H3 Podcast #22 - Jake Paul & KTLA Reporter Chris Wolfe

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This has honestly been one of my favorites since the markiplier and Ian one. Jake came off a lot more professional than I expected and Ethan's preparedness really showed. I really hope this is the start of a trend for these podcasts.

👍︎︎ 189 👤︎︎ u/Zandernator 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Turn around on this video was fast as fuck to get all the juicy views before the hype dies

👍︎︎ 265 👤︎︎ u/Zachary0614 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

For all the daily vlogs and extreme controversies that keep popping up in the news, I feel like this episode does an extremely good job of showing the Jake behind all this douchey-drama. Ethan was very reasonable with his questions and wasn't too hard or soft on him. Overall it was a very interesting podcast, even if you hate Jake Paul, it was pretty entertaining to watch/listen to. That said, my only beef with this episode was that they didn't bring up "the neighbours trying to kill him by removing the bolts from his tyres" part. He needed to explain that shit.

👍︎︎ 75 👤︎︎ u/roundthetable 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Chris Wolf was really the underrated guess here... i needed more CW.

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/joseharrison 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

I don't get all of the hate towards Ethan for not "going hard" on Jake that I've seen on Youtube and Facebook. Have people forgotten that h3h3 is a satire channel?

👍︎︎ 162 👤︎︎ u/hub_hub20 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

To those that watched it, is it worth the time? I know it's highly subjective, but I'd just like to hear some non-meme opinions before I jump in.

👍︎︎ 152 👤︎︎ u/AlienwareSLO 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Kind of fascinating how these 2 brothers got so damn famous.

👍︎︎ 102 👤︎︎ u/rest0ck1 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

I don't understand what people wanted from this podcast. Like yeah, Jake Paul is an irresponsible person and should be held accountable for his actions. But to expect Ethan and Hila to cuss him out and make him angry enough to get up and leave is absolutely ridiculous.

👍︎︎ 129 👤︎︎ u/Dinosaria 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

worth watching the twitch since this is almost 50% the length?

