Gun Safety For the New Gun Owner

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welcome back to everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran Eddie Eddie 8 and today we need to have a very real discussion here ok all right now I generally don't make training type videos it's just not really something that our channel is known for it's not what we do but in light of recent events we've got a lot of new gun owners lots of people that have never even touched a gun before and they're just getting into guns and understandably so there's some people that are afraid they're worried ok whatever those reasons might be they feel like they need to protect their families their communities their households maybe they don't trust the government maybe they don't trust their neighbors whatever the reason it is right even just hey we want to live in Liberty right we want to feel free we want to be able to protect ourselves and those basic fundamentals are what makes this country an amazing place to live in as our ability to protect ourselves and how that transcends everything else so I don't care why you're here I don't care if you hate America none of this matters if you're a gun owner I want you to be safe and we're gonna go over some gun safety for those of you that may not be familiar with firearms and you found yourself especially in the last week or so becoming a proud new owner of a firearm I have the most common action types here on the table we're going to go over a little bit and we're going to go over a good bit of information so look I know a lot of people were kind of self quarantine in a bit their home or whatever their families take your time watch this video once or twice if you need to and make sure you absorb the information all right look guys we want everybody to be safe so we're gonna go over the four basic rules of firearm safety these are very important these rules are ingrained in everybody's minds and I want you to keep this in the back your mind as we're going through these these pieces of hardware on the table here today all right number one you will treat all guns as if they're always loaded okay even don't assume the guns unloaded we're gonna check to make sure the guns are unloaded if you hand a weapon to somebody you make sure it's unloaded or you make sure that if somebody's experienced enough that they know the condition that that gun is in whether it's hot we're you know like in the gun world a lot of us will you know we might hand somebody a gun and go hey cold chamber hot mag all right that person knows there's not a round in the chamber you still check don't assume just because even if somebody hands you a gun and says hey it's empty you check you take it upon yourself and you check okay you always treat it as if it's loaded and that gets on to number two never let the muzzle cover anything you're not willing to destroy so this means okay you'll see people write the slide on a pistol right like that you want to pull a slide back and you want to visually inspect the chamber we see there's no magazine this firearms empty that means if there's somebody standing in front of me and I'm holding my gun you don't do this you don't sweep them you do not point you treat that muzzle as if that gun could go off at any second whether you do anything or not and that whatever it's pointing at you're going to destroy if you always make that assumption you'll never be wrong keep the firearm low if you're going to carry it around carry it off to the side or whatever don't point it at something that you don't intend to destroy assume that whatever you pointed at you'll destroy you always be okay number three keep your finger off the trigger until the sights are on target and you've made the decision to shoot all right well why would we really want to worry about that right you're not gonna accidentally pull the trigger yes you will okay when we're in stressful situations okay especially let's just say a defensive situation or something like that it's very natural to be you know nervous or worried or you know that sort of fight-or-flight kicks in you don't want to accidentally squeeze the trigger on this gun okay keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot you pick out a target you have your proper side alignment and you decide to shoot you squeeze the trigger when you're not shooting keep your finger off the trigger all right that's just good common sense and it's ingrained in every gun owner just keep that in mind number four you want to be sure of your target and what lies beyond it okay guns are pretty powerful right they fire energized projectiles that can travel in some cases some pretty long distances depending on what you're dealing with especially like a hunting rifle you know like it grandpa's old 22-250 hunting rifle if you have an accidental discharge and that thing goes up at this angle that's gonna go a long way because that's a it's a you know a fast little cartridge right but you don't want to be somewhere where you're shooting and let's say that I don't know there's a road behind your target or something like that or there might be people walking back behind where you're trying to shoot or let's just say this applies also to a defensive situation say that you are gonna draw your firearm and protect yourself and you have to shoot at an assailant who's in front of you you need to know what's behind them now I know it's hard to kind of think in that way but you need to know what's around you okay be aware of your surroundings your intended target be it paper or person and what's beyond it alright says pretty important distinction to make there just know what's beyond your target very important now there's other rules right but those are the most four basic rules that you need to follow and as long as you do those things you're gonna be alright I will add sort of something to this a little bit is that these guns are inanimate objects okay they are not gonna do anything without my input even if I load this shotgun take the safety off and set it here on the table it's not going to go off on its own it requires a person to operate it it's no different than