Filthy Frank Hysteria & Adpocalypse 2.0 - H3 Podcast #106

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hello everybody and welcome to the h3 podcast live welcome and happy Friday everybody we're so glad to have you you know we had originally scheduled for a furries to join us today to to try to understand their mystical and wild and interesting culture that didn't work out but what we do have is thousands of dollars worth of furry suits with no purpose or use for them so here I present to you me ethan klein in a furry suit i've got a lot to say about it it's very uncomfortable and this looks like the beginning of a snuff film i would imagine but it's real hot so with that being said let's get right into the show ela do you have anything you want to add to this Eva doesn't talk she's too kawaii but she's got the moves she's into it she's ready for a cuddle she's ready to she's ready to get in that cuddle mound right ela nope she oh no she said well guys enough all that let's go ahead and get started today on the h3 podcast live do we have an intro or anything - cut - no we don't okay all right well let's go ahead and a mosey on in there [Music] so guys we've scheduled a furry episode and all that we have left is thousands of dollars of fur boots and a story dude so the suit is actually the mask is so brutally miserable and it smells like camera call I said either don't breathe inside the mask and a miscarriage seriously I mean the [ __ ] was made in China we got this [ __ ] on budget I think it was a thousand or was it a thousand for both Dan I think it was a thousand for both suits because usually these suits I didn't know they cost upwards to $3,000 for the whole suit really decent I'm aroused I don't think they weren't quite a thousand there they were we aired on the cheaper side yeah we went cheap that means that you know there's cancer-causing chemical tight inside you know they sent fans apparently you're supposed to rip a fan aside because it is so warm and then oh my god it's just miserable I don't know how you could spend a day in this thing you know what I I want to okay well at any rate that's let me let me get out of this [ __ ] nightmare I guess say it's really choking like that takes dedication do they wear it like all day you're covering my camera I don't know just okay I'm back I'm drinking coffee Wow so I wanted to originally we were scheduled to have furries on today and I was super excited about that because I just find the whole culture so mystifying so confusing so truly bizarre and strange and so we had a prominent furry the prominent furry he was the guy scheduled to come out today we had booked the hotel in the flight you know we had bought the suits we were we were invested but apparently the furry community is not without its drama because a lot he was getting a lot of pressure he was being harassed to cancel it because apparently I think I'm a I'm transphobic well the transphobic thing started from I made a joke about cutting my penis what was it I made a joke about cutting my penis my penis touched the toilet bowl all right so your book really my tweets or a comedy book yeah if you have like a coffee table with like little comedy oh I just got a book idea I had tweeted out something that like my penis had touched the toilet bowl seat yes and now I'm gonna have to change my gender or something you know something like that and so they got angry because they're like gender has nothing to do with your penis gender see I was transphobic because just because you cut your penis off doesn't make you a woman to which I respond I made the decision that my new identity was gonna be as a female oh I said I was gonna change my name to like Eleanor or something I cut my dick off and I want someone to [ __ ] me in my dick my my empty dick Kavis cavity slot slot whoa damn you up for it let me sleep on it so they said I'm transphobic because I made it cutting my penis joke off and you know I guess and and there's just so much to ask about the furry thing but our body workout it didn't work out he told us after putting one on I have a lot more questions now yeah the truth is that I was coming with open arms and an open heart I really wanted to understand them on a on a human level but now that they've cancer to me last minute it was just gonna be like hard-boiled eye on the fridge I'm kidding it's really not that I'm not mad I thought it was we just wanted to have them here and just talk about it he's fascinated by them much like Joe Rogan has scientists on exactly industry professionals hurry in a fursuit but they can't sold about a couple days out because he had got he s the guy was getting so much criticism and backlash she was it was too much for him to handle from the Fuhrer community so on one hand I I don't you know I totally understand his decision that's his whole life that's this whole thing it's just a shame that there was so much outrage that that he had to cancel and we should say there were a lot of furries on twitter and also that emailed us that were like not all of us feel this way we're all bummed it's not happening so even that's true it wasn't a universal outcry but it's true yes that's a good point in I did receive a lot of emails of people wanting to fill in for him but when that happened I was like you know what maybe just in like wait this is way too Syria you know this is too much for this guy is getting harassed just for coming on the podcast so there you go that was a thousand-dollar gag I hope you guys enjoyed it but I I so I'm sure we'll find a good use for those I mean my goodness if not when Theodore grows up he's got two costumes already dude he's gonna [ __ ] die cancer if we make me wear that they're [ __ ] so welcome everybody today free podcast experience happy Friday everybody on top of the morning to you I'm Ethan claw I'm Ethan quad you're hosted with the beautiful lovely you look live rap laws around the Palace yeah now before we get started today with our main topic which is that so funny so you guys probably heard about the ad pocalypse 2.0 which I will explain later but I came across this this article if somebody was cutting filthy Frank into kids apt videos on the kids app for YouTube of him giving instructions or him making a joke of saying and cut it remember kids how's that remember remember kids sideways for attention long way for results so some wise guy was editing that into actual kids apps videos which is so stupid and same thing to do but some articles wrote or some people wrote articles about it and it's hilarious so we've got a whole scoop there that you guys will enjoy along with us but before that you know I'd like to show you something okay you are a fan of good people right you have a strong a feeling a feeling about pizza you like good pizza you do not [ __ ] with bad pizza that's true so here I found a video I'm sorry master a master master ate a pizza the master of FIFA this is a Brazilian pizza shop as I understand it already so if this doesn't make you hungry I don't know what does so far so good yeah leaving that dough pretty well thank you Dan oh yeah all start I mean there you have it a little bit of a tear but yeah we can patch that up not to worry minor issue this is the master of feats that we're talking about though man that's like the bottom of that that's not a lot of soy sauce burning on the hole that's all right oh my god I don't know what that is that could be look or is it right it looks like right okay so right more rice and now illa get excited why get excited my dude this is really that alfredo sauce but yeah or is it a chip I guess it's some sort of cheesy isn't it looks like mayonnaise in that Organic I think that's organic and then some corn out of a can uh-huh on the bra hand and then let's go on over to the pizza oven not good at spreading stuff he's the pizza master not you now here we will pop it in the pizza oven now we've got the let's throw a log and the pizza oven and get it going and next up let's get some garbage in there some cardboard to get the point yes the master had nobody gonna throw up the deuce what's fascinating so that's garbage burning and he's pretty good at spitting that thing on his finger to by not the bet I mean he's like yeah he's kind of good at it so the fascinating thing about this is that Dee's guy this guy is completely earnest this is the pizza master yeah now let's get some more unspecified garbage in there not a lot either like that cannot be a lot of heat going on that was literally just unspecified garbage he scooped it in with the pizza tool yeah the people the tool and then he touches the pizza with it to our street really I love I mean my goodness you know and I was thinking as he's scooping the garbage and then lifting the pizza with the same tool and turning the pizza around so frequently how was the last time you think they cleaned that thing it doesn't need to reclaim but it's already got garbage what are you cleaning I guess he's scooping it and he's playing with a lot and I really don't know that he's doing anything but you got a you got a spin it to get the heat even right right he's getting it close to the garbage - I know the returning garbage this is the pizza man interesting yeah would you eat that well wait till you see it before you decide yeah yeah wait to see it I have a feeling I would probably have diarrhea for two weeks if I took a bite of that you would eat it though you know I would eat a lot of things I'm not sure I would I think you got I think if you paid me a hundred thousand dollars of a ticket but one little nibble he's just he's scooping the garbage over to the flame hmm he's scraping the bottom of the pizza ovens throwing into the plane pretty incredible yeah so here we have it Wow the pizza master himself yeah it looks kind of good until he starts cutting the pieces so that's why you wouldn't eat it yeah my biggest problem was with the spreading as long as organic Ally did different cultures you know yeah speaking of different cultures we've eaten a lot of street food and whenever we're in Mexico and stuff and it has made me sick I think we were eating oh man you know but it was so much simpler it was just you saw some some like Mexican lady and she has like a dome that's super hot I don't know what's going on under that DOMA what's going on and then there's just meat on it all day yeah that meat his oldest [ __ ] sure and it's hot and it's just greasy and black taste bomb yet I did have diarrhea yeah all the time all the time like everything food is so good yeah especially the street food it's like my favorite yeah I'm like how much is that taco two cents I was like I'll take five when you eat that kind of food you get negative calories because you mishit it oh yeah you're like man