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/thadude42083 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2017 🗫︎ replies
what up welcome back to another episode of the h3 podcast live at twitch TV for slash h3h3 productions today we have an absolute slammer on deck this is my phone already Jonathan you're busted about it okay today we have Jake Paul in the building see any pretty legendary at this point so original guy that invented the ER movements you know Sheila kleiner would not have exist no I know and I'm thankful for that every day nobody I mean you guys you everybody knows who Jake Paul's at this point I mean the guy see what you will about him but he's achieved a lot I mean he just hosted the Teen Choice Awards last week I caught a clip of it I did a pretty good job honestly it really did actually I mean he was natural he's comfortable and with him is coming Chris wolf the KTLA reporter who broke the initial story so we're going to start with Jake he's going to come in we're going to talk a little bit and then later in the hour we are going to bring over Chris wolf to sit in with us it's going to be a flipping rump and I'm so happy to be here and I'm so happy to have you guys what this is really excited about this episode so before we bring him in you thank the sponsors yes thank you to me on DS and naturebox for sponsoring this episode appreciate you so much what was it for them this show won't be possible and a shout out to all of our twitch prime subscribers god bless you if you have Amazon Prime you can attach it to twitch and subscribe for free so thank you to you guys now talking about Jake how are you feeling about this doing this interview I'm really excited next to me I have to say this is one of the most exciting episode probably there's freakin live had yeah I agree let me turn this freaking vibration off yeah I feel it I'm just I'm I'm happy that he like came that he's willing to come into the Lions Den yeah it's awesome so I I have to respect the guy for that I mean he could have easily just said no not sure and I was and I was straightforward I said KTLA guys coming too and he was cool that's fun so I got a tip the beanie and the Fedora to him right off the bat for agreeing to participate in this I know I said in our last video that I don't want to make it anymore Jake Paul videos so we thought what better way to follow that up with then inviting Jake Paul on our podcast that's not actually true we've been talking to Jake for lekha actually seems like a month already for yeah bringing him on man but it just seemed right now for some reason it took some time to get ma he's busy guys so at any rate a guy needs no introduction mm-hmm I think we're ready to bring him in yeah so without further ado let's bring in the the [ __ ] mr. Jake Paul what up dog all right yeah we're live ready to go what up did you watch yeah you're good what's up doc what was you guys doing good man excited happy you're here most of the like hey hey stuff on me is like not funny but you guys kill it like I love hello thank you really good well I appreciate you saying that I am sometimes when we make fun of people like I like to do it in a way where it's not it should be like digging at the core of who this person is I don't know is that everyone oh yeah on board that just happens I like that guy again yeah chill out dude yeah calm down going down all right we get every discipline okay all right no yeah it's funny it's because everyone makes mistakes you gotta everyone's got to be made fun of you know see that's and you do feel like the criticism that's come against you has been deserved like how do you feel because everybody on YouTube it's like you feel like everyone's ganging up on you I feel like it's 50/50 I feel like it's like the half of youtubers like you know were Jay Paul are and like we're gonna support and blah blah blah and then the other half of the YouTube which is I think like kids that are filled with like a lot of like hate and they just love like the drama and stuff they always they always come for me and yeah I think some of its valid I think some of it is like okay yeah that like deserves to be hated on like really do did you just do that because I mean like I said I'm nice up a lot and I do dumb things and I'm just like I'm I'm just I don't know I'm just weird and like posting videos every day like there's a there's so much you know creativity that goes into it and like sometimes you know it comes off the wrong way and like you make mistakes to slip up and it's part of life so is there some things that you can recall where you're like this I did I kind of deserve to get [ __ ] for and other stuff you're like this one I think people took too far I think um the it's every day bro thing yeah like I think people took that too far it's like it was just such a juicy me well whatever the the England is my city like all that's funny yeah but like there was people who were legitimate like this kid needs to die because he made a rap song I do ridiculous like I live like I'm not a rapper bro like right like Anna and I saw the I saw even when post was in here yeah I was like I was I was watching that segment of your podcast and he's like to look really like he's like he's like checking my flows and like my lyrics and like picking apart the whole entire thing and it's like yo it's like he made his first vlog like he's a big rapper I'm a big blogger if he made his first vlog like I could easily go in and be like oh this business is this you know well I don't recall what post said but I don't really either it was a negative overall you you felt are you fan of post do I love his long real I told Matt relations that's how I am so it what kind of it felt especially bad hearing him [ __ ] on your oh no I don't care about I don't care about who it is right you know like that's that's the name of the game but and I still thought it was like I'm funny you know I'm taking all this stuff like light-hearted I guess you guys kind of present it like real music though because you get you take it you shoot it like a real doe video you have producers like a real music video you do shows like a real music video we always are going I hear of it I hear a tech yeah it is then um we can kind of hear ourselves yeah their echo is it gone dan are you live it was meditated my auto tune from the no yeah it was so okay sorry sorry go ahead sorry no like I totally get we presented as real music but like we made that song in three hours we made the music video in three hours really yeah I was wondering about that because I mean the product it was really well shot it was really well edited thank you you got you must have a team working on that [ __ ] right like 12 hours when I need support like if I'm doing like two videos a day or whatever it is yeah like I have like editors that help and stuff but the this a new edit your own videos most of the time really yeah most of the time and and and if I can't that's what I like I offered it to someone like for example I'm going to Pennsylvania tonight so I'll be on a flight a red-eye and so I can't I can't I won't be able to get it done is there a difference you feel like when someone added to a verse when you edit it no it's all good and low people can't tell the difference so why do I waste your time editing it um I think I always try to like innovate the game and like push it forward and forward and forward and like with the edits and like I'm always thinking about how I can add in like more memes sound effect right crazy stuff so on and so forth and I try to have the other people edit it as much as possible yeah I will do I mean we try getting editors so many times and for us it never works like they don't they can never get it there it's so personal I found I found the legend you got a lightning head attack [ __ ] yeah get out of this jack he loves you jack so without him I'd be dead but like I'm sorry I got too far away um yeah god bless your mic etiquette we have so much guests in here or like they might end their like this this is thanks for one second is like oh [ __ ] drop out here I'm a rapper right I'm rats everyday Road so getting back to what we talked about oh one more thing sorry to interrupt the I was pissed at the producer who made it every day bro why because we're doing ad-libs right and I was like I'm not a rapper at the beginning took the ad lid off daunting done that ended me in like a a second viewing on the edit before went out dude that's how fast it was right twelve twelve hours from making song to like music like 18 hours from making the song to being online that is you can say what you will about you a lot of people love you love you behave you but the Hustle is insane thank you room I mean anyone who denies that it's just not being honest I appreciate that yeah that's for sure that that's what it's all about and like hard work and and you can get anywhere in life I think so what is your schedule line yeah it must be insane yeah like I basically I basically like never sleep always doing something because I'm I'm like running a business doing the YouTube thing acting thing like writing movies working on like a couple different TV shows obviously like the merch stuff excuse me like I make investments so in ever ends I mean probably same for you guys yeah I mean it's it's hard to keep up these days for sure let me go back to what we were talking about in the beginning because you were saying some things you deserve to get criticized for some things not and the one thing that you think you didn't get deserved for was it's every day bro yeah well so I I agree it was fun making fun I think the thing that is that it went so big that it became like such a it was just so good to talk about right yeah that was shocking did that surprise you do I didn't think it was gonna get that big I like literally abusive Evan like ninety nine ninety but the thing is like anywhere I go like anyone who's a phantom I could sing the whole song starts finished yeah I think for like under like eight even we can guide of but under 18 they're like I'm all for this you know right um I didn't think I didn't know I was gonna get that to me like I woke up I was like I'm vlogging what do I do today I want to make a song in one day that's how it started and so like I had no idea that it was going to blow up like that interesting so I agree people like you wishing death on you we're making a video they don't like is ridiculous but so what are some things you've done that you think are worth the criticism you've got trying to go through the list man I forget I don't even like I try to forget all the things I get I get criticized for oh um I think we'll I think there's a lot of things that you criticize for that's okay we can work what's an example like I guess we can go as well until the hair let me pull up I've got [ __ ] 50 things all ya see - nice I guess what we can come back to that later but anyway I I think it's a I was saying before you came in but big props to you for coming in here and sitting down with us I think that's very cool that you came today I appreciate that a lot thank you minute yeah and I I think I love your guys's content I know it's like bashing me sometimes but it's funny and I think a lot of people have like the wrong perception of Who I am you know that everyone thinks I'm like this crazy young kid running around like breaking stuff and I don't think about like what I do and I'm just like going nuts so what is the difference between Jake Paul on camera and off camera hmm I say I think it's like Jake Paul on cameras like okay like we're doing this for entertainment like a ton of people are gonna be watching this it's telling a story it's like a heightened version of Who I am and it's super fast pace and and I'm like always got the jokes on always got the you know the the pranks rolling that that's how I describe it and then off camera it's like on that on that same person but it's like I'm more chill yeah I kind of just let them hang out you know I'm doing my thing and like me and my friends joke around but it's not like loud and in-your-face yeah I mean people call me a douche bag a lot but like because of the how they see me on camera I think like even like news reported saying like people who knew me clearly everyone was sexy anything like bro that's the funniest thing I've ever seen because they know me and I'm just like I'm just like I do that stuff like as I explore the moment sometimes I get in the moment so what's you when you during that news report was that like on camera Jake or off-camera Jake do you know what I mean dude that was like way too on Kim okay okay yeah I was like I'm still gonna send like it wasn't even me I was like playing a character that my neighbors hate me about I'm still gonna send it with like the silly voice run and like jumpy on the news van like I would never do if I saw a news reporter like off-camera Jake I'd just be like yo like what's up bro like yeah oh you want to remit dope like let's talk about some cracker um but I never like and I think even some like that it's not like on camera off camera Jake some of its like sometimes I I do get in those modes of just like madness and and like I just want to have fun and like make people laugh and be funny and entertaining and and I like watching myself like on videos and sometimes I you watch back your videos yeah really yeah so you'll post a video and then you'll watch the whole thing you watch it more than once um not more than once no just like one time