AR-15 Maintenance: Field-strip, Clean and Lubricate an AR-15 | Gunsite Academy Firearms Training
Video Statistics and Information
Views: 1,393,484
Rating: 4.866046 out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, Cooper, instruction, Jeff Cooper, maintenance, gunsmithing, NSSF, Shooting Sport, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Tricks, Rifle, instructional video, how-to, MSR, AR15, Semi-automatic, Shooting Sports, AR, Jeff, firearm education, Firearm, Col. Jeff Cooper, Modern Sporting Rifle, AR-15, Tip, firearms training, guncare, Armalite, #ModernSportingRifle, #MSR, #AR, rifle, Buffer tube, Firing pin, bolt, bolt carrier, upper reciever, extractor, lower reciever, lubricate, field strip, strip, clean
Id: xW4DQ5QlwrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2012
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