H3 Podcast #88 - Is La Croix Poison? BetterHelp & Kanye Meets Trump

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[Music] welcome everybody to the h3 podcast gazebo experience guys would you take a minute and please join me under the gazebo of course referencing to our new h3 video that I hope everyone enjoyed the catfish Mayo kit god bless you all thank you to today our sponsors are Robin Hood expressvpn and honey and I thank you all for joining us on this beautiful splendid blessed Friday we are truly blessed being going a Friday together God you know I saw one time I was at a store and someone and they'll check out lady she says to me have a blessed day on all things I don't believe in God but I just love that have a blessed day like damn like good day know blessed that's pretty nice I was touched like the idea that God and all of his infinite power and wisdom was like this day's a blessed for you for you and only you I love that not only you we're all blessed to having fun I just love it so I have a blessed Friday everyone we got a lot to talk about we're talking about better help a lot of controversy there we are talking about there's been a story that lacroix popular Sodapop drink which of which I am a big fan is being sued for putting cockroach poison and their drinks sounds a little far-fetched horrible but is it let's find out we're gonna take a deep dive we've also got up Kanye West the great Kanye West had a meeting with Donald Trump that has got a lot of people talking and so much more today on the join me under the gazebo would you please experience so let's start with let's start from the top you're better help okay now better help I think that there's a lot of misconceptions going around yeah I'm not we're gonna take a deep dive know that wasn't going the whole time was it no no I'm not used that my laptop is also right that's right okay all right where was it you know can you join me into the better help there's been a lot of misconception about I'm talking about my involvement with better hub okay let me start from the top better help is an online therapy service okay which they've sponsored one of our podcast episodes a couple of months ago mm-hmm okay now a lot of youtubers have been getting criticized lately for having put better help reads on their videos about mental health about them being depressed and such and a lot of people have been accusing them of being predatory because they're like oh I'm so depressed and here's better help they're accusing them of exaggerating their depression to sell better help or to get a better help sponsor I don't know and then people started going through their Terms of Service and found some concerning things there as well in the Terms of Service there was something III don't remember exactly there was something like they can't guarantee that something your conversation private stuff like that like like you know weird stuff and so first of all I want to make clear okay first of all we had one sponsor with better help that was two months ago and the topic of mental health was not brought up in association with our read at all yeah and to the best of my recollection I don't think that we even talked about it in that episode and it predated our update video when I talked about being depressed by month a month at least okay but here's where I think people got thrown off because PewDiePie made a new video about it and he goes through the Terms of Service and he points out a lot of questionable things which is fine and he doesn't like the service and he raises good points about it but the way that he presented my involvement in it I thought was a little misleading and a little out of context and it made it look like I was way more involved with this company than I was or even that it made it look like I used my being depressed yeah - somehow sell better help so I want to show you guys if I could please exhibit a this is PewDiePie's video let me go back a little bit so let's watch this so he goes on here he's talking about a manor house I was just joking by the way guys everyone is a sociopath enter the code Shan for your cheaper online therapy today I would never have guessed it will actually this was the case so this leads to a lot of the sponsored videos of these hundred hundred of youtubers being about mental health which could actually be a good thing but they are made so that people sign up for the website I'm Scott it's Scott for depression to expression so he's saying there's all these youtubers that are promoting better help on videos about depression he has a problem with that he doesn't think that that's ethical so here's here's what he shows here if you're looking for anything to miss out on don't miss out on this welcome to expression whoa I actually messed up there and completely serious before we start I have so much respect for each and every one of you for watching and being why do you ask for my payment information now okay as we know I've been in therapy I've been just dealing with a lot of stuff that I need to deal with and I feel good anyways I feel good that's what is that probably about so you can access professional affordable anchor me and counseling I just hit a wall where it was it was gotten so bad that it was basically either stop making videos or disappear also this video is sponsored by better help more action about that so the way it's cut makes it look like my video my update video was sponsored by better health yeah exactly and I saw what I felt when I saw it - yeah and I thought it was I was like whoa like why would that be there yeah like that gives totally the wrong impression because I've never talked about better help and depression ever that's when I did the sponsor read two months ago I didn't even endorse the product because I have never used the service we checked it to make sure we checked it to make sure that within 24 hours of therapists contacted us and they did so we did some due diligence in that regard to test out the service but I never endorsed it I never said that I used it to treat my depression either but it seemed but at any rate let me let me say focus on this that seems like the only reasonable conclusion to make is that he's calling me out which is I thought I was like dude what the hell and I was I was pretty upset with him and I contact him directly and I was like hey man what why what's the deal and he says he didn't he didn't mean to make it look that way and he made a comment trying to clarify but people that read the comments compared to people to watch the video is very small okay so what happened here is that Bobby burns this youtuber here made a video about depression that's sponsored by better help and he uses my clip in it talking about depression so here let me show you this any more videos I just hit a wall work it was it was gotten so bad that it was basically either stop making videos or disappear forever so today's video is going to be about YouTube happiness but before we get started make sure you click that notification bell lets you know whenever I upload new videos also this video is sponsored by though you'll notice that it's from Bobby's video but he cut out the context to understand either way cuz the part in PewDiePie his video yeah let me go back it's just kind of like a supercut of examples of people like it doesn't really inform the butt line so affordable ank you me and counseling I just hit a wall I think he did it on my he didn't do it on purpose but then I just want to clarify yeah you know because it makes it to us it did make a difference to make a connection between being depressed and then from that company yeah we didn't want to do that it's my personal choice that we made so that it was kind and so and I think that people who is the biggest youtuber in the world talking about those people take it seriously and it looks like it I mean that's how I interpreted I could be wrong I talked to a lot of other people that saw it that way too and it just seems like but you can see basically either so that don't work better help more information about that at the end of this video though again and he goes on to to criticize criticize a lot of youtubers he also doesn't really criticize them harshly is more criticizing the service of better help names he names a lot of people and he shows a lot of faces of people and you know when you're PewDiePie the effect of that is that yeah he was he was very he was very tempered in his criticism he wasn't like coming out no you know he was being very he was being very rational and fair about it I mean I'm not Sarah but again I just want to clear that up that that video was not in any way sponsored by better we've only worked with them once so okay but regardless of that I think it's pretty weird that Bobbi used that clip anyway because I keep seeing that clip going around of Bobbi using my clip talking about depression but there's not a clear separation so people think that I that's not the case so let me just see here we go so in response to the criticism so I first of all I just want to make that clear okay now in response to dirt I think that there was some implication that anyone that works with better help is negligent a shill or irresponsible or somehow selling out their fans and even though I never mentioned depression and my Reid I do disagree with that assertion I do personally disagree with that assertion now let me talk about this I'm not sure what first of all I'm not sure what I could do to vet them more than I did I mean in a in a perfect world I like the service it seems interesting and it seems like would be useful for a lot of people mm-hmm like on face