H3 Podcast #46 - Jacksfilms & Erik of Comment Etiquette

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The Logan Paul fan was great.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

Got a long drive tomorrow looking forward to this!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/TossingChildren 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Not enough Erik , I like his video format , it really showcases his personality

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/nikosteamer 📅︎︎ Jan 21 2018 🗫︎ replies
welcome back everybody to a stream podcast season do work like that that's enthusiasm out there so good to be back everybody I hope you had an excellent New Year's Christmas everything that happened everything hope it's great here with our the boys I think that's the best way say we are here with Eric from comment etiquette hello we air also here with Jack up Jack's the film's Cheers Jack's not your real name jack is not my real name it's John how did is Jack a name or is it just completely an alias so Jack is just a sumed nickname of John so like you know really John F Kennedy he was he people knew him as Jack would make that much sense to me because it's like you know it's not it's not like a nickname like you're not shortening anything or like it's just the letter the first letter is the same it doesn't make any logical sense but hey John oh you have to name John my legal items John Douglas but nobody calls me John you go Mike I go by Jack my own and mother calls me Joe well god bless ya Wow who is John Simek [ __ ] him today's episode is sponsored by hims Boleyn branch equip and lift next week before we get too deep into this we have got mark Marcus Brownlee they K and K beat HD you guys know him o short is the best I love him very very excited all right he's so hot right now he's one of the most prolific tech reviewers on YouTube a huge fan leave questions for him on the subreddit an unusual time that episode will be airing Wednesday the 24th at 7 p.m. PST a little late for all you night owls as is tradition with these fine guys let's get drunk end and work on ruining my career anyways everybody hope you all have you know I feel like we're one of the same person wherever it is that I am you're included right so Eric brought this by the way and he said it was quite bad was a matter strange I never said it was good okay for the record yeah so solid start it's definitely a cringe pretty hard hmm that's a sipper that it's not a chocolate zipper it's perfume yeah I'll say it's bad gross really I don't mind it that's some cold weather but it comes from Norway that's when it's like dark for a week straight and you're like it just kills me Oh like one of those real northern uh yeah absolutely it's gotta sting that's on the bottle I think so how you guys been talk to me what have you been up to Jack oh boy so I had a nice little Christmas New Year's holiday break back in the East Coast just kind of ping ponged everywhere from Maryland New Jersey to Pennsylvania to DC pleasure traveling like so Oh always for pleasure yes absolutely yeah it's my king yeah but yeah just strictly like just a nice last week and then I had another kind of like vacation from because normally I'm always posting videos like always always always it never stops and it kind of drives me insane yeah you were very very active my friends well and it's not a good thing I need to take a break so I cut it I had an accidental break where I went to CES in Vegas last week the baby yeah it was actually awesome I was there to meet with brands have meetings blah blah blah but it was my first CES show that I've been to I've never like I've read on this read about this Expo for a decade but I never been to one so that was really cool to go to and originally I was gonna still like upload three videos that week I ended up not at all and it was a really nice break I needed it like for my sanity like as you guys know you need to do that everything I was a total happiness to its total accident but boy oh boy did I need it so I was like cherished I do I really really do that's good so so that was my break ideas down you keep like good Google no I have a I have one of those phones with the styluses so I think I write I write everything down I love doing I might not lose that thing that's what I've always wondered it's a notepad it goes in the phone and I don't lose yeah it beeps if you leave it happen to me yeah so let me just if I leave it here let me walk I'm gonna walk it to you okay let's get it yeah lock the door when he's done I'm gonna take the stylus I can leave this here so you can hear it otherwise won't hear it okay that's smart so we'll just sit quietly yeah and wait for the beep so we'll see you later Dan get him a new world would you first of all I want to ask you Eric you didn't drive here drunk did you yeah driving drunk I'm not gonna sit here quite an mmm-hmm Wow that phone is a save the dead mother Mays lost your stylus man that really is that was so disappointing I was so excited to like show off this cool like lost and found feature and oh well clearly you are very responsible phone owner you have carried that around with you and keep the pen I'm very proud I wanted to look briefly I wanted to ask you something jack cuz I was pretty impressed with with this video here it's quite long okay yes thank you very much it was really excellent as you can tell that's where all my time with actually yes in your dragon there you go that's son of a can you touch me through the process of putting this together it's actually not as hard I just I want to make sure that people could enjoy yeah I'll wait so putting that together really is not as complicated or tricky as one would think so cool I can do it while it's paused it's neat right yeah I like that if you're on a phone you can actually like move it around to move with you yeah like a little VR thing all you have to do to do this is just put all of your videos or pictures or whatever you gonna do in a grid right like in kind of a geometric grid with rows and columns so I so first I had to figure out like mathematically cuz I made a couple of more videos than what is shown here but I had to trim a few to get an even something squared so it's like I think it's 13 by 13 so like 13 videos in a row and 13 rows something like that so then I have to go and see like the hardest part was just making this grid so in the 16 by 9 grid in Premiere you just kind of tediously better than it was it a task on your computer it was and originally when I hit the little export button it was like booop 400 hours left and I was freaking out because I you know I wanted this out now whose I don't have patience so what I did was I kind of tricked it so I only exported like two rows at a time and my computer could handle that in minutes so like I did the first two rows you know and then in the next two rows and then finally I just got like when everything was exported then I threw all the videos together on top of each other hanka and just kind of cropped and my computer's just handed that handled that fine and as well I won't you want to congrat I mean that's just an export setting so you just make sure like when you export the video there's a little thing you click in Premiere that's like VR enjoy this ya know it's really it's really nice on the ears absolutely 170 videos playing at one it sounds like a nightmare yeah this is kind of this is the last thing you see before you die good night yeah I want to look into the gates of Hell all right this is kind of thank you very much it's a really powerful way to review all the content you it was it was either that or like a best of 2017 video and I was like nah screw that I mean how many videos total where in there 169 nice yeah congratulation oh we've made like 360 in our whole career mmm Janome videos you made on your channel about a thousand something like wow I finally hit the thousand one hundred and sixty nine videos worth of good times yes right and the monetization amen to that how are you getting slammed now okay I'm fine yeah yours are super family-friendly yeah how about that I can't complain you're not kidding yeah no I mean there's still like video I forgot the blur out in nipple and it kept getting like you got the monetizing what I do oh they kind of nipped that algorithm good sense then it found it or somebody reported it like Oh nipple was I wandering here couple of those now doesn't even leave alone I was just reading one somebody was in character as Bernie Sanders I remember when I used to give good dick like that that's funny somebody sent it to me on Twitter there's a nipple on the side that sucks that aside I'm fine I was hanging out with idubbbz once we were when we're shooting the video I remember I don't remember what video we're making at the time but he had uploaded a video and his and for one frame his nuts were visible yet forgot he had not blurred it for one so we rushed home and luckily there is a there's a thing on YouTube you can now edit it post problems right you can which was shocked to me I didn't know that I was like man you got it you got to get in there and get that nut out right I've got a real or that home he got to it before YouTube did and so oh thank god I don't know that there's there may be images of his nuts floating around to this day but yeah wouldn't ya if it was up there for a minute I'm sure somebody captured it it was like a split second floating around on 4chan somewhere it's like a wand Bitcoin on someone's hard drive there it is I was watching this video also Jack and I just you might noticed I am fascinated by Pitbull are you you I don't I don't underst what's the deal with pitbull why is he so funny and also yes why is he so popular yeah um I don't okay look I'm gonna try and tackle the second one but the first one I he's just he's a meme cuz it's pitbull nobody in the history of the world has ever been like man I could really go for some pit bull right now know was pitbull but people he's so popular right oh yeah he's a Multi multi multi-millionaire I mean he's got a show in Vegas like he's super popular I think he just makes no I think he just like there that's my guy and his photos are just out of this plan oh he's just she's this guy he's just choosing just mr. worldwide make a chili a girl like a million yeah oh you went through a pitbull phase yeah I just love it look at his [ __ ] face bro so smug he is mr. smug to the right of that I think as a winner I find him to be the most normal looking here because he's trying so hard to be like men in black like bro yeah okay just hear him one left oh that one too no now that's my pit bull rumours has it pit bull try to remove this photo from this that's my Uncle Fester oh man I think I need to get down there and find a better photo but I think I think part of the charm is that like his music is just kind of like very easy party music club anthems they say like there's no message there's no like greater message it's just like he has a song literally about fire ball you know it's just like Eric I don't think it is what's this most popular song [ __ ] that's a good question me yo time of our lives that was the one that you were enjoying right bro he's got more subs than all of us so back off hater he survived oh [ __ ] 10 million we're entering a like Paul territory with this guy please Jesus crumbly on Wow why you're the cannibal jokes Erik come on talk about let's please you just got played yeah [ __ ] alright so let's read the lyrics for this I can't play it obviously because yeah lawyers will come knockin art yeah I think it's going down I'm yelling timber which is re just a really solid yeah here you know how much of this do you know do you need to reference this like I do I actually do that's all I know I didn't get that can you play a cover of it I'm gonna get like a bad MIDI like company don't know the tempo but let's read this like it's written by Robert Frost oh it's like that down I'm yelling timber you better move you better dance why are you dancing it's going down like timber wait cuz it's a club anthem that wasn't no lyrics you better dance that let's just pretend this Robert Frost was a tree bout to fall on the poor guy he's saying dance he's you're taking the road less traveled you know you're you have to dance thank you I heard that they got the frost place you think it's going you're about to die enjoy it let's make a night you won't remember it'll be the one you won't forget yeah that's what yes sir that's clever because it's kind of turning your expectations on your had because me now you will not remember the night but damn it you remember the pitbull you won't forget the hours got some real gold in it to the biggity boys [Laughter] this was brilliant