H3 Podcast #11 - Ethan's Parents

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Gary is the fucking coolest dad ever

👍︎︎ 149 👤︎︎ u/IamGraceless 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/KelpyG 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

The twitch version is half an hour longer and can be seen here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/152341759 Papa bless any upvotes for visibility.

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/RyanKinder 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

Gary keeps spitting out dad jokes with Ethan ignoring him.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/TheNoveltyHunter 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

His mom and dad don't even look remotely like they're the same age

👍︎︎ 56 👤︎︎ u/00dani3l 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

This is one of the most emotional podcasts so far imo. As someone who has experienced the same thing with (grand)parents, it's frightening. The story they're telling is so heartfelt, and calm, it's really relatable. I really feel the strenght of ethan's mom, and its admirable.

Papa Bless, and they'll get through it, but I am admiring Ethan's parents way more than I used too. What a great couple of people, and I think the community would feel the same way.

All the love to the Kleins. Keep going strong.

I'd love to tell the full story some day, but not on a forum format like this. Life's never been too great in my family, some sicknesses are just rooted too deeply in my family. But this gave me a great positive outview on my future. Someday I might be in Ethan's mom shoes for sure, even though it's in a far away future.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/FluorKeys 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

His parents seem like normal well-adjusted middle class American parents. I'm jealous.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/fatchobanispliff 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Petition to give Ethan's parent their own spin off reaction channel called G2G2.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/The-Bigger-Fish 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Ok when Hila talks about a fashion line do they just mean they're making some merch or do they mean they're legit making a fashion line? I know it sounds crazy but Ethan and Hila both have a ridiculous weird style but it's really quirky and I would pay money to have clothes like theirs. The weird colors and overalls and stuff, it's so good.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Korn_Bread 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies
welcome everybody to the h3 podcast today we have a very special episode here with the people who are responsible for birthing me and we have my mom Donna I know can we get a whale away oh wait wait we got my dad the Garry kleiner hey now hey and of course the original the greatest partner in crime ela kleiner why don't you dance before we get started I just want to give a quick thank you to our sponsors love these guys they support the show they make all this possible guys appreciate them - uh we got today naturebox Dollar Shave Club and me undies oh those undies I want to get some of those I gotta pee yeah we're gonna talk about it okay we got a lot to talk about more about them later but thank you to those guys yes we'll get into all that that's important how you guys doing how was the drive it wasn't bad yeah it was not too bad in our new car it was nice being able to take the diamond lane rather than as I usually do monthly come out by myself so this is the first time you guys have come down to LA together just so you guys know they literally drove here from Vegas and this was your first stop it was yes yeah you know well I thought it was going to take six hours but it took us four and a half if I drove it would have been six is too long to be fair like we're something you guys have driving habits they scared me equally on in honesty I figure the six hours from from our house to Jessica's this is a lot shorter there Eunice I did have to stop ones for mom to pee which I never do when I Drive you didn't even get out to be you like I'm on Princeton you're like hardcore yeah in the meantime when we got here you barely make it to the bathroom right down the hallway well you guys weren't late so thank you for that early but like so when I'm driving with my mom on the every way she's in like the middle lane and so she got so slow that cars are passing us that like great velocity your graphic well I appreciate you driving slow but I'm also a little this feels safe your grandfather says I'm a fast driver any-anything thinks your uncle Stephen is a slow driver can you quick and dangerous one yeah my brother's the one they taught me how to drive - my mom's driving like 50 on the freeway no when I come out here in LA 65 is its suggested should be in the slow lane if ya doing 65 yeah but then on the other hand my dad I'll never forget when we were in Mexico you guys live in Mexico oh yeah as you guys know about you guys may not know and you were you you're like a nut on the road I remember like that was the first time you were there yeah and my dad is speeding like people say in Mexico the drivers that are unsafe it's unsafe to drive Mexico my dad is the reason it's unsafe I remember we're rounding a corner and like the car was like tipping oh yeah because we have the route door it's it's a box that's a good car and it's what I call defensive offensive Drive there was nobody on the road we were on the Chipola highway going from Lake Chapala to Guadalajara probably the little winding road yes people the people that drive in Mexico are very polite they don't have any road rage the the roads are insane because when I use the lanes yeah everything suggested and when I used to be the designated driver when my girlfriends and I went to Guadalajara which shows you what good drivers there we would go to tlaquepaque and when I had to make a left-hand turn I just roll down the window and go thank you thank you and they just say come on Lady just come on in but they were really nice the Mexicans are great people they were very more polite drivers than we are here yeah but the roads are terrifying there because they have like huge wide lanes and no markings right and then they've got these crazy thing where they've got like an island and then you have to like there's like oh oh when you make a left turn you have to go all the way to the right right they have what they call laterals which means when you want to make a left turn you have to go way over to the right wait for the left-turn arrow and then go across six lanes of traffic that you hope will stop for the life right it's crazy not the safest thing it's pretty it's pretty crazy that you're right dad's a crazy driver he's always been a crazy driver don't believe them Oh God dude and like my dad elephants with the BB gun go ahead okay good all right we'll lay it on then hit a but like you do this thing where we're all in the car and we're like please slow down I'm scared I'm actually scared please slow down and then you just like no I hold on to shut up and hold on to the side you know that little handle on that no handle yeah I hold on to it that's fear I've never heard anyone scream please slowed oh okay maybe I just never paid attention to anyone get in the zone slow down you don't hear anything just the road concentrate yeah yeah now that his vision is really good yeah you guys well mom you're you haven't come down here you can say hi then can do mind showing it you don't have to it's pretty good it's interesting oh I guarantee you everyone watching this has seen something grosser than that can you see it yeah that's gnarly and if he's all bloody because it's like dripping down my dripping down my my arm but now it works wait what do you mean it was dripping down your all the blood cuz this whole thing is filled with wait you have blood drip out of the wound no it's all swollen and it's filled with blood and they lose my arm they this is like nothing holy Wow it's the whole thing is just dripping down my my mom recently got butchered by a shitty dog I don't know yeah I mean it's hard how do you feel you must be very ambivalent about it well you know I I don't know I don't know what to think I keep I'm thinking maybe I didn't need a pacemaker but then and but then I realized that I did need a pacemaker but it's just all that stuff that happened afterwards that what happened can you tell the story from like the beginning okay well I woke up one morning and my heart stopped and so I passed out and and your I called grandpa to let him know I wasn't gonna be able to make it how long ago was this this was it October 23rd it was October 23rd so it was about eight months ago nine months ago this has been going on for nine months oh well you know it takes a while to recover well you're better now I mean five surgeries in nine months it's a lot of surgery so anyway so I called your grandfather cuz you know I wanted it I do things with grandpa once a week and wanted to let him know I wasn't gonna make it and apparently I must have sounded funny and he called your sister Jessica who in turn called your brother Sean who you know was living out in Vegas at the time and threatened his life if he didn't come and check up on me well the meantime I called your father and he was driving back from from here and dad was like well what the hell that's exactly where let me get a straight you were driving back yeah daddy's driving whoo you think he's like that I wasn't Oaks when mom called and I could tell something was you were wrong you were far off yeah yeah he's really far right away yeah I mean what can you do you're you're not there right exactly except panic which anyways so I went when the paramedics came and I was kind of arguing with them saying you know I think it was food poisoning and and during this whole time like I was passing out and coming to and passing out and he told me he informed me because they had a thing on me to check my heart chief yeah and he said he says madam your heart stopping so unless we get you to the hospital now you're gonna die and so if you'd like to stay here you can sign this release which is when of course I had the Epiphany III think I should go to the hospital don't sue us when you die yeah that's some heavy-duty yeah my mom is the type of person to be like it's it's indigestion right from the get-go that's how she was and she's a horrible storyteller but I I you know I called Sean who is planning to go on a hike after he talked to Jessica and he was like yeah okay I'll go by you know after I'm done with the hike and I called Sean and said this is not a test you need to get to the house right now cuz the end house key of course and go over there and see how mom is so he went over there and he called me goes well she doesn't want to go to the hospital and she doesn't want me to call the paramedics and I said how is she looking he goes she's bad and I said tell her if she doesn't go with you you're calling the paramedics and she's going so that's what he ended up doing and then she's still fighting him yeah when they got there and that was when Sean called us right yeah that was Sean goes he said Ethan asked him like so how bad is it what is happening because we're in LA right so we'll have to drive if it's a real emergency and so Sean was like well she's not gonna die the next five probably not gonna die in the next don't worry we got in the car medially I when I when I went to the emergency room and I said to the nurse they're putting all this stuff on me and you know am i joking my clothes off so so much I guess my heart was stopping and they had me monitored on the you know on the cardia on the on the EKG whatever the thing anyways so I said I think it's indigestion she put honey your sac I went really anyway so that's what happened and then I did all of a sudden I woke up I mean I must have been out and yeah I was there I don't know how you got there so fast you believe like lost your memory once you got to the hospital I just kept on passing out cuz my heart was stopping jihad something fast I Drive fast normally yeah a little fast know what we were driving ah zero both although I mean how fast we're driving I didn't go over ninety you know by the CHP or no way patrol yeah which would slow me down so you know sometimes when you're driving from LA to Vegas you get in a good pack of people that yeah it's like in the Tour de France when you have a good line of good hello and people move over people pass people move back and I got in a really good group of people and we think their safety numbers of course but we've also all seen five or six people speeding pulled over at the same time so don't don't fall for that truck I've never got a speeding ticket actually have anything how many have you gotten deer speeding tickets okay how many tickets have you got I'm making your lifetime crashes have you been in mmm-hmm how many I think how many of you been in mom zero point how many mirror dad a million how many miles have you driven mom a hundred you know he says to me you haven't been driving as long as me no matter what I haven't been on a mile five years apart it's not it's not the age it's how many miles you've driven the more miles you drive increases your probability of having it like pulling out in the middle of street making a left-hand turn and getting hit oh and Topanga Boulevard huh that was like 30 years ago yes you know we newlyweds meet yeah a lot of marriage counseling so you woke up in the hospital so I woke up in the hospital and all of a sudden dad was there Shawn was there obviously and they told me I needed a pacemaker I had this thing called sick sinus syndrome and what it is is when your heart doesn't beat correctly so like my heart was beating and then it was like well I don't feel like beating for a while so your heart just pauses for like five seconds ten seconds but after a while it you know that could be really dangerous and you could die so we I ended up much to the chagrin of the of mice of my son the doctor gave me this test he asked me a bunch of questions and then he told me after he you know I answered them that I failed the test and I said well you know my knew he was going to give me a cat well no he was just asking me questions like okay well you could here's this problem with her heart why did she pass out why did her heart stop like how wonderful three things so yeah he asked the questions wrong and then she says can I take the test again like it's a multiple-choice and she just picked she could have voided the surgery so then okay so then they go ahead and they do the surgery and the doctor during the surgery punctured my left lung that's the greatest the best twist over 5% chance of that happening yeah I told everyone I needed buy a lotto ticket cuz my my odds so that was the worst part about your recovery she went in because her heart stopped beating are you you're having heart failure of some sort right right and then when they're installing the pacemaker the doctor you got doctor shaky hands over everything right they run a wire lead from your heart you know into it's really close to your lung in fairness to the doctor and I'm really from unlike me you I'm really thin so it's it happened so he just he made a blow poke on your lawn and then it just heard you're her lung completely collapsed completely collapsed so I was stuck in the ICU for like I think was eight days yeah so she had the the pacemaker here and then they had to put another hole in it yeah I had to go so the doctor cut the pulmonologist comes in two into my room and he says okay I'm here for the emergency I go what emergency he goes you're the emergency I go what he because your lung is completely collapsed in your right lung is starting to collapse now unless