H3 Podcast #8 - Markiplier & Ian Hecox (Smosh)

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Ha, he didn't want to describe what it actually is.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/BlueSun288 📅︎︎ May 31 2017 🗫︎ replies

Wow, didn't know he was Markipliers brother... Crazy. Talent must run in the family. Also, Cmon Mark, just say it. It's a furry comic. Im sure nothing bad will come of that.. Except perhaps a good amount of ridicule from Ethan cause I get that vibe that he'd easily egg on that kind of stuff. XD

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Celicam 📅︎︎ May 31 2017 🗫︎ replies

I wonder how this is going to affect our traffic! My bet's on... probably nothing. :P

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/turaiel 📅︎︎ May 31 2017 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Red-Shirt 📅︎︎ May 31 2017 🗫︎ replies
welcome everybody to the h3 podcast I'm Ethan from a station productions joined with us today is markiplier the legend oh no about that one you are kind of a legend on YouTube my friend and with us as well as Ian from Smosh another legend titans of the industry who heightened the motor are you feeling how are you feeling about all this like praise I don't know man it doesn't two legends came together yeah come on to discuss undos let me just do a brief watch and about yeah exactly I like that trend thought to you by this episode's brought to you by me on DS com4 /h 3 great underwear soft as heck more about that later sorry mark I had to do they make me do that they're like that off cutoff we get show the packaging here can I don't know 100 want to talk about it now it seems like sure yeah I love a good pair of underwear let's talk about it I look good yes I'll tell you what Oh wherever you're gonna love this cool okay now I'm not even kidding people like goddamn oh where are you wearing some right now I'm not wearing it now oh I didn't want you guys they listen they sent me one pair I don't want to give you one that I've worn that's fair right ah be an honor privilege so give that a squeeze and tell me that's not soft that's nice that is like impressively soft and it's Wonderbread patterned they made out of silk it's a micro farad off mode all this is me jokingly I freaking love what else is no dollar use this mode all is in my bedsheets and it was so there you go get it guys you're getting I do have I do have a pair of me undies and Wow oh wow are there no rails on yours off you gonna cut that guy and we're here with ela of course yeah who's got man spreaded out of existence yet we care about that and we'll fix it in the future we'll get another camera so we currently only have a switcher with four spots so we can't actually include ela we're fixing you so we're on it when we have to guess regardless are you guys doing today thank you so much for coming out joining us marking in I appreciate you guys so much what's that you done oh well we talked about everything before like in like I was offline where do we begin I just came off of a two days there's charity livestreams yes yeah totaling 12 hours about $200,000 donated to game-changer which was really cool and no no I'm here it's all been a blur I'm like I'm like wasted on sleep and I have no idea where I am but it's been really cool yeah dude I caught that livestream so you guys are selling like pajama pants to raise money for for the charity yeah and how many pairs did you guys flank I forget what the exact number was it was last time I checked it was 11,500 Wow whoa whoa so what we do is like on the streams we sell various like shirts and one up because I always like the idea of people buying something and they are buying something they get a cool item and then the proceeds go to charity so yeah I've done this for like God I've done it for like 50 chiri stream so now tana know maybe 30 but i've never made a penny off of it so yeah you did so many of the charities transics christian try to do it once a month whenever I can but uh what a lot of charity you guys were supporting game-changer what is that it's an organization that basically provides a better quality of life for for people that are in the hospitals usually younger like kids and some like there's the various child charities like child's play and obviously obviously Make A Wish Foundation and but this one was special because when my buddy Tyler first came to la he's an old friend of mine that is from Cincinnati with me he moved here and then one of the first bonding experience that we had while we were out here was going down to this event down in data point where the founder of this organization his son had been battling leukemia for five years five years hard-fought battle and now he's on for some cancer-free and he's out of that and he founded this organization that just basically helps anyone who's in the situation like that anyone can find more information about it on the website place is really cool I've noticed that you particularly I haven't done any charity [ __ ] I'm just a comic shut up piece of [ __ ] my she did okay I don't know we've talked about it I want to do it yeah I wanted to talking about it last night because talking about your strength I said whenever hit you up way share a last wishes give me my hat that last wish they're not all about it is make a wish yeah but there's those kids that are on the recovery chanson might be the last wish another but you don't think about that well that's why no trauma not be invited it's like it all makes sense it's important it is important to off sorry I was just trying to defend here hella good but you can send you for one second leave like it is important to sometimes recognize that it sometimes it is it is kids last which again sometimes is important to record right but always you definitely don't want to mention oh there last week yeah when you show up you know so this is it huh this is your last wave right right but wait how many make a wishes have you guys got how many how many dying children made their last final wish on this earth to meet you guys I think I think we've done really five five yeah something like that like you like calf Smosh and then half Smosh games so are they ever like I just want Anthony yes yeah they always just after Anthony no there is there's what did you is one thing it wasn't it wasn't for make-a-wish it was for I think it was a local local organization in Detroit called Rainbow Connection there's a girl she was battling cancer and she we went there we surprised her there in Detroit and she definitely liked Anthony a lot more like you that like like when when we like showed up she like went straight for Anthony and definitely paid a lot more attention like then I was like other great but it's like it's like cool you're you do your thing Yeah right I don't know I have to emphasize the children dying part but okay is your show me I mean why you want as long as you don't say it like when when I'm when I'm here for it may go guys I don't think it will ever happen I just don't think I just don't think so you've had a quite a bit how many of you had uh probably 30 oh I'm doing charities you're saving to get in lining up and you're just like all right beautiful people but a five minute well in a way like that sometimes happens at conventions like these families they come for like like a group things where they come over to a convention they get a full VIP access to all the facilities and whatnot and I try to get them in as much as possible and we get like 30 minutes per family and I feel so bad on the rushing but yeah and then the weirdest thing happened last year I I was given the make-a-wish Foundation celebrity of the Year award your competition with like the rock man other to the rock clearly doesn't care compared to Mars yeah john cena is nowhere near on my level john cena currently holds like the record for the most mega wishes as he's got like 580 like john doe yeah oh yeah he's like incredible with that stuff Wow like I'm just honoured about it like just really I am that is honestly a better than made that is genuinely like God bless you did yeah I just I didn't like it was so weird being there just because I I'm not trying to sound like overly humble and I'm not trying to blow my own horn here but like it was just weird to actually have people like recognize you for something that this seemed like a course of course a kid once seen me like well there's oh there's yeah yeah absolutely it's a weird situation yeah because it's like because you do get that feeling where it's like you you realize you could have like gone to Disney World or something like but you chose to come here and eat pizza with us yeah it's gonna be like a weird Facebook there's just so many emotions involved of like I'm going and just being confronted with a child who's like faced with death yeah I almost I'm when it's not just it's not just an impact for the kid but also the parents like we had like I'm sure you've you've had the same thing with a parents like this is the first time like you know he's smiled and so long and like they're taking my heart Wow yeah it's pretty the cry I remember like those exact words or exactly what my hands will say to you and like sounds heart-wrenching it is totally cool art it's a really cool place it's just like it's like a day of emotions in that room and it's it's something that I could never like replicate just by talking to you but if you ever get the chance and I'm sure you guys there's some kid out there waiting to die and call me up if you want to put it by anything kids out there give me a holler boy Wow how about that anything else talk about it work I mean that was fascinating I didn't mean to bring it all heavy on here oh yeah like I went really fast it's gonna be like the cry stream like well going to be like yeah no no I mean is anything else at a time when you're suggesting sorry again it's always saying maybe it's the phone intemperance you want to like move it away okay we go out on airplane mode right straight airplane mode that [ __ ] but it does that help oh oh should I ever cry mom I mean I don't yeah that was that hey guys welcome where an airplane mode we're troubleshooting some music fan some noise any dying kids out there give me a ring you can reach me at work with h3 at gmail now I'm going to get it back no but I mean you know yeah no I I thought we go everybody say in this mode just so anything else had to talk about you guys seen Pratt Saving Private Ryan that's a pretty sad movie yeah yeah sure I mean hopeful in a way yeah right actually no not at all bad yes all I felt like dampeners yeah I felt like the message of that movie was life is suffering thank you very much how about that twist though at the ending I mean I don't spoil it since it's a new movie but yeah quiet Widow buddy now what else you go what's going on with you lately what are you working on uh you know just just the huge you know justjust writing performing sketches I was on I was on markup Liars I don't I just call you working here you don't call glad that was weird I wasn't calling me Marc Spector that's the one I usually you just call you that guy you have a what up guy yeah yeah I know the Marx stream yesterday so I came in for a little bit and we just played some games played some worms College I'm getting yeah is actually the new one called WMD like worms WMD is super cool is it good I used to play warms a lot well so Armageddon was the [ __ ] oh and then and then they like kind of went like they tried to get too creative with a 3d yeah I mean all garbage this year was one is actually just back to 2d and every night is super nice yeah you guys are both gamers yes yeah I used to be I used to be like a pretty hardcore gamer back in the day please play EverQuest you guys ever heard member that oh damn did you grind that that [ __ ] no no I heard of it you know the game didn't play okay it's like pretty Wow yeah that was the first MMO and that pretty much stole my entire childhood I played that game for collectively like 2,000 hours between the age of like 13 to 16 nice it was all I did and let me tell you what I don't regret it ya know it's the best time some quality quality mm oh I feel like these days it's harder for me to enjoy video games because you guys feel that maybe yeah I think it's a time issue like like back when you put EverQuest you had all this free time because you were a kid or whatever is that all of it but like then as you get older and you have actual real responsibilities suddenly your time is precious and you're like you know I can't play an MMO I can't absolutely 60 hours a week to this game I definitely feel like there is a direct correlation between free time enjoyment of video games but I missed that you know yeah like that back in the day playing video games you'd have [ __ ] to do no those were the best days and also you are the board hump wishing much yeah that is a factor because I I was the same way are you telling me I didn't accomplish anything Doug yeah I had like straight-up dragon loot and oh I mean I was deaf everyone knew me I everyone in your clan I was like whatever as a fellow person in World of Warcraft who at all tier 1 through tier 4 like set-pieces valuating hell yeah I put like three hundred and sixty four hours four days into the game like just my my time in the game was almost quantified in years of in-game time yeah yeah and I'm calling you a big nerd wow that is your another note oh but that's what I loved I had no ambition I had no desire to accomplish anything and lay out just that game that's right like waking up in the morning all I was like I just want to go play this game and just being there was like all I need to feel satisfied it's almost like heroin because you hear like when people do are on heroin right the only thing about the next exactly are everything they do they're like I wish I wasn't here when this would be way more fun yeah I I feel like I had were you and I knew that it was he done with it but I was a witness to when he was playing dota right so it was in pretty big fun dota you know I was pretty annoying it was like if that was on like man I know it is like smoking weed - doing heroin easy kill but there was a plus side to it because I ended up drawing all the T was like I'd opt to spend as much time with them no no no but it made me draw more but I was pretty mad because they would just I hate this game so like you can't leave the games like I want to I want to go cook something and there's like no I have to finish the game for the next hour yeah dota is pretty annoying like that is it like super long matches I never play Attah in terms of like MOBAs compared to like League or Heroes of Nazareth what is Adams doing his yeah yeah Nazareth what does that mean I figured I like I like weight as I can oh it sounds like religious like Jesus is going to bed like Nazareth that's the city which is from I play that moba Jesus and Moses deccan up why why why is they have all these games that have like Greek gods and stuff like that why is Brigadier I guess 11 would have a little bit of an issue with that I think but I also is your right but also is Jesus just Opie probably hmm if you have some people probably he's LPS [ __ ] yes God he's the Holy Trinity he's got the whole shebang he's got the cheese the triple threat he's got the song and the dance Jesus what could you do [ __ ] the dead Zeus do in the face of Jesus I wonder what would Jesus his weapon be in that game kazoos he's got the Lightning right I was just like spreads the CEO you like when a good carpenter right right so he could like build like a really sick chair you just sit and just like maybe just like like a wrestling chair that doesn't seem very powerful but I like the image of it I mean if it's Jesus throwing a chair that could be a pretty powerful throw Wow maybe there's a developer watching unison great discussion is my favorite discussion so odd cat somehow whenever we have this podcaster it always comes back at some weird way to religion terrific to the topic at hand um