I thought this was Robert Frost level but this just ascended to TS Eliot level oh nice million views this is huge the bigger they are the harder they fall the biggity boy he's a Diggity Dog that's money that's my new Twitter bio absolutely he's always wearing a [ __ ] suit in every picture of pitbull you'll ever see like post 2004 he's wearing a suit I have him like Miley Cyrus clothes off got him it's working in their bras and thongs timber timber are still talking to his boys this biggity boys a Diggity Dog timber got him face down booty up timber that's what you call when a trees falling okay so apparently that ass is falling or his dick is either crashing yeah it's been well it's going down I like the imagery of a timber along with twerking on a dick oh the dick is just something's falling yeah she was the biggity boys couldn't keep it up logs I loved it I actually have no reference for what the song actually sounds like I know it sounds so weird where were we face down booty up tariff that's the way we like it that's the way we like the what timber that's just lazy writing that's just they're not even trying he's liquor than an oil spill she says she won't but I bet she will timber it's kind of like the the new like like Kobe he just has to add it after every line oh this is powerful so when your partner round around turned into a dough sido the genre that's the genre flipping I love him films do that you know like from international yeah cute mister your timbering on at work in the next moment you're grabbing your partner doing a dosey doe brilliant writer go to a pitbull concert so that people when they're singing the lyrics like go wait a second what oh they're not thinking about what they're saying yeah let's be real those are the lyrics I mean you can he's in Vegas right now what are you doing this weekend like a social experiment just seeing who's there yeah it is yeah what is the demographic I don't know what the age group is the age group of people here that go to his show let's type pitbull concert this is music that falls in a playlist like like timber comes up on a Spotify playlist but no one's ever like a goddess t4i pitbull what Amara plants it's like all dudes who look just like him don't think ensued oh my god they're housewives clean go back real quick I'm sorry I just noticed 178 best pitbull images we're in such a pitbull hole right now I feel like I could talk about this for hours what I'm not even close to dying here he's gonna be the next James Bond you're considering him over Idris Elba oh yeah I can see that so he's won some awards you know they say it's the biggity boys is a Diggity Dog timber James Bond movie but he's still pitbull ah no I'm pitbull save Miami man there's some pit bulls out there there's some pitbull fans out there who are not down with this you know like you know what Ethan I used to like you and now I'm on subscribe I thought you were cool and I agreed with you on everything until the moment you talk [ __ ] about pitbull and now I'm coming to your house like bull there's so much charity around the world find out how many charities someone donates him like okay but would you do wrong yeah why why do you like Bill Gates ya got bodies John Cena has the world record for most Make A Wish Make A Wish you later right so like most you know what that was callous I just said that without thinking yeah it's the funniest thing I've heard in weeks but like it makes me wonder if he's doing all these make her wishes what Sina hiding yeah I like that approach to life way more than just being like oh he's a great guy being like what are you hiding bro I have no I have no more dangerous world record yeah always suspicious why are you so insecure it's like when you go to New York and you go down in the subway and the guys like hey man don't don't buy one of those Metro tickets I got one you should give me a dollar and I'll let you here I'm like wait no I don't know what do you have planned even though it's economically a better deal you're not gonna it seems like you're doing me a solid here but some songs off yeah your intuition is correct on that one there but anyways pitbulls great he's awesome he's a he's a musical genius yeah and he does a lot of great things though and these guys smile oh my god he look he may be just a musical genius that looks really good I want to see the rest of his teeth before I make any judgment at least I've only seen these I want to see the rest of what he's got in there all right pitbull if you're listening and I know you are send me a picture though some team of interest thing I want to talk about Logan Paul I mean who obviously everybody's you know but I wanted to get your guys's hot take about what's going on there I mean you guys have any original thoughts on that I don't think that like I thought he had some great points you know no so he wants to he wants to come back he's ready to come back and that was the that was the Twitter headline moment whatever that wouldn't imitation Libre yeah let me know there was actually a TMZ TMZ deserves a second chance right he actually seems this is really this is good content you guys don't don't snuff yet okay yeah I like serious ting stuff I liked your post about TMZ moment oh I haven't seen the video I don't know those videos great by the way and he's he's in grief right now about it still walking around me for what well his career oh he's in full pink maverick gear yeah like bro where swear something else for now that's the grieving color of choice absolutely know the port while I feel really bad the poor guy has to rely on his on his merch sales right now because he can't upload videos on YouTube at the moment cuz he's in grieving Horgan oh and you can only rely on his you know eight figure merch sales I feel really bad for the kid I've heard that he makes I mean this is all rumor but I believe three million a month emerge god bless that sounds about right honestly yeah that's I'd be surprised if not more that's what by the way shake your dick playboy like I'm not hating I'm just more interested yeah I mean yeah they're doing something right from a business model that's true and that's about it make just as much his as him and don't have the nearly the amount of notoriety that comes with that's true I'm just [ __ ] [ __ ] that dude you suck man entertainers or just yeah like well like even YouTube like I don't know PewDiePie probably oh clearly up there you know but he's not [ __ ] he's not wearing it on his still is his [ __ ] out of like is his room right not that I'm blowing PewDiePie over here drinking this Norwegian [ __ ] now it's giving me a little bit of a Scandinavian vibe yeah how European um know you like I definitely agree with what you're saying like it's one of the things that rubs me the wrong way about this guy even before all of the awful Japan [ __ ] was it and because what the other Paul too is just their their their attitude right towards life that they have to like living you want to live a fuck-boy lifestyle that's cool I get that but when you just like scream it and rub it in other people's faces and like like he literally in his end-of-the-year recap video says the price of his mansion in his video and like I just bought a six point five million dollar mansion like why are you it's gonna be used against them when he tries to sell it why are you doing that like why are you saying the like you're we already see the shot of the mansion behind you everything they do is about showing it's a nine message is just I'm rich and here's how rich I am there's no message behind selling a lifestyle right he's telling a life weird thing about people like Jake and Logan Paul is that on one hand they they plug their merch merci merci merci merci mercilessly right okay but at the same time they're like look at my Rolex look at my new car look at my house and also buy my merch so on one hand acknowledging that they are made him rich and then on the same time flaunting the wealth to whom the word giving him money it's it's a weird like an economy I like doing the big money salvia joke because uh I'm not big money I've ever actually become a millionaire you got to stop with nothing big money thing because I disagree no no I say push it yeah hard to get away from like an alleyway what I want so you know I'm rich from the basement yeah behind the camera there's like [ __ ] police cars like blocking off streets Rafic right camera crane doing behind the scenes that'd be cool I know it's being an alleyway I think you should go other post Malone rope get some braids get some grit get some Gucci suit yeah just face tattoos just got like a fate like if I had one already under the beard and like during this podcast I just started shaving it off the reveal of [ __ ] soir hates a minute you could pull it off man right no-one else it's just it's a beard tattoo underneath another ears the most obnoxious thing I've ever seen um what at any rate here's Logan and grieving and his [ __ ] hot pink maverick mark I'm good man how are you how are you feeling you feeling sighs so you feeling all right do you think you deserve a second chance bro you think you deserve a second you somo pieces so uh sorry I couldn't hear you here's the deal I don't think I don't think it's right to like I'm not gonna judge him in this video because he's being accosted by TMZ sure and like he looks kind of weird and shifty I would be weird and shifting in that scenario sure people were like you know like he's trying to is he at the airport it looks like he's trying to get from point A to B like I'm not defending you know I strongly disagree with pretty much everything he stands for but I don't think like the video yeah the video says well he talks he does make a statement he does but like but who's asking the question it's TMZ they approached him with the question so of course it weren't for this video he probably wouldn't even make a statement about reserving a second choice of course so that's I'm saying no it's very with a grain of salt it's very for this whole thing yeah that's all with that being said [ __ ] this guy look nice guy does everyone have a second chance okay probably not I'm not ever surely not everybody cared about these parents to lock their kids up I don't think they deserve I think that point I think this kid sucked maybe they were know like he know what he was doing yeah I want to get into that a little bit later okay okay I can guarantee those kids are watching this so we're fine yeah yeah we're good I don't think they know what computers are they're learn it's like a yell situation they were raised by wolves parent or the movie now what now yeah Jodie Foster they find like a feral child country story somewhat it like they it was a similar stages but they took a lot of liberties check out now I know this podcast brought to you by Tamela no listen let's take a quick quick break we'll be back there's so much to talk about are you freaking kidding me if you're thinking about leaving why why super timber there's bats you can I'm gonna tell you thing about how I got read pilled oh oh wow did you boot that read fill or was it or it's a big pill dude let me just say it's a big pill all right tell me that all right so guys stay tuned we'll be right back with all kinds of booths don't go anywhere thank you to hims for sponsoring this episode of the H Street podcast this is not a problem that I am fortunate to say I don't struggle with it but I have friends who suffer from baldness and I know from them that it's not easy okay it's tough out there to wake up your hairline is receding and you wonder why has life dealt me this hand I personally think it looks distinguished I think if your hairlines receding your you look like Bruce Willis he made that cool you could be an action hero people with my hair aren't action heroes so don't feel that bad but if you do feel bad about it and you want to do something about it guess what now you can't okay hymns my friends hens is what the flip is up most men are too embarrassed to shy or to just straight up poor to go to a doctor and talk to them about hair loss so here's the deal for hems calm a one-stop shop for hair loss skin care sexual wellness what you can fix my penis - for men medical grade solutions real doctors offering well-known generic equivalents - name-brand prescriptions to help you keep your hair my friends this is not herbal supplement succulents Samoas you guys know what I'm talking about prescription solutions backed by science this is the real deal okay no waiting rooms no ahktar awkward doctor visits save hours by going to four hems calm you answer a few questions and an actual doctor will review and prescribe you the medicine you need to keep that luscious beautiful Maine on your