Gun Gripes #264: "Is Gun Confiscation Realistic?"

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welcome back everybody this is eric here with iraq veteran 888. today we've got another gun gripe episode for you and we have a special guest here with us today or with me today because it's just me with a special guest i've got uh mr stephen gotowski from the washington free beacon great journalist really good writer he's put out some great articles you should definitely go subscribe over on uh twitter you know follow him and freebeacon over on twitter check out some of their articles really really good information today's gun gripe episode is going to be about is gun confiscation practical can could gun confiscation ever occur in america and we're going to get into a lot of data points from his article and and of course some opinion thrown in there for fun as well uh we know that the short answer is no but we're going to tell you why the answer is no why the answer is no so yeah and it's not to say that nobody wants that because certainly there are people uh who do want to try and confiscate guns that's a reality in the america there are uh groups in the political world who want that i mean you saw beto o'rourke at the the debates the democratic debates this summer and he they've gone away from saying nobody wants to take your guns to saying literally hell yes we want to come and at least take your ar-15s and ak-47s right um but the question is can can they do that practically let's say in some nightmare scenario this you know they repealed the second amendment uh they passed a law to send uh people out to collect guns what would that actually look like in real life like how how practical is that to accomplish given the number of firearms owned by civilians in the united states and frankly i mean the bottom line as you said is that it's not practical it's not a thing that's that's realistic and i don't just mean because the people in america would be far less likely to comply with uh you know a gun turning program but i mean like plot twists physically they won't and of course that's that's true they're we're far less likely to to comply than somewhere like australia or new zealand right we saw recently where their gun bans and their confiscation efforts were fairly popular and had a lot of people voluntarily comply with them um you you are almost certainly not gonna i mean you're definitely not going to see that sort of compliance here in the united states i think there's certainly an enshrined duty that we kind of have as american citizens right there's that patriotism factor that comes into effect that doesn't really exist anywhere else in the world now not to say to to not to be unfair to all of our brothers and sisters all around the world that are pro-gun and that love guns and that feel that that gun ownership is a fundamental human right as it is i view it as a fundamental human right a human right across the entire planet but america is a special little experiment when it comes to the sanctity of the second amendment and what it means to us as a culture how we were brought up as people how our country was founded so our roots are very deep and of course america in general on the global stage has always been regarded in my opinion my humble opinion as this pesky weed that every time they pull we just grow back because our roots are so deep and that our our conviction is so firm and solid and our foundation is so solid that uh that can't be uh you know gotten rid of so i think that there is an underlying duty that american citizens have in the back of their mind even if they're not vocal about it even if they don't make a big deal about it there's that sort of bravado that we have that we won't be ruled because that's how we were uh you found it as a country we were trying to escape persecution we were trying to escape religious persecution you know unfair taxes all sorts of things unfair rules we wanted to govern ourselves right so there is that factor there oh absolutely in addition that you know the united states is unique in the sense that we were founded on an armed revolution right which was sparked off by essentially a gun confiscation effort that that's what um concord was fought over the british troops were coming to confiscate the the the the armory there from um the militiamen and that's essentially what sparked the revolution so there is obviously a unique american uh history here when it comes to things like unconfiscation so i absolutely think that if it ever did if ever something like that ever did happen where we passed a law similar to new zealand or or australia the results would be vastly different there would be far less compliance for one but that's not even the main reason why it's impractical idea to begin with because what really makes it impractical in the united states is that we have 400 million guns that are in civilian hands here by the best estimates now obviously we got to get those numbers up y'all that's rookie numbers come on but you know we don't have a gun registry for good reason right so we don't know we don't we don't have an actual tally of how many guns there are in the united states but that's the best estimates from the small armed survey and they they believe the most recent estimate was 400 million guns which is more guns in civilian hands than there are people in the united states right but i think people don't people might know this number offhand or they might understand that there's hundreds of millions of guns in the u.s but i don't think they really understand the what that number means especially in comparison to some other uh figures like for instance the u.s citizens own more firearms than the entire world's military combined small arms like that's that's where we're at that's how big that number is people don't get that makes me feel good it's it's so i'm sorry so much beyond what i think people understand and so in the united states the other estimate from small room survey is that police own about a million firearms in in police arsenals there's about a million firearms so civilians in the united states have 400 times as many firearms as the entire police force of the entire country so that that right there gives you an idea of why it's so impractical to say to to have this fantasy that you could round up all the civilian-owned firearms and you know obviously if we let them that's the only way it would happen if we gave them you know right turn them in there are people who really think that they could do this they don't understand it