H3 Podcast #25 - Jenna Marbles & Julien Solomita

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lmao thats definitely him!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dolphin208 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

1 hour and 20 minutes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ianthegreenalien πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm gonna say that is absolutely him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheScroopyNoopers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

In which minute he appears tho?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AstaS- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah that's him lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fox_of_Freddys πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah that's cool but a timestamp is cooler

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/screwdreamer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Octavia_SSB πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back everybody to the h3 podcast live today we have a very special illustrious guest jenna Marbles superstar and her boyfriend another superstar Julianne so let me die today we are sponsored by me undies and Bethesda and our third and probably our best sponsor of all time ourselves check it out we made a ro merch store I'm really excited to share with you guys at h3h3 shop comm check it out we've got an internalized oppression shirt pretty great comfy cozy love the fabric yellow what do you got I got a matter of long stick it to the haters with this matter of lost shirt let him know that when it comes to litigation you are a matter of law that applies to like one out of a million people but you know and there's two more really cool ones we just don't have them here yet girl show it but so yeah you we don't have specially they're especially dedicated to you guys who watch the podcast well these are actually my favorite ones you've got the fascinating and the right there the colors are insane so cool and I've lost all respect for myself which is a podcast me but it really implies to anybody could apply to anybody so if you guys want to support the show hit up h3h3 shop comm and pick up your slammin hot merchandise by us for us FUBU okay let's get let's get to business here guys look you guys all you guys all know who jenna Marbles a seventeen million subs on youtube but more than that she's one of the longest-lasting like relevant youtubers to I think she's been doing it for like ten years and beyond that she's a female which I think does say something on YouTube it's a tough it's tough out there for females on YouTube and listen her boyfriends know do you come into his own he's got one point three million dollars vlogger it's like 10 degrees outside we've got the AC blasting but it's just not enough it's really I'm freezing here I always have a jacket here yeah it's it's probably like 85 in here and the AC is on blast we just installed a new garden cuz we're moving houses and we had like the landscaping done in the backyard and the these poor plants they're dying these are like low-water desert plants and they're dying they've actually been burned yeah you'll burn yes so that's how we're doing how you guys doing well anyway enough about us and you guys know who Jenn and Julian are so let's bring them out I'm screaming this is me screaming I said I'll scream when we're ready for them so this is me screaming yeah thanks for coming appreciate you guys been all good good yeah yeah good who sang to us usually like a cool 65 in here and I'm pretty sure this room was like 80 right now it's muggy this I feel like coming in here that's good you know all the plebs and the Internet all right yeah I just sweat now I prefer that I know they're suffering you know what I mean no I just wanted to so yeah cool well what are you guys working on lately what's good man we do we do one of these except it's on the scale of like 1/10 it's like in our little room at ration there's a three c100 yeah actually we kind of need to get more cuz it's a little inconsistent because you have ΓΆyou different cameras yeah yeah yeah it's a little unconcerned about having a couple in the back just we've been meaning to that for so long and I keep delaying it it's expensive we want to see 103 years ago using it for it's our baby every week you guys use that for your main videos mostly podcasts the occasional video you shoot your podcasts on it yeah yeah yeah by the way I like you guys at 72 I mean yeah it's it's it's really effect you know you don't need all the bells and whistles necessarily we started it just like on a laptop so for us we've come a long way we used to have a camera it was like a $200 handy cam from Best Buy and it would only focus on one of us at a time really so every podcast you guys are on the same like yeah cool yeah it's like we're doing your podcast over two years I think only supposed to close it through yeah those are veterans yeah and same with twitch which is crazy because we do in like the same setup in the same room the only thing is like we don't broadcast on twitch with all the good cameras it's like a little webcam and stuff down you down scalpers yeah yeah switches twitch has been a lot of fun lately as we played this no I prefer that the viewers well if it's not just a straight-up inception screen of like when you have this yeah you did that I was watching the other night you had like 50 yeah that's effective people like that so that was on purpose yeah it's just I'm trying to entertain but I would assume that there's horrible echo there's nothing to complain about it's actually really funny somebody listening with headphones because I'm always like I have no idea by the way we're talking about pub G which is the twitch Renaissance yeah we're all been playing yeah yeah and this [ __ ] game drives me crazy like I love it and I hate it you know some games are a joy okay this game especially when this game is Imperium it's imputing yeah but when it's good its I don't want to do anything else yeah well because the games last like what an hour yeah I think it lasts like 45 yeah yeah yeah so usually what happens for me is that all drop in some obscure place the game is basically a huge open map with a hundred people and it's just a battle royale and I'll drop into a tiny little like farmhouse that nobody's there because I know it can't I came not gonna take them I'll lose immediately I'll lose all these houses I'll play like super secret I'll crawl through a wheat field burn out for like 30 minutes and then the moment I see something like either either somebody will shoot me and I'll have no idea where they are that's the worst yeah and the other one is just like it happened yesterday dude crawls up I'm right in front of them with the shotgun missed three times and he just turns and kills me immediately yeah so yeah I hate the game I'm like the only times I play I drop at the farm like literally the farm and then just try to survive is that a specific yeah yeah oh no the map is well you have the names of the cities but then they have like a school and farm and right right right farm but you did get us a nice little dinner that one test show which was so pretty bugger reviewing that pretty it wasn't that guy's day no yeah no yeah I think he didn't he must have been not reloaded his gun or something cuz yeah well you're like a bro to how pleased I play with actually we did play with a pro the other night yeah one of our regulars one of our friends in the torch community zombie unicorn she's dating a guy named accent he's a pro he was a pro csgo player now he's in the tournament syrup pub G and he jumped in one of our custom games and he just completely demolished everyone and we were we knew it was coming he just you hated him yeah we we set up a custom games it was like groups of three of all of our friends he just hunted us down I don't understand I'll watch blowpro players play yeah that's hard to say and they just see everybody hmm they shoot I don't understand how they see everybody because I don't see [ __ ] yeah I've got a big monitor good graphics they move around like it's there where they grew up your shroud yeah I've checked about has a machine I like watching that [ __ ] doctor disrespect I know it's like a meme but he's pretty oh yeah that's watching him and I did play and they won six games in a row as well because we subscribed lol he read our name because that's all he did too and we lost did he acknowledge like oh I know them always seems not very generic Wow like a thousand subs right that was special though oh yeah big moment as well congratulations thank you so anyway getting off the pub to you as much as I loved it yeah we nice to see boobs that's for you oh it's just it's a special message and thanks boots yeah thanks guys Austin puts Malone lifted there Oh hit me this label maker huh well we have a label maker and he somehow got his hands on it yeah and he's just left you know what's funny cuz a lot of times people will be like why does it say boobs but a lot of times people won't even say it at all which is kind of easier to know yeah all right let me take limit I want to ask you something okay um obviously me Neela make videos together she's a female and I've seen what it's like for a female on YouTube but you've been doing it for so long you're good you're like how long have you been doing YouTube like ten years my first channel I think I made in what was it 2007 it but then I had to stop that cuz I had my full last name in it my mom was oh wait so marbles isn't your last name no it's my dog's name so you originally made it with your real name yeah and what was your mom I'm sad about that because she was trying to get a job at the time so like her name is Deborah Maury mine's jenna mourey and right so that was at a time on the internet where you know even a facebook page was like you type it you find it yeah so um she just asked me to make another one so made jenna Marbles in like 2009 I think hmm