Bobby Lee & Khalyla - H3 Podcast #148

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already off to a great start with bobby fuckin ramming the gatsby into the wall lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 119 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Habslover πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bobby talks about the death of his father. Dan - β€œnot to be rude but we gotta go to break...”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 86 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

IMO they definitely had way better chemistry with these two compared to other guests. would love to see them back on the podcast soon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 71 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/enflurane πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

What an entrance. Bobo had the gatsby fucking flying lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deadhesher πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Khalyla needs to burn that hat.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Such a great episode, I didn't want it to end!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DarthSpinster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

God damn, already from the beginning, Bobby is Fucking hilarious. Especially, "hit the dick" part, lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/girolski07 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bobby Lee and his brother SteeBee are awesome you gotta have them back on very soon since the podcast was cut kinda short. SteeBee would be an amazing podcast guest as well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rippopotamus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lmaooo how did Bobby Lee fuck up that entrance so bad

That was a horrible cut by dan I'd be bothered af if i was Bobby

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SnakeSquad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
to welcome everybody to a stream podcast today's episode is sponsored by quip and expressvpn today's guest is Bobby Lee and kalila from tiger belly podcast they are outside on the Gatsby Bobby has got his trigger finger on the ignition as we speak before the chaos begins let me just say the Bobby Lee's tour dates there's already chaos back there Bobby Lee's tour dates you can find Matt Bobby Lee for more information there Bobby Lee so without further ado Bobby and kalila please enter yeah right now there we go [Laughter] we have insurance [Music] did you did you do that before we did it or was that is that the practice run let me ask you something you go through the safety where am I going hey okay babe are you okay I was crushed [Laughter] I think it's the best you are the first guests to do it I was a nice that did it oh really and they did it all the way through I saw you go through when you became a citizen I did really hard so let me describe what happened yeah Bobby hit when I mean first of all you did not shy away from the excel yeah but you you case yeah doorway you must not not the door off you hit the door way off look Danny see that have you seen his car okay well I feel like well I feel like you should have probably taken a look at his car before allowing him already are you okay I'm the reason why that's very very tight I'm the reason why it does hmm right because I just don't know exactly why the rules are out there when we're driving and so why they exist you don't know because I feel like if they if everyone just did what I did on the road there would be no sense to be chaos no there'd be those arse in this traffic I believe everyone drove the way I did like that he knows yes maybe can I see your victory so that you know you get here for my lawyer from okay what was I was literally trying on your foot I know like we're in 911 on I know you weren't there my friend Steve was running as easy but I'm kidding it was a lot like nine yeah that's what I felt like yeah because my leg was like pinned yeah right I was waiting for you you're the fireman did you get hurt no I'm fine oh my god yeah thank you guys okay that was a hell of an entrance but at any rate I missed you guys so much thanks for having us hahahaha that was fun I mean that's a memorable it was and I'm fine yeah you sore everything's fine let's move on okay you guys um a lots happened yeah okay since we've been here since I've been there the last number one ela beautiful baby huh your body bounce look at that body bounce right back on I know yeah that weird that I look at your wife's body and sit down for a moment oh yeah but I don't mind you okay what yeah I'm okay with that because there was nothing sexual behind but now ah yeah but if I want if I want like this if I want like this but your body yeah oh what a creep don't you guys see that's been appropriate especially when you think of childbirth are there men that get off on the unnatural labor yeah as her labor porn I've heard so I've not heard of men but I've heard of women that orgasms what huh which I'm doing I like labor porn when they're working that kind of labor yeah yeah but not know I don't we did have a baby yeah yeah we've been we have been blessed got it the good almighty has blessed us with a beautiful boy child he is a handsome devil used four months old and a great little fella yeah we look at the photos and we always know like we always turned to each other beautiful because the last time I was here I don't think you were even pregnant I don't think yeah but you have you guys hadn't done we were having sex okay in preparation yeah yeah now are we close enough for us to observe your lovemaking Oh if kalila I just took notes I don't think you don't know I'm gonna do that voyeuristic stuff what are you saying you know your mute no you want to take notes it's alright listen I know how we're Asian we have own way of doing it why do you spider monkey style yeah well sneak up behind you know I mean right oh no no no that's a crazy top nicob are no no but you know she's sleeping right do knock that well how everyone is a behind torture kill noise i rapidly hit it like a thousand times I did see it you know you said somewhere that it's hard to be your girlfriend is that what you were talking about yeah wow that's that's charitable what it might harm me the bumps that me pumps do you have eleven exactly but when I will you mean when I stick it in pumps it's just cuz he tires really quickly yeah but they're long strong they're not but you don't know what yes I do my stroke no that's wrong I have eleven pumps with the strokes are super long no well no I mean no I don't say no your luhan's rude okay a long stroke of yellow I said it but scientifically doesn't it is okay okay I'm just because you're right if I did a long stroke since it's not a long dick yeah still I would have to be really slow for Qi long as what you're saying no I don't know we're not you know don't put words the engineer yeah you're right I'm putting yeah I apologize right guy you know that you guys not a bright guy rise by low and so Bobby bought that at Zumiez it's a beanie are you says yeah because I I was in Hawaii so sometimes I act so nice thank you oh yeah you're doing a good damn movie in Hawaii for thriller magnum p.i is TV show and I was like I got my hair and I hadn't brought one beanie and I walked into Izumi's in a mall yeah and I go I need to be that exact like really crazy and then they guy you go well here's a selection I go I went right to this there's like four colors of this brand I like this brand I didn't know was yours issues like oh did they give that to you good no I bought it because I really know that that's my dream that when someone picks something that's Teddy fresh and they don't even know that it's ours oh yeah that was cool because I can but you could tell that it was made by people that are really it's kind of cute they primo get beanies right cuz it fits are you being anywhere yes you wouldn't I we're all yes because like me Neela okay we crafted we we were in the laboratory perfecting that beanie for years before he sit when we first made Teddy fresh people are like weird the beating where's the beating where the because I'm a beanie connoisseur we said wait hey it's cuz everyone makes it to tired mmm-hmm all right dude tired too small it's like goalie it's like goddamn the porch yeah you know what it loosens mm-hmm it's not like the vagina no I'm not a doctor I know and then we were out there but the vagina I'm sorry how do you it comes back it's it goes back into its original form but beanies other times or like that these digits are just open oh yeah yeah yeah can I say I by the way I want to say they do go back to the original form I can say that your video the vagina I guess want to say for the record yes because I mean we have had coitus we've affair since baby I was curious does it feel the same yes it does same it feel the same for you I think so ya know at first I could tell that like the things it it's like well I had stitches so there's kind of like a door tour dear friend I know he would in well he's just a big