and this is what i mean by it's completely impractical and beyond that let's so let's say okay well they're just talking about taking away you know ar-15s ak-47s what they call assault weapons um the industry calls them modern sporting rifles right well all right so that's a much smaller pool of guns right 400 million total guns uh nssf the the trade and uh association for the firearms industry they estimate that there are about 16 million uh ar-15s and ak-47s in civilian hands in the united states so that's still 16 times as many as what the police have the entire police force and that's just one model like one gener general model of a firearm so this category of guns right there's 16 times as many of those alone in the united states as there are police firearms total and let's let's just say so you you know new zealand when they passed their gun confiscation uh bill just recently after the christ church shooting right and it was very popular it passed through almost unanimously in that country so you have something that's super popular there uh you're likely to get a lot of compliance they had about a 10 compliance rate that their estimates were the initial turn in was about 10 percent of what the guns that they were supposed to be turned in were and so if you take and as we already talked about the the rate of compliance in the united states would almost certainly be far lower i mean we've seen just for one example new jersey they passed a magazine ban they lowered their their limit from 15 rounds to 10 rounds and made it illegal to possess anything that you'd already had so that's that's right you're supposed to turn it in that's the idea in new jersey right so you can see some examples on a small level of this kind of thing happening here and so you can get an idea of what americans actually how they act when these things happen can you guess how many people actually turned in magazines in new jersey in new jersey right deep blue state very un gun friendly there not how many magazines got turned into the state police i would i would venture to guess okay that probably about the same amount of people that turned in bump stocks which is next to nothing like almost such a small number that it's not even worth mentioning literally there's not been very many bump stocks turned in no that's true too that's another good example um but in new jersey state police there was a foia um where they were asked how many magazines did you receive were turned in and the the answer was literally zero so that just gives you just on a small scale how americans can play you could look at something like the safe act in new york which doesn't even require you to turn in your guns that's just a registration act and that had super low compliance as well um you know so you can look in the united states but let's let's go with uh you know oh maybe maybe everyone's gonna change their minds something happens everybody change their mind and we get closer to that new zealand uh rate where they're new zealand you know this was a popular idea there but they still only got 10 compliance 10 compliance of ar-15 ak-47 turn-ins that's uh you know 1.6 million guns which is a lot of guns um but that leaves you know 14 plus million yeah left on the streets even if you got to 90 compliance of just ar-15s you would still have more ar-15 and ak-47s in civilian heads even with 90 compliance on a turn-in program that there would be just in aks and ars alone more of those in civilian hands after 90 turn-in then all of the police guns combined because there are all police guns in all the police forces in the united states that equals about a million small arms so there would still be even with 90 percent compliance you would still have more ars and aks in in civilian hands than there are total small words i would venture to wonder on that metric when you talk about the amount of guns that are in just in law enforcement hands i bet that a huge portion of those guns are handguns because you know most policemen choose a pistol as their service weapon or yes their sidearm or whatever for you know handling their duties and um i'm not going to say where where we are precisely but like here in you know in in rural areas in georgia there's still a lot of police departments and different municipalities throughout rural georgia you know especially my state that you know their armories you know they don't have mp5s and machine guns and they don't have you know they might have some old you know remington 870s and a couple of old you know model 700 you know hunting rifles like woodstock hunting rifles and stuff and maybe i don't want to go too far down this rabbit hole because i don't want to call anyone out but i visited police armory recently and they had four mp5s in the armory all of them requiring major service and they didn't work none of them were functional they all had tags on them it said you know broken extractor rollers out of spec and they don't even have an armor that can work on those things anyway so i'm not i'm not trying to like you know make a big deal about it but it's important to to i think the distinction to make as well is you're not talking a million ars you're talking you know 650 000 glocks right and various pistols and some shotguns and rifles thrown in there and and you got to think that firearm in terms of what that that terminology would sort of constitute would also mean like gas launchers and non-lethal and possibly even tasers and things like that now there are a lot of police departments that obviously are very almost uh mili i hate use the word militant but they are militarized in in especially in the big cities yes they've got a variety of you know machine guns and they've got in wraps and they've got you know all of these humvees and stuff and yeah i mean there's probably a police department or two that's got a ma deuce or a 240 laying around but that's that's the exception not the rule yeah i think well certainly like that's what that's how the general policing is done right you have special units that have more advanced training and more advanced weaponry swat units srt units but that figure still counts all of those small ones oh yeah that's it's and again it's an estimate so we don't you know we don't have an exact number even with police guns but but the estimates that's the best estimates that we have and that they show you just the massive disparity between civilian-owned firearms in the united states and sure really every other kind of power and civilians in the united states own almost uh 40 of the world's entire