a car no different than any type of mechanical device no different than swinging a hammer it's just a tool okay and you've done the right thing by getting a tool to protect yourself right but that tool just like the saw that can cut crooked just like the hammer that can slip and hit your thumb any tool can do the wrong thing if it's used in the wrong manner so that's what's the important thing to keep in the back of our minds here okay we're gonna start with handguns now the guns on this table are the most commonly saw after guns right now okay you can just about not going a gun shop and find an ar-15 a pump shotgun aks Glocks pistols revolvers these are the guns that people want to protect themselves with these are very common action types and these guns and of themselves are extremely common okay so chances are just because your gun doesn't look exactly like this one doesn't mean that the basic operation won't be very very very similar so just keep that in mind if you're watching this video and your gun doesn't look like one of these that's okay the basic operation is very similar so this information will still be valid for you okay so let's start out with with handguns let's have a look at the Glock first okay now this is a striker-fired pistol there are many pistols that use a very similar mode of operation to the Glock and it's what we call striker-fired okay this is a semi-automatic magazine-fed striker-fired pistol okay very very easy let's go over removing the magazine most semi-automatic pistols will have a button on the side that you push to release the magazine okay the magazine is what holds your ammunition we're gonna actually load a couple of mags for you and show you how to load max here in a second because they're all a little bit different okay you want to make sure that the chamber is empty now just because let's just let's just say we remove the magazine from this gun and it was full of ammunition that doesn't mean that there's not a round in the chamber okay so what happens during the firing cycle is the slide reciprocates and it love itself loads okay so when you shoot it it's gonna blow the the empty out and it's gonna drive the slide rearward and it's going to strip a round off the magazine and push it into the chamber to get ready for the next shot okay so we want to make sure the chamber is empty there's usually a pair of serrations here on the back of the pistol and there's usually what's called a slide stop here on the pistol as well now every models a little bit different refer to your owner's manual for full details on whatever particular you may own whether it's an M&P or an H&K or whatever you may have okay but you you will push up with your thumb on that stop you're gonna pull the slide to the rear okay as you push up on this stop it's gonna lock the slide to the rear you don't have to lock the slide to the rear to inspect the chamber okay you can also simply pull the slide back and hold it back and I can look I visually inspect the chamber and I can see that it's empty and lock it to the rear as well alright so now we know we have a clear gun okay everything's good to go we will go over loading magazines a little bit you need to refer to your instruction manual but I want people to understand the difference between these actions because they are all a little bit different alright I've verified that this thing is empty all right no big deal alright if I'd like to let go of the slide stop push it down it's gonna let allow the slide just Lam forward that's normal okay that process occurs when you shoot the gun you know this thing racks right now I've heard some people say oh I can't pull the slide back on a pistol you can pull the slide back on a pistol sometimes it's a bit of a technique and what I tell some people is you know they may not have the hand sprint to pull it back with their left hand push with this hand - okay so if you do lack a little bit of strength say you can't pull it real hard with your left hand say you're a right-handed shooter grab that grab that slide and you may find it's easier to push with your right hand I didn't move this hand at all I pushed it forward with my right hand it may be easier for you to push to overcome the power of that spring than it is for you to pull the slide back and there different types of motor functions that your hands are trying to do when you're manipulating these firearms right this action holding holding it tight here and pulling back here is a different motor function versus holding it tight and push in here like this but whatever you do just make sure that you can you light the firearm to ensure that it's safe and you also need to know how to manipulate the firearm well because in a stressful situation or defensive situation if there's a stoppage or some type of a malfunction with your firearm it's extremely important that you know how to take immediate action to clear and assess the situation it's not what we're going to go over in this video we won't go over clearing stoppages or malfunctions or assessing issues this is the basics a striker-fired pistol contains an internal striker it's basically like kind of like a firing pin right but it's content self-contained within the slide of the pistol so when people are looking at a striker fired pistol you don't see an external hammer or something like that I know a lot of people are confused by that if you're a new gun owner you're like okay well how does it shoot well you click you know you hear the you hear the something drop in there but what is it right it is a linear striker okay so instead of a hammer that follows an axis on a pen and does this and literally strikes the rear of the separate firing pin with a linear tire with a sort of a centrifugal axis so to speak it uses a linear axis okay so strike to fire handguns all right what are the pros and cons well pros that definitely not going to get a lot of dirt and bullcrap and dust into the system because it is a very closed system Glocks are really rugged okay they have pretty decent finishes decent triggers the sights leave a little bit be desired but a striker fire pistol in general it's a pretty solid