you want to be on a respirator we need to operate so the nurse says doctor when do you want me to prep her and he says yesterday so so then so then I I said nobody told me that I even had a punctured lung that it collapsed I just think because we're going in anyway so I had to be up for this did you feel out of breath like did you have any sense the minute I got out of the operating room the nurse said to me how do you feel I said I can't breathe I feel nauseous and my shoulder which I had a torrent they tore my rotator cuff I said it feels like my left shoulder was put in a vise and it was putting a bite I don't know if it was put in a vise he dislocated yours well no they didn't dislocate it they just they just hurt my my rotator cuff I guess because I was up you know I mean they didn't completely put me out during the surgery so I guess somebody must have been holding me down or I don't know I don't know so then the saga continues so I've got a tube in my back which is so uncomfortable because you can't lean back because you've got a ring near the back of your rib cage into your lung right they have to put off they have to put a hole into your lung and they fish it through your ribcage so then and then it was draining you know all those lovely stuff and then they let me go home but in my stay there they said you have you're developing a cardial temp innate and what that is nice kind of a little tamponade yeah so what was happening was around your heart you have like this inner tube and it's your pericardium and in usually you have a little tiny bit of fluid in there and it helps to keep your heart safe when it's beating it kind of bounces off of it and it keeps it nice and safe pericardial sac right but what happened to me is my pericardial sac filled up with so much fluid that it's around your heart and it was squeezing my heart so the right side of my heart was collapsing it was literally squishing my heart so it couldn't be after going through all this we go back Monday for the for the follow-up visit to the doctor right and he discovers this pressure on her heart and we went from the doctor's office downstairs into a wheelchair wheeled next door to the hospital back industry let me clarify 20 minutes and I was on what's the hospital you got the pacemaker you had a your lung collapse right then you were in there for eight days as your lung healed right right then you went home my lungs still had my lung was actually filling with fluid which I didn't know about it yeah everything's fine so you went home well yeah yes and you weren't feeling well well they told me that I had to come normally you don't come back after something like that for a couple of days but they said you know you're you're developing this this cardial tamponade and we just want to make sure so they knew there was there was instructions that when I came in that I had to have a a chest x-ray and when I had the checks right x-ray the doctor doctor read shout out to dr. ray yes thank you dr. rush came in and said okay yeah I said to him do I have time to go home and get a change of clothes and he just said no we literally went downstairs he put her in a wheelchair the hospital is right next door to the medical office when the doctor is wheeled her next door boom into the operating room again yeah went home for the weekend yeah you went back for a routine checkup right and they're like you need to go your hearts beating heart is being crushed yesterday jokes about how you're dying we're in a banter free zone I was texting and putting things on Facebook there was trying to keep it light yeah mom didn't feel as bad as she actually was so it was a surprise to us to find that out so I felt right back right back into the ER and you know what that was that was after we came to Vegas yeah yeah you're going home yeah we thought you were fine and we're like okay we can leave yeah because the second surgery was that was way bad we got really worried after the second one because that's when you started to like be like The Walking Dead yeah I lost so much weight oh my god and then and then after that okay so they had to put a hole in my my pericardium so I had to coming out of my chest and it was draining you know fluid blood all that other stuff and then the nurses insisted because I was in so much pain that I have an opiate like a drip oh this is great don't know the process oh my god they did it and I I I went out my blood pressure went 72 over 20 to wait it was good or bad I don't that's bad so they gave me opioids to kill the Pantano peon an opiate drip and then your blood pressure crashed okay which was already low it was already low but it crashed and totally crashed and so they I ended up I had to have a transfusion oh Christ it wasn't a blood transfusion I forgot what they call it but there's a line that goes all the way up your shoulder and it's like it's like manufactured some kind of some kind of thing anyways so I found out I was not to ever take opium or an opiate now you tell me the doctor walks yeah we should have found that out yesterday yeah I can still take it it's like a character from Family Guy so then then wait the saga continues only a two-hour show okay so then what happens was I finally get out of the hospital and dad and I you know I couldn't run or exercise so the best thing I could do was walk and we were out in a walk with with with our dog dulce and our beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback and I had to stop we were in this field and I had to stop and sit down because I was so winded I was having so much trouble breathing and it turned out that my lung my left lung had filled up with so much fluid it was 2.5 liter point one meters late that's like a full bottle like 10% of her body weight yeah holy in my left lung we saw the picture there oh yeah that's right put the pictures of the bottle filled with fluid yeah I never think about cracking that open it buttons do not drink this now nothing is going to mix well yeah so they are supposed to drink long fluid before after clear there we go never been okay I never drink so I don't know drinkers rhymes so so I knew something was wrong anyways so I had to go and bit to the back to the hospital and they had to they take this like four inch needle you were you ever did you when you saw that neither do you ever be like I'd rather die you know what David show it to me they were smart I had my back to it to the doctor I had was holding on to this table and they let dad yeah oh this is when you rush the hospital they were gonna suck the fluid out of your lung wasn't rush but it was yeah I was getting I was drowning okay this is when they suck the fluid out of your lung right yeah 2.1 liters yeah so dad was it was like a table like this only you know it's like half what color was it was it was kind of like beer somewhere like a dark amber it kind of looked like I saw some green was the green yeah it was mine I can do that's gross no nightmares I got a bottle that I'm telling you there's demand that's me in fact like a bunch of like poor ass like Chinese people and just like farm their lung fluid there's gotta be a way to make money off of it so anyway I remember you tell me about the process of so okay so I'm in the hospital room and there's a table about this this slide like you know dad's on the other side and I'm and the doctors coming at me with this four inch needle you didn't see it that's I didn't see a dad's side were you like oh when you saw it was more glad it's not me and they stick it in you between your ribs you make it your MyPage it's a safety of fiction they like stab a running start yeah it was like wow and then rosanna arquette said that was freaking it yeah yeah it was like and then all sudden yeah holy cuz all the fluid started coming out of me I never freaked out okay but you said holy I might have said that I wasn't freaking out okay was it the stuff that her or the stabbing or everything because I remember you told me something hurt it hurt till they till they were almost done yeah they said they said when he starts to hurt let us know and it hurt so bad I couldn't even talk oh my god it was just really awful good so then so that was done and then they and then later on they told me that my right lung was starting to fill up with fluid but fortunately I went home and I started doing some yoga you know cuz my my might insert my other incisions were healing so I started doing yoga and I still have a little bit of fluid left in my right long but mutton I didn't have to yeah I didn't have to get zapped yet Pulp Fiction so then I go home and I'm getting speaking of being zapped it kind of feels like the most intensed intense hiccup you've ever had and it's like someone put it on my abdomen and I'm getting jolted all the time and it got to the point was where I was getting jolted all day you're talking about from from the pacemaker oh yeah this is the final chapter which is also just a it's like a total system of failure yeah everything went wrong like if they never punctured your lung you would have probably been recovered and fine yeah but like and then the same doctor who up my mom's shoulder punctured her lung it turns out that she had the pacemaker installed wrong and it was electrocuting her she was being electrocuted can you imagine that off I don't think I was qualified to be a doctor he's a butcher fingers it's it's just what happens is sometimes the wire is really close like it's near a nerve in your heart and the the nerve sends like signals and so I kept on getting you know like like contractions in my abdomen and it was and it wasn't like just a little hiccup it was like boom boom mom was like you know those of us who took biology in high school when you did the experiments where they pit the Frog and then you pit that's a word yeah it was the pit where you take a probe and you stick it into the back of the frog skull and kind of grind out their brains have stopped it at that point but then you can put electric prods like in different parts of the frog's brain as he is like move and his foot move and yeah so that's how mom was and she was like honestly horrible yeah so that's the incision you guys are seeing now cuz my mom just how long ago was your mother it was ten days ago so ten days ago they went back in and fixed pacemakers and she's no longer being electrocuted right right now what are you doing dad you're ruining the show sorry sure there you're on your phone and now you're playing videos I'm pulling up the comments here from what we're doing but anyway enough do you want me to pull my eyeball out and you can see we're not ready okay so I'm fine I'm in great shape well it might be so okay anyway god bless you nine months later you'll find I'm so happy I remember when um can you believe this MSL docker actually was installed it wrong like a hole after everything it's like I did that's up there was you tired in the show you don't need to read the chat okay good point good point point taken alright well let's move on I'm fine I feel like Frankenstein I remember when you you came down to LA to see a doctor and it was so tragic seeing you like that but you really rebounded it was very like oh I feel like no one knew if you were ever gonna go back to that was there normal I I wasn't sure either that was really she was just a husk I mean right yeah plus plus when when I had my lung drained I was in so much pain they sent me home without any pain medication and dad insisted I was like holding on to the bed but dad insisted and we went to the hospital and then they misdiagnosed me in one of the hospitals and said I was going to have to have another surgery remember that I remember that yeah I remember you call me I'm gonna die oh my god no literally you called me like I have to get into surgery so I'm probably gonna die I through usual optimism well I mean there's just some wasn't much optimism laughs degree although one great little story I love to that you that you I remember is that you were at home taking some opioids and then the doctor didn't tell you the consequence of taking opioids for pain killers which is this so if you take opioids it can cause extreme constipation yep I have a friend who was telling me he recently had some kind of procedure and the doctor did tell him that opioids cause constipation why don't they say that you really need to know they say it now in their commercial which is now that we've caused you to back up by selling you opioids now we're gonna create pill to unpack you up so you could buy two pills from well I wish you sell me that pill from the beginning let's go my friend his cost-efficient was so bad he didn't for ten days and he had to go into surgery he had to get actual surgery to remove a brick of out of his like eight careful with this stuff you know or here take this laxative alongside yeah I I avoided taking I was taking percocet and I was like and I was trying to I was trying to like well do I really need it you know cuz it backs you up it's good it works but it's like oh my god yeah so I was dad screaming take the pill now speaking of painkillers I found an interesting fact that you know our dog has a torn ACL which is a very athletic injury to get anterior cruciate ligament and the doctor said well let's we'll give her an anti-inflammatory and I said can we give her ibuprofen advil no the only thing you can give a dog that works on humans and dogs is tramadol interestingly enough yeah which I just happen to have was it 50 50 50 milligrams I think that's so weird trail just works yeah yeah but don't give your dog to anything that's not good for you the only one that works for humans and dogs interestingly for some reason the thought of giving a dog a serious painkiller is seen as kind of funny but does a pain how does it how was she unlike yeah I'm sure they do but like how is she yeah only giving her tour a couple times I haven't really seen her been in a lot of pain and she's pretty well you know what in the evening when I see her going from room to room I know she's trying to get comfortable and I'd say to dad give her a pain pill hook her up hook her up exactly again some drug pusher I know I don't want my baby to be in pain so you okay well not not to be outdone let's talk about your grievances dead yeah this is getting all episode hold all your listeners are gonna be tuning at I was here Joe Rogan's say this and I agree if it's interesting to me it's interesting to them right how can I do I can't think about like oh do people find this interesting if it's interesting to me then that's as good as I can help I can't they're engaged interesting tell me more about constipation yeah and during the same time you started having some weird in your eye yeah right after mom was pretty much done with everything which is actually a great story I love the treatment for that you know most people when they get a little older start to get what they call floaters in your I was just like squiggly looks kind of like spermatozoa sperm you know floating around your eye but it got beyond that at some point and I knew something was wrong and I I didn't procrastinate as I have a normal habit of doing I waited two days and then I went to the eye doctor said oh you looks like you've got a detached retina and that's something that if you don't take care of immediately you will go blind and that eye right in that eye so I went to the optometrist Wednesday on Friday I went into surgery and they knock you out and what the treatment is is they put a little nitrogen bubble in the back of your eyeball and that attaches to the retina which is in the very back of your like it said if you looked at your eye it would be like a three o'clock you know in in your eye socket so what that means is you have to keep your head you know position Center you have to be like looking down all the time including when you're sleeping so you have to spend at least 21 out of 24 hours a day looking down