it's all Fox so there's something going on there well foxes are sexy one of the sexier animals yeah yeah you know like you look at uh oh do you look at a fox and yeah try not see it horn wait what's okay what's the sexiest Fox though I'm the one from the Fox and the hello me what am I thinking of Disney yeah Fox was filed from smash and I've seen that that's like one of those old like from the 60s Animated Classics of Disney at the Fox and the Hound no I'm more of a and lady in the trailer ladies yeah more of a I don't think there are any foxes in that movie I would come on the trip we know you what the would is that not like a skank it you so it used to means something different so so so um Charlie Chaplin played the the lovable like his character was a and it was just kind of like it meant something different back in the day when I said back in the day I mean like in look twenties thirties I apologize if that's not quite the right timeline but it used to mean something so Lady and the did not mean like because it was lady the lady dog and then was like this homeless kind of like that vagabond little guy yeah yeah and so it meant something different so today in today's standard you know stamp that's obviously a derogatory you know term for that Disney making a movie called like lady in the skank skank in a bottle yeah that's gonna be their next CGI live-action remake after Aladdin after Mulan well I've got to know what's with the farm on Wikipedia oh very I mean you can look it up easily the furry fandom is a subculture interested in anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics the white box is you're right then they're all foxes yeah mostly Fox the Fox thing seems to that's the number one a foxes is sexy yeah all right let's see we've got we've got all of the good stuff oh we never we never did watch the the married that Mary Owens you'll these skanks I want to pitch some tramps yes these tramps they can go kick rocks yes vetoing this you think that's a dangerous watch no I'm just saying do you think they do anal do you think they do a not you there's a lot of credit and there's a lot of religious girls who don't have sex because it's forbidden until they get married but they they take it up the butt you guys heard about smoking really yeah soaking what does that mean oh please that is a Mormon thing where before you're allowed to actually have sex you can insert but just leave it there what you can't go in and out no I'm soaking wait you mean the penis body go Mormon so you talking about a penis or a toy penis lucky this is in the vagina but as long as you don't move I'm into that but no no that's a short calm down okay Google that Google's soaking first of all there's no way that you can soak and not end up so there's okay there is the game's called fear of God no yeah you guys know just a tip yes yeah just a tip never ever ends with the guy not coming like just the tip is always like the guy yeah like hey hey baby just a tip yeah and then they like you know he's like just the tip okay I usually just 20% yeah anyway my dick let's give a good right now right now I wish we were watching that video was all downhill that was the most entertaining video of the night yeah well see we're getting find new characters in 2019 Petey piranha plant is the number II characters are they're like home launch on launch there's like oh you only get 70 70 I think oh when you like no okay okay you get eight and you have to unlock the rest yeah in total at launch there are over 70 there's like some more that's gonna be like 100 50 by the oh wow that's a cray that fill that bag up makes the cut everything that would be a lot mark yeah what's the subreddit for the for that because I'm gonna have to filter it out because I don't want to see a goddamn announcement for a new character every two weeks well you know well you're not seeing it you ain't got a problem all right here comes a hat right he's just a hat you gotta be you and be excited for a hat new challenger right right right Newt Gingrich oh my god I would play nice Birds he's really trying to get in with the kids I guess let's wrap it up as I go sorry it's been million dollar idea it's been almost three hours but I'll take the let's let's make it to three I'm very excited about this so you guys are talking about the YouTube rewind I don't give a about that right the rewind itself but next year I really want to see an h3 wined h3 one where you hit up all your friends like to me and then make the video that everybody wanted to see why is YouTube got to make the phone I don't think I'm the guy for that finger on the pulse you know what I mean well you got you got people to help you out you got people coordinated lady wined h3 wine I mean the name is kind of too good to pass on yeah it is a good idea it should be like everyone who slipped up and said the N word make it ian's and I'll do a quick roll Instagram and PewDiePie and more compilation yes h3 wine n-word comp h3 wined I just I'm just saying okay I want to put it out there think about it Jack looks like he wants to make that n-word cut right now [Music] I'm sober dan no I think that's a great idea h3 wine 2019 YouTube can make whatever they want mm-hmm they're gonna make some weird that's a really caters to a certain demographic that they're happy about your through isn't always at the same date I think so yeah I'm always surprised when it comes out yeah I didn't but I think there there's got to be some method to the here's here's my reason for wanting