Navy SEAL and Army Special Forces Operator discuss Fighting Rifle Setup

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As a CAF guy I cry in plastic green furniture

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/timoranimus 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Urgi 14.5 squad

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Itsjtown 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
if you've ever set up your rifle just like someone else's not because it worked for you because it worked for them go ahead and hit that subscribe button guys like and comment comment section is out of control do your thing i will do nothing to stop you if you guys are looking to support the channel the biggest supporter of the channel right now is big daddy unlimited big daddy unlimited is like the costco the gun world 99 cents for the first month after that price goes up also big daddy limited are are the proud sponsors of my new range big thank you to them if you're looking to get bags gloves gear we have vertex of course lax ammunition for all of your ammunition needs ladies gentlemen am i often forgotten but not by me m203s welcome to the channel today we have some very special guests let me go ahead and invite them on right now come on guys so we have kevin and aaron from field craft survival i'm gonna go ahead i'm not gonna steal their thunder i'm gonna allow them to introduce themselves uh kevin go ahead and take it away man glad to have you on the channel again by the way aaron thank you for coming out yeah man thank you ahead yeah uh great to be here always have a good time we came up here a couple of months ago did some long gun stuff and we're up here conducting some training so we came out here beautiful washington to hang out and talk about guns it was always a good time the lake and everything yeah so beautiful a hard life yeah i'm uh i'm kevin owens i'm an instructor for field crop survival just retired uh about three months ago from the army after 24 years six years in the infantry 18 in special operations uh before that grew up in ireland spent seven years in the army in ireland in special operations did a little contractor thing when i was between armies and here i am i'm still doing it when you were when you're in the irish rangers uh what years what years was that i was in the irish army i spent two years in the infantry 85 to 87. i was not even sperm i was in uniform when you were in liquid form yeah i was born in 86 that's crazy um yeah and then i went to special operations uh a counter-terrorist unit and uh i was there from about 87 until 92 when i got out um then worked as a contractor in africa for a little bit and then i went into the us army as a private e1 in 1996 and retired three months ago awesome that's incredible erin you want to go ahead and i mean all right aaron go ahead awesome what's up guys aaron taylor i'm one of field craft survival's newest uh uh trainers and instructors i was in the seal teams right out of high school did that for about 10 years left about right at five years ago did some contract work the whole anti-piracy stuff overseas i thought captain phillips was pretty cool went on to some other psd work personal stuff and um got back to texas and uh actually met fieldcraft went to one of their courses met them loved it and then i got indoctrinated i guess into the family and into the tribe it's been awesome truly one of the goals of fieldcraft is to get instructors from different fields right so it's not all army guys yeah we got navy we've got a lot of police officers swat so we we get that and you get that guys yet not yet but hey you can apply you got to bring all your guns with you yeah yeah fair so so we try to get a broad range of experience so you get that different look because i i've never been a police officer i can't speak cop but we've got guys who are undercover cops or swat cops who who help kind of move that that mentality of police officers because you know most of our experience downranges is with bad guys and the rules of engagement are different of course of course well guys uh today i was hoping that you guys could take your experience um and you do have to be clear a lot of experience carrying rifles and carrying weapons into combat into war i wanted to you guys just um talk to my audience a little bit about setting up a professional fighting rifle things that you've done things that you've seen overseas things that you've seen here trends just kind of what would be your ideal what's good what are some things that you should do shouldn't do you know just kind of get into it um you know i love having subject matter experts like yourselves on the channel just to talk about a different perspective from what i can offer because um you know your experience i mean just single alone is you know on some you know massive scale larger than anything i have so you know obviously i can't thank you guys enough for being able to impart some of this knowledge to my guys but man anything that you guys have to offer on this we'd be we'd be very happy to hear it sure um you need to start let's go ahead okay um basically over my experience like we went from i started with the fnfal 7.62 rifle in ireland yeah we moved to the steyr 556 and the infantry when i was there and then i went to special operations and we had a whole host of h k weapon systems uh mp5 hk53 psg-1 the list goes on um i will tell you that there's probably no perfect setup of a rifle for every