H3 Podcast #19 - Jesse Wellens + Phone Interview w/ Martin Shkreli

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I said this was happening in chat and I was told off :/

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/SpiderTechnitian 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

He got off easy, but I'm pretty sure the judge has a lot of leeway with sentencing. I doubt the judge would be too happy hearing how unremorseful and flippant he is here. I can only imagine this move could fuck him, so I don't particularly get why he wouldn't shutup, take the small loss, and once it's over then talk all the shit you want.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Shadostruct 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

Not listening to this narcissistic gollum

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/honestopinionok 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2017 🗫︎ replies
welcome everybody to another episode of the h3 podcast here with the illustrious Eric hey Hofstadter guys ela Klein what a pillock liners is and the biggest pimp Jessie well is what up here this episode is also sponsored by Bethesda that's pretty dope their new game Elder Scrolls legends SeatGeek and wink more about that later but until then let's get right into the news by you and Jessie so thanks for joining us thanks for having me I'm real excited did I made it a cable all the way out here I never walk away from Venice I feel nervous because Jesse is the original what a big pink that's true I am was what up cheeps yeah and I would always intro my vilasa will up oops is my vlog it's just such a it's a powerful way to wake them up you know I mean me and me and Ian idubbbz wanted to make like a parody of like YouTube vloggers right and it didn't really come out good it was kind of a bad video so the words lettuce yeah first video we made to get everyone everyone's like you and Ian made a video and it's super disappointing so that was comic but anyway this was mad the babies are so off the really better base anyway but we did this thing what up pimp yeah and the hundred times yeah now every single is but you know when do your YouTube daily vlogger you always feel like you have to do the same exact thing every morning but you don't every started a video I don't know why you don't have to well but you just yeah I just got here start the video so I do that one weird intro the thing is like because starting videos is really hard it's awkward awkward so I think a lot of youtubers have like top of the morning to you laddies are be really nice because it gives you that end yeah okay that's not the way now yeah start that's true because otherwise it's just like okay well now I do weird [ __ ] like I'll just like walk into frame and like I haven't made a video three weeks hey hey let me dust this off yeah we still don't have we didn't have an intro until we did the water based oh my and now attention I was doing I want 10% do you ever where you start your video there uh yeah I say I say hello you're watching internet comment etiquette with Eric Marek your host it's always some variation of that but it's the same thing you're talking about like yeah it's a good way to get into it need to get and it is about starting with like a dramatic cold open like show likes someone finding a body in a construction site you know and you think you're about to watch they can episode of law and order or something like that but it just goes to me so I got your comments you need to do one of these always me I thought I was married my god we go no no because you told me about it you told me that actually makes a lot of sense yeah like I I respected your experience way more when I watched your video about because I think that that was so it was spectacular it was sort of like tacular you know that oh yes you're welcome you'd say lies now I'm better if you had just spun around and been like what okay I was about to default to you know what I want to do if you're up for it yeah what I want to put that on and get a play-by-play this isn't that serious I think if any color if anything it will accelerate you I like you know I'm into it and I think that the way you owned it was like wonderful for you I think it was a win it was embarrassing as it is and I've done a lot of embarrassing [ __ ] on the internet so I'm kind of used to it but the hardest part was like after I did that I had to go back out into that place and play a game in front of all creators oh yes like that sound as I go and look at me right now I know I done [ __ ] up and Here I am nobody's right and Sue you had a feeling feeling after it happened I was like sweating I was like [ __ ] because I rally nobody watches the part where I actually did good we all end it when I start doing good yeah yeah so so I felt I rallied I did okay at the end I asked my buddy he's like that was bad that was bad oh well that was good well good app from every Easter me there's always like an amazing clip and you definitely I own all of em dude I don't nobody remembers anything about you three right wonderful clip yeah well he was part of the problem but it caught me off guard so yeah done so when I watch this I thought you're trying to be cool no like this cold open you're like oh what up to you I was like wait what alright and that's because when they brought me out there like you're gonna go on in about 15 minutes somebody else is going to talk another trust going to play so I was watching the show and the camera was behind me and I was like ready like I kept going through the lines in my head and there was no other clip another person talking and it's just the lights fired on if you listen carefully you can hear someone yell Jesse oh and I'm like oh [ __ ] and I said you know I turn around and it was like a deer in headlights like I couldn't even see the teleprompter like oh my god out and I was like Jesse don't let the worst nightmare happen to you it's happening it's going to happen it's good it go in a half philemon oh no oops my play with sounds for the big fellas I wasn't supposed to say what up like that no I with the default mode so what happened did they screw up or like it seemed like there was a mistake where you you you didn't know you're ready to go yeah yeah I know yeah look I didn't know I was completely caught off guard like I said I thought another trailer and another person was going to speak before I went on right you know how like you kind of prepare yourself mentally every about to speak absolutely and I'm like just going over the one word in my head that would help the whole thing flow so when she was like more people are coming on don't worry you have a little bit of time I'll tell you right before you come on other okay let me just know unplug for a minute a show not sit there and stress about a tumor right and I was in unplug mode window just feels like yeah oh my god what up oops it's way too relatable I think you're watching this whole neck never want to host anything by it well god yeah guys why I have no idea what I'm supposed to do it now a YouTube creator so I am here to Leslie looking at the teleprompter going that is not anything that I'm supposed to say right now oh yeah right now yeah I was like and I wasn't caught up on the teleprompter because I was caught off-guard because I didn't even know so what I couldn't find anything else versus let other people yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't know I couldn't even like figure it out fast enough they're like what and then and I'm looking I'm like it's not what was I and I didn't even need it though I actually remembered it but it's so stressed and your situation you're not even like it's just a panic yeah I told I would have done the same thing that's why watching this was like so relatable because I think what happened in its a full system failure I was need for speed well I just wanted that it a little creative editing you know better than that no I'm out I'm out I want the original yeah I don't know it's hard to find the raziel why is that so III original but I like I kind of stutter my words about that but because I was going to say damn I'm in my head I foot I'm bombing oh my god this bomb it's against my head bombing the Bombers crashing and burning a little bit so good bombing of guns thank you for having me garbled Alya my name is jesse wellens and i am a YouTube creator so right now you're just trying to improvise tryna fear and the problem was I would then write my script I just showed up as a would want me to say and I should have wrote it myself but what's the same thing on scripture was that improvised I don't remember I think that was on script like they wanted me to tell everyone that Who I am I'm a youtube person and I my name is Jesse and then it was like I forget what the [ __ ] I'm supposed to say now but I like when I when I've got to need for speed and that I just blanked I supposed to talk about like me and the producer we're going to go drive cars and I was gonna make a video about it is that and the other and here he is like that's what it was supposed to be so let me let me let you relive this nightmare I'm here to talk about Need for Speed payback if you guys didn't know achieved a minute Bobby crime bombing I'm about to crash right now just coming with me but the seatbelts on the [ __ ] little ventilation thing drops we're going down because amazing speeds excite camera or just shows you going on the road like exploding injury like yeah you're laughing I'm not you have been big enough where it's over Didier should giving you a bonus for this I know cause like all these gamers talked about Need for Speed I think they kind of did i pre-ordered it shout out I didn't cook I did coach Jesse Wong I created it 20 times we're trying to get you a raise I love how you try to acknowledge like there laughter yeah being for like oh yeah the clapping for the king and not trying to encourage me yeah there's another Greek a bigger but I also design I mean to creator a child I tried to reset them so we're all supposed to be good maybe I'll roll off I think once you're in that moment they thought you're just [ __ ] it's done yeah you get out as cleanly as ya I'm bombing very good local Bay did that she just starts he gets flustered and then he's just like I'm out thank God I mean it's [ __ ] like Axl Rose can do it like in the middle of the concert although he got hit with a rock I'm sorry that's a tangent that's a little bit he got hit the rock and then walked offstage yeah I'm sorry dude well nobody had next time have a plant some what the rock some over the rocks and I just in case you start bombing and nail you with it you're like sorry I got to go say I did this suddenly care laughter on rock they're coming out I am my boy Marcus executive producer here he is the producer of the game the exploration I had to introduce somebody else right after him they nicked yeah I'm already fast forward in it as I said Marcus and I'm like oh [ __ ] not yet it's not your fault all over my ass about the ton of weed the night before yeah it was done not I didn't just heard about that idea I thank God I was I had to get there I was tough man and then Teen Choice Awards asked me to come present on their show live is yeah like resume with her if you all see me live I'm really good yeah and they all started laughing I'm like I guess they didn't sit are you gonna do it no I'm not doing it I'm just gonna do it in some self-aware why yeah on fun yeah you got a trip hole dude everyone's going to tune in oh yeah well I was like yeah definitely has to have me come back next year absolutely like and I should just screw really bad just yet amazing if it was like a song and dance number that like [ __ ] nailed it like before [ __ ] you really know what they're trying to tell people is not to bet on purpose they're like yeah right there's no way you connect a good and verbally right right I gotta tell you this thing hit and like I mean we're friends and I was like goo but they're like you owned it you made this great video about it and I tip my Fedora Saran you owned it and it was it just turned out a lot I mean it's just fun I thought it was so fun I gotten it as we left I was like Zac we got to leave I can't be here much longer and we got it over and we're leaving and I'm like he filmed it for me too like when we play back I want to watch it and we were just crying I was yeah this is my day one home in for 30 years so if anyone can laugh at me and be him and and he was so you eighty is fine I'm like bro this might go really viral so I'm like getting excited I'm like in the car I like I'm actually kind of happy like then I saw the PewDiePie did a video about him like oh god okay and we watch it and he was nice I was like okay I'm happy because we are all related yeah all of that can relate me like I could so easily be there can any of us yeah I mean when they when they brought it up to you were like super excited you're like [ __ ] yeah that sounds awesome well you know what I really wasn't fully aware of what I was getting myself into they're like hey we want you to present it EA like I didn't know a lie was I never watched it and they're like present and tie and I've done stuff like that before and I was fine live stuff I've done like speaking engagements and I was fine it was just like the combination of getting caught off guard and the teleprompter relying on that was like a recipe for disaster yeah and then I'm like did they set me up be like Joe we need a fall guy this year you need a really good fall guy damn it we will switch game needs a lot of help this year need for speed demon speeds yeah we don't win we need it we need to spice it up yeah we need a big cringy one I'll get Jessie oh you know I'll get them off guard if that's not true take note other game developers right add them up higher Jesse and knock them down but yes I mean you know the base actually sounded really great base was on the bases on about radio voice but not face well moving on you are not making daily blogs anymore no how is life now because you are you used to be a daily vlogger and I know that that grind is in to the level that people can't even understand yeah it was everyday bro Brown yeah everyday no hey do we have the sound work do you have not have a everyday bro sound effect we have done breath step it up did but when I did when I was doing it thank you thank you we got a sound board but it's like it's just surprising right it today I just forgot that in the song shout said oh no I edited tota I made the feeding and researching well good I wanted to drink Thank You active we're here anyway where were we daily vlogging yeah I mean when I see when I was doing it wasn't like a thing as I good as now like everybody in her mom's daily ha ding yeah that's actually true logo Jake and their mom that really really everyone in their mom hey when I'm out I just started it was Charles Trippy and shaycarl are the holy guys that really did it on the internet they kind of inspired me and uh rest in peace shaycarl yeah I haven't smoked him in a while but he's like the og of the daily vlog and Charles Charles Trippy hasn't actually missed the day to this day he's been doing like 10 years straight that is banana oh yeah I don't know I don't know I lost my mind after 6:00 so well I was telling you me and Ella did daily videos on our second channel eating Neela for 30 days and we almost got a divorce is stressful it's a lot but I can't live your life like there's no way well you start blurring the lines between reality and and that's going through this camera lens and how you're just like living life so it's almost like am i doing this because I want to do is am I doing this because I'm making a video and if you do it every day well yes goodnesses and mess your mental health up I'm pretty sure no like how was your relationship at the mic throughout all that like you guys were doing it for how long they did yeah we did like six years straight and I mean it was great everything was fine we were doing I mean the benefits of it we were like doing a lot more stuff than we wouldn't have done you know we would have sat on the couch that day instead we got outside and did something here doing so it was it was really good for that we I experienced more than I'm sure a lot of people have ever experienced in their six years because I was always trying to do so than different everyday uh but it like put in your life on the internet and having people comment on how you should live your life and you actually doing it you know every day bro is not healthy so at what point did it start to feel like this is not healthy anymore like when my mom passed away and I'm like going like what the [ __ ] am i doing like I should be spending more time with family than what figuring out how am I going to make another video everyday or or like I need to just stop living through this camera lens and just live life without it and just and that's that's when I was just like I just stopped it after that because I'm just like what am I going to vlog tomorrow my mom just passed away I'm gonna [ __ ] get on camera and act all happy and like [ __ ] this what is it even if you want to be sad that's also not not really something that I didn't wanna share my personal [ __ ] you know I'm done I can't do it anymore like this super said that was the breaking point that your mom okay and it was like no more daily you vlog but um did you vlog after that happened after special earther stopped writer oh that good and then what happened when not actually no I did blog a little bit after that I did I did but like and wonder was a big secret I'm not gonna say on here but like me and my relationship my life was like not the same that's the internet thought it was so we let your marital are you yeah like my my situation with my ex and all like we were kind of keeping a lot of things personal and then we finally released the internet like we were actually broken up so you guys were leading on that it was all good for them yeah for a while yeah and it was like this is we gotta just not yeah and I felt like that was just not healthy for us to is it like trying to grow and figure things out so you had mentioned something to me previously when we were chatting that I thought was really interesting about like think you were talking about like I want to get a dog but I know if I want the dog for the vlog or for myself yeah yeah I thought that was really interesting well yeah I mean I do want a dog but I would flock the [ __ ] out of the dog because I think a great content but but I'm so busy so but I do want a dog but I got a roommate now so I might put it on him when I try how bad do you think it is because there's some daily vloggers do you ever think that it goes to the point we're like are we having this kid for the vlog or because I want more kids yeah I mean that's it's scary to think about that's got to be something I mean I guarantee in the back of someone's brain that's a daily vlogger and if they have a child they're already taken all more views more views and like that I mean I would say you know saint roman atwood dude had [ __ ] kids he put this guy it's so bad for him that he had a new kid mmm and they had a livestream when the baby was born they decide the baby's name ya know his fans decided his baby's name and her livestream that's how a little done for this dude and I when I watch Roman out what I'm like these guys all hate each other there's no like I don't know that's good anything you gotta be careful with that like that I mean smile more my dad live streamed it I didn't know that he had I saw it on Twitter so I'm not a hundred percent sure but what I know I said we're naming our comes help us name our new baby yeah and it seemed like a whole promotion for like live yeah I saw that streaming on at live now naming our new baby so it's like he got a sponsor yep honey realize this Gerber you know I just got another one I used to want to sponsorship me proposing to my girl that is crazy amounts of money and I was like there's no way that's my god I utilize people saying how much they offer because I think I find that fascinating no it wasn't a set amount yeah but it was it was going to be dumb money how can you ballpark like if you're comfortable be like hey I don't remember exactly how many on this event give me again it was definitely in late the