at the ground position which for someone like me who sleeps on their back who still is not they'll sleep on their stomach or who sleep even if you sleep on your stomach you don't put your yeah I wouldn't have been able to do it I've never heard this in my life doctor says my dad you have to keep your head down how long was it for a week I like this company bottom a massage table baby ba yeah you can rent it actually yeah good how much that run you 200 bucks store the whole week yeah still waiting for it Humana hello still waiting for my check back from you guys but anyway who's that let's caught listen let's get it so it comes in two parts one is like kind of like a massage chair with last thing you can put your face down a little mirror so you can watch TV imagine my laptop down there in a little table and then it also has it's kind of like a push-up bar you know you've seen those things where you do really good push-up pose it elevate you from the ground so that's what the thing that you slept in basically was so you put your head in there but then because you're sleeping with your head elevated then your back starts to hurt because you're sleeping at a weird angle did you try to experiment with putting pillows under your chest to raise your body and I'd wait I'd wake up in the middle of the night and dad wouldn't have his head in the right position and and of course compared to what mom had been through this I can't complain I'm not getting any sympathy so I'm just I'm sure was miserable but you can't complain yeah oh god in the hospital that he was in he was in these hospital gowns that were made of some weird material and poor dad broke out in hives from hid from from his own Hospital which shall remain nameless which didn't do well by their own right now yeah I called them in I mean you know I just wanted to mention I'm getting I think I got a rash from the hospital gun because I'm not really allergic anything it went oh yeah we know about that oh that's smallpox no no it's just somebody was just I mean it was just are you supposed to wash those you wouldn't open a hospital Duncan heart this is the same hospital that kept them busted my mom open and now they're sending out smallpox blankets well that was acts that wouldn't give her pain meds I've been I've been into five what's your review of hospitals in Vegas you know what it all depends on the doctor but I'd say the best care that I got was probably well you know what it's funny because I Centennial hospital the nurses were amazing that was the first hospital where I had the you know the bad but they really they were incredible and never actually tearing you up in country yeah but but it wasn't a nurses fault and then Mountain View was okay well yeah you can't fault the hospital for one yeah yes but yeah so Summerlin hospital she didn't say that why is the Summerlin hospital was great you know how much it cost for paramedics to come and pick you up and dry now about three miles from our house of clothes Mountain to to Centennial Hospital yeah you know you thought was in dollars no it was more than that thousand like a bargain for five minutes they charged me when I was in where was I was in Summerland no good I I was in Centennial and they transported me to Summerlin correct and they charged me $1,200 the bills are insane yeah it's it's sick and I got this first-hand experience of how obscene the health care system is in America I mean how much was your guy was your bill mom well when I went to when I went to the rheumatologist he said he was looking through my records and he goes well that must have been about two million dollars Wow we don't really know because shout out to the Affordable Care Act because of the fact that there are now yearly and lifetime caps on your out-of-pocket expenses you know the most it could have cost us what it was $8,000 instead of closer to a million which is what it would have said well we should without insurance it's worth talking with okay because like the Affordable Care Act is something that a lot of people hate a lot of people are talking oh no everyone loves the Affordable Care Act they don't like Obamacare which is the same thing yeah okay but I think people don't understand the affordable air / Obamacare right because people just say oh my rates are going up my rates are going up and our rates went up a lot like in New York we're paying $1,000 a month right for me well the deductibles are high and so no it's really now but at the same but first of all getting that down is a different conversation but on the other hand what it does do is it cap someone like my mom right who at $8,000 a year max because otherwise before that they probably would have capped you at what I don't care did that okay you it you would have well hey like a percentage of it how does it work sixty percent of personal bankruptcies before the Affordable Care Act was from people who were trying to pay medical bills and declared we would have lost our house this is the only place in the world where people go bankrupt medical the only industrialized country where that can happen before before all of this going back a few years when when there was just you know you just had to get insurance companies and they wouldn't pre-existing when I had my cancer surgery that we had to pay what 30 percent or something like that I mean oh my god was right after Ethan was born mom had a thyroidectomy because they found out she had thyroid cancer which if you're gonna get cancer is the best one to get because it's a fairly easy solution but once you have that you've got to put that down so it went from that to the only question that insurance companies could ask is do you smoke other than that could not ask about any pre-existing conditions or so before you were getting denied because of your yeah you couldn't get insurance at all no you could you you had access to insurance but it cost you an arm and a leg it was like I can't afford that much was how much was it I got a couple thousand a month I it wasn't expensive well we're going back like it was 30 something years so before the Affordable Care Act it used to work like you would just get the bill and then you would be liable for like a certain percentage percent of it which was 30 percent of a million is still $300,000 hundred thousand dollar bill and you're on the hook for six hundred thousand dollars like who like what the point yeah yeah most Americans statistically can't put five hundred dollars in cash together within 30 days people our credit card debt yeah so you know then to have to face a medical crisis like that your grandmother and her sister pensee had kidney problems oh hold on one sec we have taken to calling shoes how's the audio um you should move your mic a little closer he said testing one two three that but it's not like a major breakdown audio works okay it's fine sorry guys sorry your your aunt who had kidney she had kidney dialysis and all that and she she spent her entire life paying her bill because her her husband had just left a job so in between jobs when he wasn't insured is when that happened to her and she spent the rest of their life pain it's just mad I it's just mad I don't know yeah I I personally believe that health care should be it should be a right I think so yeah I think so in this country of Plenty when you have people are so obscenely rich billion how do you make a billion dollars without all over the planet like there's so much wealth it's poor people should not have to worry about dying first paying their bills like shameful it's shameful and I think I think most people would agree with that because there's a lot of opposition a lot of people who hate Obamacare I think they just don't understand what it is and what it does right I think they're catching on now well when you ask people you know do you support the Affordable Care Act yeah I like that what about a bomb go no I hate Obamacare people might because was so politicized right it's just like Democrats did a bad job of telling people what it was about you know it's easy to be against something but to be able to actually talk about the positives in that mm-hmm it just you know Democrats did did a really poor job of rolling it out it's something that I'm grappling with myself is like there's so much information there's so much misinformation today yeah you carry you how do you even sort it like this the like we're in this age of information and there's so much fact some of its wrong some of its right and and you can easily check and see what's right or not but there's so much being thrown at you so far well has even the time to fact-check this stuff it's at the point where it's like this great paradox of our time where it's like there's more misinformation being spread than ever war because it's just so overwhelming so overwhelming so you have people talking about the Affordable Care Act you have people trying to say no this is a good thing this is what it does it has some flaws but is what it does and it's like you just listen to who you trust right and you don't have nobody has time to check it out right but I've been seeing a lot of like poor conservative people who vote who supported repealing it and now they're like oh like you can I actually no actually died right all right that's what I've seen so many people turning up at Town Hall's for Republican senators and congresspeople especially in people saying I will die if you repeal this anyway how do you you know now that now they're working on their secret plan the Republican senators that they're 13 white Republican men not telling anyone exactly what the details are completely hidden and then they're just gonna try to you know pop it out and get it passed immediately no public debate you know when they complain that Obamacare was rushed through well it took a year of hearings and debate and everything before it became before it became law you know now they're trying to rush this out in a couple of weeks and the Senate version not letting anyone see at all what they're doing so and it's very complicated I mean things could be fixed things could be made better but you know it's like they want to throw the baby out I'm sorry if they remove something like precondition pre-existing conditions or cat I'm clearly raps then right like when when when I they were debating this when you were sick right and right and I knew that if they repealed it you would lose your health insurance at like the most critical time right and and we as a family would all have to foot the bill like I'm not what my choices like let you die I mean we would be a family responsibility we were all gonna have to it was gonna cost us all a lot of money's for you I would have just well what you guys can go bankrupt I can't afford it well it's like what let yourself die no you're saying rather than letting us support you my mom rather die you know yeah let's move on we have to do a break please there's an one update everyone keeps asking where is so Flo cuz we said that it was gonna wait so guys so Flo is joining us we're working out the details it didn't work out this week but we're definitely booking him I think on the 30th that's why we're here where is so far next week is Stevo you will not want to miss that one it's gonna be amazing and the week after that I'm working on booking so Flo but I'll keep you guys informed so let's take a little quick break here we'll tell you guys about naturebox do tell have you guys ever heard about naturebox that's like a good healthy snacks right naturebox.com/tyler for /h 3 yeah so naturebox is like a healthy snack alternative kind of thing Kris made with good ingredients and healthy ingredients and some dank ass snacks is that good yeah that's good that's very good ok so essentially it they have over a hundred snacks I haven't tried them yet our first ones on the way but I want to show you guys what they have because I'm they look delicious if you guys go to naturebox.com/tyler you get three three snacks with your first order that's free with to capital ease snack time and if you don't like it then there's no risk because it's free if you guys don't like it that's how confident their and their snacks it looks delicious sure they're not here yet but I think but like okay so this sriracha roasted cashew looks insane I want those ones Wow but apparently they're all like low calorie healthy good dark cocoa good 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five minutes if you guys leave I don't want to tell you what's gonna happen it's gonna be real bad okay oh it was just about I'm too slow I was just about this family attorneys oh it is booming um guys if you leave it's gonna be it's gonna be really bad I can't tell you what's gonna happen but it's gonna regret it's gonna be sadness and you may never see me or you again so please don't leave we'll be back in a short two minutes so be right back welcome back guys to the h3 podcast here with my parent Diane Gary hmm and of course the legend kleiner you guys don't suck you were about you were just about to get into this story before the break about the miracle child which story I love oh that you saw my article child yeah you saved my life yeah yeah tell me that story I loved it well I thought I was pregnant and so I went to the dead why do you have the I know a dad's a snacker you can put on the tape that's a good idea don't you hate that when you go to the movies and someone's like eating popcorn and you can hear it you want to put on any music videos anyway so as you were saying well I mean you know I wasn't feeling well and so I figured I'm pregnant so I went to the doctor was that a normal conclusion or were you trying to get pregnant um no I think with you I wanted to get pregnant Shawn was the only like that we ever tried to get pregnant I just wanted us not ready and I get pregnant I swear hey what I said I can walk us of bed and kept pregnant well when you have a husband who is so incredibly masculine that you can get a woman pregnant just by looking at her there's a lot of Gary's there's a life's nose Gary snows out there and Gary the bed oh my god well somewhere the truth is somewhere in the middle there right well it's not a big story I just I went to the doctor because I thought I was pregnant and if I hadn't gone to the doctor I would never have known that I had thyroid cancer because I was I had cancer when you I was pregnant with you but you were pregnant I was pregnant but also I've cancer but I was sick from the cancer and I thought I was pregnant one of those I thought I had but again to prove the point mom is a horrible storyteller we win her ob/gyn and he found a lump there and he thought that it would endanger the child then he recommended maybe you don't want to go spring it would mean Ethan wouldn't be sitting here are entertaining all of this doctor suggested aborting yeah he did I was like five months four months pregnant with you any five months yeah and he said to me how long have you had been year three so you knew you were pregnant so big I went to the doctor because I wasn't feeling well and he said to me how long have you had this lump in your throat and I said what lump and that's when I was going through all these tests and it wasn't until I was four or five months pregnant with you that they realized I had cancer okay and and so almost slow-moving cancer yeah that's the one Iran yeah that was it slow one two so my wonderful mother Eileen Klein liner yeah you know knows everybody schmooze is she was our own losing new is my cousin Sheila who is a doctor she's her doctor degrees in nursing and she was the one that said you have to find that you have to go to this particular doctor all right dr. Katz at cedars-sinai who's probably now deceased because he's a legend though I've heard that Mandy was the head of one of the top oncologists in the country and we went to see him and sat in his office and Donna told him what had happened that