H3 Podcast #73 - Bo Burnham

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Who thinks Reviewbrah will get more subs than Pewds eventually

👍︎︎ 97 👤︎︎ u/realteamvelocity 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

I watched this live and loved when bo said that and then Ethan called brah a legend

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/RipPinkOmega 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Real recognizes real

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/ButteryWarrior 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Gloomydoge 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

Everyone should totally watch that hotdog video as well

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/StemsAndLeaves 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2018 🗫︎ replies

I hope Ethan dawns the persona "Reactbrah" like he did with another legend, Disrespect.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/StencilKiller 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome one and all to the h3 podcast experience we're trying to compete with Joe Rogan over here hell yeah my theory is that a podcast can never compete with an experience he's got an experience right so I'm trying to even the playing field a little bit you needed sea weed pills or something yes I need some kind of supplement experience supplement thank you to hims a Felix gray an audible for sponsoring us today and if you haven't already guessed today I would say our group arguably the most successful youtuber of all time Oh Bieber Bieber yeah I can't there's no argument no number can we say number two no I because like the idea is that like if you make stuff outside of YouTube you're more successful I don't think that's true I'm saying like there youtubers make way more money than me may not agree more people I mean I don't think it's like you know it's legit and successful just because you you know in my mind I feel like it there's some truth to it if you can escape in a way it's almost it is an escape because it really frees you like what you do with your comedy acts is kind of not compatible with YouTube you think kind of I don't know well it's like maybe maybe not the whole stage and the lighting and all the coordination and my appearance for a year yeah well that that's really why I left are not left I when I was you moved on I just wanted to do live stuff I mean even when I was posting the early videos like I just wanted to perform on stage I was doing theater that's what I wanted to do even I was performing those videos like I'd be like I really want to go to stage with these and then I performed them on stage and if I had posted the video it wouldn't get that much of a reaction realize like oh if I didn't post this stuff and people heard it for the first time in the room is was it was exciting so well I didn't introduce you Bo Burnham okay basically I would say one of the most beloved called me acts for the past decade including two of my favorite what and make happy on Netflix you see both are Netflix what's on YouTube yeah what's back on Netflix its back it's everywhere it's everywhere folks and he's just written and directed a new movie that's out today on limited release right nationwide in two weeks yeah New York and LA and then it'll be out somewhere else eighth-grade which by the way is getting rave reviews 98 percent on Rotten Tomatoes whoa let me hit you with the sounds actually 99 now whoa they raised it you're like you know what 98 [ __ ] that yeah yeah 99 ooh can we get it to 100 can we off that one [ __ ] loser no we can sure no yeah can you and the interns on it here's where he did he's up two words you know not you're good I would tell if he had a book hanging it's all good I went I went like you and with that I'm free but it does have 100% in my heart appreciate it I went and I saw it last night it's very kind of I missed the screening and I absolutely loved it you missed the screening I missed the screening so I went saw it last night okay okay okay how how are you feeling about it I mean the movies out it's getting rave reviews it's getting rave reviews I'm feeling great I won't say I'm really grateful to be here I'm a fan of yours either a fan of the podcast is true you know and though I haven't been like posting a lot on YouTube I'm watching the [ __ ] all the time really yeah all the time I mean like my main relationship with the Internet is as a viewer and as someone just who do you ask who do you of frequent like who do you like you're you know you're one of the few people like it's very popular that I watch I mean I don't know if it's like getting to me but like ila I it's sort of what the movie ended up being like I love people on the internet then no one's watching I love the review review bruh I love to review bro yeah yeah report of the week oh yeah he's yeah he's a legend incredible yeah but I really love like people on the internet that no one's watching so I'll often like search something and then view it by upload date oh yeah I mean you're a d gritty yeah so I love deep dives like there's this dude who's a hoarder who cooks hot dogs on candles and it's very nauseating is he have character or is it just the it's the intrigue of it all does he have character like it's he very entertaining or no more bone chilling it's chill yeah yeah yeah it's like him like can we should we give him a shout-out I don't know his name and I don't know it's not lawyer yeah and it really is like he takes a tour of his like hoarding house and he cooks like he calls some sausages and there's a video of him making sausages and peaches it's aptly incredible we could probably pull it out yeah it's one cooking sausages and it's really not yeah Ian try bind us the hotdogs and sausages or the P calls it sausages and peaches but it is most certainly hotdogs okay but no I just like I I don't know but yeah I watch them from the background and I want to talk a lot about that but first I want to ask like what was your motivation almost for writing this film because it's a departure it's kind of a surprise to a lot of your fans of like oh wow where did this movie come from it's very specific yeah every - with a very specific narrative like you had a purpose so I'm wondering what was what motivated you kind of to go that route it was like it's about a girl like a 13 year old girl last week eighth grade and you know I did stand up for me and found it already by the way but amazing well I I it'll be a it'll be a hard living face conversation I I you know perform Santa for a long time and I was feeling anxious and I wanted to sort of talk about the Internet and my own anxiety in a way and so I had felt like my anxiety for a long time was like very specific to me being a 25 year old comedian with like an audience and then I would like do my shows and like young kids would come up to me and say they felt like me and they felt like they knew what I was going through even when I was talking about was like being on stage in front of thousands of people I'm like why is this resonating with you and I just think the sort of pressures the weird pressures that are usually only afforded to like d-list celebrities have now been democratized and given to everybody so I was always interested in like who are the telling a story about someone on the internet that nobody's watching because the Internet tends to and the culture at large tends to only talk about the people on the internet that are being mean but the majority people on the internet and there's a lot more and more who are just talking to the camera nobody's watching yeah that's 99 percent of the videos that are uploaded 99.9 you know and the kind of the only thing we talk about is like people that go viral and as someone that went viral it's really not that interesting yeah yeah it's like the actual interesting thing is just trying to engage with this thing and trying to be seen and trying to be heard and to me the people that weren't being heard were actually engaged much deeper more honest thing well there was one of the central themes I think that I extracted from it was like how social media or this abundant of all this going on with YouTube and Twitter and Instagram is affecting kids because I think there's a five year difference between us but when I grew up there was no like growing up as a kid was hard enough yeah but then when you have all this new social media introduced to them and the way that you portray the girl how she's glued to these social medias is very accurate I think like how is this affecting kids I don't know all the time is that it I don't quite know exactly like and truly it was me wanted to talk about how it felt to me and how it felt to me was it made me feel nervous and weird and unsure of myself and that seems like I you mean social media yeah yeah just having to sort of represent yourself having to live your life and then also live your life on this other place and then the sense of like because of that floating behind yourself through situations I just think it's like weird and disembody and like a little disassociative or something but more than anything it was like I I'm happy for people to like leave the movie thinking about that stuff but I don't want the movie to be like a TED talk or like gonna be some like finger wagging [ __ ] because that's what it's so noisy it wasn't by the way let me just say one last thing yeah but but like that I don't know it just feels like the internet hasn't even in least in popular media hasn't even been described let alone figure it out like so so yeah I just wanted to portray it and portray it how it feels to her and me a little bit which is just weird it's just like it's a lot but if it's not like it's just shitty it's not like it's like we should just if we have to our phones in the ocean we'd be happy it's like it's both we're super connected we're super lonely we're super stimulated we're super numb we're self expressing and objectifying it's like yeah I wouldn't be here without the internet you know I mean like obviously I'm so so grateful for it but also it's you know there's there may be a happy medium between like the 60 minutes talking about like yes narcissistic kids and like come on creators or whatever the [ __ ] that you you tube conversation is where it can't self-examine at all I feel like well on my part I'm a grown man more or less and I've recently pretty much quit using social media because it's it's honestly too much for me for me like uh like even me for a long day ahead like a quota for myself fry was like I need a post every day on Twitter once yeah because it in a way it's like if I don't tweet do I exist though mmm like am I still in the minds of these people and I found by the way that the answer is very much yes you still do exist if you don't tweet but like there was just a really unhealthy interaction I had with it like checking that first thing in the morning to assorted to sitting down to pee be on my phone I was like this is [ __ ] up this is totally because you don't really get a lot of time out of that you sit down at well you mean what does that buy you like 30 second 30 40 minutes at most right no that's a condition yeah yeah we'll get into that but yeah I but that that is part of what the movies hope when you get out is that like it isn't like sit down to pee and you use your phone and for that so you would just open Twitter really fast while you were on the John yeah and if it's cold I'll piss through the space in the the seat in the bowl and all over my pants it's nothing happens does that happen you still die stepping when I was a kid and I would have like a morning would and like cuz your dick points down into the bowl yeah definitely but you're still able to pee through the hole yeah soft yeah I was just kidding so I yeah I was trying to explore that yeah yeah no no no I was like totally kidding I just made up a really specific joke that's never happened um you've never peed through the crack when you were a kid all right let's get off let's get it let's get off I try to be vulnerable with you yeah all right but yeah I think like people people look at me I'm like am so glad I'm not in eighth grade anymore I'm so glad I'm not so awkward on I don't have to deal with social media and I'm like you're the worst people on social media are thirty roles and yeah hit people in their late 20s like from talking with the kids the kids have the best chance of being chill on it cuz they like actually have a little bit of self-awareness and kind of have grown up with it it's the 30 year olds that pretend like they're not you know addicted to it and be sooo I just like I can't believe what my friends look like