was the first channel big okay so nothing lost there no yeah so it's been probably like eight years for my main channel yeah so how is it I mean in your experience as a female do you think that you get a different shake on YouTube I mean you you definitely get some more like awful comment like real fucked-up [ __ ] I've yeah but um not bad but as long as you have a thick skin about it yeah I mean some of that shit's dark definitely I remember how many times do you get Jenny is pregnant called alive all the diamonds so funny if I just look like a little bit better one day quite like that we got do it an awful car accident like no no we couldn't work out for like eight months you guys were like because I'm on they're constantly like bitching and moaning like hey guys can't work out sorry for getting a little [ __ ] back let's go do you wish that pub G was around during that accident yeah would have been a lot more productive I just think I just first have been so much better by now what are you guys doing that time yeah that how long was it you said nine months I was in October so no it was like my meat I still can't feel part of my knee well um but like we we could walk I could walk we could do stuff but like we couldn't work out she just mind talking about it like what what happened with the yeah um so we were on the in the carpool lane so against the median on the 405 and we were kind of approaching a spot we were going like full speed like 70 and we were approaching a spot where there was like a traffic kind of jam up ahead but it was one of those jams were like 400 yards behind it people are still going full speed yes yeah sigelei yeah so the guy in the lane adjacent to us and ahead of us pulls one of those others traffic Miley and I'm gonna hop into the carpool yeah I do the car like over double yellow there didn't look we hit him pretty much like full speed like kind of at an angle cuz I had no time to react we didn't see any of this mind you like we're on our phones like all the sudden it was just like well wait you're on your phones okay you weren't driving no sharing up here listening to deep throat I cupcake yeah you guys were having a moment and then all the sudden there's like shaking and it was like the most it was the weirdest experience I've ever had like you can't describe it but after like it felt like ten minutes was just like crashing we were stopped and we were kind of bracing for cars to hit us and no cars hit us luckily the woman behind us hopped out called an ambulance and checked on us and she was like about passed out she was like really yeah you know so wouldn't you guys crash like what kind of injuries did you guys sustained well she hurt her knee cuz her leg was up and he was one of those priests calves where they have like the hard wall right and her knee just slammed in the wall but immediately we couldn't breathe because the the seat belts they like constrict when you crash and they like compressing chest so it was like like a lot of that what is the thing with a an MRI aren't you in the thing because I had like pretty bad seatbelt and there's a lot of girl parts there's like internal bleeding oh how is it going through the MRI it was weird cuz they like I hate needles so like it yeah I just have my chronic back pain so do try so they're gonna inject you and then do an MRI yeah I guess I mean it just hurts like a shot it's nothing anything worse than that I hate it well it seems really open how does it work they inject like ink and there's like dye so that the MRI can show whatever they're looking at you know better contrast or whatever oh there you go gonna be interesting yeah you get to choose the color so did you did this guy was there any repercussions for this guy who rear-ended you guys yes well so he actually getting rear-ended he basically caused the whole thing but are not rear-ended yes I he had four other cars Wow so and he was solely responsible oh so he's in a world of hurt so everybody's suing him all the insurance well yeah what happened is they filed a report so everyone's medical bills just go to that guy oh my god yeah that's gonna be millions yeah it's a lot probably so what did he end up covering you guys as a medical bill yeah I mean it's still not done it'll be done and probably yours cuz everyone's got to finish their treatment and then send in the bill so you guys paid for it yourself yeah what happens if you don't have money that sounds like me got lucky on a number of fronts like hey we can afford it right yeah but also we're alive you know it was a bad accident going really fast and we survived so you know the end of the day were super lucky yeah we were couch potato yeah anyways I do get called pregnant all the time and it's a little offensive but like not the worst thing in the world yeah okay in short with a with a side being a girl on YouTube well how's it for you ela I mean I agree yeah it's you definitely need to develop a thick skin but I think that's for anyone probably for you to like but it's weird it's funny to see the different kinds of comments like are you pregnant or smiling afterwards there'll be a screenshot of but no I mean I don't know when I see like if I mention a female youtuber generally I've noticed that in the comments they get really [ __ ] boner yeah towards them yeah whatever what can you do that that like young male demographic mm-hmm that's true what is your demographic mostly girls it was like teenagers and then it got a little older as I got older aged with you yeah interesting yeah my demographic is 90% men which kind of shocks me and it feels a little bad to be honest like seriously like you know ela brings a feminine touch yeah we're the ladies that has it changed ever since you started or has it been like pretty much the same five out of every 100 women was like I can tolerate this guy that's so crazy man so you're said what is yours it like roughly a percentage if you know probably like 85 girls Wow okay so we're kind of like the to the system yeah ya know when I started I like I was in my early 20s and you figured that you're like making content for people just like you right you're like it's probably all my friends and people my same age and then when you rise it's like oh [ __ ] there's all like teenage girls like my mind you know are they like young men are they men your age there I would say eighteen to late twenties - I see a lot knowledge 18 to 35 really yeah try interesting name what kind of people watch your videos Julian a lot like Jonas I would say maybe maybe a little more male but pretty pretty much the same so you're just more attractive thank you I wonder if I exercise more I get fit if our female demographic will go up you should fill us don't equals female views you're at the peak right now life yeah nice I just want how'd you guys meet cuz you guys are a cute YouTube couple yeah freaking adorable cuties thank you we met at a bar he's a bartender and I relentlessly hit on him that's true that's kind of like a sitcom hangout what's usually the other way around right like the guy picking up girls in the bar you went I tell it did he work there yeah I was a bartender and I'd seen her multiple times because she used to come in and it was at the end of my street where I lived so I walk there and then yes like I would see her a lot and then I think you like in a way you were like hey like let's hang out like don't bartend come hang up and one day I did and then we start hanging up Warren then the bar got closed down and yeah it was like pad ownership and then the guy like bounced out of town slowly alright I'm good sleep nice and you started making YouTube videos like what were you into that stuff before you know not all I was actually doing radio I worked for a radio radio station in LA 97 1 amp radio and then also I did radio in college so I wasn't like a lot of old media so when I met her she was like I met him he was still into school which was like bizarre I'm six years older than Julian yeah she was still in school and he was taking this one class where they give you this footage of like a truck home or some [ __ ] and it was his job to edit it and you had to edit it like at the machines like at school or whatever right and I was like dude [ __ ] go ham on that thing like you can do whatever you want and but they teach you like this very specific way yeah I made some TV broadcast I didn't make Ford commercials yeah but it was like make it weird like do something crazy yeah listen no I wanted to do and then I got like a C on the thing okay why did this is so arbitrary right it's like you're making a car commercial we just all supposed to do the same and that's really what it was it was like be a cookie cutter that reminds me when I went to art school they made us take a Photoshop class and the teacher he kept teaching us like here's a picture of a face of a model and now let's clean up her face like remove a imperfections fake yeah and it it really was weird to do I didn't I was not into it in a way that's those are the jobs out there those are the jobs that's what he was teaching like that we sing with you mind those same with mindless heading right yeah it's like yeah that's the job yeah but it's kind of it's a weird thing cuz it's like art video editing Photoshop is art but it really is just used like very industrially I also studied art in college did you really yeah it was it sounds nice it's total joke then why it was pretty much just the easiest major to pass through school because it's like who's gonna tell me my poetry sucks right so you know arbitrary but you were into it when we met you're downplaying yeah I'm like a couple poems but you know I hate poetry after I got it College yeah and I came out hating it where'd you go to school UC Santa Cruz oh that's right and where'd you go to school in Israel Shankar it are you going to college yeah where I went to Suffolk what'd you get sports psychology and counseling is that for like physical therapy kind of thing what do you what's the application of that um well there's lots of different