I had like 20 tacos today but I'm uh I'm at negative 200 al-aziz it's a good diet yeah it's a great day speaking of cultures and different food you guys know I'm a huge fan of salt Bay and I just saw this this morning I really wanted to share it with you guys you know I have a problem with salt bed he's all flash he's no substance this guy is a shitty cook it's freaking disgusting so here I saw this video today and I'm like here goes frickin salt Bay again so have a look first of all what is this meat okay that doesn't it doesn't look like appetite let's just put this on a bun all right like that thing goes on the bun is already so insane let's take a vat of melted cheese way too much way way way way way too much just because you've lifted doesn't make it [ __ ] edible dude that's the meat to freeze like a little family now one egg on top because I [ __ ] care and now the bun on top that's it and now let's take this steak and drive it like it's a vampire through it and that's fine of salt but that's apparently gourmet cooking worthy of Instagram I mean that's a nightmare he's trying to crack the egg I guess but he doesn't happen so just squeezing it my favorite part is how he drives a stake through it like it's a [ __ ] Dracula it was the the bone right yeah was the ball was the bone yeah what's the monk like to do yeah that's that's the that's what I want and my smell of my sandwich is a huge bone you don't you throw it out I love cheese I love me I love egg I don't find that to be very appetizing like a new genre the Instagram cooking it's like it's not even meant to be eaten by anyone it's just for the video probably yeah it's but it doesn't even look appetizing that's my problem here and and no you know but when do people following this is a repo so I haven't seen the original but usually when I see videos like this it's like 20 million views and everybody's going crazy about it yeah even the caption on that those seem to be kind of getting down on him a little bit you see that we're on the sidebar yeah the Instagram like the caption the problem with the world is people can't stand to see another person enjoying their life sad ass haters this guy's supported yellow smashing why are you hating on salt Bay it's just everyone he missed the black peppers this guy's criticizing this stuff for not putting black pepper on it at the point yeah all right that's true that's why I'm not gonna eat it but my favorite part too was like he clearly put it like way too much salt yeah it's like the big it's kosher salt so it's like wait salt I guess I'm gonna calm salt bay you can start calling me salt bay because I do ruin a lot of all right well that's that just to build your appetite up oh there's one more video before we get into the main scoop here and Ian this is something maybe you could comment on this video by Kanye captivated the world what where is this in I thought he was like in Africa but I think this might not I think there's just LA yeah I think it's in Calabasas that's literally the opposite of Africa because first of all I'm not I want everyone to know that's not a racist statement he was recently in their life no oh you see bunch of black people used to zoom it's Africa Ethan Ian was it racist of me to assume they're in Africa well no we covered that he was in Uganda thank you so tell me what's going on here before we watch me and set this up he's been hosting this Kanye church every Sunday for the last this is the first outdoors one all the other ones were inside mm-hmm now was this improvised is that what's going on they're just having a jam sesh I think a part of it yeah I mean they have a setlist that they've been running through of about like 15 songs and this is a choir that performs with him and and there's people in the audience I assume who are recording it yeah there's the crowd okay that makes sense so here without further ado this is the oh yeah oh it doesn't be stuck in your head all day all day all day all day I love this video just got a power stance is he just playing like one simple chord that's how you get for it the god thing look how much fun they're having good so there's the classic one they're not your autoplay thank you God why don't I turn that off like decades ago there's this classic this classic line now they will be stuck we'll be in it live in infamy with poopy snoopy which is Dada Dada yeah so in I love Ian told me he's like when I saw this I had to pull over because you know it Ian's our resident Kanye superfan it was such a spiritual moment so he was like somebody sent in this video and he was like oh why don't you why don't you tell us what happened was a a stoplight and then I got the video and I saw just like a second and I got so overcome with this emotional connection that I had to get off the road mmm and how many was dangerous so you pulled over and how many times did you watch it probably at least 10 to 15 are you kidding or is that serious I watched it a lot yeah I've been watching it a lot I love this video the song I got that gut again you know there's this great I've heard this told my black comedians I don't know who but it's so true you can see it's evident here everyone's like what are you gonna say no in church black people they like to celebrate life you see they're like singing and guy got like God hear that [ __ ] right no choice but then white people in church are like Christ or they awkwardly watch the I Love You Jesus dude for like 20 minutes right all right well that's see that guys showing real love to God and then the white people they don't have the balls to show that a real loving jubilance they just watch lame love you got what was it I Love You Jesus whose course love you good so I find that interesting black people give it up they raise the roof for Jesus but white people they're just buttoned up they just it looks so boring when white people go to church yeah yeah yeah and is that racist of Muta Center I can't comment on Ian you okay well that's a bad sign Ian's are not giving me the pass I'm in trouble no I what I'm what I'm trying to say is I got a gun all right let's get into it enough for the deli darling it's almost time for a break mmm-hmm in that case let's just watch one more video that done went by fast there's a there's have another one I wanted to show you guys you know you might enjoy this one as I have a golfer I always wondered about this there's I feel like you've got to be kind of a psycho to stand this close to a golfer because I've been driving before and every time I hit the ball I how do you call that yeah slice it off like yeah and it's so dead it feels so dangerous and so scary like I'll be at the driving range and I'm afraid I'm gonna slice the dude next to me like somehow it seems like a rare talent that you can actually slice it at a 90-degree angle sideways to you what are you saying did that happen to you no no but like okay I feel like every time I hit it it's so close to hitting somebody so I go well they're professionals so they don't slice you know these are real professionals so everyone is standing there so confidently as a as a small plastic balls hit like at 200 miles per hour I mean this is not this is no joke so here's the answer to that question oh right into the at the shin level I mean that'll break your leg right so here's where this gets nuts same lady she doesn't apologize she doesn't acknowledge what happened yeah slice it right at the shin back to number two she's like lady I didn't ask you to stand there so number two same lady she hit the same lady twice it's so loud it sounds so painful oh it's brutal and it's like a point break it another lady who gets it she goes make her cut it out as if like she's doing it intentionally to man oh no we didn't oh my goodness thank you to me undies and ring by the way thank you to me undies and ring ring ring ring ring me and ease thank you to Eric and the chatter just typed me undies and that's why I thought about it oh oh Thank You Erica dude oh man Eric thank you to our gracious sponsors me on DS undies undies and ring ring we gotta get you that in fact yeah we do so like what so much is dead inside I think she's lost the world away he doesn't say anything hey there first aid on the way I'm assuming she's a professional otherwise why would so many people be watching her but I I just find this so peculiar that this could happen I think I don't necessarily think it could break a bone although I guess you got hit in the head dude you could definitely kill somebody I think with that I'm not even if you hit him in the temple or something I you could break a leg with that that ball is so hard and it they hit it's so fast yeah well it's possible I guess either way and hurt like hell like that would not be fun twice the same thing make her stop maybe move like she's a man anyway so there you have it I guess it's time for a break hmm yeah that was quick why was that so fast because of the ferry the first start a few minutes late so we're not quite at the half all right well let's just get to the rake and then when we come back we're gonna talk about filthy Frank and the apocalypse 2.0 this is a great scoop you do not want to miss we were be back after this short commercial break ask yourself this very important question is your underwear making you happy at this very moment or were you not even thinking about your underwear wouldn't it be nice wearing worse that is so soft it makes you feel like you're making love to a cloud yes literally putting your dick in a cloud that's what they're putting the image of my mind and that's a beautiful beautiful thing to be doing this underwear is so soft me undies that it makes Bob Ross yes the beloved painter's voice sound like Gilbert Gottfried's they wrote that that's there a lot but they are so soft that Kenny G thinks about them to get inspired to write his next song yes it is that soft because they use the coveted micro modal fabric which is three times softer than cotton take that big cotton you can get the Frick out not only will you feel your loins being hugged by joy itself Mia these gives you multiple style options for both men and women you get to choose between classic colors adventurous prints prints like significant otters or plant babies or shamrocks to commemorate our favorite Irish holiday where we all get drunk and cheat on our significant others and get in fights I don't I'm just saying I suppose that's what people do when they drink I don't drink be that as it may we're taught we're here for the underwear it's soft and even if you do mess up and cheat on your significant other you will be consoled by a beautiful beautiful soft underwear that's like making love to a cloud me Andes has a great offer for our listeners for any first-time perk just when