online I can't believe there's so many people that I don't mind in real life and I hate them just hate them and there's never the opposite there's never anything like what is it that they do online that makes you hate them it's just so transparent right what everyone's doing things trying to look like peachy and trying to look PG or trying to or trying to be ironically peachy or you know like I mean humblebrag is the word of right of the 21st century well I heard you say something that I really liked is something that's been ringing with me is like if you ironically hate something it's not really better than like if you are Roenick lee if you're self-aware of doing something that you didn't like yeah it's not really different you know everyone like you see that on YouTube a lot of people being like click baiting ironically but yeah yeah well you still know you're still doing that it's like and I did that when I was 16 17 was like buy my merch I'm a sellout it's like that no you're still a [ __ ] yeah he doesn't being self-aware saves you nothing you know the most and it's like the ironic [ __ ] the most ironic [ __ ] online is like Old Spice commercials and Geico commercials where they're going on being like this is a Geico commercial wink and it's like [ __ ] you yeah there's like Deadpool it's like a 200 million dollar movie winking at you and it's like is that cool yeah I don't know I'm just saying like this sort of like surrealist cool crazy Adult Swim like aesthetic has been totally co-opted by like Allstate hey on Allstate but you what I'm saying I feel like it's I don't know yes it just feels yeah to me let me ask you how does making a movie compared to your other creative endeavors that you've done so far it was good I was just desperate to work with other people I was like um you know stand-up you just look to yourself and I was so tired of my own head yeah I mean I was just so tired of my voice in my face so I just want to work with people again I did theater like growing up and that's why I really loved that's not like when I fell in love with [ __ ] so yeah I was just about working with people and getting out of my own head and that was nice that's awesome because like trying to explore my own anxiety by being alone on stage it surprisingly ended up making it worse you have problems with things I oh yeah I also have suffered from that but I'm curious have you found something that's helped you how long have you been suffering from anxiety longer in hindsight than I thought when I was in high school sophomore year I was in the in the hospital with stomach problems thinking uh I just like I did like you know drank Barry I'm thinking I'm having all this like of holes in my intestines and I was just nervous [ __ ] my pants it's funny I find it interesting that you weren't aware mmm that it was anxiety you were feeling well it was so constant that we I didn't think it could have been it was every day um which actually probably should have pointed to anxiety but but um and then it really when I was 23 I had my first panic attack on stage and then that was like oh she how did you how did the show continue it continued I've had like you know you push through it yeah I've had about ten on stage and [ __ ] what happens in that moment you become like very self-aware tunnel vision like tunnel vision and then like you know numb body and then if just a total like out-of-body feeling and what's so weird what's so weird about it is that it's with it's it's happening within the structure of a show that is written out - but - the word you mean sort of like I can't even like go I'm feeling like I have to I have to like say so it ends up like a I'm in Groundhog's Day and I like or like I have a script they have to keep - so I have this inner monologue freaking out and then I'm having to perform by ground that you're able to still like perform the script while having a somewhat out of body experience yeah I was but it was like it was like I'd be a little out of breath so I'd be the the entire show for 20 minutes would be existing like on like the inhale kind of um it was definitely was my best work you know do you remember for me my anxiety I think I was diagnosed with like generalized anxiety disorder and I had like a very specific moment of like almost breaking like a breaking point where it just came out of nowhere did you have a moment like that it was actually it I had a panic attack in it in Providence Rhode Island which is funny cause like you know I've taught like people who went she'll have heard this now don't you know I don't think my parents were there and couldn't tell what's happening mmm Providence Rhode Island it was like a theater like 3,000 people had a panic attack was really bad then went to New York had three shows had a panic attack in the middle show went to see the Martian the next day and got very very angry because it wasn't about anxiety and I didn't know it felt like so perfect for my life like how is this story about a guy alone on Mars locked and it felt so true to me and then it was just like about how he's like a good botanist or something he movies probably chill I was just in the bad place and then I had a panic attack on the train to DC mmm the next day um which was another show and I had like this was like the first week of a tour that was like 45 shows and 50 days and that was when I was like there's something going on here yeah like this is bad and I can never do this again um that that that was the worst time of my I've had a pretty fortunate life that was definitely one of the hardest yeah stretches of my life and and like how did you kind of get through it I mean did you find at the time was it like for me it was almost unbearable like I couldn't even live I was completely debilitated for like six months I would say try meditation you know I've been meditating for [ __ ] the problem is there's just a show every night and there was like very like surreal comical things right be like googling how to deal with stage fright you know before show in front of 3,000 people and the answers would be like don't worry like if you're if you're doing this in front of your class or at Town Hall like people don't really write about what you're saying no no no there's 3,000 people that have paid $40 in or have waited you know like it is they do care yeah it like really helped me to find out that like Barbra Streisand prays mm-hmm Adele like I get actually really helped well it's such a weird thing like how you almost have to be more of a [ __ ] psycho to not experience anxiety exactly like it's like being the president like I don't know how you well I I've long held that you have to be an actual sociopath that even want to be President yeah so those guys don't feel like yeah I just feel cold-blooded yeah we got a good one right now but yeah they're usually pretty bad yeah he's I I get the he's not having much self-awareness self-aware moments right now yeah yeah no um yeah my Mac I know my body's on fire yeah meditation what did you do dude the thing is like I'm not I I'm like a somewhat sensitive guy oh yeah but for some reason I never talk to anyone about it like I don't yeah I didn't say our biggest mistake and that's what [ __ ] me up for someone and looking back in hindsight I was like why didn't I why was I so private about it cuz I thought I was I thought I was actually having like a psychotic mic break yeah I was I thought almost for sure that I was schizophrenic mm-hm and I was so crushed by that fact and I felt like I will crush my parents by telling them that and I felt just like I couldn't talk about it at all and I held on to it just hoping it would go away but it never did for me I don't know if you felt this like my worry was if I say it it's real yeah do you mean like if I admit that I'm going through there it's it's I've spoken it and now I'll never stop think about it and it is for anyone worried about this it is the exact opposite it's like speaking it is the salvation so that's what helped me is when I finally talked to them about it because you it's just like it's like stand-up it's just you and your head talking to yourself and it makes everything so much worse because when you talk to somebody about it first of all it's really a very very literal getting it out but then people can talk to me like looking you're not [ __ ] you're not schizophrenic you're not dying it's just anxiety like the things that I hoped for myself but wouldn't believe people were confirming for me that was the beginning of of healing but I think the thing that really changed for me was having a sick like a significant other and my wife right someone that really like I felt comfortable talking about it and being myself and knowing that because a lot of the anxiety that I had was very much like social in a lot of ways yet you know yeah right yeah of course so a lot of that was alleviated when you find someone that like you think doesn't care yeah and you're alone in it together or whatever that thing you can hate the world army of two or something yeah yeah could everyone get said yeah that's beautiful yeah I never took medicine though but frankly I wish I did yeah I think I would have helped a lot I almost took beta blockers for performance when I felt like I was gonna beta blockers we've talked about that here I don't know what the [ __ ] beta blockers I don't know anything and it sounds like it's like a 90s board game or something yeah but I don't really feel like doing it but yeah man it's like the sort of my thing was like enough I'm being like truly honest with myself it's like the two sides of the same coin that like I by speaking it out loud and seeing that other people were going through it and and that it wasn't unique to my experience of being because I just thought like oh it's this is happening to me because I'm living an insane life in a very specific circumstance you know mm-hmm when I spoke it I realized like it's the two thing it was the thing I was most terrified of and the thing that actually saved me which is like I'm not unique and I'm not alone you know I think I was maybe deep down wanting it to be singular because you know I've just you know I want to have a very singular experience and you know when I'm going through you can understand I think that that sort of mindset is common to anxious people an idea of it is so visse sort of describe it like having anxiety feels like like I'm riding a bull like my bull is inert my nervous system and I just have to hold on to it and then like being in the world feels like everyone else is an equestrian you mean just like perfectly in sync with their own system and it just it just isn't true oh so many silent battles of it and absolutely for some and it's so weird like what I I hadn't I thought I saw a little bit of my special that I hadn't seen you know in make happy the last one in two years and I saw it and I couldn't I would not believe that person was nervous yeah yeah I believe I would think like oh he's talking about anxiety to just you know if he thinks it's like in and and and but like he's not nervous and I was I frankly didn't know that it was such a battle for you after the first show I sobbed sobbed backstage because because like I mean I I slept two hours the night before I was shaking like yeah uh yeah it was it was rough it was um it's incredible they're like even through that you can still do [ __ ] cuz like thinking back on myself I wasn't famous at the time when I was having my worst anxiety I mean I still suffer from it a lot but like back in the day I was so like even just talking to someone was almost like a a bat like a real battle for me yeah going on a date was like the [ __ ] like very much like what the movie yeah it's crabs is like these mundane ordinary things can sometimes be the bravest thing you can do exactly and that's what the movie was trying to do is like portray it very much and it were lost for a 30 I appreciate it it's like 13 year old life for a 13 year old or someone with social anxiety every tiny moments feel like life and death and it is it's so important to overcome it and just say you know what I still have to do this and I feel like that is really what makes you overcome it yes and and like I just think movies tend to over us push situations into drama and confrontation then that needs to justify oh yeah I think people are so [ __ ] non-confrontational in real life so non-confrontational like have you ever like just raised your voice at a guy in like the grocery store line and then your heart is pounding for 40 minutes afterwards like yeah like have you seen them are you're like holy [ __ ] you know III just think life is very the drama of our lives literally