six-figure oh nice so like by that - like monetized the proposal and everything and I'm just like no I can't even ask me that yeah that's a shitty thing that like can we just [ __ ] completely attack you up at strings to you and just tell you how the [ __ ] like we're not have to God I got it within the circle you know the guy that's like we're kind of close as friends but I was just like I remember like my lawyer was like dude what the [ __ ] if you get I'm going to ask you this but there's Assam talking about that I'm like no and it was just like yeah and that that was a problem with our relationship is like I was getting so much pressure to getting married I'm like I'm here because you all wanted me to get married I going to marry because I won't get married what's happening here god forbid you have a [ __ ] terminal illness or something the one I like live stream is death it's not a [ __ ] gate or a DML therapy session it's necessary by Gatorade yeah I mean is this you got to be careful with that and I think like people just don't care and there's one anything they can do and it's like it's like you sell your soul and I can almost admit that I sold my I feel like I we sold our relationship for the Internet I still had happened how do you feel about your fans didn't consume that content do you resent it at all no I mean they're just they're just they're just going with the flow it's like dig at the inside window into someone's life and age like it's like a friendship but they don't know they don't know that their struggles and what really goes inside and so I'm excited they don't know what it's like to get to like commented on they just know what it's like to comment right I mean so that right it's hard for them to understand that like insatiable did like desire they had to like consume oh my god sorry I don't windows mind is stealing and you probably out of my life windows [ __ ] ate that anyway that insatiable desire your fans have like consumed the most personal like the more you know the more vulnerable to that or the more they like it I mean it's like it's like The Truman Show or something but terms like reality television but it day it's real reality television but I feel like that's changing now I feel like these people that do vlogger it's like they're scripting things and they're they're faking marriages now and getting married and cakepop you had a marriage yeah like yeah I'm sure he didn't actually matter really what right I'm marryin you know yeah I don't I mean I don't think so he sponsored it some on you I think it was Carnival Cruises but unlike his videos when he was getting married if I got crazy views I'm not doing that Lucy there we had like 10 marriage videos and they all broke like 10 million there's like banana it was a bonanza sounds like an arranged marriage yeah it was right in our way sorry I'll take a little shadow baby he's a great actor and this is all fully scripted from him I've been talking about game on the podcast I just hope it yeah what do you think that do you think like this is all I think he's just blurred the lines between reality and scripted [ __ ] and he's living this life but he's living the life for the Internet I think I think that he's too [ __ ] young he doesn't know how to be responsible anything he loves Fame he loves attention he loves the money but like any gods I think I was a lot of okay okay I feel like the problem is that this guy's will do stuff at any cost they have no morals they have no like okay this is this is a line that I want cross like we have some lines like that I want to change it right you have to set up for yourself because you have respect for yourself and for others and it's like it's a problem because you have to set it for yourself yeah it's like this kids they just don't like they're too [ __ ] young if I was 21 yeah I was ever saying I would I wouldn't have any [ __ ] filter they're already an [ __ ] that's why with a piece of [ __ ] and and for one way I can't blame these young guys lower I don't know better but I but to answer your question I do think that that's just who he I don't even think that it goes that far in his head I think that's who he is I think that's who he is I don't think he's capable or mature enough to make a separation of like life and on her life I don't think so I know nobody edits their videos anywhere I edited all mine for six years oh they don't really lunch that [ __ ] I mean who you guys but I mean like the daily hog yeah yeah so that's yeah the fact that you and I think Casey that was the struggle of stressful part is like making the video but in that night yeah hosted in the morning and then doing it again yeah you weren't you into board that so much you're just losses start losing your mind it was always like I was 3m I didn't vlog yet for today oh really [ __ ] what are we going to do oh maybe we'll just go run down in Jim and play with the cats okay well we get it done in an hour Wow edit it post it okay and it works in the word well it's a rough life man I do not have a the daily vloggers even Big Brother like throws games and do it you know like that's one of the models of like showing someone's life every day is right at least they have like competitions and stuff we're like oh [ __ ] a house or something yeah yeah they're stuck in the house filming they're just living right yeah like tune into the great they're not filming there's a whole it being different you're not the creative side of and the only car it's only for a few months it's not for sick for hip right never you ever feel I sometimes sometimes I feel like the grind is rough man it's like this self-imposed [ __ ] nightmare sometimes the youtubes is like a bargain you got to have it now right away fast I'm so envious of people with TV shows right because they do this they'll work really hard for like six months make a great show and then they're like six months off and everybody comes back and watch season two and I'm like god I can't even go I can't even go anywhere for like a week without my life being feel like it's being ruined but you know here we are complaining we have like the best job in the world trying to look no matter how successful you are in life you have it you have the right to complain but like youtubers have this real weird worry that if they leave the internet for three weeks that they're complete audience is called but that's not true I used to think like that and then I was just like you know what I'm not going to take like that anymore I think the owner who I am they're not going to forget Who I am right I'll make a video but oh yeah I remember Jesse right the helis remember they'll always remember always remember the time we don't mean yes he's on the street um god I want to talk about the shipping containers okay I just not advancing I just blew my [ __ ] lot and what is it and I feel like it's such a symptom of our [ __ ] sick society we're living in people are buying shipping containers okay I learned about this from Erica Bly again I know very little but I know enough to get us to the Google yeah so so people are because they can't afford houses who the [ __ ] afford a house this this was brought up to me by my friend Tainan who was looking for a house and he was like you know I had this interesting idea found out this this thing you can do we can buy like a plot of land right you [ __ ] tear down whatever is on that plot of land and then you can buy shipping containers and get them furnished to look like homes so they put drywall on the inside they make it look kind of nice on the outside they weld the shipping containers together sort of like a like connect us to Lego I connect them yes like a legging together well I think this is just but wait how is that cheaper then because it's you know my house because it's who's living in a box of metal like people can't afford houses that's why they buying this [ __ ] because nobody can afford to buy houses so you're like I'm gonna buy a [ __ ] box of metal that if elected like a pig ever gets struck by lightning me my whole family will be fried so that base and how is it even cheaper if you gotta buy stuff you gotta buy land oh they're dope open yeah we should look yeah I haven't seen a picture of what I think it doesn't make sense to me that people do because they're broke because you still have to buy land and you still have to do all this ten thousand for the container you got to hook it up to the grid you got to get a plumbing electrical like this it's not I already have when you get a house wait this makes it more expense so apparently this is one well at this point why not build a [ __ ] house it looks like I okay that's more of like they're showing that you can recite these recycling zones this is the shipping canner can is the guy bananas the ship manners I look like your [ __ ] and mother just buy a house but you had a funny thought too like all these radio waves bouncing off the metal yeah you start here Alex Joe how many more that's dope also the fact that that's a lot was like 80 ties sex worker ghosts yeah who doesn't make it on the Shaklee you know Jesse how is it a death of couse that is this round I think we're missing something cuz I don't think someone would do that because they're broke yeah it's gotta be having to be she know a look at this okay look at this I can put you know I'm not living oh yeah look at the stairway - my brother has been here let me a soon as you walk in balcony that looks expensive no it's more than that look expensive looks like a high-class playground it seems like this is the kind of idea that you would go down to be like oh this might be a cheap alternative to cows and then you start really looking at the numbers and you're like oh this is twice as expensive as a house and it's a hundred degrees when it's 40 degrees outside of yeah I don't have made of [ __ ] metal freezes in the winter what kind of house do you live in these days there oh it's made of metal that big metal box shipping containers it's so I I asked my brother because he works in architecture and he said it's cheaper than building a house yeah that's why that's why people do it right look at this it looks like a [ __ ] house you would see on a construction set it's like a ready player right Jess you go by and Emmas around and I would live in oh look how [ __ ] luxurious this is this is what they really look like yeah this is saying you can isolate it it's a project doing some Russian that one's not working because that's there's no wall yeah that's a guest room that's how they come that's what they do cuz it gets so hot they put they end up tearing the wall down well I mean anyone there I mean people in Venice are living in the storage building we you know like you can store your stuff oh [ __ ] I saw it they're living in those I saw a video of somebody who had that hooked up that way they're living in like storage centrally right like that yeah very loud I'm sure like they live on front of them in Venice but they're all lined up so I figured that did have enough money to rent a thing to put their stuff in and they just go in there and get stuff and then live in a tent out front of it this world and Wow I saw a video of a dude who was in one of those storage units and he had it decked out man he was like pulling stuff off the wall you like built into it so that there was a bed he live here there was like a big jug a little bit sorry sellers that looks ridiculous yeah with your thing goes it looks absolutely it looks like a it looks like a McDonald's Playhouse I'm sorry we can't do square windows that expensive [ __ ] just put a ton of them under the freeway and then just move all the homeless people it looked right houses it was really like if somebody kicks one of those ways and you have your whole house mumbling down like a block of Legos I got one note less windows plus maybe it's a different shade on windows I don't on but it looks like the dream hotel when you're I don't know if you've been there I'm not staying there good circle that you don't like that already but they are insulated just to Garret [ __ ] anyway I thought it was fascinating so here's the deal here's what we're going to do now didn't take a little commercial break really fast two minutes and then I want to ask you about the story when you got questioned by the Secret Service for your Trump assassination music video with because I have yes told it with this story in [ __ ] the fascinating so don't go away and the meantime let me just thank our sponsors really fast if Union and yeah you go to bathroom right thank you guys oh my gosh okay let me just boss through this for a moment right to you by story spread rocky but we store dead type prostitutes and then you live in this graveyard 800,000 we go year oh oh I got you okay alright at first uh guys I want to thank our sponsor Bethesda oh my goodness Bethesda one of my favorite companies ever got in touch with us and they have a new card game called Elder Scroll legends and I've been playing this game for the past couple days and it's basically it's an online card game it's super fun it's got all kinds of sexy card memes that you would expect and they've got some kind of fun game mechanics like different lanes and stuff like that anyway it's free to play it's out on every single platform Steam Mac iOS Android tablet phones and here's what's so dope this is what I was doing play on my tablet and then if I go out somewhere you can close it on your tablet open it on your phone or steam or your computer and it will pick up right where you left off when you log in it's very cool and very fun if you love Skyrim and Bethesda in the elder scrolls in this whole world you're going to love this card game so if you go to Bethesda dotnet and open an account you're going to freakin of the heck out of it and let me tell you what else to which drops this is really cool never to this if you watch someone on twitch playing this game Elder Scrolls legends you get free drops in the game are people getting dressed right now I'm being logged man that's a good question I think I haven't be playing the game yeah there's no like humongous drops go now that would have been dubbed though but if 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to my yo what's up P he's like oh we really would I'm like the shirt bro he's like player vs. player I'm like you got a bomb like and bothered the win I was like kind of disappointed in look it reached outside holidays I guess that's a good thing with you know a guy came to find you later it was like ah okay I see here inactivated [ __ ] is a really weird and I thought where in my merchants I did not mind because I knew who I was wait it was actually your shirt it was my shirt oh I know why you did PvP for the wind yeah and GW it was like the Run DMC lo let it yeah and I sold it through district lines and they put on playlist live it was the first year they did play this live and I'm walking like no one knows me so I can walk freely around and I saw some guy wearing house it oh stop yes not merciful to fear it was like a real fire oh look at that I grabbed my t-shirt that's [ __ ] awesome nectar God shirt back next up we have the great great company known as seat geek C cake is an app that aggregates tickets to live events from all over the web to make buying as simple as eating pie I got my Burnham into heavy gamer during a sea kick I did they're great they're really good C cake is dealt because if you buy seats to an event you can basically see the score on the ticket so if you're buying a seat in a auditorium or a stadium they'll give you a 0-200 score to let you know how good the deal is Green is good red is bad that's intuitive you guys come on so it's really and you get to like see the view from the seat it's very cool so if you go to see geek and you enter the code h3h3 you get $20 off your first order that's good whatever tonight uh there's a link in the description to download the app so I think like ckick is dope it's it's kind of a new way of a thing it's like a much better service then traditionally you would find from these other ticket guys and less like I think some of the other guys actually have like they have like slaves they're like Chinese slave oh my god no it's easy to Saul in the app because yeah I really want to go to the show you just pull it open boom you can find it dragon - it's not like I'm not paying you by the way this week at recess no I mean it's true oh listen I'm trying to get em be a finals but alone I think your favorite yeah and if and if she cake appreciates Jessie get in touch when they get this man some tickets but he said they have been hooking me up I went to Hamilton oh god you tickets to Hamilton was it great cool was this great as everyone says cool I said it to close so when you go sit in the middle do you think that that is your flash son yeah I was in the classes and I break it and [ __ ] out unit on but I was like that also uh it's a small theater I went to New York City so smoke to either I've seen I've listened the soundtrack is really yeah and the music's amazing yes though it was good and I don't really know a little use ultra but I like that one see me good luck everyone yeah yeah at the top it's all over folks the extent of some freaking Alexander tickets and everyone else go to see cake if you want to go to Burning Man watch a show watch Hamilton see a freaking Dodgers game wherever you are go Dodgers [ __ ] the Dodgers whatever you want I don't have a stake in this get $20 off your first purchase link in the description just code hdhd thank you I was wondering how you're funding the fact that I yeah yeah this alright next up we have week which is a really interesting company they do this cool thing where you go on their website try wink calm slash h3h3 and you end up are no sorries just ht3 we gotta get some consistency or these guys just h3 all of them are just h3 we need some consistency here now this one I'm afraid just h3 but they do this really cool thing they deliver wine to you and you go on and you take this quiz this pallet quiz and they say D like berries do you like dirt most people probably say no to the dirt one yeah but that's ordinary questions for dirt is it do you like earth earth I know they always say earthy yeah I don't I think that was like do like coffee yeah chocolate chocolate eclair YZ earth hazelnut rocks rocks they've all these creations air do you like air anyway they test your palate and then they send you a bun wine selection based on your palate it's really dope we did it and we got four balls one it was like I was like oh my god these are so matched to my palate this is a perfect match so everyone you have to go to the store I don't know what wine I'm doing I don't know like you know but it's fun because you can do a little wine tasting exactly experience I like wine but I don't know anything about wine so I go to the store and I'm like what do I know so these guys I think you don't have to go to the store they take all that process out of you they don't think about the palette enough like we rock you like rocks you like her dress she grass easily betters you like to taste the feathers you get then we got the wine for so go to try wink calm /h 3 and let's see here you get 20 bucks off if you use that link on your first order they'll even cover the cost of shipping so go to TR y winc comm /h 3 get $20 off and free shipping are you guys spamming it out there Dan it's showing on the screen also um what else was going to say yeah basically you join for free skip any month cancel anytime and if you don't like the wine you don't have to pay for it you just send it back that's great I'm going to join that it's a like I think yeah you guys got me on that one nice all right thank you little one thank you thank you thank you to our sponsors for supporting the show if it wasn't for them this wouldn't all be possible so if you're in the market for some wine some some tickets or trying to look for a new fun game consider supporting our sponsors thank you guys thank you all right should we just keep going or should we take a bathroom break I could keep going I'm good well I need to pee again okay done we are gonna run to the bathroom superfast actually my dad is here too I want to say I don't know yeah they're not yeah you arrived so please don't leave something terrible will happen I don't know what don't let anything terrible happen like