H3 Podcast #18 - Hugh Mungus

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Erik's new segment, Erik's Conspiracy Closet, begins at 1:22:40.

Also here's an uncut VOD if you're interested.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Growlithium 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2017 🗫︎ replies

I love that he is going to be making regular appearances on the H3 podcast. Ethan streamed PUBG later that night and said how he wasn't sure about the segment and thinks there needs to be some changes. I think he did a great job imo. I think Ethan can just be very critical sometimes.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2017 🗫︎ replies

Sounds like he's going to be a regular. I can dig it.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/The_sad_zebra 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2017 🗫︎ replies

God this is great

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/emberhead 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2017 🗫︎ replies
welcome everybody to another episode of the h3 podcast live today we have an amazing show I usually say that but today it's truer than ever okay you guys remember them for the last episode Eric from internet comment etiquette is rejoining us with a new segment Eric's conspiracy closet that's right I'm very excited that's going to be later when you're talking about flat earth and all of the wonderful believers and proponents of it yeah a little bit later we have Dan what do we call it what was our name for it mm then the second nudes send it then then send me news will be doing the news again a little bit later after that we're here with you of course but here's where [ __ ] gets weird and wild does not give me enough to hear you right here's where [ __ ] gets weird and wild humongous is here from Seattle the legend came to LA to join us for the specific reason of joining us here on the podcast I'm honored I'm blessed it's a treat to have you here really thanks for coming out and joining us I'm so excited to have you thank you either this is I'm truly honored myself I made it pinch me if I'm not in LA because I know I'm definitely not in Seattle and you're not in see I've actually had a Mexican chauffeur pick me up and yeah I mean I just felt like a right at home I'm used to the Nordics where I come or I live and then all of a sudden I'm going wow it looks like jr. hey it looks like compadre also looks like a ma what is it not a lot of Mexicans yeah well there are but it's a where I live they've slowly started migrating and so not very made I'm the original Mexican gardener from Ballard in North original the original Mexican every gardener from Ballard before they were cool everybody wants a mad dog I don't like it because I've got too much competition well when we got it we now we got your end we got your advertising on deck Rudy's gardening what's the name of your colors Pantoja is garden patio has garden now you guys you know I've made a make sure than that that so people that think I've been brainwashed by the Nordics understand that Nordics don't brainwash me because they're lutefisk if you mean if I were to eat the lutefisk that I could say they're very wash me but you're talking about the inhabitants of Seattle yeah the lutefisk is a fish it's a it's a specialty that the base of their people's food but your people food do they pronounce you two-piece music dude maybe went into the video today before we get too deep in this conversation let's have a give a quick thank you to Adult Swim who sponsoring this episode brought to you by them and the newest season of Rick Morty out July 30th mm-hmm God blossom nature's box delicious wonderful snacks the black tux liquors hex suits and tuxes and Vince arrows classy affordable watches more on that later supposed to do that at the beginning but I get so wrapped up in this incredible episode I just got but we'll talk about that later we're capable to see that ad now this yeah yeah the cold opened in there and now let's plot some ready yeah anyway can you believe that Adult Swim is paying us to promote Rick and Morty what is again we'll talk about is one of the best shows on television is unbelievable it's so great but any rate you're talking about a fish oh yeah I was a fish not let the fake willies that I had in the back at the truck have you tried it I've never got yet it's actually a love Rika Irene is a fermented herring herring yeah they call Terry it's a it's a IOT well the social justice lawyers seem that they connect they think up from the northern part of Norway and they because there are brown Norwegians in the northern part of Norway but no there's a conspiracy theory that you're from Norway that's what the today they want you to be white they want me to be and last time I checked I'm not and I won't go any farther than that I mean I there's a lady in the house what it would is your background it's Mexican American uh grandparents are from Mexico and my mom on the offside got the the German and the Native American Wow and it was always funny we'd be around our grandma who's dark-skinned I got my mom's eyes grandma's eyes and tell ya my grandma used to be called different names back in the 60s and 70s and she would throw a fit oh my god your grandma was wet Native America okay and she was dark and grandpa was this tall german guy and she was she would get called different and we don't serve people look like they're in Jesus she's like big a tall like 5 feet 6 feet 5 foot tall and she would just snap she'd say what'd you say what'd you say okay rich you know I don't want to swear cuz I could know the kids like kids I don't want to give all I get here today you know funny she did swear granny granny was a melty piece of work I find it pretty interesting that your family actually faced real like the Native Americans talk about a group of people who got absolutely [ __ ] over harder than anyone and here they're there like they want you to be sweet or like Norwegian well it's because I'm educated and our grandma the Mexican side she'd always say English English around the babies know I spend y'all know I said no and she was really adamant about it and our aunts and uncles would be speaking as bad as she cut him off and say education education English though in high school I took Japanese identity okay my Nissan chico Roxy sauce couldn't you you got you JIT that sanity is far you know that's that's me home go Japanese plate we all thought that that humongous was totally adorable but now you're kawaii to new love you know quiet that's adorable oh boy yeah well oh my god and you have that Hardee's yeah oh oh I love it you're truly a mr. interactional well I try to be you know but people go to me why don't you go to Mexico I said well my in-laws on the beach Oh God restaurant a right there crowd hell if I go there that's Mexico once you go to Greece we'll talk he's mad Greek in there Greece there Greek and they have the belly dancers on Friday nights and I go rolling in Oh rude he sit down sit down and handsome dog roll it in some lamb and I'm sitting there and then touch it to get it dead and it's just killer I mean how exciting why is this podcast there who sounds pleased we shady and yeah I've often how do you like Seattle like do you I've always everyone who's been there tells me it's such an incredible place it's absolutely incredible place there's that 30 minutes for the mountains right next to the water bully problem is we've got a lot of outsiders coming in and telling somebody like me it was 55 years old I grew up in Seattle how to act and behave and especially when it was I swear god I have to make this clear that 30 something year old female to jump my ass we don't haul she nah I say in her name she she jumped my ass and and I and she needed to know respect for the elders I mean I would not do that to her but where she came off everything in my power not to color well you handle yourself with grace but I want to get into that I find out whole thing really interesting you grew up in Seattle you you were there your whole life pretty much right pretty yes and so you and so these people like like xarna can we say your name really like spooky they're going to like dig in like flying here on a broomstick like in Harry Potter's and should like Lord Voldemort she says how many places I have actually maybe I don't know I mean up but you're saying they came like do you know where she's from how long she was there you know I don't know I had never seen her I had a look up social justice order maybe that's how that's how dumb I was I mean so I looked up social justice where I go what's that she's white I mean I had to actually figure this stuff out with a with a flip phone so and I mean I was like I didn't even see any videos until like a week later and that that day that I left it was already on CBS Radio and I hadn't heard that either I'm asking what's going on and I get a call from the Yemen's Arabs and buffalo hey GRU dog man you're famous I said what are you talking about it will star him up I will sew him up I said what's that I'll send you a link so I got this looking at my flip phone and I'm going well I got something but I'm not sure how to turn it on now I do I humongous forced me to change in so many ways I it was a gift how I came here was a gift I can't I don't even question it but one of my questions for you too is like the does you become like the legend the legend of humongous and I'm really curious how like that becoming like that new person of like humongous has affected your life because I've seen like on our subreddit you're participating in like school plays to make a school plays about you you're running for City Council and you're almost like this mythical figure it seems like around Seattle and I'm really curious how much did it did this whole ordeal change that you're right I think what would it would it hit me right wait it goes back to the 90s when we stuck fake Willie and the Ballard Locks to scare the sea lions because all the way balcony goes to 90 late night that's when the legend was born yeah was the New York Times called me Seattle Civic prankster and by the way if you guys don't know what he's talking about there was an image of you with a giant killer whale and the back of your truck and you're trying to like pawn it it was young had medical bills and I thought we made the whole fun way right it was I was desperate to make sure that this medical was paid at least my insurance and I wanted to pay it like two or three months in advance to allow my hip to to heal and so I put it in the back of the truck driving it around doing got yard service leaf blowing and stuff and I had it offered 500 bucks and I wasn't going to give it up for fire could go hock might blower you know I mean forget that I'm not going to you know pawn off my tools I need my tools and I'm not going to give away the people's whale for five hundred articles with the people I will and so so now that was so it's worth I saw the people's well for a thousand I was going for I was going neighbor for 35 to 5 and I think he didn't he did you get anywhere I guy I was close I got really what was the most Auto dive 2500 and who's gonna buy I'm the first talk about sticking it on top of a casino sign well I go well would take Willy is not through not a gallon kind you know excited I wouldn't be the best this is the people's whale and yes and she is now it's a female Orca she's now at the Ballard Locks in Seattle and she's on display but the history of how she came from Scotland to Seattle and how the local KISW rock'n'roll is donated to the fund to bring as well and stick it in the Ballard Locks to use a scarecrow and we were calling it people interested saving steelhead sea lions at the Ballard Law my god that's a acronym for something that was not very popular at the time what was that cream stand frankly than that piss at the logs one last shot before you shoot piss at the logs at the locks Ballard Locks Wow and and and if we were going give it one last shot one last shot before you shoot and the PTA moms just went ballistic cause you need to take that down so we did a vote on the air with the KISW rock and roll listeners Bob Rivers twisted radio and we go what do you think early those politicians you know what we the name stands we support people interested so we took a democratic voted estate and so that's the history of it and did it past the name remain degree oh yeah the listeners were it was overwhelming and so I called up the council members down at City Hall and I said I just want you to know that you're outvoted and the name stands people's will stands that stands interested sounds like you're just such you're like a Seattle troll oh I just I just troll around a gardener they're garters you don't like June was born I could definitely do it all and we've incense in it you'd be in the local gardener it's been called a como Chile rude dog the ladies would go oh Road dog you want to go play some golf Oh facing my mom the mom it's actually funnier than stuff they say that oh yeah Oh root dog oh I cannot and that goes out the window there's no I know I mean I'm in the pickup truck in it just that was that was something that's happened over the years and but this humongous thing it was a slip of the tongue the smirk the smirk if you only knew what I was thinking in my head on the smirk its I had to stall was it let's get into mine well I was faking H M teats hmtl Eve my name is H M Q M teak's hue mt but what happened is wait what does that mean I've been stead of so I cut out the teats and put mungus slipped out of my mouth instead of going HM but what did you what was it supposed to be what was supposed to be humongous taints a humongous teeth that's still not that bad but I didn't say it I was going to but I see I was it when I said it and I wasn't I backed off and I get to smirk I said don't say it she went oh this is a domestic dispute seriously looking ready to go to have a conniption fit con tizzy bad and so I was just thinking about my hip walking out that door getting down the stairs getting away from this battle ax I mean young woman and boy did she just she kept egging me on she was looking this is what they do these social justice warriors they go in there and they're looking for any morsel of outrage they can find and it almost doesn't even matter what you would have said I don't think so much they're just there looking there they're like sifting for gold nuggets and they just found something to latch on to and you happen to be that you could have said Rudy my name is Rudy what me what's already great world yeah oh boy this would have been in my mom's house give it her hurrying in his stuff and then get mom involved in those women on her block not very supportive is lately a young lady it would not be very supportive maybe 70 aftermath was was not these guys it was I'm like catching up a little bit I think a little caught up I think the the initial video of your conference race calm confident set a stroke Caucasian part of me was what blew up on the Internet we're huge on Reddit and everything and a lot of people were talking about it like look at this insane lady harassing this guy but she posted he posted on her Facebook page everyone was like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you why would you promote this it makes you look insane and she erased it and then someone ripped it from Facebook put it on YouTube and the rest is his but at first you got hey right well I did that you love her group for her you know what was interesting is that she any any time being a public figure or running for office usually get the hitters it's a social norming at the hater something they don't call you up sort of the walk by you spit on your sneeze on you um / you've never been spit on em yeah they oh yeah and then I got a lot over this but but it's a but it happens taking a stance and Cl and then you're going to crazy nut heads and they're on both sides I mean I thought one side you know one side so it's both sides absolutely and it's Rudy in the minute and I like I like my little place where I am being the Garter but I what ischl II the reaction before it hit the internet was that was that xarna and her friends posted in their community to be like look at this [ __ ] guy who sexually harassed me and the police kicked me out so at first it was all hate on oh you're laid you feel that before everyone was like wait hold on this is backwards to see what I did is I actually took a complaint to the office of civil right you did the ACLU being I had my Arab friends from the Arab community that wanted me to get an attorney to sue her because uh really should be able to just add and no ID but they were calling it slanderous and then when they when she started the anti-immigrant stuff she didn't realize that there are people that come from outside of the country that live here now that asked me to take their kids and get them enrolled in Seattle Public Schools or help their mom or their Gramp the elders with medical and stuff like that I have a problem doing that I'm a gardener flexible and had no idea that I was a single dad and she didn't have any idea that because I speak fluent English and I sound American that I was