plays out very small but subjectively and personally it's very very big so the movie was just trying to be like can we show those tiny tiny moments in our ego successfully like the scene where she's going to the pool party was just like like I felt that so much you know what I mean and I think everybody watch you will feel it so much so definitely I love that so much capturing yeah yeah yeah cool parties are just not chill and we were trying to also like really try to look at kids not nostalgically not like a memory but to try to see them like yeah yeah aliens like what if we just forgot what these things meant to us in hindsight but just looked at it fresh and it's like yeah a pool party's like okay it's like okay so forget everything you know Barney forget that it's like a cultural standard and realize that it's like okay it's like bunch of kids whose bodies are exploding half-dressed a hole in the ground with waters like wow how is this part of our lives like yeah how is this any passage like rite of passage for kids yeah it finally like you just touched on it doesn't get better as an adult godo you imagine going I cannot imagine like taking off my shirt yeah the worst ever yeah yeah I'm still like I wouldn't do that now I would just not do it would you but you go in with a shirt on did you do that and then you were kid I was shirt on in the pool what yeah I'll tell you why I was shirt on I had a giant mole on my back healthy and removed Congrats my mom did it by moms we know it was can't she thought it was cancerous cuz it was like this [ __ ] big but that's why I was shirt on now I keep the shirt on because I'm fat hold up wait your mother your mother removed him all off your back she okay maybe I described that weirdly she opted for it to be removed oh my literally come with me think about where you think I went and that's not what happened at all yeah okay chill yeah but we got that covered okay that's good that's great yeah I would the sad [ __ ] is I would always work wear my t-shirt in the pool but I would like pretend like you mean I like fall into the pool be like oh [ __ ] my shirt oh yeah that's oh it's rough right you know everyone even as a kid everyone's like come on dude yeah you really really like you forget how self-aware you are at that age like at that age you're in on the joke of yourself like you're making fun of each other for your voice is cracking and [ __ ] like you know what's going on yeah yeah yeah it's brutal shirt on man I've seen a fully clad I mean shoes and everything yeah and that before oh that's pretty beat yeah damn so would you shirt on these that you weren't shirt on if you went to a pool I don't pool yeah boy other yeah yeah I'm an endorsement most thank you yeah do you have it what a you would you camp do you do any outdoor activities would you play video game what do you have I don't know what do you outside people camp yeah people there's [ __ ] out there Oprah know there's people out there that do stuff and I'm and I'm genuinely jealous I say when I meet somebody I'm like you're the kind of guy that does stuff aren't you I know that you know a part of me that's like yeah if I just like ate the right stuff and went hiking and things I'd be happy but can you imagine going hiking no can I imagine everyone and I've never went never I just everyone hikes here I've never been they seem so happy they're out there they don't mind instead of lying about it no no way Dan are you I mean I know that like like Dan and Ian are very much people that do stuff and I go who are you well you meet these people they're like that was Dan sorry Dan do you go hiking no I mean when when a girlfriend a few years ago she would force me to all the time but that's that doesn't really count he didn't like it though yeah was that the main problem in the relationship yeah that she wanted to hike she dumped her yeah all right yeah I like those people are you jealous people that do stuff cuz I know they're always planning stuff they're going to like art exhibits yeah they're all sides again thrilled when they find a bag of like dried cranberries like I don't want to live that life find a bag address you me they're all like oh you mean I don't want to eat like Eggo waffles and drink redbull I'm saying what are you what's your main hobby you probably work a lot no no I have a true true lazy streak like truly I like will sit around for a long long time and then like have a burst of doing something and then what do you do when you're at home a Holmes men home spin I got dogs got double friend okay I kiss my dogs walk my girlfriend kiss I like a 1930s joke I I watched a lot of my know I watch a lot of stuff this is my problem I'm home all day and I don't know what I do yeah I don't know I don't know if that's what you're getting at I'll spin I'll be at home all [ __ ] day and at the end of the day I'll be like I did I don't even I didn't even like turn on a show and watch a show like at least I would be able to say I did that but I don't know what I do watch like videos are like 10 year-olds doing like Yankee Candle hauls what like 10 year olds like they they there's a lot of Yankee it's like 10 year old kids with like three Android subscribe errs then like go to Yankee Candle and bring a bunch of candles home and their lower hall a candy yeah yeah yeah no no I got a cop like this it's pepper man and it's not like it smells like peppermint it's the greatest [ __ ] ever Wow okay I can tell you you're very you're home you're home Schmidt yeah oh yeah yeah I don't um you play video games yeah I play if I got psvr I'm very excited about that if there was a people I want to make my movie for VR if there was anything else my movie could be I wish could be VR what does that mean you're just one of the kids kind of yeah yeah know what I'm saying that VR actually like inspired the movie a little bit visually like wanting to feel like you're in this thing kind of looking around mmm and like when people start making like really cool short films and stuff on that there's been a few it's gonna be it's incredible it's like an it's a new medium not in the way like television and movies or different mediums it's it's a different medium in the way like movies and books are good for me so I'm very excited bout that but I got switch and playing Mario Tennis aces sweet I love the switch yeah I just do handheld yeah I don't [ __ ] with the yeah well do you play it what do you play on the TV or no see I I do all that yeah I like the TV yeah we're different but I heard it's you editor I heard it you really have to split hairs define different it's like I'm a handheld switch man you're a but it's better graphics on the TV yeah yeah there's a TV for [ __ ] sake that's right is it t that checks out alright let's go to a quick break we will be right back when we get back I want to ask you all about like kind of I've got a question is the viral video dead you know let's ask that when we come back thank you too for hemes for sponsoring this episode of the h3 podcast did you guys know that 66% of men start losing their hair by age 35 now I started using for hims about I'd say two days ago and I don't want to brag or anything but not only is my hair looking more luscious and thicker than ever but I'm also feeling particularly 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can tell whatever throws of listen you like I can't get it away from it you can tell what bros have been listening to Jordan Peterson by how all of a sudden they start saying presupposition presupposition I'm like that's cool bruh I know where you got yeah yeah yeah oh my god dan just a man what come on this is not fascinating at all no no yeah I thought we the presupposition was that you weren't gonna come in here this was presupposed so let me ask you you came up cut I'm coming up I want the world to know I got a lens show yeah you got a ledge show this is so you came up but you you went viral right hell yeah I feel like back then going viral it was that hashtag hashtag virus like viral I became an internet sensation Walker my love and please keep using it and it was true back then there was such thing as I felt like it was real viral videos and viral videos real Meyer yes meant like from nothing yes from like the depths of yes [ __ ] of YouTube important cannot go viral No you plug James I'm saying love to jail you can't go that's not virality a virus yeah it's like a dude [ __ ] a monkey he got a and from the depths of out of nowhere AIDS was born exactly viral but it's like oh I got a cold it's like well the colds been around that's not you know what that's a weird analogy it's a weird analogy but maybe you know what I mean it's more like you have eight million subscribers most of your subscribers saw your [ __ ] thing it didn't go viral yeah you just yeah exactly it's like I don't like my question is do viral video still exist because I don't see that happening anymore they do they do i I don't think like yeah I don't think I would have worked now I don't think I would have been discovered it's a bummer I don't like why is that what do you think cuz YouTube turned into a [ __ ] studio and and the network and you go to the trending page and it's [ __ ] late night late night clips movie trailers in music videos it's like [ __ ] like you mean like when we start I was like this is gonna be the people's medium that was like cool and never and now it's just like I don't know why they do I really I don't understand why they do that I don't either it's like - just don't put that [ __ ] there they don't need the [ __ ] views and the best they do is like support their creators but are they supporting like no the the little creators they the ones with a bunch of subscribers don't need help and III don't know the specifics are know people are getting [ __ ] over specifically but it's like oh it's kind of like the class of 2006 - 11 rows or whatever and like or you know I think it's hard to become anything now I think like the established it's really hard to break through them yeah and the only people that I see breaking through now are basically people who are producing just really just really the worst stuff that's very easily consumable that's very clickable I think the thumbnail in the title are so important now it looks why is that it's really that's like people start there and then work back it's funny yeah cuz I remember I all my videos were posted like lower case just the title of the song you mean I really like even me later and clips had to do big capital bo burnham HD whatever the [ __ ] but that's not but like bill wursts bill works the guy that did the history is the one excuse no but i think there are some others i i'm sure there are and and again it's not it's not that I wouldn't say it's not the kids the specific people posting themselves that aren't a value it's just I think the value system or whatever that's like that you're taught to you know and I don't think it encourages people to be creative like it used to right or got out of the way it's like I don't know it's crazy well alone I didn't think it was all gonna turn into vlogging yeah give me and like that's cool if you vlog but like even musicians like on YouTube they're like little indie musicians start their music video with like hey guys this is my music video I hope you check it out I'm gonna custom I'm like whoa well I think the problem is that YouTube's algorithm favors lots like daily or even more than daily uploads of basically to succeed on YouTube in this environment you have to post like every day in fan engagement yeah that is kind of like crazy turn that's just like what's on top right now because it's what YouTube is selected probably inadvertently to dominate right and it's not that it's not that there shouldn't be that I mean there are people yourself included who are very good at commentary who should be posting a lot but that should be one part of an ecosystem I'm saying in theory this thing is just a blank medium right where anything can post for anything can I was just I just remember in 2006 being like oh man I wonder what YouTube's gonna be like in ten years it's gonna be like all the oscar-winning shorts or I mean who doesn't matter the oh yeah yeah there's like Oscars right I'm just saying it's gonna be people are gonna be uploading you know like what when I made my special I made this big thing of like I'm gonna post it for free on YouTube you know and then give it to Netflix but I took way less of a pay so I could post for free on YouTube I posted for free on YouTube but I realized like the environment had changed so much there's like a no one even thought I was posting it they just thought it was like a rip from Netflix and I was like