arsenal in small arms so like people people maybe understand that there are a lot of guns in the united states but they don't really get what that means especially in comparison to the military even our own military or even the entire world yeah the global mind you look at canada and their long gun registry i mean so they experience canada experimented with a long gun registry and it failed miserably because it was so much money for them to maintain and to keep you know people yeah they have to have you know people they hire and money they have to spend in order to uh maintain a registry and they it got so crazy they were like you know what screw it we're not doing and then they drop the registry so the reason i mentioned canada's long gun registry is because in the united states we don't have a registry for you know just standard firearms at large so when we talk about this you know 400 you know million gun number that we start looking at that's actually it's not a super accurate number it's an estimate and when we talk about registration when you look at certain municipalities that require registration like you look at the safe act and you look at new york and and how oh we're not going to tell you you can't have it but you have to register registration is the first step of confiscation and i think that's a paradigm that many people tend to not really value or understand or maybe think about you know they think that this gun confiscation is just going to come in the form of you know a guy in a van some dudes in a van showing up to your home and going all right well we know you know you're we know you're in there give us the guns no i mean i think that their idea at least the way that in a perfect world in a in a dystopian environment the way that they would love to see it happen is to show up with a list and go yeah we need serial number blah blah blah this and this we know you got this this this and this here's this list you're going to produce these or else right that's what they want so red done yeah oh yeah oh yeah so yeah in red dawn you know the the cuban general goes to the gun store and gets the 4473s and there it is you know so there is a very scary environment of storm that is brewing when it comes to comp or confiscation not that confiscation could occur but not to say that they won't attempt every try they can at registration now the reason i mention that as well is i don't know if you are aware of this or not they recently changed the 4473 i don't know if y'all noticed that all of the identifying information of the gun owner address name and the guns that are on the forum are now on the front page of the 4473 now i know what you're thinking you're they are not supposed to maintain a database of 4473s all right now i have a hard time believing that when a next check goes through on you know digital like when you go to a big box store and you put in all your information and submit it that it's not held in some form of database i find that very hard to believe especially being digital but why would they want all that information on the front of one page right so they don't have to flip and do all this mess they can just i think the reason even though they won't admit it and even though it's technically they're not supposed to maintain a database of 4473s i think the plan is is when they go in to audit these gun stores and they're going through and checking 40 4073s i think they're going to bring a little scanner with them they're going to scan that first page and they're going to start uh doing a registry because well it would be a federal fellow it would be yeah but yeah but it doesn't mean they won't do it the point i'm making though is that with the advent of of document scanning technology the technology we have now like when you do your taxes and your scanning receipts and stuff it is so detailed and so precise that it connect the these document scanning software and hardware interfaces can actually scan that document and then just compile all that data into a database and then the document itself doesn't matter what happens to it it then becomes digital and it becomes searchable it's very advanced technology and i'm not just not saying i'm not trying to scare people into thinking that's what they will that what they want to do or what they will do it's just that the change of the 4473 puts that thought kind of in the back of my mind that it's something that could be abused yeah i mean in the future yeah you could see like that's the thing as things stand now right we don't have that federal database so um in order to build something like that they would have to go through to every gun store and get all those old 4473s which would be a huge undertaking but that gives you another idea of like in practice how would you go about trying to enforce gun confiscation rule well it would be really hard because as things stand now they don't know exactly who has the guns or what guns they have and so it would there are uh the most recent polling from pew uh suggests that there are 120 million people in the united states who report having a gun in their home that's just who reported it sure sure but that's who said yeah um you know you get a little bit lower rate when you ask directly if you if someone owns a gun but if when you ask do you have a is there a gun in your home so like maybe you're there's a husband and wife and the husband is the one who owns the gun but the wife lives in that home with the gun and so that's 120 million households what's hers is hers and what's yours you better remember that it's a key to a happy life but so you've got to find if you wanted to get try and take away all the guns and even if you just wanted to take away some subset like ar-15s right right you'd still have to figure out who the hell has them right yeah um and then go and find and that's a lot of people you're going to have to go through and try to to find their firearms which amounts to such an in incalculable amount like you deal with big numbers right people just it sort of glosses over but the reality is 400 million guns or even just 15 or 16 million firearms like collecting all this even if everybody wanted to turn them in that would be a nightmare to do 16 million of anything is a lot of something it doesn't matter if you're collecting 16 million coins or 16 million guns or 16 million trash bags 16 million of anything is a lot it's it's an unimaginable number like you know the military has only i believe the number was uh three million uh small arms in the u.s military so you know think about