ones I was probably gonna work with kids but uh you it's typically for like performance enhancement so like if I've been athletes going through a slump or something you would see a sports psychologists mental aspect of their game basically did you ever use that at all not after I graduated are you going to like YouTube almost immediately right yeah pretty much yeah well that sounds like would be an interesting gig though yeah do you remember any of those skills sort of you need some performance enhancement yeah Oh dances the lights are flickering really I didn't notice yeah it's only oh he's saying we might get another blackout oh man [ __ ] we were uh we did this an episode a couple weeks ago and the power just dropped and then for like an hour so heads up if it goes out that's why yeah la baby I'm just waiting for it now back out in a huge earthquake that's funny we were talking with Dan about in like 97 were you you guys were far from LA so 97 was like basically the apocalypse in LA because there was the Northridge earthquake and then I think that same year was like the El Nino you remember that [ __ ] yeah I mean I was really earlier and it was like the whole city all of SoCal was flooded yeah that [ __ ] was crazy I remember I had like this river my backyard and it completely over overfilled into the neighboring city anyway where'd you grow God and Ventura yeah so just south of here oh yeah so I'm waiting for the next apocalypse essentially yeah the block down to the earthquake well we're ready we're on a nice little shelter here yeah we're ready here our house isn't ready house is like leaks if it just like rains be body yeah yeah we have a couple dead leaks at our house besides we ran to in socks you know the bag though Julian made a really [ __ ] dope go bag what is that just like an emergency emergency yeah what it's in it you know it's um like external power lights yeah are you guys I'm not I'm not crazy about it but I did like we we had like a blackout and I was like okay next time this happens we're gonna be ready and now put it together yeah but it's got like dog food in like some people food in there so the dogs he's right we're getting Peach's gotten in there a couple of times yeah so sick you guys have like a nuclear fallout you guys ready for that I don't have shelter but we have a guest room the Holocaust like let's just you know the nuclear is a shorthand well like yeah let's just play pub G and wait it out you know go to the pub and play pub - you go to the plug yeah I like that that's the future pub Jesus sets up at the pub go have a beer you guys you're into conspiracy theories that's that's something you're deep into a little - what else what are some of the spicy ones that you're really into these days because there's theories that are just like how many ridiculous many parts of the Avaya Podcast they saw there's like three they have like conspiracy theory part 1 4 - oh well here's my question because there's a lot of conspiracy theories that are just like obviously joke like well correct me if I'm wrong maybe I'm lizard people can we all agree that that's just I mean I like to entertain anything ok I want to know why someone thinks that and like what their reasoning is and I'll entertain it I'm not sure I'll buy into it well a lot of times I'm not sure if people actually believe it that's part of experience ears that [ __ ] with me because you're my flatters like would this be fun yeah in it I have a hard time stretching my imagination and believing that there's people that actually believe the earth is flat and I don't know if it's an elaborate troll no that's really like that's okay that's true so what so what Taylan tequila really believe I don't know cuz every time we talk about it I start to feel like they're all just trolls yes but I don't know okay so what and anyway so what are some of the ones that you think are like oh there's something to that um one of my favorite ones is that Francis Bacon was William chase it's pretty brilliant that was pretty good yeah that is pretty strong actually heard that stuff a lot that Shakespeare was a pseudonym or even I've heard that Shakespeare was a collective of a lot of other writers have you heard that no um I see the one that I liked was that Shakespeare was a real person he was like an actor in a play guy and Francis Bacon is the one that wrote all of those things interesting used him as just like this figure that would be take all the credit basically but Francis Bacon wanted to get all of these ideas into the public via pop culture that being like writing and didn't want it to be like associated with him well that's that's interesting yeah what is there like a lot of supporting evidence for that yeah huh because Shakespeare the history is kind of weird on him right like there's not a lot out there about the guy that's kind of what adds to this conspiracy right makes an interest that one's one of my favorite ones that was the one we talked about last night yeah oh we talked about with a Mariah Carey one do you remember in New Year's Eve performance she's like I can't see the words y'all just like walk like that it was unsynched in her here losing my [ __ ] job right so what's the conspiracy theory because some people were talking that's the giving her a lot of credit or somebody sabotaged her not even her people somebody sabotage that situation to make it be like without her knowledge it could have been either it could have been with her knowledge or without but regardless for the better of the show doing well all right you even like the Oscars stuff like I feel like that's a thing that people would consider like I think they're potentially [ __ ] [ __ ] up yeah to get talking about it I mean at this point that does make sense yeah yeah you kind of have to be wary because I feel like you gotta cannot believe anything yeah yeah yeah trust nobody especially Mariah Carey well what's like the serious [ __ ] what's like is there any that you guys are kind of into that it's like reality twisting [ __ ] 9/11 [ __ ] oh man I mean I'm like I'm Way too far down most of those rabbit holes to be like a [ __ ] normal person fascinated by UFO stuff yeah yeah I just watched a documentary on Netflix I frankly never been convinced on the UFO thing I want I'd like to believe it not convinced on you know I want to believe I don't believe that aliens visit earth I don't believe that or at least I at least know that's interesting at least I've never seen compelling evidence to support it cuz like you always have this super low qualifies every footage of an alien force the HD [ __ ] where's the 4k [ __ ] I mean right I are we were 4 km we were on the roof of target oh yeah that was that was HD HD US missile okay that was spicy hot that's pretty sweet just flew missile over the second-largest city in a military without a show of arms or something yeah and I did I was pushing the propaganda because they trying to flex I know they knew some kid out there was gonna be over the camera and I was and I love that you guys were at the center of that I remember she not on reddit on the front pages are like alright UFOs exist guys we did it like what it's you guys yeah that was like right when we started watching your guys's videos we're wearing our hats like yeah full circle so what I mean okay what like give me the deeds convert convert order yeah I mean I don't do it justice but just [ __ ] watch ancient aliens man oh it's a little crazy where you're like a lot of it wait this is like a History Channel show yeah yeah sounds good you're telling me that there's no chance or you find no evidence of people like people or beings or anything beyond this earth like you are the tippy-top of everything that came out of the universe you and your consciousness that's like whoa what the [ __ ] it's not that crap I'm in the-- but that's not what you believe right you don't think that I believe conscious someone you were at the top of that I believe that other life exists a lot of it throughout the universe okay the fact that we exist on earth and it happened like relatively quick and the Earth's evolution right it makes it seem likely to me or almost like inevitable that it's somewhere else but the question of if they have visiting the earth hmm that's what I'm skeptical what about the thought of like them visiting without anyone ever knowing like what surveiling like sure see yeah I think that if they did they would they wouldn't do that yeah what do you think they're doing it's like a Star Trek meme they're just like checking it assess it as hell lots of theories about that but that they basically created the earth like they created the earth yeah terraforming is where you take a planet and you turn it into what you want it to be right and then they put the moon where it is would have a perfect gravitational pull sorry for like water and ocean and life to exist it's really cool so your boy Elon Musk you yeah you know it's not really but he believes that were in like a simulation I love it so like if there's higher beings or other aliens or something that created people or for some I don't know dude no I'm saying like you could basically be in a simulation but that would require other beings to have crazy oh yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely it's a thought experiment doesn't act it like be real you don't have to buy into it but like entertain the idea I love the idea yeah I think he does know what terrifies AI yeah I love that are you that you that waits are well I've always thought that people are too cautious about the future of AI but you on someone I respect a lot and trust his opinion so it alarms me I mean I loved the discussion it alarms me to see him so worried about AI but I've always thought like it's so sci-fi right like these killer robots it just seems so far-fetched I really would start as like a physical like kill you yeah it would start isn't like writing its own code its own language and then finding out a way to create laws to protect themselves and [ __ ] us or like even