Hispanic if she tried to rip me she tried to rip me down for anything and everything and she's anything she couldn't she couldn't that was one of my favorite parts about that interaction was that she's like she's like oh are you like we saw recently the footage from inside the council which I want to watch with you because we recently made a video about it but might like dissecting the way they attacked you is really fascinating because at first they're like oh you're white and then you're like no I'm not white and so that doesn't make them feel like oh maybe I was wrong they go oh then you're a token Hispanic you're not white but your token Hispanic and it's like you know and then it's like well why do you want more police and you're like will they help my daughter it's like you have a legitimate answer to all their hit job questions and it's like that their tension is so clear because it never it makes them reconsider it just makes them go full force more there's so many of us in the Hispanic community that do call the police when we need a problem because that's the right thing to do we're not afraid of law enforcement and the other thing is when people like her organization calls me token for the whites and I'm Hispanic what it does is is it dumps down our kids because I'm telling the kids a education you know if you can't do that if you can't read you can't do the math you can't do the science you can't get a job and no money no honey oh really realize that your baggage that is good I said if you want that honey and you want the money learn to read do the math and do the science listen your teachers and your parents and be have fun so what is what is it that by labeling you as a token what like token Hispanic how does it undermine that if you can't I mean she it's just her own opinion and and and her little groupies over here that try to push it and they try to push it on everybody across the board and I'd really like and I'm it's hard to stand up to him because they'll they'll go as far as to want to boycott a business or or really a family member label you as a sexual assault sir and thank God that I have enough diversity and might around me that knows who I am I mean if I did something wrong I would have near to arrest me you hold me accountable but in this case she was off her nut crazy and and I don't mean anything hard well or mean-spirited toward her but she could probably use a diversity training for herself in learning about others and if she's going to practice what you preach sister and the COO is that most important thing is is she did have some legitimate things to talk about right I'm some women issues and I understand right it's a no brainer let's shove it down my throat and say that I don't care well not in the way she did I don't know how you have a debate which and I like when they were there presenting their case at the City Council they're like we don't think that we should spend two hundred million dollars on a police station we can spend this money in a better way which is like that's a valid point and I agree I actually agree with that I did if you know when I went there it wasn't primarily for the precinct I just happened to show up it had to do with the precinct we would talking about it but that numbers skyrocketed versus what it was before if it has a special interest eating it was it was like maybe right around 80 million dollars in the beginning 9 million and then other special interest one a community club in a community room and stick grass on top and then place where they can work out with the cops and that particular corridor is known for prostitution and heroin and drugs and trafficking women and you guys weren't even necessarily even in disagreement and it's come back like she was there for her reason I was there to think the North Precinct and I had no idea there was a protest interest I just showed up to a protest you walk and I go free and then I then I look at the because I actually was ready to leave I was going to take off because I didn't want to have kind of shit-stirrer happen ships to happen in that and I was like 13th on the list and I go well you know what I'll just oh you're 13 I was like 13th on the list so I can I know I can hang so I said amongst them in the beginning and I had a council staffer come up to me and shake my hand and say how's your daughter I mean the council staffer knew why what why I was there and then when it came time to look at my interest they all bailed on me I couldn't even get the video from them I had to look it up yak tonight now seeing City Council wouldn't suppose that is didn't I don't think they wanted it to get out and got out they got out finally I was fast it was because there were two sides that happened before that exchange and and even the exchange before I went on with : News television she was harassing me and myself in the reporter from une como ABC and I said miss back off I'll talk to you after I told her please back off yeah because this in and then she had her camera right in but anyways it's I have to think I I really swear I think the kids the kids that saw that video were the ones NCL across the country and around the world stood up for me when my own City Hall left abandoned me in favor of something that was in just truly ingested injustice and wrong I mean nobody has it's not fair for anybody to go in and and try to testify and share the express themselves in a democratic process it just hacks I mean use the word hack it hacks me off to know and absolutely and I don't don't kid yourself I really wanted to color an F and B but I didn't I held off or held back it's such a wonderful thing you didn't do that I think that if you first of all I think he would have been justified saying that but the fact that you didn't really held you up to such a higher level than her is what made the whole battle so symbolic and wonderful but like what was happening in the the City Council was really was I was in disbelief when I saw that recent video because you're just a guy who went to participate in our democratic process which is something you don't really see in people these days and the fact that like um they don't even listen it's they're there to like for like ideological warfare it's not like a fruitful debate it's not like a civil society it's a real symptom of like a disease I feel like in our culture that you you try to make a fruitful effort to debate and participate in democracy and you're faced with that but what I what I've noticed is it's the same people going to that same meetings whether it's a council chamber meeting or community meeting they bum-rush them and then they take over the the hearing and and don't allow people to speak who may not agree with them Wow I mean it happens all the time where we've lost people who have had great ideas to say I'm going to bag this I'm sick of it and we even had several business owners that were boycotted where who stepped away from ownership to protect their their businesses and taken again after me they came out it is and and what's interesting there are council staffers that hand out the lists of different meetings and it gets sent out shotgun approach through the she's a different group he weathered anarchists or and other special interest groups right and then we get blab and blacklisted they've you know I'm a threat to you have yet I mean come on I'm a are just really schmuck and at Roger pictures all like whoa FA oh my god man oh my gosh we'd already for Seattle City Council and going around the different forum and events hang on hazel yeah Martha you know that man's our sexual harasser yes Charlotte letters like oh nice yeah I'm all coy you know I've Rudy with the freakin Shamu in the back of there the rest of national security really why I'm experienced suck it no kawaii kawaii how do you say quite quite quite I'll never get that happen right neither a second okay but what do you think's going on with the City Council because it seems like in a way these this mafia so I'm like a mafia of outrage at this point are they like they putting so much pressure on them do you think they're just like don't even want to deal with their insanity so in a way they're they're influencing them do you think that they're genuinely influencing them or it's more influence of I don't want to deal with this mafia I'm scared of this mafia somehow they've got that entrenched with other special interest and what we're going to see coming in 2018 is more Seattle shenanigans and if I was a comic if I was a comedian you are I would definitely feed up their their agenda and because there's money to be made off that Seattle City Council just doing doing different spoofs or twisted things every doing like there it is insane I mean the I actually spoke with the chairwoman that was at the meeting that cut me off try to talk to her last week in West Seattle forum I cannot talk to you about this I'm really busy and I can tell you know and and you know I can't be associated with you because I'm worried about what the other may think Rudy you know I can tell the vibe scuse me you know what you're you're a threat to Mike my campaign we have people like you I said you're Hispanic your mother's face with a camera that's what would have no world's larget you need to get in her face and film our say you are you if you do not talk to me I will tell the world your sex or harass her and you grab my penis like it that was it you got to play their game right well well the the following meeting she showed up to the other lady the the social justice showed up in work she got kicked out of the council meeting she actually got kicked out I saw that she she attacked she went after that Councilwoman and went after the african-american council chairman the President of the Council and he kicked her out he had enough and but that there are so many of them that think they can go in and disrespect the process and I've always been somebody to respect the process I don't care whether it's public or private you know there's two sides it's not one way that's how it works that's what was so traumatic to watch that City Councilman you have to respect the process that's how it works I mean I don't know one sighs respect you on one side is not there interrupting you there screeching did you want to watch yeah I do want to watch that sound like there's about isn't that the for a few dollars more a Clint Eastwood movie that screech oh there's a screech in that movie have you seen it I've known about the screech to the streets where I think Tuco or what's his name is Clint leaves them hanging on the tree and then he shoots the rope off and he falls down like round the neck I think there's a screech in there that's what it reminded me of I think that's that look I turned around that is I heard that read oh I want to I have so many questions about that video I do want to watch it but I want to act yeah you want to watch you know so if you guys don't know what we're talking about yes we there was a basically a new video that came out a couple weeks ago that hit the internet I guess you were trying to get it and they wouldn't give it to I don't know they were just they were just I don't know where you could get the video it's crazy because it literally so one-sided and to be even completely Frank before I had access to this video I did wonder what would happen in there because they were so upset and I was like I wonder if Rudy made some kind of remark that upset them I wondered that if there was two sides to the story because usually there are I'm a skeptical person but getting this footage and seeing it I was just like completely exonerated in my mind a hundred percent like man they are so so rude and out of line here half of the stuff that they were saying where I was trying to speak and I mean it was pretty I mean I'm tough as nails you know nothing like kidnap we need to rock with a weedeater right in a frigging between the eyes and say oh yeah or hitting cat pies out there in the garden and that's enough tonight Oh dogs know not dog cats the word catch oh no that is just now it's worse than human worse the dog what's the web I'm at it has just it it just sticks for a weedless again it goes into the skin and then you can taste it coming out of the mouth ah and what it is hold on hold on let's get into this just so you're talking about you're hitting along with the weed whacker yeah I should blow cat [ __ ] everywhere haha it gets right on the note it gets right here the cheek and it goes through the cheek and then to anything gross always goes like straight for the mouth Amir right here he's like it's got like a mind of its own yeah well you know Ellis brother has a theory that water is a conscious being and I wonder if I go with the [ __ ] getting in your mouth yeah it wants to go back home it was like puckered in underneath a leaf in the in on the grass and I'm going you know that looks kind of fishy down there now screw it I'll just add it Oh admit it Candida let's get it on the boat lawn mower wheel that's even worse because they get to keep it travels with us everywhere we go I mean it's just you're selling me the cat [ __ ] goes and penetrate your skin and then travels into your mouth I'll go through the mucous through the body your body absorbs it serves it and you can I can actually taste it coming out and touching you're forgetting the second ball it's like we always be like yeah it's like get one of those nicotine patches you know it would be right something like that it's like a - it's a cat patch you I want to find a marketable product is pretty bad cat put inside cat know aviation reproduction storage a new March available guys putting ads couldn't add anyway that was a great tangent why your cat such disgusting creature I hate cats I hate their spit their smelled like poison if you order out I don't really care have you ever been around a cat and you know I've been sprayed by them okay so you can say yeah I don't know that i don't doubt how they their piss smells like chemical warfare yeah not even their tongues are cool their tongues are like spiky hair brushes yeah I've slurred that [ __ ] cats [ __ ] at moving on so anyway this is the video we're talking about this is the epic prequel to humongous - humongous churning can we hear it in here damn Tony's turn up the TV what okay I believe it's room breach Calvary hotel huh jr. I live in the North pen grew up in the north and we moved here 1969 grew up on 109th in Aurora I am totally for a safe learning healthy environment in the North End I know the North dang you're saying as a kind of a rough North it is a it's a population that covers over a third of the population of Seattle okay maybe even closer almost maybe half well and we're under served as an earth in and as you live there I love you know that here is my neighborhood and and and I've seen changes over it since years I've grown up there and of course I'm going to defend and and we just recently had a young man still 84 year old grandma's purse off the street he was a known addict and everybody's looking for a man and somebody sent me a post from New Jersey about it being humongous it's cool I get this post like health god I know him and we know him and been trying to get him help for a while just and can't get him help but he and but did that's the kind of thing I like to do is as I'm gardening see somebody down let's hey you know there's services for you are you ready for it Appy oh okay then you're not ready to go to jail I mean that's it you want or the other and it's same way if I came and Jack you up and or or hila up or you up and because I'm going out to get a fix I'd like oh well that's well you know what hey well you know what let's forgive him because you know it's not his fault it's all your fault that you happen to be there right now it's good I don't know about that it doesn't work that way well you're you're basically moving for more support more facilities I mean there's no precinct in your neighborhood we have one little one okay and it is outlived its its ability to take care of our NYADA North End and nothing would be not every a lot better sick in a precinct maybe maybe I definitely not the one that they plan to build that one is ginormous like a military base I mean I'm just but it's just too many special interest people wanting to spend extra dollars at we don't have I'm fascinated by the fact that you actually agree with their on that spending point I actually do right there no but she wouldn't [ __ ] shut up enough to actually listen and finally you guys have common ground like most people do well there's no way I mean I don't even think we could have it now because I'm going to turn all oppressor areas words hate against women got about aggression is that Oh does that mean oh man there was a whole grade yeah I got what I'm doin all for eternal internal interns elders gosh I almost I remember the definition we made a whole video about it because she made a rental oppressor yeah internal oppression it's just about how like if I'm if I don't think that is being sexist I things and like I am eternally uh oh okay what like like a procession and if I'm not offended yeah if I'm not Amanda then wrong with me yeah that's right all right all right