GUN CONFISCATION & the Last Stand of the Republic

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I do okay I have already done as many videos today as I can do and I'm not making another ad even if it is for sportsmen guide who pays us well you use code war poet and my heart's not enough you it's a good deal it's good savings you should go but my heart's not gonna I'm too tired and all I want to do is surf the gram for memes and play with this knife good ones okay shut up I what's happening folks I'm joined with Evan temple Evan is one of the founding members of warrior post society so he's actually kind of running everything well about it's good to be here it's good it's good to beat here man I was getting my workout on this morning and I was listening to the Democratic primaries and everybody is absolutely insane crazy and I wanted to talk about civil war around the corner I'm not one of those guys personally Evan I want to hear your thoughts on the pending apocalypse coming down from the clouds tomorrow civil war or anything I'm like okay there's a rift in our country there's a big divide and that divide has gotten worse and worse exponentially over the last five years or so and now it seems like just an insurmountable chasm has left and right are so polarized it's bad guys it's really bad I think other countries are way worse yeah our country is becoming so polarized that ideological shift from the middle we've got people far left far right and people are picking their sides and they're not wanting to really give on any of these topics so yeah if it's coming it's potential right now I don't think I'm like you I don't think it's right around the corner but with this progression and movement from logic yeah we'll get there eventually and there's some things that were happening right now that's not like a few years ago but it's different right now that gives me a little bit of pause to say uh we may be closer than I then I thought who knows and some of that has to do with where it's no longer just hey you're a bigot you're a racist you're terrible you're an excrement of the earth now it's we're going to come door-to-door and take your ar-15s and I'm talking of course about Francis O'Rourke I think that's where all of this was ultimately going but now all the sudden it's at our doorstep and I'm like man Francis for an old friends there are certain things that if you push the American citizen to a point they'll say I'm not going any farther and I think a few of those or at least one major one is the gun stuff Second Amendment stuff I think obey doe is has a radically naive notion that Americans will just give up our I think there's more guns in the US than people and it's just it's the way he's phrasing it he's not going to allow you or me to have a rifle or a gun like that and the idea that he can dictate that that's where that shift is happening people aren't saying let's have a debate over let's come to an idea lodge I'm not an idea and let's make the government decision based on that they're just saying no he'll know we're taking your we're taking your guns all right screw due process screw the Second Amendment screw all this stuff of like we're coming for them like a man those are fighting words and we when you basically take the American citizen back them into a quarter enough they'll say hey revolution has always been in our blood we're country founded at war and revolution and dissent in some like man regardless of how far we've gotten from our upbringing from our forebears that still I think that passion still runs hot in American blood at least I hope so or I'd be ashamed to count myself among us now I'm a law-abiding citizen and I don't want any bad stuff to happen I don't want any violent stuff and I'm proud to be an American in the sense that I don't think there's a country on earth right with more opportunity and freedom than the United States I have nowhere else I would rather be even though I recognize the America is riddled with unspeakable crime horse evils that are not okay and corruption we're just doing it so much better than all the other countries based off of our judeo-christian background that sculpted our awesome country I couldn't agree more but these are these are kind of like fighting words when we get to here of like the audacity of the left to say you may not or is it even practically possible that's that's the deep the real question you think it is possible for a gun confiscation that would happen with hundreds of millions of guns in the United States and the culture that we have now no way it went it would take armies and of course by then the states would have fractured into their factions and a war would would break out it is in my opinion impractical impossible to do it's funny that the New Zealand gun buyback guys this is also a mandatory buyback and by the way a government can't buy something back that it never owned in the first place buybacks don't work with your money with you outrageous is like we're gonna buy back the guns that we never owned and to do that we're gonna tax you and so I have to give you my money so that you can give my money back and I give you the gun like you can't do a buyback anyway New Zealand gun buyback what was it less than one burst yeah they did no one turned in their guns and old beta is like a miracle do it man they're giving you crap but nothing no and so I don't think that would work just because the sheer volume when we look at different countries we don't have any data even from compare to no one even has close to the amount of guns right so and it's so built into our DNA to of its second Amendment the guarantor of the First Amendment so I think you're right I don't and we're tired of this empathetic appeal to empathy and tolerance and saying hey we're trying to take your guns to to help the kids that are dying in the mass shootings it's never been about that it's never gonna be about that and we can hear the lie inside of there where they're saying hey we're just we're just gonna help these kids and all we have to do is take all of your weapons that were never used for those things we instead of you know fixing the problem of the active shooters in the first place I like that the conservative right is getting our mystics in line to combat some of this just leftist lying propaganda stuff regarding all the gun deaths I forget the exact number but per year in the United States there's something less than 300 somewhere in like the two sixties that are killed by all rifles put together that's gun murders that's not suicides or anything like that so you like look at that hammers we're far more faithful everything's more fatal terrible with guns and so it's just a canoe it's manipulative