baby with big [ __ ] oh you didn't do the what's an incision when they do that little cut thing they're gonna do it but then they're like well he's so close and when they pulled out his shoulders had just tore that thing wide open you would that you twirl your vag yeah and then they went in there and they'd be surgically yeah and she was like door it's just one there and then she was stitching me for an hour yeah did not sound like wanna complicated shape we know what the shape is so you know but Michael did tear between your [ __ ] or on the north side oh it's the top side he doesn't know where oh it's everywhere multiple Bobby you and your your taint tour yes well what else would tear upwards well when they pull yeah yeah yeah right it wouldn't make I've never seen a vagina that's what I'd hear at all yeah yeah developed away what was yet what the Joker's mom's vagina look like it's really long and red why didn't the Joker's vagina mom like like like yeah you think his mom's vagina having a stroke right now because I feel like everything I think you may have got brain brought your set you guys are like I got am I having a stroke yeah yeah you know usually when you get in an accident unlike on a set they take a 20-minute break right and they go unbreakable by your own doing the show man I would have loved a rehearsal runner Wow he's a show because I've never driven that whatever that [ __ ] thing the GATS how was the Gatsby Dan can we get a health report it's terminal oh it means that we should pretty busted return it it might be I was dating Bobby this well in the past week I've got he I thought he's had like at least three strokes but we can't know for sure that one more morning when I woke she woke me up what the [ __ ] happened there that's where I forget yeah you can say I think he well this is this is what I think I think he's had a recent death in the family and I think he's going through my dad died very a dad died yes he's going through a very like manic episode or manic period and he I don't know I think that's he's getting he widow mania comes weird behavior is that true Bobby you think Mike is given a damn we I don't want that guy that guy with the brown long hair get him away not that guy man oh my god he's so sexy that hair somebody with the mic can I ask you guys what were you talking about your behavior and your strokes yeah oh yeah so the other day she woke me up abruptly Mike yeah we go ahead if you ignored and [Laughter] you shouldn't be a like a dentist technician something like not smooth about how you thank you Dad all right we got things Dan but a good guy just does anything ring true about what color other day I woke up and I was she here's what it is she's from like the islands she's from tropical areas yes so like I don't know what it is but late at night she just wants the room to be as cold as Antarctica okay I wouldn't make sense if I'm very cold intolerant but I think that 75 degrees is a fair temperature to sleep oh yeah and right yeah exactly 72 is for me is quite cold me too yeah I think seven is too cold 275 is a five is fine yeah it is yeah but okay but I do 75 she brings it down to seven anyway my point is this okay yeah right okay so we're these complainants and then she woke me up abruptly this is what happened yeah so I stood up he was so cold in the room what happened I couldn't [ __ ] I couldn't move I froze I had a thermic the thermic reaction utter a word yeah I was standing there like this right like with my underwear like this and I was going you're you're being funny about it which is which is nice but I know as audience member this too is like when I say when I'm talking about a real story and I stand up and I reenact it people laugh oh that's funny it's not just my body's [ __ ] up no you because the way I'm doing is [ __ ] up cuz I'm a fat yellow guy right but is that what it is no no your butt was it Ashley he's an untrustworthy narrator okay well construction was coming into the house that day and we have six animals so I needed to put them away mm-hmm he's a seventh animals I need I need him shut away in a room while construction comes and does their jobs so all I needed him to do was get from one bed to the guest room through all the animals in there shudder he didn't do that he got up his body froze and he couldn't utter a word so immediately I was like oh my god he's having history you were right so I did I was a Keanu State you know I made him say my name I checked for like symmetry in his speech I did everything I had my phone in my hand because it was the weirdest thing and it turns out it might have just been cold for him it wasn't cold are you doing it was were you doing a gag what do you what do you remember I don't do gags in the morning like that are you crazy what what do you remember from it I remember going I had to go to the hospital I didn't want to die hypothesis I have is that he takes a lot of unisom because it makes all he takes a lot of unisom like it's like a sleep aid take the next test because when he jerked off at night he it magnifies his orgasm so I think it causes confusion when he's woken up abruptly way hold on back back back the gas be a friend okay let me see something okay you don't have to reveal everything it's over the counter sleep aids called unisom is a very small percentage of people who take it wear it very tiny percentage but him and his brother are part of that percentage and apparently it just makes you peek a little bit harder okay so when I get a song you spell that for me you and I you and som it's not good for you at all when I can't wait to take a little excess it makes you horny or sleepy and horny makes you [ __ ] sleepy but it also makes you my brother and I and I've looked it up on the Internet it makes us ten times more hornier than normally we would be but do you get sleepy also well yeah but here I think only or I think a race against the clock no because that the horniness lasts for like a couple hours so who discovered this you or your brother and you told your brother yeah and he cuz like mothers I can't years ago I'm like and I said if you take an extra extra one you're gonna extra tingly feeling yes and my brother goes really bum I go yeah he goes okay I'll try it and they're like a month later you know I forgot about it and then you brought it up I told you but what the problem is now is is that you're waking up in your camera or I can't I can't get hard without it so you just [ __ ] yourself okay baby don't get it right so so does it make your penis more sensitive or is a heightened your orgasms orgasm heightened saw orgasm and so when you have a normal orgasm like no no if I if I go and jerk off it's like oh okay I'm done yeah so tell me about what does this do it's it's like what you're getting you gotta hit the day [Laughter] it sounds like you know like a morning show with kids so you got to dig in a certain what angle and wait your other sensitive spots in the day everyone knows yes right right yeah but if you could hit it right with the unisom feeling right you can you your orgasms are like you're being dropped you know that one ride at if you go to like a street fair or whatever it drops you all the way down mmm guardians of the galaxy right like an elevator ride or anything right it's it feels like that with g-force yeah chief work when you're doing or got that powerful this is what happens you go I actually have the end stage of when someone dies from tennis when they basically go into like this tightening rigor mortis kind of like spinal art that's what he does I get like I get like you know how Emily Rose was on the floor when she became possessed by the devil and her boyfriend looks over and she's in this like weird and so what is the specific way like where is it that you touch it then they give a pad pencil well yeah it's can someone bring in a pencil and pen do you do I hit the deck no do you take can you draw it it's too fresh for the YouTube weather you we won't drive but is it a certain like technique they use my finger then yes thank you yes you can use your finger I prefer that I don't take I don't even drink coffee why are you made of this yeah I don't marry but I'm very I don't take a lot of okay so alright so like let's say this is my penis I'm just all right right Zack you have soundbites and say oh yeah yeah yeah so right here right where the head is yes and with a stick stick part it what do you call it that's the shaft my bad my bad are we talking about the front of the shaft or the back of the ship so that's why I say so if it's facing this way right so when I surf I facing you and this is my dick right I just what is the font the back head part is my is what I'm looking at so the back has that point part that goes up like that right yeah so that's the part but the orgasm is good but the thing is is that um it's not healthy and I've been uh the last three weeks because my dad died and ever since then I've been a little lost actually I'm huh I've been a really lost like I don't even know cuz I didn't cry mmm so he died and I was in the room with my brother and my mom when he passed you were yeah yeah my mom