choice they're generally relied on by a lot of police and military used in a lot of police forces and especially this particular gun the Glock is a very popular police pistol so a Glock is a pretty solid choice some people want a revolver okay now the way a revolver works and and all these guns are selling out all over the United States and people are getting you know exposed to these now a revolver is a little bit different of an animal okay it's a little bit different in that your cylinder which can your cartridges is permanently attached to the gun okay the barrel is fixed it does not move you notice on a Glock that barrel unlocks and moves back a lot of your semi automatics that's how they work they have to unlock this gun has a fixed barrel okay and a slightly different type of setup revolvers are typically very very reliable accurate and generally can be chambered in some pretty powerful cartridges okay this one is a 38 special you can get them in 357 magnums of different cartridges I would consider a revolver to be probably not a bad choice I prefer pistols that's just me but if you have a revolver hey it's cool all right best way to handle the revolvers like I'm holding it right here place your two middle fingers through the port the the opening in the in the frame okay that way you can control the cylinder by turning it manually don't do this don't let it hold out like that I know that's tempting to do but don't do that control the cylinder don't do this and close it like cowboy don't do that that puts a lot of stress on this hand claw right here and your your uh cylinder latch okay puts a lot of stress on that this indexing hand right here is not as thick as you think right and when you have that cylinder spinning at such a high speed and then you suddenly stop that speed with that hand it can put wear and tear on it and even break it in some cases so do not cowboy these things control the cylinder okay as I'm using this revolver I've got my two hands through this port I can control the cylinder and turn it when I'm loading it look here load net okay I've got my thumb right here all I have to do is push the ejector rod to remove the ammo or brass from the revolver and want to go too close so I can just get right back on are you okay see that look at that just how quick okay don't put your hands in front of the muzzle even though the cylinder is open okay now the way revolver works they have a few different types of revolvers some are single action only double action only double and single action this particular Smith & Wesson here is a double single action so you're going to see this in pistols - some automatics alright so you have an external hammer alright if I caught this hammer is also going to rotate the cylinder over to the next the next round right now it's empty we just saw just verified it was empty I'm gonna pull the hammer back we also notice that the slide or the cylinder rotates alright now the hammer locks to the rear against the sear and you have a nice crisp single action trigger squeeze now this trigger squeeze is going to be considerably light and of course much more accurate in single action mode because you have a much crisper trigger squeeze alright so we're gonna go ahead and squeeze that alright bang the gun will go off a man Smith's that's such a nice trigger - alright when I let go of the trigger all right now we're in double action mode I've got a couple of choices I can either cut in the hammer again and just do it single action so I have a very accurate crisp trigger pull every shot or I can use a double action alright which means that as I squeeze the trigger it will simultaneously [ __ ] the hammer and rotate the cylinder to the next shot it's doing it all for me now different revolvers like some of the cheaper ones don't have nearly as nice of a double action squeeze now this this gun this is a Performance Center Smith this one's got a absolutely divine double action trigger on it it's great did I say it was great it's great ok but as we squeeze this double action trigger its cocking the hammer rotating the cylinder and simultaneously it gets to a point where it sort of stages up right here I can sort of feel it on a good revolver you can feel it staged up I can acquire my sight picture point at my target feel my double action staged up and then Jen we give it a little bit more pressure and that hammer is gonna drop that's wheel guns in a nutshell single actions some single action will single action revolvers are only single action which means you must cut the hammer every shot not wouldn't be my first recommendation for a first-time gun owner stay away from a single action revolver if you are going to do a revolver double single action is certainly not a bad way to go okay and here we have some revolver ammo this is 38 special these are Glaser safety slugs these are great ammo okay and of course it goes without saying to load a revolver you obviously can take loose rounds and simply put them into each chamber until it's full close it and you can index it anywhere it doesn't matter what position the cylinders in wherever you index it that's your starting point they also make speed loaders and moon clips for loading revolvers a little bit quicker too okay and we are going to go over loading some magazines here in a minute I just want to go over the action types first all right now we're going to go over a single action only pistol this is a 1911 variant this is also Smith and Wesson this is a scandium frame 1911 now again if your gun doesn't look like these don't worry they all work very very similar okay so these principles can hold true for just about any type of single stack semi-automatic striker-fired not a hammer fire 1911 okay so 1911 has been around a long time this for 45 ACP and now this is a very modern 1911 but essentially with the 1911 you have a single action trigger but it's a little different than revolver with the revolver I have to physically cut the hammer to put the gun into single action mode okay each time I shoot a 1911 alright so let's say alright again just like our Glock we had a magazine release here on the side of the pistol alright