value seems like a cool service they're owned by a publicly traded company and they're one of the most widely advertised services on the internet across television radio podcasting and YouTube so with all the information available it's a perfectly rational decision to think that it's a good useful service and something that's that's a good good to promote and I mean again these guys are going through the Terms of Service and picking it apart and there's weird questionable stuff in there but I don't think like this it's a it's a weird standard to make that you want the slip the expectation that anyone you ever work with you're reading the entire 20 page legal document of the Terms of Service like I don't think anyone very few people in the history of YouTube have ever read the Terms of Service and I'm willing to bet that if they did read the Terms of Service they wouldn't want to work with them because Terms of Service is written to remove liability so it always sounds bad terminal service is meant to sound bad and scary they're literally the purpose is to remove liability so to expect YouTube I don't I think that's a slippery slope if you are expecting everyone to read the Terms of Service or every partner they've ever worked with them on on face value it's as reputable as it as a partner as you can have yeah we've had some offers for responses that we decline that happens but someone like better helps like past all the questions that you would normally ask you know is they do have good reviews online when we looked up yeah of course no they and and look people can promote people decide how they want to promote different products I personally wasn't comfortable promoting it in terms of me being depressed and I wasn't personally comfortable saying I've used the service when I haven't but it seemed good and it seemed like it'd be useful and helpful so I promoted it as such now I think people are just a little too quick to throw others under the bus and be way overly cynical about this okay I understand that it can seem in poor taste to promote better help in a video about being depressed which I didn't do for the record and I have never done but from the flip side think about it from their perspective someone like like boogie Philip DeFranco Bobby burns I don't know Shane well everyone think of it from their side instead of being so cynical and thinking that it's a celebrity skin to them it's a win-win it's like oh this app is gonna help people it seems like a good service and my videos promoted yeah it's like you know be optimistic about it and it feels like a win-win I mean that's how sponsors Jam YouTube have always worked like content like sponsors have video game content you have a video game sponsorship on it if you make car content or tech content you have technology or a car like like content like sponsors that's how it works so it's easy to see where people have come from thinking that it's okay to pair those up it seems like a win-win and so I completely understand where they're coming from and I think once again people are thinking about it backwards I think what has been happening is that better help because there's been this implication that people have exaggerated being depressed to sell better help as that is a very sad way to be really shitty that would be very shitty and the people that I've seen being called out are people that I know have had a history with mental health issues and so I think it's kind of ironic to like real and dogpile on these people you know I think what I think you guys have it backwards the people who are being overly cynical people who have spoken about mental health issues are the people that are being approached by better health right so it's not doesn't start from wanting to sell better help it starts from having these issues and then better help comes in because they see an opportunity yeah I think that's how these partnerships have happened and then finally I've heard this argument that it's unethical for youtubers to even make money from promoting service about mental health that I heard that it's unethical to take money for that it should be done for free even and I well who benefits from doing it for free better help what you're gonna do free copy reads we're better out there business you know the capitalist society that's the way the world turns I mean saying it's illogical for youtuber or immoral for youtuber to collect money to promote better help is equal is is similar to saying it is it immoral for a doctor or a therapist or nurse to get paid for their work because it benefits people I mean this is a capitalist society we this is how at what point what where does red line at what point does it become immoral right there's therapists the charge $50 an hour $200 an hour $500 an hour at what point does it become immoral for therapists to charge 50 large now or $500 an hour their service not valuable is that not the capital is is not a commodity I mean you know what I'm saying if they're better at it do they not deserve to get paid more so this blanket statement that it's somehow immoral to sponsor online therapy strikes me as an odd one and not one that makes much sense especially could sitting here in the United States our hospitals our doctors everything cancer treatment for chrissake is heavily monetized yeah and I personally find that to be disgraceful but are we saying that they shouldn't get paid at all they should they volunteer I mean it's a it's an argument that doesn't make much sense to me and it falls apart in my mind when you to break it down it's a nice it's a nice stop but it doesn't really make that much sense now once again I want to acknowledge this is somebody I worked with one time months ago and I never promoted them in context of being depressed and I never said that I used their service to treat my depression I'm not a doctor I'm not journalists I'm not a lawyer this is my opinion feel free to disagree but I've been watching this kind of devolve and I think that people are being way overly cynical about this and it's just another example of like I don't know it just feels like one of these things that just making YouTube even more toxic mm-hmm like even more distrustful of people and even more cynical of each other and the people and I just don't know why and and I I don't know I just didn't feel it just doesn't feel right this whole thing and sure some people are being opportunistic probably some but that's always gonna happen yeah I don't know someone now there's there's been a lot of controversy about Philip DeFranco because he was apparently sponsored with them and dunno I don't know anything about what Philip defranco's up to not commenting at all about that and I know like he had been connected somehow with Shane's better help sponsorship he's not connected to us at all ours came through an agency and let me say this by the way when you work with sponsors we work with a lot of sponsors here on the podcast they come through agencies that vet them I check for their credibility to collect payments and make sure they're legit okay because obviously yeah so obviously we as business owners and as entertainers are not going to read the Terms of Service of all of our partners that's insane nobody has time for that so we entrust our agency to to verify the legitimacy of these companies and I don't think they failed in this case I mean we think about it too I don't just pass the buck completely them I make a conscious decision to work with someone or not but in this case I don't regret I I mean like yeah there's some questionable things in terms of service but let me say this with the information I had at the time I made the right decision and and and that's it you know I think if you want to criticize the company that's one thing and that's totally fine but yeah to come at youtubers who have worked with them seems overly cynical and toxic and it's just not now I don't know she's not necessary I don't know and you guys another crutch of this argument is the implication that people don't there's so many sponsors available on YouTube now you don't have to act the press to get a sponsor on YouTube mm-hmm you really don't I mean I don't know it just it make it I don't know if that whole thing just made me feel really sad I felt really bad honestly when I saw Felix's video and kind of the way it was portrayed I'm not gonna lie I felt it felt really awful and I know we didn't mean to do it but like I didn't want people to think I know a lot of people were getting the wrong and I felt bad for all the other people he named to because it's like these are people that already have been dealing with stuff and it's like it's like man I don't know just overly cynical and again I chose not to talk about my depression people make decisions I didn't want to do that but that's just my opinion you can feel free to disagree with me and that's fine okay we can have dissenting opinions you don't have to come [ __ ] murder my family and [ __ ] down my throat because I happen to have my own opinion about this I think YouTube's gotten way too [ __ ] toxic way too overly cynical and when you start throwing good honest youtubers under the bus that I think they're I think we need to reel it back a little bit you know there's some it's like I'm not saying that people shouldn't be criticized mm-hmm but it's like I don't know just just felt bad the whole thing felt bad so that's that's that's my take and I hope that you won't come to my house after am attempt to murder me over is dissenting opinion because it's not that serious after all and if you and if you are thinking that you may consider it coming on over