all of the logistics that go into storing military small arms and then just for ars alone you'd have to multiply that by five oh they'd run them through a wood chipper and they're not going to store them but even doing that would take forever like oh no they'll sell them to sell them to mexico to the cartels that's what they'll do ah yeah that's right but so like thanks obama the practicality of it there's so many reasons why these people who think we could just get rid of all the guns in the united states if we really tried or whatever they're just living in a fantasy world i think there's a double-edged sword as well that and and i think we'll sort of close the scripe with with these few statements but i want to i think this is pretty pertinent too now i mean i try to be really fair in these videos right i i like to put things out in a way that people understand where i'm coming from and know that i'm not trying to play favorites but i mean i obviously have an opinion just like any other red blooded american but when you look at and and look this is this is facts right i mean this isn't about me not liking democrats or liking democrats but when you look at the democrats i mean they're obviously all over social media calling for oh defund the police you know oh uh but in the same breath only the police should have guns so they're anti-gun and they think only the police should have guns but then they want to defund the police and then they want to call the police when there's a problem when yeah oh they call and they're the ones that call the police the most anyway but then on top of that so you want those same police that you're out there saying you know all this heinous stuff about law enforcement and you want them to risk their life to go around and enforce your dystopian uh gun control efforts that that that's not how it works okay so if every single law enforcement officer at large in the united states decided okay the answer is yeah we will do it we will we will undertake this crusade and we'll do it still wouldn't be enough and you think for one second that there's not going to be i i would i'm optimistic but i think 65 to probably 75 percent of law enforcement is going to call in with the barfin farts that day uh they're not going to do that why why would they risk their life for someone who hates them the side of the political isle that that wants to see them hurt and defunded and disarmed and everything else so it becomes an issue of ethics and morals and principles and it's like they are so far apart on those types of issues that they're disenfranchising the people they want to come take our guns that ain't ever going to work i i don't care who you are no no one's going to if i'm going to risk my life for somebody knowingly and go into a situation it's definitely going to be a situation that i'm at least going to know what i'm getting into and know why i'm doing it you know they're not stupid they're still human beings just like anybody else i mean they they've got families they've got homes they're they're human beings just like anybody else so of course they're not going to knowingly go into the fray for people that hate them right so there is a cultural disposition too that i believe is not conducive to the police going around and rounding up firearms in public hands at large and a lot of police officers to that point are some of the most pro-gun people you'll meet two of them it's you almost certainly would not get a very large percentage of police officers on board with some not not that you won't get any but so there's certainly some very anti-gun uh but i think by the time you factor that in you know that difference in the amount of people who are willing and not willing that metric becomes even more insane oh yeah because now you've got even less manpower even less willing people and then once some you know let's just say some skirmishes and ugly things start happening which will happen it's inadvertently will happen because it's just sitting on the wall then it's going to be even worse it's going to be a downward spiral of consequences that will quickly end in them going just like canada and going you know what this just isn't worth it it's a series of diminishing returns and it's not worth it and the other thing too i think is important to note is like well okay so if if door-to-door confiscation isn't realistic uh does that mean we just don't need to worry about anything i don't i don't think that's the case at all what you need to worry about most realistically are things like what the safe act or new jersey's magazine ban where essentially they'll pass these laws these bans on possession not just future sales right but you can't even have the ones you already have right and then what they'll do is nothing they just won't try to enforce it that's what new jersey did they passed that at all and and then if you get caught with one maybe generally what happens is you get you do some serious crime and oh you murdered a guy and you happen to have a 11 round magazine in your gun when you murdered him right you get the tack on charge but it can it can also be like a selective enforcement kind of thing you know where that that charge can be hanging over your head maybe the vast majority of people never get charged with it like bump stocks you know yeah but if you if they if some law enforcement guy has it out for you and you happen to have one of these things that got banned well sure we don't usually prosecute this but we got you on that so that's what that's the more realistic thing to me is what you could see happen like ars get made illegal to possess they don't try they make some you know oh we'll have a buyback and yeah you get like one percent people turn them in and then everyone else it's just like well you happen to be a felon now and and then once they decide someone just catches you with it or decides that they want to make a big deal about it they can charge you and that's where the danger comes less so in like we're gonna you know send send thugs to your door and go door to door more like you're gonna have to live with the reality that keeping that firearm you bought and it was legal when you bought it and you didn't do anything different and then suddenly it became illegal you'll have to worry for the rest of your life that maybe though maybe someone comes along and pops you on it you're precisely correct on that it will end up being like attack on charge and i think not to say i and i don't support gun control at all i i think that all gun forms of gun control unconstitutional