you order me an EZ get 15% off and free shipping that's a no-brainer you get 50% for free a pair of the most comfortable undies you will ever put on if you doubt this just give it a shot because you've got nothing to lose to get 50% off your first pair of free shipping and 100% satisfaction guaranteed go to me Andes cops Association this way these cops last h3 me Andes calm /h Lee you got nothing to loose put your dick and balls in this thing and tell me it doesn't change your life there are very few products that I can say actually changed my life that are a paradigm shift ring is genuinely one of these products I have six of them around our house six of them what they are are live motion detectors and alarm I have a doorbell so someone comes ring the doorbell you see them they're still bring a package coming to tell you sweet nothings coming to put believe dog poop on your porch and let it on fire whatever it is for better or worse you know exactly what happened with sound and here's what's special you can come back and talk to them and be like hey get that dog shut off my porch you punk I got your face on camera I'm gonna tell your parents boom you see him you could talk to him here's the best part it saves the incidents and it uploads to the cloud so let's say some criminal thug it comes up and smashes the ring because he doesn't want to be seen it's too late it's on the internet it blasts it up to the cloud and you can review it anytime that's why I've got six of them all around my house because there's no shenanigans you know everything that's going on this product is incredible it's reliable you could talk you could blast them with the siren I mean guys it's ridiculous it notifies you when someone approaches then okay you can control the sensitivity you can control the distance it's ridiculous you guys this technology is putting alarm companies out of business because it's so much better and cheaper we had we got video of some creep jumping our fence last like a couple weeks ago at like 2:00 a.m. we woke up in the morning we saw this fricking creep cruisin around in our back yard he walked all the way around I think when he saw the ring and he got blasted by the floodlight he was like cooking out peace but we saw his face we sent it to the police we put it on the ring app there's a neighbor app where everyone gossips and shares all the gossip in the neighborhood it's incredible I cannot endorse ring enough it makes me feel safe and it makes me feel connected to my neighbors I cannot endorse this product enough I absolutely love it so for all of our listeners you have a special offer on a ring starter kit available right now with a video doorbell and a motion-activated flood like camera the starter kit has everything you need to start building a ring of security around your home just go to slash h3 that's slash h3 welcome back everyone we've got a lot to talk about today so let's just let's just get right the app into it so ad pocalypse 2.0 guys everybody's pulling their ads again and here we are in this familiar place it's like you when you know when you've had like a nightmare and you're like wow I've dreamt this before mm-hmm and it feels familiar in a way yeah that's what I apocalypse 2.0 is so the genesis of this was this guy Matt's what is and he made a video that appeared on Reddit now when I opened reddit this day it was like number one it already had like 50,000 points in like 20 minutes or something crazy and I was like oh my god I knew immediately I was like this is not gonna be good and ended up getting like 200,000 points it's like the number one video on on reddit videos it's called YouTube is facilitating the sexual exploitation of children and being monetized 100 is that a derp 181,000 now I'm not going to show the video I'll play it because the sound is all this important the guy honestly shows a lot of like nasty [ __ ] yeah I don't watch it well it's hard because he show he's showing the content and it's like basically what I'll give you the breakdown let's say you go to a video about gymnastics okay so eventually the sidebar will recommend one with the underage girl on the thumb though so once you click that then YouTube starts recommending more of these videos yeah and then when you click one more then it's like all underage girls but those videos are just kids uploading or family and it's whatever like home video stuff just regular exactly right yeah but what's happening is that in the comments these creepy pet of our time stamping parts like he showed one like where their legs are open or you can see up their pants I mean it's truly repulsive [ __ ] dude leaving really disgusting comments doing [ __ ] like trying to get them to do challenges where like it's just repulsive okay really nasty stuff so the guy did good work and exposing something that really does need to be addressed with them um within YouTube and let me just play a snip of his video I won't put it on the screen like I said because it has pity point out well it's like up skirts on eight-year-old girls I don't want to show that ya know I'm not saying do a softcore pedophile ring softcore on YouTube yeah that's a good way to describe here pedophiles are trading social media contacts they're providing links to actual miles porn in YouTube comments they're trading unlisted videos and see great post home and YouTube's algorithm through some kind of glitch or error in its programming is actually it's not a glitch or an error that's where you got it gets that wrong the algorithm is almost a victim of its own success it's so smart it's so good at what it does there most of the time the people that make the algorithm don't even know what it's doing it has one prime objective which is to keep people on the website as long as possible so there may be a pattern it discovered of people clicking through these videos and then clicking those ones and they watch them all and so the algorithm knows like hey when you click it doesn't have a moral judgment it doesn't have a moral compass it just knows hey when you click a video of a little girl doing gymnastics then the likelihood that you're gonna watch this other video of little girls plagued whatever you're gonna watch that whole video - mm-hm and so he's right when you click they changed it now but I did test it at the time and he's right it only took a couple clicks and then all the sudden it was all real nasty [ __ ] disturbing - like there was a lot of times that's just how it works like you said innocently it just recommends you what you're watching so it's just logical that it is logical that the algorithm would do that yeah and and I do give YouTube the credit of the doubt in that I mean technically there's nothing wrong with the content it starts right it's just home videos that families or kids are uploading the content itself is finest exactly it's these innocent sweet kids that don't know any better and so this guy and a lot of people were calling for all these videos to be removed completely and it's like well you're punishing these yeah so we edit said kids I mean you know but but at any rate what was I talking about awesome I trained I thought um about the algorithm so the algorithm you were saying that it it got it wrong that it's not an error right it's definitely as working as intended and so it's it's so hard for you there so people you know when I see videos like this and the guy is hysteric you know he's just he's absolutely hysterical just you gotta understand the scope of YouTube you know is it really YouTube's responsibility to like the solution now is to UM close the comments so that these dudes can't like timestamp and be creepy and share contacts and all this [ __ ] which is fine but is it really YouTube's job to kind of like police that this this much I mean the parents need to bear some responsibility I if I had like a eight-year-old daughter I wouldn't let her have total immunity and I would see what the hell who like a lot of these videos had a lot of you as an adult why don't you have a look at the comments and yeah remove a couple or be like dude you're not posting videos here anymore yeah this is [ __ ] weird but a lot of the videos had way more views than they would ever just finally have like two little girls doing a the gymnastics challenge there's nothing there's just two little girls having fun there's nothing inherently really entertaining that warrant these videos having hundreds of thousands of views yeah but so they did they had some of them had upwards of millions of views it's like why who what other purposes are Washington yeah I think a large responsibility is on these parents that just let their kids go upload whatever they want and just think you know you gotta especially the internet I mean for Christ's sake it's the Internet we all know that mm-hmm you need some you need to protect your kids from the frickin internet so what was the guy suggesting well first though he suggested that we remove it all that's not well if you want to have a policy of like hey you can't post videos if you're under 12 but it crazy it's like why why are we doing this to appease just because there's some creepy dudes we're gonna like no that's a complete extreme unnecessary so then they had a policy that they would disable comments already but it wasn't working that good because a lot of videos he showed the comments weren't disabled some of them were so now they're disabling comments on a lot of these videos which is fine but again it's just like cuz you I saw him also mentioning like sponsors and making it this whole thing but that's when he in my opinion took it in a really bad direction yeah and I really don't like I really don't like the direction it took I'm gonna play you a soundbite here here's a comment he left on that reddit thread he said I also have evidence that some of the videos are being monetized this is significant because YouTube's got into very deep water two years ago over exploitive videos being monetized this event was dubbed the ad pocalypse in my video I show several examples of adverts from big-name brands like Lysol and GLAAD being played before videos where people are time-stamped in the comments section I have the raw footage of these adverts being played on inappropriate videos as well as a separate evidence video I'm sending to all news outlets so he's he's almost saying first of all what is wrong with ads being on these little girls video and because that guy's commenting don't negate that that's my point - like why shouldn't there be ads on this video and certain innocent video there's nothing wrong with the video itself like the fact that some creeps are taking the video and living gross comments on it that's something else so he's he's he's not explaining himself he's