we've removed our empty magazine loaded or empty you got to remove it either way alright in this case the magazine is empty and again I have a slide stop here on the left side of the pistol and I'm going to hold it in the upward position as I apply rearward pressure to the slide to lock it to the rear I'm gonna look in the chamber everything's empty she's good she's clear but what happened as I caught the slide to the rear it also caught the hammer the hammer will stayed locked back all right so let's say that we were to release the slide the hammer now stays to the rear every time I shoot this bang that slide reciprocates strips the new round off of the magazine into the chamber throws out the empty and I'm in single action mode okay now if I was gonna carry this gun I personally carry a 1911 cocked and locked now what we mean by that is cocked the hammer is back and locked the safety is on so this gun has a manual safety whereby your your your Glatt doesn't really have a manual safety it does have several safeties that are internal and built into the overall design and aesthetic of the gun but there is no manual safety okay on the 1911 and many-many striker fire guns and there are there are single action and striker-fired double single action guns that have manual safeties but in this case the 1911 has a manual safety so if I was going to carry this cocked and locked I could carry it like that okay there's also the option to have a round in the chamber and you can place your thumb back here behind the slot of the back of the slide squeeze the trigger let it out of the way and you can drop the hammer down to the half cocked notch so I could have a round in the chamber safety off okay loaded magazine I could holster this gun and go about my day the safety is not going to fly without the hammer all the way back but if I were to pull this gun out to use it I've got a [ __ ] the hammer first okay so that's a couple of different conditions that you can carry a hammer fired gun in but that's the main distinction you have an external hammer the firing pin is located inside of the slide so whereby the striker in the firing pin is all one sort of you know integrated system in the Glock you have an external hammer that hits an internal firing pin on a single action - okay many of them alright those are your pretty basic pistol designs I mean again this is meant to be really basic we'll go over loading pistol magazines a little bit alright so we are introducing live ammunition into this situation these guns are not going to do anything that we don't want them to do right remember you're in control you are in control this situation I'm going to show you how to load magazines okay a single stack 1911 mag it's gonna be a little bit different than some of the other guns we're going to look at here but alright it can be a little weird if you've never done it before usually what you're gonna do is you're gonna start the rear of the cartridge okay you'll see like in this case there's like a little cutout on the top of the magazine you'll start the rear of the cartridge about where that cutout is you're gonna push down okay and in just like that and you get a feel for it and I find that the easiest way to load magazines is to control with my thumb my forefinger the top of the magazine or you can place the magazine down on a hard surface that way as you're pushing down the magazine is not moving okay so see I can do this that's very easy so I'm pushing down and in write those cartridges have to make have to push down the ones under them like that and then I push to the rear make sure it's pulled all the way to the rear okay down and to the rear alright now once the magazine is completely loaded I'm not going to completely load this one you would ensure that the rounds are all the way to the rear you can take the magazine give it a little bit of tap on the rear not hard just like this that make sure the rounds are settled all the way to the rear you're not going to have a weird feeding issue to remove the cartridges from the magazine hold the hold your hand out or have a little towel or something on the table okay take the magazine push the rear of the cartridge out just like this you can see that's how the gun feeds the cartridges out of the magazine as the slide pushes forward on the back of this cartridge it pushes it out of the magazine and into the chamber okay just like that no big deal okay that's a 45 ACP 1911 magazine let's load a Glock magazine okay now this Glock magazine you can see on the rear gives you a round count okay it is a double stack magazine which means that the cartridge is stacked in this magazine in a row okay an alternating row all right we load this magazine very much in the same way all right we're gonna start right here push down into the rear down to the rear just like that push it down you can even use your finger here to kind of help it along down into the rear now they make magazine loading tools that make this process a heck of a lot easier if you're a new gun owner and you don't want to worry about trying to buy some sort of a fancy magazine loading tool you don't have to you can use your hands bear in mind if you are a person with limited upper body strength or limited motor functions in your hands some magazines are difficult to load especially once you get near the end of the magazine it's normal to have to push kind of hard to get the rounds to go in there so if you live in a neighborhood and you know that some elderly person just picked up a gun and they're having a hard time loading the magazines go help them load their magazines right you know it's just the right thing to do okay so that's pistol mags we already went through our revolver so let's get away from handguns for a moment and we just unloaded our glock knack obviously all right we're gonna go on to shot the shotgun now pump shotguns are extremely extremely popular they're all over the place and there's a heck of a lot of these being sold all over the United States right now very very popular gun right here okay and uh 12-gauge okay so what are some things that are really good about a 12-gauge shotgun well one is that