head okay now it goes directly to your dang door these are good I talked with the co-founder directly he seems like a great guy he just wants to help him guys keep their hair and their you know dicks heart that's a great mission statement keep your hair keep your hair fluffy in your dicks heart that's the slogan if it's not yet it will be enough to this okay now order now this deal is insane for our listeners you get a free trial of everything you need to keep your hair for just five dollars today right now while supplies last see website for full details this would cost hundreds if you were to go to a doctor get the prescription forget about the time okay by the time you do all this your hair is completely out you're bald alright so go to for hims calm slash h3 that's fo r hims calm slash h3 for him / h3 guys it's all uphill from here a downhill not uphill downhill get a house on a straight line um how is what how important is here to you it's important okay I'm very hurt here but you yeah you can risk it looks good yeah he's good well alright tone it down I'm getting jealous you see I'm jealous of a bald man it's not that big of a deal alright moving on wait but we have a little demonstration oh god I forgot I completely forgot if you guys want to know what this product can really do for you let me introduce you to our producer he's formally known as Dan and now known as ace now he's Dennis Willis come on come on show the people this is what you will look like after one day of use yeah it's just been 24 hours less than 24 thing yeah so guys trust me with four hams calm /h three all your dreams will come true thank you Dan all right and I don't know what's going on with the sexual wellness but he's been acting all right next up thank you to bowl and branch listen I hate shopping for Linens I just hate shopping for lens it's so annoying like going to Macy's and it's like oh I'm some middle-aged woman who and whatever you get home and it's [ __ ] I hate shopping for linen because it's so important to get a good Linh you know you know we we're not gonna all agree on everything but I'll tell you what we can agree on we need more sleep getting a good night's sleep is easier more affordable than you think you don't need a new expensive mattress mattress our new scientific ly advanced NASA pillows like everyone's trying to sell these days all you need is to change your sheets that's why you need to check out Bowl and a branch everything ball and branch makes from bedding to blankets has made pure 100 organic cotton which means they start out supersoft and guess what they get softer with every wash what you buy directly from them so you're essentially paying wholesale prices luxury sheets can cost up to a thousand dollars they I don't you know what they wrote that luxury really ya know the shit's can get really expensive for bid the spores on your very expensive but if you get a good pair it last you forever yeah and you love it you know and so apparently there's some sorry sons of [ __ ] spending a thousand dollars I don't know who they are but apparently they're out there but Boleyn branch sheets are only a couple hundred bucks for the same quality or gas you roll in these and you orgasm take a couple hems take a role in some bowling brand and you'll be let me tell you dude life is gonna be go baby bawling you'll be bawling bald branch and ball and hair on your balls to forget about it everyone who tries Boleyn branch sheets loves them that's why they have thousands of five-star reviews and Forbes The Wall Street Journal fast and fast company are all talking about Boleyn branch although I wonder what goop things about Baldrige say I wonder what I wonder yeah I really do wonder what Oprah said about it I'll look into that I think it's great full disclaimer I haven't received ours yet but I can't wait and I can't wait to roll in them and I'm gonna give you guys a full review of it next time it sounds amazing even apparently three u.s. presidents sleep on bowl and bran sheets they didn't say which ones though hmm it's probably the [ __ ] ones because they would have said their names and they're the good ones shipping is free you can try them for 30 nights if you don't love them send them back for a refund but I doubt you're gonna want to send it back because it's bowling branch and you're gonna be balling in this bowling branch there's no risk there's no reason to not give them a try if you need sheets it's a no-brainer go to Boland branch comm use promo code h3 it's a no brainer my friends you get $50 off your first set and if you don't like it you send it back it's a no brainer that's Bo LL and branch comm promo code h3 get 50 massive clams out of the price promo code h3 thank you to that our sponsors guys if you are in the market for any of those products consider picking them up and help to support the show let's get right back into the news guys welcome back to the h3 podcast we were talking about Logan Paul and his fresh pink maverick merch guys where the flipper way let's go well we we did watch it well he didn't say wait did we see everything he said from what transpired recently everything so many things by the way this this pink merch is available at be a booth dotnet touch-up this video after cuz he looks like a [ __ ] ghost I don't think so I think it's just [ __ ] lighting I think it's like overcast is that yeah that looks like I gotta agree with like I feel like [ __ ] when I'm in their report and I probably look like [ __ ] so okay fair up listen we have a look at the airport it's like you're right you're right Mary this is completely unfair we have a Logan Paul fan on the line who wants to defend whom he thinks we've been considered yeah so in the spirit of fairness and I just hearing both sides I want to bring Jordan here so that he can basically argue you know on Logan side so all right Jordan are you with us what's your name that's okay my name is Jordan from Ohio about whether the half years old just heard and I've been watching your live telecast here and I think he would say a lot of slanderous borderline libelous things about Logan Paul well I don't think that's slanted why do you think I've slandered him I did write a blog post first of all Jordan that language is not appropriate how old are you I'm gonna read something that you wrote down about Logan Paul you said quote ha ha ha laugh at somebody hey that's cool now I'm going to explain yourself there sir no I said well I don't recall where I wrote that or what I said your personality your likeness well well Logan did take a picture with a corpse in the forest you're aware of that right I hate to burst your bubble there sir I know all you coastal elites don't think people die but but don't you think it's trivializing suicide to go and use them as like a prop in a vlog and put them in the thumbnail and to just kind of use a body to get views don't you think that's a little inappropriate do you have any problem with that favorite crypto I had tell you something right now I had I invested heavily I spoke my parents purses I have two moms that's okay it's 28 Tina that's okay now I spoke about their purses and I'll tell you what I did with that buddy I immediately went to Jordan I don't know what the hell you're on man we gotta get I don't know man are you for real yeah absolutely sir oh you [ __ ] really and I'm not tried to I'm not trying to alert the FBI or any kind of federal federal federal agency but I just want to say this mm-hmm I do have about 25 bitcoins to my name oh and I will pay I will pay all of that if somebody can I'm not making a threat not making a thread skies I think he brought up some some excellent points he did people die every day you know and that's just what do we know and we're just bicoastal you know frauds it's a smart kid what nine-year-old for knowing slanderous 11 and I also count a lot okay being coastal like hacks but they also had mentioned that he has two moms I mean that's pretty progressive yeah good for him in Ohio nonetheless well I don't know that kid was a [ __ ] weirdo no I like them I think you should get him on the show great points Jordan if you're out there drop me an email and we'll know that you're something I'm just I'm happy Logan did it if I'm honest because he really jumped on that cuz who would have thought that filming a dead body in a suicide forest would get you in trouble I was about to do that I wrote a 10 page script about it and write that video came out and I was like oh no universe wherever almost just like it went under the radar and nobody cared about it because Logan Jake do a lot of horrible [ __ ] or not horrible but they're really really consider it yeah and like all the [ __ ] he done is Japan vlog that was awful exactly would have gone completely I think that was worth checked IIIi agree the [ __ ] but it's all about it so easy unicorns tweeted it viral video or compilation at insane exactly that's a really really good so in a parallel universe that almost could have just gone completely unchecked but something else would have blown up may have the the the assassination the fake assassination that low I didn't know that until all this Japan [ __ ] happened exactly I remember watching that one actually when it came out really I don't know why we didn't know it's I was just gonna say it's like everything they do is so weird because their friends are kids sounds like not like he's saying like let's get [ __ ] like thirteen-year-old kids they're like eight-year-olds there there's like a music video that Jake did a while back with all of his fans and they're like these little they're like they're their kids and he's talking about you know [ __ ] and blah blah blah and it doesn't make any single your 15 yeah I get that because it's like what do you think the ages were like a kid like clicks on a little bit Paul videos like you know I don't like this anymore 17 to old for this now I'm should yeah I think I think there is gonna be a point and all their lives inevitably where they're like wait hold on [ __ ] wait [ __ ] absolutely no there's gonna be a cut-off point that's nice we may become fans of ours yeah this guy's not even that funny hope no I don't know I think he's actually hilarious but they're so they have such confidence levels that they can do anything because all you need in life is confidence in ignorance and success is a shirt and cuteness good-looking quote I do make that up oh really I was gonna say we had you for you just drop that yeah but I've seen it I mean like he's a 22 year old with a comb-over he's 22 yeah I was 30 that's a nice young girl that's another twist because it's it's easy to forget how young they're when I was 22 I was a [ __ ] idiot no if I had that level of success at 22 I would be I would be your mother bodies I filmed when I was 22 salts um when I was 22 luckily I don't even think you two barely existed so yeah I didn't have an incentive to like murder people and film their corpses right why Jake I can understand that is young but Logan just doesn't connect to me in my head with the age of 22 it's like I cannot affect maybe like fakes is age oh I heard a conspiracy theory a really good one from Ian from Smosh he said Logan is gonna take this time off to get hair transplants okay time out is he when you when you briefly mentioned the comb-over you don't think he's bald let me show you because I've never seen this book I thought he had luscious locks of it okay so here that's that's truly horrific two-year old man God and I don't mean to make by the way go to hims calm for hims calm slushie unflattering photo it's not helping that he's along gating his face with the forehead he's definitely it's okay to laugh about how he looks because he's so he's so if you were anyone else I feel really I wouldn't do this to anyone but he's pretty terrible so but also he's like so confident he knows that everyone wants to [ __ ] him he knows that he's rich its punching up the guy he's got a huge ego look at his hairline right there is a tad justice that that is the thing that people shoot for like like you know just I think with anything I think people make fun of my looks all the time I don't get it yeah I think I'm a pretty dapper young man oh I'm 22 you know I'm looking better than he is I should make this the thumb so it's a bit body shape oh no that one's worse that might be Photoshop that's not nice oh [ __ ] it serious as a heart attack see now just embrace it oh this from our subreddit dead bodies you're gonna go bald I think that's a fair punishment I think you should go go shave it all off kids welcome to the darkness soul ideas man make all these kids Goths 22 though can you agreed it so I just what it feels and sounds and Luke's older yeah that the the idea of somebody