Joe Biden Releases Full Gun Control Plan

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hey everybody how's it going into daily shooter and I think most of us already understand that Joe Biden is no friend of the Second Amendment as a matter of fact he's one of the people that voted alongside Senator Dianne Feinstein for the 94 ban so we know that he's anti Second Amendment already but now that he's running for president and now that he's the presumptive nominee of the Democrat Party I think it's best to have a more clear understanding of exactly what he plans to do should he actually make it to the White House and win the presidency so I decided to go to his website I decided to click on where it said gun control and his gun control agenda and read it for myself and it is stunning to see the things that are in here so today I want to read to you guys and talk to you guys about Joe Biden's plan for the Second Amendment should he become president [Music] I can tell you right now if you guys believe in the Constitution the Bill of Rights the first ten amendments if you like civil liberties then this is not the person that you're gonna want to end up in office because he pretty much leaves no stone unturned when it comes to his gun control policies well start from the top here he wants to hold gun manufacturers accountable so we had this thing it's a protection of lawful Commerce in Arms Act which is basically an act that protects firearm manufacturers from people who use their products in a way that wasn't originally intended so if somebody was to break the law with one of their products they wouldn't get sued for what some idiot does with their their product and so that protects them from that but he wants to get rid of that protection so that anybody that is harmed by one of the products from these manufacturers regardless of it was used correctly or incorrectly they could sue the firearms industry over it they could sue the manufacturer directly the person who sold the firearm and anybody that was an intermediate to that could be sued essentially it would bankrupt the firearms industry in the United States but he wants to get rid of that protection secondly he wants to get weapons of war off of our streets that's a common one that they like to use you know the assault weapons thing is starting to get a little bit old because I think most people know it's not an assault weapon it's never been an assault weapon it's just a semiautomatic rifle that has some features added to it that changed the functionality of it in no way shape or form but still they like to use these terms because it scares people that you know don't have a way to think for themselves so again these are things that they want to ban they want to ban what they're considering aw is to get them off the streets and so they're gonna you know look at a couple different ways in order to do that but essentially what they want to do is bring back the 94 ban and make something at least similar to the 94 ban the next is ban the manufacture and sale of AWS and high-capacity magazines so not only do they want to ban them from you owning them but they also want to ban the sale and manufacture so basically they're just gonna stop them in fact you wouldn't even be able to buy one if he was elected president and was able to get something like this through he wants to make sure that they're not even for sale the next thing I want to do is regulate the possession of existing AWS under the NFA that's right he wants to add ARS and things like that under the NFA which is absolutely incredible but let me go ahead and read this one real quick currently the National Firearms Act requires individuals possessing possessing machine-gun silencers and short-barreled rifles to undergo a background check and register those weapons with the Bureau of Alcohol excuse me Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives due to these requirements such weapons are rarely used in crime as President Biden will pursue legislation to regulate the possession of existing a double use under the NFA so he wants to add those things now to the NFA so that you would have to register them or you know go through whatever process he felt like you put in place under the NFA he wants a buyback program we all know what that is so he wants the government to have the ability to buyback something that they never owned before simply eliminating it from your possession reduce the stockpiling of weapons so what they want to do here is they want to limit the amount of firearms that you can buy in a given time period so they want to basically do firearms rationing which is like what they have in California but they also add ammunition in here so ammunition and Firearms could be rationed under Joe Biden's plan so keep guns out of dangerous hands the federal background check system the National instant criminal background check system is one of the best tools we have to prevent gun violence but it's only effective when it's used but it will enact universal background check in legislation and close loopholes that allow people who should be prohibited for purchasing firearms from making those purchases and so yeah you can see universal background checks is what he's talking about again require background checks for all firearm sales so that's one thing that it wants to do close the loopholes in the federal background check system including the boyfriend loophole that's so ridiculous reinstate the obama-biden policy to keep huns excuse me reinstate the obama-biden policy to keep guns out of the hands of certain people unable to manage their affairs for mental reasons which trump reversed in 2016 so you guys might remember that Joe Biden and Obama put in place