like fresh like sometimes it's down like we sit down like with the squad and like watch the videos and so sometimes I'm watching myself and I'm like bro you're being boring right now like this vlog sucks and I'm like okay I remember that like I can get better at like you're studying exact time studying myself and improving so I think it's like I'm always trying to get better at being on camera like doing the next funnier thing someone said to me to actually they were like ah I forget what we did I think we like blew someone's car up in a video and like one of my friend's dad's was like call them and it's like you guys are crazy like when does and what's next like what are you going to do next like when you're going to run out of videos and that's like it's ah I always said like the Simpsons went on for 30 seasons like I'm never going to run out of ideas but it's like yeah what is next like how do we beat that like I always want to beat myself and I things like becoming better every day bro so I want to get better on camera every day right you know to define a correlation between like you say when you watch back your videos you're like man I was boring in that one do you find a correlation between the success of a video or do you think that it doesn't really matter like you watch the back of video and see if that one wasn't very good but maybe it gets a lot of views yeah final phrase even know I'm super critical sometimes I'll be like this vlog sucks and it'll get like way more views and another one where I'm like is amazing actually like two of my favorite videos or like they sent a lot of views but they're not like my most viewed video right um that happens to us yeah yeah every time because like you never know what the audience is going to eat up yeah it so every every day it's different it's like what can I do here like do I talk about this or you know do I do this prank how do i you know well before we get any deeper actually do you want to talk about something that just came up this morning you probably know what it is yeah I mean I'm not really familiar with the faze clan I don't know them I really don't know what they are but just this morning this morning right oh yes our usual day that's when it all I kind of got when did you post your new video posted it today okay so gay posted a new video today where he basically accused the owner of phase right phase banks I don't know they all have on their BIOS are all owners yeah okay so he's a phase guy he's one of the face owners to collective and basically saying that this guy choked out your assistant and her I saw her neck it's a completely black and blue bruised over and it's been like he's on Twitter saying that he said you can't get much lower than this as a human I have no words this is way beyond internet beef at this point I promise you guys I'm pursuing legal action to the highest degree in addition to my response video where your thoughts on that my thoughts are like I would never lie to my fans this happened how would you know I mean how how would you have that level of certainty where you're like I'm gonna put this in a video and [ __ ] exactly was this guy so like there is multiple people there who saw it happen right um obviously she has a bruise on her neck her D like you don't just get a bruise from like like getting hit like yeah be like yeah like and and not only that phase was there he admitted to it on DMS yeah I saw that he was like I was definitely there bro yeah I think that he said he was drunk he said he got into a fight that night and he said he lost his phone so clearly he was being belligerent he said he doesn't remember anything the only thing I really want to say further more to the point like it happened the police are involved my sister has made a police report Warwick the club that they're at has cameras and because there's there you go for the to exact amount the truth will come out that's and that's all I say I trust that the police are going to handle it Fay's whoever the other people there can say whatever they want to see even be Fame or it's not just like straight up criminal and inanimate and that's why I want to make a video about it because I wasn't trying to make it like this whole drama thing to be honest I hate drama like I don't want to be beefing with anybody but the reason why I made a video about it is to raise awareness in general for humans getting assaulted like it is not okay at all and we stopped and if it wasn't my assistant he could have kept on doing that and doing all the craziest thing about the story to me is that he didn't know who she was at the club he just randomly like what am i right what what rather joking her out yeah like what the [ __ ] you just walk to by him or something I'm not and he did that yeah that's the story just started choking out a random girl and it he wasn't trying to choke her or like it was like he was trying to kiss her Oh vagina kisser oh it was like a come here let me kiss you around your neck so I get my girls baby that's how I got here I gave her a nice little choke hold your kiss and the rest is history ya know but like seriously it's like it's a problem and that's why I wanted to make a video about it but the police are going to handle it like okay there and the rest of its childish like the rest of the back-and-forth is childish like I didn't make that video to accuse anyone just do anything but like the rest like their response is whatever it is it doesn't matter because it half right bottom line in cash cameras well I'd be interesting to follow the development I was really surprised when I saw that I'm like good family good joke I got bruised it's pretty serious yeah that doesn't just happen easily well I'm looking forward to his response video too but basically I was like well how did maybe it wasn't it got him and then I saw nip Crumpton god bless his soul England England Italy yeah love that [ __ ] he that he would hurt and he posted dance they had from yesterday when he was admitting to being there as you said so anyway we'll follow that as it develops regardless you are a white boy from Ohio that's right that's 100% effect what's with that what's with the white boy thing I don't even know it's like you're in the studio and like the ad-libs are coming yeah and you're like what yeah Cleveland right okay okay when I was trying to rap dude like that's right okay so that's just refreshing to yes they see that you know and I am from what do you think the songs good like do you think the video I'm just I don't mean that in that in a dickish way yeah I think like I do think it's good okay yeah I do catchy that's I mean it's catchy but I mean you know you made it in three days three hours oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah every hour excuse me do people did you guys alright your lyrics for that no dude and that's why I feel so bad because I wrote next part oh you wrote yeah you wrote England is my city yeah I'm alright badly [ __ ] yes he did because I first of all okay I admit so whoa it's so yeah it's kind of a [ __ ] up I admit yeah he also [ __ ] read it presume presumably before he but here a fella nervous he was like dude I don't want to rap like he's a CEO of team 10 like he does all the business of Greece they're all my videos and he's got sucked into being like one of the biggest memes of 117 biggest me bro bike I he was like I don't want to rap I don't want to rap and I was like dude you got this it's gonna blow up bro like people want to see Nick Crompton yeah Jake Pollard's want to see this right I don't even know how to read buzzing I got you i'ma write this I love that and to be fair dude like dude England is a city in like Arkansas yeah but that's not your nice that's not what you met but it's not president he's not a pet yeah you know it was a quick shield I just get it any word yeah but I mean and then also in your defense that meme is fun I mean that's one of the reasons why that song was so prolific you're selling merch with England is my city you're making money and Rancho Mirage Church baby what is that well well yeah Jimmy what's stupid what simple dignified let me explain why down yeah I just dropped some new merch and it's selling like a god comma church that doesn't make sense what is the church God God use out like no God in church yes I'm going three hours it does not excuse them selling merch like we were actually trying to figure it out because I really maybe we're member eundel March and it's selling like a god Church but I'm not that good I had all like a God going to church so that's missing like yeah it's a great line though yeah and yeah just me made some merch about it I know I love that it's a thing now you got it you got it you got to take the hate and just spiral it back we'll started calling me Jake the snake March bro I am Jake the thing what's up why do people call you Jake the same I don't know there's just a thing my ex started calling me that Oh people just ran with it you know Iran's rhymes it does it does I tried to get rival rhymes got merged search I actually I'm not I'm not that deep into like the because basically King 10 house seems like a almost like a puck in what was supposed to that reality show the big brother no no no the old one on MTV Hills bill real rules everybody yeah real world it's like a it's just like an ongoing real world house up I mean is that a apt comparison yeah it's pretty great there's always you guys all just you know bodily fluids you're old it's a it's like a black eye it's like a Frau y'all swapping yeah so yeah essentially yeah that is but you guys are all under the age of 21 or however you know I'm 20 okay I don't even know yeah it varies it's like from 18 to like 24 so okay yeah I'm here you you started on behind mm-hmm you and your brother both were well you're Logan was on vine first right how did no no so I I actually downloaded vine the first day I came out and like was making videos on it I told my brother I was like yo you're going to like this he downloaded vine and like starts making vines comes into the room one day and is like bro that camera angle sucks I was like what do you mean and more followers than you stop I had like 60 followers like mother's favorite right I had like ten and but he was the older brother and I set it in front of his girlfriend at the time he was like got furious like we are we are competitive he got angry he got angry and so is the other anger no no just like competitive yeah it with you he has a short-tempered were so competitive with each other I was I was wondering about that so youyou found vine first did you guys always want to be like entertainers we did it was abundant it was an accident but we did it for fun we did it since real like 10 we were making videos so you found vine first and then Logan came in after you he [ __ ] bit your style he ripped off your whole game no no no sorry we got into a competition I'm like who could get more followers okay and then he had he actually had more followers on bond right ah yes yes for like the whole entire time in vine damn boy but like what's crazy about it is that like one of the videos that he made went viral and he grew 5,000 followers and I grew like 3000 and it's always been that exact ratio it's then eventually the six like sixty to a hundred ratio like if he has five million I always had three million do so you think that he doesn't deserve the number one spot in terms of the brothers dude I am so proud of him like he's amazing at creating content and like he's so creative and always like pushing the pushing the ball forward I think he owned the like divine platform and I wasn't as developed as a content creator then I was only 16 and he was 18 by the time I was 18 my videos are better than when he was 18 yeah and like by the time so it's just a age thing if you were his age if you guys started you're both 18 years old so you were twins well you would have beat them 100% I'm better-looking okay that's half of social Nets always right if that's why I'm not at ten million years away what it is today because you're both on YouTube now and your boat and what so I have wait I might hit 10 million like right now I'll check the live student Jake Paul live subscriber count yeah that's actually special to share that moment what I hope you do let's see you're at know my god you're 5,000 wait yeah a little on the background so here Jake so you can watch it lower exact you so much I I need a film that when it happens okay yeah it's right there for you so what is Logan it Logan's at like ten points three wait he panel I thought you were the king on YouTube so um I think like the hate and stuff like hindered it a little bit and he took a lead and he was like hating on me too so everyone is like yeah I know that I'm coming on his side um hello gang yo fella game it's all he passed I thought game for him so it's like he doesn't take it seriously they hate you get you think he capitalized it on a little bit instead of being like instead of being like sympathetic and be like bro I got you you're like man you [ __ ] maybe you took a little too much advantage of this hundred percent yeah which is fine dude lotta game that's the entertainment industry right that is your brother and yeah but he's like 300 he's like 300,000 subscribers ahead but like there was a malt when I first started vlogging he was he was passing he has 40 days on me he has 40 days of videos on me and I'll be like one of the fastest I think you'd be fastest channel out of like a specific youtuber to hit 