sifting frame through frame his videos looking gotcha [ __ ] I think the first time I heard that he was 22 I was very surprised and he does seem older like he just he just looks like an older guy they say God bless god bless ya enough about Logan will pop back in yeah we're gonna come on yeah cheers Cheers got a bad rap night it's not honestly don't know what we don't know what yeah you say you're about what is yeah I don't know what is made from it kind of tastes like caraway seeds oh my god what is this no they don't let's dump this out let's give it to em so they get in here Chuck this story I want to lighten it up a little bit uh-huh you guys probably heard about the Paris Kyle nice little guys 12 kids ages what to 229 yeah yeah and your [ __ ] chains in their basement that's a Logan Pole and a half yeah yes yeah exactly I'm doing the math on that look everyone deserves a second can't say anything without it's like quoting him today I hate that you know right it's win-win for him you know like yeah okay watch the report here yeah so by the way their alcohol been said it's it's own thing but it's similar to vodka mmm what oh you looked it up nice okay similar to vodka similar TACA TACA so that's my fighting booze you that's one pizza okay well you guys don't let me oh actually I've brought half a Cuban sandwich okay no not by myself I will not go down though I'll share my Cubans your own social eater a social pizza eater I dress up eating pizza alone is this is sadder than drinking I've never thought of my son I don't disagree but I go you're saying I like leftovers already fat guy pizza is rock bottom yeah man you ever have vegan pizza it's the list not bad thanks ed can you eat the box it comes in okay seriously don't hate vegan food no no he says like sex when it's when it's good it's great and when it's bad it's still pretty good come on man it's going down biggity big the doggy dog that might make any boys are dougie dog and their twerking like Miley Cyrus I forgot the horror family it's already [ __ ] on it depraved guy walked into like a gas station and the clerk called 911 immediately that's right I got a guy here it definitely is 12 kids hostage in his place named hell trying to find a picture of the goddamn okay here there it is there's the early flowering like oh you know when like they say when you see his suspicious behavior you need to call the FBI or whatever yeah the fact that his barber didn't looks like the guy who'd seen a tim and eric' sketch that's a hair that says i have my chance my kids chained up in a sauna is I can already tell Jeffrey Tambor is gonna play him in the lifetime original I was just thinking that in the way over here I was like give it 6 months and they'll be moving about this yeah Jeffrey Tambor that's a damn dead ringer you put those family in the 911 towers the day that it happened and you got yourself a hallmark like wait a second the basement I'm just saying you combine all the movie right it's got all the wits with a laugh track don't forget the lots of laughter no what about a screen they should do that for genius scarier shows oh my god patent egg people like oh that's you know what my first thought was though and it was kind of heartwarming I thought to myself you know what if this isn't proof that there's somebody for everyone I don't know what is sure yeah I did well I'm nice what are the chances that two people could meet in life and say let's have 12 kids and torture them and keep them right locked up shame them up I think it's impossible it's like nothing I'm saying love is out there for everybody if you are single mark my words there is someone for you this is rule this is an absolute physical two people were brought together in love I want to make 12 babies with you and hide him in the basement by the way I was wondering like why did you keep having kids if you clearly hate them that much they said God God told them man oh those kids are just down huh like they're gonna there's gonna be so many crazy interviews with those kids they had parents seriously one of the most horrible stories yeah and and the 29 year old disgusting yeah these guys should be locked away for well they're like they're like they can be charged with life and prison I'm like what is the other option right that's that needs to be the only option like I'm like guys why are you even giving Warren Buffett the option I have to say that their crimes were greatly exaggerated I don't know if that's how Warren Buffett sums this dude's rock band producer haircut is really speaking to me now I'm gonna let him out yeah Tai Lopez who's most likely to bail these guys out at nine million dollars maybe oh yeah can't do it yeah and I just say to just acknowledge the fact that you won last time you were here Eric wasn't the last time but we were here together shkreli called in after they found out he's like I just made twenty million bucks and I'm only gonna get three months in prison he was bragging about it since that day the gr note was the Hillary Clinton threat but I'm almost certain that the what he said in our podcast was used to get him against him in court it has to be I think that him bragging on our podcast he didn't just live here what used as evidence against him to lock him up he he'd like me to drop just a couple little morsels on this podcast but he was just live streaming invited a reporter up to his apartment he got very what a lunatic very talky for a guy who just got found guilty like cocky kind of yeah down fatal you know it definitely is a flaw it's got to be some sort of behavioral thing I don't know for the guy in a weird way I mean if the guys got a problem where he just can't stop [ __ ] with himself in that way like that definitely Haverhill issues self-destruct about also extremely capable yeah it's weird thing what's the file but he's got he's got works that get him in trouble a lot like he Ponzi schemes know you like being like the evil I like that the attention the light on him yeah spotlight I think he just embraced it because he knew there was no getting away from it you think he knew who's going down no I think he just knew people were gonna think he was a [ __ ] so he was like I'm gonna be no he tried to use in a way they would get people on his side he did though it did work like anytime you make fun of him it's always one guy he's like oh yeah he's like five guys yeah but did you know understood thank you and it's always like I can't believe you by the media's Nair know it's like well he's in prison guy said he's kind of a jerk he was kind of a jerk of a jerk like yeah this guy's a real jerk this guy's such a dick I want a lock of his hair urban went before a judge for the first time since their arrest Monday pleading not guilty to I love they plead not guilty what is that right now how how do you like we didn't know what that means that kids had fun it wasn't there it is yeah that's the old family of five daddy of five yeah defense they were in on it so prank he had a great tweet the other day he was he and he tried to like all that you saw the right Franco went in oh oh he did I didn't see you feel going but like yeah like talking he was trying to like um bring himself back into the spotlight using the whole Logan polythene excuse me shut the [ __ ] up dude like you're you're hardly better bro the ink that's on your career isn't disappearing right amber this guy's YouTube channel would be like I was just thinking the store is a YouTube channel your honor it was a long time went on for years I hope the first thing is lawyer said was look we're gonna get you to a haircut God told me to get a [ __ ] pretty bunch mullet ropes these defendants eventually began using chains and padlocks to chained up sweet people victims to their beds great cut victims work bro they did I heard this story go this clear so like what is hey head um they renewed their vows and had all their family and had they all had the same haircut oh they met all their kids there when they renewed their vows it's a sick deeply broken mind Oh minds both together they love each other so much that they went to Hawaii brought their whole family to renew their vows it's that I do it Ben ain't got the same haircut yeah you guys also a movie room right that room no just room just room I didn't like you for there stuck and then go to room to room without spoiling it it is about a a kid who grows up that mean I guess it's similar enough to this it's a kid who grows up in like a single room mm-hmm there's like a lot of very tense scenes I wish you guys had seen it cuz now I'm sort of I have room it's great movie it is yeah Oh fantastic movie I I cried I cried watching oh alright this sometimes they get you the room guys if you're looking for a good cry cry what so is there a haircut or evolved or what's the there is a haircut here's a haircut that's a big sport bleep that out there we bleed me out believe everything I say look like a big happy family you know if those big blurs on yeah you can't even tell their side though what if the kids lied yeah yeah those [ __ ] kid I throw a conspiracy those kids just did like the ultimate Parent Trap change themselves they [ __ ] all over the floor the kid that managed to escape must be a hero oh yeah oh I hope so it must have been so difficult that yeah that's [ __ ] horrifying so where is Paris like it's my twin Riverside California you're a psycho yeah okay close to home yeah could be anywhere yeah or Riverside not surprised yeah not allowed to do they got like one IHOP one is not surprised how much my pass I don't know that we need to keep watching this yeah but at the same time do we I had no idea what you guys do we do you think they feel remorse do you think they feel like sorry or deaf sorry that there got caught yeah they pleaded not guilty for Christ's sake good point I would look for like like you know they they finally meet after the trials over and they're found guilty and they're sends the life imprisoning like why the [ __ ] did we do that yeah yeah we could have just had kids we could have done it like the nice normal way yeah we [ __ ] up Martha where we go wrong you know everyone deserves a second chance amen to that oh no I'll slam it I they were saying that they like first of all not feeding them they would have high and tasty tree and oh my god they would make them sleep during the day and be up at night okay the psychology of that is so deep and dark because like in a way your kids are you right and so by having kids specifically to torture them it's like you're torturing yourself yeah so something happens from oh my god what the [ __ ] happened to that guy this is just are you trying to justify what the parents did no you're just interested in like the human mind man man ever since I got red pill way yeah it's a giant pill it was a daytime god yes and it's red and the blue pills a lot smaller yeah and you just swallow that one yeah it's different cuz it makes you kinda sorry so now my beer it's big I'm getting good game yeah red pill man Cheryl red cool you guys after the show please can you red pill heal on him a red pill you two okay yeah oh let's take a quick break after the guys everybody get your red pills out yeah okay get ready to insert them cuz we are bad we have so much to talk about I'm getting drunk I'm ready to say some racist [ __ ] yeah whatever it takes to ruin my career as this tradition with you guys can't [ __ ] wait I got a whole list of stuff yeah I had some great bits about immigration and maybe an idea for a Rhino death lottery okay all right do it we do a death lottery but it's Randall death yeah like the endangered rhinos were saying some things about like the the numbers of the Holocaust were greatly exaggerated their interest in me backstage I you know I'd love to jump into that we're gonna get into all that stuff when we get back from these messages by the way these are not endorsed by responses Oh okay my friends do not go away or you're nuts because the entertainment is all [ __ ] see you guys soon I love quip and thank you to quip for sponsoring us my friends your mouth is disgusting don't even pretend like you brush your teeth enough because you don't and if you do you don't do a good enough job here I dare you to do this blowing your your hand right now and smell it that's probably what you'll be doing I don't guess why I use quit this is the greatest toothbrush ever made if Elon Musk made a toothbrush this would be it he didn't this is he didn't make this for the record that's just an analogy I'm using to explain how great it is here's the deal it's got first of all the bristles are so gentle and soft I can't find soft bristles anywhere Equipe got him first of all second of all you click it it times it out it times out your 