H3 Podcast #17 - Jacksfilms & Internet Comment Etiquette

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Big Money Salvia is awesome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 158 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is one of the better podcasts. I love Erik and Jacksfilms as guests they compliment each other well.

Edit. Jacksfilms has a large forehead. Sorry Mr. Bot new to referencing Jacksfilms

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 121 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rarkmeece πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

fuuuuuuck, this guy is the Salvia guy? i remember watching Salvia reactions and this guy was my favourite.

Seen his youtube channel, he is genuinely funny

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Psych0BoyJack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aw, yiss, BIG MONEY SALVIA. I love you, man--take care of yourself! You sweaty sack of shit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zhaopian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great Guests, Love Erik so much.

Edit: This is my favorite podcast of theirs. The stories especially. (I like that they talked about dark topics, that R. kelly thing is fucking crazy omg) I'm sad it's over, I could watch a dozen more with jacksfilms and Erik! I want these guys back on here,

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ashmic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Erik is the best, they need to have him on again

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/anonymilkshake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan: "I don't smoke, but when other people are around sometimes I indulge" (then is the first person to light up)

I think you're a smoker, Ethan.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/freakorgeek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a great episode. I've been wanting both these guys on, and I wasn't left disappointed. I think this is the longest we've seen Big Money Salvia out of character.

But dammit, Ryan, turn up Dan's mic! lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_sad_zebra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Papa blessed on my boys D to this video for hours.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
what up pimp and welcome to another episode of the h3 podcast alive catch it every Friday at 3:00 p.m. at twitch.tv 4/8 reproductions here to date with eel of course but as importantly here with Eric common etiquette what up ping thanks for coming and Jack hello hello Oh Jack's film hello to wonderful youtubers who I admire very much and I'm super super excited to have here with us we've got cigarettes on deck I'm not a smoker but when people bring cigarettes I sometimes some of them kids don't smoke it's horrible have it we've got some Rose day compliments of Eric sparkling rose a sparkling rose Arafat see where the fell okay so anyway thank you guys for coming really excited yeah let's just actually almost I mean really I realize there you should probably fill more because I'll just keep going here don't go hard yeah everybody get a little bit more than one more to the UH to the emoji movie oh thank you you're the emoji July 28th 7 days guys absolutely Cheers plancha salud luck I am all of them school there it is so how are you guys doing what's going on what's good baby ah too much man just uh you know I'm struggling to stay relevant on all the all the social medias not eternal struggle the eternal you know you always have that that fear in the back of your head like Oh a Scottie one's gonna happen when am I just when are people just going to turn off you know when but the thing that bothers me about that question I don't do it do you feel that yeah oh yeah cuz like well you've been around for a while too you got wool you're you're like them actually yeah you guys have books in around forever I think the first youtube video ever put up was in 2007 yeah before that there was like I think you could only make a video like 5 minutes long right there are times earlier yo so that's the thing attrition me out about you is that you're the salvia guy I'm always in the shadows but like because you were a meme you were like one of the original internet memes yeah I'm the deep state of YouTube you're your teacher the dark web yeah I'm on behind the scenes so like Joey salads all those guys all comes back to me if you follow the money money at all these back to Eric but he would if you guys probably seen this smoking salvia meme and when I met you and I started watching your videos became a fan it didn't click right away that you're that guy and I was like what the [ __ ] I look a lot different I'm not a young man and I feel that I feel that well it's also a big departure to I mean you have the salvia vids but then you're this total 180 with the comment etiquette no there's no relation I don't really play for girag you should anybody during that's right so this is common etiquette is your your body on alcohol and it previously is your body on salvia I'm doing I'm doing a real trippy like human experiments using that walking how's it going good I shouldn't pause this area it's going good I believe that see my doctor but I am fascinated by this eternal struggle to stay relevant on YouTube because I feel that all the time yeah and the thing that drives me crazy is that I never know if it's my fans that don't like me anymore or if it's YouTube's algorithms yeah doesn't like me anymore that's the thing that drives me [ __ ] crazy it's impossible to keep up what honestly I can't keep up with the algorithm anymore I just tried to make stuff when I can as frequently as possible yeah you know that's just and like it because if you obsess about the the algorithm and the numbers you will never live in it you will absolutely go insane so I just don't that movie where the guy starts seeing like circles everywhere then they're an auskey movie about pie oh wait hi pop hi yeah yes the one with the Jim Carrey no it's the number 23 oh yeah that yeah that movie hilarious you can just kill there one of the best carry okay you put some mask on and everything's green I love and I love the double feature that movie with the emoji movie possible I mean nothing stopping you man ah well I excited I know the deeper I get into YouTube the more I found out like some really disturbing [ __ ] from like some people high up on YouTube that I honestly can't even say but they're arcs I can say that they there's an invisible hand pushing content and suppressing content I can say that that's the thing that happens on YouTube I believe it basically what admit it they will never admit of course of course but I think anyone who's been on YouTube for a long time yeah I agree you know I'm getting slimed out of here absolutely it's just all about I mean like art so you've been around since seven oh six it's just all about like how can you like how can you adapt obviously I know it's cliche but it's all about adapting is changing and it's making sure that you don't lose your personality in your style but you mold it to contemporary trends what I want to say trends but you have to mold it to the tastes and the formats of today because videos today are way different than what they were five seven ten years ago yeah I've noticed that your contents changed a lot over the years I sure have is that is that a conscious effort to like switch with the with what you think works on YouTube well it's it's it's a and B a lot of it is yeah merely trying to catch up but a lot of it is also like what I think is funny is so what I think is funny today isn't necessarily what I thought was funny ten years ago I mean like who here hasn't you looked at their own content from years ago and cringed and winsome that's not funny visible right you know you'd see that look and go well I would do that differently yeah that's how I feel you know and I get every single I've been getting this since 2008 nine I missed the ocean I was in automating a Tele a cell phone my patience for you yeah because that's that's I guess that's something that any youtuber gets everything they want free for a couple years a question is how long you get it on an old timer so I can get it forever yeah you're really smart about when you're doing the daily videos the IE yeah I don't do this daily anymore no no I can't because if I do that daily then I can't do anything else if I can't do anything else then I create I do not comprehend how much [ __ ] time that must take it was joking all of it is just in the editing you know it's just a tedious chore to edit because it's all like timing timing timing timing timing you know it's not it's like you're clipping frames you know frames to make the joke work you know you think a joke that maybe at 50 and with the timing you can turn up to an 80 or 90 but it's all about just the editing so that that was the hardest part but the rest of it wasn't that difficult it was just just the being consistent about it which I suck at generally there was a window where I was I was okay yet and then comedians aren't known for their punctuality they're not they're not a meant that I like to sleep in and do whatever the hell they want for a week or something to do right oh yeah deadlines yeah yeah 72 years ago speaking of which how long's it been since I got a haircut I don't know I just don't have the will to cut it so what does our times think you I like nice make an appointment that's it I'm there I made like I get it that's right it's going to take like two hours of my day I could be playing video games I could be napping I'm walking you're saying you get it but it looks like you have a pretty good clean cut there Jackson ah man I don't know then you get my own okay good yeah [ __ ] it what you know I mean he's got a guy that comes over wakes them up I'd be here connecting royalty over here that's right that's what I am Eric YouTube loyal good yeah I'm the guy who cuts it so I should it's really good money it's kids way better than my clicks per minute or whatever called your Adsense today is well giving it up Erica yeah can we get a beautiful tight shot of oh no it's kind of God kind of gone sorry era it's like salt and pepper now how long ago was you got 19 months like extremely that thing really fell apart I know yeah yeah I can't even spike it up anymore because you gotta maintain Ludacris oh you got to maintain maybe that's a high Oh Nathan aside and like it's all brown on the bottom now Dan can you can you pull up a picture of his original pineapple cut yeah I think just to get over for and after Google like Eric pineapple boy on the pineapple boy I'm up it's the worst superhero in the DC Universe yeah yeah I know what only had a couple of issues before they pulled it he was easy so what was that saga if for the people who don't know oh I made a Kickstarter that was intended as a joke but like fingers crossed it would actually work where I asked for some like 2 grand or something like that just to drink wine and get a haircut I never that was a wonderful team at I was team and it took off if it ended up doing really well and I think that's where I realize like oh this is what Kickstarter's for stupid [ __ ] only honest kitchen butter I've seen because every Kickstarter I think you said in the video you're like it's all most of its fraud all of its fraud every paper harder is fraud pretty much you're the only honest guy was like gimme money I'm gonna get a [ __ ] haircut and drink beer that was refreshing why it was there why I who got sorry oh yeah I don't want be run big wait wait wait hold on hold on camera hold on did you write that in the description do people know you're going to be spending money on beer because that is a little bit better surprise oh that is fraud they're all frauds come on don't include that in this alright yo can we cut that out I have got I've got lawyers chopping at the bit can we get on the kicks on the class action oh wait now can we see what dents and then are you pulling some up cause I don't see [ __ ] pineapple boy Li let you do it alone you need to switch a danzig is your own computer alright this was like this there Eric Eric Eric I'm a pineapple I'm a pineapple let's see if that was anything else thumbnail for it oh wait well I'll tell you well that's the inspiration yeah yeah that one's [ __ ] yo that one's that one thing we aim that's what Jenna used as the basis [ __ ] let me find your pineapple boy you should just on that video hang in the top right that go wait yeah the top yeah that's what it was wait was it there yeah there was a good like on top I wouldn't that job yeah that one a couple piece what did you make this pineapple summary oh I think this is from my subreddit oh nice there it is surprisingly difficult to hold you should just up in the video they like they like to put up desktop backgrounds and see what have you my subreddit pains me all right it's all it's my entire summer it is like you don't think like Jax lost oh like every [ __ ] day do you know what dude you're not the only one I everybody subreddit is lit just like in Compton Civil War yes and it drives me [ __ ] crazy oh I've been trying to stoke the flames in mine you're like yeah what it is have you stoked it um what do you do just making alternate accounts and posting obscene races you know we're getting out of I find like our on your level where is the animus oh by the way I forgot to say so I'm so a little late but this is owed is sponsored by Mia STIs and audible more on that later that was supposed to go in the very beginning can we go back in time please pay out so we could just say a bunch of really nice things about them really oh yeah no I'm gonna do it inaudible every day I'm gonna read you them out okay wait not yet let us save it save it I'm gonna give him a full reach-around though where is the band yes one with the fertile text there and with Heather you okay the long-awaited yeah so Lou years in the Mesa that's a lot of hair man when they do investing on my head it's another dog yeah it looked like it's all yeah that man was really impulsive yeah that's what it is it's not good hey you got a new trim oh yeah there it is how does perfect oh that's a perfect shot the bench uh yeah UVI affordable the types here in the back is really something that's a that's a the tiniest wall climbing wall everything my expertise as tall as that wall climbing thank you I think you just hang on it and wait till your arms get tired a beginner's guide yeah while climbing this is how I got it grasp right pegs that come out of the wall so how much did you pay for that haircut this haircut was you okay well what did you raise for Kickstarter every but it was yeah the the haircut was chosen by one particular pleasure he gave him six hundred six hundred dollars doctor I was nearly all of that know nearly all of that no she should be arrested for fraud it was six honey here there's a lot of materials that went into this they're really expensive okay and I'll turn it easy what's that if you feel that you were fairly treated oh yeah no I got a deal agile hipper uh I gave her a wine after hey I like six bottles of wine and I drink one she was like these are rest of these are yours I'll see you you just left it yeah that was which left the wine there she was so cool about the whole thing though yeah striking up a whole conversation pletely happy with my own camera how was that's cute I don't feel like nice about it it's almost worth the 600 she did I was telling Healy she did like a like a test run on a dummy head Oh like oh so that's right nice was a lot of hair on it until you haircut she like back down there was let ground earth it was like perfect she like had the thing jeez she's good she's working it like the all the stuff we were just looking at on Google Images yeah I was like okay how do I add a little bit of that is what giant and she left this little sluice in the front Jenna Locke Jenna law ello song shout out for the pineapple Claire's Bobby oh go to here and get your own for $600 for Instagram Johnson some like close-up pictures of it she took some like oh cool we don't have to keep going on about this well I heard your question oh yeah like how many subscribers are you it airs you're on 333 Milly I guess going back to the YouTube thing like you your channels seems to be like criminally underrated alright not underrated but under view could be able love your content always see it on reddit oh yeah it's always recommended to me the algorithm seems to love because it's always on my home page and oh how do i but I don't know why why