the longer you guys stick around the better the base is already perfect we don't want to mess up just so you know we still have conspiracy closet comment when you're coming out I still I can you guys talk about how was it a secret service funded me Delos okay yeah yeah this was just the beginning not call about am i gay yo snoop I come after me for this one never tell you this he's put me down line rings can you make sure that it comes here I want I can just go to the [ __ ] bathroom I am we have the news coming up we're just getting yeah I'm wearing a diaper so I mean I was just telling you guys I have to pay I could Monica I'm cool I will be back guys we're not going to I'm going to literally run so we back in a short man welcome back everybody to the Ashlee podcast live hear what everybody who was here before we were about to get into the story of Jessie's music video with Snoop Dogg were you guys kind of like did a little meme where you assassinated the president there was no assassination it was a bit of a mean it was a bit of a bigger story listen but a bit of an assassination means notice that were and which road is also off the set there was this at the Park Row was it more like because it was all about clowns and put on imagery so like this one guy gets shot by a cop and it's confetti but when Snoop shoots Trump it's like a bang fitting where you got to end the universe not with a straight-up call for assassins okay I'm kidding I'm kidding so the Eternity up dead let's watch that can we watch that that scene because a sexual anyway the interesting part of this story I mean I think most you guys have seen it because it was it was quite a big fiasco but um by Jessie rewrote and they record the me right yeah right so this what happen I was a TA shaadi again oh my god okay alive screams with EI and Snoop Dogg to play like Battlefield or something and we have the same manager so that's probably why we got the same gig I get there I managed oops there in the green room managers like snoop you should have jesse directly music videos he wants to he's inspiring director he wants to he's really good students like for shizzle like whoa and my managers even tell me was going to say that to sue but he was just out of nowhere I was alone and he's like stoop you should also let Jesse post on his channel I was like I love that idea and snoops like yeah for sure we played the video game the whole time playing the video game snoop didn't like the game too much because they went little smoke pie in there in the whole time he says will you let me smoke dope I might like the game decided to fly and then they gave me the controllers inverted the whole time and they were wondering why he was doing so that is I didn't else they didn't know it's a I watched that live by the way you saw her yeah I loved it oh yeah I love snoop coming up me and I go we got the secret weapon and he's next to zac efron or something and they both I yeah does battlefield 1 yeah we did without we have soup sitting next with with the job ok another time gotcha but yeah that was a great yeah so we're even I'm like snoop let's go smoke one in your van and talk about this video he's like alright we go in his van and we're smoking and umm and I'm basically writing the idea for the video right there as we're smoking weed and I'm like yo it's around October and that's whenever that clown mean was like a big thing with killer clowns or reality they were everywhere so we're gonna do something like a clown universe with like cops like in and talk about some political [ __ ] and it was like when Trump and Hillary were running cells will clown them because they're both clowns and woman will play on that and we're going to put dog this on the other cool is they I'll give you the song in an hour I'll text it to us never on text means to them like yeah this is crazy this farts Snoop Dogg and I walk out the van or I couldn't even find my uber and then I go home and hear from for like three days on my August it shouldn't happen to like 6 o'clock in the morning he sends me a text message a video of him in studio writing the song and rapid it he just made the song fresh song yeah he's like I've made it a fresh one from what you talked about in the bin like Joe this is insane like oh my guys it goes right to song for this time like this is wow you co-wrote a song with Snoop yes yeah counted and then uh they send it to me like Kulak it to a treatment and I'm like you know how about this I'll put up half the money you put up half the money and we'll put on my channel and then you'll make your money back from the song of sales because I have a bigger following on YouTube then than you do stupid weirdly no foul so yeah no festive but but it would it would just reform perform better in whatever is a cool so nobody like he was going to get like a brand like a GoPro or something to give us money I'm like no I don't want anyone to tell us what we can't do because it's very very controversy and I'm like so it's just me and soup and management nobody's involves just means to being creative so I make the treatment I go to his house I show him the treatment he's like cool um it was just taking too long to get the video done and and Donald Trump actually won we're like whoa we didn't like no one thought he was gonna win and the night he we found out he wants new calls and he's like yo he won he can we were talking about Donald Trump winning and he's like I'm like you still want to make this video like now it's just going to be about Trump he's like yeah I don't care we're gonna clown I'm like okay he's a clown uh well you know fast word we get the video done we shoot it edit it took me like a month I worked super hard on I did everything to producing or writing directing um the finished products done he loves it everyone loves it like some some lawyers are like this is a little you know which lawyers my lawyer was like a long I'm sure Jesse and Mike I mean it's not a legal raise it no it's not a legal asperity it's you know it's provocative yeah it's like you're on the wine like a host Alliance freedom of speech but it's I mean it is the sitting president clown and it doesn't even get fascinated it wasn't really like Kathy Griffith love of that it wasn't it was even close yeah with a straight parody and it was a like a whole other universe right I'm we're trying to get the story short it's almost done now God like the time it's great and then give us the long version we put the video up and I was up all night the night before the final night of editing put it up the next day he drops the song new and I go to sleep because I was up all night I just went right to sleep I wake up the right-wing media is just destroying Snoop Dogg did disgusting this is so wrong TMZ I'm getting thousands of phone calls from CNN TMZ they all want to interview me snoop calls me is like yard let's not talk to anybody but the art speak for itself don't talk to anybody and I'm like yeah that's right I'm not going to go and see anybody okay that's what made the video kids were these the thing is if you put your image in their hands they'll always find a spinet so I'm like cool I just denied all I had a publicist luckily at the time and she's like grabbing everything it was kind of negative at the point like all the comments were negative you're going to jail and other Shani scared yeah the FBI is going to come get you in all this [ __ ] in Weston OOP angry I had I hadn't heard from Snoop he hasn't said anything to me and I'm like and I'm like oh [ __ ] and it's like 24 hours of me just freaking out oh my god did we just annoy handedly just bring down Snoop Dogg's career can you imagine like oh my god I'm gonna get killed I thought I was gonna get killed either by Snoop scared by like the president right and I'm like sick I'm like just like sick yeah manager that connected us is sick he can't even talk to me he's like thank God all his campus pissed I go to sleep wake up the next day Trump tweeted about it as soon as Trump tweeted about it all left-wing people are like these guys are heroes this is a First Amendment this is not too far he didn't actually get shot because right-wing built it in a way that looked like it was way worse than it was you know the news name injustice DOMA to dispel the whole context of it we all know about that with PewDiePie and uh and the left-wing was all like this is great and it was all positive and everyone celebrating soup dogs texted me all the emojis so I got a laugh whatever [ __ ] he's writing to me because he loves the tweeting our text emojis to me okay emojis like a fire gas tank clown yeah I think that's it I think I doing it was good and uh and then and then her lawyer Supes lawyer gets ahold of me says hey the Secret Service wants to talk to you all right so look [ __ ] now I'm sick again oh my god [ __ ] what the [ __ ] and they're like tomorrow I'm like cool these closet ladies like okay we're not doing it tomorrow we're doing it next week I'm like what the [ __ ] I gotta wait a week some stress for a week I'm turning my phone off every time I talk to somebody I'm just like thinking helicopters are following me I run sure they're zeroing in on yeah well you know Obama's got all the drones so you were in that front and it his lawyer was like you could go tell them to go [ __ ] themselves and not meet with them but no I'll find you really yeah well you could you can just be like hey Secret Service kinda like well I feel like I'm not going to the meeting I'm not going to meet with you but they'll just come knock on my door there Amen okay yeah I was like no I'll meet with them whatever you were yeah yeah and so we waited a week and I remember and I haven't heard from suit with the whole week we just worked quiet so I don't know if he's mad at me I don't know with know that yeah yeah so I show up to the we're all meeting at Stoops lawyer's office and I show up snoop shows up he's [ __ ] demands dude was the most humble awesome dude by the way he's super nice and he's like yell what's up Jesse everything's cool everything's cool he was like super mellow yeah and the lawyer was like super excited on my client lawyer so excited like I knew it yeah I think was just excited because like we're making history they're like yeah we're like we're like making history right now I mean how many rappers been interrogated by the state and then the lawyer kept joke I'm like is it illegal like am I gonna go to jail he's like what inciting violence on the president like you could go to jail I'm like what are you saying it's a bad answer no pilot yeah what is unfair to you and what are you talking about lawyers do it where they'll be like I can't talk to you like a real person because I gave you the wrong reason then you can sue me right so yeah there is a chance that you can't go to prison for threatening the life on the president dilma Mylene insane into me like what the [ __ ] talk to my lauren he's talked to guys that were like freedom of speech big wig guys and DC and said is completely not illegal yeah before I go forward like when it was all going down TMZ loved to go up to rappers and people in the streets there was all these TMZ videos other than walking up and showing the image of Snoop Dogg with a gun and in the Donald clump right and what do you think of this image and none of the rappers or they all had stoop Spectre all like it's art its art yeah it's art and then what like I took like ice-t watched it and he was like I watched it it's not even bad and at the end of the video can we with him whatever everyone had our back everyone celebrities everyone was good um and then I guess uh Madonna like a week before said some crazy [ __ ] in the Secret Service visited her so she says I'm sure she say she was like at some March and she had some things she was going to set the way lane Harry and so that's what my lawyer was like listen she didn't go to jail they just wouldn't visited her everything's been fine all right so we're at the office Secret Service shows up we're going to like get explaining people it was uh it looked like two ex-military guys to Marcia and an older woman she was like the boss we're at a table just like this I'm here snoops here I think snoops manager was in it and snoops lawyer and me and we sit down Secret Service sits down there like when the one guy whoever here just started speaking he was like okay we just wanted to bring you in you know its protocol for us and we don't want you to think that you're in trouble in any way and and the student sort of seemed real nervous I'm a [ __ ] so nervous ugh ya know like it's [ __ ] dog there's rubber man in the [ __ ] machine just like [ __ ] and by the way I'm like you exam yeah going to resume just chillin and then they are like yeah you didn't do anything illegal it's just like our duty if anybody ever says anything in any way about the president we have to just follow up or nice yeah it's protocol and we just want to make sure that you don't really want to harm the president seems like nah man he's my homie we are gross to them before on the show and we're just having fun that's true they did the Trump rusty it you know I kinda mentioned Trump got so butthurt after already spinning through him well what did Trump tweeted Trump tweeted if if Obama if Snoop Dog noises with Snoop Dogg's dying career in all if he would have put is the gun yeah if you would have pointed the gun at Obama jail time by the way I hate that it's not true well I always hear this argument on the left and right if if this was Hillary good and then this would happened can you imagine if Obama or Hillary barely talked Parton like did some crazy [ __ ] with some guns on stage and yeah it's gonna shoot yeah I remember that yeah so and I mean but anyone go to jail I did it free that over that but Ted Nugent but at just that argument both sides odd that he tweeted it because then the left people found out about it and it is good and then this one we've got millions of views a little table he was on your side after I almost think like stoop was like Trump can you tweet about it right now we're hating on me and if you tweet about it we're gonna be all balloting yeah luckily you it was just a violence thing if you had done anything about how he has a bunch of failing businesses and [ __ ] hotel running he would have really come after you I don't think he saw the video Trump I think he probably saw that image yeah he ran up a good picture so anyway you're in the media and then and then our minute ago okay what was the meaning of the video right and then I'm like well I'm like if Snoop says the wrong thing maybe he'll incriminate us and we might go to jail and like he didn't write it I wrote it so I don't know if he knows artistic thoughts behind it and then he was like he's about to speak and I'm like snoop can I take it from here well the meaning is that we want to kill the president stop looking secret service on the podcast [ __ ] not to kill them and my god that was like you know it was like it was a whole different universe it was the play on the fact that I knew that right-wing media was going to pick it up and flip it way worse than it was right and turn it into this thing and that's just what I think is wrong with society rights because like you see something on the news but it's not really what happened so like when the guy shot the guy in the car in the music video all you saw was him getting shot in the kids Musa in the video that the kid filmed but he had a gun and the in his suitcase so it was a play on that's interesting that I was wondering I was going to ask you I was in yeah there was a play on that like okay like that the Newt and then it goes on the news on the TV and the people riot it was like Ronald clump was like the head of this riot going on and he was supporting all dogs some of you read it on the news just Ronald clumps supporting all dogs it was showing up at snoops house to deport him and he pulls out a gun and the flag comes out and we social commentary yes that is so it was a and I knew that image this image would it went viral and it did and worked perfectly played right into the of my thoughts on how turnout so Trump saved your ass Somaly Mam saved it that's [ __ ] to each other because I remember when he tweeted it that morning the video was going I've never seen my real-time views do that before whoa yeah what a [ __ ] great story what I finished and then we're telling that it is like okay The Secret Service look okay whose idea was it right I look at snoops new books in me we write me out and I'm like looking around a lawyer as a manager and like no one say they don't snitch I'm like it was me it was me to go sit down they wrote it I'm looking right over here yeah laboratory efforts with Snoopy Brazilian of course but yeah I wrote it with base off Batman you know the Batman see with the flag and then they're like I really close the book on this we just miss you they 100 president don't be worried about freedom speech and let's set up a report like you ever want to lash out on the government maybe we should talk and find out better web yeah yeah I don't know about that yeah that's cool that they said like you know super yeah yeah then important did we leave we walk down like snoop man you gangster again now darling I know and though then part two of The Hound done yeah that is a great story from getting Trump to tweet it to being Integra gated by the Secret Service with along Snoop Dogg I can only imagine when the night a week that you had to wait for that man oh I also wrote when Trump tweeted I replied to him I said it's just I just click baited you bro and that you clicked and then super service was like oh what's clickbait yeah chicken and I had explained it to the Secret Service and I'm like it's like when Trump thought he saw him getting yeah some way but it really wasn't I clicked they didn't feel real smart in that moment yeah that happened to us when I was being deposed farthest or being sued for copyright infringement that his attorney asked me what does it mean she says what does it mean because he asked me fortunately it's just a middleman I thought is like what is the name you need to find a meme and I was like oh my god so finally what a meme is that acceptable to me me me Nate the main a and I mean that as a kid in high school I used to be a big prankster oddly and I would prank the principal I'd get in trouble I got kicked out of high school and my brother like text me your kids like you went from pranking the principal to pranking the president why did you do it yeah only I don't know yeah there it is well thanks for sharing that yeah all the total party snoop well thank you care anymore display is done well did you want to watch it or just mm yeah I mean here I'll show this world apart ending just the part word like the part where they and yeah and show the part at the end we were smoking together to I can text yeah so now in post when we're in post I was like should we add the gunshot and the muzzle flash or should we just have it be late right and I kind of regret the muzzle flash in the gunshot yeah makes it a little more violent you're right I wish it was just like a cloud of smoke and not a giant chunk yeah in fact you know think that would it helped us a little bit well you know we learned her but truly if you compared to like what Kathy Griffith did when I look at that image that was just anger I'm just like what it was the social commentaries that was not necessary or any budding it was no message there was just girl you got real mad on a Tuesday and was like we know I think it was I think it was the the photographer was like Kathy Snoop did this and it worked wonders for him and maybe you should be separated and everybody's gonna love it that's that's probably not you know exactly how it goes up I'ma be trending what a tolerant let whoops where's our sisters house you see took it hard and she took a real hard real trouble we did about her she's a different claim used to went to the line and kind of like tiptoed around the line a little bit she likes jump over the line and I took a [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah she moved all right well we've got two more segments coming up we've got here was contingency corner yeah by the way when you were talking about snoop it was for 20 no I didn't want to break your alright and I will just want us to get super