it's wrong it's terrible and when all of the sudden you start saying gun confiscation and then you actually go about doing that man that's don't bring that logic to the to the argument it's all about emotions and feelings right now and that's a big problem we're leaving the logical train of thought for the emotional appeal and we're having a logical breakdown and we need that Renaissance to come back so that people can think dispassionately and make educated choices for I would I would love that too and I might as well say no more sinning I mean it says as an ideological wish list of we need a renaissance we need a Reformation we need a revolution like I don't think that we even have the capacity morally and mentally possibly not to even have that internal mechanism that would bring about revolution or Ref hopefully this next this next round of elections will bring something like that if America gets pissed off enough to say hey we're tired of LA and New York leading the country and thought and voting and maybe we can have a few more years of quality morals and values that we based our country on forever and oh oh or it could fall apart and we could run into something like we're talking about today good point I would like to say leading the country and thought I'm like I think they're leading the country and loud hysteria and sometimes they they get their way but it's like a petulant child ultimately the squeak his wheel gets the oil they do and that's kind of what's going on but but at some point people say hey enough crazy what would it take for gun comp do you think gun confiscation would even be possible you said it take armies yet the very first thing to say hey you must and then all of a sudden like New Zealand the United States is like yeah but no we're not gonna do that then the next thing is all of a sudden everyone becomes a criminal overnight what would that do for rule of law I wonder they say hey if you have guns and you don't give them in now you're a felon yeah but people are drawing their lines and saying they're like this is the amount of gun competition I'll allow obviously silencers and machine guns have gone but they're saying hey I'm not gonna give up my 15 round mag or 30 round mag people are saying you're gonna have to come take them and yeah that's when people really put their foot down and how close are we I don't know we're closer than we've ever been what I worry about is a complete breakdown in the rule of law which I don't want that be so many deaths that's an NRA height you don't want that and the anarchists dreams of greener pastures thinking if we could just get rid of all government line men it'd be bedlam it'd be mayhem you just literally millions of people dead in the streets history's tried and Archy over and over and over it works never not even for like 30 seconds is anarchy a good idea it's it's good for a temporary revolution but then if you don't have a very good system you're just kind of like even France and they weren't in our key at all but during their revolution they just kept having all these french revolutions that kept going on and on in perpetuity because once they want a revolution they had no better superior system to convert them to and so that wasn't the case of the United States we had a great system wonderful experiment in Liberty so this is my worry is that if all of a sudden everyone becomes a fell and everyone who has a gun and say I'm not giving it in now all of a sudden they're like well I'm already a criminal what other loss would they be like yes girl right eventually you'd be like oh they made me a criminal I'm already criminal screw them I guess I won't even pay taxes any more taxes suck I'm not following this law why not follow this lawyer and so I feel like when if all of a sudden you forced everyone to be a criminal then ultimately it could possibly precipitate an entire breakdown of rule of law and I'm not trying to be an alarmist I'm just saying man there comes a tipping point no Empire no country no nation is secure all of them eventually rise up and fall that is a fact of history and we feel like nah we'll be good forever I'm like man the Civil War you look at just how terribly brutal that was a hundreds of thousands of people died us fighting each other and men that really happened that's a historical fact in meaning it can happen it could happen again it requires something that was a tipping point there's something no farther I think this is it no bado doesn't really I think we have ten issues now that are incendiary and people are trying to find that dividing line and they're they're polarizing coal quickly what do you think would happen if all right obeyed oh says can't have the guns we don't give him the gun right and then all the sudden everyone's a criminal and then there becomes the police would obviously be my very first people even a lead alluded to police police would come and take them do you think a police force has the means and the motivation to do such a thing psychologically we've seen over history that people when given power like that do take it a lot of times and use it completely wrong so there is a possibility of that I think Americans though and now if it happened now we'd see a giant swath of them not comply with that a lot of the military would not do it at all I think right now people would people would not comply with that the police force and military they would they would back the gun owners and then of course Texas would say hey we're not doing it and thank God for States but the farther we get from states rights and we get to a federal global and kind of thing it wouldn't it wouldn't work I don't think so either I think out of all the cops that I rubbed shoulders with and I mean were tactical training company so I mean I rub shoulders tons they've got tons of cops usually just good dudes and then you got some weenie bureaucrats that suck and you got some just human excrement on police forces as well but generally speaking just good dudes and like all the ones I know if like would you do a would you do a a gun grabber like come on I'm kidding me with it when you're around all the time yeah especially yeah with all the SWAT team guys with all the special operations guys with all the elite military guys ideologically all of them seem to disagree with the left which means the left doesn't have any teeth the left barks a lot but they have no teeth the lefties are always defended their bodyguards are conservative gun guys right that's them there does work in a job in most part yeah they're there their gun guys so I think the people that actually have the means the tactical wherewithal the intestinal fortitude that could actually take your guns ideologically