do you think your cello has been so so so bad at putting stuff up I think a frequency yeah this could be a month where I just put one video up and a lot of that is like I'm I'm not used to being self-employed for this long period of time like I think all of us when things started actually work you may like oh I could just sit around and drink and play Beatles 100 all day yeah why not and I think I have the opposite problem where it's like I'm self-employed so nobody sits two hours and I think of it I end up working too much yeah I don't worry on my free time yeah well I think it shows I mean like you know you guys exploded like how many subscribers did you guys have before I feel like you guys blew up like right around the time when you were leaving your multi-channel network that's right some people don't belittle your ends yeah yeah fullscreen and collective did you guys ever have experience with collective or fullscreen no no I'm with full screen now and I've never I'd you know which is had an issue with them yet was a copyright thing it wasn't like was it anyway yeah it was being stupid on you that happened that was like two years ago I go oh there's our first debt dominated reddit and I'd like already the first time that we had anything like that I quote yeah what is happening I say that was it was a huge piece of the puzzle being on reddit well got any people people listening who don't know who Erica's go to his general internet comment Erica and give me [ __ ] a watch because he is probably one of the most under watched per quality of content there hopefully I won't have that as a award for long most underrated channel and use your belly laugh every damn time and asking at that tattoo covered up though yes this video was really good then this was a this was a lot of fun just looking at that hair I can't believe how much it's grown out it's just anything she cut like grids are gone when it first started coming in there's like a little bit of brown it was like like had more definition to it almost looked more pineappley oh cool what do you do now because now you just look kind of like a school shooter yeah yeah your face and you're showing up at your one time shooting up a theater it like I look like a toucan I would like I should be giving nutrition effects on it I'm like a another Kickstarter you start up in other well I maintain it yeah that's all it is a long-term care coordinator yeah yeah OPH oh my god Eric's hair patreon this is a Molly this requires monthly upkeep oh yeah and a timer for the current patreon I have I have to do those with a bald cap on because the hair has got its own layer I don't want across the screen oh my god I got ten on that our not donated on patreon oh no hair I'm Andrea okay yeah I mean you're getting something there right it's my favorite content I mean recently appears anyway so we can get more hair videos oh yeah yeah yeah tell me what's your what is the obsession with the emoji movie because anyone who's been following you knows that you've been slamming the emoji movie or what how long has it been we are counting down as it been seven months even jacking their [ __ ] and it's about the frequency you know shows but I feel like we can date the stupid meme of mine back to either late last year or early this year basically that's when you heard you saw the trailer well yeah they had like a teaser teaser that was just like infamous it really was one of most disliked videos on YouTube for its time but then an actual trailer didn't come out till May and that's kind of unheard of for a for a July movie or for any movie really no trailers until two months before it comes out was very weird but that once the trailer came out seven later you already you know that kind of kick started the whole meme of it really back in May because that's when I did like a frame-by-frame analysis of right right which was like an hour long because I'm pausing it just analyzing everything I know there hasn't seen very you know observing the frame and can you summarize your yeah it'll take analysis it'll take an hour but um yeah summarized no you have to see the full things together and it's a feeling you can brush can't rush art not even my dad was like yeah I think I watched about 10 minutes before I signed up and oh my god that's impressive what was the average was someone that god I wish I knew I didn't even bother to check you know I just put it out there and let the world do what it wanted algorithm turned on you on that thank you oh well I hope so I don't want anyone watching the whole thing yeah tell me what what is it that fascinates you about the emoji movie and the movie about emojis yes exactly just like that Junaid amber I am the expert here and here's my breakdown no I just it's one of those like I like many others I couldn't believe that a major studio the film studio was putting a big you know the huge amount of money do you know what's the budget on a film preps it's got to be 100 milli hundreds of million yet at least a hundred and it's just the fact that it exists at all fascinates me look back gently they these just imagine like these these these these middle-aged you know fat cats just decided all right what let's tap into the psyche of Young America what is what they want to do what is why moat Mia my granddaughter she's always texting and emojis done good log it right it will get TJ Miller will get a famous real actor and who was Sir Patrick Stewart yeah we were talking about that before we started but the fact they got a night to voice the poop emoji I understand therapy rides the same time he's close to death do we really want this piece of work you know he just recorded that like in [ __ ] car like is in traffic on the way a lot of us that do like Shakespeare on the park - yes that was item I guess is jean-luc Picard here this man has a legacy I didn't know not actually that it will be the pooping buck a lot I learned it the thing that fascinate me is like this movie is just representative all the formulated garbage they're churning out it's like the emot-- the poop emoji wants to be a [ __ ] muscle emoji as you think west because they said you have to be a poop emoji knees like nah Doug no no no no girl power no gene this is your plot the plot actually is that jeans was a mess emoji yeah what man you know yeah you know I say weird cuz CJ Miller has that voice I'm I can't do it my buddy Brock this is such a better TJ Miller impression anyway he's the voice car he's the voice guy he was amazing um but so gene is a mess emoji but he's good the conflict the central conflict of the films that he feels all these other emotions emotions if you will and his parents don't want to feel that because his parents which were also a mess emojis they say son you have one job and that job is to go mad whenever playing the second block he's not yeah he's not supposed to yeah cuz like good in collar bone it's a story of empowerment it's just um really arm and finding your own identity they spread it yourself people want you to be a man but you're gonna be a yes a party hat poppin emoji right or what have you wonder if the executives had notes on that and they're like you know we make a lot of money off these emojis do we really want to we really want them thinking for themselves right reg I like really metaphysically or we get negative on the emojis bad PR for the emojis or we make it all look kind of thinking oh geez are impenetrable to bad PR TJ Miller really fought to maybe that he was an integrity he did absolutely that's why you left Silicon Valley so that he could negotiate the scripts better too much on delay yeah she led the that's right well here's the thing that kills me you know that movie is kind of kill it I'm gonna kill it oh it's gonna make a fuckload of money and there's no such thing as bad press for a film people are like you know [ __ ] on it obviously meaning about it for half a year it's going to just destroy the box-office and that's the thing about like M night like the guy has made a career of the worst movies ever very interesting and who always makes money his movie darts always well your avatar people hail it as the worst movie ever made crushed it all this movies make money but but here's the thing I don't think that wasn't like he had some great films and then a nice little plateau he literally he's gone back I see I did see his dude was it good yes but it was good I've been found by his career because he started with such an amazing quote his first one was the Sixth Sense right semantics and it was like breaking or unbreakable and then they look at a sign signs with like oh that was kind of bad that was kind of bad it's like oh [ __ ] where are we now but I don't think I don't think he's like an Ed Wood kind of figure like I think he's had he has a large number of bad films under his belt but he's capable of greatness we've seen it and I think it's like yes its bookend by like honestly split was fun you know he's still [ __ ] at writing dialogue it's very there are some cringing moments and split where I just went oh people don't talk like that we're heaping a references and stuff yes you know exactly what yeah it's like that that Kid movie he made kid movie the the visit that little kid keeps wrapping the whole movie and it's so unbearable I forgot about that I feel bad for the actor I was like there's no way you could make this good yeah this is destined to be bad but that's what I I have doubt like when I go back and watch The Sixth Sense it's a masterpiece and I wonder did he think I think what happened is that you had a hit and then they're like can you make more and there's a lot of money so you maybe you rush out more movies like I don't also trapped by his own gimmick of the twisted twigs yeah I said yeah you're ready a sixth sense is perfect yeah and then unbreakable has a nice one and then it's and then signs what water and others cetera yeah what that was one of the worst twists in any movie ever like my brothers like a meteor like a amateur meteorologist and he was completely triggered by that movie like money the atmosphere is rockin 50 percent water why would you invade a lava planet I do I made a water glass nightly filled with lava people right essentially to that lava yes it could spit at the aliens and send the women right we were venomous today a watery exploit water is absolute toxic poison they have everything we need yeah that was a lot of holes in that in that that gimmick but I mean that I to to me without the gimmick you know and I feel like he was maybe he was pressured I will never know but maybe he was pressured by studio heads and producers saying like look we need those twists mighty that's what that's your that's your stick yeah you know yeah Hitchcock did suspense Spielberg did yeah you know the Spielberg your gimmick is the twist ending and he maybe you know he kind of wrote himself in a hole there as a trap yeah there's a thing about split he actually I got to see it with Adam from your movie sucks he was in town and hey shorty ain't yeah shouts to my boy that out and he's okay I got this ticket for this MIT move you want to come it might be hilarious and we were both walking out there like well that was good right there's a little talk from M night at the end where he was like this was based on something that I had written into a much older script and he just like went through his old files and found like I guess when you already had been yeah yeah destroyed by the the notion that he was the next Spielberg right right is they too had that there was like a cover magazine cover it was like the next Spielberg yeah I think if it's got a question mark in the headline and it's not know next Albert and then you put the pages but oh poor guy I mean what a headline like that that's you up for so much I would yeah I would do the same thing he did I'll be like oh now I got a suck Yeah right like comenta kit the next cutie pie and the answer to no definitely not although I got the hair for it he's a real heron he got yeah what did he reach it like what it was he went to yeah I think isn't Hawaii he went kauai he did kauai yeah a good look for you know yeah shout shout Sam what do you what you guys have any view to conspiracy theories uh yeah I know we were talking just a touch about this outside before um I mean judge not really Road dish I don't know what are yours I've let's look kinetic I've talked about it so many times on the shy have so many gas various key theories well you were you were saying that was really like this invisible yeah that yeah that's pretty much it but I feel like every youtuber I talked to because you've been through all the ups and downs of like you know not understanding why you're getting more or less views that there is always some you always trying to figure it out so I'm always curious if if yeah I got why people have conspiracy theories I think that all those companies pulling their ads was like a front for them just doing poorly money saying oh you think they weren't performing yeah I think they're all going to come back I even made a joke about that whenever they come back if it was bad bad fiscal quarter like I don't think the ads are performing poorly but I think that like not enough people are buying Pepsi these days wholly anti sugar thing and like look right things have pulled out there was like Pepsi coke McDonald's well it wasn't limited at most telecom telecom you know well that's interesting that area but I mean if you want to find anti FCC stuff on the internet you're going to find a YouTube video or somebody's like explaining why net neutrality is good right it's just like I think that a lot of these companies were like we can save a lot of money by just blaming this on Isis saying like I caught a Pepsi I before an Isis video where they look are these Isis video right I think what what yeah I've never seen whatever all one not all so it's like okay I'm sorry your ad ran on an Isis video to a hundred people you don't have to worry about them buying coke or like you know ruin a girl yeah I and it also Isis drinks coke too on the other hand like the suckers need to drink Pepsi right like that's a market but the theory I've heard from people at YouTube yeah was that they just wanted to de go she ate better race they used to that's like leverage it was like wow Jen again still something kind of ski me it was definitely Syria right it's not the surface there's no moral high ground absolutely not and the server the explanation doesn't really make sense really it doesn't where you guys hit hard by the boycott I I think I noticed a dip but it wasn't too bad feel it wasn't too bad I don't pay I don't think I was able to like see because like I said I got a shitty upload schedule so I was like that could have just been me because I put one video up that month okay I got hit guys oh they got me man you good huh stupid Pepsi what about you - I didn't I luckily for whatever reason I did not feel like I said that family right well I do I know about you but no yeah it's a little bit of that and I think I was somewhat protected by full screen as well I think it was good yeah yeah so but I still scared the [ __ ] out of me so I said maybe like 80% down 80 from what it was until we all we [ __ ] and we were posting we were on schedule so yeah oh yeah that's not that when did you when did you rally what do you mean I mean like I mean yeah well from the so you it would get it get better yeah well it gradually got a ladder yeah like month or two past it's probably it's probably added about like 70% of where it was last year which is like obviously I'm really happy that we're just making moan you know again but for a minute I was like alright well yeah time madam [ __ ] let me grab just MC hiring or yeah that's the right of a sub what do you guys doing what's your what's your guys upload schedule these days is it once a week or a couple times a week or bury it Mike once a week once a week okay but we also do this once a week right of course yeah different channels but play it and the twitch and in a perfect world I'd like to upload like three times a week of course I noticed you guys were doing we wear for a while yeah which was blowing my mind cuz you guys don't make the daily kind of content I mean lies in like the cotton it's not what you would expect to see three or four or five times a week so that was well they look unhealthy and that's kind of many was all we were doing like we yeah you don't have a life yes I have again totally get that so I'm making a conscious conscious effort these days to kind of balance my work and personal life because it's just not help are you like