10 million subscribers I'm going to close this because I'm going um but but I'll pull it back we're just going to sit silent what'd your [ __ ] going to be there in like five minutes yeah but like the thing is is we always really constantly pass in each other like I remember at one point I passed him again like around five million and I was like four hundred head and then he came back for a second and then I like a little out of the water and so it's like this constant back and forth but I'm gonna pass him like and I still get more views than them every day so it's kind of weird like he has more subscribers but I get more views so it's that happens I just think you're making I think that me just means you're making better content than him yeah I don't know maybe I mean definitely that's what you were saying between the lines right all I know we were actually we're actually eating with each other on Twitter about it this morning uh and we were like going back and forth and like my my ultimatum like it's funny and it's like a brotherly competition it's all just for fun but like my ultimate thing is like I could just ask him how many subscribers he had when he was 20 and happier when you always think that I was I was rolling was there it was there ever a moment when like all you're getting all this [ __ ] and you're like you're like man I wish like did he ever call you and be like bro like when you were on the KTLA report and he's like man what's up dude like chill out tone it down yeah tone it down right I know I know Chris is coming yeah you're done they Logan did the same exact thing really he was there he was here that area and he that he did the same as I think he was messing around with the camera grabbing it like going up and do it me like what's up what's up like messing around cut him out framed me we're aimed we what do you think framed me why did they do that oh let's we can ask him is anything about the neighbors and they were right so it would have made sense but bro he was involved in it he got lucky bro well so if you could go back in time and be like I would rather this happen to logan than me would you do it over because you got a lot of attention from that I would not do it over you and II wouldn't want to have to here's why what you would take it if I would take it again okay here's why it got me to a point so my goal like since I've here when I was 17 was to be both traditionally media famous and social media famous right because my goal is to be like a huge movie star and being doing like big movies Logan is this the same goal right uh yes and most I always hear him saying stuff like I want to be the number one entertainer in the world yeah I think that's his goal okay um and so I know I knew at some point I needed to make a jump from social to traditional right which is why I got onto the Disney show they were like yo you're not going to get paid a lot for this like you're going to have to be there five days a week for like potentially four years etc and I knew that was going to help me boost myself into traditional media so adults like I get into an uber and the uber drivers like yo like what do you do and it's like an older guy I'm like oh I make youtube videos he's just like you know driving yeah oh my Disney Channel oh okay like great you know I mean so it's a it's a difference of the two and what the neighbor situation thing did is shed shed a light on to what I was doing and everything that I had going on and it made it so that like basically anything I do now gets picked up in the press and like that's why I could the Kardashians are so successful because of all the drama and and all that stuff that they have going on so and you kind of live by this the classics and like there's no such thing as bad publicity all press is good press right and the thing I'm not sure choking out girls yeah yeah that's not that you're doing I know nice terrible but like although it works for Chris Brown the problem no but the problem maybe I should have a girl he's more famous than ever yeah that's bad okay but like the the problem is is that the all not all press is good press if you're like actually that person got it so the thing is is like I'm not that crazy guy the neighbors and I people don't know the real story like so eventually the light will shine that like I'm not like this crazy guy jumping on like KTLA new or their ardent neighbor is not actually mad there's only like three neighbors the ones next to us the ones like across the street and then like some down the street when I went to go talk to these neighbors a lot of them are like oh no bro we're fans like keep going you're doing your thing and so it's like the three neighbors and I can understand dude like there's fans outside of our house at all times yeah 3:00 in the morning 9:00 in the morning I just made I have a friend who lives near you in the same neighborhood or near the Tim ten house and he sent me this picture just from yesterday and man this was a long time ago right like this story broke and look at this picture just from yesterday and there's like a [ __ ] mob outside it's not a very wide let's picture yeah you can see there's like 20 or 30 people like a lion yeah yeah and and like so it's still it doesn't seem like it's gotten much better for the neighbors um we have done our best on what we can do all we can do is not like go outside and be like lighting stuff on fire and doing crazy stuff and being loud which to be honest is like not even that big of a problem because none of that affects them and we're not allowed at night it's just during the day while we're making videos or whatever and we have asked again for our fans not to come to the house but like we love our fans and they love us and they're going to come they know where we look and then on the other hand you guys like put it you put your address publicly yeah because I think what everyone thinks that yeah everyone thinks that we put our address like online for people to come which isn't the case there's a there's a YouTube video like a while back like right when I started vlogging that says like I found the team's an address and it shows like clips I'm like how he did it and like I did a drone shot and he likes all people are afraid of Rain Man bill they're just so to clarify how did it get on uncle Google as a business address because if you type team 10 your address shows up and it says this business and it's even got ours yeah I don't even know that's something I had like a bunch of reviews and [ __ ] and I think I think it's like fans or someone put it online huh and we added a crazy thing about it I think that Google requires some kind of verification from like the address owner to lista I mean dude I don't know and but but I don't know how it got on there but I do know that a while back before any of the neighbors stuff even happened when fans like it was like 1 or 2 fans showing up we try to get the address off we're like who put this up let's get it down let's get it down let's get it down let's get it down and like I still think it's up because like knowing that they like won't let us take it down yeah that will never go away yeah but now yeah now it's a thing we're like people just know our address and literally like type in team 10 on your account like it'll take you to route oh my god so kids is putting on that it doesn't blow your mind the kids are showing up with their parents like that shocks me yeah it's and I the hardest part about it for me is like I want to take pictures of each and every one of them but there's so many people that it would take like hours of my day every day to say hi or so and so then so then like and it started the whole situation sucks for us too because I leave my house and these kids like are they're asking to take pictures I'm like hi hi sorry I can't take pictures like whatever and then that but then their parents are like we drove here you're a jerk you're a jerk I'm like dude no you can have my house exactly like I feel like a zoo animal you know I mean yeah like it's like welcome to the exhibit like they're outside our house like filming us and it it's just a bad well knowing that you didn't put that address up there I do feel bad for you I heard this one I guess you like any ask youtubers or I mean us and other youtubers who are usually so careful about showing any detail that may give you like a hint of where the house is because we know that people will find it immediately so I wonder if you guys were like new to YouTube and you didn't know that you should hide it more yeah I mean we gotta just do it filming in the front yard I mean it would be easily identifiable but I guess it's hard to predict that it would turn into such a circus yeah but and we're trying to like move in stuff so it's your tribe but you're still living there yeah we did eight that's so great well here's what I want to do I want to take a short break I want to come back in a quick five minutes I have some questions for you I want to talk about team ten I won't talk about all that and that stuff going on there cool and I'm just going to do a quick thank you to our sponsors and we'll be back after that do you want to do you want to go to the bathroom or get water anything I'm you can sit here if you want what I want to eat chips I'll go here I go chill for like five minutes and then we'll be ready to go thanks Doug all right thank you everybody for hanging out and hanging with us with Jake Paul coming up later we also have Chris wolf from KTLA is going to be sitting down and joining us about all this team ten fiasco pretty excited to sit down with all these guys but so far I'm really happening Jake you know Dustin give a quick thank you to our sponsors first we have a nature box all right now nature box is a online snack service these guys make some bog snacks take it from me I'm a fat monster do you want tips about food you know you can trust me all right naturebox has a hundred snacks that tastes good and actually better for you they're all made from high-quality simple agrees which means no artificial colors flavors or sweeteners so you can feel good about what you're eating which is good for me because I usually feel bad about everything I eat I say meat they are actually great snacks did soda and they're healthy for you armen at least they're not that bad it's a it's actually a great deal you go on they've got all these snacks they update 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going to be weird and wild and by the way thank you to all the twitch prime subscribers you guys are the best be back in two minutes welcome back everybody to the h3 podcast live with Jake Paul what up what's going down on man so we basically left off I wanted to ask you about team ten I'm fascinated by the whole thing I've never seen anything like it on YouTube it's like a youtube boyband you guys are like rappers you're like I've never seen institution like this on YouTube so I first thing I want to ask you about it's like the merch is the merge operation you guys have is bananas like how much how much volume how many articles of stuff do you sell like monthly um for me it's not about like how much I sell it's like it's like about like I want each kid to like have a piece of clothing that that represents like for my merch specifically is like getting better every day smiling every day working harder every day and because of that thing it's like turned into more of like a movement and I've talked to kids in like schools and it's literally like oh what piece of merch do you have of Jake's what piece of merch do you have of Jake's where it's like it's it's gotten massive and like basically anytime I meet like a fan they're like they have merch on and it's crazy that's powerful to connect on that level yeah I have a friend of mine who ordered some of your merch and he had mentioned that you hand-delivered it that's right that's really Dutch you do that for everybody you know all the only up welcome love what we what were you thinking like when you got that order and decided to like go to his house with it these are mean yeah I'm just curious clearly you know this yeah another source and I was there yeah ah no but I was so confused I was like okay talk smack about me on the h3 podcast and then a couple of days later tweets out that he ordered my merch so I'm like all right what's going on here like is he going to get the March and try and like burn it and like make a video about it is he going to get the merch and like try and wear it in his next music video and my clown it and I was like I need to go ask the man himself and it was it was like a playful thing to me so in your in your head you felt like it was more likely he did it for me yeah I thought I thought he was gonna like mess with me or like I feel like Yoshi like screw this kid right with my marchand like claw me and um I was like I told my friends like you know like we should go hand-deliver this like this would be this movie this would be funny but if if he gets pissed and there's like no you can't record this whatever I'm going to totally respect that and be like we can't we can't even put this any of this in the blog and so we were logging the whole thing with the idea that he was probably going to be like like screw you go away and like on our website and stuff it's like it says like there's a privacy policy and like all the stuff and it says like you know we need we need their address to be able to deliver it and like that's for the merch quad you don't fill the you know