and my brother were so [ __ ] hysterical mm-hmm like they acted like it was like a black funeral I raised this but like my experience actually what what do you mean dad's sister came into the room while he was still laying there like that in the hospital she came in and like we were already there my mom and my siblings entered me and we weren't like panicking because we already knew that it was coming it was like a tough week so when it happened we were all kind of dare not like panicking you know and then she came and it was like like one of those Turkish movies I don't know if that makes sense like she started like yelling and yeah yeah crazy Wow and then I kind of felt weird like am I supposed to react that way yeah there was this we talked to this guy like two weeks ago and he said something really I think important he's like when someone takes up too much space in a room automatically we take a step back and I think the same applies with grieving and crying when you see other people you know take their space and grieve in such a big way it takes away your you know all of your feelings to do the same yeah it's like this when I'm at dinner with a bunch of comics and then like someone like Chris D'Elia or Bryan Callen these alpha-male type of characters they're gonna be the only one maybe two at a table so I know that I had to take a step back for bigger personalities or the people that need it right so it's the same [ __ ] thing you know so but what I'm hearing is you are you you're feeling a sense of guilt for not having maybe mourned that the you know you feel was the appropriate time no so what what is it it's not all there's you about the fight because it's not what I imagined it would all be it's it's not it's you know it's one of those things your whole life you think about sometimes even as a kid even I hated my dad as a kid mm-hmm I [ __ ] hated him but still I would lay in bed at nights and I would imagine my dad dying or something bad happening to him even though that he wasn't the best [ __ ] dad it would break me right I couldn't even think about it cuz it would make me sad I love my family I love my parents um so I didn't when it happened it wasn't anything the way I thought it was gonna be mm-hmm well let me ask you this was was it a gradual thing or was it a sudden illness it was gradual over ten years over ten years yeah but it's so funny that's what it was was those years of us thinking it's gonna happen at any moment I think I prepared myself I think that's what it is because when he did die I was like I was just I was more relieved I think it's a it's a it's a feeling that I'm ashamed that I had I know but I had it and I and there was a part of me I went on thank God he's like not struggling or suffering I just kind of recently talked I just started seeing a therapist and I just talked about how I felt guilty for feeling relieved when it happened yeah did you ever cry no have you cried yet over it yet or no I did I cried in different ways at different times but it's kind of like you describe it's like it's not what you think it would be like it's like all this when I'm gonna grow up I'm gonna be this or you know you have these thoughts as a kid like when someone's gonna die it's gonna crush me and then it's not really like that yeah and I think the same happened for me when my dad passed was you know because it was gradual I felt that same all of those that same really fun it took me a long time to really cry but I didn't put a label on it I didn't try to make sense of the lack of Tears either but if you if I look at pictures now it hits me hard and I actually I'm able to cry but that's what 15 years after the fact yeah I'm more sensitive about it now than I was when I was 20 years old yeah my friend Mike I was talking to him last night he was like he's a comic and he was like my dad died when I was 19 he's like 40 or five now because this is not a single day that goes by that were I haven't thought about him so it's like I just I just never thought this is like the first you know grown-up thing that's really kind of happened to me I think like a week because I you know you know as a comic you know I fought on people's faces I mean I pee on you mm-hmm I mean III act inappropriately I go crazy you know I'm not real but I am you know that's just me and you know when I'm performing or whatever but like when it boils down to it I I love my family and I love where I come from and you just don't you don't forget you know you don't forget those moments it still happens to me now like if I talk with my mom and she will start crying I don't cry right now and it doesn't make me feel weird sometimes that's weird are you the oldest I'm the youngest you're the youngest because some people were like you're the oldest so that's why your act I don't know I was like I don't know well I don't know but my brother and my mom went crazy and but then my [ __ ] uncle so my dad has one brother his closest brother did stood walks up dude he drove all the way from San Diego to Phoenix he walks in my dad's laying there and you know how Korean dudes love the Asian dudes like to put the hand behind her back like this mm-hmm he walks he walks in looks at my dad and he goes oh he gets back in the car and drives back to San Diego okay that almost broke me what about that almost broke you I'm just curious yeah because you know my uncle isn't a man to feel or express emotions I've never seen either my dad or my uncle Cryer and I thought right so that was his way of like grieving but just that gesture alone just the thought of it made me really sad yeah and even sing it now I'm gonna get me my [ __ ] man there's no way boy oh boy grow grow grow up anyway I'll really get to be here thanks for having me here I think when I first of all unlike all of you guys I've never had an immediate family member passed still no never but the big things that have happened to me in my life like I for example I mean it's a completely different experience but like in college I had like an anxiety disorder that was so bad that out that I was entertaining the idea of suicide let's say and that was probably at this point you know 15 years ago but that but a bit big things take a long time to process and yeah you know when it's too close to you you just can't see you can't see the you can't see the trees from the forest as they say is that what they said yes it is but another thing though that happens when someone like that passes someone close to you is these broader themes of like philosophical themes that you had like what is life is it meaning it just felt also meaningless right whereas before because of my 12-step you know I'm experienced and all the stuff that I've learned you know of being spiritual about it you know and living in the moment and all those [ __ ] things that they teach you right it's a get all that [ __ ] went out the window and I was just like we're like wow life is meaningless it doesn't make any sense none of it and I don't know if there's a god but isn't there a comfort in that though how meaningless and random and you know like I don't believe and you know any type of like destiny or I like the spontaneous or random nature of life and I for me it feels comforting to know that I don't have to find a whole lot of meaning into it I just have to find a happy moments along the way feel it wholly and then move on and it's my date time to go it's time ago that's comforting to me to expect that there's something there beyond it brings me a lot of anxiety that's a big expectation but what's not comforting is the idea that I'll never ever see him again that's not comforting right yeah I noticed where he influenced me as a person like in my character and I see that as the way that is that's what was left yeah for the good or the bad stuff that I see in myself that were like moved on to me he's pretty you know characteristics and yeah it's a blame whatever I was can I say something no it's funny that you say that and I and when you were talking I was kind of like I don't really know a lot of good character is she every that he had he really was a man of really simple no words I don't know I don't know how he feel about politics I don't know how he feels about food mm-hmm worry what he likes what he doesn't like clothing he wore like these blue light blue Smurf colored coughing pants all his life shame pants yeah no he just look like Papa Smurf it's just that he doesn't he doesn't know what he looks like he doesn't give a [ __ ] right and so um I don't know him that's the thing I don't know I don't know my dad and all I know anything about him and that's what saddens me too because when he died I was like oh [ __ ] because he didn't have the the tools in his toolbox to express any specific thing because of the language barrier he also didn't have why did you why did you hate him when you were young I did to my dad a lot so that's yeah I mean it you know he was my dad was an alcoholic and he was also violent and used to like just my mom I mean I remember my mom opening her mouth and teeth being knocked out I mean he was a nightmare and I used to pray anything really believe