scenario right precisely um you've got to do the best you can with the equipment you have and the equipment that you're issued so if you're running in afghanistan if you're running and gunning you probably need something like a 6'5 or a 762 to be able to reach out and touch people yeah now the argument that that 556 doesn't kill people i i beg to differ i've killed a lot of people with five hours since all right um it's especially the new 855 a1 round that the army have developed it's a phenomenal one from knocking people down yeah um so when we were running uh and gunning in baghdad for instance we back then we're running cqb guns like 10 inch cqb guns um 10.3 inch mark 18s with a red dot on top because uh it's so fast i read that is so fast for running through the house and and and uh engaging targets right and then when we went to the roof we had an sr25 or an m110 762 sniper rifle on our back in like an april stock bag and we'd pull it out and we would go to work this does both of those things very very well so this is kind of the latest and greatest what socom are running they're they're going away from the 10.3 guns and going to 11.5 there's been some ballistic testing done lately obviously a longer barrel like a fourteen five or a sixteen inch barrel we got a fourteen five on here and we got an eleven five on this one right here so obviously a fourteen five is going to give you more muzzle velocity which which launches you around faster gives it a flatter trajectory gives it more stopping power it's in the it's in the air less getting affected by wind but if you need a short gun for cqb 11.5 is a good way to go it's decent ballistics but it's short enough that when you put a suppressor on it it doesn't become obnoxiously big so basically with this setup right here this is 14.5 this is pretty good this is a really good setup for fighting in the city because i can go i can rotate this sideways and i got a red dot mounted there there's pros and cons to having the red dot mounted on the side as opposed to the top um on the top or on the side rather if i rotate that gun i maintain cheek to stock wall and it's very easy to pick up that red dot whereas if it's up here sometimes i gotta lift up and i gotta find it a little bit which one do you prefer you know i've i've heard a lot of very impassioned arguments for both yeah and uh but obviously this is this being my rifle that i use a lot i like the 45 degree and to be clear in case you guys are wondering this is a badger ordnance mount right here and they have an integrated 45 degree mount for your offset optic we have an aimpoint t2 right here on the side just you guys are aware but um so as we're getting to these low power variable optics um what are you kind of doing kevin when it comes to these are you keeping these at high magnification because i've heard an argument for both um both working because it goes from one power to 10 power do you go from you keep it at one you just keep it at 10 and roll over to that dot when needed what where the sops are kind of things that you generally recommend to people so what i recommend is if if i don't have a 45 degree offset site when i transition from a target let's say there's two targets out there one's at 400 and one's at 600. yeah as i transition if i'm on full magnification here i'm looking through a tube and i'm trying to find the target right so i got to power down to give me a wider field of view find the target and power back up that's time consuming with this red dot all i've got to do i shot that target at four i'm going to five all i gotta do is roll this put the red dot on it and as soon as i snap it back up my crosshairs are lined up and i'm ready to go that's a really good argument for having the offset because when you have that top mounted you have to break cheek weld to get out yes yes and breaking cheek well builds inconsistency and it's just a bad idea i found that transitioning from targeted target with a red dot on 45 is super fast and very efficient it's also really good for uh clearing a room and doing cqb i can run through like this and my head is up right yeah if both eyes open and i can gauge close targets out to 100 yards and um if i need to go further i'll go back to the optic but especially for movers i can put this on a lead edge of a mover at 100 yards and drop them like that whereas when you're looking through a tube it's much harder to find the target absolutely you know and you've talked a lot about upright head positioning when you have your optics so this particular optic is at a 170 is as is the red dot on this one right here aimpoint comp m5 so you guys want to speak a little bit to kind of optic height and what you generally recommend i mean i've feel free to take it away gentlemen so traditionally the time that i've been in we had them lower but now that they have this riser on here that's actually quite a bit better whenever you're rolling through so that you're not so hunched over you know having it risen like that with all your gear and stuff on you have kit helmet nods all the stuff that you're running it's a lot easier a lot more comfortable for the shooter to have it up higher that way you're not hunched over you can kind of just put your cheek weld on there and it just falls right into a you know natural uh point of view right there for you natural um placement on the you know rifle there's a lot to be said about being very comfortable when you shoot let's take one second let's step to the