you have that you have that feeling like oh I'm not [ __ ] working buddy thing to talk about that [ __ ] crime though just which one just ride it off and drop your arm in the world the rise of the colony are you guys following the rise of the poll yeah what's gonna I try honestly I do and I don't I try to ignore it until it hopped up on [ __ ] motors wetter than I can't but like otherwise I am blissfully really different I tried because because if I do see it then I'll obsess ya over the numbers and then a variable again report yeah I know I agree to take Paul had in the past three or more today yesterday yeah yeah whatever you know I know it is 80 million I'm a nanny kid you're a sweet kid a light sixty oh my oh you're here you you're sweet try again I don't know the analytics guys I do know one yes 380 closer really over four right yeah 484 it 480 hours all Daily News I am up so [ __ ] glad I don't have kids so I can say about that yeah that's why I said I really imagined like you your kids like I cannot eat a drink Paul's house and they do and I do what errand your attorney on business on this wall that's my thing what happened to parents like forget about talking what happened to kids these days when I'm go to parents business none of us have kids I think we're under estimating how annoying kids are my god I would be dead you [ __ ] go to shake Paul go and n/a exactly no way yeah go go go dig up their wall go destroy their house most this guy I [ __ ] school you shut up oh great dad can't wait the solution set up a webcam outside his house actually awesome kids up a window that industry yeah before he does know because you know he will come here for yeah come on please someone I love that idea I don't let's copy write that right now and sue in the fee I'll put a patent on do it on live streaming outside Lamar is already going to have a whole channel Tim 1212 well we record the hotel what do you think his daily grind is you need wakes up and he's like I just had an idea for a music video no I think yeah there's there's shadowy elements on that whole thing oh yeah they have cheerio yes sir isn't he should present there no not Disney that's a different name no they actually have investors and they have any yeah there's huge investors in a whole business team on and is owned by some shadowy investors and Jake Paul I don't know how much Jake Paul does there apparently he's the CEO and so what they do is it's like a incubation chamber for [ __ ] boys right of course and so they bring them into the smell so they buy them they own these people essentially like I like here's a camera here's our your vlog do it daily we own you do it daily you know they're bang they're like you're a hot little twink oh they banging the [ __ ] out of you was that guy in the other really back to real and then jacob that you know what our demo our site is actually what it's about right that's kind of cold that's how you'll know when YouTube has made it to the love of Hollywood yeah the Jay Paul was sucking smells oh god you're like all right we made it guys reality the o-town guy the guy who like founded in sync and all these boyband oh yeah a big fat guy he's a real he's got a lot of rumors about him as well he was way they suck and he killed himself why yeah no I think he did in jail low in jail lose something right really yeah the story with this guy he was honestly okay so he was this very sleazy I don't know what his role was in the founding of all these boy bands but he helped whether it was a predict production or something behind the scenes hmm but he kind of like helped build in sync and O'Town like making the band a big reality show from God the late 90s early O's you know he was a key figure and all of that but their ID Lance Bass you know former NSYNC member once had a horror story where I think he went up to I'm gonna butcher this but he went up to Lou and he and so lose like you want to be a big star right so nice it's like I guess and so I think he undid LuAnn undid his fly said you know what to do and just [ __ ] like that stories like that are not uncommon with this character so but then he was also running this big Ponzi scheme or some pyramid scheme like The Bachelor course talked about it and there I know way too much about boy bands man I love it but I see a side of it this is like oh yeah there's this whole weird aren't [ __ ] the bachelor boys in their heyday when they're selling out arenas and [ __ ] they weren't really getting paid well coordinate not well I mean they were getting paid but it didn't add up it didn't add up it wasn't enough obviously Lou was you know kind of kind of holding on to something and then finally it was revealed that you know he's running this big scheme so they sent to prison and I think he died in prison and he was banging them so he was scamming them I'm not going to say banging but he was trying metaphor again literally yeah you kind of banging them that's what Hawley was all about I think it's a matter of time until that happens in like team ten or something no I right you're right not talking about the no I think you're right yeah yeah the pyramid scam that's pretty much just what we're seeing that's why I'm so fascinated by Jake and Logan Paul and Team Tennis because I on YouTube has never seen anything like this before the right like Jake and logo father like rapper status at this point yes they roll around with posses they have investors as big you know the investors thing is blowing they do it right okay they have like you've seen the music videos like the originally the contents garbage but they're shot and edited very well built on the backs of a lot of people with like drones for cheap mm-hmm yeah just like hey keep watching the flyer drone over my house and just matter what it's going to be beautiful shots I will give them but that they have a team they don't they don't you guys don't edit anything don't they probably didn't know if they don't know yeah I don't know if that was I know I was very dry but I'm actually surprised though they don't know I shouldn't be surprised Jake ball on recently on his second general he uploaded a reaction through our reaction to his video okay and when others like I want to stress but anyway you reacted to videos about his everyday bro yeah and the way that video is made really shows you can tell his skill set they're basically just sitting at a table the sound is awful it shows I'm gonna well you're just watching the video on your laptop and there's no cuts it's not even edited now I want to watch oh that's disgusting forgot to edit out spark camera guy named Lou comes in and you know what he everything all right fellas I want you guys to watch this because we thought about in here yeah yeah I thought about making an HD video about it but it was just so obscenely god it's like it'll all be gonna make me down man it's good I finally get you well is this for me is like a good insight to what he's actually capable joy yeah content wise first off is really well lit I like their their idea board on the back I mean the name of this test tube is trying to write a script you reacted beautify bamaca this makes no sense ready like a Mario level he does on my dad you may get it okay here it is yeah de now that's some stupid hair you know always think about Jake yeah first off because it's recording the sound off at any louder yes it sounds great things on your budget is showing I don't understand why would they do that because he clearly synced the video up to what they're watching but they took the audio in favor of a shitty right so the room sounds like the microphone is like ten feet away so good elected at every reverb be really don't underestimate the quality of a practical effect it's practical effects George Lucas review I want to predict what he's gonna say I want to predict what I want him to say something like what the [ __ ] is even wearing man he looks like such a tool man he looks so [ __ ] gay alright cool so I can't really disappointed cuz this is what he says this what he says oh so so a jinx level of very actual reasons cool cool god I came in here the V over like all this debt is so bad you forgot that this is being recorded you just watch the videos so the bit the whole video is unedited not even a single [ __ ] cut I can't do that I mean you can well you know Jake Pollard's are the strongest in the world but oh my man so why don't you say did you have them all queued up and he's just like control tabbing or oh I'll be watching you say was Jake father new oh yeah let's take like ya know how to edit on all the quality goes in daily Paul one that's higher that's fair not read that maybe he was just staring at your Oliver thinking yeah what overthinking issue yeah I got a million wife and comic comment one I made sure but I think I shot this man before it will happen frequent anything correctional consulate yeah I heard that you just say I passed this man in three months he did say that today but I want to have a beer with him he feels like really cool humble guys drink no I think he's 100 kids 20 he's definitely getting banged by the way if he's not old number drink you so much banging him right area are you talking about an old man oh yeah old man's back you know what I love about Jake's SEC acts like he's a sex icon but here's what I like I mean look at him this might be below the belt but the color how he's pushing the air over his forehead like Sudha knows he's going bald and it don't worry okay you'll get hair plugs in three years you can we completely Gauls you know a little girl you'll be fine I'm bill cos frosty know a decent as a Ludlow how [ __ ] dare you can't agree more and meanwhile good looking for just little while awfully what up hair what up pay up it's probably a low blow but I take some how I revel in the fact that I know he's gonna he's already going bald hey Jake it happens to the best of us okay buddy don't even worry about it alright it's inevitable night why you may want to brush that for yeah I'm trying to I'm trying right come on first of all I think a receding hairline is dignified and beautiful in your case thank I love you what a lovely compliment shaken you know you don't even have a receding hairline you got hair for days I just got too much hair care secret Oh hair okay that's it that hair the secret did you get this thing is a curse I don't know you could shave like three pineapples in the mud very good literally so a [ __ ] sweater from this I'm like a summer her sheep issue I need to give it I need to get sheared or else has died that's what happens if she they gradually do they let her see spec by the way oh that's evolution like taking a wrong or Scott wrong [ __ ] where's God sheep he abandoned them here's the surface yeah but back to Jake Paul what a what a charm anyway we had a charmer I feel like I spent way too much time talking about Jake ball but it's like so fun well it doesn't hard not to talk about it it's like I mean it's a hot dogger thing like so it's not like yeah six months from now we'll be talking about someone else you know the new the next guy was well button thing I always say about Jake Paul's like thank God for him because YouTube for me as a professional [ __ ] talker and complainer I was running out the pranksters were dead you know I was running out of father people yeah exactly I'm like oh kind of damn boy you've got look at Renaissance 18 and is good absolutely Christmas every day with him for every day bro forgive me oh thank you thank you but there's been some interesting developments I want tell you guys well here we go so in his you guys saw the news report where he was playing at you okay so now essentially and his vlogs he's accused his neighbors vs. neighbors he made a video apologizing to them but he recorded it without telling them and then he posted to Zoo cha as you know in California that's illegal right they have a you can't you need their consent it rank up with you they're in a video he didn't tell them he didn't get their consent and put in as well the guy's such an idiot right so now they're falling a eavesdropping complaint against them yeah and then now the same news guys is covering this story then it gets better better than in the next vlog he says he accused his neighbor's of trying to kill him on ironically he accused his neighbors of going up to their team ten man and unbolting the tires that resulted in a crash he says my neighbor's literally tried to kill me even though there is that the titles that the UM the title of the video my name is literally try to kill I wish it were her entity he got some the actual title was something like my wife is living me in parentheses said I learn now by the way many kids that's the real cutter yeah yeah the new pain the new thing on YouTube is like telling you what kind of emotions yeah right right or not clickbait as a hot one not quickly just you know that's run like seven ninety percent of my videos that are quickly list time I'm serious this time I thought oh my GAD guys nicely played alright there's another I don't know that I can tell there's another thing that's even better than that but I'm think I can talk about it yeah we should we should wait and see how things are you best yeah well done do that you yeah yeah I'll see you guys off the water yeah yeah well I'll tell you happen yeah we can cut this short [ __ ] it good loser TGI Fridays right on me and that's anyway so that's up with me a lot of money I was really fun little rabbit mole oh yeah I bet should so interesting you know there's definitely like a click is sort of the reason people watch TMZ and stuff like that yeah oh absolutely we love to hang outside our world yeah oh uh they set their pool on fire yeah yeah my neighbors never done that right right the flames were reached higher than the house which is [ __ ] kidding me yeah more [ __ ] neighborhood man seriously I do feel how are you gonna end the thing that when he's like my neighbor's tried to kill me to all the five million dumb ass fans who are even dumber than he is right been jobbed um Jake Paulus divided by half that's how dumb his fans whoa just half come on man a fraction that's barely functioning that's like that's like struggling to breathe well what got me and we were talking about a little bit about this beforehand was just the fact that a he has his address you know publicly available yeah so it's a Google and look up and be that 12 11 10 year-old girls are outside it at all times yeah at all times that's creepy as [ __ ] apparently we got an email tell nobody from the neighbor wait we got an email from his neighbor or someone knows a neighbor and there was a quote from the neighbor you know right but no we got an email from someone saying I know the neighbor we live across the street from him and they're like I'm there right now it's 12:30 p.m. and there's like 30 girls outside his house right now wait I didn't read that I want that neighbor on yeah I did not just oh my god so yeah their neighbors are losing it and the secretaries I'll imagine now that that's your reality yeah and now he's saying they tried to kill me and so imagine what his insane fans are going to do when they think that that person is trying to murder our Idol neighbors do they're going to vandalize their house we can break the windows they made they're probably gonna kill them plan how does he know that the neighbors did it he doesn't the addresses public sign ages right anyone could have done any third address public that's got to be the stupidest thing I can do that's pretty but sweet [ __ ] low yeah well the funny thing is now I've seen pictures of that front of the house since all this shit's gone down and it's just so vandalized yeah I know it's like graffiti on the garage for signing the wall and the themes on house yeah I think it's so the investors own the house right so that's why they're not being evicted and that's why they're like I'm good I'm just gonna flip and ship it or whatever he says my neighbor's hate me but I'm just going to finish and it we got a room in the back that we really need to host down but don't that habit we're out of here yeah I don't mean anything by that yeah Oh Jake knows what you mean yeah but you know the whole thing is just it's fascinating it's all new yeah all wild it's all it's so much to [ __ ] keep up with because it's a new story every day every day hate that that's a mean I think that that is every day bro with that gonna take Channel I get a song stuck in my head and pretend he never write he will do that's why he wins you know and I I just like it very much - he saw I use off the hatred he drives which is good I prefer