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gracious sponsors if you're in the market please fella consider supporting them and supporting the show with that being said let's get right back in to the news welcome back to the h3 podcast here with the boys forget your something and one girl and the ladies have a ton of fun having some laughs masam gives scope some laps we're on our best laps it's yeah sure hey listen we're not gonna we had toyed with the idea of discussing maybe Hitler wasn't such a bad guy we went over it during the break we've covered a lot of ground and we decided it probably won't discuss it because it's so much to talk about great the podcasts be called good men evil deeds right hole deeds be done by good man right semicolon everybody deserves timber timber you got it good let's pour some drinks okay yeah so I mean a little if anyone's interested there's really specifically you guys I'm doing a little pineapple strawberry Lacroix oh you're playing a dangerous game and mixed flavors of the Lacroix some mandarin like citrusy vodka oh oh honey boy mm-hmm do you go drink yeah all right heard about Viger third movement yeah like it's always so divisive the talk about Trump and I'm not and I'm not here to [ __ ] on him I just thought that the girth or movement the name of it was so funny they found that I'm going to talk about anyway doesn't know the reference so Trump spearheaded the birther movement the accused Trump of not being born in the United States recently Trump underwent a physical exam and people speculated that they underreported his weight and also they reported his height because there's like he's right at the apparently he's six - and he's right at the height where he would be morbidly obese or just some B's than enough more really absorbance prior so let's go Chris okay you're right there's a big difference there why any rate obese okay yeah obese is such a funny word just sounds hilarious I wonder if I'm obese you're not all being obese I'm gonna be soul you're the Oh best yeah so anyway they over reported his height so that he could get the cutoff for not being obese and people are calling it the girth er movement because it's a conspiracy theory you know alleging that maybe just maybe so I wonder what his BMI would be then given the the weight and height ratio I mean obviously that's why they did that wrong but but apparently the President himself is going to be calling in to discuss this issue with us a little bit later [ __ ] I swear to god it's weird but this shows getting kind of a into a big deal hey congrats on getting on that level guys the president s dude it's a real thing we ID am with him sometimes Trump is telling me he's like Fox and Friends seriously we can't say to him okay okay oh that's cool don't like threaten his life oh well but the Secret Service is not down I'll bet you know he gets a lot of crap but I'll bet if you just like sit down with him have a few diet cokes right he's a really nice guy I hear that's that's a yes here no oh my god everybody well the President of the United States President Trump is here on the phone with us right now to discuss the girth remove it hello present mr. president okay everybody has four words everybody this Jack Douglas guys he's totally bearing a watch on his wrist okay doesn't everything that he knows his name stay with it his name is John right John everybody comes free on that is correct this guy is a total disaster okay but nobody will talk about it and that he's here are you fat mr. president what do you have to say to the charge that people are saying that you're actually way more than what the doctors report I don't know about that okay but I will tell you what I will tell you is this okay Logan Paul everybody general people shouldn't have been here okay mr. president mr. president Babbitt but today is by far the best budget days online okay it's the best better for are you wearing average merchandise right now absolutely I wear an underbite suit all the time to protect me protect evil spirits and watch evil spirits away and also bad but that is what to a bad vibes it frankly evil spirits including by the way which nobody will talk about nobody will talk about the fact that there are witches goblins are you saying that you believe in witchcraft major speech you see what this did I'm going to be making a major speech bury both witches instead squadrons from entering the United States is that really us is that so that's all it but if things fun in the nor goblins real absolutely not only are goblins relay which battled and I saw a goblin I was in the White House and I looked at my okay I looked at my with you I saw a couple nobody will believe me I want to talk to you about the first movement why are we talking about God nobody this is classic tresor present how tall are you always the flex well I don't know I'll do this myself okay this much what do you so every white rach23 I don't know I'm at least a foot taller than a cow but I'll tell you that much right now alright mr. Prescott in the sand here Ethan you can't let them dodge around the question yeah I respect the office I respect you immensely I hear you about God we're saying about guidelines in witchcraft but there's a lot of people out there a lot of charges against you saying that you're actually obese and that you changed your height so that you said that you are not obese now are you sure it's totally failing and that's why you saying these things that's why you've got carry the show is totally fairly disgusting I regret that I had watch by the way mr. president it's a good watch by the way sponsor of the program I just want to say nvm t he is so good at that like he really is a master class and he are not answering questions dodge of Goblin um some respect okay we handled that really well yeah all right and tough allegations sling slinging Adam say what you will that is your president okay no I were and you will stand for the flag yes you will I won't heal I'll never kneel and I regret that I had to drop the president but sometimes you just got to cut him off yeah well he was getting a little off he's still talking the calls been cut off all right guys I've got a ton of videos she just escaped from a [ __ ] dungeon or she have no eggs no no no no this is all good hearted fun he in order pizza now let's talk about this order a ton of pizzas for everyone on one of these ten pizzas not ten but you could I'd you and Dan make sure he doesn't go crazy but get some pizza soon I say I put together a ton of clips of the most Awkward cringy clips from television okay contest shows oh yeah so here this one is [ __ ] pure gold my friends Johnny from The Hague there's a show called taking out in England or I think it's England where there's like a hundred women in the crowd and a guy walks out and then they'll anonymously say I'm interested in the sky so have fun be like I want to [ __ ] this guy right have fun with like I don't want to [ __ ] this guy and but you don't it's an anomaly so there's no oh here so that's the premise here Christ cheers by the way my friends yeah cause I'll get in peach the Mall of the second I don't think this is thinking I just comment that they're not even speaking English I don't I really just hear your theory is calamari yeah yeah close though they're speaking English like spiritually that surprised all do aren't we all you know it's all beautifully played is the subtitle club music so damn it I got one cell with party on his shirt god damn it and I listen if I don't you gotta walk side you know guy walks out with party undershirt you're telling me that you're not sloppy walking wise party that's some red pill talk I just took a big ass for red pill might took us we saw it was really weird one head and one was yeah in applied the Vaseline I meant to talk to you about that as far the P is a you know you pay him right hands gonna meet to me and five years my boss maybe Vaseline his ass and apply a foot wide with multivitamins I made you decide something in tried to explain to him the [ __ ] pills a metaphor yeah come on take a fresh version - yeah to point out that party shirt yeah I'm Johnny 21 years old young oh wait I'm sorry this is the dialogue support I'm Johnny 21 years young cut him and I'm from The Hague civilization The Hague is that one of the wonders he's one he's one of the wonders he's one of the ones you know Johnny he's the hey make some noise for Johnny do you know so he's on a show where all these women are in panels and they're gonna decide if they want to [ __ ] him around so makes a noise for Johnny from The Hague Mister Rogers on the right [Applause] Johnny's the cheerful guy dresses very basic and he says for sure I'm sure that what is for shizzle in another language makes you wonder right like what is the yeah para shizzle fishes although his appearance is very basic you're all here to judge his appearance so it's time to make your choice yes or no take a couple seconds to think about it and have your choice ready soon oh god this is gonna go well bro everybody ready everybody slam dressed like immediately why so hard on him guys why now earrings can I say something party guy says yeah yeah I'm so can I say something bro you look like a lesbian TSA's no no I'm on his side those girls don't know what they're missing all right yeah he wears on his sleeve that he likes to party and these women are gonna pass that up they're intimates they're absolutely had that very ready thank you okay with that I mean he knew he was gonna get rejected looks like a dyke what is the word that it's like a derogatory award for a lesbian so he I mean he looks like the biggest Dyke this is the body-shaming episode of listen I would never make fun of the guys appearance but he came out I said you're all done he did say you look like you look like the guys face on the right he's like he repeats what he said right he's like they're all they're all dykes yeah he buck and he's like that I thought I mean I've seen a Punisher is he sure this is very familiar to me I'm glad to know they have a Jersey Shore in Italy too this is an Italy they've got too much class for their yeah check hungry all that good places yeah I always plays Italians and sieve I always built that beyond OHS forget about it The Hague The Hague Hague about it yeah I got a Google The Hague that's gig what's in Dan and courthouse right okay Google where is the Hague oh I hate guessing shape what would you have voted on I said I just want to say this show looks horrible yeah it is what is what it's not cringy it's horrible five fine line laughs I [ __ ] line yeah so that's a that's a genre of oh yeah all right that explains the area I don't want to go to the Hague this weekend my Islander is open yeah where it's famous for its famous for International Court oh my god how did you know that oh right it's just like oh it's a court I picked that up somewhere or is that what does it mean it's got a bunch of facts a famous international like a courthouse funny enough Dan says they're famous for being civilized well they'd fallen from grace this is beyond Chris these are like morally depraved game show right yeah they all said no but he called them lesbians this reminds me speaking of morally depraved game shows there's it was either MTV or vh1 there's an old game show called next and you know it sounds awful yeah oh the bus yeah oh great I'll be there like five guys or five girls in a bus can I should I find clips there is a clip of honest that is hilarious is it the one where she next he next all of them like boom boom boom boom boom because that sounds amazing oh yeah the one worthy like a chick just immediately next a dude she's like next TV it's either next next to me or Dickies famous MTV next episode God well I don't know like this epic there there's but there's one where she like chill net balls all of the next bus this one's smart I like that yeah i xl yeah again guys learn to like ratio that's not great or not girl walks up always judge the video by its like to dislike ratio that's better so yeah there's a camera on all the people in the bus right so there's like a guy outside waiting to see me for the first time that's me so all five contestants are behind then they come out of the bus to like then there's like a little like blurb like Melanie she's 21 loves to party lives here you know like that kind of [ __ ] so she walks told all of them she walks out meets him and if he doesn't find her attractive he next sir well like well to our face yeah but like we can go on dates and [ __ ] but he can say next at any given time it can be immediate they can be later on in mid-sentence he'll just be like let's say she says something he doesn't like he's like next and she has to go and the next girl on