this doctor told her oh gee you might have to lose the baby and this was after even no no you were still pregnant I was like massacre we're tied to the other doctor and you know how doctors hate to criticize each other dr. Katz with us sitting there in his office called us at their doctor and chewed him out and how who you scared this woman you know after identifying himself as one of the top oncologists now he knew who he was when he called outside eye and said you know what kind of doctor are you how can you scare this woman and he kind of adopted mom as his you know wonderful relation yeah he was great you guys say his name yeah dr. Katz he was literally so without him Ethan might not be here so after you gave birth to Ethan the minute I gave birth to Ethan it was like maybe two weeks I had to go in for surgery yeah yeah so what they do is they give you a radioactive isotope which searches out the thyroid any thyroid that may be left after they remove it and just kills it but you're radioactive yep getting close to the children I couldn't even go see her for a couple days afterwards solitaire you're really yeah you're in solitary they came out it with a get with a Geiger counter ha ha they did they were in spaces so you everything was under quarantine for how long for a week in the hospital and then I couldn't go home for another week and Grandma and came her know me was your mother it might have been your mother what came yeah most likely your mother friends because no because I was staying with at my parents house and my mother was taking care of me and I think your mom came out and took care of you and the doctor let me you didn't go on a bottle until you were 7 months old he let me wait a now he let me wait to you before I had to take radiates that's the best food right there Mother's Milk Duds no I I I breastfed all three of you in Sean was still 9 months without Caitlyn last week we were talking about you just hey now I'm from breastfeeding in general I know anyway looks like who's a Caitlyn sister who was breastfeeding her son and Game of Thrones of kids like 10 years old in he's oh that was great Florence but she likes me fine hey is this youtuber with like how old is her son by now I don't know like four maybe don't tell me he's still breastfeed Oh unlike she homeschools him yeah and then she can make big English he never learned he's like it seems like it doesn't she want to breastfeed and she's like forcing him so this story is just crazy so we made a video about this girl like years years ago because she made these videos about ant doing enemas and it was just a really obscene video that we made fun of and I've been following this girl I haven't made a video better cuz it's too sad too real but she's been breastfeeding her kid and putting videos on YouTube since she was born those four or five years ago and she people were calling Child Protective Services so she actually moved to South America to continue while hiding her kid I mean I don't know if she says that that's the reason that's what happened Wow and then like um she does it I have a feeling it's like a weird fetish thing because she like goes out in public and breastfeed and does it in like really public places and the bit end like they're such shots were like she shows her close up and he's like not lashing milk the odds that this boy will grow up well-adjusted zero point zero that kids bro I mean that kids probably gonna eat someone like that's I think it's that bad he's gonna eat somebody not in a good night yeah he's like he's gonna like probably have sex and eat someone's penis I don't know I'm like thinking like what's the weirdest sex people get right he's gonna Ramsay Bolton he's gonna actually have you been watching Game of Thrones we just came across the rainbow we just watched that episode where it looked like he was eating Theon Greyjoy's wiener but actually was a sausage you said that's weird it's it's too weird sandwich I don't like going down that rabbit hole makes me uncomfortable it's not she's a vegan let's keep talking about it like she's forcing her newborn baby to be vegan that's enough that's good she's working her newborn baby to be vegan well when your newborn all you have is is well you could what I remember okay she made a video where he had a yep what was it called yellow fever some is that a real thing yellow fever yeah so she was saying he has yellow fever and the best antidote is tit milk she's like he doesn't need medicine he just needs to suck on my tit and she kept trying to breastfeed me how old how old was the baby's like 5 is not babies ah because because in before a mother's milk comes in you get this clear stuff it's and it's filled with antibodies and that's what that's why I dress being so I don't think there's any antibodies love no there's not it they're just bodies yeah so this video surfaced of her that's kind of sick Dan is saying that the chewing oh the chewing dad what do you come on I'm chewing tobacco come on dude oh we don't cancer in we're done with cancer but then the same girl something for like we always we always figured it was some weird fetish thing but we never had proof right so then a video surface of her she was has takes videos of herself having sex with the cucumbers straw for me where I was like damn this got weird yeah are the cucumbers condoms or is this just it's all mere belle-isle bareback organic they're as true if it's organic cucumbers I can see that non-gmo Wow non GMO non condom where can you find these I'm scary yeah let's make a clean cut and now for something completely different as Monty Python would say so anyway um you guys know anyone else that's cancer yeah my my best friend Vicki she's still moving right along cancer in the rear view okay I wish her the best she's better better she's gonna be fine which is great yeah let's take a 180 turn okay off that but I wish for the best ghost story okay so for some reason the subject of ghost stories always comes up on a podcast it's a really interesting topic for us all to talk about my mom my mom looks very excited right now something you have something to share this so my question is I'll start with you mom do you have any ghost stories um no but like so excited because I burned a present I might play into that somehow oh so you don't have any ghost stories um I would have body experience but that's not it that's not a ghost it's supernatural how do you explain that go I don't know no I explained it was here okay so this was a long long time it how long ago b:g before Gary no nothing's that long nothing that old now but I I was I don't know if I should tell this story I don't know before saying the gained under Mike's is too much too much again yeah what does that mean it's too loud it's like tearing we have a problem with the sound Dan okay guys we'll fix than that if you say I don't know if I should tell this story the answer is no you shouldn't okay no no okay I don't mean drug-related no tell me about it let's hear it this is what this is the produced this is why we come together this is interesting it's wrong you seem worried weird I don't know if I should say love love love love like her head no I want to hear it come on you cannot no well no I have no idea where she's going that's why I'm scared whisper in Dad's yeah I know I know know this so the sound is fine I don't think it sounds back okay then we haven't even know need this Thor this is dangerous come on how dangers can be told it could be really dangerous can I tell you off the air yeah sure everyone listening would love to hear you tell it off the air no you're committed now bring it okay alright I'll hear it do you want to write it first for someone she was ready to end in me filing for divorce papers or no your father and I have been married for 42 years 42 years Wow 42 years seems like a long time yes and and all marriages have ups and downs there's no such perfect marriage and we got married when we were young and and there was a time in our relationship where we broke up for a little bit I don't know if you remember that I mean I know like way before you were born are you playing stuff no I'm not so anyway so this was a time in my life a short time when I was with another person and I was widely in bed together you blew it yeah I wonder I never heard this story I was I was actually in bed and this other person was sleeping and I was I was up at least I thought I was up maybe I was sleeping and I just remember I I was somehow I was like flying and I was looking down on myself and this other person and I thought for a minute that this was really cool that I was flying and then I got scared and yeah I got scared and then I remember I took my hand and I tried to grab myself to hold on to not like fly away from my body and my hand went through my body and I thought oh my god am i dead what's happening and then at the last minute when I realized that maybe this is not a good thing it may be this isn't a dream maybe something Horrible's happen to me I screamed out your father's name I did I swear to God I screamed out your name because I wanted I wanted you and I think we got back together let's talk about how much fun I had never do you think maybe it could be like a sleep paralysis thing maybe maybe I don't know I mean I I mean it couldn't have been real I couldn't have been flying but it seems so real good I was blind I was looking down on myself and I and I wanted a night you were awake maybe you're a la I thought it was awake maybe you're a warg so that was my weird end I woke up I was screaming for dad's name and then I woke up you're not the first woman to do that okay white one thing happened to me that was really weird this is when your sister was a little baby she was like maybe four well not a little baby just maybe like four yeah baby this is before both you and your brother were born and I remember I was having a weird dream a monster dream and it was freaking me out and I woke up and Jessica came into the room and she's she said mom I'm having this monster dream and she she wanted to like crawl into bed with us for security because she was having a say it was the same dream that I was having the same dream the same dream that's bizarre that was really spoke about that like oh all the time huh all the time we both made I mean it was something we remembered that's really weird yeah and I woke up when she came into my room and told me that she was having this monster dream so that's that's about all did you have any monster energy drink that night by any chance no I don't think they had this all right I'm just asking Dead have given any ghost stories no not you're like me you're very I feel like you're very empirical yeah I've just had my weird dream stories like mom - like why would the movie poster and wait it's really interesting and I see the effect it had on you yeah it's well I was you know my my wonderful mother Eileen was way ahead of her time she got married very young married her high school sweetheart who uncle was in the movie industry his uncle my my biological father's Leonard Katzman his his uncle was Leonard Sam Katzman who was the king of B movies so my mother though was divorced when I was about four four and a half or so so he became a single mom divorced work and you know and no one did that back in the 50s and you know my father worked for his uncle on doing movies he ended up going to a lot of fame and fortune he wrote who shot junior anyone who knows Dallas he wrote and produced you know all of the famous Dallas show so he had tremendous amount of success and I was actually in a movie because he was big of his uncle he was shooting movie called the magic carpet which was in probably 1951 and installed Lucille Ball and Raymond Burr and all these people who no one knew who they were back then and they needed a baby to be laid on a Magikarp and fly out the window and grow into someone else who had a baby well Lennie Katzman had a baby which was me so I was on the magic carpet I flew out the window I came up and I came back I'm John agar who knows even knows now who I would never have cast to grow up as me but so I knew that there was a poster or something about this movie but it was so small you never heard anything about it it's never on TV anymore but there's a small-time movie very small-time movie right Sam Katzman B movies 1951 find it on IMDB doesn't even have a page it exists and I always look forward on TV just to see if I was in it and there's a tremendous a company called Heritage Auctions and they do movie poster auctions and collectibles and I think they're one of the biggest auction companies in the country so I put a search in for them for the magic carpet the movie I was in and this was I mean really almost as soon as the internet started going in heritage ACOs exist right probably 15 years ago at least and it was there was there nothing nothing nothing in about six seven months ago I had the oddest dream because I you know I was legally adopted by Mike Kline the wonderful man who raised me took me as his own child legally adopted so I gave up the Katzman name never you know really even thought had a dream had any concepts about you know what Lenny was doing aside from Dallas and and all that stuff but about six seven months ago I had a really odd dream where I was kind of like a fly on a wall kind of ethereal spirit floating around and I could see a guy who I knew was my father Leonard Katzman standing in front of a movie theater pointing at the you know the windows they have in front with the posters of the movies there and he was standing with a bunch of his friends standing they're talking to them pointing at it no I couldn't you know actually hear what they were saying but I knew as clearly as I'm sitting here looking at you I knew exactly what was going that it was my father and he was talking to his friends saying look this is me this is the first movie I've looked at you know it's pretty cool right and and I woke up after that and it was just very profound you know the fact I had dreamt about my biological father why he'd never ever had a dream about before did you ever meet him yeah I did um let me let's go back to that remind me of that um so you know I woke up and I told mom's like wow I had the weirdest dream you know I I I was up in the air floating and I saw my biological father do you know talking about this and and of course mom didn't remember when I came to her later and which was very disappointing but anyway so about three weeks a month after having this really weird dream I get a notice from Heritage Auctions after 15 years the magic carpet movie poster is now available and you've been looking for it oh you're lying fifteen years I'd had a you know a search up for that and how long between that this was like two weeks after I had had that weird dream of him of my father pointing at this poster right so just you know the odds of those things being not connected really well just seemed very weird and again I you know like you I'm very empirical and very scientific I don't believe it mumbo-jumbo but I believe in just you know the the odds of that happening were just it just seems so weird that you know I believe in the strange contradiction that you you control what happens in your life but certain things are destined are fated to happen which is a total oxymoron but that's what I believe I believe I was destined to meet your mother you know certain things just happen in life now of course your brother will argue till he can't talk anymore but to have that dream and then a couple weeks later after 15 years to have that movie poster up is really really bizarre I don't wanna leave in coincidences and that was genomic winds yes so now I have that movie Bush right Felicia bought it with me I bought it free yeah Lana and and what you know so it came up for auction so I bid on it like twenty five thirty dollars and someone bid against me and it's like dude I