left a little bit here so you can see the framing there we are so there's a lot to be said about being comfortable when you shoot the more comfortable the less strain you have on your muscular skeletal system the more you can focus on doing what you need to do doing that work because um we were doing a lot of work and as you know as i know as you know you know like the more stuff you have to worry about as you're going through a building as you're covering sectors of fire the worse it's going to be for you overall yeah a lot of these things that uh that you know we we do now are based off mistakes that we made in combat and luckily it didn't cost us our lives but i i've made some huge mistakes over the years and running and gunning i i cleared it with a 10.3 inch gun i cleared a house one time went to the roof and was getting fired at by five different locations and they didn't know where we were and they were kind of probing yeah and eventually a burst came over my head and i returned fire with a 10.3 inch gun at night on a roof with no suppressor and the flame is like this big at the end of it and what they were probing to try and find us and i took the bait like a jackass and i returned fire and then all five positions opened fire on me and luckily didn't hit me but um a suppressor is absolutely essential when you're on a rooftop or when you're you're um you're trying and people think signature reduction is purely uh the sound okay most suppressors will go to about 140 decibels which is considered air safe by osha but it's not about the sound suppression as much as it is about the muzzle flash and keeping that signature low when you're engaging at somebody from inside a room or up on the rooftop when in low light conditions you know and that that is a common misconception about con suppressors a lot of people um have all these tests and they talk about the sound like how loud is it oh it's 140 decibels ooh this one's 139.8 i'm like that is one portion of what a suppressor does because it is complete reduction of the signature from the rifle and the big thing is that flash suppression like you just talked about because as good as a flash suppressor is even on a 14-5 you're getting a little you're getting a little jet of flame coming right out the front especially if the enemy of night vision oh right yeah absolutely one thousand percent do you want to speak to that a little bit aaron absolutely i totally agree you know having that on there i would argue that having a suppressor for uh you know for the actual flash production would be even more important than the actual sound i don't think that suppressors make it so much quieter as it's just a a different sound yeah and um that's you know really really helps a lot absolutely now in your time on the when you're on the seal teams um were you guys running suppressors pretty always we were always suppressed even unlike the mark 48s and stuff um the on the on the 48 snow um damn neck does damage runs uh suppressed 48 and 46 is okay there's a lot of work being done now at socom and the army and picatinny on the machine gun suppressors interesting and it's it's obviously it's a lot of heat a lot of rounds burning those up but uh they're making suppressors now completely out of ink canal and uh they're very close to making us a machine gun suppressor and again it's about the signature reduction 1000 now when it comes to suppressors a lot of people want to know good brands what are some brands you guys have experience with when it comes to suppressors that you would generally recommend so suppressor technology has not really evolved some people have tried different things to make it uh more flow through so you don't get as much the [ __ ] back in in the shooter's face but i i when i worked at socom we've tested everything we're on sure for our suppressors when we bought them we bought a [ __ ] ton of extras and put them on the shelf thinking that we'd shoot these things out we've almost sent none back they'll take a lot of rounds they're very durable and they're about as good as it gets right now this one's got 80 000 on it does it really yeah yeah they're fine they they run forever um i mean there's tons of other good brands but obviously surefire um knights armament those are ones that i'm very familiar with that have just gone been through the gamut yeah they've proven themselves overseas and all that time yeah socom have a very rigid test for suppressors for durability and i remember testing this particular one here and yeah i won't get through it all but it's mag after mag after mag because you can't fail in combat right and the last mag out of this series is a full auto dump of 30 rounds and i remember looking and the suppressor was on fire at the end you know it took a licking and kept on taking man that's a great suppressor there's a lot there's a lot to be said there for sure absolutely you need to find what what it is that like you need like do you want to get a suppressor that a green braid or like a navy seal has well we have different needs versus what your needs are so you can get a super expensive high-end super dirt you know very very durable a little bit a little bit heavier or you can go more civilian lighter um less durable but there are pros and cons to to every to different um you know different styles of suppressors so it's fine whatever it is that whatever your needs are and i would recommend go with that but uh you can't go wrong with surefire and with um yeah um