you play video games for a living so how do you well I guess it's different when you're doing it for work right because you're like fulfills both of those needs you know it doesn't so what is it today it's it's a tragedy the last game that I've really had time to dedicate to was Mass Effect Andromeda and I was such a disappointment anyway like I wasted my time in the first place and the last time I really played a game for fun was probably like a year ago what was it okay overwatch yes when I played overall difference came out played a lot so when you decide on what game to play it was that process like and you just don't enjoy the game as it just feel like work no I mean there's some enjoyment to it the thing about doing Let's Plays as a living is uh it it becomes very much a need versus want kind of thing like I want to play games that make me like enjoy them but there's also a need to play games that are fresh and let people write really popular right now right may not even be good but they're good for performance you know right and so there's a fine line to walk I try not to make videos that I don't personally enjoy and yet I and every other less player in the world cannot say that they have had the best time when they've been playing games when a flat-out lie and be I would be I would be the worst kind of person if I said that but I still find joy out of it like by branching off of games you know doing sketches yeah you've been branching out a leap again yeah I love it like I love it and the people seem to love it too I just wish it was easier to do like oh yeah you guys obviously know and you obviously know like from a lifetime of doing it yeah you use a lot of work yeah I automatically I'm and I've always been I think a lot of the reason why other youtubers hate let's players is because it's like you just kind of jealous yeah because it's just relatively like easy yeah and like really I mean relatively anyway I don't even know if it is but in your mind you're like oh look at this guy he records himself he puts them up he gets million two million views and then you know I don't know if it's true or not more efficient yet would be the better yeah yeah and and it is a little easy like depending on who you are of course but it is anybody you do you do two videos a day right yeah and I can display them today right what are you doing man dragon off in the corner you know he'll you let it yes it I'll try it they never see my webcam from the waist down mark this backside in a little corner jerking off yes that's a sim waiting to come out to add that here list of nice already made mark checking out for the corner simulator I would be a lay bet that somebody has something like that many a body pillow has been amazing people [ __ ] mark player body pillows I hope have you checked any title 34 recently no but a new find mark player body pillows came in weird yeah you have the ivory thing man you have everything I don't body pills people want to [ __ ] anything you have kids who are dying they're literally about to die like I said my kids that you have biceps yeah yeah yeah look at me and let's look at you [Laughter] it's just like Marc's dick podcast please tell me about you what's going what's a what what is this what is no no it yeah how did you easier continue after what I choose well I don't know because I don't have biceps yeah what are you asking no question well that is just okay let's have a look at markiplier body pillows that is just honestly I feel like I've never even said wow there's a cuff oh no those are a keychain ones so they're just melody just so you like just caress it in your here I see a dandy sex penguin just to the right I mean if you go scroll up a bit I see if whenever we can show it I think that's Danny's ex bang oh my goodness it oh my goodness with the hairy chest clicker is that considered not yeah there's no probably not probably fitted Oh while the wait wait doctor there's that Lea furry Oh how does that make you feel no make you feel desired or real I'm creeped I to each their own like as long as it don't try to shove it in my face like whatever I don't care that's the thing that's like because obviously you have you have fan fictions that are written about I'm assuming you and and Tyler oh they're ever that you're with yeah and it's like click that check Jason I don't thank you let's just let's just keep the jacksepticeye wonderful brain bad views are gonna sky right yeah this is it's like it's like okay like you know fanfiction like it's not for me but if this is your head about 'let then then how about it have you read gotten deep into the fanfare yeah have you I know we're not I telling you I have nothing that you have it's fascinating how many words they can come up with for dick oh yeah oh yeah and it's also fascinating how many pages they can write sometimes there's entire novels with you guys fanfiction with um and oh yeah that's got to be a really hot exchange so I'm not as it gets pretty it gets pretty steamy but there's there's one that like we've we did a couple videos where we where we read them and there's one that like we've tried read but it's so insanely graphic impossible to get through it like home I feel like I've a pretty good stomach for that kind of stuff but it's like there's milk involved oh wow the creosote or your milk like yeah just like yeah I think some some milk you buy at a supermarket involved in sexual act yeah I goes into places where milk doesn't normally go into how that doesn't narrow it down your butthole milk in the button here yeah yeah some orifices for sure milk in the butt yeah you can talk about it here specifics it'll fit into this well I mean if you really want you could pull up the fit but I would not suggest it it gets any gums I did enjoy your recent work oh that okay I don't think I got that far but I can assume that that probably happened okay cool that takes like to get something in the urethra is like a pretty takes a good guess I wonder if in the writing to like and then they sat down and strategize they go out to themselves how can we get this milk in the urethra as a man who have had three qualities all Tobel catheters it's surprisingly easy like really rising lee have you guys seen sometimes I've seen pictures okay I haven't gotten to do DME paint Olympics is that wasn't but I heard his fake by the way be me my heart yeah what it's just video because I don't know it's like been around forever and I'd yet everyone kid was trauma have you seen this on the toilet the one where he's cutting off his dick it's a compilation uh-oh I never complained Olympics and it's a compilation of all these guys just shopping their guts off and they're castrated really did like real feel it looks so real but I heard it's fake but I wonder if people just told me that to make me feel better because I feel better knowing that it's fake but I want to believe I want to believe that it's that it's not real just for my own sanity I've heard that it's fake and that help that helps me sleep at night yeah but anyway I've seen pictures like dudes are into it when you let shove stuff into the resounding sounding what some are like I know they should buy I know about it's called sound wait why is it called sounding I do not know but I know that it's called sounding when you shove things in your urethra for pleasure because you probably make a weird sound when it happens yeah what he supposed to sound like no I haven't done it cut your the catheter guy yeah then for blood because I had a tumor removal janitors later martyrs at home standing in the corner today did they knock you out for that or is it just like you're gonna brace for this no I thankfully I was out when they put it in but I was awake when they pulled it out so uh and like how deep does it go can i manly curious for me it's ready yeah really I a vet bladder because when they pull it out like is it like a nice like it lasts for a minute where it's like you know yeah it's all the way up into your bladder wow I gotta go down I gotta lie down here I mean oh you let's got us some some hot updates on Sunday which sound o shah-i was talking about john stinks Oh Shawn stinks god bless him Shawn from our old videos oh I know that reminds me have something exciting to tell you we got the outfit Oh Shawn said urethral sounding is the medical use of probes called sounds to increase the inner diameter of the urethra and to locate obstructions in it let's go Wow well here's the plus side to sound these bars and I'm talking you specific because I know you're into this kind of thing Thanks if you ever get flattered what is it called kidney stones yeah no kidney stones are no problem when you sound no no it's bad oh it doesn't help well cuz the pain the pain is I thought it was in your dick well yeah it hurts that's when you're passing it but the real pain is between your kidneys and your bladders in this little tube called the ureter and you have you had kidney stones yeah well okay this is fascinating and it was like during a shoot - yeah you did you finish the shoot no go on the whole time I was like oh shoot I was like guys there's like a weird like kink in my back and like I was like trying to like pop my back it's like it's getting worse I don't know I thought like maybe I had to like take a [ __ ] or something so I was like I was like sitting around I was like I don't know like I was sweating I was like turning pale and our director thought that I was like I was like just being a little whiny right person and then like I was like I was like I don't know guys I don't think I think finishes I think I need to go to hospital and like and so they get one of our friends like pull the car up and I take like one step in the car and I just [ __ ] row oh he's like it's like okay no you're actually in pain you must have been like if at the time you don't know what it is you must have been really freaked out well I was like I was read I was on - you know it's WebMD a guy symptoms I was like I think it might be kidney stones because it's like this terrible pain like a kind of like it's like not quite like where your spine is it's like you know Murray kidneys are yeah and and so yeah it was it was the worst pain I don't wish it on any of my enemies so walk me through that how long did that last oh well so I went to the ER and of course it was busy so I had to wait either like wait in the waiting your whole time the pain doesn't subside it does not and there's no way you can dole the pain either it's just you just have to sit there and just bear it and then they took me in triage and then gave me something and then it was like no pain so I think they gave me some like just some good [ __ ] some harder this year and then I threw up again in in a sink and then and then they gave me some percocet and her good sex could you know and then I was and then I was okay but it was wobble so that is actually one of my worst fears is getting a kidney stone - yeah I hear about it every time I and it's like every time I feel I'm really terrified about anyone every time I feel a slight pain of a comic book not again like I freaked out and so you had this horrible pain how long were you in the ER uh until I got treatment like an hour maybe but did you but how do you treat that because you just oh they like zap it with ultrasounds right if it's big enough mine wasn't big enough to warrant like doing the ultrasound thing so they did like a cat scan and and then yeah they just gave me some some good drugs could drugs and then set me on my way and they're like well you pass it eventually I guess at some point it broke up and I packed it but and you didn't know like you couldn't you didn't feel it happening I know no it's really weird I think I think it broke up at some point but some people they they feel it on the way out see that's what I've heard yeah I remember one of my good friends growing up he says dad has regular kidney stones and he would hear him in the bathroom on a somewhat regular basis screaming and pain yeah and this is a guy who's like been through war like this is a guy who's seen [ __ ] they actually terrified me that story yeah they equate it to giving birth on like a pain I kind of doubt that pill wait just wait I didn't through some I haven't Albert I haven't I haven't given birth to a child well I've been through extreme pain and I still probably wouldn't equate it to job well yeah extreme pain I've been through a few things but the top-ranking pain was after I got out of my surgery for my tumor removal they split me down from the front and then they had to scoop out my intestines and I loved the skill yeah the scoop is what really did it but they had to get it on my adrenal gland in the left one so they I just don't have an adrenal gland down there but you take supplements for that no I'm fine I don't have to take any medication you need an adrenal gland no my right one is like yeah receiver also you still get Stoke yeah oh god right now yeah but so after that I had an epidural to numb the pain and I was helping at first but it was making my legs numb which is very bad in an epidural they had to change up the medication to have less anesthetic more painkiller what they ended up doing was less anesthetic and no painkiller so for pain 24 hours yay yay I went post-op right after my abdomen was split with no painkiller no I was in that is over I would they do that to you well because they thought that they increased it anyway the pharmacy in the husband that wrong um so like a full day I kept going to my nursing like this is really bad can you please not do this sling and like she believed me but the doctor came in multiple times and just grabbed on my wound and just like feeling for bleeding it was like he didn't believe me he didn't believe that I was in pain and I've been through I've gotten second-degree burns on my hands I have had my intestine cinched off and like had an intestinal blockage I've broken both bones of my arm all those pain I would do that again any day you never would I do that voluntarily do that pain again yeah that long that's a nightmare and even that I would not equate to childbirth well that girl hurts like crazy too right no that's another time well I was like a shot straight in your spine yeah but it didn't drip into your spine it's not a shot okay I had this other thing though where they had to when they had to get a biopsy of the of the tumor I know oh they had to do a biopsy so I was in a cat scan and I was awake very little painkiller the end this guide to start stabbing this this medical tool into my back right into my adrenal gland and just was like all right you're a brave man they do hold out a piece but like just I felt like I was getting stabbed slowly it was all good I stub my toe this morning I was hard I actually have never been through like X you guys are missing some [ __ ] that's it otherwise I've led a pretty sheltered life yeah you busy you've seen [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and I said I like I still know that there's people that have seen more [ __ ] so I'm like I'll take the [ __ ] I've been through and the pregnancy is frankly horrifying like I I am so thankful and this is like giving respect to women no like no it is I'm so thankful because I know it's like a horrible thing that wouldn't have to go through but it must be horrible to confront that and I'm so happy you had your sound no but you have to I mean I'm grateful yeah I don't know how to describe it's like thank God I'm not you well it's kind of dope that I don't have to [ __ ] out a baby let's be honest kind of true but at this but and by acknowledging that I'm saying God bless you right right we should all yeah Thank You illa thank you thank you thank you congratulations there is like a machine that is supposed to simulate the pain oh that sounds great ban me up electrodes on your stomach and it'll cramp everything up and you'll see it is going to make me do that now but that does it but I really go I don't think the key I want you to do is while she says