you know i'm a straight-up constitutionalist in that regard most gun control most gun laws at best cannot pass constitutional purview in a million years and that's one light at the end of the tunnel we have is that with the new supreme court pick let's hope that you know and and at the time this video is being filmed is a midst of a new supreme court justice being uh you know nominated or whatever so let's hope that we have some light at the end of the tunnel that there's a chance that a lot of this stuff will get struck down in the supreme court but another aspect too is a very similar paradigm is the sort of uh federal battle on cannabis okay you look at uh like for instance here in the city of atlanta cannabis possession under an ounce is decriminalized okay but other parts of georgia if you go to rural georgia where it's you know you're in the bible belt and people are more religious and way way more conservative so it is a two-way street then and they catch you with even the tiniest amount of some substance they're going to throw you under the jail so it's kind of weird to see that paradigm where i go to atlanta and i'm a gun owner i'm treated as a criminal someone in atlanta who's a cannabis user comes to rural america gets treated as a criminal it's like it's backwards and sometimes you just wonder and and i don't care what someone's opinion might be on on the legalization of cannabis but you would think that the republicans from a political standpoint would be like hey you know here's something that a heck of a lot of americans really want uh this this legalized and there's a heck of a lot of americans just want to be left alone with their gun rights you sure would think that there would be a political candidate that would be like hey you know we're going to give everybody what they want and just you know and but we're going to hold you accountable to your actions what you actually do the things you do doesn't matter what you put in your body what your mental disposition may be every person is judged by their actions and what they do i mean and nothing will ever change that no law no political party you know people will have always been and will always be judged by what they do and um you know no matter what side of the law you sit on in terms of your position on firearms or recreational drug use or medicinal drug use or whatever it still comes down to someone using those particular items and then doing something wrong either while under the influence or while in in the case of a firearm being in possession of a firearm and committing a crime you're not really judged until you commit a crime and that's how it should be right i mean someone if you're not committing you know if you haven't created a uh a victim then you haven't committed a crime i mean that's the way it that way i have to look at it but you know am i wrong possibly are there people that disagree with me of course there are but my i always try to spock things like i think like spock would think like does it pass my logic test my spock logic test you know and if my if the little spock pops up on my shoulder and says that's highly illogical well i have to sort of kind of rethink it a bit and that's kind of where i am on that issue sure but i mean if people want to you know check all the facts that we talked about today i did i wrote a piece for the washington examiner a while back that they can check out check it out and then i we have that gun gripes episode as well on the supreme court so i don't know what order these episodes are going to go up but we do have an episode with steve and i uh on the supreme court pick so check that out if you haven't we've also had him as a guest on our life liberty and pursuit uh podcast make sure you check that out it's a like hour and 15 minute show we dive into a bunch of great stuff so if you want to learn more about washington free beacon and about steven's work definitely check that podcast out as well again make sure you go over on twitter uh subscribe to him follow him follow the washington free beacon i think it's very refreshing on a side note before we we leave here today it is refreshing to see a group of writers like that the washington free beacon is really doing a job a good job of really getting into the soul of a situation and being unbiased and fair and uh it's refreshing to see solid reporting uh being done especially in the gun paradigm which stephen is one of the few holding the front lines in the journalism world when it comes to trying to be fair to gun owners so we definitely appreciate that and we support his efforts and i i would encourage you to support what they're doing as well if you can you know at least go and follow them uh engage in the articles comment share uh anything algorithmically we can do to get these values and these ideas out there in a more public forum that's the biggest battle that we're honestly fighting is the cultural battle laws are what they are laws will change as culture changes but we must change culture we must change the minds of culture at large to accept our ideas and to see it as a normal thing and i think that's one of the biggest challenges absolutely i really appreciate you being on the gun gripes here with me today it's fun so we're going to have steven back and we hope you enjoyed today's video thank you so much for tuning in appreciate you watching go over on ballistic ink pick yourself up a snazzy t-shirt we'd really appreciate it uh those of you who support us on patreon thank you so very much for supporting us also we've got some great man cans for sale if you love the channel you love what we do and you want to support us those are the most direct ways you can do so uh we'll see you soon many more videos on the way and we've been talking about our next meltdown videos so we have more meltdowns on the way i promise they're coming i gotta break out the gotta break out the flak jacket and the mask and uh and and chew up some ammo as you can imagine it's kind of hard right now but we're gonna make it happen all right have a good one see you next time you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 183,019
Rating: 4.9246917 out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, stephen gutowski, washington free beacon, small arms survey, us gun owners, guns in us, gun confiscation fail, gun confiscation debate, gun confiscation 2020, is gun confiscation realistic, firearms in usa, number of guns
Id: Wy6s9Pm_8n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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