right right so it's this whole [ __ ] up notion that women who aren't outraged by Rudy's behavior than their internally utterly oppressed so it's like you are being oppressed you just don't know it yeah so she made this whole video calling out to the whole female population saying you're internally oppressed yeah it's like they do like they have amazing mental baby save that for when it works like I'm sure as examples of that is or something yeah yeah it's probably like you know maybe no fan of Bill Cosby it might be a little bit of meat back on yeah maybe maybe what he did is she totally cheated a naturally sexual harassment or right or even somebody that is sexually abused and it's just not I mean literally if you're going to say something say something legitimate that's not over Rudy it's in Maui I mean that's just a bunch of crap now that is such an important didn't you talked to the kids and whether they want to teach the kids this stuff they're wanting to get in Seattle Public Schools and teach social justice warrior ism I go yeah me I go you got to be kidding me I couldn't believe it I learned this on the campaign lesson one kids outrage what is outrage and went to experience it that's all the time that's when you wear a humungous t-shirt into school the first day of school and they go what is that you can't wear that kids usually guys like a big let's say anything right I think I'm gonna be like the Antichrist in their new religion oh well you want your enemy little bit greater with all gardening can no longer be a profession I was actually walking down sup Lavetta as I you say is up within a Boulevard of suppose but up to pull but I yes whenever so I'm walking down I'm at the way Express I go walking in and some young boy is a african-american ago she ma s mungus you're my hero man one of the the people behind the counter said are you humongous I said yeah and they saw versus having a group photo that was kind of well they said Benji said tell Ethan I said hi he's the man dingy little thank you what about you god bless him um oh alright let's let's continue for us where were we if you roll precinct I believe it's a positive move is our public safety north of the ship you know I have plenty of people that's supportive of all different backgrounds in the North Zone yeah that's the first wonderful interruption where are they I couldn't say their names because they would chase my dogs through the street like they're like vampires going after suck their blood you know what are they social justice vampires checking your blood or something like that that's a good fight I think about like a social justice warrior start looking I'll run but have you come out of bat no vampire oh Carlos I know at yamaga's that's what our look in your pockets our lick throw at them I'll try that the next time thank you here two girls got a lot of GMOs and I said you know yeah that's filled with can yet just say no violin and massive loads of girl oh yeah I'm here no no interrupting the other speakers please I want to see it as is I want to thank the North Precinct for getting my heroin addicted daughter off the street and failing her an opportunity to get boy she's Latino with a power really [ __ ] me off yeah I bit my tongue it's so insulting I'd also like you're talking about your daughter who had a real trouble in life and then they take the opportunity to attack you it's like they have no boundary but she did say what it is dear when I spoke to her about it she did say what does white have anything to do with addiction yeah it's all communities have addictions right and so I mean if somebody has an addiction let's help get them off the street right regardless I mean it doesn't matter doesn't matter I mean addiction is addiction and and that's how I look at it too I mean I think that's a very brilliant point on her perspective being with friends that are late who said that my daughter Mike hey Dad was revising this what does white have to do with anything addiction to all communities and they said yeah I know and so it's like they're the ones that are so obsessed with race in a way that it's it's ridiculous I mean it just I just if I have a hard time listening to them because they they've cheapened they've cheapened it and they've made excuses for our young to not try to achieve in school because of legitimate true maybe social to social justice issues but in Seattle we all work together we support one another but there are certain people that are [ __ ] we always have dick ass and then when you call them get rid of [ __ ] is call them a [ __ ] and shut the [ __ ] up you know we don't need to hear your stupid dumb ass Weasley something something some of the kids I kids obviously love you know what listen to your parents and do good in school so how do you think they're undermining like what is it about their message that's undermining like the system's ability to raise kids or teach kids like what are they telling them I personally really believe that the way it comes across to me as I am an American and I live in Seattle it's like I don't want I don't want to admit I'm an American in Seattle because that's that's like almost become the hate to say hi I'm an American I mean I've I love my country Houston you love your country all you must love Donald Trump then well Trump wasn't even in office when I got the shenanigans with the social gesture lawyer I mean he had nothing to do with it yeah it was but that's the thing that's a scary part of some of the the message that is being sent out and I appreciate immigration coming into the country but there's a right way and there's a wrong way and many of my peers and associates always go through the pro have gone through the process to become American citizens are from Yemen or from Mexico or from Canada or overseas I mean it's just there's the right way in a wrong way and but it's this idea that you can't you can't like it is something to that where it's like you can't be proud not proud but like like you said you can't be like I'm an American I'm just like a dude I'm just I'm a sis male I missus white male my mom put a flag up on this past holiday and I think there was one other one at the end of the block and she goes you know we used to have flags up and down our street all the time American flags as so that's another thing that is oh did you see who put a flag up in front of their yard it's unreal yeah and it's like it's become in Seattle it really is crazy anybody that says it's not true many of us know it is true and and and you definitely do not say you're Republican and Cl because that is just get your head cut all that is that is the hate that's even worse that's a hate of all I also feel like I'm not a Republican but I feel like the dialogue today I think it probably was really embodied where you're coming from of this like this team mentality of like either you're with us or you're against us and there's no likely but yeah like this this symbol of like you and xarna like you both kind of agreed in the middle somewhere but there was no understanding there was no effort to like meet that can find that compromising I feel like on the lesson on the right both both parties are are just absolutely off the edge and what I made clear is I supported the pregnant women and recovery programs like a Ballard Swedish that helps women get off opiates and and drugs and alcohol so that they have a clean childbirth and and I go every week to a couple of different meetings where there's pregnant women and we built this camaraderie I bella camaraderie with the moon and and I come across as a dirtbag male adilyn your dad fainted yeah it's all but I read what I do work what I do not do what I will not do is get involved with those pregnant women's lives and become dad I'd know better I'm grandpa now you know you drop the kid off okay come pick him up that's you know it's like dogs sitting right not all we're not not like dogs sitting but I my Duchess I'm gonna [ __ ] sue I've taken care of for the past seven years and it's been it's been my anti pregnancy tool because if I can't take care of a dog how am I going to take care of a child and so that's been my resistance to having more children so even if I can't alive yeah so that's been good but though it's really that women in that are homeless with children support that there's seniors and a variety of different other services and programs mental health services she can't come after me unless she knows me if I did something that was hatred towards somebody call me out on it but don't judge me before you get to know me right cuz the way I look or the way I speak well yeah she and I kind of your white I know everything about you and no way you know public schools educated don't blame me don't blame the whites blame your school system because I'm smart because I can breed I can math and I can get a honey gardening that LM really you know what I mean really seriously I mean I cannot without Zarda actually was kind of a gift from God because I mean humongous yeah well mean what is a humongous I mean humongous changed the word humongous to to this I mean you wanna meet my changed you manga so she just by the fact she put on that Facebook and thought I'd called me the villain and it has been used for bullion in Seattle Public Schools in some of our really oh yeah anti-bullying think even beyond the politics of it is just like the best Justice Boehner ever which everybody loves just seeing like justice come and I think that this whole the whole saga of her trying to pay you as a villain then somebody stealing it and putting it on YouTube every one being like no [ __ ] you your whole story of like how you how everything's worked out for you as a result it's just like a fairy tale humungous fairy tale needs to be a kids book you're an sjw landmine there's btq absolutely this didn't work out it is like Harry Potter comes back you're the one that survived all right four miles away from the Harry Potter Park Harry Potter Universal yeah it's pretty close do you want to go there yeah I think um I want to go there are you fan of Harry Potter no but I mean I could magically you know I mean hey maybe I can be a character and I could be a you know anything I've been there's really whoever's listening to this podcast I'll be a character let's work it let's work a deal go through Ethan laughs those are wizardry if you go through h3 that's the agent so guys yeah we are looking to cast Rudy and the next Harry Potter prequel called the amazing journey of humongous the one who survived got hit me up University alright let's let's do this is the longest playthrough of all time or hey she is a Hispanic Latino Chicano we're proud of our heritage your time I want to say this right now I respect you when you see hey QB can you tell me or the Garrity what happened yeah how was that noise originated from a human what that was that look is a big log and you that's what what sort of God did you see this sound originated from a person because I'm curious what little bit somebody in the back and the very far white what is it is the notion for day like gagging and coughing what even enjoyed that it was a it was it was a I forgot it was oral but it is squeal and that's what they do with those council chambers I'm not surprised I mean all tell there's a now there's no way there's no English anymore it's like going to squeals let's see when I went and watched Purple Rain concert what's his name Prince Prince I would saw Prince back in Seattle back in the days and I took my girlfriend and I'm sitting there and there must have been a Ksenia number of screaming girls right in my ear and I could barely hear Prince because these little girls were screaming at him right and I'm gone Scotty and I can - that's what that screeches it's all this memory it might have been a guy but it wasn't it was I think it might have been a female who's a female social justice or mating call but though if you've not done for me as long as you would not have evolved nothing will you know sir the call well usual you could have made known your intentions to me by going back and then you guys would add then you'd have more babies on Dutchess don't worry my Shih Tzu so now you got he's coming home you know how to respond next time yeah well give them room right back you look like you're on the verge of laughing and like a mix of laughter and disbelief it's a couple more second to wrap up good that's what I asked her what why not only a couple more seconds you this answer has to answer the other day in West Seattle you a forum the kid the woman that is the chair and I was talking was talking on the far right side okay got it I just don't have time to talk to you right now Rudy you were being rude you were trying to talk I don't have time and then her campaign manager says oh I'm sorry better luck next time Wow then I go holy [ __ ] I mean better luck that's all right I got walk it down and they're talking about racial diversity racial justice but somehow really from our just does not get that grid they wanted a they just they didn't want that to be happen no they really did open up a can of worms for that council and I really do seriously we're going to more of it so anybody that has ideas about comical type relief programmers you can definitely go to Seattle City Council Chambers and get some good material fresh memes you don't need to just focus on Trump you can focus on our CL City can okay good to know you know I we make a fair and balanced I'd say people getting pissed off that easily definitely good for comedians know that a good person gets caught in the crossfire but it would have to happen outside of Seattle because it would have it because in Seattle they're afraid because we're snowflakes my god gentrify a neighborhood in Seattle I think it's a fine neighborhood just like gender [ __ ] just get like a bunch of like a fresh over the border like meadow and here now that all the coffee shop by it's just by a huge property they're going to make them all live there let people put parking cones down to save spots again millions of dollars in identifying it let's watch this sugar Commons open I'm trying to see on timing wait what I have to say doesn't matter because I live in a be utterly seriously what matters is is is what everybody else has to say we support this precinct we think it's important investment for Public Safety in the North End so here's what I'm really curious about like clearly some [ __ ] happen that you were in disbelief about like what happened there there were so many comments we made to me you know in a shotgun fashion that I thought I was trying to block it out before not talking just a smack talk okay and I'm in no kinetic a column madam chair just had lost all control of that hearing and and pretty much channeled me out by cutting me off and I given me additional time and the stuff I wanted to say I wasn't able to say in that the Seattle Police in Snohomish County Sheriff's Department and that hopes soldiers that was truly grateful was the thing that helped me with my adult daughter and going to the City Council in the past in the mayor's office they didn't care they say well really good knock in I'll say a prayer for you but you've got a daddy call I can't let it go is there a cartoon but a gold snow let us know let us know let us know so Blake let us know I said [ __ ] that I mean forget that noise forget that noise and so it really energized me to go after and try to do it on my own and you know being a gardener there's not a high celebrity status but I didn't care I'm going to get I'm on it I'm going to do everything I can I actually got sober a month before this hearing it was a little over a month before to go find my daughter and work with the system and go through the process to help me get her off the streets and that I was able to do that and then the right thing to do was to go to the City Council that helps decide the funding for our communities is to say make the officers the men and women in uniform for helping our family and that's all I went for I didn't go to hack on social justice or black lies black lives matter had nothing to do with me in fact when I was walking out through her a few african-american guys that came up said would you say direct toward my news team let's go oh what a joke you know what I mean I'm going to I'm gonna get this Saturday I go I got it I got to get out of here and I said I've met you guys I'm about in here I just need to get to that stairway and get to the rail get downstairs I get downstairs I get to the bus and it's on CBS radio I don't know if you knew this I don't know if you can get the footage of this Dorie Monson a Cairo news radio had the audio that day while I was on the bus heading back to my truck and who you were listening back to it on the radio I would I know I was if my neighbors had come up to me and said you know I heard you on Cairo during Monson show and they said of this converse of this conversation right of the other one at the original video regard oh I'm going what I'm I was and I was on the bus going what the hell just happened there you know I'm on the bus and I get back to Ballard and the next thing is have you seen your video and so I really be D Utley it was on it would