if you made something that was ethically driven no all sudden you've taken all of the the personal aspect out of being a human being and the like here's what's right for you right you can only do what's right and wrong you know it seems more likely that it would start from some cyborg [ __ ] of like people start mingling with computers do you see those chips that they want to implant it's like brightener [ __ ] I hate that so there's wait but first of all I hate black mayor it's way too depressing name that show right there's this one episode where I was like dude I've never watched episode about a couple more the guy dies you know yeah and then get the doll yeah yes [ __ ] I was like dude I'm not I'm here to chill I'm not here to have existential dread no I stopped watching ow my knees and Jenna was like all right watch the next time like what no no I need to go to therapy now like talk about this there's also that crazy one where he's like in the house trip yeah it was great the end kana was like a little hokey pokey wasn't it was it was like 3 different ends it was just gnarly to think that like his mom spoilers his mom calling his phone right is what killed him I guess is what we're led to believe cuz he didn't put his phone in the tray like he was supposed to and the phone set off some sort of I don't know what I don't remember but that one really was I was not as a mind bender yeah yeah anyway let's talk about UFOs okay what was I you want musk oh yeah so everything you should be worried about a eyes is our own experience with the YouTube algorithm are our video tower my video talking about our car accident has been like the monitors it's because that's like right traumatic exactly that's so that's AI being like it's all very black-and-white yeah it's it takes the human right aspect out of it they're like this video is it's just a cold analysis of data right but now you apply that to like law or medicine or ratings like dying we're [ __ ] I agree I agree it's scary but I always thought if you're creating an actual artificial intelligence the programming itself just by its very nature you can program in restrictions to they I or yeah you're expecting an illusion oh you're expecting it to fall it has to do by the very law of its existence but else they're like all the algorithms are like self teaching so yeah but there comes a point where you not even following what they that's what kind of roles they made for themselves cuz the algorithm that you built might be different than the algorithm it's become yeah that's one aspect because I'm sure there's like self learning algorithm and then there's like hard-coded yeah dudes chip but this is I mean the YouTube comparison is really good because they told us that they have an algorithm that controls which content gets the most watch time that's all they care about is watch time and they don't even know what the algorithm is doing that's tearing hey they they're always catching up and trying to understand what the algorithm is doing that's crazy so they're almost not even in control like sometimes they'll sit down and evaluate like what it's assessed is good and maybe they'll make tweaks to it if they're like oh maybe less spider-man else' like yeah raping kids yeah yeah what a weird thing man Alberto is that gone now yeah it wasn't actually the algorithm loved it and everybody loved it but they demonetized it and so but did it take like you guys exposing it I don't know was it just kind of like I don't know but it definitely took a while yeah yeah we were talking about that [ __ ] for a long time yeah but if they made a new monetization rule that says you can't have cartoon characters children characters doing violent or secretaries love although there's still some spicy [ __ ] out there like Cinderella and some skimpy outfits my friends I mean that [ __ ] would work very close to working on pornhub some of the stuff I've seen Cinderella do on YouTube let me tell you right now and I've watched a lot of it for researchers only recent science yeah purely research it's bugged the Bradbury's and you should absolutely okay he is a UFO he is a alien creature your honor tae-sik I feel like I want to get back to that because I love that discussion about UFOs mm-hmm so you you think it's possible that the earth was created in the moon was created because it's such a perfect like they call it the Goldilocks zone right or a happen a planet is in perfect habitable space to a star yeah I mean won't listen I'm not like this isn't something that I'm like this is the end all be all right but I think that the evidence is really interesting and compelling that I like if someday we found out that that was a real thing I'd be like [ __ ] you god that means I mean it doesn't make sense in the same way that like intelligent design makes sense yeah it just it's a nice explanation yeah but there's lots of earth-like planets they're finding now they've got this new satellite called that Kepler or some [ __ ] they're like is specifically for finding earth-like planets and they found like 50 60 70 that are earth-like in the Goldilocks zone in our like neighborhood cluster so there's a lot of them out there that's relatively nearby that's pretty exciting let go I mean aliens are discovered the alien theory is that that's like been here the pyramids there's I thought they figured it out who figured what out they understand how they're built like they figured it out I mean maybe I don't know that so as I understand it they just they figured it out like twenty or thirty years ago how they made them yeah so and it's really interesting there's basically like on the interior of the pyramid you have tunnels inside that skirt all the way up mm-hmm so they drag the stones basically from the inside yeah from the inside and I was accessible when they come I think they covered them up on the way out see an ancient alien theory they say that those are like basically power beams right they're perfectly aligned with the constellation Orion and there's a bunch of other ones like Teotihuacan in Mexico or whatever it's it's built like like a computer chip and there's a lot of theories that there's like a running power through it like it's some power source it's [ __ ] sick so maybe they figured out how they made the pyramids but do they know why they're shaped like that or what they do I mean probably has to do with this drill or like you know cuz they well back in the day alright yeah let me let me read but I don't know if I'm taking this too serious clearly the stars were way more important mmm and there was no electricity therefore the sky was like when you go camping and there's no light pollution and you see the sky it's like mind blowing for us that was what they used to see every night that's what you would think had spaceships and things there's evidence nuclear blast how is there not right forever ago how is there nuclear bombs when it's like wait what yeah what's that what's that there is I can't do justice cuz I'm actually in history what semester I'm like bad at remembering dates and names of places right I'm serious anyway I love it it's it's it's I want all this [ __ ] to be true an ancient nuclear blast explain that don't believe that like it's like never-ending nuclear volcano that spirits get through I obviously have no idea what any of Scientology have you watched any actually not it's a lot of it's like she said it's a lot of it's you know reaching but there are a few episodes that they come along you're like that's really interesting like people who live in America like everyone in the city of Senate there's so much evidence and yeah you see one video that's super blurry yeah okay just tell me this we got a big beautiful round earth with a billions of inhabitants where's just one piece of like titanium alloy office spaceship or nuclear bomb it's an area 51 the government as well said that now the Trump is President does no way would have kept any secret so we would have known if they weren't hiding something hmm that's actually such a great bit like as he would have blown it although in this UFO I was watching they were saying the president is exact he's at he's just like this a need to know yeah he don't need this is dark when you see like real-life ones there is a theory that JFK was murdered or assassinated because he wanted he found out about some of the alien evidence and really wanted to inform the public and he was assassinated it was on in the most recent season of ancient aliens they did an episode that address it well I'll tell you one thing I don't believe in many conspirators but JFK was definitely [ __ ] murdered well yeah I'm so block out that yeah I mean like conspiracy obviously he was murdered yeah for purposes no that one's definitely interesting that was just weird and wild I don't know why is it why would it be such a secret that no one about JFK no the government is hiding so much like why wouldn't they give you like a little piece of information but you don't know the whole story trying to strip the people of their power maybe well I think also maybe to avoid like mass chaos like in that episode I'll if I base everything that I know or care about but they alluded to like some radio show in like the 60s or 70s it was just like a short story basically about aliens and people thought it was real and started [ __ ] panicking wait are you talking about the War of the Worlds I don't know when George when uh his name Orson Welles did the radio race something like that and people start freaking the [ __ ] out right and so like if you let this be public information this [ __ ] with everyone's dream you're like okay jesus is coming back he's gonna come down and save us all of you're like wait Jesus is a [ __ ] alien yeah what the [ __ ] yeah I was on a way cooler planet that's like in the Bible but it would in theory maybe cause mass yeah I understand that although to be fair that Orson Welles one he was reading War of the Worlds and he was saying there's giant aliens blowing up [ __ ] he's saying that someone just