the bus has to go like wow enters it's the same flavor as that show her where the all the people say notice that's why I bring in the same pills even more horrible because it's personal thank you so much face I think I think the one people with the buzzers is less scripted perhaps this that's a really good point central casting reality no his line must have been they might have given him the shirt like it's it's completely logical for that guy to be like I'm gonna wear this putting these earrings and I'm just gonna be it there from the beginning introduced him as like look at he doesn't dress well right a rack of clothes no way that was real you guys are too soon believe that that wasn't a pure I mean we are pretty just an of human depravity yeah I mean the [ __ ] dude from The Apprentice just called us so skimming over that the president had called in and talked about goblet least we forget that was a weird moment I think God's really into got them know well now that I'm red pill done more than Vaseline please we have another red pill please needs to be inserted I mean if you paint that red was that novella Longbottom it does look like him but right so this is an English show called your face your face of mine and so so this is one of the worst I've seen so the premise is yeah this guy has his ex-girlfriend and a girlfriend and they say to him who do you think is what just to give you an idea smarter and then he wins money based on how the audience vote right so he has to be vote with what he thinks the audience will choose what commercial and heartbreaking things that he sing to his right ones right so they'll say the other girl your ex-girlfriend is smarter really bad might get a good oh my god drink more just wrap it rubber band up jamming I've been forgetting to do that too that's much better air so the premise is that he's gonna say horrible things about his potential girlfriend - 1 money decide with the audience here you're gonna see that here good promise I'm intrigued truly awful really off is this a Comedy Central oh my god it is but this is an English film there shit's all weird oh that comic the hope the host I assume is one-liners ever he's really good with me I think he's on every show on BBC yeah his name right he's doctor who first name doctor yeah last name ever first they dr. I was actually really surprised to see him in this because he's somewhat reputable guy in the shadows just objectives garbage okay yeah he read the one-liner on it was like I'll do that Jimmy something right yeah sibel yeah got him there was like a moment of a few years of yeah yeah there was like a window of time when this was the norm and we all just kind of put up with it well there isn't any but this yeah I'm it's like be surprised how many shows like that are still in the air like it's kind of mutated a little bit now it's in the form of like Real Housewives Bravo network it's like looking at a cyst grow and because they have these stupid [ __ ] people into these goddamn awful shows and then you watch it cuz you're like this is awful and you're like what am i doing oh there's another one alright yeah there's all them yelling at each other with the [ __ ] ringleader himself now that guy's name is Andy no god I hate it it's a guilty pleasure you can turn it off like there's this I have this one show I want to show you guys called superstar USA and this was a show in the 90s when American Idol was at the peak of its popularity and these Psychopaths said to themselves let's make a show because everybody loves the bad auditions so they say let's make a show exactly what you're picking all of the talented people yes keep all the delusionally bad people and vote through the worst person about that man then at the end tell them it was a giant prank and there actually got him supplied with Eddie Murphy movie right Norbit yeah don't forget keep that in the back of your head if you don't already have a cute in playlist I want to say thanks I have that cued up I have the finale of that show cute oh that's that's what I want for now when they break the heart unbelievable unbelievable so we're building up there people need to build up a resistance before we get that yeah yeah yeah oh my god it's awful your red pilling you're with her audience come on I'd watch the [ __ ] out of that like any day cuz you know you know it's like hey no we all have the bat out audition exact listen respired American Idol my first two weeks I've stopped was it yeah I say man Oh Rubert stuttered oh wow what do I hear what there's good where there's already so much good music what do I get right some pass give me more William Hong's yeah yeah yeah give me more of that William Hung man I could've made a career oh just keep my able to know the words an instant legend in ten seconds okay I'm sorry we are so far yeah your face they're mine yeah it's still like texting don't mate thanks nice I'll try a man about no I think I've seen you actually in you've got a white car yeah sometimes I see people that I follow [Music] with Sarah let's say you were single now why would you try it on again with her of course if I'm single unfortunately not just anyone don't get excited so kind you've won twelve little pounds on the show so far if you get this right we'll double your money your current prettier yes always prettier hole I'm gonna go Sarah no kiss Medina's heart broke yeah buddy buddy buddy no no you can't yes well you wouldn't like if the audience votes with you one 2,400 pounds I think he's just trying to guess what the audience is called for he stands to win 1,200 pounds is it worth it it'll double yeah yeah hundred yeah man that's like 0.5 bitcoins goddamn quit quit bragging about your [ __ ] cryptocurrency I'm into soul I got a red pill I got red pill coins that Georgia huge hand bitcoins and he was not worried about how to change my money into those beautiful okay so you're saying Sarah for 1,200 pounds is better-looking than your girlfriend well let's see if the audience agreed god Aubry oh this [Music] and they hide fine afterwards what wait which was his girlfriend Lana right yes the the black girl okay jesus [ __ ] they had five gay made money they high five but she's dead inside Oh clearly yeah it's like I said earlier it's like that Simpsons episode like where you can pinpoint where the heart breaks like that right that's awful that's so but damn if it doesn't make for good television this guy would attach themselves so I'll see him on reddit all the [ __ ] time just like a one guy or like like how to handle like comedian owns heckler and it's like you know a nine minute montage of him screaming at the audience I think that guy gains power from the destruction of human souls before that's how that's what fuels said he saw this show he was like just done I'll do it for free I just said yeah snipe I don't take money only suffering money so this this is an American classic an American classic this is a staple the moment like Robert Ross was a show that was seen this yeah so they hook people up to lie detectors oh and when they passed the lie detector they get paid so it's like millionaire except you just they ask you probably worse questions on truly more yeah so that's the premise okay the title of this is a girl ruins her marriage on a game show so I love it we're building up my friends God get your tolerance high I love cringe this episode was so controversial that we needed to make an announcement right promote it and market we're coming at you at 240p I think clearly that the 90s was all 240p there's no you know looking at my older videos I'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] quality son like your ears all via V never even thought to save a higher quality version of the nerdy question do you know what you were shooting on back in those days yeah it was just a TV cam it was a TV cameras 480p oh it's beautiful that was just a little box you guys still get it we still shoot movies like that like good just to shut me up please do leave the doll you and then pin my comment when I say to shake people be like why did you do this right all right to prove a point on a podcast shot three months ago it's starting to get to the point where if you don't shoot an 8k people complain that's very [ __ ] true died so M MK b th okay yeah doesn't he shoot everything in like 4k like he's gonna talk to kid [Laughter] no that guy is awesome he has like the prettiest reviews honestly like when I gave my Logan Paul when I saw that pink hot ass maverick March - is that right this guy deserves a second chance you know I think it's always better to turn pink into a style it takes a real man can Paul go silent I'm pink build now that's hot who's that what was that wait go back okay that's like some 90s book it's very era like of the error oh wait this is have you ever told a customer you like their hairstyle when in fact you did to a stray dog before oh my god this guy did us a great service you really do this right because otherwise this would be an hour of padding answers right that's pretty good Jordan I believe it before you would give it to a homeless person you feed it I'm kind of [ __ ] question great question would you that's kind of interesting that's a lie to tell me we don't have lie detector hooked up so we can say whatever we're drunk that's true a salute to a dog before homeless person I which one do I see first buddy get some you've got a sandwich you got a sandwich it's dropped on the homeless guy take a hit off my e-cigarette hey buddy hey I got you yeah just be a man you're good man good man and then you go it's brilliant everyone's got one I know a bug hunter is that one CJ is that real going Craigslist I'll bet you this coin into it that way hey I got bugs so apparently there's like HIV parties were guys who are infected go and take it up the ass no that's not real dude Brothers apps for gay aids dating there's people who like cook their arms off in [ __ ] like body dysmorphia that doesn't make that makes sex I don't know if that's real I did just say that [Laughter] because you already have it by the time you got invited to one right eventually as I understand it it's a little harder to catch HIV than most people think apparently if you're a guy it's almost impossible to get HIV putting your dick and stuff really yeah it's like you have like less than 1% chance of catching HIV putting your dick and stuff much higher is when you're receiving mmm and but most people get it from drug drug share mmm the vast majority people get it from needle sharing no because that's like almost guaranteed no I always do a lot of money on those parties oh yeah and and and what did you achieve what you're looking for no guys I'm healthy as a clam and a maintenance hey switch users is that is that a saying let us know in the comments below but I think what the thing about the bug chaser is that because they know that they're so weird and wild they think it's inevitable and they just want to get ahead of it they won't be like look I've got it ya know I know I've got it and now I can rub my dick with any didn't got to be like a masochist thing too you know like like delivering pain to yourself in some way because it's not just HIV that you're going for like bug hunters I think I'm really going outside my comfort level here with the talk of the knowledge base is I just know about the [ __ ] term because I thought it was a funny name for it yeah really I'm a bug hunt I'd like to put on your [ __ ] Crocodile Dundee here Danny and can you guys do some research on you they'd find me some bugs look on your done net I need bugs and wonder what's there look at the TV TV's hot this month anyway with no morality the questions are so devious I think you can like super skip and just go right to the middle have you ever been fired from a job do you guys remember the pier argh read the show like the Fox gameshow greed it was like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire but on [ __ ] steroids and the prize was like the tellurian it was like multi million dollars but you could like vote off team members and [ __ ] it's sorry that's what I bring it is that's what I like remember from this they're like yeah I'm sorry it's up no no problem at all I'm just pulling up this article on bug chasing chasing sexual activity with hiv-positive individuals in order to con contract HIV individuals engage in this activity I refer to as bugchasers it's a form of self-harm good luck chasers seek sexual partners for HIV positive for the purpose of having unprotected sex and becoming HIV positive gift givers are HIV positive individuals who comply with the bug chasers effort it's become infected with HIV this is why Craigslist got invented bro gift giver Craigslist first post was gift giver here