there was a video being shown on social media or something right and it was already on the radio I think maybe by one o'clock in the afternoon I think I'm on the left at 12:30 so it was on the radio at 1:00 that quick I didn't know anything about it till a few days later how did he get there so I have no idea because I crazy it was it was it was the craziest thing and when the neighbor says you know Rudy couldn't she give him her a different name I said yeah if I were to give under my name you know what just showed up to your house bah we would want that room he didn't have said of course not do you think I'm stupid and so I yeah it was pretty wild it was thank God for the garden because I was my balance because everything was hitting me I want Santa's garden pan Toya's garden and I gotta say you must be the most famous gardener in the world now well I'm like you know I roll down the truck Duchess hanging out the other side the Shih Tzu that's it heavy metal rock and roll you know grandpa Rudy Gannon and then then Anna the United to get out of my truck with my new hip fat as heck see what hurts first okay grab the weed eater but what I did do this week is I backed off of the dusty garden to save my pipes for this podcast cuz I could Rex already see it already coming here Oh Chuck Oh moderation in the jet stream oh he took a couple days off gardening yeah I took a savory claritin nice while you and I miss my ear plugs on the airplane and my ear plugs to protect my ears that's also that I come in here and I gotta hide Rico sounds beautiful man beautiful you look beautiful your kawaii next I think we should take a let's take a short break if you need to run to the bathroom or something I'm going to thank our sponsors yeah I'm gonna call Ron Howard real quick and fifty I do that life story Cat Stevens Gilbert on Howard we meet would maybe Rudy Pachulia in the gut in the Goblet at Univision hey get those monkey hey hey we can do the the what do you call the the bird they show of the word switch from English to Spanish the subtitles captions captions yeah I can do your division yeah you want to execute your head we're getting in the bottom of the screen like ah and we you're like a little figure that stands on the bottom now wait you're bigger than that we need to get your Harry Potter the gobble of notice yeah you let a bunch of little paint loose yet yeah we're gonna get you the data you already there but do it alright so I'm going to thank our sponsors you want some water a coffee here we go the bathroom grade okay cool so my friend today's show is brought to you by Rick and Morty yeah how crazy is that what's that Rick and Morty is Adult Swim newest and acclaimed season of an excellent cartoon I feel like everybody must know Rick amore by this point I almost feel silly even reading the description it's like so prolific yeah it's completely infiltrated like every step of our culture I feel like by incidentally created by one of our one of our best friends Justin roiland you guys haven't seen Rick and Morty it's one of my favorite personal favorite trails I think everybody I talked to it is a cartoon about a sociopathic genius scientist Rick and is less intelligent grandson Morty that's really good that's the full [ __ ] description I mean an app tell you stuff you can't really say more about it it are like a it's like this crazy mix of I would say like dr. hazel and Ren and Stimpy that's yeah yeah it's just it's a total space romp it's it's amazing and the new season is coming out at long last July 30th at 11:30 this Sunday this Sunday my friends we should watch the trailer yes watch it live don't do the TiVo slide on by the idea we're talking about on day let me show you here let me show you what I'm talking about because of it on before there has been - there's been two seasons it was like the one of the most popular shows on television past two years if you go to IMDB it's like number three or something top rated TV shows does their sound how can the sound always doesn't work is this sound on my page Morty Rick where are you on my workbench Morty are you invisible and you're gonna like fart on me put the pickle over I turned myself into a pickle Maury a pickle ran and conquer yo you probably have all seen the show and if you have it put on your friggin TV set on July 30th at 11:30 get your sweet ass over to Adult Swim and put that [ __ ] on the drama all I can say is pickle rick yeah watch out for particular rick that [ __ ] is going to blow your way so thank you to Adult Swim and Rick amore for supporting the show appreciate you next up naturebox god naturebox gets me so amped these guys have have you tried the nature buck I haven't known next time next time you're here we're going to naturebox really what is live April they have a they have snacks that you order online they're fresh it's healthy and let me tell you it's delicious it's really that they've got these hundreds of snacks that taste great and are better for you high quality simple ingredients which means no artificial colors flavors or sweeteners so you feel good about what you're eating your many candidates okay well here you listen good head on over to nature box calm you get three free snacks okay think about that I recommend the sriracha cashews I'm still dreaming about the sriracha cashews that we had last time things are insane check out the sriracha cashews check out the cheddar lentil loops those ones were pretty spicy and hot but there's hundreds of them and they all look amazing I freaking love it I wish we had some on the table right now I'd be eating them I did something right along the way there's some on the way I can't I'm just going to sit patiently office and wait for those to arrive but uh if you don't like the snacks you don't have to eat them you try it if you don't like it you send it back it's free you guys they replace it with some new snacks but these sriracha roasted cashews I'll be laying in bed with you at night I'll wake her up is-3 Emily teach are they cashews on the way are the stretch it catches really is like [ __ ] leave me alone dude I'm gonna sleep she goes back to been a shaker again I'm like yo it's amazing I I'm upset try those cashews and tell me they aren't amazing we go to nature bodies Kozue naturebox calm and get free three three three free snacks with their first order guys it's a no risks proposition and I'll tell you what they support our show and I appreciate them if you're in the market for some snacks consider going there and picking them up just help support the show get some BOM snacks they get reporting Adult Swim sponsoring this episode we'll take a quick coffee break quick urination break and we will be back you won't want to leave guys because up next we have Erik's conspiracy corner and after that we have dance send me the nudes Shan Shan is a new year that I named we've given a 10 degrees so guys thanks for hanging out we'll be right back in a short short brief break if you leave something terrible is going to happen I know it's true don't welcome back to the h3 podcast here with your boy Rudy pentaiah jr. aka humongous we have on deck Eric's conspiracy closet the big big debut of our new segment by our wonderful friend here they're making signals don't mind yeah but first I wanted to ask you really a couple more questions something that fascinates me you were you were a character in Seattle but now you're kind of like a celebrity in a way like you were telling me you were at a coffee shop before you came here people note recognized you and you mentioned to me that even in Seattle and people are saying hi to you everyday like how famous are you how often are you being recognized it's amazing I just they know the truck really oh yeah they know the truck they see the truck hey there's they up and tracked to the u-turn follow me hey hey hey you can picture with you come on boys come on again and then there's you know then there's the moms that want the family portraits really well they pull the kids and I'm with the mom and the last somebody take a picture look I got I got a picture with you - honey I gotta you might think how is that was I just well it's like overnight like well Amos guy I just went with it I rolled with it I just didn't question it it was something that I had to learn I learned because it to become a humungous you just don't become humongous so it's like saying I'm going to be a golfer I'm going to go buy the new set of golf clubs now I'm going to be a part golfer that doesn't work that way it takes time so I had to sit back and learn it in and I wasn't something I created was created by your audience in your audience to find what humongous was based on my past being a gardener and strength in you in any way no absolutely not I can just go out there in garden and and let humongous the character be the character that the gardener is could they kind of feed off of one another and it's like the world or the country people saw this guy Rudy from Mallard the gardener that they could relate to and it became a worldwide thing and you enjoy getting recognizing it doesn't bother me at all I guess I just roll you know I just and it doesn't bother me in any way other than you know there's times I have to say no really I mean I was doing the film with Richard but the kids from bel-air hi I'm acting going through the Pike Place Market and people were kinda haters humungous a home I made actually and they've got the camera on me and hey hey come on it's gonna be a picture with you I'm doing a movie you know and so I gotta move out and unbelievable and I'll get people that will be stopped mom gardening get out of their car want a picture I go into churches the kids run out to me thank you same I get it are you ever popular in the gardener now well I really good you know what you know I I don't need more clients I tell you that I the body in my hip can only do so much and I've learned to take this 53 year old body and plan to have it at six three because I'm a I'm not jumping off the tailgate of the track we're jumping up robberies I'll kind of waddle down the rockery waddle off the truck right you know because we will wobble but they don't fall down we don't something like that you should outsource you guys get some workers for Pentos garden I plan on doing that I it's a the goal was is to hold on to what I have and you all helped me keep what I have and now this next phase is to take what I have and transform it on to something more for the garden and what and and number one is my health my health is the goal fund helped me a lot during the hard times of being able to get through the medical procedures and and allow my hip to heal and that Johnny bad grass to the gardener can get out there and kick some serious grass and take some serious receivable if you know you care you know that's that's a softer gentler Rudy for valor way of expressing himself because you know it's try to keep it PG I think the thing that packs me up is these knuckleheads that take my face and put it on Facebook and they turn it into a porn site or oh yeah it's been all my errand and not really a job working and I'm going I'm going I was really I wouldn't of all the celebrities I've ever seen like make born of your I got a note but it's not me I mean it's it's my they use the Facebook yeah to draw people in and then to get the same training form it into a porn set yeah I can't have I can't see you getting railed necessarily I'm not uh no there's no way I'm gonna be a porn no not usually no absolutely no heck no no no what forget a GoFundMe going no not even not even his aren't I wait you and Zara how much money you don't hate that's a good one hey gender the gender sensei and I said gender such a Mack McGregor the one that was running that came out when I first filed for sale City Council I go to the other day I said hey Mack what if we did like a sparring moment where we give any suits and do something for charity he says you know I think about that I think about that and he says you should tell your guy up to down there you know your guy which would be you either I'm the guy I said cuz you know karate and I know karate and you know we're not into kicking each other's butt other than not come in last place in this campaign you know might go and he says I think you know what I think that's a good idea you know what so Mac if you're listening let's plan a sparring moment for charity you and xarna xarna could be the breath i wonder who would wind i think he would win I gotta figure out a way to get her down there like we'll give this amount of money to some organization she supports put her in a place where if she says no she's a racist okay tell me tell me about your house yeah that works how's your helping because I know you had a health scare when that whole thing went down I'm really curious how you been well I was I was told to when I was going to Cancer Care Alliance they checked out the group was able to remove some cysts from my body that words benign and that I have a swollen spleen think of and the and that I had been poked by a couple of syringes in the past they assumed that maybe hepatitis C that was dormant had come back up hoped oh yeah I was out gardening and I was hit by dirty apparently me hat [ __ ] isn't it all that matter that's not and that was part of the the process of why I was going through being checked out for my platelet for being down low so I the doctor says to me he says you know I going to need you to not drink we're going to try to see if you're passed drinking has caused any sort of hardship on your organs I said well I've been sober a couple of months why you have he says I'm reading a book and it's about social drinkers do usually make her ask me a few questions about social being a social drinker and a drinker and he says you know you're not a social drinker right forgot that so he sounds he's got some glasses day of you know finally Impressionist and I said oh yeah I know he says well don't you think once we find out what to let the pint went said you maybe not drink it might be a good idea so from here on out till we figure out what's wrong with you I'm going to need you to like this not drink like oh okay doctor and if you drink then you're just wasting my time so I've been sober a year yes and when I went when I went to that council meeting I already I was sober right and I didn't go in there to be a jackass or Beavis Butthead I went in there can't no support my daughter and and girls like her it's not just her but across the board and but the fame is tell the kids I tell the cared with the kids kids I'm a gardener I'm a schmuck in the truck and I only encourage you kids to get an education be the best you can be and miss your parents listen your teachers and as long as you can read and you can do as long as you can read you could do the math the science and everything else and then you can get a job from money to get the honey get the iodine I guess go that's are humongous yeah baby is social move you know now you can vote for him he's running out City Council and the phenomenon continues to spread across the world if there's anybody listening out there especially the young voters 18 and over make a homemade sign and flash a full perk you is a vote for you position 8 Seattle City Council my vote so I'm here in LA and I will be back until Monday and the election is Tuesday so oh wow Tuesday guys get up here and campaign yes I like your mug it is on how to vote illegally is about family bonding what are the odds can I hope you know what we probably shouldn't say that right yeah yeah yeah I think they did that in the old days cuz I might output here I just want to do that no absolutely not apples in a hour William gale like camera less like houses people over just between you and I is you know they think you know new pencil Pharisee do you think you have a chance of winning I think what I've done is I've opened up the opportunity for others in the future just anybody because that humongous can do it anybody can do it I said in and the thing is the bottom line is if you don't boat you can't [ __ ] and you don't get the high ed oh yeah there's no debating you know we just depended after this campaign we'll see what happens with at least on this point is that this it's really important that people exercise their opportunity and not let people who are radical whether they're on the left or the right to shut you down yeah need to get but it needs to happen civil can't can't block in traffic busting store windows is not the way to go exercise the opportunity and get like-minded people to support you and go after it and put through the guidelines of the law of course and but but no violence and you don't need to say shitty things to people because you disagree with them there's no reason for it and like a perfect example is the humongous original video is that it's a teaching moment for up for anybody whether you're one side or the other no reason to behave like that absolutely so I'm god bless really thanks for coming and sharing your story with us I have one last question and may it's a bit of a curveball we ask all of our guests this I don't know why it happened this way but our fans are obsessed with it ghost stories do you have any ghost