in God but I used to go God please kill this [ __ ] [ __ ] you know hey guys I'm so sorry to interrupt we got to go to break [Laughter] [Laughter] it's just a couple minutes but nothing though the bathroom guys we'll be right back I'm gonna pick this up when we come right back [Laughter] okay here's the deal you care about having a 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saying it for a while I was like saying I was saying say it say it say he chose the exact moment to say I understand that and I as soon as I walked in here to that guy gave me real [ __ ] vibes like Japanese internment camp okay Wow Dan yeah Dan Dan gave me like you know shut your mouth eat the sandwich and your lawyer will be here next week so anyway I expect an apology you will have a formal written apology from Dan okay you guys I'm sorry I'm sorry that I actually I was listening to hila talking about her experience with losing her father actually was something I was very close to but obviously not happening to me ela is from Israel as you may or may not know and heard I mean I don't you know never stay don't ever talk like that for years and so I wasn't I wasn't in Israel with her at the time when her dad heard her dad died of lung cancer he was a smoker and he had a he died of lung cancer you know and and I don't know what your dad passed of a stroke oh here well no what happened was he had a bunch of strokes like 20 of them and then he been over the years and then he just then he had complications of it Parkinson's and other things that have eventually died from pneumonia pneumonia it's just one of the complications yeah because he was already I'm bedridden right yeah there's no way for him to sort of expel all that mucus and it becomes a whole big like infection sorry I don't know I just let the Mona seem something like so no cuz mom but it's not at the end it does compromise you know is what my mom way my mom my mom died my dad died my mom screamed at me as she goes Nick Faldo really it was weird I wanted you to take a photo not just one of his of his departed take just you know document what's going on right so I so she made me do the selfie I did this I just listened I did the selfie thing with the timer with his what your dearly departed far away [ __ ] it's a far away shot the family forever did you ever have the inclination to smile just cuz it was a cuz cuz it's a photo do you know what I mean no you know why didn't smile because it would've been funnier with the way we did it and the way we did it was the best way today and he had sunglasses what you do know I didn't wear the sunglasses you had him on I still have a photo one of them I did wear gloves yeah yeah well whatever I was respectful I didn't wear on me so what was the funny what you said you just being completely still staring blankly into the camera it was the best shot I thought the weird what I found interesting was that as soon as his dad died I got a barrage of text messages and when I checked my phone it's about 80 to 100 different angles of his dead but that's exactly what I needed if I don't say it because then everyone on the lines gonna be like it's a COPI maybe it was a coping thing video of it I really wish that people will prepare you for death don't you think so like there is no preparation you don't know what to do I thought it was weird that we were even standing in the room with his dead body it's we were standing for can our and his family members came and then people were hanging out there talking thanks to his dead it's weird yeah that's really sir my brother is it this is head right and I go he has you to kisses yeah because he did it like five times well what does he what does he care if you kiss everyone like everyone takes it so differently and then they expect you to do what they do then in the middle of the hysteria they're now playing hot potato with his ashes potato with his ashes no one wants dashes they got him cremated and now his mom you know call to us to called me two weeks ago and she's like I'm flying to LA I'm like why she doesn't get me a ticket because I'm picking up the ashes and I don't want to spend the night with the ashes of bringing the ashes to LA and we're just two boxes of my dad's ashes wait can you I don't understand the the the logistics he he passed in Phoenix and was cremated yes your mom is flying your mom lives in Phoenix she's flying to LA with the ashes right because she doesn't want to spend a single yeah we're at he's dead we're at the place the guy goes who do you want to do and I go who's the options I've never done this before and they go we could do you know service and what the whole thing tell me how much lot cause all that thing and I go what about the thing where they just you know bring him out right when he crying what out he said whatever they do they burn it out the body will do that so I went about the Box two boxes we split it in half my brother and I I wanted the bottom half interesting you got a specific part I asked in the bottom I have because I just feel like it's if you have the upper half there's more likely of ghosts wait I didn't even know you're [ __ ] with me and I really believe that no no you can you can decide which part of the body they said no they said no there's no like a wooden I don't want also any other ashes in the ashes right I went all my dad I don't want 3% of the nine year old black guy that was the janitor at school right I went all Korean because Korean my dad's you don't know who was incinerated before you you don't want to bring in someone into your home that you're unfamiliar because that's when the haunting released yeah that's that's right baby the whole thing is so weird to me and it's really it's like a lot more uncommon I guess it's my people bury you that's the that's it I thought they don't grind you out what's the word work that you I grant you out is not the right way thanks ash now why me treatment cremate Ron Jewett all of a sudden grind you out sounds more official yeah don't cut to a commercial Mel don't let me get it all right that guy dad you know what guys you know I figured you know I would I did shows in Portland right after my dad died I went to Hawaii got some that show and then um things life goes on we move on and you know kalila and I we bought a new house you did yeah and we live near you're near you guys what's do you see that's close that's closer Oh congratulations and um the dog he's got a yard mm-hmm god bless them have three dogs and three cats do your dogs feel like second-class citizens since you had a baby no way if they always say that you know people told me that and I was like BS my dogs my little angels I think we really do spend a lot of times with them which I don't know if I hope people do that but sometimes we actually get worried like yes so they you said you don't think he's paying enough time with your doing because it's like you have so much to juggle now but we treat them like I can't the truth is that I try to it's [ __ ] up because well first of all a newborn baby Brooke just requires a lot of attention so it's inevitable that your dogs are going to be more neglected more too but not second-class citizens by any means I'm very conscious about spending time with them and to and even to say that we got another dog we adopted another dog so that our our first dog had a friend and they get together great and I'm happy to say that that has been a smash success great but I love I love them they're worried about when we talk about having children is my fear that I will love my dogs am my dogs are in life I don't want to not be me and we did hear that from other people that felt like after the kid they didn't feel this animal you know what I think about those people I think good thing they never had that strong relation but I think it's possible but like for us it wasn't like that at all what can I tell you about having a son I think the best way to learn about the relationship with your own dad or with your parents is you know by having a child because you're almost reliving your ear esque that that's as close as you can ever get to know your parent right what they've been through and the thoughts and the struggles and from the very first moment of having this little critter you know this little creature you're not gonna give this really get one I know you tried are you trying but you don't want it I do but you try to convince me I know you're trying I appreciate it but I'm gonna say or something right now no no thank you thank you why I wasn't sure if it sounded like you were yeah I thought you guys were just talking about if we had okay he does you want kids he's very keen on them I've never I've never really been I just don't I feel like I'd [ __ ] it up royally I feel like we'd [ __ ] it up no man um I would explode inside her and create life oh I wanted to go back i when you take it when you take those I wrote the name down you know unit zone do you guys ever have sex on unison we used to but she doesn't want to do it it's weird I don't like I yeah I don't like the the finality of it all and I don't like this word because I I don't I don't like