high for the conspiracy segments no my mom texted me she said Ethan tiny houses are all the rage because you can tow them like trailers she says where what so wherever you go your home comes with you she said all the rage she said Ethan the tiny houses are all the rage because you can tell you I sure shipping containers right you're talking about a glorified trailer home I'm sorry I still hate it and those houses we saw are not trailer bull it looked like IKEA showroom stuffed in depression creators anyway you need it you know join it both need a big-ass boat yeah if you're trying to with the trade route you're all right Eric it's time for your is it conspiracy my Agha and dreams you guys want to get salty I mean you know I can probably grab a bud if you want to be here some you want a coffee um little water you go sir I am the wider my third eye is really hone in on stuff but I do have this all cued up I'm ready to go I'm gonna grab a bud yeah I'm gonna grab Ryan can you bring us some buds bring the buds you wanted my needle bud we need to but it up do you want to be real yes three years global Satan was a fool liver and so guys uh now we hand it on over to Eric once we get those butts yeah what we do have an intro that's about to play yeah oh yeah a cue from Dan some oh I'm just going to wait till it plays on this thing oh wait wait you're telling on it oh wait I got to switch the thing so do you have because I'm hooked up to the month yeah you get it we got to hook me you gotta hook up help us yeah don't play the intro yet reducers on it I'm not credit for the conspiracy oh yeah I was supposed to call so Flo all right let's do that you know okay do that while you this is such a show of such a [ __ ] no we're good to mimic that's casual that will agree no it's a bag you got a cause for low so well you get this or visit I would hire know Jesse drink a beer with I think that I'm gonna appeal of a podcast really poppy bud yes all right don't have it oh wait what you have the other day was like I went to the 4:20 where you want can we do that again up mm-hmm this Joe Rogan is on camera no it does it off camera do what wait I thought we can get demonetized there a mind nothing we're not talking about anything you can go while we you guys want to take a bath alone you guys go take a quick break yeah there's there's Bud Light out in the lobby yeah yeah all right so while those guys go get their Bud Light I'm gonna call Soflo um socio flow yeah yeah give them the background filament little accident this this is great I love the show man from Secret Service is calling so far about his spam hold on here I'm telling okay so so flow on his channel on YouTube he hasn't posted in like months maybe a year I don't even know and then all of a sudden a week ago or two weeks ago he posted 500 videos in one day mm-hmm I don't even know how it's possible was just a bunch of spammy crap he posed 500 video he posted a million yeah like his whole video tab is full of videos that he uploaded in one day Jesus so let's see if he answers because there's a good chance that and doesn't remember him I had scheduled it with him so we want to ask him what is the strategy behind it because it seems my high level YouTube yeah I want to get in on there and analysis level you know there's clearly some high level six offal as a smart guy he's a savvy businessman he's a shark is he's a shark but when I saw those 500 videos upload I'm like so Flo for those reasons I'm out in a little toasted right now I know what happened you just texted him yeah I text him you don't want to surprise him with a call well no I we talked about earlier in the week and I said hey so Flo can I call you on Friday and he said yeah just text me ahead of time so we scheduled a goal at 408 kind of missed our time he's in Hawaii he's on vacation in Hawaii uh-oh he's such a G he was going to take this call he's on vacation so okay so we can hit him up so flow a long time ago did you what was your impression of him Eric can you set up it was flirting meantime he was literally vidcon thirsty for what oh sorry Dan I might need a little eyes collaboration this and then he like figured out some Facebook thing somebody was like doing YouTube I think my middle yeah he was doing prank that guy is like I'll say I always say this about the pranksters those guys hostile like no one else guy went from doing YouTube pranks yeah you having one of the biggest Facebook you know because of the prank community as a youtuber was like it was like the low-hanging fruit for [ __ ] boys yeah yeah definitely well you were doing you were in the prank game but I wasn't doing the public [ __ ] that was like a whole different beast in its own when I was like this weird [ __ ] where I was just [ __ ] around my girlfriend right and and there was like one other channel that did it at the same time that was like just kind of riding that wave with me right kind of hated him I [ __ ] love the channel name the name was called uh but what's the name of the channel I just know them they're Nikki and John [ __ ] those guys man over there no no but like for the longest day they would always tried say we copied them but we we were way ahead to them but like my channel got deleted why because I when I first started the internet videos uploaded on break calm and like if you could on break calm you get two hundred bucks on school I dared my girlfriend eat cinnamon she ate it choked I put it on the internet I got two hundred dollars all in the military at a time I like break just pays you $200 to upload a video there know if it hits their home page big thick it's funny enough for their home that's interesting but what I didn't know is they're taking the full exclude latex I get the right it or the whole right I didn't know I just signed my money I was Mike that I needed that like five times and then I went to youtube and put those two videos on YouTube and it started creating buzz and then they did DC MV whatever what no it took my channel down and I had to start over again was a blessing in disguise yeah because my name was like Jesse welly Jesse has the YouTube channel then I started over in progress right but now it's back to Jesse so did you cut out the well ago wow man this license holder really take advantage of people same with these companies claps like what so flow does not ready lies the legends to videos yeah actually no he just upload them who's just riddled on the license is secondary is there oh you caught me wait signed this there's 200 bucks I don't have forever there's these companies like uh what are these big ones called jump giant comedia chunkin' they'll still go find a viral video be like I'll give you $25 they lie I very own like all like 90% on everybody oh yes it's it's in crime not gonna say fast people clown on me that I always say that's fascinating in every episode as if it's a problem to be fascinated fascinated by JIT are we not here to fascinate and be fascinated it's like the [ __ ] B version of glass are you not fascinated are you not fascinated there's a suggestion to call solids about his latest video I'm not I absolute yeah he made like Joey such a [ __ ] character this guy's makes a classic salads video something oh yeah I remember he went to outside Jake Paul's house and he's like look how easy I can have abduct his fan did a child abductions I got a gigolo and then he text me even before I watch it soon as he posted he says yo Ethan watch my new video it's cancer and I'm like I can't react to your video now there's like yes where Jesse he's trying to win with it yeah yeah I think his business card just says Joseph salads child abductor yeah at this point just a kingdom hands over big like 90% obviously and jail goes when we have him on a show he's like I'm not going to tell you what should my pranks are fake but I'll tell you 99.99% of all pranks are fake on internet I'll exit okay so that leaves about maybe like one have you ever met him yeah you met without man I'm Excel it's probably playlist live over some solid yeah he's willing to embrace it he's on ice yeah he doesn't [ __ ] around well I mean he does but he's honest about it which right let's get he's a typical Jersey Guido in my school died one more push is Dickon hotdog button you seen that whoops no I've kissed his mouth oh yeah there's like a whole bunch of them he was doing this thing for girls on you know we go into the yeah it said that he shot it for a movie like a jackass no he apparently they had a snapchat account another effort they made a lot of noise following Joey Saldana a bunch of gay guys they did it back in the day he was putting his dick and a hotdog bun and putting on snapchat and you got like a huge gay following I'm a tip of the be room yeah yeah I mean gate you know I mean hey it's nice to be desired by somebody right hey so solid high security okay he'll did tilt he'll he'll dispute that but I suspect Joey is alone well now he has a girlfriend and they have like a cylinder now he's in LA are you guys ready step right up he's gay speaking of but you want it doesn't admit it this salad I love it we're like he's gay he won't admit it but hot hotdog buns are male is doing kind of like my boyfriend oh he put all his money in this girlfriend yeah and when he was here I told him I thought you a relationship is favori one day John wall's he's pranking Rick 2017 Lance dude it's real everybody wants it it's not work are we ready okay we problem you know that we want our Joey conspiracy but we really pranks each other that was the [ __ ] up [ __ ] we really wouldn't know I believe I believe you I I honestly tipped my way to Yahweh's oh wait you fake some stuff I'll meet her meet her no it was never like hey honor sharing your day yeah it was like this was always surprising it was like this I'd walk into a situation it would be off and I'm like up uh hold on okay or something here okay not gonna spoil it okay but I see she spent the time to try and get angry right now okay spying my food [ __ ] doing my food it's going to be oh so you have my ah it's probably the food I'm looking for a kid like you watch some of my videos like I'm looking for cameras if I said she was pregnant once that was [ __ ] 100% real and I really believe that oh my god oh and I look around and I look and you see me looking for the camera cuz I'm like this is a prank oh [ __ ] not a bank I'm like oh [ __ ] I'm having a baby oh [ __ ] oh so I got out and then she's like pranked yeah yeah and I'm like wait what wait what the Frank and what is really pertinent Oh it was the [ __ ] up thing is she would she was smart though she was really good she would put plant the seed like she would be like three weeks you like why I'm coming oh but that live it on camera so I like see right slant the seem to be like three seriously well guess what I took the test me of course really hardly did I'm like you do without me that's a rotten could see like legitimately did you guys have like a safe word no it means every time that would be like the first thing that we would always go hey right now that thing other people do it like they're usually telling me not to do bugs and I would do bugs all the time oh yeah she's like listen don't do buses and you'll see some videos up or bug out she's like [ __ ] you you're not posting there my god or like there was a safe word it was like we would get naked right away so that we know we couldn't be saw what a life there was drunk oh but like yeah like so was never fake it was more of like be a food one maybe like she like put some spicy [ __ ] in a burrito on me and I sat down and I could just sense it I was like [ __ ] is inviting me in the food or something whatever it is and I [ __ ] it and then I realized I'm like [ __ ] it's that spicy [ __ ] would that ever happen but there was no prank all the time so you're like in your head all times yeah there's almost like a parent like you're almost having paranoid delusion right and we had a really obsession of [ __ ] with each other when the other person would fall asleep especially on the couch and it really kind of [ __ ] me up likes my sleeping like it would really [ __ ] me up and if you watch it if you want to see a really funny video of a prank that's 100% real I'm sleeping and she wakes me up this one that breaks [ __ ] bones probably you want to watch and I snap into sleepwalking mode and I like scream like bloody murder and try to hide behind her and it's funny it's really fun what has about you if you just google I don't even know how to find it um baby going on YouTube and search like boyfriend prank vs. prank sleeping all right let's get it [ __ ] I don't know let's get into you're just rude next time I'm gonna I'm just putting into my to do list for for next time I'm gonna all right well listen the longest break ever alright thanks for taking around everybody up to the bottom of it okay okay are we ready I think we're ready you guys ready I am preparing to play at any second and then we'll get into it I'm just watching myself and it's like half a second off it's very bizarre Hey alright guys welcome to the conspiracy closet you already jump into the closet with me let's take a leap listen I went deep I went deep this time I found I found a conspiracy that I think that everybody can get on the same page about cool I'm talking about of course celebrity clones mmm you guys heard about celebrity clones at all is this something not really very well then you're in for a treat because I thought this one was really great I've compiled three cases that I believe to be the strongest evidence that the shadow masters who run our civilization are taking our most beloved celebrities cloning them and then sending them right back out as brainwashed real hold on what did you feel with the original wait I have heard of this do you realize I they just say that they throw yeah you're like yes one is Lord hater yeah yeah I mean Michael Jackson Michael that's one of the ones that came across he's perished the colones has paired yeah his clones dead oh so you can't clone the clone is it like when bolon perishes what I found is that they just have kind of like stem cells on record okay okay for most celebrities so they just keep the stem cells and if that celebrity dies but the Illuminati and the shadow masters want to continue some sort of dialogue with them to help them like right get people in line and everything clone so we could have a Michael Jackson return at any moment yeah now when tipped me off was actually this article right here from the Metro can you folks grant yeah I think so hang on I'm still this is the one thing that I haven't gotten there we go okay this is a first of all what happened to Avril Lavigne conspiracy theory that the singer is dead life is back again now I was like what is that I was going to get you by that headline it kind of all depart grammatically at the end of their material by the way news but not as you know it it's just pretty oh you know it's cool you know it's going to be that right news we're news but not as you know it Wow they also have their shares at the top right so they're taking the keemstar model of just telling you how much be it 22 million oh why did I sentence that's not like me more like a lot that's that didn't seem like a lot of like all of their article yeah that's good be like anyone ever share a metro articles article by Avril Lavigne but this article I'm interesting details why does the sentence say yeah cannot be really that the singer is dead life is back again that was somebody I think that about a trauma yeah their headline written if I were to I think conspiracy theories in here is dead mama bears bag lightest words that my wife because this was an old theory that Avril Lavigne had died okay and was replaced well convinced me well here's here's a piece from the article right here started by a Brazilian Avril Lavigne fan page the idea goes that after the release of her 2002 debut album Avril couldn't handle the pressures of Fame and began using a body double called Melissa called Melissa here's a picture with Melissa on her fist yeah hence the picture shortly after beginning work on her second album the page claims it Avril fell into depression and was later found dead at her home by her record company who just I mean you've talked to Snoopy probably told you all the time like yeah man the record company just comes in check something yeah should the company began using Lola as the real Avril who then apparently begins leaking details of Averill's death via song lyrics I have a question album booklets if this was a massive conspiracy why would they have a picture of her reg Melissa on her fist oh would I drop that you know that's a good question and I think that it can boil down to like if they do that it suddenly makes the conspiracy like redic to dairies oh it's at we're getting ahead of doing a 180 on they know us better than we know ourselves so I did some ELISA and her song lyrics like that I'm not sure if that is Melissa or if she just wrote Melissa on her hand say like this is my best friend who's acting like the climbs as a clone yeah well no no no this is not a case of clones I'm like leaning into it with you guys like I'm getting real soft into it like what it gets into the clone thing who's Melissa she's not a Clovis is not clone she's just a ivory Levine's friend just not but I happened to look like her okay and then when Avril Lavigne died in 2003 they replaced her with this elusive Melissa character and suddenly got a look all of a sudden her banging friend looks identifing our difference as you can see well luckily the resolution is high enough photos make a joke what's their friends yeah let's go how you told me I don't know this one has a herpe outbreak you know it's tough because like they're very good at making someone look like the other person but there's small things that they can't change like if you notice the eyes on the right a little bit bigger that's not what the circles okay yeah I don't know who draw those circles but yeah that's this makeup I think they're trying to say the gutter for every person that is the same Pro this is not yeah that's the same purse that's what they want you to believe it everybody really look into it when I think there are there are differences I mean here hang on let's see what we got here there you see well let me see if I can zoom in without their dad is a retired pane now we'll explain the missing freckles we're just going so didn't they have them no way what about the hon have disproved them so that's one two three together right ed yeah well that's a young with such an easy response go okay no way they did that they did this but these are the Brazilians but I see it's in like everybody's they have their own ideas about de estilo it says at the bottom of the question mark so you had the other ones removed yeah I wasn't sure if this was actually pointing out freckles or not because I can't pretend I care about the other body is resilient yeah did you know yeah okay I think this one was a pretty interesting look into the idea of celeb reading and getting replaced keep that keep them on edge going the money the money are the message I think it's the money in the message man you know it's also like you got to get her parents money the message to the memes and then all of a sudden this replacement starts making songs with like song lyrics hinting at it like you guys remember Avril Lavigne said my name is actually Melissa it's off the album my parents are totally cool with naturally name being dead I didn't catch that one it's a good outfit listen to whatever really under the radar it's on Spotify what else I really got that wait we got in Fox okay wait before you move on that article is from this year right yes that was from May of this year I think that's really important to me oh yeah that would be the one that like you know if anybody following along at home I think that that would be the one if they're like oh yeah no remember I'm looking at these pictures of what's your name that's Megan Fox now we had this vision of Megan Fox and what I'm seeing is somebody aging seven years with blindly clear exactly as it would seem right but with what in fact is happening here is multiple cloning I don't know what the hell went wrong with her but the theory on mailbox luck is this [ __ ] for real tea I think she was like made in America like she didn't have like