yeah that's all right that's a great point like just because socon pick it or the army you pick it yeah we have very specific requirements for what we do and it may not be exactly what you need one thousand percent i definitely agree so kind of go over the optics and or muscle devices and barrel length um so out here front on both all these rifles we have a lot of [ __ ] going on so the question that i always get is you know what what is all this stuff for um you want to take away you have so much experience on this stuff sure so um i i posted i posted a picture i got to show you but it's of the mp5 back in the 80s and it had it had a version of this but it was the size of this or bigger it was an aiming lamp it was called right so this is an illuminator it has an eye square and i squared uh infrared laser on it that can only be seen with night vision goggles it also has a vis laser and then it's got varying powers so basically if i'm fighting at night i have night vision goggles on i turn on the laser and it gives me an illuminated area that can be seen with nods with a dot in the middle and where that dot is the bullet goes and it's very effective for shooting people at out to a couple hundred yards at night and i've seen a lot of argument from people they they say they only get the laser because they say if i have nods on why do i need an illuminator aaron would you like to speak to that i know you have a lot of time under knots absolutely so this is uh this is the one that uh we actually rolled with the uhp yeah absolutely and um i absolutely loved it so they have a flood on here so that whenever you're you're actually on knowledge you can just hit that flood and it'll just light it up and no one else can see that that are not on nods and then the guys next to you it's just like a giant flashlight and it's absolutely amazing precisely a lot of people uh are mistaken they think that uh you have nods on and you can see everything at night that absolutely is not true nope it is not true anyone in the shadows you can't see uh you've got to put an illuminator in there depending on the alum because it's magnified the illumination from the moon and the stars so if you have a really overcast night or or zero loom nods don't really work very very well unless the thermal nods and they pick up heat but shooting with this on a set of nods is a phenomenal way to fight at night and it's very very effective absolutely go ahead i love that you can dial up and dial down the actual flood as well so you'll you'll have your actual ir laser point and then you can have a flood that's dual so they both run at the same time you can open up that um flood circle and you can also put it down versus you know depending on the loom and the shadow and wherever it is that you're working you can dial that flood up and down with the actual laser one thousand percent there's a lot of different uh different types of ir illuminators we have uhps from l3 on ours on this weapon right here we have a be myers mall there's a lot of great ones out there i highly recommend you do your research because again what's going to work for socom that's going to work for the seal teams might not necessarily be what works for you so it's going to take research now going back from there we have weapon lights on literally every single one of these rifles why is that aaron you never know me or need a white light you know you run into a room and it's the uh you know lights are on you're either looking up down below your nods or you're pulling them up depending on your actual uh situation and then being able to be able to to click that white light on and see that when you're not on nods or if different shadow situations it's just really nice to be able to have that on there one thousand percent yeah same thing like uh we we try to stay on their nods as long as possible for cqb but in in the case of sf a lot of times we work with an indigenous force that don't have nods so they're running white lights so when when we go loud after we move to the last cover and concealed position and hit a target we go white lights in the house um until we get sector secure and then we'll turn all the lights on and and you know search for intel absolutely very awesome so when it when it comes to that um is there anything else that you want to kind of speak to when it comes to fighting rifles maybe about ways you've had your setup in the past anything like that so the rails have come a long way through where everybody's going to a much smaller thinner lighter rail and uh uh use the sock just down selected a a geissele rail that's really thin that you can do that's one right there so you can move your attachments wherever you want and um you you so if you want something side mounted you can put a little piece of mlok rail in there and you can move it that way the downside to a lighter smaller rail like this it does get hot once you shoot a lot but that's just physics man we have no way to mitigate this this is a surefire world comp which is actually really good at a mitigating signature uh at night but it's not perfect it's better with it with a uh suppressor that this is a one to ten vortex uh socom just done selected a one to six uh sig tango and they also have that one which is a one to eight uh night force which is a phenomenal optic it's really really cool so the the question is i get a lot is where do you zero a low power variable optic okay well it depends on your application it depends on the caliber