wholesale reject gun confiscation and they wouldn't comply and they certainly wouldn't rest their lives for a nominal fee cops don't get paid enough to risk their lives now if there was a complete economic disaster so that they're the families of the cops literally starve to death if they didn't back up z8 your guns that would change everything that would change everything but short of that you can't get the good pipe hitters that the any of the word left I don't think all of the left is you know that far that way a lot of them are coming back to the middle Center even to the right and saying hey even our own party's got a little crazy a terms Democrat and left different Democrats alright great we'll have we disagree and agree with but Republican Democrat we're still sane left I'm saying this this oddball kooky crazy person out here right bait O'Rourke is a rat very vocal left very in our face right he's about media he's far removed from just democratic party here he's way worse than that right so Sanders soon yeah yeah anyway so I think the police gun grab it wouldn't actually work because the guys that could do it won't and then you're left with a bunch of weenie bureaucratic kind of cops and they're not going to have the intestinal fortitude to do it anyway and then if if all the sudden something did go down and it would ultimately somewhere some somehow there would be some gun grab that went some civilian shoots back protecting their family cops died and then that happens just one or two times around the country it's all of us all cops are now scared to do their job and they're saying hey I'm not doing this for a nominal fee or like you got to do that and then the police system fails it has to get propped up with a military and that's like man once you turn military loose on the civilians now it's legitimately a civil war and I mean just that would be that's the perpetuation of what we're seeing now necessarily it's like I can we do to stop that I guess well where we at currently you know how does how does what's happening now stem that off and keep us on them well one if one is to avoid ridiculous notions just radical notions of backing someone in a corner of say yes we will take this or you are not allowed to do this especially when it's in contradiction of first and second amendment right of what you can't do that that's an illegal law you're trying to make and as soon as it moves from hey we have a division of thought we have a division and I will enforce my will upon you with violence I'm like that you should never go there we've got death process we've got democratic processes I didn't like Barack Obama's president but he was still my president for eight years because I'm an American right and I didn't agree with a lot of stuff but I still complied I had to I'm trying to be a good law-abiding citizen and follow the law and there's certain tipping point certain lines where you say do this I'm like I'm not doing that bro come at me come on obeyed oh come on France this little tiny friend was very important he does not gain any political power after why obviously you don't want to be a political guy you want to make good a gun video I hate all this stuff but warrior poets we are freedom fighters I don't want to jump in the political arena other people in our society are far more political God loved you for it I would rather effect change in a cultural level to just show the world of like hey we're lovers of people like like military guys we like we want to defend people we love them I'm not looking for a fight I don't want to fight I want to be a good law abiding citizen a good neighbor and co-worker and friend and Family Guy that's my bigs going videos make some fun dr. Schmidt early and have a good time that's our heartbeat and so we want to just make hey we are protectors of people and it's saying and it's logical and it's loving and it's normal and so we'll grow the gun community through doing basically showing that cultural idea rather whereas the radical left a lot of people who don't have gun friends they imagine that we're you know Sam Houston Bugs Bunny just extremist radical crazies and like we're not just normal people we have some ideological differences and do you do you broke that's fine I'm not gonna we like lower taxes I'm not a force my will upon you because believe me yeah if the left and the right starts playing a game of let's force each others will the right is going to have a nasty absolute decimation because the left is anti-gun and they have no right is not I don't know why they haven't factored that into the equation hey one side of this equation has all the weaponry at its root if the leftist have their druthers and win and make guns illegal or they have to ask the right to disarm the right there Oh funny you silly lefty it's not gonna work guys I wanna hear what you have to say obviously you know we're working this out we're just trying to play HG Wells and see see a few miles down the road and it's very difficult but man some of this bodes really really poorly jump into the comments down below tell us what you think is Civil War impending what are some of the things that could precipitate that one thing we talked about was the guns stuff what are some other issues what would you do in light about try to keep the caps a latke off and when as soon as you start name-calling you're like you're a [ __ ] I'm like more now you're not convinced I love all that I say go for it well it is fun and it's helpful for our eye analytics because in fury and rage yes means inter I share share share share share share that's really good for our analytics but it's not actually good and moving the needle of political discourse right changing no one's mind when you get on Facebook you me like are caps a lot key on and you're all it is point that changes no minds and it's not respectful and you're a [ __ ] for engaging in it but anyway got a big picture big picture yeah very good guys train hard train smart make sure you subscribe to our channel hit the notifications bell like you made the sound that are graphic that is editing all the time forever seeing it guys we'll see you next time
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 644,679
Rating: 4.9399724 out of 5
Keywords: nonprofit, GOA, SAF, gun owners of america, second amendment foundation, FPC, firearms policy coalition, 1st amendment, second amendment, 2a, constitution, concealed carry, activist, francis o'rourke, beto, voting, gun confiscation, rifle, democratic debate, democracy, army ranger, navy SEAL, SEAL, special forces, democrats, republicans, left vs. right
Id: 4t-ZgH0H308
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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