matter help calm / 83 talking to their therapist [Laughter] okay I think I handled that okay I didn't get too upset right no I know I'm not trying to throw shade at anyone I'm not trying to be controversial I'm not trying to stir the pot I'm tired of feeling like everyone is out to get everyone look and it might feel ironic coming from now okay let me acknowledge that I know somebody who said who's notorious for you know making fun of people online yeah but hey that's just my [ __ ] opinion okay on this topic specifically all right also well whatever I think I put that that that the rest we've got Lacroix you guys have all heard we're almost to a break but let me set this up and then we'll go to a break Lucroy the Saudi pop of choice crack open a fresh one Cheers now a lot of you probably heard this headline that Lacroix is being sued for putting unnatural chemicals in its drink yes zip it up EULA limonene how do you say that limo 9 limo Nene limo Nene it's a chemical that is also inside cockroach insecticide now this is a heavy rose that has been widely seen around social media your car crash people have been texting me Chris D'Elia texted me he's like dude what the [ __ ] because we're both a little crow boy I don't even drink water anymore my look but seriously not a joke don't drink water you [ __ ] that peasant juice waters called present use now this is cockerel well is it you know when the Lacroix came out it was a high it was a top-shelf beverage I remember it was really expensive but now they saw like what happened it's all on sale all the time always it's like three bucks for a 12 pack or something yeah dude [ __ ] brutal man they're competing with water you believe that so anyway listen to me it sounded far-fetched yeah so I wanted to take a deep dive what's that steak who are the players who benefits the most from this and is it true the Conqueror the lich the Lacroix controversy Lacroix gate stay tuned after this break we will dive right into that here on the h3 podcast gazebo experience join me under the gazebo won't you please Robin Hood is an investing app that lets you buy and sell stocks ETFs options and cryptos here's the catch my dudes and this what's makes it Robin Hood no Commission that's right zero many of these training apps are going to charge you dollars per trade Robin Hood Kobe is Robin the hood for the hood you feel me they strive to make financial services work for everyone and not just the wealthy Dan uses this app he loves it he swears by it I don't trade I don't know anything about trading but from what he says it's simple to use it has built-in 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time I needed we worked on it for like two weeks and I would just sit down and edit and enjoy the experience and the sketch and everything so I think that I really enjoyed and the reception was amazing I mean everyone was really happy about it I gotta say I didn't think I don't think I saw one complaint actually have a collection of them for you if you want me to read this on but you know I'm just no complaint it felt good I think me and HeLa realized I think recently we call our friends gauzy boys the gazebos I like that are you a gazebo z-boys maybe we should name our child gazebo that's a good luck gender-neutral name gazebo I should give birth under a gazebo you know how people have all this weird like water pool yeah a gazebo birth birth it's beautiful thank you I feel like I've seen some people echoing the sediment that I I have spoken a lot of times that I don't want to be making videos like that but I feel like recently me I have always wanted to go back to making videos like that mm-hmm and just until recently like we weren't there mentally yeah yeah that's what I mean that's what it was really yeah it's just that I I literally couldn't I don't know what it was but recently we really felt like we wanted to try and go back to making like high quality in fact they can't break for like we didn't make videos for like three months it kind of started to crave the feeling of like being creative and something yeah that's what it was born from that we really wanted to say okay let's make the vet the best video we can not cut any corners there's no deadline mm-hmm and so that's what we did and and it was fun it was great I loved everything yeah so hopefully more to come so anyway I'm glad you guys enjoyed thanks for all the wonderful comments and support tomorrow and Los Angeles for all of our la-based gazebos where what what time is it now you're surprising well you can just google rip and it right Oh Thor but what time is it at 11:00 hold all right well ela does that check out this new teddy fresh what do you call this tracksuit warmer it's a tracksuit tracksuit that's coming out this winter look at this fresh [ __ ] the fit is insane the comfort level is spicy hot it's breathable dude this thing is insane this is so comfortable I mean it was my goal for a long time to make a trex Teddy fresh watch out watch out haters because Teddy fresh is coming hard so it's at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. at rip and dip stores next to the supreme store and is it Hollywood and Fairfax Avenue Fairfax so we'll be there for about an hour yeah or two I know got the new rippin dip collection collab coming out very excited about so see you guys there and let's do it is Lacroix poison that is the question we are looking to resolve today who are the players at work who benefits from this before we get into this Lacroix boy under the gazebo a story and I'd like to say cheers to everybody and the boys and back to enjoy everyone crack open your Lacroix and have a nice refreshing sip of all natural essence soda pop so a new lawsuit alleges that Lacroix is not all-natural and the chemical limonene in Lacroix is also in cockroach insecticide now one thing that I thought first of all when I heard that is just because it's toxic to cockroaches doesn't necessarily mean anything you hear [ __ ] like that all the time like our neighbors have vet he says chewing gum artificial sweetening chewing gum is deadly poisonous to dogs yeah just because it's toxic to cockroach doesn't like that seems like an effort to scare like if it's dangerous to humans say that mm-hmm it's dangerous the cockroach cockroaches are gross and I have a gross mental image of cockroaches but it doesn't necessarily mean anything besides that so that seems kind of manipulative Hedlund so at first some thing what's going on here you know is this really about the ingredients or something else at play mm-hmm so let's actually break down these claims from the lawsuit who are making these claims all right let's start with the chemical li mo Nene am I saying that right or might just sound like ooh yeah how could I it cannot be called Li mo Nene then somebody's Christ's sake help me I'll check li mo Nene I'm 1 9 o ly mo 9 that's gotta be it that sounds way more intelligent I'm not American I'm so bad at pronounciating things it's like ridiculous Alaimo 9 I think it's Lyme o 9 damn you killed it you just read it like someone from outside of the US well I'm sorry you know my brain is [ __ ] up so pubchem the National Institutes of Health open database for chemical compounds explicitly calls lime o 9 a naturally occurring chemical and a major component of oil extraction from citrus peels so sounds pretty natural right as the name suggests Lamoni n-- is commonly used to give food or other products a lemony flavor and fragrance so it is a naturally occurring compound that comes off of lemons so limonene lime Oh need them crushed your [ __ ] Spelling Bee champ so how about the claims that it causes kidney toxicity and cancer while the same company pubchem also states there is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenic properties of Lamoni n-- there are some evidence of male rats experiencing problems including tumors as a consequence of Lamoni exposure but none of those findings have been properly reproduced in humans meanwhile more recent studies suggest that Lamoni n-- is actually anti-cancer what it's lemon I mean it's a naturally-occurring lemon now how did this company come to claim that it's even unnatural because I was reading that the FDA because everything that FDA does is so nebulous and undefined defines for whatever reason Lamoni n-- as an artificial flavor mmm-hmm but according to this magazine and I don't know what the reason is for that is it a naturally occurring chemical that comes from lemon okay now the other chemical that's being accused of being toxic is the lena liu i why can i not you know Lou it's about Li Na lol that's a goofy S word lena Lou as another additive used as a flavoring agent it's naturally occurring found within many types of flowers spice plants including the nice yeah it includes mint scented herbs laurels and cinnamon it is most definitely used an insecticide as well that part is true but that doesn't mean it's poisonous to humans after all as I pointed out dogs can't eat chocolate yet I eat 20 bars a day explain that you can't the only real toxic effects of lino Lou has been documented to inflict on humans is mild skin and eye irritation namely from air saw from air forms of the chemical being squirted in your eyes for take a lemon squirt it in your eyes oh I'm gonna sue the lemon people no that's not how it works folks also coincidentally research suggests that it may be an anti-cancer ingredient that leaves only Lionel prop property Lionel propionate prop problem unit propionate what back in fifth grade trying to read again read to the class Ethan can you read it look around the class and say oh my god I can see it