who wants it by design bug chasing involves unprotected sex but members of the bareback subculture this is just full of lies bareback subculture there's a clip there's an article about bareback just for anyone wondering is it either like horse riding or simply and now that subculture are not necessarily bugchasers the differences intent in reviewing the scarce unpublished and published materials of bug chasing as well as general health care speculations and common appearance the lumping of bug chases with bare backers although these two groups share some of the same practices namely unprotected anal intercourse you and its breviary you AI there are distinctions that differentiate bug chasing even though all bug chases are indeed bareback this is this is a meme right can I just say for as long as I live on my deathbed I will still have this memory ingrained in my brain of of you pulling the window into this video sailing oh I found an article on bug chase this movie outbreak the greater there's a sequel outbreak to bugchasers yeah it could be like some mumblecore [ __ ] like a bunch of are you more of a gift giver or a bug chaser um I'm in the middle between the two fluids immediately the middle centipede expecting that segue I listen I'm a bug chaser for the antenna being a gift giver it's nice to be in the hunt well you can collect them like pokemons right you know you got your bola there are different types of HIV they're super aids forget I'm gonna get hepatitis I've been on the hunt for diabetes oh well just the pizzas on the way that'd be sex you could just go for a bug yeah I don't believe that that's in the know if you don't get that she's like that and right now the pizza yeah I'm trying to stay vegan [Laughter] right that's right like somebody who doesn't speak English trying to say on the kleiner Trump back on the phone so no no God ing these bizzy's hire lawyers let me do skip order on your recommendation do you secretly stay in touch many boyfriends that just make it have you taken off your wedding ring to appear as if you were single yes true do you believe you might have been in love with a former boyfriend on your wedding day like why would you even ask you guys to do you think this is scripted kind of God say we have to warn you this episode is so graphic right it's completely stay away is there a lie detector test in existence that just spits out immediate results like that or it's there inadmissible in court yeah I was watching an episode of minehunters Vsauce for YouTube read series and they have this [ __ ] machine that reads your brainwaves based on recognition and it's almost a hundred percent accurate so like if you've seen the murder weapon on a crime scene they show it to you and you can't [ __ ] lie it knows it registers your recognition brave brainwave Wow no that was on Vsauce he was doing something like that which one crocodiles name oh the memories yeah it was that one you know what black mirror I like it but it's also like watch out for tech my friends it's kind of like repetitive an optimist I see the [ __ ] we're like you can put yourself into a [ __ ] databank and I'm like yeah yeah I want some Eric in there I think Eric can do a databank I well I'm gonna die my soul's gone forever but like a little digital version of me could live on I want to be a gift giver in the data bank there will be bug hunters looking for you they're like oh man that's powerful I wish I could get HIV and just be like well you know when we hit the singularity god and have all the bugs we're gonna share all the bugs is that what you think will happen we oh mine feeling so I think sorry I minefield you 700 different show it's all so good I'm sorry I'm sorry no yeah I think Oni Angie had a really good criticism of Black Mirror and tweet the other day when when he said like they're kind of but like I love black mirror but they're kind of recycling some of the same light plot lines when it's you know it's all like oh it's virtual reality like it's like if you're gonna be an anthology show if you're gonna be a modern-day Twilight Zone which it is you have this infinite world of strife hell yeah why is it always got to be like dystopian future by probably one of the best episodes of any TV show of all time I loved it say evil mastermind guy Jimmy Simpson he is the main character Jamie Simpson was the guy who's like kid he had the lollipop always sunny yeah yeah see mcpoyle on sunny and you're like oh my god that's such a funny care it's like a throws Westworld like oh he's comedy what a gift different abilities are just in like when he's hit his head on the thing right right like that there's no way that was in the script I had to who's been Jimmy oh yeah de living that's funny I don't know that's a guess but no no I get incredible yeah if you guys if you guys watch any episode of black mirror make it season 4 episode 1 yeah the other are just like oh my god you are honestly it showed it like should have been like the Ender for me like that with these Netflix shows is a different kind of thing like yeah I think I think that there's gonna be like a TED talk create content that comes out all at once and how to stack it items as if it's a weekly show then you can start week and get stronger good and then the final again like that questions way to specific but let's go to like the marriage rooming questions they brought out her eyes is that British know I feel like the editing I can't even tell what's happening I feel like I'm in an episode of memento yeah we're definitely watching this woman's life before us since you've been married have you ever had sexual relations with someone other than yours no stupid at least attempt to lie Monsen deniability true i think that they have to be out yeah it's just because it makes for good television oh yeah after having watches i watched us a while ago having watched it now i think that this has to be big well we also did just talk about a story about that's finger by the way that was made just for ratings to directors yeah yeah it's all just made up for their own crazy news balls walls that's just way too perfect by Mark Wahlberg it's missing the age so it's not actually that's not Mark Wahlberg Mark Breaux your name is multiple Berg well the H is silent yeah I'm Canadian Mark Wahlberg the last question was do you think you're a good person she said yes and then it's like why really shit's fake yeah what's up yeah yeah the lie detector is so not non reliable like it doesn't mean anything like uh like what is that [ __ ] mean your heart rate spikes yes like that's so stupid I took an I when I was in Israel I had to take a lie detector for a job interview and I resented it it's so lame yeah I I hate everything about it with you when they're reading the result look at you like yes even for a job interview that's like not that serious to like have you ever taken drugs which ones and I'm just like I said no but I wish I was just like none of your [ __ ] business yeah well you go Neil now what was that yes I'm sure it's like a psychological thing were they like it's hard to it's hard to resist getting anxious and that's all that it what is it can like put a pin or like a thumbtack in your shoe mmm and like [ __ ] yourself up so you can squeeze your [ __ ] actually is the real test on you squeeze your [ __ ] and it raises your blood pressure and it completely single-handedly makes the reading completely unusual so every time you're about to lie squeeze your [ __ ] I know and I've been doing kegels ever since I read that ass kegels okay I'm ready it's the pizza here dance for chrissake jacks were heading that down okay guys we inside of the pros we have led to this moment the most appraised super star USA the grab yes oh my god yeah there was yeah okay so this is the worst this is real and it's awful this is the one I was talking about that's the bizarro birth right so none of these people on say they can sing but they think they can be as they've advanced so far in this competition exactly okay exactly right all those there being fall right the original just a prank bro that's right superstar USA the suspense is building because we're just seconds away from announcing which one of these two incredible oh by the way there's a twist to this they recall they made a documentary about this okay everyone in the audience they couldn't tell them the truth because people would feel so awful they couldn't possibly cheered them on so what they told the people in the audience is that these are cancer make-a-wish people and it's their last wish to perform everything this is the Nazi German Germany of television shows it's like this shouldn't exist what happened in the minds of these people was a Fox show do you know it says it was a WB WB I'm sorry yep there it is Wow and after this was Animaniacs [ __ ] up the DC so even the audience wasn't in on it don't leave the superstar us look at this guy man that's the poor son of a [ __ ] is literally a dream come true but they wish they really didn't do this the moment has come out now The WB's superstar USA is how did that guy not win by the way it's the girl she went started to bro the surprise which was a girl got him timber to sing shot what is low maybe they saw him doing it so there's just going shot this is enough later maybe they saw trying to use my imagination I think they saw doing it and then they got the shot they're like hey can you hang on can you go regular hands again we're gonna pan down and get that let's do things they shouldn't it cuz it makes it look fake even if they're like let's we see him acting yeah yeah yeah what is that let's just assume for now it's real because it is real that's I'm I'm already there baby it's real Bosh ready today I'm sorry that you're telling me that disappointment they're not real err the [ __ ] do you know by what they just told them to go back right now go back bro this is real watch her face nobody she's good at math and that okay I think anyway you should ensues it has to do [Music] well it could still be okay I see it yeah even cross your fingers don't look like a learning - did you have any doubts I think they actually get ten thousand or something so it softens the ball a little bit okay okay and a lifetime of humiliation I think it was like ten ten thousand I don't know it's some mom and all mouth it's not like a million bucks there's charisma showmanship stage presence sex appeal cut him and at least Dustin other factors to take into consideration and that's why you are our superstar USA out here this is missus chemical you've been through a lot to get here but before we officially crown you let's take one last look at your long journey to superstar to--let's oh [ __ ] balls [Music] [Applause] some of the superstore USA you can with thousands of audition week also intervene Affairs to the perfect always and this this was the only time they had a live audience was the finale yeah we found you Jamie pulled get a load of this [Music] that actually wasn't that bad it wasn't that bad though yeah it's chosen worse I can continue to stay in this competition we've wants you out of obscurity and for you to Hollywood a fight for a chance at fame and fortune reality because I mean I'm here in Hollywood just feeling like a star and when I get up on that stage to thing I when it came time to sing our other superstar USA hopefuls didn't stand a chance sure myself so everybody else in the competition better stay put by because Jamie's here Jamie the concert series whether it was true [Music] how's that sound check there yeah that's my WB superstar get that w this is the one that gets all the concern for is silently watching indirect true villainy well this one that's the difference yeah this one's real I'm sorry can we express can you press the J button on your on the laptop so I can hear the beginning of all by myself yes thank you so much [Music] the superstar my god hit that note this makes me want to buy the box set of the show but you see it's compelling right it's like all the best parts in American Idol its gene is er like you all its mind by show you're this it's they draw it out they're tortured it's like it's sick bro I just say the premises and meanwhile the host is watching her like I do you get it yet like it says do you understand that this is a James Frank but I yeah I mean just [ __ ] just basically I don't know how she could I figured I was shy I feel like he would have taken it how are you gonna top this guy well it did sells me cigarettes out of a but but what if that guy just has a voice of an angel that's why he looks wise know that we always think my WV superstore USA come work just work he's problem he's probably a Bitcoin billionaire so you can shut the [ __ ] up dude bro this is not a threat that's