only saying it's significant because YouTube's got into deep water before so now I'm sending it to a it's like you have no so now I'm starting [ __ ] again because I can't really that's kind of the sentiment I'm getting just because I can and it's not the same before they had they had ads generally across YouTube with very little very little curating they had ads on like Isis recruiting videos and they had ads on all kinds of crazy [ __ ] so in that case there was a lot more merit yeah but now it's like oh people are commenting on videos of little girls so it's ad pocalypse 2.0 and sadly it were a lot of brands pulled out tons of brands pulled out but I just loved this guy he's like okay I'm gonna screenshot your video on this girl's video I'm a screenshot your ad Disney on this girl's video and I'm gonna and I'm gonna send it to the news outlets it's like bro he's doing exactly what the media companies did in the first at pocalypse to do as much damage to YouTube as possible without even except this time he doesn't even have a legitimate reason is because last time they somewhat had just because he can really and you brought attention to this problem and that's great but the whole brand angle was so unnecessary here I have a bunch of time stamps of him talking about it here let me play by the way he goes I'm gonna find an ad right now he clicks through 20 videos there's nothing there's no ads YouTube is not monetizing this content and the only thing he finds here I'll show you guys cuz I don't want to show his video there you have it adverts what he shows is what more to go why is it doing that okay you see that comfy leather shoes 50% off it's not even a pre-roll it's some sidebar weird [ __ ] that's the only ad he found in like 20 clicks in his video just on the page yeah I don't even know what that it's not even a name-brand it's some weird [ __ ] on the sidebar literally above the recommended videos on the sidebar so again I find because he says he found the ads on all these major brands he didn't show any evidence of that in the video all he said was comfy leather shoes 50% off and he shows himself clicking through so so many videos I'm not gonna show it because it's really disgusting the content that he shows in his video now I I got a question and I don't I don't even think this but just to play devil's advocate for a second do you think maybe he did that because he felt that YouTube wouldn't actually do anything about her take action unless they're financially threatened by getting advertising me to pull out like maybe he just thought that that was the one way that he could actually get them to act on this well it's possible he thought that but it's not a good reason to go on his rationale is it's almost dishonest to take that route and that is the route he took because he's saying you are in doing something inherently wrong by showing these ads on this videos and you should know better because who's making money from those ads the little girls who aren't doing anything wrong the what does it matter the pedophiles are making money if the ads were there or not it wouldn't change anything the guys are in the comments let's say he didn't find any ads on any of the videos it wouldn't change the fact that these pedos are in the comments doing what they're doing it doesn't affect this story at all it's dishonest way to get attention it's not it's just not real I'm sure that is what he was thinking then but again before it was like Oh Isis is making video money nice is is making money or these weird pedo freaking creepy content guys had ads and they were making money who's making money who's getting these as these little girls these innocent sweet kids who are minding their own business mm-hmm so do you think if do you think YouTube would have taken care of this without that they are constant but oh so so it is something they're constantly working on clearly they weren't doing enough right because this guy was able to find this and but I think the story is big be cut not because of the brands the story is big because of what he found the whole brain thing the thing to me is that you got to understand how subtle these things are and like there's only so much you can expect of YouTube to be right on top of it immediately I'm sure they were doing a lot of this work already but maybe not enough well but it takes time to notice something that it's a comment on a video sure right now it's a comment with a timestamp it could look completely innocent of millions of videos that are uploaded every day yeah million comments left on YouTube per second yeah I guess that YouTube this people up at YouTube that have influence over the company is very small a number of inner circle of people they have triage they address the critical things that they see as the most urgent so when this guy makes his video and then it becomes this whole media circus all the sudden that becomes the top of the pile of triage because they have to address this issue that that now is more urgent than it was before doesn't mean it wasn't on their list or maybe they didn't know it was so severe but there their resources are limited and they're always working towards something right there right he just move it to the top of the pile which is fine but I think this story would have held on its own completely because people aren't people are not talking about oh there was ads on it that are not central to the story at all no it's not material at all I mean he doesn't even bring it up to like six minutes in people are captivated by the fact that this how nominal is recommending these videos one after the other that's the that's the thrust of this story and to me it's interesting I didn't even imagine that that was going on with people commenting timestamps of weird moments and this whole yeah it was a fact he did a great job reporting that yeah I think he did a good public service and I think YouTube would appreciate even the the attention because now they they know of a problem and they'd they're addressing it right they're doing a lot now the thing is people it's so funny people are so weird with YouTube they they expect YouTube to be utterly perfect there's nothing like it in existence nothing a place that you can come post whatever you want get paid for it you don't have to pay anything you don't it's totally free and then they say these people get so outraged like dude do you know how complicated that is the idea like a lot of times there are legitimate reasons to be upset you too it's just annoying when someone does it for the wrong reason it's like you just delete itemizing everything else you know I love that he's trying simultaneously to be a youtuber and to destroy YouTube a same time you know it's just you can only expect what do you have any idea that how can okay YouTube operates beyond country boundaries they have to deal with copyright law they have to deal with big media they have to deal with the legal issues of every different jurisdiction every different country that YouTube appears on on the Internet they all have different laws and regulations they have to have policies that regulates so many different things that's why I always hear people talking about making YouTube competitors and in theory it sounds so simple and it's such so great and so easy dude you haven't no freaking idea how insanely complicated it would take an Elon Musk to make something that way another Multi multi like a really really unusual you need a genius and you need a genius team and lots of fun tons of money tons and tons and tons of money so I do think that YouTube deserves a lot more slack than I guess because it's so hard to appreciate the magnitude of what they do and and how much goes into making this ridiculous platform even possible to begin with where we all make a living them for Christ's sake you know they give us 50 percent of the ads it's pretty crazy actually 55 percent yeah I always thought that was interesting 55 percent dude come on yeah um so let me let me play an excerpt again from this guy there you have it adverts comfy leather shoes now this video there are no timestamps and he kind of disproves himself when he finds that there's no timestamps there's only two comments on it so how is youtube supposed to know that this video shouldn't be monetized there's no signal I still don't think that it shouldn't be monetized I disagree with that point right completely but yeah sure exactly that even is debatable there could be it was only uploaded a little while ago but I have multiple examples of big name brands we're talking dodge ram disney in one video showing a furniture company in another where they're adverts are appearing on videos where pedophile where people users are time stamping the girls in compromising positions one of the other things that I want to point out with these video we're now liable for the comments I mean that's the central point right it's like a legal precedent US content creators are now liable for the comments in our videos and that will get us to monetize like come on now these kids now if you have and how do you do you really have to check every each and every comment cuz a comment is just a timestamp you know any timestamps all looking at it it looks like anything of course so who's gonna put so much time and let's check in each and every comment I assumes that because the algorithm has detected this pattern that a human has as well or that they even have a way because there's probably millions of these kinds of videos so just because the algorithm is kind of putting a thread between them doesn't mean that there's any way for them also to know which ones are the bad ones which ones need to be demonetized it doesn't mean that even humans have a way just because the algorithm has a common thread doesn't mean that a human can go in there and look at nine years string doesn't mean that at all they don't even necessarily speak to each other so right like you said it's not even really about the videos it's about the comments yes exactly and that's that's that's oh nice so you know I would understand if YouTube was like you know if you're under 12 or 13 we're not going to monetize your videos and that when you turn 13 you have to send your parents consent but again you it's like how many regulations the regulations are mounting up and who's causing it youtubers because they want to be outraged and get a bunch of you know what I'm saying it's like a simultaneous being like YouTube is [ __ ] creators and then being like YouTube we need more regulations to [ __ ] creators so here I've got more excerpts and if there weren't ads on those videos those groups would still be there that's my whole point there's the ads have literally nothing to do with the story mm-hmm if