man this place doesn't even exist for that anymore really that's true and then you see [ __ ] I mean I don't know so I'm sure there's some really good stuff I want to be [ __ ] on people I'm like these are things I struggle with these are pressures I feel um but it's like I don't know around town I see billboards for YouTube brand I'm like it looks like a Disney Channel like isn't this place the Wild West isn't this like totally free why are we imposing like wire and it feels like creators themselves are inviting like the archaic standards of Hollywood to themselves it's like you can be so much freer than this I would think why why are you making Jeremy and I think that well if you look at someone like filthy Frank I don't know if you that know who that knows no he was someone who kind of embodied what you're talking about where he was very much his own man he very much did his own thing didn't conform to any anything he was just totally [ __ ] nuts and everybody loved it but the problem was that he was always being demonetized YouTube was always [ __ ] with his videos in a way that didn't really make it sustainable I guess look at you nice who like uses you nice drink glue he was old uh what did he say to you nice is he's a legend legend he called ela an Israeli [ __ ] once and they wanted to kill her or something but I was like she oh nice we still got all my help me my girl we always said thank ya but it just like yes but Jun Isis he's not killing it anymore well he's killing well he's never he's yeah he's killed but not it but like I'm just saying it should be weird or right that's all I just I just mean it should be like but I'm glad he said Bill works because that does kind of our works and and you know what I know that there's like hundreds of them thousands that just the system isn't in place to I'm saying like what I'm saying really is not going after the people making stuff yeah and even the people making stuff could would be so much better if the if the medium itself was encouraging actual creative expression I wish they had a department or some kind of dedication to doing that but as far as I'm aware they're just they don't why are bunch of NBC executives yeah look the people that work at YouTube are like a bunch of [ __ ] dusty I should be saying this [ __ ] but whatever oh whatever I'm friends with them they know they know we all hate them all right they live with that yeah it's like yeah when you walk into YouTube headquarters you're like is this the M&M store where the [ __ ] am I mean it's like I don't know the Internet to me is like dirty and weird and crazy and like so human and if you did just scratch past the surface you fall that's not part of the problem this happening is that like with net neutrality and all all this stuff going on is that people don't want the Internet to be that dirty crusty place anymore they want it to be you know buttoned up and they want it to be predictable and they want it to be not just another thing yeah I mean that's that's where the movement is going yeah it's hard because I think I'm on both sides a little bit because I also look at the internet and don't go like the only problem with the internet isn't that it needs to be free or you know I mean there's I mean there's also crazy you know I don't know if any of us should be able to watch like people blow their heads off you know I mean and stuff like I don't know if but but or worse yeah blow they're much much worse than that oh yeah yeah yeah I got I got you it she was into snakes yes yeah it's well what do you think of when you came up on YouTube there wasn't such a notion as as internet celebrity or YouTube so no and there wasn't a standard there wasn't like a thing you should be there wasn't like a there wasn't a format mm-hmm so it was just like people just doing random [ __ ] unpolished random [ __ ] which is cool you know as opposed to like if you want to you know I don't know so what do you what do you thought the old dude but no but I am yeah but I am I am across the old duda that you mean I was in 2006 driving this thing started and yeah and but it's because I care about it so much yeah and I want you know young people that are taking risks and making interesting things to like have a and it's I say this because I care about it because like every other medium has no [ __ ] chance like of being cool really like yeah this is like the first like real medium were like everyone can actually access it and like the virus even the idea of viral is ism is a is a problem because it because it immediately puts the idea that the only things worthy are the ones that are that are being seen like a million times you find really cool channels with like 3000 views or it's some like person giving advice or some or a person teaching piano well originally that's what YouTube was all about was just a dude who wanted to make [ __ ] and share it with like their friends I mean that's why people made videos and in the early days before you got paid for it mm-hmm but now it's like I think 95 percent of kids if you ask how much their dream job is to be a youtuber yeah I find that pretty strange huh when I was a kid people wanted to be astronauts well youtubers weird because it feels like it's like movie no I guess they would just be like moving but youtuber it's weird that when you say youtuber that should have no meaning right that should actually be like something this amount yeah exactly should be writer so it's like oh what do you want to write but when you say youtuber it's like oh that means like how my image hey like this for that you know that that's yeah very true that but I don't think that's true but I don't think it actually is true it just I think got neighbors that are getting attention yeah yeah that is what they mean yeah I know what you mean I love you too my love so much of what it was yeah what it is kids are like I get I watch it I like it so I'm saying if kids are happy and everyone's happy doing this shouldn't people happy watching it that's like totally cool and and I need to emphasize that like the real thing I'm pissed about is not that that that popular YouTube creators are taking the space from these kids the real thing are the movie studios the movie trailers The Tonight Show clips that like that is the most infuriating thing when you see like um I thought that Shane Dawson Tanic on thing was awesome yeah that was so cool that that was incredible yeah and like what an incredible thing to do like form breaking it came up and it was so good like that was blown away and it was it was part and because of like Shane personal relationship with his odd it was that much more meaningful so it's like a great like version of that like a Louis Theroux weird version so that was awesome yeah so I know people are doing that I just want to be like you know like I don't know like Kevin Hart doing like Vanity Fair's and you know most viral questions whatever you mean and stuff and all that no hate to any specific people I'm just saying like no I know exactly if it were I can't believe it like they do it these people sit in a room and they go like how can we make something viral and they make it and it goes viral because they called it viral in their headline well I like he said I don't think that means anything anymore like viral it was just back in the day it was like there's a viral video yodel boy and it was it was a double rainbow you know what I mean like that's a viral video it's a guy [ __ ] tripping balls over a cup and I mean that's yeah you know I don't think it's trippin balls I think he's just deeply bad that guy was attributing ball what is that right I personally think and I this is a time time old boom goes the dynamite boom the best of all time what are the best of all yeah and like it's similar with the movie which is like cringe means a lot to me you mean like and there's something like I love like and like are cringe and that all that stuff is it gets a little dark I know I think we're the cringe communities very sometimes can be very mean yes but I like all the videos but I breathe air like deeply beautiful to me they're deeply vulnerable and wonderful and meaningful tryst and I'm saying like some people watch the the weird hot dog video the guy blending the things and wanna like tell him to kill himself whatever but I think it's like just so beautiful that we have access to people's most more than my moments I feel for them and I think cringing is a form of empathy and you know certainly it is you're you're embarrassed for them yeah so like and it's an its vulnerable and I get boom goes the dynamite think that's that is me on stage if I just wasn't as good or what or not you know if I was that that is what it was happening for me is that I could just power through it he's like having a panic attack yeah and Reggie Miller is looking good Reggie Miller is the best [ __ ] ever yeah later he gets the rebound passes it to the man well speaking of viral videos I mean you mentioned you mentioned the hotdogs peach and Ian found it now first of all this video this is a reupload because i guess he erased it it was too too wild for this world yeah but this has 200,000 views so we are really this guy it kind of has a little bit of a fan base yeah well so anyone can make it yeah see this is this is it's love money after the conversation we had it's gonna act like I want more of this which is just like sad like name rest man we need more of this yeah let's see do you know where this guy is the he's in his kitchen or I mean like if I dad I wonder what was the impulse this guy had to be like I want to share this but that's true what is no but that's beautiful right Jimmy so this guy lives is I mean but he's not even taking inventory of what's in his house but he's making the video as the as if this is normal and as if people want to learn how to make hotdogs and peaches I mean it really is in a bathroom no but this is truly beautiful and so deeply sad and funny and tragic so we're learning about its life seeing all these oh so the sausages are just actual [ __ ] hot dogs I love that he calls it sausage he's feeling a little bourgeois today but he's reaching for something but he wants to teach us he he wants to share it's beautiful and it's beautiful he's like you know but basically what it implies is that it took me a lot to be able to learn I've learned the skills yes of cooking these hot dogs yeah and I think there's a sausage sorry I don't mean to downplay the corm anus of it any of these blending pieces okay but basically I found this secret this wonderful look at him cooking it I'm sorry oh I miss I am does that I don't know if that just a little zap I'm saying it is invent I mean it's different he's like I found this new way to do this you guys it's but it's like I don't I can't explain it this means a lot to me this is beautiful and why have I not seen this this is really something why have I seen this that's the real question you this is this sounds like it's right up your max of salsa I mean but I'm saying this is a glimpse into a life we never would have without this right pray to God you never have a glimpse into this life right but but but not that not that we're just seeing it we're seeing it through his POV yes and like with his perspective with his wants it's incredible it's to me it's so cinematic and incredibly it's like some crazy beautiful like Harmony Korine like here let me crank the volume actually want to watch this it's eight minutes so it's a lot it's a lot giving his cat is he gonna throw those dogs in the blender with the peaches god it's healthy in a way he's like listening a little protein a little fiber you have to a balanced meal okay let's skip forward to that yeah the [ __ ] he had what action get one point washes the thing in the sink but the dog he watches the dog you got it when you gotta rinse the dogs folks look at the trash in the ground and look at he just really tossed that in there in a way that quite never got a little Emeril going on a little yeah oh why is it it why is there Weiser toilet there I don't understand the toilet his his accent is also like implacable really unplaceable so let's cut to the the big moment if you're worried this isn't exciting for the audience trust me it is it's just sad scene there he's lit these look look look look whoa now because I started the [ __ ] he started the wrong his place was just about to break down yeah cuz he started the wrong because he was overreaching he probably hasn't done this before oh you think this is a new recipe but he's nobody's act like an actor he's a Tostitos man I've noticed oh yeah its brand loyal just saying but wouldn't the world be a better place if we watch this with