stories supernatural natural experiences in your life I had one last night are you serious all right here we go there's this beautiful woman that came from the sky and she came into Van Nuys with brown eyes and she says qp2 Who am I kidding I'm for real and I'm in this garden and I'm tripping I'm in the garden let the line between reality and dreams know there's a dream this is dream reality dream and so I'm in this garden that I used to work at and there's this woman complaining that we cut the wrong stuff down and it's not a band or so okay so like and and I don't know where this place came from and then she realized that oh the garden is okay and I wake up and I got drool and spit rolling out of my mouth because I thought it was so for real okay that was a dream but the ghost the ghost that entered my head it goes like that cab stuff he kind of went through and addressed a turret and it kind of went all over the pillow and stuff but it was a drug for my mouth yeah it was a dream that's a ghost story that is us the best so who knows it could happen could that count is a night terror we hit their sound well er that it wonderful it's got like a rose dressed in white and cover down honey honey so many inches all around Bay Bay oh my good just inviting cover down somebody inches all around but you - will you be mine oh oh damn oh let's just all these that's for the moment that's bunk humongous mmm knock you out that's all Josh that bong so the real nightmare was that you had cut down the wrong tree well yes I've done that one that was a that's a reality house that does a relative experienced an actor tonight no I swear you said oh no all righty this hottest summer digging out that stump and replanting the tree and other tree's beautiful though you dug up the wrong way and then you had to replant it replant it I cut it down without it daddy Rudy's guarded if we dig out the wrong one we'll plant it right back you whoa and it won't be under sold he won't be undersold a new growth an opportunity for all when it comes to the garden love it you got my vote thank you hey honey you got my honey you got my room and you've got my pitch to universal for you to be the governor of the fungus yes I would love that I've little Mongoose all right let's move it on to our next report of the show today I need to turn all blue lives matter go Hawks okay but that's okay there we go my lighter in there Thanks yeah there it is now we've got every job so next up we are getting ready to launch Eric's conspiracy closet we have input I'm sorry Dan I forgot almost everything come help us we have a little in TOR panicking play the intro all right so tell them your use it okay so this is supposed to be probably more slick than this but it's still a podcast all right this is a beta test to the beta the holder is ideal for a segment full shows a beta yes am I the one who hits this thing do I play it in bingo okay here we go No buckle up buckos and that bliss fighters it's me your boy big conspiracy Eric I want to thank you all for having me on the show I'm not going to do this voice the whole time I promise we're all fighting levels here we got Ethan we got ela mr. mungus pleasure to meet you good I want to talk to you guys about something turn off the TV [ __ ] remote Flattr we're gonna talk about flat earth for a little bit and there's a lot to talk about are you guys familiar with Flat Earth conspiracies at all I'm not really have you heard of flutter three so Flat Earth fascinates me because maybe it's one of the more insane conspiracy theories out there insane to the point that you can't believe anyone could believe it and it's always this like teetering on the edge of are they are they all just like really elaborate trolls yeah I don't think they are they believe that this surrounds the entire disk of our earth wait what okay that actually explains Brisby of ours that we live on so hold on hold on that's the edge of the earth that is the edge of the earth what's to the left yeah Oh to the left is earth like you'd be sailing from Oh Australia right you go far enough and you run into this and it this just goes on for we got any human has ever no one's ever seen the edge of the earth okay so got it so the water is the edge of Earth this is I guess can you see the cursor on the stream I don't know anyway that is the ocean that we know got it you can dip your toe in that ocean now you go all the way to the end this surrounds the crust of our potato chip planet so they think that there's just this endless void just not endless I think it goes straight out into space why did they do is another little picture I found Wow so I don't know what the [ __ ] is supposed to be but this also has a dome in it there's a lot of little like there's domes it domes there's a dome what's in that I know every dome is called the firma there's the underworld oh yeah this is a slightly more religious version yeah there's a lot of atheist uh flat-earthers out there too Rudy this is by the way that's enough that people believe just for there's people out there who believe that the earth is flat and that the notion that the world is round is a NASA conspiracy yeah people that you might even know you guys know Tila tequila's oh well that does I do and that surprises a tweet from her why are all the buildings in NYC standing straight up if earth was round that some of the buildings would have a slight tilt when s how do you how do you defend that logic flatter she's got a point I think she does hey why don't they have it the slight tilt well they must they probably do have it yes look like like lose not one that you can perceive with your eye it's not like they build all the buildings the same exact height yeah so you can see the and it simply even if you were on a a perfect plane that they would probably have a slight tail yeah there's a is like a bridge I didn't copy this down I got some notes here too but there's a bridge where they had to build one of the support beams like three million dollars higher I'll make up for the curvature of the earth and it's not something you're really going to see if you're looking at like a skyline of a city possible like oh there it is I love the logic of her yeah the earth is she's not going dum dum ping hon there's more good ones from her what do you think I was I was thinking I have a gold girl further than her house tilted they were out to use what do you say to hell to kill us yeah I'm teal Odell's misses tequila oh nice although mister okay she was miss specifically there was Miss Pacific oh yeah polish just to get a real idea of like just what exactly we're up against here in learning about this because I want us to understand like that's the I think the heart of what this segment could be is that we like understand where these people are coming from all right you know maybe there's a kernel of truth to this maybe there's even though like we figured out that the earth was round and I think 500 BC or something like that some did with like a stick in the desert was like did the earth is round and tequilas like I no I looked at some buildings in New York they are ain't I'm not a scientist but a tell Dean she's also not the only one guys check this up you know there's a flat earth society with the sale of this tweet that says if earth was a spinning globe and the Sun is supposedly 150 million light years away then how come the sun rays beam straight down do they how do we know that she's not like the same joke and the same question about everyone how do we know they're not kidding well what's going to take people seriously it's kind of a problem in this world when you're like well people are telling me things but how do I know they're serious it's like how do you live life like that well she seems like like you say you love me are you serious are you trolling me bro it's a deep problem if you had as much antipsychotic medication in her body of Steel at the keel I would I would brothel and she's like 30% actual person and 70% medicine antipsychotic if the earth was a spinning globe then how come airplanes can still land without crashing because the face of the earth is flat not a globe that's what they think is that I know I'm trying to be defensive of them but it's it's tough I might have picked a tough one for the first segment but they believe they don't believe in gravity they believe that instead of a spinning earth which I think has gravity to it which makes the spinning in the gravity what not I'm going too far into the air I don't love the spinning is what creates gravity no it's just the mass [ __ ] globalists lives over here also on I don't know that could be a lie I don't know it now everything's in doubt like no you know they believe the earth that there is no gravity because if there was gravity on a disk it would pull everything to the center right what they believe is that the earth is just going in really exotic guys traveling up forever and that's what keeps us on the [ __ ] ground well that's how sad it was just yeah really poke some holes in her airplane theory though like if you were to take off on a thing that was constantly going up when you just belly-flop immediately into the end of the ground air you're supposed to defend these people ah these are close people these a year Peter I'm you know he was not one of us okay she makes us look bad she's the xarna of the of the flat earth world you know she's on the outskirts she's a fringe supporter now my favorite rapper I don't know about you guys but his b.o.b now that is a guy I can get with I saw this developing the cities in the background are approximately 16 miles apart where is the curve please explain this okay what cities are we looking at um it's got a lot of likes and retweets let me get in here can i zoom this is a really horrible picture to prove a scientific point I feel like because I can't see anything well they got the Sun in there but the problem is the Sun is only 40 miles across and it's only 3000 miles off of the ground so it can really ruin a picture when it's traveling over you and the clockwise motion over the disk that we live on where's the curve please explain this where is the curve I think Neil deGrasse Tyson jumped in there and like started talking to them and then b.o.b you know I'm going to pull this up you'll be made a rap song about it oh my god let me do a really a grass ramp you know what I think this is missing all flat lines right we do not work we didn't write until that gets poured we live on a globe do you mind if we drink really wide overall god Bless You Ruby you want some coffee or something oh no I'm gonna go out of the water here's to our pancake how am I supposed to take these guys seriously without a glass of alcohol I know how many buddies supposed to be able to take me seriously if mm-hmm not intoxicated all right you'll drink that drink that poison huh let's see what we got here have you never heard of this [ __ ] I've heard of it I just recreated this is new isn't it I know about ten years well the original there's a flyer Society of Flat Earth Society thank you so you like May they no longer live in the shadows during the day like okay I think by the end of this we're all going to believe it a little bit more despite our you know it's nice to come in with a little bit of apprehension where the [ __ ] is this song here we go and we stood there was immediate I live on a hill how does that flat your house if it was a globe would be coming down the street you know yeah my best take me in a game of chess gloves and see me as a threat globally sweet thing that a world of my neck huh and my paranoid bitchin Malcolm X in a room full of pigs try another bun sweat a neck sighs I need to loosen up a fence and probably right there man when hell of a check hey I'm over here child clown they said I never caught him there one coming from me and it doesn't cover something they say that NASA must have read Neil Tyson a hell of a chat yeah well I mean you would think that like we've proven that the earth is round by going into space multiple times right multiple countries going into space but what really is happening is NASA is fake they don't do anything they just perpetuate the lie that we live on a global what end oh it's to make us look more powerful to other superpowers that's such a huge can spray no I know when I wake up - says they've been there Russia says they've been there they are all lying to each other because what would happen if all of a sudden China was like you know what we've never been this space all of their like you know anti-nuclear measures and everything like that all their satellites that they put up their satellite becomes null it's like oh well they got nothing with our satellite rail yes you can you can shoot something up there but some people will say it'll just hit the top of the dome so satellites aren't even necessarily real no what's the point because we're living on like a marble yeah Dish Network is in bed with NASA this does get deeper than I thought yeah you know you have to imagine how difficult it must be to get hundreds and thousands hundreds of thousands of government employees private contractors people who just like write software for this [ __ ] satellite - all shut up about it like dude just take one guy on his deathbed to be like oh by the way no yeah no look it's black because none of us would believe it no that's part of why this conspiracy is so powerful it's weird entering them if yeah it would be nice to get like some sort of flat earth society perhaps oh wait alright segue into this sounds like an here here is like everything you need to know to know about Flat Earth that and I say the first question on the FAQ is this a joke a joke let's get the answer where is it this site is not a joke okay we are actively promoting the Flat Earth movement I honestly when you guys when we talked about this the other day I was like it flattered it be [ __ ] funny you know there's a couple people there I had no idea how much of a resurgence Flat Earth has had I think it's got to be one of the more prolific conspiracy theories and the weird thing is they don't believe in other conspiracies like they own they don't like they think people who believe in like the Illuminati the New World Order like lizard people coming up from the ground they think that stuff those guys are saying whatever to be wasting all their time Rudy I love your glasses will you walk in there these are a gamer gear Dex what is it they're prescription rudy projects it's got your name on it it says Rudy on it yeah the chains with a light oh it's like they get darker when you're well Italian italiano but now you mean whether you can actually change together like warm at night oh that's really bad like when it was raining and that there's was that light headlights go more typica my mama I can go mmm right the great state is what goes on and like we all look like weird like globalist zombie a things they're my safety glasses for gardening and and combating bad cat pads yeah I got nothing like a cap of you you look like a real Brown derp third to me and I don't know if I can trust you so I barely was also this today I was got picked up by one of those like taxi services independent taxi due to do humor not over this is a taxi Oh a and I pulled in saw me and my Seahawk in blue cap and wouldn't pick me up because he thought I was a cop but I like my ice I was I like even a free toy in overtime serious I sorta got done and so I am saying that I target sitting in waiting and and finally this other guy comes and picks me up and he says the guy didn't want to pick you up because you thought you were a cop oh yes I mean I'm nothing to worry about and I saw this guy laying down in the grass with his dog I said no that would be the cop no I'll give a cleaner yeah so it's a little cool I mean but I'm not a cop I'm gonna holler and say I don't know anything anymore this is Eric's conspiracy corner no I thought I've already indoctrinated all of you tonight II as skeptical conspicuous Oriole as possible let's go you know I'm doing I feel like we should just hear from an actual flattered I got that found this place article where this guy talks about it I thought this [ __ ] was pretty funny I just I mean this website pretty much all I need to see was epic you want oh there isn't there's some stuff in that website I was at the bar yesterday just drinking and reading this thing for like two hours really so this okay great agenda projection tickets oh god no no no these guys didn't pay us I can't put this in our video yeah if you already suck em you tear match a fixed bit nuts who is going to talk over it co2 Toyota when I didn't say Toyota what car was that I don't know so who cares I can't Oh should I hear it and we're supporting they're going to run ten questions you want to ask a flat earther hi I'm nice and I'm treat I'm honest like that this guy's got a couple of cheating loose screws I can tell you that right now your last company is in my last career I was traveling around the world as an international sales rep and as I traveled around the world what I observed on almost every flight was the same thing which was lots of people staring at the back of the headrest and observing the latest movie owners