that than getting defensive no it's healthy I'm just very healthy to thrive I wish I could talk about that other thing I'm not going to I'll take a dump all right you tzg so what I've got a question for you guys to [ __ ] pivot hard off the subject close the crease on me let's take off [ __ ] a hard letter yeah and hopefully not flip I mean for me YouTube such a emotional rollercoaster like do you have these like emotional ups and downs I mean it seems like you you're just chilling you don't [ __ ] care about anything yeah man it's all big money to me baby well but I'd like you've been in the game you up looks like very frequently for me it's like this constant emotional rollercoaster trying to be like saying I get like super depressed I feel like bipolar because you have like these super highs when you have a good video that people like and do well and you have super lows you make a video that people don't like or you're not posting enough videos and it's like how do you navigate that space and say saying I struggle oh yeah I struggle with that a lot because it's you go through inspirational cycles you know so it's like there are some days where I'm really [ __ ] pumped like I got the best idea ever and I paced the house right talking to my girl trying to flesh out the joke and rights and everything and how it's going to be edited and all that stuff and I know I'm making myself laugh and crack up like oh this is good I write down then you have the days where you got nothing you're running on empty you know and those days really suck and I'm like I think there's not much I can do I scream at my poor dogs like I said I'm so happy that my fiance Aaron has an office job so that I can have the house to myself and just go bonkers with my just soul self conflict it's a lot of self-doubt too I've been working on this this joke that I just don't want to film because I don't know if it's funny enough and you have this self-doubt like it's so weird funny is it funnier on paper rather than if I flush it out and film it and stuff and it's just all this like I keep saying self-doubt because that's really what it is like I don't know funny I don't know if they're gonna think it's funny so I don't do it then nothing gets made and then and then you know people look to stuff like we're book is yah and I'm like I don't want to make you doing [ __ ] me I want to make something that I was something different or sometimes I do want to make you hype it's like if it's an inspired episode where I'm actually putting a lot of energy into um like you said highs and lows ups and downs there's I don't know I haven't found a way to like cope with I'll be honest I don't there's no ego to solution where it's like oh I know what to do I don't know what to do I have good days where I'm inspired I have bad days where there's just nothing in the tank and it sucks and hopefully you have a backlog like well maybe I can upload a best-of something on those days but it's there's no easy solution of you know like thinking back when I worked in an office shop for five years I didn't have these [ __ ] manic you know Twitter is interesting and then you don't you come home and you're done we're done on your day I turn off you know like everyone's like okay first of all yes I'm doing my dream job Google explaining right yeah unique I think it's important to be like this it's not that I mean emotionally it's really dad that's the problem it's more than complaining and so you can kind of lose your mind so yes you can in actually what we can fall into yourself yeah I mean this stuff pretty easily because there's nobody to tell you what to do it's like I could fall into those eyes of your daughter here - daily a point of talking about yeah yeah you're not real you can't get realized oh man they're powerful here you know tweet the Ted Cruz let's go that's what you know where's my dance for me dance for me oh no it is a thing though like um you know you could do you could start having your own inside jokes or you're like oh people want these inside jokes amano-san yeah but then like you there's other people who are like why does he keep saying the same thing right it may Leah Nate's the new viewer and you don't want to do that but you want to keep the old-timers happy so you got include that right is this give and take this balance like comment and yeah all the comments I mean I get called a fat sweaty piece of [ __ ] but I know that they mean it with love they I might stoke those flames somehow those moments don't bother me as much yeah that's more like people something like we don't like them anymore or like like this channel is gone to [ __ ] yeah that's the worse well yeah yeah like who are they didn't bother me but it does well those are in a sea of 15,000 comments per video or what have you those are the ones that it's sucking they stand out you don't have you know you don't ya know exactly because they're like for one of those there are 20 like a wheel in the illa I really got my life yeah you help me find everyone huff time I remember though if you remember though like man I remember one you can either were funny it is it that's true it's gotta be something like it's probably always been that way for entertainers you just never have a open forum right level low the content where you can see what people think on in an anonymous right way you know like I always try to imagine like comment section on there like Netflix oh yeah now is the base I show that color that's there was live comments in comments under like Jimi found my backhoe and go to work anymore I thought what it's waited years ago god I saw the question sweet today that's totally make fun Italy ribbon on Fallon it was like the in the context of the tweet oj was his guest and so he's like man I just actually oj was his guest right no no like Genoveva talked about like you know if he were on the show and now that he's you know so the tweet was like he's talking about saying like yeah Jimmy I just really want to talk about blah blah and then found like that's great man but now we're gonna play a game called get that shoes and it was perfect it was so like that's in a box it was so like and it sucks because I had heard him like well I loved Fallon growing up on like 90s and early O's SNL I loved when he broke character in left I really I know a lot of people hate when he does all like hey what room and it's worked for him and when he and horatio sanz were buddy-buddy on SNL like they would just destroy every sketch there and the sketch was instantly better so I there's a weird kid wasn't that good to begin with it really really that's not a nice habit of dragging on sketches for way too long they always have and that especially then but it just kind of like he gets memes on and he kind of deserves it let's be real everything's everything's again name celebrity celebrity beer pong you know but he shouldn't he million bodies this like fake niceness not the other one he's way too [ __ ] happy-go-lucky right yeah he gets off every movie is the best drink puppy you know you know he does probably rapes a public rapes a [ __ ] dick right in there you heard it here guys at on the h3h3 podcast by 210 them how their mom they supply the puppies they've got they've got a puppy mill they got that big house you know do you feel that though Eric are you like more chill oh yeah what we're talking about my turn slow down so yeah absolutely cuz like you know I'm not I made a joke earlier where I said my upload schedule sucks because I'm just sitting around drinking playing video games but I'm like I've got Google Docs open in front of me and I'm writing this thing I'm like is this funny yeah yeah I honestly can't tell and I'll like read it out loud to myself nope that wasn't funny but I don't know how to fix it and I'll just deleting we're not delete it but I'll just go on to something else well I want a man that that's something that hits me is like you're working super hard but you have nothing to show for it yeah yeah I complained that exact point to Aaron just about every night I've made those literal words I got nothing to show for it you know and and she'll always provide a very strong counter-argument and I go you're right honey you everybody god bless you got you know no she's um but um wait it's no true and it's so frustrating because then you know then you don't upload that week or a couple a lot a couple of days and people think you're lazy yeah the [ __ ] is my content where's my where's my free content I paid good money for this yeah I'm so envious of people who just like turn on the cameras like alright well if I can hey how you doing I'm gonna [ __ ] around and there you go not even going to look at it it's up now and people love it but I think that's the obstacle that I'm trying to get over where it's like I found that when I have that self doubt and I'm like this isn't funny [ __ ] this that 90% of time people love it yeah for example our new video about Jake Paul yeah we didn't want to post it me mostly well I mean I felt understood what you're saying but I'm like I'm always the ones like what's not uploaded like let's just that's interesting related are you laying out like the reaction when you say that or is it more like you you watch it and you're like oh I don't know close quote I'm like yeah it's both I don't think I I can't even trust my judgment anymore I always think everything is not good and then I'm like what people are not going to like it and that's interesting so my attitude to counter hers is just like we did our best this is our video for the week yeah if you don't like it they understand and they want something so I'm not going to throw away like I used to do is really right like we upload the video and then they love it yeah and then if I watch it in like two months I'm fine with it and I laugh at it and I think it's all that's interested when you're looking at the one you guys were on now yeah she's got a bet is that one yeah it's gotta yeah age like fine Rosa Jenna does salt to like walk away from something I've done that a couple times yeah yeah I just did a one on music videos yeah and I I'd had that written for like months hot dad the guy who does my theme song highlights out that oh yeah he's made some music for us oh really yeah I don't know that we have maybe he's a shadow master behind the scene sad I was everywhere now I wouldn't be surprised music and video games are shy he's smart Adam now like he had made that cover a long time ago when I told him about the idea and like like I told him about the idea in a week later he's like all right I did it Wow got this song ready when are you putting yours up and whoa hey man I'll even now I'm making it a circle and I edited that [ __ ] thing for I wanted that thing to go up last week on Monday and it took me until like two days ago to actually finish it just editing like staring at it like this is that's alright I'm gonna kiss this is not good I cut like five minutes out of that well ten minutes long pile so I I don't know what's worked for me that I suggest and obviously it's hard to take advice on this level but a big change for me was when I just I'm like I'm not going to get caught up on this because the nature of YouTube you know we're not making a show on television where you mean we spend a year on ten episodes and very few just got a [ __ ] dude I let it just let it go let it live its own life and move on the nature of YouTube is very stream of conscious yeah it is like those raisins logs are so prevalent on there because it's just hey guys what I'm doing today right it doesn't matter we cleared that Chad's popular - it's a stream that's a perfect analogy stream consciousness for the moment I think I think yeah for me getting over that hang-up was was like really was really big for us and like I said I think you'll be surprised how many times you put out a video you're not happy with because just in that and the spirit of I'm just going to let this go and it does great and everyone loves it and nobody even sees what you were worried about yeah there's a little something about it that like as a magical ingredient in it because you hate it so much yeah what that is absolutely are you just like well this sucks is going to do terrible friend but it's always got your essence in it like as long as what you're putting out is you do you know I mean it's because that's why people ultimately subscribe to channel it's not really for the content but for the personality in the content you know I mean I mean like Constance got to be good too but it's also like they like your take on saying yeah no they like you and they want you to be part of their lives yeah it's like yeah here's my here's the bestest sorry guys is the best I could do this week yeah and I think that if you really are like struggling with something that you're working on you're going to put way more work into that have a much more polished end product and something that you loved that is sorry this is great the way I did it at this time that happens that's what people watch it you then you watch that a week later and you're like oh that sucked should I should have done that better than so we we read these sponsors oh yeah after that we'll take a short break very short break and then we have a new segment we're working on when I'm very happy to include you guys in we have a new segment offbeat news some crazy wild news that our producer cam the birthday boy is going to come read to us love it and I'd love for you guys to be part of that but if you guys they want to take a break now you don't consider for you don't know this but your what means like I'm you know writing four out of ten a to the ride we're in for the long haul baby alright well let's begin here with these guys I got to thank our sponsors they make the show possible if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have creamer in the office today putting our coffee which is huge we're really we're getting the luxuries of life here thanks to these guys in this whole damn show so first off me undies have you you guys know about me on DS no key tell us about me on DS me on DS is native every pair of me on DS is sustainably sourced and made from micro modal micro modal checked out give that a few couple fielded you know if you put against your family pillow soft it is Oh like my favorite thing about that's soft to sell racism yeah unbelievable fabric what the hell does it for you goes up didn't realize yeah they were very kind reach baby I'm talking about and they actually yeah this once what I do love about them I got a dear friend I do like the colorful designers Hall thank you take that home thank you nan Warren unwinding oh great this really will hug me undercarriage 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so great he's great and everything yeah I dare someone out there I dare me come on - anybody with memory well ok so I first saw him and the wire and he is like is incredible like Brooklyn accent and he's and then when I saw an interview with him he has this thick English accent it's always worth a look upon yeah yeah the UM blue English actors they always pull in over me man like him - it's not the other way around like you never yeah because if it's mas might have been in a series in kate winslet i think played like a british ally and something but like and that's it that you attention to the rule to yeah meanwhile i feel like they're making fun of us when these english out i'll we go to dollars and they yeah and i don't even know they don't even take a look on just say yeah just like yeah it's easy you just thank them don't look at america so anyway the dark tower is one of stephen king's most prolific is a trilogy right or no amor no it's one of seven oh my god yeah the dark night 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that you will not want to miss and if you leave something terrible is guaranteed to happen to you yeah bizarre news baby bizarre love it ok we'll be back in one short minute guys don't roll off this shirt alright guys we are back with h3 podcast we've got drinks on deck and before we go to the new segment something really spicy just happened so we're probably make a video about this but Austin posted alone texted me a couple days ago he's like Jake Paula just showed up at my house and I was like how the [ __ ] did that happen and so Austin ordered Jake Palmer ironically for a video we're going to make and they took it very seriously they missed the irony which is fine because the tweet was pretty ambiguous but the thing that was insane is that Jake Paul extracted his address from the merge company which has got to be