the way his body stiffens at the end you get rigor mortis when you come yeah like his spine is gonna just smack crazy can I say something right now so you do you prefer to jerk off on unisom than have sex that's his nightly ritual it sounds like it yes definitely yes you know can we go back to my dad there's a circle have a lot of problems yeah I have a lot of sexual problems mhm and it's not fair to kalila and I'm doing I'm getting numbers I'm trying to figure it out okay what does that mean yeah can we talk because what I'm trying to do is I've got my numbers from therapists I'm gonna go in and I'm going to try to work on this problem I have but yeah okay I have sexual problems we have to understand though okay is is that you know I lived through a lot yeah okay and I'm not saying nothing that's like there are kids that had were way worse probably most people and I'm making excuses but um I don't want to get I want to be better for you baby yeah receptive yeah but any but anyway back to your dad my no back let's go back to the baby important thing you want the porn thing go ahead the baby the baby you want the baby you don't want the baby no I don't want the baby is that a conflict that seems like a big cost a big conflict she's a woman because she she doesn't think that I have the genes you know mean that no well you think you don't think that I have anything in my DNA that's gonna be an asset to I think that he is very special DNA but with very special DNA comes the other side of that coin which is psychopathy he has violence in his family my family I put murderers in my family heavy drug use same for him but you know that that all has to do with upbringing yeah like but lucky Bobby said his dad was abusive that's how you end up with really what these kinds of individuals who are dysfunctional in society but you guys have how many Pat's five six six yeah how are they do you understand that Matt you have that really good you have there you go you're already a parent that's I knew that I wanted to have kids listen I'm not relying don't yell at her I knew when we first got our first dog shredder that means he'll I had this we had this parental love and affection and we raised him and we every the whole world revolved we had so much parental love to give I saw that and it wasn't just like it was we had you have infinite parental love to give he gets the love Alfredo our new dog gets to love Theodore he gets the love but what it was is that you see that you have a nurturing selfless side your kids not gonna grow up in me a murderer just because whatever you think you guys are successful you are relatively well-adjusted okay you've got means you you've got love to give that's it you're not as long as you okay okay serial killers and all these weird dysfunctional people a cephalic back to like you'd ever know it's almost like he'd take a gamble when you have a kid but this stuff happens from Newark the nurturing if you start thinking like that everything is again like walking on the street is a gamble yeah you could get hit by a bus well you know you said the key words to love yeah he has a lot of love I just don't know if it's in the parental sense like last night say for instance our dog Julio had explosive diarrhea I specifically said don't give him the the the the pumpkin treats because that'll give him diarrhea he was like no it won't like he gave Julio the pumpkin treats Julio had explosive diarrhea around 5:00 a.m. I think it's love that's parental love but just a little diary and we wanted to dog that pup to enjoy to have to dampen a little defense thing when Julio has diarrhea in our bedroom oh yeah he doesn't know how to do things quietly it turns into a Broadway musical he did I'm asleep all the lights have to be on and then he acts as if I have forced him to be Cinderella he's crying he's complaining about the whole process of cleaning and wiping I'll tell you what you get help you get you guys are rich come on give me a you get a night nurse you get in any they help you I don't want to exempt you from work you got a housekeeper and then all the sudden yeah you're a great parent you're capable there's a lot of people that have kids thank you all right so let me tell you but if you still don't want to have a baby that's fine but if you feel like you are not gonna be a good parent I have no doubt that you'll be good parents I agree though the concern of that the very concern of it is what proves that yes did you already care Arden yes you know who's a bad parent people who like you know get pregnant in the bathroom in McDonald's high on that and then there the baby is just a burden to them that they only did it's illegal for them to kill literally and that's the only reason they carry and that's the guy who goes and kills people yeah but you know every time you learn about serial killer or all these [ __ ] up people or deranged rape a horrible child Aaron's are evil people yeah hunter yes you watch that show and that's I'm also thinking about that when I say that yeah yeah like a mom who humiliates yeah yeah you like a sexual yeah yeah but the thing that you do when we go like if I'm going on vacation or I'm on the road we could do something and the kind of preparation you do for the dogs yeah getting them a sitter I'm obsessive getting them all the right things that they need so those are all things that I don't think that serial-killer parents didn't do these are things that they weren't there you were there you know I'll be there too I think you know the circular you know the serial killer parent does they don't even say they're leaving and they just close the door and lock ish yeah or or Jeffrey Jeffrey why do you have the bones you know I mean of a dog it's like just underneath the you know mean the porch yeah right and this is going letting it go okay Jeffrey don't do it again me my god oh you going back to Korea you would say if he found bones what happens there you're gonna go to the mines I don't mind you're gonna mind into you're all that is out of your system right that's how we do it we don't let them out in society so what's that a stroke moment yeah it was transient but it was a stroke in I think why do you why are you so hesitant I mean is it something about the way is it Bobby it's mean to me yeah mmm probably a 60 60 percent probably Bobby 60 percent Bobby you don't think that Bobby is capable of being a good dad I think that he's capable of showing a lot of love I just I have this fear that it will feel like me being a single mom in terms of the workload he's a good provider he's a good financial provider but in terms of just doing that you want to yeah I really I want what if you have a nanny even then I I think I would resent him if I didn't see him change but it's nothing but how do you feel but are you gonna not change we don't know we because we've never been there we've never done it so we don't know what I'm gonna be like what do you mean I've had but you know we've never had a baby together so we don't know what I'm gonna be like when I see the baby what I feel like it's gonna happen is like you know I'm gonna pick the baby up and there'll be a glow that won't happen let me tell you what happens romanticize there's no blow in fact let me tell you this Theodore just turned four months and I just started to like him do you know what I'm saying yeah yeah go be our noggin we did I didn't like Kobe at first do the puppy work no sleep [ __ ] pissed crying hours crying crying crying crying but then all of a sudden I was starting to imagine like crying noises when I was in the shower I just started hearing all the time but is crying but then what happened he starts recognizing you and starts preferring you he starts to love you and then you walk into his vision and smiling what's the grab you but that's really the beginning you know not helping me out one bit but you know but you know okay if you don't think he's a he's a good dad then I mean what's the long-term plans here let's just be honest to have you want more dogs you sohbats Oh Bobby's your life partner yes yes I hope yes when she is the baby this is what we're gonna do the baby's born when okay well with the baby's born what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab the baby yeah I'm gonna stick it in front of you have to do this in front of a piano first moment he's born and then put it back in I don't put it back at it he doesn't I don't cook him back in there I just want to see if that I won the lottery I got one of those he's very fascinated with very special human beings yeah I don't know I I have a fear that if our child becomes just so painfully average and mediocre I wonder what you guys are overthinking this Yano overthinking not you know me I am I am easing you you guys you guys know what you're saying well hold on hold on survivor do you guys do couples therapy ever okay no we're gonna you should do that and talk about the baby thing cuz I'm gonna be honest with you you guys have some lush to work out here where the babies yeah the babies they have so many things you have I have a lot of things to work out within my own self well you see a