don't know I have a dream Doug yeah everyone else in this movie is dead so I know you have no connection cuz I was only six months old when this movie was made so you know maybe some people are alive but you know no one has any interest this thing dog I'm winning this poster I don't care how much it feels how high did it get and I'd end up only costing me like 50 bucks or something he wasn't that invested yeah exactly yeah so I haven't I haven't gotten it framed yeah yeah we need to get a frame but yeah it's pretty cool it was nice to have that after thinking about it for so long what do you make of that I mean what's your what's your feeling on that do you feel like coincidence or just no like I mean do you feel like it has something to do with like your dad from beyond the grave or something just like cosmic I don't think so I'm going back to the question did I ever meet him your mother after Jessica was born I called called Lennie my biological father and yelled at him for not being there even though he didn't your mom from the hospital called him up and yelled at it for not being there when his first grandchild was born even though he had no idea that his one who was born Jessica Graham sister yeah I heard heard about about Leonard right everyone knew of him because of his fame now in Dallas and everything going on anyways I was just I was just dad told me that a story when he was a little boy and his father left the house for the last time and he's do you want to tell the story well yeah that was the last when we finally got together after years and years have finally worked up the nerve to call him he was working at MGM studios in Culver City and Dallas was going strong and I finally called them up and this was probably in the mid-80s I would think and you know cut ran through his office and they went who is this and when it's Gary Klein and Leonard son so I got through I talked to him we got together I went down to MGM studios unless have been surreal it was it was very weird it was kind of like strangely awkward I can my I can imagine I mean it's not it's no one's fault it's like right just out of the blue I thought it was someone's fault so that well clearly well I okay look and and you can't really relate moment I mean what can you do right and you can't really relate to this to you're a parent and you realize what it's like to give up a child but his last memory of me was you know me as a four-year-old child standing in the driveway as he's driving off for the last time saying daddy daddy where are you going that's hard which yeah exactly has to really tear you apart right but at the same time he didn't it I like well at the request of the of the father who adopted me thought everyone thought it would be better if I just grew up with one father rather they did to do that how do you feel about them making that decision for you now in retrospect it's tough especially knowing how rich and famous my by what kind of pissed me off an actress back that's up that's doesn't seem right to not to block you out from your viologic well but that's what you did then you know and and looking back on it you know what what's the father that adopted me took on was the fact you know this woman had been with another man he had a son who had already been influenced by this guy and to take me on and raised me as his own son you know completely the same as my brother and sister and the families ended up I ended up with a half-brother and half-sister with my new family and my biological father remarried a woman who brought an older son into the marriage just like my mom did and then they had a girl and a boy so they were like shadow families of exactly the same family that that my family had and then yeah so so anyways what dad told me the story about you know how his dad left and and and of course being a modern woman thinking you know what is this you give up your your child no no it doesn't work that way that's my thinking well now it seems insane to me now but I guess I mean you know it seems totally I mean now these days it's like what right had a new dad off it's right exactly so so I when when Jessica was born I called up Lenny he just came in from being in Hawaii yeah I was macking on Hawaii five-o wrangly did wild wild west and right five-o and a whole chain of right so and I I just said I explained to him who I was and that he was a grandfather and he dropped the it was like so freaked out but he dropped the phone yeah call he hung up on you no no no he was like drop the phone and then he picked it up he was just like so what died you know he's like oh I mean I just said I I'm not asking for anything I just wanted you to know your grandfather you ever come no no huh no and and and did he ever show interest in being involved not really no I think yeah I feel like I think that ship had sailed at that point yeah you know but not at that but I mean like when you were growing up cuz I feel like maybe back then well you know was one way but still probably the dad would have some curiosity yeah well well especially your feeling on that you know I mean if he had just been some schlub it probably wouldn't matter but the fact he was they went under such success and that he had two adopted well one natural and one adopted son who worked on the show and I would see there an assistant director and credits and then when I found out that Mitchell my my half brother who is another weird story how I met him you know worked on the show was an assistant director and ended up being the boyfriend of Victoria Principal for six months or so who was back in the day who was almost as beautiful as your mother you know and live with her is his girlfriend but there's good there's good and bad what were you saying that just the fact that like he was missing all that yeah but there for the sake of God goes I yeah you know so that that should have been me you know that was my thinking not counting you you were you were sad it yeah yeah jealous essentially exactly you were jealous yeah that's kind of a real thing to acknowledge you know I feel like that would that would like is a underneath emotion that would take time to realize yeah cuz I grew up as a you know middle class you know we did okay we grew up in a great area and I had great friends but when you look at what you could have been oh I could have been rich I could have been successful it did but you know after meeting my brother and finding out what he went through and knowing my addictive personality you know back in that time I would kill myself with a od'd on cocaine would had done something like that where you know what we wouldn't have gotten at this point because I've said many a time the best thing that ever happened to me was meeting this incredible woman right here and that's been the blessing in my life that's led to everything else so that's what you think you forget it but like it's I find that really interesting like so after all these years you've do you think that you found peace with that after seeing kind of like imagining maybe that your life wouldn't have been as good it would have been more up messed up or had you had he never left or you know yeah it would have been interesting to try you know we all know alternate universe right he had the big beautiful house on the beach in Malibu and all of the things you know he really had the best part of success which is the money and the power without the fame so he could go anywhere he wanted no one would recognize him up until the who shot jr. and he had his picture in People magazine or whatever you know no one knew who he was so he could go crazy spend a lot of money and you know and have all the success but money does not buy happiness most definitely not that's true but as David Lee Roth said sure money doesn't buy happiness but you can buy a big old cabin cruiser and cruise up that close to it yeah you know money doesn't hurt that's for sure so well yeah that's a find the whole thing interesting I find it so interesting like I feel this way with you guys I imagine that everyone feels this way about their parents to some degree but it's like there's these people that you spend your whole life well you spend more time with your parents than almost anyone you know and there's just so much you don't know about them like how frequently do sit down and just have like a conversation where you just talk about like the fact that you were adopted and all these details and stuff is something that we hardly ever spoke about but it's um when I spend my whole life with that comedy time it's just it's it's like a weird father-son are just you know parent relationship is very interesting I don't know why that is why don't you talk about why don't you talk about that stuff with your parents it's weird we talked about I don't know not I mean generally no not that much yeah I guess it's probably because you're you're they look so familiar right and you're so moving on to you know differently yeah it's you know we're not peers or maybe up until now we're not peers but like only until like the age of when I cannot have my own job recording myself can I sit down across the table from you guys and be like we're peers right like I can talk to you guys about your life and stuff a lot at this point I'm happy you consider me a peer you know what I mean I do raise your kids in the best way that you that you know how well as you find out when you become a parent that you know when you're a kid you grew up thinking wow my parents know everything they're so smart realize you don't know what you're doing and that your parents didn't know what the they were doing but everything ends up okay somehow you muddle through you call them once in a while to get advice but yeah as an example let me look at these two great kids they can be really good people so we did something right yeah yes he was parents you know it's a weird wild stuff parents huh what are you doing again live with them you can't live without him all right literally all right let's take another commercial break here okay we got another sponsor here we got three sponsors yes so blast last week we spoke about me undies not last week but previously previously me undies is this really wonderful underwear company modal how's that called yeah modal's like the have you guys ever felt modal I have not I would love that's the underwear that I wanted to get that's gonna be a disgusting mess anyway anyway feel that material it's like so if you guys nice and soft if you guys go to meet undies com4 / h3 you can get 20% off your first pair plus free shipping last time I hadn't tried them on so actually plot twist I'm wearing them right now TMI TMI it's like it's so it's just underwear Gary that it's not a Rubik's Cube it's a piece on me like a no that's a fear of guy it's yeah women don't have a penis to take out here now you tell me that's got a surprise I knew something was missing it's so soft and it breathes like crazy it's it's seriously that I think the best pair of underwear like I usually don't wear briefs but it's like it's very comfortable very nice it's so soft I think men should wear briefs I mean we're I'm a boxer guy I you ya guys are Bob briefs are just they're tight and they get annoying and they like chafe my fat pear-shaped disgusting body where it used to be the Fupa still less Fupa but these with the me undies in the Safa middle it breathe I'll hook you guys up a pair so the last time we did a me undies spot they had this hilarious thing where if you didn't like it you send back the undies like they were sorting out dirty undies about their I mean it's a nice deal right they refund your money but now they're kicking it up a notch I guess they heard our spot and they're like maybe they got too many dirty on do ship to them more like you know what yeah I think one day they probably have a furnace where they just throw it off so now if you don't love your first pair of me undies they're free you get to keep your dirty hug that's a great deal so that's that's smart guys if you want some baingan on DS go to Mandy's comm for such h3 they support the show thank you guys so much spam it in the description alright thank you guys and then we'll do one more here well we got you guys and then we'll just continue on hey you guys done you feeling okay Wow sometimes I cough so intensely smiths brothers cough drops is in our next spot no that's no sponsor this show but I would love if there's any cough drop puppies out there that would be a perfect match up next up you guys know him you love them Dollar Shave Club have you guys seen this tell their shave club yes I have I've seen it I'm not seeing it at your house I want to get some stuff I got so much you know yeah I actually do disabled love that stuff like so Dollar Shave Club has been like so supportive of us like we make on the most controversial messed up videos they'll they'll put their on there and support us they're like god bless you you know this is why I love Dollar Shave Club and I mean the product is amazing so this blade is hefty boy that's a strong have you feel it feel the way nice is it a double double tri quadruple gnarly what's more than quadruple ones f five or five six septuple I believe it really Wow so comes with four four these septuple blades its these lasts a while too like yeah you get you get for these and you get the shave butter and the razor and the post cream for five dollars I know it's called Dollar Shave Club okay we got some kickback yes it's called Dollar Shave Club you get that for the razors I'm talking about shaved butter cream extra cartridges it's a really good product for five bucks that's ridiculous so let's gotta hate these guys seriously I mean you go to the grocery store how much are raises like 20 bucks really the rent yeah the whole there's nothing but they kill you on the blade look at scheme if you go to Costco like they have the blades on a board they don't even have the blades and people steal a high value so $5.00 for this is honestly agree agree right I personally endorse this I use it it's the only blade that doesn't give me a razor burn I mean just something like the shea butter would be five bucks it yeah so guys Father's Day is right around the corner dollarshaveclub.com for /h three five dollars gets you an amazing Father's Day present in fact I got an idea for Father's Day okay I'm gonna get you some there you got a shaved Club shout-out to Father's Day finally a worthwhile holiday anyway I honestly can't endorse this this product enough so if you guys are in the market for some razors think people spend so much money on that oh yeah just get out there five bucks forget about it how often can you reorder what's like when you I think it's a monthly it's a month I'm not actually I can't be actually I think it may be is fifteen the second month okay but the first month is five dollars that's not even exclusive offer did so that's the deal you get five bucks go to dollarshaveclub.com ford slash h3 for your hot hot hot place and I and I love all of our sponsors you guys these these are the best they these guys make the show possible so if you can't support them if you hear a product that you like and you want to support the show get involved pick it up we appreciate that correctly you said afterwards it's nine yeah wow that's not this that's so good it's so first month this five if you use our if you use our URL and after that's ten a month cool thank you everybody thank did you spam that spam it boy are you cool alright well um thanks for sponsors let's do you guys want to take a quick bathroom break and come back and like I wanna give a quick shout out to a very polite and friendly young man that came up and said hi Vegas cane wal Mac ah a fan of h3h3 came up to us attained walnut are you Ethan's mom and dad and myself gets recognized all the time but it really was the first time well you mom's been a superstar shining part of the history lore for a while so