they do have a heck of a good wallet okay if you've got some really good power and a 12-gauge shotgun but it a lot of it is dependent on the ammo too ways that you use okay shotguns are very versatile that they can chamber a wide variety of different shells okay obviously make sure it says 12-gauge on it don't put the wrong gauge in your shotgun but primarily for defensive purposes and life and liberty you're going to be looking at buckshot and slugs now keep in mind that a shotgun slug penetrates a pretty good bit so if you live in an apartment or something like that or if you're in close proximity to someone else's above it you probably want to consider that you know remember what was our rule we talked about know your target and what is beyond okay well if I'm going to launch a high-velocity slug at 1600 feet per second through an apartment complex I think safe to say that yeah I might I might hurt mr. robber who's trying to hurt my family but I may also shoot through the wall and hurt an innocent bystander so a slug may not be the best choice for in closed home defense situation if you're in a very tight you know neighborhood or something like that maybe some number for buckshot or something like that would be a better choice for enclose and we've actually done penetration testing with lots of different shotgun rounds and in our testing we found number four buckshot to be one of these safest home defense loads if you're going to run buckshot especially if you're in a tight in closed area in an apartment complex or you're worried about shooting into someone else's dwelling okay you owe it to yourself as a firearms owner and everyone around you to make sure you're choosing the right ammunition and the right tool for the job okay even if you're not going to train yourself or know how to use something really really well and gain like an up most amount of proficiency on what you're dealing with you still need to know that yes some rounds carry a little more than others now I live out in the sticks a bit a lot I do keep I keep a couple of shotguns and I do have one she's not gonna keep loaded with slugs guess you never know if you need to reach out 50 60 yards but I'm in the middle of nowhere and it's just brandy and I and we're not worried about hurting innocent bystanders so keep that in mind that there are a lot of different 12-gauge round and not all 12-gauge rounds are created equal bird shot at close range it's gonna be unpleasant to get hit by it but it's not gonna carry the same weight energy-wise in terms of getting rounds through an assailant as a buckshot or slug round is going to do so keep that in mind as there's a lot of different 12-gauge rounds and they're not all created equal alright so keep that in mind when you're choosing something to defend yourself with all right a pump shotgun is a pretty cool setup these are very common there's going to be now this is a Mossberg if you have a remington the release is going to be up in front of the trigger guard up here if you have a moss on Mossi it's going to be back here there's a button right here on the Mossberg it's here on the remington it's here that releases the slide okay so this pump bar this action bar is connected to the bolt okay so when I pull this this slide on the shotgun the pump rearward it pushes the bolt mechanism to the rear while simultaneously working the lifter in the shotgun okay here's your chamber alright we're going to look and we see visually it's empty okay we can also from the open injection ejection port we can look down and I can see the follower on the magazine tube that lets me know that there's no realms in the magazine now the pistols we looked at have external magazines that can be removed and reloaded you can have additional mags and things like that a shotgun like this the magazine is integrated into the shotgun this is a magazine tube right here okay the safety on both a well actually a Remington has a push button safety on the trigger guard and Mossberg has safety back here okay two important distinctions so if you're running a Remington your Safety's gonna be a little button right there so anytime you see a safety on any gun you run into remember on a push-button safety whether it's a hunting rifle or a shotgun red beans dead okay so if you push a button and an expose this red color red means dead that means the gun is off safe and that applies to a lot of things all right so let's see if red means dead here right so if I take the safety on the shotgun and I push it forward uh-oh red means dead what do we see a little red dot that lets me know that the gun is off safe beware right red means danger okay if we pull the bar to the rear Safety's on okay and we've already verified the gun is empty now I'm not gonna load this particular gun here on this film but you basically take the shells and you push them into the magazine tube I'm not gonna push it in all the way because we're in a studio or a blow hole in the ceiling that'd be embarrassing funny and learning experience but embarrassing but you push them in until they lock and you continue to push the shells in until you can't put in any more most of these hold seven or eight cells something like that to remove the rounds from the magazine I apologize I don't have snap caps here to show you there's a little bar right here that you can push out of the way and it will release the shells of the magazine you can remove the shells one at a time doing that again refer to your manual okay your your manual that came with your gun should have detailed instructions on how to safely load and unload your shotgun shotguns look the thing you control the recoil when you shoot these things it's best to think about it like if I'm gonna get in a fistfight with somebody right I'm gonna plant my feet right I'm going to put this other foot out to the rear in case you know so I can get my balance I don't want someone to be able to push me over right I'm gonna put my arms up and protect my face right and I'm gonna be ready for that punch that comes towards me shoot enough shotguns the same way right think about it put my arms up okay same type of thing you want to control the