therapist and then you guys need to see a therapist oh yeah you're good 34 ok 34 thank you bye you guys need to work this out because the baby thing seems important to you and I'll be honest the baby thing is important because when you guys start to age out a little bit yeah all of a sudden you yeah it's a beautiful thing it's like when you have a baby you realize that there it's a goal a whole new stage of life that it's like you're not going down that that beautiful road it's in many ways I think as a parent you think oh well this is the point of life and I I know that's a subjective experience because it's a it's a new perspective of learning so much about yourself and your forebears and everyone around you and understanding the world and a new perspective that you had no access to it's like seeing colors a new color for the first time that you couldn't see before it there's just there's a new phase of existence that's meaningful and powerful and important it's reproduction baby that's why we're all here no mm-hmm we do have friends who choose not to have kids and that is totally fine but I feel like if one of you wanted you know or one of you not sure then it's worth talking more about Lee when I acquiesce to the idea and said okay fine you know if this I'm not opposed to post I just have fears I understand yeah what's do this what's the plan I'm just somebody who likes to plan ahead I'm usually him so when it's time to talk about it he's just not someone who wants to talk about what the process will entail and so he doesn't quell my fears you know it's hard and I have to tell you we didn't really want to talk about it either we we barely watched any preparation videos and we didn't go to the closet and take any you didn't do anything and luckily or that we we just met Christina and Tom around the time we got pregnant and Christina throughout my pregnancy kept text messaging me you gotta get a doula you gotta get help you gotta get help you're gonna need a nurse and and I kept ignoring it I was like yeah yeah sure we'll get it when we get there we'll get it then she was like no you gotta get in now yeah I'm giving you the best recommendation you got a call and I didn't call her and like two weeks later she'll text me did you call her yeah and thank God they listened to her because now we have help and we wouldn't our life would be so bad right now if we didn't have help yeah and we both work and we want to work we both like being productive and we're able to still work and still be with him and still take care of our dogs and you know it's a lot to juggle so you do need to prepare for it but doable ya can do it we also have DD DD yeah that was one of my stipulations my stipulation is I need it so quiet we have a sound bite where she says DD mega dude it's a family member her name's Dee Dee she's childless but she's the neighborhood nanny basically and she's from the Philippines and we just love her so much so it's like if you bring DD here I'll have that child I think Lyla takes care of like you bought her a whole new set of teeth I did buy DD had no teeth yeah the party's just like perm like why would you for DD I'm jealous of people with fake teeth because it always looks better than mine I know and then you know what you don't my teeth what happened I have no teeth you know that right do you have 405 teeth you know that right I don't think you know could I show you know I don't have to I have no teeth I just said Oh show me and I show you but don't make one me I wouldn't make funny okay so explain at the inside look I'll explain to show me first and then all like okay I was out how about this I could have a friend of the cameras picking it up they won't so why don't I go over to you know they'll just they won't show your camera don't come too close to me I don't want kid I don't want to see it very up close okay come on up oh really why he has to chew steak in the front so so you're missing all of your molar teeth what happened I don't rush you don't write you never brush I do no wait for how long did you not breath forty years I dunno applause yet Matt was you pre or post brush one of the things that I we talked about on the phone before we met is I have really weird oral fixations or I have really weird things about oral hygiene well it seemed like 16 teeth so I don't think that's weird so the good part is that there aren't crevices let me smell back there because it's just gums huh when you guys when you guys make out do you ever feel his gums I don't go that far her tongue doesn't travel and those I try not to travel like Syria you know I just curious dude now so they got yanked and you just said forget about it do couples make no I let time I did it I didn't go to a hospital or dentists and go that question we made out do couples make up like do just a random make out not really I don't even like all the hands to be on it really and I just I hate it what she does you know when she doesn't like we're watching the movie today right in the movie and she put her hand there so what I do is I like so she crossed the hand like this and I'm and in my head now I go I don't pull back a little bit you still think that you're pulling away don't push in because that's trying too hard you think about yeah yeah in my mind yeah you too because well I have Tourette syndrome and like OCD so I'm very neurotic about like touching event and so like I like being affectionate I am very affectionate with ela and so if we're walking sometimes I'll grab her hand and I'll hold it and I'm back that's nice and then literally five seconds I'm over yeah you know it's fun to do the gesture how far do you think you and I could like maybe hold hands you think in public and see how far how far do you think you you know be able to walk I mean if I'm consciously making the effort I'll walk all the way up to the I'll walk up to Canada with you holding it okay however you and I should you know you and I should do is hold hands on Ventura Boulevard and go pouring megawhatts holding hands see how long we can walk okay I think what you doing let's see how long I think that's art I think that performance art because you other's dad like I have you ever even tried a Mac I had on no I don't even think I've seen one in the wild he bought Maggie mints from Hawaii magnets in Hawaii how's that for bobblehead didn't bring good for the my thank you have you burned a maggot yeah I was it scary where were you I couldn't even put it on yeah I had I saw that the story of Hawaii yeah I almost put it on it look it was just yeah I'm sure you like it I don't know if you guys like the guy but you know you're sure I like it I don't know what you don't know how you feel about know where you might like oh I don't know you might like we're young gay so you guys are you guys having any money okay we did the photo already and we want to bring him on again I want to have loan we want him on to to kind of just you know I explained to us in layman's terms what the heck's going great they are brighter we're really low brown really dumb we're very have more teas like I told you earlier new points our topics are very dick and death heavy but that's about it yes yeah death death dying dick and death where that's our Forte we don't do very well what the hell do you think we talked about here I just say you at the mint now you interrupted me because I could say dd- because I because I follow you on social media yeah and so I'll I'll go by and go killing it you want to see whatever you want to see what I tweeted go ahead and come I didn't want anything to make you stop complimenting me you guys are killing every and also wherever I go people go oh h3 you know without even they see just that that's all I do [Laughter] make sure to say that to congratulate him for knowing me okay so I tweeted this this morning and this was controversial today is that international lesbian day in case did you know so I woke up this morning I saw trending and I said wow what a coincidence I just celebrated hashtag international lesbian Day last night before bed thank cuz I jerk because I masturbated to lesbian porn she said I got lots of hate this is a really bad tweet dude also not the day to do it well literally it is literally the only LGBTQ citizens are literally having the rice debated right now by SCOTUS so it's a bit of a rough day for us this is a tired trope and it rings of homophobia and it's straight-up unfunny my guy wait homophobia I I thought that was so far from it it might have not been an obvious it's a stupid joke yeah I mean am I not allowed to jerk off so as the employment with did you guys talk about with Andrew yang the whole shangela's thing no it was he came before shingles but would you guys like to talk to bang Ginga you probably have talked about to death we we a lot on our you flip flop connect but I feel like you have the same take as a stupid quite a sink I've seen you your take which is basically that it's just not funny right and that's the problem the in its what andrew yang said was so punitive listen orgasm right topic really just kind of like it just irritates me okay to the bone okay I'm not the guy