love am i insane mmm no you're not it's saying I mean I think people do but also people are too you have to have a certain level of maturity to be like I love this guy and not be like this guy's a [ __ ] loser yeah I mean I think most people probably over the age of 20 are like I said having sympathy for repulsed in just whatever yeah listen don't worry well let's go let's get to the fireworks yeah let's get some yeah let's get some I'm trying which is that towards the end look at Oh oh my god he's nervous he's like oh you see it double the cups up if you notice so he's by you hip-hop artist all right well yeah he doubled up I think he just cherishes the content so much no think there's a drop so imma correct me if I'm wrong he didn't blend the dogs he sliced them little bites and not well he did he blend it I'll put it into the already blended peaches yeah yeah okay I'm just trying to get the recipe straight so for [Laughter] clean ups a breeze you just leave everything there for 10 years seriously hold on I'm suspicious of this can I say that okay okay but but in what way I think it's might be an art piece oh it's an art piece but I regardless I don't think this guy's real I think he might be an actor no no you know what I'm saying way too specific oh good way to spin he hates it he pours it out and yet still uploads it see now you can oh now you're getting that no but it they're all they're all like that it's a cold I can show you the video even nine-year-old that is a claw machine in his house because his mother like like putting like reverse mortgage on her house to buy him a claw machine that also looks like an art piece I believe this that they're like a and pull that up that's really gonna be hard to find that was like super but like the it's like claw machine boy I guess this is just that this I mean I'm not saying that it's for sure fake but I'm so skeptical the thing is this predates kind of the era I'm so skeptical of everything I see on the Internet to the point where I'm like I don't know that this is real of course no there's there's what they do bring all that [ __ ] [ __ ] into there why not it's just why is there a toilet in the bowl why is there a toilet in the room he goes to the bathroom why is he cooks in the bathroom yeah does he live in the bathroom ok you gotta just take the whole thing as a package you can't pick and choose but that's I just I'm just saying I have I've seen red flash he's okay so he's cooking he's frying hot dogs and peaches and you're confused that he's going to the bathroom to get the water no but it's also perfect it wouldn't be that hard to throw some Tostitos in a back and bathroom okay either way I listen I don't I don't want to take I think it's real you don't have to know I like of all the conspiracies I've had to walk people through you know I'm not much happier to do this than like the moon the moon is real I think the moon's real as far as I could and just think the moon's real you have a moon down Oh deeply deep he would he would drawed but my friend drawed Carmichael who I did a special Frasier he's very um well what's his theory about the moon not that it's not real or does he actually think it's like a hologram oh no no though going to the moon never happened yeah no no they're going to the moon didn't how do you still believe that in this day and age that really blows my mind he makes a good case really you might try to convince me he would do a good job I I don't believe it but but um the moon is fake ladies and gentlemen you heard it look at the moon it doesn't exist at all all right well I I do want to see how this ends if I can be frank deal I mean it looks very real everything if it's fake it's the greatest production designer of all time brutally like it's beautifully put together that's true this guy would be going places right now oh he would be like like it's a just it's just like incredibly setup the flat the two flashlights are you kidding me that's incredible detail yeah oh he's no he's not American you know that right he sounds like Scandinavian or something speaking English where'd you hear that he said I hadn't caught that before abandoned for a couple days yeah go back let's put the pieces together this might be oh what that's weird what is his house like where is if this is where he goes to cook why does and why would a guy like this have like a another he's got two houses [Laughter] with like a bun like 15 just [ __ ] holes this is real by the way that but that detail like who you'd met you could never you guys know I write it and could never write it yeah stranger than fiction as they say just [ __ ] with you this is us right now okay you want click it let's see is this weird Wow this is us live right now I hate it you know you have to will you have to wait till we open us live okay here let me mute it so at least that it no no you have to go but then it's like it's so bad cuz they hear us through the laptop and it was just prepare it I've made that mistake before okay this is so weird that like yeah this is too meta this is a this is a panic attack right now bass yeah this is what it feels like yeah this is I'm having a panic attack right now oh that's good did wait can we get more meta with it well I just we just cut to the wide so in a moment it's gonna okay games with dreams within dreams have you seen lights camera Jackson's interstellar review best reviews of all time by the way I just want to say okay like that um eighth grade the reviews keep going up during the break there like Rotten Tomatoes up it's at a ninety nine point nine points ya know it's at ninety nine point nine and it's like if you can get all like B minuses and still have a hundred percent well that's fine I mean it's still a good measurement it's like yes or no you don't mean yeah yes and it's an emphatic we all loved this peaches are sausages and we got all peaches baby it's all peaches here by all seasons a day um how do we where do we go from there um I got some other stuff we could talk about why don't you wanna a lot of [ __ ] yeah oh here's something I do I do I got a button that does that okay pretty cool I saw you on the green room when you sat with all those comedians whatever and you were the young guy and they were all like look at this young guy whatever but there was one detail about that you don't talk about it that's fine Ansel well anyway I don't I'm I love Garry Shandling he's like I have nobody bad news for you yeah wait what is it he's fine though is he's living happily he did yeah yes rest in peace he would've liked that maybe I dunno he's passed sadly but I love so much this moment there and they introduced you and you're like hey I'm from the new generation and I and I was just wondering who are you guys hmm and I could tell a lot of them were rubbed the wrong way by that a lot of the guys were like I specifically I thought like Marc Maron was like look at this [ __ ] kid you know yeah but whatever well but then Garry Shandling came out with this beautiful response of like well that's so great that you say that because the feeling so mutual yeah I was perfect but not only was he perfectly funny I feel like you you were endeared to him and that throughout the rest of it he was very supportive and very accepting of you and just really sweetheart yeah and I was I'm just wondering if you had any other interactions what I did yeah I sort of had a relationship with him going forward like that's we like over yeah you play ball with him I didn't it was more just one-on-one just going over there on weekends and like sitting with him for a while and he actually read the script of this movies one of the first really hate it yeah Wow he's just super nice and super deep and kind and just a smart just a deep kind person which is just very cool and very like patient and open but yeah there's nothing worse than five comedians sitting around performing a violation I mean it's so [ __ ] nose Hey I don't know that not that I like I just mean like everyone trying to outdo each other it's so no yeah I I feel like that situation was something that I would hate to ever be involved in just because it's like it's so competitive it has to be otherwise you just if you don't want to compete to like prove how funny or witty you are you just sit there like a [ __ ] idiot yeah doing bits in life is it gets very very exhausting but that was a that was actually kind of a fun one because I was so young it was just like so different and it felt like we could all just sort of [ __ ] with each other a little bit but yeah yeah Gary's a good dude I love him I mean well okay I don't okay cool we talked about that yeah great he's a very zen Eastern now he's such a Buddhist guy and like are you into that [ __ ] I wish I was you feel like you could be and I wish I was yeah I keep trying but then I never do like I bought a bunch of books and I'm like I'll read those someday yeah but as they say it's in the buying that the as they say yeah you just like put the verb first but the books in your shelf and they will by proximity man who's stands less on toilet get high on pot yeah right that was much better than what I said what was yours it really didn't go anywhere at all I don't know I was a great thing I heard yeah any how are you are you are you Buddhist are you into all that they Eastern stuff I'm more into the idea of religion than I was as a cool-ass 19 year old atheist you have come around not a round I just like I don't really hold like it takes up so little of my mind criticizing it or no you you like felt you felt probably we're younger than need to be like I mean so he is God dude and now I'm like I mean whatever you you get through that right woman I feel the same exact way there's something about when you're young and you're like I'm [ __ ] so smart I get this [ __ ] yeah you idiot it's like you think there's a guy in the sky ya know like there are people that a lot smarter than you that are religious so it isn't inherently Adama also it's like what do you understand about the universe you little [ __ ] idiot what do you understand about your own head I mean like like that's the thing is that like the subjective experience is so mind-blowing Lee impossible to understand that sure god I mean I'm not like I don't that we are any of any of this is how is God weirder than like anything that just existing I don't believe in God necessarily but I don't not believe in God yeah I I believe in buying books about Buddhism putting on my bookshelf yeah well we we pray to the god of brick and mortar yeah um do you go to a brick and mortar was it online online come online I'm a home Smith you think I'd show up around a bookstore have you once awesome go to a bookstore I'm gonna bookstores I like to walk around a bookstore nice mom-and-pop shop like an Amazon books you know the Amazon makes bookstores those are great real down-to-earth are you serious yeah that bookstore yeah yeah they went and like just like did you not have enough of the market but they literally truck they literally destroyed bookstores and then like then and they're basically dancing on the grid oh absolutely no no they're like they're like [ __ ] their wives on their graves yeah sorta like Jeff's book store it's like this dusty old [ __ ] place yeah yeah Amazon bookstore I'll go to churches too when I'm in the city I'll go to a church and sit down you'll sit down through the thing usually like on off hours cuz it's like why do you go there do you pray I'll see you on the plank yeah you find that the environment yeah does something quiet well sure I've been to churches and cathedrals and there's definitely a vibe yeah it's great it's like and like you really can't be on your when you're in there it's not even about God it's almost just about like the quietness of like just being there's something divine in existence let's just agree we don't agree on but let's just say I think that but like you really feel that there and it's like you don't believe in Jesus Christ you don't have to look at a guy in a cross but there's something divine about being alive and you feel that there and like silence is as valuable as it's ever been like silent attention is like so rare to get a less stimulation can I go to a church I'm Jewish by coarse ethnicity yeah if you don't mind you're not gonna pick me out they can be local some dudes not gonna be like you look a little Jewish can I see your ID he wouldn't say a little straight ball he wouldn't come out that's yeah thank you by the way if you're cool with you know I think you're you might I could go to a synagogue hell yeah where I belong yeah it's party there but yeah churches for everybody I didn't know that I think so is that what they say no but no