out drinking booze falling asleep whereas I would actually be at the back of the plane looking out at the emergency exit which had the widest viewing angle and observing the flat plane below so it is when I saw this I chose powerline video on YouTube and he uttered the words flutter much in ridicule but in the same context as we're talking about Reid I bet he's a [ __ ] brilliant man yeah one else was staring at the back seat he was looking he's like look up when own main character of his own anime well okay although all the people are just staring at their their People magazine their globalist weekly right and he's looking out the window of an airplane unheard of I love in his fantasy world people are literally like they're sitting in the seats just staring at the seat he's like what the [ __ ] wait a second we were totally right he's the centered on anime really did you see that when you're fine in while I was looking at it the only thing I saw flat was the the empty bottles empty plastic cup of my water the rest was around the earth is round we're come on I mean I'd like ever looked over and you can kind of see the horizon already get it kind of rolls just like rolling bernalillo press yeah yeah I need to be careful what I help it it really is beautiful yeah mother I definitely really do believe mother earth is a mother and child and then somewhere along god came along and is a dude so I mean mutters she's mother this is you know always treat mother earth with care sensitivity compassion her love nothing like the garden love yeah you need to have that idea about it to make a garden you'll be kids Laura she I feel like I'm at my donor to the earth because I watch things grow every day seeing if the earth was flat than I think the idea is that the having a sphere earth makes us so not special this guy says something like that at the end let me hear this guy I love this guy already immediately was a Eureka moment I mean I literally went and woke my wife open Solander the excess glass are you guys still together No Patel Conover never were developing a sole purpose of lying to us their only purpose is to perpetuate right there lonely Brutus everything Lorelai all by NASA has the sub contacts in anything on a globe way they're faking things is with top of the line absolutely cutting-edge studio techniques like we're used in some gravity so they using trapeze they're on high wires gravity a film from 2015 missing they've been faking the moon were there or the Earth's hold the earth the globe conspiracy for a minute yeah see if I can get to a part where this guy really starts to shine which we need Sasquatch to come snag um I believe in a sasquatch preferably without much we ran out of flat things food compared to I love that the interviewers I could do it all only meet you and like a wide open public place like well he probably chose the Vista behind him because of how flat it looks like where's the curve there look at the distance between those those buildings why isn't it look like a fisheye effect or Indianapolis is flat Kansas is flat flat face the ends of their so it's a difficult one to give you an answer that's that's the other thing they is the moon a nice no but does the moon have fake news surrounding it yes absolutely of all of the celestial bodies it's the one that would most indicate sort of forces is always being spherical and then for it's used by people like nesters to prop up a notion that we are live living on a sphere also so like that used to perpetuate a views the music do I get ridiculed now no doesn't seem to be the case for years on now it's more like a people actually wanting to know more information about the subject and doing the research themselves so I think as we've accumulated progress may plug it yeah they do something with his voice or do people take you seriously absolutely within your game we're standing on a giant flat Ridge absolutely no one says anything to my face that denigrates me in any way all I don't have an actual explanation for how things work I don't know I don't I have no explanation this is beyond all of us that's a pretty common thing with the flat earthers the one they can't answer about the season there's so many things that that they're just like oh we don't know a lot of it is off of like what you can observe with your own eyes so they'll say you know I haven't seen I haven't been to the Sun to like scoop up a little bit of its Sun jelly right and test it to see if it's like as big as we say it is there as far away we're real not made of cheese could even just be not real moons the same way they believe that the Sun and the moon are opposite each other on the flat earth and they just go like on our Flat Earth they're like right above it it's the Sun is not as big as it is a sphere or is it also flat it's also sphere I mean it is a sphere oh so where our planet is the only flat one yeah the ones around that's what makes us special that's logically makes sense there's other people who say that like you know we haven't seen it so how would we know which is why are they making assumptions about the Sun and Moon being round and they haven't been there yeah well I think it's because they don't see a curve but have they seen the edge of the or you know that picture supposed to be ledge apparently if you try to go to the edge of those government agents waiting for a boat yeah if you try to fly a drone I know we're like wouldn't it be cool to let everybody know that we live on a flat earth just would that be great I would tell everyone it's such an incredible coverup and conspiracy and I mean there hasn't always been government agencies to protect the border of a flat earth yeahi we have the man or for that like why don't one of these guys get in a [ __ ] boat and go sailing I think they've tried there's okay good thank you I need we need a Christopher Columbus he was the first clatter but it was a lay person we in the Nordic neighborhood I live in they are tough when it comes to late very soon and Christopher Colombo oh yeah I know he gets yellow Columbus gets all that Columbus was actually he was the first flat earther he was trying to prove there at this flat but they've rewritten history to make it seem like he thought it was a globe and it's just a total globalist conspicuous yeah its total fake that's some globular [ __ ] right there that's for one so that's not it I didn't make that term up by the way that's really what they call people who believe that we live on a globe globe is what you list it's like being a globalist who believes live on a globe you [ __ ] blows over the game and I saw that word really down I was like this is going to take a second lecture hundred by people in a bar like quote me will this globe you and I just a globe a globe it's a Glovis twould be better but they want to make it sound like globalist globe you-let's globalist so this is it this is the enemy well we are we are the enemy I think well you guys are the enemy I'm like a Jack O'Lantern stole jury's out on me you're wearing the flattered I am wearing the Flat Earth shirt I'm not making money off that at all are these people going to come to my house and attempt to murder on my life well now we call okay good no no they don't have the Internet they're my enemy that you receive a flat pumpkin that's like this part of a good joke imagine thumpkin Wow water is always stationery airplanes when they go to the cruising altitude they find stationery why these flat earthers are always just like the simplest they always have a little bit of a screw loose and they all their observations and they're like irrefutable theories are based on I was on a plane once and I looked out and it looks flat yeah they don't take any facts that come from anybody else is one of the problems with there line of reason had all based on seeing as believe all based on seeing it's I I can see no curve and one of the first like resurgence is in Flat Earth like after Christopher Columbus and Magellan and all those guys was we know the earth was [ __ ] around we ancient Greece rather the shadows in the way that they curved yeah but there was like in the early 1800s to this guys Samuel rowboat ham sickest sound yeah there's a little buzz I think into one of these I think we from the audio jack look out god damn [ __ ] global is trying to show go ahead they can't get us surrounded by tinfoil never really what you guys want wrap it up guess they try to get in your head is gone you need a lot of tinfoil for that did you hear that now in the cafeteria yeah their cabins so let me tell you about Samuel rowboat ham he conducted an experiment fun on the can you bring in some tape you guys ever heard of the Old Bedford River in Norfolk England no alright well exhausted it's a six mile stretch of river right so naturally the Earth's curve would affect the height of the water yeah right and so what he did was observed the ship with a tall mast going down the river for the six miles and they didn't see the the masts go down you know logically if we lived on a flat earth you wouldn't see the mass go down and you didn't see the mass go down so we live on a flat earth they have done that same experiment multiple times since then and I always add the same results just on that one little River but that's the river to go to if you want to prove that the earth is flat so on this particular the Bedford level experiment educators on your head I can't hear you it's only in your head that could be a good satellite to hit in your head you know you got to cover up you look like a gang you look like the you look like the Pope who [ __ ] lost it all wraps we got to get really wrapped in a hold on Eric just we're way too dangerous to continue without we got to get to make sure varieties promised cueing some good stuff up and yeah we're going from band alive in the middle of this segment baby in there I am tinfoil rudia 10:00 at night today's dude Christ save me from your evil attack you've already been infected I need some Rose a really good yeah to be a good addition to thank you this is not a good summer look by the way this is really I feel like this'll cook you make you like a baked potato I like my baked potato look Rudy's making it fashionable by putting his hat on top right protected you know it's in that hat there could be microchips in that hat it's got Seahawks Super Bowl Seahawks are taking it this year boys you heard it from Rudy big work you're such a globalist I'm tired of these global you ideal guys live IG Hawks when there's you know when I come home from a hard day of fighting the globalist you know what I like to do is I like to tune in to the 24/7 live YouTube Flat Earth channel oh why what globalists have shut us down well alright nice try globalist I recorded a little bit of this earlier why don't we play some of that Liberty this was up this was up when we checked it earlier today right morning yeah yeah I'm telling you we're on to something here I mean it was either the globalist or the or the license holder of the people who shoot it so now that doesn't make sense might be a full of oil show you guys are way high light so this is the 24/7 flat earth live hundred percent proof NASA lies and Earth is not a not flattered of society I'm not sure well not flattered society's I don't know if that's a different society that later on I'm flattered it's just they're trying to say what it is not yet what's going on with them is there is they trying to show you they're not flattered society maybe they're the dome believers are they at odds the other different sects oh there's definitely people what we saw the religious thing earlier where like there's people who don't believe in the underworld part of it cuz I to imagine living down the word yeah I'm all about thunder I believe in the underwear but not the dome it's you could do it ala carte you know make like a little bit of a little bit I'm you know bleed of that dome I believe there's more outside the ice I believe is a whole nother and we and the globe camperos taller more majestic you think there's more flat earths beyond i yeah definitely we've never put in battle aid out there how would we know there's somebody controlling us I'm starting to realize it more than olive oil is not protected enough well if you were to go to the 24/7 500 500 percent proof NASA lies on earth it's not a globe not flatter a society thing when it was up you'd see something like this much courage till they are hurling through space on a molten rock at 67,000 miles an hour and the only thing that keeps them from flying out of their shoes is their misplaced faith and gravity misplaced faith nominee wrong [Music] wait it's not done like a headache we would have made three years ago look woman yep yep they got them because there is the law such as gravity we can and will create itself from nothing now say thank you cash that was just made by Stinky's - eternal of love I got it my god this is a two-minute clip by the way always amazing next good uh it might be something like that in the Flat Earth community which is I can't put this on [ __ ] channel this is good um gravity is your God you just figured it out gravity is your God they know that that's just like a sitcom right well not when Holly was run by the globalist agenda this is a joke what this yeah this clip has to be a joke now watch it's not a joke look at this way that is so active mm-hmm wait for it Rebbe does not evil God okay [Music] have I convinced you guys yet I don't I feel like we're getting close to it yeah all right here's another example of the earth being flat vice land put a joint into space but what really gives it away is the insane amount of curvature at the very beginning of the video while the camera both still cliff a shiloh now if you were to unfished I that die be a flat ass earth right so I guess they are saying that we can put stuff into space wait what are they saying yeah I don't know they say well you have been a trace so they're saying these guys sent a camera into space look how they obviously fake the curvature of it yeah and then I wish I lens well why would Vice Lian being on that aren't they all about likes crown it's all the way up down dancer [ __ ] globalist man they're everywhere you guys want to see a flat earth rap video real dumb dumb I want to see this guy with his okay I got to go to second though somehow these guys are all harvard-educated it breaks them in there's a lot of pressure I'm going to League school the chest depositor was coming out about all the celebrities Shaq yeah this was the English guy this is an apt Angelyn guy he didn't know Edgar was called that's that same guy yo that's Annette no way is a video that guy getting trigger in Starbucks yeah he saw an ass actually I gave you a flippin I'm never in a minute yeah that's him he freaks out and she gave him a sorta clear and he didn't know it was called a snicker he called it and with an emblem on the chat is saying that you should call Joey solids that's it that's where their mind is ask him about letters yeah what yeah about what and by filers well we could convince I don't think ol Joey right if Joey comes out in support of Flat Earth um I don't see that it's gonna be a short call he's like in the background in one of these videos um okay I forget I take this officer I wouldn't listen I just pulled it up tomorrow yeah I'm getting cooked Thompson believe he's been targeted for his beliefs I really think I got crosshairs on my back CIA the FBI is this the same guy is this the same guy to you that is that's the weirdest Starbucks guy oh this parts great it was actual there in the middle of [ __ ] Venice Beach right I don't know whines I like the music so the waving of the hands you can tell just how much this guy's trying to get through to him what was that conversation you're going to talk about with the globe oh one sec he he does a little science experiment for him I don't know if you need rally literally takes a frisbee take this and put it right here right go around it like this okay that means the Sun wouldn't rise and fall in the east to the west as it does it would literally go out and it would be great guys it might be oh my god pay attention ahead it does it kind of does they started out with 911 they started out with vaccines they started out with chemtrails or something I mean word I'm with them I don't know this has been a wild ride talk to me and do it I'm in and uh this guy strapped video it up for the rapid yet I mean I'm sure I would be for the rap video but Mother Earth Mother Earth you cannot to be very - yeah you know it has to be there's I mean I just flew and looked outside the windows and I can tell it was round well because I'd like to see Frank I looked at the back of the seat and I proceeded I looked all around and and it round the promit that is planes windows are curved so it's it's changing how you see the horizon what you see is a refraction of light through get out III I know that when I use the black screen is one all right all right we're let's exit the closet yeah I get I'm in I'm sold the earth is flat I need a fedora I need a chinstrap shave and I need some clipping NASA emblems gone how could you - actually how does it look it feels like it looks great oh by the