get squirmish okay thank you know I don't really oh you had a really good point of view about the guy should here's the thing is is that for many many years all right even I went to high school in the 80s and people would just walk up to you and go what's up [ __ ] really right eighties and they were like that would be the principal like they would and you're you're supposed to just haha and then we would you would be like even in that I did a commercial were director called me a [ __ ] what when recently I know I know the guy I'm a but was a recent know many many years okay but you eat us yeah right so you know people used to say it and not get fired my awful but you know what the guy said it on a podcast three years ago and you saw the podcast right it's like I've seen it yeah he said yeah no I do so many [ __ ] podcast I say all kinds of [ __ ] you couldn't find anything saying really say something right and so it's like I would have not fired him I would have give him a pass also my point of view is is that it doesn't offend me because I'm Korean you know coke you don't do that you know so a [ __ ] is for Chinese [ __ ] it's for more Korean and they used it for the Vietnam War as well the Vietnamese are I didn't even know about this words yes what source you know [ __ ] is a very fascinating word I enjoy I use it many there's a got it during my wings nicely yeah yeah could it be K in the back well then I think do Park Jung kook yeah so so [ __ ] is this so [ __ ] started in and kind of say this I think I made this up see the etymology of the word [ __ ] I think I might have made up but I think I've said it so many times that I'm going to just say that I okay basically what it is is that during the Korean War American soldiers he would walk through a village and the villagers would go villagers would go when they saw an American soldier would they would say me [ __ ] mm which means America or American mm-hmm but it sounds like them saying me [ __ ] mm that's what that's gotta be right that's what it yeah I think how in the Philippines all white people are Joe yeah why cuz there was this one commercial back in the 80s or early 90s we're like I think it was a good race car driver his name was like Joe something that was the only that's all so that's that those are only reference for like a white man really like an Italian last name like Romano or something like they see a white guy like Joe mano you know oh yeah Joe but also the military thing the whole GI Joe thing uh-huh yeah I think it's probably the correct fatum ology yeah so you've got so let's just recap you got [ __ ] you've got [ __ ] slope is the one is now RR o slope but are the present unzipper all non but wait I want to break this down watch geographical location amis that's yeah that's cruel that is cruel but you know what they used to say that to us all the time back in the day not you know so funny I run into people like Ali Wong or these young Asian if it's so easy you know right well I I auditioned for this you know movie with you know I guess like white people back in the day the only auditions we got were you know you would walk to you go to an audition and people would be dressed as ninjas like full-on with that mask and everything and that's what we would get back in the day right Lamia so they you know we saw racism even in Hollywood differently than they these younger kids let me let me ask you this because [ __ ] the bit I guess another controversial point was that it was the first Asian SNL cast member going alongside what was this Boeing Boeing yeah yeah not familiar with this comedy he's at the first in a second set oh he is Rob Schneider Rob Schneider was the first angel you know okay okay good I brought a Filipino is he really yeah he's half Filipino he's the most full-blown Filipino Rob Schneider is Filipino you didn't know that I no idea you're [ __ ] with me some Jew not even Jewish so jo koy is one half Filipinos Wow Rob's the second we have we have 10 minutes before where that sucks wrap it up you're not can she not stay longer because wait can she not stay a little longer know what she have to pick up her kid from school or some [ __ ] but I want to say coming from that background of feeling discrimination for for asian-americans or hate whatever Asians in Hollywood do you think that that that guy being cast at the same time as Shane was some in some way truck more troubling for you know for me no it's not for me it's it's a way of SNL 42 even a defense which is all right you know he's a comic he said it three years ago but listen we're hiring an agent cast member yeah right he's a comic he apologized we're not gonna fire him do it again let's move on right but it's like when you're when you say one thing as a comic and it ruins your career it's so stood for life it's it's so it's like what's the [ __ ] point that's why I like Andrew yang for it but he got a lot of hate just a tional community for saying hey we live in two we live in a it's this too punitive everything can't be this way and we should just you know let him know that he's made a mistake give him an opportunity to you know correct that you know but not fire him and totally just destroy his entire career you gotta rehearse right you're trying to be funny you gotta try stuff and yeah it works and what doesn't work and if it doesn't work maybe you're not that good too right but what can you do you're trying what have you said anything on this podcast that you regret or that was a little more like you're like I should have said her yeah me did I've dropped an bomb he's gotta edit Oh a lot oh you edit them I didn't get to edit yeah I don't edit them every episode yet it's you said [ __ ] you know like in [ __ ] in the same just last episode you said [ __ ] oh yeah I said [ __ ] in the first thing you say that pretty I said it's hard in the first like 10 seconds and I was like okay guys no more cursing let's keep it clean I know YouTube's cracking down and the first thing I say what was the context of the are bomb but I do know what I say about the [ __ ] I says we need a little grace period on the [ __ ] yeah yeah you can't just take that away from Eskimos want to be called Inuits now for Eskimo right so what I'm saying to you is I will call you in Ewan when one day when I ever even meet one of it Eskimo is derogatory they don't want it because do you know what's the weirdest one a little people isn't that so derogatory hey little guy a little guy would be a better option what it offer up some I'm sorry from happy what is the problem well happy no I'm really I really don't know well I hope grew up bad words but I guess apparently uh it people probably started to use it derogatory like you I will go to Bob because he's a little short me and say what's up [ __ ] yeah I think but dwarf was never used in a derogatory way Wharf is it's or I guess right they're different the dwarf is a medical term exactly they're different the midgets and the dwarfs they don't like each other why they're at war with each other but have you seen well Oh smarter because they're bigger heads dwarves are smarter and then midgets have magical powers yeah and then Val Kilmer's all about the yeah also great in island of dr. Moreau effect at the end they people need to just recognize when someone is trying to be funny yeah and I at least remember that that was the intention so like if I'm gonna paint until I'm gonna paint like Leonardo DiCaprio I can't paint you know Leonardo - I don't want that so I'm not gonna do it let's let's just you know relax we'll end we'll end it soon okay no it's not fair it's not fair she could just leave Theodore by himself for like an hour great name Theodore we have ten minutes I think no but seriously how long do you think he could survive by himself not a couple hours easily your baby could survive I've seen documentaries on at nine hours by itself really look at the Oh about that Japanese powerful yeah who just receives orphans in the middle of the night remember what people would just leave babies at their doorstep the [ __ ] magical neglected babies [Laughter] there was a couple we're gonna end in 10 minute now we're addicted to playing video games and arcade Japanese they left their baby didn't feed it for what nine weeks it died right then they went to trial right they were exonerated and then the government they didn't had another baby how are they exonerated they just were because I think that they were they labeled the addiction like they made it a medical condition the addictions right is that what it was it's also I think about this way it does a video games is such a huge industry rights that they don't it's a shame because that kid probably would have grown up to be a hell of a gamer right a champion I chant you would have been their goal he would have been there the protege if you and I had a baby bro be good one he'd be a [ __ ] up looking baby wait Jonah would carry the baby I would you would run on one of my cheeks am i right am i right I think this is gonna sound strange but I kind of is a fantasy of mine to see you carry baby oh really why I feel like you would just transform into