something that said under the Social Security Administration if somebody wasn't able to take care of their financial affairs then they would lose their second Amendment rights and that is something that Obama did and so if you were somebody who was on Social Security and you were no longer able to manage your financial affairs you also lost your second Amendment rights and that's something that he wants to bring back he wants to close the hate crime loophole he wants to close the Charleston loophole I don't even know what the hell that is the Charleston loophole allows people to complete a firearm purchase if their background check is not completed within three business days Biden supports the proposal in the enhanced background check act of 19 2019 which extends the time line from three to ten business days Biden will also direct the Federal Bureau of Investigation to put on his desk within the first hundred days of being president a report detailing the cases in which background checks are not completed within 10 business days and steps of federal government could take to reduce or eliminate that occurrence so basically he wants to go at here's the thing so if you buy a firearm and it goes through the the NIC system and the NIC system they don't reply within three days the FFL can release that to you regardless if the background check came in because they have 90 days in order to do that Biden wants to extend that out to ten business days so essentially that could be two weeks and online sale of firearms and ammunition you can see like I say he left no stone Tovar overturned here so again he wants to ban the online sale of firearms and ammunition that means that places like Turner's places like out you know what is it Bass Pro Shops Brownells all those places that our online retailers would essentially go out of business and then create an effective program to ensure individuals who become prohibited from possessing firearms relinquish their weapons and in let's see incentivize state extreme wrist protection laws give States incentive to set up gun licensing programs and adequately fund the background check system and that's just amongst all of the list of other things that he wants to do and you could read this down below I will put a link to this so you guys can read it for yourself you want to know a little bit more about it but he also has established a new task force online harassment abuse to focus on the connection between mass shootings online harassment extremism and violence against women expand the use of evidence-based lethality assessments by law enforcement in cases of domestic violence put America on a path to ensuring the 100% of firearms sold in America are smart guns so he wants everything to be smart guns now hold adults accountable for giving minors access to firearms require gun owners to safely store their weapons empower law enforcement to effectively effectively enforce gun laws prioritize prosecution of straw purchases notify law enforcement when potential fires purchases fails a background check require firearms owners to report if their weapon is lost or stolen stop ghost guns so anything that's 80 percent or unfinished you won't be able to finish it reform fund and empower the US Justice Department to enforce the gun laws and direct the ATF to issue an annual report on firearms trafficking so you can see here and in here's here's the thing Cait this seems long right but we're gonna continue to go here prohibit the use of federal funds to arm or train educators to discourage let's say prohibit the use of federal funds to arm or train educators to discourage firearms address the epidemic of okay supporting survivors violence make federal programs more trauma information creating a network of trauma care centers trained healthcare services workers to respond to traumas and so forth so that is his extensive gun control plan so when you guys see things like him on the news talking to beta or orc talking about you know how he wants to take a arse off the streets and you know talks about all that stuff there's so much more that goes with it if you don't go to his website to see what it is then you just won't know the full extent of what he's actually trying to do here now I know that was a little bit long and boring and I apologize for that and I also apologize for the noise they have a tree trimmer outside we have a park across the street and they're cutting down these big branches and using the chipper so it's a little bit loud i apologize for the extra noise but i think it's best to have a full and and more clear picture of exactly what he wants to do instead of just a few news clips that you guys might see you know late night on fox or something like that it's much more extensive and it's much more widespread in terms of gun control then just those little snippets that you guys are seeing this guy basically wants to eliminate the Second Amendment in the United States so we got to make sure that that doesn't happen if you're not registered to vote make sure that you registered to vote if you are not somebody who typically goes out and votes because you for some reason don't feel like it makes a difference just this time go out and vote please because if we don't get the numbers then we could be in some serious trouble so register to vote get out to vote and know exactly what you're voting for I think that's very important as well so thank you all very much for watching I really do appreciate it please like subscribe and have a great day [Music]
Channel: The Daily Shooter
Views: 803,144
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Id: 58UPGtxRJM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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