why I'm sure it'll use toilet paper right the weirdest thing Oh God it's only downhill from here I'm sure [Music] oh just [ __ ] just editor it's brutal starts to get Lucy in her face she's getting suspicious those weren't good clicking it's silent you see she's not even a lousy singing voice Oh oh [ __ ] now they did this thing where they try to soften the blow they go in honor they go in on her and then they're like but you're still a superstar our hearts right everybody there's a twist of the show you know you can tell by your face she suspected this was coming the whole time I just saw there's [ __ ] five minutes left like do they just berate her yeah and give her bugs and then at the end of life but give her a big round of applause oh that's by the way this is the [ __ ] let's give her a hand for America's best singer everybody give her the clap everyone there's being like I really need to reevaluate my life I wonder who that the judges are like are they just like just actors a little for a gig or yeah I mean yeah I think they're probably comedians right right or yeah I think they're cancer patients who thought they were America's best singer Oh nobody deserves that no [ __ ] Jamie we like I'm just kidding you are a great singer [Music] the audience doesn't know they think that she's a cancer this is the longest violin string whatever unbelievable but we didn't lie to you yeah so they basically just [ __ ] on her in her open mouth and made her swallow it and this is how they this is how they make it okay that's um thank you yeah how do I react he's in therapy to this day rumor so bad but y'all think I got cancer so you're clapping right now how how did you know about the cancer twist I I it's kind of foggy no I checked and it's also in that Wikipedia page is it okay so I didn't they were worried the live audience members would not be able to respectfully compose themselves during the final performances so they deceived the audience by falsely informing them that the singers were all terminally ill young people oh my god being a waste fulfilled by it charitable organization that is one of the most people Nazi Germany happened because yeah you went in there being like man good for you and then at the end it's like no you suck but then they're like the audience loves you and they're like I don't know this person yeah well I mean she's not gonna live very long a very clap came out right being in the in the shoes of the audience like what is this right one [ __ ] bite watching they're saying everyone's cancer patient is a lousy singer job was it to tell the entire audience that everyone up on stage has cancer all right so listen up everyone listen up we know you're excited not a good one what's my energy it has you be what they did they basically yeah the producer came out and just said something like not very clear he probably answer survivors they're terminally ill this is a wash last wish to be positive be encouraging and cheer mom that's the best they could come up with it worked he said it was a prank on top of a prank it was the only way to get it to work they took their clever their iPad themselves in the back when they really thought about it I mean on paper like on paper you know it can be like that's pretty fun this was a pretty fun paper yes an actual human execution is the only show to do the old the old twist on the take of reality because there's one where it was supposed to be like The Bachelor Joe Schmoe but yeah the guy was not a millionaire at all he's just some random that was a good show because the winner to be like okay well this guy's not a millionaire oh wait no no no I'm sorry yeah that's one that's a great and then there's another one where like I think the Joe Schmo show was he thought he [ __ ] what was it like he was the only real actor and everyone else around him or he was the only real person that was Moshe and he like and they were also like there are alliances and like you know like immunity like and he thought he had actual friendships with these people very Truman showy extreme that's all it was there was a Truman Show but they may react to [ __ ] that's like one and like once he won everyone comes out and says like oh actually you know these are help aid that was a little more easier to it's still twisted but like I think they can have fun with it they're not telling anyone that people can't take it he was all like he was very surprised and shocked and didn't quite get it and thought it was a little weird but a camera should probably take it way better than you actually take it yeah because you know you're on million bucks yeah meanwhile in your mind you're like I'm definitely gonna blow up a kindergarten that's it I'm gonna get a wife we're gonna keep some kids in the basement that's man that's how it starts get myself one of those uh motorcycle helmet haircut so go be the end of my spawn all right and put my spawn through hell oh I guess that's how he talks now listen oh it's Riverside in the effort into whatever it takes to become a true superstar what are you talking about I mean I think I'm weird like what does that mean yeah the [ __ ] does that mean the world was right to present you with a $50,000 talent and recording deal not a bad collection that's it it's a $50,000 talent recording deal everything's gonna cost $49 all right you get two hours of studio time no one to help you with anything you got to run the board's yourself right not far from the truth such a good sport we're also being such a good review another 50 in [Applause] chuck-e-cheese tokens so that hopefully you don't I think 50 grand but not for [ __ ] unbelievable humiliation that lasts for decades this was in the early 90s I assume 50 K back then was early oh really yeah find out America for TV look like in the early nineties no weird like up to here jeans yeah no no they would have mom jeans this baby flared at the bottom yeah there'd be more I'm checking the halation flower petals on her shirt that's true that was big I'm doing an inflation emulator which was a 90 show that's oh my god I know you boozled this off sadly my friends fifty thousand dollars back then is only 65 now I was like well that's like a million so I gotta invest cuz that [ __ ] goes [ __ ] crazy anybody any direct well I did it's my refresh what big connect yeah briefly oh yeah big connect have you guys seen that I know but you had like over 400 code they scampi's my it's not a scam use my referral code no okay okay oh good nice not be good one crypto is just a whole [ __ ] weird wild ain't so funny I don't touch that [ __ ] I don't like it because I've started cornering people in parties and and felling them to invest in victims right I'm a service you're just trying to help people you like a Mormon trying to save a Jew soul my favorite part of uh parties just wondering yeah yeah we can talk about this I slap people in the face I go you don't understand we're getting rid of the dollar it's all horribly the dollar right it's not connected to the centralized government don't you realize that anyone could take your dollars at any time and just run with them I prefer just the Bitcoin I prefer to have my coin get lost with my computer unexpectedly crashes right oh yeah all right listen up what up I'm done all right all right so just do I do have one thing to say oh the judges I just looked where musicians one of them was a pop singer vitamin C yeah all I know is that I want a dick in my ass unwrap a bear back yeah I wouldn't eat a bear back what's it full of though the dick yeah AIDS oh good like there's any question yeah what are you talking about god I just want to make sure obviously I want to make sure we're on the same okay so there are I guess vitamin C needed to sell more records huh drink more orange juice oh she had a sealing sex with Dracula in that movie she [ __ ] really yes [ __ ] now talk about getting vitamin C sexy Dracula to flying around the room with her it's crazy I was like that's the chicken to the graduation song so weird and then I watched it again and I was like you imagine being a vampire you've had so much unprotected sex over the years you have so many you are inventing s new STDs yeah vampires get that cuz they're technically dead already so they can't really get new [ __ ] they probably carry around some warts on their deck yeah they're like man I've been alive for 2,000 here's this worse that will suck because like by the end of being a vampire for two thousand years you just be covered in STDs right you wouldn't look right you caught them all that if I didn't have a real big or four or five vampires but they don't think about the real practicality and you can't go to the doctor like Doc can you burn off this work would you like your vampire like in the oldest vampires would have still gone through the 70s hmm all right chlamydia up to the ears totally like their ears would be that pointy vampire thing you see when the dicks have like mein the crystals almost crying my favorite part in sex oh yeah yeah it's how I gained power yeah we need to write a parody vampire film where they're just so scientifically accurate Twilight Saga exact Dracula 2000 an anatomically correct Twilight they're all they're all in like iron lungs and just because they can't die right it's like a fate worse than death there's some like don't make it worse than death to us to all horrible suffering of chlamydia and then like and Paul comes in and doesn't flog in front of it go these [ __ ] not dead guys I figured it out right they're not ahead right right that's okay yeah yeah yeah a mini bug on some what do you give give him or Logan he doesn't have thing I didn't have that you didn't have any gifts Logan doesn't have to get have many gifts Logan's apology tour though that's where the [ __ ] is Logan or Wyatt's or no up first of all why is there no apology merch he is still no oh that's a that's a great idea he's still not made of IDEO kids I'm sorry Logan pause I wanted to make an apology that would really get out there you know so I merchandise that like I love talks yes more like hey guys I really wanted to do a puncture we gotta shave like half that off my 32 years old man I'm still less blank that's how your 18th kids yeah it's 10 years younger all right stress men I'm gonna slice all right I'm gonna lay the [ __ ] down because I drank too much honey as usual but that's what the boys don't drink any honey boy continue drinking after this but I just don't know about continuing to be live as I continue to drink I think guys leave this one the racial slurs on my book the racial slurs I feel it's like about to spill over I got a couple that guy just from experience from last time I'm like this is the time to cut it off forever so my friends thank you for joining us I had a hoot a holler a blast a laugh and out of total riot hope you guys had fun too thank you so much did Jack or John thank my name Jack guys please check out his channel he's hilarious links in the description thank you very common etiquette hilarious link is in description these wonderful two gentlemen I love them please a round of applause for these wonderful guys this is always a pleasure yeah this is honestly the best way to spend a Friday afternoon god bless you thanks and Trump for calling oh my god that was so unexpected orden Jordan good kid sweet kid he's a little mixed up he's got well is he's like pretty rich from an 11 year old very well-spoken for an 11 year olds yeah yeah I really hope that we don't get like keep kicking our doors in tonight because if it's half a Bitcoin I mean we're gonna die if I was his dad I'd put him in a dungeon that that wrong no no like like like well I think you said it'd be like what's the private key I think you said it but I think this is something worth considering about this whole dungeon thing what if the kids were really shitty and deserved like what up the kids were I'm going on conspiracy right now to get ahead all right did I go too far on that no we just bug hunted us some controversy my boy okay okay thank you guys see you on Wednesday 7:00 p.m. god bless you thanks for listening thanks for watching enjoy the week and enjoy the weekend thank you spending your time with us have a super honey don't smoke that's all I have okay guys god bless you love you see you next time Tata thanks for watching
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,546,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksfilms, jacks films, jacks, films, erik of comment etiquette, erik, comment etiquette, h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila
Id: 3wV4TxJ8dA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 15sec (8235 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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