recoil I don't want this shotgun to bully me write these things depending on the that you put in them they can kick a little bit right so control the recoil don't be afraid of it it's not gonna hurt you but just bear in mind that shotguns do have a little bit of recoil so for some of you that are equal sensitive might not be the right thing for you until you maybe get a little bit more experienced you know it takes I feel like it actually takes a pretty good bit of skill to run a shotgun properly you know they're not the easiest things to handle if you're not experienced with guns so just keep that in mind and alright because I know there's a lot of people that are watching these videos right now that that are new to guns and yeah I'm gonna say you can't mistake in the okay somebody comes in the front door and you make that it should be loaded already I keep my guns loaded they're not gonna hear the slide right but that's a pretty distinctive sound okay I think we can all agree there okay so shotguns are selling like crazy know what you're dealing with guys just protect yourself that's all we're asking all right we're gonna get into a couple of rifles here now the a K and the AR are probably the two most prolific and common long guns that you're gonna see and especially the types of long guns that people are buying a lot of right now okay there's tons of aks being sold tons of ARS and with good reason they're really solid gun choices okay they both have their ups and downs and I'm not gonna attempt to get into the differences between these two guns here but I am gonna primarily discuss the actions how to work them and we're gonna load the magazines a little bit and that's I feel is the most important thing remember this is about safety we're going over the safety rules I'm trying to give you some basic knowledge to arm yourself with so you're not going in blind it's important that we don't get into situations where we might hurt someone else unintentionally right the last thing we want to do as good people in this country is accidentally hurt somebody no way right we are good people here we want to protect our communities our families we've put our foot down we've said enough is enough we're not dealing with it and we're not relying on these people protect us we're gonna protect ourselves hoorah all right good we're on the same page okay a k47 all right is a considerably more rudimentary design than the ar-15 but it doesn't mean it's not a good design okay and you can tell an ak-47 by the stamped components that the gun is made out of the curved magazine is a pretty distinct feature a lot of them have very cool-looking wooden hand guards like this one this is an M 92 pap the magazine release is a paddle type all right if I push my thumb forward okay that magazine is going to rotate out of the way okay and to put the magazine back in I've actually got to start the front of the magazine in the front of the action and it's gonna lock into place and that paddle is going to spring forward and hold the magazine in place and that bolt keeps flipping because akk usually doesn't have some type of a bolt stop the reason that that bolt keeps slipping is because what holds the bolts of the rear on this particular gun it's just a cut in the safety all right all it takes is a little jostle and that's gonna that's gonna come down a little bit right and it's gonna allow the bolt to ride forward now the way that we clear an ache a let's just assume the cutouts not there and we have no way to lock the bolt to the rear most a case you don't lock the bolt to the rear okay you simply pull this charging handle rearward and you inspect the chamber okay the chamber is empty this firearm is empty okay that's also how I load it be really careful on a que guys if you're if you're palming it like this okay watch what watch where my hands at if I pull real hard if I if I'm in the middle of a very stressful situation I'm not really paying attention or something like that or if I'm just trying to hurry watch here okay look for my look right there where my finger is look at that see that edge on that receipt now on that top cover it will cut the crap out of you be careful do not let that thing cut you right there because it will okay the first 8k ever picked up as a young man that's the first thing I did I pulled the pulled the bolt to the rear and I cut my finger right there on that edge so just be careful I usually just I use the finger method I just put my finger over okay and I just grab and and I don't have a problem okay now we're not gonna get into the intricacies of running an ake a fishin because that can be a little bit weird right so all right let's just say we don't have a way to lock the bolt to the rear let's say we have a loaded magazine we put a loaded magazine into the gun all right well I want to chamber around on the gun pull back to a hard stop let go do not ride this bolt the carrier don't ride the carry see what happened when I wrote it it got caught on the hammer now it's probably still you know go on home after it got jostled and chamber around pull smartly to the rear to a hard stop with the rent yet with a loaded mag for systems empty let go do not do this don't do this pull back let's go pull back let go same thing for unloading the a K remove the magazine pull back inspect you should see a round come out or something inspect what's going on when you're working the action on a gun okay don't do this when you're unloading the gun no inspect what's happening it is a cycle right so if I have a round in the chamber and I want to verify that a round came out of the chamber it's okay to you know especially if you're not in a pinch for time just pull back and inspect watch the round come out alright look in the chamber she's empty I can ride her forward if I'm not trying to reload the gun that's fine you don't have to plan and just write it forwards this is your safety here on the right side of the receiver up is safe and it's marked safe down this fire and this is your trigger two semi-automatic okay one round per pull the trigger boom boom boom till it's empty okay but that's the basics on a Kay I personally