donated $1,000 why couldn't ignore that we'll talk about that I guess afterwards okay one derail the conversation I'm gonna have to spend it on buying the first several seasons of this show the JFK stuff is is weird because his whole he wasn't just assassinated his whole [ __ ] family like but all of his brothers were taken out they like killed off the whole thing yes yeah Tupac was never that way to add it was him yeah it was a holic oh he was always a whole rehab was able to take the form of one we're creating a theory right now I think I think we're giving that technology too much got it all right cool how do you move on past this I just want to talk about this more pretty great it's funny how much we talk about it for to people who don't believe in anything I just really want to believe it's not really cooler than aliens being out there and coming and visiting but here's another question like to kind of counter the whole point on a high level why would aliens want anything to do with this [ __ ] like if they all have the technology to travel interstellar space like what was so interesting about Earth like clearly they're one of many intelligent forms of life so what's so special about well the terraforming theory is that that's where like a project yeah that's okay existed and they come hang out and check on us their social experiment we are they're like children or they know that were the most primitive species that they have discovered so they can check on us so they do just scientific yeah maybe they have the advancements that just like stop by uh get out of you like oh the troglodytes on earth are still just being idiots it's legit it's the Joey salads alien race of social experiment I love it well see pretty soon I mean we've got [ __ ] in space that we sent out there that's outside of our solar system now some some thing we launched in like the 50s this furthest known thing we've Saliva's it's like just past Pluto and exited the entire solar system and there's no like how is that connected to anything is there any way to NASA have so yeah yeah they get like it's so far away that it takes like three days to communicate so it's basically three light days away wow you guys saw interstellar I love it yeah great movie freakin loved it do it when they're on that planet and like an hour's like what is so cool yeah I loved it yeah I love x-files too so truth is out there by II terrified so scared I just wanted them to [ __ ] honestly and on the show bring it back man if that show existed during them the age of the internet you know Mulder Scully porn would have been like number what's that honestly there's probably fanfiction right now the people are currently writing the catch last time yeah the show actually had like a second wave of like I feel like it's in now came back yeah well they did they brought back a new season didn't they nobody good great I just re-watched old ones so I know how we segue off this topic mm-hmm I find it interesting that you just you when you post your YouTube videos you don't make custom thumbnails right no you're probably the biggest creator and one of the few people who'd do that I love it there was a hot second where Julian was like I can help you make it thumbnail because I always just let it like generate one and then if it's there's like all where my eyes are closed or something's weird I'll make one but no it's not like the title and stuff on there you'll just pick a screenshot that's as far as you go but um there was a hot second where Julian was like I'll help you make a thumbnail it's just like this like span of videos where I think it's too much should it work I don't think it made any difference I just think yeah I mean it was the Ariane that do you have yeah like well I mean I think obviously it helps like if you're starting to grow your channel or you want to grow your channel it does make a difference and that's part of the you know issue now is people it's like saturated and it takes a long time to get to a point where people can see you like you know in the past it was like once someone sees your videos or knows who you are you have an easier time it was like more democratized but now there is that like barrier to entry even on a democratized platform yeah and I do think that they help people get noticed in a sea of [ __ ] crap the thumbnails not even click baby but later so good effort into it um I just don't do it someone [ __ ] want it that's really interesting so I like spoil the video in the thumbnail I hate that right like when someone's doing something ridiculous and you want to watch it and see it but then you already see what they [ __ ] did I hate it like there's an element of surprise I have no reason to watch it what I already saw what you did right you know I'm usually the one making the thumbnails and it's so stressful the titles - yeah oh my god it's like you Kurt you work all week on this video you're like [ __ ] I've to actually put it in title this thing just wanna upload it already by the time you're done and then only we start thinking about the Tom know this whole thing you got good at the thumbnail game though game I find your approach interesting cuz it kinda almost feel like it's more effective because the thumbnails on YouTube have gotten to a point where they're just so outrageous it's also what people have come to expect from yeah yeah well I mean there I always say this but like you know if you line up 10 youtubers in a room and ask them like their advice of what to do they'd all tell you 10 different things like there's a lot of different ways to navigate this space right and this is just the way that I have chosen where it's like I don't want to clickbait you I don't want to you know thumbnail I don't want to be crazy I don't want you to be like oh my god I want you to know that this is like a real thing you know like there's a level of authenticity to it yeah most definitely why I'm not trying to like I'm trying to rope you in around for a while I'm [ __ ] 30 like you're either here right now are you not you know so I think it's all just a really a reflection of the person who does it I don't think there's a right or wrong answer yeah but I do think it's kind of appealing just like oh here I am here's my video mm-hmm anyway let's take a quick quick brief break to go to the bathroom you guys want some water some coffee yeah it's like 90 degrees in here actually it's not that bad but it's probably our problem so we're gonna take a quick break um and think our sponsors you guys do me undies ready oh yeah these softest underwear on the planet or universe and that matter aliens came to this earth and they created it for one purpose to bring us to the pinnacle of our existence and to create me undies because they are soft and let their luxurious you want to look good in your underwear and be comfortable right but that perfect balances are defined sacrifice style or comfort check out Mandy's comm / h3 and find the best pair of underwear in the world they are truly the softest in the universe oh yeah let's see here now this this underwear if you're doubting me is so soft it's three times softer than cotton it's called modal right micro moto listen if you've never rubbed sweet modal on your skin or your jewels or your ladies give it a rub not like a sexual I mean just like walking you know it's a rubbing so if you go to me undies that's not 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played it have you played it's like Elder Scrolls yeah yes but hearthstone actually that's your sponsor yeah ok I got the I finally logged in that's what I was doing the whole time holy [ __ ] hi just a small donation oh oh it's a company um amazing huh I don't know they do it'd be great if you could check it out we'd love to have you on Bart okay I'm a Z you got my attention you got my beanie wet so some company name of a Z just gave us a thousand bucks thank you to them I'll definitely check my email Jesus so we have Bethesda to think who makes the Elder Scroll legends you guys are really you're playing a card game really it's free to play it's awesome I really like it I think it's a it's an exciting change from the other games in the market it's got different roles it's exciting the coolest thing is that you can play it on your tablet your phone your computer and if you disconnect you could switch you can go on your other one dope it's right now it's really fun it's called a legends of the Elder Scrolls yeah Elder Scrolls legends set where there's a semicolon in there what yeah that semicolon I don't remember where it's in there just take those Elder Scrolls legends Bethesda they have frequent updates they've got this thing called Lane system so you've got two different lanes which is very different than other card games adds to more strategic play I think it's more Paul honestly I think it's more polished and fun to play than the other ones I've had a lot of fun playing it I've been playing it non-stop ela hates me I don't spend time with her anymore because Frank is the meta game's always changing I recommend it it's free guys just give it a shot these guys are the bestest Bethesda for Christ's sake I mean have they ever steered you wrong don't answer that it's good port Mme have it for me yeah they have a story mode PvE they've got this thing yeah this PvE arena so you don't have to play against each other anyway go to the des des dotnet open your account appreciate you and lastly our merch oh yeah we've got our own merch now h3h3 shop calm I feel bad because what you think turn a little to the side hell yeah oh [ __ ] it up either holy h3h3 shop calm Oh sir it comes directly from us there's other great samples here yeah take pictures boy eat it up that's nice h3h3 shop calm it's our own merch it supports us welcome back guys do the H Street podcast here with jenna Marbles and Julianne solo Mita what kind of last name is that tell him okay that's nice go let's move on to the next good talk Italian you got some Italian blood yeah good for you thank you you tell young food Italian food