How We Met At The Holocaust Museum

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So cute! Life is made of small moments like these. I'm so glad they found each other, what a whirlwind it must have been from that to internet fame.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 80 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pabosaki πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gives my shy ass some hope

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eatgluegetstrong πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why am I tearing up to an h3h3 video!?!?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DidHeSayJava_Script πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sssh, you had me at Hitler

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HoneyShaft πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have had serious anxiety for a long time and everything Ethan said about it is spot on. It's not fun. I'm glad Ethan found his carer to help him through it. I don't know if I'll ever get out of it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really good video. That hug man

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mollekake_reddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can I has an Hila? (They are still in love and you can tell)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/startgonow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm sure the fam only reads Youtube comments, but if they on this juice. I appreciate the insight. Inspiring as well as very relatable. The correlation between my family situation is striking, you know... except the jew stuff, the army stuff, the Jerusalem stuff, the kick ass fanbase stuff, and well, most of it. But, there are some similarities. Papa bless. Papa bless...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheMurderMitten πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Actually a good song

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bugs_Pussy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
So me and Hila never had a very conventional relationship. The way that we make a living, the things that we've done to get by. Everything that we've done together has been pretty bizarre. When I first met Hila I was in a pretty dark place. I had an anxiety disorder and socializing was extremely difficult for me. And this story is about the one brave moment I had in the midst of all my anxiety. That changed my life forever. Well, like I said, me and Hila's life has been pretty bizarre and the way we met is no exception. Because me and Hila met... At the Holocaust museum. When we tell people this story, I think most people is a mixture between shock and disbelief. They always love it though. Hila: Yeah. Ethan: But it's true. It's true. Me and Hila met... and fell in love... Hila: *giggle* at a Holocaust museum. I'm not really sure where to start this story because I feel I need to give a little backstory, to kinda frame where I was at the time. I was in the middle of college and I was having a very serious existential crisis, where... I was super anxious and super depressed. Like generalized anxiety disorder Like, I was crippled by it. And I had a hard time socializing with people at the time, because I was just so anxious and in my head all the time. It was probably the worst time of my life. And I was already planning to do this Birthright trip for like half a year already. But I was so messed up in my head that I... ...I honestly didn't want to go. And I thought about canceling it. Because I didn't think I could deal with the social interactions and just being around people, while I was in such a bad head space. Right before I went off to college, I started having really severe panic attacks, and I was pretty sure that I was losing my mind. There were points when I wouldn't sleep for days on end. And it took all my energy and concentration just to pretend to be normal on the inside. Most people thought of me then as a relaxed, kicked back guy. But underneath I was suffering most of the time. It's taken me a full decade to get to a normal place since then. And I'm still grappling with some of the issues I had. But the choice to go to Israel despite my overwhelming desire to stay at home and feel safe is what led me to the path of recovery. Because when I met Hila, everything in my life started to get better. I don't know something in me was just like don't miss this opportunity. Like you feel like shit, it's probably gonna be awkward and you're gonna hate it but you can't like miss this opportunity to go there because you're not gonna get to go again. So just go suffer through it, and do it. So I ended up going regardless. Even though I really really honestly didn't feel like going at all. Now, you're asking "What is Birthright?" Which is kind of the setting for this whole story. What is Birthright to you, Hila? To me, I was, I was in the army, um, in Israel, because it's mandatory and everyone has got to do it. In my.. there's different ways you could do the army, like different kinds of jobs. You can have like a daily thing where you go.. it's kind of like, its like a 9 to 5 thing and then you come back home everyday and it really feels like a job. And I did that for the first month and I was really- I really hated it, it's like a shitty job that you don't even get paid for. So I applied for like a change of job, or base, I don't know how to.. say it and it's like, it's a pretty weird process where you just get something randomly. Like you don't know what you're gonna get. It was in a base next to Jerusalem, in Ramla Oooooh, And, What about, so Ramla if you guys don't know is like one of the most dangerous cities in Jerusalem- it's just like, a ton of terrorists there. You take the wrong street down Ramla, boy, it be your last wrong turn. You don't take the wrong street. It's that bad? Yeah. It was like a weekly thing, you go, you spend the whole week there you get to go back home for the weekend, and sometimes you also stay the weekend, like every three weeks, you stay the weekend, something like that. I never heard of Birthright, and then some people around there told me you