after these words that leaves Lionel propionate derived from plants like ginger and lavender and another common flavoring and fragrance added has been shown to help inhibit the proliferation of prostate cancer I'm going to shove those right above my ass at least in the form of Nagas me kumquats [Music] so there you go so unless Lacroix is secretly including 50% of the beverage as Lionel then drinkers don't have anything to fear because it's not even anywhere close to being harmful these are all naturally occurring flavors and by the way these are all flavors that many companies use and many of their products to flavor their beverages I mean it makes it act like Lacroix is out there just pouring yeah [ __ ] crows insecticide for no reason they're like I'm gonna save 50 cents and pour some poisonous no this is a widely used flavoring agent that seems by all count to be natural after all so what's going on here what is going on what is going on let me say this even water is toxic when you consume too much you can actually get water poisoning okay not some incredible suit of water I'm suing big water now as somebody who's been on the receiving and of bogus lawsuits this place this lawsuit stinks to high hat okay now my theory big soda is behind it and I that might sound like a joke but think about it the company Lacroix dominates dominates the market if you go to any grocery store any convenience store gets what's on the shelf and guess what people want Lacroix every time Lacroix ela please let's not get into that now that's a whole nother heated debate look they got a great marketing I don't know what I don't know how but they dominate like I've I mean I've slammed Lacroix previously I'm apart guys look like these [ __ ] act like they invented soda water but here I am drinking it every episode so what's going on now at the same time as Lacroix is killing it and I'm talking about eight hundred and twenty seven million dollars in sales last year guess what's simultaneously declining hugely in sales soda bombs sugary drinks as people realize that consuming 50 grams of sugar is poison and not Lionel or whatever how about 50 grams of sugar can we sue coca-cola for giving me diabetes I'd like to maybe I will so here we have Lacroix dominating the market big soda falling down what's happening now the these big boys are losing market share to Lacroix and their soda water brands are are getting smashed they're dominating the market and these big soda companies they they need to get in because their business is suffering so to me from the outside it seems like a total hit job of misinformation and the lawsuit is gonna get thrown out you can trust me on that but the damage has already been done their friend because you hear it on the news I see it on social media I see it everywhere you really once and it's stuck in your head I know and I know it's [ __ ] up is that nobody goes nobody goes oh that weird and that doesn't make that much sense they say they go what there's poison in Lacroix we're all [ __ ] gonna die we drink Lacroix and they have successfully tarnish the reputation of this pristine beautifully branded and naturally flavored soda pop and and that's it that's the beauty of this lawsuit it's totally bogus it's gonna get thrown out and they have tarnished the reputation and everybody's been taking the bait and meanwhile mr. coca-cola has got his feet up and he's drinking a look Roy because he knows it's a superior beverage but meanwhile he's peddling his [ __ ] nasty coca-cola [ __ ] so I say to all of our listeners all the gazebos out there crack open a little Croix have a sip enjoy yourself and know that you are enjoying an all-natural sugar-free beverage and you are you are Lacroix boy your gazebo boy you are my boy so have a sip and enjoy cheers everybody Cheers ela you really that's all loud set music I tried on purpose mm-hmm so that's it nice to the bunked two big topics there's 60 minutes this is 60 minutes gone gate I was working on my Alex Jones impression I thought was pretty good I did it during love like the copy reads but we caught it but I kind of want to do it now Kanye Kanye gave Trump make America great hat during his White House visit it really hurts my throat it's pretty good I need to figure out how to do it where it doesn't irritate my throat yeah Kanye gave Trump a make America great hat during the White House visit purple hat you guys heard about all this Kanye West's madness okay so let's talk about Kanye West no yeah so Kanye met Trump and we're gonna talk about that but before we do in our intern who's a super fan of Kanye West as you all know had some suggestions for Kanye West in our last week in our previous episode he had suggested that he make the Hat purple which would symbolize the joining of the Democrats and the Republicans exactly red and blue makes purple tears here is Kanye in a purple hat not evident to much honestly we had thought that it said make America great you can't really read it it doesn't say that though not interesting what does it say showing up in a purple hat it says exposed world says Ian because he knows those world no but um what he did and then his other suggestion hearing suggestion was don't wear hat that says make America great again wear hat that says make America great yeah and what happens later on that day my friends well I can't open it's behind that picture it is you know make America great this is I'm telling now people have suspected that Kanye lurks the the reddit of Kanye on reddit and the clip the highlight of Ian talking about it was on that subreddit so there is a chance I swear to you now that Kanye West saw Ian suggestion and if he comes out with the purple make America great hat which is a great idea and I hope he does the world oh my god that is gonna be amazing how do you how did you feel in seeing this I saw you you seem pretty excited do you think that he saw your presentation I'm gonna tell myself that yeah mm-hmm I hope you did do you think there's a chance though or do you think I mean like I'm not gonna fully commit cuz it's not purple if it was purple ago he 90 percent yeah but well based on a percentage out of a hundred what did the chances you think you saw that your presentation the clip got a lot of views that was six days ago before he did that it's interesting timing yeah and this spread looks like a shitty one not like the design one he pooped it out real fast yeah you could just buy a red hat and do embroidery and give me a percentage wow that's got to make you feel amazing oh yeah he better send me a hat that's the least he could do [ __ ] us up Wow I hope he takes would you wear it in if it was purple and said make America great what if it wasn't what if it's red he's like no I won't wear I don't know kind of heat of the street I wouldn't wear it if it was red know if it was purple I feel like I kind of have to yeah you do you what [ __ ] you can yeah I love that you wouldn't worry you wouldn't wear it well anyway so there's that and so we all congratulate in he's really growing up we're all very proud of him we're all very proud of an intern he's really flourished he's burped he's turned it to Kanye's personal advisor he's really just coming to his own so I wanted to thank you to end the intern he's great and when we first saw that purple hat there was that moment where we thought that was it yeah that was 50% though down I mean that's nothing to be scoff yeah no I mean I think he's probably right I mean from what I understand yeah he legitimately is like he's a lurker he's on the culling a fan for how many points did it have on the reddit uh Ian well I wasn't on the read it was on the Kanye fan site oh man forum and how was it will received people were on board I remember acting everyone to [ __ ] on me yeah don't be scared interesting yeah well he got maybe not him personally but you know I bet some of his handlers probably do check out you know all right let's just let's go with that Wow that's it that's really exciting well did you out your username then if you posted or one time when I was posted yeah he's still clearly right now you're lurking under condom you didn't post it did you in he's denying [ __ ] it was definitely y'all know is account out but anyway so Kanye met with Trump and there's a lot of blowback as you can expect but I'm here to focus on the funny the whimsical the comedic there's one great moment you can see Kanye's password on his phone I came and I was like Ian what's funniest password and he's like just zeros as I come in he's like five you said five him but I guess he's revise his this whole thing going on one of his legendary I airplane the I airplane we have a picture that but Trump very interesting Kanye's just going off for like 20 minutes and dominating the conversation and I find it just so interesting that how do I get that angle back this angle here he doesn't really look at Trump when he's talking and Trump's face is just sitting there kind of embracing I got this angles all isn't the one I wanted for Christ's sake what else pick it up Kanye is a smart as Tesla and Freud began can decode this but put that a fleece in the Indiana and he he looked at my friend he's below freezing mark I'm gonna go ahead drop some bombs for the 98 percentile IQ test I have a 75 percentile of all human beings but it was counting eight numbers backwards authors ravine so we're going to work on that one the other ones nine Tesla Freud you know so that I guess he's trying to say he's very intelligent am I correct in that and he's definitely coming across that way in your not commenting I think he's parsing his words but he's got the whole forum