that oh oh yeah it can't be here we get a shot of Ian's doing that motion just that part yeah well I've heard [ __ ] like that that the holes okay they're like friends no they fuse let's go back to videos by magically they're magically few they get there and they have to get pitched up like men to me that's fascinating because it's just so poor fine well also don't you normally like we're done we're still tie my pregnancy right okay yeah yeah don't you normally I hear a lot of times when they give birth they also [ __ ] yep yeah if you remember job 12 hours I got into that dumb son is that in no way is it just like oh I have to [ __ ] so I'm gonna [ __ ] myself when you're waiting out a play we're not give you everything yeah and it's all just a man I've heard that there's like there's nurses who are on like [ __ ] duty and they just scoop it up real quick and you're like that was hey nobody gonna notice they just they have a code word that they do to growl down and drop down come with a code Brown tide change of topic the healers scare no ela maybe we should just keep talking about pregnancy I'm on the side of he landings oh man I talk about yeah yeah you have a you have a really good painful story that horrifies me that I think fascinating about my wisdom to you oh it was more like just traumatizing than the pain because I had my all my wisdom teeth removed and bracket yeah and is Rico so that they well grind like sideways instead of up they're going sideways I was really yeah for you slackers I didn't get mine out oh wow I thought that was like routine adieu when you were my brother got it I didn't tell me my future well I'll tell there's a easy fix that they don't do in Israel yeah I did my procedure in Israel so apparently in Israel they don't put you under under anesthesia so they just do a local kind of thing where they just numb this area but you're completely awake and I was completely aware of everything and you just the doctor first of all was very like aggressive not like a gentle dude and he just cracked the suit and I don't know why it was just so horrifying for me I just yes I like just traumatized and I was just crying the way you described it it's like they're in there and they're you can see because you're not there guys although right it's like you're breaking yeah yeah but you're you're numb to the paint but you can feel the crying and the kinda noises right oh god this is our family I have my wisdom teeth out they put me to sleep I woke up I said good night moon god bless america put it on click eight so vicodin had a nap I was like yeah when Ethan told me that I was like what that's not bad a lot of a lot of them don't and a lot of them say that that anesthesia is just a way for the oral surgeons to get more money out of you after hearing you yeah yeah any I want to be put under for sure and also I was I needed to do all four of them and the guy was like just do it now and I was like I was crying like hysterically I was like no I'm going home people and okay Daniel and then I just I came back four times to do each one separately go holy crap I didn't I did four times oh yeah God is like can you measure they were like through my life seriously I didn't know you did it four times that's horrifying but honestly it's not that Rob you guys yeah that was just well yeah Rosie oh just wait for peg nighty-night I did try it I would try one just to see what it was like not to like show you up I'm not trying to area but identically wanted I am yeah I throw myself into things and I just love trying new things and even if they're terrible like on Felix's show like scare PewDiePie do like I had the best of cases yeah I heard about it I was on that oh yeah you yeah oh yeah I remember you of course you told you well I had a pig testicle and I know that's never gonna do that oh yeah so how was that important I heard joy though it was very dry the problem was like I would have been fine if it was like a nice moist Pig test no but I dream alone dry and room temperature and just you know I had no drink with it you know I had to choke it down milk yeah dusty a little dusty yeah a little dusty it's funny seelix was telling me the story about scare PewDiePie season 2 and he was like in our episode he lost and he had to eat like a pig brain or something it was frankly very anticlimactic but regardless he's like I told the producers the one thing I told him going to season 2 was I don't want to eat anything weird and they're like ok ok for sure and then like the ending of every episode was him eating something horribly weird yeah how many times do you lose he lost my episode yeah it was like out of like so I'll just rate of say those producers were [ __ ] like they were oh I'm glad yeah we could talk about that yeah I'm not gonna work well I don't I don't think Felix cares about him I think they've ditched a show they were kind of like our surprise man didn't seem very professional operation no not at all well it's also I think it's also a lot of like a lot of those producers come from like TV and they ended like that I made in the race yeah and then they and then they're like oh I'm doing this digital thing yep that was the other good yeah and it's very much like and we've had that similar like stuff before where I like people are like I got better things to do you know I'm just not going to put my effort in some low character [ __ ] yeah it's weird it's weird especially like even with like department stuff like if it's like not like because you know on YouTube like we our hands are in so many things and it's like oh that lights wrong I'm gonna go fix that light or whatever but like in LA and in this business is like oh that's not my department yeah I gotta remind you I was doing the episode with Felix on scare PewDiePie to shoot until there was a scene I was stuck on a roof they were setting up these shots I was up there for like two hours while they're getting ready that's fine I had an earwig in my ear which is if you guys don't know it's a wireless ear mic so that the producer is gonna be like hey do this right and I was standing up there in the earwigs stopped working it was getting staticky so I had to take it out it didn't come out I couldn't get this year wig out of my ear and I started panic I was freaking out I was up on this roof nobody was up there I couldn't talk to anyone they're setting up and I'm trying to dig this earwig out of my ear and it's going in deeper it starts to hurt it feels like it's bleeding I'm like legitimately freaking out and I'm like [ __ ] it I need to say something because they were about to roll after like 2 or 3 hours of setup I'm like I don't want to ruin this shoot but I'm panicking so these guys downstairs sitting some up like yell do can you call a producer I'm having a panic attack and he and they gave me their like AAA what'd I just do I just do the pyrotechnics not my job yeah yeah and I was like help me I'd like help me I'm in pain I need help right now and they're like ah they literally like what a not my god I was like what I was I was also there and I was under it's in like yeah it was like a little house it was under wolf and I was inside and I could hear and I was like so he lives in this Shack yeah it's a probably good thing they can say that or CRS said was [ __ ] but it regardless messages he goes in the shack and Felix was going to save me and I come down on a ladder and I kicked down the door and saved Yili so it's just me and her and I'm like ela and I'm talking to her downstairs in the building I'm like I'm freaking out what do I do and I no no I knew this I love imagine you guys look like in this random like hut in the middle of nowhere with nobody around you you guys are screaming nobody by the way I was last up yeah i was laughte up and I had rapport with the sound guy we goofed around a little bit before I climbed up to my ultimate demise on top of that room and I was started talking to the Mike at a desperation because I know he can hear me and I was like please send help I know you can hear me well yeah I'm talking to you my only hope nobody came good maybe your mic never works however I went up to a match I was like yo what the [ __ ] dog let me in the trenches do like a sorry nobody part about my job I'm not a medic but I did this shot and then afterwards I'm like ok so my lawyers on the way I didn't I didn't say that no but anyway they had a medic come up and he pulled it out with tweezers like somebody alien Medicare so yeah it looked scary the doubter that was traumatic sketchy that whole episode was honestly a total train wreck yeah I wasn't too happy about my operation either like I just I was in a similar situation where I was just set waiting but I was blindfolded which like I'm fine oh they did it to us they do their energy like no reason right I'm Terry hours yeah you're blindfolded for three hours yeah three hours in the back of a van yeah we so they did that to us that when they finally took off the blindfold it was like completely pointless didn't matter I just saw every alig I was expecting so much more than this blind for your spending take it off there's like zombies in the car yeah no oh yeah you really pointless like everything could be a Franklin you're right because you're and then it's completely not and then they just take it off and they walk you into the room they were like you do look at me yeah yeah yeah yeah could have helped you set up if you needed any eyes on that yeah funny but like pretty much the my problem with that show was like they have these scenes where they're like okay all these actors on B's are gonna chase you pretend like you're scared yeah I'm like wow that's a weird thing about like because it was it was kind of like it was scripted but also reality yeah and it's that weird thing was like am I supposed to be acting I thought they might just be myself yes I've seen it happen a lot on YouTube right yep yeah that one zombie show did you guys see that no yeah I watched a little piece and I I didn't understand into the band or how they were no no that's how it yes it was a fight the Living Dead yes and like that yeah yep yeah okay yeah but it was like a weird semi scripted semi reality contest yes show a lot of the shows are like that and it just does not work as a format for like yesterday's Haunted Mansion one is the same yeah I mean I've never seen it I haven't seen any other YouTube read show which is kind of like that for me to admit but I just haven't interested me yeah no it's completely fair I mean that's the criticism I would level against YouTube reddit that they they they they need to invest and making some good [ __ ] yeah yeah I think it plus it takes time and they don't have they don't have Netflix I mean it's kinda cuz you like oh you take owned by Google they should have money but they don't have like Netflix money to spend on productions where it's like Netflix spends like a hundred million on a shoot yeah that's true they do that it's like well you don't need a hundred million to make a good show ya know but it would help you get some good writers yeah you don't need 100 okay a little piece of that but you're like yeah you're not a good writer um but I feel like that's where it's like what I'd like one of these spaghetti this yeah the production everything like what I'd love to see on YouTube red is a house of cards style show that doesn't have even have a youtuber in it yeah Linda the the flagship show yes like the one where they put all their money in the basket they like okay let's make this great they don't have a flagship show yeah I mean it's a damn shame because they could they could their own talent on YouTube there definitely is yeah I just feel like it's not the right amount of talent or the right people that are getting addressed for it for them house a lot of those people end up just going to you know TV or Netflix and you're it is a good point hard did because you know Miranda just went she went straight to Netflix and I did I think it did uh my favor has the camera framed up no we go off I am now oh oh yeah no yeah like exactly if that's the show that they want to make and they want to make it with like it to be good like you might as well go to the people that are going to make it but that's why you choose wrong they need to they need to like they need to compete in terms of what they can offer I think it comes down to money things like Netflix just has more Netflix Hulu they have great teams they have great people yes I mean YouTube just starting out but the content you know somehow like Logan Paul's and everything too high that's true in every [ __ ] thing the Viner did you guys are saying what I was going to say you say they need so much money but like for example you guys's sketches are like they look like TV yeah what is it with that by the way I mean they're not cheap either do you have a hundred million dollars I mean no but I don't we I never but I mean like we we spend probably we probably spend more than what we make in YouTube ad revenue on our sketches so that million we have to rely on you know sponsored content or you know originals or anything like that to make up but yeah like we you know it costs a lot to make big productions and you know especially for something like like because we did a YouTube read movie and you know it's it also comes down like you can say like oh I mean you made that with you know this much money like why can't you do that with the movie it's like well you know a movie requires you know a month tissue but then suddenly it's like we only have the budget for 15 days mmm yeah so we shot we shot ghost baits in 15 days that's crazy yes usually none Wow what was your schedule like every day and all day well I mean yes I but I mean our our shoots are always 12 hour days anyway but but it was a lot of it was a lot of fun angling with like okay so I'm that thing that you wanted to happen outside that's now also going to take place here and then we were we were making cuts we were making the entire like scene cuts and changes like on the day to make up for time so there's like there's a little trouble yes yeah but you know you can only do so much with but you know a con it kind of really sucks that they do that because then nobody's like oh [ __ ] you to read like if your end product is destroyed because of them everyone's like these guys suck not YouTube red yeah I mean you just have to make compromises yeah you're real professional yeah you know I'm glad you think that I'm glad though the ruses that's such a shame though to hear because of like I haven't had a chance to do YouTube Road series but I've been offered like a lot like a lot I've been offered and I've turned everything down just because I wanted to make like I like being in control and if someone told me I had to cut a scene out of my sketch the day that I was doing it I am be livid and I just lose my [ __ ] over that I yeah not one dude is like when I when I make things and like admittedly I mostly do Let's Plays but when I do sketches like the most proud thing I'm done lately was this thing I did called the date with markiplier yeah that was that was it you saw it yeah oh yeah that was amazing oh my blur I got a vision yeah you did yeah oh that's so cool yeah but those us we just shot that like on our own with our own camera with our own equipment like really impressed mall team I love that Lea because we had so much passion in it like it was very YouTube in like the way it went through but like the production was I look very high-level yeah yeah I mean I think I really liked your makeup lady Thiang is pretty gosh it was pretty cool yeah cool yeah yeah do you want to tell a little bit about what it was for people as a kid it was to choose your own adventure right yeah yeah for anyone that I haven't seen in there's probably a lot of you haven't it was this choose your own adventure with them we had about 24 different videos and 10 different endings on it and it was an ambitious passion project we did for Valentine's Day we shot it in five days and we