I like Italian food grew up eating a fair bit of it how much Italian are you have right as Italian it's so fun to meet Ali and I feel like it's like whoo yeah it could be Israeli it's like I think Italian person once said that probably it's been said before maybe this is the worst conversation ever Israelis are like Italians but not really they are though they have that like swagger I guess right eula has well good sweat yes wait four days so we are gonna take some Collins okay somebody here we've got arson on the line who's got a comment about the flippin conspiracy theory so let's see arson what up pimp nation did it work all right obviously this is new to all of us move to history podcast arson what up him nation cannot hear him dad oh my god yeah don't call it oh hello you got a question about the space travel or aliens what's up yeah that's the same he made a speech about a secret society ring where he got says and it's there's like a full video where you can watch them listen to the speeches of incredible event I had a quote and a question if you didn't minds I don't how much how am I good yeah go ahead so the quotes basically he precedes it by saying secret the secrecy is a huge threat than public information so that goes the very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies to secret oaths and to secret proceeding and that was pretty much before he got his head blown that is kind of create interesting like that the timing on that also why would a president even give a speech about secrecy like yeah I mean it came out of nowhere I mean obviously they think he got killed because they opposed the Federal Reserve but there's a lot more to it and he used the word secret society very clearly it's very just surprised it wasn't like talked about or at the time I mean I don't know if it was but if that was a conspiracy at the time that would I feel like that would raise more flags like it gives a secret sound like man these secret guys and then gets killed can you look up the secret try to find that speech actually why might you do came in put on the TV dan can you do some research out there what else we got here someone else had a question about um space memes well I mean what's interesting about that I can bring him back I would love but so he was saying that a secrecy is against like our democratic society oh he's here yeah sorry go ahead Jenna oh no that so if you buy into the shakespeare francis bacon theory he basically did it with the intention of bringing language and culture to europe so that they could colonize America as a masonic of russia crucian society Wow so it basically was built on a level of secret miss right so maybe it's not really true that the United States was built on secrecy being against the law because some people think it's very much part of our mmm culture but that's if you buy into that well I don't I don't understand the whole Masons thing either what it was to deal with that should as a whole that is a rabbit hole that is an actual secret society that exists and members are in it mm-hmm but it could just be a bunch of dudes like in their underwear drinking beer right you're in it yeah you don't know unless you're in it I think you have like the Bohemian Garden you follow that although I've never heard really that's the RZA that's the weirdest one oh okay this is one either was friends with some dude in college and he his whole final project was like he remade the Bohemian cart bring me and grow grow grow and it's actually a real thing there was did you watch house of cards yeah there was a scene where he went to the book you mean so it's like politicians and [ __ ] yeah so this is a real thing yeah every year this most powerful people and the United States are in the world men only mmm-hmm interesting flow fact meet in a private woods in Yosemite and they burn a giant wooden owl tight it's basically a wild party yeah it's a wild party but in the show they just depicted as a bunch of old farts like taking pisses next to each other right that's not a fact that it exists residents go there ya know it includes artists musicians just power as well as many prominent business leaders government officials US presidents yeah of course they all go man it's a giant they probably [ __ ] like crazy they're each other getting out all those desires how do you how is it proving that it's been you know somebody and why oh they know where it takes place and then it happens every year okay yeah it's not a secret it's not people from crashing it I guess I saw there's like insane security yeah that's what we try I got a driver you're an outdoorsman right a drone let's test this conspiracy let's see what happens that's crazy though did you want to take it yeah I got it right all right let's take so arson what is your question yeah how you doing incredibly transparent at least how far are they gonna go you know what I mean like you can justify any conspiracy at this point because in at least a little bit because it's so obvious that these like happens step after step like he makes this speech he doesn't all these things and he gets killed its whole family gets killed like you said yeah JFK in my opinion is one of them the most overt examples of some conspiracy because it's just so heavy-handed it's like this whole [ __ ] family line got murdered some Game of Thrones chit there so did you have a question yeah those basically just how far they like how far would they go is incredibly you go thanks man appreciate you thank you god bless ya papa bless ya all right cool we were trying to think how can we set it up so we're actually just using discord yeah and then we have dudes outside screening calls and then if they like the call the bring if it sounds like a say cuz you can't just bring rim yeah tonight but we did have a call last week and the connection was bad yeah there was like a three second delay and it was bad so it's kind of imperfect some beta yes beta it's definitely tough but it works you guys want to take another one yeah so how far do they are they gonna take it that sounds like a very the wording of that is like how far are they gonna take this [ __ ] yeah how's the far they can take this [ __ ] far as I can see yeah who are they hold on Dan state wait we have three people in here I probably shouldn't be the one doing this okay vehicles let's see what bagel man's got going on bagel man talk to me tell me about yourself who are you what do you do hello hey how's it going it's going great [Laughter] absolutely fascinating question Dan hit the fast landing button don't let him down dude all right so if you are allowed to put any information about the human race on a plaque that goes on a new Voyager probe in the future or some equivalent of a Voyager probe what would you put on that plaque for aliens to read that one dem haters iPod a being on the haters has to say thanks good question bagel man appreciate you let's discuss that so what would you guys write for alien civilizations in the future so yon dead one sentence about the humor information data oh one piece of info yeah [ __ ] just probably like some really nasty scat porn yeah just a URL just one of us shitty and other persons because you know what you remember that Stephen Hawking was like we shouldn't be sending [ __ ] out into space because we don't know who's gonna find it and come [ __ ] with us yeah send one of us shooting another one's mouth they will be like I'm going to the next one what if they're into it that's like they're gonna dump [ __ ] from there these people like [ __ ] I'm gonna do my favorite it's kind of a hard question to answer seriously I would put some dumb [ __ ] I know my role well I'm just dumb [ __ ] I throw and picture my hamster out there this is cute yeah this is totally adorbs I mean we did blast we did blast some [ __ ] into space like our Carl Sagan did that like new years ago they put like a equals MC square they put like prime numbers repeating to be like hey we know how to do that they were like in the universe finding that information they'd be like [ __ ] we [ __ ] know that yes I'm [ __ ] dumb idiot thank you for blessing me let's send them papers a hamster yeah you're right look what we got down here if you're and you're capable enough to package a picture of a hamster into a tin can and shoot it across the universe you know how to do prime numbers yeah somewhere along yeah yeah the system is flawed all right we got any more calls keep them coming dude yeah it so we have my work we've got Monster Mash uh sounds like trouble with me Monster Mash - talk to me Papa bless you how you doing Doug how you doing I'm doing good I'm great man where you from I got a question I was wondering to people taking as much conspiracy theories if you guys if you guys could come up any theories of drive ooh we have Oh hey that's a great question thanks for mean some of them I don't think I can say I want maybe after the show some are about you - yes oh yeah I have a lot of yeah but like it's hard to talk about it and you feel like you're shooting yourself in the foot a little bit well yeah if you believe in the conspiracy one of the and then yeah if you talk about it you're at the center you have to get marked as like a dissenter yeah we don't want to get marked do you want to get murder no I don't wanna be marked I've been marked D marked and I think I'm mark yeah I do but someone's taking my mouth at YouTube they do you marked me but I need to kiss the ring again next month yeah I mean I've to answer your question I've come up with something but they're mostly about like this space right probably shouldn't say in you know what I think I know exactly what you're saying and I and I have the same thoughts yeah and it feels dirty saying it yeah but you know it's true I think we all can kind of gather at the same vibe because we don't play the game right you know like a lot of youtubers do so we're able to put together some pieces and it's really not even a conspiracy there's so much evidence out there I don't know I'm gonna say something that I