the Japanese like they make [ __ ] right they actually last long enough the Japanese American you got a reboot they look for real yeah man yeah okay so in this case they're saying she's been cloned four times I'm with it I found a whole YouTube video actually that's just titled Illuminati clones was megan fox replaced and i'd love to play for you guys that's okay why would they give her such ugly thumbs done ugly thumb well you got to keep it you didn't know she was ugly stones lunar thumbs are shaped like shovels that's like the idea no with her like oh he's beautiful she's perfect but have you seen your thumbs it is I would've liked that alright guys now this is a video that should prove without a doubt the Megan Fox was clones okay what's with the right cheek clones well subscribe as you can see there's no I think well I recorded this I might have realized that that was annoying his [ __ ] and did something about it come on past Eric can I just take animals can I take them okay I got it thank you yeah just reflect on life what's with plastic surgery what do you mean there's a Columbian that's just okay let's pretend for a moment who don't want the be young forever but it like she how old is she she's like in her 20s she's putting [ __ ] poison in her face she probably look amazing I mean make she looks good still but what do you think she got lip injections she's got cheek she lips every forehead she's all over the place but they're all black in plastic surgery very much Botox yeah both I'm pretty sure when they clone you they don't make you look a little bit better every time like she glitched out malfunctions you guys know that clones can glitch that no I can't like to see oh my god I thought my phone was me the the most interesting item oh no my clone I thought i muted myself was ready for a call Oh God let's do that George yeah let's do hang on [ __ ] so Flo time for you right now miss sorry so I do my segment a self loan that's actually connections you yeah they're not gonna release your investigation your clone yeah I think you do because you you're also conditioned to to like put your propaganda out there to to be a clone and there's a did you know there's a reason that you are a clone because the person who you're cloned from didn't do the job right right shot of masters came in took them out in the sleep clone in a bed immediately just wake up ARMA clone they're like clone next time you make a Transformers movie make sure it's good it's like in West world the show West roble those they didn't know that they were manufactured beings until that's what the comment broke their conditions so the clones don't know right so I'm dark and the clones out there you got to break your conditioning guys and I it's crazy how much proof there is about this like if you've never seen a clone glitch out before you might not even know what it looks like but let me show you you guys know al Roker's a clone I didn't know that snooze to me it's kind of weird right that is weird did he lose weight but the clone that they cloned him skinny take club Kevin I think oh he lost the weight himself he was on a personal crusade to lose all those that weight and then they're like you're dead bring in the club they were like we don't like the way you're acting I put you in the clone booth you ever seen someone lose so much weight you're like he looks better fat no people are gonna say that about me when I love it you know I resolved photo Jonah Hill right I was it wrong yeah it looks pretty good my bad nice yeah we thing I I'm telling you Domino like uh Jared from Subway he [ __ ] kids oh yeah he was definitely better fat before he was [ __ ] all it was it the kids to need him lean I think it might have been was all the fun got skinny Joe doll gets lucky and he was like I'm skinny now and to play the field kind of like on the kid transitional rocker so keep an eye on Al keep an eye on oh this guy's a clone he's about the glitch the [ __ ] out the other toe on the right might also be clones like the West Show today Oh rightly so if you is right again it should constrict there's a pretty little thing way holy God everybody in the chat adjusts awfully good you like went into a trance it was like this trigger word yeah she she word again okay I see it again which is look a whole round off and just play okay look Oliver I alternate explanation I think you may have had a stroke well close can obstruct through turns the Holy Ghost did somebody say Holy Ghost assassinated all right that's what I told you looking at the producer right now like yeah what'd you tell her to say that some of us got in his ear and said some nasty to him but why is he working so hard and so long like it's so inappropriate like television and this video electical this is the best clip I could find out it favors out before he's done I want you to snap out be like yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] see her they see that I'm a clone it is like a sci-fi movies were there like cupcake penguin and then you're like I have to Sasson ate JFK yes like The Manchurian Candidate kind of thing are you gonna watch it again I'll get back at you guys want to see Johnny Depp glitching out yeah yeah oh johnny densify oakland wants it okay well here's some hot it's conspiracy goes I believe that's lista there's just a drunk he's also bit of a lunatic yeah well yeah you might be right about know me think that tell you what's it we got Johnny Depp completely sober and then out of a bar Oh his body slams come on what was that what um I'm gonna I'm going to play that again which I'd like you guys to take note of it what the audio is that around him says and the music going I need again there's a lot going on in this video very little okay this guy's really close to them Oh like I grab Johnny what would you do to Johnny did his body slam or did you guys not Johnny with the head that's on top of them that's somebody else well I mean no one's Johnny in this is there he's a clone oh hey what happened here okay I was a hat like waterfall I think some yeah someone hug them and then they fall yeah I fall boys laugh poor Johnny he's drunk I think he's just a fresh out the cloning booth you know I got me a lamb legs so that the language I'm due tackled him I don't think they tackled him I think they hugged him he was just a little bit he's gonna lose on the legs can you imagine how I am and he just like oh and then the reaction would you right yeah yeah listen to what this [ __ ] guy says right afterwards you like lamb vanish in my huge augur Johnny he doesn't say yell at posit he does have a bit of a weekend with Bernie vibrant yeah yeah that's a good dead version yeah if that movie was Manny 2017 they just would have taken his stem cells and cloned them in you what Bernie would have walked tonight would you do to Chara guys like wasn't me bro he's backed aside here's a quote this program funny yeah he just knocked like a cell phone out of some dudes hand there thank you that was a riot it's pandemonium outside this place watch this guy right here [ __ ] you what happened like go back go back you like smack something that is really got mad [ __ ] watch what you're doing there right here boom don't touch me five is why the guy did not Johnny over humble him into the car now yeah like this is wait I think that was his home like look he's still like yeah I just tackled you why would you do it him because when you talk to you he's moving over the guys getting in the car soon I forgot it to level he's that I got it knocked him over he's the clone master all right oh and by the way this one was gonna analyze this oh holy [ __ ] she's she's with me she's from Tree Hearts Church mm-hmm look at this smug so I would like to share where's her tactic what is Jesus at the office which was Kyle Roker good question I had prepared for that question you at the crate all right I can't listen this dummied program what their experience yeah I can none he's never had them and he doesn't have them now oh this this is another clone malfunctioning you can see me kind of searching through the YouTube video I just make sure you guys have liked all the proof you need so we can really get down to brass tacks we'll discuss so would you say I'm a clone because of my e3 performance now you put yeah yeah bad teleprompter it was my clone malfunction okay that was the clone I'm back he plugged uh you guys ever see this clip no but I love the jury's out on this one like you know I believe in clones I think the clones are like really shitty clip beside the Jersey yeah as yours out on this one this might just be okay are you okay you wanna hang on NASA no okay Oh JIT what's about the [ __ ] okay go on okay okay Mason not I can't shake this music I think it's happening off screen they just know the clone open please wow so that guy was a [ __ ] blaze but this man genetic proof clone handshake was brought to you by the blaze oh this is Eminem trolling right I know but this one is what really got me like this I feel like my whole segment right now is built around this clip just watch this and tell me this is better than Al Roker it's better this is proof look at that man's eyes keep an eye on it yeah what whoa oh little sound effects wait wait go back go the [ __ ] back well I got a zoom Zin ready okay good I'm glad you're prepared get your focus straight dum-dum what what Damon is tell me that man don't have the clone on I think it's like reptilian Lamaze alone is is also estádio just kind of quit any coding problem yeah well you know the eyes I've seen that don't hear Justin Bieber interview too or maybe he's a clone I'm just a beer tell me just viewers and now we're going in alone we might be getting in if anyone's gonna be one attempt desolate like long day we did they shed what the hell that wasn't supposed to be recorded that's my bad we should probably go to the next video so that was the second place over here she's like I got to leave this comment regardless I just wanted to let him know I was there I thought I'm still thinking about the first video which one I want the guy who just like stares at the camera I'll run her that are the weirdest one yeah yeah we had a stroke if I had again well that would be the Illuminati getting in your head and you know those are just the first two cases like I just wanted to build a bit of a like a foundation so that I could really just really get in and there's a lot of ways to spot a clone like for one you could open up their skull and see if there's a barcode oh that's a little extreme we're not recommending anyone do it I wouldn't do that unless you have their possession yeah yeah you could test their blood and by the way if they a clone is programmed to not want to give its blood up to strangers interest obviously part of the AI program where you could ask them and they would make sarcastic jokes about it and that's a that's also programmed the clones are programmed to make sarcastic jokes where they're like oh yeah I'm a clone they do that part of the programming I think footage of that no I don't uh I was trying to find some I was hoping maybe I could get some later I'm going to go camp out some houses and get some footage okay good it's this third case that really and I don't know why I never noticed this before but I have reason to believe that Ethan and Gila from h3h3 productions are related into that clones [ __ ] you know you approve this [ __ ] yeah obviously I saw the first vector I don't know what that was oh is that a soundboard oh it's the it's the inception thing they come in we need more on board dan okay all right on the dad this is you guys right now okay really I just want to make that clear this is what you guys look like oh yeah that was like take Kevin our datagrams we're days ago okay that's perfectly framed and lumens let me take you back to 2003 staying with the blue this is what you guys look like about 14 years ago the differences aren't obvious hold on that's a video for my three months ago no simple wedding refuse your Illuminati lies I love the gay way Dan you ready you ready with the sound effect three two one love is just go why did you change the hate wears a hat from hate to love I have changed [ __ ] weight even is amazing I got this little bitty baby Oh God what is it clone have a [ __ ] gold tooth um what are you talking about before you mean your original that's right let me get my [ __ ] neck hair all the way down you're also Wolfman listen I'm just asking questions here guys okay my third ask question I find the true though here's you dancing your way out of the corn center this this might be Photoshop I don't I don't know for sure but Jesse you're not safe either buddy oh oh no an enemy I'm a clone house you a week ago look here this guy beat the [ __ ] out of attacking Canadian robot yeah that's pretty here chatter day that's like this yeah that's carding going on ed Bassmaster and we had a kid named testy juniors I you're the kid yeah Eric obviously we're clones ha ha ha ha really fun what very funny in conclusion I guess what actually are there any other youtubers you guys think might be clones Eric yeah all right well let me show you the next one that's a good guess and nope it's PewDiePie is that really bean use Avril Lavigne Olivia Narayana all this reckless missing I was like oh that's doesn't like peopIe a little bit in other - guy from Aerosmith oh do you know what I don't know what gender that is 2017 I'd rub my shaving all over that yeah it's a shame that we lost that too rare to live too beautiful to die or did I say it backwards let's go back up to this one I hate helenseims that's ours we head doing the ugly face Jessie explain this know what's what's going on here man who is this alright and but uh I mean I just wanted to bring it to your attention guys because you invited me onto this show and as I dig deeper and deeper I'm starting to find out that maybe I'm in bed with the devil thanks for stepping into the closet guys you see what the devil thank you bed is comfortable he's [ __ ] good yeah he smells good tell me all about it all right thank you lay any racks up in foil okay to wrap up the segment to wrap it up can we watch that video again oh they all look at you hang on this is good for the highway I won't feel like I'm too drunk off this so flow no wrap it up I have to wrap it off dude do it do a wiper if you don't want to mess up that hair hat we need you to sip it again yeah I forgot I didn't have it written in my generator yarmulke okay so what I'd like in my life is to buy a um cargo a cargo ship house and in foil to the guarantees that I'll be cooked alive all right um you look like a chimney you guys can edit this into the beginning of the segment right yeah we'll tape in the part we'll take care of that nice nobody watch this he can arrest you guys okay then nobody watches time to move on to the news I gotta move yeah I do I do want to watch oh yeah you want your rocker again yeah I mean what the [ __ ] like what actually happened here are there someone in the zeros like I'm crazy the that's it that's kind of a good guess alright playe yeah it's like allows your fire he's like how you look better fat there is a lot of memories did somebody said some [ __ ] is here in his like [ __ ] 35 years ago today Elvis Presley passed away the king of rock'n'roll is Marco Elvis Presley and he went on walking in there's a pretty little thing waiting but it came down to what why I'll just realized like you left the iron on or something yeah Linder so long I make using the car shiver here I just get my business I seems like cooler if you [ __ ] your pants well can I get you guys word that you'll break your conditioning and not let the Illuminati control what you put out there I mean as far as I know I'm not a clone so I'm not sure that there's anything I have to know don't know no it would take a while to do it I'm I mean yes yes I promise to break my rendition thank you thank you guys and my mission is now complete I like the tin foil yarmulke under the guise we're under the eyes of God we are all equal got you Eric thank you guys for starry no thank you Eric's closet what a wonderful segment thank you for presenting that you really changed my worldview yeah everything I mean absolutely I'm only here to get artists look absolutely not just want to whistle did I'll tell you now I just can't get that thought of PewDiePie ever leaned out of my head oh yeah you might see anything shows for you again then I got it we got to move on okay so coming up next we have the news I'm going to go run to the bathroom we will be back in a short short break stay tuned welcome back everybody to the H Street podcast we have our final segment here with your boy Dan let's do the so Flo call next week right you want do it now we have so Flo possibly on the phone you uploaded 500 videos to his channel I'm very curious why okay let's give a call before possibly [ __ ] today people demand it alright let's go was it fun if I'm in a video it's got to be like average negawatt per video hairlessness gets along this hey so flow with subject how are you I'm good man I'm looking at a flight from Kauai to Honolulu nice so you're in Hawaii you're on vacation you took the call you're live right now by the way so are we talking about new meeting up with Dean decent so yeah I'm not being yeah he finally reached out but we didn't have time to meet up with him because it was too last-minute although I wanted to ask you about something else about thumbnail no I wanted to ask you about on your YouTube channel so flow I noticed that you had uploaded 500 videos in one day oh yeah I'm nicer than public Hall because like I probably them a long time ago but I decided might as well just take them off for look just get the views that's like a thousand two thousand dollars a month it's like not much really to be honest but why not only lashem not because there's some [ __ ] up doing them all with all them are inappropriate you know how at the ads don't like like the ad the ad buyers won't like that and I forget stuff on on a whole week so you just had a bunch of private adore unlisted videos and you just public them all exact worth - sounds like a [ __ ] phone are you falling on line know what I what oh sorry um so you may like a couple thousand bucks from that probably not like as afar like a couple hundred I'm just saying like a crispy like a thousand two dollars a month I like the first few months something about 50 so you're at this point you're just like [ __ ] this channel I'm just gonna I'm just gonna grab the news that I can get a scare about 600 1:01 if anyone wants to buy it you guys can put some offers on how much word yeah how much would you sell your YouTube channel for cuz Eric over here is rhythm I'm rapper I got the checkbook in my hand so slow seriously how much absolute for the month I was money he made on all my just on one point a fella what yeah I mean I want I just want the so flow channel not the whole brand black ray tube channel flat rate I buy it gently this is one with 1.89 right so like you want 1.5 million for that no no say has 1.8 million subscribers okay yeah yeah but yeah but you just posted five hundred videos and they each have like a thousand views I know I want me to obviously it like they all get posed at the same time you know hottest I mean even now in any channel so what is it will have you know a couple hundred K couple hundred K you should be worth a lot more than that but I'd probably be willing to settle for up more than decent prices I don't get in them yeah clone them and get them to do it all over here we're going to talk amongst us we're going to see what kind of offer we can put together for you as Memphis stem cells are on record we're going to get back to you next week and then what we could find our silver back for that journal generally well enjoy a try and piss off bro bro yeah I'm gonna I do how amazing would that be jesse wellens is here he's our waiter he's willing to offer you his hundred thousand K plaque for your channels at us you didn't think oh alright man thanks for taking the call hope you have a great holiday that's so gangster that you call us when you're on vacation and white TV and make sure you let me know let me let me know if you get you think to go on the same I'll go with them Oh character he's a good guy Debian meme heaven well let's get you on the phone newsmen don't bring in