no I want a lot of them I like my mom goes to like a Presbyterian whatever in the the guy was like anyone's welcome at this table if you're trans if you're this if it was like things are changing things are changing can I talk about your mom your mom has a really interesting vocation mm-hmm she hospice Mercia she Mende Hospice at my stupid boss mansion which is basically she takes care of end of life yeah and she works in a hospice center so a lot of hospice nurses are out of you know they'll go to they'll go to a dying patient in their house but this is where dying patients come and it's end-of-life care so the average stay is two weeks no one recovers you know when you go there you do not leave she sees three or four deaths a day what is it I'm curious just systematically how people end up there is it like a health insurance thing is it like a government thing um that's a great question I mean it's it's it's when the dying process starts I mean it's when the illness is fully move Ollie terminal you're moving out of the hospital and into into a place where it's called end-of-life care where you're just trying I'm only curious about how that came in to exhibit alike who runs that I have no idea I don't this bit she's kind of like where did that come from you know yeah huh because the the most hospice is the specific out of Institute like it's actually just nurses going to take care of you at home so you're dying in your home this sort of thing a hospice center is much much rarer but no it's a lot of donations and things I mean like it's not something you know like a for-profit place but yeah it's pretty so how is that like me and affected her and maybe even you by Moxie I mean surely that trickles down to your toes well yeah he's just doing it 9 or 10 years now and it's insane you know she after the first two weeks of working there she forgot the president's name so she went to the hospital to get a cat scan because she thought she'd a brain tumor and she went to work the next day and her boss said that just happens here you just forget you know you're just gonna be blocking so much of what's happening out here that it's kamek that he's like oh if you only told me I would have told you that that happens to everybody here yeah yeah exactly and like when she was getting ready to interview for the place she saw like a body getting carried out saying I can't [ __ ] do this and then two weeks in she's carrying a body out chatting with the nurse's assistant you know puts in the car and turns around it's like whoa great and I'll be with her like a diner and a family will come up and be like patty patty oh my god like you know cuz she saw her you know their you know father through his last two weeks of his life and they'll leave and she'll go I don't remember them you know she's like the most and she'll be some like the most important people in some people's lives for you know five of them a day yeah and it's like I mean how does that affect their personality changes I was incredibly stable and like it's all women you know it's like mostly all women there and it's like oh it's like a really incredible example of like the sort of condescended stereotyped quality of of women of like oh yeah women or maternal and women are very caring but it's like a a like military like as as tough Oh version of that is can be and you actually realize that like caring is actually is actually the most tough and resilient thing you can actually do at its extreme mmm that I'm saying people come back from war you know unable to [ __ ] process mm-hmm thoughts my mother comes back from watching like a 40 40 year-old bleed out in front of his family and she comes you know to like you know smiles and cooks us dinner you know like that is that is actual strength you know and it is um yeah she's wild wild stories wild that was you know people dying of alcoholism and she will dip a q-tip in Jack Daniels and swab it in their mouth Wow you know cuz it's just it's just people dying of lung cancer she takes them out she wields them out into the snow and holds a cigarette to their lips cuz they're too weak you know cuz it's just end-of-life care it's not about there's any it's also very medical she's also like a nurse practitioner I mean she said she knows what she's yeah we've worked in the ER she's done these things so but um yeah that's wild you know that's gotta be one of the craziest [ __ ] jobs you can possibly family members showing up like threatening to [ __ ] kill people like get my dad out of here you shouldn't gonna mean like I'm not adding to terms with that or like there don't want them here they're confused or they're you know it's well I can say just from person like my wife Ella is going through something with their dad right now and like just hearing her talk about is like it's so it's just so [ __ ] up like we're so bad at dealing with death we don't think about it until it's there and so like these women these nurses that are that are like such rocks for people because my mother will sit there and go like she knows how to deal with it and she knows what it looks like like I'm lying everybody she knows how to deal with it and it's in dealing with it isn't like to make it easier but she she she she can say like she's never seen last words in her life ever she says they almost they almost never speak for the last two hours mmm there is a last breath but there's almost never a last word mmm it's like really really incredibly incredibly fast she's right but she was on an episode of because I talked a little bit about this on meirin's podcast like a long time ago and Nancy Updike from this American Life heard and they did this American life and on my mom and you can hear her in the hospice center it's it's like in some people you know it sucks for her because it's such an interesting job and and of course it is emotionally taxing and she needs to talk about it but something like it's such a hard thing to talk about because people hear about and they go like I just can't [ __ ] hear that but it definitely puts it puts my job into perspective it very easily yeah I mean where I can just be like I don't give a [ __ ] what happens with you know this thing or that like I just I wonder if like we as a society in this kind of [ __ ] ridiculous question out there but like if we just dealt with death better you know what I mean like it's just it's this buggy we all obviously know we're gonna die but like the thought of it the prepping of it the association of it the way that like we prolong it even when it's over like this this is what this is all is that when people are dying and they're on death's bed certain to die and they're suffering there's no quality of life 11 the family suffering the person suffering it's like you put you prolong that for as long as possible I don't understand that yeah I think we've done better with grief then we have death like there's cult there's more of an infrastructure for the grieving process you know I think like we're more familiar with that I'm saying before we may it like we've experienced funerals we know what that is we know that space a little bit those are very public and yeah but the dying process for people unfamiliar with it is intense and my grand my father's father died at the hospice center my mom was working at but she couldn't work with him because they don't let you work conflict of interest yeah yeah well there's interest but like yeah just like [ __ ] up it's like it just wouldn't be healthy or something yeah I mean but yeah like my mother will come home like having a rough day and say what was it's like yeah I was a young person you know it's like [ __ ] ins and it's in Massachusetts in like this beautiful weird Center all these windows and like the seasons are changing and it's like I would love to make a movie about it it's just like a little crazy and heavy the subject matters is very interesting and I think it's something that they should be explored honestly it's like I wonder if there's a way to make it that isn't brutally depressing you know what I mean I know I don't think there is but it could be beautifully depressing maybe but like there's one story that she told me that's like incredible um one of her nurses aides um a lot of immigrants that would that work there and she was she was a Haitian immigrant and she was in the room holding something in her arms in a towel and my mother was working with a older gentleman who was very sick and sort of out of it and my mother was like so she's gonna take care of you now and the old guy said some racial slur you know this is a black woman who says like I don't want that whatever touching me or getting near me mm-hmm my mother turns to the nurse and she's like you know putting this stuff in him that like conk sit on it for a little bit so they can like change his bedding and everything and my mom turns to nurses aide and like you don't have to do this like he said that's really inappropriate you know I'll do this don't worry and she's going no no no no holding a thing going no no it's okay it's okay okay like hearing all this and my mother watches is the guy like dozes off for a bit and the woman opens the towel and she'd been warming lotion while he's saying all this stuff to her she was warming lotion for him he's passed out sports that he gives him like like works into his feet in his hands that's after hearing your lazy compassion I it's like incredible it's like you know these the people that do this or like true truly angels and they're angels be and then you I go to you know I go to the hospital all the time to check in on you know see my mom and it's like a bunch of you know little Boston ladies being like oh you're out in Hollywood oh my god I mean they're like little it's incredible it's it's so it's a crazy little world there there was there was I think it was an HBO show about it I never saw it but they're moving I would definitely love to watch anything about that it's just I think it's documentary I'd be the best I mean you the respect of the family makes it like you cuz you can really do it but I write that you should listen it's called death and taxes that This American Life I'll check it very incredible love it love that show well thanks for sharing that yeah yeah um do you well let's so let's switch gears yeah please you know I used to do this thing at the end of our show we used to ask people if they had ghost stories but frankly I don't I'd rather do something else with you okay good yeah I don't yeah I didn't think you would and I frankly don't either I don't even know why it's still going on it's like do you have ghost stories are like knows like yeah I don't either um like our fans got into this thing about ghost stories I'm like I don't I don't believe in ghosts you guys regardless I want to do a new thing oh yeah which is that I have werewolf stories do you have I find the perfect video to watch with my guests oh yeah to close up the show and I think I found the perfect video to watch with you okay okay so first of all let me hit you with one of these okay now bow and the house is an origin meme it's kind of one of our earliest and best memes and reactions are one of the best videos on the Internet it's Papa John yeah I actually do remember this you know the Papa John's do I do remember that there's the Torres house right yeah yeah yeah yeah I haven't seen this note so I thought we'd watch it together yeah I do have the name of some like [ __ ] you mean like some [ __ ] kid well there's no music well it'd be oh oh he's be no you know this [ __ ] spells his name you do you just said he yeah yeah I was like that my French but give me a [ __ ] break yeah yeah yeah of course not I feel bad for him in a way though he probably got his ass beat in high school though oh well the good thing well it's not like we're bringing him up any again to be shamed publicly in front of thousands Wow he's grown up he's come to terms with the psi-man Jen his dad is kind of taking the heat off his dad like he was on a conference call yeah he dropped the n-bomb Papa doesn't have the best track record yeah yeah so Hoppa John man I love Papa John he's like he's got sort of high curls oh you know that that hot luxurious boy you know what I always say about Papa John he looks like a hammerhead shark he's nope that's not what I say but I like it it looks like he's stood too close to a pizza oven for too long cuz you know what I mean like this pulp of Zappa Papa John here let's give you guys the whole lore overview before we before we dive in headfirst here no I don't want Google to know my [ __ ] location he always looks a little wet that is what I mean like that the cheese is melted on his face yeah he looks like