edited it in 36 hours I won't say the post production quality was like super high on holidays yeah that was us that was me Ethan and Catherine all slaving away I kind of led but everyone was like doing that like picking up the pace like just because I've been doing YouTube longer and like I'm better with special effects but like I gotta give credit to cath I mean they did without it it would have been impossible about them like and I'm not trying to make myself sound better by like but it was just like that's the level of control I want I want to be an every step of the production like yeah pre-planning in the shoes to wreck and editing that's what I need and with YouTube red is just like that removal of control that I write it's hard to like oh yeah cuz you you're you're playing with somebody else's money yeah so yeah I guess today wanted they want to say in the in the content yeah yeah well when you begin the negotiations on a project you should be able to get some idea of how many days and what's the but you know everything like is was it a surprise like did they do what 180 on you I mean it wasn't no it wasn't really a surprise we knew that we would have limited time given the budget but we just wanted to write the best script possible and then and then figure out how to make it work right but then yes I'm some things just because of you know as you know with with you know this podcast like sometimes productions run behind years of unforeseen technical they always or maybe like one actor really sucks and you have to keep doing more and more takes until you get the right take all right by yourself is overrated that base you some nobody today every take of mine is bad but yeah honestly I got a tip my beating to you guys it at Smosh because yeah like I don't I don't know how you guys achieved the level of polish like one you guys have television quality content and I don't know how you do it thank you it's crazy I mean we have a we have a good team I mean the same thing with you like we have a really good team of people that we've we've had four I mean we've had the same director for probably like seven years now well and he's like you just gotta find people that kind of like wardrobes and sets y-yeah yeah and that's what that's what I was trying to say it really feels like I'm watching a show on TV like yeah yeah I mean like we started out you know with a webcam and and then we like upgraded to this really shitty handycam or you could hear the DV tape winding oh yeah while you're recording and like we just wanted to make sure that the content was always improving like the quality the sound quality the picture quality acting which I was I think it got a little better over the years uh but um yeah like we're we're really proud of the the quality of because it's not something you it is you are saying more of it on you tube now but it's still taking some time and let's sketch comedy is like insanely hard to do on a on a regular basis and there's I mean I don't there's not really many other sketch comedy people other than like Ryan Higa who's killing it yes show me is impossible I mean I like seriously it's so like look at Sarah Night Live I mean they have so many [ __ ] episodes and you're funny people it's just can you make funny sketches everywhere we're working on on that week like they're writing sketches just pretty and say yeah yeah because it's always relevant so hard to make funny sketches yeah I agree and you're going to make how many a week we do we do two week yeah that's banana that's crazy that is straight-up banana we haven't missed a Friday and like eight years holy freaking I'm ugh yeah and well we skipped we skipped one because it was like had a shooting scene and it was like the Sandy Hook happened like the day before now I'm we're like okay we can't release this video tomorrow oh well so with him in so you guys can't you came are you aware you were ready hooray it was 10:00 it was that adds that [ __ ] that bad man yeah have used to you know we wash that together right the you know the song another up in heaven so well we do baby Taylor where those well I am yeah my moralizing Sandy Hook oh yeah and they're up in hand anyway did he give that money or did he oh I don't even know I don't know they say probably didn't make too much money from that long yeah yeah I didn't follow up on every bus yeah alright let's take a quick break I'm used to loop I'm gonna get some water I'm gonna sling some undies mmm and then we'll come back so okay I so how should I do this should I just do it real fast yeah I let's do that alright is it first time plugging no well I know congratulation thank you thank you guys biondi's congratulations on Ethan thank you so much all right guys this is the portion of the show where I'm going to breed our sponsor who by the way okay are we good are we seeing Ethan right now okay oh you just saw them I saw David great size by the way thank you so much to those who support our show it means so much and it enables us to keep getting out here and shaking our dicks and having a great time and having some laughs this week's sponsor is me undies elevate your underwear game to the next level okay but on the real these are some soft on these boy okay I need to smell them have a small Doug oh yeah absolutely publication beyond easy these are legitimately the softest undies I've ever felt it's like a silk Modell is made from birch trees I don't like good yet but no I ever since I found out about model I loved everything oh my goodness also the women's one can show that I prefer women yeah this is oh yeah Hello Dolly just a little confirm that doesn't look particularly like women's underwear that kind of lie this is like some big beautiful woman right into the medium that is that is some Wow you know even your expectations of women's body sizes of finding I mean I mean there's a sign of the script that waist this is a large that's a medium yeah I like my I like a beautiful like I like my undies beautiful large me undies are designed in LA and made from substantially sourced micro metal so what is your sustainably sort of substantive sustainably sourced micro moto a fabric three times soft see I've never done copy where I just read it how's it feel it doesn't feel right good condition it doesn't because usually I'll give you a genuine yeah talk about it right if you say in a different voice it will feel as me indeed see how that runner it's like you disguise yourself you're not the one doing exactly me undid I'd assigned and helped not see them say right I feel like that I listen yeah they'll stay because I let me tell you about me undies they're soft underwear something people don't think about they don't appreciate it but it's the first thing you put on when you wake up and it's the last thing you take off before you go to bed feeling you deserves to have a great soft pair of undies and you can get one by going to me Indies dot-com for / h3 you get 20% off your first pair by going to my undies calm for / h3 and here's a wild thing if you don't like it you can wear it and send them back your dirty undies for a full refund April do you think they just wash them in the day of the hybrid you wondered that I hope what happened really but I feel like they did you like a Superbowl shirt situation where they send off like all the returns to a lettered world country ma yeah I feel like they should just let you keep it married is some sort of respect at that point I mean and there's some poor ladies just handling all the dirty undies yeah but here's the thing about me undies uh-huh you don't return it because you love it it's soft its fluffy its cuddly it's going to take care of your boys and your girls pound it long and it's colorful too small one I mean it's what I mean how about how about the brain I didn't return to it I didn't return mine so our head I will buy some thank you here that authority I'm using the link the undies comm / a spree a tree no Johnny calm for / H 3 just that sorry I'm an answer so my me just oh I'll go in post-production remove the last page yeah all things this guys I really appreciate our sponsor me undies there let me see if there's in any other interesting things here about to say about them this is the best probably want like a minute this has gone up for like 10 minutes yeah yeah give the best plug this is a come on guys get real let's see they do undies they're you know gold shades adventurous patterns that's not really something going wrong just underwear mark they also do like maybe I'm reading more they don't tell me tell me about it let me look under one if you're not subscribed that's okay you can apparently get undie subscriptions yes great that's but if you're not subscribed that's fine because use the Flippen code that we provided they are flipping on there they did they're like you know what yeah it's a really cool guy he'll definitely flip it that sounds like a TK you're flipping flacon out of use at me Indies com4 / h3 you won't regret it tell me about it I'm going to be wearing my pair I wanted you guys to be wearing your pair help support the show sport our sponsors we love you we appreciate you yielding you know chronically and they also do sweatshirts Wow white shirts in the same memory rule I want that they do sure it's muscle tank oh man alright yeah alright I just they do all kinds of stuff go on head on over to me on these calm for such Ashley this is the greatest ad of all time right yeah you're welcome you're going on like 15-20 minutes okay I don't think it'll ever hate it I got more material on the undies if you guys want to just keep going yeah what do you got for like 30 minutes we got certainly got all of him we're taking the show on the road they pay you by the minute right so the whole word longer we go what is the weight of your stand-up settings really do me on D I will be back in five five short minutes welcome back i sedation podcasts out a little tinkle and we're ready to go i have to tell you something our guest next week is going to blow your mind can we guess who it is yeah yeah take a guess Jimmy Fallon well thank God whoa note down big time turn it down big time Logan Paul I would low it down yeah bring Logan Paul in here but like have the room be like full of colors just testin be like hey I have a really funny Logan Paul story my ways I do this [ __ ] I write I really want to tell this story okay wait what should we do first I'll just feel guess the get is joy salads is the only salad is coming our pockets alright yeah that's really cool I mean you're gonna common salad oh boy I'm gonna bring that Caesar I'm going to bring that ranch I'm gonna bring some boundaries on my dress yeah I'm gonna bring it all yeah you never know what kind of sounds gonna wait for that yeah it's me fun is he hanging out here for a while is he moving to LA you have to look out for him where is he grape soda he doesn't he's a Jersey boy oh I think he's in LA for a minute he's doing some serious film work about how Muslims are ruining society or something whatever he's up to I don't know yeah some really interesting [ __ ] some fascinating original Joey sells programming but I thought that I thought you might appreciate that I I do appreciate that what do you want say watch because I thought that you would appreciate that well because we spoke and you view and mention that you watched your solids oh I am yeah the big salads I'm excited I just remember that we had a conversation well cuz yeah cuz I was like I was like have you seen this shoot I do like dude I'm already making a video on I was like okay good which one was it at the time I think it was the Trump car yeah yeah the trip I was like did you see that oh maybe we should hold that oh my god it said it's like one of the best videos to come out of the hole last year it's basically he gets all these black people in a parking lot I'll just describe it yeah he gets all these actors black actors he goes to a bad neighborhood in New York and he gives them all like weapons and he says beat the [ __ ] out of this car it has Trump stickers on it and then he frames the video like I Trump Trump I parked a car with Trump stickers in a black neighborhood and so they all came and vandalized it but he just had all these actors do it and he and like the comments and the reaction to that video was like explosive like they're all these alt writers and conservative media were eating it up like and this whole like Trump mania about how were victims whatever well I don't know whatever about the narrative but his video was fake and we made a video about it and there's like a snapchat video that somebody took from like I got in the building showing him like orchestrating the videos oh yeah I mean it's like a Street Fighter level all of a sudden he just walked out and all these black guys were like pipes just start it's like ridiculous ridiculous and I'm like and I saw see I'm like this [ __ ] is fake and super racist and everyone was like [ __ ] you Ethan you know this one the real and I was getting super angry and frustrated with our community too or at least those people in our community and then like three days later this video surfaced a in reference of somebody in a high-rise was filming him coordinating it with these guys directing it and oh my goodness that was that was that wasn't the only video though because yet another one where he's like I let the car with the truck open in a black neighborhood he didn't like he didn't confess that one being fake but he just doesn't like black people he just doesn't like black food or at least he knows what his audience I think the first the first video I saw the first video the first eyelids video I think I saw was um was trying to educate people on date rape drugs in Ellora oh yeah oh yeah so far and he's like an insider you're not caught up on the salad man I'd really shame editing out a lot now it's College he's a prankster if you didn't go well III seen your video okay I'm like the majority of oh yeah there's a lot yeah but that was like that was like he was like he did this thing weighs like he's like you know a lot of people get date raped in bar so I'm going to show you how to not get day raised super all yeah and then he was like he'd sit down next to a person yeah and then he'd be like wow look at that thing over there I mean you drop this like fake pill in their drink and they're like okay and don't drink that I put drugs in that yeah and they're just without his father they're like why did you do that why did he tell me what had happened and then he tries like like the last the last girlfriend Rita yeah they're like the last girl he like he does it too and then he's like don't do that I put drugs in that and then like he told her this whole thing and he's like really oh can I get you number like yeah daffodil respect for like Oh after like you know putting fake drugs and somebody's drink the still last word enough he did you respect yeah she sent out by the way it's our break it had all the twists and turns though of a very classical dramatic movie yeah I'm so many emotions there's as many emotions in the first half of the show like it's a right to roll mr. ed Oh what was it I was gonna talk about okay Paul yeah okay you guys I like me some big ol story this is a good story yeah this this [ __ ] trip now so I'm hanging out with some friends I've never have you guys been in notches house no no but I'm aware of it okay so notch if you don't know has the most expensive house in Los Angeles he paid eighty million dollars for this house in Beverly Hills he outbid Beyonce and jay-z imagine me Beyonce and jay-z been outbid by this year and we just goof ball look for him wearing a fedora yeah anyway he did it well he sold he sold minecraft like two billion yeah I'm fine that's best chump changing God that hold just the notch phenomenon is always a whole Wild Ride but that's that's neither here nor there for now guy man [ __ ] were nice good man registering I had thing like where he's like saying like after he got all that money he's like