know okay it's public information and I think it says a lot I'm not saying that this applies to whatever you guys are talking about but to me it says a lot about how Google as a company alphabet you know is run at Google they have a chief one of the highest ranking officers there is the officer of diversity so what is their like what are they a charger basically just making sure that their employment base is like representative of of all diverse people okay but it just seems like a strange like that's their job that's the soul that's he's done she's the officer of diversity that's it that's their whole job is to basically say how my white people do I have how many Asians do I have very odd and I don't know what they do but that's just I mean because then you get to thinking like do they just fire white people bad there's too many white people or black people or Asians anyone or women or men it's just a weird thing to think about but then you also think if Google does it and user does it other companies have to be doing it maybe yeah yeah no you're right and the thing is like um would you guys follow this whole Google memo fiasco which one it would blow up like a month ago where this dude he wrote some paper a memo that was passed around Google where he's talked about some kind of gender role issue and they were having like secret new where he was like this is why there's a wage gap and this is why women are typically like this or something like that something like that yeah well he was what he was talking about that they were having secret diversity meetings usually they record their meetings but in the case of these diversity meetings they were not recording them because it's technically illegal to just you know base hirings on things like race and gender even if you're trying to like do the right thing or whatever so he was just like what is going on here anyway he's fired I don't know if you guys followed that whole story a little bit yeah all right where am I we have got lon egg on deck to give us a question what up one heck yeah what's that oh it's all good what do you got for us let's talk about space I got a question about like space and stove and colonization is everything okay out there was that him screaming oh my god that you're on the show go ahead dude I'm I'm I'm loving it colonization with possibly no guarantee of coming back would you know you talking about like the one-way ticket to Mars yeah yeah like a cold it's like the interstellar question cool thanks for the questioned I appreciate you very much I know my answer [ __ ] no yeah that's are you kidding me that's my answer like I don't even like leave my house like I can't not like not be with my dogs [ __ ] no r.i.p on earth out here if I ride it to the end right or dunno I could see myself in another life maybe doing it but I also like the idea of other people doing it for me doing the claim freaking camera okay yeah that's dope yeah from Mars first person on Mars not even click baton and parentheses not Clinton to me I mean it like it goes back to watching interstellar like cuz watching them and everything goes back to it yeah well they made that scenario a lot more like okay this is what it looks like yeah and man no way leaving no way or there's both Matt Damon what was that one man the marsh a Martian that's a great movie I thought it was probably pretty accurate representations yeah yeah well I mean it's hard to know but yeah that's what I thought too yeah it just feels like you have to be a very very specific type of person ya wanna do that with your life and death cuz that's what you're doing you're signing your own that shirts not for me I know my role I glue I [ __ ] glue [ __ ] to my face okay I'm not here to like make the human race any better distract you from a weird [ __ ] that's fair and that's an important job are you doing here on earth oh yeah would you do that ela what scenario like it's cheesy to say but probably if I did if I wasn't in a relationship yeah that's one big or if I like didn't have people I care about it family or something yeah I guess more like I can see and understand the type of person who would want to do that yeah cuz super like someone who would want to become a Navy SEAL right it's like an adventure of a lifetime look I want to make a mark on on somewhere along the road you're gonna realize not an adventure though and then you die like it is it is you know they're giving their life for the better or the good right yeah very I am NOT made of that cloth no I just want to play poke a pizza in it but I don't like my urge and life is to resist eating pizza that's my challenge yeah but by the way um Burbank is on fire what the [ __ ] there's a fire in Brazil Burbank is on fire and we're seared talking about Papa John's what's the news what part Bourbon oh my god dan can you get a headline and pipe it down when you get it is it like a wildfire or like a power plant that burst up in flames like that was happening in the Inland Empire couple days ago like he was turning off the power maybe yeah that's are we doing are we did we do something wrong god I think we thought you mad at us alright let's let's get some updates on Burbank here why don't you pipe it into N you got the mic I think I got to mic a voice of God what's the headline let's see brush fire breaks out in tunic you know yeah I know where that is can you unload your brushfire alright brushfire got it I bet you can see if you have just a brush fire now but Latina Canyon is close to population center so they're like doing evacuations right house I think it's at the heat where people things just start want Annie asleep combusted yeah no it feels like getting punched when you walk outside by the heat there's like it costs right there's like nice heat and then there's heat where it's like I feel like I'm getting cancer right now yeah that's how that's what it is outside I'm here yeah so hope everyone's okay yeah we stay safe out there people pick up your hats at a fresh calm yeah yeah actually not you can't buy me questionable but it was all fire so far you know what I love about interstellar a lot of people complained about that movie but I loved it I loved how they represented the black hole - yeah yeah I like that a lot so thought-provoking like my god Christopher Nolan's a trip Doug they're an inception by the way it's lit he's so lit I'd abs on all the hey he's a regular dabbing we got any other Collins from y'all I do want to ask you guys as is a regular segment of our show ghost stories hmm so me Neal are skeptical obviously we're haters we hate everything clearly spent enough time with us now today to know that you're not haters you just you're very rational I'm skippering yeah yeah I think I'm skeptical to a fault to be honest it's kind of annoys myself sometimes James like the opposite yeah I'm like everything excites me so tell you you dog grass please well you go stories really so we always ask our guests basically you know if you have any ghost stories because seems like a lot of people have some interesting supernatural encounters and it's didn't we have like like talking about like that we saw together or like thought we saw like in our room or was that maybe that was just a dream I thought we had live chats a recent one I had one when I was younger I went to a know her story is [ __ ] terrible it's not that terrifying but I liked I was done after that it was like this is a thing I went to an all-girls like sleepaway camp but I don't know like maybe 13 and it was at wells College which is in upstate New York and you know you get there and they're like oh it's haunted there's all these ghost stories that they tell you and [ __ ] and you know all those are whatever but I was sort of okay that's cool I'm a little creeped out but like I'm not totally bought in and one night I was in my we stayed in dorm rooms and my roommate the other girl who was there with me she always used to fall asleep before I would and so I was just starting to laying in my bed and I couldn't fall asleep and I saw like a yellow green cross on the wall and all the windows were shut I know it's [ __ ] weird no sense and then I was sort of laying there like you you sort of have this like you're paralyzed with fear like I can't I couldn't scream I can't like yell to my friend like you're sort of just like waiting to see what happens and I felt and saw something like depressed in my bed like someone was sitting on my bed and just this like terrifying feeling and someone's just sitting there [ __ ] staring at you and then I woke up the next morning and my friend actually was not asleep and had seen the cross on the wall - I was like [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what kind of structure were you guys in it was a dorm you were in a building and projected on the wall was some kind of glowing cross mmm did it look like a projector or was it just coming out of the wall was there windows yeah the we had windows but the blinds were shut okay and it was a distinguishable crime and she saw the same thing and was also spooked at the same time yeah the the impression on the bed is what gets me it there's no feeling like that like you were cuz I couldn't move it's like you're paralyzed with fear it's [ __ ] terrifying how old were you at the time like 13 and so you're in your bed and you see like the blanket go down as there's somebody sitting there yeah did you sleep at all yeah I eventually fell asleep like but that's the thing it's like when your crease ever lifts I don't remember it looking at all yeah but like what I remember was like just being there with fear like I don't even remember falling asleep I don't remember ever coming out of that state of fear or like anything it's like your adrenaline is like through the roof and then you somehow just like pass out and wake up the next day it was the most [ __ ] bizarre thing in the world and then I thought it was crazy and I was like last night I saw this [ __ ] cross on the wall she was like I saw it too I wasn't asleep but [ __ ] over [ __ ] was