yeah very polite like all God interaction they are just the greatest friendliest nicest hikers yeah really thank you Kane and you know all of the h3 fans you guys are fantastic oh yeah and I agree oh good work they're fantastic every I mean they're super nice I've only had one bad interaction but he wasn't a fan he was just thankful I have interesting I want to tell that story but I also want to ask you something like tying into that story about your dad mm-hmm do you feel like how does it feel now because you your dad was famous I'm not faint I'm not famous on his level but do you feel like some weird thing about now you're getting recognized because of your son like is that a weird tie-in to more because she's been in more videos I've had people it'll be more I won't be able to walk to my car exactly as you you had this you probably less as I understand it you in your bloody you're excited about it right you you dreamed about being recognized and being famous about a big movie since I was six months off but do you feel like in a weird way you're getting that fulfilled when someone recognize you on the street not really it just makes me proud of what you've accomplished here starting from nothing and you know you guys have just made something incredible yeah this so it just makes me feel bright it's fun I went to UM Starbucks right where you know we're used to work or were you okay still stir anyways free coffee please can we get some coffee out here and just some young man behind the counter looked up at me when I was ordering my iced tea and recognized me and asked you know to take a picture with me nobody I got my I got my ice tea lickety-split he's got over there yeah it is weird being be recognized is surreal it takes some time to adjust to it it just happened to me when I my mom is visiting here and also my brother we lived in New York right now he also came here so we were all walking downtown LA and some guy recognized me and so it's funny because it's it's almost like you just know each other sometimes people will just be like hey what up and it's almost like so my brother and my mom we're like this is so weird they like it's like you walk around and some people just know you like your friends or something well sometimes people approach you too and they'd be like hey what up and you don't know if it's like do you know me from the internet or have we met somewhere right or sometimes people will just like stare at you with like a familiarity in their eye and you don't know if it's like we do you recognize me or what's happening like there's some interesting encounters that as a result I remember when we were when we were like the three of us and and Ella was with us that one time when we went to Ikea connect and that young man kept on walking back and forth and then he yeah a long time ago when we were yeah that happens where people are like don't happen they don't want to disturb us or they're like embarrassed and then so like I'll notice them like pacing back and forth like that's sweet though yeah well when I was with Sean this was in Studio City we were having breakfast and out of the corner of my eye I see this young man sitting in a booth that's like almost as close as I am to you maybe a little further away and I looked at me he looks so familiar he had a hat on and he had a full beard and I looked over and I looked at him like do I know you and then I realized it was Adam Levine uh yeah he was with his his wife right and and I looked him and then all of a sudden it must have been a look of recognition on my face like no you go and he smiled at me which I thought was really sweet yeah he's way more famous than we are yeah but I mean it's kinda like a you know he people recognize what's interesting you I think that famous people have to deal with you know at the at the bike shop I owned a bike shop for 25 years in beautiful Ventura California because we're close to Ojai I had quite a few celebrity clients including the late great Bill Paxton who was just a really great guy man rest in peace that's a shame but great guy he bought ton of bikes from me he actually bought the Schwinn phantom the same bike I had so when he came in I could see him deal with that look of recognition that people gave him him and here knowing that but not want to sit you've got to live your life exactly and just kind of going guy and he just handled it so wonderfully he was just a yeah really good you I rest in peace bill so it's interesting you know it's something you know and it's the kind of the double-edged sword of Fame and you're kind of dealing with that too you know people that go into the industry want to become famous they want to become known and then when you do is like oh I can't go anywhere without people bothering like there's a lot of drawbacks to it well yeah I mean obviously it comes with territory like we were just watching this clip of Jerry Seinfeld someone was asking how do you deal with being famous and being approached by fans things like it's part of the job yeah as far as the job you can't go out and expect to be like you know famous entertainer or a popular entertainer or not deal with like the side effects you can't have both we went to e3 recently which is like a the biggest video game convention in the world and it comes to LA every year and we've never been to a convention for so yes was it yesterday the day before the day before yesterday we got tickets to go to the show and we had like an hour left hour and a half left and like we got we were getting stopped so much it was just out of school and then when once person would stop us then like a whole group would form it turned into like a fan meetup where we know we didn't even get inside the building oh because we were getting I guess there's like it's usually not that bad but I think that's like a perfect overlap yeah it's it's exactly our audience the people yo they're like being in Sweden this is like a perfect overlap they're like internet culture right which is where were the most popular but like it was just every step you know we were getting stopped and we're trying to meet our friend inside and he's waiting for us and we just we never made it in oh and it's like you don't want to be rude I gotta go I'm sorry but they're like like - can I please please get a picture and everyone's got a story of like man I love your videos they text your friend to let him know you were stayin so it's like you know on one hand I appreciate these people so much so this is why we stopped and took we took food with everyone yeah you can't really complain about that I'm not no of course I'm not complaining but you just have to expect yeah you have to like accept it that surprised me that's the first time that we have been kind of like hey from doing something it's it felt kind of like a suicide because we just walked in and then it was like I mean what have we done like we couldn't really we need a disguise it again yes a lot of people do they get disguises I have a funny funny celebrity story and it has to do with with dads mom I went out to a deli with with his sister and his mom and I don't mean not even Paula my sit Mar your aunt and we're having lunch at the deli and Mel Brooks and a bunch of other yeah a bunch of other really famous writers comedians are in the booth next to me and us and your mutton your grandmother Eileen looks over and sees Mel Brooks and she says I thought that was so funny well I know cuz he could have just like blew her off but he was so funny you know I thought that was great well that was your first interaction with Mel Brooks and then oh yeah you have more but yeah yeah Mel Brooks is like the old-timey like yeah he's like perfectly grandmas era yeah he was with his wife and that bedding when we one of the great comics one of the great writers Blazing Saddles Get Smart so many great things when mom and I were in Paris throwing that just happened to be where my University of Paris teacher we were at the door say Museum which is just an amazing Museum of Van Gogh is in just the most you know mom and I love art so we can spend hours and hours in there it's an old it's an old trains train station and there's a big giant claw and a lot of people take pictures there right and outside of the cafe where the clock is there's like a balcony and look over Paris and we we go out there and there's Mel Brooks standing there just looking over everything and his wife Annette I didn't see in Bancroft no she thought I said to mom what do you think of this idea I'm gonna go up to Mel Brooks pretend I don't know who he is and say oh you're an American could you take a picture of which right that seems like yeah that would be fun yeah I'm saying no no don't bother him you know leave him alone so it's a great idea thank you she talked me out of mother he knows he knows you know Mel's melp shout out to Mel he knows you know oh you're a funny guy would you like a job as a writer that's how all these fantasies play out you're the funniest person I've ever met yeah we're gonna be partners um people are really curious about your bed fan story oh one bad fan story we've had hundreds at this point they've all been amazing this one happened only one bad one only one bad Adam said it like okay okay we've had hundred of the poison they've all been amazing yeah we've only had one bad one it was in New York we were in the Upper West Side which is the neighborhood we lived in and we were crossing the street to go grocery shopping and there was a dude across the street with he was grinning he had like a shit-eating grin like he was staring right at me so I assumed he was just really happy to see me he was probably a fan you want to say what up pretty big guy too pretty burly dude and so where he's at one end to the crosswalk I'm at another turns green we start coming towards each other and I'm like hey Dawg what up how are you and I like reached out my hand to shake his hand and he big guy he shoulder bumps me super hard and he goes what's up and then he just walked off he didn't even turn around and he just walked off I was like what no it was disturbing it was weird we're about like Larry thinks I mean yeah smiling except expecting him to just kind of so is this something that recognized you that's just a dick yeah definitely recognized me but for some reason hater yeah you're famous fu that's like a salt yeah you can tell when someone recognizes you you know you're looking at one you um most of the time yes but anyway I was just like what I mean I was not I wasn't scared so much I was just baffled yeah I was like why would you wrong with you die like I mean he must have been unstable like who does that I guess who actually does that that's in the same thing you know so I'm glad he didn't stab me I got great instead you I got I'm gonna have to walk her out the best from now on yeah that so there's like that other aspect I mean imagine being John Lennon Oh God we lived literally one block away from where he was murdered right in front of the Dakota yeah we got murdered on 67 right 77 oh he got murdered on 72nd we were on 73rd Yeah right there yeah we we went and visited you you were right around the corner from there we've been listening to a lot of the Sirius XM just started a Beatles channel which and their musics finally more available and yeah why is that they maybe they lessen success now people are trying to word the Beatles term finally get recognized yeah well the license holders were real pricks they just were not giving it up okay they're asking for like billions of dollars huh Michael Jackson or I don't know Michael Jackson is that the weirdest thing yeah well I think Paul bought most of his stuff back from them but I don't know I don't know but I remember when they did that song what was it ivory ebony and ivory when they did the duet that was Paul and Michael Jackson yeah I'm because I think you want to do a little bit of it yeah yeah Bernie I don't know that wanna miss much no it wasn't a great song but I have a feeling that Paul Paul McCartney probably wanted to be friends with him to get his music back you think it was just a big scam i I I mean Michael Jackson was a pretty you know famous interesting yeah they're on the same level of family I'd say yeah you know it's another topic that that I seem to be talking about more which is you know the time when your mother and I grew up which was really was the sixties was such an amazing time to grow up especially in Southern California here because of music and lifestyle and culture and to have the Beatles and Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones and all of these incredible acts and the politics and you know I almost hate to say that you know we really grew up in what may ultimately be looked upon as you know the best time to to be a kid in the United States where you know we had hope we saw the first man land on the moon we had President Kennedy you know we had civil rights fights and women's equality and so many things you know going forward and so many social real socials not phony social justice warrior what's your name humungous stuff but you know your pronouns yeah actual things to be guess that's true out and now kind of you know not that the countries on the downslide but there's just not the same optimism that we had I completely agree I mean and I find that whole thing interesting about like the great the well you guys are the baby boomers right that's your generation a groomer I mean you guys grew up in like the most prosperous time yeah yeah and I feel like a lot of baby boomers throw a lot of at our generation for being lazy and not being successful as they were Millennials don't they seem to be I don't know if envious is the right word of baby boomers but I see online a lot of people blaming baby boomers a lot of Millennials blaming baby boomer anything that goes wrong oh well I think you baby boomer knows well we have we have a way worse than you guys did as a general when you guys criticize us as lazy like oh well I paid myself through college for $10 an hour and I will you right like I like how much money do we spend on my college like a hundred thousand bucks at ten dollars a night you can you know get me thousand I think and then I spent 22 right yeah your fifth year my I get blame for that right but I'm saying we laid the rules down like looking at the statistic ruse the same expenses at the same price but they're going crazy they want us to talk about when fans come to our house oh god okay house fan house so yeah we do have some weird fan interactions at our house they haven't been bad it's just weird cuz it's like don't come to my house is my private space that you would think should I have to explain it right to you sometimes like the first time it happened happened like a week after we moved in it was not really creepy because we were so careful to not disclose that we're showing identifying area and these guys these kids show up and they're and at first I don't answer the door but I'm like okay let me confront this I want to know how did they find out where we live and so I go out there and they're nice guys I think they just whatever they're fans there I don't know they just don't Mabel or autism I don't know to be honest like how they're if they seem like good people they just don't they don't think about it but that's what they don't see the whole picture yeah there needs to be a line there regardless they weren't mean-spirited they were very kind they brought us a gift which I'll get into that later it's a funny story but regardless I was like how did you guys find it find our house and they're like you showed a sliver of the hillside through the bathroom in your last video Wow I'm not sure I believe them yeah I don't know because I went back and watched that video and it's literally like a tiny size like some trees you know so if they live there no it's possible but more likely I think they followed us home from