so illegal he shows up at his house to hand-deliver the merge but here's the worst [ __ ] part he showed the front of his [ __ ] house in his vlog he filmed it and showed the front of his house and I know he just moved too which makes it even worse Eric you described what would be your choice words for this uh well you know I was thinking that maybe that wasn't quite legal yeah I'm starting to think that maybe it's they're gonna have to start calling at t9 this is what yeah like everything it was done like this man this kid has no filter is no boundary yeah that's it but he started you know he's just really cool cabbage all right and that's why these 10 year old girls love him cuz he's just a savage boy yeah I can't believe how [ __ ] did this keep just broadcasted that's disgusting no I was alone he's got that VEVO money right he's on that short oh [ __ ] don't [ __ ] with VEVO they're everywhere even her not me people have come to you but I want to show you I haven't watched this it just got posted up yeah it's heard about so I want to watch it for the first time yeah I feel so bad for Austin yeah I mean you know what you just don't do that look he blurred the little on the curb like the address but you see the whole town all the cool it's so easy yeah they found that Shia LeBouf slag out in the middle of a field and for him exactly exactly through through the the jet contrails so when I found out about this from Austin we were both like this is so illegal and sketchy but now that I'm seeing what he actually showed I'm actually outraged even more he's gonna have to take that down he's gonna have like all now this video is going to be taken sorry been downloaded eighty thousand times I'm sure let me download it the damn Harry thank you let me keep it out just like hey guys welcome to t9 on bill can digging over for Jake pants Alvin I am 50 year old man Jake all you better start sucking dicks now cuz that's all I can give you at this point dude this kid is such a train wreck man this is so [ __ ] up it's you know it's a good lesson and what not to do yeah all those air wiring you there's out there we don't do that if you're like an up-and-coming youtuber maybe don't show the Front's of houses a stranger especially if they're vivo and maybe don't let it get to your head so much that you blast somebody's address all right let's see what actually he put in his vlog well first of all let me say I can't hear it to any Turnitin food I want to hear his creamy voice um their prophetic description for voice before it's creamy I'm I'm sorry it's cream god damn that maybe you shouldn't showed that shot dumb if he's gonna want to talk to you right now like well we're not are we are showing it I mean he already showed it to millions of people yeah but it'd probably take it on this video will stay up or you should do it pose well done don't show it on Python that's easier okay so how do I do it so maybe don't show it I'm just going to listen to it yeah just don't show it so don't show the TV I'll turn it off but I do want the sound okay so here the first shot starts with he's just the camera is just on his house and there's a little rectangle with that the actual address which is blurred but everything else including though this is his house he's got like Rolls Royces and whatnot to get some estimates they didn't wear out the leg alignment they did not wear out the licenses they're not legible oh not that it [ __ ] matters oh here you go Wow keep whatever like fifth grade music is I was like oh it soft again plus one hate to throw whatever it's all good though we're gonna dab on the haters but then my boy post on Twitter this tweet he orders our merchandise a lot of it a lot of it which we have it right here core so I'm super confused I don't know why he ordered on think about it idiot he's one of my best friend he does it well irony is a very complicated word for a boy like you know he did theirs it doesn't exist he's like what irony can I dab on it is done confused yeah it doesn't take much of computer serial so let's go I booked maybe lectures when they go to his house and broadcast it to the world that'll get him quick plan great merchandise when he was talking smack about us right now we're about to hand-deliver it to his house he lives like 45 minutes away we're gonna give him is March hopefully he's home and we're gonna confront him and ask him like yo why would you talk smack and then order our merch and then hopefully we can that guy legal that's not legal somebody ordering your merch from a third-party company doesn't it tied you to steal their address and then display it to millions of people in your videos you don't get it man he just wants to talk with him and then flog it anyway no it's like it I just wish he had an older brother maybe stay away from doing it don't shine media you know what Logan Paul I saw I was like maybe he's laying low and he's going to talk to his brother his older brother his most recent video I checked this morning is reacting to the Jake Paul drama he's mirroring it really they're not even brothers he's just a fellow clone of turned out to stupid-looking a video right Ryan these guys want to bang and then he hits me Jake hit me in the damps and he says I want to make a song with you and post hmm I didn't answer yeah wait Jake had you in the DM yeah oh yeah I was gonna I wanted to wait to see what he did with this because I was gonna because previously we had talks into dm's and he was a nice guy he had talked about coming on the podcast and I thought about having him come on shore my concern was that he was going to come and act insane right and have a liability of course the app dab jokes yeah I mean that you know how many times can you dab on the hair this is okay for anyway so this is what this is kind of just I don't know I don't know that I can this is [ __ ] yeah this is post Hong know okay guys should we hear it like a quarter-mile away I don't know how this is about to go down we don't know if he's home we don't know if he hates us or just gets used in general let's get it what makes you think that it's cool to go to his house so he's showing the front house showing his car's wrong kind of nervous going up she's showing the front floor and I if I made a video at our house I would never show the front or the front door never never ever you guys had AI dogs climbing yeah yeah and that even that was too risky yeah okay yeah this might work for the joke video but we were worried about in terms of the front door they're both there they've got a lot of cameras there it's Austin here we got two minds they're recording Austin it like I don't even know that he's being he knows his be reporter this works the most legal right Austin saying what's going on we would can deliver if I thought like you were somewhere back there granitic manager the defense song a new daughter away will I do nothing more so you know they are their shitty obsessive no no boundary fans don't look at about the 10 year old girls up my ass and Tempe he nor the behavior analysis it's okay not going yeah you know it's really good everybody knows my dad drove me wait can I open it so you guys can at least watch along - on TV is that too risky maybe it's bad that we listen because we're like the viewers we go yeah you get roll and cut to it in the man yeah yeah we create we get the picture you're already blogging right we like him so yeah but yeah we're friends right we go in hang on input and write you like ball skills and show this footage in our church people in the case that okay study like to thank you already know your savage I love your music and things so we're like yell we are hand-delivered the March thank you sir lucky for them post is a nice guy yeah yeah nice guy goes way nicer yeah a less nicer person would have yeah sure that I've got my property huh stupid kid or just be shotgun blast movie really dark that'd be a good blood I had no doubt that Austin would just be nice because is nice he text me is like you won't believe what just happened yeah what not only feels like Jake Paul just came to my [ __ ] house I see a little bit of explanation because it's like you were kind of like hippy about the song where you're lying but then you got the March so dude he's [ __ ] moving on it you are the purchase fire you know a small video me me on him in his own video but my yard is way over his head he wanted to merge for sketch that we're gonna make right thank you so much for having me on the show today could the timing be matter o'clock with the time is limited we get to witness this it's a beautiful thing where were you right I'll never forget I'll never win I'm stuck with little boy got himself incarcerated I'm the thing is like thankful was writing so highs invincible but somehow he found a way no she's on like this uncredible nosedive do you think well you think so I mean yeah well this is illegal no illegal to sell illegal this is straight-up lawsuit you lost everything like if Austin wants to press charges are suing I'm sure I Stanley worden because he's not all right I'm not people nice the guy showed up at his house about to I'm not sure also there's a precedent to be set because I mean yeah post Maloney is a very popular musician he has a team of lawyers yeah Oh anything like this and be like well Janna would you like to bury him yeah I'll show it flexibility the merged company the murder guy the way this in okay Jake Paul cells has merged through fan joy which is a huge emerge company right handed in his address is a whole line of your we gotta believe I'm scrupulous illegal yeah so while are going to go down for this it seems like it's the new Watergate tailgate wait what okay so Jason on about it Paul gate yeah okay no oh that's good that's just gate this needs to be h3 video it will be I think we just need to know how to make a whole video and then make the parody you got old yeah a couple of is there you guys got you gawking about having time so I'm looking line that on with all day I know you've got it I need a bus men up for Adrienne can we just like can we just take take a step back and just here's a situation where I'll just drinking some nice ice-cold Hennessy while witnessing the downfall of the most notorious yes absolutely cheers here to the fallen the fall of the poem was like what sorry I'm going to click my damn glass swatch up you know it's funny because they just made they made a music video called the rise of apology ah well that was quick yeah they really am night is this one there's a I'm sore about water killed them I gotta see what's out there you got to do anything with it but we got another song and as a verse open is there can you imagine post Malone a pop superstar doing a verse on Jake Paul like how delusional you get the look on on Austin's face right now is the face of somebody who's like man you [ __ ] up right [ __ ] you up what have you done hi carrie has out wrong by though using dolphin sounds the censorship yeah stupid news zombie fella work for a monkey that one so well that one so you are in the corner this is the most corner gets us the other sniper shot yeah but he's gonna be on my sonic when you saw no yeah yeah no probably should I got his number you know where that because I'm not he just travels just like know where we live a little too real yep oh my [ __ ] now I so well what are they doing right there yeah well max are they going to zoom in on the exact location it's like really yeah it's like a Google Maps thing on now okay I don't know if it's yeah it's I don't think that it's accurate well I think it's gonna zoom in nope nope all right Nick it's random okay okay not so cool so he see the comments yeah publicly made the I think we'll be fine okay yeah they'll be fine that went so well you're getting me that was great can I um any songs well more can you ask for Christ I'm shocked and awed by this yeah me too this is so weird it is beautifully assistant I know yeah somebody just filled our food bowl I just blown away by how reckless and irresponsible a king of egg it's just part of the UM weird new segments that are new so you're talking about so cool hey we win we won our new this is our lead story but I did oh great bit oh I really need to hear back from awesome that's hilarious oh what's always what is probably only a message right lawyers are how many lawyers yes probably what a message Dre and tell him to check that yeah all right let's get let's let's focus we need to make HD video of this though this is absolute bananas this is priority number one for you guys let's cut it short go go go alright let's let's move it on let's do the news here are we are we set up where I gotta grab that back okay go ahead let's kiss so anyway dance corner well I have a hard time nobody I get I get that was quite a quite a development that we got to witness live yeah there yeah like watching the Towers fall you know exactly that level I mean all right well I like that lesson yeah I'm sorry Allah arable and I hate when it like one victim here sadly which is possible long yeah well so I'm hobbling I think posters give it a win in the end yes to do I think he's got the upper hand hope he doesn't have to move or anything he literally just moved there like a couple weeks ago oh really he literally was like I'm going to take the day off to put all the boxes away because my house looks like a dump and I'm a poor person gosh definitely dick move dick move no this guy's got [ __ ] investors and you're like trying to [ __ ] through a legal team that's representing look when you waterboard someone dick does it dick moves yeah yeah it's your exact it's just very very common simulated drowning Yoda clue what are you doing why'd he do that I wish you just could've asked I could tell you I'll talk or explosion next we are setting up for the new segment that was a bit of a tangent but I thought it was an important one that was beautiful and not well worth the time well worth it real give it a second here Dan you've made my day oh boy in fun it is to ride pretty crazy that happened doing the podcast oh my god thank you like everything else he's done has been pretty pretty much a footnote to that one yeah yeah yeah it's good it'll get hella views it'll get hella press um I just hope to god it develops into something else and it's not just another brick in the jake paul wall you know what i mean like i hope that this actually like is because you can compare like trunk to this you know Trump says all this Atlanta's [ __ ] and does all this outlandish stuff and in the end like everyone clamors for impeachment but are we any closer to that so like I hope this is a little this is a tangible crime yeah yeah it is you're right hi special ed and I and I I hear you because it's like dude needs to understand that there consequences like he's so off the hinge he's so like diluted with this power and fame he absolutely off the chain he's doing anything is he is the definition of doing anything yes before the views he no no well I hate I got a video on deck yeah I feel great yeah I feel great and I'm not I'm not Oh Austin dinner I'm gonna make a bunch of money off his [ __ ] disco okay you guys got a tab running yeah I want to try the analog [ __ ] real quick that tell ya guys it all over has that babe I love it it's a it helps it's very family Hoss and you know yeah I like that I mean this episode's not brought to you by this it looks like no a space tickets very I like how slim it is because I tried another one this is called a jewel I used to have another ecig that was like big fatties yeah I didn't feel like a cigarette yeah yeah it was like flick it like it okay that one belt in it keeps me on the right side of hunger see how it like thing got him up yeah yeah i'ma looking at a couple of rats and that's cool that's edgy level [ __ ] the dead babes heart I'm on my way that's higher let's do the new so roll the roll the intro let's get into the news [Music] [Applause] [Music] I probably should I should probably do it so they don't hear it and I'm in a [ __ ] truck is an interesting overhaul in the new second alright here we got we are officially in the new segment well again take the lead alright guys so we got some spicy ones this week first up I don't anybody's heard about this but it set a lofty goal in Baltimore we're going for a let's go hey Audra now I'm going to throw the video over there oh you are okay alright I'm [ __ ] a separate alright so in Baltimore there is a call for a murder free weekend yes this is one let'em now no murder let's just say it because people need to hear it No right that'll work apparently we've seen already 188 murders in Baltimore