and it depends on um the reticle that you have in your optic if you have a bdc reticle which is central bullet drop compensator it's lined out ballistically for each range so two three four five six so if you look at your reticle and the first line below your crosshairs is three then your crosshairs is everything out to 200 yards and then you would obviously aim higher and compensate for gravity for three four and five okay so if you have if you want a 200 yard point blank zero you zero at 50 yards get a nice tight shot group at 50 yards and you'll hit everything out to 200 yards with your crosshairs and then you elevate for three four and five if your first line below your crosshairs is 400 yards then you need to zero at 25 and get a point blank zero out to 300 which is a very effective way to run that thing because you don't have time to to try to figure out if he's a two or three or 250 you can just go crosshairs and drop them and then the only time you're elevating below above crosshair is when you're going to four five and six yeah and you're elevating that gun to compensate for the bullet drop uh and hit the target at longer range absolutely now aaron i know you've uh you prefer red dots do you want to speak a little bit to that absolutely i wanted to touch really quick on the rail system something that kevin went over you know they are making these these these brand new rails that are a lot slick and you know they're a lot cleaner i love it i would recommend wearing gloves with it they're a lot more modular that's what's cool is that you can you can change up stuff quite a bit more than what we could in uh past times when i first started out we were running these big old quad rails right yeah it's just a lot going on he's great around screw up your hands us up wearing gloves right so one thing that i like to do is if you're ever scaling walls well for for all your military guys you know climbing walls fences like that i like having the part whether you're a right-handed left-handed shooter having it whatever's going to be close up against your body having it slick and this is actually set up perfectly to the way that that i would run it being able to like tighten down your sling and run it slick and whether you're scaling stuff or picking picking stuff up um having the ability to actually can't your your white light or your laser or whatever it is that you're running being able to can it like that makes it a lot better for your actual um clamp as well for the way that you're holding your rifle now most of my time well all my time in the teams i mean for being a seal we did a lot more cqc we did a lot more short short distance type stuff so most of my experience is with a eotech but the aim point actually i'm kind of starting to go more towards towards this um it's a lot better i love that this is actually risen again whenever it's risen like that something that i didn't say earlier was that if you're hunched over and this is lower it kind of seems to pull your attention down like where you're kind of more funnel vision when it's up like this it kind of like gives you more of a upright posture and it opens up your field of view i can see guys to my right to my left a lot more my my peripheral vision and this my overall situational awareness is a lot more open with that um we also ran these uh eotech magnifiers on here some guys like them some guys don't i would always run it but then inevitably every time it would get on my nerves i would just end up taking it off throwing it in a cargo and not not even rolling with it well the nice thing about the magnifier is that you can pull it off pull it on you don't have to zero the magnifier because it sees through the zeroed optic so they're pretty handy to have like if you don't want it you just pull that [ __ ] off but i have used it sometimes and it's cool because it just flips up and right back down so if you're ever on the magnifier and you for whatever reason you're gonna come off it's real quick just to take it off but then it's you're adding extra weight how much magnification and that's where i'm personally starting to go more towards kevin's system right here having a red dot um at a 45 can on actual one to six a one to eight maybe a um one to ten this really is the future guys this is awesome um this for me personally my i mean this is a little bit old school for me i'm not going to really run a magnifier they're good for certain very specific situations and they may work for you but a red dot like i said in my experience is a lot better for um for you know up close and personal cqc stuff like that but if you need to reach out to 3 400 yards this might not really work for you that's why it's good to have both um both systems like that just before that this is a one to ten ten years ago this is what we use for a sniper scope right but an m24 would have wanted uh with a fixed 10 power scope of mil dots right so now it's a carbine scope this gun right here is a 500 yard gun all day long easy especially with this optic right he's also got a switch view on the back here which is a great idea um helps you magnify you know in and out um the buttstock has not changed that much other than um we do have uh the uh what they call the folder oh the folding socks yeah the wall folder the law tactical folder is part of a program for for socom to put it make it smaller and put it in a bag and stuff i will tell you that having been part of the testing for every red dot on the market this