everything that I've ever wanted you to be yeah yeah yeah yeah where would it come out though my butthole no no I'm just saying if we're not talking about like you know logistics in that way it'd be kind of cute to see you pregnant youhad mother I think he would really enjoy it oh but the cucumbers in the eyes we go to the eyes I put the clay on my face right the baby's hibernating I'm just I know we're closing soon which is so unfair it makes me feel so sad that like we have so much you're like you're really rushing us you know it makes me feel uncomfortable but it's fine next time maybe you'll give us more time maybe on we got to do this again yeah maybe more ridiculous no I mean sure my mom where's my mom which one there she's in big she's visiting I didn't know that we're starting at 1:00 when I saw did you purposely do this dude I'm literally literally discussing keeping my baby alone for the maximum time possible that he won't die by honestly listen here's what here's the deal I really like your clothes a lot I don't want all of them because I mean I understand you don't you certainly not gonna won't use these are the ones I'm gonna take we have more by the way because of that shirt I just saw maybe there's a shirt I'd like to get from you not that shirt but you maybe a brand new one in there no no I buy a new one yeah but we have a ton of [ __ ] let me give you all of them we have like a full website no but we're not I'm not but what I'm I'm just trying to meditate no as a final thought here well you guys come back absolutely you guys are you do touch your penis I'm yeah I'm just curious yeah I do that sometimes I understand you know I listen Howard Stern he says he's always touching his penis during the show I have a thing where I have to squeeze in my left breast I'm uncomfortable if I'm anxious I my natural go-to is to just please my pack or chest not in any is just a comforting feeling watch good turn I don't do that very well try this is right here and it feels good if you see difficult left yeah it's like a diffuse it diffuses the feeling in your child exactly a release just regular black dancing whatever you want just because of the Gaspee I just need you to sign any injury yeah you honestly but let me ask you [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you really [ __ ] believe that even if I did get her on that I would press charges okay do you believe that your mind no I don't but you know what would have what happen what do you know what a prudent a prudent man always gets the signature yeah so you're not missing it yeah we leave I want it I need to meditate on something important yeah I'm trying to imagine Bobby as a father right now I think them there's a lot already have so many pads deals already doing be my son be my son right now call me I'll give you the [ __ ] look Harold think you know what I said I think Bobby is he's a caustic crazy neurotic guy but he it's a front he's a [ __ ] mania almost poisonous oh yeah but I think but I think it's just it's your hard exterior because don't you are you're yearning for for real for real 'no substance I see it you the weather you're reacting to I mean I I really think that it that a child could really bring something maybe that you don't even see in him yet and if it backfires can I drop yes I'll take it yeah but they only last for nine hours so just make sure but I do think I think I think you don't want to adopt either that was my other option I don't you know I don't want to rush into one because if we get together with this in the bag well why do you want to adopt you don't want to go through the pregnancy not I want to see what my juice and your juice together or easin our family anyway really emotional I just want to say the pregnancy itself wasn't that bad and end the delivery to talk to us I'm telling you you put in the [ __ ] yeah that's great firesides all are you afraid of dying from vaping because I'd all the vaping crisis but lately as I've been the counting how many times they do it now how many times a day I've been trying to do 50% of whatever you like a cigarette now where he asked you will he's not allowed to vape in front of our animals it's a want you guys I need this I need this to work out and this baby issue this can't you guys need to you guys need to get on the same page here on this baby issue it's important to me it's important to everybody listening because your Tom's like that - it's a girl you with with baby you know what it's okay yeah it's funny you guys now with the [ __ ] babies it's a [ __ ] it it's a sales pitch I don't it's a sale you want you what you're trying to do it's like this dude it's like back in the 60s if I got like drafted into Vietnam right I saw all this blood and guts and it came back into my small town right with the backpack like in Rambo first blood I'm warming back in the town and you're my buddy from high school and you're like hey Bob you got back from Vietnam and I looked at us you should go man free drugs [ __ ] you're the best one and then when you're out there right that's what you're doing yeah it's not gonna be good we're not having a baby really great next time you guys come on here one of you better at pregnant well that's Bobby Lee and kalila I'm afraid I don't know your last name okay what is it yes okay fantastic tiger belly you guys know about him you guys I love you guys suck your belly I wanna see this my document closed but for a quick Bobby Lee my document closed get tickets see this man on tour he's hilarious vanilla I've seen it he crushes it every time I saw I saw you at the comedy club you crushed it crush did I love that I remember when you recognized and then you go you come back to me yeah so bad yeah oh my god probably one of the best of that evening everywhere dying how was that good a lady had an award a lady dude there's a girl from me who had an abortion she was laughing all right what were you doing that you wanted to stand up is that why you're there I mean I think I said that too no I wanna watch my boy or somebody said I go I think he's gonna start this for me what the view no yeah you should we just can't imagine though imagine that going on the road doing stand-up and single your fans we don't want it to her no I don't want to that's not for me okay but I would like to see you again I want more time next time I would see you an hour and a half but we did right you know yeah we did yeah and and imagine all the ground would cover to me you crashed into the wall so we need you back on Tyger Tyger belly right yeah and I wanted to say this is gonna be a relationship that's gonna be living on forever so thinking wouldn't were even in closer proximity and I feel like spiritually as well yes I have a couple of things I need a plug yeah oh yeah yeah I did a second episode of magnum p.i and I'm gonna do break - great magnum p.i that comes out during the Halloween it's a Halloween episode and what network is that where you play yeah I'm I am I am so excited magnum p.i I can't wait to get a lot my first one came out Friday is it the silver she she hated the show don't say that don't say that about you but he was great he was great - hey no hold on one second every joke I said no you got my truth wait were you that where you just they like comedy relief for you yeah yeah so well no I have some but anyway um I would say a funny line or whatever aiming dannis screaming Ethan and the don't worry about no but no but I want to hear the story when hear the story no stop I wonder the story I was just outing Dan but he just tell the story really what was I saying Maggie I anyway yes Halloween special yeah it comes out I play Yoko Ono the Mexican guy what's his name Danny Hernandez he's the star he's Pleasant Magnum what about Yoko I play you're going on you in the in the episode that's all sound accurate anything else there you want to bug no come on what are you upset no I love it oh I did we did an hour and a half I didn't want to [ __ ] up your plug no there's no nothing to plug Magnum Magnum yeah I go I want to watch it that's all come see me on that come see me at the shows doing shows Tiger belly taco bell e Bobby Lee live if you seem on the road got names switch lanes what kind of car do you drive so people come watch off Oh Prius thing done for thank god you're pretty we need to limit Bobby's horsepower to 10 we had a set designer Wow we don't have a set this we want I want to make cosines like it wasn't that expensive we did this whole studio space for like 20 grand wow that's great and there's a window behind that the window to the freakin main street there is yeah Oh found foam oh wow sound formal any way by which way more I love you and we'll see we'll see you guys soon for sure okay Tata [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,341,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, h3h3, h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, bobby lee, khalyla Kuhn, bobby, lee, khalyla, kuhn
Id: NK-_XJBYv-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 11sec (5771 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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