that's here Wow go for a record there that it and so I guess the solutions simple just don't kill anybody I find that I wonder if the hardened gangsters are like you know what today's the day today's the day I'm going to survive this [ __ ] yeah they're right you guys you know what one weekend just one so what is that a murder free weekend robbery for just a weekend and then it is Monday night I am right back out to be blast murder on Monday hurts my thank you an honor like the they trying to keep the numb like why this weekend it's actually in August so uh oh my god something like that so this is gonna be [ __ ] murders so weird that's uh and what was the committee like who-who's no it's uh no it's not actually his mother I think however kids murdered okay okay there's there's a real sentiment I absolutely absolutely that makes it well will you all you guys participate and then I pledge to participate yeah I'm not going to I don't know every single person that weekend you get order elsewhere yeah yeah I get that I do have a trip to Juarez oh well then go nuts we're doing a Baltimore right wait is that a real place yeah yeah sounds real what American in August and see how they did on the last good point that's yeah let's down we'll have an update then Mike is a little quiet they say so was it you got a holdout Mike real close okay oh right and always hard my music yeah yeah Wow microphone etiquette a thing Dan welcome to our world day alright so next story there was a light in your mouth there was a crash there was a crash in Oregon we're a bunch of shipping containers filled we accidentally spilled looks like 7,500 pounds well that may be needed this autoplay should I hate that autoplay share the worst YouTube ads or nothing okay you know what I mean there's everything else is an imitator and you scroll down a 500 pounds of slime eels well pour avoir the owner version oh my god guys these shipping containers they crash and it actually crashed into another car already even big you'll only [ __ ] I've seen that anime yeah is that food though yeah I guess so this is a delicacy in Korea in China coming this particular species espanol grows off of the Oregon coast there oh my and when they get freed out they secrete this like mucus oh that's like eel jizz are you telling me they got freaked out they try to make a run for it but like a defense mechanism it's supposed to like yeah things like fish one is trying to you wanted that you know about the alleles yeah they're called they're not actually eels they're actually hagfish oh I am serious they have a bunch of with wars running alongside their body that secrete the mucus right they are older than dinosaurs wait why living one of those is a number I've seen videos of people eating them and I was just like what [ __ ] Twitter like they I don't know if they eat them in the slide like crazy I'm sorry if I'm running right is this some of you planned oh no no that's not access and it's an interesting creature oh there was jizz all over the road and also for that guy good guy that car that image in the car is all the [ __ ] in it well forever haunt my dream he was a you came out like covered in swine they're like oh you got here with the aw no unrelated yeah he'll got me one came right through the back of the truck any idea honey how many yields were spilled damn 7,500 no 7,500 pounds oh yeah like God's Way more that is a lot of demand for eel that is a that is a absolute yes sorry I didn't apologize no like you're right though like just a trucks full of like I went two and a half now I can't that's not right like three tons and then some almost four it's almost four tons of eels I think the EPA heard that they've been alive since the dinosaurs and we're like well let's [ __ ] wipe them out yeah yeah either right I'd take them excuse we've only been around for a hundred thousand years so let's uh nobody beats us yeah number one baby number fill a truck with a new let no an SUV yeah you know I say [ __ ] that's my takeaway from the story if they're not eating them let them spill on the damn road yes why not yeah absolutely how the hell'd they become a delicacy not a delicate about the creeps well Asian is yeah which is why you know what these guys look fun hey Dan yeah it's always been challenges and this one it's got to seem that they love us better for there we go people find this gross I found a way to heat it I don't want just real I want to L with mucous membrane sometimes the heels that energy thank you every animal justice but this animal is the most fun thing that's the nickname to the the hagfish and the jizya yes yeah I'm sure we're coming back fish come on my own as Virginia bill today the Jersey oh my god we like to fill trucks with them and that's right mommy I'm going to try what I'm feeling yes thank you all right what's next alright next what so five four over in China a new trend is these personal defense weapons they call them an anti permit anti pervert flamethrower this basically straight up a lightsaber oh hell yeah not even oh [ __ ] show us that video look at this show us yes wow it actually gets way crazier penalty burns at like 7000 degrees Fahrenheit or something like that so it could shoot up to like almost a foot so for those you guys who are who are listening and out watching it actually looks like a like so it's really right up torch I mean that is like a three foot flame I've never seen so I'm a little saddened that it had to take perverts in China to create that incredible technology because that's amazing that's a cooling it under a while necessity is the mother of invention event they sure do they'd sure do say that maybe was trying to grab your slimy ol off your plate you hit them with them yeah we'll just be a New Jersey like they feel right everyone the jizz saver that's so yeah right we have an so pervert is illegal in China Oh someone is saying in the chat but it's on Amazon currently no locks matter if it's on Amazon I that's the last thing I want to be seeing out like EDC is your new digit spinners right here's your kid with a DD now here you know he plays thinner daddy's got to work and a kid loves fire you have how many of these are been sold people are actually watch walking around these in China blasting perverts is that big of a problem like what's going on in China pervert well I noticed Li okay I'd like I think I get it there's like the overcrowding and trains and they're like a they're gropers Larry let you know guys like grow the ladies whatever having a pepper spray I don't need a button is raised is pepper spray like a [ __ ] LED saber okay they were incredible technology no go the person here is if you use pepper spray on a train you're going to [ __ ] everybody up on the train so instead give them a block give them a little faster well warning tomorrow will trigger bottom or I get that yeah that looks like it would go right through somebody like a website I don't know I do dance Mike can you hear it out there I know more about it you definitely buying things you sell more holes it is the pollution overpopulation burn them all Syria I'm just again I can't is just such a weight like crazy cool technology but what is strange like very specific origin its perverts in China as opposed to like for example like military technology or like laser cutting or something no not just perverts in an overcrowded China like like that what a weird necessity I mean that's not weird the wrong word I mean it's tragic and it's shitty know it but it's just very not what you'd expect I don't know with that in a couple - Jake Paul a couple of posts Mullaly burn that house their clothes alone these days it was got him like memory no just [ __ ] hand three kopeck O'Connell I just got really [ __ ] cool we need to market these as anti Jake Paul divided he will come to your out and he shows up your house came up gimmick to don't buy his merch the entire dollars seriously honestly I was not the band type Polar's all right Paul alright that's pretty fascinating they did what else we got Dan then this was a little little lighter than yields are flamethrowers um you guys remember boaty mcboatface know I know this one what obvious update I don't know so it's super so a few years ago in the UK they had a vote for this research vessel what they were going to call it and they kind of opened it to the public which is always a great idea always always a really good idea yeah I was like as I'm out to do yeah and of course boaty mcboatface ended up being the winner and it was this big controversy and then the government was like no we're not going to do that and there was uproar everyone was like [ __ ] that it won so be fair right and so I think they made some compromise like the the sub like that's on the boat is boaty mcboatface okay okay so they've sort of got it through so in Sweden I believe yeah something similar happened they did a vote and training train phase and go ahead it listen to some of the other names here but they're they're honoring it this time apparently they're going to honor it Sweden is a great country they're very socialist they are honoured yeah they don't get jokes too well either they think that that's an actual name like oh it is yes it is train in Israel good well listen to these other operations other than straight active so look at Karen Dylan babies go to green it was between training ik train base or Hakan Miriam or Poseidon right that was when I remember how very imperious oh yeah yeah exactly exactly and then training McRae thank God that's gonna way to have a sense of humor like I got that like saw those three options together I would obviously vote for training McCain says yeah oh this if this were a subreddit it would be made me smile make you happy but honestly I'm really high like when I saw this on whatever like are not the onion or whatever the [ __ ] this made me really happy because I do remember Bodie mcboatface in the uproar that has surrounded it but I'd be happy that you made you up didn't see there you go it's contagious and frigerator died like two oranges kills people all right overall hot italian tell me wala way to feel how I feel Prentiss is cute right in the vision delica no parentheses said not click face I was out of training m'q trained face transition over 6 3 I mean they could have more options like Jake full army the strongest would have been business reveal good strong we are strong or we are live have you been that way biddy really waited not by his March he will come to your house yeah find you and make it public where you live have you guys have you guys seen the tweet that he retweeted well it's like that one of his one of Jake balls fans said we are lit we are savage we are Jake ball it's it's amazing you should really know it's only something like we are Jake Pollard's we are savage we will bring something like that so in here is it sounds like a bad Nike ad it really does we have anyway let max hit us with the den they go next up basically you know if you take this whole jake paul thing to its logical conclusion yes later you wind up without our next story hold on I got this twin I got this sweet he retweeted this we are savages we are always lit we are powerful we prank people we love team 10 we love bizarre bizarre Clark that's his business show we are Jake Pollard's and he retweeted that and here we also retreated there's 8.5 million people who would do anything to live next to Tim 10th house by the way there are 12 year old girls like ok cool you do inking Lenexa gig 10 being a [ __ ] adult who owns a house idiot I didn't realize you had a Disney show oh yeah I take back everything I said it's great yeah he's cool with me now did me show yes see what else who helped the party behind like a savage making people is tow savage needs to be real hard he also retreated he ain't gonna listen nobody he's going to flip intended dude with the crying laughing I hate to retweeted that I'm so cool not ironic cuz it's the avatars a 12 year old girl and then he tweeted himself I'm still going to send it he's the first Disney star to lose his mind before getting the job on Disney that's right what's there now he's on there he just plays a minor is like a character in the show for the kids yeah for the kids any tweeted up crazy how people care about me being a bad neighbor bigger fish to fry and it's and people are getting shot every day you should worry about that that's not a justification for your shitty behavior Jake Paul you can't just hide behind a statistic and be like oh people should [ __ ] worry about that instead Oh that meant that tweet made me so mad which I know is what he wants but I don't really care if somebody does my shot somewhere can we please go figure that out well not in Detroit in a couple weeks right the Baltimore Baltimore Morgan for bad timing th so just write five I know it's like awful you know like murder away another still making whatever happens in Detroit stays Detroit Baltimore no murdering one weekend Ohio area as if people can't worry about two things at one time exactly exactly yo man yeah maybe I am a shitty neighbor slash person but people are dying you know if I already world yeah what's another drink oh I'm still drinking I think another bud you want yeah and I'm slowing down now I'm actually pretty drunk I'm pretty Tozer huh here's the damn guy you got ass is what I'm empty all right Cheers it's not it's only bad luck even something you got absolutely yeah don't get too much Hennessy in you because I'm gonna have a beer I think you know that raw gimme y'all I'm sorry is saying the coin watch is just a drunk at all so what's a beer I have a beer I'll be right back this is great you know just hanging out yeah with microphones interfaces capturing all of our perps and public for the world is yeah absolutely just shooting the [ __ ] though my stomach is alright next story the next story is kind of happy that it is next door is heavy very heavy duty I don't know if you guys heard about this a actually really good investigative report from BuzzFeed seriously apparently they they become a hard little and good news yeah yeah cattle reporters I actually read this whole article and it's a really good article right you might be pretty disturbed by this I want only like it was people soup - yeah yeah it was really disturbing so it already has a sex called I thought he hit him right dystrophy sorry yeah so apparently he he has a let's see up to six women living in his house that he controls every aspect of their life um records himself having sex with them and distributes it to his friends yeah oh my gosh and he calls them my babies and he makes them call him daddy I'm not creepy at all maverick we're not creepy oh and a doula once it was my god when he when he started to like getting their relationship with them what it does is it gives them a new cellphone and then they keep it sealed yep what are they complaining about so he says well let me tell you in this economy they can only use it when he allows it and to whom he allows it and he tells them what to wear and what to do like according to this article and it's really there's a lot of evidence like there's a lot okay here's Mike not just one rumor are they complicit are they willing participants so that's the problem with it it's it's pretty much it's like a cult a manipulator my team that's is that this thing that's actually a little second and that's why yeah he's gotten caught on a time thing wait safe Daniel are you Talia we active teen right yeah in 1994 there was a follow-up article from Rolling Stone and they kind of broke down his whole history of this kind of behavior and yeah he was 27 at the time and he married alia well at 15 15 at the time when they were making their album this is not a joke age ain't nothing but a number yeah and that actually oh no no that was so that that's I think that's why I got so six on this story because I was a big ugly offense and I remember this album and all of a sudden like everything has a completely different context yeah yeah ages the age is not nothing but a number at a certain point yeah yeah unless it's illegal yeah you know look okay Allah outside but it puts a lot of side let's put statuary rape aside yeah if you're fifty old was she christened if you're a 15 year old girl think back to when you were 15 years old you didn't [ __ ] know what was good for you I was married I live year old actually is that right yeah I've [ __ ] up JJ I would wake up young seriously if you're 15 how old was he at the time 27 like that's you cannot you're just not there emotionally maturely you're a [ __ ] kid you're watching Looney Tunes also he actually