really lonely it would it would alienate you direction I've got other men work yeah you know what me and you were talking about us say something interesting people always be like oh when you get money and success you change and was like oh you change but the truth is I feel like the people around you change more I'd say I was saying like no one ever talks about the people around you changing yeah like all the sign of friends are like trying to teach you stuff there's a few rap songs but that that's because age is you know common issue among among the rap community that's okay yeah good okay good I'm glad someone's rappers and Dutch yeah you know notch is a super interesting sweet guy and I get that sense to that he's super isolated but um so anyway he throws it is part of the weird thing about it as a throws these huge extravagant parties okay like and it's a scene this is what I didn't expect we rolled up and it's like a young beautiful someone strolling on MD in the carpet there rolling around a cycle it's like a it's a wild scene there's an open bar there's like flames is security are enough cocaine I do not see a mountain of cocaine no but there's a bar probably wanted back rooms I didn't get yeah no VIP no yeah but but it's like a crazy party like super high class everyone's looking good so the funny thing is that knotch is like a very ordinary guy I think like on a personal level it's assumed the wealth change very much because you have all these really high fashion scenesters and then knotch rolls through and like over just lay there until a polo shirt he's had for 10 years yeah I wear a fedora respect but the weird thing is like what what I think is like why are you having these parties I don't know it's kind of like Gatsby then he is totally rickety let's do that he is D Great Gatsby read read your literature kids follow the green or whatever I hope it's not too much like the Great Dane yeah yeah yeah does he what any like I guess he actually mingle with people it is he did he kind of stayed himself like did you research how many people did he actually know they're like mice and I no one knows oh [ __ ] that I wouldn't people I would have those people in my house and it probably costs him like at least a million bucks because he has a catered open bar full staff it's insane and its house is enormous they're like you need a full staff and security so I my impression that he didn't know many of the people there no because when he showed up finally because we didn't stay for very long all the people start mobbing him in like hey I'm just some random guy maybe you can hook me up with some [ __ ] or whatever anyway that was my impression regardless I'm this is the setting and I'm walking around I'm just like oh what the this is a wild team I go downstairs and there's a super bright red Mustang it's like a collectible that he's got inside of his house and next to this super bright red Mustang is standing Logan Paul without thinking because I thought it would be cool like I just thought it would be like happy-go-lucky I approached him and I says hey Logan what color is that car laughter the the the glasses yeah yeah this is well after yeah my god and I was like I guess I didn't think that it would be offensive but he I was really surprised he did he was like oh man gonna be pissed I'm Victoria like he already hates me whatever yeah anyway he seems like a decent whatever he goes he says to me this is a problem with podcast you end up talking all that [ __ ] but you gotta embrace it well I just said tell did that I'm telling the story to summarize I'm not summer I'm already in with too deep anyway it's not like that crazy yeah now we're building up yeah so he goes to me and he says I fantasized about what I'd say to you if I ever met you because I want to shake his hand and he went with my hand and he was even winding up in a way that was kind of threatening and scared was he's a really big guy yeah he's got some monkeys massive and so he wouldn't shake my hand and he's like I fantasize what I would say if I ever saw do if I ran into and I was like wow what was it what what would you say to me because Here I am right and he what was it something done laying on my face like it would start vlogging and then put you on a spot where like here's the guy who made fun of my disability I'm telling that and then something about I have pubes in my face yeah which is good that's a good one is that his home I had really close that see that's really interesting because personally I have no problem with Logan like at all like in fact I've actually been on a shoot with him and I he turned out to be like a wonderfully nice guy just kind of like a he's very much of the YouTube mind set designer yeah exactly like he's of that mindset of like anything anywhere hey whatever it takes to make the video which in half in my mind I like I gotta respect it because he'll okay he hustles for it but I don't know him personally so I was just gonna put out a disclaimer yeah super hard-working guy yes I think he's talented he's a good actor nothing personally gets the guy I'm not like I'm not throwing the gauntlet because he'll be the she'll kill me [ __ ] have you ever seen that he can kill you while doing the splits yeah yeah exactly and vlogging you want to tell ya wall down yeah givers next to someone so massive and you're like I'm I am helpless if this guy just decided to kill me he's got that going for him at least against me he's got that aura he's got that going for him so anyway and he was like yeah idle boy like he's from Ohio's with like me early from mission Matt Cameron we talked about that way back when so like I can't just help he's so young - yeah but he's so young that's why I hate how long did that's how you like why you gotta kinda black because I said it did some really stupid [ __ ] that I'm glad like I wasn't flogging back dude if I had this level of success which isn't that high at 20 I would make a absolute fool of myself yeah well I don't even think I'm capable of having such as I read the Business Insider uh article where they followed him around no well now what came from it whoa whoa whoa what I mean I love where that it's just it's just really good reading anything I said bit uh book notes it yeah yeah I okay so uh one quote something like he said yeah I'd be cool with like two to three million a year my kid said very like nonchalantly and there was gosh it was it was a whole thing it was a gay follows there were like a day in a day in Logan Paul's life yeah and then he's going to an acting class where he is you know goofing off and trying to you know he's not serious about you know whatever he's doing and it just it's good reading yeah I I found some insight and then dude it almost reads like a sketch I'm finding well it's got some real good quality stuff well I'm definitely have to check that out yeah it's yeah but the the Viner phenomenon is something like they invaded youtube yeah it's just the Viner invasion and tell them are really talented i think yeah oh yeah yeah absolutely later there's plenty of talent floating around it's just about there are the ones that hustle way too hard and they may not I can never admonish someone for reaching high like shoot as high as you can like go as far as you want to go but just don't be an ass about it like on the way and not saying like Louis man asked ya here and there maybe but like I just if Logan's watching out there hey yo he and he's I agree I agree I agree I'm I'm good I goofed on the gun but you know he's he's okay my but he hasn't done anything wrong he's not like put in a trump car in a black neighborhood and like had all these people come and beat it up yeah like people you get mom saying no no clearly is clearly a very hard worker yeah he's sorry it's just like the phenomenon like we we outside of our YouTube personas are all just individual people and it's weird that a podcast setting is like the place where wheel can become the most human and like talk about it on a real level and like that's like the great equalizer from all of us from just stepping back and being like hey this [ __ ] YouTube thing's kind of weird huh how about that Lane and that's what I always marvel and yes there are clearly dicks and total pricks that even outside of YouTube they're just a theory [ __ ] but as a few it's rarer than you think oh yeah they're just like a total piece of [ __ ] person yeah it's really rare that somebody can Ollie Turvey that's ago I think generally everyone wants to be like loved and appreciated and see themselves as a good person yeah and that's your size sociopath yeah like to to the audience's pleasure uh most people on the Internet are very pleasant people like there's only like a there's there's only like a couple people I've met where I'm like oh your piece of [ __ ] but like everybody else like very very nice I'm not really good at going I think it just comes from like an appreciation for just what we do and like we're all so grateful for this thing that that just happened to us like we didn't try to make it happen here like it just happened and so we're just grateful normal ordinary people yeah not somebody that was like a child actor from yeah the age of five that was you know yeah that's true I don't know if I've ever met a youtuber who was like a total dick have we you know it's always the opposite like we always made people and then were like oh they're so nice yeah just not a bunch of normal ass dude yeah me neither I don't know more yeah I the only person I met that I wish death upon my college like I want to know about this person yeah we revisit them if it was their final wish no no can I can I hear about this guy you have to say the name it's just anything with even all right why don't you look at me like dad built it up in my mind but the one thing the one thing that can really describe what made it the worst and what made me hate him like I was up until that point I was his roommate like other me and he's like it was it was fine whatever he was a little annoying here and there but like it was fun I was in college and we had a class together and we were working on a group project and I projects by the way bring out the worst yeah so I couldn't attend the group meeting that we had because at the time my stepdad is disabled and at the time he was in between nursing homes we had to take care of him for a few months at home and take caring care of him meant like walking him to the bathroom not having him a sponge bath so it was real intense and a night that they wanted to meet up I had to take care of my dad or my stepdad and I messaged him and I was like hey can can I like catch up with you guys tomorrow or something I have to take care of my stepdad and he's just like no if you're not here you don't get to be any part of the credit and it's just like were out of the group okay dick and I and at first I was like oh okay he doesn't understand the situation here so I explained it my step that is disabled I have to take care of him literally we have no one else it is like and then like he just came back with another like really really like dismissive but rude super rude like no no you're just lazy and I was like you don't know what lazy is and then I got really mad at him I sentiment angry texts and they just responds with lol you mad oh that point on he is dead to me I wish him nothing but harm someone that you had interacted with yeah I was his roommate oh boy yeah your way okay I miss that he's your roommate yeah mm-hmm Wow we it was he he wasn't a youtuber though he's no this was before just a random person wished death yeah he was an engineering student with me yeah and he had the goal after getting popular on YouTube to send me a message on facebook saying hey I know we haven't always seen eye to eye but can you promote this yeah yeah you probably were like I've waited for this moment yeah thought about what I was going to say I didn't take that road I just ignored him yes the best that's the best route yeah Wow that's it I also have a college I don't hate this person I was more just like really disappointed and disillusioned in humanity when I was in college I had like this was like my best friend and middle school in high school we were super close I loved this guy man we went to college together from high school we went to the same college and he started drinking and when he started drinking became like a completely different person like he was a sweet great wonderful friend and he just became an absolute monster he was the biggest [ __ ] douchebag and a chip on his shoulder all the time but I put up with it we lived together we lived in a house with four of us and he was just a real pain in the ass he was a nightmare but we put up with it because we were sober he was sweet he drank every night turned into a monster whatever yeah anyway came to this point I was I was dating a really insane girl at the time she was I guess I didn't realize how nuts she was she was bipolar and like I know previously she had like psychotic breaks but the time I was with her she was relatively fine anyways my 21st birthday I was drinking and passed out and then this guy I've known my whole life he slept with my girlfriend on my 21st birthday whatever that's and like I'm like okay whatever I did this isn't a girl I wanted to marry and I already hated him so I was like whatever this is fine just [ __ ] you guys so I confronted about it and this is when I lost my mind he's sober by the way when I confront him and I'm like why did you do that that's [ __ ] up and he goes he says to me if your girlfriend wasn't such a [ __ ] then then that wouldn't have happened oh I know like are you a real person and that I think that was a that was one of the last times I've talked to that's like like a really bad line from like like a like a frat movie yeah like we're like right here that I'm like American Pie or something like he'd be the villain yeah we think that's unrealistic yeah exact it was surreal because in my mind I'm like I know this guy so is the absolute piece of [ __ ] and I hope he doesn't say something to me like that because I'm going to lose my mind and he and he said that [ __ ] you know he's dead now did you trick him so um he's not dead he did almost die incidentally he became addicted to cocaine and alcohol and he almost he had like a hole in his lung because he almost died he was so unhealthy let me [ __ ] [ __ ] on this guy I don't care I could say his name but I'm gonna [ __ ] on him he was so unhealthy that he went to the hospital and they said do you have AIDS because he his body was so unhealthy and so they drilled a hole in his lung that he had for like years and his dad came I went to visit him once and his dad was like how could you let this happen to my son I was like out of here you should have said well if your son wasn't such a slide in my movie scenario yes the perfect combat yeah they always get man that [ __ ] brings back memories play anyone else I got a person they hate on that level I'm not the only one I've got yeah he's only one I've got I don't even hate him right just like how how could how I don't know yeah there's nobody that I hate so much that you know I wish death upon them but I think I think not a lot really affects me anyway like I'm just gonna like alright yeah like you're a dick okay I'll just write you out of my life yeah fine like yeah it's a nice thing and I've been working on that it's the joys of being an adult you don't have to put up with other people [ __ ] like they're giving you [ __ ] you're like okay well I just won't talk to you and my life is better for it I think that it's something that people don't even think about in a way it's like you can just not talk to people you don't like it's that simple and usually like if you're like I feel like I'm like a amateur psychologist by the way no no no degree never taken a psychology class twice but I feel like a lot of times like if you're having like a shitty time you're like why am I always like feeling like garbage like sometimes