little micro t2 is above the top of the line yeah it's a low parallax very very easy to zero and you don't need a big optic it's not a scope you don't need a big optic to look through because as soon as i roll this with both eyes open i can see everything around me and i pick up that dot like really really quickly if you have a higher cheek mount you will need to build up your cheek piece a little bit so you're directly behind that optic but this is perfect this setup right here um people are going with these bigger charging handles too uh just to be able to get at it a little quicker um some people run side chargers even on carbines which i i do like that because i never really like this system right here it does keep everything slick and tight but uh i kind of like a side charger um what else that is about it i think you got anything else um not much just i really like um the the smaller slick uh bud stocks they have the ones that have the little compartments on them and stuff like that i don't like having a super heavy buttstock this actually whenever it's fully extended this this uh style right here that's actually a perfect weight to for for a counter balance and not too heavy not not too bulky putting it either whether you're doing a floating cheek weld or whether you're putting it back in your pocket it's nice to have just you know very very smooth very clean little surface area versus these big bulky butt socks that you'll see guys run and then being able to put it in according to your actual eye relief for however you are as a personal shooter i typically will go out one and then i'll bump it in one click and that's perfect for me for my actual eye relief and how i how i um operate so absolutely when it comes to slings um again this is what works for me i actually like my sling to be attached here and here nice and central that way yeah yeah but that one here as well yep so here and here i find it's easier to manipulate if i'm breaching i can tuck it behind me i can put a breaching charge i can treat a casualty i can climb a building and then i can flip it back out very very easily when i need it that's what works for me uh some people like it on the buttstock some people like it for for different reasons me personally especially when i'm wearing body armor and a lot of kids i like to be able to pivot that gun out of the way very very easily and you know work with my hands absolutely i run the same way having this uh you know right here and you know traditionally we had these the uh those those military clips right like that yeah those were always annoying to me you're always trying to it's just these new cutie points are so amazing you literally can put it on there you don't have to push a button you just push it in and it snaps right in so if you do need to go to a um a different uh point with it it's it literally takes us a half second it's super easy to do that and put it right back in um in you know wherever you want to run it and having these slings that are a little bit thicker like this so when i first started i would just run one inch i would make i mean essentially make you know my own sling but having this bigger one makes it a lot easier for me whether i want to have crossbody whether i'm climbing a caving ladder whether we're boarding ships you know usually seals rust green braids right we're doing a lot of ship boarding stuff a lot of cqc it's easy to switch to a necklace hang position and then if i need to go to my back position having this bigger thicker semi-padded sling makes it you know just a little bit easier and um right seconds or minutes whenever you're getting shot at right when you're doing stuff it's a lot easier to have that and be able to just maneuver that a lot easier and then having these tabs on here and then whether you're taping it up or whether it's just clean for you i recommend having it as clean as possible as slick as possible that way it's not getting you know jammed up and like caught on your kit or whatever it is that you're moving around 1000 so now for my viewers watching whether they be professional military guys maybe fresh to their units or police looking to set up their duty rifles or even concerned citizens who within their rights are have rifles ready for this type of stuff what would be your overall recommendation when it comes to setting up a rifle for them i go ahead go ahead i think personally what i've learned over the last 15 years of running a gun and doing this i like this cell set up right here so if you're doing in-home cqc type stuff yeah the 10 inches sexy right a 10 11 those are sexy but from 11 and a half to what about a 14-5 yeah you're not going to change very much on your actual on your actual uh uh on your ballistics people always ask me you know should i get eleven five or twelve five i mean eleven five to about a fourteen five all your ballistics are gonna be about the same meaning when you get shorter like in a 10 inch or like a 9 sometimes guys will have like a 9.75 right you'll start losing a lot of your ballistics out past 100 200 300 yards i mean you can still work with that but it's gonna be a lot more challenging having these mid-ranges with a one to eight a one to ten power with a a 45 red dot that way if you're in a house and whether you're a military law enforcement or you're just a dude protecting your family coming over for a second if stuff hits the fan you're just gonna be protecting your family protecting your community your tribe you can