can take this trip, and it's just a free vacation for a whole week. And like the army's cool with it, they're sending you there. That's crazy. So I was like "What?" Best deal ever, for everybody. So I had no idea what it was gonna be, it was just like a free vacation around Israel with some American tourists. American cuties, Some Beanie Slinging American Hotties (BSAH) Some THICC BOYS Did they tell you about the THICC BOYS? No. They didn't mention that? That's weird. *Piano music starts* Joining the army, in the beginning, is really difficult. It's like a real shock. They really grind you all day. You get, maybe, five hours of sleep at best... In tents. And you're just all day running around doing stuff And I remember the first weekend that I came back home I was just at my parents' house and all of a sudden thinking about the time was like such a luxury. Like... I had the whole day to do whatever I want. You also don't make a lot of money when you're in the army, so for a long time I was working on the weekends. So it was a pretty intense schedule to go back home and have two days of weekend and then also try to manage to do some shifts at work to get some money. And so when I heard I could go on a week vacation, all paid, that was like a true miracle. You get a week off from work, or army, all paid for, I didn't ask any questions I was just, yes, I'll go *Music fades out* So for me, Birthright is this really weird thing, From people outside, it's weird, from inside, it's still weird. There's rich Jews in Europe, UK, Canada, US, who give tons of cash, tons of money, to the state of Israel for the purpose of bringing young Jews on this trip to Israel to "connect" with their Jewish heritage. It's like the most glorified version of And they bring in, they have, they handpick these beautiful Israeli soldiers, they bring over all these young, American kids and they're like... Hila: They don't pick beautiful people. [Hila]: They don't pick beautiful people. ...they're like "Okay guys, you know what to do!" Right? It's What up HilaKleiners? It's kinda, it's kind of a strange thing that you need to be Jewish because it is very Zionistic, it is very, like, racial right? But uh, I didn't care about the Zionistic thing, I don't think anyone there really does, they're just like, "Oh, a free, free trip to Israel. Something that I could never afford, and something that sounds, really great." So anyway, we're on Birthright, I'm in Israel, super anxious, I'm not really getting along, with people that much. I'm just, I'm really in my head, I feel like crap, all the time, But, you know, I'm just, I'm trying to do my thing. And the uh, the soldiers, Hila's soldiers, they join, after a couple of days we've already been there. And there's this girl that's, flippin' tall, and beautiful, and she's got these huge blue eyes and I was like "What?" and she's got like black hair, that is in crazy contrast to her blue eyes, and I'm there, I'm there like in the corner, like minding my own business, and I'm like, "Is anyone seeing this? Is anyone seeing this shit?" Right? No. I was like, "Damn is anyone seeing this shit" I'm looking around like, I was probably at my fattest point then, And I had like a beard, I didn't shave, do you remember that? I looked like a Hasid almost, I was like a mess, I felt like, I don't know how I looked, but I felt like at my most, all-time, unattractive, ever, right? I just felt like, compelled, to try to approach her, and speak to her, cause I'm sitting here like, No one else is looking at this, and I'm like, "You guys seeing this, or what?" It's like, there's like a fat like freshly baked, like, chicken! And it's dank, and it smells good, it's on the table. Hila: [Laughs] And everyone's just walking by and I'm sitting and it's like this bomb ass chicken you can say like, uh ice cream, like why chicken? and I'm like anyone seeing this and everyone is just walking by like they don't smell it and shit, and I'm like no one wants a bite of this? Kind of a strange analogy but it works, right so I felt like, at my most disgusting and in my head space I was at my worst in my whole life And I just felt like I need to talk to this girl um... There's something about her I just, You had this cool thing where you were kind of like an outsider You were quiet. That's what I was going to say, I feel like you were also kind of an outsider. Yeah. And that's why we both kind of, like, sensed the outsider. Yeah. We're that cool-ass kids' Breakfast Club. A club of two people who don't belong anywhere. That's true, you know, that's so true, I do feel like that still to this day. We were with a group of about forty people, And this photo pretty much represents how I felt at the time. It was a hot, muggy Israeli summer day, And we were planning a trip to Jerusalem. And, among other things, a trip to the Holocaust Museum. It's honestly quite beautiful in the northern part of Israel. The landscape and architecture is so different there, it was really interesting to see. But honestly, the last thing I expected to find up there was the love of my life. The first day we were in Jerusalem, you guys joined, and yeah, we were on our way to the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, yeah. [Hila]: And then I remember that at the museum was the first time we like, [Ethan]: Caught eyes. We're like, "what up?" I've been, I was watching you like, fresh big chicken, and I was like, "Oh shit" [Hila]: I don't like being a chicken! [Ethan]: I was like, "Fuuuck dude, I-" We were eating, like, pizzas outside which was like, sealed the fate, We were, like, eating Papa John pizzas outside the Holocaust Museum, and I think that was the first time we caught eyes. And I was like, I was looking at her like, [Hila]: Okay, no more chicken! Nah, I'm kidding, I'm kidding But I just, I remember looking over at her and caught her like dead in the eyes and I was like And I was like, "Oh cool, she knows that I exist." I thought that was dope. And I think we went into the Holocaust museum and were like, um... Trying to peep that out, trying to get the experience and stuff and I didn't know what compelled me but I felt like that was an appropriate time to approach you