listening on everybody things got so complicated for Union you know what I'm saying like you can't just take talk his opinion anymore he's a leader he's a thought leader on anybody's PR the influencer I know he needs a PR I know can't have the he's got a reputation now he doesn't have some [ __ ] username he's face they know who he is he has a reputation if he says the wrong thing this go all the mobs coming yeah this was beyond username this is real [ __ ] well Ian can you at least confirm he's trying to say that he is intelligent yeah that's the general idea yeah I mean Nate's once again like the power point where I showed all the people he can compare them smell surprises yeah and Tesla wasn't in there and and who was the the Disney character oh that's vanellope von schweetz yeah von schweetz he should have said I'm like work on it he's doing the math anyway boy you know so you know said that his moment you know I'm saying like but anyway so that was so that was interesting and then there was the one I guess the one that really pissed people off was that he hugged Trump at the end we saw this don't are there's more oh God he showed him a picture that what is this even in hell yeah and decode it's not his design he took it from someone who did it as their University thesis hmm a few years ago and the guy they asked him they were like what do you think about this he's like I think it's kind of cool that Kanye saw it no idea how and so what are the chances we're gonna get this airforce one made in zero percent okay all right hater the forums gonna eat you alive for that one so bring back that picture you love them all wearing hats yeah kanya gave them I want to see I want to see Jared Kushner he looks like such a dweeb you can see the whole family here and one says maker it's a great thing and make earth great again earth is like don't talk for me yeah I know Jared cracks yeah great again and travel space again make earth great again what does that mean one was earth earth used to be [ __ ] dealt when the dinosaurs were around NASA Chris played out earth displayed and cared look so uncomfortable in that hat man but they're making a work they're rocking it they're making a work what's the blue ones day that's the earth that's good and the black one says trouble space again so all right you can you can get that off so then we've got to hug the notorious hug which apparently now I was like in what would it cuz they're the backlash has been so severe and I've read some things like Ti the famous rapper what he wrote I was like damn that is [ __ ] harsh and their friends I'm not read it for you guys but I was like in what what exactly did he say that that upset people so much and what in well in you want to say what you told me or is that too controversial just that he didn't say anything new was kind of the same answer it's the same Kanye from the last six months mmm but I guess what happened is he showed a lot of love and he hugged Trump and that's what some people up so no real medium so here it is well then I like and I guess they like me and we're gonna have lunch we're gonna talk I did the Secret Service not tackle his ass right now I love this guy I got you it was all the ploy just some I said a long con there was like a plot to a movie like that like where he tries to get close to the king some kung fu hero yeah that movie sack yep good one dude what it make sense if Kanye was like the star of his own hero and he just stabbed Trump I mean that'd be a wild twit everyone's like whoa and gave him some love and in fact I probably ruined the moment for you guys to let me go back I have a bad habit of pausing and talking a lot and Sheila was trying to correct me yeah but it was too late I already paused it so here we go again everyone to enjoy people that I like and I guess they like me and we're gonna have lunch we're gonna talk I'm sorry I got a fuzzy look at all these people there's so many people packing the room so many press it's actually really annoying you can't even hear what they're saying yes cameras they make pictures do you need what the [ __ ] does she know about cameras what yeah okay I'm not gonna pause it anymore that's but I love this guy right here let me get this guy I love this guy right here yeah that's my heart I didn't want to put you in episode there you go now that was that okay now let me read TI's response it's a flavour there was the reaction this this was cold-blooded man this this you know what happened he got go sir or did I was trying to he got go started by Ti Ian do you agree this was a go starting so let me read this [ __ ] now I've been extremely patient and made it a point to not jump to any premature conclusions about Yee and his antics partially due to lessons learned from the outcome of other similar situations dealing with my brother Wayne which I merely mishandled a bit in hindsight but now this [ __ ] is next-level futuristic [ __ ] hoppin Bob Stephen off Django ass [ __ ] what does that mean in those are all references to is sort of like the Uncle Tom thing what a [ __ ] that was a was a book that had like very racist imagery I believe I'm not exactly sure but then he refers to Django which obviously that was a Tarantino movie sure okay literary references very highbrow do you know from what I can gather this is the most repulsive disgraceful embarrassing act of desperation and auctioning off of one soul to gain power I've ever seen now I recall you asking me to come with you to have this meeting and I decline naturally but bro if ain't time I would have been in there with you and you behave that spineless Lee in my presence I feel like I'd be compelled to slap the [ __ ] out of you bro for the people you asked kissing and boot licking on a whole new level and I refuse to associate myself with something so vile weak and inconsiderate to the effect this has on the greater good of all of our people I'm a true believer in it ain't what you do it's how you do it and this [ __ ] is regurgitating at one time it was a pleasure to work alongside you now I'm ashamed to have been associated with you to all the people who follow ye you use the yay oh [ __ ] yay right yes Kanye yes I'm not part of a forum or anything yay so we will follow ya musically socially or even personally who are confused heartbroken and fury ated let me make this clear this [ __ ] ain't cool this is own cups this is a movie made yeah this is a movie a made for yay this is a play to put him in position he'd like to see himself in we are not on his mind as he makes these comments and decisions don't follow this puppet we're we're off caps now because as long as I've lived I've learned that it benefits a man nothing at all to gain the world if to do so he must lose his soul we just saw a mr. West's soul on auction if you listen closely you can hear the tears of our ancestors hit the floor the amps all I can say is I've reached my limit this is my stop I'm officially done middle finger Trump and his little cookie boy Wow that's cold-blooded [ __ ] how did how did you how did that make you feel again I mean I I can't fully weigh in on what that imagery feels like or to see that if you're you know african-american in this country I don't know so yeah it's a reaction I I completely understand it I see why he would have that and you know I respect his opinion they're very political 1ti a dude from what I understand was like his most ardent defender up to this point is that true en diamond is working on campaigning it's a tough situation I only met that's got it as if I'm calling that's got alright yeah that's good I when I read it it's hard to disagree with the stuff that he's saying it's like I don't know like we said last time kinda like you can see what kinda was trying to do but in it's not a pure heart movement it's more polite political than it should be I guess it's it's just so polarizing it's like on one hand I see where he's coming from and on the other hand I see the black community as seeing Donald Trump as a a symbol of oppression of establishment or whatever you know but I also see like I don't know I see it from both sides I don't really think he's going to try and run for president - I don't see so [ __ ] cringy bro please no no not support Ian do you vote for Kanye's bro I would never vote for because I like it doesn't that kind of ruin everything what so if he's is that love as president yes wait is he just trying to get political what is this is he trying to be genuine and spread love and like bridge the divide or so you just want to run for president positioning himself because that's what the I was saying and all right yeah and the conversation was very like about Kanye like he was talking about easy and indeed us and how now so strange yeah yeah and it's kind of like well look Kanye watching his rant strikes me very much as somebody who is having a manic episode he's been diagnosed as bipolar and when I see him talking there he strikes me as someone that's not fully grounded mm-hmm you know what I'm saying and so I take that into consideration - yeah and Mike he's feeling strong more than usual emotions because he's in this manic state and so he's like I love Trump I love what he represents as someone who did something that was impossible I love what if the idea of what he's trying to do of like bringing jobs back to America in America first right Kanye sees that as he just sees the best in it he sees the positive message and he doesn't and there's a lot of people that criticize that movement but he just he's full with like strong emotions and love and this manic state and he'll and and so that's he's not he's not being smart he's