center right yeah but with like any of that like did you never cross your mind that maybe it was inappropriate to take his address I mean in retrospect you think in retrospect yeah it was respect I totally messed up like also there's something a little bit presumptuous about being like I'm in time like I think you're going to clown on me and be I'm entitled to confront you at your home about it that was the part that kind of rubbed me I think of all the things you've done that's probably the thing that I think you deserve criticism for yeah no I totally get it do you agree Aston yeah in hindsight like I messed up like in hindsight like I should have reached like yo can i head and deliver this to you from our video right um but I'm always like the one that like just goes for it and I'm like asks for forgiveness later or like you think that lyrics are flower you think that's a good thing I think it's a good thing the reason why it's it's a bad thing in certain situations but in my life in general it's been the reason why I have success because it could have been like oh I'm just going to sit here in Ohio and make vines or I'm just going to move to Los Angeles next week and become a movie star saying you're impulsive not impulsive but like I'd Emma go get her well one I don't know that I would equate those two things but being like a go-getter or maybe invading someone's privacy and also like so I know you filmed the front of his house like the whole [ __ ] thing which was a nice which shocked me as someone who really values my privacy and then yeah I know and I saw in the vlog you said did you tell him that someone was across the street filming from the car like sniper no but I did ask my was like y'all are you cool if we vlog this yeah but that I mean that's like a far cry right from someone in the car filming the front of his house I don't think so really because you're in you're at his doorstep with a camera there but I could have but I could have filmed I could have been vlogging while I'm walking up to the doorstep I think it's like common decency to no no I agree I agree I messed up I'm just saying like this is what was going through my head right and when he was like you can vlog this I was like oh my god this is going great and he was so cool he was like he's not he's the nicest guy ever right and and that was I think I don't know if it was your video or someone else's that was like oh well he was just being nice totally get that okay but how hard is it for him afterwards if you like didn't want to be like no on his own property how hard is it for him afterwards to hit me with an email to hit me with a Twitter DM to be like hey I thought about it I don't what you did I don't I think the way I said that when you asked him is it cool if we vlog this that's when the vlog started right I think he didn't know that there was footage before it no I was recorded I mean I had the granite because the camera was pointing down you're like can i vlog and then you like put in his face and then when you wrote on pants on yeah you know because it's like oh let me put on my pants if we're going to film it's kind of a weird anyway yet this sniper shot from the car I don't think that's implied I'm messed up I messed up I'm sorry post sorry very lazy so extending it I don't mean to drill you no no I like any drill because dude the only way I can get better is by making mistakes you know and learning from them uh and there's there's really no excuse but like I'm just trying to paint a picture like what was going through my head right here yeah but then like the reception too was like you didn't you never heard from post I assume right hmm no but then like you never deleted the video which I which is what I was expecting and you put like a little blur it wasn't really effective it was more like a like I mean you guys put put that same blur in your video though so we blow the whole entire thing you did it through YouTube yeah and it was like just like a block no I blurred it in Premiere I blurred the whole thing we went back in YouTube and blurred the whole thing to you can't really do that on YouTube it's just like a block that covers the house and then the rest is visible right pretty much well I know I'm rambling yeah but ah yeah I mean we blurred it as much as possible and I know other people are using like the footage set like well on the same boat there with the blurred footage not really anyway all right let's move on forget about this are you mad at me I'm not mad no I'm not mad don't be mad I just feel like you're not being real about it in a way because it's different than what you're saying that what I did is the same as what you did and that's patently not WR like you blurred the footage in a little block but we went back and we blurred the whole day at the video editing software on YouTube sucks you can't really blur it the only way to effectively remove that footage would be to remove the video which I can't bro why is every day bro you know how you have like superstitions about like leave it doing a video every day dude like it's night it's like is my catchphrase bro like I can well like simulate yeah and and for [Applause] there's no reason you would ever delete a video no I would but not not for that not for that because we blurred the whole thing and it's like and and not not even that but even even the parts that we did below that was the only revealing part of it if you have no idea where he lives look out I cut I want it I kind of want to pull it up but I don't know if it's worth getting into that deep into it I don't think all right let's move it on yeah anyway you know whatever and I would have YouTube edited like cut out the whole entire thing but after a certain amount of views you can't cut it I know that so yeah it was either delete or or or shitty blur yeah shitty blue okay I mean if when you when you compromise someone's like privacy I feel like doing that gesture of erasing it would have been the right thing to do instead of being like I have to upload every day and this video is still getting views so I need to do a shitty blur and keep it up even though it might compromise the strangers privacy who I showed up as house and never asked me to you know like I feel like of those two options that's the right choice and that and what you'd and like leaving it up with the shitty blur is like you know yeah the best that's just my point that's all again if you would and again if he was like yo can you delete that but yeah you never reached out to if he was like if he was like yo cannot post that you need elite it I would have done it but the man himself never did it it's kind of like the neighbor situation almost right like everyone was like they used KTLA to talk to me that's interesting yeah they never I know close talk to you and and he sorry about it right but like he never talked to me yeah it's like if he was like yo chill he's a video even now if he if he hit me up now yeah my post is your open invitation but like no one's I guarantee I guarantee has gone to his house guarantee because of that video you can guarantee it I guess we'll find out well anyway I don't think it's a huge problem for him I'll tell you that it's not the house dice to tell you that's just no he didn't yeah yeah he never he never was like he'll make this video about you know yeah I thought he did text me right after you came to his house and he's like Jake Paul just showed up in my house with the [ __ ] but he but just just for clarity for you he wasn't it didn't cause much problems for him you know and he never did ask you to erase it so just being fair to you on that one so anyway let's move on past that so tell me team ten as we were getting into that we took a little bit of a [ __ ] yeah segue LRAD David like a [ __ ] path up that tell me about like your rationale for for like establishing team ten was that you're the CEO right yeah yes so basically my my goal was like all of the social media stuff that I do is like to innovate and take it to the next level and do stuff that's never been done before and I saw this flaw when I first moved to Los Angeles that like no social media creators were like down to help each other they were but they weren't you know saying like it was every man for himself and I was like that's a flaw like everyone on social media should be helping themselves helping each other collaborating and being like a family and everyone will grow from it but instead it was like oh I have ten million and you have nine million I can't collaborate with you but then this ten million person would want to be like I want to collaborate with the 11 million person right as there was a very flawed system and so I was like all right I want to create this team and find like young creators and help them blow up their careers and then from there we're just going to continue to do that and do that and do that it's going to come I mean it has become the most powerful team on the internet it's impressive what you guys are called like I can't [ __ ] lie about that thank you so you you created it along with some investors right yeah exactly I don't know it much about the investors but like essentially how did you guys come how did you meet them how did you come up like come together because they invested like a million dollars right yeah artists yeah yeah so I raised a million dollars from investors to start off a company I'm very like entrepreneurial but I can I can sit down with anyone and have a conversation I'm friends with like some of the biggest business people that there are in like the space and I basically just started hustling and finding investors and doing like the whole startup route right like starting a company from ground zero and based I told them I was like yo I'm going to take these people grow them like crazy and then from that we're going to have content we're going to work with brands we're gonna you know sell products merchandise we're going to you know have videos on YouTube blah blah blah and then it took up a ton of my time there was like a six months there where I was starting team ten work I wasn't making like any content but I knew that in the long run I was going to create an empire versus like just being that I feel like that's come to fruition now after all the work you put in 100% because I like the example I use is like people are like Oh Logan past you and I'm like no no I I'm the owner of like over 80 million followers online so he really didn't and like Logan has to keep on blogging like I get stopped blogging right now and I have 17 other people that are creating content on a day-to-day basis so on your like brand or whatever yeah under teen times so you so you are you partners with investors basically this was your idea yeah and you went out to find investors yeah so what what do you do with the million bucks would like to start team ten like what would you do with that money yeah so it was like hiring employees because it was becoming to a point where like I was doing soma right off I needed like hire lawyers you know start the whole businesses I've extensive part of it like pays for the team ten house we had like five and going on that house no we rent it okay we rent it yes is that landlord must hate you right now he loves us yeah he's like spray paint people are writing on the walls bro I don't know he just loves us and like a trip I don't know it's the weirdest thing ever can I ask what's the rent there it's like 18 thousand a month I guess that's why I love the um yeah yeah yeah then get you can [ __ ] transfer please yeah Prince level yeah it's expensive but a big house though in an expensive neighborhood the exactly so but yeah and then part of part of it is like we're working on like different tech stuff and different like products that we want to launch and it's only been like a year of seeing 10 so it's kind of image like crazy this crazy year yeah how's the business work like what is the model like what's the business model do you guys take a cut from everyone who's in like is yeah like you take like a management fee or something from people who joined the team yeah so think of it like a record label right we call ourselves as a social media label record label finds a young artist sometimes there they have zero followers whatever it is and they take a percentage of their career in exchange for you know all this promotion you know whatever it is like the benefits working with brands relationships all the set up you know there's a lot that that the talent benefits from you market them to he's a long yeah that's the biggest one I think mm-hmm I want I like my goal is like oh it's like I want to be like dr. Dre like he had this big audience that he used and he would sign like younger artists and teach them how to make music brand and market them to his audience outcomes mmm 50 cent Snoop Dogg interest to talk and then he uses that collective to launch beats by dre so it's almost like I'm doing the same thing but in social media so when you're how many people are in team 10 right now you're just like 15 so so the 10 is completely the 10 rows per tent there's 10 digits in a billion dollars I will get this straight billion all right there you go so I'm ambitious but how close are you probably rebellion yeah ah not close a billions a whole other League but people get there yeah and like it's it's it's hard to get to a billion but over time like I know we're gonna get there one day like nothing is that your gold and you want to be a billionaire one of my goals