Something about the Holocaust museum was just like This, this is appropriate Yeah This is the right time to say what up I think I went up to her and I said something like "How 'bout all these Jews, huh? Am I right?" Really? I don't remember. [Ethan]: No I didn't. No, I think I said something like, "They had it coming, don't you think?" Something like that. Naah, I didn't say anything like that. I wonder if you would have laughed though. They had it coming, don't you think? But I, I was compelled. I had to talk to her. And we, we started talking and just like you know it was kinda just like chummy Very chummy. What is chummy? Like old friends, right? You chummed right? You chummed. We chummed. We chummed, apparently. We definitely chummed I remember the first time like I pushed myself to come say "hi" to you. And I was so nervous, I was so anxious about it And I had like thought about what I would say or how I would approach you and I was so in my head and everything was making it way worse but I knew, just like the same thing when I was like "I have to do this trip" no matter how bad I feel, no matter how I don't want to take easy route and just not do it I have to do this! I have to do this! I had the same mentality When I saw you there. I was like " I don't want to this. It's extremely uncomfortable, BUT I HAVE TO DO THIS." And I went And you know, I felt horrible, it was super scary. And I just went up to you and I was just like "hey dude, what up??" You know. I'm Ethan, whatever. Yeah, it's funny to think that something can be so, like terrifying in your head Where I was probably just as nervous as you were to talk to anyone, you know. So it's funny. How you built up in your head. I remember I bought you a guitar. Remember that? yeah... I was playing guitar. I had learned how to play guitar. We got it at shook (market) in Jaffa. Yeah, we bought it from like some gypsies for like ten bucks. I bartered hard for that boy I didn't have much money back then. Ten bucks, that was a huge investment. And it's still in your room in Israel. Yup. and it sounds like shit. Yup. as it should for ten bucks. But I used to play guitar back then, for the sole- I used to play guitar for you all the time You did. We used to talk on skype and at night I would like, I would talk to Ethan until like really late. and my parents would always freak out, like "what are you doing there?!" and sometimes he would play guitar and I just fall asleep with my headphones on. Dude, we used to do some sick ass music for you I used to play guitar for the... I guess the only reason was to meet a girl because the moment Hila moved in with me. I stopped playing guitar :( I haven't play since. I was like misson accomplished boi, I get to retire this guitar forever. There is this one song that I wrote for you. Back when you were in Israel. it's actually a really good song. It's probably the only good song I have ever made. but I used to play for you all the time on skype... Hila: Yeah. β™ͺ Met a girl some time ago β™ͺ β™ͺ I call her Midget Matzah β™ͺ β™ͺ Cutest thing that I ever known β™ͺ β™ͺ She's my little cutie β™ͺ β™ͺ Coming to visit gonna grab that whale β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm gonna grab that whale β™ͺ β™ͺ They call him Shamu β™ͺ β™ͺ I'll grab his head and you grab his tail β™ͺ β™ͺ And we'll bring him to the ocean β™ͺ β™ͺ Woah woah β™ͺ β™ͺ I hope it's not very far β™ͺ β™ͺ 'cause whales are very heavy and β™ͺ β™ͺ Woah woah β™ͺ β™ͺ I'll let him jump over you β™ͺ β™ͺ Pretend it's Free Willy β™ͺ β™ͺ We'll be just like Bonnie and Clyde β™ͺ β™ͺ For the 21st century β™ͺ β™ͺDrive around in cars that run on vegetable oil β™ͺ β™ͺ And riding turtles to the ocean β™ͺ β™ͺ Oh woah β™ͺ β™ͺ bring a camera so the world can see β™ͺ β™ͺ The cracks in the concrete and β™ͺ β™ͺ Woah woah β™ͺ β™ͺ The cutest thing that ever be β™ͺ β™ͺ My little cutie β™ͺ and a year later she came back and moved to LA and the rest is history. Then we started selling drugs. *dank* and you guys know that story but that's pretty much where that leaves off but for me the real moral of this story is like, I had two opportunities to say this makes me very uncomfortable I'm going to take the easy escape *jazz hands* to avoid putting myself through this really uncomfortable situation The first one was going all together because I had generalised anxiety disorder and I couldn't bare these social interactions like this- it was so hard on me. The second one, just as hard, was just approaching you to begin with and these two things that I really didn't want to to but forced myself to do changed the course of my life like completely and forever and in my life since then I always look at these opportunities of things that I don't want to do as like what is it worth these moments of awkwardness, of uncertainty of discomfort, for the potential that it holds. it sounds obvious, but how many times in your life and in mine too- I've done it so many times, where you would rather take the easy comfortable route than be confronted with some kind of change or friction or challenge to yourself. Always take it, always take it, my life has changed completely and for the better a million times over, God I don't even know where I would be if we never met like I'm dead serious. You have been nothing-- You have been a tsunami of good fortune in my life *hila laughs* like ever since I met you my life has taken a turn for like the best. And I swear to God, when I met you well you guys saw where we are with the red pepper, I was waiting tables-- there was no prospects and from the moment, like we were writing books we were making videos, I was write songs all of sudden my life... just taking the chance to come and say hi to you like changed the course of my life and seriously it's a lesson that I have always held. β™ͺ The cutest thing that ever be... β™ͺ β™ͺ My little cutie β™ͺ β™ͺ My little cutie β™ͺ β™ͺ My little cutie β™ͺ [music fades out]
Channel: h3h3Productions
Views: 7,068,419
Rating: 4.9491816 out of 5
Keywords: how we met, ethan, ethan and hila, hila, h3h3, h3h3productions
Id: Ec1syKOdlwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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