way thank my dad for that uh that interim yeah you shot that yes Holly hi you know tell he look like a jolly pop after being shut up off board the sky hot dad yeah made that theme song in a frickin second dude I know I asked him about it and he was like oh I already have this that's not how I work oh but we'll link in the description it's flatter than interesting conspiracy like almost not it's almost not so obscene that one of the things I realized when I was looking at ate all of this stuff I was telling you earlier I was like you know I was looking at the flatter stuff and a lot of it is like people just doing dumb mass like if you try to get a funny video of somebody talking about Flat Earth it's going to be like a weird montage of like lizard people images and like the diagrams that they've made in like like Photoshop or like yours though here's the way the light the Sun shoots light out with like weird little mathematical angles and stuff it's so boring and dumb I think next time I do this I'm going to talk to you guys about like lizard people I want to know something interested Cantrell's I like I got ya I'm not in deep on chemtrails something about that there's chemicals in the air that turns the frogs gay right okay Alex germs yeah Sencha Lee do you know about chemtrails ooh it turns the frogs gay mmm well hermaphroditic it makes them it's one of those things that make you go hmm yeah really okay mm-hmm convective as much of a response Isis thanks for sharing talk to you later well thanks for stepping into the cloud well thank you that was great yeah stepping in the closet and I'm flicker stepping out beta test step in step out I was in the closet known out of the closet a lot more materials that I can show you guys after the show if you want there's like there's no lack of I want to carry on personally okay I'm not some posts alright well I hope you guys enjoyed that they didn't was Creek it was a weird wild ride yeah I think the flat the flat earthers are just flat others are there the island yeah they're just a little bit flat grained notify their own opinion you know hey get original get ups your own opinion you're so PC really I'm glad he's a politician now I know can't till August 3rd then the gardener's back then the garnish bears off a lot of others I can either negative political ads now of like you with the tinfoil hat on and will you vote for this man yeah I've used tin foil I use have these headphones so I can listen to music and when it rains I would just tin foil wrap it over my head really enjoy that it would also I get the frequency with coming better my alibi those eyes aunt Anna TVs where you get the banana ears you know that you're going group get 210 boiled yeah what it's trying to get it you listening I'm no I would put my headphones on okay and they were not waterproof right it's back in the 70s and the 80s so I take tin foil and wrap my ears you're listening to the radio listen to the radio in gardening yeah and so I would be able to get the signal coming away radio you know there's a bigger idiot their gardening with the tempo tonight then one time I used to get those granny shower caps the polka dotted one yes before the rainbow colors came out in the moon and then I will send here I've got this rainbow hat on hey I love your hat thank you I love your hat thank you oh I love your I'm going along because I realized what it was so I did change colors boys been getting honey yeah there's Noddy you know anybody not everybody but that's another thing that makes you want to go hmm I'm a chick magnet right come on give us you mug you know that's a good what does he mug is chick magnet can we easy all right let's do a another quick little read break and then dance can come in with the news Dana that's a good centimeter news let's hit it up thank you to our sponsors who help support the show make it possible thanks to them we got to bring out your wonderful guests like Rudy the legend thank you very much bye-bye I may not say goodbye but by the sponsors good thank you it's a free market system but go buy it anyway you heard it here so help first I want to say which one are we doing we got the black tux here there are so many options in life to wear tux so when your big day or special event rolls around in summer look just as great as you feel with suits from the black 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they sent us here so you judge you tailor it you try it on they send you all the parts you got the undershirt you got the jacket again two undershirts you got pants you got cricket what size of those you choose what guys man I'd be looking good tonight okay should at all when I do you 201 you choose the size online then you got dumb this is the whole freaking thing about sharing with amazing the bowtie the shooter it's for 95 bucks cheap it's a rental you don't have to fuss we're going to the sort so if you have a big event coming up and I think they tailor it for you too they do all that they make it fit for you perfectly oh man I'm telling you tell you what we need to head out to those Bar Mitzvahs what specific size of those Bar Mitzvahs hmm not a evening magazine next week so maybe I should order one of those two words or evening magazine oh so you know I'm just probably I guess but like going in with a black touch it's a full-on tux that you rented for $25 in supporting h3 and everything that matters we all batter I'd love to see you when it sucks I'm going to get one you can visit them by going to the black tux comm / h3 get $20 off your first purchase guys if you have an event where you're trying to look dapper and fresh as heck consider using this service and help support the show appreciate you and finally we have been 0 here we go this is actually a really beautiful watch I've been wearing it fine Italian leather you can tell us what if it's small it's blue I've never seen balloon weather but I like it a lot it's got a really classy huge front it feels like a nice Gertie heavy valuable watch give coppaFeel we go good with my glasses Purdue that's fashion in your outfit fashion put that on the team bring my matter to the foil and I'm going to play watches okay you know time is a globalist construct time it does edits through us I've got nothing to do it actually the share to the earth yeah that's art artists for real in stairs a luxury watch like it let me see if that actually looks great looks good you know what you want it yeah all your gifts to you writing that's yours with memorabilia it's then going home again yeah but we did we have your bag I'll buy more that's yours goes with blue star again blue Friday gouache dan just shut it down the stream has to be if I love it thank you though thank you very much thank you Vince arrow will get thick you Vince arrow pretty chill oh hey forget about it there are a couple of this email but jeridolp I said oh email while hitting my watches so here's the deal with Vince hero did any show it are you showing the watches Dan show the watches please a mama way to a very end I've got a tux I gotta watch that I'm tied for this base of our mittens was coming up my nephew's get man so here's the deal a watch of this quality would usually run you freaking thousands these one at least like several hundred right but Advent zero they start at what like 95 bucks or something like that yes I'm doing that one of those yeah dude give coppaFeel man it's really high worldly stuff here's another man that is pretty much like the zeros years of manufacturing experience allows them to create innovative and luxurious timepieces and deliver them for a ridiculously fair price I've actually worn it to a dinner we went to meet some super important people and I wore to a dinner and they're like oh my god ethan drop trou right now like that watch is insane drop your pants want to touch your wiener because that watch and people are forgetting me is how i do the bar mitzvah yes it was it was a bit after barman is but it's crazy with his watch does it look so beautiful guys it's got a 24 month warranty warranty three thousand five star reviews so when you head out to your next bar mitzva go to Vince arrow VI and see ero collective calm /h 3 and get 15% off your very own din Siro watch that's the eye and see ero collective calm /h 3 guys if you're in the market for a very affordable luxurious beautiful watch that is got all the quality and less the price consider picking that up to support the show and thank you very much for what's that well the spans link all the links panelist you know Aegon helps after doing an ad like that you go you won't into the mic a bunch of times it gets people to do it works with every Walt I bet you won't won't you won't oh I watch you won't know what yeah it's a good way to advertise right so you won't you won't matter you won well okay so don't do it but do it well you won't you won't though we want you to that so sport our sponsor you want thank you guys for chillin with us what did they want to just jump right into the dance new segment yeah okay all right cool so we're probably going to get what should I just go to a break so we have time to get it set up okay well we won't leave but it'll just be like for the video like that alright so we're going to stay here but imma cut it for like the final so we'll be back in just a minute with Dan's send me the news it's just news now alright okay we're going to get set up welcome back everybody to the h3 podcast now with the much-anticipated segment send me the nudes news featuring Dan I think I wouldn't do that [Music] I just wouldn't do that and throw up there all right it's still so taking a break we're not saying there's not another right right it's not a break this is real talk about taking a break look there's less delay than I thought I can't get it uh oh yeah well you need to but it's kind of tripping me out how little delay there is I thought there'd be like a 30-second one at least with like two seconds all right come I mean look roll the intro again no I'm kidding what is this [ __ ] jealous all right let's get right into the news in the news we're doing the news yet to go just go let's get right into the news on the news news no no yes yes all right one job all right so you know nothing is completely batshit insane as our Kelly's sex cult for money no but some pretty good stuff this week here's the first one you guys heard anything about the the Discovery Channel special with Michael Phelps this next week No so they hyped it up pretty majorly we had this then mine because were Michael Phillips then the you got to put the mic in here I'm going to put it right in my mouth you can turn up the volume on the input out on the mixer - yeah that should be good that should be good so yeah so they hype this all up that Michael Phelps was oh yeah irony turns out the shark with CGI yep what yeah they kind of pulled a bait and switch that is so soft but why would I ride so much money marketing that's a spectacular thing Michael Phelps racing a shark yeah and that's CGI it well it's a computer-generated shark based on you know okay estimated speed of a shark it's a total closed area sounds like I have TV quickly well it's gonna take your unfasten aided by how they're gonna figure that one I yeah I think have like split tanks do they put bait at the other end to make man and people like really trying to sell this is being real people complain that side by side in an ocean there's no way Michael Phelps get out swim of shark there's no [ __ ] way well you're not wrong and that's kind of my favorite part of that this whole thing is after all this hype he lost obviously you're talking about a shark in the ocean where she got really should not have come as a spelled everyone thought it's like a multi multi-million dollar tonnage instead I just think like who cares about a CGI shark just tell me you can calculate right how fast it goes actually how fast right really exact or a joke just now this is also going to boil down to a 10 seconds like he lost by 10 seconds like oh you think there must have been like a boardroom meeting somewhere where they're like guys got an idea right Michael Phelps make them range of shark and they're like oh we love it and then they went and do it they're like I'm sorry [ __ ] what do you think I mean how many years has Discovery Channel been doing Shark Week now they're not yeah how much is there because it we say about shark was this a shark tank mate or shark week name yeah part of a part of Shark Week and you know they've been doing this for like 20 years now or something and it's like we've explored sharks like move in on the week monkey which is really gonna learn about a lot about monkey yeah this shit's kind of triggering me i think that like you're saying this kala correct the decks of executives and they're like this is where we're going to spend all the money let's get a shark up against Michael Phelps obviously is gonna lose a [ __ ] shark but also I feel like they there was a way to kind of arrange it right like we didn't like put I don't know yet build it is built down the lane width of a shark like two super long tanks or whatever I would have been dull but already separated in the middle like a swimmable tube yeah just a short of water yeah no it's wonderful to know that problem is the idea right sound to begin with right you're already gonna do it let me see this dumbass garbage it has anybody used a headline it's a bait-and-switch yet hopefully you know it I thought my beer I don't want to leave that he's keeping pace with that show oh it's got a spin yeah they gave him a dolphin spin first that's not regulation wait did it just heat them [ __ ] evening.you he lost like two seconds not first of all I'm gonna leave I don't even believe that it looks okay it's closer than I would have guessed it's a CGI it's CGI I think a real shark would it's melted that you know I'm pissed hopefully the next one doesn't raise my head Russian troll sharks gotta race Phelps we doesn't have a brain of his honor it's a conspiracy sharks aren't real no I understand that but I mean if it was a real shark I was how would you get the shark to race them well that was what they was so excited because they're like I wanted to find that out too yeah but then it was just a freakin CGI sorry does anybody know how to talk to a shark Samuel Jackson decided the D flew soon movie oh you want to be presented with an abstract native sorry commander had a Willie we were always trying to talk to the Willie to see if the Willie would talk to the the fake wetlands yeah and they were trying to talk to a plastic plastic or Coca fibers on an engine so they did we assumed maybe a work because we had a few spooks so somewhere between the fiberglass goddess and Willie had some sort of thing going on so that was just the homeless guy inside the whale who's out there get me out of there okay put a sandwich in this thing something what time the well got the whale they thought that whale had gotten loose and that the sea lands were entangled with the Willy but we had the whale out of the water and healthy lions rest as they rest with their fin floating in the along the of above the waterline and I didn't know that but now I know that it's all because of the Willy with Thank You Willy if you had a like a sea lion problem you would get a giant Orca and like put it a scarecrow just get it out guys we use or used to hear that he'll boot up we got a few spooks but not really I see a back road and it was very seal scarce he'll scare still scare still I was on deck all right next up this actually is appropriate for your conspiracy closet here doesn't need an insurance company in Wisconsin that has announced that they are going to be microchipping all of their employees nothing wrong with that all right oh that illegal so that what so it is voluntary before I get too upset but basically it is a company that they sell like vending machines and they're trying to implement this whole thing where everybody you know their vision of the future is everybody has a microchip in their hand and you swipe it over you know a sensor or something and that's how you pay for it you got your credit card they're great you're heading over there it's like boom right right in your hand that's when I woke up with a [ __ ] scanner and take all your money hey how are you put within people a right shake like they have like credit card stealers in their hand and you're like hey how you doing your hand oh look you've got your honor Pay Pal it says like Eric I love the future woman it's coming and it's on PayPal it says got him - Adam - by Erik LLC so yeah they're putting these microchips in order to you know kind of use the employees as a guinea pig to demonstrate out how awesome this could be did they pay them I'm probably not so much any bonus heisting well you get your breach if she's innocent amazing technology for free get to test it on your body are you guys well what's what's insane about all this is beyond the fact that they're doing it at all I've actually seen somebody get one of these yes this year it was like kind of a thing that like a lot of people you know all these companies want to move towards microchip people and the gun it's like straight out of a sci-fi movie it's