harm okay I know next staked out the neighborhood and it happened another time and that's what the guy pretty much admitted that that's what they did - yeah the fine thing about that story was they came and they dropped off a bottle of Pepsi Max and a $20 gift card - or no it was a fifty dollar card to rouse and a 25 dollar gift card to Papa John's and that's that guys I appreciate you coming out here but it's not cool please you got to respect our boundaries but it's really nice to meet you and I kind of like scold them a little bit and immediately the minute after they left we went straight to Ralph's spend every single penny on that went to my friend's house or Papa John's Pizza how's he gonna behave if they could like track that online and see that I spent it like immediately we're literally out the door to go to our friends house like I probably spent it on like the scope of 30 minutes yeah is that where we've the money we spent on that great Ralph's dinner last night I was chicken and everything all for you where we that made for I haven't been the same since them you know last time my dad was here we went to Ralph's at 3:00 a.m. we bought Fried Chicken okay whatever it was what are you in trouble what do you have two moms grounding you she's grabbing you dude okay so anyway about Fried Chicken tequila and like tequila some other horrible salsa chips so like I have in digestion I have asked reflux I have a problem and since that day I I think I got a ulcer in my neck like I was so I couldn't eat normal food for like a full month and I haven't recovered from that day really think jacked dude tequila night chicken watch out that night I have one last topic going and let me just answer the other question they keep asking if I have a bad fence story well we also we our stories are the same just understand me always so that at that time that even was talking about I was also there and it was pretty uncomfortable but other than that nothing bad everyone's nice yeah I'm good yeah house is a little awkward we just don't answer the door anymore like yeah we have a can swing the door we have a camera outside our house so if you come to our house and you're a fan we don't recognize you we just don't we don't package they're gonna leave itself just not opening the door yeah we don't know you need like a nice pet like a direwolf a direwolf helpful great good suggestion thank you so I find this interesting I don't know why but I know you guys children of the 70s right or 66 when was it that acid hit the scene almost like the acid test that was early seventies flower power now 60s mid sixties Timothy Leary started at Harvard with the acid experimentation Baba Ram Dass beer now we've talked about a little bit but yeah that like the the summer of 67 68 was the Summer of Love and that's when all the psychedelic stuff really started you guys were there Ground Zero right well San Francisco really was ground zero but LA was you know Changa canyon and all that stuff you know was very popular too so yeah yeah I heard you guys had some wild what do you guys must have some wild stories from those days yeah yeah like going on the theme of like never sitting across from your parents and actually like hearing like who they are what they've been through them with this they've seemed like you guys must have seen some weird during that time okay I've got a story let's go here we go so my brother was getting married and dad was graduating from UCLA also and it was in the evening and my grandfather who spoke very broken English he spoke Yiddish was staying over at our house and your father and I decided to do some psychedelic window pane window pane don't think you drinking Windex like eyedropper it was a little piece of plastic and you put it actually in your eye no I did I put it on my tongue okay wait you actually drop ass in your eye no I wasn't black well window pane that's about that car I this was bladder anyway that's fascinating me like that seems that seems that's didn't hurt no wonder you're so dad cut it at the razor blade and in quarters you know quartered it so I took a little bit and put it on my tongue and then I thought you know I don't think I took it let's do some more let's do some more so I did oh my god oh my god of course as soon as you do that oh my god so I was in in the house and my grandfather was speaking to me in Yiddish right and I'm laughing and he thinks he's like a [Applause] little bit well I don't remember any of it now but I did speak it anyways and he was what I was laughing at him and then I went into the bathroom because my clothes felt tight on me so he's taking off all night trying to put my clothes back on and my mother's knocking at the door saying let me just say for the record we're not endorsing the use yeah I drug be responsible don't do it at all yes these are just stories mistakes that we made be ready or yeah yeah this is not an endorsement don't as well I remember like your parents left and then we thought oh it's safe it's cool to do it and then they get in the meantime like I'm on a full tab of windowpane mom's freaking windows in the bathroom undressing her parents come home now I have to completely be straight and they go where's Donna psycho she's in the bathroom she's having some problems and try to maintain that I'm perfectly straight all the while I'm just how my brains are right or one time we went to Burger King and I remember the walls on the floor the walls seemed to be melting and the floor was like you know up and down it was like it was I swear I frequently do you guys take that stuff back I've only taken it twice really yeah that was dad how many times have you taken it is my mom listening to this why maybe three times maybe for me may 25 times 25 yeah I thought you told me like 50 huh I don't know let me think well there was the one time yeah no I one time in Burger King one time at Mom's house yeah well and we were into you know ketamine which was just like it was actually the case a psychotropic drug that they gave to extremely schizophrenic which are now they call them they give it to people to bipolar people so it was a drug that was developed for people with with severe psychosis and no one really knew what it was and one of my good friends is working at UCLA Medical Center and brought home up little injectable prescription vial of it which is I don't think you're supposed to do that by the way you are not know so pop the top open I did half Oh what the hell what dosage on this that's why if your father had grown up with why that is really just yeah dad that is very reckless very reckless your father was very sick seized it was what is it I'll take it what's that experience was really interesting you know I we were at my friend Joel Joel cave shoutout to Joel in Mexico their dad had her listening someone is telling Joel this is someone I hit Jones Hebrew school mom is openly hostile to your friend Joel Joel Howard my joel was a the greatest bullshitter of all time this guy could go from being totally out of it quaalude it out to being able to talk right as rain we got he was driving once I when mom and I were separated for a while Joel was living in a in a place right on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu so if you know Malibu and of all it was a a quarter of mile from moon shadows and that's right on the beach and this apartment is the ocean broke right under the apartment you're on stilts looking over the Pacific just amazingly beautiful place I cut your hair on the patio and so you know quaaludes were popular than shout-out to quaaludes get them anyway you can't get this anyway it was it was an interesting drug and Joel had done like he would do drugs to the point where you'd have to almost slap him to wake him up and he's driving down Pacific Coast Eye when he's weaving all over the boat it was like let me drive let me drive no I'm fine I'm fine and Malibu sheriff's who have authority in that whole area there come up behind us turn on the lights pull us over get out of their car walk up to us in the meantime Joel gets out of the car walks up to the left front tire and starts kicking in and the sheriff's come over and Joel New Orleans because they Joe what's happening cuz this goddamn alignment I just had this fixed and he had gone from almost being comatose to now being able to in these Malibu Sheriff's by telling him oh mice handling is all you know my car's all messed up they go all right and it's just like you know be careful drive safely go back home that's pretty amazing I reminds me of uh Ricky from Trailer Park Boys this character in the show is always that he always drives drunk and they always talk his way from the police in the most ridiculous way what does that guy do today did he put those skills to her you're like he's in Mexico like a wanted man he was incredible with women when I was living there he was actually dating Elton John's the ex-wife of Elton John's manager I was like okay Elton John doesn't have yes you know or maybe adopted kids but I don't think well the managers to show you how much that I was paying aldea his managers ex-wife in alimony was getting something like ten thousand dollars a month in alimony which he was you know putting all up her nose of course which is what people did the best of times yeah his best at times worth the time but it was you know amazing living there because you never knew it was life on the edge sounds like a great time it was her good good memories there were bad memories too like being called up at 1:00 in the morning because he was at what was the restaurant that was on Malibu pier Alice's Restaurant yes job called me up at one o'clock in the morning I'm sleeping it goes Gary there's three guys here that want to kick my ass I need you need to come here so you you you Kraus out of a dead sleep grab a baseball bat get in your car drive down there now of course you're in in you know fighters certainly your adrenaline is just freaking out so I get in there you know get my baseball bat walk I was like the guys had just left thank God but it was always there probably was no one there no he had yet enemies yeah no he was he was a big mouth he could be charming man it sounds like you're lucky to get it make it out of there alive well it's amazing that all of the friends I grew up with we're all still alive much to our surprise well except for you're a real Hamilton croute bruiser cruiser gangster out there yeah dad wasn't a gangster but he had some friends that were kind of gangster the valley I heard a story I remember you tell me story about how you were like tripping super hard in your bedroom oh yeah that was the night of that one night that I when I was in the bath for the same night it was the same night and Tad left you there yeah well he had to was time to go home and the only thing I can the only way I could keep myself saying right I just clean my [Laughter] she's gonna clean this as soon as workout you know would be a great I want to show I want to show my mom that video I showed you I'd be a great way to end it all by the way did you guys like when I sent you the percocet song percocet yeah after recent right surgery like how are you feeling and she sent like this uh she was like the one about the magic the magic table that cleans itself ooh that sounds like right right up my alley I love this guy I saw it I immediately said to EULA okay wait you know it's my laptop walking right now no it's fine magic how you guys doing we're gonna wrap it up I want to show you guys this not we're doing great all right watch the sketch moments on the TV okay what magic coffee thanks even he should even cook your own dinner for once I've been at work too you know and what now I get to come home and pack the dishwasher and then unpack the dishwasher and cook dinner and you know what I can't continue to live like this place mainly relax it's gonna be all right how here I'll just show you okay I've been doing this since you moved in see this basket thing I don't know how it happens if it's the house or one but any dirty clothes you put in this basket somehow the next clean and in a perfect bowl in your bed but it just keeps happening so I didn't tell you I didn't you are insane try it you say unless it's only chosen me see I don't know wait there's other things too plates cutlery pizza boxes dirty tissues anything you leave on this coffee table just vanishes overnight I mean sometimes I'll see how far I can push this thing in obviously oh just vanished that's magic no she wouldn't have left me this what I think happened I heard I get up in the middle of the night to get a drink or something she must have fallen on pretty great Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi bandung today are you insane no he's not insane this is good stuff I don't know if this is a cancer reload yeah this is some cancer we upload treadle and you guys trend to blend didn't make this video I guarantee it they got a million and a half well - it's not trend blend goddamn it I refuse to believe the trend anyway let me let me try to find this guy magic coffee every husband says I do the vacuuming yeah the floors don't magically make themselves but youtube is so oh here you I think this is it what everyone give this guy his due credit I think this is him Troy Kenny think this is it Aussie Aussie Aussie and see if this is him just for reference he's collected show me the face that's him yeah go to Troy Kenny was a great sketch so yeah no I I saw that a media I was like too real well here's the here's the problem with me like I'm I'll do the dishes and I'll do my laundry and my is no dishes left my measure up when it's time to clean up is on a different scale than you it's a gender thing I mean no it's a Gary thing they got it from you there's no there are some clean men out there believe it or not I'm not one I mean I'm clean Isaac is actually really clean are there any straight men seem to skew more to the female side yeah but now we're gonna get shut down and rated by the social justice movies anyway I like it's time to do laundry when I'm out of underwear it's time to do the dishes when there's no dishes right that makes sense well I am the one that usually puts the dishwasher on though I don't think mom has more than twice vacuums we vacuums ELA when I say are you gonna vacuum or what do i do what do i do are on the house girl on the house I definitely pick up my clothes pretty often put them in the best way uh yeah usually I I like cook yeah Aiko that's true I was genuinely wondering saved your ass there thank you yeah you've got this all right that comes from my side of the family speaking of cooking I'm hungry Wow let's do all let's just take should we do like a Q&A or just wrap it Q&A I like you yeah yeah so let's take a short break and then we'll come back for some Q&A I'm gonna go pee weird it evens parents meet guys and remember if you leave something man I don't know what's gonna happen but I just have a really bad feeling about it if you leave I just have a really really bad feeling about what's gonna happen so don't leave thanks guys for joining us hope you all had a lot of fun so laughs some gas a couple gifts oh we have this present maybe I'll open your present I'll be good so it's my birthday coming up in June end of June my mom's from I mean she just came in with some presents they speed you I have something for you guys too but I think I'll do it off the stream I'll tell you guys when we wrap it up people might try to steal it you can't steal it oh but you guys probably will appreciate it sounds like one of Gollum's riddles you can't steal it it's steal you can feel it in your pockets by the way Sean Sean bellick was saying hi to you guys oh well yeah that'd be worse he is listening do I need to do like we're back or whatever also dunno okay we're we're back so my birthday is coming up or at the end of June really soon should and my mom brought me some presents she