yeah I have a lot of goals I want to be the really ones I want to be the world's youngest billionaire yeah love who is the current yeah want to carry on beagle of snapchat how old is he 26 oh my god you have much time dude six years I mean six years look at the feelings a lot of money died yeah no but you know this startling how do you act realistically get to a billion dollars from where you are I mean you need some crazy [ __ ] now so how do you get there do you have a business plan yeah what you guys know 100% brave shark just based off of like team ten alone and like merchandising and and the relationships that that I have and implement and like investing money into like different startups and real estate and the different tech things that we're working on and nothing is impossible oh [ __ ] wait why are you at ten mill yeah I forgot to check it oh okay we still have some time okay glad we're getting there you're definitely gonna hit it while you're here that's pretty special let's lit I'm not gonna let you leave until I am and you share that yeah I want to hijack that moment from you alright um no but but I'm always I'm all for like I mean look what's happened in just the past year like everything I've done done in the past year has 10x you know it's like what can happen next year and the year after that and so if I get I get better and better and I'm doubling or quadrupling what I'm doing every single year yeah in six years who knows where it could be when you hit a Billy dude just hit me up man I'll [ __ ] mow your lawn or some [ __ ] I'll clean your pool or whatever you need man alright my gosh I'm not flat I'm not planning on this much longer for me that's negative okay I'm kidding but seriously though just hit me up all right I mean it's your bro what are you looking for when people join team ten like is how many people are you always accepting applicants you have 15 ah it's let you limit it yeah I think it's limited I think the biggest thing is when you find someone great you bring them in yeah more so that and it's like and it's like we're family like there any more there any time where you're like man I everyone [ __ ] hates for this guy that was a huge mistake I mean those are the people who aren't in it anymore oh right yeah you guys kick people out how many people have you kicked out ah to [ __ ] those guys right I'm not saying yeah yeah they can yeah they can do whatever they want obviously like I mean I won't even get into yeah that's where I'll even have a relative what they call you irrelevant no no nothing I just okay everybody leave here but no well whoever they are they probably didn't choke out a girl so it's T oh [ __ ] what I didn't know we're talking about it so let me see you you live in the team townhouse full-time yeah yeah you don't have a second house were you like I don't want everybody waiting for me in my house you have the master bedroom right yeah it just filled with merch I do know why cuz do we have so much Martians we just put the racks in and then everyone takes it everyday and just where is it let me shoot at people and throw it out to fans oh you're actually you're not selling the merchandise you just like suck it exactly we look anything goes like sometimes sometimes I'll just take like a trunk full of merch and just hand out to fans that like randomly into the streets that merge situation has bananas who sells more merch you or your brother cuz I know I know Logan has an insane merge operation - yeah it's um I I know I do well you have a whole I guess you have a lot more people right selling it well just just me and Logan individual I know I do but it's it's like some days it's back and forth but overall and I've been selling it like a month or two longer than him so overall I know I've sold more and we talked about it sometimes but we're basically only like heads a head like every single day whoo it's crazy it's going to be interesting have your brother as your like biggest competitor do you consider him a competitor I can I mean as far as like YouTube is concerned like I don't mean like this to sound cocky yeah like he's like my only competitor it's like it's like one - and who's through three you know what I mean what is it about him that makes him your competitor you mean like fast growing vlogger or you mean PewDiePie everybody nobody's on your level I would just say like innovating the game not not even the numbers wise like right but creating content on a day-to-day basis because that's the new that's a new way of YouTube you have to do everyday bro yeah exactly obviously and on it so people who create content every single day that narrows it down to a small bucket driven people in there who are going viral like more than five million views a day there's there's really no there's not that many um and so that that's what I mean and I think I think another thing on top of that too is like I think it's gotten to a point where it like has become mainstream like what we're doing because there's a fad like how fast you've grown um and so it's just like a whole nother level like moms will come up to me and like dads will be like my kid watches you every single day I bought him the merch I bought like they know of me because of that do you think it's sustainable the household is i I've been mean Gila try doing daily videos for like a month like a couple years ago and it was the worst month of like our lives where I was miserable yeah and everyone I know who does daily videos hates it yeah and I know you're juggling sewing things I want you're making daily visits sustainable like how do you feel actually about it 100% sustainable really for how long do you see yourself doing everyday videos I think it's until I there's a reason business-wise that I can meaning if I like get a big movie role and if you can't film on set so that's the only thing that would stop me but you so if you've got a big movie role you would still daily vlog just not when you're on set and then maybe you have to skip a day though you're saying or you stop completely no I would still try to I try to I would put I wouldn't try to do anything I would do like what is good content for people to watch like if I could film a vlog still in a day while I was on set shooting a movie and it's a good piece of content that I'm happy with and I'm going to put it out but it's not good then I'm not I'm not going to put it out I got to but something but if the movie set would let me film on set then it'd be easy like I did it on Disney literally people don't realize that like I was there 8:00 a.m. and left at 5:00 p.m. every day like for the majority of my holder like past 300 something days of vlogging and so I'd get home at 5:00 and be like let's go like turn it on so we have lamb yeah oh sorry good no it's almost to a point where it's like I want more because like I I don't know I just like you want to make more yeah [ __ ] go to video today markiplier doesn't yeah but those are gaming videos so it's like game and then post mmm does that make sense yeah yeah it's like I mean yeah you just got so anyway Chris just walked in from KTLA have you spoken to him since the incident no not at all cool it's gonna be a good yeah so chris is here we're going to take another short break to say what up to Chris and get all situated hang back for another short two minutes and we are coming back with two legends that we're going to dab on the halos and yeah stick around guys we'll be back in two minutes welcome back everybody to the H Street podcast here with Jake Paul II local owners and our new guests who just sat down with us Chris wolf of ktla who they wrote the original story with Jake was gracious enough to join us today and have a little I say intervention but that's a joke it's not right or wrong it's more of a rendezvous but you have you had something first that you wanted to uh yes share with us yes there are a lot of requests the boss audience yeah they're great you know it was enlightening is what to mean you know that I yeah I wasn't on that I was ruined around oh you did okay I do it first okay but you know I had a blanket but a lot of the story with the cameraman on my shoe saying I don't think you like my shoes I'm not you edited it perfectly I was that dramatic hand to your face I guess you didn't like my shoes so good well thanks for joining us here today thanks for having me essentially you know we're here to talk about the neighbor situation with teams and that surrounded that initial reporting you made the neighbors aren't here but I guess you're familiar with a lot of them you know about the situation there so you kind of representing them a little bit in this conversation so I suppose my first question is like how did you you know get involved in this story interestingly it's not like people called me up and said you got to put this on TV oh my god a lot of times that's that's what we get you've got to do this story you got to cover the story you got to put it on TV and we don't take anything lightly we we consider every story very carefully it's usually consensus with our bosses but and coworkers and and it's sitting around a table and discussing sitting around a table and discussing the whole issue I was originally approached by will just say someone close to the story a person or persons in the neighborhood they simply wanted me to be a moderator at the meeting between the neighbors and the city officials okay so hold on let me stop you right there so there was a city town hall meeting dedicated about the team ten chaos did you know that yeah we did we tried to attend it my god were you going to blog it no no we're just wanting to see like what people were doing what what was going on we want to be involved in drama too so that we could help fix the situation right but I don't we couldn't find out like the info on it is Jake okay so and so you migrated they even kept a lot of it secret for me too because once I did the story no I did not moderate what happened was while I was interested and the reason is journalists are always used as moderators for debate in residential today well I guess yeah I guess I didn't know the presidential debates debates town hall meetings they typically used journalists as moderators so that's why they approached me I knew of my work and I was approached to do that while I was interested I said now explain to me though the reason for this meeting this forum and they told me about the situation in the neighborhood and I said well this sounds like a news story I think it's a valid news story and I would like to cover it and talk to all the parties involved you the neighbors anyone that wants to talk to me I want to hear what you have to say and I felt it was a good story so a few days later I pitched it to my supervisors at KTLA and they agreed they said it's a really good story go get your photographer get your news van go out to the neighborhood we did that Monday in mid-july I had no idea what to expect I really did I was not too familiar with you but interestingly when I looked you up I remembered that you had been on the morning show yeah and turns out you had been on our morning show in June 2016 about a year earlier promoting something so I remember that I was like you know and and in all fairness and I said that in my story I said we've had Jake on as a guest on our morning show and I don't know what you were promoting maybe YouTube or Disney Buzard bark or something yeah I think I was I think is new at that yeah and so you know I went there I went to the neighborhood I did approach a lot of the neighbors they did say they were very upset of the situation but the vast majority did not want to go on camera maybe they were concerned about repercussions or retaliation how many how many neighbors did you speak to because how many neighbors do you have immediately a lot okay yeah I basically I was going door-to-door I was feeling hey I was walking to a lot of the neighbors came out because they saw the news van there they would just come out and I would say hey we're doing a story do you want to talk they would tell me how they felt but they would say we're not going on camera yeah which makes sense right so most of the people or all the people you talked to had a problem with the teen town yes we go one honestly no one said oh we don't have it because I would have used that if one neighborhood read we really the kids get Jake is getting a bad rap I don't think he's a bad neighbor I would have used that too I'm there to collect everything I prayed because when I is when I talk to them I went door to door as well yeah and like for three or four of them or like no like I hate you then let I would go and talk to you I started off my conversations by Mosin hey we're here we want to make things better and like that's our start a conversation and a lot of them were like no do like you're fine like it's all good I'm not that mad like yeah this has happened it has happen but like well I understand where you're coming from so so you see that's the whole thing that yeah I want I've just pulling that up for you well everybody's doing it me money where they unsub when you're about to hit it they're doing a Mima on me well yeah like when you're about to hit a big milestone people unsubscribe just to [ __ ] with you nice people and Jen because it keeps going up and down oh you'll get there hopefully career and noggin is really interesting so you talk to all your neighbors and fifty percent said I have no problem with you and then that's that's weird while the I