Disney if Disney pulls their ads they're creeps are still there what does did like what does Disney have to do with someone commenting on a video give me a freaking break I'm sending that report out to every news outlet that I possibly can and I'm hoping that people will do the same the test is out yourself go try it yourself go up in a private window one more thing that I want to show is now that I've been looking at all this stuff once I go back to the main YouTube page you can now see how like look at how by the way just because it's showing a bunch of kit like here let me show you he's like I went back on the homepage dude just because you're watching a bunch of videos of kids doesn't necessarily mean you know you could if you're a kid you might be watching other kids videos you are what yeah exactly you know watching my videos so again it's like I don't know it's so over the top you know so it's just so ridiculous so now YouTube's been forced to super overreact so now if there's inappropriate comments they'll going to D monetize your video and there's tons of good good channels that are now their whole channels their comments are being turned off and their videos are being demonized like if you have parents and their kids and videos and this whole thing their channels are being let's say you destroyed genre Oh legitimate you know families making content together so it's a whole thing yeah and then there's tons of brands pulling out I just like to be like why oh because there was inappropriate comments on a video my ad showed on what what what are we gonna turn off all comments across all the platform it's just so stupid the story is good the story is good you don't have to make it you know he he got so hysterical about the brand's it's like that was so so beside the point secondary yeah wasn't even any dairy was zero you know here's another thought though I mean and I'm just playing devil's advocate here but again the issue here is the commoners not the content creators and so is there anything YouTube can do to address that side of it I mean they've created an environment where people feel safe just openly making creepy comments on it like nothing's gonna happen to those commentaries because they're anonymous and there's no real way to figure out look it's a it's a comments threat it's the internet dude right you can either be a parent and [ __ ] watch your kids remove comments don't be so [ __ ] lazy and just put your kid in front of YouTube and assume that they're gonna raise your kid disable the comments right or don't let your kid on or erase them or just [ __ ] accept that the Internet's weird and when you put an eight-year-old out there you're gonna do weird [ __ ] the biggest right welcome to the so basically the alternative is like scorched earth where now YouTube's been forced to disable ads and comments on a ton of video just so they can prevent the times when dudes like creepy comments on videos and advertisers get angry or I don't even know what because this guy's hysterical it's the internet dude there's all kinds of creepy [ __ ] YouTube is the internet that's what it is man you know let's just acknowledge that and then there was this whole hysteria over YouTube kids app so this stuff wasn't on the kids app I want to make that clear I wasn't okay yeah it was not but our next story is about the youtubes kids app and that's when we come to our dear beloved friend filthy Frank I saw this I think Zack sent me this actually I was like oh my god this is the funniest [ __ ] I ever seen in my life someone on the kids app was taking filthy Frank's green screen like he did made a video where he just did a bunch of Goofy's in front of a green screen so one of these wise guys took a bunch of clips from that and was putting it in the middle of kids videos and one of these moms saw it and they just got totally hysterical and they made a video and they wrote a story and they sent it all to all the news agencies saying their secret messages encouraging my kids to kill themselves thank God and she's like well here let me read this warning this article features disturbing content and mentions of suicide video promoting self-harm tips sliced between clips of a popular video game has surfaced at least twice on YouTube Wow at least twice billion videos and YouTube kids since July dude that's like a year according to a pediatrician and mom who discovered the video the suicide instructions are sandwiched between clips from the popular Nintendo game splatoon and delivered by a man speaking in front of what appears to be a green screen and a parent effort to have him blend in with the rest of the animated video how no Farias he said remember kids side ways for attention long ways for results the man says mimicking cutting motions on his forearm ended something sinister when you read it this man featured is filthy Frank who has over 6.2 million subscribers and calls himself the embodiment of everything a person should not be although there's no evidence that Frank whose real name is George Miller was involved in creating the doctored video he did not immediately respond to CBS News for requests for comment obviously it wasn't him like in their mind or like he made the video and it's a conspiracy to make my kids kill themselves like dude he did not immediately respond yeah where is fun at all what does that mean immediately George Miller we have a media request are you splicing yourself in the middle of kids videos to encourage them to kill themselves answer immediately oh nice when free has found the video on YouTube last week she posted it on her blog here this is the video of her getting all moms a girl I have the video let's watch let's enjoy this reminds me of the man who found the North Norfolk it'd to kill himself lady you know now the guy who added this is a [ __ ] more yeah it's not funny and it's just really stupid but my god you have to be equally dumb to watch that and be like this is there see to have our kids kill them freakin Sherlock Holmes on YouTube at four minutes 44 seconds shows a man slicing sliced into showing children how to properly slit their wrists protect our children this is not okay parents demand action here you're lazy you're lazy idiot just don't sit your [ __ ] kids in front of YouTube and act like that's a babysitter or don't expect better from well kids app shouldn't have that stuff I agree but it's usually but then they still if you want to be safe put on a Barney DVD you gotta check where I am like you they're gonna end up in front of Moe and et doing spider-man and Elsa likes humping each other yes if you want it to be safe put on a Barney DVD otherwise expect that you're there's some weird [ __ ] on you too I mean for Christ's sake lady take some responsibility you know YouTube's doing the best it can there's a [ __ ] trillion videos I'm curious what's gonna happen with our kid when they start yeah I'll probably the thing is that I hear is that kids just love that [ __ ] oh yeah my god it's like when they're in front of a screen they're just hypnotized it's like you can't even talk to them they don't hear you it's crazy I've seen my nephew it's a saint as a parent I can imagine there's so many times when you're like I just need this kid to be distracted and I need I just I need this I don't know if you've seen it but it's like scary they're they're just hypnotized and you can talk to them they don't even respond interesting so I'm sure that our kid will enjoy YouTube but I don't I'm not I don't expect you to be a perfect place it's it's like these people that love it and depend on are also the ones trying to kill it they're like oh yeah my kid watches YouTube ten hours a day but I saw one thing that's inappropriate so I'm gonna mess with all their sponsors now this was this incident on the YouTube kids app or one one this one this one was on the kids I mean I feel like there's a little bit more leeway to be upset about that cuz I mean I agree overtly saying hey this is safe for kids you know I agree but dammit how do you detect that ya know I mean obviously it's it's difficult but we avail them you can't hold him accountable a little bit on that one I am NOT denying that this one is obviously worse but still as the parent well first of all the guy who that's why I say the guy who netted that in is a [ __ ] douche bag yeah sure yeah and he should have his account deleted and the mom too I mean she doesn't know I mean we're all super familiar with filthy Frank video and we know what it is but to heard like if you had zero context that would be creepy as [ __ ] to see that show up on your kids video you know I think it's a little hysterical to think that there's a conspiracy to have our kids commit suicide yeah that's probably a little bit of a reaction it's just you gotta understand if you're gonna put your kids in front of it and you come across one weird video yeah Millions Oh little kid don't watch this one let me put on something else for you it's like it's just right you gotta be that curator you don't you don't have the control you're trusting YouTube to curate content made by thousands of different people thousands of different videos [ __ ] that you don't know what's in it you don't know what's gonna pop up YouTube says yeah we do we do our best to make sure it's all appropriate for kids but again this is a platform that's run by algorithms they don't watch these videos it's literally impossible there's millions of them so you are trusting YouTube to entertain your kid which is fine but you have to understand the Machine okay it's not putting them in front of a burning DVD with a and a controlled environment where you know exactly what they're saying it's [ __ ] there's millions of YouTube's YouTube videos and millions of different people this guy just has a shitty sense of humor I would imagine um and he should have his account removed you know and I and I'm not saying that I don't I don't get it but again I think the parents need to accept that look yeah this is not a perfectly controlled environment they try their best but regardless I thought it was just so funny that like of all people to see yeah and hot water George was always very upfront about what his content is yeah he's not true he's not trying to pretend to be anything he's not George just felt that Parker's a cop it's pocalypse before anyone even knew what it was yes it was always demonetized that's right yeah before anyone was he was the original he never made money one time he showed me his analytics how much he earned on a ton of views and I was like I took my breath away I felt so bad for the guy because I'm the same and one of yous what it is oh no yeah totally on the same amount of views we were making like five times more and we weren't even