he was assigned he was assigned to be like her producer so she was like up-and-coming new artists and I think her uncle was like his manager or something like that so we put them together and it was like we're gonna work on your album together and so also you got to put that in context for her it's like the guy who's making her possible for a career yeah so there's this kind of coercion subtle coercion nice so subtle even and it's the same thing with the Gulf that is keeping in his cult right there at all of them were aspiring singers yeah so that picked them up here that's no way I can make you famous yeah there's something I don't know if I'm bringing this up from something else but isn't there something in this article about how he would film having sex with yeah show them to people yeah yeah he'd have buddies over be like yeah you want to see me having sex yeah with a 19 year old but but here's the flip side to that he makes them all dress in track suits and they're not allowed to look any of his male friends in the eye what yeah I want any of them to like lust after them or what a buck would go to that house guys I investigate the Russian occupation directory that's already like right there you know I'm going to going out with our Kelly welcome like ten girls and tracksuits won't look mean I look at the wall they try Putin's behind this Blair Witch yeah Stan paste the wall yeah yeah it's earlier in the I look at later which is a [ __ ] started sodomized field so the parents of all these girls are like they're trying to report it to the police but apparently because the girls are there like from their own will right the police can't do anything because the problem would call that's the cult yeah the special Motorola phones the can't dial nine one Wow so our Kelly I mean going back to but this is a really circular episode cuz we were talking about how team ten plugs I know that's why I was saying this is Theresa yeah but II think I'll tell is one of the ten he's in this the 10 spot 100 why don't you guys are making URLs in it he's the silent guys are doing we have some late-breaking news oh it is being spamed right oh boy what not um firmed but Jake Paul looks like he's being evicted and faked there's a video I guess really that's what [ __ ] happened I think me and our tweeted this they don't know if it's a prank or not here let me throw it on the screen I call it fake news breaking there's alright let's see can you look at thought oh well this is probably a prank well by the way team 10 I'll get that nobody can evict him can you turn it up turn it up a little bit right crank it or [ __ ] just post Malone sending him a lightsaber oh yeah I don't know about that creepy that's I don't know if this house I think I listen how many people are out there yeah creepy that they're just there at all time that has a [ __ ] hey on the side of his door I like right of a horse one yeah this is first off also he doesn't get it is that lunch going there's a basically how old you let's order to me is a your okay coming up so yeah apparently take that I'm fiction owes to the door like Martin Luther Martin Luther during the Christian Reformation right oh wow nice wrap I don't know why I hear them on right now we've been full of visitors a great educational nailing oh yeah yeah Wow under the eight-year-old kid come out take a photo I don't the thing is that they in probably sketch they made a prank where they like a police guy came to arrest him and that was a prank so that's why I don't know if this is real oh yeah know always doubt it I mean I'm just more than the eviction I'm just really alarmed of the constant circus of children out in Italian yeah this is so [ __ ] creepy like have we saw anything like that before like you know you think about like Leonardo DiCaprio and all these like the the bad boys of Hollywood and everything like is is there any comparison between this and the question like setting a pool on fire yeah maybe Leo Caprio when he was in the liquidity posse or whatever is a rock star if you look back at these uh rum rambunctious rock stars who attracts hotel rooms yeah I'm fancies yeah that's what you hear about every buck and [ __ ] up right except his fans aren't like teenage to twenty year old girls right his fans are actually eight-year-old children twelve year olds and the star is just a vlogger like what is the right news not in Titanic is not efficient and he didn't make ours and their vinyl whatever might you're like what is you bite your foot Eric get out I said have you not heard his mileage oh yeah I didn't might I got a little Hennessy in me yeah you know I know y'all to the mic you're going to kill our viewers this is a we have a pitch limiter right no no as soon as you're doing I'm sorry to everyone when I drama you want for me you expect better for me drunk Hennessy bottle is about only a quarter left this is what you watch for that's right such as it's episode as default go to NASCAR to see the car crashes that's kind of what happened here today a free podcast yeah see the paula fresh okay back to our Kelly yeah there's a video that TMZ did with the one of the girls and they're like so is everything okay with you and she's like yeah I don't know why is everyone overreacting everything is okay and she obviously looks so uncomfortable we saw that oh yeah yeah then has it and then there's a part where they ask her can you tell us where you are and you can see a shadow of someone saying no like you can see their hand shaking no whoa yeah I've got to pull that up by the way I heard that in Jake Paul's video he does show postpones license plate mm-hmm nice guy anyway that's not cool cool guy what a jerk yeah not cool you guys think Arco is a spirit cooking I know I've heard about that what's that it's possible is that it's like baby blood that keeps you young or so in that Hillary was feeling like I thank you I think you need to be a politician to yeah you got to be you got to be going to Bilderberg meetings okay no one's here cooking it's our Kelly he's like doing live concerts at Bohemian Grove is on you yes I do trip tip tip all right I love it I love it Karthik alright this is a TMZ video be careful on the audio level and I just mainly want to say that I am a heavy place with my life and I'm not being brainwashed or anything like that oh really to a point where it definitely has got a penis so you know I just wanted to know my parents and everybody in the world it I totally hi parents well you don't okay no she doesn't okay you're fine mhm you you are not being ollie to your will or doing anything that you do not want to do oh no not at all never been filming hostage or anything like that in nature together so why is it now that your family is coming forward and saying this and they've asked for a welfare check and everything like that why do you say like oh like a check of welfare okay and on and off about it six five months I haven't really spoken Svensson of everything they've been causing problems in my life without a nugget hostage and they inhale yes I wheel and stuff like that because it has I'm very hard work you know what's going on with the situation because it is neutral point where it's getting too much out of hand you know we have to deal with it in me being 22 it's just you know it's just not right so I haven't spoken to them mainly in about five or six months really oh I mean they'll you know take like classical yep cut my parents off they take their phone are you angry in Georgia or where are you I know you can Wow yeah I know yeah I know I find when I was on the move yeah when I was watching on my phone it's even more clear you can see on her shirt like yeah the shadowkhan so creepy you know that's so sad in creepy oh yeah we're fine I haven't talked to my parents for six months and I can't tell you where I'm located what's what Scientology where they have um a [ __ ] what's the acronym it's like you cut someone off suppressive person yes MP thank you so much exactly yeah same [ __ ] thing same [ __ ] yeah what the hell Kelly also the really sad thing is that they all like aspire to be musicians and then in a few of the stories it was a girl who went to show probably wasn't like the front row you know and then he was like you come backstage afterwards and then she would go with her parents yeah with reparent with the parents and the parents are like cool is interested she's talented maybe or maybe can coach her and then invites her to a show she goes the prank gets a little weird you know and then invites her to travel with him and then she doesn't tell the parents because she's like I'm going to travel with the superstar is going to make me a star the parents don't know about it and then they lose constantly and she's too late exactly and that's what happened but a few of them it's crazy oh it's so sad and creepy and scary and weird that this [ __ ] happens I know I sound like John Oliver Kurt its current year it's what he's ever seen at the same time if you know it is [ __ ] weird that like doesn't it seem like dated to talk about Colts just in general yeah that Colts man [ __ ] dumb yeah still goes on today depends how much money they have true he's like a master manipulator yeah exactly he's back in the day and there's so many cases of girls who like sued him and then they came to an agreement and he paid them so there is no yeah so there's no like actual like he was guilty of that or guilty no cause you're broad singer but there's like a million shots weird one to so many stories it's crazy [ __ ] article email what's the R stand for wow thank you and thank you this is why the people tune in if this is named like Robert or Richard or grape either he's a [ __ ] same yelling he's a human slime eel really continue washing ideas wait worms did with the finger wagging I think it was startled by modulus title it's very sad oh yeah alright let's move it on this looks like laughter but I side you'll excuse us I'd I believe that is what else we got uh I think this last one actually so I'm sure everybody's heard about this is all over the news but OJ's back baby oh yeah well the world is a more interesting place with Jose even though he's murdered people I hope people still have his [ __ ] so he can go steal it again and come on right down the [ __ ] personality and then how what must take some very three more years all right now for an hour right time to get my [ __ ] back okay so Oh Jay Simpson after basically admitting to murdering Nicole Simpson and what was her her lover's name did it admit it I mean he wrote a book if I hiatus or do funniest was hypothetically about if I did it which is pretty much it I did here's how I do it in the in the publish Liars out it never actually has the murder in it well they never published it every lack lash really they were going to publish this book called if I did it and then after all this public backlash like what the [ __ ] are you doing yeah to my all the shirt they have canceled the book thank god they desperate for money because he actually lost in a civil suit because he got acquitted criminally but then Nicole Brown's family wife sued him civilly for her murder and he was found guilty in that one so the guy is so weird and milk drive pretty much all of his assets did you see the ESPN like three-part documentary series no it's awesome I like six hours long and we said then then that's like this recent one yet the briber Thursday's but I think that's what I meant wait one I'm not talking about that the fictionalized the not the Ryan Murphy one I'm talking about like the what you guys may be talking about with John Travolta oh that's the yeah that's Ramat eyes what's that it was it was a reenact yeah yeah that's a great one I have that and then I watched like actually I think it was ESPN they made like an animal that one like follows his early career it does but it's very even more even more so than the Ryan Murphy one it's very very in-depth like from early on shows why he was such a big deal it's fascinating because it's just so it's so bizarre especially when he gets to Florida this is after he's you know he's been found not guilty and he lives like this weird second life in Florida and he just parties it up and he like films a pilot for a [ __ ] Punk'd ripoff but it's like all it it's all about n I you know I know you don't use [ __ ] you I have oh its legend its legendary he like you know he drives a white Bronco it covered in blood them - AB - - yeah what for reactions yep I'm a guy that really sounds like a [ __ ] joke I mean it sounds like a weird like bad like monologue oil voce is fascinating he was on top of the world he was one of the most famous NFL players of the movie star and he just murdered yes I was listening they were talking about it today on Howard Stern Show and they were talking about how young people like maybe our age but a little younger like in their 20s don't even know him for how big it was their only know him for the murder face right and they're and they're asking like is he really as big as people say and they say no he was he was actually really fun all my acting you had a lot of cultural phenomena your time that murder happen it was so big he was he was like super one of the most famous people in America yeah I was I was going to say he's out [ __ ] killing six boy so anyway he murdered his wife right no well she wasn't now she's dead they really really got separated or something was she oh yeah yeah they were separately I'm but here's here's my question to you guys do you think Jimmy Fallon's going to get them on like I think that joke tweet I know that's bad press I think it's I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that sick I don't think that guy deserves and Jimmy would just be the entire time like calm and ease no crazy don't worry don't worry disorder looks like I was going to be the whole package is power I know you crazy haha though that's a pretty good don't manage not know I think I think he's smarter because he's more particular with image good I saw a girl Rogan quit should I have what a Joe so Joe Rogan is more interesting angle because it's more conversation based than Joe Rogan VA and on him he's not afraid of anything he said should I have Oh Jay or not I would say yeah absolutely we're here with I was able to say about Shore a spirit molecule and DMT and the Enlightenment of the human mind yeah absolutely I like Joe Rogan believes in Joe Rogan all got again yeah the observations are short yeah the only thing I've been deprived of is sunlight so if you guys don't know the story of audiences fascinate because he he basically got acquitted of murder and then he went to Las Vegas and did a an armed robbery of his memorabilia and that's what he's in prison for now right well not the video of that anymore [ __ ] hilarious by the way cuz like he goes in there with a mask on and he's like give me back my [ __ ] and the guy and there's like oh gee is that you what like no man maybe much you like do you know me yes guys [ __ ] back know how possession works let's go my girl [ __ ] anymore it's like a bad judge every case that is I need to just I want to point out based on what you just said in his uh parole hearing you know he was explaining his behavior and apologizing and everything and he said I'm sorry that things turned out the way they did classic non-apology sure right I had no intent to commit a crime oh so he went in with the ski mask and a gun it's not it's not a crime yeah this night II did not tend to yeah that's nicely first yeah it wasn't my intention every was armed right yeah armed robbery and a ski mask yeah but crying is it cause I don't think he had a gun but I think this people oh okay okay okay and he's like yo you take the gun you got a bright one he's gonna launch it the guy hey you could do some damage with that book yeah you know in its heyday Oh Jay I've seen I've seen your arm man I know you could hurt me with that cannon I'm not Oh Jay average guy was a football with the same build six and voice also Jay here's my face not Oh Jay all right then it's it anything that's it Oh dream on definitely I caught up I'm thankful for lovers aren't you well this is a pretty [ __ ] spicy wild ride of an episode everyone okay guys I guess that's it we can probably wrap it now yeah well you guys have work to do you guys got to get into the lab yeah go home I ain't going to trunk back get back cringe mat suit back well that does a sink back in the day in the early days of this podcast we'd have to go edit it but now the live now so that's what you made a blog they put up tomorrow XL video alright well thank you guys Jack thank you