wonder if they just didn't want to confront you about it yeah maybe I mean maybe they're just like get out the way from me but yeah and I think the thing is that a lot of them like are saying that they have a problem with me when the problem is the fans outside that was causing all the problems the safety the traffic so noise for chanting right there [ __ ] because they believe you though for bringing that exhibitor because I think because of those things they think I put the address on there they think that I invite them there when I act an actuality I've tweeted don't come a vlog don't come there was that one incident where you like recorded them and accuse someone of like taking the bolts out but let's touch on that later because I want you i want to continue where you left dr. so a lot of them did not want to go on camera they just said we really are upset with him in the situation here and the whole you know team 10 house but we don't want to go on camera so they did even I believe right next door to you Jake there's an elderly couple they I knocked on their door they had like the outer wrought iron door open with the well closed but then the main door open and I could see them sitting in their living room and I knocked I said hello I'm crystal from channel 5 I'd like to talk to you and they said no thank you we really don't want to talk but thank you and politely declined and that was pretty much what I got and one man did go on camera but did not want his name or face release well we just i used a short clip from him his voice when he said we're neighbors and were fed up that was one clip that i use from him and then i made tall the woman in the air it was the only neighbor yes i'm sorry to tell you all not really there jake was asking to grab his camera nation right about local Nathan which is kind of a big mind big so I'm YouTube I need my diamond I can never deny that request as a youtuber myself I don't know you're going to hit 10 million is that it just all luxurious networks have gone up and down like thousands in this brief moment well when it does I guess you can just close the door and hang until it so anyway you can I think I think we're going to be here all day so I think it damn may call the only one that would go on camera the who was in the initial story that said I feel like it's a war zone we're families we just want a peaceful quiet street right she was the only one I could find that was willing to go on camera so of course okay I use that so did it suppress it it's kind of I think Jake fugly about hit it oh there oh that looks good it's gonna go so it's gonna jump back down I want of law with it are you good don't you clean Excel oh my gosh oh so convenient they have a giant monitor to celebrate oh thank you guys yeah thank you so much I got a solid right over there yeah well good congratulations man thank you all right we can find is written in the course take take the one similar to as I've said love or hate you or think you're okay yeah appreciate the hustle you earned that 10 million for sure thank you Congrats dude graduate that so YouTube where's my plaque yeah I need it you'll get it in a year they think it's a joke in frost because you going back under no oh no you're kinda like it now okay good yes okay yeah you're good thank you dude so anyway oh my god did I'm gonna move all right no no no don't go back everything is oh it's that bigger okay I can't see it we can go in the room where we will revisit at then see where yeah so were you surprised when when Chris rolled up with his van and with this whole story about how the neighbors are all upset and you would talk to them before after Chris before I was a conversation with them for a while come on just like just like face to face stuff though like they would like and it was always them like saying something to me or like coming over and knocking on the door and being like yo you can't do this err or so that's how you knew that there was some beef to be go because they were coming over and telling you to keep it down yeah exactly never call the police all the time okay yeah that was like their go-to thing so were you surprised when when Chris rolled up in his van well I I didn't know we didn't know what you want to talk about right I think I think the only thing you said to someone was they want to talk to you what the neighbors yeah and so someone came into the house and was like yo Jake KTLA's outside they want to talk to you about the neighbors and so I was like oh this would be fun you know what's interesting at first the female security guard who is out front she went in and she came back out she said they're not going to talk that's what I heard and I said okay well then we tried right and honestly that's what I thought so we went back toward the front of the house with the fans and within five minutes that's when you ran out and I was like okay I guess he is going to tell her we go here we got to go there we go what were you thinking when you saw Jake climb over the band like a maniac were you like this is some good footage yeah oh yeah I mean I was surprised and you know we don't recommend that and shouldn't it's dangerous you had a lot of equipment up there and you're going to put it around your neck climb climb well I you know what maybe want you wanted me to climb no yeah and no good TV you like don't do in your mind I know but you know I don't I don't yet know and believe me there have been situations where a lot of the protests in the streets that we've covered in downtown LA near City Hall where people jump on the vampers start not the first time and that is a frightening situation but oh yeah I mean that that is definitely scary and are they're trying to vandalize the vans smash the vans or put graffiti on the vans that's that's a very very dangerous situation but you know you were up there I thought you were just doing you know it's interesting some people said we can't believe he was disrespecting your job like that and I said I don't think honestly I said I don't think he's disrespecting my job as much as he's doing his own which is to you know be sort of outrageous and whatever they jump up on a news van and well that's I've said early to come down and you did you got down yeah well that's I said earlier like if someone doesn't know me they're like this kid is the worst but like anyone who like it was a Treiber they're like this is the funniest thing I've ever seen like only he would do this so did you guys expect the cover the coverage of this story was insane never I have a list like in DES and locally it was covered everywhere but an international you've got the Daily Mail he went well New York Times Vanity Fair cosmopolitan and I mean I saw like Seth Rogen tweeting about it did you see that [ __ ] yeah he's not happy with you Seth Rogen was going in hard yeah I mean I mean the biggest thing like people were hitting out there like bro Seth Rogen just tweeted about you right I like dude what are you gonna do and I don't know like dude are you worried and I was like dude who made Seth Rogen Seth Rogen who made the rock the rock who made Kevin Hart Kevin Hart like no one makes anyone so I think his tweet was like I'm not gonna have any part in helping him become a movie star I was like dude you have no say over that right ah like you made yourself I'm making myself like yeah if you're a producer on a movie you could be like screw this kid but like he's not going to be like that like I mean he's going to see the you don't see the light in like Who I am further down the line I'm gonna have to prove it to anyone like I'll have a battle now against like blue hey Jay Paul but obviously was like I mean it was like a stunt and like that's who I really am well what was your oppression after you came out and you finished you were done filming and you're in the van going back to the station or whatever what were you thinking after you got that footage to do have any expectation like damn this is cool oh I knew yeah I know it was TV gold I mean I knew it was a great story and and I was glad that I got all the parties and I could talk to Jake and say look this is what the neighbors are saying what is your response and I got his answers to my questions and I got the neighbors reaction so I felt there was a solid complete story when I knew it was TV gold but I never expect I don't think anyone expected it to go viral boys and within a couple hours I think we were on the front page of The Daily Mail and in London in Europe and then the next morning someone said oh my god Chris they pulled it up on their desktop and there it is front page of The Daily Mail that's when I knew I was like oh this is this is going viral uh what do you think about Jake afterwards because he was putting on an act and a stunt like he was what are those look what do you think about Jake and you left I didn't think and I don't think you're a bad person I really don't never did I mean I've dealt with the best of society I've dealt with the worst of society convicted killers on death row in Florida on stark Florida so I know what evil and bad is so I never thought that that you you were that I just thought you I guess I felt that the situation in the neighborhood is very difficult and and you know a lot of the neighbors simply feel that their sanctuary their home their homes have been violated with this presence and these fans and there's noise and everything else and and I just and I person as a journalist but as a person first and foremost I I wish the best for everyone you know I think you're you're a brilliant entrepreneur and you're brilliant of branding and like selling yourself and more power to you for that and this is the land of the American dream and you're following and building yours and all of us hopefully are yeah and same um but I think there's got to be a good resolution and I would hope that everyone can live peacefully the neighbors get their unity back and peaceful and you can do what you want to do and you seem to be of the state of mind of like well we tell our neighbors not to come that's we're in the house are sorry we tell our fans not to come we're respectful in our house and our property what can what can we do right did I summarize your yeah and I think the answer to it and not I've like met with the neighbor one neighbor who's like you know teen up like their whole meetings and stuff like that and we talked about it like for a good 45 minutes and the only solution to it is for us to move that's really it fans are gonna listen when I tell them not to come right they're going to come here the cats out of the bag so exactly Jake Paul is the strongest family out there set on the interview I'll say it again Deb he's gonna see I'm saying that so it's like they're going to come they're going to come so dabbing like a solution - no it's not unfortunately sadly some things can't be resolved by doing yeah so you guys are actively looking to move though well we've tried to move even before you guys came yeah I can imagine people to want to let you move into their house that's a problem we're dealing feel like who are you like you're the guy in the news yeah it's nothing like an alias even before that we have to we had to go through an alias like someone else's name that like isn't affiliated with us but like it's still going to live there they can be pretty go in there like wait who's living in my house I don't think so because in our new house like you mentioned earlier like we're not going to show our address we're not yeah yeah oh yeah we're going to be so careful and buttoned up like we learned our lesson so yeah and I want to apologize too like if I was being disrespectful at all like I didn't mean to - like dis your shoes but it was like in the human gut saying it's okay my shoes have a bigger fan base now yeah we're cool of your Twitter though it's good don't know what's it no my good really we're beating into it - Yama savage yeah you were excellent I was active on it yeah and and and some of it may be to my detriment I mean I got some blowback some even some co-workers I think really although they didn't say to my face I heard that they were not happy what we outlined with how I how involved I was and felt I was being unprofessional right maybe to a degree I was but I know I wanted to be engaged and it was in terms of reach and impact probably the biggest story of my career which I never expected and I was ill just I mean I don't know it was a good bad we've got the most viewers we've ever had by far we have 68 thousand people watching right now which is by flight Emoto there's some [ __ ] weird thing do you just pull in the number of numbers like it's undeniable when I sum puts Jake Paul in the [ __ ] video they get double of you know how do you explore do you think about that I think it's great I think it's also a problem because it's like it because they're like situations like this like if I do one thing bad everything because because well and again I'm not a cocky person but like we my brother and I we are at the top and people want to see us fail who want to join us down if you want to make stuff up about us and they want to shine the bad light on us because at the bottom line and it's crazy like people don't like to see other people succeed like unless they're genuinely good people but I feel like the majority of even like the internet and like people out there just like they don't want to see other people succeed does it feel good though in a way where you're like I can always pull the numbers