being emotional mm-hmm and so it's like he Howard Lee says that it the S&L speech he straight-up says like we need to stop thinking with our minds and start thinking with our hearts so I think he's just he's not no I don't think he's grounded right home and apparently in our while we were noticing earlier he talked about how he was misdiagnosed as bipolar and he was just sleep-deprived and so he's off his medicine and I'm washing the son be like dude you must be really sleep-deprived right now that's the case so I don't know the whole thing is just wild and weird is he gonna run as a Republican cuz that's kind of what he's a meal in itself is that yeah we're independent he might just try and do his own thing or a circus that would be a real circus maybe he wants VP Trump Kanye won't that be a wild world so that is Kanye decoded here on 60 minutes there you go welcome hit me with that sixty minutes tonight under the gazebo Lucroy is it poisonous I say [ __ ] no get that [ __ ] on sale little cookie boy aka Kanye West oh I can't say that is that racist I don't know wait he did throw that in while listing off like Zombo and all those other things I've never heard of that one either I didn't know that was a racist thing so hit me with that sixty minutes is Kanye West Trump's little cookie boy find out today under the gazebo and better help is it a scam some say yes some say no cockroaches I like that dunno me or whatever yeah I love the non-committal oh is here I hear the craziest clickbait on the news they go the there's an outbreak of the blue should you be concerned let's find out feel like universally when they say that it just it means me no no yeah imagine if the answer is yes yes you should not leave your house Ebola is back the Black Plague is rampant yes be concerned yeah what else we got man everyone having fun on this Friday find out more tonight is Kanye Trump's little cookie boy yes the answer is we should watch this pro-life lady oh yeah got a lot of stuff but you those got has suggestions so let's watch it you guys may have seen this great little one lowlife lady man roundhouse kicks pro-life woman this shit's crazy man love this this is why we're here my dudes 5 million wow this one look at his outfit first of all yeah he's got boots for kickin that's just what he'll do yeah no spoilers imagine kicking somebody just imagine kicking somebody like how [ __ ] unstable do you have to be to throw kick anyway yeah who can't like if you're not enough UFC fighting ring there's no like throwing a kick like who are you Bruce Lee [Applause] what Hey destruction of private property tastes a lot he gets raped by somebody and they're like hi 16 year old I can have it that's really compelling I am pro-choice by the way for I'm I'm strongly in favor of pro-choice I mean I'm just gonna say that for the record okay and if you think that makes me a [ __ ] or whatever that's fine because we can have a difference in opinion I respect that you are pro-life how about that you [ __ ] haters you can have an opinion and I can have a different opinion you want to come to my dress and kill me because I'm pro-choice suck my tiny Jewish dick but this guy's a [ __ ] idiot so it's fun to watch no I did the perfect I just wanted to say like people who are a pro-life I understand their point because it comes from a religious place yeah and they think the you're murdering a baby I personally disagree I don't think you're murdering a baby but if you did think that then I can understand how are you be why you again why would you be so passionate about it so it's like it's just like unsolvable yeah it's like killing baby it's like I can't think of two more opposites killing a baby worst thing ever not killing a baby you know I don't think it's going baby this guy certainly doesn't you gotta go back a little cuz I think this guy should have been aborted I love that I meant to kick your phone ok who does that imagine kicking someone's phone it's still assault it's like he doesn't really apologized either he's just like I [ __ ] up I kicked you in the face look at that tongue out yeah it's like an anime move it probably runs with his arms back there we go he rounds up baby here we go that's basically a warning shot you know you heard World War 2 now on you know World War 2 and Israel does it over like Gaza they'll drop leaflets and say hey we're about to bomb this place you better get out hmm that's what he's doing dropping leaflets on hey see that you clear the area because a bomb is about to drop that's like a crazy kick I doubt that guy will too much power to be praying look can we slow motion up here let's go to 0.25 on this break it down speed 0.25 let's enjoy okay mmm oh we got sound all right it's thinking about it I love how like the conversation is over and now a power failure like he probably doesn't have a lot of muscle mass but he ends up well affirmed kick right there yeah sounds of hell there you go everyone enjoyed that that was a favorite of the week Shane continues his documentary about Jake Paul I don't have that much to say about any of his new series except for this this was my favorite detail that came out of the new episode it's a small little detail but I thought it was great I'll share for you guys now my dad's good old Greg Paul it's it's actually like an RV though I'm gonna give you a quick tour the boss give you an update it's like you can like yeah there's like a there's like a bed in there and like he like drives around and like he sleeps in there my dad Jake sounds fun his dad is lived at the Tim penthouse for months sleeping in a school van outside that's now a guy who's been accused of having sex with underage girls and kissing underage girls on camera should not be sleeping in a school outside a house with a bunch of young kids all right Greg Paul get your [ __ ] [ __ ] together get your life together and get the [ __ ] move out of the school bus for Christ's sake Greg what the hell is wrong with you God as a weird yeah that's the weirdest goddamn [ __ ] ever so in red palm [ __ ] me your life together man god that's it that's my own that's my take away Banksy shreds is art and whatever some [ __ ] should I talk about this Banksy shreds his art it's kind of cool except it was kind of also lame I'm not being honest because well here let's watch it so Banksy sold a piece of art or no he didn't sell I don't know how it came to be in the print of his art so he sold it originally and then it was recently I don't know the story yeah I believe original yeah and being auctioned I think the story goes that he built the shredder into it like ten years ago with the intention that it if it ever went on auction he would do this so this is like a long con but what I'm wondering is he's so anti like capitalist he originally sold the art to somebody right like how did the auction house get it yeah yeah that's a very good question okay so I don't really understand okay so it's not really is it a statement I don't I'm not sure what was the statement I think it's funny just a gag it's like I gotcha okay it's like oh it's like an actual cool prank I thought he was like an anti-capitalist like didn't sell his work mm kind of thing I don't think like he doesn't sell his work like I remember hearing a story about how someone had a bunch of his work on display and they were charging him to get in and he was super unhappy about that I don't know cuz you can buy prints over the art and I'm sure money will go to you yeah okay so well I don't know much about him so nobody knows that's that's what I think just had to blast you it does alright so here you go we built in a predator into this frame and there you have it years later sold for 1.4 million dollars they're auctioning in pounds so it's like that 4.4 million and the minute it closes somebody with the remote activated it who was there who knows had a big eyes smile on his face it's a shame it didn't complete it because they were able to preserve it so that's why I think like it's done so beautifully to like the paper didn't get crumbled or anything it's just like so his it so again that's my question is about his intention because I don't think his intention was to destroy it because it only shreds half and then it's done I think it's a statement because she just someone just paid a 1.4 million for this the value since he did it yeah so now not only is it available because I know it was history yeah and now it's part of his theory of art I mean it's pretty cool that he pulled that off I'm just confused about the message because he increased the value and it's not like he intentionally didn't destroy the whole painting I don't care that much and I don't think it matters not much hmm I think it was still a cool moment people were freaking out like all of a sudden this paper is shredding itself right well as possible it was an intentional that it [ __ ] up like if he really built this thing 10 years ago yes malfunction I'm showing you that this would raise the volume just cuz that's how it goes I guess the moment that never happened before so yeah I mean it's brilliant yeah it's brilliant that one baby waited patiently for 10 years for this beautiful moment or some idiot I don't want call me an idiot I'll put it this way Kurt Vonnegut I love this saying and I'm not talking you can spend 10 20 30 ow dollars on a piece of art I'm caught but when you start spending like millions you're paying for prestige right yeah Kurt Vonnegut has this great quote he says art is a conspiracy between the rich and and like the and the art world to make I said that's so bad yeah to make poor people feel stupid art is a conspiracy between rich