want yeah okay both my parents brought me some presents so let's see what we got here I also have a question for everyone I bought this red hat can I wear it or did Trump ruin the Trump has no it doesn't have the horrible make America great again or anything yeah horrible lying bullsh when she got tone it down what this has become a political show it's not I probably kosher - when did you wear a red hat oh my god make America great again there are mostly red do not wanna make I do that would mean not having from as president see you started it people are saying it's pink it it looks pink for some reason on camera but it's actually it's like really right it has a pink hue to it it's gonna go cuz you could have red that is a little bit of orange I've always known that you Lowe's or white supremacist put a swastika on there all right so I can wear it yeah you can wear yeah yeah we got that other way yeah all right okay so what is this a board game it is are you kidding me that is actually a brilliant gift for brothers this has in it yeah a great gift we're gonna have to bring that amazing game off the great that I wanted and do it I'm gonna actually legitimately do such a great job this is old wood it's no Lance Stewart Gardner yeah don't ask cardboard and sharpie it's like risky with the old wooden people know this is a classic well that way that's a ghost story no no no you're misunderstanding me for my part no you had started talking about ghost stories wait wait that's a it's a vintage we thought you just had this laying around so before we did the Lance I bought I said to dad you know what that would be really good those stories that is cause because it has something to do actually there so that is amazing I can't wait to use this cuz it seems like such a crock of crap I can't wait to test it out it has to be just don't try it with your eyes closed cuz the sums reason the spirits seem to feel it less when your eyes are closed what is Lance Stewart full of and everyone who was a teenager and did it we do our stories yeah pop the other women did you really is it actually spooky to do yeah it's funny you turn the lights off and you do yeah you do you have it overnight with your girl but it's supposed to be like five people not to everybody puts their hands on the board and you so did it actually move yeah not an endorsement but if you do acid and then do the Ouija board super effective square what is this like more Lance Stewart themed gift I love this package it's cool is that part it's not original it's an old one we got a I mean if you're trying to sell like spooky ghost like there really cook understated approach to them Oh 8-ball that's fun magic 8-ball I loved I thank you mom and dad for the ghost hunting pack but now we just need post Milan who are you gonna call ask a question our Ouija boards fake it says without a doubt who do I trust though it's just a few more what's with the eight-ball ratting out the Ouija board I thought they're on the same team think so is Lance Stewart a little Doughboy outlook is good I think that's it oh yeah I but I brought you guys a bunch of sour Tootsie Pops and add more sharpie barf bag [Laughter] what is this so I open the car open the card I really like the card is it just weird whenever I open a card I expect to be I'm always disappointed chance money but like there's just something so wonderful buy get in card with the check it alright alertly cash did you put a jack in there no Ellen and elegant much I suggested mom put a check in there it could be empty you could say out loud that the road less traveled but he brought a helmet and a shiny shopping cart and that made all the difference no one travels through life quite like you bye Eddy and hedger Gary Ethan you want me to read this is it okay everything you can always marched to the beat of your own drum and now over 4,000,000 march along beside you that's nice that's a really nice analogy that's a nice poetic thought we both actually thing that out well that was nice no yeah that in congratulations yeah it's not spook related which is a little disappointing sorry but I really did enjoy it thank you that's nice and then we've got this bomb what's your taxes that's the disk for your logo that's called the DVD yeah okay I tried to put it I have a machine that plays tapes but it wouldn't take that for some racing we're I don't even think people use DVDs anymore that's like ancient technology all right so my Betamax it won't work on their paid imagine you don't even know what that is okay so we've got this is the best gift Wow look at the resolution on that mom she put a lot of work [Laughter] [Music] then here we've got pictures from the pop pictures of Justin pictures of Justin I was getting it off and I went to here because if it's on its it goes on this spot okay oh you have the death spot Oh whoever sits here and gets indoors so I turned it off so anyway I let Justin got a lot of street cred here that's cool let's keep going see on the next wave the reason why I put h3i because I thought maybe yes that's a wrap retro like like now like yeah like it when you have your guests yeah like you know that was your second guest when you printed these did you think that that was the page so I office depot that's rich again what do you think about that well because the thumbnails just his face looks a little thin this is awesome this is way this is awesome I love it can you tell on this drink that guy look looks normal in this dream okay that guy looks like PewDiePie it's super Felix guy and then there's pictures of Felix I think there's pictures is there a picture with you yeah there's this one here and here's Felix sad huh suicide and happy good job all the emotions yeah exactly what it is and it's gonna go I'm gonna keep going on going it's very I need to have to get I have to get leafy oh here's here's the items picture it's me choking out it's two-sided I've got so many pictures of who's this oh that's keemstar I don't know who that is this is wonderful thank you mom you're welcome in Akane keep it going so send me those so this is yours all right Cheers what do you want to keep building on this I want to keep build I'll keep building it you're gonna do a new notebook no no I'm just gonna fill it up yeah one is what I mean is I'm giving this back to you no no you keep that how do you keep filling it because I have the inserts and I have I shall just make this things I'll just I'll just have the pictures made up and and so we should just leave it here and there you know be podcasting because if we actually printed these and sold them like my mom scrapped up with all the pixelated thumbnails instead like a description we're gonna have to great idea what's our cut yeah there's there I think I put 10 of them in there oh we had to order Tootsie Pops not just cheapy generic real Tootsie Pops welcome yeah all right well you you want to take some questions do you guys have like a couple questions here one I'm just gonna be sucking on this is gonna get noisy my girlfriend let's uh there was a lot of people asking about our origin story should I take a couple minutes and say how do you think I met yeah let's go try to do it quick so yesterday I'll do it my sister she fell it if you're listening I learned some care sorry tell it as quickly as possible his little words as possible okay I was in it play a neighborhood play and I Ramon see own shout out I had the part of Anita West Side Story and dad was out in the audience and saw me she's a horrible horrible story and then sir the play was over we had a cast party dad had just broken up with his girlfriend and so his sister invited him to come to the cast party because the guy that played Jerry Shapiro who played the part of Tony he had I knew from college yeah so dad was going cute girl going oh maybe the sister baby Cheryl will be there yeah so um dad came and he met me instead great story you are such a horrible no but that was like a really wonderful Reader's Digest yeah I guess you were in a play you guys met Yatta Yatta Yatta yeah Bob's your uncle Here I am and then it's such a better story than that go ahead go ahead so I went to the party hoping to meet Cheryl Shapiro I had seen mom whose hair was real long she played Anita the second female lead she was the only one with any Talent when they're with my girlfriend my parents like wow this girl is beautiful she's so talented when did the cast party was two three weeks later yeah mom walks in she cut her hair so I didn't really associate her with the same one but you know there's a five-year difference when we started dating I was 21 mom was 16 which was pretty shocking back then yeah but she walked away go back you were 21 she was 16 right yeah a UCLA mom was still right now it's a little jail bait literally jailbait do you know how hard it was to wait two years to this is not appropriate next question mom walks in beautiful she was like the queen bee and all these high school boys were buzzing around her when she came in so we made eye contact mother converted and I gave her the you know come over here honey which no man had never had the audacity of you she came over we started talking we kind of hit it off I ended up driving her home but then we had kind of mixed signals dad gave me his jacket because I was cold which and and to keep this and yeah he said keep it well in other words call me you know and I'll come was a plot yeah and and I said no no no no you keep it you'll be cold because I was literally thinking he will be called I thought that was a jacket I know that's what I was thinking it's too aggressive mm-hmm so dad never called me back there never caught you never worked it should never work anyway so like two months later I'm walking around now you were riding your bicycle my brother Bragg's bike up actually Donna Avenue in the Jewish ghetto of Northridge yeah and I see mom her girlfriend over there walking down the street smoking a joint and I Drive by I was smoking I said aren't you that you're that girl I met at the again anyway and I said oh gee you want to go out and we went out that night or the next night yeah and the rest is history and I came home after that first date and I said to my mother I've met the woman the girl I'm gonna marry yep and lo and behold here we are these many years later really cringey 21 16 shame on you guys not you mom mostly shame on you was that tough two years wait I know what they're done you know what I told Dad if he had done this to me when I was older I would have told him to exactly but I was young and stupid Claud that's but the first time we did it Oh God not going there please don't okay you guys are that relationship that like from afar you like this and now 42 years of marriage later it seems to have work she shouldn't have worked what what is your favorite meme from our videos oh wow your favorite music so or like a person that we yeah talk about like Louise your favorite well these cutters you make a lot of fun of salad yes yeah yeah you make a lot of em are you Joey yeah Joey Joey do you know yeah I mean you've made a lot of fun of him it's what he was here ya know there's that what else here let's see if there's anything all I think the whole humongous thing yeah that was how you just turned his life around and you know come on this is the man in trouble he was in you know what your fans did for that guys it's just mind-blowing and the fact that you're able to to make people's lives better is is such a mitzvah for you know for where we're at here and what you've accomplished so that's my favorite I think taking humongous and just help it come out have you been here lately we see what I mean he's got it he got like we raised like a hundred seventy thousand bucks Wow I think after the cut he got 150 because they take a percentage and so like he's not doing anything crazy he's living the same life he's still gardening and right it's like a real soldier seemed like the nicest guy yeah that's why you did it right but now he's running for City Council right right yet oh wow so I don't know if the elections come up yet but wouldn't that be the best mean like that's the evolution of a meme my goodness talk about a living name right from being attacked by a social justice warrior Seattle it was such a wonderful it was really a cool feeling of like making this video defending this guy right some random guy in the world and then actually having him on the show and talking to him and maybe able to make that connection mm-hmm was really a wonderful thing I really loved that yet to be in the position where you can actually help mankind help people with whatever process it's amazing you monkey and thanks today social justice warrior or we would never even know sorry I think my dad's getting drunk yeah yeah right we're hungry yeah we're drunk well guys thank you so much for tuning in it was a real blast it was a hoot thank you to my parents for stopping by absolute pleasure we love doing it love your fans guys yeah everyone's awesome and you guys can come up to us anytime in and say hello because we we enjoy it yes and thank you for this book we'll keep it here in our office we should start we should start publishing that it's gonna be great like every year we publish you know I guess sign it if you guys want to support the show but you don't have the funds to support our sponsors the best way is to connect your twitch account to your Amazon account because if you have Amazon Prime like every American does pretty much I think like 60 to 70% of all Americans have Amazon Prime isn't that mad well I was just reading that Jeff besos is closing in on Bill Gates as the richest law in America Wow but he's done good things like find the Washington Post and you know keeping it yeah so say this money yes we're just begging you pretty much if you guys have an Amazon Prime account you can subscribe for free by linking it to your twitch account it's free money guys so some people say there's no such thing as a free month free lunch amazon begs to differ cuz mom joins Amazon Prime every time George's oh I see the 50 dollar bill when I get the critical thing did you join no it just said check here and no phrases phrase thing Islam we're still working on that if you have Amazon you can subscribe for free one time every month so that's the best way to support the show we really appreciate that and we appreciate you guys just coming and watching love ya and next Friday we got Stevo next next Friday is gonna be a really big show I'm super excited to have Stevo on we've set the bar pretty high for Stevo we have some really great shows scheduled in the future and then we actually have a surprise unscheduled episode on Wednesday with boogie2988 because he's in town for VidCon so we'd never get nice we never get him in town so he's free on Wednesday so we're gonna have one on Wednesday with boogie and another one on Friday with Stephen so we're gonna have two episodes next week that works about so I hope he doesn't do anything like drink no poisonous er I'm gonna yeah I'll bring some love is a normal nice yes great stories I think the thing he put for the four million you know he was supposed to do something very nice about you guys going past four million and that way you're talking about I'll bring that two litre of bodily the lung fluids for Steve alright thanks for watching guys we will see you on Wednesday which is our buggy one and then we'll be here on Friday we're here every Friday god bless america thanks everyone Thank You America great again Seacrest [Laughter]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,123,916
Rating: 4.8992367 out of 5
Keywords: ethan klein, ethan's parents, parents, ethan, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila, hila klein
Id: nEP_YdWei0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 4sec (9184 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2017
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