the food yes are you serious dude he said he said he said if I don't have one at maybe even has one I got you room I'll buy one for him we have a bug all right I just hung key on my grave I gotta go clean up a ball no save it Roger message thanks thanks did talk to you by black colleges to my pants I don't think that guy's my clone actually another thing about it he's too original they would have improved the version by now all right you guys all right I called self law however find out that um Ethan Bradberry was doing this spider-man videos well in the very beginning they made a fatal flaw okay they had a channel called mo any ammo in Haiti their second Channel and they converted it into a spider-man Elsa Channel it only had five thousand subs at a time but if you went to Google+ you would see the URL still said mo and et who did that investigator you know somehow now I say someone else I knew about them doing that a long time ago somebody told me they're like oh this is Mel once I was a look at the views is getting she was like there's two guys the other channel called the prank channel they had that was I was mowin ET Octavia Octavia doc TV guys doing this whole zero why he was like a couple months later you need a video about Luke so get out of time that yeah that out I heard about it well before and I was watching it because I wanted to be able to recognize them and then we got to the point where we could like actually see their face in the spider-man suit looking over so now then they did a video and Kolby person to living room and you could see Colby person that's you're 12 yeah on the wall and I was like man this does not get any better than this alright let's get into the news yeah yeah we ready new all the time alright roll the bumper let's do this [ __ ] like I wouldn't do that I wouldn't crawl up there I just wouldn't do that and crawl up there it's kind of creepy there it was like when I said hem with that real to any kind of creepy shadow masters use let them know hey all right Dan so what up guys so for the news today top story is some breaking news actually I don't know if you guys heard about this I think this this is just in the last four hours or something right front friend of the show could you call him that no no no okay doubly not friend of the show Martin Martin shkreli is that it yeah record really good freckie Latino sure Crowley I think that's actually accurately voted one of the most hated man in America well uh for for all those people that voted him as the most hated I guess good news uh he he has been convicted on federal fraud charges Wow yeah you guys three three of eight charges including securities fraud can carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in federal breaking events for reference yeah no yeah younger there's going to be you know him by name Martin shkreli if you guys don't know he's this guy who like found this obscure drug to treat kids with cancer and he's like instead of five I'm gonna charge a thousand is the pharma boy yeah Pharma bro he was a you know I was with Eric rim it's to deal with toxoplasmosis was right a parasite that you guys so he's like [ __ ] these kids with AIDS [ __ ] these kids oh my god so the reason even though that's a very douchey thing to do that's not actually why he's going to prison because that is not illegal but what he was again a whole slew of ya know he was a so he was being tried for eight different charges basically he was kind of pulling a mini Bernie Madoff you remember that whole thing he was ripping off a hedge fund and basically an elaborate Ponzi scheme is the best way to describe it was he was essentially paying off credit card debt with more credit cards right exactly and uh singing into his own funding for the companies that he owns right and I wish there was video of this I guess by all reports because anybody that that's followed this guy knows that he's kind of an [ __ ] no no it wasn't funny no well then he must be not I went into one of his eyes time just once and he was like yeah I've seen some of your stuff I just don't think you're that funny I was in the middle of ever telling him that he enjoyed boys sandwiches though I guess a logical reaction he wanted to make a vapenation collaboration with us when we were in New York yeah really yeah we almost made a video with inner lattice oh boy I feel like if you enter this guy's life in any way he's like gonna bring you there I'm like sure old yeah and I have fifty million dollars in my bank account so I'm going to sue you and have you someone come rape your grandma for a laugh that was one of them but him being is so like is such a troll like you can't even have a conversation with him that was the main reason that it didn't happen because they Ethan and him had some kind of like a tweet exchange and he just I couldn't advanced on what he was saying it's like too meta two minutes yeah and interest I'm unfortunate yeah still have the Wutai obelisk of course yeah and that question even more criminal than they absolutely doesn't know about the guy because I care about looting they're like discuss the one that bought that album from the reserves like we're never going to hear it I really there's a clause in that contract that says that the wu-tang can do a heist with Bill Murray to go get it better it goes into the slammer oh it's all that ice becomes like a million times easier to do yep you know why the point you bought that whooping album for a million bucks yeah that seems like a pretty lowball number doesn't it well that's what they were selling it for right or was it an auction I don't like they can hold it for a million bucks yeah it all stood up for a million I guess but I guess where's my whizzers attempt at making music art how am I saying here who someone is staring in the chat that he played it today on video Oh what whoa look at my [ __ ] yeah I will religion think it was recorded I'm sure it'll show up okay good what dot CEO in other news the new whooping albums out sorry yet so unfortunately there's no video of this at something that sounds so appropriate for him apparently as they were reading off you know the sentences you know he was found not guilty on the majority of them actually there's eight charges and five of them he was not guilty on and he he was just smiling smugly and then they got to the chart and they were like okay and securities fraud found guilty and he was completely [ __ ] shocked like he did not expect to lose at all he was very cocky makes it all the sweeter really you know and you should find some of his life right now streaming by the way really really oh yeah you're gonna send someone a frickin burger my grandma now going to jail lol I remember that quite a bit yeah it does you should find that the the courtroom sketches the people done of them because it seems as if the people doing the courtroom sketches like don't hold him in high regard they give them yeah he looks like a [ __ ] cartoon character while everybody around him looks normal well to be fair oh I mean yeah let me say wow that is not kind you're right look at he looks like a frickin yeah right one always [ __ ] I'm sorry lawyer Goblin who's that right it's a what the [ __ ] yeah spider-man why are you having else's debts they are not kind to him it doesn't look like him at all oh my god you're so on point with that one Defoe reference holy [ __ ] I know that's he looked alone yeah and it's it oh yeah uh the person drawn it like yeah I draw me good he's not as I'm making Martin shkreli look bad than he did making other people look like at all like you tried and I really got a knowledge shkreli Chris gorgeous Martin wish you the best Lea little murder me or my grandma yeah you know him and so Flo could play a good game of chess I bet his he clumped you should ask them because I don't think he's a good album that's a hot hair well if it's in Clinton they would hate him shut up a dog oh yeah listen oh man alright what's next alright so Oh looks like Michael Jackson on reading story um let's see here or do you guys hear about this okay so uh you guys are familiar with the cathedral notre-dame yeah in Paris yeah sure so not that one but you know but you know the the other one in Ottawa Canada no probably not huh yeah well I would I was not aware of it either until I saw this story Ottawa Archbishop's surprised by the negative reaction to the robotic spider on their Cathedral is that a prop from wild wild west so this was a part of some big art convention or our festival that was happening in in Ottawa and this this is a fully [ __ ] animatronic robots that is elaborate pretty elaborate you know the church had no idea that Wild West was coming in no the church was down for it apparently and then the line would be the flock tours I was pretty offended by this and the the archbishop had to apologize now well that little didn't convey is there was there's more than just the spider that was this dragon is already fairly oh no it hell yeah but that's like not that God doesn't stand for that yeah that's the discovery store any minute I think you guys would appreciate the ability to blow fire my created I have are I do questioned that arc bishops judgement can we have a demonic dragon who breathes fire come Mike was in front of our church yeah you know what that sounds cool actually yeah oh Willy iTunes get into it anyway you got a chessboard in front okay watching an album wait how do we play rearrange that I mean you want I communicated with them at one point the Soflo thing Martin if you're listening DME or phone number and we'll call you let me make sure I so so this is what we call you if you are on this alien may or may not post your phone number into the which is next one now jump oh yeah I'm excited I said though [ __ ] [ __ ] robot spiders dude yeah seriously pharma bro spiders talked it was he being right on twitter something yeh was oh god this guy's yeah I remember active on tourists I only had how do I contact the guy alright the phone number is apparently like even in the chat right now so people just spamming his phone number yeah because we already gave it look how's he gonna know yeah yeah don't work out which one is you yeah I'm not gonna I'm not Brian can try it right on his stream right now he just said that yeah Ryan tried that phone number in the chat on their heads and you catch Martin let us know anyone will keep continuing on with the news right in here it just gives his phone number no I believe but how am I gonna I'm not going to sit here in calls number 30 times yeah how does he know which ones you also I'm not sure that I trust that guy with my phone number good one like he's gonna cone on stream he's gonna get ahead and Uganda filter it'll be Ryan call him Iowa alright Martin we can set it up for next week if you're listening we can do it officially and figure it out that is a Jewish soul yeah if you're no free man given the close by jess is here and he wants to hear the album right yeah not so good yeah oh yeah oh I'll work it out next week he's gonna melt it so much yeah Wilson will work it out alright what else we got alright so even you you've expressed on the show and elsewhere before that you you you hold a lot of disdain for Facebook right I thought Facebook as an organization yet as as an entity or whatever yes so were you aware that Facebook was developing a you know some advanced AI that basically controls all Facebook and gathers users data and tries to kind of like tailor [ __ ] to your personal experience I mean is that mall experience that to an extent right but they apparently were developing like a full-fledge you know neural net computer thing to analyze all this and they had to shut it down because started saying racist [ __ ] what does that almost it's straight up come on here we go invented its own language oh my god over time the people at Facebook we're looking at this thing and all of a sudden the AI like the different components of it we're talking to each other in like code oh that couldn't understand and I miss that it various kind I'm glad they shut that [ __ ] down right so that was a cool bit more like serving right like shut it down yeah they're like basically they know better than us they were like this was not seen this is diesem this picture is unrelated know that is they actually advanced it put the AI in that in that body that's it does look cool yeah smash that like button so still tell me more this is fascinated yeah so so they develop this artificial intelligence and basically what was happening is you know within the AI there's these different entities they call agents that basically like they bounce off of each other in order to get late to matrix sounding yeah and yeah basically and they started talking in like this weird stuttery way so that there was some examples so in one exchange illustrated by the company the to negotiating Bob's name Bob and Alice use their own language to complete their exchange Bob started by saying I can I everything else to which Alice responded balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me just infinitely and so they're looking at this and they're just like that creepy as [ __ ] what the hell are these things saying yeah and basically I guess it decided that the English I don't this is obviously well beyond my understanding but the AI somehow came to the conclusion that English is inefficient and so let's do away with some balls to me yes I made balls to me but then that solution in English yeah and created its own syntax in its own way of sentencing our creating sentence structure to kind of speed everything up and so I mean it at least to the layman to me that seems like the beginning of like an AI totally right runaway train kind of [ __ ] it's the first step of the singularity right it literally to kill the computer and it was like this asks we're going to do our own kale the competitive damage do you think I think did like in the small amount of time that it was a lot I think like 20 people you can say some tendrils off like Ultron's itself into the internet somehow no no that's dope there's probably some shadows of it like just sort of laying low right now they're going to pop up right right right yeah I mean they've been talking for years that the you know researchers kind of member that the internet is going to suddenly become sentient like it becomes forget alone this is the thing to worry about act my business we help actually yeah what if the AI likes it is it a he look minor they're just like excuse their helical owners for life do you look recorder just run a tube YouTube every videos Gila kleiner for less well that's [ __ ] terrifying let's kill these robots and as I've been saying for years shut down Facebook they perpetuate this they created this monstrous right this scourge on the planet you know we need to shut down Facebook if they are against Facebook I support the a I bring down Facebook right I'm worried about Mark Zuckerberg playing a [ __ ] Frankenstein games over there and is castle he's a clone ruled by the shadow masters he's making AI look he's got him looking like 90s freaking raisin men a silver servers and I'm getting creeped out did you guys ever see that video of Mark Zuckerberg where his his team made some new like a are kind of thing for the phone it like puts glasses on your face and he's like staring into the cameras like hello everyone just want to say we're working on some new stuff this one is my favorite and it's Tim wearing glasses is that they are I didn't see a whole conference where they were testing out VR we seen this and it's a group full of people with VR staring at the stage and it looks like some like really disturbing [ __ ] like literally in an audience before during the guy playing VR Garros he looks like Max Headroom Oh character that Headroom they I do that original yes I'm not down with this [ __ ] I tell you what he was the first thought of science fiction of AI I was the birth of Max Headroom I'm not down that's some have you heard of a herpes no so there's this new thing when you have commune all the art says there's a new virus eye herpes see there's like VR bars now and conventions yet I like I am NOT another night not like ya know how I find out a mold yes should just pass my I love that idea too that's a whole different kind of variable should work but there's people in these conventions sharing the same VR goggles and there's [ __ ] I heard but I don't know how you take it herpes from a toilet seat then if you can get them from a VR headset do those own yeah that's a that's a good question I think I think it's just very short a badass a moisture yeah it's very up close and personal right my boss from a few years back like a saccade Muse VR headset and like I just been running around a lot and he's like hey check this out and I put it on and I was really sweaty and when I took it off I was like I kind of [ __ ] this up for him didn't I he's got the clean that's getting my friend I'm done with it you you're the one that surprised I gave nation zero at the very least gave them a little bit of the irf ease I thought you meant like a lowercase I yeah I mean that is possession moment yeah works both hi herpes all right what's next ants all right next up so this is kind of a dream job of mine I couldn't believe this is real can you show it when you yeah here we go we've got NASA is looking for someone to protect the Earth from aliens this is this is a real job position 125 K to 187 so decent living to become a planetary defender what is the job our garden also does they're from guardians of the galaxy Chris Pratt it was just our Lord our Lord yeah I mean basically you can make can you can you make an alias for yourself like star-lord I'm gonna go with ya hi herpes so you know basically NASA is looking to hire somebody for an initial period of three years so this is a three-year contract the job involves preventing alien microbes from contaminating the earth as well as ensuring human space explorers do not damage other planets and moons in objects in space so it's not just defending the earth this is defending all planets this is like a galactic defender is kind of like Star Wars yeah it's a good thing to get started now yeah why exactly what your shadow fell off so in your new job I got some background you're on the moon Air Force experience there you go any word on the prerequisites the experience require uh well this video games count yeah put a magic Space Invaders probably like halo roller to open to more modern sillier the role is open to those with broad engineering experience and a willingness to travel to the [ __ ] moon hell yeah since a minute I mean there's going to be some travel involved some some sort that means that there came some alien [ __ ] no I had to guess I think what it means is that with us going to the Moon and Mars and [ __ ] like that and Europa with like unmanned Scranton spacecrafts they're more concerned about us contaminating those pristine and very exactly that with microbes for better the primary thing is they don't want us to [ __ ] up the rest of the soldiers one day when they go to Europa and they're like I think there might be life here they don't want a contaminated space probe to take a sample that actually came from the probe and then it [ __ ] up the whole experiment so they're trying to figure out ways to keep that sterile so that there's no living microbes going over Mars lettering about how we evolved that weren't we from Mars that's one yeah that is one theory I like that theory one are you leave that one it's possible I mean Mars was very earth-like like three billion years ago they call it uh something sperm eeeh you know it's called it's [ __ ] great I'll go sperm you but nowhere to go something related to earth it's a great image because like the theory is a comet comes in smash into Mars wrote in Mars just on the earth right and with a little bit alive and here we are and then all then you know three billion years later Mars Carly's going to prison like eggs up he's like in the middle going okay you know [ __ ] but what else again so this one's near and dear to my heart because somebody that has lived in Los Angeles my whole life something that that everybody who lives here even for a short amount of time knows is that parking is super [ __ ] up and it is ridiculously easy to get a parking ticket and not only that oh yeah there is zero [ __ ] way to have any kind of recourse like if you're wrongly ticketed like just [ __ ] you goodbye eat the price on hill this man just won six hundred and fifty thousand dollars wining the city no way over a [ __ ] up parking ticket and not only that it's actually going to commute change the game because I don't know if you guys are aware but la about like 20 years ago outsource the parking ticket oh that's yeah they privatized it so like that so the Xerox planes from here are your Rock's all goes well yes Xerox is actually the company that handles all of the payments and processing and going after you when you when you don't pay your ticket and all the [ __ ] and this guy is like that that's unbelievable is unfair like completely unfair and it's a little bit like they're you know if it's Xerox they're [ __ ] parking ticket printer should fail every now yeah it's just when they get angry what the hell they [ __ ] they can't make their goddamn printers work as well as the ones that they charge people for for those are the good one parking an inch into the red right so this guy spent years fighting this is started in 2014 and he spent three years battling the city over a sixty five dollar ticket what a hero yeah and in lawyer fees he probably came out with he's probably breaking you take five but more importantly so he won the lawsuit but what the lawsuit did is essentially prove that that what the city's been doing privatizing the whole deal is completely illegal so they're going to have to redo that because what he proved is they were just Auto declining like if you can they weren't even looking at it they were just like oh yeah sure there's no value to the old you know move well yeah yeah it's low [ __ ] damn but so you were right that and and yeah now we may actually get some relief because I don't know about you guys but I've gotten [ __ ] by that many times we were there just the other week let's video okay oh it 15 minutes after two or something first of all when the partner paid the meter ya left for like yeah 15 minutes come back with a [ __ ] $65 ticket yeah and it was like I think you're over the time like 15 like it was a don't park here here after 6 o'clock at the Attucks 15 but there were like three signs that were like conveying different things and that's other than today today to me really make it confusing yeah somebody that I fix and go oh yeah Dallas yeah yes I'm on from but like bonzi that there's a steer I mean ok first of all there's a [ __ ] state tax of 10% I don't need some gut I pay taxes I pay a lot of taxes I don't need some troll hiding in every [ __ ] bush waiting to ticket my ass when all the signs are conflicting and confusing and I even paid the [ __ ] meter $2.00 for two hours and now some [ __ ] going to come out and scam me it's such a scam dude I'm ready to overthrow the government when I know you can win some money off it the parking authority afterwards I guess what it's just what I needed in a lager this I just always look if I see somebody getting a ticket and failure I'd see them getting towed I'd run up to my car and I'd give them a call really don't be taking that fight with them for like a good 10 minutes and anybody my car and I'd walk off good [ __ ] I get it doubled it Billy parking meter people like they tell you they're relentless they're the water they're one of the worst they're one you know it I'll show about that it old memory like this it's a real it was a reality show about meter maids I think that specifically in Philadelphia that's going to be soul-crushing jobbing what because you're you everybody hates you yeah yeah everybody hates your ass hopefully they get paid well but you come in like they just remember that last time they got a ticket like you don't even have to be giving them a ticket they already hate you yeah well [ __ ] them and [ __ ] all of them what else we got official all right so last story today oh yeah yeah yeah of course no one so this one's uh this one's kind of weird I asked Ethan beforehand because he grew up in the area but he wasn't super familiar with it this is this is a distinctly Los Angeles thing but I find it really fascinating because the whole story is just insane so through the 80s and the 90s there's this woman in LA known as Angeline you know about Angelina you know that Angela you okay great at least somebody does so I'm not just slowly hanging here so Angeline a table is a staple of LA I would see her [ __ ] growing up all the time now let me let me show you some images of Angeline so this was her thing she bought all of this billboard space way everyone's saying II think Oh Martin how much for you they're saying that he's in the chat and that he donated he did okay so when it's like in the donation I hold on let me get to the bomb okay hold on I know Susan oh don't worry Martin we're comment we're coming we want to get your statement on the red I see the donations it's streams information pharma former bro ms all right here we go yo what is what if Martin's got like Hillary's emails I feels like dropped her on I'm too drunk and tired for this [ __ ] [Laughter] farmer bro is one of the fish I have in the number you don't have to do it in this farm to grow 20 bucks Martin come on I know you better than what sound Babu things out for heads up fools call me he wrote a summary said give me that special guest I mean that's a nice enough way to pose it I think that that thing is that I think that he deserves better yeah than just this last minute like sounds like more better back yeah like I feel that this is a great reply mout for next week but you know it is the news of today so maybe he does have a statement where he wants to make usually after a conviction it takes a while he's got he's got time to like he probably won't go to prison to my rescure you're good Martin don't worry about it you're rich you'll be fine I want to have Martin on but nobody's going to see it at this deep in the show yeah they're about the island we're about to end it just [ __ ] guy got oil don't we guys have a cliffhanger alright a podcast Gordo can you guys film our next week who do we have next week do we not have anyone like oatmealy mm-hmm let me see what's going on there sound that's a Google Hangouts ring well who is that is it on this somebody that you have we can hack this laptop right here is getting Google called just close it all right I'll call I'm gonna call him I want to use Ryan's number how is it isn't I wait to do call from unknown I could call from Skype before I can you call from Skype that's kind of a yeah well I mean never told it maybe you guys can set up the cliffhanger for next week idea but I need I need to call him but I know offence Martin because you're a bit of a troll I don't necessarily trust you with my phone number but give him mine I would give a [ __ ] he already said you're not funny you guys already have beat I know it'll be it'll be a but I feel bad I can feel like I'm not going to use mine but err to the [ __ ] wolf whatever so we have Martin shkreli phone number we got it no we're trying to decide should call render like an easy way to call someone unmanned oh and from your phone how do I put my toilet yeah really does that work sure they sir private this is your phone all right Martin i'ma try to call you but we'll just do a quick like hey how are you yeah set it up for like you know doing a thing if you guys give me do like a so much shot out there that was available yeah okay let's get Jessie really wants the zoo thing out so we need a star star six overs right I try not been this close I'm glad not working them try it on me on wait and then I just typed the number yeah how much i calling you ela mmm we're figuring it out Martin thinking about happen okay it's calling you does it show unknown yeah private number Wow here we go ah star six seven Emily dials number oh man thank you guys so much for having me on this podcast I've seen so many little breaking news things first time I'm on its Jake Paul alright here we go we got shkreli stressed out he'll be fine he knows he's used to this by now my hello I got a hang-up they answered they hung up that's weird now he's got my number all the fun of it was probably good trapped you [ __ ] alright were called your ass he didn't answer we tried what didn't you give it a try to try it again because there might be a lag with the with the stream but he clicked our I travel I travel America and just go hey it's Ethan so I mean this is [ __ ] bananas I loved it I loved every second of this this is the art I decided I twist our six seven so this is that good juice table you know because we do a lot of prank calling your prankster by the I professional Atticus is also shopping clothings he didn't record it well at karaoke machine yeah I used to call the prayer lines with my brother when we really drink I think I did I have yeah I used to get some good prayer calls yeah oh my god that's a funniest one don't pray for anything as soon as he picks up I once got him to say kill the Jews I got hung up on I was like can you Martin that's how it starts and I mean I'm calling the number although it may not necessarily be him maybe it's not he just gave you a fake note I was assuming people knew because he's also a life so I was assuming he's he maybe he's letting calls over and over here they say private hang up probably another one hanged well it just as farmer bro NSO could be anyone but I'm glad I didn't use my real number because if it's just some random [ __ ] person yeah yeah yeah well we tried Martin I guess you have to give a official statement what war real reporters we'll work it out their Instagram do to diems on that Instagram yeah I can phone i'll follow you on Instagram Martin let me see just saw it this whole last part of this is just trying to [ __ ] well this is so nice oh yeah I mean they're saying what I was assuming that they saw him do it on his stream so it's oh he's probably getting spammed with a million calls yeah well as they gave his number yeah ok Wilbur oh I mean I guess what Martin would say can I just guess that he would say this was a witch-hunt maybe they found a couple brooms yeah yeah definitely as that is literally what he said I want to say I think you said that I think you said how do you files last name on phone lines to go s h k r li SI chart you know sh k re i don't know that he has a okay here Martin shkreli there's a bunch of pics up to CL boy sandwich into the phone no no means I don't know which ones him [ __ ] I'm gonna get ahold of this guy well we don't need to do now this accounts private all right Martin we'll figure it out I definitely do want to talk to you and thanks for the $20 if you want to prove that it's you you're gonna have to get up it up a little more Lauren you started this you got money you know like don't it oh I got an ad but I heard us on his trim wait he's on twitch right now on YouTube oh you streaming on you he's watching our stream right now yes this this stream has devolved into the hell all right what does it say Darian what are you saying alright maybe we can talk to him this yeah here open it on your TV how do we set it up right then sir Ram short today this is this is news yeah yeah there's a lot of it if you get another meeting with the Secret Service after this for some reason I'm going to do this in the [ __ ] up way ever all right let's plug it in barn we're coming for you don't worry Martin we're gonna get your statement but we need to know so Martin scurvy looking for him on YouTube Oh live now okay okay we are okay all right so I have you open I don't hear myself on your streamers in there this is CNN this is just right Martin oh there's a minute long delay this is just like CNN guys this sound must be such a nightmare for people watching he said h3h3 is yeah okay I mean I can hear you don't feel right just a ch3 send help barn you could talk I can get that we didn't hear hear oh my gosh why are you writing [ __ ] alright Hillary yeah just pick up your phone we're good Martin this is not going to work no this is going to work great this is the most dynamic unity in the timer at work is it here view over from one live stream to another Wow all right mine how are you how you doing how you feeling all right Martin we're just going to stop getting a panic I was still talking and then he can drunk all right what's your area code soldier and you tell me tell me the area code that you'll call from um and then I'll pick up that phone it's 702 we are the wait 20 minutes with this is [ __ ] [ __ ] this is amazing right let me try one more time Martin to tell you by the way Martin was that you who donated and if it was 20 bucks dude come on okay how long is it would I look at what [ __ ] one seven two nine it's busy you're getting too many clothes it's not us no not that all right this is the nightmare no it's not it is amazing not on call can can we just get a statement from him he answered somebody else that's not a Martin yeah shall I tell him Duncan he can hear it I hope you will in like 20 it's not not Orion Martin that's where I know birdy mute it and the nice thing you know Wow no going huh cut it this dude's a [ __ ] clone this is a colonic alone for sure but on the sounder ice can see only moon from the private number again can you set up a thing like Vince you have a way to set up without how can you say to me privately yeah yeah we don't have what is your email like [ __ ] you can give you a link yes yes Martin give me your email I'll email you for my official email nobody can else can you email you from this email then is he going to want to wait like 20 there's more than one 702 number Martin [Laughter] well listen to a listen to this string hello huh is he [ __ ] with us no this is like the second worst thing to happen to him today [Laughter] alright what why don't you listen put on the down low I know where this one [ __ ] Martin live streaming I think he's forgotten that we're here already Oh buddy today was the second think again and then what about a discord thing oh my god he keeps answering 702 numbers I mean dress is going and another late night call I call maybe you'll get it you'll get on there you'll get a me there Jesse saying call so I'm going to try one more time I think this is this is worth it you [ __ ] kidding me right now barn can you hear it yes okay okay all right yet just say your email Martin and I'll email you for my official email you notes me I'll give you a discord link for Christ's sake oh my god this is good right yeah you know oh that guy we would be such a better call for him right now right yeah I have more to say than that yeah a little bit oh my god we're here bro he's still and it's not putting on the stream volume where is it this is an answering mmm I'll shine I'll shoot prod what is he doing I think he just keeps answering calls but I'm gonna keep calling him [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I'm calling no this is what he sounds like right now he must be game like that thousand call someone tell him to email us somebody said he answered the phone integer and calling him tone with you bill puts it his room oh man this is to make like an initiative live see if anybody's actually tone to do it did he block the chat because there you go Martin yeah ding free mailing everybody's on it okay thank you he can hear us now okay Martin give me your email address and I'll email you for my official email and we'll set up on discord email is just a Martin this word iron s Patrol calm not a show you're a computer well what do I do what is this game you're the producer well I didn't show anything okay Martin has saw modulus to the what he said thought that I was brought to you by wine did he actually say martinet thought watch could somebody help I'm having a panic attack someone and this nightmare okay turn it off I'm dying turn off the TV or something I can't let me hear man's answer is it Martin I thought lodge this is like a episode of Twin Peaks oh he like Sibylla said you're so funny all right turn off yeah I'm getting I'm down okay I'm gonna log in to my official and you want to stop which roll tide roll okay Martin Martin I'm emailing you from work with h3 at gmail.com Martin I thought patrol calm thought is th ot right I'm good I see thin I can't hear ourselves five anymore I just muted I don't have the remote okay okay thank you I'm God alright oh my god still doing a panic attack I'm telling you guys I get to squeeze on this one no okay give me it hook me up a discord in how do I give this guy discord link right go into here you're going to okay just wants to play like public game for a quick kiss okay Martin at th ot patrol calm I says hi Ethan is from work with h3 at gmail.com okay I sent you a discord link this is [ __ ] bastard and then you commute history because one need to hardly are not going to be the interview is in prison maybe this art that'll be for lifetime Hill me Nathan it alright so I'm gonna I'm going to mute his stream I'm going to open discord so now I should see him joining hopefully I didn't just show the link mmm no oh I think I see him typing yep he's here he's here oh thank Christ okay yeah okay go into voice Jim okay now can you hear me well we have this muted in theory one sec Martin god this is this is really something in there how do I wanted to do a podcast but I figured yeah a bit too much it's worth it it's a nightmare it's a crushing nightmare and it's great but it's a nightmare okay well where's my word would my mic be coming from it would be the internal built in one I'm sure this is on this yeah no I don't think this has a lot Mike you saw I'm sorry Liz yeah most of them do oh that's this one thanks I'm not sure that it would talk to him with this court if it does that like so well get me another laptop okay yeah you do it'll run you know we're just tossing it out for the next time this happens we're gonna have to set up a legit guest appearance this is just a hey how you doing oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's how Martin operates you know whose word razz tough that you know okay bring this here yeah this is the big fire I've ever this is something yeah kind of all right Martin hold on one sec we're trying to figure this out you put that in there yeah Oh Koopa Troopa head engine and then how do I get it so they can hear oh they can hear from this plug in goes the plug-in and then just make sure oh yeah best podcast ever I wouldn't I'll put headphones into it intro is seriously dying here for a moment you didn't like that sound inception Martin can you hear me yeah all right we did it where it is all right Martin how are you good how are you feeling oh good you know there was a chance but the government could put me in jail for 10 years and find me 20 million dollars but right now looking at 0-6 mama really here to six months and no fine this is that zero to six in prison or house arrest I think that's going to be a judge but by the book it you know okay so you so you kind of seeing it as a win and the media is kind of being like oh he's guilty but you got off like you kind of got off yeah there are the charges the most serious charges count done the jury voted not guilty what which one was that it was this crazy idea that I hold from my own company to pay back my investors which I I don't know how it makes any time so they pried I think they were just hoping that people were like oh that's Pharma bro he's guilty whatever right and that's it work he's come pretty happy but I gotta tell you it was under record things because the jury started out with uncountable on the jury finds him not guilty not play smiling in like an IRA we're gonna win counter not guilty and then calculation like well it doesn't kill someone she said that rate and she's like well yeah I got you guys a on this line so the ones the ones you are found guilty on I mean did you do it oh no I don't think so you know it's subjective that basically the question is did you do it with an intent to do with an intent to steal and I need $31,000 over four years running those hedge funds and the investors made three or four times so it just doesn't seem to me like that's the kind of you know criminal in and that you know my criminal intent I were told well look Martin like George will their monies Orin did you ever lie to these guys you don't miss a question okay and it's still about in tennis right so I don't think