consider the a Kay to be a little harder to master than they are there's you know you really I feel like to really really know your way around one of these solid you need to be a bit of a gun guy but I will say that with a very minimal amount of training someone can be made to be pretty dang proficient on one of these in a very short amount of time okay so they are a simpler gun to use than the AR in terms of the mechanism I mean you put the you put the loaded mag in there you pull the dang bolt to the rear you let go whatever it's ready to shoot it's a very simple machine okay but and its simplicity does require some specific manual of arms okay so that's your aka these are out there they're chambered in many many different cartridges you can get them in five five six seven 62 by 39 five four five by thirty nine the list goes on okay all right now it's probably what everybody's here seen out looked a lot of folks are buying ar-15s okay and with good reason because this is America's rifle do not let the media demonize this gun because you went into a store in bought one okay you felt the need to be to feel safe by having this okay and that's smart to do that all right most ar-15s are going to have a magazine release here located on the right side of the receiver okay the lower we're gonna push it the magazine will remove from the gun now right now the bolt is already locked to the rear I'm going to look into the chamber I'm gonna visually inspect and I see that the chamber is empty okay the charging handle is located right here now if I pull this charging handle and let go okay it's gonna release the bolt okay if I want to lock that bolt to the rear again I've got to push this little tit right here on the left side of the gun okay so this is your bolt stop okay if I want to lock the bolt to the rear I could put my thumb on this and hold it down I'm gonna try to do this where you can see it okay I push that in and I pulled this back all the way until I felt a discernible click now the charging handle is just gonna stay like this you want to return the charging handle to this position so that's why when you see people charge these things you'll see them do this because they're gonna return that charging handle okay it's a it's a very different type of system but once you understand it it's not a big deal okay that locks the bolts of the rear okay this is your dust cover all right you keep this closed to keep dust and bull crap out of the action of the gun okay your safety is located right here is this lever up we're position is fire forward is safe of course it's marked right here on the receiver this is your grip this is your trigger this is your stock a lot of ar-15s will have an adjustable stock activism you can make this stock a little longer if you need to make it more comfortable for you you can collapse it collapse in the stock all the way is nice to be able to get in and out of vehicles to carry it places just makes the weapon more compact okay usually I think I can speak for Ted when I say this I'm about a position position to man myself okay usually I like to keep the stock kind of closed in okay but of course that's a an individual thing right so this is a semi-automatic one round four pull of the trigger essentially you have a magazine that contains your ammunition so let's say we had a loaded magazine I'm going to show you how to load the mag in a minute put that in the chamber and into the mag well push up to a hard stop until you make sure that this thing clicks okay pull the charging handle to the rear to a hard stop okay now if we had loaded rounds in this magazine I could load this gun in a couple of different ways I could either I could either start with the bolt to the rear this is the way I like to load a RS I start with the bolt to the rear okay hard stop see pushed right here on that to lock it to the rear return the charging handle you don't want that getting damaged do you want to put that back up into the receiver into the upper I would have a loaded magazine in this case of course we're this is fantasy world it's not loaded but I was inserting my loaded magazine make sure it's on a hard stop and you can you can load the gun a couple of different ways you can press the slide or the bolt stop the bolt was going to slam home and it's going to chamber your first round or I could pull the charging handle back all the way pull back until the bolt comes off of a hard stop and clicks the bolt stop out of the way let go I can chamber it like that I typically just hit the bolt bolt stop okay at that point the firearms ready to use okay so you take the safety off in the fire position you squeeze the trigger alright bang gun goes off what's going to happen in this firing cycle is the hammer you're gonna squeeze the trigger the hammer and in here is going to drop there's a hammer inside of here it's gonna drop and hit the rear of the firing pin the firing pin is gonna move forward and it's going to detonate the primer it's going to set off the cartridge this firing cycle works very similar in the a as well obviously okay the cartridge is going to go off hot gases inside the cartridge as it expands are going to propel the projectile down the barrel it's important that you know how these things work because this is part of being a gun owner is knowing how these things work as the projectile moves down the barrel there's hot gases at the rear of the projectile pushing it very fast okay really fast trust me you're not gonna be thinking about this but it happens really quick the projectile is moving down the barrel once the projectile passes the gas port gasps forces that are expanding behind the projectile push into this gas tube into the rear of action into the bowl and work the bolt to the rear this is a direct gas impingement a gas operated rifle okay those hot gases expand the projectiles leaving the barrel it's it's going on its journey those hot gases go rearward and push into a cup on the bolt and push the whole carrier and bolt to the rear and that repeats the process every time you squeeze the trigger bang bang bang until it's empty okay on the last shot bang okay the bolt will walk to