making like our CPMs were way worse than some of my other friends so when I saw that I was just like oh oh it hurts so bad so I you know yeah so in short filthy Frank is running a conspiracy to to have our kids commit suicide by the way are our parents assuming that kids just watch that and they're like oh I'm gonna kill myself I was thinking about that does a five-year-old even understand about a course yeah that's why as the parent you saw this okay close it and don't play this video I'd be like oh man they're like oh [ __ ] now this razor that I found I'm gonna know how to use it I'm gonna kill myself now ridiculous come on we all just need to chill out it's [ __ ] ridiculous dude who made the video needs to chill mom who needs the video needs to chill YouTube the VEVO Road article needs to chill everyone needs to chill the CBS News ela you need to chill I need to chill that's for sure Theodore you need to chill Theodore needs to chill he's been kicking you kicking your ass he'd always been kicking a lot Neela's uh every morning when I wake up is like he's moving a lot I don't know if that's normal I think probably or maybe he's just a super athlete he's got the genetics like a dad yeah look is that three months away from having that baby by the way three months before that kid's gonna be sitting another one on the YouTube kids at you know three months man we we we crazy [ __ ] so there you have it folks I hope that was informative there you have it so make sure to let all the advertisers in the world know that that YouTube is not a safe place for them do you think it's sustainable that we'll be able to continue being anonymous on the internet over the long term like 50 years from now is that gonna stick around that element of it it feels like so many of these problems you know are related to that like these commenters or the people posting these videos well how do you even you know I don't know how you heard it even I'm just curious we think like I have no idea IIIi I have no idea I really like this problems are not as big as they seem and it's over exaggerated yeah so I mean there are plenty other places on in this planet that that you it's much more difficult if not impossible to be anonymous on the Internet you know what I mean that even on YouTube I believe so I'm not super knowledgeable of this so but I gather there leaving comments that's not a crime yeah but say like in South Korea for example I believe in South Korea to get an internet connection you it's like registered to your equivalent of your Social Security card essentially very interesting and so you know your real ID kind of follows you around the internet so if you say or do something you know it's pretty easy to track it back to you I'm sure there's a way to circumvent it as there is for anything right but you know it's not like here where you know you just create an account and if you're using a VPN I mean you're you know 98% of the time covered like nothing's gonna happen to you I think that's a very comp I really I need to think about that I have no idea I really think it's just with social media and everyone having like immediately the platform to create a crazy story just wait waiting it out or making a video it's just that it it can really over exaggerate stuff and I think people are gonna learn to put it in perspective and write be more learn to trust your intuition when something is a problem and something something is not I don't know it's like what we had we had to learn how to deal with criticism and like all the negative comments and you understand that it's really a loud minority it really is it's not representing of the majority so well it's something like I don't know it's just that I mean this this is just one person and she's able to tweet it out and now there's an article about on the news right I don't know anything about her guy whom started whole thing with two one you know 200,000 likes I'm ready he's a super small Channel yeah like a thousand subscribers yeah and he's just a dude talking into a webcam I mean anybody on earth could make that video I don't know though Dan I really I don't know would would that change the behavior of people well like these these guys in the comments in the gymnastic video or whatever I mean they obviously feel comfortable just kind of openly being a pedophile on YouTube which isn't even like an underground web site and you know like we said I mean it's like what do you do about that we they could be anywhere they could be anybody there's you know not gonna I have a feeling that people need to accept that there's just sometimes not things you can do yeah we don't need to do something about everything some things don't you know what I'm saying it's just that now you see everything before you wouldn't like there's just the world is by far a much safer nicer it is comfortable place than ever before it's just that a lot more [ __ ] is visible yeah yeah totally I mean we can't fix every goddamn thing and not it's not like this is human trafficking this is just some nasty comments it's disgusting it is it's really disgusting but it's not human trafficking right killer yes thank makes me worried no anyway anyway so that's that that's my heartache guys I'm gonna give you update last episode at the end I said I was gonna go buy some legal marijuana and I did do that and I mostly experienced yeah smooth that [ __ ] up dawg it was awful let me tell you this place in Woodland Hills I'd had really good reviews I roll up to it we went to get it right off to the podcast it looks like you know downtown when you're right driving around downtown and there's like a huge parking lot and it's closed with like barbed wire and a gate so that's how I'm greeted that's what it is it's a gate is open and it's a big parking lot with barbed wire said wow this is just already weird and there's like a big medical red cross so I walk in and then there's a lady behind it looks like a bank teller but in a subway station in terms of cleanliness so you walk in and there's glass and this little receptacle so she goes I need your IDs well first of all she didn't say anything I'm like so uh I'm here to buy weed you know I don't the [ __ ] going on she goes okay I need both your IDs before you can go in I don't even know there's anywhere to go in because I'm just standing and this looks like the men in black entrance and then some shady dudes well code super weird dudes all some guy looks at me I was like you got a nice size oh my god some guy started hitting on HeLa right away he goes What did he say to you or you got a nice nose it's something else that was really creepy I don't remember anyway so I we gave her idea to this girl and then she buzzes open a door and we walk in and it looks like a super ghetto head shop there's just like mason jars of weed the dude behind the counters reminds me of my drug dealer in high school and for some reason where there was a dude behind the counter yeah there was two dudes behind the food's you went to you went to the wrong place wait there's not a dude behind your counter how do you not have a deal it's every weed shop I've ever been to it's like hot chicks what yeah they were not they were far favored I mean that would have been the first big red flag to me is like oh it's not like a tattooed hot chick with dreadlocks this guy came to the wrong place looks like two dudes that might mug me as soon as I saw the entrance I thought we were at the wrong place like I had him at when I heard that weed is legal and I've been hearing about it from our friends when they go and buy stuff I imagine like concierge like the Mack shop like yeah like when you go to the Apple shop all right why--it's and beautiful and say I got this professionals with like a belt on it uh yeah I thought it was gonna be like that no these guys look like they were gonna meet me outside and rob me they were gonna sell me the weight and then rob me when I walked outside so it felt still somehow like I was committing a crime then that was the thing that struck me I was like it feels like I'm doing something wrong you gotta believe your ID and walk through a few doors so technically it is a crime still what it's like it's not legal federally this is all like a weird great saying technically you are doing something illegal so I wanted to get one of these vape pens that had like 14 CBD to one THC they don't have any pens I was like are you [ __ ] those what do you got they had their inventories very low so I end up getting this tincture which is like an oil dropper that has 14 CBD to one THC it looks good oh man it looks like someone just made this in their living room I swear that's not like slick labeling it's like I don't know No then I go okay here's my card oh we don't take card you don't take cash all right dude well we have a we have an ATM over here I'm like okay looks like a ATM did like steal your identity yes yes okay so I get a hundred bucks out and I'm like this guy's gonna mug me if I don't buy wave so I buy the tincture I go home I take one tincture hit again this is like one I guess milligram is that right then that's like a mask as well as a dose as it gets yeah yeah and so I feel a little bit I'm like alright let's [ __ ] go and I take three big more tinctures and then I just I just have to stop the one I had an awful time I felt like [ __ ] but then I tried a couple more times that I took like one you know one hit and that but I just I think you felt like saved the whole weekend yeah yeah I don't know I can't I just think that I don't like it this is not for you yeah that's why I was like man I'll take one milligram like help come on but I just gets me so anxious and I don't know if it's a placebo like I expect to get anxious so I make myself anxious you know but I I have a theory that CBD oil is a total is like total sugar pill Wow you think it's like CBD to the separation no but like people say CBD by itself even without THC is like some miracle drug I think that it's like you might you're you'll get the same medicinal effect as eating a tic-tac do you know what I'm saying I I really not sure I buy it and I'm sure I'm pissing a lot of people often who are like CBD cured my arthritis there's CBD are so into it yeah it's like the elected I got cancer man they're like oh [ __ ] just rub some CD CBD oil yeah I mean I don't think it cures cancer but have you seen that there are videos of people forget what disease but um they have like severe tremors and stuff like they can yeah I I've heard that in it like legitimately stops they were shaking yeah I mean it it does some I've heard that it works for seizure disorders and I'm not in the place to I guess you know we're not making I know yeah I can't stay I can't make any claims but how it affects that