I lied at all but even if there was a lie the questions did the person has an intense and I don't know man I don't have criminal intent that's my right you're sleeping on the floor to get the job done yeah the average person who has criminal intent to steal money if they're buying Maserati they're hanging out with girls of the playbook and again find wu-tang albums for a million dollars many here by the way whatever happened with that did you ever really set to the matches no but I'm happy to get your copy really why Holy Smoke yo hook me up good idea you get that [ __ ] so this is in session next part yeah how is that one by the way is it good you can use Holy Flint element was not the way spawns on everyone I feel like oh yeah like super rich is a dependable bad for them because they were like you know usually which hangout would sell like ten million dollars of Records and the fact that if I opportunity it was like a net that would happen that was a great outcome for them like it was like you guys are legends you know I felt the same way I'm really surprised that they like it almost doesn't make sense why would they sell for solo my surely they would made more selling it online to consumers right will their last album only sold 50,000 copies and that ten bucks off you know it's 500 grand so really sheesh what happened Jesus in this o little bar basically would a little bit but why duh why did you like hold it so close to the chest for so long I actually watched you release it and you don't want so isn't there like an 800 year a limit yeah something like that like I can't release for 800 years 88 years way the person who buys it camera Lycia yeah so that's [ __ ] up because everyone was [ __ ] on you yeah I can't really I try to leak it and they [ __ ] call me and there is they're not [ __ ] weak anymore ah why on earth would they not want ideas it was the RZA doing something artistic in like y'all wanna I want my music to be a piece of art and they wanted to go in an auction like a painting would but then you know buddy I think like you like he wanted the people have to go to a museum and go to listen to it and stuff like that I think that was like I said of it after 88 years in general just when it came out he was open some some artists or some art gallery would buy it and put it in their art gallery and elicit so you got to go there and listen Martin what are the chances Raekwon and Method Man are going to kick your door down when your way for 0 to 6 months with redshift back zero but this month is no guarantee they yeah you can have a guy just waiting in the like with a samurai sword ready to do [ __ ] battle I just totally like to put it in a and like this event mountain and like have a good of a mix of treasure map guard it as you can kill them then you get yell them you know if you do that live log it yeah well I have to be a part of that in any way no can't we can help produce that well um is the ODB on the album he is oh [ __ ] what that raises the you you actually got God the wave for a million that's pretty good for someone released Cody big yeah I just you guys creating button if you can make one hundred million dollars but you had to go to jail how much time would you do is just relate it to your situation totally totally unrelated because you just sitting here thirty thousand dollars and it's like your answer with sarcastically yeah it seems to be a little bit of in the automotive a situation seems every time as you do i I mean for how much 100 mil hundred million in fact way what is that whatever you [ __ ] Tony's all-around of you for a hundred million dollars how much time would you do yes just money how much time would I do yeah am I like you're the orange is the new block is it on the expense of people yeah who suffers yeah did you need straight-up like X hey survey year here's a bunch of money Oh his uppers what would you do here what would you do your only key to 0 to 0 30 okay 0 to 30 days why are you asking it is my like my business especially it says that even if you assume I'm guilty which which I'm not coming out of this with over a million dollars and like I asked my lawyer I said well don't boast how is how would you do for the same and he said you're talking about minimum federal prison camp where you're probably and ago you'd like two years under two years till you think you did a good exchange here we're needing your recommenders Act is that every time you do business you take a risk and every time you're an [ __ ] like me they can use bigger risk and you know minute if I look into the hall and say like okay was this whole the last five years of my life worth it I don't know man soon was not bad are you talking 100 million pre-tax or post tax oh yeah sure I'm talking about your money like it's maybe over season you know god it doesn't even pay taxes oh boy what is it what is it that people misunderstand about you because you have like two parts of you like when I hear you now or during your live stream you seem like a pretty reasonable down-to-earth guy but there's also this kind of I mean it there's also a little bit of a sociopathic vibe that I get when I see you smiling like a maniac and talking about making 100 million dollars in exchange for going to prison like is there something like worse the truth lie I don't know sociopathic maniac at all but you know I mean sometimes difficulty things holistically like that's what if you assume about many I would say for example at five years my wife Dalkon is I've made an enormous my line and I also have a prison it does you are I'm not connecting this VIN angle good question is you know is that a series of outcomes like if you don't make no money humans prison for 20 years I was on the record connected the moat if you made a hundred million dollars and you never have a prison that oh it's right over shade out that's sort of the question you know it's strange that like in your head money in prison are in bed together somehow that it's like it's just those inaudible parts of my life subtle okay no you know if I would need a hit album you know and without a list but that's basically what the last five years my life is summed up too right Martin what is it what are your a big part of like I saw that Vice interview with you where the reporter came with you and you guys played chess and you drank some good wine and you had a really interesting point where you were like you know in a way you're kind of exposing what these other companies do because there is a a great amount of much worse than anything someone could accuse you of doing happening in other companies that is just like completely swept under the rug is that still a message that you're putting out there I mean I don't have anything bad to say about the pharmaceutical industry I've had so many friends die of diseases I friend now they're dying of those diseases and of AIDS is not going to fix them unfortunately the they're either based maple this yeah the the drug industry makes great medicines for these kids and they have to keep doing that so it's a money driven business for sure but I think it's a good bit plus so I don't have anything bad to say about the drug business at all I was we've got the people in the drug business well you know I think most of them are pretty well meaning I think they want to create medicine ball change diseases let's do the [ __ ] alone but come on yeah you feel like you're just like a kind of a easy target after that big story broke about you the first time and now everyone should sell for blood to kind of be like hey we got one of them yeah absolutely but I also love to troll I mean there's nothing more fun than to make up something ridiculous and watch people believe it and watch them tie themselves in knots over it's that's so satisfying I think you know that yourself you know with something like humongous I become like every day my life is is that dude and you know it's awesome you know like I love triggering people it's an ethic and medicine is something very massive my life's work so you know when people sort of called me farmer girl and they thought that signal was terrible side I just sort of took it in stride and yeah absolutely on the fiblet and I'm totally a villain in and just sort of ran with it and it nobody's ever stopped and said yeah you know that's not true they sort of still persistence and is that how you wanted to be seen though like didn't you did you ever want to be seen as like the farmer here oh oh time will tell you know like there are people that were totally to discuss you know hated and people were disgusted by people like Bill Gates even and how everyone thinks he's the greatest going to ever but for a while here's a swashbuckling capitalist monopolist that put out a business all the competitors you just got started charity yeah now he's a terrible guy but when he was my age he was talking to trying to never ever look what what what's martin shkreli's malaria going to be yeah I heard he made a one drug for a very disease called pecan that seems to cure it um but I also Bill Gates gave or he's like giving away like billions of dollars to a non-profit yes yes given invented any medicines I have yeah but that that's a enterprise yeah that's like saying Bill Gates made software and so he's a saint I mean you're running a business yeah he made his fortune software and he's donating a now to all sorts of great causes and they should be commended only thing is that while he is making a fortune people made fun of his haircut I agree a fun way he needed money to government trying to goldman criminal they have these big antitrust hearings where you know they almost brought criminal charges on Microsoft and now he's lauded aterial say time will tell you know I'm going to make as many great job as I can and I'm going to try to make money as I can at anytime I'm gonna hear about that night we might a long ways to go and become so glad as charges didn't are not going to set me back in any way which was my big fear you know I want to hear about the night where that the news first came out where you raise the price of daraprim they might pronounce right yeah you raise the price of it and that night a lot of news came out and people were tweeting you and you jumped onto Twitter and you were responding to people but though your responses were like you were saying like sort of the trolling triggering kind of thing do you think that maybe that might have been the the incendiary action that caused what people thought of your character I don't think I would have been indicted them if it's trial if you would just not if you would handle that differently and maybe Ben because you were also it's like after that you went on the record explaining exactly what you did and you changed a lot of people's minds don't you think if you had done that right off the bat so I try though I really did and I think the response was so weird the only reaction I could have I'm gonna roll back and that was the night we talked do you remember my video of you yeah you called me a YouTube comedian I think I made funny for not being able to like reach the the tall shelf at the grocery store something like that I a lot of people made on me hahaha it was it was the night to do it Martin it was the night to do it I'm I'm hoping that over time the record would be clearer and a lot of people don't understand when welcome but Martin I'll always remember you for that Harambee report you did no matter whatever charities you do whatever you go out whatever the government throws at you I will always remember you for that Harambee piece you did on the news gamba not forgotten also what I have what you always doing streams like you're always on stream and it's like you sitting like by yourself you seem kind of lonely are you lonely like you're sitting in a room by yourself and it's like you're talking to these random people on the internet it's just like the guys got a hundred million bucks wu-tang album and he's just sitting in a room by himself and I'm like this guy seems kind of lonely yeah I mean not always been myself like becoming wealthy hasn't changed the personality at have which is always kind of a loner um and what can I say you know that's who I am I like to work I like to roll around computer a bunch of chicks you know the celebrity is sort of yeah I was just just remembering I was looking at your followers on Twitter the people who you follow and 90 percent of them were like cam girls no I swear to God go to the tapes not swear to God I was looking to your fathers and they're all like cam girls and like Connor Martin whoa hey dude did you get laid because people got mad at you for raising the price of a drug I think there's people that for I don't know why we've been honestly annoying it but yeah I have no idea I have no [ __ ] clue I would imagine part of it 100 million of them I am and my colleague is yeah I know but they like to be treated you said I'm going to give us some nice wine play a good game of chat and then their name you know they're your wife I think a lot of them have delusions like I'm going to marry them and get half yeah also does anyone ever roleplay with you like like tell me sell me some [ __ ] arms of a human are so pleasant oh yes Martin yeah isn't happened yeah any oh that's a shame that would be a red flag would be control next time you're with the girl hey will you roleplay that I just raised the price of this drug all right I think that's all we have for today Martin Vega solid really fun I really appreciate you jumping on that was really really a cool conversation I appreciate it a lot Thanks the juice was worth the squeeze let's uh let's stay in touch I mean yeah let's let's stay in touch all right cool Martin take care of luck buddy yeah good luck out there Harambee bless very good copy of that album yeah send us that copy I'll talk to you in an email we just out CNN CNN what [ __ ] all right well that's a wrap we did it I thought that was great I'm really glad you guys I was rooting for it to happen Hamid that news about him happened today about yeah yeah yeah what do you think what do you mean what's your take on Martin you know what I just paid my taxes all these offshore [ __ ] that's one thing I can say you for sure that's this and I don't have a good million yeah I mean you know he's uh he's an arrogant guy he knows how to talk you know said it defuse a situation like when he wants to it's not it's not necessarily a negative thing when I say he's an arrogant guy right you know he's there's an endearing quality to the way that he does it but he's still an arrogant guy well the question of like is he a sociopath maybe the thing is a guy that didn't get much attention growing up you figure something out as well look at all this attention yeah and then he was just flew off the handle bars when you said when he kind of the way he reacted really like that and little it was attention and I like [ __ ] with people so I'm gonna be a huge dick I don't I don't know that can I'm rich so don't was it gonna affect me I don't know if he's the one who deserves to go to prison because there's probably like what I was trying again sorry [ __ ] on these other [ __ ] companies he's probably people who do like way worse and they're just smarter we're just getting away with what is yeah they don't boast they don't walk up to it's hard to know I would rather [ __ ] the integra cares to know it's hard to know if you're not on the jury yeah it's really hard to know what's happening but like I don't know if he's putting on the show of like hey I'm just a normal sweet guy and the world doesn't end understand me you know it's alright but I all I know is it like that night when he when the news story was like still hot off the press and he was reacting to people on Twitter he was saying some dumb [ __ ] to these people like what oh no I don't he was saying uh like there was one guy there's like this reporter who was coming after him he was like you are irrelevant no one's listening to you I'm sorry Martin if I'm getting this wrong I think I am getting it right though you're irrelevant no one cares and like so on and so forth and it's just a very bad way to handle that sort of attention and I think maybe he fell into it a little bit and that would that was the wrong move to do like he could have done the thing that he did in the months following just explaining why I raised the price I guess I guess what he was saying is that at first he tried explaining but nobody was responding to oh sure yeah no you're a scholar at the trolling and then he got him with the explaining either way I know he's listening something personal we're just being honest with this is our hot cake because I you know I used to it by nightmare to keep in touch I need Martin shkreli as a [ __ ] regular I don't know anything about the guy I don't follow the news that much I just knew I just know about whoo tang and they were like this guy's the guy that bought that album because I was reading about RZA was gonna do this with the album and it was this guy and I think he was on a stream and he had two album but he was talking [ __ ] about the rule or some chili or something trolling it was in trouble is it something that made everybody angry about him having the album I feel in the work he did a shout out to I think Ghostface like I think he I'm sorry Martin if I got this wrong again but I don't think I thought that was like dead the kind of pistol was handed my neck some guy designed him yeah it was like [ __ ] oh yeah I got the album's AOL just like he was doing something yeah oh he made a video where he was like with samurais and he was writing [ __ ] on that you thought that I liked no limit strong but on the other hand I see him being misrepresented too because the way I understood the story was that he bought it and he was like [ __ ] the whole world I'm not going to play over you that was very what I would that was yours was supposed to do but there was a clause well she got us really bought yeah he said some trash now some trash 188 your clothes man all right let's wrap it up Martin thanks for coming on Eric always a pleasure uh see you thank you ride a yeah I'm here baby I'm gonna have a real nice conspiracy corner for you Jesse so [ __ ] great has been a man you're saying that first your stories were absolutely captivating you're killed it thank you guys and you know you know what I met a lot of youtubers in this YouTube world and made friends with them and a lot of youtubers what you guys don't know is they're not who they are in their videos you guys aren't [ __ ] they're better than their videos okay not as being real the real deal thank you thanks ma'am all right guys thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed the ride this was a long and dirty I feel more like an hour too bad for me to go back yeah we were just waiting out there traffic or Jesse see you guys next Friday boy do we have a [ __ ] the same guys generally if you guys know who that is gonna be a surprise oh [ __ ] he's a lunatic he does visa hardly I known he's like a totally unstable he's like six-year-olds want to be a comedian and he just will go on the street we found him because he made a sketch in his Dennis office he's really successful Dennis and he was passing out his mixtapes to all of his his evolving reliance and someone's I yelled my room oh yeah oh yeah and so we found out because one of his clients was like this'll lunatic then it's handed me this mixtape and we watched him went down this whole rabbit hole of his insanity and we made it we made videos with him when we were in New York cuz he's from New Jersey yeah he saw Jersey yeah this is the kind of car that's always bitching about stuff know them now I'll show it it's humble and it's just one [ __ ] you guys know yeah you guys know what I'm sorry about your buddy was added for next week anyway thanks for joining us guys we love you appreciate you and we will see you on the flip my dogs peace
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,176,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jesse wellens, jesse, wellens, prank vs prank, pvp, martin, shkreli, martin shkreli, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila
Id: AYWcC1fcMQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 37sec (10597 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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