Eric thank you so much check out their YouTube yeah maybe it's a gription yeah make sure to check out their tone guys are the best this was hilariously awesome wish you guys a call back on some time with that yeah let us you know I'm name the time and place we will find out how we don't do [ __ ] [ __ ] true that's positive last very much the glorified way of hanging out yeah I'm all for that I don't get out of my house all I do is that it's oh yes please Oh cold Anne happy birthday thanks for doing all right then then great job on the news I will be a recurring segment I hope you guys enjoyed it thanks for tuning in thanks for watching everybody we appreciate you and we'll see you next Friday so god bless you appreciate you Papa bless you Papa blessed Jake Paul's strongest army on earth we are savage where your lineage we never forget never forget don't buy the nursery we'll find you oh all right bye everline bye guys thank you so much welcome everybody back to the h3 podcast about to get into the ghost stories but first let's take a shot at any turn into Incan Allah time - not anymore down it doubt your consumption we'll just use that as your shoutout yeah so we're going to get into ghost stories because that's just a staple of the show here it's a tradition there's nothing better than a ghost story oh no son I'm bored cheers to spooks and goofs this pretty good and then that it's been such a joy having you guys are the best man I love you guys this right back at you buddies love in this room and it makes me so happy oh this is fantastic Lance really is I'm like you know Jack and I are old old collab buddy we really are man I'm speaking up we got to do some more [ __ ] yeah I'm just laying let me know if there's any make flags oh there's much more flights under when I thought okay so one is a good one yeah so this is the segment of the show where we talk about ghosts which is a weird little segment we do because I'm a very skeptical person as as hila I don't really believe in ghosts but the whole idea of the super national theme super national supernatural thing that fascinates me because it seems like everybody has an interesting ghost story so with that being said do you guys have any of those stories or supernatural supernatural anything as much as I like to listen to them I still haven't seen much evidence that ghosts exist I had one experience in one of my friends houses and I was super drunk during in which I feel like most ghost stories I send after our super drunk oh yeah drunk as [ __ ] and I was on the toilet right and as I was all did ghost story right of course because the ghost want to know what you're doing there like I miss I miss doing that and like the whole night they've been talking about ghost stories in that house and really I was like had in my head I was like I really want to know if ghosts are real so I'm on the toilet um I got nothing else to do are there any ghosts here I'm like actually talking out loud oh my god any ghosts in this house if you if there are please do something I'm not I'm intrigued by the fact that on the John you had yeah I don't know I was alone like I was like no one's ever gonna know about this oh it's not about those randomly yeah well it was an old house and they were like yeah we have ghosts here and they were telling their hilarious okay okay told me this [ __ ] is haunting and I was like I want to see a ghost and they're like well just you know stick around for a while you might see one or you might see something creepy so I'm on the toilet and I'm like then it goes here if there's a ghost here just do something and a paper towel roll on the on the sink counter rolled a little bit I was like cool ghost haha now in my mind thinking back and that was obviously just a breeze coming in through the window oh my that's moving it well I'm like asking into the nothing Neela's we either wants to believe in the supernatural now that how how would you breath move the doll I don't know and I like a window it I think a window or something like that but I saw it's the stupidest ghost story ever like how do you know the grocery oh well want to move the paper towel wrong well they hit it and I say God I need the fantastic story like I freaked out though like I ran that in the room there rails a guy's girl paper towel rolls myself ghost is like because we want ghost hunting with post Malone ones and I'm like and he kept being like ela Ethan stop talking because we're not gonna be able to hear the ghosts and I'm like these [ __ ] ass [ __ ] the low tier ghost burst of their [ __ ] boy yeah every time what I would say it's like it's that's that's the best you got mmm you know remove the paper towel roll like like I talked into the beyond I I spoke my words in tonight's another generation of reality of an afterlife and what they had in response was they made a paper towel roll go but I'm going but like I think on their side they're probably like channeling it that's [ __ ] that's a pretty good story about being on it it makes me it didn't answer anything yeah and I felt really embarrassed about getting so worked up about it in the immediate moments after cuz again I was pretty blasted I ran like ten of my friends who I immediately embarrass myself a friend by being like girls ever but go through the paper towel roll guys go surreal they're like ah right I know what we're talking about they just lay this on it we stay here like shield babies crying yeah yeah there's doors there's chains being dragged on figuring out one sheet out of dude it seems like it's always like you either you can find an explanation for it or you got a want to believe yeah and then you like you have to make a well say that so to explain having ghost hunted with Austin who is a believer that you it definitely requires a leaf or as I've observed and suspension of disability yeah sure it's fun although don't worry I didn't learn noses and then before we left but I feel like they more you have to ask yourself we wouldn't go something we heard some really weird noises that spooked us all we have to ask yourself what's more likely a lizard or a snake kind of creature or a bottles ghost is the bΓ©chamel shouting it it's like what really there's a better explanation after you have any ghost stories I'm so boring I don't because I was just racking my brain the entire time and trying to thank you I heard and I really don't there's nothing I like going just back my little history of time anything creepy and unexplainable I mean I walk into a room full of ectoplasm ones but I don't think that could be anything dude yeah yeah that could have just been a bunch of slimy old hag fish so I real sorry sure real hey what's on Nickelodeon it was a Nickelodeon I should did you got slimed oh man member laughs it's fun to think that ghosts are real you know it really gives us hope I like to believe like if I get hit by a bus tomorrow I would love to be a ghost and just I'm done ohana you love do ya yeah Oh somebody's got a hot tub I wanna have like a like a ghost you know like Patrick Swayze absolutely I have to get into Potter he's gonna try to move on and I'm just going to honor a new life and [ __ ] I'm just going to ruin that contest on your own my one of them I can keep swinging around nothing there's a towel I'll tell you this I have a non-believer but I would love to believe in the idea of an afterlife like I mean I haven't specifically I don't think it's real but I mean like it's just it's enticing you know I was I was born and raised Catholic and at some point around like are you religious no no some I just kind of kind of just stopped I kind of questioned everything there's a point in time where I just started questioning did you go to church as a young bush or every Sunday and sometimes Sunday and Tuesday twice a week I went to a Catholic middle school just to eighth grade and yeah and I was super I prayed every night I was very religious when I'm prayed like well we prayers like Oh silly concerns please make my exam yeah yeah yeah help me help me study better you know you never prayed for something to happen you prayed for the strength to make it happen I did that a lot so instead of like I please let me be this trick to deal with this exactly like help me like don't feel me an A+ on this test tomorrow give me the strength to study harder get the A+ that's what I was told I still I like that bit of an anthem is I could put good energy on there and absolutely that I don't just as a relative doing it will give you the strength to persevere at what age did you start questioning 18 I you know I uh this out got ready to [ __ ] you know like you know and I'll tell you what happened this is so dumb it wasn't until 18 I read Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code that just got rocked my [ __ ] world right there and that's like it's so stupid cuz it just like this pulp novel you know and it's just it's like the chapters are three pages each in there a hundred chapters one of those like every chapter is a cliffhanger but honestly like just the the cliff notes and just all the the research that went into it like I just that was the point where cuz up till then I never questioned anything and I was very religious very religious my a o L screen name in high school was uncorrupted 630 no 630 and it wasn't ironic like that's my birthday June 30 okay no I'm June 25th Oh Chad did not matter hey whatever then yeah I hate it that's our birth sign cancer you know yeah it's such a terrible sign of cancer yeah what cancer as a sign existed before the thing right my the [ __ ] they call it that when I call it like death disease I might write a catchy name I sign it death by 50 she's not a catchy name but yeah like I that's one would it for whatever reasons that book and also the other one angels and demons that that just kind of like made me question my face and made me ask myself questions I never asked before I just kind of always believed you know but I mean like that's the personal thing I never wanted I don't want like press down on people because it's like it works for me it doesn't work for it I like religion you know we did whatever you want to believe if it works for you [ __ ] do it you know and that worked for me but I did personally I never experienced a encounter and I'm lighter than my Braille God in some way went during your religious a great question um nothing specific comes to mind and you feel like like it's really superstitious this stuff the guys name yeah cuz I used to be I used to be put in like yeah when how about you when did you start when I met this guy you ruined every day teacher I was very into the righteous I was 19 I know but it's around the same age so yeah funny how that I just said you were dogs bows yeah yeah yeah and tell you bet beautiful interesting it kind of all done everything like clicks like a delicious sure so I [ __ ] every look I woke my my name like I'm not saying like you if you believe in got your [ __ ] idiot like no I am NOT like that it works for me and but I mean like did the dude maybe like what do I know I mean my parent or does exist and I would love to be proved wrong I would love to be mean that like that's not a challenge like I want to believe in I haven't I just I don't but I really like just the notion of heaven you know and I everyone describes their own versions of heaven and like what a lovely thing that could be it just I don't think it's real but like I'm not going to rub it in someone's face and be like you believe in God that's cute you know like that looking [ __ ] that [ __ ] that move for people to know I know and I hate be like oh you believe in God well you're an idiot well she's I hate that at low level yeah it is very very low my mom my mom is still like she believes in everything but whenever you talk to her about it the what she sees in it is just good morals and and that that is just dying or for anyone human decency yeah or morals absolutely like the bite like if nothing else the Bible has some great life lessons and it doesn't it has really a double shitty once and don't you forget it so so like yeah your mom is a great person but she doesn't oh yeah she focuses on the good lessons like you know be good to others he'll know everyone says your phone is God you know what everybody's got their own version of 100% some people are like oh god hates gay people yeah and like gay people are like well I mean I go to church and my god doesn't right exactly gay people that's really about my so how does different about every you know friend I mean God is there mind of the man we create I'm in in my opinion we created a greater God all the other way around so I'm like yeah and it still works even in like we created this kind of idea this very extract idea of this person who is situational who you know validates what we want to believe that's what it's but I love that it's validation it's validation for all of our like drives and goals it's like that you know it's and sometimes it's justification to I mean our minds are not equipped to deal with the infinity possibility down the university Oh when we talk about God is just kind of we may be addressing that yeah we individual fire and we were like who's responsible for this right yeah right now why does fire exist right we didn't invent fire by the way I don't mean that no no we never get caught up that I'm and me but I get it but it's true well we learn to you know utilize it Rachel we were like what where does lightning come from where menacingly imagine Apes running around little night and I mean it's a [ __ ] we really somebody up there sending yell do eyes right right right horn Eidos or hurricanes or lightning how did you know in fact then that it was from a higher power course that's the logical explanation what l would like we heard there's a big one of us up there exactly controlling every I get it you know there's there's like you know the idea of like a sentient universe I think is like a really good like play it safe kind of version I'm thinking about it we're like you can go up and like say something to the sky but really you're just like talking to yourself in a way yeah favorite expression of that is what Carl Sagan said which is my favorite he says he humanity is a way for the universe to know itself Wow we're like the conscious mind of the universe because we have this notion of self-awareness and observation and trying to use thanks to understand the world around us so it's not so much that got like in a way we are that God because we have the ability to look in on the universe and understand it so without that intellect the universe would just be a [ __ ] mechanical it's just a clock that's turning its gears but there's needed mansion forever that's all right there's no way to be like this to a even acknowledge existence itself yeah if we ever meet like an alien race you know what [ __ ] God do they believe in right do you think they'll be crazy lien race and they had the same copy of the Bible is us then I thought alarm San Jose I would probably be like you know what I guess whoa hang on it is a ballgame yeah yeah he told it how to make spaceships all we had to do is not crucify him ha ha ha but would it be win a big church or synagogue distinction really really is it finish it the Jews all decisions did it first but everyone else is a tester there's always some salacious [ __ ] right it's all the same guy at the end game you fail there are some kids at all today so high why let's see you I [ __ ] you that's an idiot you know they were they were Disney before that Disney Channel five news every day bro never done before oh and when I'm doing well right now oh yeah we really wrap it up Wow now we don't share Harry Greg you Ethan they gave you on it this was all of them thank you I come in yo yo come here thank you guys for joining us freaking watch live at twitch calm not twitch calm they did again widget on TV / HP products you can watch every Friday at 3 p.m. thanks for joining us thank you to these two wonderful gentlemen and yellow and course and we'll see you next week guys thanks for tuning in appreciate sometimes got it
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,592,959
Rating: 4.8781962 out of 5
Keywords: jacksfilms, jack, jacks, films, jack douglass, douglass, internet, comment, etiquette, internet comment etiquette, erik, Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik, commentiquette, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila
Id: W555pdLeI_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 53sec (8453 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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