people and artists to make poor people feel stupid because you see a painting sold for 20 million bucks and you're making $30,000 a year and you're like well [ __ ] no the funny story is that some other guy who owns a print shredded it more weight is do we have a picture of that that's so funny right we have us that is hilarious was that a valuable print before $40,000 so why the [ __ ] like what did he take a scissor to it I'm not sure oh here it is so I think that that was intentional how it stopped right there it's kind of still beautiful it is very beautiful absolutely so what it was is I mean he wasn't destroying someone's purchase he was uh like I pray it was a little okay bad chant of a gift everyone freaked out it definitely ended up as a gift I mean the guy who bought it had the option to back out and he was like [ __ ] no I want that yeah it's not like but you remember mark McGrath what was that guy's name the baseball player that like broke the homerun record and the Mark McGwire Mark McGwire sugar oh yeah you're right sugar ray sugar right he he broke the homerun record and the foul ball hit into the stadium the guy who caught it yellow sold it for 3 million bucks yeah and then since everyone was on steroids they kept breaking the record like every year so lost all of its value but this is that foul ball so close that one oh and okay so here here read that part today my art broker calm received the seller in Korea via website from someone who has taken it upon themselves to shred their own girl with balloon print in order to increase its value they have taken a piece of art worth Lee ruff worth the forty thousand pounds and in our opinion made its value one stupid why would you I don't think there's pictures of it I don't think they even want to give that guy any attention that's crazy to actually take a genuine piece of art valuable art and just be like oh I'm gonna [ __ ] cut it up now like that's not how it works the seller wanted them to list it as eighty eighty thousand pound and they just disagreed denied oh my god [ __ ] idiot I bet you someone buys that though I'll bet I'll bid $1 on it they says worth $1 I got a dollar so let's start the bidding I mean that piece has history - it's the idiot who cut up one you know I'm saying I love it we've we've spent a lot of money on art yeah but I'm maybe like a couple thousand dollars which you're basically paying for someone's time and appreciation yeah first you know twenty million dollars for a print yeah I mean that's a big difference I I appreciate art that I that I like and I'll spend thousand bucks a couple thousand bucks a hundred thousand [ __ ] suck it's a lot depends like this guy Robert uh Xavier has this huge Batman I love it it's amazing I mean that thing's I would guess worth a hundred thousand but it's like the size of this hole yeah you can I mean you spent like ten thousand hours yeah and like a whole house just for that but anyway like there's some stuff like the gold the Diamonds skull what was that sold for like a hundred million million dollars how rich and bored can you be good now you could feed the whole continent of Africa they're like nah with the skull hmm they're like they're like fix homelessness in your city forever now take the skull I'll take the skull please they're like cure cure HIV and AIDS in all of Africa or one Diamond skull I'll take the school Howard Stern had this great bit where he went on the street the Boston bomber he was like this handsome young like air arab kid the boston bomber and there was a lot of girls who were like talk about how cute he was and so they went on the street with a picture of howard and a picture of the boston bomber and they're like which one would you rather date and everyone was picking the Boston bomber over Howard I love that so funny rather date a terrorist than Howard I don't think he was Arab by the way just for the record oh god what was he I think I think he was a Chechen Ian I mean he was a Muslim he wasn't a Arab correct okay my bad I stand corrected I want to stand at my pulpit I want to say I apologize all of my Arab brothers out there who have been offended in this unfortunate miss character Asian not all not all Arabs are terrorists and that was not what I meant to imply by any means of any stretch of imagination he was a Muslim young man of Chechen descent which I believe is where's that Dan well it's a region in southern Russia and it's sort of an ongoing called as thank you thank you very much Dan for the clarification and please everyone forgive me please and if you think that you need to write an essay about my mistake here today and expose me please you have my permission I made a grave error of judgment and I give him full permission to make a 30-minute essay about it as is entirely warranted so apologies to everyone for that and shoutout to to the essayist right now Greece bans obese tourists from riding on donkeys I love this it's [ __ ] hilarious here's a fat lady on a donkey Greece has banned fat tourists from riding on donkeys after campaigners said the animals were being left with spinal injuries listen this isn't santorini greece we've been there so we honey little players I never once had the urge to write a donk it's not really even like a donkey friendly no I don't really get that also if you look if you're fat you got to give up some you got to give some things up if you're a big [ __ ] fatty and you're gonna break a donkey's back then I mean you know what I'm saying like there was a Nathan for you about big horses and you could he had to put like weather balloons on them and [ __ ] look don't howl what's the weight limit how do they how do they define fat because it just says fat I don't know it's the other define it did this these states uh donkey giving tourists rides and scenery should not carry any loads heavier than a hundred kilograms what does that convert to see it sound like a lot 220 pounds so unless you're extremely tall and built if you're over 200 wait what yeah that's not a bad miss your weight I'm too fat for it no I'm like at 195 that's yo I'm too fat for a donkey what the [ __ ] why do you need to write a Duncan what kind of beast of burden is that now I just did a complete 180 who's riding these donkeys a little children yeah I had a couple hamburgers in my life but am I too fat to ride a donkey I don't think so they're just little donkeys oh they're not horses they're just trying to save them going down the stairs so do the stairs do some exercise no I need a donkey ride I'm gonna [ __ ] kill this donkey cause I'm so fat and the break its back looking down more you can see the stairs down more oh god these poor people taking a neato fat people on donkeys and they blurted but tiny bit God he's not even enjoying himself that donkey will never have another passenger and you're not even enjoying yourself that dog is gonna be put to sleep after this and you're not even enjoying yourself wait this says you have 100 kilograms well goddamn there's more here you can't go that down yourself oh wait we did do a donkey ride no we did in centre a knee didn't we go up a donkey's on those stairs or my fun no ripping balls no way we did donkey rides maybe I'm thinking of something else how did we get up to the hotel by car like the same yeah we go spor donkeys man goddamn just poor [ __ ] only bad Americans up and down a hill incredible stuff man 60 minutes really stepped up the game dog is a mayor oh we've got these fan submissions but it's already been two hours I'm coming or hour and a half should we wrap it up this one's too funny I'm gonna do this one I'm and it guys send your questions comments essays video suggestions to podcast at h3h3 productions calm I love it this one was so funny from Joey Lewis he says hey Ethan Aguila I listen to your at number 87 podcasts where you mentioned how semen can clog up the sour drink this was relevant to me because the freshmen housing at my school think god I don't live there Ken Ken's Shaw State they had to remove and replace the plumbing for one of the buildings the whole entire building due to the build-up of semen tangling with hair there's a photo of the notice that the University Housing put up to reminds just not to jerk off in the shower when he said there is a photo I almost yeah yeah yeah if you're not jerking off in the shower where are you jerking off but it's a communal shower you got a jerk off responsibly Patrice O'Neal had the greatest joke ever he says I jerked off in the shower so many times I'm swear as a little baby hasn't called out dear residents we have recently found several blockages in plumbing system in University Village Suites mostly caused by human hair let me sit my water however over the last month we have found many of these blockages to be caused by large quantities about we have now determined to be semen this is intolerable because semen is not soluble in water it gets caught and filters and our system and particularly susceptible this issue has cost the university thousands of dollars to repair thus far good thing you collect a lot of tuitions and stop complaining it's come out my semen though we know that much though we know that you must take care of your business we have never faced a situation of this enormity before it is because of this unfortunately that we must ask you to refrain from masturbating in the shower may we those who wish to masturbate do so in the comfort of their own bedroom and dispose of their discharge appropriately I bet you 90% of the dudes continue to jack off in the show yeah I love you better yet unlike motor labor mm-hmm no signature this guy should frame it no signature