the rear on the empty magazine okay we'll put place the rifle unsafe remove the magazine alright get another magazine you can keep going alright pretty basic but a really good rifle one of the things I like a lot about that akr at the AR very light recoil the rifles are light they're very accurate they're very easy to shoot and the ammunition is light and easy to carry so you can carry quite a bit of ammo and it's not a lot of weight ok I do like how the magazines are not really that bulky with an AR compared to an ake a mean like I just feel like that's kind of a bulky mag I like the a K and I don't want to get into the semantics of which one are better because they're both excellent okay alright let's show you how to load magazine real quick and I'm gonna let you guys get back to your day here okay so to load magazines now whether you're loading an ake a mag an AR mag FAL scar lots of magazines are gonna load in this particular manner okay very very simple I'm just going to demonstrate this for you okay this is a Magpul PMAG made out of polymer and this actually is the Turan tactical plus six or seven or whatever is on it all right you take the cartridges you line them up about as decently as you can across the top of the magazine and you push down push down and use your finger to kind of pull it to the rear make sure it's settled into the rear down to the rear down to the rear down to the rear down into the rear until it's full alright as you get further down towards the end of the magazine it's gonna be a little harder to load that's normal don't worry about it push in the rounds until it's full give it a good little whack right there to help settle those rounds all the way in on the magazine and you have a fully loaded magazine to remove the rounds from the magazine just like with the pistol mag so you're gonna push from the rear push forward look at that let's just pop right out no big deal okay and that's your five five six now ARS are sort of a chameleon we're not going to get into the semantics of this but ARS can be chambered in a wide variety of different cartridges and we're not going to go over that in this particular video we have a ton of stuff on our channel that goes into all of these sorts of things and we're not going to get into that here but I encourage you if you're new gun owner take the time to learn your firearm in and out know how to take it apart clean it which we're not going to cover in this video I wanted this to be the basics there's a lot of new gun owners out there we don't want you to be a liability to yourself or the people around you we want our community to be safe and responsible you are now a part of a club right like your Wis right you own a gun congratulations hurrah protect yourself all that good stuff but know that it is a tool and we take care of our tools we know how to use our tools and it's important that you as a new gun owner understand safety and understand how these actions work and understand that owning a gun is a responsibility right and it's a responsibility that we take extremely seriously we want our communities to be safe we want our families to be safe we want people to be able to protect themselves we don't care what your reason for owning your gun is in this video we're not trying to draw political lines here we don't care about any of that right now all I see is my fellow Americans wanting to protect themselves and I wanted this video to be sorted for you the new gun owner okay so good on you to protect yourself if you have to watch this video a couple of times to grasp the concepts go ahead do what you need to do we're gonna put a couple of links down in the description box below that take you to some of our other videos I've got a video on comparing the 870 to the 590 that'll probably be really helpful for some of you we have multiple videos on aks ARS that'll probably be really helpful to you you know we've done basic videos on just about every gun on this table so we'll put some links down in the description box below if you want to dive a little deeper okay into some things I know I've got a gun smithing video where we talk about just basic gun maintenance why cleaning your pistols and stuff like that I'll put that in the description box so that you can you know refer to that if you need help keeping your gun clean so guys look live in Liberty that's all we're asking be free live in Liberty protect yourself thank you for watching today's video thank you for taking upon yourself to understand safety it's very important to us that we continue to show the gun community as ambassadors to freedom and ambassadors to all things that in my mind are good to me liberty is good being free is good and it's what we all want so thank you very much for watching and we hope you'll subscribe to our Channel check us out and I just know there's lots of good gun owners out there that care about you we want you to live free be safe and if you have a question you know find a gun owner local to you that if you want to ask more questions feel free to do that you are not gonna run into a single gun owner anywhere that's going to be a turd towards you and say oh I'm not going to show you that trust me they will show you they're gonna want to make sure that you have the the necessary tools in terms of knowledge that you need to protect yourself okay thank you very much it's all going to be okay I'm glad there's new gun owner owners out there but I hope this is a wake-up call to some of you get to get a little bit of training if you can thank you for watching we'll see you next time many more videos on the way [Music]
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 679,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, new gun owner, gun safety, gun basics, basics for the new gun owner, gun basics for beginners, gun basics 101, gun safety basics, handgun basics, reveolver basics, ar 15 basics, ak47 basics, gun safety video for beginners, gun safety rules for beginners
Id: bk_N1l7H2F4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 29sec (3209 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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