like this huge like I don't know it kind of looks like a picture of it yeah I'm pulling it up this huge needle it's pretty intimidating usually check this out oh and anything in there like fish check that one because they've been shipping animals for a long yeah so they just but this is like a new thing but that's what it looks like that's what the human version laughs I got a chip the fish using try that they can that needle in a good luck change yeah and because I got to get it deep like pretty much on your bone and so it's like [ __ ] get chips or babies so yeah like circumcision you got to get that one your baby yeah right in your dick right and then like I'll put my arm in like a microwave or something to get rid of it when I'm older that's what the resistance yes that's right we found the only microwave in North America Skyler come to the resistance spelling pole on the side because when you open the door it turns off we've rigged this thing it's really unsafe but I'll get that ship out of it kind of like a mark of Honor well that wasn't like kind of shriveled slackened hand I hope they don't have the same properties as cat poop or you start to taste the chip after a while my god cave yeah I'll put a chip in a cat no we can't do that they so it says each chip costs 300 what do you get like as a chip recipient what is the per click on the credit card it's in your body that forever none that's what they're offering now like what are they offering now I wouldn't do it I mean that's the thing is when you think about it's like okay so you have this chip and you're able to go up to the vending machine and swipe your hand and pay for your snack what what anything that you can't already do it says employees will be able to is the chip to get into the front door and log on to their computers right that's that's about that means bigger than them I'm sign-in yeah it's a really bad proposition sign into your computer you're saying they put it between your yeah right there some unfortunate sweaty area here that's where that water I that I will get it grew it up no soil what about face recognition why do I know the chip will get read to and you're like damn it max all right that's a these guys are ass versa ah it says there's no GPS tracking at all but you can ship I like RF we're gonna take a week from the way that there yeah you put it no ever Road editors in a room you can figure out where someone that's like that level ever wrote it is like there's no GPS tracking at all he said it's a way he said everything I said yeah this makes it a GPS tracking whatsoever that's scary wink well there's already a GPS tracker on all of us and our phones what do you need to implant for yeah it's good point but that's the thing is what what benefit are you really getting out of this that you don't already have you can log into your computer again you know it takes 30 days to it takes 30 days to recover and there's a small risk of losing your hand to infection but I'll take a beer your bones will vibrate your every time you get a full have cat [ __ ] in your mind there's no way about it alright so you won't have a choice okay oh man not a run wrong I guess let's move on running my internship right nothing alone on mungus okay here's something a little bit more lighthearted they they recently unburied Salvador Dali tamama do it like a paternity test and I guess whatever they did his moustache his iconic moustache has been perfectly preserved and certainly yeah like 30 years later they dig him out and he looks pretty much just like this what kind of gel is he using yes that's what I wanted it's a good [ __ ] some pomade is that the story uh yeah there's one little thing they mentioned when they laid eyes and I love how they yeah what is something of this Court's golly I would like to see his [ __ ] I think he would have liked us to it yeah they just really it would have been up his alley they chipped yesterday doesn't that except in all of our bodies now after we die just to make sure but there was actually like a lot of excitement about this the heart community and my favorite quote from this article is you know the the person who was responsible said his face was covered with the silk handkerchief of magnificent handkerchief a Prada was just hankered yeah I don't know handkerchief was completely raggedy ANNs Oh bug his much upper for this estimation a do that only because I might have killed like a turd all around the place I can make dig me up can die just like put out there late and being famous doesn't stop them either but I guess Finch I wish I had known that is he's a little I like just to get a pineapple hair cutter before you die I'm making the movie they're going to fire me into space I'll be the first satellite well your bones will be left and then just a moment dig him up and be like oh my god you still got his glasses that would be that is my luck look how these were like 10 years 10 voters those are made I haven't shaved I've burned my eyes and hedges in Seattle and and my eyes become light-sensitive and so I've got these glasses when I had them ever since they look safety Bono I get flipped a lot of stuff but who cares okay poker player that's what I've ever said I look like a cop because a taxi driver can pick me up today so I mean that's a new one I bet sorry I'm nervous this life I guess is the ice no he's an icicle not a smoke break your iced out and now with that watch you're not y'all never know I'm primping what else we got moving you know keeping it in the in the mustache Department here did you hear about the Justice League reshoots no so they had to reshoot the shitload of Justice League was that robably office [ __ ] and so he was already in another movie where he needs a mustache so they've reached a whole movie with him with that mustache and they are planning on digitally removing it in post essentially like a digitally I think that's a real is that not a shut up [ __ ] nothing strong mustache white safe they're going to remove it what is the reshoot okay so he's he was on the set of another movie right they are not Justice League yeah and then they realized oh this movie's terrible probably um you know and we need to like reshoot half of it well I already moved on like I'm making this awesome movie I have this mustache but wow they're like [ __ ] it just let's do it anyways hey you two figure it out yeah Jeff Sweden's doing the he's wrapping up the movie right I think they brought him in to make it not complete garbage or something that is pretty wicked I mean I got it so you should keep it yeah just keep it look at that isn't it easier to do a fake mustache for that I move in and to remove it for this one it's like like deja Julius twenty million dollars they have the money to make that deal you can buy a really nice fake mustache one day by the way Ben Affleck is completely CGI in the Justice League movie he was busy in Thailand they just had a skeleton and chairs and stuff he sent over his vocals over Skype yeah they just have Matt Damon do the whole movie we're just going to digitally yeah paint amount that's pretty fascinating yeah I just [ __ ] picture kid giggle I wonder when we've got a mustache too differently I see had a different role other stuff so we'll move off the mustaches we've also got man held men held after deadly king cobras smuggled into u.s. in potato chip cans Wow this is a man again just look at em [ __ ] victory roll up somebody died because there's one oh uh apparently a bunch of the cobras died because I got okay sticking them in a potato can and throwing it in your check on not the best way to look at why would you want to know someone was smuggling them like yeah like a ton of like these exotic animals and yeah somebody I think oh is that lax actually yeah they you know customs pulled it out and they popped open this thing and you know the kangaroo spider jumping out of the can literally that I said with a deadly Cobra imagine the guy's face summiteers like a better obey oh say something screwy that's time to scream yeah that's the times we're done and the thing is one day they've just caught them so this must be something that was going on for a while yeah so let's guys don't catch as it was according to the article this was you know this is a ring I was going on from from Asia and the guy who got caught apparently for doing this you can go to federal prison for 20 years Wow [ __ ] around with this but yeah I guess it was a bunch of turtles a bunch of snakes and I don't know some other [ __ ] what do you use cobras for was it like some medicinal now you just sell them to kids you go to the lake there's like rare animal electors yeah people are okay yeah you get a bunch so that like at least one will make it yeah yeah I don't know what shittier the jumping like catching them or the job of the smuggling them the guy smuggled it probably has to pull them out later yeah is and they've been in there for a day or two they're not at least they're famished though you're famished you just pull you pour them out like a bag of chips goodbye idiot and other idiots we're so much [ __ ] more powerful you know powerful that is that meditation better lose their snake I guys a mammal they had a CG to smile off of everyone's favorite they're breaking during scenes during a doctor like this alright and so last one keeping on the in the animal kingdom here so these animal rights activists in where was this Minnesota they wanted to you know do a an act of eco-terrorism or whatever to save these minks you guys know what a mink is take a little money boy because it is like a boy this is pretty much just a little monkey way yeah yeah figure here's of a mink so cute ass little monkey or the cutest [ __ ] thing in the world is this always look at that my my grandma had a mink it's like a water spirit monitor very Hannigan's commit that but you know that thing but flat like our earth children so yeah so this farm was for your grandmother basically is for you know their fur and so these people that you know then panel rights activists they want to help out so they they busted in and they freed forty thousand minks and relax on a while somebody caught us 40s at one time they had of it all they always like release all the Minnesota yeah and you know and you know what happened they immediately all died maybe on the farm better billion in other news which guiding the traces brianza minks goes horrible I stupid what easier way how did they die so it was really hot and it's emit well and also yeah this is not their environment at all and it's forty thousand animals just being released into one very small area there's no food there's no water they would arouse a environment right yeah they're also invasive exactly so I was not a problem everything on every single level this was a terrible idea read these things even though they're [ __ ] adorable that all honey how do you smell something I smell something I don't know oh my god I've never seen this before what do you imagine you want outside your house they're big chairs like golden if I don't know of the Mick massacre there's not even want to pay chose to censor that need to pick I should say like what you say 40,000 40,000 that's crazy it must have been a whole field of yeah yeah no and that's in the article they're talking about how you know these animal rights activists you know that thought they were doing something good they should you know really come here and help the people because somebody's got clean that up too so you know so there's like the three poor saps the basically have to spend their weekend that would be Rudy for valor real really that mean anything let's get Rudy to do it Rudy does anything imagine if a couple just two people did that do people release them yeah and has their perpetrators yeah I'll just set fire to the whole field Danny one year old man and a 28 or women be born yeah you know what Shepard chip them first when they were on daughter yeah boy sits out they were on a mink dream road trip stop freeing the main lock the minks and I can be real that's Pam 40,000 miles how big is the earth flat or round they can buy four thousand ounces well my belly it was in a straight line was want to do the zig zagging it's a really efficient way to Joab Singh there's Bonnie and Clyde of the Rhoden world they have to throw the police off the tail can you imagine that's your job like how soul-crushing would that be to just you're picking up these adorable creatures [ __ ] rotting corpses 40,000 of them you may be a little too romantic about it I think it's more like but basically Unleashed like the this third sign of the Apocalypse I'm enjoying it in and out Henry right Alyssa maybe I should have done lets you order prints they're on a road trip and they didn't realize it setting them free kill them all how many bodies that [ __ ] been eating a half a car ladders and pestilence upon the minke community did they are the harbinger of that yeah no wonder if they like heard it on the news afterwards and they're like whispers sighs probably Helen Allison there was a mother make is true this is the road to Gooden tations is paved with the bodies my goodness all right anything else no no that's that's the formation Martha for you all right so makes a cute though and that was saying but you're wrong thank you bravo Bravo thank you Eric for X yeah well it was a beta Plaza beta I was fun I had a lot of fun called an alpha welcome try the next one will be phasing out the time I got some real juicy for next time you guys aren't going to believe it Kelly I can't boy well it shocked us you guys have no idea go ahead and mix rum [ __ ] dude come on Sheamus guys I hope you had a lot of fun this week this was what was it a long episode so it was a juicy long average telling 20 minutes to me this was like nothing so it was definitely it was definitely like several hours fresh air well polish this off a whole shark weekend on Nat Geo wertham you know whatever coming I gotta race a shark with you by that I mean just be like this is how fast you it's when we talk about his checksums nope she lost okay ii had a lot of fun remember all y'all out there who don't have the money or the means to support us with our products you can support us for free by connecting your Amazon Prime account with your twitch account and you get one free sub every month it helps us a lot you get to subscribe for dang free appreciate that so much people are saying called Joey I don't know what we already do I don't know why they really wanted to chromosome I got Joey such a phenomenon I got worried about Joey for you alright we call up Joey salads sometimes but I don't have anything to talk to him about these where you guys just want to know how is Joey no I when we were talking about Flat Earth they wanted to hear his opinion I think about it I'm scared to find out that's on the chadsey people seem to be implying he he might be a believer oh well I mean we've been based other than thing to it yeah we all did I mean we're something they're saying he's a flat earther but I don't believe it do they know it are they guessing okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm going to check with him and then we'll get McCall nap yeah and follow up stick around I'm just gonna we're going to take a break then I'll come back and read the donations and do a little bit of after-show for you guys but thanks again a lot of fun you can catch some twitch calm / switch dot TV such an idiot such a loser can't do it every time as anyone watch this crap twitch.tv slash h3h3 productions every Friday at 3 p.m. Rudy has been a joy a pleasure a privilege it's been sweet I spent sweet isn't so great I want to check out East LA how do I get there East LA be ready listen what do you want to know Nate what is what's with these sellers are so good there's some good taco trucks oh yeah yeah really jealous but you get to a Lopez you want to get some Mexican food tonight yeah that we could look out meat you gotta run out here thanks for joining us that was your how at internet comment etiquette that's correct thank you guys for having me we got to get a little thing where it says your Twitter to so people can follow Malmo squared on my shirt hey where's by the way are 24 kids CLL vote for Hugh is a vote for you both for humongous for City Councilman a vote for you is a vote for you like that just just put it just pencil it in you don't have to tell anybody our secret secret ballot day because your secret shame humongous Amano sila legend what up god bless you whatever you want to be to sharpen it's my my cell your and then let's get right into the news dan dan let's get ring to the nudes appreciate you excellent job this is the longest and I want to say is we're all are great I appreciate you so much and I'm gonna wrap it up now in about 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 cut it
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,161,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hugh mungus, hugh, mungus, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila
Id: qbIPL8ll3sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 6sec (9606 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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