that pizzas a little overcooked you know what I'm saying all right yeah he looks like just it's not he looks like his own wax sculpture that's a good way to put it he's clearly had some work but man nothing can fix man that left eye is nothing trying to look at something else nothing could have fixed look at those brows bro a couple pepperonis look at that like this Danny Zuko curl he's trying to rock up top and like I mean that like I will say to his credit he's an incredible bit he said he really was a guy with the pizza joint that grew it out of nowhere yeah well you know what some pizza joints got to work so yeah I mean here let me show you this I mean wait is Papa John's the one with the garlic sauce yeah it's actually pretty I love Papa John's yeah it started from a real place this whole Papa bless it started from a real place of love for Papa you know I mean he'll various shit-faced uh-huh I mean here you go get it close up yeah he's got a real 90s magician vibe right yeah like Abe remember that shows on ABC with a guy would wear white mask and expose all that I love that every magician would at home would be like what the [ __ ] dude that was him the one angry but was it I wanted to show you oh I don't know if there's so much Papa John content to show you Papa is in the house is really this is nuts not this is like a separate computer just for this right I would like never broadcast my web browser I lived like be terrifying so know that well yeah yeah yeah yes yes you see my related video you'd be like no okay no no no this is just for here baby I'm all good no history on this one yeah it's like Destiny's Child feet that was giving no I feel you man here this is the one I want to show you just the beginning they staged this whole ridiculous promotional thing I love how he thinks he's like a celebrity like he's a pizza celebrity you know what I mean he's a it's a [ __ ] oh hey you know what though he spoke it into existence man yeah he wanted to be coming to became it he did well not me not what he wanted but he did become something been the higher they climbed the harder they fall very true so anyway they went and set this whole thing up like he's supposed to go to this culinary school and teaching people how to make a pizza but it's so obviously fake I mean but he has people I mean just enjoy this yeah there everyone's got paper plates and the host is just the most flattering [ __ ] judge a bear I just got this it's it cannot be over you that's incredible alright I get to the [ __ ] point I like this yeah I like this part in the show where we're like already hour and a half in so now it's like nobody's really watching Yeah right right so it's like the pressure is really off at this point this guy's the CEO of secrets of Louisville chefs so apparently it's part as a series right here look at is this not like I just like a fever dream it feels like Tim and Eric yeah exactly yeah the mural is an insane at the back hold on you he's got a laugh and they don't mute it so you can hear him making these really weird sounds like he goes like like that oh my god was you know credible I somehow I've never made a video about this because there's ray there's only a few wonderful moments like this but the rest is just so boring no no no but this is beautiful and like 93,000 is truly under the radar oh yeah oh yeah I'm sure they put a lot of marketing in this but here oh I didn't go back one can we stop for that I mean he is like it's it's listen he's Pappajohn sometimes that's enough it wasn't enough when was this yesterday all the [ __ ] went down right yeah it's weird little [ __ ] he's probably doesn't as the but he does not have the best track record he he was when it was in the news first when he was like I'm not gonna [ __ ] increase my pizza prices by one cent to give my employees health care because of Obamacare they were like you cheap [ __ ] probably John I mean if if if the CEOs of our pain our celebrity CEOs of our pizza chain restaurants can't survive the current cultural moment who can yeah I feel like I'm next and you know what the thing is it's like we don't have to get into a [ __ ] ham or whatever but like we have to take him so seriously because it's like it's kind of like he could be President so we just literally we have to take him seriously yeah we actually have to be worried about this that like if that's the problem with the culture and I want to get in all that [ __ ] you I mean but like what's insane is that like if the entire culture exists on the same level and on the same plane and it mimics our [ __ ] phone it's like you scroll through your Twitter and you or your Instagram and you will see in no particular order your mother your friend Geico the president the United States Kim Kardashian and it's like and that's what the national conversation has become like it's just all the same it's like when Kanye freaked out we have to take them seriously cuz like what's the [ __ ] difference there is only one conversation being you join I'm saying yeah it's like well we're yeah it kind of like we I would just be the guy [ __ ] this guy but it's like no like we have to actually keep an eye on our pizza guys because they may run the [ __ ] world yeah it's crazy yeah no I think that's true well and similarly he got in trouble when he said that the NFL people need to stop protesting because it's affecting pizza prices did you see that whole thing when the kneeling NFL player or yeah NFL and he was like listen I'm gonna pull my sponsors he was like their number one sponsor and if these guys keep yelling because our pizza sales are down since they started protesting that's crazy but and the nailing things like I personally and publicly have I've always been like what is why do you [ __ ] care but also like don't we know that like the Department of Defense pays like 50 million dollars like that all the flag [ __ ] is advertisements for the military the department defense pays the NFL like well why pay them to do a salute yeah all the other reuniting troops and stuff those are paid paid stage things - that's [ __ ] so like no wonder they're angry obviously because like you're it's not that like you're kneeling during the anthem it's like no no you're kneeling during our ad time judging our art no this is answer yeah yeah no this is a we paid for this [ __ ] to be an advertisement and your that's a [ __ ] great advertisement that is exactly people that are go sign up hmm yeah and then like and like chill whatever I mean I think it should be stated you mean like I'm saying it's not I don't think whatever doesn't the FCC have rules like I as a youtuber need to disclose when I'm sponsored the military sponsors the NFL nobody needs to be like hey this is a page this national anthem is a paid sponsorship yeah it's that's [ __ ] creepy crazy yeah well yeah I mean oh well let's get them off the field in that case I don't know they're disparaging the sponsor yeah exactly now do we got a brother yeah yeah well anyway can we please acknowledge them mm-hmm it's too good no but that is truly that is what I search for it's like the micro moments of those this is a beautiful micro moment yeah yeah and boom goes the dynamite is so good because it it's like it's one after a [ __ ] point that very well yeah I mean goes the dynamite that he coined that I don't know it's his now I mean if he coined that then but that's what's so sad about is he's flailing and then in the but he's back to the thing that he wanted to say if it went well which goes the dynamite but yeah it's like so what do you feel for pop right now do you sympathize with them no okay no like sympathize with this man it's hilarious you want I just can't believe like I just can't believe what the headlines look like yeah like Papa John it's crazy drop raise Muppet John dropped the N bomb on conference call with Board of Directors yeah and you're like yeah and that should be funny or weird or like I'm saying it should be like some weird face off and not look indistinguishable from like geopolitical headlines I totally hear you I think I have this problem with Twitter News which I love Twitter news it's almost like it's like a [ __ ] IV of all this [ __ ] right into my vein like I don't almost use Twitter at all just the news yeah times yeah album is like what happened with Shane Dawson somebody just out of the blue what was it then they accused him of being a pedophile or some [ __ ] what was it but it was just like so unfounded and they ran it as this headline and I was like damn that shouldn't be you know like you said next to to the point where he said he was getting like accosted at Starbucks and stuff right like just because some [ __ ] blasted on there that's not it let's let's not let's not veer off too far but no but it's incredible to talk about the dangers of the Internet while also showcasing them bite during its thing yeah I mean this thing is so [ __ ] awesome look at this it's got pictures yeah I'm very excited about that like and you can customize it I've got another one I mean we I mean this is just the beginning like yeah I'm gonna have a lot of fun right as I get I get this what you want to do it I've got a little bit go enjoy so let's let's venture forth bravely if if we may oh we're doing this still yeah okay this is why I brought you here clearly okay but the pizzas [ __ ] good like you could say oh oh Wagner was a Nazi you could Bob there was a Nazi you know what like his music was pretty dank dank is the word I think he was hoping people would think it was dank yeah I mean it's you know the chick-fil-a thing it's like those sandwiches pretty hairy [ __ ] dank well that's the conversation can we separate the art from the pizza mogul can we separate the the garlic sauce yeah probably what looks like waterlogged young vampire ready yeah that's a good description like that some-some rumored that the garlic sauce is the secret of his loss of his long life is that right yeah it's like a slight more it's probably quite the opposite for everyone else you think he's he doesn't drink that garlic sauce I drink it you do [ __ ] I throw the pizza I drink that [ __ ] really no you don't right you're in school I used to need them that in school we used to think you're like fifth grade we would line up shots of russian dressing dude right did you like the dressing or was it meant to be gross it was like at that age when it's like there's no you're not doing drugs and stuff so you're like getting a - Cassie yeah you mean like sweet all right there was one friend we used to pay to eat anything weird like he was up for anything that reminds me of any [ __ ] thing I'm telling you bro hair really dog [ __ ] okay one dollar way anything wait he ate a dollar or for one dollar or one dough okay I'll give you a dollar I thought you were trying to get worse going to do you need anything hair [ __ ] a dollar well to be frank that may be the grossest one yeah who dollars yeah we said friends these do poo dollar OSA you put poo on a dollar and you leave it outside like oh yes and then everyone's like a dollar yeah and then there's [ __ ] on it but it's it was law jackass that was a big part of my childhood I met Steve oh sweet guy oh he was on here oh I was like he's really cool okay yeah yeah they were important I agree as important as Papa that was another one that was a different one it's so loud alright don't act like I didn't pay everyone to be here you [ __ ] I'm very proud to be here and this advertisement I paid for and the racism in hindsight is pretty is there he's a good old boy yeah in all the ways that a good old boy is a good what it's also just like the mural then I don't know where the mural is killing me these giant onions yeah the harvest the bounty was sweet this year Papa just like this sharp who do you think out who do you think picked those let me just put it that way on Papa's a plantation mm-hmm Pass look at this 309 153 all right bye anyway this this isn't why we're here are you I'm out of water Ian can I can I get a glass a little reader well can we get a refill for Christ's sake thank you so this is really the the croup de Gras is that is that right croup DeGraw qu can this be a coup de Gras this video no I don't think so I saw it just looks confused I don't know that is what is coup de Gras it's like the crack it's like the final blow yeah the final blow they um I'm waiting for it he's the worst it's all good yeah good guy in the intern now he's the worst you don't know don't say that you don't know I'm like I don't you just being nice don't do it thanks see and you're the best appreciate you and you got the bottoms of that tracksuit oh who said it is that good or bad I don't know no I'm telling you but