you just have to kind of look around and who you're hanging out with who you're associating with like if you're just around a bunch of [ __ ] Downers you're not going to be the most positive person that's so true I found it to be the truth in my life like how many time again like you really become the product of your environment I found that to be true forget when you hang around with a bunch of shitty people you just act like an [ __ ] or like really like when I was a kid and middle school was friends with like real smart like ambitious kids and that was like I was like a great student at that time and when I went to high school I was hanging out with like stoners and I became a piece of [ __ ] yeah yeah it's kinda interesting it's real amateur philosophy ler there you go what else oh gut notes did you guys know that all diviners live in Hollywood yeah all your delighting right are on a street clothes line yeah I always look at that sunset and vine yeah yeah they live on a street called vine all diviners in the same building no yeah I don't know I do truly I swear to you I think they're slowly starting to light up just spread out yeah now that they have you know there's really a lot of money you're all rich to buy a mansion but that's not cheap there no no not at all but the great part is don't disability I don't believe yeah a real show out of it really they almost had a shows like Rainn Wilson canonical or whatever in Wilson my gut yeah did you know Felder though because uh one of the Finers was accused of rape no rape yeah hello ray yeah that's fine yeah you can well actually he still he still has a successful with it uh you're not a cute I am no no yeah he was a key I think he he settled out it was like rape accusation his girlfriend who was i curtis lepore i don't know yeah yeah okay seven uh several years ago but but it was a time i think where was like all his comments were like rapist rapist and then he had to like you know blocks everybody but but I think he's doing fine now but yeah the the place where all the fighters live the greatest part is whenever you drive by there you will at least for a long period of time you always see a person on a hoverboard always look around that block you would always see like two like buff boys on hoverboards we're just riding down the line street yep oh yeah I love well I don't love VidCon no no offense everybody like that runs VidCon like I love VidCon for a certain reason but one of the weirdest things about VidCon is seeing like the perpetuation of that side of YouTube come across exponentially more than any other place what's the hoverboard part likelike the Viners coming in or like that style of videos and like those well I know your timeout rape stuff yeah cuz I've heard so yeah wait what I don't know you know I don't I don't know what I don't know any specific people but I heard like yeah you know there's people with impressionable fans that show up to these things yeah if you were real scumbag you could do some weird frankly our Boateng not doubt it like I don't know of anything happening but just like it's the circumstances to create like if you're yeah do your shitty person you have the ability to control very impressionable people yeah but yeah yeah good competition you're bringing it down like are you guys going to VidCon yeah I've never been there my first our first year Lou I've never been there I don't know what like it's probably cuz nobody wanted us there yeah we when I'm invited I only went there after they started doing the heavy security stuff and like separating the youtubers like very very stringently right last time I was there oh is there on stage in the middle of the floor with jacksepticeye and we just got done oh okay no I just I'm just picturing it right picture and Jack yeah that's all thank you I mean hey we are we were in the middle in a booth and then we had to get back behind the back curtains and it was like a 200-yard like - and it was chaos I've never like I was scary it was horrifying well like I don't I've never considered myself to be like a celebrity or anything like that but in that moment VidCon in the moment was the first time I ever realized like oh my god am i celebrity and then like oh my god I'm a celebrity I have to run later run we had to run and there were security guards over like shoving all ideas and like they're Beyonce on fencing as if it'll be Beyonce's horrible horrible I wouldn't wish that on anyone good God anyway good are you probably bad but all the other parts are great yeah my kids were climbing on fencing like demonic zombies and world war season no really it really is like that because I remember like like whenever like one fan would like spot a youtuber they would scream and then suddenly that one youtuber that one fan it's like a zombie calling to his friends yeah like you literally see a shifting mass of like preteens and teenagers screaming is that runs no.1 teenagers at VidCon pretty mostly yeah yeah interesting yet but I got a I got a like we we did I mean great last year and I got a lot of vapenation oh really yeah what a lot of kids want to do the vapenation Oh No so how that's just like the photo pose that yeah like this the default photos the meet and greets are nice though I love them Ingrid yeah there was this one girl during a meeting greed that got little too enthusiastic she didn't know her strength she tackled me or a hug Wow I fall to the ground later I did because I like and it's totally fine if you're if you're watching this is fine I find lovely a little softer next time but she elbow into my gut like to her shoulder into my gut BAM I felt my back pop and like and I was like I have to lay down and I just literally I'm it's a girl oh thank you can someone give me painkillers but I finished that meeting great Wow but yeah if the main groups are cool and the panels are really cool we've got a sense of that in Sweden we did our first half and that was not though I saw the photos I wasn't it was pretty nuts we had that moment we were trying to escape out the back and people came around the back and it was like kind of like this moment you described where you're like trying to push through a crowd to a taxi and it's a little freaky yeah and then when we took off people were like chasing the car at first we thought that we knew there was still people waiting outside so we thought we'll just leave and kind of talk to them on the way out and just walk back and it was so not the case it wasn't Pepsi cans and [ __ ] Jamie Lee through my plate they're like don't leave so they got like a soft no because they brought it away them one of our old names is like about Pepsi Max God so they brought Pepsi Max cans and then they were throwing it at us and we're like this is nice but unsafe it's good yeah act like full cam yeah looking Oh like it was a lightly lie ended up catching one but I quit here yeah it was just yeah but you you probably had some really weird fan reaction like interactions I feel like cuz you have some pretty like your fans are involved boy yeah I'm really lucky to have like a really dedicated really really enthusiastic fan base as far as like weird interaction goes thankfully I haven't had too many like close encounters but um but the weirdest is always just people that treat me like a god and like I want to be around me at all times and but that's as weird as it gets it's usually just conversation really hey I wanna be alone now can ya can you please leave me alone but everything else has been sweet I seen in the comments that your some of your fans get like really nasty to your girlfriend yeah that's just a byproduct of like having a relationship on the Internet it's that's gross but I guess no continue oh you said we never have that we started together but also nobody wants to [ __ ] me which way you don't need to come out in front of this fact long ago that peace with my other with my with my and uh nonsection field trust me I'm gonna be a hot little twink though but by the end of this year yeah you get a new trick like I'm trying to get some soup out of me yeah try try and this is me not advertising it like I like this is but try Kido yeah like I say clearly no carbs hi fat no carbs leaves a high fat like yeah of it because okay this is where I'm going to get real sciency about Aikido stands for ketogenesis ketogenesis is your bottoms biblical it almost is so ketogenesis is your body's natural ability to break down fats through ketones which are proteins that are specifically designed by your body to bring down fats and it's it's when you only eat fats and you get the majority of your calories from fat and you get protein as well just to keep your muscles up your body gets used to producing ketone bodies and breaking down fats so when you don't eat especially when you sleep if ketones throughout your system and you just basically run off fat training your body to run off fat now I wouldn't recommend this for everybody because it sucks it sucks it's awful I hated every second of it I'm not doing it anymore because frankly I lost too much weight too fast I walk ten pounds in two weeks and I don't have that much weight to lose so I stopped it because it was crazy but it works so whenever I'm trying to lose weight I definitely cut out the carbs that I've never done like the fat the aggressive that part but carbs when you cut out carbs it's it's crazy it's that yeah that's crazy those carbs will get you by E yeah I'm so hard though it sucks so much right if you don't realize how much cost I don't give a [ __ ] about look like what come on I don't like pasta now like bah okay I got it I get how you deal with this guy I know all he wants is a burger and pizza I like a practically pizza is practically pasta just like it's better that is poss-eye aureus [ __ ] and it's not worth the calories let me break it down just like you utter doodles no I don't like any of it pasta is like slimy flavorless noodle wrong what about lasagna lasagna get down was that so but I would never order it at a rescue lived in New York I'm sure there was like good pasta there right yeah there is it was still under plan I have a so while it we had pasta we try to use we try baby - fine you got bread sauce cheese in the perfect proportion there's no winning here guys hurt feelings alright these are the hard one man pizza Eli doesn't like pizza it freaks me out okay what thank you guys Oh commence with pot not liking possible I like reference but I think it's a product of ethan eating too much pizza that I thought not to like it I like it sounds anyway like once once in a few months this is gonna sound like a really ignorant question but was there a lot of pizza in Israel yes I don't I actually I had my favorite pizza in Israel and I still think it's the best one I do tell in fluent in and the other oh my goodness man it's the bestest place in this weird little [ __ ] neighborhood you never expect it right I've Trevon new New York I've been to Europe I've been all around the globe you Pizza everywhere the same go to this place in Florentine what's it called ela what is it phone whatever it's like never located it's the it's this rare kind of place where it's like it's never open you go there the clothes they open sometimes it's like 3 a.m. is run by the SEPA just set bait run by this old guy he has a motorcycle it's a weird place but whenever they're open there's a line out the door they have this they have like this butter has so that they brush on the crust super thin and they get it to this point where you know in Brooklyn they make this thin piece and it's like a it's like a noodle I'm not [ __ ] that [ __ ] this guy's got that thin crispy I've gotten integrity okay and they had this insane like garlic pesto brush and he uses a paintbrush and you see him you're like oh okay anyway we use that [ __ ] a checker cheese it's not really in the Hannibal artists you can tell you're talking about Picasso you're this other guy too and is like it's got the coolest motorcycle it's really funny yeah yeah all the IO it is much I gotta kill me I am nice I know I'm good we all got to get some loot let's just [ __ ] go there right now just any playin yeah you're like you're like a deep thought about I guess and this podcast good good we've been too much because anything else love to talk about you guys that's always tons of stuff what else I hate talking about myself totally tell me about yourself mark is starting a tour yeah oh yeah yeah we're doing it to her I that's actually what we just came from actually I just came from this I was taking improv lessons from ninja Brian's wife who is Rachel Wecht she's the funniest person I've ever met in my life Wow unbelievable hilarious and a great teacher of improv and so we're doing a tour just this summer and I'm not trying to promote it you see it or not I don't I don't care like it's going to be good or bad but it's going to be fun yeah and that was the whole point of it like we wanted to have fun with a tour and we wanted to create a show that was like something that's actually a little like spectacular like a little higher production ball right and something that's going to be fun you got out there and meet your fans you can put on a little show yeah and exercises I've been practicing improv for like a year and a half and I have no idea if I'm actually funnier so because when you're practicing and you're in a room with your other friends that don't laugh at your jokes and get mad oh you feel have that problem I feel like be funny with improv right and that's pro but what then you try to art yeah you're not trying to go for the joke and improv you're trying to make funniness out of like reality or whatever it is it's all [ __ ] but you know it's but when you're just doing improv with your friends and very few people are laughing so having that crowd there like just to either be totally silent and I'll be like okay I'm not funny I get it all right never doing this dance not for just there is a laughing yeah whether it's super maybe or they do it they're going to they're just going to enjoy seeing you there yeah okay it's just you being there with you enough you could do like we did at the beginning of this podcaster stare at the camera burn our half and they'll just be like yeah yeah that would be that's very really fun though I hope so like it's really the old reason was for meeting up like it have fun and going to tour with my friends I work with my my friends from Cincinnati that were there with me since the beginning of my channel like they were there helping me on this small series that I did back when I could drink coke drunk minecraft and it was just really fun too member why we started making videos was just for fun right for no other reason than do that's very cool yeah yeah we we're also planning it to do a live tour incidentally with the same people yeah I mentioned they're working with you oh right angle right yeah yeah right and yeah seem like nice people they're pretty good yeah the preview I mean I have mark aid so anyone else I have no judgment just like Logan tell your good model so it's just like well it's just this thing weird that agent recommend I'm like okay well if you say so yeah they've done right by me so far don't what I can say for ya yeah and the chat is asking if anyone here has got a ghost story oh my god bless on a last episode with the filthy Frank and postman moment we got into this crazy ghost story I'm very skeptical I don't have any close encounters with ghosts but post and and George has some wild ghost stories yeah looks everyone's silly do you guys have any ghost stories that's got to be like the thing we ever get no yeah leaving ghosts first of all high level no no I don't either one of you I didn't until I loved a friend of mine um sees a lot of them okay he's like this he's like the Bruce Willis just kid yeah and it was the worst reference ever and it's like it's it's it's [ __ ] creepy and like obviously they don't enjoy it because it's very unsettling and sometimes they say like they see just like