even when people are hating on me it's yeah I mean it's cool it's cool right just relevant it's yeah it's relevancy but to me I don't want the numbers to be there for the wrong reason I think sometimes they are because a lot of them are are people who hate on me which sucks because like I don't want anyone to hate me does it get to you the other amount of hate you get no no not at all because I like I said hey all publicity is good publicity I think we were talking about it earlier like because of that news story and like how viral it's got and now like anything I do will get depressed from good to bad so I think it's helped me cross that bridge in the traditional more and it there are some things on like damn that sucks that people are saying this and like I don't want you know people to think of me this way and that's sort of what I care about but I don't care about like what people say necessarily if that makes sense why is it deep that you think that people have this like aversion to like they that people have this general like they want to hate you so badly I think it was a snowball effect kind of you think it started with vs. reporter I guess I was it's everyday right yeah that was the first you can I do it what do you think about that it's interesting right is that so what would most hates right or dislikes what was the one like the seventh most disliked video I mean that's accomplished it is and and what I say is like a look at this number two is Justin Bieber I'll be Justin Bieber every day of the week I'm not saying I am or as as talented as him but like if we're you know it's someone like him when he was younger took all that hatred and turned it in the biggest he's the biggest star I mean people respect Justin Bieber now exactly it's much like oh [ __ ] that kid lucky you but he used to write and yeah he was involved in some issues with the neighbors remember well yeah yeah oh yeah we covered usually ground number Lilly he I heard the neighbors were saying he was racing his sports car I don't know if you had a re or what he was racing a sports car in the neighborhood they were saying you can't do this we have small children running around and I heard he got into a fight with one of it I think a next door neighbor and it was really nasty and it got physical and lucky there were issues in the reason well that's and that's what I've liked honestly I feel like I've learned so much and I have such a different respect for like just entertainment in general and like I've tried to grow from this situation which I think was what Justin did is like I can only learn from these dumb things and like I said it's a snowball effect it was like it's every day bro than the news thing and then you know like the post Malone thing and it was all this stuff that added up where people like kept on getting strong and Jonah turned into a meme kind of just to like hate on Jake ball it is a thing Italy is a thing it's like if I tweet something like I got a puppy and I tweeted about it and someone like quote tweet saying goes like I'm so sorry for you puppy and I'm like does that bother you no I'm just like dude like you you are you that starving for content right nowadays like get a better tweet like right like you don't need to drag other people down to build your tower higher does it bother you that everybody on YouTube is making Jake Paul videos and still are kind of because it's like that's all like Louie I think keemstar was like past 20 videos a definition in the title is basically [ __ ] star yes he's basically at Jake Paul 3 at this point yeah yeah which like that's what he says he talks about what's relevant right yeah so anyway he's just it's the nature what I don't like is how they're using me to get their videos on there like more viewed and then they like try to drag you down it's like and a lot of times they're not telling the truth about like my side historian and only only like the people actually evolved will ever know what actually happens and there's a lot of like fake news and stuff out there and like yeah let's let's talk about the lawsuit I know that there was I don't know if it's real I don't know if it's a rumor but everybody's heard that the neighbors are mounting a lawsuit against Jake and I'm sure you're you're involved in that right welcome well they've been telling us yeah and they've been saying right now from what I'm hearing you are you know pulling back you're trying to make an effort to make the situation more livable and peaceful in the neighborhood so they're holding back on the lawsuit but that yeah so what we're not ready to to take any action right now because they are seeing a change and hope they want to continue to see you know improvements I think they would like you to take from what I'm hearing a bigger stand to tell the fans although again we don't know how successful that may be yeah but they'd like for you to take a bigger stand to say to the fans do not come here you know to try to discourage them from coming it's actually been better because school just started did this video I don't mean to like I said this because from our this pictures from yesterday dude look at this holy cow they're right across the street I mean all they're not all in the street yeah yeah and God knows what's on this side wait didn't you paint over that graffiti on your garage door or no well yesterday yeah I mean yes your the day before okay like in preparation for this for this conversation okay this is very so like is how can you take a more strong stand against your fans who are populating outside your house it's a tricky it's a tricky thing because it's like I love my fans so much they are who that they're the reason why I'm at we're on that and like they're so loyal to me and a lot of the ones that come to the house are like the most loyal ones and so I've in a nice we're told not to come but I can't be like in their face about it because I don't want them to ever feel like but surely there's a polite way to be like guys I appreciate you coming but you're getting me in trouble like in a vlog or put a sign out and be like please like every shade that you want to come show me love but you can't come so it's crazy because my brother got evicted from his apartment because people were going to the parking garage across the street and chanting his name across there across the street and he made a video he's like dude I'm about to get evicted they warned me they warned me I'm about to get evicted please do not come I'm begging you like I love you guys he made this video and still done that Gator show up and start chanting his name whatever it is yeah like I couldn't you could you have guards outside he says don't everybody go away yeah we have a full-time security but it clearly it's not very effective well we can't tell them to get off the sidewalk Rob what what is it what are the neighbors think Jake should be doing that's a good question um what do you think can be done I mean I don't know I honestly my feeling is it's probably too late with the fan issue because the address is out there and it just it's too late I really don't see any effective resolution to that if you tell people please don't come they're still going to come I like I said I talked to a neighbor about it even much like the loss to stuff and like the only thing we can do is move I know so we're working on trying to go fair enough yeah what was the lawsuit for by the way public nuisance public in this public nuisance and I don't know all the details of what major public news an estranged on that is what they were saying it's a public nuisance lawsuit take it from me you don't want to be sued oh yeah you guys have been sued yeah for copyright infringement but it's been going on at a year and a half oh it's been a nightmare dude tears have to go to court and stuff we already we already talked about our depositions and stuff but we don't have a court date but we're just waiting for the judges it's a nightmare dude so just get avoid that [ __ ] and I'm sure the neighbors don't want to be involved yeah there are lots right nobody yeah it was so expensive definitely and it's time-consuming and it's uncomfortable so you know I think they're saying if we feel like we have no other recourse we're going to do this but I don't think anyone really one you have to take it a level good I know life's too short negativity yeah so is there anything that neighbors want to say to Jake or to the world or something that you guys want to say I mean again I'm you know I'm not what I hope you understand I'm not you know you're not either I'm a messenger you know I'm not here with the neighbors going Oh Jake get out you know I am I'm a messenger you know I'm a journalist now I document things and I bring all sides to the table and that's what I really try to do always each and every day and and I think the neighbors are saying they're just they still they're not sure what the ultimate solution will be yeah probably like you said just been relocating and and maybe being in an area remote enough that you can do what you want to do your stunts or even greet fans on your property if that's what you choose to do so long as it doesn't impact the neighbors your neighbor in yeah okay do you think that's just curing about your nose yeah I think that's the only solution is moving far away and not showing our address and an undo a property that's big enough swegen yeah you need a property with walls exactly yeah like a whole wall yeah yes so all right good luck with that expensive I saw a blog you were looking at like our new place like teaser were you really considering that place because it was like that would look like a fifty million dollar plus house oh no that was out a quickly okay good yeah guys lose weight right leg right you know yeah you didn't break click bait and the I guess not you're right not click Yeah right that is whenever I put you to sleep a it's not closely for night but about me too open-ended okay and sometimes it's not click me and I don't put knowledge weekly so you just watch everything every day just do it through that through all right well I have a question for Jake we're going to see your career going I mean what do you want to do in 10 years yeah it's a good question I see myself being like 50% social media and 50% traditional so I want to be well I am writing movies I wrote a movie acting in TV shows movies auditioning and building up that side of myself as well on the social side continuing to create my own original content and growing that and pushing products to that and pushing my own kind of businesses through that and like yeah like I mean I am an entrepreneur I have team 10 I invest we're working on a couple of tech things and so I see like the celebrity side of me growing all of those businesses and it kind of being this like ecosystem of things that that feed off of each other as goals to be a billionaire yeah want to be real speaking about earlier wondering 10 to 10 is potatoes computer so they'll take care of all of us when we're there yeah you won't forgive or more of those shoes grow well I I really appreciate you coming we had some laughs and gaffes got a little serious had some moments but we was developed we worked it out feels great yeah it was good and I you know I think it's tough I think it's cool I think it shows a lot of character that you came here and confronted all this stuff so thank you I want to acknowledge that appreciate that and congratulations on 10 million has Congrats the girls really thank you so much Chris Wolfe thank you leg showing but cut again thanks to you about this it was my pleasure really I'm thrilled to be a part of this yeah I'm very happy good discussion how was a now I know I'm wrapping it up but like how has this been for your career this whole story it brought me to a new level with social media really I mean that I had not seen before it was unexpected and unbelievable people from your world generally don't have not engaged mouths no he didn't know we were trying to but this really just took it over the top my deals got you all right party Lana all right I think we got something hold on your pants no good are you auditioning because this story brought me to your audience in social media and all of you and it brought you to my audience and more mainstream traditional media right and it really was like a crossover that you guys collabed essentially yeah and there was a net positive is what he's trying to say yeah yeah cool yeah it's been really interesting awesome yeah well I think you both I think you're both very great people I think really coming out here thank you Mike was so uh thank you guys thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed that yeah just really appreciate all you guys and both you guys and stay tuned we'll be back on Tuesday for our top of the week we're starting to do podcast on Tuesday now's when you're doing it twice a week you can find it here on YouTube as a treat podcast channel thank you guys take you to a sponsors big they would subscribe will switch bride that's it see you guys next time goodbye
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,980,856
Rating: 4.7987022 out of 5
Keywords: jake paul, jake, paul, jakepaulvlogs, JakePaulProductions, its every day bro, team10, team, 10, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila
Id: q_faWNnWhcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 56sec (6056 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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