be in a house doing uh self-defense or in a house as a law enforcement officer as military doing cqc and as soon as you come out that house if you have to reach out to two three four or 500 yards it's nice to be able to have something that is you know and then a little bit more uh ballistic length past the 10 inch but not quite a 16 or 18 something so long more like a long gun you know 11 5 to 14.5 is going to give you that that still short shorter barrel maneuverability but also long enough to be able to reach out to distance um a little bit further if you need to absolutely yeah i agree um this to me is a perfect setup whether you're a cop and you have this in the trunk or that's my favorite setup right here yeah i'm going to keep this he said he said he would give it to me so but i want to six a one to eight a one to ten uh red dot sight offset i can do everything with this that you can do with that and i can do so much more with this than you can do with that right and erin's right between 11 5 14 5 for the ranges you're engaging targets your ballistics are not that different like like those better ballistics really pay off when you're reaching out at longer longer range i um back in the day because i've been doing this so [ __ ] long we used to run with mp5s right and mt5 is a glorified pistol all right and i love it it's beautiful gun it's a rolls-royce but i remember being in somalia running an mp5 and getting shot at from 400 meters away and trying to return fire at that distance right and then i went back to a captured weapons facility i threw the freaking mp5 in the corner and i got a galil with a folding stock and i rocked that thing for the rest of the trip right so when i'm i an mp5 is good inside the house right but i have to get to the house i'm going i may be fired at from a couple hundred meters away while moving to the breach point or when i break out of my house if freaking people are coming to get me and i gotta fight i can do everything cqb look at that it's not that big right i can do everything cqb related very very efficiently but i can also reach out and touch some under 500 yards all day long um this is a really good setup but get the training that you need there we go to run it okay if not with us with somebody else but get get trained of course with field craft though yeah yeah yeah and that's always my final point if you don't have training on these guns nothing's gonna matter you're you are the weapon right these of course matter you need to have something good something that's gonna work and makes sense but if you have no training behind a gun none of it's going to matter so get out there get training field craft survival cog works bear solutions tons of great guys out there to get training from make sure you get out there and you do that stuff ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching we've got nothing else for you guys all right thank you final thing though what final thing kevin yeah i leave this to my guest members now i want you guys to give my audience a little piece of dad advice they they it's something i always do for them just a little piece of life advice now i'm going to put you on the spot right now yeah either you or aaron yeah give him a little piece of life advice up to you keep shooting until the target's no longer a threat and there you have it ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching love you guys thank you for getting out here for watching these videos tons of more great stuff coming to field craft survival in the very new near future make sure to check them out where can they find you guys at yeah uh on instagram uh facebook uh we have a webpage with tons of training lined out it's selling quickly because of that the craziness that's going on now people are looking to get trained to get prepared for disaster we don't just do shooting we do all kinds of stuff we do driving defensive driving off-road driving medical training survival training we do buga class we do pistol carbine long gun long-range carbine we do cqb for police officers we train military we do a lot we've got a great team of guys and we do a lot of diverse stuff but our mission statement is to prepare citizens for the worst case scenario absolutely awesome that's cool that's wonderful now how do we find you guys specifically on instagram uh kevin.p dot owens on instagram and aaroncoulter212. nice so go ahead and check those guys out very last thing i'll say to you guys if you've gotten this far into the video a big shout out to survival dispatch no no no you're good yeah survival dispatch is a website to find survival information highly recommended to check them out i'm a formal survival specialist in the air force and like that survival stuff is so important because these are skills that children used to have in the 1800s but we've lost it due to our modern way of living so go check it out final shout out to my patreon people thank you so much you're the wind beneath my wings love you guys take care be safe out there all right cool thank you perfect thank you so much that was awesome
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,429,210
Rating: 4.9504132 out of 5
Keywords: garand, thumb, garand thumb, navy seal, army special forces, army operator, sf and navy seal, sf vs navy seal, seal rifle setup, NAVY SEAL RIFLE SETUP, ARMY Special forces rifle setup
Id: 84KBHdpKB1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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