this is that like so many people seem to give a right yeah why do you why do you honestly care what this website makes I'll tell you why I'll tell you exactly why because it affects us all Eric okay and if it looks bad to one it looks bad to all of us no it's it's a lot of like was a 10 million dislikes or whatever that's exactly what I did to a meme really it wasn't mean to dislike it let them make whatever the hell they want but I think the it's hard not to care I don't know why it's just the the the burden with making a good one should not be on them because clearly they're not going they drop the ball the burden of making the going shitty on you it requires a lot of resources a lot of coordinating that ya do I can't get like I can't get you could do it year-round year-round anytime you get a guest on the podcast get there so that I'm gonna veto that it's gotta be at the end of the year yeah I'm sorry like I see what you're going but it's gotta be like a lot and you all think and and I'm just I think to mate I just you know I don't it's a lot of responsibility Eric and I'm really stressed out already just thinking about I guarantee I mean I'm not I'm not the say all be all or anything like that go let's make a poll okay you make the rewind let's take a poll all right but I don't have a catchy name for it it's the it's the YouTube the h3 wind rolls right off the tongue it really does it really does h3 the threes even like a backwards e we're gonna think of one it's the key wine he wine baby do the h3 one I wish I could yeah - yeah what would yours be it would start with Will Smith hell yeah version of him and then like melting puddle and then in the puddle you see the planet nibiru coming around the Sun then it so all up all the oceans of Earth you have this this is totally off-the-cuff and then and then what happens is Steve Bannon is riding one of those waves up towards the Sun and he turns to the camera and he says something incredibly hateful but poignant yeah everyone agrees with he just drops the Emma with a hearty are drops of Laurie are blowin and ends purposeful and then like a check gets shot at him and he catches it right before it kills him like deck hmm and he slowly inserts it in his ass and you see it close-up I'm just saying it 2019 you guys we're getting the Suzanne three hours and that Susan comes out and says now that's a rewind yeah damn good just cut it off yeah yeah damn it dance with me by the way he's been hitting me up on our little office cat stop us wrap it up he goes let's wrap it up well our live look at he's again we're getting Henny right hashtag H three ones everybody spin me none shall be forced to there's really no choice here do you think Will Smith will do everyone for me I think Mike will just give me one of these scribing it as that I don't know if that's entirely insensitive thanks no thanks I think he goes like I know I think like I think it's like a R&B hip-hop like old-school RPA nobody's trying so hard not to act because like I said this is the this is the performance of his career because nobody has had to try to pretend to like fortnight and YouTube as much as Will Smith that he doesn't yeah his opening line is I want fortnight and Marquis Brown so you do know you do know who you're like yeah watch the first 20 seconds yeah and then I I'm 30 why just love you that's by the way they promote it it's like everywhere oh it's they like knock their heads no they cheat there yes absolutely you know they shot that with Marquis Brown in the bus before the got Will Smith because he just looks into the camera he's like is this what you wanted yes all I can think about is like alright whoever we get you're gonna say I want fortnight or can't Anna hug you I don't know I just don't know about this one ah he directed everyone most like the goat who sounds like a man sound yeah I know that yeah yeah yeah you think he's mad that they didn't give him like proper direction like like do you think he had final approval over this or did up in there at least right oh no Will Smith probably did he probably cuz if I will Smith Oh Billy we gotta be a part of it I think he's legit happy to be a part of free wine because like he I checked his channel out and he is like legit trying to delve into the YouTube world and I think like just any involvement I mean that any involvement in rewind he is very happy to get I agree like he's in his in his channel trailer he sounds like YouTube has reinvigorated me it's given and to be fair I think that's cool like I mean yeah one hand it's like it's an a-list a triple haleyss dude Hollywood star getting into you too but on the other hand like if it gets them excited like I can't afford something for as long as they don't put an ad for sell allergy exactly dogs in a Volvo Dianetics yeah I'm raising my kids in a cryo chamber I probably being a on YouTube yeah at all I mean for us of course yeah but like people said like making was it last year was it the rock it was the 1 or 2 years ago was the rock I forget which one like he opens a fan by the way how active is the rock like that was a good bet once he never knew right right you never knew it yeah where's not but like will actual rewind I would want fortnight I also the premise of this videos exactly that's a dab of a moment absolutely but the premise is like that Will Smith is in charge of rewind it's like it's all you baby you're the one you're neo yeah that wasn't the best cure to make it yeah it's like whoever watches us put will in charge to