but it apparently what I read is that it's good for like anxiety yeah right it's like I'm like oh this is anxiety yeah if CBDs good friends add and I'm the [ __ ] Pope so what did you feel like when you were on it um I feel really dumb I just feel I feel like the finally work I feel pathetic little version of myself and I'm just laying there and I feel like everything I say stupid I feel like everything I'm saying is uninteresting I feel like everything I'm doing is something I wouldn't be doing if I was sober and I get my head I'm like would I be doing this if I was sober you just started to think about everything like I hope that's what happens to me like I would get if we're in with people let's say and I need to get up and pee mmm I wouldn't do it cuz I thought if I'm gonna walk funny yeah or like I just start to think about it for an hour right like oh it's so awkward than getting up to pee right now yeah everyone's gonna be noticing me and they're gonna know that I'm high it's awful I hate it I'm probably gonna kick something tonight it was nice before bed actually the thing is that I don't do it in the evening yeah the thing is like I was anxious about our new video by the way our new videos out go check it out I put so much freaking work into that be really good I edited so much as well my point I'm about to move on but my point was that I was super anxious because I had a ton of more work to do and I and so I think it as that but there was times on the weekend where I took it and it was kind of nice I don't know I'm working on it it's a it's a work in progress but the new videos out guys go enjoy it a stress reproductions dot [ __ ] comics reproductions it turned out pretty funny that it was like it's a really gross video so gross and we did this year to premiere you can't skip the video about that yeah they were like trapped it's like Clockwork Orange some people say afterwards this is the last time I'm watching a video in the premiere because yeah we ruined it because usually they would skip through whatever their watch yeah you guys I really went all out for you guys I spent each of those edits you see were there's like two girls that go beast mode and I spent a full like 10 hours 8 to 10 hours on each chunk so that was 2 discs solid days of work on each of those edits yeah and then the last sketch we did I went all out of work yeah yeah it was a lot it was a lot of work that's what was stressing me out because it was like I knew I wanted to do all that stuff and it's like when you see when you just have the rough footage and you know it's like looking at a piece of marble and you know there's something inside but there's you kind of work to get to it and I'm like there's so much work it can sometimes feel overwhelming but you just got to take it one one cut at a time but it feels very daunting at first where you're just like oh man like how do I even get to the center of this thing but I enjoy it how it came out and I hope you guys enjoy it's gross thing cuz I was cracking up when I was heading a lot of people said it was too gross to watch and I understand that but I guess my my measure of gross is different because yeah I find it really gross but hilarious too like I was cracking up editing them and watching these women are just so insane my goodness my favorite part though has got to be let me pull it up I'm not going to get a copyright strike for showing my own video I'm gonna copyright strike my own [ __ ] I love on my own videos I show up on the home page be dunking my head in a bowl of pro by the way really I can't believe they you all just lurk like you went all in on that run you know I was there let's get it done hey good know it did I there's good ranch in this bad ranch - that was one of the bad room yeah that was the one that's like super tanky and zesty and it's just like not good but my favorite part of all [Music] it took a long time to find the right sounds to trebling but it came out good but my favorite part is coming up here when she pulls like a tapeworm out and then sucks it call it it's a four ball might be what all those sounds and should I obviously put in the squishing and everything this one took a while to find the one that's about to play right now oh yeah the poling sound so look at this dangling [ __ ] whatever it is she pulls it out and that sucks on it look at this yeah we actually recorded that sound ourselves oh you're right it will Foley yeah we love I mean I tell you I looked for like an hour plus for the right sound effect and was driving me crazy were like [ __ ] it let's just do it ourselves so we took like a yoga we took a rope yeah and I put it my shirt and I pulled it through like that that's right I probably forgot that we did that through Seligman cuz this mount is so important like that scene is not the same without that ya know that's what makes it yeah we did do that as often but I think my favorite of that it's I actually really liked how the crap the baby crabs right away trigger like a genocide when she pulls her own face but the next girl pulls her own face out of the crab did you like when God speaks to be loved or do this do you love get your [ __ ] together this is the one I did first and I was like man that was that was really fun I liked it it's really compelling so I wanted to do one near the beginning as well and that was my thought process but here stir the waste of oh god yeah this was shocking the amount of meat that came out of the leg and I love how she goes when she's taking a bite at first he goes what is this and then she eats it by the way there was a joke about the first girl that she looks like the villain from The Little Mermaid mmm yeah but I was like is that can I say that I feel like anymore you know I did I know I did but we cut it off cuz we're like I don't know if that's like inappropriate I kind of little mean is it an accurate though I mean she looks like the freaking I think she's eating seafood Ursula thank you if I had the nerve I got this girl special character though I love her so lowlifes are another level she has a literally another camera in the top yeah you better keep these lobsters coming okay yes she's amazing by the way this is all butter that you see in the the dipping bowls it's a cutter it's like their own sauces that they make she goes what is this slowed-down what you know what I did I took here I took the what and I slowed it down to 50% and then I had to one where the pitch shift is maintained or the pitches maintain and then one where it's not playtime over there you're not really good nice tall flakes you like more lol [Music] and then you think it's over and this sound came out really good works like and then you know people complain about Japanese whaling I love how she reacted and she starts laughing and then of course how can we forget the real oh gee this is I can't watch this one got me so excited when she look if there's more Alfredo than there is freaking lobster leg all the way down that's a legitimate deep throat hmm you like that damn I'm actually looking away I can't watch this don't ya Ian how'd you like the video Zach did you love it tell me what you've [ __ ] loved it man thank you that what is the so it's a little ASMR but like I said like I said in the video I really truly think it's just other women that are hungry and want to be eating I swear to God go to the comments know that that seems accurate in fact in the comment for your video because I'm scrolling through it and I saw one girls say that but this is she she professed it this is really sad but I used to be anorexic and I would watch these channels wow I really crushed the craving essentially like vicariously wow that's incredible huh so yes it's a lot of that it's a lot of that women who want to be eating who want to watch people eating it's all women's predominantly women [ __ ] fascinating dark weather is this the dark way so here we got this pizza that blew my mind when I showed up the guy I we had to open both of our front doors to fit it in the house really yeah kind of over ranch we can imagine it's really quite foul yep there you have it that's our new video well done thank you very like right after you film it the vegan place there was no meat on that know that well by the way I'm not vegan anymore oh no that's been I'm over that right Gila yeah but actually we've we've just gone on like eating at home diet and I think we're doing good diet where it's just we're trying to just eat healthy a salad with every meal fruit fruit just not cuz we we would get busy a lot of the times during the week would work and then we would order food and I wouldn't hang out and eat like you don't eat healthy when you're eating out there's just no way so we're so but I'm doing well in low weight lossing yeah I'm not vegan actually I got to tell you the truth I went two weeks plus vegan I gained weight no way yeah dude I swear to God I was a tool like seven when I started and two weeks later I was at 210 and I was like bro this is not work not this is not working at all my goodness but now you're actually I'm on the decline yeah done it like - OH - Ethan decline he's in decline baby what else there's a couple others to say while we talk about you I like that go on we that I want to I we released this small little collection on today fresh and I saw a lot of people liking it today yes nice and I wanted to let them know who designed it Teddy fresh calm so this whole the longest time we call this date and I bought collection because Ethan designed it thank you so we thought like what what is designer name be just my middle name is Edward so was lovingly called Ethan Edward in the office thank you ela forgive me God like a true designer the sketches are so realistic it changed a lot since then but I mean the socks the socks right on one side color on the other mm-hmm long sleeve there it is there's the long sleeve yes man how about none I'm a true genius thank you for your nice thank you that long last people are acknowledging me I really like that sweatpants a lot from that collection you want a pair yeah but this yogurt is part of it this is like my favorite shirt ever it's it's it's more pricey than almost shirts but it's heavy cotton yeah it's hard to appreciate how amazing it feels without wearing it but it's like it's heavy its oversized it just it's really flattering it looks really good and it's just really nice material but that's enough about us there's a couple more stories I wanted to get to I want to talk about our Kelly I wanted to talk about ja Rule I wanted to talk about Jesse wire and but I'm also kind of over it till my throat hurts well family gets really I if I get sick again I'm gonna be so [ __ ] pissed bro I was so you got antibiotics too no and I ate them