Joey that's the tough thing how you can't guarantee that second gotta stop me dude I'm jerking off in the shower that's God intended that's why school is so expensive it's all the [ __ ] demon I had a communal shower in college boy it was Co sexual boys and girls shared the same bathroom yeah I know yeah but there was all the so you would come out with a towel yeah yeah yeah there was a naked beauty yeah with a towel yeah but like there's like four shower easels next to each other with like occur and private stall but yeah it was co-ed huh but there was that you could there was semen on the floor sometimes guys yeah there was a bathtub in there by the way then nobody you know but God forbid either you you were in the military wasn't a co-ed there are you [ __ ] kidding co-ed everything I know about the military is from Starship Troopers so I don't know it it's separated the females we had our own like little area and the male have their own area even the Western Wall is separated and therefore yeah I can follow the US military's in co-ed Starship Troopers hey Dan I'll never forget that scene I saw some titties that I didn't expect showering I was like what enough [ __ ] mm-hmm cuz I wasn't up I was like 13 so if somebody like looked at me I like pop a boner yeah I was like how did they shower what there and they don't all have fat boners right now remember when you're 13 like you Tet you hit a speed bump on the bus a little too fast you pop a boner tuck it under the belt you get really good at the the bass the backpack masking method yeah you checking something in your backpack I I tucked it under the bell most of time but sometimes because you have to kind of maneuver for that and it yeah a lot of tucking and grabbing right so the backpack is definitely a godsend it's one of the two options I don't think there's anything else is there anything else in or zach is there any other ways you guys concealed boners and was like sitting on the toilet when I was 13 that was it what what you pop a bunny on the toilet you mean you jerk off yeah you didn't read the question where else have you so you would [ __ ] and jerk off interesting state would you sit first would you jerk off after you [ __ ] you would [ __ ] while jerking on so you sit there stiff like this do you flush the ball before you check off when you sit over the [ __ ] so you flush and then you jerk yeah there's still stinks probably though yeah yeah I get you I smell my own farts I'm ashamed a minute I love it I love it I love it yeah you wouldn't admit it you don't like to smell your own farts not even a little bit you're not intrigued no you're not intrigued you're not intrigued at least interested interested in what the smell no that's like a biological fact that people like to smell their own fart like then Joey I think so you'd think Dan do you like the smell Ralph I'm sorry meaning we're out it's a fact and then you finish to it I think so I was I think this is another debate I think people like to smell their own farm well I will give you that I gotta tolerate it for sure for sure I don't I savor you smell it and enjoy it you deep you breathe deeply on it you're just doing a ya move I am NOT I like to smell my own farts hey there's a lot of people out there that agree so this is another one of these things we need to explore and I'm being genuine by the way I'm serious why would I admit to that and by like why would I lie about like in the Sonoma being controversial goof I'm not even wants desperately not to believe this is what I'm hearing there was another one somebody asked and the spirit of all these conversations i D zette zette zetz ler asked I was always convinced everyone picks their nose picking your nose ventilates it effectively and enables you to breathe much easier furthermore scraping a nice dry chunk of snot out of your nose is the best feeling ever to me it seems like a basic human necessity but maybe those are just my own habits ever since you started these types of conversation your podcast has said doubting my judgment on what's normal and what is not more and more so do you pick your nose if so which finger to use also I am pretty sure there are people who even eat their boogers I am not sure whether it is only kids or adults - personally I always found it gross so I never did do you so we're discussing like all the taboo dude we're back normal tonight on 60 minutes I think everyone picks their nose but there's certain levels to it like if I'm in the shower like I find it gross mm-hmm so if I'm in the shower that's a good place to pick my nose but generally I'll try to use a tissue or something just because I I just think it's kind of gross personally but I think everyone picks their nose yeah I tell you what's grosser that I've seen people do you're you're just walking with somebody on the street and just out of nowhere without saying anything oh my god [ __ ] the word I'm like you're just having a conversation and make conversation Sean Balog does that [ __ ] and then they won't come out so they go on the street with shredder the other day and if someone's just walking on the cross the street for me and they go why would you do that in the sight of another human being you lunatic some people think that's normal okay that's [ __ ] wild all right shit's crazy so picking the nose I think I agree eating boogers is [ __ ] up if you're under the age of eight me boogers you're a [ __ ] weirdo over but yeah actually you know what I shouldn't say I don't wanna I never did that's my personal preference I seen some friends where I look over and they're just like trying to like low-key there but really what oh I don't want to shame booger eaters because we're whether we're getting out there we're putting it all out there I think I do think there's a large percentage of adults they eat their boogers in secret the idea to me is frankly repulsive yeah why I don't think that watch like TV and then anything is possible people like it I don't know it's like smelling your own fart to me that makes sense but eating a booger makes me want to [ __ ] die the innards AK I have to ask for posterity do any of you guys pick your nose or eat your books I would rather lick dog poop what about your home booger absolutely not may I disgusting no never your life he needs his own bug only gets the skepticism I came in too dry too fast so anyway that was interesting conversation that's about it yeah about visit dog becomes mayor's that's something interesting or no dog became mayor what you know there's this whole story about a dog is getting re-elected as mayor and what it made me think about is what does this say about the job mayor I saw people in the video say like you did good like what does that mean he's a good boy but being the mayor's a serious job but you get paid like your responsibilities like what does this say about all government the mayor of LA is a serious job yeah yeah but I think in in smaller towns the mayor is like a ceremonial thing like the City Council really runs [ __ ] and then the mayor I know this completely from Parks and Rec so take this all the knowledge and they're you know what they said it cost a dollar to vote for the mirror yeah I was like wow that's great really no - Ron Ewan know about dollar vote probably not that serious of an election then it costs to vote that's what I recall from the video we're not gonna watch all right that's enough thank you everyone who watched thank you everyone who listened thank you everyone who enjoyed I hope you're having a blessed Friday hope you have a blessed weekend thank you to everyone who's taking notes diligently right now to cast their essay on h3 productions and how I've changed which is true I have changed and so there's definitely something there how I've compromised my morals for money that's above either one there's all the evidence there you can pull from and yeah there's a lot there so I will show the back yesterday we all look so guys thank you all and and of course using this clip and be using this club and being like look how he doesn't take criticism look how he makes fun of the fact that he's just a shill I look forward to that as well and I think you for taking everything into consideration my dear friends have a blessed blessed weekend thank you all so much and thank you all for enjoying our new video that meant a lot it was very nice to see ya felt good it was a very wholesome experience a very happy and and I'll see you hopefully a lot of you tomorrow a trip and dip yeah at our little meet-and-greet looking forward to all of that and so much more he was pregnant by the way we had a whole thing but we hung we had a whole thing about food you can deli meats you have nine months to talk about he looking at deli meats I was like if ela can eat deli meats when she was pregnant we all should not be eating those that's freaky you know what I'm saying but that's not how it works it's not it's just it's sensitive today to do a little pizza I the little peep of a baby that it is right now yeah ouch our songs almost over okay we better go alright guys thank you all for watching have a blessed weekend love you appreciate you we'll see you next time thank you so much
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 771,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: better help, better, help, kanye west, kanye, west, donald trump, trump, la croix, la croix poison, h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan, hila
Id: a2DrjY_YdZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 10sec (6310 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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