rewind yeah it's like a fever dream like he drops Aston and hallucinates it should but little dude from the bag man thing yeah bad if I was a control everyone I would be bad that and the Christian girls do anal yeah look I don't know what you guys have against dude the rewind would be fun that's amazing let's h three wind this podcast please but only after this he's talking to well it's like yeah what are we all just singing and dancing try to impress Will Smith is this what you wanted well apparently according to marques Brownlee he they shot like hours of footage for this but of course you only see like mere seconds so they I think they had a lot of different options were you in last year's I was in like we were in the dance scene right yeah hey there was like a a second of you did you know going in that was two years two years ago there was like a frame of me yeah last year there was a slight smidge more I think you remember seeing two years ago I do not know I would be like that cut out of it two years ago I don't know if I can clue I know it's just one of those like you're there all day make the most of it and you hope and you pray that now some smidge of you makes it into the final cut that's all it is and they never guarantee it until like the day of comes out well because they have editors and they have notes they have producers there's so many and different things away and get it they're very brand focused with this whole thing the entire thing is an advertisement it is to advertisers it's how how safe we are healing we are gonna make it there like oh my god Will Smith my buddy exactly and so like yeah everyone myself included made fun of YouTube rewind for like Oh Will Smith he's my favorite youtuber pause for laughter but at the same time it's very appealing to see this Triple A lister Hollywood star in this thing because that's all it is yeah it's an it's an advertisement and I can't fault YouTube are you a reporter late for that I mean they got to do what they got to do and that's all I'm and and well as long as people don't expect anything better right I feel like they have a scene about a crazy person because this thing came out and everybody hated and I was like wait you shocked you surprised this well well well that's because these two pointed out in your excellent recap video that YouTube rewind wasn't always this totally hateable thing in fact it used to be quite likeable and loved it it's funny that I'm diving into being a complete here because it's just you being ignorant that's what I've always been in a apk EPK was an electronic press kit thing it's just the way to show you yours right you've been on set before it's it's nonsense it's a nonsense thing you watch it and you're not investor wasting well like there yeah they got everybody but but they didn't though they didn't get a lot of people that's it's not like funny or entertaining they didn't get a lot of city players that like so shane dawson for example like he is like like him or not he was a huge part of youtube this year a lot of people yeah and a lot of you a lot of people i think next year is gonna be awesome because they've got nothing to lose i think next year's gonna rock more it's gonna be Susan on her back taking a giant check mark in the ass and being like is this what you wanted super close-up hairy cuz she's a MILF right she's in the middle dad and I said cut it he's in the milk category we're starting there we go and then it's just her I'd like to apologize for everything so is this which will start with Will Smith trying to drown his start Will Smith and he goes no I controlled rewind it would be Susan Wojcicki on her back taking it up the ass with the bear bite she would be like a human is this what you wanted we'll all right guys thanks for watching lobby mom - next Tuesday we got a charity stream and a floppy mom yeah next week on Tuesday days gonna be huge it's me one of our biggest last year we raised 240,000 this year we're gonna top it because we've got tons of amazing stuff to give away we've got Joey salads back in the studio to torture for our amusement we've got so much amazing stuff written and Morty exclusive merch h3 historical merch and if you play your cards right you might see Susan Wojcicki I'm just kidding nobody wants to you know yeah love Susan she tries her best she's good at her she's really great is the music music playing yep okay so that wraps this concludes this episode of the boys are back in town Jack the film's the legend thank you so much I wish you well just keep working man don't just keep just keep grinding - hey you're gonna work your way to the rut it's inevitable you know what I'm saying hey baby boy yeah shoot - the both of you and to you as well but you don't need my help Hey thank you so much make a video every once in awhile I'll be happy don't know more once a month is good yeah thank you once a week 20 19 you alright we've got two more episodes this year so you don't you won't want to miss it the hangar aid just like thanks for watching don't wanna miss you babe don't cooperate the song and I all right just
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,237,997
Rating: 4.6126709 out of 5
Keywords: jacksfilms, erik, internet comment etiquette, internet, comment, etiquette, h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan, hila
Id: 0oLt5qfxtxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 2sec (10382 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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