sometimes we'll see like a part of a person or it'll be a shadow but there's one specific one let's go that so they lived near a really old cemetery like really old because they're not from California so you know cemeteries they go back several hundred years and they they were in their bed and they saw this bright light they look out the window and there's this child just standing in the driveway like wearing these like old like like old-timey clothes like eighteen hundred's clothes we got early nineteen hundred's clothes and then just like and then the kid just like looked up at them and they were like what that [ __ ] just like closed blinds right that's crazy same time no next the the no year same date an exact time what happened again same kid what do you remember the date no he'll do some research but they but they were but they're saying like yeah and sometimes that they'll appear like during during like certain times of the day like there's more during the certain time of the night she's the kid from The Sixth Sense yeah person yeah I was like do you ever do you ever like talk to them [ __ ] no like you don't want to invite that but I never I never believed I never believed them before but then like you see the rational reason yeah see that's the thing the truth felt like I've never had an encounter yeah I mean when I see how passionate convicted people are about it but I kind of do want to have an encounter you know I've never it would really bend my whole understanding of the world yeah I got one thing it's not really a ghost thing but it's just something that I I could never really explain it was when I was a child so it might have just been the mind of a child I have wondering like that as well I I was I was sleeping you know I was I was dreaming and up until that point it what's weird is that my dreams were never that incredible I had a lot of waking dreams I have a lot of waking nightmares to this day like I have waking nightmares like once a week in a lot of neighbors you mean like what is waking night waking nightmares is when you feel like you're trapped in your body at sleep paralysis yeah sleeper L is that - yeah I'm it's a yeah and then job people shadow people in the doorway sort of thing oh my goodness when I was a kid I was having this dream that somehow instantly like a switch got flipped and ulsan I was being chased I didn't know how I didn't know why I was being chased and I just ran was perfectly normal dream and then I turned around and looked and there was this huge lumbering guy with a chainsaw like just chasing after me and I knew he was going to kill me and cut me up so dream whatever I wake up totally fine and I I look up above my bed and I just see his face ah here and pull the covers over my head I can't when it's on my cup when I'm under the covers I can't see not there blinking eyes not close my eyes not there pull the sheets down still there no story Martin glaring over me I've had stuff like that where I wake up from a dream and then I see stuff and my theory on that is that like when you wake up you start like that residual dream chemicals in your brain so you're capable of like really intense hallucinations for like a short window after you wake up or even before you're about to fall asleep it's true sometimes I'll wake up and then I like grab my phone or something and then I'll kind of remember something that wasn't true you know like yeah like you kind of cry I don't know you're just out of it yeah you're out of it you're not completely awake there's like a couple there's like a couple other stories that that I have from other people too because I want here live like yeah yeah so like because our movie our YouTube read movie was like a ghost random movie so like I just offhandedly asked some people in the crew like oh you guys let me go stories and like one person they saw on to it so like on two separate occasions they saw the PERT like it was like their mom like they like woke up and their mom is like floating above them well had her mom pass but I'm like literally like right for like she saw them and then they got a call that same thing happened to their friend before they got a call yeah oh my like spooky a [ __ ] and then there's that yeah then there's another one I thought this one was in a ghost thing I got goose pimples yeah it really would be they say all right there's one of the worst glee club like that the person was like staring down they look very like content and they said that that was like that was like actually like strangely calming for them huh-huh but uh but then this other one Shane who's a guy in our cast when he was 2 so he doesn't remember any of this stuff but basically he fell into a pool and he was drowning and he's actually pronounced dead for a couple minutes right mom I don't get that how can you die you don't you don't you don't I know I've heard that all the time people like oh yeah I died for five minutes Kent dot you don't die for your heart stops yeah well you're technically then death is a very strange definition death Mina see ya like y'all but if your heart stops that just means your heart stop there's a difference right there they're stages of death like there's death to where the point the body cannot be sustained there's brain death there's cell best there like after you die so - do you not mean your smell you later well I mean because you know I think about typically if your heart stops then the blood blood stops flowing to your brain and then you die after you're like a few minutes oh you're dying guy yeah my god body carries on for a little bit just a little like brain activity that no no brain like the rozier body stitch everything keeps tickin yeah well anyway he fell and he fell identity yeah he fell into the pool he was drowning his parents were having an argument or something in the house they were gonna I think there may be like a apartment complex or there's like a pool in the middle is something like that anyway they're having an argument and mid argument the mom hears a voice like shout his name and she just drops everything and runs out to the pool in season like drowning so there there's nobody else there like they were talking and she heard a voice shout his name and that something was wrong when she ran out there that's crazy that's nuts I wish I really wish that I could not get it have a personal experience because I feel like I'm such a skeptical person yeah me too about religion and about ghosts and all this [ __ ] it really like blow my brain if I ever encounter something like that yeah although I wonder who knows if it's ghosts or if it's like people are like well you know like you die but then there's still like energy you're you know who knows who knows what exactly it is yeah my thing it's something I don't feel like I'm you know I think we don't know everything yet know me so yeah by any means that's true but I feel like I would think that I was going crazy I got to blame myself before I be like Oh ghosts you're like to that right yeah like your brains faulty you're hallucinating yeah I'm a doubter myself like I would just I would like be like oh what's going on here come on yeah who's got the machine right right yeah so I would love to have like a real encounter with the ghost I would love to yeah convince me convince me ghost me and me and uh Austin post alone we're talking about because he's like a real true believer and so we want to tell him he's had some he had some great yeah yeah he's personally has some really great stories that you shared with us we want to go to like a spook like a haunted spook house like a real uh no not yeah I feel like a lot of times those are [ __ ] though it has to be right and all those ghost shows I feel like most of the [ __ ] because I just have to force something and play that stuff yeah yeah most likely yeah yeah cuz one of the guys on our Smosh games channel he was a paranormal paranormal investigator so he like actually like his moonlighting job that's what he did back before like the lol stuff so he would be like the guy with like the machine that would like read the Electra meant electromagnetic electromagnetic Wow electromagnetic field area yeah the spook signal and he said that most the time there was nothing but then there was like some other times I was like oh no like some shit's like there's some weird [ __ ] but he's oh [ __ ] the heels as [ __ ] ghost stories to like it is in his apartment yeah like just like they saw a guy in their closet what and just like what weird freak eyes was it okay can i is it a cool okay the people who believe in ghosts see them it seems like all the time like I have so many ghost stories they're in my closet they're in my car it's him both him and his girlfriend they corroborated story yeah like there is a time it wasn't even they didn't see anything it was like this chain on their fan like it was sitting in it something was like like somebody hit it but you see what I mean it's like you see it's like the same people seeing all the ghosts and meanwhile none of us have ever seen goes personally but it's the people the same people seeing all the ghosts yeah I mean who knows maybe some people have a sense for it to sense thing nor they have a stick - a lot anyway I'm waiting for my for my first encounter I'm open to it yeah I'm not really actually I'm really not open to it at all I would fight it I think it'd be pretty clearly right well I'd be like I'm insane I have no interest in seeing a ghost yeah I guess what are you going to do you're just going to freak the [ __ ] out and it goes away my main problem with ghosts is the idea that all of these dead people the billions and trillions of dead people are just hanging around in the same space just a sheer density right what that is and it's only of people in the most recent period like where the ancient ghosts where's the like BC ghosts where are they - Gus at where the cavemen ghosts yeah we've never been there have been maybe that traps in their own time period that doesn't make it right doesn't move when you're a ghost what - okay I don't want to offend again I'm leaving this [ __ ] well it's like time is a it's a prospectus Eve time like we see it as a line but really it could be where you can live in every moment simultaneously if you perceive it as like a fourth dimension like we see space so it's possible that the ghost lives in its own dimension of time a thing that someone could say no it could be an idea there you go you've officially lost let's go no no I I get what you're saying yeah but it is like it's from a general general standpoint I totally agree that we would be ignorant to say that we have everything I would be ignorant versus I have to say I knew everything but also at the same time is like we have some logic and we have some ability to understand the the what happens in the universe like to some extent that maybe ghosts plan maybe not but yeah I won't eliminate it yeah yeah I feel like if there's so many people that have seen it like this like well not like as you like everybody's you know I mean like I've written one but yeah it doesn't hurt me for other people to believe in goodnight I'll I love to debate it's interesting but like for example I I'm like agnostic about God do you believe in God uh because yeah way more people believe in God and then goes yeah right but these are of course a lot of people have visions of Jesus and everything too so I'm saying like well as people see visions of ghosts I mean I guess it's not really too too different from what people have seen like when they say like Oh like God came to me last night they're gonna hear you know so who knows hmm yes I just feel like people people search for answers for everything they see in our lives because in the end we are walking bags of meat and but you know we we we try to rationalize everything that we see and you know people find comfort and answers they want answers and be nice enough if someone you loved passed away be nice to be like hey they're out there and they're trying to tell me what up so whatever you find comfort in so long as it doesn't hurt anybody else oh you gonna fall for that right here go for it I do have one story oh I do believe in ghosts okay when I was a kid I don't know if it was a ghost it may have actually just been a really creepy thing that really happened I was laying in bed and right across from my room there's a window with a curtain and I usually close the curtains but on this day it was it was open it was about 5:00 a.m. the dawn had broken it was just a little light out and I like I'm opening my eyes and I see a [ __ ] face in the window staring at me and it's like a real creepy face it's not like a normal man's face it's like a Freddy Krueger kind of Jason face and it's just staring at me peeking in and I my heart starts racing I'm freaking out and then it that whatever it just walks off creepy it could have actually just been somewhere yeah that's the big like it's not paranormal in fact like not not worth my time sorry kids not going so early guy those late is a human contact I wish that your good looks Ethan and then six years oh yeah oh this is what you're yeah I was gonna [ __ ] back here oh all right huh I guess you can't run again oh I know that yeah it's so good it was a good exploration of lot of issues they would cover a lot of ground yeah well the Holy Ghost Yoga favors such a little joy child sprinkle in there for no measure it was really great having you guys it was a lot of fun I genuinely respect you guys both flaw and appreciate you both a lot I thank you for coming to join us really you guys are all seeing eye I really love what you guys do and I'm really really happy that you got this whole like studio set up here this is really cool it's better than any live stream production tonight oh yeah oh man to say I'm so glad that that you guys you know found this from just your that's a 10 video that's on the beginning yeah until Thursday all 3 watch that after you done so good that was like I had that was a weird realization psionic continuous color sounds just like a weird realization like years later when I was like wait a second holy [ __ ] that Ethan I sampled that video without real second on you and I'm going back to credit note like that's so cool it was back in a lot of useful balance that it's so fun I think it's super cool I mean it's like I had two life separate lifes that we're both like meaningful really cool we used to make just video edits but we're like this is really fun and it's artistic and I enjoy doing it but people just they come and they go like you guys had no idea was us and I'm blaming because it's very transient it's like that was a fun experience but now I'm not going to stick around see what else is there so we realize we had to make live action stuff we had to do something with like some personality yeah and so we stopped doing that because we realized that people were not remembering who we are it's kind of a proof-of-concept you guys didn't know the humor was there like from the get-go as expressed in that video and then I'm just really proud to see you guys out there thanks appreciate that it's it's it's no it's sick and I was watching your [ __ ] back then you're a god you are like The Godfather yeah and you're how long's been ten uh eleven and a half god damn eleven and a half I know well how old were you when you started or seven I was seventeen ten that's crazy Wow Wow people weren't even making money on YouTube back then no no we were we were packaging our own shirts and mailing them out ourselves that was one source of revenue was was our crappy like screen printed shirts that we had made by a guy with one leg in a warehouse down the street okay he's not as it goes but uh yeah it's so crazy to even think about because when I think of like um my brother he's been doing a webcomic for I think nearly fourteen years now holy really and when I think of like people that have the longevity of that and maintaining that my brother still to this day is cranking out higher and higher