all I didn't even stop early but I last night my throat started getting scratchy again oh just like it happened before I was so sick last time like I literally gotten I was set me back like two weeks that's why we didn't have a video for so long yeah if I get sick again helo I'm gonna be so [ __ ] pissed so I don't know maybe we should wrap it up I really want to talk about this stuff though but it's a lot it's actually a lot to get to we're even going an hour and a half Oh YouTube D monetizes van tiebacks videos the Jesse's small that thing the guy who faked the hate crime draw Royal bombing during the performance and our Kelly and the bachelor of course maybe we should talk about the bachelor a little bit do we have a guest next week because maybe I can talk about this stuff next week not yet okay mm-hmm everyone's like I know I'm to at least quickly say publicly oh wow that's pretty captivating little clickbait IRL it's been hour and a half HeLa huh okay so let's wrap it up let's call it a day let's stop while we're ahead are we ahead Oh No thank you did you all have a good time in Zach did you guys have a good time yes I did how are how are you guys doing Ian how are you doing someone I just want to say to this guy who said tell Ethan to get that hair off his shoulder that's from the fairy sewed that hair got everywhere I didn't got anything I've got it all over me yes I'm hoping just imagine what your lungs look like yeah Ian yeah how are you talk to me good that's why you does it sound like you're being ironic I got a piece so bad Zac what about you good I'm doing very well submitted some more school applications excellent good good good what's your dream school us USC huh university spoiled Chile my dad is a die-hard UCLA fan and he would probably remember what salt Bay did to that sandwich well the funny thing is so am i I love UCLA but how are you gonna pay for that that's expensive right I guess I asked you for a raise but you're going gonna do two years because you're at Community College no problem probably like three yeah you want to major in what are you majoring in probably communications and then off to law school law school you slick ass [ __ ] do you know what kind of you're gonna be in so much I actually I remember Zach told us that I was like you better not [ __ ] sue me in ten years I can't believe what will you have to go through here with those prices of college oh man you're gonna be so [ __ ] and then like you have a loan for the rest of your life like you're a good student you're gonna you're gonna you'll prevail thank you I appreciate it now you're a good real good student I wrote you a letter of recommendation did that work out for you it was a beautiful letter thank you very much you didn't read it though no I didn't yeah of course that would be unethical yeah really you know it's well if he read it he wouldn't be thanking huh yeah if you if you receive a letter of recommendation you're not supposed to read it because if what they write about you is is secret cuz if you know and they write something on flattering or you you know that you're not supposed to interact with what because this shouldn't affect that would be such a don't obtain such a stab oh my good someone's like yeah right our commendation oh you're right odd do not hire this person like no I wouldn't write a letter without the person reading but can you but like traditionally you're supposed to seal it I didn't know that and then you deliver it directly so that it it's not read by anyone but the person you like seal it with wax so you know if it's been opened you know you're like zach is a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] I guess because otherwise you can just fake a letter about yourself that is that well it's corroborated I mean you would have your contact info on it yeah yeah but think thank you again for doing your welcome Zach thank you for thank you for flattering me yeah Dan how are you I'm pretty good pretty good what else what would take you to the next level of very good or just good you know I one of my best friend's is moving out of town and we had his going-away party last night so I'm a little bummed about oh yeah that's a shame believe in LA where is he going to [ __ ] nowhere and like New Mexico is why idiot is he selling meth yeah he's going there because he's getting a 2-bedroom apartment for $400 a month he's at a paying and I'm close to two grand for a one-bedroom here smart guy yeah exactly heard a lot of people are moving out of California yeah no not only because it's so a lot of my parents have been leaving I don't know not only is it's so expensive but that taxes here are totally so brutal it's most it's mostly the rent though like you're right about the taxes that's on top everything but the rent is it's it's a problem yeah it's absurd I pay out the ass for my place I mean if you can go get your own place for $400 a month [ __ ] have no idea know what we go through no none of these stupid obnoxious older [ __ ] have any idea I got to buy a house like two dollars they know literally they bought used to buy houses for under fifty thousand dollars and for Los Angeles you spend that in two years on a rent it's like nothing two years more like one year on rent if you have a nice place that's a really nice that's a really nice but dan says how much is your red then it's about 2.5 a month and I got a roommate split oh you split that okay yeah yeah but you don't want to you don't necessarily have a roommate when you're and Dan I I mean you you make a decent salary here I know I mean I'm the guy that pays you so I know you know yeah but like well I understand your being economical but it's like God you know you should if you're trying to live with some put some money aside yeah do you like living with someone Dan I do prefer to have your own place I mean yeah I prefer but that's it's not really realistic honestly it's just it's a waste of money yeah yeah you know when I was in college in Santa Cruz I paid over a thousand dollars to share a room ooh Jesus yes I'm Chris was so I found shared a room with a friend and we're each paying like 1,200 a month that's nuts I'm I was a big rock but we shared I when I came here like you know I didn't have a lot of money and then we had to find a job and pay rent and do all this stuff and it's like what the [ __ ] I think we were sharing a room we were paying 800 a month or something yeah we had yeah we wouldn't a housemate yeah yeah we just had one house made but but then we brought in someone to live in the living room live on the couch that took the pressure off yeah he was spent he was paying like 500 a month to sleep on the [ __ ] couch in the living room I used to do that even like 5 years ago we had somebody living in our living room and two couples there's five people in the - Wow colleague you know I there when I was in college I lived in a big house there was three bedrooms and then one of their friends is like I'm gonna move into the living room and I'll just pay all the utilities and I was like fine whatever that's fine we all agreed then when I move out the dude didn't pay any of the freakin bills oh and they were hit and I was dead broke I was trying to find where now when I was there ela just moved there we're struggling to meet our own rent and they're hitting me up like hey our friend didn't pay the bills and so there's huge late fees and you owe us like 500 bucks to [ __ ] your credit what wasn't on my credit was on his credit oh but they were like hey you owe us money because our friend didn't pay the utilities and there was huge late fees that did live there all year and we were like months delinquent on all of our bills I was like what and all that I listen I can't I can't pay you for this mm-hmm it's brutal brutal I think I could give them a little money thank you yeah yeah I gave him a couple hundred bucks yeah which was a lot fun I remember but I was like what the [ __ ] your friend like goes doing but you know everything was the Wild West back then every dollar matters yeah [ __ ] well there you have it set it all right again absolutely what do you plan this week getting in going to the bathroom you've wiggling over here he's wiggling on that's your plan for the for the weekend I haven't give it much thought what am i doing I don't know gonna go lurk around that sounds weird what the [ __ ] I'm not going to get into details you don't want to know apparently not no I don't keep that to yourself sorry I asked any Dan and Zach any plans this weekend um probably just chill out listen to some dead you know we're making a shirt called the Grateful Dead it's a play on a Grateful Dead design probably gonna be playing some apex legends yeah I've actually I'm into Kingdom Hearts now I can't get the Kingdom Hearts I'm enjoying it so I'm gonna go play that hell yeah I'm trying to play the new attached oh the Battle Royale Tetris we don't really understand it yeah I think so yeah but you played once and you got six place I was impressed mm-hmm all right well let's wrap this up we've said it all we've done it all guys I thank you for coming and spending this precious time on this earth we don't have much of it but yet you chose to spend it here with us and by golly isn't that a nice thought I thank everybody in the here Dan and Zac ela and Theodore for coming by and in saying what the eff is up I pay them to be here but will not yield would you guys still come here by choice even without the money right yeah it's nice I appreciate that I gotta do something with those fur suits but regardless guys have a magical blessed weekend it's Friday TGI Friday as they say Friday Friday everybody get down with Friday is it music playing damn yep I'm so excited to just get in bed TGIF thank God it's Friday everybody get down with Friday yeah TGIF thank God it's Friday we should go to TGIF no okay I learned recently like what what does that help stand for Oh International House of Pancakes mind-blowing when you when you find out Oh Mike that's why they flipped the pea into the B in that whole media stunt International House of burgers get real I don't like that yeah get out of here with that [ __ ] hi hub eye hub come on give me a [ __ ] break all righty I guess that's it I yes sir songs almost over okay guys thanks for watching we'll see you next week watching bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,039,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Filthy Frank, Filthy, Frank, Adpocolypse 2.0, Adpocalypse 2.0, adpocalypse, h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan, hila
Id: -WGeIEK1yY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 18sec (6378 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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