that a relief to define I saw it could you like I'm not insane yeah actually happen she couldn't have pulled off some elaborate prank right no mm-hmm she's terrified yeah that was about it I have no goes because there's nothing no should go out there and get one I've tried we went because possible on one of our friends is like a huge ghost enthusiast he's a believer and so I was like dude you know take me to the spookiest place smart guy and so he took his out there and I mean you know we heard a couple of scuttles if this ghost is so spooky and and powerful that it can't even like get my attention above a rattle and a bush or a scratching sound then he's a he's a [ __ ] people it takes a lot of energy for them to like manifest if you buy into that right like so is it just ghosts or is it do you not believe in like demons or anything though no I don't believe in it here's it again a [ __ ] Ouija board and played another believe in demons what's it Oh what is it called we actually have so yeah like I forget we did a podcast on it but it's a common thing that happens on Ouija board when you're actually you have to buy into all of this okay just for a second like it's a common thing that happens on the Ouija board where it goes back and forth and spells zo zo zo or like Bo Bo Bo and call the entity or the demon Zozo or bo bo because that's what it keeps spelling yeah but it's also a theory that it's just whatever spirit or entity is playing with you that by going back and forth back and forth will actually like open the portal early so this is it's just their way of getting in I kind of so anyway once class culture all it happens like multiple people so whatever you like it seems like it's a really fluid motion with your hand right yes so it seems like could almost be a natural the most how are the laws organized yes yeah it is right mmm so it's not QWERTY they don't think no it's not for you it's not no yeah should be do you like [ __ ] what up so I don't know there's like this this thing okay outcomes raise it right which is like the most the most simplest way the thing with the least amount of sumption x' to make is probably most likely to the explanation so when it comes to something like UFOs and seeing a light in the sky what's more likely like um [ __ ] guys club I don't know whatever [ __ ] they say mmhmm but just some [ __ ] in the sky or interdimensional intergalactic aliens visiting they're obviously like the inadvertent light is more likely way more or less yeah like astronomically but doesn't mean it's the only possible no certainly not yeah wait so is that that's how I suspend my disbelief most the time I was like well that that clearly isn't probably the best explanation like a sigh like I heard a rustling in a in a bush was it a lizard or a [ __ ] demon trying to get my attention right he's clean obviously did I see you late in the sky are you kidding me I'm like that's a [ __ ] alien dog like I'm so thirsty to see some aliens like everything's an alien I want to see it well we had a friend in Israel who was so obsessed lone yeah yeah with the idea that he saw an alien nothing I could ever say I mean but then that's like the thing if it's happening to you you can only convince people so much I mean this is what I think right you have that experience to draw from where you have that visceral like emotional response to something that you can't really describe past just like telling people what happened all right so like for you that story about the impression in your bed like it sounds scary to me but you have a completely different yeah memory of that because it was like it happened here right you doesn't believe in ghosts at all no do you both but it's are you less skeptical than okay what do you think happens when you die okay the most likely answer is nothing right describe it wait describe that well the Mokka like everything ends you're just you know we're we're I'm I can only confirm that I exist like that's all I know right so I think that when the lights go out for you in a sense the universe ceases to exist because I'm the observer of my own universe but like before we were born we were already non-existing dead for you know 12 billion years we would just be returning to that same state of from which we came which is pretty much nothing right nothing is I I don't think it's the most the nicest thought in the world you know but on the other hand I can see also because the universe is so weird so weird that anything exists at all right like also as a trip like it doesn't matter how rational and sane or not but how rational like skeptical you can be you still need to acknowledge how [ __ ] weird it is like that very concept of existence is so on the other hand like I'm fully aware of my limitations of knowing what's out there and like the idea of God is something that not not like a biblical sense or religious sense but higher there's stuff there's like higher power is it's hard to explain that away yeah so maybe there's something after death but I don't think it's the most likely explanation if there's anything weird like the way we are in our dimensions we can't experience more than this moment but I think eventually you die but if you could see like more dimension you could see like your whole lifetime yeah like how time is it that's what it is but we can't see it yes the dopest basically that theory which is like three more dimensional is basically there's no such thing as death yeah like you're living every moment of your life simultaneous yeah but we're in slices of time dimension so you're not aware that is shrinkage like maybe I don't know if it's necessarily yeah it's probably I don't know that it's really interesting the multi dimensions yeah so what about you boy Elon Musk when he talks about that our consciousness is like a semi like your soul or something if you die your consciousness your mind couldn't Theory be like uploaded again back into the matrix so it like your soul what makes you human or Ethan your consciousness never dies but your physical form dies and you just get back well that's like the Buddhist reincarnation may I love dad every crime it's like but it's like we incarnation great but like with someone orchestrating it above you or your consciousness exists somewhere they need to recycle your consciousness if you're just running in a simulation but imagine if you're like some rich dude in another [ __ ] you and you're like you know I just want to go back like it's like you're playing pub G right now that's like what person yeah like they want to the part I wanna I want to pay my way back on earth and like have some earth experience like we could just be like doing the miners day we're using so you're saying consciousness are beamed into our body I mean I but then once you're in the body you don't recollect being a alien God or even like we're in each other time you've been in this AI simulation with your consciousness it's like a game they did a Rick and Morty talk about that what was it yeah oh god I forget the name of it but they there was this arcade game and like this alien store yeah and they like beam you into the game and you've you've lived this full rich life like a whole life yeah you get married you have kids you die and then you come out you're like no that was a good round yeah that seems like I like the idea of the simulation it seems somewhat plausible though that it we're all running in a computer simulation just like and it's experiment yeah I feel like it's an interesting experiment to see what involves see what we do it's pretty [ __ ] crazy right that's the blunt yeah but see like the problem is if you believe to have a in that then like Scientology is sort of like you're an infinite being that like you know the people that are around you don't even really matter like if you really buy into a little too much and you're like a crazy person UPS doesn't value human life that is true [ __ ] dangerous puffiness sociopath yeah it's not for sociopaths to talk about like I'm just I'm just a player in a game and everyone else's NPCs like I see what I do in Skyrim to those NPCs man I do not want to be in that game [ __ ] this girl's life all those poor guys all those poor NPCs man all right what else where you go from here it has been two hours has it been I was waiting to see if one more person comes in but I see there's two people in the screening room mm-hmm it's so fun that you guys get calls yeah that's right I figure it out it's actually cool yeah and so cool I'm thinking about actually getting like a classic call switchboard that'd be cool yeah I'd be really cool and be a little more yeah yeah that would be cool I'll call him you gonna call him how much rejects you a million I love that that one like Howard Stern is doing a show and like his like his mom always calls and like there's people that always call in all right thanks for inviting that it will thank you thank you thanks for saying that appreciate it yeah it's nice it's nice to be over that let's go set ourselves on fire by stepping out into like oh my it's basically like yeah it's what was that movie Total Recall when they step outside of Mars and they're like heads blow up and they catch on fire is that yeah that's what we're living in LA right yes [ __ ] all right well thanks everybody for watching right you guys your YouTube channel is Jenna and Julianne right if Jenna Julianne podcast annejulien podcast if you guys want to listen to the podcasts check it out there it's a lot of fun catch up on all the conspiracy theories I'll turn you into a believer man no alright well see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,413,547
Rating: 4.8889904 out of 5
Keywords: jenna marbles, jenna, marbles, Jenna N. Mourey, jenna mourey, julien solomita, julien, solomita, JennaJulienPodcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila
Id: 4Ol18tycCU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 23sec (6263 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2017
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