quality comics every single time on his what is it it's called two kinds it's this webcomic that he's been running for a while it's how do I describe it even it's about t TW o ki n des yeah pretty much yeah that's what it is yeah but I just I just really respect like the work to put in and especially like on YouTube the harsh field of YouTube so yeah yeah the ups and downs I don't leave it like today is my five-year anniversary I collect random internet yeah but uh it's just crazy to imagine I've been doing it less than half the time anybody like forever right yeah and I we think yeah yeah we then we've seen people through like from like middle school to graduating high school it's like weird stuff like that they want to really grow up with your fans oh yeah yeah yeah and also like it's also like you know you guys obviously I'm sure deal with it it's like oh I miss I miss the old day we've been busy pretending here one year old we can tell we're new on YouTube because we just started getting about like six months ago congratulations you guys all the time but it's cyclical so like I'll get people will be like always getting back to the old one and then the people that like the old one we're like oh I don't like [ __ ] everyone stand you're yet 50% zero always angrier you just gotta do a site very specific like videos where it's began and ended there being good that happened yeah or like very soon we did like 2014-2015 Smosh was the best yeah but then in 2014 everybody's like this [ __ ] man did you know that 8 Smosh was legit the weird thing about when I think about like oh I miss the old Ethan meme is like it's almost like no you don't like those videos weren't good and like if I try to recreate them which we have done they just feel bad well that I know that you're evolving your content when you look back and you're like oh that's garbage now yeah yeah it's just I don't know people are just complaining on the on YouTube and everything I made with gold mark like I look back at my obit of like oh yeah just sit there yeah that's what I do i watch my old videos actually that's a fact I go back and I watch my old videos because I like to I like to look back on what worked and what didn't work it keeps me grounded in terms of like going forward and making content some like but yeah it's all gold I'm great and I'm the best but it could seriously sometimes I do watch little videos - and I'm like man I feel like I was way funnier than that's not a depressing - it's a nostalgia thing oh yeah yeah and obviously you were probably more a lot more critical of yourself when you first put that video out also the funny thing is sometimes I'll remember that when we made it we didn't think about learning [ __ ] and I was back and we're like god this is great yeah it's like my video you guys ever seen like yeah I know I put my mouth on a cat yeah yeah and I spent eight hours making it and in those eight hours it became the least funny thing I've ever been it's my fourth most viewed videos like what in the hell like and that was range stupid decision I never should have made that in yet now one of my most successful would hold up you don't oh my god quality editing yeah I was so tired of dragging my lips around on a cat after that looks easy but it's weird like those things that seem like they they won't work resonate with the fans incredibly and that's what always makes me remember like it it doesn't matter like if I censor myself before it's done then I'm never going to know if it's actually good or not right because I'm my own worst critic we all are yeah and then when it's exposed to the people out there that are actually watching like putting up with the time to actually filter through the good stuff like those gems come through and it's just that's the most satisfying sense so something that ya know oh yeah one of it is short oh but that's the thing that scares me is like we've had I wonder if I'm a good judge of my own content so waste of time okay well yeah I got there I cannot won't be embarrassed if you hold on let me just peep at it yeah just give me people creep that it's hard to be a judge of your own content because you're especially if you're editing it so I edit it and then sometimes all like cut something or I'll have like cut something and then I'll bring it back big regime in Venice everyone's favorite part oh yeah this is a crap then we're doing what yours is from do you know this was I just like laughs yeah right good yeah yeah oh I just oh yeah yeah we just know like even be looking at out like oh it was that bad okay low video I know it's like hi Logan I'm trying to come up with some way to celebrate ten million and I procrastinated and made this I know why I bother you so much I look back on it real life very creative to some extent both my cat Wow why did I waste my life making this video to queue eight hours yeah but that's pretty good time I've gotten faster over time with my 30 million yeah 30 yata 30 million yeah that's how that works and then I made a sequel called wolf for that's worth another one no borders not one dog don't pay attention of all those like the most proud of one I'm of those as popcorn which is a sketch we may would don't want like it's too long it wouldn't even be about it but just because like I just find that YouTube is best when it's at its heart experimentation and [ __ ] like you should you just make you make mistakes unapologetically and you just shove your mistakes out there and someone will watch it I feel like we've kind of lately I feel like creatively bankrupt to be honest yeah there's just I don't know man I feel like so stuck creatively on YouTube right now like there's nothing less good to talk about like think about this when YouTube ad the ad pocalypse a crackdown everything all the nut jobs they celebrate on our chatter no longer make money on YouTube there's or nothing or there's at the end smart in their language he's gonna [ __ ] on me yeah a lot of smart guys they flourish from it they understand yeah but it's like but even beyond that it's like okay another reaction video I don't know I'm challenging we're trying to think of new formats new ways to be creative and make content it's tough yeah yeah it is like with massage and say there's something like meow II just know that do some dumb why are you going to the hump a video those not more experiments are not people hated the [ __ ] it that yeah yeah like a meme it was like ACH so he's over something like you don't know until you put it out I get it and you hear that and you can't huh yeah okay well this [ __ ] post we were trying to make a month surface that's more mangy did any of you guys watch bro signs life and it all that is a guy yeah I know but bill stated that meathead who plays a character yeah funny I love his videos but for hundreds video he put out this really highly produced music video where he was rapping it was really well done looked great everyone hated it like it's just not funny hit on yeah well I loved it I didn't love it but like I I enjoyed it you were spend we're okay you're like I was finally oh you weren't offended that he put in effort to make a nice video yeah and then everyone hated it so it's like you never know that's my favorite when I put all the time and effort in the world to make a good video and then people like this is low effort yeah I'm like well I guess I'm done trying that was yeah we had a we had this we did this rap first husband's Creed 3 it was really successful is great was sponsored which is plus hello beloved it and then we made we made one for Assassin's Creed 4 and like everybody's compared it to the last one everybody [ __ ] on it it's like we had like we had like a [ __ ] pirate ship like a real like ship that we were like like sailing in the bay we're shooting up cannons we're doing all this stuff we put so much effort into it we were like look snow is good as a sudden through your uh that was probably like the most deal or like so much time and money but it was also sponsored doesn't matter but put a lot of time and money into that and and it was like yeah it's really it hurts yeah I mean like when it happens to me I say I don't know it's hard not to take it personally I swear to god being you youtuber before we were youtubers I was a very calm rational down-to-earth very right was I and now I'm straight-up bipolar like I feel like that every day like high and lows because everything happens so fast on YouTube yeah it's like really tough I think that's the one benefit that's been keeping me going strong is I could give [ __ ] if someone like shits on my video and I'm saying like I'm better than you because I think that but it is Loudoun I don't like that I've always been oh I'm so self aware of when something I make is good and when it's bad and I take pride in the things that I know are good because the people that appreciate the things that I think are good are the people that I want to see that like they're there the audience it doesn't matter to me if they're one video that I put a lot of work into gets a small amount of views compared to one that was like that that wasn't really that much effort and get luggage wasn't the audience a lot of effort into something and it gets like a really low amount of views and people don't like it even like I'm okay with that because I'm not saying you should be okay with it also motivated not harder yeah it's not a rational basis just like movie I do but like it's also it's also setting expectations too because if you're like if you're like I'm not happy unless the video gets 2 million views then like you're just always going to be looking for that thing that's going to make you happy but then it's like that goal could have easily been 3 million or 1 million in there really matter why that gauge of your happiness or you know two fresh apples how you dealt with that like over the years ah you ever been in that thing oh absolutely I mean I think every youtuber kind of like looks at work yeah I'm always successful I think every youtuber looks at like their performance like whether it's like how many views a video gets in a day or a winner or monthly or subscriber counts or all that stuff and then the moment they see something not going to their expectations they start flipping out right and that's something that you know we we've had to learn over you know all these years is that you know things may get better things may get worse but like we're still able to do what we enjoy right and you know we've been doing this for you know 11 and a half years and like we haven't lost our jobs yet yeah I guess I should be I should be thankful for that instead of instead of benchmarking my videos that's nice how do you guys know and that's something similar because I do have videos that will flop and will not work and it really uh it really is moralizing especially when you put so much effort into it but the the best part about this for me and this whole adventure on YouTube is that I never expected to be like in the top 50 YouTube channels like I didn't and I'm saying quality I'm saying quantity like top subscribe you have like I saw recently you have like seven billion yeah something what's your most views on your channel let's finger down I don't have a billion I don't know it's it's sometime around there here pock yet not what I never expected that so that's one view for every person on the point yeah but even at the heart of it like I try not to let that ever like get to me because I always remember that one person could be watching and I'd still love to make videos and and so long as I have enough money to be able to make them like I'm I'm really happy like I'm happy expressing creativity and finding new ways and and even if my channel died tomorrow like no one is going to believe me on when I say this but even if my channel died tomorrow I'd be totally fine with that like if all of my subscribers tanked and none of my videos gov use it would be great because I I'm just the type of person that loves to push and find the new thing okay if my channel dies been good I have time free time to actually like pursue and improve myself and and try something new so like what time Victorian yeah that'd be nice yeah cool I just find it fast I think the problem with YouTube as opposed to like other media's is like the feedback we get is so direct and immediate mmm-hmm it's like a dress it's like a you know it's a drug and it's a poison if you have a show on television it's like you don't there's no comments there's no direct interaction if the show's doing great or it's tanking it's even also you probably don't hear about it immediately exactly you probably like wait and then you see how the whole season did exactly like that it's not like a blast of like emotions yeah yeah I don't know it's [ __ ] it's wild oh yeah wild ride it's new it's crazy like yeah I especially like I I'm not saying I don't judge myself based on how many likes of videos it gets because I do like I like I can't help it but do but yeah I just don't let it like them yeah smash smash it please if you're listening now please smash smash the like button but yeah I just try not to let it stop me from being creative or at least trying I need to I mean we need to get more creative mindset I'm trying ah go out to like take take a break I finally took a weekend for my girlfriend's birthday we went unto Joshua Tree which is a national park right near beer idea yeah yeah beautiful we we would just like do we made sure we did nothing we film some of our own stuff for her channel but then just took pictures but we made sure that it was all very casual and just like let boredom taken because boredom is where creativity comes from like the the need to do something allows your brain to actually have that and sitting out in the desert with no one around and just looking at the stars on the the completely empty sky and just seeing stars forever ever just doing nothing is the best thing you could ever do for creativity cuz if you never Aki telling you leave is goddamn editor Ethan yeah I more time yeah it's hard it's hard I have a real deal I have a real troubles um I do I need I need to you're right I have a real trouble like giving that work that's your bayonet workout man yeah but I'm not I still edit some of my own stuff so I can't fault you for that deal alright and you would stop it and then anyone else have any other new threads to follow with any more ghost stories anybody that was good look at all stories anybody can call anyone who enjoys a story do we sell is every good I think we checked off all the boxes those are the three important I think we covered a lot of ground here today yes she's how long is this going to be proud I don't know that's good we've been running over time no there's not over time okay just as long as we can party Miley like good say in ourselves actor it's America we got to keep the ghost story thing going yeah some reason it just it's fast everyone either has one or know someone yet has one yeah I don't even know anyone that has one that's how on ghost story my life is Wow but now you do you go now I know someone did whoa yeah yeah yeah I know somebody knows I got crazy goes you know anyone that has crazy ghost stories I don't know I feel like some people like even if they had one they're too afraid to say they did because they don't want to sound like a crazy person huh there's also that too many but it's a pretty norm it's pretty acceptable to be like hey I have a ghost story yeah yeah not anymore all right let's end this [ __ ] nightmare okay guys thanks for watching do you need to plug me undies again before else no no I
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,668,796
Rating: 4.9289341 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, mark, Smosh, ian hecox, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila
Id: hrEFpGiETu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 51sec (7971 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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