he's not wearing them you don't like the whole Adidas tracksuit look note on him I'm on board now dude [ __ ] that guy alright so this is in its entirety this beautiful wonderful advertisement that Papa John made with the Sun is fave helper and his best friend Bo to celebrate their Papa John calm come in life 2010 and this is the title they used this isn't someone else they put this here Papa and son first order on the new Papa John calm ok ok ok now the first thing I already love about this is like I'm so relatable and behind me is a mausoleum yeah it's like a [ __ ] huge statue of an eagle yeah yeah that's crazy I love it also it's a wedding ring is that thing is its glyphic a lot of yeah yeah a lot of pizza has been sold them by that also he's just cruising around this Papa John sure like this is how I hang out at home yes crazy the lot the untuck long-sleeve red the long-sleeve Collard Papa John's shirt I love that they have him just wearing that every day at home it projects business yet casual rolled-up sleeves worker um you know I was just you know digging one of my maid's graves oh hey there yeah oh you caught me I was just digging a grave for one of my fallen maids the secret ingredient that's a good one broke did you really have to do the set your [ __ ] here's the church here's the steeple open the doors no Jews no Jews that's the Papa John that's Papa John what was that was that one of the old school playground thing oh of course you don't know this here's the church here's the steeple open the doors look at all the people no no it's not how they used to say that back in 2010 people say that about Jews mmm didn't know that he'll know Jews I feel like he should have done this somewhere else is all like you have a [ __ ] dragon in your Hall and like made of gold in your hallway like wait what is that well it looks like uh it's something let's go looks like a Gyarados it's hard to tell man is that a mythical creature oh it's what magic harp revolves in - oh yeah that's a mythical creature don't say no it's not a myth pokemon myth it's a only I wish so much the Pokemon was real when I was a kid oh my god oh thanks man was where it was at I didn't play snap that was the best why what what's not the picture one right uh woman you take pictures I don't it was like perfect it was crazy for n64 I'm waiting for a Pokemon on the switch man I can't [ __ ] wait for a 3d Pokemon Oh Biddy yeah well you know like oh yeah like uh you know what I'm talking to totally yeah I'm saying so relatable man so glad you did in your [ __ ] house like why did you do this in your house do it at a pizza store he's almost like he's flexing on us yeah it's a lot hey this is to grow up I have feel those clocks I have over this kid he's like yeah well you can see that the deadness in his eyes I mean here yeah for Bo he's doesn't gotten over this was the house oh that's so sad yeah no it is that Oh his body to the the baggy shirts not hiding it Bo in the house post the weakest hands in the air yeah it's like damn how old it's a weight that kids what all day he's probably 12 or so he's 20 now yeah bo if you're out there dude I love you we forgive you your dad made bomb ass pizzas but you do not have to be what he is I mean I hope you make pizzas I hope you carry on that family legacy because that is a valuable I like the pizzas yeah maybe you should start Bo's pizza yeah Papa Bo yeah shet himself the hole you're gonna have to change the spelling though because people won't relate to that yeah you don't have to live in the shadow of your father you can do your own that's a thing yeah not anything just you can do I was afraid you're gonna say you can do any no no you can do anything in the pizza industry this is like Foxcatcher eating Foxcatcher this is like what I wish Foxcatcher well I mean foscar's weren't my favorite movies ever what is it what is it but John du Pont who like this is a crazy millionaire billionaire who like had a bunch of like wrestlers come wrestle on is like mansion property men are you know it it the movies with Steve Carell and Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo it's incredible it's so weird and amazing but this for my time is that almost would like to watch a reality show with these two yeah almost oh I feel I love you Maddie what's this whole angle like it's like they're like we need a family angle on this I get to do with you you know after this camera goes off he's like [ __ ] you dad yeah of course I don't know you know what though I don't know they love each other I mean I think Bo's genuine I think he's a real dude really in this moment you think he's being real well here let me play it shot him he's night that night pizza he's got all the moves I'm just waiting for the Thunder to settle okay I might take a little pizza I'm scared and wish he had a relationship with mom still yeah yeah I'm anxious all the time and I prefer Little Caesars frankly call him jalapenos and to be frank with you I know it's jalapeno and ever since Nielsen hello what yeah jalapeno that's what you said right right I know Tala Pino it's jalapeno jalapeno I know that though I know that I know what the double L means can I say that double l jalapeno the double O makes a why sound are we confused if there is you else in jalapeno oh my god don't think there are right okay the point is let's let's go let's let's rewind this it's not Michael P no it's like a pain yet hold on let's rewind this anytime I sound like an idiot I go I'm Dyslexic but but the point I wanted to maybe successful this ability you can be you can be successful without learning to do this just ask mozart Einstein exactly he was a Asperger he had Asperger's he wasn't an ass I thought that's out was said no I know that it's jalapeno jalapeno jalapeno okay jalapeno I know it was something like that okay but once I watch it it's all you didn't jalapeno am I getting am i okay am i passing the test see I think wow no please ride that button to Valhalla but once I watched this I started saying jalapeno and I couldn't stop like yes and and it's actually a problem I call it a jalapeno no it's also like who you know whatever yeah we can we can end it there I'm saying we're mostly white yeah super butchers you know maybe we're doing croissant and we can leak have our way but they're not have our way but like when it went when like a when I went a late lame white person like overreaches - that's all wood that's that's also like you know just normal it's like all good no it's weird when they go like when they go like I hate that it's just like oh yeah what do you think you are you're my dad doesn't yeah time to when we go to Mexican restaurant yeah he starts doing like jive with the with the Mexican waiters like speaking fucked-up Spanish them right I'm like dude you how do you even know they speak Spanish they're probably American but maybe it's respect because I was just thinking I don't know it can't yeah I'm just saying it maybe it is I'm saying I if like if I find it embarrassing I'm saying something like Chinese guy came over it was like hamburger I'd be like okay thanks I mean I don't know so maybe it's cool wow thanks for being thoughtful hey I just look like a hamburger there's a very funny thing is actually in Sweden they did a show where they're like speaking and they're doing the equivalent of like four Swedish we'd be like oh like Walter Walter Walter we're and they do it for English they're not speaking English but what English surprise to them and it's a bunch of people going like purdah nation karuppa taraj para favorite - total Achara i guess that's what it sounded like to them it's all like our Batian - great yeah that's a good one to look up but so if you are a minority please hit them with those hard arse next time you see me yeah it'll be very respectful well I can't I Johnny hit that hard ah yeah yeah yeah he hit that are a little too hard don't hit it that hard don't ever hit no one but I can't I can't really tell if it's respectful or embarassing to like speak [ __ ] up Spanish to somebody you know I think you know it's said that maybe my dad yeah your dad no because like I know people that are fluent that like of course nobody every thing he does embarrasses me you know and I'm like a grown man and he still is capable of embarrassing me so brutally that I hold my head in shame yeah that's part of the power daddy wield it's beautiful though yeah that's the job that's the job yeah okay well regardless we are we we were flying through this we really gotta push yeah you [ __ ] idiot why would you even admit that it's not endearing he thought it was endearing yeah you know I've never been on the internet before ever ordered anything is that right it is that what laptops look like eight years ago what's he like Cheers he's like Dell that you like this is really a time capsule of like eight years eight short years look at what the chairs look like back then hmm rich Mahara living in castles back then Wow things were much better where the mm-hmm bone-chilling where are all those sounds that we know he makes I wish we had those on there [Music] damn we're gonna the sound bite those seem to really have entered some heat on that couple sorry pops oh we need to sound bites Odie pops so again I heard I've watched this video and I can't stop saying Saudi pops now yeah Saudi pop sorry which is so good that's cute so good it's it is cute it's sweet thing oh there was a little faux pas there there was a little mess up there that I haven't noticed before oh never mind he's like okay yeah I thought it was someone off screen being like all right okay so okay good banter there oh wait you were actually I was like whoa I don't remember being there there's really not much to say at this point I feel like just a couple of old good old boys ordering a pie oh here this is great this is nailed that one I love Matt love Matt while look at Matt you know what Matt is real Matt is real oh yeah no Matt didn't even know they were shooting Matt's you really tell it's like it is real yeah that's why I love Matt so much and here's this point where Papa he needs to point out here so you can see it gave you tip big Tim nice boat you'd get it dude but like crowd there's new dad I feel a kinship with this kid you like y'all's dad the business yeah I mean he's got the sweet ass like you know sort of straight yeah like he's got this thing yeah on I feel good you are low so here I want to wrap it up with this beautiful last moment here Matt you made history today goddamnit good job Matt you're the greatest man surprise you get to [ __ ] my wife in front of me you think he let Matt in he's got that vibe he's got a [ __ ] you think so literally we can't even say cuckolding anymore cuz now it's got political oh that's true it's kind of lost all meaning well that was it that's all I have bro I freeze a lot of fun yeah thanks for being here it was it was really an honor and pleasure to to meet you and hang out with you hey and don't be part of this I've been alone a long time viewer first time BR here that's insane that you washed our stuff thank you and I want it what are you doing good work and I appreciate it and like thanks a lot of other people do and the girl in the movie is a huge fan of yours you seemed so excited can I do to like show her appreciation I don't know just she just hearing this will be she's amazing I love her Kelsie Fisher she's great if you're in New York or LA I see the movie and it'll be other places other other times 99 percent on Rotten Tomatoes this movie is a heartwarming it's wholesome it's a [ __ ] or romp it's a beautiful little slice of life it's it's gonna you're gonna love it and you're gonna leave thinking about it and the best way possible can I say that you said it I said it I didn't you permission thank you either please go see eighth grade it's gonna be out nationwide in two weeks and thank you so much bo you can see it in New York in LA but who cares kind of hard thank you for having me it's kind hard to catch its insulae select theaters yeah you know catched if you can it'll be in the like ten more cities next weekend and then everywhere the we connect everywhere everywhere baby right Thank You Bo oof thank you guys for watching we love you and appreciate you and we will most definitely be seeing you next week thanks everybody Tata [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,684,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bo Burnham, Bo, Burnham, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, ethan klein, hila klein
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 48sec (7008 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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